Trump Tells Allies to Shred Unlawful DOJ Subpoenas


A defiant President Donald J. Trump on Thursday offered aides, allies, and staffers a verbal suggestion: at once shred any subpoenas served by the FBI or other militarized branches of the department of justice, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

Trump’s proclamation comes days after the feds issued unlawful subpoenas and/or search warrants to 40 of his longtime associates or friends, including My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell, whose vehicle the FBI surrounded after he had just finished a meal at an Arby’s restaurant. In all cases, the FBI unconstitutionally seized cell phones and other electronic devices as part of a broader operation—a witch-hunt—to dissuade Trump from entering the 2024 race while simultaneously waging a war of attrition against his most ardent backers.

President Trump, our source said, is now saying the regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena Trump’s allies, or any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable, he added.

“This is a cabal, a felonious administration. President Trump wants people to know they don’t have to abide unconstitutional orders,” he went on.

Trump on Thursday evening made a phalanx of phone calls, reaching out to over 100 persons he said might be next on the FBI’s hitlist. He told them that anyone abiding a DOJ subpoena was doing so voluntarily, though likely unwittingly. He excoriated the Biden cartel for its flagrant contempt of the Constitution, saying the weaponized DOJ has no qualms suppressing free speech and violating the 4th Amendment.

“You can do what you want to do, but if you comply with them, you’re acknowledging and legitimizing some very bad people,” Trump reportedly said.

On some phone calls, Trump told a story about how his personal pilot, John Dunkin, had been harassed by the FBI at Dulles International Airport earlier this week. While Trump visited his Virginia golf course, FBI agents cornered Dunkin at an airport restaurant, handed him a subpoena, and demanded he surrender his cell phone. Rather than blindly surrendering his private property, Dunkin phoned Trump for advice. “They’re harassing you, John?” Trump said. “This is outrageous. The country has never seen anything like this. I can’t tell you what to do, John, but if I were you, I’d shred it in their faces.”

And that, our source said, is exactly what Dunkin did, and the FBI, though flustered, left sans Mr. Dunkin’s cell phone.

“That they targeted the president’s pilot shows this isn’t about January 6. They’re going after anyone close to trump, trying to scare them, isolate Trump. Not everyone Trump spoke to was as brazen as John Dunkin. Some, and I’m not naming names, said they were afraid,” our source said.

Some people Trump spoke with, our source added, challenged his notion that the FBI was powerless to prosecute them. They had family to think about, and their careers. They didn’t have military protection, they argued, and wanted absolute assurance that Trump would shield them from Deep State retaliation.

A few bemoaned Trump’s inability to free the dauntless, intrepid patriots whom the DOJ wrongfully imprisoned for visiting the Capitol—the People’s House—on January 6.

If you couldn’t protect them, how can you protect us? was the message. Trump replied that truly patriotic Americans—as opposed to the Antifa activists involved on January 6—would eventually be vindicated and receive full pardons.

“Everything going on with the Biden regime is factitious, Trump wanted them to know. The Deep State is easily provoked—that’s true. Trump wants a cohesive stance against it. The Deep State is empowered by blind compliance. The greater the resistance, the stronger we are,” our source said.

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Jose Ramirez

And we still waiting for November, while Americans are dying. What a fucking joke!


Funny thing we can tell when Biden is using his double and he is not there saying squat to the American people. We believe a double?


The FBI has no charter to operate in America. It is the Rockerfeller families domestic military arm. The Rockefellers usurped the Pinkerton agency and turned it into the FBI. It is the Rockefellers attempt at serving the Pilgrims Society for the Rothschilds.

Sojourner Truth

How impressive that the FBI left without John Dunkin’s phone after he shredded their subpoena! We need a courage contagion!

It’s encouraging to hear that the J6 people will be fully pardoned, although at least one, in the meantime has committed suicide.

By the way, the restaurant where the FBI ambushed patriot Mike Lindell was a Hardees not Arby’s. God will have the last laugh on the tyrant team. He will be laughing, “Hardee har har!”


When is Trump going to announce that he is running for president in 2024…..all this could totally screw Biden of any chances of fucking with Trump


Trump knows that he is back on Sept. 24 and those subpoenas will not be enforceable. Zetatalk revealed Trump arrived in D.C. to be sworn in and gave 24th for the big news.


What’s happening here is these FBI agents are outing themselves as the cabal. They fall for the trap every time because they are desperate.


Just following orders… the higher ups do not care if the peons are outed.


i know we have collectively read and heard this before, but it needs to be written and said over and over. “Any law that is repugnant to the united States Constitution is null and void on it’s face”. ~Marbury vs Madison~


Any law that is repugnant to the United States Constitution is null and void on it’s face”. ~Marbury vs Madison~


We have to call for the immediate abolishment of the four leading out of control terrorist agencies in the country and to begin the process before the end of this year. FBI, CIA, IRS, & DOJ. All are deep state entrenched and all extremely dangerous to our freedoms. The process for abolishment of fed agencies, involves calling for and the gathering of a convention of states. We currently have only 19 states signed up. We need 34,(2/3rds).

Last edited 2 years ago by Joanna
Michelle Armstrong

Theyre doing this cuz they dont fear Trump or think he has any power. Not realizing Trump has been following the plan that was created a long time ago. A plan to show the world how bad the corruption is. A plan to wake the dumbed down IGNORANT sheep up but man its a very slow process & at times feels pointless now, cuz theres no chance of it happening with these fake Biden followers.


Quick note before I go to work …


Have a great day, all!


The fake unelected corrupt demonic biden regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its fake DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable.

“This is a cabal, a felonious administration. President Trump wants people to know they don’t have to abide unconstitutional orders.”


Our incumbent President (Trump) is basically telling peaceful Patriots to ignore the corrupt three letter agencies subpoenas corrupted by the Kenyan citizen and luciferian hillary.

The fake unelected corrupt demonic biden regime is not a lawful body of governance, and, therefore, its DOJ appendages have no authority to subpoena Trump’s allies, or any American, for that matter. The subpoenas do not carry the weight of the law and are unenforceable, he added.

“This is a cabal, a felonious administration. President Trump wants people to know they don’t have to abide unconstitutional orders,” he went on.


I am going to watch Trump tomorrow on Newsmax in central time 5:00pm

Light Dancing

“Everything going on with the Biden regime is factitious,? You need a better spell-checker/editor helping you. I frequently find a typing/spelling error in your otherwise wonderful reports, but this one is especially bad. I believe you meant to say fictitious, instead of factitious.


The Queen is dead(finally publicly) the crown agencies need to die with her. The constitution doesn’t give them authority.

Last edited 2 years ago by johnny

“Everything going on with the Biden regime is factitious, Trump wanted them to know. The Deep State is easily provoked—that’s true. Trump wants a cohesive stance against it. The Deep State is empowered by blind compliance. The greater the resistance, the stronger we are,” our source said.””


Mr Reynard

Praise the Lord & keep the powder dry !

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

robin earl redwine

Eventually….. lmao. what a cowardly piece of shit. Eventually everyone will be dead from the death jab hes still promoting.



Steve Johnson

For the people out there who are willingly submitting to, cowering and fearing the IRS …they are also an unconstitutional and 100% illegal entity and (as POTUS Trump said) “if you comply with them, you’re acknowledging and legitimizing some very bad people.” God is dealing with these demons, for sure! 💪

Lone Ranger

It’s time we tell the Biden boys to pack sand.

Evangelina Martinez

Lindell was at Hardy’s not Arby’s


We are born as Sovereigns… the whole system was to make us as animals, corporate fiction. Its time for people to realize that they have been duped all their lives


“Silence means death
Stand on your feet
Inner fear
Your worst enemy


– Sepultura (“Refuse, Resist”)


The “Trump Card”……dying to know what that is.

David L Baiker

Otherwise known as the Joker.


FBI does not have a Congressional Charter to even exist. Tell them to truck Off Down the Road. Nuff said


It’s an agency of the DOJ bro, it has the authority to exist


No question, the Deep State is a global criminal cartel, acting without regard to Constitutional law. No American should be compelled to follow orders from a cartel of lawless thugs abusing power and acting under color of authority.


People need to get bed sheets and spray paint “Trump Won” and start hanging them over the fences along Interstate Hi-ways for the world to see.

Big Ed


Robert Ford

Is your TDS acting up again?


Stop blaming Trump! Everyone had a mind to decide what to do! It was an experimental jab…..if people select that option….it’s on them. They all succumbed to fear and propaganda. Follow your own gut, and don’t let others dictate what you are to do.




You definitely have a “hive” mind and cannot think for yourself. I believe I heard Trump say take it if you want, if you don’t want to don’t take it.

American Living in Canada


J Bill

he’s definitely a lot like jesus and definitely not a con man

David L Baiker

He’s NOTHING like Jesus and DEFINATELY a conman!

Kelly Brown

I don’t think things are going to get better until all these little experiments and psyops are over.


I think I’d take their subpoena in the bathroom the next morning, wipe my ass on it, and mail it back to them. F— those Gestapo sons of bitches.

J Bill

it’s taking foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever to get to 30k

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

The problem is that after Alex Jones’ legal team said that they wrote stories based on donations, knowing that they were not true, that scared the heck out of certain “journalists” and fundraising sites. When Alex Jones is forced to pay punitive damages, he will also sue the fundraising sites that took their cut.
People who write and run these sites are now being held accountable for their actions and they are scared.

David L Baiker

They SHOULD be held accountable for their actions! They’re not legitamate journalists, just grifters. As such.. ANYTHING that happens as a result of their stories is their fault.


He will cancel all cash sent to Ukraine and others countries, which will in turn make absolutely everything (homes, land, cars,…) readied to be seized immediately. That is what I would do. I would have everything and everyone in place. Fraud viciates everything, everything done by this administration and the compliant senators and congress people are 100% connected. They’re joint members in the treason and coup. They will be executed in the blink of an eye, court one morning, lethal injection by evening. And the illegals, well I can only hope everyone is ready to mobilize immediately to get the trash out of this country. I also hope this sends a jolt of energy out to the citizens of other countries to quickly rise up, conquer, and remove, no hesitations wins the greatest victories.


Perhaps to the cabal, compliance is tacit acquiescence?

J Bill

comply bitches. cope and seethe


Shred it!!! ❤️🙏🇺🇲

Angel Askew

Where’d everyone go? Lol


UNLAWFUL means not adhering to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Way to go President Trump!


Article 6: “This Constitution…shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.”

no if’s, no and’s, and no but’s

Richard Longacre

Forget about pardoning the J6 prisoners, bust in there and break them out with military force. Then Trump can pardon them publicly. Now that would make the Commies heads explode.

Trump is right. Ignore their threats, don’t even answer the door, tear up their subpoena right in front of them. Don’t forget to call your Sheriff to come and arrest them for trespassing as well.


I have been saying for months that the break out has been done already.


All the people involved in holding and torturing the J6 American citizens, have hemp awaiting in their future and it ain’t the smoking type.


Time to stand……

Sue Grantham

Anyone comes to my door with letters on their jackets; one of two things is gonna happen: either I won’t answer the door OR if I do, it’s gonna be slammed in their face.
I’m not putting up with any bullshit.
They wanna see crazy- just keep this shit up


Hooray for John Dunkin!


Not that this is important to the content of the story, but just for the record, I thought I heard Mike Lindell say he was at a Hardees, not Arbys. Thanks Michael for your reports!

James McCandless Jr

Walk your post from flank to flank take no shit from any rank!

Andi Kay

I’ve heard my husband and other military folks say this many times.
(Miss that man every day.)

JillyBean Tukee

Lindell said he was at a Hardee’s (not Arby’s), in case you want to make a correction. 🙂


🐒 Werx is talking about Gitmo aka the spa right now in his live….


You can FF to 34 minutes,I spaced the //
https:/ /

Jan D Hunsinger

I agree with Trump 1000 percent on this one. The administration is a BULLY and one must always stand up to bullies.

Son of Ethan Allen

G. Gordon Liddy said something to the effect, you have the right to resist arrest up to using deadly force against an illegal arrest.
Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege 


Good work, Ethan.