Independence Day Shooter Was ANTIFA, not a Trump Supporter


Several mainstream media outlets on Monday wasted no time labelling the Independence Day killer, Robert Crimo, a Trump supporter, citing as evidence social media posts that show Crimo draped in a Trump flag and attending Trump rallies and Qanon gatherings. The photos seemed authentic, but Crimo was no supporter of Donald J. Trump. To the contrary, the six-foot-tall, 120lb. self-proclaimed rapper, who used the moniker “Awake the Rapper,” was an ANTIFA activist who picked the 4th of July to carry out his murderous spree because he hates America and White privilege.

From a rooftop perch Crimo murdered six and wounded 20 with what the MSM and criminal Biden regime have called a “high-powered” rifle, a nebulous term liberals use in describing any firearm more powerful than an Airsoft gun. Crimo’s theater of operation was the predominately White neighborhood of Highland Park, Il., not inner-city Chicago. He initially fled the scene but was later apprehended by local law enforcement and federal agents following a brief car chase.

An Illinois FBI field agent speaking under condition of anonymity gave Real Raw News data points that, if true, prove the MSM and government are conspiring to conceal Crimo’s true allegiance and reason for murdering innocent parade-goers.

According to him, law enforcement found in Crimo’s pockets a hastily written 3-page manifesto detailing his disdain for “White America.” In sprawling text styled as rap stanzas, Crimo decried “White privilege,” called for the downfall of “White America,” and beseeched Kamala Harris and AOC to wage war against “White establishment.”

“During interrogation Mr. Crimo was asked to reconcile his manifesto with images of him wearing MAGA regalia. He told the Agent in Charge, “C’mon, do I look MAGA to you? Do I look like I support the orange man?” He admitted he attended MAGA events wearing MAGA paraphernalia to mock Donald Trump and his supporters, not align with them. He also spoke to the rise of ANTIFA,” our source said.

Moreover, Crimo, a biological male, self-identified as a female and told investigators he was taking progesterone therapy while awaiting approval for government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded sexual reassignment surgery. Although Crimo reportedly earned income through his music, he was a Medicaid recipient. On March 23, 2010, Hussein Obama’s Obamacare Act barred insurance companies from categorically excluding coverage for sex change procedures.

“This is a very evil, very disturbed, very confused kid,” our source said of 22-year-old Crimo, who has facial tattoos and partly orange hair,” our source said.

Crimo, he added, likened himself to Joaquin Phoenix’s the Joker in the homonymous motion picture. In it, the movie’s titular character inspires a violent counter-culture revolution against the wealthy.

Lastly, Crimo told federal investigators his killing spree was partly inspired by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Soon I’ll officially be a woman, and I don’t want whities telling me what I can or cannot do with my body,” Crimo reportedly said.

“When investigators asked him where he got his weapon, Crimo laughed manically, saying it was ‘a gift.’ He then shut up and demanded a lawyer,” our source said.

“FBI Director Christopher Wray was made aware of Crimo’s partial confession. Wray sent down orders to not explicitly mention ANTIFA,” our source said in closing.

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Magnificent transforMason of those Georgia Shit-stones. Turd polished.


The world is a freak show. The people in the united states have a front row seat.


Something about this little creep makes me a little more unflappable than usual


Hmmm. Last one out – turn off the lights. Thank you.


SHAME on YOU …Wendy !
MB should ban your account for terrorist activities on this site.
Clearly you are soooooo far gone ,there is no redemption.
You breathe in acetone fumes and killed of any sense of
That’s too bad


Good Morning !
8:00am. 7/11/22.
I am feeling refreshed ,having taken the weekend off from
Thinking , that was time well spent. Had thoughtful reflection, to
Plan forward to new lists of projects in the order of importance.
Today is a New Beginning


You could have taken off longer if you wanted.


In the past 8 days, Mike’s fundraiser has raised under $100. Do better Patriots!


What ever happened to Melinda Gates?


She is coping with the divorce as best she can. She does a lot to advance women’s charities and was recently at Wimbledon with her daughter. Thanks for checking in.


Don’t care.


Don’t care.

American Living in Canada

Ready up here.

John .S

Beware of RMCP whom essentially similar though not necessarily identical to Arma dei Carabiniere.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Ready for what, another week of MB not caring enough to make up any new stories? 😴

John .S

News: Explosion Rocks Oklahoma Natural Gas Plant.


Did you type that all by yourself?

John .S

No, consulted my influential tie tying guy.

BTW, played afternoon back nine with colleague, hired caddies whom prestigious prep school students making summer hustle that said: “wear clip on ties, no fuss – no muss”.

Had 177 cal Co2 rifle in bag, shot frogs in water hazzard. Course groundskeeper said: “come back with shotgun and help us out with the geese problem”.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

And yet you still think Trump won.

John .S

Honestly, don’t know what to think anymore, Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein too.

No doubt we’re witnessing and experiencing matters beyond comprehension, as normie’s yelp: conspiracy theorist.

Recommend staying focused on everyday life, Que Sera Sera, though recommend in being prepared.


He did win – twice and will win a third time. Suck it up buttercup.


Lol nope, cope harder bud


Damn dude what is this grudge you have against frogs? First the firecrackers and now this. Did a frog bone your wife or something? 🐸

Rose Mary Abbott

Definitely looks like MB has another government run destruction operation to write about.


Democrats admitting the real truth. They want President Donald J Trump to pass away. They are the worst excuses of human examples one could ever see. When children see their parents vote for people who set this kind of example what are they going to take away from it? It has been uncovered just how bad the Democratic Party has become. The Republican Party is not much better but at least they are not going on national news and saying they wish their opponents would die. The Democratic Party is through. They went so far away from reason and integrity that they can’t fake being a reasonable entity of any sort any longer. They have sold their complete souls away for their dream of communism. AOC and the squad have destroyed their own future. Biden is just a hand puppet that can’t even read a teleprompter. They have exposed themselves to the people for what they truly are. I find it amazing that they still have anyone left that would vote for them. They have gone insane in front of the whole world.

J Bill


i plead the fifth. i do not recall this…whatever it is

Sandy Koufax

We Have No Plan for This Except Sitting Around Hoping He Dies. NBC Panelists Are Openly Wishing for Trump’s Death. Earlier today on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd MSNBC hack accidentally slipped up and said the silent part out loud. Democrats and Never-Trumpers want Trump dead. During a discussion on whether President Trump will run again in 2024 one of the guests, Mark Leibovich, admitted Democrats have no plan for Trump’s three-peat except hoping he dies. Their hate will last their entire lifetime. you see these people are not happy people, these people are fundamentally unhappy. Their hate is their burden not ours.


@Sandy Koufax — Yes, Democrats and RHINOS are NAKED, their bodies made shamefully ugly by the evil deeds they committed against humanity. Yes, they are Satan’s half-breeds and inbreeds soon to be eaten alive by the worms of their jealousy, envy, and covetousness of righteous humanity.

A resounding justice shall sweep over Earth that destroys RENEGADES in all their shamefully ugly-twisted bodies!

Angel Askew

It really is true. Many will never admit it. Those that can will just blend into some thing else…


They did admit it. Sunday AM on NBC. A tard, Mark Liebovich on Upchuck Todd’s show.

Angel Askew

When over, we all need reparations from this horror show.
This was a new low.


Arrests and trials are needed to stop these commie tards.


I read that “Wendy”, has a new song out.
She must be breathing in those acetone fumes regularly.
Its too late to save any of the TROLLS
You are right , they should pay
Reparations !😀


Lol you guys literally come to this website to read graphic fan-fiction descriptions of people you hate being killed

Sandy Koufax

Don’t assume other’s motives are the same as yours.


That’s not my motive at all buddy, I come here to laugh at you guys for believing it obviously fake execution fan-fiction.


I’m here on a super-secret mission. Which, will be revealed in due time on a “need to know” basis.

J Bill

MB counting donations be like:

Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I was dead broke, man, I couldn’t picture this
50-inch screen, money-green leather sofa
Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur
Phone bill about two G’s flat
No need to worry, my accountant handles that
And my whole crew is loungin’
Celebratin’ every day, no more public housin’


Interesting avatar you have there JB … coincidence much?

J Bill

Imagine thinking users choose their avatar. Couldn’t be me, because I’m not an idiot


Second verse same as the first!


But you’re on this one? Go figure.

J Bill

“EARL – SPARTACUS you now own all the TROLLS and Shills.”


J Bill



The Salt Must Flow! A very serial position. Oh my godsess! REEEE is my battle cry


Hang Crimo


Want some eye opening information and entertainment. The Salty Cracker will post a REEEE Stream at 4:30 PDT, or 5:30 EDT. 6:30 or CDT. Depending on your time zone. Can find on his site, Odysee, Bitchute or Rumble. He don’t hold back!


Love Salty Cracker!! He’s great!!! ❤️

Jerry Miller

This PUNK- News is nonsense. Yea,…waiting for hope.

Angel Askew

“I can think of 4 recent Supreme Court decisions that are getting us ready for what’s coming. On God, Guns and abortion and stripping the Deep State of many of the powers it stole for itself.

But that’s just me.” – Brian Cates


So, you introduced Brian Cates as your mirror image, Angel Askew. Do share also your pillow secrets of comrade Brian Cates.

Angel Askew

?? Just sharing a plausible quote from the guy.
Tomorrow, Gateway Pundit is supposed to break a big story!

I’m of the understanding it may be what sinks Joe B.. expeditiously.


Lol it won’t, GWP is garbage

J Bill

I hope it’s about antifa super soldiers!


So GWP’s massive bombshell story is that someone in the Proud Boys says that the Proud Boys didn’t conspire to bust down barriers and enter the Capitol on Jan. 6th. Lol who cares? Even if this one person was telling the truth that they didn’t ‘conspire’ to do it, they still did it. This won’t sink Biden or Wray or anyone. It will be forgotten by tomorrow like every GWP ‘bombshell’ 😴

Angel Askew

Wrong. He was an FBI who got inside and had a handler. There is documentation on 1/6th attesting while at the event with them that “it’s not any of them”.
Theyve always known of their innocence because the Dems pulled that coup!!


Time 4 MB to get to work on Sunday!!! 😆😆😆😆


Just because JB doesn’t post articles doesn’t mean he hasn’t written them. Sometime events occurs that prevent publication for awhile.


“JB”?? Are you suggesting that these articles are in fact written by J Bill? 🤔

J Bill



If by “swearing on National Television” you mean Newsmax. No other network is wasting their time on his boring rallies anymore, lol


The national government…will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests. It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.
Donald J Trump

Angel Askew

“Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -John Adams

J Bill

imagine replying to a hitler quote with a JA quote. couldn’t be me lmao


That one sentence made plainly clear to world leaders that their populations were neither faithful nor obedient to Father God Jesus.


Angel Askew

Thank you, Firedog??!! 🇺🇸⚖️💃

question everything



Actually, it’s a Hitler quote. Look it up.

Angel Askew

Apple is giving $10M to the Ford Foundation’s Dignity and Justice Fund to protect NGOs from NSO’s Pegasus spyware.

The Ford Foundation started the Dignity and Justice Fund.

The Dignity and Justice Fund is sponsored by the New Venture Fund.

The New Venture Fund is led by president Lee Bodner.

Lee Bodner is the former Managing Director of Arabella Advisors.

Arabella Advisors is the Soros mega-shell of NGO funding.

See how that works? The NGO mothership is pulling strings to protect NGOs from spyware in the name of dignity and justice. How ironic seeing that it was a Soros disciple (Stephen Peel) who was the last majority owner of NSO. The spawn of Satan and Mossad are playing both sides. Whatever blackmail NSO has must be MASSIVE.

I’m all for digital privacy, but corrupt / treasonous NGOs just may have to be the exception.


Angel Askew

I copied this from Garrett Ziegler on sm.


The article addresses shell companies created to coverup crimes against humanity. In 2015, the HEATHENS primal screamed that POTUS Trump would be a bad President, but HEATHENS’ NIGHT TERRORS were fixed on the AUDITOR who would find the theft trails and the payoff trails no matter the number of shell companies they created.

That AUDITOR is POTUS Trump … HEATHENS fear POTUS TRUMP … more now than before because POTUS Trump is also “THE EXCHEQUER” of the world’s EXCHEQUERS! I’ll wage your ped-o-boy news outlets never divulge these Truths, do they ANGEL ASKEW?

POTUS Trump called ROTHSCHILD (your comrade Angel Askew) to return the $243 TRILLION he stole from Americans. ROTHSCHILD replied, “YOU WIN.”


Angel Askew

The global slave masters are at war for control. We have to continue to evolve and remember who they work for.
DJT is my favorite but…
He has alliances and interests that do not serve we, the, people.
Why does he covet Zionists of Israel? Why did he suddenly rush installing more 5g towers during Covid? Why did he approve less oversight of mRNA experiment vaccines years before 2020?

He is our guy but… We have to correct it all. It’s about us. Not him.

J Bill

instead of NGO’s you should be worried about NSO’s 0-day, 0-click spyware. no wonder you’re all idiots. you look in the wrong direction AND give your money to fascists who spy on you


Seems like RNN is dead and stinkin like Abe Lincoln.

question everything

Is that an assumption or have you been sniffing Lincoln’s corpse?


an assumption.Abe has been dead for a spell.

question everything



Actually, we thought the stench came with your arrival.


Michael, where are you? … what happened to you? … when are you returning? … We feel withdrawal pangs by your absence … come ba-a-a-a-ack Michael … come back!

Ron Burgundy

He lost interest because you idiots weren’t donating enough. It’s fine, give me, say, $500 and I’ll make up some dumb bullshit for you.


Humanity is not impressed by renegade rudeness; and higher intelligence is only given to a small number of humans that are “favored” … that slices you bidirectionally, out.

As for you and your urchin comrades at THE HILL, you’re just in time for the GREATEST EXODUS OF ALIENS known in recorded history … bigger than the Hebrews Exodus from Egypt written in the Holy Bible!

Now, go give your Presy JoJo Bidey a great big slobbering kiss for his big beautiful notion of leading ALIENS back over the SOUTHERN BORDER. Well, common, it’s YOUR big day to play JUMP THE FENCE … you’ll just love MEXICO CITY!

GOODBYE RENEGADES … don’t write!


There are other sources to get intel. This well does seem to be running dry. I’d suggest trying other places and don’t rely on one source. I’m kind of getting used to not expecting too much here. Maybe it’s just not enough money, or perhaps family issues or other time conflicts for MB.

J Bill

“I’m kind of getting used to not expecting too much here.”

gee i wonder why


Does this mean you won’t return?….

J Bill


Ron Burgundy

Translation: there are other insane websites that will feed you the steady diet of made-up bullshit to reinforce your fantasy world, don’t worry

Angel Askew

“Hackers have successfully entered Hunter Biden’s iCloud account, downloaded 450 gigabytes of his data, have shared it via torrent, and are now currently combing through the data and
sharing what they find on the various image boards.”

It is only 28 gigs but they are in. Anyone have any more info on what was discovered besides Hunter porn?

Earl posted this. Interesting read.




Epstein island flight logs mostly.


Some real shit. The stuff is posted. If you dare to peek you may be visited for child porn.


I am avoiding downloading any of what they put up from his phone. I have not heard good things about what has been released.


Yeah, stay away from it. The story is out there on, with a warning to avoid the temptation. Dangerous info with alleged kiddie porn which can invite a visit from the FBLie.


No worries; they’re not getting free from our teeth.

Military reported Congress is 70% corrupt. We must immediately
(1) arrest and execute 70% criminal Congress employees,
(2) reverse all legislation allowing Congress lawful right to lie, cheat, steal, Nazi indoctrinate, and murder their EMPLOYER, We the People,
(3) author legislation that abolishes the practice of BRITISH LAW in American Courts that carries the punishment of DEATH by Military firing squad,
(4) file law suits en masse against LAWYERS that economically oppress them/their families up to four generations to prevent future lawyers from reinstituting BRITISH LAW in the United States of America’s Judicial system.
(5) deny aliens the privilege to posses “DUAL” citizenship
(6) deny aliens the privilege to serve in public office (e.g., elected, appointed, contracted) until after eight generations of continuous residency without gaps.
(7) deny immigration to NON-WHITE, JEWS, CATHOLICS, MUSLISMS that American FOUNDERS wrote in our “IMMIGRATION LAW” are “HISTORICALLY KNOWN ANARCHISTS.” Well who would argue against that TRUTH! Hence the reason Rothschild, British Royals, and POPES flushed the four cohorts into the United States of America EXCLUSIVELY! duh!

The ALIEN EXODUS is on the horizon … Father God said the ALIEN EXODUS will be greater than the Israelite Exodus.

Well, those are the immediate cases to eradicate the evil within America before the next election! LET’S GET STARTED!

Angel Askew

I agree with 85% of your perspective, Firedog.
I’m interested in this Alien Exodus you speak of. Interesting!
I also believe only American born citizens should own land. Not any corporations either.
There is A LOT we should be doing now from a local level to position ourselves better.
Know you’re elected officials and question their stances.
Those who have time and support to run for office should do so.
Support local everything!


Now what? Does that mean Trump is President again?


No.. Just showing you what you voted for. And got.

J Bill

I didn’t vote for whatever 4chan allegedly has


Nor did I. Yet we deserve the truth. Sunshine is a great disinfectant.

J Bill

as long as you apply that thought process to those you’d vote for


We voted for Hunter? I missed that.


Nobody voted for Hunter. And unlike Trump’s kids Hunter wasn’t handed a job in the WH, so who cares what embarrassing shit he gets up to 🤷‍♂️


Has anyone heard that SCOTUS is overturning some of the states? If so, what does that mean? #newground


Have not heard anything like that but it can’t really happen. Each state has their own constitution that guarantees certain rights. The SCOTUS deals with the Federal Constitution and that document can not take away rights that each state has. An example is with the whole Roe v Wade thing where SCOTUS said abortion will be illegal, but actually each state can decide what to do. That is why so many companies are offering to pay for out of state abortions in states that decide it will be illegal.



Angel Askew

If a certain number of States over turn the election the entire decision goes to Senate to be reevaluated.

Separately, if Scotus hears and decides on misconduct and out right corruption of the actual voting results of 2020 Presidential election it would surely have an immediate tidal wave effect on the states. Even more than Roe v Wade!

J Bill



Lol everything in this post is wrong, and you have no clue how the Supreme Court works


Overturning what? State’s abortion laws? They can’t. Pay attention to the ruling. They gave it back to the states. It’s OBiden trying to dictate to the states.


I heard 4chan as well. Ryan Fournier (AnonUp or Telegram) said the info is extremely disturbing but he couldn’t share as yet. That was this morning.


Clicking it could get you a visit by the FBLie.


Federal Bureau of Idiots ya mean?

J Bill

look at jill quietly switching accounts!

J Bill

450 GB is like 10 Blu rays. Nobody has that kind of storage lmao

So far the evidence provided is: “there’s a lot of bad stuff. You can’t see it yet and the CIA and FBI haven’t even gotten this stuff despite having the laptop. But you gotta trust us”

I will never vote for hunter!

Deplorables be like “omg Hillary’s emails!”

Deplorables when trump’s kids do the exact same thing and also grift: “meh, kids will be kids”

Deplorables when hunter does stupid crack head shit: “see? Joe is corrupt! IMPEACH!”


Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

I think the unwashed masses are confusing forensic copies of hard drives with iPhone data. A forensic copy of a 450 GB hard drive would be 450 GB. Actual used space is probably 10 GB of that. Take away the OS, Slack space, Deleted files and the actual user created files might be 10 GB.
As far as iPhone data, there will be very little to get except for photos and they are probably already in the forensic copies of the computers.
Something people also seem to forget is that most porn is legal. There is a whole industry built around it that does very well. Certain porn is illegal and that is called ab*se. New problem to think about is that if something amazing was found on this new data, it would be almost impossible to charge Hunter with a crime because you can’t confirm the source. He can now say that it was all created to make him look bad and it is not his data. Read RRN for 10 minutes and you will see how clones and body doubles are every where. Who can believe a photo without DNA to back it up anymore?

J Bill

The laptop was reviewed by a well known and respected researcher. He said some data on the laptop could be authenticated while other data could not and showed signs of tampering.

Without proper chain of custody, whatever is discovered via 4chan should be treated with caution.

Since I’m on RRN, anything found will be evidence of something nefarious the “cabal” is doing.


The known and respected researcher is Jack Maxie. Now hiding in Switzerland. “They” want to shut him up.

J Bill

It’s Jake Williams and you can find him @malwarejake on twitter lmao


Hmm, Eric Bolling interviewed him. Same guy?

J Bill

probably not

Angel Askew

Joe Byedone used “Peter Henderson” as an alias for himself. In Hunter’s phone he has dad listed as “Pedo Pete”.
There is a group message from one of the grandkids to Jill Biden, Hunter and this Pedo Pete saying how they can’t wait to see them all this weekend.
Also, I saw a photo of Hallie Biden sent to Hunter of her head back, eyes to camera with her middle finger deeply in her mouth and being sucked on.
I refuse to look further.

Coincidentally, Apple announced today it has a new safety system against hacking for politicians and corporations effective immediately!

You can’t make this stuff up folks.


You easily can make this stuff up. How do you not get this, it’s like rule #1 of the internet, anyone can make anything up. If the ‘leaked data’ isn’t verified then it could be faked by literally anyone and put out there by just calling it leaked data.

Angel Askew

No girl, it was many convo threads with the phone numbers. ba account info too. The pic of Hallie Biden is disturbing.

question everything

I often wondered about the logic(or lack thereof) that people use when they say that “you can’t make this stuff up.” As if it would take some kind of super computer or something to be able to be creative. Not only do people make stuff up all the time on the internet, but they also ‘photoshop’ a bunch of the pictures that are used as evidence to make their point.

J Bill

Must be legit to call your dad pedo Pete lmao 🤡

question everything

“450 GB is like 10 Blu rays. Nobody has that kind of storage lmao”
Are you referring only to laptops? The reason I ask is because my hard drive is 1.8 TB which is equal to 1,843.2 GB.

question everything

Just checked Best Buy laptops, most had 512 GB, but there were some 256 GB and some with 1 TB.

J Bill

Cloud storage, specifically, is what I am referring to

J Bill

I have approximately 10TB of local storage and use about 25%. I have 100GB cloud storage and use nowhere near that amount. If 480GB was used it accumulated over a long period of time or dude records a lot of 1080p video


Sorry for the essay. I don’t know where you’ve been or what you know, but it doesn’t matter too much since we’re in the final ACTS of three Military sting-operations in the world. I speculate the “Biden Family” overlaps in the three movie marquis anyway: (1) Guardians of the Pedophiles, (2) FISA Gate, and (3) Panic in DC. There are plenty of data stories on the laptop that you inquire … Military intervened its distribution, happily. WHAT WE KNOW IS….

Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop with a known IT engineer; the intent was to appear a gaffe influenced by illicit drug use, but the true intent was to expose daddy Biden … daddy grew greedier by time but didn’t notice sonny-boy brooding … this is a HUGE story.
Hunter’s pedophilia connection to Jeffry Epstein is a HUGE story.
Hunter’s penchant to gang rape little children to injury and death is a HUGE story.
Hunter’s Ukrainian/China annual wages and non-reported $millions are HUGE stories.
Hunter & Daddy Bidens’ undercover sale of America to international power brokers is a HUGE story.
Hunter’s illicit drug connections, distributors, sales, use, addictions, and rehabilitations over decades are HUGE stories.

DADDY BIDEN’s wickedness is SEVEN-FOLD … he did it all … seven evil behaviors to affect nearly 7 BILLION humans on Earth … plainly stated in Proverbs 6:16-19. I speculate daddy Biden considered himself Satan’s equal. Well, daddy Biden is now Satan’s wife in the Lake of Sulfuric Fire for eternity, same as Hunter because polygamy is allowed. hahaha-a-a.

Don’t you find all these RENEGADE ANGELS (alias Jews) remarkably humorous since it is “they” who buggered Father God’s Creation plan by Lucifer raping Eve to procreate CAIN for renegades to obtain bodies. Whatever, Father God EXECUTED Lucifer and billions of renegade angels by SULFURIC FIRE … it doesn’t get any hotter than sulfuric fire … renegades are LOSERS in the Heavens and on Earth.

There’s little to be said of “jealousy, envy, and covetousness” other than these three disobedient behaviors lead to rapid eternal DEATH … just ask the renegade angels (alias Jews) … they know first-hand … it is the reason alias Jews shut-up when Jesus called them out (John, Revelation) for being CONDEMNED FOR ETERNITY by Father God. WHY? Because Father God doesn’t condemn anything HE declares HE LOVES … HE LOVES HIS six human families (White, Caucasian, Yellow, Red, Brown, and Black), and “that” was THE SOLE REASON renegade angels (alias Jews) were EXECUTED … they demanded Father God to reverse the order of angels serving humans, but Father God would hear none of it. ANGELS LOST BY AN INSURRECTION, HUMANS WON BEING PRAYERFUL, REPENTANT, AND OBEDIENT TO FATHER GOD!

The White family was/is the ARMY OF GOD. Father God describes White family as having “skin as white as cotton with rosy cheeks” and HE named HIS Army Hebrews and later renamed them ISRAELITES (Deuteronomy) because their mission in life is to “eradicate evil on Earth.” Everything the renegade angels say is 100% brain-buggering lies that jump off the pages of the one and only user manual the HOLY BIBLE written by Father God for HIS HUMANS … renegade angels (alias Jews) are a mere footnote in history that begins in the “17th book” of the HOLY BIBLE! … come on world … wake up to the obvious lies purveyed by renegade angels (alias Jews) upon humans … they hate hate hate humans and is the sole reason they economically oppress, and genocide humanity by poisoning air, land, waters, animals, vegetation, and medicines!

Father God judges and delivers evil beings into the hands of his ARMY who “eradicate evil on Earth,” and Michael Baxter reports on them. Stay tuned for MB’s next article, “Fun Fun in the GITMO Sun” composed in four-part harmony…. 😉

Angel Askew

Much of this summarizes what I have found also, Firedog. I always say; We are all his children and earth is our nursery school”.
I know you are focused on America but globally we are doing deconstructed and many of these truths will be revealed. Most of us will have to accept the lies and deceit we’ve been living from.
Many course corrections are coming. I cannot fathom how, we will watch Congress clean itself out? It’s 85% Dual citizens!! Mostly Zionists!
How is that legal??
What will be the trigger??
Midterm landslide by GOP?
But DJT loves his zionists!!
I don’t think he will return till dollar crashes and Congress cleans itself out.
Those shockwaves will trickle down and empower the local municipalities and elected offices.


Hey Michael
You said that you would be trying to get caught up on your posting but today makes 5 days of silence.

question everything

SATIRE: 1.  the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Let that sink in, in relation to your comment.


You have to let it go. He’s not going to post intel because people coerced him or entreated him. Whatever his reasons are, and I can think of a number of possibilities, it’s out of our hands. Find other sources of info.


What if we called Crandall’s office and asked what the problem is. Maybe he and Mike had a disagreement. 202-685-5154.

question everything

SATIRE: 1. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
Satire could include things like “will be plodding full steam ahead to publish backlog and current content” in an effort to “expose or criticize people’s stupidity or vices”.

J Bill

So you’re not going to call his office to see why there’s a delay?

J Bill

I’m gonna need to see se evidence

J Bill


J Bill

I would like one evidence please. The comment you mentioned , to me, referenced what Julie writes, not necessarily evidence of Julie being MB

question everything

AAA says proper tire inflation can save drivers 3 cents a gallon.
I say properly counted votes can save drivers 3 dollars a gallon.

J Bill

Still lost. Cry more 😭😭😭😭😭

question everything

I know you are still lost, but I won’t cry for you. You chose your path.

J Bill

Cry more ❄️

question everything

The honest answer is: the only one who was good died at about 33.

question everything

You really don’t know, do ya. It is the most relevant thing that has happened since creation.

Angel Askew

Amen to that!


Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw: LOL!!!


The real question is why anyone who wears a suit can’t tie their own tie.

John .S

Many people attain different type of services e.g., pooper-scooper entrepreneur cleaning up after dog, construeable as epitome of laziness, or lack of inability.

Others employ disabled Veteran in tying their ties, giving opportunity to earn.

FYI, assisting veterans, especially Korean War veterans takes many shapes & forms.

BTW, selfishness takes many shape and forms too.


To make the leap from “I can’t tie my own tie” to “I can support a disabled Korean war veteran by having them tie it for me” is insane. You are more delusional than Mike. That isn’t support, it’s abuse.


And about the dog poop jobs. You don’t clean up after your own dog right after they go? Are you such a poor caregiver that you force your dog to run around a filthy yard until you decide to hire someone to clean up after them? No wonder you fantasize about assaulting men in the bathroom at funerals.


He doesn’t represent himself as blue collar based on his suit choices. First day of high school at an assembly, the principal made all 500 of us freshmen remove and retie our ties. It was a valuable lesson.


So much for the few stories a day now your back,! Been waiting forever for some news on here Mr Baxter…
Hope ya’ll are well and staying frosty.


Big surprise it is always the satanic commie jews. God says he who has not the Son, hath not the father.. It would stand to reason that if they have neither of those they wouldnt have the Holy Spirit. God cut them all off and cursed them in 2 Esdra 1:24. Why do you think these godless, reprobates, parasite off of this Christian and all of the bounty and abundance on those who love and believe on his son? Our founding fathers warned us not to allow them to move to America. They called them parasites and Jeremiah 8 God himself says that they are an evil tribe. Why do you think they have been chased out of 109 countries. Everyone universally agrees they are not appropriate or acceptable. They are Lucifers biodescendants through Cain. Why do you think Jesus was calling them a brood of vipers (the only kind of snake that gives birth to live young) He said they were of their father who was a liar from the beginning.

Last edited 2 years ago by aimee

Did anyone else think the most entertaining part of the Georgia Shit-Stones falling is that they resembled zombified vaxxed libtards phishing out?

J Bill

no, jil

question everything

In the words of Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall,
Here’s your sign:

J Bill

Jfc a redneck boomer joke. Log off old man

question everything

If you went to the link, you know this has nothing to do with Jeff Foxworthy, Boomers, Rednecks, etc. It is all about YOU!

J Bill

“In the words of Jeff Foxworthy and Bill Engvall,
Here’s your sign:”

Lmaoooooooooooooo boomer rednecks

question everything

Your level of cowardice is underwhelming.

J Bill

Your level of reading comprehension is 🗑️

Cry more 😭😭😭😭

question everything

You may be right….are you saying my level of reading comprehension is ‘nothing but net’?
Если вам действительно платят за то, сколько раз я вам отвечаю, вы должны сделать убийство … LOL

J Bill

You’re 🗑️, your reading comprehension is trash, your humor sucks, and your Cheeto messiah wears diapers because he snorts Adderall lmaoooooooooo cry more

question everything

Come on now Jason, tell me how you really feel. I can tell you’re holding so much back. Don’t be afraid. Just get it out there.

J Bill

Cry more ❄️. Keep donating and keep waiting for the hopium to drop

question everything


question everything

I know what I am doing, let’s just leave it at that.

question everything

A man who had reached 100 yrs of age was once asked what he would have done differently in life if he could. I will always remember that one of the things he said was that he would go barefoot more often.




Keyboard warriors.


What’s your sign? A rainbow fag flag?

J Bill

My fist

And true, I am a keyboard warrior. I can do more damage with a keyboard than a gun. You’re new here

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill
J Bill

He’s been here about a month. Seems new enough to not know I can do more damage with a keyboard than a gun


Master of the urban dictionary I see.

question everything

It has been said that the pen is mightier than the sword…


Sez the GenLGBTBBQ’er

J Bill

Sex the racist boomer lmao 🤡


Just you sweet heart.

Rob William

Please get yourself checked.

John .S

Jan. 6th, LoL.
Sri Lanka News:


Sri Lanka has no food,gas,medical and now no Government…Monkey Werx has been following this for a while and said that this could be us soon

Last edited 2 years ago by stacylee
John .S

“Watch the Water” i.e., Lake Mead & Lake Powell.

Hydro Electric, Domestic Water grid failure. Fire hydrants run dry. Hmm, Mrs. O’Leary’s cow.

John .S

Video: Lake Mead in Crisis.



J Bill

dude needs donations. an optimistic economy won’t help

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

some say tedophilia is big in hollyweird


was that hu yaobang’s last words to his BDSM queen? lol


what with him making a big and quick donation into your bowels, WENDY?

J Bill

It’s chow night Jill! Get your fat ass wife to the chow line lmao


america, the last desert


shalomass alamu alaikum my komrades!

Ron Burgundy

Daily reminder that if you believe RRN is anything other than poorly written fanfiction for dumb, paranoid boomers you are probably legally retarded.

chris russ

Yet you find yourself here again.


Like you never poked retards with a stick when you were bored. How is the weather up there on your high horse?


some reports say tedophilia is big in hollyweird!!

question everything

Maybe this will help your condition, Ted…

Ron Burgundy

I need entertainment while pooping. Sue me.

Rob William

You got 100% in the first question. Keep going and finish the test.

J Bill

It’s free entertainment

Rob William

I think it can be added as an evaluation test for DSM-V.

Sandy Koufax

If what Baxter is posting is true, I would think he would have been arrested or worse by now. If what Baxter is posting is false, I would think he would have faced a lawsuit in Federal Court from one or more of the alleged Targets that would bankrupt him. Since neither Government nor the Targeted individuals have taken action against Baxter, after all this time, Baxter must working for the Government and with the blessing of those he targeted. Four of the last six articles don’t target a specific individual that could file a lawsuit. Obviously the bottleneck to publishing a new story is getting consent from the targeted individual so Baxter’s cover won’t be blown.


Mike posted a story about a Jewish school and vaccines and that was removed quickly. Legal action is pending since Mike did not understand what is covered under satire.



J Bill

Jill switched accounts properly!

question everything

Linking this with your other comment, “Like you never poked retards with a stick when you were bored”, it sounds like someone poked the wrong people group and quickly discovered who is really in charge.
Your ‘other comment’ does say a lot about who you really are at heart.

question everything

To suggest that “Journalists don’t make stupid mistakes, in – an on going basis” tells me that you don’t read much…lol…just sayin!

question everything

I didn’t mean to imply that you aren’t well-read, only that it is surprising to me how many mistakes and typos I come across when reading, especially in books that have been proofread many times.


Man guys this is not complicated. MB explicitly calls his writings satire. Satire is protected under the 1st Amendment. You might “think he would have faced a lawsuit in Federal Court from one or more of the alleged Targets that would bankrupt him” but that just is not correct. The ‘targets’ know that, because they are public figures, they would be wasting their time and money attempting to sue for defamation over plainly labeled satire. And that’s if they even know/care that this website exists at all. It’s just dumb internet fan-fiction that doesn’t affect their lives in any way. Tom Hanks isn’t losing acting gigs because some obscure truther blog claims he’s dead. Schiff/Newsom/Sotomayor/etc aren’t losing their offices or anything. They have no reason to actually give a shit about what a tiny number of internet crackpots believe about them.

MB doesn’t work for the government, he’s just some nobody grifter who writes fan-fiction for conspiracy-brained boomers. And chances are the articles are slowing down because he’s just getting bored of it, or donations money has dropped so much that keeping the stories going doesn’t really feel worthwhile anymore.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kai
Ron Burgundy

Also MB doesn’t have anything to collect even if you successfully sue him. He’s just some paranoid weirdo who ekes out a living scamming idiots.

Sandy Koufax

Baxter would have a judgement against him and if he earned any money in the future, his wages would be garnished.

Sandy Koufax

The targeted individuals don’t have to win the lawsuit to bankrupt Baxter. Lawyers charge $1000 per hour to represent clients in Federal Court. It’s called Lawfare.


Baxter (or should I say Tuff in) wouldn’t have to pay shit, he could win such a case easily with a public defender, or maybe even self-representing. This is a settled precedent regarding the 1st Amendment, the law it just plainly on his side for as long as he presents his garbage as satire.

J Bill

Do the copypasta dziok!

Sandy Koufax

LOL! at the Trump COVID Shot addict. Getcha Boosta!

Rob William

Worst ticket ever but likely to win!


” Turn out the lights. The party’s over. And tomorrow starts the same old thing again” Dandy Don Meridith ca. 1978


I Will Check. Back with RRN on Monday

J Bill

Uh ok thanks. Go make you husband happy for once


well, one thing is for sure, YOUR husband wants to open his bowels on jbll’s chest! smear-campaign for shizzle my bizzle!

J Bill

Did you wipe your chin before posting today?


I. Will take the weekend off, Have a great Day !😉


Ten days of Darkness ?
Does the Apocalypse start soon ?
Is everyone prepared ?
I doubt that the TROLLS ,Shills and the Randos have given it a second thought.
Yet ..everyone with a sound mind and rational thinking, are successfully
Ignoring those trolls, bots,shills and RANDOS.☺

J Bill

Already had 11 days of darkness. What else do you need?


cover your windows….

J Bill

what’s next?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

You said the Ten Days of Darkness were happening weeks ago. Then nothing happened, like always. Are we just gonna have a regularly scheduled Ten Days of Darkness every month now? 😴

Rob William

We had 30 nights of darkness in June. How does night or day make a difference?


Mr. Baxter why haven’t you been posting??


Because the donations dried up.


on your chest greazy!


He got bored of making up these same old stories, not having fun with it, not getting enough donations in to make it feel worthwhile


but tedophilia and jbill never get bored making donations into your bowels.

Georgia guidstones really got to yall huh? Cope

J Bill



Part of a good insult is that the words actually make sense on some way


friendly raillery, imo?

but to your point…

does it not make sense or are you looking at it from a level OF non-sense?

J Bill



I am sure they checked out the 666 miles from the satanic/leftist stone site to the leftist UN via the leftist G00gle maps . . . LOL!! My sources are always alternative media that is not satanic.