The criminal Biden regime has in recent weeks stated its new and improved Internal Revenue Service will only perform additional audits on citizens earning greater than $400,000 annually. However, the Service’s disgraced director, Charles P. Rettig, told new hires at the “Dallas Tax Assistance Center” that employees working for “my revamped IRS” would in 2023 collect “inarticulable” tax revenue from the old and the young, the rich and the poor, and the healthy and the indigent.
On Tuesday, September 20, Rettig visited an orientation class of 45 new employees whose applications had been approved the evening the Senate passed the cabal’s unconstitutional Health, Tax, and Climate Bill, which bestowed on the IRS $80bn and the ability to hire 87,000 tax enforcement agents.
It’s unclear how many of the 45 will be pencil pushers and how many will become members of the IRS’s gestapo police force, the armed Criminal Investigation Unit, but Rettig’s message to all was as ominous as it was universal and meticulously clear: “Show me the money.”
That brief quote should not be interpreted as comedy. A Service whistleblower privy to the class told Real Raw News that Rettig thrice parroted the phrase from the film Jerry Maguire. In it, the eponymous character, a sports agent portrayed by Tom Cruise, shouts “show me the money” at his clients. Although Rettig did not shout, his repetitive use of the phrase should alarm all hard-working, taxpaying citizens. Rettig, our source said, spoke coolly and calmly when telling the class that the IRS had a moral and financial impetus—and the right—to scrutinize, dissect, and analyze every American tax return.
“Show me the money. Get their money, our money” Rettig said.
“Under my guidance, the Internal Revenue Service will collect unprecedent federal tax revenue in coming years,” Rettig went on. “Your responsibility is getting what we’re owed. Some of you will fulfill this role from an office, others from the street. You will hear sob stories; people will beg, they will plead. Yours is not a sympathetic ear. You may have to audit your mother who’s on a fixed income and failed to report a winning scratch off ticket.”
Rettig also suggested all Americans are tax cheats: “Some of you sitting here have probably taken a deduction or five you weren’t entitled to. Maybe you logged a vacation as a business expense. They all do it, but it stops now.”
When a new hire raised his hand to ask a question and wanted to know what the IRS plans to do about illegal immigrants that get paid under the table and, therefore, file no tax returns, Rettig shamed him for using the word ‘illegal,’ calling it pejorative hate speech, and said the IRS would not at this time chase down “undocumented residents.”
“Rettig didn’t talk specific brackets,” our source said. “But he definitely wanted it ingrained in their heads that his word is law, and what he says goes. Right now, these new hire classes are taking place in cities across the country.”
The website is undergoing modifications and formatting that may cause it to temporarily render wonkily. As many know, when RRN launched two years ago, we had an AdSense account that allowed us to earn revenue through ad serving. When Google began cancelling sites that challenged the 2020 election results, RRN was caught in the mix and canceled. After that, we turned to our loyal readers to help us stay afloat; many generous persons gave donations, large and small, and for that we are thankful. We have always been in search of other advertisers to work with, but for conservative sites, they are few and far between. We may have found one. We don’t know how it will turn out. If the ads work and are profitable, we will naturally stop soliciting donations. In the meantime, we certainly appreciate those who continue supporting us. In these perilous times, every dollar helps.
Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
No contract, no taxes. Sorry but you will learn at your new IRS job that some people are not US Citizens. So when you are going door to door and you come to mine. You will learn that we have no contract for you to provide me with any services. Service is what a Bull does to a Cow in their industry lingo terms. So take that IRS shit back to Puerto Rico where you are headquartered. I don’t care if you are from Mars, FBI, IRS… you are a man and we are equal until you produce the contract or claim. So sit the fuck down and get the contract. Because I do not contract with assholes. I use contracts for hire not applications for employment. Contract makes the law of the parties. No one can interfere with the performance of contracts, that is a crime. All crimes are commercial. Because all US Citizen is property. No one ever thinks to ask “Citizen”? of what city?
So Biden blew up the Russian pipe line yesterday just like he promised in February and him and the rest of the cabal are trying to blame it on Russia. Why would he blow up his on gas pipe line when he is making money from selling gas to Europe. Trying to start war with Russia
Why is it so hard to believe a russian passport just happened to be floating on the surface of water in this area of operation? There is no other explanation other than RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA did it! Russia helped trump win and then they turned around and helped biden win. Those russki double-crossers!
I guess the House of Saud will have to sell their NG to EU through their pipeline?
If you read The Gateway Pundit article published today, all of the above is included in the analysis and how/why it is more possible/probable that Xiden, et al, gave the order.
Surprised it wasn’t Pres. Trumps passport they found.
There is a good analysis of this on The Gateway Pundit today.
Who will the patriots remove from the US first? jews and muslims? Brown skinned socialists from the lower latitudes or turncoat white american liberals? Or maybe all?
The Anunnaki shapeshifters will be the first to go. Can’t trust anyone is really who they purport to be with those sneaky lizard bastards around.
Likely none, because the conservative movement is growing with all of the above. However, conservatives are not condoning the addition of 100 million unvetted foreigners to change our demographics so that the leftists force can the US., Mexico and Canada into a region with a Regional Government. Nor do conservatives believe that leftists should decide who should live in regard to their depop program.
Sure is quiet at Gitmo.
nah, the blood floweth silently.
It’s closed, boarded up. Budget reallocated to the IRS.
I have a friend that works there,he confirmed on Sunday that its still there and very busy
Sorry to have to break this to you Stacy, but your friend is probably a crisis actor, and always has been. In fact if you’ve never made physical contact with him, it is possible that he’s made of CGI.
Lol,no,I would know that forsure,and I saw him in person Sunday….but another thing he said was that CGI is being used right now more than its ever been used before
Interesting, how many famous actors has he personally witnessed getting executed at Gitmo?🤔
If you are wondering why there are no new stories, look at the donations.
Wow, you’re not even trying to be imaginative anymore, just straight up shillery!
Mr. Baxter…is beautie from CNN..Stelter hang or not ??? its 7 days and no news about this…are you “out of ” town ???????
No they let him go, Gitmo Dentention Center has been closed down due to budget cuts. Mike just doesn’t have the heart to tell you guys, that’s why he’s been gone all week.
Mr Baxter:
For me, RRN is the most significant news, that really matters, right now.
6 days since this last post.
I can’t believe that there is nothing else of importance going on.
When you returned from vacation, you mentioned that, for some time, you would put out 3 postings a day, in order to catch up on the backlog.
What is going on? Are you in need of more funding?
Are you being restrained or constrained?
stfu shill
he needs more funding lmaooooooooo
write more mikey
The 3 posts a day thing was just another classic MB lie, it was never going to happen 🙃
Hi Biggs👋🏻good to see you,Im just doing a quick check for more executions,lol
Hey Stacy! No executions today or anytime recently it seems, hope you’re having a good day though 🙂
prove it bitch
can’t prove a neg, even in past tense!
I literally can in this case. Just look at the RRN archive, dummy. The articles have their publish dates on them. At no point since his vacation in June has he ever posted 3 or more articles in one day 😂
“…, it was never going to happen”
until it did happen.
It never happened dummy. Everyone can see the dates MB posted stories on. You really are just dumb as a brick, huh.
lol. but i’m not the one getting shot down when I unceasingly try to prove a neg!
Lol literally nobody talks or cares about this “prove a neg” bullshit besides you
Wed, September 28th, 11:00 am. PST.
It. Is a Beautiful DAY…Enjoy !
Thanks WC! Having a nice day here, hope you are too
human feces on the sidewalk, illegal aliens consuming much of state resources, fags and lesbos everywhere, the lion’s share of the population loves ignorance…what’s not to like about CALI?
Lol this is what happens when your entire perception of CA comes from reading garbage right-wing bloggers who have never been to CA either.
lol. i used to live in n county SD and partied in hollyweird!
Oh cool, how much adrenochrome did you consume?
This guy get busted yet?
they may likely be letting him have one more rainbow gathering with his fellow butt-burglar socialists. gotta admit though, rettig looks like an aged version of that crazy white male liberal who killed the maga teen.
You sure think about gay sex a lot, apropos of nothing
he is the original gaybill after all
The original Gaybill was that prick TW,good to see you J Bill
yea, Julie is usually a man for libtards. for fuck’s sake you people are idiots
I like to give my readers what they request!
your reply is too intellectual
Probably he was apprehended as hush-hush, in adhesion as designated recipient of illicit procurement of 23.5 thousand hand guns that were seized upon transport.
Others face collateral repercussions too, ripe for picking.
No doubt, serious ricochet effect is ongoing, in the words of cartoon character of our generation Sheriff Ricochet Rabbit: “Bing-Bing-Bing”.
The euro kleptokrats are going to have a hard time this winter?
No gas, commerce collapsing, fx’s collapsing vis a vis USD.
Socialism at its finest!
BASF may likely shut down! lol The west’s industrial base is fucked.
give me b0fa back (or deb)
give me some wontons chink
let me post as b0fa and i’ll give you some wontons
and you can spell wonton as well as ak47!
Be Gay All Day, by Gay J
Wait so is the gas line attack a good thing or a bad thing? I thought you were on Putin’s side, you’re sending mixed messages here
or you misinterpret?
What’s the experts at RRN suggestion for the people who get stuck in hurricane Ian and get battered — should they allow themselves to be rescued by FEMA or should they hide when they see FEMA teams?
Patriots could perhaps rescue Americans in FEMA from FEMA.
Why did your boy DeSantis ask for FEMA assistance? Did Trump never tell him about Deep State Dark Lord Obama’s guillotine camps or what? 🤷♂️
what am I babysitting santis now?
Someone has to, or else he’s going to go illegally flying more migrants around the country in private jets and getting himself sunk into more legal trouble 🙃
illegals flying illegally? no way! that’s illegal!
sounds like socialism to me
nah, socialism is when I take your $ and keep some and give some to your neighbor.
They should stay where they are because the hurricane is not real. Pure CGI. All the people ‘fleeing’ from the hurricane are just crisis actors.
Wow, I was kicking that around too.
Wonder if crisis actors are part of the Screen Actors Guild?
Good chance it’s CGI, to avoid paying royalties.
On serious note: myself actually witnessed people during Hurricane Sandy wearing lipstick and knee pads, deepthroating FEMA personnel for blankets and MREs.
Those engaged in fellatio are potential stool pigeons in telling FEMA who is armed in immediate vicinity.
Told one of my deepthroating neighbors: “if FEMA comes knocking at my house after his fellatio escapade, he will learn about the Gemini Method”.
Heard it is a requirement to suck dick to apply for FEMA job
What’s your proof of CGI? The burden of proof is on you inasmuch as you are making a positive declaration.
Just look at the footage. The “hurricane” is clearly a green screen. Do your research.
it’s not green bro. that’s just how it looks for fag liberals in cali
Rob’s key Q&A talking point: “should they allow themselves to be rescued by FEMA or should they hide when they see FEMA teams?
Was hoping to read rational response, twist of humor doesn’t hurt.
Letting FEMA into state; could that infringe upon the 3rd Amendment? Give that some considerable thought.
Many seen what happened during Hurricane Katrina via door to door gun grab, also Patty Connie saga, and Danziger bridge shooting.
MSM was calling fleeing Americans refugees, now think about that.
If Katrina is not a wake-up call, then you’re doomed, go run to FEMA, have lipstick and knee pads at ready. Yo-yo [you’re on your own].
Was Gitmo severely disrupted by the category 3 hurricane hitting western Cuba?
Nah. It’s on the south eastern corner of Cuba. Well out of danger.
OMG, Cuban disruption that means: paying higher cigar price.
Rising cigar prices are all part of the movie. Trust the plan bro.
if you offer that to another, are you implying you trust the plan?
Yes of course I do. The real question is…. which plan? 🤔
Have a MTG with MTG!
Myself avid hunter, have impressive trophy wall.
Went hogging back in the day. Cocaine and Jack Daniels my ammunition. Woke up in motel with some real big ones.
Upon awakened sobriety took mirror off wall, cut a few lines, took a few snorts and gave the hog another shot before parting ways, no breakfast, called taxi.
I tell the kids about 1980’s hog hunting that blows their mind. Kids referenced Bumpkin, I said WTF is that? When told it blew my mind.
Go for ugly early and beat the rush at closin’ time..
Days of questing promiscuity are gone.
I’m content with a nice plate of Linguine White Clam with bottle of wine.
Playing hide the salami a bonus, still hear: “not now, have a headache”.
No news from RRN of late??
Wonder who will be executed on Oct 1st. in kicking off the October Surprise?
The 1st falls on a Saterday, whereas the law sleeps on Sunday [no executions].
Last year Bill Gates kicked off the October Surprise, no doubt a significant surprise.
Putting a ghoul pool together, any takers in who kicks off this October Surprise? I’m on the fence with David Axelrod; what say you?
Post your choice in who it could be, there’s considerable detainees to choose from.
Nothing wrong with some friendly handicapping from within, mixing things up.
Again, post your pick, you could be a winner, many prizes e.g., coffee mugs, T-shirts and caps LoL.
your mom
are you still getting donations from micehlle obama on your chest gay j?
i donate to earl’s wife’s mouth
Hey OWD,just checking in real quick to see if anyone else got chugged with no luck🤣
Paul Pelosi? Probably already hung him on the 23rd.
I don’t know. Most of the big players are already dead. Clinton bush biden obama.. all dead.
So many have gone silent in the last 2 weeks. When was the last time anyone heard form AOC or Omar? The entire 2016 democrat lineup is MIA. I don’t know.
BUT, I do know this. My life has been improving. There seems to be more energy available. It’s a trickle, but I’ve been in a 30 year drought. This can mean only one thing: bad guys are being deported off-world.
October surprise? I hope it’s information. The paradigm shifting kind.
George, your last paragraph is spot on, you’re a true winner.
Heck with coffee mugs, t-shirt and caps, would buy you and your guest a steak dinner if beneficial paradigm comes to fruition.
Also in celebrating the Children via paradigm shift ending Child Trafficking.
Will envite others herein to join us, though they have to pay their own way. Vegans and vegetarians are welcomed.
The ultimate October surprise: Donald Trump. Berger will finally make him pay for all that vaccine shilling he’s done!
Hoping for an update today. Bless you, MB
masturbate with your own material
why not? michelle obama masturbates with her own material!
then write something for jan mikey
i will as soon as you write something interesting shit-licker
nope. beg more !!! lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
bring back b0fa !!!!
bring back wontons!
make b0fa great again!!!!!!
Be Gay all Day
By J
Awaiting Stelter news, have work in progress, need Brian’s final episode to complete undertaking.
Going to drop a informational wham bam, no doubt it will be a WTF moment for those in receipt.
Hillary was precise in saying: “we’re losing the information war”.
they should take some fat from stetler and make soap to give to jews for their showers
Soap is made from animal fat, not humans, in actuality animal fat is called: tallow.
Big difference between soap & detergent. We wash clothes with laundry detergent that lacks tallow, not clogging the pores of fabric, maintaining higher absorption rate.
Biggest misconception: Laundry Soap, it’s ‘detergent’. Won’t see the word ‘soap’ on manufacturers label.
FYI: go to swimming pool supply, buy soda ash [baking soda] put 1/2 cup in washer machine, cloths come out clean. Also 1/2 cup of “sudsy ammonia” keyword: “Sudsy”, often it’s pink, quilts and comforters come out soft, especially goose down, no clumping when drying.
Soda Ash is a water softening agent, utilizing less detergent in laundry, and less chlorine in a swimming pool.
Institutional laundry facilities, and municipal swimming pools utilize soda ash.
Those that utilize [calcified/lime or other mineral] well water will notice big difference with soda ash. No need for fabric softener in rinse recycle.
(OxiClean) LoL.
PS: use of antibacterial soap kills aerobic and nonaerobic bacteria in cesspools and septic tanks.
Flush yeast in toilet to rejuvenate putrification [sewage decomposition] if having private disposal problems. Baby Wipes a big no-no, causing many issues, encluding excavating leaching fields, new perforated piping.
Gimme a name Jan, any name. I’ll write some murder porn for you, I know you’ve been suffering through a drought of it while MB isn’t writing any new stories.
they want us to be broke so they can control us and make us a communist country thats the evil plan
Europe will fall first.
another 40 year old dies of “cancer”.. hmmm.. i see a pattern here..
Wake up. She wasn’t real. Amazon created her to get women owned business tax credit. You fell for the oldest trick in the book.
We know wozz does not like liars. So you do not support amzn?
I don’t even keep track anymore. Its only the beginning.
So many of unfortunate people die due cancer. What’s the pattern you are talking about?
the pattern of ugly chinks posting on the web!
Cancer famously just ceased to exist right after the covid vaccines were released.
nah, it’s just that the folks died from the clotshot and cannot be counted as CA
Lol was that supposed to be a link at the bottom? It’s like 30% of a link
another person in “tech”.. dies of natural causes at 41.. i live in Kent.. and i know ALL THE LOCAL tech companies pretty much REQUIRE Cvd vax’s to work or make it VERY uncomfortable for non-compliance. Blue Origin requires employees to wear a badge with an indicator of being vaxed.. kinda like the yellow stars.. someone i know worked there and he said it is like wearing your VAX STATUS on your chest for all to see.. who are the compliant transhumans and if you don’t have your little covd vax seal of approval.. you’re a bad little human and will be ostracized and treated like shit for not going along with the plandemic forced ccp agenda of massive vaxes for all. so sick.. anyway.. another one bites the dust..
Meenakshi Sundaram, RIP
jeff bezos collects another body
Most bachelors and masters degree holders took the jabb blindly to keep their job and way of life. Low hanging fruit waited in line for the mark of the beast. Many continuing to do so. Its bizarre, really.
Stay away from them. Especially since yesterdays announcement about the shedding in breast milk.
They are walking incubators for that chit.
that mark of the beast is dope. the only thing better is adrenochrome
Yeah clearly Angel has not heard about all the sick perks that come with the mark
figured you’d be more enamored of michelle obama dropping a shit on your chest!
Well I figured I wouldn’t have a life to have a way of life if I took the poison jab. So if I hadn’t been able to get my religious exemption I was going to sell my house and move to South Carolina or Florida. but I’m near the end of my career and I can understand the temptation of the younger people full of piss and vinegar who think they have their life path going finally and then to have to quit and start over I get the temptation. but I would never have fallen for it even back then. Hell back then I was working with the Libertarian Party thinking we could wake sheeple up and get people to vote the new world order out. So naive. I gave up and quit after about 5 years and I figured we were heading into the new world order. I wish I had known about Q earlier.There was much that I didn’t know. The corruption was way worse than I knew. I was so depressed when they stole the election but I began watching the Gaia network and saw “Above Majestic” and I began to realize Trump hadn’t given the country up. It’s still depressing seeing the death jab injuries at work but it gave me some hope. Then of course, I began to find more info.
anybody esle think Florida Hit is deliberate to wipe out old folks drawing SS and MAGA voters in one fell swoop via HARP… too much of a coincidence that millions of Patriots moved to Florida in last couple years and then ZAP.. Mother of All Hurricanes destroys hallf the state with massive floods, no power, etc.. Seems like a GLOBaLIST’s sweet dream to hammer FLORIDA’s freedom loving folks who defied Covid castration with “FUCK YOU” to their evil plans. Communist democrats want to destroy what FLorida respresents to the rest of Red America.
Why did “real” DeSantis call body double Biden for help regarding Hurricane Ian? Why is he taking help from FEMA?
DeSantis has clearly been compromised. They replaced him with a pro-Biden, pro-FEMA clone when we weren’t looking.
yes, good point. somehow israel compromised him. we need to scutinize the jews more.
Nice try but Israel isn’t real either. It’s pure CGI, the whole country. All of its “citizens” are just Deep State actors on a soundstage in Akron, Ohio.
your side must be desperate if you are going for the ‘hail mary it’s all cgi’ angle!
Biden spoke with a couple of FL representatives but NOT DeSantis. Stop watching MSM
Biden or his body double?
go away chink
L’Shana Tova, Sheenie lovers!
(Happy Jew Year)!
G. Lire assessmemt of Gas sabotage:
The retaliation will be interesting.
nobody cares
Everyone cares. I hope they drop the nuke on your house, you pos.
You want Putin to drop a nuke in America? Damn Angel why do you hate the US so much?
No one is going to drop a (nuke) anywhere in the world.
You need to calm down !
Angel is the one wishing for nukes to be dropped, not me
yea, you’re just one of the millions of idiots who want to pay for illegals’ medical costs. why not just throw your $ at em when they leave TJ’s?
why does california hate the US so much? keep working biggs. yall have lots of illegals’ medical costs to pay for!
I thought you guys were all about state’s rights, why do you get so mad at California for exercising our freedom? 🤷♂️
it’s cool if you were giving just YOUR $, but your state government keeps crying for more fed funds! CA/NJ need perennial subsidies piker
Freedom for illegal aliens and convicts to walk across the border and live in sanctuary cities. Freedom to de-fund the police. Freedom to abort babies at birth. Freedom to allow non citizens to vote. Freedom to rob and loot businesses, Freedom to traffic children, Freedom to send drag queens to elementary schools and show their genitals. Freedom to dishonor American history. Freedom to replace the American flag with a rainbow fag. Freedom to sell addictive and killer drugs on the streets. Freedom to commit heinous crimes and be released the next day. Freedom to defecate on the sidewalks, just to name a few of the great california policies that you love. Who wouldn’t want that kind of freedom? Californians keep re-electing the same great leaders with freedom of mail in ballots. Could be why everyone is wanting to live there.
nobody cares what you think. you’re a fuckin nazi lmao
….says the one who cares enough to write. total self own ffs. what an idiot
nobody cares mike! lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
idgaf if i reply or don’t reply. words don’t mean shit. watching you beg for donations otoh is fucking hilarious lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
well, there’s always beds gay j
I Care.. And I and Angel aren’t nobody’s….
Many people on RRN DO CARE.
You are NOT very NICE !
cut them some slack. it’s different in a chinese communist slave camp, so I hear.
except fo ryou gay J
From Michael:
“Have been having issues with backend of website. Hope to have it resolved this afternoon so we can publish what we have. Thank you for your patience”
Let’s keep our eyes peeled after Mike fixes everything.
👍. 😏. And Thank You
Actually the problem is complete fabrication, which means any messaging from RRN with possibly decent traction is drowned in the hyperbole.
Rose Mary said RRN was raided by the FBI. I can believe that.
sure why not? you believe biden ‘won an election’ somewhere!
is your sense of humor in chinese too?
Michael Baxter has everything under control,
the financial situation is working itself out…
There are not enough articles.
The political climate is not his fault. HE IS JUST THE MESSENGER.
The crazy idea that this site is owned and operated by the CCP is delusional.
Perhaps your sources are from the CCP or DNC…
ARE YOU OVER WORKED ? I suspect acetone. Poisoning.. Again.
You need 8 hours of sleep a recharge your batteries.
Perhaps you need a vacation from RRN until you can get yourself together.
I blame the TROLLS for the twisted ideas they plant..
Ignore them…!😼
Oh yeah totally WC, the reason MB writes so few articles is not because he’s bored or running out of ideas or the donations are drying up. It’s because of the trolls posting comments here, in the comment section he doesn’t read.
If he starts reading all the comments, he will be extremely angry with me.
lol. no one is angry with you fool.
thank you for finally admitting your troll-hood. The first step is the hardest. is it not cali man?
I’ve been very open about my troll-hood for over a year, please try to keep up.
so after one year you are still on step one?
You don’t donate enough for MB to quit his day job and write more articles.
imagine chained to a ccp desk forced to write on a nobody site
Cool scenario you imagined that does not apply to anyone.
another neg, bitch. You’re slipping Biggly, Biggs.
cool story olivia!
Je connais la date de l’évènement
Malheureusement vous les américains ne pouvez pas la connaitre….restons dans le mystère
卐 l’événement 卐
I know the date of the event.
Unfortunately, you Americans cannot know it.
Let’s stay in the mystery.
Is it French? Why should we believe in what French people say? They are the most extreme left with 4 days a week work and 2 years firing notice period.
Hah! Yes, it’s French. All I did was translate, nothing more. I never said we should believe what the French people say so I will not agree or disagree with your statement.
and muslims all over the place. target rich environment!
October 5th?
That’s what I have heard,I just hope that October 5th doesn’t come and go and nothing happens……
no, 9/24. 10/5 is the disinfo campaign
Actually, nothing earth shattering will happen on Oct 5, 2022. I think the most dreaded future scenario is 2024 Trump victory – if it happens, American democracy will cease to exist.
Another demented Biden voter….
what do you know about the US chink?
allez dans le grenier cherchez les livres ,rayon histoire.
Et Vous saurez que le même évènement a déjà eu lieu …. mais il a échoué…. C’est octobre mais je ne dévoilerai pas le jour
Where’s Maria?
Dernier spermatozoïde
The US Corporation(Biden Administration) is bankrupt — they have NO money so the IRS cannot be paid!
They just sold off Snowden. Id say they’re out of options and any dignity they had left.
Maybe that is why they destroyed the Nordstream Pipeline.
They will not stop poking the bear.
Foreign or domestic.
good job vlad!!!!!! lmao
Who ‘sold Snowden off’ in your mind? He fled from the US over 9 years ago
snowden is a psyop. putin will execute him.
Billions every year to Israhell for PNAC/AIPAC purposes, not to mention ADL having a very cozy relationship with Faceberg, Jewgle, DHS and on and on and on and on (look at the information objectively), and now 1.5 billion a MONTH to Khazaria itself after helping jews there take total control of the government of Ukraine, and now we listen to Blinken and the rest of Biden “you don’t have to be jewish to be a zionist” Biden and his mostly jewish cabinet and upper government dictate the nation’s policy to other nations. You are some dirt dumb used up fools. This was staring you in the face your whole damn lives. I’d probably like to rip any brass I see off of your uniforms, and fruit salad I see, and punch a hole through your damn chests and excoriate you one by one rather than look at this disgusting and stupid site again, even if it is just entertainment. Everything in me hates your sorry cowardly stupid asses.
That’s nice Afshin but why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
Afshit wants to be ashfuq’d
Sounds like my wedding vows.
i’ve been tellingya…cohabitation!
Fuck off, Sand Nigger. Dolly Lama, your favourite sheep is bleating out your name… Go service her.
Buck is the best, Wendy. At least he doesn’t smell like cat shit like you do.
Lol,clever OWD
Sand niggers aren’t my neighbours.
We have no Sand Niggers in the NNZ. Only white people.
as long as they are not jewhite
I THINK everyone ON THIS SITE KNOWs BOY TOY DANCING FREAKO zELENSKY IS A WEF NEONATZI ZIONIST SOROS PLANT.. WE ARE NOT FANS OF POURING MONEY INTO THAT BIO WEAPON NATZI NEST OF CORRUPTION..LIKE I SAID.. stop ALL FOREIGN AID to these corrupt shithole 3rd world countries that do NOTHING but come slapping us back with unending flow of immigrants/refugees from the very countries we tried to help.. fuckery all around.. AMERICA FIRST.. DEPORT ILLEGALS and STOP UNITED NATIONS Amendment 51 that ALLOW OPEN BORDERS OF 3 WORLDERS TO REPLACE US INTO OBLIVION!! ASYLUM LAWS are TOTALLY ANTI AMERICAN Way to DESTROY US WITH these leaches.
Thats ok,this isn’t a site for NAMBLA members anyway….there are only adults on this site🤷♀️
hear here! fucky yea!
Our Zoom watch party has been postponed due to the hurricane. Sources have said that the committee is not comfortable moving detainees such as Ginny Thomas from GITMO during this event. We will reschedule soon.
What a bummer.
I detect a great disturbance in the Force…!
Some of us on RRN deserve a well earned Vacation.
Relax , Enjoy your Day !
This is the Calm before the Storm.
mike’s on another vacation? what a slacker
Maybe he volunteered for service in Russia?
mike showed up like ralph wiggum ready for war with a rusty ass ak47. but he’s got that cool camo hat covering his face lmao
impressed. you can spell AK47!
to stomp on gay nazis like gay j
Ron DeSantis declared on live TV that FEMA help is on standby for the storm. Doesn’t he know that FEMA is the biggest villain in the RRNVerse? How can he take FEMAs help in disaster? Is a person more likely to die by FEMA or lack of FEMA support post storm?
I sure don’t trust them since obama had many camps built across the nation, each with a guillotine and a crematorium.
Why does DeSantis want their help? Do you think he’s planning to send his constituents to the guillotine death camps?
only the jew consitituents
Have you seen them? You
I don’t know, it shouldn’t be a priority.
Cancer rates are down since the shots started. Think about it.
Heard it came down by $1.54 per case.
$420 actually
stop sucking on mechelle obama’s blunt
Wrong. VAERS website shows that people who were in remission have had their cancer return.
Research it
well, that make sense since the population is cratering owing to the clotshots. Think about it.
They won’t offer. They’ll just force it on you and if you refuse, you’ll get zero help even with the barest of essentials. That’s what happened the last time. I understand that even so, they did force the jab on many.
Baxter has hated FEMA since his Anunnaki story days. These stories should be writing themselves.
HARP issues creating hurricanes.
January 6th committee going to GITMO.
FBI admitting they planted documents.
This is a target rich environment.
Can only conclude that his heart just isn’t in it. He could be pumping out 2+ articles a day with all this low hanging fruit.
you’ve got a hardon for neg conclusions piker!
Since all minds are joined, you tell us why there are no stories like these.
Currently have 50 of each Stelter Articles, Arrested & Convicted, ready to go.
Awaiting on: “Brian Stelter Executed” nothing more or less in headline, correlating in sequence of previous.
Arrested – Convicted – Executed
Not all heroes wear capes.
Some wear sandpaper condoms.