Saturday, July 27, 2024
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White Hats Confirm Lloyd Austin Killed in Ukraine

The White Hat coalition has confirmed that the criminal Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was killed in Ukraine on January 3 by a Russian...

Putin Executes “White Lung” Doctor

On Vladimir Putin’s orders, the Russian Army on Thursday executed a renegade Ministry of Health official for trying to hold a “White Lung” meeting...

Putin Bombs Big Pharma in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered the destruction of a Kyiv pharmaceutical laboratory suspected of manufacturing COVID-19 vaccines that reached the arms of...

Zelenskyy Turns Young Boys into Suicide Bombers

The savage Volodymyr Zelenskyy has conscripted young boys into the Ukrainian Armed Forces as infantrymen and suicide bombers, FSB agent Andrei Zakharov told Real...

Biden-Funded Ukrainian Military Tortures, Kills, and EATS Innocent Russian Civilians

The Ukrainian military has abducted and tortured, maimed, killed, and consumed elderly Russian citizens from border settlements near the city of Gokovo, according to...

Special Forces-Spetznas Team Crushes Adrenochrome Cartel in Ukraine

As the world awaits Israel’s next move in Gaza, a battle of equal significance has been raging like an unstoppable inferno in Eastern Europe:...

Body Doubles Meet At United Nations

Body doubles of criminals Joseph R. Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the U.N. Assembly in New York this week, with Biden accusing Putin of...

Special Forces-Spetznas Team Kills Pedo Kingpin in Ukraine

The joint U.S. Special Forces-Spetznas strike force that rescued 73 children from Ukrainian Adrenochrome peddlers last week has scored another victory, this time against...

Joint U.S. Special Forces – Spetznas Team Rescues 73 Children in Ukraine

A joint U.S. Special Forces and Russian Spetznas infiltration unit has rescued 73 children from a horrific dungeon in Ukraine and slaughtered a score...

Putin Executes Defiant 5G Executives

On Vladimir Putin’s orders, Russian Armed Forces on Friday executed a roomful of Telecom executives who eschewed Putin’s 5G moratorium and began raising a...

Putin Bans 5G across Russia, Destroys All Towers

Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned 5G towers in the Russian Federation amid concerns the technology is medically unsafe and has caused the deaths...

Trump Calls Putin to Congratulate Him on Surviving Another Deep State Assassination Attempt

President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday made a congratulatory call to Vladimir Putin, applauding his stoicism in surviving yet another Deep State assassination attempt,...
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