CIA Agent Who Abducted Gen. Berger Killed at GITMO


A Central Intelligence Agency operative who took part in the kidnapping of General David H. Berger in January was shot and killed Thursday morning after he subdued a GITMO security guard and momentarily escaped his cell, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported previously, when U.S. Marines rescued a savagely beaten Gen. Berger, they killed three of the four CIA agents guarding him. The surviving agent, now identified as Weston Neal, a 12-year agency veteran, told NCIS investigators that he and his now-deceased companions were hoping to collect on a bounty Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had put on Berger’s head. He downplayed his involvement in the abduction, saying he had only peripheral roles—driver and lookout—and that he had not touched the general. He was ultimately sent to GITMO and held as an enemy combatant, a person who engages in hostilities for the other side in times of armed conflict.

Our source said investigators repeatedly “interviewed” Neal using unorthodox interrogation tactics—waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and subjection to noise. Though frowned upon by modern society, this approach has proven successful in extracting vital information from stubborn prisoners, he added.

“Only done in extreme cases,” our source said. “And GITMO staff had reason to suspect Neal was withholding details on Gen. Berger’s abduction.”

After several waterboardings, a contumacious Neal broke, revealing that he and his comrades undertook a mission to retrieve not only the general but also the nuclear football–a briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the president of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers—believed to be in the general’s possession.

Ahead of leaving Washington in Jan 2021, President Trump invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807, effectively ceding authority of the nation to the U.S. military. He transferred the command codes and the football to Gen. Berger.

Under interrogation, Neal told investigators his team didn’t know that Gen. Berger had stepped down as White Hat Commander and named Gen. Smith his successor.

“These guys had poor intel for CIA agents. They thought Gen. Berger was still in command, and they wanted him and the suitcase,” our source said. “I don’t condone waterboarding, but they had to do what they had to do. Neal had every opportunity to cooperate. Now the poor bastard’s dead,” our source said.

Thursday morning a Camp Delta sentry was making rounds when he saw Neal lying prone in the corner of the cell. Neal moaned as he clutched his abdomen and cried out for medical attention. The sentry, in violation of GITMO protocols, entered the cell and tried to help Neal stand upright, but Neal suddenly livened up and pulled the canister of pepper spray from the sentry’s belt. He sprayed the guard in the face. While the guard rubbed his eyes with both hands, Neal retrieved a shiv from under his bunk and held it to the guard’s throat, reportedly saying, “You’re getting me out of here.”

“We’re on a fu***** island, you idiot; where do you think you’re going to go?” the guard muttered.

Neal used the guard as a human shield as they left the cell and stepped into a long corridor lined on either side with dozens of cells, some occupied, some not, his shiv pressed firmly against the guard’s carotid artery.

“I don’t know what Neal was thinking; he had to know staff was watching the event go down on video from the control room. He got maybe three of four steps before armed guards appeared in front of and behind him. Neal told them he wanted over “the wall,” but if he had to die, he was taking someone with him,” our source said.

“The Wall” refers to the northeast gate, the portal to Cuba that was closed after Castro came to power, and the perimeter fence that marks the northern boundary of the base.

One guard, our source said, took a risky shot, striking Neal in the eye after it appeared as though he intended to slice his hostage’s throat from ear to ear.

“The guard who entered Neal’s cell has been relieved of duty for breaking standard operating procedures. No one guard can enter the cell of an unrestrained prisoner. This particular guard fell for the oldest trick in the book,” our source said.

Asked how Neal got a shank, he said, “He somehow got a piece of sheet metal and sharpened it against concrete. We’ve already checked other cells for weapons and contraband. None found.”

In closing, he said the guard was a U.S. Army MP.

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That dumbass guard is lucky to be alive. He needs to get busted down a rank.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Above Reproach

I’ve never killed anyone, but I’ve often rejoiced over reading the obituaries.
quote from a great man.
reading this has definitely brightened up my day. Also in the news, a transgender girl, bought firearms, and then used them to kill innocent people and children in a catholic primary school ! So the government is all fired up about guns. Instead of being fired up about selling guns to people who have mental diseases. My suggestion, in order to obtain a firearm in the USA a full mental health examination must be given, records of emails
web history and 5 references must be included in the application of a purchase of a fire arm. If you have been arrested for any crime in the last
5 years, depending on the crime, you may not be able to purchase a gun.
If you have a felony conviction, you are not allowed to own a firearm.
The guns are not the problem. The people looking to get guns are.
If you don’t have anything to hide, and are a responsible American Patriot,
purchasing a firearm will take about Three to four days. All people must be vetted. ( But only those who are well in the head will get to ).
Also : With so many policemen and women out of work, why in Gods name
is there no security in schools, Seriously ! Every School in the country should have 6 active police officers on the job of protecting the grounds and everyone inside from Stupid Idiots who would attempt to do harm.
Last : Removal of all gun free zones. If you find a location that has been labeled as a gun free zone ! Do not spend a dime, go somewhere else.
Simply Going into a gun free zone is putting yourself in harms way, and the people who may be with you as well. Carry your gun 24-7 365.


No guns should ever be sold to trannies, lbgt, demonrats or rino’s. These bi-pedals are mentally ill.


cia agents are just bitches getting waterboarded!! lol

similar to the GayTF agent who panicked because he was taken down and cuffed!!



Joe doesn’t need the football.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

It is hard to tell the DS from the WH’s


Good Job. If Austin gave the orders he should be arrested too.


Just cut his head off live on public tv. No tribunal. Just a pure head severing on tv.


Today, Satan’s inbreed, Moncef Slaoui, is HANGED. Yoohoo-o-o-o-o!


Thanks, Michael, for sharing the details of this report!

CIA employee/GITMO detainee’s testimony:
1) was a 12-year chauffeur and sentry
2) pursued a bounty that Secy. of Defense Austin (retired federal judge) held over General Burger’s head in pursuit of POTUS Trump’s brief case containing Military codes to America’s nuclear warhead silos.

GITMO employees’ testimonies:
1) CIA employee, sole survivor of Austin’s “bounty team,” maintained an uncooperative spirit (despite tactics allowed by the LAW OF WAR manual).
2) CIA employee “acted out” a scene of “medical alert” to trick a GITMO guard, a former MP of US Army, to enter prison cell “alone” against GITMO’s SOP.
3) CIA employee fashioned a knife and wielded it upon a GITMO/ARMY guard to subdue him.
4) CIA employee trained to dismember human anatomy
5) CIA employee knowledgeable of GITMO’s northeast gate by its code name “The Wall.”

1. One GITMO guard, among several guards, released a single projectile into CIA employee’s eye / brain to thwart escape.
2. GITMO/ARMY guard discharged from employment for disobeying GITMO SOP orders.

I think the GITMO/ARMY guard and the GITMO guard shooter helped Austin’s CIA employee to (1) act out “medical alert” contrivance to escape by the “The Wall” (2) provisioning CIA employee with metal to fashion a knife, and (3) GITMO guards acting out a performance of innocence to a “jail break” for Austin’s “bounty team” $reward. Well, GITMO records are now replete, let’s move on…. WHO IS NEXT ON THE TRIBUNAL DOCKET? 🙂

HEY, DEEP STATE! You shall lose your FAKE Judge / FAKE director of defense! Soon, there shall be no more HONEY POTS for you to fleece, and humankind to genocide, and Earth to destroy! 🙂

All praises, blessings, and glory to Father Jesus! 🙂


Go to hell idiot

Last edited 1 year ago by 45-GreatestEver.GOD’sBlessingToUSA.

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

TRUTH is forbidden on this Deep State blog.
The comments of those who do not believe in the Trump clone and the White Straw Hats are deleted.
This blog says it is censored because it tells the truth but in fact it is not censored because it says what the Deep State wants. Whoever still believes the lies on this blog is a great naive.
I don’t know why, but I’m starting to think that the White Hats are the least trained troops of all the world’s armies:
1. They don’t use cutting edge technology to search for and discover other clone labs, ADRENOCROM and other Deep State hideouts – the research satellites used by archaeologists to search for buried remains, or the satellites used by oil and mining companies to find bags of oil or deposits of precious metals, coal, etc.
Probably the White Hats are formed by the most poorly trained soldiers who do not know and do not execute orders according to military regulations – a gathering of mercenaries;
2. This story is a short story of poor quality, in which it is said that the Deep State is more ill-informed than the readers of this blog. We knew for a long time that the traitor general Berger resigned, and the Deep State did not know – movies with Stan and Bran.
3. I am convinced that gender. Berger was exchanged for a clone that was beaten up and delivered to the White Hats, as meanwhile the real kind. Berger to tell the Deep State everything he knows.
Now that the White Hats know what a clone and an original look like, they are hiding two things from us: Trump is surely a clone who played the Deep State game on January 6, 2020 when he called his supporters to participate in the sinister scene set up by the Deep State, without the crowd knowing the truth. The purpose of the Trump clone was to not find out the result of the elections, to give the Deep State time to continue the GENOCIDE with the killer vaccine. Now, the Trump clone is playing the same game by calling supporters to start a civil war to protect him from being arrested. The Trump clone will be arrested, tried and hanged together with the Biden clone and the 308 Satanists who already have the arrest warrants ready.
   The second thing hidden by the White Hats is gender. The real Berger is a traitor and the suitcase with the atomic button is no longer in the possession of the tight-knit mercenaries of the White Hats.
Did Berger ship it before staging his kidnapping? Fortunately, no army in the world can use the nuclear bombs they have in the silos because the entities that protect us from playing with fire, deactivated all nuclear warheads over 10 years ago.
If it had been according to the minds of the Satanists, the nuclear war would have started and the Earth was already smoking heavily, but now the nuclear warheads don’t even make a fiisss!


And yet, your post remains. Fancy that.


You exhibit the indoctrinated tactic to psychologically project opinions instead of citing Truth.

We know Lucifer-Satan and his renegade angels alias Jew purvey those behaviors because Father Jesus PROFILED their seven (7) evil behaviors in PROVERBS 6:16-19 as a warning to HIS humankind to avoid “imitating” them.

Hey, KID, who sent cha?!…


Okay but answer this one question: Why aren’t we a one world government by now?


Well said brother


Because V. Putin, the president of Russia, the largest Orthodox country, destroyed 31 military biological weapons laboratories in Nazi and Satanist Ukraine. Those CIA, NATO, Mossad and EU labs were manufacturing deadly viruses to kill 90% of PEOPLE. In Snake Island, the Mossad had one of the three laboratories that manufactured Rabia (rabies), which it wanted
to throw her out of the plane everywhere. That would have meant that people were tearing each other apart – a planetary carnage, and in 6 months the planet would have been populated only by American, English, Italian, and Khazarian reptilians. Then the satanic World Government would have been fully installed. The Russian army saved more than 65 thousand children, including Americans, about which the Trump clone did not say anything to the Americans, although V. Putin asked him to tell these things to the American public. Why didn’t the Trump clone say anything?
This conversation exists on this blog.
The Russian army destroyed two laboratories where ADENOCROM was manufactured, saving the children from whom the adrenal fluid was collected. The ORTHODOX Russian army destroyed tons of ADRENOCROME that they found in a truck that was going to Poland from where it was going to arrive in the Communist Republic of America, so that the Biden Clone could consume it, because the American people love their criminals and not arrest them.
The three world wars were programmed before 1871 in the USA, by the Satanist Freemason Albert Pike.
The evil of humanity has always come from the USA.
USA is the country of absolute evil!


You’re not only stupid you’re incredibly stupid human being


It is possible, but better that way than a 5G controlled slave like you.


He wasn’t alone, logistics will show that.
Get Them ALL !


Probably thought of himself as some kind of Jason Bourne character? I’m glad they smoked his ass, one less schmuck to deal with.

Last edited 1 year ago by dennis

He left this mortal coil with a large hole in the back of his head ( boo-hoo )
His plan to take a hostage earned him a big hole where his eye used to be…
He can’t even get out of the cell w/o getting shot in the face
His negotiating skills with anyone pointing a loaded M4 @ his face should never be used as a training tool for CIA recruits
He’s on the Express Elevator to HELL…GOING DOWN !


That is very unusual for an army mp to be over taken like that.

Mark David

The danger of routine is complacency.


Agree, but you don’t hear about the other 99.99% of the time that an army guard doesn’t get over taken by a prisoner. You only hear about the 0.01% of cases that an army guard does.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Traitor shit!

Ronald Nussbeck

Truth, “The Deep State is trying to kill every American except those on its Elite List of Loyalists. Poison vaccines, foods, water and air are just a few of the methods used. Our children are primed to be transvestites or have sex with Dems as early as 4 years old. Our economy is nearly laid waste and grows darker by the day. Even worse, Biden chokes off our paychecks with inflation, rising taxes and interest rates that leaves 80% of the public hanging on for dear life. We have Doubles and Clones in the White House and across the globe whose orders are to murder as many as possible”.
I pray the White Hats “will get on with it” and save some of the 300 million American lives whom have taken the poison by force or trickery. It is time to stand and fight for the innocent and the children.

Hunter Hunter

No action, if any, will be taken until AFTER the financial system collapses, which seems to be close at hand. The traitors in office must be left holding the bag. This is the one thing that will wake up the most people, everyone will be affected.


You want Military to save Americans “beguiled to suicide”? WHY? ALL of them shall die in less than four (4) years of being jabbed by toxins because they were GOD-LESS!

Father Jesus warned HIS obedient humankind worldwide to avoid the genocidal vaccines. Therefore, Military must save humankind that were “not beguiled to suicide.”

THINK AGAIN, MUCH LONGER, OF WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES because living centers on being GOD-FILLED, not being GOD-LESS.



Must have missed that particular message in the Gospels, about the vaccine and all. Can you tell me where to find it or is God speaking directly to you in this instance?

Michael R Davis

More than likely pertaining to scripture forbidding the taking of the mark of the beast. Of course the BAAL Priests, Amalek Preachers, Ministers of Satan, in the tens of thousands of Judaized-Christian pulpits of America got it all wrong and ended up worshipping Satan themselves.

Revelation 13:16-17
“And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

Revelation 14:9-10
Revelation 16:2
Revelation 19:20
Revelation 20:4


Most of your post is in quotes. Who is speaking? Is this copypasta?

Mark Bardsley

That ends it.

Donna Miller

A reporter on Fox asked Mike Pompeo about how he was trained as a CIA agent and he told them that they teach you how to lie, steal, and cheat…. That says everything you need to know about the CIA and what the agents will go to get what they want… It should have been already shut down… JFK was going to break it into a 1000 pieces and you see what happened to him… The whole lot should be scraped and start over, just sayin… These agencies never had our interests or probably not even the President’s interest ever… Secret Societies have been running our Government for a long time… Enough is Enough

Ann Ononomous

Does that mean Mike Pompeo is/was a black hat? I kinda thought he was, but was never fully sure…

mia moriarty

very much so


Yes, Pompeo said that and he laughed when he said it. Watch the beginning of the full video of the Redacted Report on Rumble. It shows a clip of him saying that. You will learn a lot about the CIA and none of it is good.


Reading these posts consistently shows me how truly incompetent the white hats are.


At least they’re human and prone to mistakes unlike you and your butt buddies from the deep.

Frederick Carreon

Go away Deep state Trojan horse 😡


You’re too nice tell him to get the Fuck out of here


And how ill-informed you are.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Not sure about the story but dead is dead.

Proudly Unaffiliated

Word of the day: contumacious.


I had to look that one up !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Plausible smoke and mirrors excuse as he might of have died during interrogation and the shiv story deflects the issue. Whatever looks good on the report works for me. Either way one less F*****G SOB to house and feed on taxpayers money.

Dave Kelly

YOU recognize the plausible smoke, the mirrors , yet you are cool with it, WHAT EVER LOOKS GOOD, TRUTH, FACTS , REALITY be damned.


RRN has already reported a death during interrogation so plausible vs. probable. As for my coolness, “Eye for an eye” the DS has done horrible things to their captives. A tortured valiant soldier has lost a leg as per RRN, kill them all and let God sort it out! Report what you need to to keep the snowflakes and Amnesty International happy. One must always play by the rules, the DS has set the bar, so adjust the rules to reflect the situation. My eldest son said to me a while back,”Dad if you do that you’re no better than they are”. My response was well my boy, I’m not trying to be better that is your mistake. At the age you were in the Cubbies I was living the executions and imprisonment of family members by Castro. Crush your enemies or they will crush you. War is conducted to win not to get trophies for participation. Remember the guy who told us to turn the other cheek was crucified. Not much has changed since then.


I replied to your comment but was not posted . Cliff notes: “EYE FOR AN EYE”


Dave I’ve sent you two replies none posted


Thank you Mr Baxter for posting my response to Dave Kelley.


An army MP – it figures that he’d fall for that. Why are there army personnel in Gitmo anyway?? I thought it was Marines there only?? These are the worse of the worse criminals on this island – which calls for the best of the best armed forces guarding it! Please don’t make that mistake again.


Probably because of the expansion of Gitmo, they’ve augmented Marines with Army Reserve and Nat’l. Guard MPs, such as the 420th MP Co. of the 508th MP Bn., USAR. You can find news articles (MSM) about that online.

I’ll wager that the spook struck up a semi-friendship with that particular guard before he pulled his little stunt.

Dave Kelly

the Story is FICTION


So are you



Last edited 1 year ago by NICOJONES
Usual Suspect

Give the rifleman a metal!

Dave Kelly

Four day pass would be more appreciated


Think he would prefer a medal


And how is General Berger doing? He is greatly loved and respected by we Americans!

And where is the “football”?

Chris G

Loose Lips Sinks Ships

Rose Mary Abbott

It would make sense to me that General Eric Smith has it. I don’t think I remember anyone saying that General Berger gave it up though. Maybe they regret ever letting us know where it was in the first place.

Dave Kelly


Ann Ononomous

I would think they sent him through a med-bed. As far as the “” football, ” I would hope that’s top secret!

Dave Kelly

NO NEED for BERGER to be sent through a med-bed, the football was not stuffed up his ass, berger may very well had other shit stuffed up his ass but NOT the LAUNCH CODES ,LoL


What the Fuck are you doing here anyway leave and don’t come back

Dave Kelly

Speak for yourself, Mom

Sparky Sr

A cia vet of 12yrs was a dumb ahole— thought he would join his buddies in cuba… Like our guys are gonna let him go that easy…
The guard learned his lesson and the drill sgt is gonna have a field day with him..


That piece of sheet metal had to have come from somewhere. It is not as if the prisoner had natural access to it. But I guess that’s obvious, lol.

Dave Kelly

YOU KNOW DICK, now start SUCKING, that is all you know, keep sucking.


You are sucking lots of DICKS you have no idea


Why would a drill sergeant get involved with a soldier who has completed basic?

Ken T.

Being the Patriot the guy was he may have been trying to free up court space for others that needed their trials to happen. He was successful. Now there is one less agent that will kill a family or rape a child. Now that he is dead, ask me if I care. The answer is not no but Hell No. I would bet that guard will never do that again.

American Living in Canada

Bada bing bado boom…


So there’s some sort of time delay, can’t the deep state read RRN and find out berger was replaced??


I thought the same thing. They knew. Or all their intelligence needs to be fired.


Maybe these guys, who were supposedly acting independently (they were out for the reward), never got the word from higher up, and they themselves were not RRN readers (too bad for them)–or they considered it to be disinformation. You know how the spooks are; knowledge is spread on a need-to-know basis. Everything’s compartmentalized. It’s really a good way to maintain security.

Dave Kelly

The Deep State co-opted RRN some time ago.


Either there’s a time delay, or the deep state doesn’t know what’s real and what’s disinformation and they’re thinking of RRN as disinformation (whether or not it really is).


Of course they can if you can read this they can read it too BUT we always five step ahead from them

Eve Bright

Wow the cells of GITMO as appeared on this article is tiny. Good enough to stretch out and lie to sleep by those who are incarcerated. Looks new though but the living inside is unimaginable living in a torture. You better not commit a treason, 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑦❗️ 


I am so happy that they got the last one and that he didn’t kill the guard. I really respect Gen. Berger and I’m so glad he is recovering. That guy asked for what he got. He had no brain cells working. He might as well get the hell off of this planet. And all of the others like him.

Rene Labre

Because of tribunal actions it always have vacancies.


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open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Rene Labre

The nuclear codes. there you go,also the reason for mir-a lago.. I”m not so great,I understand now though.thank you. that is the grail for them. you bet your ass they would start ww3. that is was Hillary was for. Not having them is what is holding them at bay.with Ruusia,these 8 balls have been prevoking a big powerful bear. who has issued a very serious warning. what are they going to do,throw apples at him? “do not infringe our border.,We will use every means we have to protect it. Our own military has again been decimated.Facing the vax mandate the best they had left.The ones that knew the real nitty hostile combat conditions.I don’t give a damn if your gay,that is your business, what I need to know is can you fight like hell?Can I depend on and trust you? i am not real wrried about my we-we right not,I don’t want my grape blown off! Your’s either my friend.


I don’t know why, but I’m starting to think that the White Hats are the least trained troops of all the world’s armies:
1. They don’t use cutting edge technology to search for and discover other clone labs, ADRENOCROM and other Deep State hideouts – the research satellites used by archaeologists to search for buried remains, or the satellites used by oil and mining companies to find bags of oil or deposits of precious metals, coal, etc.
Probably the White Hats are formed by the most poorly trained soldiers who do not know and do not execute orders according to military regulations – a gathering of mercenaries;
2. This story is a short story of poor quality, in which it is said that the Deep State is more ill-informed than the readers of this blog. We knew for a long time that the traitor general Berger resigned, and the Deep State did not know – movies with Stan and Bran.
3. I am convinced that gender. Berger was exchanged for a clone that was beaten up and delivered to the White Hats, as meanwhile the real kind. Berger to tell the Deep State everything he knows.
Now that the White Hats know what a clone and an original look like, they are hiding two things from us: Trump is surely a clone who played the Deep State game on January 6, 2020 when he called his supporters to participate in the sinister scene set up by the Deep State, without the crowd knowing the truth. The purpose of the Trump clone was to not find out the result of the elections, to give the Deep State time to continue the GENOCIDE with the killer vaccine. Now, the Trump clone is playing the same game by calling supporters to start a civil war to protect him from being arrested. The Trump clone will be arrested, tried and hanged together with the Biden clone and the 308 Satanists who already have the arrest warrants ready.
  The second thing hidden by the White Hats is gender. The real Berger is a traitor and the suitcase with the atomic button is no longer in the possession of the tight-knit mercenaries of the White Hats.
Did Berger ship it before staging his kidnapping? Fortunately, no army in the world can use the nuclear bombs they have in the silos because the entities that protect us from playing with fire, deactivated all nuclear warheads over 10 years ago.
If it had been according to the minds of the Satanists, the nuclear war would have started and the Earth was already smoking heavily, but now the nuclear warheads don’t even make a fuss!


Why do Dick heads like you come to this site, I guess, To be a Dick Head. Hey knock yourself out, Dick Head! Hey Mr. Baxter, could this Dick Head stay on this site for another 9 hours!


Crezi ca nu am alta treaba decat sa incerc sa te trezesc la realitate pe tine si pe alti sclavi controlati cu 5G ?
Ba da, dar credeam ca americanii vor sa vada adevarul, nu sa ajunga la razboi civil, insa voua va place sa va omorati reciproc asa ca va promit sa nu-mi mai pierd timpul scriind pe acest blog.
O sa aflu de la mii de km cum va macelariti reciproc in scurt timp.
Alegeti clona Trump si va fi mai rau decat este cu clona Biden. Prostia doare, dar dupa ce nu mai poti repara nimic.
Caderea celui de-al doilea Babilon ( SUA ) este aproape.
Deja multi americani au ajuns homlles.
Acesta este cel mai bun viitor al vostru, daca nu muriti in razbioul civil ce vi se pregateste.


Do you think I have no other job than to try to wake you and other slaves controlled with 5G to reality?
Well, yes, but I thought that the Americans want to see the truth, not to end up in civil war, but you like to kill each other, so I promise you that I won’t waste my time writing on this blog.
I will find out from thousands of km how you butcher each other in a short time.
Choose the Trump clone and it will be worse than it is with the Biden clone. Stupidity hurts, but after that you can’t fix anything.
The fall of the second Babylon (USA) is near.
Many Americans have already become homlles.
This is your best future, if you do not die in the civil war that is being prepared for you.

Rose Mary Abbott

Complain, complain, complain. Is that all you got? Good. Bye bye 👋.

Elisa Orozco


Debra Rudolph

That guard has to be a player. He’s deepstate.

Dave Kelly

I have to call BULLSHIT on this one. First Berger is a DECEIVER. Then Berger leaves the Base , solo by himself, any asshole knows that Berger would not have the launch codes, this is laughable, so CIA team would not bother in the said apprehension mission. The one WITNESS to this entire episode is now DEAD, the story of events happening at GITMO , again LAUGHABLE, like some very lame Hollywood script. This shit is COMEDY., The guard is an ACTOR, LoL MORE LIKE NONE OF THIS BS HAPPENED. FICTION.


It did read a little like a B movie script


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Rose Mary Abbott

Thanks to Biden that’s not enough to live on anymore.


could not believe this story it seems even gitmo is not secure. does the WH’s know what to do at all? seems more training is needed quickly. the only one to save America is God, not any military that can’t keep prisoners locked up.


I don’t know why, but I’m starting to think that the White Hats are the least trained troops of all the world’s armies:
1. They don’t use cutting edge technology to search for and discover other clone labs, ADRENOCROM and other Deep State hideouts – the research satellites used by archaeologists to search for buried remains, or the satellites used by oil and mining companies to find bags of oil or deposits of precious metals, coal, etc.
Probably the White Hats are formed by the most poorly trained soldiers who do not know and do not execute orders according to military regulations – a gathering of mercenaries;
2. This story is a short story of poor quality, in which it is said that the Deep State is more ill-informed than the readers of this blog. We knew for a long time that the traitor general Berger resigned, and the Deep State did not know – movies with Stan and Bran.
3. I am convinced that gender. Berger was exchanged for a clone that was beaten up and delivered to the White Hats, as meanwhile the real kind. Berger to tell the Deep State everything he knows.
Now that the White Hats know what a clone and an original look like, they are hiding two things from us: Trump is surely a clone who played the Deep State game on January 6, 2020 when he called his supporters to participate in the sinister scene set up by the Deep State, without the crowd knowing the truth. The purpose of the Trump clone was to not find out the result of the elections, to give the Deep State time to continue the GENOCIDE with the killer vaccine. Now, the Trump clone is playing the same game by calling supporters to start a civil war to protect him from being arrested. The Trump clone will be arrested, tried and hanged together with the Biden clone and the 308 Satanists who already have the arrest warrants ready.
  The second thing hidden by the White Hats is gender. The real Berger is a traitor and the suitcase with the atomic button is no longer in the possession of the tight-knit mercenaries of the White Hats.
Did Berger ship it before staging his kidnapping? Fortunately, no army in the world can use the nuclear bombs they have in the silos because the entities that protect us from playing with fire, deactivated all nuclear warheads over 10 years ago.
If it had been according to the minds of the Satanists, the nuclear war would have started and the Earth was already smoking heavily, but now the nuclear warheads don’t even make a fuss!

Dave Kelly

you culd not believe this story, BECAUSE IT’S BULLSHIT


TRUTH is forbidden on this Deep State blog.
The comments of those who do not believe in the Trump clone and the White Straw Hats are deleted.
This blog says it is censored because it tells the truth but in fact it is not censored because it says what the Deep State wants. Whoever still believes the lies on this blog is a great naive.
I don’t know why, but I’m starting to think that the White Hats are the least trained troops of all the world’s armies:
1. They don’t use cutting edge technology to search for and discover other clone labs, ADRENOCROM and other Deep State hideouts – the research satellites used by archaeologists to search for buried remains, or the satellites used by oil and mining companies to find bags of oil or deposits of precious metals, coal, etc.
Probably the White Hats are formed by the most poorly trained soldiers who do not know and do not execute orders according to military regulations – a gathering of mercenaries;
2. This story is a short story of poor quality, in which it is said that the Deep State is more ill-informed than the readers of this blog. We knew for a long time that the traitor general Berger resigned, and the Deep State did not know – movies with Stan and Bran.
3. I am convinced that gender. Berger was exchanged for a clone that was beaten up and delivered to the White Hats, as meanwhile the real kind. Berger to tell the Deep State everything he knows.
Now that the White Hats know what a clone and an original look like, they are hiding two things from us: Trump is surely a clone who played the Deep State game on January 6, 2020 when he called his supporters to participate in the sinister scene set up by the Deep State, without the crowd knowing the truth. The purpose of the Trump clone was to not find out the result of the elections, to give the Deep State time to continue the GENOCIDE with the killer vaccine. Now, the Trump clone is playing the same game by calling supporters to start a civil war to protect him from being arrested. The Trump clone will be arrested, tried and hanged together with the Biden clone and the 308 Satanists who already have the arrest warrants ready.
   The second thing hidden by the White Hats is gender. The real Berger is a traitor and the suitcase with the atomic button is no longer in the possession of the tight-knit mercenaries of the White Hats.
Did Berger ship it before staging his kidnapping? Fortunately, no army in the world can use the nuclear bombs they have in the silos because the entities that protect us from playing with fire, deactivated all nuclear warheads over 10 years ago.
If it had been according to the minds of the Satanists, the nuclear war would have started and the Earth was already smoking heavily, but now the nuclear warheads don’t even make a fiisss!


I thought Gitmo was overflowing… right?

Dave Kelly

This may be why DeSantis wants to got to GITMO, the things reported to be going on there ,are NOT. POSSIBLY NO detainees , NO ENEMY COMBATANTS , being held at the facility, NO TRIBUNALS, and who knows what is really happening ro where. So possibly DeSantis is calling BULLSHIT. But this is just speculation,


Kid down the street, a Marine, just rotated out of there. Asked him about some of the things reported here. He called me a crazy old man. Says he hasn’t seen or heard anything

orange julius

Don’t trust them for a second.


.We might be a bit harsh on this errant MP and he or she maybe in the wrong field. Perhaps this poor soul needs to change his or her MOS such as being a medic or nurse. This guard did what a city street cop would do if he or she saw a person in distress. Prison guards are not police officers. What the MP did was very stupid and should have known better but his or her compassion kicked in. He or she was/is in the wrong military specialty. This was a hard lesson.


Hence why I stated in an earlier post; Why is any army personnel at Gitmo anyway?? These are the worse of the worse criminals, so it stands to reason that the best of the best Marines should be the ONLY personnel in and around Gitmo PERIOD!!!


This is why you don’t trust agents or anybody right off the back..

Take this as a life lesson.


TRUTH is forbidden on this Deep State blog.
The comments of those who do not believe in the Trump clone and the White Straw Hats are deleted.
This blog says it is censored because it tells the truth but in fact it is not censored because it says what the Deep State wants. Whoever still believes the lies on this blog is a great naive.
I don’t know why, but I’m starting to think that the White Hats are the least trained troops of all the world’s armies:
1. They don’t use cutting edge technology to search for and discover other clone labs, ADRENOCROM and other Deep State hideouts – the research satellites used by archaeologists to search for buried remains, or the satellites used by oil and mining companies to find bags of oil or deposits of precious metals, coal, etc.
Probably the White Hats are formed by the most poorly trained soldiers who do not know and do not execute orders according to military regulations – a gathering of mercenaries;
2. This story is a short story of poor quality, in which it is said that the Deep State is more ill-informed than the readers of this blog. We knew for a long time that the traitor general Berger resigned, and the Deep State did not know – movies with Stan and Bran.
3. I am convinced that gender. Berger was exchanged for a clone that was beaten up and delivered to the White Hats, as meanwhile the real kind. Berger to tell the Deep State everything he knows.
Now that the White Hats know what a clone and an original look like, they are hiding two things from us: Trump is surely a clone who played the Deep State game on January 6, 2020 when he called his supporters to participate in the sinister scene set up by the Deep State, without the crowd knowing the truth. The purpose of the Trump clone was to not find out the result of the elections, to give the Deep State time to continue the GENOCIDE with the killer vaccine. Now, the Trump clone is playing the same game by calling supporters to start a civil war to protect him from being arrested. The Trump clone will be arrested, tried and hanged together with the Biden clone and the 308 Satanists who already have the arrest warrants ready.
   The second thing hidden by the White Hats is gender. The real Berger is a traitor and the suitcase with the atomic button is no longer in the possession of the tight-knit mercenaries of the White Hats.
Did Berger ship it before staging his kidnapping? Fortunately, no army in the world can use the nuclear bombs they have in the silos because the entities that protect us from playing with fire, deactivated all nuclear warheads over 10 years ago.
If it had been according to the minds of the Satanists, the nuclear war would have started and the Earth was already smoking heavily, but now the nuclear warheads don’t even make a fiisss!


Is there an update on General Berger’s health?

Dave Kelly

Comfortably resting in his cell at GITMO?


You’re an A$$!!!

Dave Kelly



Karma… It’s the LAW. Nice shot guys. Keep taking these lousy bastards out and the world will be a better place for it.

Dave Kelly

They did not shoot anyone, they flew the CIA dude to Jamaica , from there he flew to the Bahamas ,he met his handler ,received his new assignment and from there who knows, this is how it works.