The Biased Corruption of FEMA


There is a significant disparity between how the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) responded to the recent California floods versus how it treated displaced Floridians in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian last September, according to a White Hat study chronicling the agency’s perpetual misdeeds against American citizens.

After Ian, a powerful Cat 4 Atlantic hurricane, levelled parts of southwest Florida, upending lives and flattening homes, FEMA rolled into town and began preying on elderly retirees who had lost everything to the monstrous storm. FEMA’s presence, though, proved to be equally catastrophic: Marauding agents rampaged through Naples, stealing cash, gold, and guns from flooded homes, and threatened to shoot anyone standing in their way. Only White Hat intervention curtailed FEMA’s criminality—servicemembers under Gen. David H. Berger’s command repelled FEMA and recovered stolen property.

A comparable situation played out in October 2018, when Hurricane Michael made landfall on the Florida Panhandle as a colossal Cat 5 storm, the strongest since 1992’s Andrew. It unleashed a trail of destruction across 200 miles that splintered houses, peeled off roofs and stirred up a terrifying surge of seawater that submerged entire neighborhoods and sent boats careening down city streets. As winds abated and floodwaters receded, FEMA pillaged impoverished Panhandle communities.

Contrast those examples—and they are only two of many—to how FEMA reacted to this month’s floods in California. Torrential rainfall has inundated communities, created sinkholes, swamped homes, and contributed to at least 18 fatalities.

After Biblical rainfall submerged homes in Santa Clara County’s city of Gilroy, scores of FEMA agents began arriving in motorized watercraft—not as adversaries but as benefactors. They distributed food and water, escorted evacuated persons to shelter, and even helped residents lay sandbags to keep encroaching floodwaters at bay. Unlike the aforementioned examples, these agents carried no weapons and had no interest in ransacking homes or tormenting victims. They came to help as per their job description, at least on paper.

And in Chatsworth, a city north of Los Angeles, FEMA aided in the rescue of 34 people, including 18 homeless on an island in the Ventura River. FEMA spokesperson Kim Fuller said in a press release that the agency would take part in all rescues, including saving the “unhoused.”  The word “unhoused” is the Left’s politically correct word for “homeless.”

We should compare her statement against the way FEMA regarded homeless during Hurricane Katrina. FEMA snipers perched atop the Louisiana Superdome gunned down homeless persons either entering or desperately looking to escape the stadium. Those managing to elude gunfire were picked up and put on FEMA barges, never to be seen again.

The White Hat study scrutinized 50 FEMA deployments between 1986-currently, and the conclusion is alarming. In situations where FEMA visited Democrat-ruled, Left-leaning states, the agency was quick to render genuine assistance. Conversely, when agents arrived in Republican states—primarily those with strong pro-2nd Amendment appeal—they routinely partook in a campaign of malicious terror against the populace.

The conclusion is further evidenced by FEMA’s bias in processing flood insurance claims. It has been rubberstamping approvals in California, even before adjusters had a chance to analyze claims. Not a single California claim has been denied or delayed for adjudication. On the other hand, claims filed for damage associated with Hurricane Michael were either summarily denied or are still sitting in limbo; hundreds of homeowners haven’t been reimbursed a dime.

“FEMA must be defunded and abolished, and if we can help make that happen, we will,” a source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. “It’s time their lawlessness comes to an end.”

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Derek Johnson has an interesting take on what’s going on, all based on military law.


Look up Babylonian Radhanites/Keninites. That is what anyone white skinned Claiming to be a Jew really is. Jesus Christ himself identified them as the literal biodescendants of Lucifer. If you have access to a way back time machine from 7 years ago you could see for yourselves.

Zechariah 14:21 used to say never again will there be a “KENITE” on my Holy Mountain.

2 Esdra 2:10 God took Jerusalem away from Judah and gave it to his new elect people the Catholics.

GOD cut off and cursed the tribe of Judah
(Black slaves in 2 Esdra 1:24. They havent been spiritually relevant to him for 2000. years. Unless they fufilled the prophesy in Hosea 5:15. If you look at a 1494 map of Africa you will see that the Slave Coast of Africa used to be named Whiddah Land.
The reason the zionist media mock black people about watermelons is because Josephus the first century jewish historian wrote that on the day of captivity all the tribe of Judah except for the royal temple court jews had been far away from Jerusalem working in the watermelon fields These Babylonian Radhanites/Kenites know the truth they know that they usurped the Black tribe of Judah members Identity. Remember between Jacob, his two wives Rachel and Lean and their two handmaids….the tribe of Israel could have had 7 different skin tones at the very least. Remember Jacob became Israel and he adopted Josephs 2 sons Ephraim and Mannaseh.

Richard Longacre

FEMA is only part of the Deep State military might. They also have DHS, CIA, and IRS (and others).

Expect “wealth taxes” on property you already own that will be impossible to pay so the government can “legally” steal your home using their armed IRS agents.

Expect the same kinds of “taxes” on guns, magazines, and ammo. They could not get it done any other way so they will use the IRS to confiscate weapons. Coming soon. They must disarm us to finish the enslavement.

As their CBDC fiat digital currency total life control (MOTB) system is unleashed they will also attempt to tax physical silver and gold “as wealth” making it impossible to “legally” own or sell these metals. BYOB = Be Your Own Bank


In paragraph 6 the city listed as Chatsworth was actually Ventura. The Ventura River runs by my place as well as many other. We’ve had a large homeless population in this area because the climate is so mild most years. The amount of debris that had to be removed from the river took crews days to do. Social media won’t let people use the word homeless anymore, it is stupid in CA. They’re way more republican and independent voters that anyone would think. This is where voter fraud has been happening for the longest time, thanks to the unions.

American Living in Canada

Did someone wipe out all the down strokes and up strokes on comments?


Yeah, I noticed that, too.

Pat N


Have you heard any tidbits about FEMA’s reaction to the White Hats disabling the USS Boxer?

Dave Smith

I’ve just heard a Rumor that there’s United Nation Troops here too enforce Marshall Law on us United States of Citizens. Is this true ? Thank you for any information about This you can give us on this. God bless us all Amen.



Pastor Kevin

Oddly enough, even as a Pastor, who’s told to return evil with good, and knowing God’s got the ultimate conclusion under control, I also cannot help but see this PlanDemic, overall demonic mess across the globe for what it is.

This is not normal circumstances, not an everyday or common disagreement, but evil backing WE THE PEOPLE into a deeper and darker pit of hell, and politics are CLEARLY not the answer, as they live high on the hog, golfing with Charlie Ward & President Trump for example, while we the people, the little guy, the pauper, continue taking the brunt of it all, suffering as the game of life is being played out.

When I think of such verses that tell us that God will have His revenge (Deuteronomy 32:35), that all things hidden will be exposed (Luke 8:17/Hebrews 4:13), I also cannot help but wonder that in His saying this, am I and all people, especially Christians who should know these truths and believe and do not doubt in the provable inerrant and infallible living word that, as always, has God not used HIS CREATION of people, both for Him and against Him, to bring about His revenge and/or serve His purposes; exposing said truths/lies? ABSOLUTELY throughout all the OT & NT!

And does He not also teach us to EXPOSE THE EVIL?

  • Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them (Ephesians 5:11).

*** Boggled / puzzled as a Christian leader, wanting to do right, and yet, feel even according to the living word that at the least, WE THE CHRISTIAN PEOPLE have a greater responsibility than what we are acting on.

American Living in Canada

“Now and then I drop in for a beer at the bar,
With the guys who work where I do.
I enjoy sittin’ ’round with my friends playing cards, swapping jokes, and a story or two.

I’ll admit I like teasin’ the waitress. (haha)
When she laughs, it’s like ringin’ a bell.
Just because I like playin’ sad songs on the jukebox, Is no sign that I’m goin’ to hell.

That doesn’t mean that I don’t love my Jesus.
That doesn’t mean that my life is a fraud.
With my taste for living,
And all my misgivings,
That doesn’t mean that I don’t love my God.

I don’t go every week to the church down the street.
But I pray to God all the time.
I can walk through the woods where the flowers are sweet,
And feel peace in my heart and my mind.

I can look at my wife, and my children,
And believe in the power He’s got.
Just because I don’t follow the straight and the narrow,
Is no sign that my soul has been lost.”

RIP Ray Griff.

Jose Ramirez

Good luck with that. Specially if still waiting for Novembers. Always is the Novembers.

Carol Sims

Since you chose NOT to acknowledge my donation to YOU in “Early December” that you immediately put it in your bank, kindly remove your request for MORE MONEY.



Any feedback on Ted Cruz’s Twitter. He said that Hillary’s server was found in Joe’s garage (on Jan 12). So far he hasn’t retracted this statement. If so, to me, that is proof that she is dead since she would never entrust Big Dummy with this valuable item. Also leads me to think that the Obummers are also gone since they would be the natural caretakers of the server. Well?

Dr John

Something to think about.

What if when masks were a required attire, no one complied?
What if when social distancing to keep us apart did not become the norm?
What if people refused to use a mask to enter a business?

How would the confused weak masses behave?

They follow the crowd, they cannot stand alone and be different.

RATTLE the timbers and make the weak masses hear what they need to know.

Share facts to dispel the lies. LIES are a tool of the enemy. Uncovering the truth is what the Deep State fear most. Us working together is their worst problem. That is why Shills are among us, to keep us apart and fighting over what stupid things the say to incite us.

WE are the force, WE are the power. When we learn the truth, things that can help others, spread the word far and wide.

What if no one ever bought cold and flu meds (that really don’t cure the cold or flu). Cold and flu isles would collapse and Big Pharma could lose millions if not billions annually. What if every new con med shown on TV ads was not gulped up by the naive! The cost of advertising junk would be too high for negligible returns.

They still push the COVID narrative hoping they can pick up a few more mentally weak sheep, pushing for just 10% more deaths and injury, trying to squeeze the last drop out of a failed attack. Yes, people have been injured and are dying, but no where near the levels the Deep State dreamed. They have had an impact, but are not coming close to reaching their goals.

The smarter we get, the more they fail, THE MORE THEY FAIL! Educate yourself on foods, medicines and the health of your body and that of your family and friends. Doctors are often controlled and may not always tell you what is best for you, but what is best for their career and profit line. The AMA controls doctors along with the hospitals rules, Big Pharma bribes, Insurance regulations and government over-site. The DEEP STATE is behind all of them.

You can trust your doctor, right after you verify what they recommend.

What if people read the labels of foods and meds; and researched the big words in ingredients; finding toxins and shunned the products.

What if people looked into the prescription of recommend drugs to determine for themselves if it was really needed? What if everyone asked their doctor why they were prescribing unnecessary harmful drugs?

Our behavior, our acquiescence, our laziness to read ingredients and shun the toxins, our “Oh Well” attitude toward GMO products and harmful pesticides and herbicides is why they keep poisoning us. BECAUSE we are ACCEPTING of what they are doing. We CONDONE their assaults. WE THE PEOPLE are saying it is OK!

STOP being the victim, stop buying their crap and buying into their program. Without our participation there is no program!

Remember they think we are so STUPID we will eat anything, take any med/treatment our Doctor recommends and NEVER/EVER read the ingredient and side effects of products we buy and use in our home. We are too LAZY for that!

They may be the enemy, but we are the enablers!

The more positive solutions we garner they healthier we become and the poorer the Deep State becomes. The more we distribute our knowledge far and wide the weaker the Deep States influence and hold on the people. When we become WE; we are invincible! When we fight among ourselves we have been duped by the Deep State. They are playing us; are we playing along?


Good one Dr J and no argument from me. The behavior you cited is a result imho, of the dumbing down of the populace for centuries hence the great awakening is slowly but surely taking hold on the minds of most. I enjoin all to pray, hope and not worry because God is above all. Let us leave everything in God’s hands then will see God’s hand in EVERYTHING. Amen? Lord help,us. Blessings,

Robert Ford

A perfectly reasonable post from “Delavic”, no commercial solicitation. Thank you. Are you the same guy?

Bill Kaulfield

To be fair, the vast majority of over the counter cold and flu medicines aren’t intended to cure the cold and flu, and aren’t marketed that way, either. They relieve symptoms, and that’s how they are advertised.


More DIversity types.. sanctuary city freebies.. they give driver’s licenses to illegals so WA STATE is MAGNET for transnational criminals flooding in thru Refugee asylym scams or just hopping over border.. or any NGO ushered 3rd world IMPORTATIONS SCHEME… DEFUNDED POLICE< SOFT ON CRIME POLICIES..this is what you get…

Man seen on video robbing Tacoma gas station owner at gunpoint

John .S

During hurricane Sandy FEMA had a bivouac in nearby shopping center, handing out MRE’s & bottled water.

Told my neighbors to avoid them, saying: “they’re no good”. Few neighbors took my advice, others wanted free stuff.

Recently showed my hand-out excepting neighbor current RRN article of hurricane Ian in Fla. and FEMA pillaging, who said: “that’s fake news”.

Told neighbor: “think what you want”, though if situation of FEMA happens again: “I will shoot you before exiting the street, and hang you on my tree by the feet”. He went speechless, having a jaw dropping WTF moment.

Bill Kaulfield

You don’t “except” a handout. You “accept” a handout.


That bothers me so much. Proof in front of their faces and they STILL say “that’s fake news.” Do the research, bloody idiots!! You have smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and if do are anti-electronic, there are libraries to check the proof there in the archives and even documentaries do the legwork by checking the national archives both in the US and the UK. There is no excuse not to check stuff out, even out of curiosity. I have, and boy were my eyes opened!
One time I shared a happy photo of President Trump playing chess with Barron, just good old family stuff, and my friend who is a born-again Christian says, “that’s fake news.” This guy is intelligent, a real brainiac, I love talking with him, and he believes that implicitly?
Another time I sent that photo to a work colleague of mine and she is a MAJOR Hillary supporter. She said, “Don’t ever send me pictures of that evil man.” I was stunned. And she was a highly educated legal professional.
What? Can’t even give the President a break for spending time with his kids?
JFK wasn’t perfect, either, and there are photos of him spending time with his kids in the Oval office. That’s not fake news.



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Improved access for WHAT??? free shit?? on American citizen’s backs??? that is more like it.. More Communist invasion of foreigners from 3rd world.. to BREAK AMERICA into BANKRUPTCY and DESPAIR>… How about IF THEY CAN”T SPEAK ENGLISH AND WORK AND SUPPORT THEMSELvES THEY CAN MOVE TO CUBA!!!

David Hoffer



Lock’em down, forensic-vet everyone them.
Trace the paper, $$$$$ have serial numbers, and their chipped.

No one can un-ring a Bell.


and they want to get MORE HOUSING in SEATTLE.. so they can IMPORT more 3rd world TRASH…

LAKE STEVENS, Wash. — An investigation is underway after Lake Stevens police shot and killed a man in a suspected carjacking on Friday.

No Name, No description.. but you can probably GUESS….


no surprise all black, I think Wisconsin?? It is ALL OVER.. BLM’s finest.. WE ARE NOW SOUTH AFRICA..

Armed gunmen commit 5 carjackings, attempted carjackings in Lake County Wednesday evening


last carjackings.. ALL black immigrants from Africa.. oh, wonder how that works. bring them here and they are desperate.. no jobs, no future.. they don’t speak English and are expected to assimilate and get jobs at Microsoft or Amzon or wherever.. NOPE.. they end up CARJACKING local citizens.. THANKS to the democrats Open borders and Massive importing of Africans, Middle East, Chinese, MExicans.. and LOCAL PEOPLE ARE LIVING IN 3rd world STREETS OF AFRICAN CRIME VILLAGES NOW!!!


another “diversity is our Strength” African immigrant …. adding to our rich multicultural mix in Seattle and surrounding “Hood”… Carjackings are surpassing Mt. Rainier as our claim to fame… Thanks Open Borders, sanctuary city, Massive influx of NGO sponsored 3rd world… REALLY making it SAFE and Clean for regular white folks who have lived here for 30 years and been paying out the ass in Property taxes and this is what we have to thank us. Just keep sending these criminals and thugs to terrorize us old white people… and the article saying “he hates black people” is just to CHANGE THE NARRATIVE.. most of the foreigners TARGET vulnerable white people in their 60’s or older. Nice try MARXIST LOCAL MEDIA.. you are PART OF THE PROBLEM!!! ANTI WHITE, CRT LOVING COmmie Propaganda PRESS.. why don’t you show us more commercials with ALL BLACK people.. your favorite thing to do.. to FURTHER WHITE GENOCIDE AMERICANS.

King County prosecutors called Diallo an “extreme threat to community safety” and asked that he be held on $5 million bail. A judge set his bail at $3 million.

Pastor Kevin

We cannot use a broken system to fix said system – we need a new one – 1776 Constitutional Republic Government WORLD-WIDE

We know how bad FEMA is and yet they still stand!
We know how bad WHO is and yet they still stand!
We know how bad WEF is and yet they still stand!
We know how bad FDA is and yet they still stand!
We know how bad all pharmaceutical companies are and yet they all still stand!
We know how bad the educational system is and yet it still stands!
We know how bad our legal system is and yet it still stands!
We know how bad the MSM & SM PlanDemic backing monsters are and yet they still stand!
We know how quickly evidences disappear as quickly as they were supposedly found and yet nothing is done about it!
And we know there are evidences stacked to the mood & back to remove all of the above evil and yet it all still stands!

Not sure about any of you who claim the Christian title, but as for me, I believe without doubt that I can do all things in Christ who gives me the strength, and as God’s most imperfect servant, I’m getting tired of getting nowhere … and ready to do what is necessary to remove this global demonic stronghold in the name of JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD for the benefit of my children and grandchildren.


You echo the sentiments of many of us here. Including myself. Our kids are inheriting a hell hole. My particular thoughts though, are that the men need to protect this continent, the women and the children. Isn’t that how every community since the dawn of mankind works? I don’t want to loose any of our men but what do you do when the Satanists are literally eating our children???? Too long now!!!


I meant to say lose not “loose.” I don’t want to lose any of our men. But the children….what to do? How much courage does it take for an innocent child to face his own death at a tender age? Death would be the easy part…….

David Hoffer

yeah but think of the adrenochrome supply. free market, amirite?




Yes, all hands you are right. Maybe the new quantum financial system will help with this very bad problem…..

Pastor Kevin

Hey, Zena … I too hear what Windtalker is saying, and can agree with your upgrade in position, even the ARMOUR UP, LOCK, AND LOAD :).

Oddly enough, even as a Pastor, who’s told to return evil with good, and knowing God’s got the ultimate conclusion under control, I also cannot help but see this for what it is. This is not normal circumstances, not an everyday or common disagreement, but evil backing WE THE PEOPLE into a darker and darker pit of hell, and politics are CLEARLY not the answer, as they live high on the hog, golfing with Charlie Ward & President Trump for example, while we the people continue taking the brunt of it all, suffering as the game of life is played.

When I think of such verses that tell us that God will have His revenge (Deuteronomy 32:35), that all things hidden will be exposed (Luke 8:17/Hebrews 4:13), I also cannot help but wonder that in His saying this, am I and all people, especially Christians who know these truths and believe and do not doubt in the provable inerrant and infallible living word that as always, has God not used HIS CREATION of people to bring about His revenge; exposing said truths/lies? ABSOLUTELY throughout all the OT & NT!

And does He not also teach us to EXPOSE THE EVIL?

  • Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

Spot on, Pastor K!


Thanks, Kevin.
I just hate what these traitors have done to America and the world, it just makes me so very angry that I RAGE!


I’m thinking of GHWB, Hillary, Chrissy Teigen, Chelsea Clinton who were paedovores.
When the Queen was still alive, ITN TV reported on her having a VERY red bloodshot eye, not your normal bloodshot eye. Nobody would answer questions on why she had it, she was televised at a sports match handing out an award. No other media would touch it, not BBC, ITV, Chanel 4, they all know she was the boss of the Freemasons and perhaps other secret societies. Nobody questions the queen’s personal health for any reason, but ITN took a dare.

youtube dot com slash watch?v=rUsY4e3lr9E

But the Rothschilds treated her very shabbily.
The Khazarians, later the Illuminati, have been financing wars and profited from them regardless of the victor and the loser. They’ve owned the British royal family since 1815 when the Duke of Wellington won the war against Napoleon at Waterloo, and through Nathan Rothschild’s courier system, he used that information to become excessively rich from his insider trading at the London Stock Exchange.
He sold his guilds rather than buying them; the traders noticed thinking Nappy won the war. They sold their bonds and caused the price to drop. That’s when Natty bought up all the guilds. he garnered a 20-1 profit return — THE VERY SAME TERM BILL GATES USED DURING AN INTERVIEW ABOUT VACCINE COMPANIES MAKING HIS DEPOPULATION SHOTS, THINKING WE ARE ALL STUPID. This proves GATES is in bed with the Rothschilds.

dcclothesline dot com slash 2020 slash 08 slash 04 slash bill-gates-admits-that-hes-looking-at-a-20-to-1-return-on-his-10-billion-investment-in-vaccines-video

Then other traders noticed and started buying again. George III, already having lost the war in 1776 to General Washington and the patriots, was now heavily indebted to Natty Rothschild who financed his wars, and he was not only in the Rothschilds’ pocket but had opt pay interest.

“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls the money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the money supply.”

Tale a look a photos online with Lord Evelyn Rothschild (deceased), Lady Lynn de Rothschild’s husband and Noname’s friend, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s friend, who poked his finger into Prince Charles’s chest like he’s the boss;
and in another photo, the prince is straightening out Evelyn’s tie like a lackey.
Despite this, Chucky and Klaus have been chums for years, and there is a photo of him at a WEF meeting with Klaus in the photo.
Facebook would not allow me to post a meme of WEF leader Klaus Schwab riding a naked Prince Charles with the crown on his head that went viral after the Queen died after September 8th, 2022.

THE NWO KNOWS WHO RULES THE BRITISH THRONE, BUT THEY DON’T WANT US TO KNOW. They are some of the Satanists eating our kids.

One survivor’s recent account tells of two British princes, an American military general and Klaus Schwab at a very formal dinner party, but there was no gourmet food being cooked there; it was human flesh. The survivor was asked to bring the platter with a carving knife to one of the princes and he began to behead a baby, pouring its blood into a vessel to drink from, and the entire room chanted, “Ave satanas.” More than once during the dinner.
SRA survivor Jeannette Archer lost her little brother because the satanists raping and sodomizing them both killed him and buried him in the forest in Surrey, England, and because the police are controlled by the Masons, they are afraid to disobey their unlawful orders even if they want to do the right thing and find these missing kids.
One survivor was sexually abused and raped in a ritualistic manner; she witnessed the queen shapeshift into a reptile with a huge tail swishing back and fourth…. at the ritual at Windsor Castle, she claims to have seen Elizabeth, Chuckie, Philip and Lizzie the Queen Mother there.

According to Vladimir Putin, he met the Queen in the UK in June 2003 for a state visit; this was the first official visit by a Russian head of state since Alexander II visited Great Britain in 1874; the queens is aware of this since she and Philip have Russian family connections dating back to Princess Alexandra’s sister’s marriage to one of the czars.
But at the state dinner that night, Vladimir saw the Queen shapeshifting into a reptile. In a UK documentary, one clip shows Elizabeth and Vladimir walking to their seats at the state dinner, but the Queen’s hatred of Vladimir was evidently twisting her face as they walked. Like him or not, he is a head of state as much as she, and she should have put on a poker face.
That didn’t stop there…. in the video compilation below, one can see at marks 0:50 and 2:10 the queen seethed and was huffing and puffing as Putin spoke at the dinner. She scowled as she stood with Putin upon his arrival and traveled in the open landau with him.

youtube dot com slash watch?v=NTnlJz_jJYI

She had no such issues with Boris Yeltsin, his predecessor and first leader of an independent Russia. She visited Yeltsin’s Russia in 1994 and thoroughly enjoyed a performance of Cossack dancers and horse riders. She has no hatred of Russia or the Russians. She met Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Alexy II, Mikhail Gorbachev in 1989.
Many people dislike and even hate Putin, but why did Elizabeth hate Putin so much? She met him in 2000 when he was Acting President at Windsor Castle and again at Normandy, France on June 6, 2014 — again with the scowling face. Never mind the fact that he showed up 14 minutes late in 2003 at the state dinner — there was more to Elizabeth’s antipathy to Putin than that.

Could it be that President Putin kicked the Rothschilds out of Russia and opposes the New World order?
Could be it Vladimir publicly exposed the New World Order’s plans for putting a central bank in Russia? This is what Czar Alexander I refused the Rothschilds in 1815 after the Congress of Vienna, and Nathaniel Rothschild was so enraged at Alexander’s prohibition that he vowed to eradicate the Romanov family and their descendants (which he did in 1918) for refusing them access into Russia, because he knew the Rothschilds were Khazarians and controlled the British royal family.
Could it be the Illuminati Rothschilds hated the fact that Russia was an ally to the United States of America during the Civil war of 1861-1865, and helped President Lincoln defend her shores, so England and France, allies under Illuminati control, would not bring an embattled America back under control of the British Crown?
Could it be that Russia’s ally, America, also created its own currency, the greenback, so the U.S. Government would not be beholden in debt to the Rothschild banking system? (Hint: The Illuminati doesn’t like nations that are financially independent from their grasp.)
Could be that President Putin staunchly opposes legalization of paedophilia, child rape, incest, child sex trafficking, sex change surgeries for children, LGBTQ indoctrination in the schools, gay marriage, gay parenting and the destruction of marriage and family in Russia?
Could it be because Putin stopped all international adoptions of Russian kids to European and American families because they belong to countries that tolerate and legalize paedophilia and gay marriage and LGBTQ behaviour?
Could it be that he is helping support the Orthodox priests and helps to restore and rebuild the Orthodox churches destroyed by the Communists during 78 years of Soviet rule?
Could it be that Vladimir is trying to protect families from state interference and putting the kids into foster care at whim?
Could it be that Putin supports marriage between one man and one woman, supports and rewards multi-child families (6.0 v. 1.0 in the West) and refuses to support abortions?
At the Putins’ departure from England, Elizabeth was still very disturbed at being in Putin’s presence, and his wife Lyudmila literally ran to the cars as the car doors opened — no first lady does that. The Queen smiled as she and Philip walked back inside as the cars drove off, no longer frowning and scowling.

youtube dot com slash watch?v=RD5yuYeH4Hw

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

No Xena, the reason she hates Putin is because he was replaced long ago. His former wife gave testimony that the original Putin (who his wife said was a horrible person) has been replaced with a reasonable man. This is why the Queen spewed venom at the new Putin. Meanwhile, the Queen herself was eliminated a few years back as you know. Now, who is wielding this power behind the scenes? That is a rabbit hole Q-uery.


Thanks. I tried searching for the link but can’t. With all the hatred today against Putin because of the special operation in the Ukraine, it should be easy to find.


And could it be that Putin is hated because he is helping to rid the world of Nazis, once and for all? I can see why Queen Lizard didn’t like him at all. No wonder Lyudmila literally ran to the cars to go home!


LOL! True!
Let’s remember that state visit where Vladdy saw the Queen turn into a reptile before the state dinner was in June of 2003 when he was still married to Lyudmila, and Lyudmila ran to the car.
Not blaming him for getting rid of the Nazis and saving the kids, I have no beef with him on that. Anybody can change. No matter what anybody thinks of him, he’s not a bad dude for that!!


I am with you 100%, Pastor K. You mentioned my favorite Bible passage and it’s time we get off our lazy duffs and do something to help ourselves and our country. I still have a hard time trying to wrap my pea brain around all these masked and jab hungry morons. Whenever I see someone die “suddenly”, young or old, I think another one bites the dust. Lots and lots dying. Haven’t ever seen this many celebrities or athletes suddenly die. I just thank the Good Lord he’s in charge of this mess.


He is in charge of Trump and the White Hats without question, but we need to help out, too. LET’S CONTINUE CLEANING THIS MESS.
Contact your righteous leaders in authority and insist that they sign rape survivor protection laws, or they no longer get your vote or support. Those rape survivor protection laws should include provisions and stipulations that strip any and all parental rights of any rapist, paedophile, incest offender, child sex trafficker or human trafficker from having any access or custody claim to a child they produced through rape or incest at any time, and for the victim/survivor to immediately divorce the offender if married to them, or permanently sever ties to them via emergency emancipate from them if they are the father/grandfather/uncle/stepfather or any male or female authority figure in the family; and also give up the baby for emergency adoption without having to get the rapists/sex offender’s permission. Both mothers and babies, regardless of age, need protection from these sex offenders, regardless of relation to or lack thereof to the sex offender.
Pray for President Trump and his family and the White Hats every night before going to bed. They need our help!! 1 Timothy 2:1-2.
Wage spiritual war according to Ephesians 6 against any and all Freemasons, Illuminati, Shriners, Jesters, Wiccans, anthroposophists, eugenicists, satanists, Druid priests and voodoo/santeria/palo mayumbe practitioners seeking harm and death to President Trump (65x) and his family (multiple X). NEVER STOP WARFARE PRAYERS!!
Pray for protection over your home and family according to Psalm 91, and for repayment of losses according to Proverbs 6:31 and Joel 2:25.
Repeal any and all mRNA vaccine mandates and destroy/burn the supplies teh Illuminate bulkstoraged against us once and for all. Arrest and incarcerate any and all medical professionals violating their Hippocratic oath to do no harm to patients or their colleagues by forcing the shot for a check.
Permanently repeal and remove any and all USA travel restrictions REGARDING COVID OR THE SHOTS, so people can travel anywhere they want, internationally and freely without prejudice, according to the Constitution of 1776 and the UDHR of 1948.
Lock and load, and don’t let anybody hurt your family or steal your property. 1A, 2A and 4A apply for everyone. ALL HANDS ON DECK, AND TEACH THE YOUNG ONES TO SHOOT TO PROTECT!


2nd Plandemic likely See New SG Anon


When he said that, that is when I stepped away from his information. He just came out of nowhere and is suddenly everywhere, and with this “more pandemic” stuff. Not for me….


Saying he came out of no where does not sit well with me…. He’s from Anonymous. He knows his history more than most


Well he just appeared. Suddenly. Xena probably has more history in her little finger than he has in his whole brain, lol. Well anyway, it did not sit well with me when he said we need more plandemic nonsense. Not for me…but to each his own.


I trust his info warning–the DS will never give up

They WON’T STOP TRYING TO ELIMINATE US.. But i am sure they can’t follow through as they would like to. But we have been warned by many to watch our surroundings.


Well SG certainly does have lots of truth to tell, even if he slips in the odd thing to throw things off. Maybe purposeful. I agree that we all have to watch our surroundings big time.


SG ANON was over the DS shit-so ‘they’ ATTACKED The SITE…see it here on Rumble insteadGoTo: rumbleDOTcom/v259khj-sganon-file-35-faa-grounding-covert-spec-ops-reorienting-wef-cyber-pandemic.html


DS must be troubled by him as they screwed up the site…see him on Rumble instead.
I think we needed someone who is very well informed. He’s from Anonymous. Only thing he said wrong was Chinese White Rabbit was last here 1963. No, Rabbit like any of the 12 animals cycle every 12 years each. It’s the Cycle of Jupiter which is stays in a sign for one year.
The years are 1939 WW2. 1951. 1963 JFK Shot.1975.1987. 1999. 2011.2023.


SG ANON was over the DS shit-so ‘they’ ATTACKED The SITE…see it here on Rumble instead.
GoTo: rumbleDOTcom/v259khj-sganon-file-35-faa-grounding-covert-spec-ops-reorienting-wef-cyber-pandemic.html


Do you know what you have done.? Murdered our people. Happy go lightly.

American Living in Canada

“If you see your brother standing by the road
With a heavy load from the seeds he sowed
And if you see your sister falling by the way
Just stop and say you’re goin’ the wrong way
You’ve got to try a little kindness yes show a little kindness
Yes shine your light for everyone to see
And if you’ll try a little kindness and you’ll overlook the blindness
Of the narrow minded people on the narrow minded streets

Don’t walk around the down and out lend a helping hand instead of doubt
And the kindness that you show every day will help someone along their way
You’ve got to try a little kindness…”

Glen Campbell 1970.

David Hoffer

this is awesome

American Living in Canada

Off topic.. Attention troll believers.. if there is any here.

If you believe individuals like trudeau, hillary, and biden could of been eligible and qualified to be a representative of the People of their respective Country’s. Even without their atrocities/corruption against humanity.

Get your heads examined.

Well said!

David Hoffer

could of 


Turdeau is off his rocker.

Vikki Arcila

Any news about General Berger?

Smokey Stover

He’s alive and well at his home in the Marine Barracks in Washington, DC, and never disappeared in the first place.



David Hoffer

sounds you like want berger to be dead


“Were the Biden classified docs found at Penn U guarded 24/7, who had access? Why did Penn receive 54 million from Chinese donors and did they have access to the docs? Biden was VP and had NO declassification authority, TRUMP DID. Who’s the criminal? #BidenClassifiedDocuments,”
Read here: wwwDOTchristiannewsalertsDOTcom//classified-docs-case-gets-worse-biden-uncovered-donating-home-think-tank/

David Hoffer

i definitely get my non-partisan news from christiannewsalerts DOT com

Sparky Sr

People, let’s stay on target here…
1) why the bias of FEMA?
2) who are the politicians for CA?
3) who is controling CA? – Remember the real Newsom is dead.
4) which politicians are meeting God for judgement?
5) sort out…
6) Who is the head of fema?
7) remember – Feb 2020 congress & others were told to take the deal or die in the middle of the night! – Remember the busses in & out of congress – The barracades, etc!!!

Dr John

While waiting for the next MB news release, here is something about COVID Clot Shots you need to see.

Here is one (of several) WEB sites where you can BUY the Spike Protein. You know the SPIKE PROTEIN in the CLOT SHOT! As you look at the site scroll down and notice how many variants they offer. If you click on the Red product number to the left is pulls up more detail on the specific SPIKE PROTEIN.

It is safe to go to this sight. Selling Spike Proteins is not illegal, giving shots laced with it should be if it is not properly tested and approved. Which the CLOT SHOT was not!

Question: Which one did they use and did they use more than one. It is astounding to believe someone is administering Clot Shots with approved by the government ad not long ago expected of the people. It is shocking to see this shot material can be purchased on line much as we might on EBay or Amazon.

It would be nice if The military would look into these sites and look at their purchase records to look for our fun loving Big pharma company names and volumes of this “shit” they purchased and what types. Most labs like the WEB site I shared know their competitors, so a lead is a LEAD.

Are you listening MB and will you share this with the military connections you have?


Yes and I heard they will put it into the food supply because there are not enough people stepping up for their death shot.

Bill Kaulfield

It doesn’t matter if they put it in your food. It won’t do anything. You eat proteins all the time. You have to in order to survive. Your body breaks them down into their constituent amino acids, which you absorb and use to make your own proteins.

That’s how the body works.

Dr John

You are on the mark, the problem with the Clot Shot is it by-passed all of the body’s natural protective barriers.

As you mention one protective barrier is the the intestines. But the propaganda “its in the food and water,” is another way to frighten people.

Understanding human biology is a great defense against Deep State Propaganda.

Great comments to both of you, this is worth a conversation and exposing what is going on. This is how we fight the Deep State by sharing knowledge and truth. Dispelling their lies is a crippling punch to them.


Yes, well said, and it is really good to discuss things like this that come up.

David Hoffer

you are the mark


SHILL..take no notice of his lying BS

Bill Kaulfield

It’s basic biochemistry, Zee. Pick up a high school biology textbook and learn something.


Beg to differ. Biochem and biology are two different courses/sciences according to sources. Sorry, my bad. Blessings, 🙏🙏

Bill Kaulfield

High school bio texts cover biochemistry.

Go look it up, instead of relying on “sources.”

Bill Kaulfield

The spike proteins aren’t in the vaccines. The vaccines contain mRNA which directs cells in your body to make the spike proteins.

Dr John

Maybe. There is a lot of confusion about how it works. You are correct some say it directs human cells to make spike proteins. Other suggests it starts with a spike protein that is then replicated.

Not saying you are wrong, just saying there is more than one story and I am not sure which is true. It is not the biology that confuses me, just the lack of information in what is truly in the vaccine; including the story that there are variants of the vaccine; making it more challenging to over come and potentially more toxic to the body. Ergo the story they are using variants of the Spike protein in the vaccines.

The vaccines also “supposedly,” include Magnetosomes, magnetic bacteria grown in the lab. Some videos of slides online show what some people describe as parasites due to their movement. From what I have learned they are the Magnetosomes.

“The bacterial magnetosome is a unique prokaryotic organelle comprising magnetic mineral crystals surrounded by a phospholipid bilayer. These inclusions are biomineralized by the magnetotactic bacteria which are ubiquitous, aquatic, motile microorganisms. Magnetosomes cause cells of magnetotactic bacteria to passively align and swim along the Earth’s magnetic field lines,”

Mol Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013;23(1-2):63-80.doi: 10.1159/000346543. Epub 2013 Apr 18.

It is a Gram Positive, Anaerobic bacteria and can be killed with CD/CDS. It is dangerous inside the human blood stream because it attracts iron from Red blood cells leaving one anemic, limiting oxygen to vital organs including the brain. It also links together to form long chains and masses blocking blood vessels. The fibrous clots appear to be what morticians are pulling out of blood vessels of cadavers of humans dying from Myocarditis; with a Clot shot history.

Bill Kaulfield

The mRNA vaccines have a well-understood and described mechanism of action.

Most of these alternate stories you’re reading are bullshit. Online videos by random people are not reliable sources of information.


to Dr John and anyone that reads posts by
‘Bill Kaulfield’ he is seen as a shill. Maybe another Pharma Shill.

Bill Kaulfield

Did I move up on your list, Zee?


Ok pardon my layman questions….do you think something like diatomaceous earth, or hydroxychloroquin, or some anti-parasitic, could kill the parasites? Also, what is your best guess then, about them being able to adapt these things to live in human food, like meat? I hope it is scare tactics and nothing else, but we just do not know the level of their technologies. Would it be within the realm of possibility or would you rule it out as you said previously…medical stuff is out of my realm, lol.

Dr John

I don’t mind questions we all are learning here. I am happy to share my research with others.

First the “parasites” are not parasites, but a magnetic bacteria that is gram positive and anaerobic. It can be killed with CD/CDS. It wiggles like a bacteria which is what causes the confusion. Look up magnetic bacteria images and watch how they move. Then look at the little Black dots in the bodies. This is not seen in parasites. It is the magnetic particles that make up the behavior of the bacteria. They thrive in iron rich water and absorb the iron like we would food as a nutrient. They are also attracted to oxygen. They don’t need a lot of oxygen, but do rely on it.

As an aside; if birds drink such water and absorb these bacteria, is this how birds can navigate for thousands of miles. Just a thought, I have no idea and am not an expert on birds or migration.

Yes Diatomaceous Earth does kill parasites in the intestines. hydroxychloroquin is supposed to kill parasites in animals; so I assume this is true also in humans. I have no practical experience with it. I have not had the chance to test it on parasites.

There are millions of good bacteria in our gut fighting off foreign bacteria. That and the high acid in our stomach should be enough to kill it. So I doubt adding it to water or food would impact us in any way. If you are concerned taking a few drops of CD/CDS will kill the bad bacteria without destroying the good.

Also ingesting REAL yogurt at least once a week will rebuild and restore the good bacteria in your gut. MOST yogurt are junk. Read the ingredients and not just the labels. Yogurt is milk and a yogurt culture ONLY.

All the best,


Thanks, will look in the market


Thanks for that! I do take acidophilus every day.


what i learned in high school biology… MRNA is Messenger RNA whose function is to TELL YOUR DNA what to do. IE.. IT CHANGES YOUR DNA.. THAT SHOULD bE RED FLAD to SAY HELL NO!! NO FUCKING WAY anybody gonna change my DNA for a respiratory virus.. COMMON SENSE. LITERAL MESSAGE IS TELLING US what they’re doing.

Bill Kaulfield

No, Darlene, that’s not what mRNA does.

Get that high school bio text and read it this time.


Bill, apparently you flunked biology. The enzyme Reverse Transcriptase(which exists in your body normally) converts MRNA into DNA. Now God’s blueprint has been altered. Note, the Devil can never CREATE he can only manipulate. The only reason MRNA had value was for gene-deficient diseases(sickle cell etc). There is no reason in the world to alter the DNA on a normal person. Plus, contrary to other false info on this site(comments) the MRNA vaccine is extremely cheap to make. A machine kicks out the spike genetic sequence. This is in opposition to manufacturing traditional vaccines which must be cultivated from eggs. This is very expensive and the reason we only have one flu strain vaccine produced yearly-a crap shoot as to the correct strain. Pharma/Gates/Fauci hit the bonanza with the MRNA vaccine. It is a money machine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christine
Bill Kaulfield

Yes, reverse transcriptase can do that. But reverse transcriptases are used by viruses to transcribe RNA to DNA. In eukaryotic cells, they have a different purpose: In retrotransposons and telomerase. In neither case do these help mRNA “tell your DNA what to do.”

Thank you, Christine, for demonstrating how a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.


Dude, I see that you went to Wikipedia for your verbatim answer. I have an education in biology (graduate level) on the molecular level besides 4 years post op training in a medical field. Now let’s get to some research. L Zhang (04/19/2021) “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues.” That was in 2021. You will start to see more and more research showing the incorporation of the spike genome into human DNA. This is common sense. You are hilarious.


how about NO fuckery with DNA PERIOD.. via MRNA or OTHER evil scientist chicanery. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID is my moto for answering these devils in Big Pharma research labs.




Satanists love mucking with “the God code”.. NO surprise.


To be clear- note that the RNA is integrating into the genome ie the DNA. This is besides the normal (Fauci-inspired) transcription through ribosomes into the production of the spike protein.


Michel Baxter
Please put Dr. John’s horrific finding infront of your Military contact, or your contact at Mar-a-Lago. Thanks


Yes, good idea, for sure.




All will be revealed

Bill Kaulfield

No it won’t.


Take my hand

Bill Kaulfield

Take it where?



Bill Kaulfield

Why would you want your hand to go to GITMO?


Not my hand stinky pants. YOU


I channel you Bill. I see all space and time

Bill Kaulfield

You said you wanted me to take your hand to GITMO. I assume the rest of you would come along, but its not a dealbreaker.

Bill Kaulfield

Can you use your powers to find out the Powerball numbers? I’ll split it with you.


I have GOD energy.


You will be evaporated


You will be evaporated. Sorry Bill

Bill Kaulfield

I would rather be sublimed.


Let it go

Bill Kaulfield

First you ask me to take your hand, now you want me to let it go.

Make up your mind.


I will let it go. Please let me know if this is sufficient.I never wanted to hurt anyone,


How are you Bill? I Would love to

Bill Kaulfield

How am I what?


Skill Bill tell me who you are. Are you DS or of love, gratitude and compassion? I will reveal myself. I am not who you think I am.

David Hoffer

nobody cares

Bill Kaulfield

I feel like I should at least buy you a drink before you reveal yourself.


Happy snappy. PLEASE DO.

Robert Ford

Relax, Steph, you are outclassed. Bill forgot more than you will ever know.


I wouldn’t try talking to an off worlder


Because you are not ONE of us


Is Steph a girl or a boy?


So Smooth. U are one of the KM

Bill Kaulfield

Who are the KM?




Please take ivermectin

Bill Kaulfield

Please see a psychiatrist.


I am a psychiatrist.

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. Of course you are, honey. Of course you are.


Ask me any question about psychiatry. By the way I have already diagnosed you.


DSM-5 Antisocial Personality Disorder AKA sociopath

Bill Kaulfield

OK. When was the last time you spoke to a psychiatrist?


Today. I speak to my self. I also left the allopathic drug industry 2 years ago when I awakened to the deepest dark evil. The pharmaceutical industry

Air man

Off subject: It’s time for Schumer and Dobbs to take a vacation.


No vacation. They need a meeting with the dark overlord of all, their butt bedmate, lucifer.



Stinky Perfume

Aren’t these groups white hats and black hats either chasing someone or getting chased? The jabbers also think they are having to jab-stab-kill people in this necessary program or they won’t have money, and someone is going to kill them if they lived homeless or in the slums.

Stabbers are needing even more money to run from murder charges or even public jab survival killing. Karma is going to get them anyway but they are living a surprisingly long time on expensive adrenochrome.

I don’t see any laws about adrenochrome shots by themselves being illegal. It’s buried in lies about what’s in the shots. Different definitions, recipes and names of adrenochrome.

Seems to me all the people in the medical mafia, scientists and doctors are not targets and should be but instead the good whistle blowers of them get killed very fast by obedient deep state military or police or even ignorant white hat military/police etc. believed lies and went after a threat to deep staters.

People waiting for ‘solar flash’ to fix all, are saying these deep staters are reptilians controlled by demon possession, so IDK, it needs some proof of what the big system has going on way underground. There’s a lot of lab coats and I heard high IQ personnel and spaceships, portals, etc down there. Anyone clearing even one cloning lab is surprisingly quiet.

For now they aren’t even getting under Getty Museum or knocking it’s satanic surface down like they did with the Georgia Guidestones. For all I can guess they can buy adrenochrome from another planet by spaceship delivery and gold exchange, in a move not to lose the earth. The whole point is predator/prey is reptilian and demon desires and they like it that way. The predator-prey goal is to keep the predator blood and loosh factory up and running.


via Jim Stone (voterig on the commercial domain)


The 15 minute city

Today is the first time I have heard of this, and it is the goal of the WEF to get everyone into one.

The concept is to have everthing anyone needs, from parks to entertainment to food – EVERYTHING within a 15 minute walk of their home. That means everything is within about 1 kilometer, not even a mile. The goal is to have everyone walk to whatever they need, including work, so cars can be eliminated. You will only be allowed to leave your 15 minute zone a certain number of times per year.

[Snipped for brevity, an aerial view of the place is on Jim’s site if you want to look at it.]


I heard about this type of city some time ago in an online clip, there, the city was designed as a ‘tube’. The real one is in Utah where the NSA’s data center is. It is being built on the site of an old prison 2 miles from the UDC itself or another (new) NSA facility. This new city style is a step up from the ‘FOXCONN model’ in China. Jim says people will be living in (tiny?) apartments and walk to work so ‘no more cars’.

Also watched a clip with the latest intel from ‘Mr. Boots’ covering wheeling and dealing in the halls of power in WDC over the Speaker Of The House and other matters. Worth listening to if you can spare 44 minutes to watch/listen to it.
Be forewarned, it contains some strong language and mature themes. It is on Bitchute at video ID 2K9vN1fpu6HO

Stinky Perfume

If they use the city for the kind of people doing donuts in city intersection and people using show off cars to impress ladies and motorbikes to run drugs, it makes some sense. If no large gardens but potted plants it makes no sense. IDK but can opinion that men living for sex are wasting time and the world has gone nasty. The world has been set up for human trafficking as we know it with poverty and vastly oversexed so there’s lost family values. Lost tribal values. It’s all corrupt and the only hope is solar flash, if that narrative ascends the planet to higher standards.

The deep state has always run the earth as a giant blood and loosh factory with hospitals included going deep underground. War and poverty is to traffic war orphans, migrants are in a poverty war. The men have been oversexed, money systems set up and cities and jungles of predators on the loose, set up to create the poverty.

Seems to me they must get rid of adrenochrome, financial treason, and the deep state that creates poverty because missing children is vastly for adrenochrome mfg. All these ascension sites narratives have everyone waiting for solar flash and galactic wardens to the rescue because of this exact narrative while others say military is the only way.


Prior (online) research and real-life experience validate the content of your post, thank you for your reply. It is an excellent summary of why things are the way they are in the world today–especially since the official start of the Plandemic on 2020-03-11 and all the death, pain, and misery it has caused since then till now (2023-01-13). We appear to be in the last days foretold by the last book in the KJV Bible ( at bibleprotector on the commercial domain). The DS, ultimately in service to the Evil One cast out of the Presence of The Almighty along with one third of his kind there, want just about everybody (left) alive on Earth dead as ‘useless eaters’ with the survivors enslaved in a technocratic dystopia the Plandemic jabs are facilitating as proven by truthers in the excellent clip at Bitchute video ID BQYZU2epFxlR

The other known outcome is better for ‘the masses’ but ultimately leads to a ‘one world currency’ driven by cellphones and ‘blockchain computers’. It appears best to delay both outcomes as long as possible, giving more time for more people to make peace with their Maker The Almighty and His Only Begotten Son as Loretta Lynch did before she was executed by JAG for her crimes as a DS ally per RRN at the story titled ‘GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch’.

Michael Baxter: “Meanwhile, GITMO security on the opposite side of Camp Delta informed Loretta Lynch her time had come. Unlike Fauci, she not once invoked Obama’s name. Rather, she resigned herself to her fate with, as a GITMO staff member described her demeanor, surprising alacrity and unexpected dignity. In one hand she clutched a King James Bible; in the other, a crucifix. A JAG representative told RRN that Lynch claimed to have found religion during her brief stint at Guantanamo Bay.

Her execution came first.

At 8:00 a.m. the Humvee carrying Lynch and an armed security detail entered the clearing where a military ensemble and the gallows had been awaiting her arrival. She exited the vehicle and moved toward the lethal apparatus, saying, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

As was customary, a U.S. Navy Chaplain stood beside the hangman atop the gallows. The chaplain present was Drew d’Auguste, the very man whose blood ran cold at Gavin Newsom’s execution earlier this year. Standing stoically beside him, Lynch asked, “Will you pray for me?” as the hangman fitted the noose around her neck.

“Of course, I will,” Chaplain d’Auguste said. “O God from whom all holy desires, all right counsels and all just, accept this child into thou welcoming arms…”

Below them, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall spoke: “If you’ve truly accepted Christ into your heart, I commend you. If only you’d done it sooner in life. You’ve been found guilty of treason and sentenced to hang.”

“Admiral Crandall, you must do what you have to do. I don’t fear death for I am saved. A better world awaits me, a world of jeweled sidewalks and golden roads, a world free of suffering. I forgive you,” Lynch said.

Vice Adm. Crandall stood in silence a moment, then signaled the hangman.

A second later Lynch was dead.”

As far as I know, as of now (2023-01-13), Vice Admiral Crandall DID NOT pause in silence at the final words spoken by the condemned at all of the other executions he presided over as reported by RRN. So far, Loretta Lynch is the sole exception. Please keep her demeanor and final words she said before she was executed in mind as you read the rest of this post below:

Joh 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Mr 1:9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.
Mr 1:10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:
Mr 1:11 And there came a voice from heaven, [saying], Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Lu 23:39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.
Lu 23:40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
Lu 23:41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
Lu 23:42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
Lu 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Mt 27:50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Mt 27:51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
Mt 27:52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
Mt 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
Mt 27:54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
Mt 28:16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
Mt 28:17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
Mt 28:18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Mt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mt 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

Joh 10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
Joh 10:8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly.
Joh 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.

Joh 11:23 Jesus saith unto her, Thy brother shall rise again.
Joh 11:24 Martha saith unto him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day.
Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Joh 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Joh 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
Joh 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.
Joh 14:4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
Joh 14:5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Joh 14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

Ro 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Ro 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Ro 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
Ro 10:12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
Ro 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Ps 23:1 <<A Psalm of David.>> The LORD [is] my shepherd; I shall not want.
Ps 23:2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
Ps 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Ps 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou [art] with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Ps 23:5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Ps 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

2Sa 11:2 And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman [was] very beautiful to look upon.
2Sa 11:3 And David sent and inquired after the woman. And [one] said, [Is] not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?
2Sa 11:4 And David sent messengers, and took her; and she came in unto him, and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house.
2Sa 11:5 And the woman conceived, and sent and told David, and said, I [am] with child.
2Sa 12:13 And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.
2Sa 12:14 Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also [that is] born unto thee shall surely die.
2Sa 12:15 And Nathan departed unto his house. And the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife bare unto David, and it was very sick.
2Sa 12:16 David therefore besought God for the child; and David fasted, and went in, and lay all night upon the earth.
2Sa 12:17 And the elders of his house arose, [and went] to him, to raise him up from the earth: but he would not, neither did he eat bread with them.
2Sa 12:18 And it came to pass on the seventh day, that the child died. And the servants of David feared to tell him that the child was dead: for they said, Behold, while the child was yet alive, we spake unto him, and he would not hearken unto our voice: how will he then vex himself, if we tell him that the child is dead?
2Sa 12:19 But when David saw that his servants whispered, David perceived that the child was dead: therefore David said unto his servants, Is the child dead? And they said, He is dead.
2Sa 12:20 Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed [himself], and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the LORD, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.
2Sa 12:21 Then said his servants unto him, What thing [is] this that thou hast done? thou didst fast and weep for the child, [while it was] alive; but when the child was dead, thou didst rise and eat bread.
2Sa 12:22 And he said, While the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: for I said, Who can tell [whether] GOD will be gracious to me, that the child may live?
2Sa 12:23 But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.

The above passage is seen as proof of the concept of ‘age of accountability’. Children below this age are spared and go to be with their Creator The Almighty when they die. I hope this has happened to all children who were tricked or forcibly given the death jabs before they were born or afterward and died as a result.

Re 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Re 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Re 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

The death jabs may well be ‘the mark’ in the passage above given all the 666 ‘baggage’ associated with it including the evil mandates of ‘no jab, no job/money, no travel, no (higher) education, and in India and France (known of), no food (in stores that sell food).

The URL to Microsoft’s bio-crypto currency patent contains 666. Google ‘microsoft cryptocurrency patent’. It is on the URL containing ‘patentscope’. Ignore the ‘poynter’ URL, the Bitchute clip above reveals that stuff was deliberately put in the death jabs to make the patent work. See also Bitchute Video ID NXNdKK7WcwUJ for more related information.

From comment #139872 at the RRN story ‘Fauci Wants Americans to Get 4 Shots Per Year’
Lucy Skywalker: No accident that COVID-19 adds up to 666. C=100. V=5. I=1. D=500. Total 606. Subtract 19 to leave 587. O has no Roman number equivalent, but in ASCII the letter O is 79, which added to 587 gives 666.

No accident Fauci was in Wuhan in 2015 together with Obama, another 666-type.

Thegless: Excellent post. Here’s another one for you, Lucy… “Divoc” in Hebrew means possessed by evil.

I saw a truther clip quite a while ago with a still image in it of an adding machine tape where the alphabetic letters of the official(?) name of the death jabs add up to 666. I saw another one where seat number 666 is currently empty and ‘reserved’ in some government building conference room. Go to freespoke on the commercial domain and search ‘seat 666’. It is currently (2023-01-13) the first link in the search results located at jesus-is-savior on the commercial domain and contains ‘End of the World’ and ‘seat_666’ in the URL.

Re 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Re 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
Re 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Re 20:13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Re 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Re 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Ac 7:54 When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with [their] teeth.
Ac 7:55 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
Ac 7:56 And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Ac 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,
Ac 7:58 And cast [him] out of the city, and stoned [him]: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man’s feet, whose name was Saul.
Ac 7:59 And they stoned Stephen, calling upon [God], and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
Ac 7:60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.

Re 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Re 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Re 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

KJV Bible ( at bibleprotector on the commercial domain)


Yep. Heard about it getting started in the UK. AND THEY WANT BOJO BACK!? Traitors!!


So sad about General Berger !! And Michael would could be writing more articles then you do.!!!!

Stinky Perfume

He might be hiding from deep state and got away. A question why he left the base remains unanswered. It makes me wonder like if he goes with them then maybe his family was threatened? Where do general’s families live? This points to some kind of control by a higher level. Dark or light IDK, but I heard a lot of generals had to run to Europe because USA deep state was after them. The white hats that quit and said they were joining the dark hats because the battle was too big so impossible to win were not mentioned again or worried about on RRN, they just forever disappeared.

The people waiting for glory days solar flash are first from galactic historians Andrew Bartzis and Ismael Perez, Gene Decodes, Drake Bailey on YT Gail of Gaia and lately the hard core Linda Paris McAllister TV interviews with Christian Sibley aka Christian 21 on Rumble and use tube are screaming solar flash the past few days. Their versions of the play out vary too much but they are all very similar. It’s always these high level galactic rescues and liberation of earth.

Lot’s of people don’t wanna wait on ascension solar flash because these wars, weather wars included and jab-stabs are ongoing.

‘’By now I can opinion that many hospitals and docs should be out of business. Too many lab coats aren’t showing up in the light side and whistle blowing. They are going for “ordinary” flu shots like maniacs on everyone’s cell phone. People in jails, prisons, and mental institutions are still masked up and jabbed with fake promises to be set free.


You’re very rude and ungrateful. MB can only give us what he is allowed.


The FEMA camps were for Patriots when Killary got selected. 🙏 thank goodness for whatever interference happened to stop it.


God interfered.


For sure. Thank You, God.


And the Obummer Bastard ordered the Chinese makes thousands of Guillotines for Patriots when they get them into the FEMA camps. We need to send all the Khazarians there for a head cut.


You’re not lying! They need a head cut.
Dark Overlord Obama ordering the Chinese? Sounds more like the Chinese were ordering him around like they order around Biden the Betrayer. This is why I don’t trust Xi. Never did.

Robin redwine

Drump killed more with warp speed then Hillary ever could with fema.

Folks would have fought back and started murdering the satanists.

He we are 6 years in.

Zero satanists dead.

How many millions of us are already dead from warp speed.


Kingdoms will have Militaries that will oversee the new smaller Government’s. 10% the size they are currently.
BRICS – New Alliances. South Africa & India are Commonwealth.

Trump E.O’s 2019 Royal Events/Seizures of ALL ROYAL ASSETS this includes the ROYAL NAVY. All UK Fleet is being moved to AUSTRALIA to being under US Kingdom. Subs are being moved in Feb.
Lines above the UK Royals to the Vatican & Knights of Malta [Dissolved]
Lines from UK Royals to Private intelligence companies ie Mossad, Saudi, CIA, Fveys – Aus, Can, NZ, UK, US, Mi5 etc
All dissolve.
History – Druze hold on boys and girls

Bill Kaulfield

Take your meds.


You may lick the nuts of twenty thousand double hump camel ; )~


Shill for Pharma

Smokey Stover

I’m guessing English isn’t your first language


Your guessing wrong Peter puffer…and you may smoke the cocks of thousand double hump camel

Bill Kaulfield

If English is your first language, then I’m guessing you dropped out of school pretty early.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bill Kaulfield

Ding ding ding what do we have for her Johnny


Oh you must be very educated Billy Bob what grade did Einstein make it to got that one there Billy hey Billy I’m talking to you boy education don’t mean shit if you don’t have a lick sense

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. When did you drop out? Can you do basic arithmetic, at least?


now that we’re playing guessing games I’m guessing you’re in your mama’s basement and she’s fetching you hot pockets right now

Bill Kaulfield

Nope, sorry.

My question is legitimate. You dropped out school early, and your language skills are terrible. So it’s reasonable to ask how good are your math skills.

Are you capable of counting? Can you make change?


No.none of the dumb as a rock but still managed to run my own business for 30 years bought an paid for five Acer’s built my house raised my daughter have two grand children two Harley’s every thing is paid for and never went in to debt ever in my life…paid cash for everything..all on a 8th. Grade education….so as I said previously smoke the cocks of a thousand double hump camel

Bill Kaulfield

Well, if you can’t count, you can’t really be sure how many acres, or Harleys, or grandchildren you have, can you?


Here do the math 1340 x165..
Do my home work boie

Bill Kaulfield

Homework? Finally trying to get that GED, huh?


For what…so I can be in debt like you… Na. Keep racking up yr student loan debt for that piece of paper qualify you to sniff ass and swallow..

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. I don’t have any student loan debt.


Now go tell your mom to get you another hot Pocket

David Hoffer

you bought five acer computers? wow congrats!!!

Robert Ford

The only people who say, “Education don’t mean shit.” are those with none.


You didn’t read everything I said education ain’t shit when you don’t have a lick of sense read the whole fucking thing dick bag

Bill Kaulfield

And common sense doesn’t mean anything when you’re ignorant.

People like you who have a disdain for knowledge, who cultivate your ignorance like it’s a virtue, are the enemy of progress.

Robert Ford

“May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch.”


And I’m sure your qualified to clean that up for me once that occurs..another penis puffer


Your picture looks just like that dude on brokeback mountain is Billy your little girlfriend maybe you and Billy can go get hot pockets in the basement together

Smokey Stover

Your obsession with male-on-male oral sex is a little concerning, but to each his own.


No not in to that sorry for your luck maybe Robert and Billy can help you out smoking Johnson’s …never learned the art of ass kissing but it sounds to me like you three got it down to a science .


Yes…What is needed is to Drain All the Swamps, Flood the DUMBS..Arrest the Traitors, and continue WITH The Drop and SNAP !
NOT. Tomorrow,.. BUT Today ..1/13/23

Bill Kaulfield

Lol. Keep dreaming, buddy.

David Hoffer

i wish heidi were here to drain something


Ya’ll see the vid going around of Jewkroid police disallowing any NON JEW from entering certain areas?

The Jewkroid police even has the Anal Star of David on his hat, and it is gold! He knew to put the gold star on himself, good jew pig!

Oh, and Berger went to Davos to meet with his partner Klaus!

Ye is right: It’s the joos!! No wonder no one wanted to do business with kykes in early 1900’s. That’s why the world has goldman sachs!

Last edited 1 year ago by Julie
Smokey Stover

You are one mighty unpleasant person


lol. But i’m not the jew telling non-jews they cannot travel freely.

it’s the jooz…


She has just stated above that she is from the medical profession. God help her patients.

Robert Ford

“She” is a he.


You would know


Shill #94 seems to be ‘kicked off’ B-uck F-iden. Not a female.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Ending FEMA? Yes please! And allot of other government agencies need to be shuttered too. The entire alphabet of agencies.


Yes, I agree. They all need to go.


We have to focus on our 50 state legislative bodies as well. They are truly the government groups who certified the illegit 2020 election and who now adamantly refuse to reverse a thing.

Michael R Davis

Up to the US Military and many other cooperative nation militaries in the Alliance to destroy the Globalist conspirators, and repair our governments. The politicians are far too corrupt, far too compromised to fix anything.

This is a military operation with Trump commander-in-chief, the Presidency temporarily set aside. Since it is a military operation, DC Corporation is out-of-business, the civilian Fed Judiciary has no jurisdiction, has no authority over military matters, and can do nothing legally on military bases, especially those outside the US. Obviously Resident Biden has no authority to do anything, just an actor playing a bumbling idiot. Same with Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, AOC, many others. That is why the JAG courts prosecuting these monsters are all on military bases in foreign nations such as Diego Garcia, Tierra del Fuego, Opa Loca, XPL Honduras, Naval Base Guam. This will remain a military operation until the 9 National Emergencies, 7 in Executive Orders, 2 in Proclamations during speeches, declared by President Trump are no longer a problem. Only a legitimate elected President can dissolve the National Emergencies. At that time, Trump will be eligible to serve 8 years if he so chooses.

Resident Biden signed and extended all 9 National Emergencies, also signed President Trump’s Executive Order 13912, of March 27, 2020, federalizing 1 million National Guardsmen to active-duty, extending them to 2024, ensuring they receive full active duty pay, including full benefits for their families.
(even though the Resident’s signature is not worth beans)

American Living in Canada

Lots of radio coms going on up here from the bad guys… good sign.

David Hoffer

no there isn’t

Bill Kaulfield

If this is a military operation, it’s the most ineffectual one in history.


And..if you were an honest slimy Troll ,.. you would Hang yourself..and save the Patriots the. Trouble !

Bill Kaulfield

Please tell us what exactly this operation has accomplished. For every person who’s been “arrested” or “executed,” a clone immediately takes their place. The cabal’s plans proceed without a hitch. They are still firmly in control.

And you guys all say “We’re winning! The cabal will be totally defeated soon!”

You’ve been saying “Soon!” for years now.




yea really. is the wide open sw border part of the military’s plan? lol

Smokey Stover

And yet there is not a single visible sign that any of this is taking place, and the normal course of society and government is unchanged. The only people who can sense all these changes hang out here. Curious.


i hear ya, but where the fuck is the ugly andy cuomo? haven’t heard anything from him

Smokey Stover

He’s on TV five nights a week. Yeah, yeah I know. CGI or whatever convenient excuse works

Robert Ford

I do not doubt or contest what you say, but I would like to know whether you have documentation or reference material to support your claims. If so, may I see them? Thank you.


Do the National Guardsman have to be forcibly jabbed and their families forcibly jabbed as well? I do not trust that lying traitor, DOD Austin.

Michael R Davis

As we all well know, no ‘filled with hot air’ Republican Congressman or Senator, such as Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Chuck Grassley, Kevin McCarthy, Marco Rubio, Trey Gowdy, ever sent a corrupt politician, DC Traitor, money launderer, to prison or the gallows. They talk a great game, but accomplish NOTHING. They will be used to educate the fast asleep, but salvaging the Republic is in the competent hands of our Military.

David T

You’re right on all counts. Each one of these people are attorneys. Attorneys are many things, but they are NOT cannibals. They do not eat their own kind. Hence one of the roots of the problem in the US government.

Robert Ford

Unfortunately, it is human nature to avoid admitting one is wrong. Only exceptional, confident people admit error freely.

Michael R Davis

No official word yet.
No doubt General Berger is safe and sound. If his whereabouts was in question, his safety unknown, the information would never have been given to Michael Baxter, kept on the quiet, top secret. The US Military does not sabotage their own military operations, nor endanger their leadership unnecessarily. That is left for treasonous, greedy politicians to do. So, this was released to worry, to hinder the enemy.
Art of War.


Seattle man arrested for armed carjacking spree in King County now charged federally refugees doing what they do…
Maar Rambang, who will be charged federally, faces a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence,

Why don’t they EVER say what the citizenship STATUS is of these criminals.. It doesn’t matter in WASHINGTON STATE because all illegals/refugees are treated as CITIZENS and NEVER GET DEPORTED NO MATTER THE CRIME!! THIS IS DEMOCRATIC HELLHOLE OF WASHINGTON STATE COMMUNIST NWO OPEN BORDERS!!!


they keep importing these uncivilized savages from 3rd world shitholes and they are turning us into SOWETO KILLING ZONES or some other fucking hellholes where these people are pouring in from !!!


Islam in a nutshell
Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book, “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat”
Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. It is a complete, total, 100% system of life. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges. When ‘politically correct,’ tolerant, and culturally ‘diverse’ societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here’s how it works:
As long as the Muslim population remains around or under 2% in any given country, they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, with recruiting from the jails and street gangs.

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal food (clean by Islamic standards), thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves – along with threats for failure to comply. At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. (NOTE: They are starting this now in the town Hamtramck, Michigan where they were just given permission to slaughter animals at home at will! It is not for them to obey our laws – and the idiot council kow-towed to them.) The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats.

After reaching 20%, nations can expect rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in: Bosnia — Muslim 40%, Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in: Albania — Muslim 70%, Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%, Qatar — Muslim 77.5%, Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and is on-going in:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace. Here there’s supposed to be peace, because everybody is a Muslim, the Madrasses are the only schools, and the Koran is the only word, such as in:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%, Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%, Somalia — Muslim 100%, Yemen — Muslim 100% Unfortunately, peace is never achieved, as in these 100% states the most radical Muslims intimidate and spew hatred, and satisfy their bloodlust by killing less radical Muslims, for a variety of reasons.

It is important to understand that in some countries, with well under 100% Muslim populations, such as France, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community.

Their birth rates are higher than the birth rates of Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, and all other believers. Muslims will exceed 50% of the world’s population by the end of this century.
Footnote: The Muslims have said they will destroy us from within.


This is already starting in Michigan. Their city council just approved slaughtering animals in their homes – and the WHOLE CITY COUNCIL is Muslim! Pretty soon the whole town will be under sharia law and against our U.S. laws.

Robert Ford

Sharia Law is illegal in the United States. I have been a hunter and have no problem with someone butchering an animal on his property, HOWEVER, I have a BIG problem with someone claiming sharia law anywhere, anytime, in the U.S.


Thanks for the well organized and informative post. I was talking to a patient from iraq. He said there are legions of muslims coming in through the sw border. Someone said he would kill all of them, to which the iraqi replied, “Oh, you most definitely will have to do that.”

Lock and load for the poor animals at the hands of the filthy muhamadites.


Yup, Khazkhstan is the only country, I think keeps their thumb on the possible violence of Muslims…they seem more spiritual there than violent as Gov. watches carefully for any new muslims coming into the country. All other religions are living in peace there.


There are some European Muslims living in the UK and EU nations globalist leaders, and when Germany’s Angela Merkel pushed for the EU nations to start accepting the illegal migrants otherwise they would get sanctions on the ground they are behaving in an anti-humanitarian manner, they were noting the hordes included jihadist Muslims that are attacking people, destroying buildings and property, attacking the police, raping females and spitting on women. So the Muslims, descended from previous generations including the Tatar tribes, spoke out and said, “no, do not let them in, we are not those people,” “Yes, we are Muslim, but we do not behave like them,” “keep them out.”

Robert Ford

In 1934, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk had, and solved, the muslim problem in Turkey, his country. He forbad the muslim practice and culture. We should do the same. Integrate and assimilate if you want to come to America. Otherwise, leave. That goes for ALL nationalities.

American Living in Canada

“If you don’t love it, leave it:
Let this song I’m singin’ be a warnin’.
If you’re runnin’ down my country, man,
You’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me.”

RIP Mr. Haggard.

American Living in Canada

“Country is workin’ for a living thinkin’ your own thoughts lovin’ your town

Country is teachin’ your children find out what’s right and stand your ground

Country is a havin’ the good times listen to the music singing your part

Country is walkin’ in the moonlight country is all in your heart”

Tom T Hall….suicide.


another “refugee” that makes America stronger…


More of our lovely “refugee” community at work

3 people injured in multiple shootings in south King County, suspect detained
One victim was said to run into local grocery store which he frequents.. hint.Al Madina in Renton Wa.. where you can find goat meat…

See what happens when DIversity is our STrength turns into 3rd world crime syndicates turning American towns into Mogadishu or Somalian tribal warfare zones.

everyday.. these people are in the news.. carjacking, shootings, as a white woman in my 50’s.. i no longer feel safe in American.. Thanks to OPEN BORDERS, NGO’s flooding us with sanctuary city criminal cartels.. CRT MARXIST nightmare.. anti WHITE COMMUNISTS/GLOBALISTS sending these riff raff from 3rd world to terrorize Americans


The SW US border will not be secure until the CITIZENS DECIDE TO DO IT. The illegals and mooslims will have to be ‘removed’ by We the People inasmuch as our kids depend on us for a secure future.


How about we stop handing out contracts to foreignors. Especially Zionist they are enemies foreign and domestic. Since 1947 (The White Papers) the Jews in Israel have bragged about the fact that they control the democratic party in America. That is the reason why everything the left does seems so counter intuitive to the best governance of America. It is it is for the benefit of all the zionist deep states around the world. They are Lucifers actual bio descendants (Kenites/Babylonian Radhanites) If anyone has access to a way back time machine from 7 years ago, you will see that Zechariah 14:21 used to say “Never again will there be another Kenite on my Holy Mountain”. Right now it says Never again will there be another Caananite in my Holy Temple.
Also if you use a way back time machine from 7 years ago 2 Esdra 2:10 used to say that God was taken Jerusalem away from Judah and giving it to the Catholics his new elect people. If you read 2 Esdra 2 to the end you will see that God approves of them.


U mean like that ugly fat Kunt Zoe from California.. trump hating communist bitch


yep, we have a jew problem



Robin redwine

Not possible.

Drump would have mentioned that at least once in 4 years if true.

He never lies.

Robert Ford

You are wound kinda’ tight, girl. How about we hire the Jews to man our border against the muslims? And others? Would that make you feel better? That would do me worlds of good.

Ruby Kennard

I firmly believe the Democrat Party was hijacked by Satan. How can normal human beings stay loyal to a party that causes so much suffering and pain to fellow human beings? It’s no wonder that they promote the killing of innocent babies. They have no remorse or conscience that’s why they’ve gleefully accepted stolen elections. They just don’t care that losing our country means THEY lose it, too. God help them wake up. Time is running out!

Dave Smith

Please take out Illinois Governors JB pigster and Lori Beetle juice light foot and Adam klingdummy .And Duckworthless ..thank you . God bless us all Amen amen send prayers too all those effected by the rogue Fema agency..
Emergency broadcast system next week???


i know Illinois makes me vomit with what you got going on there.. traitors and thugs in office.. almost as bad as wASHINGTON STATE… ALL THESE BORDER JUMPERS COME HERE FOR FREE SHIT.. HEALTHCARE, FOOD, HOUSING, ETC.. i can’t go to grocery store without feeling like i’m in UNITED NATIONS REFUGEE CAMP.. Afgan DISAPORA.. wandering mslums walking down street, etc.. they just got here and don’t speak English and no cars, yet.. All have kids in tow. END ANCHOR BABIES.. they are all here to COLONIZE AMERICA..


Did you see what the muslims in one town, Hamtramck, were doing? They are pushing to slaughter animals at will at home!! This is just the beginning. We need to DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS.

Sharon Janice Manning

Not to mention imposing sharia law on women there. Doesn’t sound much like America does it?


Turns out their city council is ALL MUSLIM!


ethnic cleansing or stfu america


ethnic cleansing or stfu america


yes, i saw on Jesee.. not funny at all.. he tried to make light of it.. but it is NOt just Michigan.. I live in kent WA.. every 2nd car driving by is a minivan with a muslim woman behind the wheel.. more and more shops are opening up with Arabic language on the storefront. They come in and increase in numbers and before you know it.. your WHOLE neighborhood is one big Muslim ENCLAVE. and I have NO interest in them and the feeling is MUTUAL. THey are here to COLONIZE AMERICA.. take our Land, our jobs, our houses, our food. our American heritage. There is NOT ONE white kid in either high school or elementary school at 3pm if you drive by. CRT rampant.. ANTI white.. crime rampant.. third world trash Everywhere. They DO NOT BELONG IN AMERICA. PERIOD!! stay IN YOUR RAT INFESTED PART OF THE WORLD.. STOP COMING HERE FOR ALL OUR GOODIES TO TAKE OVER!!!


You are correct. Muslims come in, get on our welfare, and breed even faster than the hispanics. PLUS each muslim man has multiple wives and brats so they are stealing our tax dollars even more. They keep pushing and pushing to advance their religion and agenda in this christian nation.

Sharon Janice Manning

We must understand the Muslim attitude toward non-Muslims. We are infidels and deserve whatever they mete out. That includes all crimes up to and including death.


That’s why they need to be DEPORTED. Sharia law is NOT above our own!


deported to 6′ unda


Thomas Jefferson even spoke about the muslims who attack unprovoked. They would take euros as slaves. It was a problem back then!

Sharon Janice Manning

JB is in Davos as we speak, rubbing elbows with Klaus Schwab and learning about how to impose the New World Order on hapless citizens. Chicago rules IL. We downstate have no voice. It’s so frustrating.


Abbott from texas is in davos too!


Same with Kemp.. WTF?? Abbot could have stopped INVASIOn and did NOTHING but bloviate out his ass

Sojourner Truth

We’re done with the weaponizing of agencies against us. No! Don’t use our tax money to destroy us!




Put them on one of their own barges in the middle of the gulf and set it adrift in a hurricane. No food, no water, nothing!


And givet hem over to the sharks so they can have a nice lunch!


Amen I can’t wait for this lawless to be over and to come to the end.


gonna be awhile