Military Arrests Former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn


U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Thursday arrested former Food & Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn for having committed treasonous acts against the nation and its people while he served under President Donald J. Trump throughout the Coronavirus Plandemic, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

A JAG source familiar with the operation told Real Raw News that Hahn, whom Trump named on a sealed indictment prior to leaving Washington in 2021, profited massively from endorsing and pushing experimental vaccines that killed hundreds of thousands of citizens. JAG alleges that vaccine manufacturer Moderna (and possibly others) offered Hahn lucrative quantities of cash in exchange for misrepresenting the clot shot’s safety and efficacy.

Investigators pounced on Hahn, 62, as he left a gym near his Silver Springs, Maryland home. They reportedly showed him a military arrest warrant, cuffed him, and tossed him in the rear seat of a civilian SUV. “I was supposed to have immunity,” Hahn crowed.

JAG said Hahn was part of a broad conspiracy to deceive President Trump into believing Covid vaccines were harmless, prompting him to launch Operation Warp Speed, a program whereby the FDA loosened—or abolished—vaccine administration protocols. On December 18, 2020, Hahn personally granted emergence-use authorization for Moderna’s shot. JAG said Hahn moved forward with the EUA despite having concrete proof that the vaccine had killed or gravely sickened Phase I and Phase II trial participants, some of whom died suddenly after getting a single vaccination.

Hahn, our source said, had unrestricted access to Moderna’s database, which showed that 45 of 600 Phase II participants (7.5%) developed abnormal blood clots within 14 days of getting vaccinated. Twenty-one of them had fatal heart attacks. This evidence suggests at least 3.25% of vaccinated people died—a stark contradiction to the CDC’s assertion that only 0.002242857142857143% vaccinated persons get myocarditis or other serious side effects.

Hahn’s motivation for taking part in the conspiracy, our source said, was money: He got a $2.7m Moderna payout three weeks before granting EUA, and an additional $2.2m boon a month after clot shots began entering the arms of a naïve public.

“We have the proof, and it will be made known at his military tribunal,” our source said. “We want to close the door on the Covid criminals, but it’s a long list. It goes far deeper than just Fauci, Birx, Collins, and Hahn. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans died because of them—not sick with Covid but killed by the vaccine. They must all face justice.”

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Do you notice how many Steins and Bergs are getting rolled up in this mass murder of the worlds inhabitants. The professional victims got officially caught trying to holocaust the goyim of the planet and now they cant use their “antisemitic” pity card because that got revoked on epstein Island…or was it the 2008 crash of wallstreet…or the satanic pedophilia of Hollyweird…..or was it the false flag of 9/11….or was it the assassination of John Kennedy? This is by no means an exhaustive list barely even scratching the surface.
The point is God himself says they are evil Jeremiah 8. In 2 Esdra God cut off and cursed the tribe of Judah for 2000 years they have had no spiritual significance to anyone but themselves and their father Remphan (Lucifer) In Luke 19:27 God calls for the world wide extermination of them. In Psalm 21:10 it says that their worldwide extinction will come to fruition.

Last edited 2 years ago by aimee

We need to see all those involved in the fake Covid plandemic swing from the gallows in public!


Satisfying to read.


So those who ascend feel decreased
heart love
because the lower density cannot allow an escalating frequency.It will do anything to lower consciousness

Jerry Miller

I hope the White Hats target the FEMA players behind false flags such as Boston, S.H. Orlando, 911 etc, etc.

Bill K

I see the donation page…I’m thinking I really want to donate. All it takes is some proof these articles are real. I mean otherwise it’s just some dude in his underwear with a flair for imagination.

Michael R Davis

CNN is failing, as are many other FAKE News sources.
Maybe you will feel more comfortable donating to them?
Really not difficult ascertaining the truth in these RRN articles.


People need to do more of their own THINKING– asking others to do it for them is not good. Maybe Bill K has just woken up?

David T

Nice post troll.


Trust more RRNs…the opposite is MSM liars


Federal death association needs gutting or closed down. Who knows what they allow for bribes or make up for that matter.

Lorenz Manner

He worked to kill people for money NOW it’s payday for him. He acted with no mercy and NOW no mercy will be used against him. Good riddance and NO REGRETS.


Sanctuary shithole.. open borders.. flooding us with Mslms and this is your NYC New Year’s Eve… Democrats love this shit

Allahu Akbar stabbing attack on NYC police

John .S

Myself previously referenced that inner-city bodegas nolonger operated by Latinos, and not having ham & bacon option for your breakfast sandwich, especially in NYC.


Kurdish refugees polluting France with Riots.. welcome to 3rd world invasion of scum into Europe.. so much for a Happy Paris New Year.. These savages are trashing another beautiful city they came to with open hands begging for free shit..


NYC New Year’s Eve.. nothin’ but refugees, illegals and VISA overstays in crowd.. No thanks.. Diversity crowd of Sanctuary City scum… Same with every other Democratic Shithole city in this country…. notice how all the mayors have the same “look”… affirmative action decay at it finest



John .S

Just went through DWI trap, no avoiding it. Cop asked: were you drinking? Responded: do you see a fat ugly lady sitting next to me? Cop said: no! Further saying: that’s all the proof you need that I’m not drinking.

Hyperbole, If I was Buck Fiden that non drinking mantra wouldn’t be spoken. Hope Buck is well, and wish him the best.


I challenge everyone to be grateful and thankful for just one day. No matter the situation speak blessings and not cursing over your it . Life and not death through your words. Then read positive books like the Bible first and others. But, mainly the Bible and listen to positive Christian based radio songs to encourage you. Find a peaceful place to spend time with your Heavenly Father . For just loving on him with your words of gratitude for all your many blessings whether small or great. But, tell him how thankful and appreciative you are . Then I guarantee you will feel love and peace that you’ve been looking for all your life. Through the comfort of the Holy Spirit( breath of life) and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior (Word/Bible) . Our Heavenly Father will love you back for peace during any storm in your life! Never forget Love conquers all for his glory in your life ! Try it for a day. Then you’ll want to make it a habit for true peace . All ,from the author of truth Our,Heavenly Father whose the creator of peace . 🤔🙏

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

Well if the Bilderburg Group, CIA, Multi Trillion Dollar Worldwide Criminal Drug Cartel . Do as they planned for years. Then, we will next see all of Our major history sites for religion, History, economic, Family heritage to be destroyed in one day . Then black outs for communication, power outages, riots, death and destruction. Also, food , fuel, shortages . All for them to enforce Marshall law for their One World Government and Satanic One World Religion . That’s called Chrislam to be enforced all for some sorcery, witchcraft, demonic alien to appear as the savior of the world . After it comes out of a spaceship and lies saying their from Our,Heavenly Father. Instead their from Satan as the Antichrist ruler for the One World Government and it’s One World Religion, Chrislam. They’ve told us for years what their plans are for us . Then the holy book in revelation warn us well in advance. Instead of being lovers of the word ( Jesus Christ) . We’ve been lovers of the world ( Satan) as First in our lives. Sad, we had it all in our hands, eyes, ears, mouth, breath of life ( Holy Spirit) . Yet, we didn’t believe that we was Joint heirs with Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior after asking for forgiveness for our sins and others. Plus, after that we didn’t realize what he did when he died and rose again for us not only to be joined heirs with him . But, be able to do everything he did and greater works than him . That’s after Jesus Christ took all the authority Satan had in the beginning . Also, everything Adam lost after sinning and giving it to Satan. So , Jesus Christ took back every authority for us to use in his name sake . Sadly, we don’t use it . Because of our lack of child like faith that comes from reading his word to use on any situation we have in life for peace. We 100% are our worst enemies with our thoughts and words spoken also, not spoken. Kings kids that act less than peasant. Does anyone remember the prodigal son story. Now put your self as the Prodigal son an his father as your Heavenly Father. If you’ve never read it you need to. Then you may understand why it’s so related to us as king kids . That are acting like their less than peasants to the king . If we only knew the power we have through the word (Jesus Christ) , breath of life ( Holy Spirit), Guardian Angels, Arc Angels that are for Our, Heavenly Father . And we act like a less than . when we’re much more through what Jesus Christ did for us . Speak life not Death over your situation. Believe and receive. Only fear the one that can send you to hell forever by not keeping his 10 commandments and unforgiveness of your sins and others.🤔🙏

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

Everyone for years been waiting for the end times rivals with seeing miraculous things done that not only Jesus Christ did. But, also all the miracles that others did in the Holy Bible. Unfortunately, everyone waiting for it to happen somewhere else or from someone else . When it was right where they was at all along . That’s with their breath through the Word ( Jesus Christ) if they only believe and receive it . Sad ! Our lack of faith that comes from reading the word (Jesus Christ) is our worst enemies. 🤔🙏

American Living in Canada

Another year just went by..

American Living in Canada


American Living in Canada

“I went into my chamber for to take a little slumber
I dreamt of gold and jewels and for sure it was no wonder
but Jenny took my charges and filled them up with water
and sent for Captain Farrel to be ready for the slaughter

It was early in the mornin’ before I rose to travel
surrounded by the footmen and likewise Captain Farrel
I went for my old pistol for they’d stolen my old rapier
but I couldn’t shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken

If anyone can save me it’s my brother in the army
I think that he is stationed in Cork or in Killarney
and if he would be here we’d be rovin’ in Kilkenny
I know he’d treat be better than my darlin’ sportin’ Jenny

Now some take delight in the fishin’ and the fowlin’
others take delight in the carriage wheels a rollin
I takes delight in the juice of the barley
and countin’ pretty women in the mornin’ oh so early “

Michael R Davis

Very likely that 2023 will turn out to be the most outstanding year for our beloved nation in our history, indeed for the entire Earth. Not so good for our enemies.

American Living in Canada

It’s gotta be, sometimes my impatience gets the better of me now & then.


Forever remember, that Satan is a deceiver and the author of lies . So, if you have been brainwashed to believe anything demonic is from Our, Heavenly Father it would be a lie . Satan only knows from what he has stolen from God’s creations. Namely us that was created in Our, Heavenly Father image . So, if something called a good demonic alien comes out of a spaceship and claiming to be working with us humans to safe us from bad demonic aliens. That would be a lie . Obviously, you’ll find out just like J6 without a trial. The only hope we ever had was through the blood of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior on the cross. John 3:16 (The holy Word that became flesh for us . John 1 ) We’re are worst enemies with our thoughts ,words spoken ,and not spoken. We’ve always had the ability to do everything Jesus Christ did a greater works than him through his name and his word (The holy Bible) . Never forget you build your faith by reading the word . Then you start saying what god said over your situation and expect nothing less then it to come . According to his will in Heaven by reading, meditating, praying, being thankful, believing or trusting for peace it will be done. ( Child like faith believes nothing less than it will comes to pass. That’s mustard seed size faith! Believe and receive. ) forgive and forget, God’s way ! Sorcery, witchcraft, physics, demonic things like aliens, Satan worshipping through anything you put before Our Heavenly Father as First in your life is your God . Either that’s Our, Heavenly Father or something else that’s taking his space all for Satan as your Father instead of Our Heavenly Father. So, choose wisely that’s while you have a chance for eternity sake . Heaven or Hell , free choice forever.🤔🙏( Movies, Tv, Radio, internet, advertising, is preparing you for the demonic aliens , sorcery, witchcraft, all for Satan.) Wake up like other countries have already . Before, its to late.


John 3:16, Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, Revelation. Read, meditate on it, pray about it all, then be thankful. Simple! Apply ,it to your life and others for Our, Heavenly Father will to be done on earth as in Heaven.🤔🙏

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

I have an idea is there any way to store gasoline to be ready to fly over to Taiwan when needed? I am not in the military but we need to plan for the fact they will need our help if China attack them.

Michael R Davis

Major child trafficking rings, child Adrenochrome production, are the reasons China has been tasked with taking Taiwan down. The citizens of Taiwan will be ok after the dust settles. Russia was tasked with taking the child trafficking rings, US biological warfare labs in Nazi Ukraine down.


My son was just committed to a behavioral health institution. He took my car without permission and was transferred from the ER. I can’t find my car. He believes people are trying to kill him and poisoning him. I have tried for so long to help him.Then my Gmail disappeared and other apps.It’s ok though.Lost my job. Live alone .House is in foreclosure.Husband died in 2019 of malignant melanoma.He tortured and raped me. He abused my son. This is why he passed at an early age.

David Hoffer

that’s a shame. good luck tho

Bill Kaulfield

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess.




I saw something regarding the Military’s Covid Shots being straight up saline, Placebo effect. Any truth to that?

Michael R Davis

Yes. Massive disinformation is often necessary in an allout war for survival.


If the 1980’s UN leader speech . Then Georgia Guide Stone mockery 10 commandments laws that was put into the soil in 1980’s . Both for the One World Government and their depopulation control for that belief. Are any indication of what the New Year will look like then it’s going to be interesting at best. Hopefully , we’ll wake up and do as other countries have started to do . All by taking back their rights from the Criminal Drug Cartels and the stolen election satanic officials . That are for a New World Government and a Satanic One World Religion called Chrislam. But, people have to stop being brainwashed from Tv, Movies, Radio in order to see what’s coming soon to take their rights before losing everything to the Satanic worshippers for a One World Government. Unfortunately, people love to be brainwashed from advertising, Radio, Tv, Movies. So, unless a miracle happens then society as we knew it is doomed unless you go to another country that woke up after almost losing all their rights. It’s Sad . Just keep watching their brainwashing Movies, Tv, advertising, and listening to their radio. Then get in line for their depopulation sterilization blood clot death shot . What’s it going to take. Before, people wake up to the brainwashing .Then take back their rights ! Maybe, society is to far gone . People think what’s bad is good and what’s good is bad now days. People spend more time about the world and less time if any in the word. Church and the Bible are a thing people don’t have time for. But, Satans brainwashing Movies, Tv, advertising and Radio plus, any demonic book for what they watch or listen to from Satan brainwashing shows are first in their lives. 🤔🙏



Pat N

I got a laugh out of this, thought I would share.

Illuminati/DS Rats are offering trillions of $$ now for amnesty of their crimes. It will NOT be accepted.
Fiat $$ are worthless anyway.

Also read that the J6 Committee withdrew President Trump’s subpoena.
Guess they bluffed as long as they could.


Wow. This would be good news. But no amnesty or we risk ourselves and all future generations. They have to be eliminated entirely. Even their bloodlines I have heard.


Agreed. but save the babies and the innocent so thety can be adopted to new families.


suddenly…did they find out NP…..IS UNDER ICE ?????

American Living in Canada

“May the good Lord take a liking to you –
but not too soon.”

Happy New Year..

American Living in Canada

“Now some men like the fishing and some men like to travel
And some men like to hear the cannon ball a roaring
But me – I like sleeping specially in my Molly’s chamber
But here I am in prison here I am with a ball and chain, yeah

My shirigim duraham da
Wack for my daddy oh, wack for my daddy oh
There’s whiskey in the jar oh

I got drunk on whiskey
And I love and I love and I love my Molly.”


I recently was listening to someone personal opinions on why God created a duplicate of Heaven on earth in the beginning. In his thoughts was for the master teacher Our, Heavenly Father to show the two third of the angels in Heaven. What Heaven would of been like if Satan or Lucifer would of been in control. And how he would of gradually turn it into Hell on earth. So, this is what his opinions are . God first created Heaven on earth. Then created a man in his own image or likeness called Adam. And knowing Satans thoughts in advance . He allowed Adam to sin after giving him a companion all by the lies Satan told Adam to deceive him and betray his creator through eve his companion. After , Adam lost all his authority over to Satan that his creator had gave him by sinning against God . That by that act gave Satan not only the authority he already had to death, hell, and the grave. But, to everything Adam had for all creations. Giving him the ability to create and do whatever he wanted . Next God assigned a angel from the 2/3 left in Heaven with a common likeness or trait over every human being born . To protect and guide from harm with the help of the arc angels from Heaven. This way he could show the 2/3 of angels left in Heaven . What Heaven would be like if Satan was in charge or control after the angels choose sides in Heaven . That was between Our, Heavenly Father and Satan to be ruler their. That resulted in Satan and the 1/3 of the angels to go to a place for them call hell. That’s until Adam gave his authority for Heaven on earth and all it’s creations over to Satan by sinning in the garden. Only for later the flood during Noah time to destroy all the creations on the surface of earth . But, mainly the ones that Satan had created there for evil. Giving earth time to heal and allow for people to see what happens if you give your free will life over to Satan . All to choose as a father instead of choosing your Heavenly Father for that position in life or the here after in eternity. Then Jesus Christ was born and Satan tried to tempt him like Adam and Eve . But, Satan didn’t fully understand who he was trying to temp. So, after hearing that Jesus Christ was the Son of Our, Heavenly Father. He choose to take his life only for Jesus Christ to die for our sins and rise again after taking everything Satan had for authority that he had for death, hell, and the grave also, everything that Adam had for Heaven on earth with all Our, Heavenly Father created through his son Jesus Christ the word that became flesh for us who believe and receive it . Giving us all the power of everything through Jesus Christ holy name to do the will of Our, Heavenly Father and His only begotten Son Jesus Christ once we ask for forgiveness of our sins and others . Plus, keep his 10 commandments. Then we can do all things through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior otherwise known as the word. In my opinion all of this is interesting and kinda makes sense biblically if you think about Our, Heavenly Father as knowing all of us before we ever was . And Our free choice as a Father either Satan or Our, Heavenly Father. So, I guess I can see his point of view scripture wise about it all . I personally like to keep it more simple. But, I’m very interesting in someone else’s opinion on it . What do you think about Our, Heavenly Father being the master teacher for the 2/3 that choose him to be ruler over Heaven and giving us the same free will to choose who we want in control of Our life for eternity or to be called the father of Our lives. Crazy thinking 🤔 or maybe makes sense 🤔? I think, I will have to spend more time in the word . Plus, prayer for my answers for it . Meanwhile, I don’t think asking why everything is as it is . For me should be my main focus point like this guy obviously spending way to much time thinking about. I like keeping it simple the BIBLE if God says it then I will believe it . But, after listening to his opinions. I’m kinda interested in someone else view point on it all .Is yours like mine to keep it simple as BIBLE or overly thinking like his 🤔?


Certain things this guy says adds up biblically .Especially , us having a free choice just like the angels in Heaven had . All for who we want to be in charge of our lives now and eternity. Also, If we believe Jesus Christ died for our sins and others . Then ask for forgiveness of our sins as we forgive others and keep his 10 commandments. Then we become joint heirs with Jesus Christ and we have what he has . That’s if we ask in his name over it with the faith (word )for it to come to pass. Basically, believe and receive after asking for forgiveness. Being we are Kings kids and everything Jesus Christ has is everything Our, Heavenly Father has which is everything all by speaking it with faith (word)! As we all know faith comes by hearing ,and hearing by the word of God . Plus, the word and God are one . Jesus Christ is the Word that later became flesh for us . So, we just need more faith for believing to see God’s will to be done with his words in Jesus Christ name. Kinda simple , read the Bible about John 3:16, Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments, Revelation . Then meditate, ask for forgiveness of your sins and others , keep his commandments, pray about all your needs and be thankful. Not complicated to me ! 🤔🙏

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikee

Well, you just described the plot line to “It’s a Wonderful Life”. So actually, this theory makes sense. Also in the book Amos, in the Bible, the Devil is commanded to reveal his plans. This general thesis ( that you outlined) does not reveal the Devil’s plan but rather the plan of the Creator. The Devil cannot break the rules put in place by God and here we stand. Very interesting!


Jimmy Stewart “awoke” and took back his life(in the movie). Also, Judy Garland “awoke” in the Wizard of Oz. Now we see why we are waiting for the public to “AWAKE”. It is our consciousness through the Heavenly Father that will destroy the enemy. And we “don’t sit on our hands”. God works through man, either by prayer or direct action. We are approaching Victory.

John .S

Need to break-up your writings into full space paragraphs, reading is rough on the eyes.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

It’s going to hurt US folks. Real reason It hasn’t been announced because it will cause chaos pain and suffering.Police, hospitals pharmacies will be shutdown. The exhaustion of people will be so intensified that people who don’t respond with love, compassion and gratitude will be taken.

Bill Kaulfield

Everything will be fine, Steph. Don’t worry.


No son of the lord shall put in the darkness who does not see light.


Let it happen. Let it hurt. Let it sicken. And show them everything without holding back. If police and hospitals and pharmacies shut down, let them shut down. We are all tired of the lies. SHOW THEM E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.

David Hoffer



THe greatest awakening of humanity.There will be much collateral damage. Fasten those seat belts.

John .S

Total shit show imminent, fasten your seatbelts as understatement.

The announcement of Pope Benedict’s death as significant marker. Buzz, Pope been dead for years, like the Queen, and like someone that’s currently being masqueraded as alive and well.

Britain’s marker was the Queen, Vatican’s marker the Pope, anticipate next marker from Washington DC; wonder who that could be?

What’s coming down the pike is beyond comprehension, and those in realm of complacency are in for rude awaking. Term: Zombie Apocalypse is not rhetorical.

Note: Zombies will be the second most dangerous creatures amongst us.


I know this also.Just waiting for the blow up destruction of the satanic monuments. Vatican, DC , the crown and Switzerland. The shock will set us non zombies free.


CRN no longer exists. First NESARA Then the RV and GESARA.Then EBS


EAS/EBS first….


Why EAS first?

David Hoffer



In 2021, this man became involved in a cancer testing start up. He knew the vaccines would cause many to be diagnosed and that there could be a huge profit from this. He didn’t get very far with it.


Now we know Alex Jones is controlled opposition. What shall be his punishment?

David Hoffer

reading your posts on realrawnews dot com


Cruel and unusual!


No amnesty!!!


Immunity my A double ess.

You killed millions of innocent Patriots to profit from these toxic killer vaccines.

You’ll never enjoy your millions. You will be executed, soon, and your millions will go back to us, the tax payers.

The clintons, james comey, john brennan, james clapper, susan rice, loretta lynch, dr. brix, dr fauci, and many more demonic politicians and celebrities eagerly await your arrival in LLEH.


When I was a child I always wanted to be a writer. I learned German and French.Then the BA in psychology. BS in nursing then happened.I can see what is happening. Wish I would have left it all

David Hoffer

nobody cares


I care


Thanks for your compassion


Why don’t you come right out with it –why write in the shadows— email MB

David Hoffer

how would YOU know the accusations false? you’re just a guy from CA


Was Mr Haun vaccinated?

John .S

Good question, most likely vax status in follow up article.




Let the truth begin known


Story of crying wolf too many times…. do we trust OWD is telling the truth? Why does he not come right out with it –why write this in the shadow— he needs to MB


Just send love.He will wake up then.


You got that right! And it SHOULD be televised for all to see! I’ll bring the 🍿 & 🍾🥂!!!!!


My dad is dying from MOderna. Hang this piece of shit, too, just like Baphomet aficionado Bancel. I”m sick of these hardened criminals making backroom deals that enrich themselves while killing us. My dad, however, was not forced. What about all the kids who are dying of this shot because mommy or daddy or school told them they had to get vaccinated? Way to go Hahn. Goebbels 2.0. Good first step, if true, but as long as media keeps it all silent, the criminality will continue. Imagine how angry people are going to be when the truth comes out. I say let natural justice take its course. My dad is 87, I begged him not too. I’d be MOST afraid of the parents of kids their shots have killed. They are the ones with nothing left to lose. They might have to go get some of those guns they “hate” so much.


I can see though you.

Bill Kaulfield

Can you see your meds?


Kill bill I don’t take any pharmaceuticals . Homeopathic healing is all do. I smudge
sage to get get rid of the evil dark entities that are within you. Bless you Bill with Christ

Bill Kaulfield

You should seriously consider pharmaceuticals. I suggest you find a psychiatrist.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield

MB, has the ambitious ship been identified yet?

Was it the USS Wasp (LHD 1), the Kearsarge (LHD 3), Bataan (LHD 5), or Iwo Jima (LHD 7)?

Michael R Davis

Most likely Bonhomme Richard LHD-6, decommissioned 2021, supposed to be scrapped in Brownsville Texas.


I had contact with GITMO. My Gmail was deleted. My bank account is gone.Someone from this site is the culprit. Tell me which ones knew what I know.


Only in imagination

Bill Kaulfield

It was me, Steph!

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!



Bill Kaulfield

No, I’m Bill.

Jose Ramirez

Kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John .S

Keeping fingers crossed, Gen. Milley apprehended.

Bill Kaulfield


American Living in Canada

Let it happen Captain.. gnawing on the bit up here.


If there is any Truth to that,…
Then I wish a happy new years and ,
a speedy transport to Gitmo to Gen Milley. !


will be it tonight a night of long knives…..


where did you get it ????

John .S

Myself a proficient handicapper in analyzing track conditions, studying thoroughbreds, and reading racing form, no different than studying stock exchange.

Could say, RRN is a type of racing form, publishing track conditions, entries and race results. No doubt Milley is an entry, hoping for daily double with Austin in following race.

Lynch and Fauci daily double big payout, nobody expected it.

My opening words: “Keeping fingers crossed”, meaning not an affirmative statement, referencing Milley in jest, could say, predicting Milley as next scratched horse, suspected to be stabled and castrated at Gitmo.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

12/31/2022. 11:25 AM PST.
I Wish a SAFE AND HAPPY NEW YEARS to everyone.
I Wish the Best For All and the Best Health and Youthfulness and Energy

Just Me

Thank you, Happy New year to you too. As for me I think I’ll stay home like I do every year. I go to bed early or watch a nice Zombie movie, I just love zombie movies.

David Hoffer

ok, chris

Dr John

They talk among themselves in the open about what does and does not work. Maybe these are credible, honest scientist, but the Deep State has no problem finding these articles

Here is an example

Be aware of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: There is more than meets the eyeAffiliations

Note Dr John: They talk about a virus, they know there is none, or should know as scientists. They misuse the term “corona virus”; that is not a virus, but a class of all virus like cold and flu i.e. the flu is one of many corona virus. The binding has to do with the clot shot’s behavior. See how you can publish information in plain site. Maybe I am paranoid, but this sure seems like an article masked to talk about Covid Clot Shots.

AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the rapid production of vaccines aimed at the production of neutralizing antibodies against the COVID-19 spike protein required for the corona virus binding to target cells. The best well-known vaccines have utilized either mRNA or an adenovirus vector to direct human cells to produce the spike protein against which the body produces mostly neutralizing antibodies. However, recent reports have raised some skepticism as to the biologic actions of the spike protein and the types of antibodies produced. One paper reported that certain antibodies in the blood of infected patients appear to change the shape of the spike protein so as to make it more likely to bind to cells, while other papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the corona virus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier. These findings may be even more relevant to the pathogenesis of long-COVID syndrome that may affect as many as 50% of those infected with SARS-CoV-2. In COVID-19, a response to oxidative stress is required by increasing anti-oxidant enzymes. In this regard, it is known that polyphenols are natural anti-oxidants with multiple health effects. Hence, there are even more reasons to intervene with the use of anti-oxidant compounds, such as luteolin, in addition to available vaccines and anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent the harmful actions of the spike protein.

Bill Kaulfield

The flu is not caused by viruses in the coronavirus family. Flu viruses are in the Orthomyxovirus family.

Dr John

Since there is NO proof a virus exists, the argument as to where a virus is classified is a non sequitur, but I will leave that for you to discuss among yourself.

According to a famous 1800s scientist Béchamp on germ theory (still valid today) You have to purify(isolate) a causal factor before you can evaluate if it is the cause of a condition.

NO ONE has ever purified/isolated a virus, because they are too small to see. So small they are a figment of Rothschild’s and Pasteur’s criminal mind. It has been a 150 year money making scheme that Pasteur admitted on his deathbed and was documented in his lab notes, exposed in 1998.

I have a powerful light microscope with oil lens that is capable of light, dark and phase shift microscopy. It cannot show a virus. To use an electron microscope you have to purify/isolate a virus allowing you can make a metal etching of that virus; so that you can look at a virus. Can’t be done.

We have been lied to by the medical field and the scientist supporting these lies to promote caustic, ineffectual vaccines. The vaccines are making us ill not healthy! The CLOT SHOT is just the last of the toxic product line to date.

Bill Kaulfield

You’re the one who started talking about classifying viruses into families, John.

You can’t even get your own non sequitur right.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield
Dr John

It would seem with your extensive background in the subject and your willingness to comunicate with others; you might invest your intellectual credits to helping mankind.

My post as you well know was not a tretus on virus classification, but on its lack of proof it even exists. That is why you were not following with a just argument, You were derailing the intent with a minor diversion. Some authors say it is in the classification of the Corona Virus and others don’t The subject is not worthy of a discussion if you believe virus was a con to promote vaccines.

You were simply trying to make yourself appear smart; good for you.

My next post is going to follow my prior line of discussion with the intent of offering a few possibilities that may not cure a CLOT SHOT victim, but may alleviate some of the health issues.

You are welcome to do your research and make suggestions. I will not argue any valid suggestions or demean true effort on your part.

Your suggestion may even be better than mine.

I am not after glory, but to aid mankind. With your positive input we can only do greater things. If you chose not to provide solutions I understand. My solutions are clean, safe and simple. They follow logic. No big surprises, just common sense from my experience.

Bill Kaulfield

You misspelled “treatise.”


Last edited 2 years ago by Bill Kaulfield
Sharon Janice Manning

Things are beginning to make sense to me. Thank you.

John .S

Adverse effect of Thalidomine was address, openly spoken via MSM and quickly bridled, sadly not for clot shot.

Hopefully I’m wrong, suspect we will hear a outbreak of measles triggering next round of hysteria and vax.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Please, dear mr. Baxter, enable ust to be able to reach all previous articles published at I’m sure eveybody will be pleased!


Go to the top of the page, click on the magnifying glass, type in your search word and hit Enter.

Dr John

But where do they learn this high science Magnetic bacteria stuff. Lots of books and college courses.

Do a Google search (or your favorite search engine) on the title:

“Biogenic magnetic nanoparticles in metabolishm from bacteria to human”

Go to the below address and you can read a PDF on the subject


Go to the NIH link below to find references for many articles on the topic


Go here for a discussion on how to grow them


The criminal Deep State did not do the research. They had college books published on the subject to help students learn how to “CURE” diseases by targeting internal illnesses with modern treatments that could be mainpulaed/directed inside the body from outside. with low frequency and low power microwave. Students get grants for the Doctorate and Post Doctorate research.

All the Deep State needed then was graduate students from colleges researching stronger transmission possibilities like say aah, 5G remote metering reading on all homes that broadcast at the same frequency as your microwave at 30 watts power from light poles throughout your neighborhood.

Don’t worry they work constantly scanning home meters that record your consumption of power by type induction (motors) versus Resistance loads like LEDs. With a database of the types of loads of common appliance they can tell how often you do laundry, dry your cloths or use your lights. They will know your EVERY move and can shut your power off if you are naughty without even getting out of their office chair.

But all this does not matter for the microwave radiating around your neighborhood, across your yard and THROUGH your house is there to control you. Remember the magnetic bacteria. And it can also FRY your brain. I really should say microwave, but you get the idea, You are cooked from the inside out when ever you are in your neighborhood.

The Deep State are not genus material, but they are grand manipulators to get others to do their thinking for them under various dodges that they are working to benefit mankind.

They get monthly reports on progress from competing university labs where millions in grants can be thrown at the colleges.

The magnetic bacteria grows in waters, like lakes and is attracted to iron, if source of food. That becomes a problem in the human blood stream where iron is taken from Red blood cells that then lose the ability to carry oxygen depriving organs like the brain of oxygen. The problems are just starting since the blood clot and muscles cannot function right without oxygen. We NEED oxygen for just about every function in the body. Because these are bacteria in a iron rich environment, your blood stream they can grow and multiple clogging arteries, causing heart attacks.

Bill Kaulfield

Thank you for showing us how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.


Who promised immunity? Seems BO did, but he is gone.

David Hoffer

he’s up your ass

Dr John

Okay, but where do these clowns get spike proteins, you can’t find them on Amazon or Ebay?
Try this company
It lists for:
10500-CV-100 In Stock100 ug / $539
Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD His-tag Protein, CF Summary
Why choose R&D Systems SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD Protein?

  • Guaranteed Bioactivity and High Purity: Bioactivity tested by functional ELISA and purity determined by SDS-PAGE to be greater than 95%.
  • Lot-to-Lot Consistency: Stringent QC testing performed on each lot to ensure consistent activity and purity.
  • Bulk Quantities Available: Bulk up and save with large mass quantities to meet your research needs. Supply agreements available, partner with us. 
  • Most Respected, Most Cited Brand in Proteins: With over 35 years of providing the best recombinant proteins to the scientific community, R&D Systems continues to lead the industry in quality, activity, and purity.

Interested in other Coronavirus proteins including SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins?
Product SpecificationsPurity >95%, by SDS-PAGE visualized with Silver Staining and quantitative densitometry by Coomassie® Blue Staining.
Endotoxin Level
<0.10 EU per 1 μg of the protein by the LAL method.
Measured by its binding ability in a functional ELISA with Recombinant Human ACE-2 His-tag (Catalog # 933-ZN).
Human embryonic kidney cell, HEK293-derived sars-cov-2 Spike RBD protein
Arg319-Phe541, with a C-terminal 6-His tag
Accession # YP 009724290.1

N-terminal Sequence
Predicted Molecular Mass
26 kDa
28-38 kDa, under reducing conditions

Bill Kaulfield

So you’ve just discovered that you can buy various proteins from biotech suppliers?

Good for you!

Dr John

I have known and now you do to. Thanks for trolling on New Year’s Eve

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. I knew that a long time ago. We would purchase custom proteins and peptides (and occasionally DNA) regularly when I was in grad school.

Bill Kaulfield

And you meant “too,” not “to.”


Bill knows everything. Just ask him. LOL


Don’t give this entity your energy.


Thank you Michael for the Deep State News. This makes me a bit nervous, but, I wand the truth, regardless.