Ukraine’s CGI WAR


Since the start of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine, the public has been inundated with images and video of alleged Russian atrocities: photos of a heroic Volodymyr Zelenskyy standing alongside Ukrainian troops and kneeling beside fallen, shrapnel-ridden soldiers with their guts torn out; video of Russian bombs shredding civilian apartment buildings; Russian tanks and artillery blown to bits; and, yes, disturbing images of what Zelenskyy has called mass graves brimming with butchered bodies of valiant Ukrainian freedom fighters.

But these presentations are technological illusions created with green screens, CGI, and Deep Fake technology, at least according to a Russian Federal Service Bureau Agent named Alek Melnikoff who claims Hollywood has helped Zelenskyy perpetuate the biggest fraud humanity has ever seen.

Real Raw News wants to be clear: we have yet to fully authenticate Melnikoff’s assertions. We have verified his credentials—he is who he says he is and is employed by the FSB, a successor agency to the KGB that specializes in counterintelligence, internal and border security, counterterrorism, and surveillance as well as investigating some other types of serious crimes and federal law violations. We acknowledge he could be a disinformation agent and are publishing this piece because some of his testimony aligns with content published earlier this year about Putin’s motives for entering Ukraine.

First, Melnikoff admits civilians have perished in the conflict; collateral casualties are unavoidable, especially when a “madman” who harbors pedophiles and allows foreign bioweapon laboratories on his soil refuses conditional overtures of peace. “Reasonable” conditions, he said, include signing an armistice agreement by which Zelensky would be allowed to retain power if he renounces the Biden regime and pledges to keep Ukraine free of child traffickers and foreign “contaminants.”

Zelenskyy, he added, has chosen to risk the lives of innocents rather than consenting to reason, so much so that he has manufactured a “fake war” using Hollywoodized studios he erected in Kyiv and Kharkiv. Vladimir Putin wants to destroy the stages, but Zelenskyy has hidden them well.

“President Putin knows they exist. He tries to find them. What you see on Western Television is fake. Fake graves. Fake bodies of Russian soldiers. Fake bombs going off. Fake babies being killed. This is all done with technology to get sympathy for the pig Zelenskyy. And, yes, your President Biden, he knows the truth! He is party to it,” Melnikoff told Real Raw News.

Besides implicating the illegitimate administration, he implicated the Hollywood elite, saying Vladimir Putin has surveillance video of “Hollywood producers and special effects guys” crossing the Poland-Ukraine border near the city of Zosin – Ustyluh with “truckloads” of gear. Melnikoff would not name names, specifically, but said, “Don’t you be surprised if people like [Stephen] Spielberg and [Christopher] Nolan are involved.”

“The level of deception is amazing,” Melnikoff said. “Even Putin was impressed at the production. It is pulling the wool, as you say, over the eyes. If a person doesn’t know better, how they can tell the difference between a real war and fake. Many American dollars made this possible.”

In closing, we want to reiterate that we need more proof. It’s entirely possible that a Russian agent could have read the articles we published in February, March, and April, and parroted some of that back to us. We will supply additional information when we have it.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Today a Deep State Judge and Jury decreed that Alex Jones must pay almost $1bn. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive. Thank you to those who have helped.

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.

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 therealanthonyfaucimovie dot com forward slash viewing #


I happened to catch videos of the latest bombing done by Russia, and to me, it was fake, when bombs go off, schitt is strewn all about, there explosions were contained, no overspray, like it was drawn in


Economy, Inflation, interest Rates, immigration, employment,
Taxes, crime, homelessness, drugs and addiction, government corruption, regulations and the High Cost of ALL the BIDEN ADMINISTRATIOns FAULT.
Impeachment, arrest, TRIBUNALS and EXECUTION.. TIME !


ITS about TO GO DOWN !

Jerry Chandler

Anyone believing this site should google “operation trust”. The narratives espoused here are very similar to Lenin’s operation in taking over Russia.

J Bill

google b0fa these nuts in your mouth

buck fiden

That leftist expression “giving back” (ie “to the community”) implies that you have stolen something to begin with.

Another leftist expression I loathe is gun “buy back” programmes. I bought that Mossberg WITH MY OWN MONEY. I have nothing to give “BACK.”

Fuck Safeway for putting up $10,000 for that stupid Tucson gun “buy back” campaign! Slaveway did it out of “guilt” because someone put a hole in a leftist congressbitch’s head many years ago.

There is an upshot (haha) to gun “buy back” programmes: If you have a Saturday night special which is broken beyond repair, this is an excellent chance to get a great price for that scrap metal!

An entrepreneurial spirit recently 3d-printed some rifle parts and cobbled together 110 “rifles.” He gave them “back” for $21,000 !!!!


Today is 10/17/2022 Monday morning 9:00am


The Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “exorbitant rates” – upwards of $1.4 million over four years – to protect the former President and his family at properties they owned, according to documents released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

The committee found that the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service “excessive nightly rates on dozens of trips” as high as $1,185 per night despite claims by the former President’s company that federal employees traveling with him would stay at those properties “for free” or “at cost.”


Here is what is unusual about the story. Trump is protected 24/7 by Navy Seals who sleep in tents!


“DOJ recommends a six month jail sentence and $200,000 fine for Steve BANNON for defying a Jan. 6 select committee subpoena”

Does this count? ☺️


Yes, that is news.




No…because the DOJ is corrupt.
Furthermore the jan6th. (Unselect) committee members
,some are clones.. Example is Adam shifty Schiff. He was executed at Gitmo ..months ago.
So,..DO your research. 😼


Was there any? Because after November 9th if things don’t change I gotta go with the fact that we are duped and doomed,tonight Joe’s Handler Jill will be on Newsmax at 9:00 eastern time to discuss cancer as if she is a real Dr…


My chiropractor wants to think he is a Real Doctor TOO !
Go figure.. ☺

question everything

Update on Covid:

question everything

I don’t know who you are referring to.

question everything



Pharma do hire people exactly like the one that you describe.
Pushing the latest DRUGS developed. Lack of moral character is on the application for employment, just like stunning good looks.
The true stories that I can write, ..but won’t !


It IS Pathetic !

question everything

Update on making money from home:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/117/843/614/original/a702b8becbf91ce8.jpg


Wow that’s even better than $92 per hour!


Without Question…!

question everything

Update on Sandy Hook victims:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/117/903/128/original/716597a52a18a8e7.jpeg


This is completely demented


Please explain why…

question everything

Note to M…
…On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha…
TRANSLATION: Hey Mikey! Time to turn the freakin’ page!

J Bill

turn the page to twisted truth dot net

question everything


J Bill



Absolutely. NOT !

J Bill


question everything

I don’t know how much the terminally stunted ex-teenager gets paid for responses, but I am done contributing.

J Bill

go to twisted truth dot net


For real guys, is good content. It’s Michael Baxter’s best work by far, imo

buck fiden

Fall-asleep karaoke song….

John .S

Any news on Gina Raimondo via potential email volley?

An email sent from Vilsack to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, dated 13 April 2022, read, “Small, isolated events won’t get coverage but will have an immense impact on inflation.”


She is Catholic so no one is investigating.

John .S

To bad being Catholic didn’t apply to John Gotti Sr.

If John was alive and having green light on Epstein, Jeff would be turned into swiss cheese in front of his NYC townhouse.

Albert Anastasia was in cahoots with the Gov’t, running security on the waterfront, how times have change.

NYPD had green light on ‘Kid Twist’. Headline: “canary could sing but couldn’t fly”.

Whom ever pulling the strings in the so called White Hat community, should consider green light methods of yesteryear.

Child’s street game: Red Light, Green Light, one-two three.

Taking care of pedophiles is simple as: one-two three, with the right people involved, getting the green light. Heck with bureaucratic officialdom when it comes to protecting children. Time is of the essence.

Gemini Method for pedophiles, heck with officialdom nonsense.

buck fiden

Jews learned to be excellent criminals because EVERYONE hates them. Since Jews are always first to be suspected, so they had to be either extremely clean, above board and honest, or really Machiavellian at everything they do.

Harvey Weinstein finally got caught because he got predictable and sloppy (let his libido dictate which victims to schtup instead of his big head).

Schmucky Jewmer, on the other hand, is brilliant, extremely conniving and careful, with plenty of Fall Guys at the ready to take the fall. He skates. Every. Single. Time.

John .S

FYI, there’s a synergy between the Jews and the Italians, working hand in hand.

Case in point, whatever the Jews can’t get cheap, the Italians will steal, taking the entire truck.

Jews aren’t good at boosting trucks, they can’t drive, they’re only good in fencing the goods, and pumping swag.

Jews, Italians, Greek or Irish, when someone is hot i.e., to hot to handle, they’re on their own. Weinstein perfect example. Kosher Nostra Calvary didn’t ride for Harvey.

Chuckie Cheese thinks his insurance policy is excellent, his alleged insurance underwriter (nothing yahoo) may get pinched, buzz not squeaky clean. Chuck’s policy could get canceled.

John Gotti Sr. always said: “nobody is untouchable”, RIP John.


Last man standing wins

buck fiden

That explains why Pelosi gets away with murder.

John .S

Nancy P. is gone, never coming back.

Hall & Oats: “She’s Gone”.

Freedom Rings

where is the arrest and/or of the proof of arrest and detention of 13 families –you know the ones in charge of all these low-level minions that are getting shown– this dog & pony show is really Bullshit –and is this the best or is this it? WTF? where are the real overlords responsible if you don’t produce proof of those then this whole thing is a fucking giant cover-up – scam.


Mike has never suggested that anything he writes is true. He only says that he writes what he is told.

buck fiden

Everything that MB writes at RRN is true.


As soon as Putin invaded all of the Paperclip Nazis in the Ukraine ran back home to America and all the Haavara Coin NAZIs ran back home to Israel. They all need rounded up and dealt with.

buck fiden

You must be Keren Aimee.


Tucker only one that give ZelXXsky the middle finger.. fuck off dude.. we don’t care what’s on your Christmas list .. you WEF POS LOSER!! CORRUPT mf’ER.. wE GOT OUR OWN PROBLEMS!!


Mr. cross-dressing tough guy in the army green shirt. Yah. I’m so scared.

J Bill



So uh, how much longer do we have to put up with this cross dressing coke head???


Mike prefers to be called a journalist.




My prediction for RRN 2023: it will be exactly the same as 2021 and 2022, MB will write another hundred articles of fan-fiction bullshit and none of it will change a thing, Trump still won’t return to office, General Berger will still support the military vaccine mandate, there will be no EBS, there will be no mass arrests, everyone MB writes execution murder porn about will still be here, and of course, he will still be asking you for more donation money the whole time 🙃

Last edited 2 years ago by Lloyd
J Bill

damn lmao


As we know, Baxters have been rotated in and out like members of Menudo. Topics for stories are based on donations generated and we have authors who specialize in certain subjects. As of today we are on our 6th Baxter.
Most of the workshops with the writers point to more long term “dark masters in the shadows” stories and fewer “vaccines are bad for you” pieces. Honestly, if everyone paid attention to the timeline we were pushing with the vaccine narrative, 80% of the world would be expired by now.
We are blessed with Trump’s mental instability that gives us new topics to write about but at the same time we are cursed by how quickly his damaged brain jumps from one lie to the next.
In closing, I can say with certainty that we will continue to give the readers what they want as long as we can make a buck off of it.

buck fiden

In Tucson, there used to be a country band called the “Titan Valley Warheads.”


Look to MO returning Cori Bush to the Squad in 2 weeks. I am in her district. I keep a Great Awakening poster in my office picture window(Trump in arm wrestle with Feds) and the American flag alongside. Also the word “Amen”. Last night, at an event, I met her Republican opponent Andrew Jones Jr. He is an accomplished Black gentleman who no one knows. He told me that he is financing his campaign himself. So much for Republican coffers. Another secret, only 10% of any district votes. Cori pulled 65k out of 700k in the primary. If only a small number of the remaining 600k got out of their chairs-she would be gone. Wise up, people.

Rob William

So, midterm elections are going to happen? Is Trump going to come back before that?

buck fiden

We need more patriotic black Republicans and less Democrat/Communist/Progressive/Socialist/BLM/NAACP niggers.


Have you considered that she keeps winning reelection because the other people in your district like her? 🙂

question everything

or maybe the ballot counters


I agree,
it’s the Dominion ballot counters…!

J Bill

definitely the counters are the source of wins for the gqp and definitely not the source of wins for anyone else.


As a member of the squad her job is to destroy the local economies-led by AOC and Amazon leaving New York. Cori Bush voted against the Natl Defense Act (DOD funding) while Boeing employs 16,000 in her district. These are the geniuses in office.


Then it sounds like the people in your district agree with her that we don’t have to support endless warmongering just because of manufacturing jobs.


Like I said 10% actually vote, the rest are disillusioned. We are the largest supplier of military aid to Ukraine (15.2B). Mark Cancian(US Marine Col/senior advisor at the Center for Strategic & Intl Studies) says “The DOD has reached the levels where it is not willing to provide more … to Ukraine”. He adds that’s because “the US needs to maintain stockpiles to support war plans.” These, he indicated, would be for conflicts with China over Taiwan. Even your idiot President understood that stocks needed to be replenished when he visited the Javelin plant in Ala in May. This makes you, Lloyd, more clueless than Biden.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christine
J Bill

the military stockpiles were empty according to trump. we don’t have weapons to give; it’s all cgi


US News reported in Feb 2017 that “weapon shortages came to light and the Pentagon confirms it is still a problem”. Trump highlighted the issue with his famous “we have no ammunition” remark. Whatever we have is not for you or I to know. However, what was really depleted were the emergency med supplies that we found out with Covid. Add to that the strategic oil reserves siphoned off. But Lloyd, you go along with the Squad and finish us off.

J Bill

it’s all cgi


Yes, that’s why Liz Truss signed PESCO under the noses of the British people to give command of all UK military branches and military manufacturing to the EU. Nothing to see here, just move along.

J Bill

correct. it’s all cgi


Lol where is all this coming from, I didn’t even mention Ukraine above and you’re just like assuming I support giving our entire arsenal over to them based on nothing, I didn’t say any of this shit 🙃


Look again, Lloyd, you call being battle-ready “war-mongering”. You can’t have it both ways. You, like the Big Dummy and House Drinker, call on Patriotism when you sense you have lost the People’s trust -but in reality, the Dems were surrendering the Country to China(along with Mitch) and getting rid of all traces of the Flag and The Almighty.


Gee OWD, I haven’t name-called anyone. When you resort to name-calling, you have lost the battle. That is weak. The enemy loves to find the weak link.

John .S

Blinken and Austin?

“JAG is working on corroborating McDonough’s claim that Blinken and Austin orchestrated the theft of VA funds.”

question everything

Note to M…
…On a long and lonesome highway, east of Omaha…

question everything

…Take it calmly and serene…

buck fiden

That’s what they told me while they held me down.

question everything

its a line from the famous final scene


Those Bastards !…

Angel Askew



Buck doesn’t want your sympathy. Save it for Lloyd and J-Bill.


Can’t say I need any sympathy myself but Buck has been really spicy lately, he seems upset 😕

Last edited 2 years ago by Lloyd

Lloyd doesn’t know an insult when he sees it.

question everything

Getting past ‘the famous final scene’ isn’t usually very easy, but it sure can be refreshing to get your face in the wind.

Angel Askew

I found the Maria Bartiromo interview of Devin Nunez on Fox news last night VERY telling.
Garland has been running interference for the whole thing and has kept Durham at bay.

buck fiden

I love Maria. Even if she looks like a mean whorehouse madame.

Angel Askew

She is very unique, well informed and forthright in interviews. Always refreshing.


Not really, Durham just hasn’t found shit because there’s not much there. He’s been at this for like 4 years now and the best he has managed to dig up are a couple of forgettable misdemeanors.

Angel Askew

Wedgie – Jason did another switcharoo, I see.

question everything

Yes, there were those moments…workin’ and practicin’…
….ain’t it funny how the night moves…
…with autumn closing in

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything

It might be an alternate ending !
we all might be shocked
don’t count your chickens until they hatch. !

Or until piglousey is hung !

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat
buck fiden

The road never ends…

All this bullshit conspiracy crap never seems to materialise and here we are … two years later with another election, while the entire country is on fire, road rage is epidemic, and fast food restaurants are installing locks and numberpads on bathroom doors to keep the epidemic of homeless out.

question everything

When strolling through the “bullshit conspiracy crap” minefield, it is a good idea to be careful where you step, but shit happens, so you can just wipe your feet and move on.

buck fiden

The problem with that is if I step in the wrong place, and land on a deep state IED, I won’t have any feet to wipe!

question everything

Well, yeah, there is that…ya might want to be a little more careful where you put that stick shift, too!

buck fiden

Better to wear out than to rust out.

question everything

Wearing out is good, IED bad

buck fiden

There’s a poll that puts Kari Lake and Kate Hobbs at parity? Fucking really? This is PARODY!! Kari Lake should be up by 20 points over the Secretary of Hate election-stealing Kate Hobbs!

question everything

Buck, polls are designed to manipulate voters, especially emotionally. Don’t let’em push yer buttons.

buck fiden

Unfortunately, I am on automatic all the time. Full auto, in fact. I would love to have been a manual transmission, but my stick shift broke and is only now sporadically coming back online. I need to seek professional help: physical, not psycho bullshit.

question everything

I “knew” a physical therapist once…Good Times!

buck fiden

I met an older chink woman with huge tits who runs a ma-sa-gee parlour and goes the extra li (Chink mile) for you.

question everything

or maybe a new clutch alignment tool🌠

buck fiden

I need a new head gasket. Blowing them all the time.


With any luck Kari Lake will lose and your entire head will explode


I met up with the Gambler, we were both too tired to sleep?

question everything

LOL…looks like you’re out of aces, too!



h t t p s colon //michaelsavage dot com/biden-gropes-young-girl-hubris-nemesis-catharsis-coming-for-dems-in-mid-terms/

“We are living in a time where Intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people and liars will not be Offended,”

“Look at him marching that Creep,”

J Bill



How many have noticed all the subliminal Blue and Yellow, news, vehicles, highway signs, brainwashing never rests.

buck fiden

Saw a political sign:

“If you like your high gasoline prices,
Thank a Democrat.
Vote Republican.”

If it were up to me, the sign would have a caricature of that Obama sock puppet and would say “If you like your high gas prices, you can keep your high gas prices!”

J Bill

great job, boomer


Good thinking buck, if only those signs were everywhere, then there would be no way Obama would win the 2024 election!


I think it’s time for a new article..

John .S

Hopefully a significant Pedo arrest, preferably a politico, will settle for another MSM personality, could say, taken with grain of salt, shot of tequila and bite of Lemon.

John .S

Seems to be a pedophile sympathizer in this bloggersphere via clicking negative icon; wonder who it could be?

buck fiden

Not I. Don’t be too cross with the downvoters. I WELCOME the downvotes!

buck fiden

Write it, hack in, and post it! Or just post it here!


I thought we were going to get three articles a day while I’m disappointed.
I like to read about Mass arrests tribunals and executions but again I’m disappointed……
as we know the Democrats hangman isn’t hanging so they put them back on the street and they go back Jack do it again !
I’m just sick of this same old shit..,just a different day.😾

question everything

“Any major dude with half a heart surely will tell you my friend
Any minor world that breaks apart falls together again
When the demon is at your door
In the morning it won’t be there no more
Any major dude will tell you”
Chin up, Bucko!

buck fiden

When the demon is at my door,
I’ll be defended by a whore.

buck fiden

I’d like to read about BLM chuting Zhou Biden instead, then gangbanging Kuntmala and throwing her remains into a dumpster in Anacostia.

buck fiden

What sickens me, Wilbur, is that we’re just weeks away from the next rigged election and we haven’t yet resolved the first rigged election. Trump is making 2024 noises, which signals capitulation, or, in the minds and writings of the trolls here, that he was never in charge during these last two years in the first place.


I’ve tried telling you WC. No matter how much you say shit like “get ready” and “really soon” this garbage just isn’t real bro.


Whern we going stop that 5’2″ cross-dressing, mascara wearing faggot Olodymyr Elenskyy [ remember, he outlawed the letters V and Z] taking our money forever?

When do we close the books on this death-wish degenerate?

Last edited 2 years ago by Schadenfreude
J Bill


question everything

German for “where and when”

question everything

J Bill


question everything

any time

any place

question everything

J Bill


question everything
….musta got lost….J Geils

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
question everything

Raputa the Buta👱🏻‍♀️

Last edited 2 years ago by question everything
question everything,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/118/053/986/original/232a228a32673170.png

question everything,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/118/052/972/original/9e6102b4e185e343.png

buck fiden

GREAT WORK, QE! You have found a way to show us memes here!

question everything

it seems like not many know how to use these links though, or just can’t be bothered with the concept of opening a new tab.

buck fiden

It’s a bit of work. I’d have to create a cloud account, then upload my memes, and link to them there.

question everything

I’m just linking to other people’s memes. Years ago had a photobucket acct, but lost that due to big tech shenanigans.

buck fiden

The problem is that I have a nice collection of memes I have amassed over time, and I don’t want to spend the time surfing for other memes when I already know what I want. Too bad this website’s software doesn’t allow us to upload pngs.

question everything

I agree, I have a large collection myself. I think M frowns on us using this as a chat site, let alone giving us the ability to share pix or gifs or mp4s, but I could be wrong, it wouldn’t be the first or last time!

question everything

The current population of Ukraine is 43,135,296 as of Saturday, October 15, 2022, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. That is going to be a huge tax write-off when I claim them all as dependents on my 2022 tax return.😁

Fritz The Cat

OH…there’s a thought! They ARE dependents…the USA tax payers dependents!
QE, you are a genius…

buck fiden

43 million new Democrat voters. great.


Must be why that union head school teacher went there. She took 43 million ballots with her for the Ukrainians to mail in.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rubus

IRS will be abolished by then so no need.

question everything

That’s good🙄
I think I would need all their names to claim them….and would need a much longer tax form…and wasn’t really looking forward to 58,000 IRS agents at my door.

buck fiden

They don’t need to come to our doors. They already have that info!

During the 2010 Census, the census nazis went door-to-door to obtain the EXACT GPS location of everyone’s front door and then they entered this info into a database.

If they wanna take us out, it’s like what that general said during the Iraq War: “Which window do you want us to put it through?”

question everything

I know.
took out a camera-drone with my crossbow a couple days ago
fun target practice

buck fiden

Now if I could only get my drones to aim more accurately.

question everything

I hear ya, LOL. Seems all I can do with mine is crash it….like…remember ‘Greatest American Hero’?

buck fiden

Drone prices stabilised and have come down a bit. The problem is that the “monitor” (ie smartphone up to Crystalsky) cost more than the drone!

John .S

Correct about Census, that did fine tunning, could say, strategically isolating cluster of dwellings e.g., trailer park inhabitants.

FYI: it’s also in the zip code, zip+4, GPS been locked in prior. When mailman [letter carrier] scans anything, GPS uploaded.

Amazon delivery also collecting data, snapping photos of delivered packages, meta data, though they won’t ring the door bell, especially when it’s raining.

Buzz, home internet router transmits GPS, also smart electric meter affixed on home.

“Which window do you want us to put it through”? How about smack dab center down the chimney [swish].

Buzz, smart meters can burn down your home once triggered via computer click of a mouse.

Many people engaged in “Boondocking”, modern day nomads, not to be ridiculed. Myself had interesting talks with them, their lifestyle not absurd.

Could say, covert living conditions: Going Mobile, “watching the police & taxman miss me”.

buck fiden

Either the IRS will be abolished (along with the federal income tax), or WE the People will be abolished. Dubya was right: yer either with us or against us.

buck fiden

You bring up a crucial issue, Wozz…. Until the income tax and enforcement mechanism are totally abolished, hoy para siempre, we are ALL NIGGERS here!

Angel Askew

I made it to the mountains. Now Im just biding my time till Nov. 9th.
Either this circus will expand or the tents get broken down for good!.

J Bill

bye felicia

Angel Askew

Your blue troll city bus operates on Sundays, I see. Toot toot.🖕


I am off the grid. …permanently !


Lol you’re on the internet right now buddy

Angel Askew

Authentically psychotic of you. Thanks!

buck fiden

I fear we will all be BIDEN our time here forever.

buck fiden

I got totally fucking drunk in W Phoenix a few years ago and ended up on the res at a party full of older shikkered yatahey chazers. They got me to undress. Hope the pix didn’t end up on FB.

buck fiden

You triggered this memory when you wrote “buck naked”

question everything,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/118/171/028/original/fd60af035f53d6da.png

J Bill



Great Idea… But I don’t intend. To File. Anymore. I am a sovern individual, not a Tax slave….


Wish Ukraine would elect a leader who wears more than T-Shirts all day long. Can someone give Zelenskyy a tie, a white shirt and a jacket at least?

Fritz The Cat

Yeh, give him a red tie…

buck fiden

Red tie necklace!! South American special! Or you could give him the Winnie Mandela tyre necklace treatment!

Michael R Davis

Zelenskyy is a homosexual, needs to be able to quickly access his emergency colostomy bag, which if ripped might stain his 50,000-dollar US taxpayer provided suits.


The letters V and Z have been outlawed by their faggot, sodomite, penis-licking “President ” who feels at home wearing a sweat-stained, unwashed T- shirt.

Hateful? You bet!

Last edited 2 years ago by Schadenfreude
J Bill

cry mikey, cry


Lol no one outlawing letters, this is fucking nonsense 😂


OWD..taKe walk on wild side in the DEEP WOOD,PLEASE…..

buck fiden

A kike fag? Just give him citizenship and he can become mayor of San FagShitCo.



question everything

pants might be a good idea, also

Ron Burgundy

Ah, yes, this is how you say, total horseshit, comrade T uffin. Keep writing in your Rocky and Bullwinkle “Russian voice” though, highly entertaining.


Honestly, “fake war” & “green screen studios” sound right, cause is not the first time this has happened. Thanks Michael.


Absolutely correct, WW1 was completely faked using green screens. ‘Archduke Franz Ferdinand’ wasn’t even a real person, total crisis actor. They didn’t even bother to give him a real sounding name.

Fritz The Cat

“real sounding name”?
Don’t be such a racist!
That’s it, you’re canceled!

buck fiden

That nigger needs to be hobbled.


Come at me bro

buck fiden

I ain’t yo ‘bro’, yo.

You’ll have a capinyoass soon’nuff just because you’re a nigger.

Just watched the latest episode of Power Book III. Niggers seem to go from small cages in Queens, to small cages called prison.

Sorta like my HavaHart traps I catch rats in. Perhaps they have a larger one I can set up here in the NNZ: I wonder if they sell HavaNigger traps? Then again, only farm owners would want to HavaNigger.


Internet tough guy over here 😂

Rob William

Really? So they lifted the plot from all those commando comics?


I mean yeah, probably

Fritz The Cat

HEY, it’s part of the Green New Deal!

John .S

At local sporting goods store, waiting to open. Line is forming like Black Friday.

Many purchasing ammo, it’s deer hunting season.

Customers contacted to retrieve their orders, location received it’s awaited delivery.

Get while the getting is good.

John .S

Previously shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, dropped serious coin on fishing & hunting gear, outdoor apparel etc. Dick’s went woke.


But how many Brian Stelter leaflets or whatever did you hand out?

John .S

Handed out approx 20 sets of FEMA Looting articles, perfect location, great crowd pleaser.

Myself an artisan in captivating an audience.

Store owner gifted me a camo pocketed t-shirt upon exiting store.

Fritz The Cat

Good reply, John .S!
Now, this 12yo’s gonna lick his butt-hurt.
So sad, so sad.

John .S

My response was intended to answer a question via inquiring minds, hence: “…or whatever did you hand out”?

Idiom: “ask and ye may receive”.

Myself placed leaflet campaign in this blogosphere, which is open for discussion for anyone that wishes to venture.

Different Note:
Myself tell people that arrogantly confront me via my vechile window writings: “evelauate thoughts wisely before speaking”.


Yeah bro I am extremely sad that some dude gave John a free t-shirt 😥

buck fiden

If I were there, I’d be handing out paper targets with that bald kike’s visage on them to those in line.

buck fiden

Thx. Going to Sportsmen’s Whorehouse tomorrow!

John .S

Myself pick-up 10 boxes of 45.70, perfect for neck tie [Adams Apple] shot.

45 70 will blow head clean off shoulders, heads will roll like bowling ball, total Psy-op [WTF] upon unfriendlies.

Think ole school delivering punch, serious wallop from good safe distance.

buck fiden

400+ grain? Fucking mortar shell!

question everything

Say hello to my little friend…

buck fiden

She’s adorable! So is the girl.

John .S

Own 45 70 in a Henry [brass receiver], all tricked out with quality scope and leather sling etc.

Acquired when riots started, need precision skull penetrating firepower. Target practice it obliterates husk covered coconuts.

Well placed head shot between the eyes guarantees a closed casket funeral, especially through rIot shield viewing glass of different unfriendlies.

buck fiden

Nice expansion in that video!


One can’t miss a blue helmet deer.


Huge if true 🤔


I have been following this site for a long time and know how you are addressed. I am a Trumper from the 2016 primaries. I, like Trump and Buck do not have a filter and I like it that way. I was at the St Louis HQ’s the historical night in 2016 when Trump was elected. It was a very small crowd and God put me there. I also met Sheriff Arpaio when he came to St Louis with security that looked like a war zone. I have been vetted. I look to Bannon as Kellyanne called him-The General. I seethe with contempt for all things Biden, Podesta, Hildabeast, Schitt for Brains, Pelosi et al. I look forward to their annialation. I will fight relentlessly and I don’t have an “off” button. When God lifts His Hand, only then will I be removed.



buck fiden

Ainchu L8t fo yo NAACP meeting, or yo BLM terror planning group?


Of course not, I am always on time for those! Especially this week because it was my turn to bring donuts 🍩

buck fiden

Nah. Donuts are the staple food of the LEOs who BUST UP those meetings!


We are fighting the power by buying up all the donuts first. Fuck the police ✊️

buck fiden

Like your style, C!

And Sheriff Joe is indeed The Shit!! Fucker just turned 90 and he’s still 100% with it!


Yes, I told Sheriff Arpaio how much I appreciate all of his efforts to secure the border. He answered, “it’s common sense, ma’m”.

buck fiden

The fucking shit greasy La Raza spics in Maricopa County really went after Sheriff Joe with a vengeance not seen since they attacked former Gov. Fife J. Whiteguy III, and before that, our glorious governor, Ev Mecham.

Angel Askew

Right On!💪😎🇺🇸



J Bill

this comment is like the kevin durant tweet where he said he’s at 100% unti he closes the app lol


Anytime that you want to go over my head, just speak sports. You win.


Do you mean you were still trying to figure it out?

Rob William

So you are Tziporrah?

buck fiden

Kikes can’t tell the difference between God and gold. That’s why they abbreviate.

buck fiden

C’mon, man! Your index finger could get her off much faster!

buck fiden

As huge as her tits?


I knew Ukraine was lying about war and they should be charged

J Bill

charged with what? 110? 220?


Call the Cyber Police!

Rob William


Ron Burgundy

That’s it, Ukraine, you’re going to internet jail


According to my sources, Michael Baxter has already issued a preemptive ban to Zelenskyy

Carol Sims

I cannot speak for others, but can assure everyone the entire “story” was supposed to be a false flag. All those people who can be certain that the reason for Putin and our President was good for the Innocents and Elderly should have NEVER the allowed leader of Ukraine took “the war” to another lever and was named the hero. I was hoping everyone was able to see the photos of years ago just as I did. There were no people in the buildings, but there were poisons that were deadly in places no one revealed. Ukraine has the BIGGEST of numbers of Child Trafficking bar none. People who tried to inform everyone were accused of not telling the truth. Even Americans hailed him the same way. BTW, the land is owned by our fake president. Think about all the MONEY he gave to them. Biden should have been revealed long before this. What are they waiting for? Are they waiting for the money to be returned to him?

I am waiting for everything to be revealed to the entire world very soon.


#verysoon 🙃


Pray and hope and, don’t worry. God is good all the time especially to those who have total faith and trust in him. He will never disappoint us because he is faithful to us. Blessings,

Angel Askew

I just pray that all of thls is because the trafficking was stopped and Byedone’s nose is out of joint and his adreno druggies are sick from the dry spell.


There is a doctor from Britain that is calling for a pause in the covid shot. To night on Laura Ingrid on fox tonight.

J Bill

To night

buck fiden

卐Ingraham卐 But I like your version better.

Tony E.

It almost goes without saying but ANY politician supporting sending money to Ukraine needs to be voted out in the mid-terms. As a frog, I am getting warm in this pot.

J Bill

k. hope i see you when it’s boiling. bye

Dave Kelly

If you can raise HRC from her dirt-nap, she may crawl for office , but she won’t run….anywhere.


if I were you I would refrain from giving advice until you see another doctor. ! 😷. 💉. 🌈. 👍. 👎. 🍐. 💰. 💣. 🙊. 🙉. 😈. 😤. 😡 😇. 😀. 😂. 😁. 😕. 😱. 😗. 😝. 😵. 😨. 😲. 😜. 😺 😸 😹 😻 😽👫. 👨. 👩. 👵. 👴. 👧. 👪.

J Bill

WHERE’S DURHAM????????????????

oh…just getting one count dismissed against danchenko



Lol at everyone still waiting for Durham to actually accomplish anything just because Q posted DURHAM a few times. Q was completely full of shit, guys 🙃

J Bill

speaking of ‘q’, ron terminated his election run lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

and the 8kun q hasn’t posted in months lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

buck fiden

At least he’s white.

J Bill


buck fiden


Rob William

Biden, Pelosi and Schumer are white too. What’s your criteria for judging people? Race, religion, being Nazi, being a part of MAGA crowd, … and?

buck fiden

I live in the NNZ, so I have no common ground with any nigger.

buck fiden

Sammy Davis Jr was a Jew. He wasn’t a nigger. He was a great man.

buck fiden

I’m sorry I missed that era. The old Las Vegas must have really been something.

David T

And a fate just like Sussman’s awaits Danchunko. Wait and see troll turd, DF


The fate of getting acquitted and moving on with your life, and then having a dumbass truther blog write a fake story about you getting arrested/executed that only like 50 losers on the internet will believe? 🙃

buck fiden

The only dumbass here be yo black ass.


I’m not black, dummy

buck fiden

Are you a nigger, then?

J Bill

oh no, a process crime in which little to no jail time will happen? lmaooooooooooooooooo

cope and seethe, jack

buck fiden

Julies are almost always cute. Except for the rabbi’s daughter. Julie Finkelstein is built like a moose and smells like one, too. She was wearing coke bottle glasses in the 4th grade!


Zelenskyy is far worse than Putin in many ways and CORRUPT as they Come. Ask Hunter and his dirty deals with Ukraine. And Zelenskyy is Guilty of all the Crimes and Deaths from this whole mess as he Protects Pedophiles and Bioweapons labs and those involved. MAKE NO MISTAKE HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY BY ANY MEASURE. And the Demonic LEFT and their Puppet MSM will paint him as a Saint.




That’s for sure.

buck fiden

If that dried up meatloaf cunt runs, I’m eating kosher pork.


Word on the street is the “bitch” is dead !


I sympathize with you Wildcat, but Kanye West told Tucker last week that the Clintons were calling his wife, Kim Kardashian, repeatedly to “push the vaccine”. Dec 2020 started the provisional vaccines with full roll-out in 2021. That was very telling news by Ye.

Last edited 2 years ago by Christine
Angel Askew

Kim K. just opened a hedge fund based on online purchases. It is said, she is now taking over trafficking from the Clintons.
Kanye knows exactly what he is talking about. FAR from crazy. He broke out from his programming. The Kardashians are handlers. She married Ye to rope him back in.

buck fiden

As long as Trump returns.

Angel Askew


buck fiden

All Russians are fucking assholes. The women are stuck up cunts (which means I can’t catch them).


This shit has to end. Enough is enough.

If something major doesn’t happen between now and the mid-term elections I am not voting. If our people allow the theft of 2020 to go unanswered and uncorrected and then expect us to come out again on Nov. 8th in record numbers so that we can overwhelm the fraud that we know is coming. Fuck that!

If the new ‘plan’ is to just do politics as usual and hope republicans win both houses and possibly impeach phony biden I am done with it all. First if all the senate would never convict no matter what the evidence is.

The theft of 2020 must be corrected.

J Bill

don’t vote then


Who paid you to write that?

buck fiden

If Schmucky Jewmer and Nazi Piglousy retain their positions and titles after the November 8 Elections, I’m converting everything into gold. If not, I’ll stick with gold=10% of my portfolio.

John .S

Gold LoL, if it’s not physically in your possession [to the touch] you don’t own it.

Invest in Ammo, e.g., 30.30, 30 06, 12 ga. slugs & double-zero buckshot as common firearms most hunters own, also 380, 9mm & 45 etc, as sure fire investment, perfect for barter or trade.

Look at Henry Rifle chambered in 38/357, $800.00 well worth it. 38 [+P] ammo has better availability, 357 too.

Henry rifle is perfect for plinking unfriendlies when SHTF.

The Henry using 38 cal. is perfect for plinking at 50 yards, 357 [hydra shock] no fuss at 75 yards.

12 ga shot guns flying of shelves, especially the Mossberg ‘Shock Wave’.

People better get while the getting is good, Mad Max scenario not far fetched.

J Bill

invest in b0fa

buck fiden

Excellent advice. LEAD may soon be the most difficult precious metal to obtain.

buck fiden

When the IRS gestapo comes, they’ll come heavy and in numbers with SWAT team Kevlar. Even if I had one round, doubtful I could take one out.

question everything

Target practice is increasingly expensive but may be well worth it in…
…………..THE END.

question everything

It might be good for barter, lead holds its value much better than paper money, or perishable goods that you may need

buck fiden

The alternative to 9mm pistlol/ 9mm semi auto carbine (KelTech if you’re rich, Hi Point if you’re not), is lever action .357 and .357 revolver. Both will survive any semi auto ban, both will also shoot .38

I lust after one but too late. I think Rossi .357 lever is a little cheaper than Henry, but still stupid expensive. 

My friend and I are going to go halfsies on a case of 9mm or something.  Price is dropping. Trick is wait for drop vs too late its spiking again. 


Michael Baxter already wrote a couple days ago that Trump has given up on trying to undo 2020 and returning to office, and is just going to run for reelection in 2024 instead. Nothing is going to happen before or after the midterms. This shit was always a scam, my man. MB just makes up stories to keep you chasing that carrot on a stick and sending him donation money.


Mike has even better information behind the paywall! When you donate $350 or more you get a code to access the VIP content.

buck fiden

You’re a big nigger. Go suck yourself off


Lol I know you’re mad that Michael Baxter lied to you a thousand times but that’s not my fault, loser

buck fiden

Shit always ends when the rectum closes, but pricks go on forever.

question everything

I know that when it comes to text, sometimes it is hard to see the sarcasm dripping from the words, but maybe you can see it here:
Any future nuclear war I’m sure will be “mostly peaceful”, just like the “protests” during the summer of 2020 were.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/117/939/230/original/cb8bfd2d16edbbfc.jpeg

buck fiden

Lenin (the commie fag, not the Jap-fucker) had one Jewish grandparent, too, but he wasn’t a practising Jewboy.

Sue Grantham

Couple of things:
-HRC was hung years ago; please research the name Theresa Barnwell.
– Review EO 13848. Read slowly to comprehend. I read it 3 times thoroughly.
You were correct that the Cabal won’t stop their plans.
However, they can and will be stopped. Their plans only succeeded because they were secretive. The cats been outta the bag for a few years and they have now been put in the position of defense instead of offense. They will be stopped. Their plans can’t work out because the citizens are now aware and will remain non-compliant. They never had to deal with non compliance of citizens because they depended upon our believing them. They know that ship has sailed


You have to be fuckin braindead to think Theresa Barnwell could literally take HRC’s place and nobody would notice. She only sort of looks like HRC, and her voice & accent are not even close to matching HRC.

Angel Askew

They are so bold. They will kill as many of us as they can until they are physically stopped.

Frances Rose

I would say plausible, look what has just come out about jan6 on Gateway pundit.

J Bill

look at b0fa


What is your childish obsession with bank of america?

Sue Grantham

Putin went into Ukraine to destroy bio labs and child trafficking tunnels.
Sore your supply of children was circumvented? You really are stupid

Dave Kelly

Putin also was mitigating reprisals against ethnic Russians living in Eastern Ukraine by Ukrainian NAZI’s and zionist marxist – communist jews and other various degenerate miscreants. This akin to a rescue mission.


Here in Canada I have seen news clips on CTV and CBC, both garbage news, that shows them taking dead bodies out of a mass grave. The bodies were flopping around like stuffed dummies or maybe live people. There was apparently no rigamortis in the bodies. If they were real they would be stiff like boards. Another thing I saw was apparently dead bodies beneath blue tarps. A corner of the tarp blue down from the wind to reveal the shoulder and arm of an apparently dead person. So what happens? The stiff reached down and pulled the corner of the tarp back up!!! I guess it is night of the living dead over there. A friend of mine saw a stiff apparently enjoying a cigarrette. LOL


Lol yeah. I think it is Hell over there. Manufactured Hell, eh?

J Bill

cgi hell



buck fiden

3D-Printed hell.

buck fiden

The only good thing about Canada is that the white population there is still great. I hate cold weather, communism, hockey, and moose lodges.


Yeah since the takeover of the Turd we now have communism. And our weather can be a little unrelenting…lol. We are a basically a united people though. We all hate Turdeau. Alot.

David T

Not sure if you’ve seen the turdeauu – Fidel Castro picture comparisons. Justins mom was infatuated with Castro and had opportunity to get in bed with him. Look at pictures of Castro and Justin taken when they were about the same ages. They look like twins.

buck fiden

Ha! You’re getting House of Dragons on parentage!


Oh yes I have seen the image comparisons. It is Castro alright. I was a kid when the Turd’s father was Prime Minister. Old Maggie really got around and even as a child I was deeply embarrassed for my country. Porn-type images surfaced in tabloids of her, er, indiscretions…I remember.

buck fiden

United in two languages? But you’re 100% right about your gay parade of a leader. Unfortunately, North America currently shows up three lemons on the slot machine – TrueDope, DemendedDope, And AMLOpe. We all lose!!!


Hey you know people can unite no matter how many languages enter into it. United we stand Divided we fall. And anyway Canada has a Kazillion languages here.

buck fiden

Same here. We have Indian Reservations. They have some really weird languages, like this one:


They think they’re spics and have a real bad-ass accordion player here.

buck fiden

So you can’t get “high”?