U.S. Military Destroys Child Trafficing Tunnels in South Carolina


The White Hat partition of the U.S. military has found and destroyed Deep State-controlled deep underground military bunkers, or DUMBs, in South Carolina, a source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

On Thursday the MSM and USGS seemed shocked that a modest earthquake swarm struck near Columbia, S.C., an area not known for seismic activity, with the strongest rattle registering 3.6 on the Richter Scale. The quakes, which included a magnitude 3.4 aftershock, were the most powerful to hit the Palmetto State in decades.

Our source, however, claims the thunderous booms were not earthquakes at all. Rather, the tremors felt and heard across much of South Carolina were caused by a White Hat operation to collapse a labyrinth of subterranean tunnels that once housed victims of Deep State child trafficking cartels.

According to him, an unnamed tipster on 26 June reached out to the general’s office with an alarming allegation. He claimed to have GPS coordinates to the entrance of a cavernous nexus of child trafficking tunnels a few miles from Lugoff, S.C., a sleepy community of 7,000 souls near to the Wateree River, which flows into the Atlantic. The tipster alleged that Deep Staters, including the late Hillary Clinton, had used the underground tunnels and caves to temporarily house abducted children prior to sending them downriver, where they were put aboard ships bound for Western Europe and sold to affluent foreigners. The tipster, who seemed to have a wealth of knowledge, said the tunnels had gone unused since 2019, but that over 2,500 children were moved through them between 2012-2019.

Gen. Berger, our source said, initially dismissed the tipster’s claims as bullshit, as he had a tough time believing that the Deep State could have orchestrated such an operation in South Carolina, a conservative, Republican stronghold. But the tipster’s specificity ultimately prompted Gen. Berger to investigate the claim.

On 27 June, a Marine reconnaissance platoon visited the GPS coordinates and found an earthen berm—a cave mouth concealed behind a mass of boulders.

“The Marines reported back to Gen. Berger, and he then contacted White Hats in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A day later, they joined the Marines, set explosives to clear the debris, and uncovered a tunnel that descended 550’ into the depths of the earth,” our source said.

That tunnel, he added, opened into a spiraling network of deep earth chasms and chambers, which, though deserted, had ample evidence that children had in the past been imprisoned there. They found children’s clothes, stuffed animals, LEGO toys, jigsaw puzzles, dolls, and makeshift beds covered in dust. Here and there the Marines found shackles affixed to cave walls. The expansive tunnel system stretched miles in every direction.

“They requested permission to demolish the tunnels, so they couldn’t’ be used in the future,” our source said.

Gen. Berger told S.C. Governor Henry McMaster of his findings and intent to collapse the tunnels. He said the demolition would likely register as a small earthquake but that any detonation would be attenuated to avoid damaging structures in nearby towns. The Deep State’s incursion into South Carolina had been extensive enough to call for multiple demolitions that might alarm nearby residents.

On 29 June, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rigged explosives and began collapsing the child trafficking tunnels.

“The explosions registered as earthquakes—this was expected. But no one was harmed. The Deep State can no longer use South Carolina to house and ship children for child slavery,” our source said in closing.

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Earthquaketrack .com easily verifies the seismic activity stated in this article around that time.


kool story wendy!

Stinky Perfume

Makes sense on google maps, somewhere near those churches named St Paul’s, a Zion Church, and some other churches and a place called Windsor Heights after the house of Windsor, a place called Camden, all the right names, all together in the areas, all in on it together. All on the northeast side of Lugoff close to the Wateree River. The place reeks of old timer human trafficking, sacrifice, etc.

Stinky Perfume

We can’t go on a “Watch the Annunaki come in through a portal” tour. In such a case a false narrative like Jupiter Ascending movie is par for the course, and how it’ s done. They cannot put it out there as anything but sci fi fiction looking. It’s ALWAYS been that way. They depict. I don’t know how you got so sure it’s a false narrative. I’m not so sure but I have an inkling there’s something similar enough that’s real. Those high level souls aren’t going to show and tell. This site is almost sure to bring in more donations than Twisted Truth, it went more political and military to the rescue narrative while everyone was terrified of the jab, this races out. Can’t blame anyone needing more income for that. As far is it being gone by septenber, 2022, would that be over the elections?

What do you think about Gene Decodes? There’s other’s on this narrative and more elaborate or more examples at times.


These are the stories I like the most. Is there any way for the average guy to help this effort without having to dodge bullets? Wait. That might be the fun part. Then I would maybe have the opportunity to show those mongrels how I really feel about them.

Mostly Harmless

There are DUMBs all over the world.

Many of them visit this website.


robin earl redwine

q tards and trump retards dont even produce evidence…. wtf are you speaking about


RRN is under its usual constant attack this morning

Last edited 2 years ago by Alex379
J Bill

“usual constant attack”

nah, it’s just on a shitty host


you host the most shit JBean!


It’s sad watching this site die a slow death. Mike isn’t even faking the number of views anymore.


I will miss you guys


mis gender much????


It sucks because we have had a lot of fun on here for a long time


didn’t someone call you stacylee stacyB?


not a pro yet. obvious. keep working. perhaps take a walk and get away from the keyboard?


Rose will be a faint memory? why, did she take the clotshot?


It’s too bad they didn’t open the cave system up to the public. These cave systems dot the world and many have significant ancient archaelogical value.


This is not a safe time for anything like that. Tensions with the Mole People are extremely high right now. We would be practically gifting them hostages by allowing average citizens to just wander down into the cave systems like that.

Stinky Perfume

Seems to me the underground is very OLD humans that can shapeshift and portal up to the surface as they see fit. I’ve encountered what I felt was 2 of them at separate times. Their outfits are like outdated and they are very hypnotic and know what someone is thinking and interact. One ran up to me, “excuse me, do you know where the 9/11 is?” I’m like “Do you mean 7/11?” That didn’t answer the young lady dressed like 1920-40. It was so off, they grabbed at my arm I yanked back and felt like her arm went right through me. Like oh, your not really here, what are you? I’m feeling the hypnosis pull and dash off to jump on a bus. She didn’t move.I left that hologram lady stranded. I figured she portalled up in LA when she meant to go for NYC and got the date wrong. There’s other times stuff happened, completely different, just as off as it get’s off. Tricksters, time travelers, whatever it is they definitely exist and interact. I guess the most of the reason is to test their lies on some random dumb person like me barely figuring it out. They appear to cause and interfere with crashes also.


kai-ster shyster

Stinky Perfume

They opened up tunnels under Damascus, Syria hospital when that was blown up. USA is probably not capable of doing that or seriously against it because of more deep state operatives that are in especially, California, which the navy has long said it goes into the ocean in the future. With how much is rotten in CA for so long, so planned with Hollywood and it’s survival bunker system cities under Getty, it’s not surprising.


I wouldn’t be holding my breath that this will ever happen.

Angel Askew


A worthy read and documentary on elected officials and pedophilia and what we can do.


I read the queen and her dead husband where one if the main ones…

Angel Askew

Yuuup. She was, specifically is what I have found.


Their Cannibals, and thats why they need those abortions and why they need wars ( for fresh meat ), sex with Children is just a past time, and Adrenochrome is just to catch a buzz and get high with at one of their parties.


Never Ever forget that.


More Facebook wisdom:

It’s very obvious that President Donald J Trump loves this country and its people while Biden obviously hates both the country and the people living in it. Good bye Biden. When the midterm election is over Biden is over. Entirely. Over.


still on facebook boomer?

Afshin Nejat

This is hilarious. Destroying evidence that may or may not have existed. This stinks of bullshit to such a degree that it insults the thought of the innocence of children themselves, the supposed defense of which is being presented as the main feature of the story. I said this before in other terms, but your site is either too fake or too cowardly to confront this simple and valid criticism. Frankly, any “White Hats” have a choice. Leave all evidence for inspection after these deeds have taken place (assuming any have taken place, I see no evidence of it, fuck all this cryptic crap), or be condemned along with those they are supposedly combating. If you were doing your fucking jobs to begin with this would never have been happening on this soil, ASS HATS, so get off your fucking white horse and smell the real coffee. These stories don’t stick. Assuming instead that these stories are ALL TRUE. You are STILL fucking up. You don’t “have” this. You are abysmal in your performance. You should have submitted to my command when you had the chance so many years ago. I’ve just been watching your disgraceful mess unfold for the last ten years in real time. You’re fucked. Now, if you don’t like this analysis you’d be well to send your most badass delegate and let’s get us into a natural law zone and settle it because I’m INTO that you fucking lame ass donkey fucks. I’ll get my piece of you before I’m gone for sure. Sliding by and letting gigantic counts of children go to these horrible fates. What the fuck were you doing since the defeat of Germany? Sucking shit Karma, that’s what. You disgust me. I truly do hope that a massive fleet stompdown Space Nazis reams your fucking asses for the whole world to see.

Rob William

You opened my eyes! Who are you my dear truth teller?

Terry Jacks

We’ll see evidence soon enough. Most of our Federal Govt in DC was totally corrupted, controlled by the Khazarian mafia and the Central European banks, and they would happily kill anyone that tried to tell the truth to the public. JFK, for example, was killed for trying to tell Americans about secret societies. A corrupt Congress and President started this corruption in 1871, and it is just now ending. There were no checks and balances. No one could break through the wall of evil that ran everything. It took a large part of the US military to make any progress, and a President with the guts to lead it. The Swamp was so corrupt and so Deep that mission planners ran up against the entrenched evil in unexpected ways, such as children being raped and Satanically sacrificed and eaten, underneath the White House and the Congress. Your criticism is just stupid.


They are not just Kharzars. AOC claims to be Sephardic.


No one talks about how JFK was gay and had his lover with him in the White House. Will his lover come back with him when JFK returns?

Stinky Perfume

Where’s your evidence or logic?

J Bill

jill is thiiiiiirsty af

Stinky Perfume

The devil can roll over and play dead. Who knows what’s in charge of earth and this warp speed thing and what’s really going on? My guess is they are just resetting the planet. Ascension is what it’s about. Getting up out of here.

Terry Jacks

So here you are, hurling insults against the US Military because they are rounding up your criminal friends and executing them. You’re stupid and funny at the same time, troll.


Don’t waste your time on DS troll turds.


He’s just confused, you can thank Ted, J Bill & others for their disinformation campaign.

Angel Askew

The slave trade has never stopped. It’s the number one business. All global leaders knew of it, at the least.
The part that they’ve been participating and investing in it with the Rockefellers and whomever is part of the heirarchy in that world is only now being shared.

How are you so judgemental to general population when we all were born into this game?? Latin America is now shipping there human “products” to us by the 100k’s monthly…it’s been a demonic game and we ain’t in it.

Read the article I just posted above. It’s a step in the right direction.

Smaller government. And every one of these mother father’s that rigged elections and stay in their seat all in order to terrorize and kill the young do need to be burned alive by the boat loads.

DJT does have the power of the people. Worldwide. If he gave direction tomorrow on how to move forward. IT WOULD BE DONE.

Otherwise, we are left in the slow lane.

You are not alone in your deep anger.

Terry Jacks

Thank You President Trump and the US Military for saving our beloved country. We’ve been lied to since 1871, had our our children and our history and our money and property stolen from us for so long, this will be a one in a lifetime transformation for us all. I thank God everyday for Donald Trump and our wonderful US Military for everything that they have done and are doing for all of us. I am glad to have witnessed such an incredible event that I am still in awe ever since Mr. Trump took it all on in 2015. We owe you a lot, Sir. Thank You.

J Bill

get back to your glory hole lmao


Barry & big Mike are there and wont leave until they blow you, and all your fag butt buddies.

buck fiden

The Bar Mitzvah is a dude ranch outside of El Paso.


As a Conservative SC resident I can’t make my mind up about the true McMaster is. Maybe people from Texas feel the same about Abbott.

J Bill

we’re up to 5 people who live in SC and did nothing to stop this operation

Terry Jacks

You’ve got two sides here. Those that don’t know about it (most of us), and those that are part of it. The Khazarian mafia OWNED our government corporation for over 100 years, and would gladly kill anyone that tried to spill the beans on their numerous crimes. All of the politicians at the Federal level were willing participants, until Trump and the US Military came along.

J Bill



I am sure they reached out to their local representatives and requested to meet up to discuss what is being done about this situation. It’s not like people would just sit on a WordPress blog and complain to each other and not do something about it.

John .S

Having a blast with the kids today, we’re blowing up frogs with firecrackers.

One of the kid’s mother was pissed in getting frog guts in her cocktail, yelping at her daughter: “stop using M-80’s on frogs, stick with the firecrackers”.

M-80’s dollar each, making memorable moments priceless.

David T

I have not been able to get those for upwards of 20 years. My sources for those dried up.

John .S

M-80’s still around, get lucky every once in a while. Remember when they were called Ash Cans.

Cherry bombs haven’t seen in long time. Few yeas back M 80 sales were limited to 20 gross.

Me and the guys used block busters to remove a tree stump. Gave 2 dozen to police, having stump issue, also lent cop a large auger bit.

Later bit return along with case of beer.


You are one sick mfcker!!!! 😡 We don’t want to hear about your EVIL escapades—especially not how you are teaching your children how to take pleasure in killing sweet little frogs!!! You need serious help!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Karis
John .S

What flew into your cocktail?

“Sweet little frogs”, forgot to mention ”’cute”.

Buddies daughter said: “kiss a frog and it will turn into a prince” Her brothers said: “light the fuse and don’t give us no lip”.


That’s psychopath behavior.

Rob William

You can’t blame patriots for having masculine fun!

John .S

Well there’s no doubt our kids won’t question their gender, neither succumb to speaking in non bionary pronouns.

Our kids are outspoken that questions authority, calling spade-a-spade, which the establishment [educators] despise via inability to indoctrinate.

Everyone has their own methodologies in teaching their children, in hardening them up not to be wussies.

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young: teach ”’your”’ children.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
Terry Jacks



lol. Is Olive really Wendy?


Wow that’s over the top. Psychopath fourth of July celebration. Great thing to teach kids. Surprised you didn’t dress up as a drag queen too.

John .S

Hmm, confusing psychopath with sociopath, though I’m nether, far from it.

As for mention of Drag Queen as ridiculous.


Hello Michael: I am praying every day that there Will come a Time Very Very Soon, that your website will all be PROVEN to have happened just as You Wrote it at the time. I never know which way to turn or what is true or false. I believe in our POTUS Trump and not alot else, however I do Believe that “less than 10” have guided our loyal soliders to rid this earth of the evil that had been infesting it for centuries and that God Never forgot us. God be with you daily as you continue to put out information that I Pray will someday be 100% acknowledged as True!…….MAGATrumpWon!




Pray for rain instead since that could actually happen.


BEWARE of schemes to STEAL upcoming 2022 Midterm Election !!

CALL TO ACTION – DEMAND to clean the voter rolls before 2022 Midterm Election !!

2022 Population – United States = 334,805,269

0 vax dose – 74.2 million (22%)
1-2 vax dose – 157 million (47%)
unknown / deceased – 103.6 million (31%) <<<< DemonRATs plan to STEAL 2022 Midterm Election ?

J Bill

stop the steal! trademarked in 2016!


You might want to issue a correction. Around 100 million people died from COVID and about 11k people ( out of the 450 million people who received the vaccine) died after getting the COVID vaccine.
you are welcome.


Over 60,000 Millennials dead in the USA alone. (this amount is climbing everyday).
And the rest who took your vax are sterile.
No count can yet be established in regards to maimed and disfigured etc.
Its impossible to get an accurate count on deaths.
Out of 450 million vaxed seniors world wide 420 million have died.

And they still want those blacks having Abortions because, people like You Ted are hungry to eat an Abortion for supper otherwise, You get old and look old and makes you wrinkle up and fade away.
The more We put Colloidal Silver into our bodies, the faster You fuckers die!

Thought I’d correct You Ted.

buck fiden

Shooting in Ill-a-Noise today. At least 5 dead.

Cue Zhou Biden to say “See? We have an out of control supreme court! We need to immediately increase its number to 15, so I can elect gun prohibitionist justices who will neuter the Second Amendment!! We must do this now while we Democrats still control the House and Senate! I call on congress to submit legislation and I demand a vote before Labour Day! Do it for your country! We need kommonSenseGunControl now!”

question everything

Did you mean CommieSenseGunControl?


Oh no!!! Thanks for the heads-up, Buck!! God Save America!!

Angel Askew

Whatever happened to that pos that drive thru the parade in Minnesota last year??

J Bill

he was with a local nazi chapter. he broke the autozone windows while dressed in all black to look like antifa – look caillou – a real life false flag!

Angel Askew

He was a repeat offender and an angry black raggedy lookIng rapper wannabe who the DA had just released for something else.

J Bill

umbrella man!

mitchell wesley carlson

An investigation found that the man was also an associate of the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood, a White supremacist prison and street gang based mainly in Minnesota and Kentucky. Several of its members were in Stillwater, in eastern Minnesota, late last month when a Muslim woman was confronted by a group of men wearing White supremacist garb.

from fox news. cope lmao

Terry Jacks

How can Democrats control the House when most of them were convicted of Treason? They are just placeholders with NO POWER, until NESARA is officially turned ON and the new US govt elections take place.


Lol NESARA. When will it be turned ON buddy? #soon?


The guy that did it is one ugly mother fucker


Most of the readers today want some Fresh News !
Today is a NEW DAY

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m going to agree with Oliver on this one!


OK,…but really,.. What would it hurt ?


Rose, you are a paraplegic not a quadriplegic. Please make the correction when you post.


i hear tedophilia is big in hollyweird


is it love or lust wendy?

buck fiden

How about a new false fag to push Zhou Biden’s gun cuntrol agenda?


Any response from Michael Baxter would be fine,..
Even A “Happy Fourth of July”, would suffice.

Angel Askew

We must be grateful for the articles we get, WC. There has been a lot of “hub-bub” about MB lately.


Exactly!! Insane!!


As you know, I have a spouse. ,… So unlike you , no
Batteries are needed. Michael has just been on vacation, so a few words from him on ANY subject , would be swell !
Furthermore, you have had the distinction of being on the (Troll List), for longer than being Older than Dirt.
I am a conservative Patriot..

J Bill

jesus christ that guy must be miserable


work harder wendy


What happened to to the 50 or so times over the past several months that you told me something BIG was coming very very soon, Wildcat? Nothing ever happens and here you are literally begging MB to post anything at all because you’re suffering from severe hopium withdrawal 😥

Debate Judge

The Michael Baxter article above would be better if it reported that a case has been opened to investigate the 2012-2019 crimes that had been committed in connection with the exploded tunnels.

Rose Mary Abbott

That takes a great deal of investigation and man hours to do that work with. Michael Baxter is one man and a miraculous man at that. Appreciation is appropriate here. Maybe the military will follow up on the people involved in its prior usage for evil in the future. They probably will investigate it to some extent. They are focused on destroying the Deep State after all. They might already have that information since they decided to destroy it all. They had to have enough information to justify the destruction of it. The military decides what Michael Baxter reports about their activities.

question everything

“Appreciation is appropriate here.”
“you could be the ripest, juiciest, most delicious peach in the world but there will always be someone who doesn’t like peaches”

question everything

Please don’t misunderstand my comment, though. Appreciation, mutual respect, common courtesy, kindness, understanding, and the like are very seldom, if ever, inappropriate. Wouldn’t it be a much different world if we all had grown up in an environment where these things were commonplace and not such a rarity; that we were all so immersed in them that they were the strongest part of our characters, instead of something we try hard to do but consistently fail at. Thank you for your appreciation, it doesn’t go unnoticed.


Destruction of evidence is actually a crime.

question everything

Apparently it wasn’t a crime(or at least not enforced) at Sandy Hook and Uvalde.

Debate Judge

The released Pfizer documents may not be covered by mainstream media but there are qualified volunteers going through those documents.

One source: Red Voice Media
Search: Naomi Wolf

I also watched twice:

ForbiddenKnowledgeTV dot net
Video: “U.S. Laws All Secretly Changed to Enable Mass Genocide”

Tone it down? Okay. The adverse reactions to the jabs are above recall level.

Where are the White Hats ? ? ? ! ! !

Angel Askew

On Friday, I read an article that said a group of very accomplished doctors have filed suit against Pfizer. I’ll see if I can find it.


That would be nice.. Thanks

Angel Askew

Debate Judge;
What I recalled was the same you posted. Those specialty physicians are doing the casework thru the Pfizer documents for 20+ Attorney Generals who have filed the suit!

But this was the other juicy lawsuit!:

Three doctors sue FDA, HHS for interfering with ivermectin prescription for COVID

Three medical professionals sued the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for interfering with the prescription of ivermectin against Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Robert Apter and Dr. Paul Marik filed a 37-page complaint in the U.S. District Court of Southern Texas on June 2. The FDA and HHS, alongside FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, were named as defendants in the complaint. The three doctors outlined five counts against the defendants.

The first count sought relief for “ultra vires” acts – actions taken beyond statutory authority – committed by the FDA. The plaintiffs accused the regulator of violating a U.S. Code that prohibits it from interfering “with the authority of a health care practitioner to prescribe or administer any legally marketed device to a patient for any condition or disease within a legitimate health care practitioner-patient relationship.”

The second count alleged that the FDA violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) by “arbitrarily and capriciously” taking inconsistent positions regarding the effectiveness of ivermectin against COVID-19. These stances purportedly “demonized the drug in the court of public opinion.”

The third count also outlined another APA violation by “not only limiting and essentially barring off-label use of ivermectin” as a COVID-19 treatment, but also “providing de-facto medical advice to patients”

The fourth count accused the FDA of violating the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act through its interference with doctor-patient relationship and its ongoing, childish attacks against ivermectin.

The fifth count sought declaratory judgments and injunctive relief to stop all of the foregoing illegal actions by the two agencies named as defendants.

The government now has a deadline of 60 days – Aug. 4, 2022 – after the service of the summons to respond to the complaint.

Two plaintiffs part of FLCCC, which promotes ivermectin

Incidentally, two of the plaintiffs in the June 2 complaint are connected to the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), which advocates for the use of ivermectin as a safe and effective cure for SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Bowden – an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor – serves as an advisor to the group, while Marik – a pulmonary and critical care specialist – serves as the group’s chairman.

Prior to the June 2 complaint, Bowden had been involved in a lawsuit against Houston Methodist over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. It was the first medical facility that mandated COVID-19 shots for health workers as a condition of continued employment.

The hospital system had earlier dismissed several employees for refusing to comply with the edict, with some suing it for wrongful termination. A Texas federal judge unfortunately dismissed the case, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the dismissal.

The ENT doctor first joined the staff of Houston Methodist sometime in late 2020 or early 2021. Her espousal of ivermectin, alongside opposition to vaccine mandates, eventually led to her November 2021 tweet announcing that she will no longer see vaccinated patients.

“Going forward, I will not accept any patients who have been vaccinated. I will continue to see established patients [who] have had the vaccine, but all new patients have to be unvaccinated,” she tweeted.

A week after posting her tweet, Bowden was suspended by the hospital system on Nov. 12 for “spreading dangerous misinformation” about the vaccines and the effectiveness of ivermectin. But the suspension was rendered moot as she handed in her resignation letter on that same day.
Brighteon. Com


Hey whatever happened to that story you guys were really excited about like a year ago about how a massive lawsuit was being filed to the International Court of Justice at the Hague, which was going to result in the arrest and possible execution of every doctor in the world who administered the the covid vaccines? You guys remember that right? Turns out it was just a story on the internet that amounted to absolutely nothing and now it’s long forgotten, huh.

Hmmm do you ever notice a pattern here? 🤔

Angel Askew

Not at all.
Just slow.


Oh yeah totally, I’m sure something big will come of that long forgotten fan-fiction story #soon 😴


The Drs will be in danger—numerous courageous Drs have already been quietly silenced forever by the drug cartels.

rene labre

The military is moving tying up all the loose ends.The mass arrests of our traitors will follow.


#soon 😴

Rose Mary Abbott

In regards to Kai’s remark below, it was the sleeping brides to be that got to miss out on their weddings because they were not diligent. They let their lamps go out.


Lol what the fuck is this even supposed to mean 🙃


Check your “secret decoder ring”..


I did but all I ever get is “be sure to drink your ovaltine” 🤔

J Bill

my ring sends to me a website to teach me how to program my vcr


NO !
You have gone completely insane
Or are on the wrong. Medication !
Are you drinking again ?


One of the tragic things about this whole thing is that few people will know about it and even fewer will believe it. Even Gen. Berger didn’t believe the tipster at first even though Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer and her husband had been murdered in their beds because she was looking into and recognized that children were disappearing while in CPS custody and that the numbers were huge. Democrat stronghold or Republican — it makes no difference — just ask the people in Nebraska, the heartland of America.

For a year I lived in a senior retirement community and even the “conservatives” there scoffed at the idea of DUMBS and child trafficking and satanic sexual abuse of children in the U.S. When I told them about all this, they refused to believe it. How could it happen in the U.S. and in the Bible Belt no less?

The withholding of this information by either the Deep State or the White Hats and the allowing of CGI, doubles, clones or robots to keep the truth from being exposed is the single most destructive thing that is being perpetrated right now. The American public not only has a right to know, it has an obligation to know what is and has been going on under their noses for decades — if not longer. Their ignorance perpetuates the climate which makes these crimes possible. As George H.W. Bush once said (and I paraphrase), “If the public only knew what we have done, we would not be able to walk down the street.”

It is time for the American public to wake up and have the whole bloody, disgusting truth shown to them in all of its hideousness.

Angel Askew

Learn, Know and Act. 🇺🇸

Michael R Davis

Yes indeed, CPS (Child Protective Services), Disney, Hollywood, UNICEF, many orphanages, many organizations “dedicated to children”, are extremely dangerous for children, often responsible for them disappearing and their deaths.


What you say is the TRUTH !

Angel Askew

I was physically ill when someone sat me down and told me how CPS is a front for the trafficking and worse of these children.
I swear, I want to open an orphanage.

J Bill

wait until you hear about peta and nazis!

J Bill

Happy one year anniversary to trump for being inaugurated on July 4, 2021!


he is there since 01/21/17….

J Bill

he is not there since 42069 b0fa theeeeeese nuts lmaoooooooooooooooo


Lol damn you beat me to it.

Happy Trump Inauguration Day 1-year Anniversary everyone! To celebrate I think we should all revisit that classic RRN article and post our favorite lines!


Mine is easily this one:

“If it was to happen, it was always going to be Independence Day”

Classic, great work MB 👍


👎. 🐓🍭


Hopium is at dangerously low levels today, huh wildcat 🙁

John .S

Public service announcement: my veterinarian recommended CBD oil for pets via fireworks fright, it works well, better than dramamine, less dog diarrhea.


Great idea. I already have some CBD dog treats for my dog with cancer.

Angel Askew

That cbd is magic!

buck fiden

Pot makes people vote Democrat.


Not me my friend

buck fiden

Perhaps he meant he didn’t do drugs.

Angel Askew

Cbd is without the thc. It’s different. They are sisters from the marijuana plant.


Agreed,..cbd oil is good for pain relieve too.


👉. 👏

Angel Askew

I will not lie, when lockdowns first started and we were all perplexed, I scrambled for supplies to bug in.
I figured if we’re all dying of some plague or being killed off I may as well pick up a few funny cigarettes because…..WHO CARES??

So, I went in with my tea tree oil doused bandana mask and got the tutorial and also made a purchase of the CBD oil balm (like tiger balm) for all back and nerve and whatever pain.

Pricey but I swear by the stuff. Only need a tiny swipe of the stuff. It will unlock or relieve ANYTHING!!
It’s in my bug out bag. Haha!

buck fiden

Is it good for whacking off?

John .S

Enjoy this 4th of July holiday.

Clearly the cabal pulled all stops, going full speed ahead.

We’re on cusp of uncertainty, things could change for the worst on the drop of a dime.

Must stay vigilant, complacency is our ticket for disaster.

Happy 4th folks, embrace this meaningful day, and thank our forefathers in handing us a Constitutional Republic, which is the jealous envy elsewhere.

Tired of hearing clueless yelp: “we’re a democracy”, and it’s duty in setting them straight.

God Bless America.


“Despite the Economic Devastation German Chancellor Scholz Says Western Leaders Can Support Ukraine ‘As Long As Necessary’ ” This is a news headline from today. You’d think the normies would get a clue wouldn’t you? No they’re all still asleep, still a special kind of stupid like our trolls. “Nothing to see here folks this is normal”

Last edited 2 years ago by Ceecee
John .S

In actuality “democracy” in itself is: two wolves and a sheep deciding on dinner menu.

Democracy means: Liberalism, whereas Dr. Michael Savage Ph.d says: “Liberalism is a mental disorder”.

Ron Burgundy

RRN posters really are a special kind of stupid. It’s almost art.

question everything

sToop-iD iss ass stoo-per do:

question everything

You do realize, don’t you, that by posting that, YOU are an RRN poster? There is an ironic kind of almost art there.


Gen. Berger, our source said, initially dismissed the tipster’s claims as bullshit, as he had a tough time believing that the Deep State could have orchestrated such an operation in South Carolina, a conservative, Republican stronghold
The very idea that the so called ‘conservatives’ or ‘the right wing’ of politics are ‘the good guys’, in itself is bullsh_t!
There are plenty of satanists on the right aswell as the left.
Many of them participate in child sacrifice rituals together in masonic lodge gatherings!
Almost all the church leaders are freakmasons! Watch them carefully during their services, and you can catch them throwing masonic hand signs!


Right, I mean look at Pence. That’s a strange thing to say. It became clear during the primaries of ’16 that both parties were in it up to their eyeballs. For those of us who already suspected, it was proof. The Republicans have slowly woken up to varying degrees over the last 10 years with a great awakening during ’16 and through ’20 to all but the most egregiously stupid on “our side of the aisle”. On the left, nothing bad their leaders do has been unacceptable. They just keep drinking the Kool Aid. You can even kill them with experimental injections and make them guinea pigs and they will still support you. But raise the gas and food prices. Now that’s a problem.! They are starting to wake up. But Berger, knows about 911 and all the DS players named here. What an odd thing to say. I have to ponder that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ceecee
John .S

Correct, locations [warehouse] having sanitary facilities.

Good possibility location as old Cuban Missile Crisis bunker utilized for Sacrifice Rituals, Torture Chambers, and interconnecting labyrinths are catacombs.

How could culprits move kids lacking hygiene, disheveled & malnourished without raising suspicion?

Spiders don’t cast your web here.


That makes more sense. Most likely the tunnels were already there for other things like you say. Perhaps they used them temporarily while transporting their victims.Disgusting Satanic freaks.


No surprise Clinton was involved and you can bet many other Radical LEFT scum also.

Michael R Davis

Guaranteed Radical RINO Senator Lindsey Graham was involved directly and has innocent child’s blood all over his filthy hands.


May God bless and put a hedge of protection around all those rescuing children. It is the noblest of pursuits. I pray strength, grace, miraculous healing for all the children rescued.

buck fiden

I went to a music store back in 2019 and was shocked to see the prices of even USED musical instruments! We used to be able to purchase a decent horn for about $300. Now they’re all over a grand!

A violin went for $3k !! I played it in store. POS !! And that was BEFORE Bidenflation! I shudder to think what they cost today!

Parents can no longer afford to buy musical instruments for their kids. They’ve become a luxury item.

There was a series of theft of Sousaphones in the Los Angeles School District a few years ago. Apparently the beaners were stealing them because they’re a featured instrument in their sinaloense (Sinaloan) music.


It was hard work but it was well worth it,thanks OWD


Glad you’re still here, Oliver.

buck fiden

I second that.

J Bill



You don’t realize it but it’s you guys that got me there

J Bill

they could but that would be extra work for mb, who’s already not happy with the current donations

Julio Antonio Laguna



Your being played!



If you want people to believe what you write, then put some effort into what you write.


typo ass wipe!


Congrats Stacy!! 👏🥳




Thanks Kai,I wouldn’t have done it without you guys


mis-gender someone else


Why are you so obsessed with me bro? I’m just having fun here, why are you so deeply threatened by me making fun of your fantasy world? 🤷‍♂️


Great job! It takes a lot of integrity to pursue a Masters and a PHD is amazing! Best of luck going forward.


It’s because of you guys pushing me to be the best

buck fiden

Someone in Denmark today killed 3 people in a mall there and wounded 3 others. It must be due to the extremely easy access of guns there. ;\


Great sarcasm. Yep, something’s wrong in the state of Denmark.



J Bill

it could’ve been 37


Was he/she vaccinated? 83+% Danes have had the clotshot. 1000% increase in neurological disorders. Maybe he/she found out it’s not so great for them and retaliated.


Well while we’re just completely making up absurd statistics, did you know there has been a 2000% increase in chronic explosive diarrhea among the unvaccinated?


and a 2000% increase in leftist cry-babys in this Post-Roe world.


What happened with Jarret, Axelrod and French???? Still spilling their guts?


JAG found them innocent and let them go.

buck fiden

All niggers, spics, chinks, fags and Reform Kikes who are Democrats are innocent under the Biden Just-Us System.

Lone Ranger

I live in SC. All the neighbors are wondering why the quakes. This I figured.

J Bill

we’re up to 4(?) people now who live in SC and did nothing while children were “trafficed”


Look, it was done underground, hence why the military blew the tunnels.


And you just stood by and did nothing. Shameful.

Lucky Star

Do I or we care ?


Its like asking if you swallow? Yes


Your husband is a lucky man!


Twinks are like that

Tracy Reinert

Likely, such tunnels are vestiges of Tartaria, & these people had much higher technology than we do, & many were larger people. There are literally thousands of miles of such tunnels all over the planet.


Some of the tunnels may be the remnants of Tartaria structures, but the Tartarians were mostly (if not completely) wiped out by the Mole People centuries ago. They may have had “higher technology” but ultimately it proved to be no match for the scrappiness and the superior war tactics of the Mole People, their tenacity is second to none.


Mole people are mos def real
But the Molo-kai people are more real-er

buck fiden

With Zhou Biden & Co., it’s Tard-Tard-ia.

LuAnn Suschank

Thank God!—-Loni S.

J Bill

Thank B0fa! — -me


I finally found this: Private Q Evidence. It is on Telegram. Not everyone will be accepted, but it is worth the try.


Oooooooo sounds legit 🙃


about as legit as marine weblinks? lol

buck fiden

ItB 2Legit2Quit, muthrfukkrs!


Btw what do you mean by “not everyone will be accepted”? Because I looked up this channel on telegram and was accepted instantly just by hitting the Join Channel button 🤷‍♂️

J Bill

yeah but not everyone. lol


I once majored in dipterology.


Good for you buddy


I knew it! The second podcasters started posting SC is having small earthquakes I knew what was going on. Thank GOD! Literally! It just amazes me so many still don’t know what’s going on. The hardest thing for me to believe was Gen. Bergers doubt. That is the only thing that would make me doubt this story. After all he’s seen? Yeah, just a twinge of doubt here but I’m leaning toward true.

Frisbee the Cat

Yes, look up what the USGS has say about it and then read between the lines.

buck fiden

Jews are great diggers. Do you know how the Grand Canyon was formed?

A Jew dropped a penny into a hole.

David T

I figured that’s where you were going with that! Do you know how copper wire was invented? A dutchman and a jew were fighting over a penny.

buck fiden

Say, have you heard about the new German microwave oven?

Seats sixteen.

buck fiden

Do you know the difference between a Jewish woman and a toilet?

The toilet doesn’t follow you around nine months after you use it.

J Bill

” It just amazes me so many still don’t know what’s going on. ”

you literally didn’t know about something happening, allegedly, until a wordpress blog said it happened. lmao

buck fiden

Did he die in the gas chambers?

John .S

Just at Harbor Freight, used online 20% off coupon buying circular saw blades.

Many portable generators being sold. Hilarious watching people fit them in their car.

Manager said: “never seen anything like it before, apparently people are preparing for something”.

Told manager check out RRN website, responding “will do, thanks”.

buck fiden

Harbour Freight is a total freakshow! I saw a blonde employee from the back. I thought it was a female. It turned around, and it had written its favourite “pronouns” on its name tag. It had a deep voice. Very unhelpful.

John .S

Trader Joe’s went woke, fired buddy [Persian Gulf Veteran].

Buddy referenced employ as “young lady” that went into freakout mode, total z-gen schizo.

Millennial feminist manager dragged him out on carpet for apology. Buddy said: I’m sorry, my mistake, let me rephrase with proper pronoun “”Little Girl””.

Manager later terminated employment, petition signed by others of hostile work environment.

Buddy said, employment atmosphere changed when Maga cap was noticed on dashboard, vibrating amongst employees.

buck fiden

I despise Traitor Jews! The only thing I bought there was a big white bottle of powdered vitamin C for $13. They no longer sell it. Naturally Expensive Grocers sells something similar for $52 now. Fuck bidenflation.

Traitor Jews is full of over-the-hill leftist hags who push their shopping carts like they drive: always “ME FIRST! ME FIRST! ME FIRST!!” They cut you off. When you accidentally cut them off, they scream “EXCUSE ME!!! HEY! EXCUSE ME!!!”

Shit store with lots of Subarus, Teslas, Honda Shits and Priuses parked in front.

I avoid Traitor Jews.


Probably waiting for Texas to fuck up and overtax their grid again. Moronic people.

J Bill

“Told manager check out RRN website, responding “will do, thanks”.”

manager (silently): “jfc gtfoh”


Plot twist: that manager actually did go and check out RRN, and found it hilarious, and became one of the trolls


Kai the fly guy
can deny
the body she is in
cold fleshy prison



Marines killed in military aircraft crash in California have been identified
The deceased were identified as Cpl. Nathan E. Carlson, 21, of Winnebago, Illinois; Capt. Nicholas P. Losapio, 31, of Rockingham, New Hampshire; Cpl. Seth D. Rasmuson, 21, of Johnson, Wyoming; Capt. John J. Sax, 33, of Placer, California; and, Lance Cpl. Evan A. Strickland, 19, of Valencia, New Mexico, the Marine Aircraft Wing Communication Strategy and Operations office said in a statement.

foxnews DOT comforward slash us forward slash california-marines-killed-military-aircraft-crash-identified?intcmp=tw_fnc



You’re like two weeks late on this Xena.

Btw Michael Baxter says this plane was on a mission to arrest “a prominent Deep State Democrat” when in crashed in the middle of a CA desert. Do you really believe the ‘White Hats’ were sending a 19-year-old and two 21-year-old recruits on a mission like that? When every other MB arrest mission story claims it’s some grizzled Special Forces team making the arrests? 🤷‍♂️


You are right,SEAL and SARC teams would have done the mission…


The grift MB pulls around here is just so painfully obvious. There are two kinds of RRN articles: the kind where he completely makes up some invisible event (like the arrest/execution articles about people who don’t actually disappear) and the kind where MB sees something in the real news and thinks, “I can spin this into some White Hat/Deep State bullshit.” This newest article is an example of that – MB sees an earthquake in the news so he makes up a story about how it was actually the White Hats blowing up Deep State tunnels. The Osprey crash was also an instance of that, MB saw that an Osprey crashed during a routine Marine training exercise and so he made up a story about how that Osprey was on its way to a super secret Deep State arrest mission. He has to write at least a couple stories a week to keep you guys engaged so why not? Just make shit up about whatever is in the news.

The problem with the Osprey story though, is that the Marines did not release the names/ranks/ages of the marines killed until a day or two later. So initially MB can make up whatever details he wants and say it was some elite unit on a dangerous mission. Then it comes out that it was mostly 19-21 year old recruits on that plane and MB’s story no longer makes sense. This is what happens when you opportunistically make shit up on the fly.

Of course it doesn’t really matter though, MB never has to explain himself or even mention it at all ever again, he just moves on the the next made up story. And rinse and repeat for as long as the donation money keeps rolling in.


I can say that I have never donated


but the kai-fly-guy made YOU a donation?



buck fiden

He donated to the sperm bank.


You criticize people here but you and Ted are more obsessed than anyone else here or you wouldn’t constantly be here. You “claim” you’re not being paid to be here so this is it for you, huh? How many pounds overweight are you anyway, just hanging around on this website all day? Go for a walk in nature, unplugged of course. You may find there is more to life than constant criticism spewed out by you. It’s eventually detrimental to your health. You won’t survive what’s coming.

The nazis in Ukraine are firing missiles 50 miles into Russia with missiles xiden gave them. Putin warned us of the consequences of doing that in his February 24th communication to the world. Regardless of how anyone feels about one side or the other, the shooting is about to be front and center.


Appreciate your concern Hal! But I am not at this website all day, I just check in here and there when I feel like checking and I have a few minutes. I’m not sitting in front of a computer all the time either, I post on here from my phone.

I am kind of obsessed with this place though, you got me there. Not because I’m concerned or I think any of it is real, but because I am morbidly fascinated at how so many people can be so gullible that they fall for this stuff. It boggles my mind and also makes it very entertaining to argue with you weirdos 🙂

David L Baiker

ME TOO! I can’t believe how many IDIOTS there are in the world! 90% of them RIGHT HERE! You ever get bored here go to youtube and do searches for gcr(great currency reset), shariraye, of course my fav…flat earth. The insane idiocy of those is unreal. One of the flat earth/anti science morons has even been mentioned on this site…Owen Benjiman.


so you are part of the me-2 movement?


“I am kind of obsessed with this place though”

Yes, Truth does that to a being. You cannot NOT come here. You need us, and we need you. Thank you for being here.


Lol you’re more obsessed with me more than I am with RRN. Keep replying to every single one of my posts, weirdo 😉

buck fiden

I feel the same about people who watch national news live on television.

buck fiden

Zhou Biden needs a distraction so he can continue his anti-America agenda off the front page.


The fly-guy wrote A LOT for someone who comes here for laughs.
Her commitment to opposition betrays an alternative impetus.

So try, fly guy, again.

buck fiden

Trouble ahead…
Trouble behind…

John .S

Military does not deploy one vehicle, neither one aircraft to perform a task.

There’s always redundancy, and contingency plans. No mission travels solo, lacking support [back up] especially involving flight.


Lol dude you are trying so hard to make up excuses for MB but if you go back and look at his story this is not at all what he wrote.

“Sources told RRN the Osprey held eight Marines: the pilot, the copilot, two flight engineers, and the four Marines tasked with apprehending a Deep State villain.”

MB claimed the four marines who were tasked with making the arrest were on that plane. It was not a backup plane. There is zero mention of a backup plane or any other vehicle involved in the mission. If there was a backup wouldn’t the rest of them have continued on with the mission, isn’t that THE WHOLE POINT of having a backup? But MB wrote that the mission ended in failure with the osprey crash.

I know you want so so bad for this bullshit to be real, to the point that you’ll make up your very own extended fan-fiction to excuse MB’s fuckups, but this shit just is not real bud. It makes no sense from any angle besides “MB saw the news about some recruits crashing an osprey during a training exercise and made up a White Hat/Deep State story about it.” It doesn’t even make sense that the mission would be at Glamis, it’s literally a desert with no permanent housing, let alone a place where any “prominent liberal lawmaker” would live.


But but but kai is just here for laughs! Where are the laughs now molo-kai?

Angel Askew



.So, Pentagon made an “oops,” on their original statement about nukes??
.When and where did the missing 5th soldier turn up??
. They were 30 miles from the Mexican border in the middle of literally NO WHERE and you really believe what you are told?

You’re not a very good troll, Kai. Hang up the gloves, Hun.

J Bill

where’s al gore?


ask theodore……


Lol Jesus Christ did you even look at your own article you’re linking here? Let me copy a quote directly from it for you:

“Rumors the plane was carrying nuclear material have since been debunked.” Whoops!

The Pentagon never made an ‘original statement’ saying there was nuclear material on board. Neither did USMC or any other official source. It was just a rumor that some internet rando made up when there was no solid info about the incident released yet, only vague breaking reports that firefighters were responding to what was believed to be a crashed military aircraft. The rumor spread on social media because of people like you who believe every outlandish thing they read on the internet. If you believe that the claim that there was nuclear weapond/material involved came from the Pentagon then show me their ‘original statement’ where they said that. It doesn’t exist, the Pentagon quickly dispersed those rumors, which were completely baseless.

-“.When and where did the missing 5th soldier turn up??”

In the wreckage, hours after the initial reports that a crash occurred. That’s literally how confirming the death count works, they have to find and identify the bodies (or what’s left of them) in the wreckage. Breaking reports do not have that info confirmed yet. And even if the military knows exactly who was on that plane when it took off, they can’t know for sure that one of them didn’t survive by parachute or something until they physically dig through the wreckage and identify all the human remains.

-“. They were 30 miles from the Mexican border in the middle of literally NO WHERE and you really believe what you are told?”

This is the exact same question I’d ask you. It is entirely believable that they would be flying over the desert for a routine training exercise, which is what the Marine Corps said they were doing. Michael Baxter, on the other hand, wrote that they were on a super-secret mission to arrest “a liberal lawmaker who lives near Glamis” but as you pointed out Glamis is a fucking desert in the middle of nowhere. Literally nobody lives there, there are zero houses there. Why do you just believe whatever you’re told when Michael Baxter says it? His story makes no sense, because he just took the actual crash report and sloppily added a bunch of made-up White Hat/Deep State bullshit to it without caring if it would make any sense or not. And so according to MB the ‘White Hats’ sent some 19-21 year old Marine recruits (instead of the usual elite Special Ops team or whatever) to arrest a prominent Deep State lawmaker who lives in a desert. How do you not feel embarrassed falling for this shit? 🤷‍♂️

Last edited 2 years ago by Kai

wow. wonder word wall. is it for keeps this time molo-kai?


🎶 And through it allllllll
You’re my wonder word walllll-all-all 🎶

buck fiden

Nothing on Molo-Kai except for lepers.


do you really believe you are talking to organic beings, dupe? lol

Angel Askew

They were transporting nuclear weapons. Biden regime got rid of all witnesses and nuclear weapons vanished.


They… crashed a plane with nuclear weapons on board and the nuclear weapons just vanished? They just.. magically didn’t detonate when the plane crashed and exploded?

What’s it like to write out and post things without thinking about what you’re saying for like even three seconds? 🤔

Last edited 2 years ago by Kai
Angel Askew

What makes you so sure it crashed? MSM??


Lol no, the United States Marine Corps has put out literally all the info we know about the crash and the marines who died in it, through spokespeople and official press releases. Like this one:


If you want to call official USMC statements ‘fake news MSM’ then I dunno what to tell you, other than you are hopelessly detached from reality 🤷‍♂️

J Bill

USMC == MSM!!!!!!!!



you sure are putting A LOT of energy into disproving MB’s claims/

What threatens you about Truth?


What threatens you about my posts so much that you feel the need to reply to every single one of them? It’s kinda bizarre bro


I know some SARC from Pendleton and some BUDS and SEAL from Coronado that have said that there were no nuclear weapons on board


STFU. you don’t know anything but SHIT presently with your mind in its current state. But, hey, whatever fantasy you need to while away thehours is cool bro!


Damn dude I know you’re deeply frustrated at being unable to find a woman willing to fuck you, but that’s no reason to take it out on poor Stacy here.


Whatever fag,I do know

Angel Askew

My God. You are dense.


And you are a nazi who believes every dumbass thing you read on the internet 🤷‍♂️


Kai the fly guy is arrayed with a prepossessing breadth of knowledge for someone who comes here just for laughs.

What a salutable, herculean effort!

buck fiden

I thought AOC had the Oh-Spray retrofitted with windmills and a solar generator and it ran out of “fuel” and crashed.

buck fiden

So which one of them was the Deep State’s target?

buck fiden

That foul-smelling, ugly, obese negress might appear on the $20 bill if Zhou Biden gets his way.