Liz Cheney Hanged at GITMO


Monday, April 24

Standing atop the gallows with a braided rope around her neck, Liz Cheney devoted her final breaths to excoriate President Donald J. Trump—who was not present—and his “minions,” accusing them of collectively subverting the Constitution to enforce a “private brand of justice.” Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.

As is typical at hangings, a uniformed soldier tugged on the rope stretching from Cheney’s neck to a beam several feet above them, testing for slack and tension. He nodded at Vice Admiral Crandall, signaling his readiness to push the button.

A ruddy-cheeked Cheney rambled on about how Trump and Adm. Crandall would eventually face their own tribunals with a predetermined verdict of guilty. She said an ineluctable fate awaited them and their co-conspirators. She held Trump and the admiral responsible for her father’s death and said her “people” would behead them.

“You’re all doomed,” she said, shaking her shackled wrists, and she called Adm. Crandall an irritant, like a buzzing mosquito waiting to be squashed.

“This isn’t personal; I take no enjoyment in my responsibilities,” Vice Adm. Crandall said. “You took an oath to our country—let me correct myself. It’s not your country. It stopped being your country the moment you betrayed the Constitution. You’re un-American. You, your people, you stand up there holding yourself blameless, no misgivings for what you’ve done. I pity you; I really do.”

The admiral seemed uncharacteristically patient. He gave Cheney more latitude than he had previous Deep Staters on the gallows. His face was devoid of expression, but he seemed genuinely interested in what made people like Cheney tick—What drove them to value greed over charity? What compelling force stripped them of decency? His dispassionate look became one of puzzlement as he listened to Cheney’s hateful monologue, her tongue flicking like a snake’s as she cursed the admiral and his family.

“You murdered my father. You killed my friends. And for that you will die,” Cheney said.

Apparently the admiral had heard enough. He instructed the soldier on the platform to push the button, and a second later, Cheney was dangling in the wind. A Navy physician affirmed Cheney’s death and noted the time: 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 24.

Adm. Crandall had a busy schedule. He still had to oversee the hanging of two corrupt feds and then board one of several flights that would eventually carry him to Guam, where tribunals would be held for the foreseeable future.

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Surf Nazare

Today 5/10 Liz running an ad in New Hampshire

Above Reproach

She was a nice lady ! 😂

richard sanborn spc4 US Army retired



Obviously Lizard Cheney was dumber than a box of rocks, standing atop the gallows with a noose around (its) neck.. mouthing off! 😉
Didn’t learn anything from friends and daddy’s fate!
Too late to kiss ass!
Your ass is dangling in the breeze !
Screw you and your kind and the family name


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Michael I am puzzled for the fact that you have not expelled Delavic yet!


Most of the readers ignore the bot anyway..
It’s okay !..😉bots will be bots…!


Can you stop the posting of links?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Admiral Crandall is the one soul in our US Military, that, I respect & admire the most out of anyone else. The gentleman has nerves of steel.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Surf Nazare

For any that may have an interest—–Russia is unloading massive attacks in Ukraine. All you lovers of Biden/Ukraine and centralized Satanic demonic abominations, you asked for it and you could very well be getting what you wanted. It is reported at least 2 Divisions have been destroyed along with air defenses and at least 10 Tu-95 bombers are in the air as we speak. Do you know the devastation they can bring. Ground to air destroyed—–Time will reveal what is going on and has happened but this is what is reported—-we will see—–Keep in mind we are approaching the tribulation period for those that may be aware and have interest—–Watch Syria and Turkey next—–not to mention Cyrus wannabe home land—-Iran


just dont kill the civilians. the innocents. no need to wipe out an civilization just cause of one side being evil.

Surf Nazare

like all terrorist operations they hide like cowards in civilian locations. Apt. buildings for ammo and even operation command centers. It is reported that Zelensky et al just took over all Christian property and banned Christians—-Good guys wouldn’t you say—


Zelensky is evil and wicked and will pay with his life.


Unfortunately, in WAR,.
There is unintentionally collateral damage.!
Its unavoidable.😞


Lol why do you think Iran is my wannabe homeland? What in the fuck are you talking about ya weirdo?

Surf Nazare

You are so intellectually deplete you don’t even know what your name represents—and you call me a weirdo—you don’t even know what you support like Ukraine—-but then again what can you expect from a demonic type being with an intellect to match—-look at your vocabulary—–so limited and the main way to express yourself is using the F word—-


You are right, cyrus is intellectually deplete.




If it wasn’t true, why would you want to deny. It ?
Move back to IRAN…ya weirdo !


tough period for the mason cucks:

Gas is still cheap
Food prices have come down
No gave a shit about the GayTF pistol brace ‘rule’
And now a B rated actor is playing the Hussein Shit-stain?

lol. DStards are now JV cheerleaders!


Thank you Joe Biden for bringing down the cost of gas and food!

Loretta Sanchez

Now what the F_k are you talking about


cyrus is a moron.. birdbrain little dweeb that never told the truth in its miserable life.
Everyone knows and identifies him as
a Troll living under a bridge,.. stealing Wi-Fi,,
Making nonsense here.
Just ignore him!

Big Johnson

Did you get a colonoscopy today?


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Ok W.H. let’s get back to hanging these mother fuckers… Who’s next.

Big Johnson





Bad news Don, according to my sources the White Hats seem to have somehow lost their gallows in the move to Guam. Hangings are postponed indefinitely until they locate the box they packed the gallows in.


Executions in Guam are carried out by firing squad.

The gallows at Gitmo is where it’s always been, waiting to snap the next Deep State neck…


Hussein Shit-stain

Easily ID’ed by all the flies wantonly landing on his turd head!

Rene Labre

Gee whiz,bud light is redneck beer,that is their major market demographic.College people drink it because they can’t afford good beer.Rednecks have money you see,very loyal to bud light.They could afford better yet they don’t want it.They have been offended by this.It takes a person with a college degree to mess up things this bad.An expert.


LOL, As a musician I see people buying beer all the time, except Not Bud Light – Not anymore, in fact its getting harder to find it offered from any bar with On & Off Sales dropping the line altogether.
Once we crush their Stock value – we buy it up and destroy them from the inside out – this is how it works. What comes around go’s around – you go woke you go broke.
As for Jack Daniels, I haven’t even seen it offered for quite sometime now.

Last edited 1 year ago by goober

Lol your plan is to tank their stock value then buy up all their stock and destroy the company? Doesn’t that mean you’re losing your own money, goob?


Are you really still on the Bud Light thing? Bro who gives a shit


Will Caulfield and Cyrus. These 2 are trouble makers on here. Can you remove them off of here Michael Baxter?

Will Caulfield

Not much for free speech, eh, Charity?


Free speech yes, but when you start talking about my family/grandkids on here then that’s NOT COOL!! How would you like it if I said something about your family/grandkids on here? Keep my family out of this!

Will Caulfield

What are you talking about? I never said anything about your family.


Cyrus and Big Johnson made a comment on that. But for you to say not much for free speech eh, is just as hurtful. Whatever dude.

Will Caulfield

You want to have me banned because you don’t like what I say. How is that not an assault on free speech?

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

free speech yes, if it doesnt involve my family!! Leave my family/grandkids out of this! That is NOT COOL!


nah have some charity! let em stay; otherwise, you are preaching to the choir. Besides, they teach us more about ourselves than we realize!

Big Johnson

How was the doctor’s visit?


Ok, let’s see how you would react if they said something about YOUR grangkids!


ok, lets see how you would react if they said something about YOUR grandkids.


Wow that’s not very free speech of you, Charity 🙁


YOUR FREE SPEECH CAUSES HURTFUL INFLICTION! NOT COOL especially if it involves my family/grandkids. i dont cause hurtful infliction. i merely repeat what i read on here. I believe what Michael Baxter writes on here. To each his own, but theres no reason to be hurtful!


Yikes, sorry didn’t mean to hit a nerve there. Just saying, if I had a grandma who believed this site was real and was ranting about executions and clones and stuff, and she couldn’t be talked back to reality, I’d be not so inclined to talk to her much.

Will Caulfield

You don’t have a right to not be offended, Charity.

John .S

Wow… WTF… This Triggered Me…

Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1 (1949) “…function of free speech under our system is to invite dispute.”

Kelley v. Post Publishing Company, 327 Mass. 275 (1951) “The law does not provide a remedy for every annoyance that occurs in everyday life. Many things which are distressing or may be lacking in propriety or good taste are not actionable.” Id., at 278.

Referenced two bloggers writings herein fails essential elements of ‘Obscenity’ via Miller Test supra, Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973).

Bloggers not ‘Inciting to Riot’ neither their scripts to be interpreted as ‘Fighting Words’ via elements of Brandenburg Test supra, Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969).

BTW: besides Speech and Press, also Religion, Freedom to Assemble, and Right to Petition the Gov’t for Redress of grievances are also protected elements of *our* First Amendment.

Don’t venture upon a slippery slope, having ramifications.


Thank you!

John .S

You’re Welcome!

Here’s what I call a: grand slam home run for free speech enthusiasts.

Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011) “Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them into tears of both joy and sorrow….”

Court ruled in favor of defendant engaging in *derogatory expression* often characterized as hate speech via displayed signage and spoken words.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Google pays $300 on a regular basis. My latest salary check was $8600 for working 10 hours a week on the internet. My younger sibling has been averaging $19k for the last few months, and he constantly works approximately 24 hours. I’m not sure how simple it was once I checked it out. 

This is my main concern……….

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

desperation of the rubes! Sounds like rosenstein wrote the above!

Robert Gregory Boensch

this is just a program to reset A set point on this blog.

an automatic reboot of the sever

has any one else posted this fact

kind of funny or not

Robert Gregory Boensch

WE are the “creator” – the federal government is merely our “creature”. (Federalist No. 33 (6th para), A. Hamilton.) So! The Constitution is about the Powers which WE THE PEOPLE delegated to the federal government. The Constitution is NOT about Our Rights, which come from God and thus pre-date & pre-exist the Constitution! b) Now look at Article III, Sec. 2, clause 1, U.S. Constitution “The Judicial Power Shall Extend To All Cases…Arising Under This Constitution…” Think carefully, for this is the hook: If our rights come from the first Ten Amendments or elsewhere in the Constitution, then they “arise under the Constitution”; and that clause is what gives federal judges power over our rights! When judges have power to determine our Rights, our Rights are no longer unalienable – we hold them at the pleasure of five judges on the Supreme Court. But because so many of us, for so long, have believed and said that our rights come from the “bill of rights,” those judges have seized on Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, to claim the power to determine the scope & extent of our rights!

can you see


Ironic that the thing man made is not his master. We can disempower the monster just as easily

Robert Gregory Boensch

 Short definition.
beautiful said



i fucked it up. i meant to say, “Ironic that the thing man made IS his master.”

John .S

See, Ramsey v. Allegre, 25 U.S. 611, 6L. Ed. 746, referencing Brown 2 vol. p. 100 “…the Admiralty acts only in rem, and that no person can be subjected to that jurisdiction but by his consent, expressed by entering into a stipulation” Id., at 630.

BTW: “Allegre” pronounced: Al -Er-Re, the G is silent like in lasa’G’na.

One case law website, Ramsey spelled wrong as: Ramsay, including Allegre as Allegree.

John .S

See, Hague v. Cancer Relief & Research Institute, 4 D.L.R. 191, Manitoba K.B. [Kings Bench] ”…the only legal person to our law is the corporation — the body corporate” [sic], meaning: the ‘Artificial Person’ as Body Corporate, aka Strawman Fiction.

Robert Gregory Boensch

For Bringing another horse to pull this veil of darkness To Light !

I think there is more evidence of the tyranny That They The Feds.
(War That is Waged On Us every day)

and that no person can be subjected to that jurisdiction but by his consent, expressed by entering into a stipulation

The People are never Taught to know the True God Given Rights.

And Believe Big Brother Has our Best interest in Mind

And They Do!

It’s our Labor and everything else they can steel from Us.

And Make Us Pay Interest on IT.

John .S

Police demand your ID to capture the – your Body Corporate aka, “Nom De Guerre” as the stipulation in adhesion to their jurisdiction aka, Quasi Jurisdiction via implied consent.

Expressed Consent via contract e.g., signing cop’s promise to appear via traffic summons.

To render that appearance contract void, *nonchalantly and legibly write: Non Assumpsit. Then Magistrate cannot issue a bench warrant on you, only suspend your license.

Myself had a *Lay-Justice go bat-shit crazy. That same Magistrate known to sign “”Search Warrants”” on whim of police, which are “Coram Non Judice” void.

Here’s a YT video for beginners: Meet Your Strawman.

People will yelp the *sovereign citizen nonsense*, whereas the Police are ‘Sovereign Citizen’ because the Constitutional Laws of the Land doesn’t apply to them, operating under Color of Law.

Police are actually militants, others would say: ”domestic terrorists” myself say, Highway Men, i.e., gangbangers in displaying their Thin Blue Line Flag, policing for profit, seeding promotional gain, jamming people up.

Peanut Gallary hold your response.

God Bless America.

John .S

PS: Robert, you are welcome, for me bringing another horse to pull veil of darkness, could say: “I bricked that horse” in giving it some: giddy-app, whereas others don’t find that humorous.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Save the bricks


Love all these made-up laws and legal procedures that, if used, will get your ass LOCKED UP. You don’t show for a court appearance and a warrant is issued. What you write on the ticket means nothing. Go ask all the Sovereigns in jail


Good words Robert. Barry Sotoro, aka Barrack Hussein Obama, aka the Dark Lord, aka America’s first and last black Muslim gay pres-i-dent, stated that our constitution was ‘fundamentally flawed.’ – He didn’t want it to limit government, but to give govermnent full power OVER the people.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

Foreign born persons cannot be legal presidents. He was born in Kenya at a time when it was a British colony.


And so was GHWB…. if the story is true that he was born in Germany, later Nazi Germany, he became our first noncitizen president (Barry being #2) and never got punished for it. Sure, he got euthanized for the paedophilia, the human sacrifice, the cannibalism, the treason, President Kennedy’s assassination and the attempted murders of Reagan and Trump, but he never got punished for the noncitizen President fraud, nor for destroying the JFK assassination files when he became CIA director in 1974. HSCA in 1978 and the ARRB in 1992 had a paucity of files to work with after that when they were trying to prove JFK was not killed by a lone communist working in a bookstore. Even Senator Long knew there was something fishy about that crap.


He was born in Hawaii, but his father is not Obama, it is Frank Marshall Davis; known communist. He looks exactly like him and nothing like Barack Obama.


Which is hypocritical that as a gay man, he wanted gay rights and special rights for sleeping with members of the same sex over and above our own rights, which everybody has. But as a gay man he wants special rights for his protected class as a gay man and run roughshod over all our other rights.
This is why the slippery slope of legalizing gay marriage led to the homosexualization pf the culture, top marginalizing of conjugal marriage and the married family by gay couples and gay families, and thereby is eroding everybody’s rights under the constitution by the LGBTIQQ saying we can’t have those God-given rights or Constitutional rights anymore. It’s a hijacking, just like the rainbow was hijacked from something good to something grotesque in 1978.


Lol what Constitutional rights have you lost due to gay people being allowed to get married?

Stinky Perfume

Is it more like in war or this particular war, nothing much to go by but white hates at war with black hats. Anyone determined to be a black hat won’t have rights or help from white hats anymore. All black hats or that’s called “the cabal” will just side with each other against white hats on any issue?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Nothing like our beloved leader of the “plan” going to Scotland and Ireland to look after his resorts and to look at further golf course development! Sounds like a solid “plan”, just not one for We The People. I guess they flew the Mtn in Cheyenne to Scotland with our white knight in it! Plan gets funnier every day!


he’s a joo. does his decadent nature offend?


Stop calling President Trump a Jew. He is neither normal Jew or abnormal Khazarian he is a born-again Christian and he is fighting the Khazars even as we speak.


typical jew subterfuge.

Big Johnson

i love how you interact with all your accounts after getting back from the dr

Michael R Davis

You have no clue why the Commander-in-Chief went, or even if he went overseas.
We are in a world war, and his actual plans, and his reasons for doing whatever he does are none of your damned business.

He could have feinted a trip to the Emerald Isles and visited China instead, or Russia, or both to discuss allied war plans. Or maybe he stayed home, sent a double into the skies to taunt the enemy lying FAKE Newsmedia.
Worked on you, didn’t it?


Lol he went to his boring old golf resort, doofus


yea, that must suck.


You can confirm as much I, which is very little including the info on this site! The ironic thing I find is the one group of people that seem to be one step ahead of the “white hats” are the “black hats”! I think they are well aware of the “plan”! If they weren’t, this sh-t show “plan” have ended well before now! I know… “it ran much deeper than they anticipated, it’s a world war, there are clones, the Easter Bunny and Santa are real…..!!!”


Well, yea, the Easter bunny IS real…didn’t we all see him direct Pedojoe away from visitors & off the WH lawn?? Ah ha ha ha




more realer than ron kippur or Ronakah?


Funny too! Thank you my dear khasarian..or as Xena says not a Jew! Next you will be called an antisemite to throw you off the scent! Standard protocol!


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic


Robert Gregory Boensch

Right On Brother

Thanks for the response

John .S

Soon May 6th as Illuminati Birthday…

Wonder what their celebratory festivities will be?

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
John .S

Wonder who’s the Free Masons are herein?

Currently the three negative responses to referenced: “Illuminati Birthday” fuels thought.


I’m pretty handy at pouring concrete. Not much of a bricklayer though so I guess I’m not a Mason

John .S

Myself know a little about cement, in hyperbole making shoes.

Referencing Bricklaying, myself once bricked a horse.

While in starting-gate I covertly smacked it’s testicles together between two bricks, horse won the race.

Myself not a Mason.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

The poor horse!! “What the hell did you do to my babymakers?! My wife is not going to be happy with you!”


…just a moron.


I’m not a Mason”

…says Manson


I was wondering the same thing because here we are five days out and my invitation still hasn’t arrived. In the past the invites showed up every year, like clockwork. Maybe it’s lost in the mail. I was looking forward to the party because this year it’s beneath the main altar at St. Peters. I heard there would be a marimba made with the apostle Peter’s bones, which were just recently found. We get the business part of the event, the incantations, spells, demon-summoning, and blasphemy out of the way first thing so we can all relax the rest of the evening.

I know a lot of you think the Illuminati got going back in the 15th century. In fact, it pre-dates Rome, Jesus, the Old Testament, and the Egyptians. The cult began in a Neanderthal’s cave when four or five guys got together and decided to establish control over all the rocks that could be chipped into tools. They also put death spells on the dinosaurs which, as you Young Earthers know, were still hanging around when humans first came to be. The decision to start franchising the system came later but we sold a lot. Spain, Italy, Bavaria, the Jesuits and other religious orders. We had branches everywhere.

Business has been a little slow lately as fewer and fewer people believe in us. We’re like Tinkerbell; you have to believe or we’ll die. OK, that’s all for now. Sounds like the White Hats are coming up the street so I had better prepare to meet my doom at the hands of some tweedy admiral who has apparently appointed himself the Grand High Executioner. Oh yes. Gilbert and Sullivan were ours too.


you really think peeps is going to read that book on a satire site, fool?


Don’t tell anyone cause I don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I got them a shiny new set of Georgia Guidestones for their birthday. I can’t wait to see the look on their faces! 😀


i have the georgia guidestones as a charm on my anklet!


May 6th is the Coronation,  it also marks the anniversary of Louis XIV of France moving his court to the Palace of Versailles and the opening of the Eiffel Tower.
May 1st is the birth of the Illuminati 240years ago.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

The acorn does not fall far from tree. Like father like daughter

Big Johnson



Agreed. Liz was Les before he was transgendered.


“Liz was a lesbian before he was transgendered”? In other words he was a straight man? God you’re fucking dumb lol


yea, that’s it.


Not when she was having the five kids, she wasn’t. Men don’t bear children.


I’m sure they were adopted.


BS. The american left disagrees.


QBall59: “If anyone doubts what’s on RRN, here’s a checklist of questions for you:

[ https ://realrawnews. com/2023/04/liz-cheney-hanged-at-gitmo/#comment-467420 ]”

To QBall59’s comment, I add the following found via

https ://bestnewshere. com/major-arrests-coming-4-30-2023-great-video/

https ://sp. rmbl. ws/s8/2/Q/3/y/u/Q3yuj.caa.mp4?u=0&b=0

[ Sorry, unable to link to the landing page of this excellent truther clip. ]

At 36m55s in the clip, DJT mentions [N2 mines], Ukraine, China, and Taiwan.

The following 2 RRN articles posted here long ago of Trump averting WW3 are either ‘a stretch’ or confirmation that RRN is true/plausible.

https ://realrawnews. com/2022/08/president-trump-averts-world-war-iii/

The ‘money shot’ is the last 4 paragraphs of the story.

Michael Baxter: “The only reason the Biden regime appeared to hold sway over world affairs, Trump said, was because they were empowered by a corrupt mainstream media.”

Said mainstream media is being dismantled NOW — Fox News fired Tucker Carlson and their stock lost a large chuck of value. Don Lemon is now out at CNN. I heard via another truther clip that a friend of Trump is now in control of CNN — the proof of this is that the friend changed the policy at CNN so the hosts are not ‘pontificating’ and are allowing their guests to talk freely and present their views WITHOUT being attacked/belittled verbally on camera by the host or covertly/overtly censored by CNN.

Then you have Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and firing 80 percent of the staff there who were only there to censor Twitter users sharing ‘inconvenient truths’ that go against ‘the narrative’. Trump set up Truth Social using his own money so he (surely) can’t be censored there.

https ://realrawnews. com/2022/11/trump-averts-world-war-iii-again/

Trump and Putin worked together to prevent ‘the balloons from going up’
as Kennedy and Khrushchev did in 1962. Thankfully, Ukraine marked
the ordinance they got from Russia as theirs — had they not, defusing the situation
might have been more difficult…or WORSE!

We should all count our blessings and be thankful that this wasn’t the outcome of this situation:

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Threads_(1984_film)

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Day_After

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Testament_(1983_film)

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/When_the_Wind_Blows_(1986_film)


Lol yeah man RRN is real because Tucker Carlson got fired (I thought you guys liked him) and Elon Musk blew $44bn to buy twitter and ruin it. It all makes sense now! 😂


Good now leave don’t let the door hit you in the A. And go back to sucking on your moms tit you satin worshipers and blood sucking demons.

Will Caulfield

“Satin worshipers.” Lol.


I just LOVE satin!!!


Hail Satin, the most unholy of fabrics 😈


It’s “vibrating Cyrus”. That boy keeps puttin his finger in the electric socket! He hangs with that other sad pair, Will Double E and poor ole Big Johnson. Will-ee keeps ridin BJ’s crack. It’s a one way street cuz Big Johnson been soft- he ain’t got enuff juice to fill his rocket. It’s a shame.



Big Johnson

That’s Mike trying to be funny but we all know boomers aren’t funny


I know Deswan, you Pennsylvanians are excused. You did after all give us Fetterman.


Hell yeah, Fetterman rocks. We love our large lad.


That proves that Deswans, Fetterman and now you, Cyrus all love the rocks in your head.


I am not a Pennsylvanian. I have a fully functional brain


nah man, it’s psy-rus the virus playing the role of female ccp ape!


Lmao what the fuck is happening in your brain

Will Caulfield

Will Double E?

What the hell are you talking about?


is satin anathema to chinks? silk is superior, ok I see now.


sucking MIKA- on msnbc ????

John .S

Should have substituted “Satan Worshipers” with Free Masons.


Go easy on Psy-rus the virus. She’s CCP property and has a cot right next to her desk, so she can make her ccp ape master happy!!!!

Surf Nazare

For some reason you still think you are the King of Persia/Iran—-you only wish you were as smart as Elon—but dumber than a rock for still investing in Ukraine unless you are getting some kind of a kick back–lol–


1) wtf does Persia/Iran have to do with anything?

2) I haven’t invested any money in Ukraine and I have no clue why you’re assuming I have. (Unless you mean my tax dollars going to it in which case guess what, yours are too buddy)

3) I am definitely smarter that Elon for the simple fact that I didn’t blow $44 billion on a website I have no idea how to run or make profitable. You know he MASSIVELY overpaid for it too, right? Twitter was only worth about $20bn, Elon made an absurdly high offer of $44bn to buy it, the board accepted his offer, he then tried to back out and they sued him to force him to follow through on his own deal. He is losing insane amounts of money on Twitter. Dude is dumb as hell, lol


You’re gonna blow a gasket one of these days!

Surf Nazare

Out of your own mouth you confess how stupid you are—ok by your posts your intellect is truly being challenged—it is hard to carry on a conversation with a blithering idiot—you don’t even know what your handle/name represents—-If I hadn’t said Iran you probably wouldn’t know what or where Persia was/is !!!


First of all, April 30 has come and gone with no major arrests. For the umpteenth time. Second, what is the common denominator of all the websites and other information in this post?

Answer: Even single one features opinion, fantasy, conjecture, predictions, and mysterious unnamed sources that appear nowhere else.

Oh, and there has been no management change at CNN. “Truther” is a synonym for “Wrong.”


Even single one features opinion, fantasy, conjecture, predictions, and mysterious unnamed sources that appear nowhere else.”

unlike your posts? your ccp boss is going to chain you to your desk. No outside time.



Lol how did this big prediction turn out for you, buddy


By Friday ..5/5/2023
You will witness some new “turn” of events.

Buddy Bones !🤔
As well as
Lots of surprise parties 🎉

Big Johnson



here’s a prediction for the Virus knows as Psy-rus:

That reward your ccp boss has promised you has been taken by the one chained to her desk to your left.


And while I’m at it and before I turn out the light, Mr. Baxter, what I’m after could be a small demonstration of Trump in action. Keokuk, Iowa, for instance. How Q’s Midnight Riders swept in every night for a week and then afterwards, the local TV station was on the level; hospitals honest about cures, mayor and city council wearing latex masks, most of the police force in ankle monitors, and Superior Court has stopped feeling so superior.

Everybody’s talking about how asinine the news is (not yours, of course) and that’s the White Hat News. The other news does not even rate a mention. I think it’s going to take more than Juan O Savin’s bible stories to get us ready for the shock and job ahead. jus’ sayin’

Big Johnson

“I think it’s going to take more than Juan O Savin’s bible stories to get us ready for the shock and job ahead.”

I can’t imagine why? He’s such a credible source lmao


And he looks so much like JFK Jr. That is, JFK Jr. in a state of partial decomposition.


the chiense know about JRK Jr? Are they threatened by his height or something?

Big Johnson

They’re mad he can say the letter L


He’s only as credible as you give him credit for. He tells some good stories that people enjoying hearing. I’ve listened to a few of his stories, but after like 2 he started repeating himself over and over and I got bored.
At least this site the stories change a lot more often. As for credibility, who is credible any more?
It is all most impossible to tell the truth from fiction anymore. No one and I mean No One offers any proof of anything. Tucker Carlson started really putting out the truth with video and you saw where that got him.

Last edited 1 year ago by snoppy

You,tiny weenie, have been “lYAO, since start
You have NO credibility here
Everyone here knows that fact!
You without the ass,. Are sissyfied,
You are “lying your ass off”






And maybe this too: U.S. Constitution Article 4, section 4 states “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and upon Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.”

In other words, about Fifty thousand political officer holders during the “Summer of Love” were acting in violation of their oaths of office: my civil rights, my right to due process, my right to equal protection, my right to liberty, my rights to be secure in my person & possessions, etc. I do not see how we can execute them fast enough. They will be having heart attacks just walking up the gallows’ steps.


But WrongWay, dontcha know that every law with the word “shall” in it is totally optional and meaningless? QBall says so all the time!

“As for the theory that the Insurrection Act requires a public proclamation prior to being invoked, this falsehood has been thoroughly debunked (“Shall” means “may”. See Cairo & Fulton RR Co v. Hecht, 95 U.S. 168).”

So by that logic, it was optional for those 50k office holders to protect your rights. No violations committed!


Sorry, Cy, you’ve got it reversed. In American Legal doctrine, one of the oldest is “Discretionary Function versus Operational Function.” Operational function we need more of. It uses magisterial language (you shall, you will, you must) and offers complete tort immunity for the public office holder in question. Discretiionary Function uses squishy language (you can, you may) and offers limited tort immunity. Shall cannot mean may anymore than up can mean down. Fifty-thousand public officials violated their oaths of office to the Constitution. This highest and supreme law of the land has nothing discretionary about it. Statute, on the other hand, has way, way too much that IS discretionary in its language. By the way, you cite “judge-made law” aka “precedent” and this aptly demonstrates that judge-made law needs a complete overhaul. Judges should decide the law of the case. Judges SHOULD NOT decide the law of the land. Otherwise, the legal doctrine of stare decisis has us by the balls.

Big Johnson

Nope. Qball and Sparatcus have set the rules.


No, …tiny weenie,🤔
You are almost always wrong.
Except.. everyday you watch as you shrink even more..bird brain 😜


In the SCOTUS decision referenced in my previous post, Cairo and Fulton RR Co v. Hecht (95 US 168), the Court held “As against the government, the word ‘shall,’ when used in statutes, is to be construed as ‘may,’ unless a contrary intention is manifest.” (emphasis added).

The Constitution is not a statute; therefore, in this instance, “shall” is mandatory language.

Also, it’s best to ignore trash like Sorry Ass Cyrus, Roger der Schwanz and the cucked Aussie loser calling itself Big Johnson. Their posts all share one thing in common: the stench of deceit. Responding to them is just casting pearls before swine.


It’s impressive enough Will the Dil and Psyrus the virus know decent engrish–even betta than some round eyes!

Big Johnson

Cry more snowflake


Go easy on Psy-rus the virus. She is a ccp prisoner and needs to do well on this little blog so she won’t be reproved harshly with a meal devoid of WONTON!


Hey you don’t need to tell me, take it up with QBall. He’s the expert here at declaring that certain laws don’t count when they happen to inconveniently prove his dumb worldview is fiction.


Psy rus the virus!
That’s funny 🤔


Wonton is no fiction.

Will Caulfield

Turn on your sarcasm detector, Wrong Way!


…but it was the wrong way to turn on being turned on


Since Xena & Qball are bringing it up, I thought you might like to see it.

Title 10 of United States Code (Armed Forces), Chapter 13 (Insurrection):

§251. Federal aid for State governments.
Whenever there is an insurrection in any State against its government, the President may, upon the request of its legislature or of its governor if the legislature cannot be convened, call into Federal service such of the militia of the other States, in the number requested by that State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to suppress the insurrection.

§252. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

§253. Interference with State and Federal law The President, by using the militia or the armed forces, or both, or by any other means, shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—
(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.


Cool stuff WrongWay, hey maybe you can clear some things up for me

1) “he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.”

If Trump invoked it then where is this proclamation to disperse? He never issued one. All Presidential Proclamations are public and archived and not one of Trump’s ever mentioned the Insurrection Act or ordered anyone to disperse.

2) If Trump invoked it then why was Biden able to appoint Chance Saltzman to the head of Space Force? MB wrote just a week ago that Joe Biden appointed him. If the Insurrection Act is active then why is Space Force taking commands from Joe Biden, who according to MB is an actor on a fake WH set in Georgia?


As to the E.O.’s of the BookMark President, refer to Episode 26 for a recitation of various executive orders of both Trump and the BookMark as well as underlying statute. Might clear it up. As to the proclamation, the statute does not specify that the proclamation be either “in his voice” or “above his signature.” Actually, I think this has all be done at 3:00 AM. As you are likely aware, Juan O Savin has consistantly maintained that this was never done at all and there are about a hundred theories as to why he says what he says. For my money, the only real news (very limited and not as useful as I’d like) comes from Messrs. Baxter and Jaco. Although, Jaco DID do his own video tour of the border last Winter which was the BEST JOURNALISM of the war. I’m hoping that he repeats in May.


Ah so Trump just whispered the proclamation for insurgents to disperse into his pillow at 3AM and you think that legally counts? Lol ok man, have fun with your imaginary Insurrection Act proclamation alongside your imaginary secret war and hangings and clones and whatnot


This WAR is not SECRET.You will pay one day soon and
All those you are in Cahoots with !
And your little dogs Too ☺️




PSY Rus the virus,. Very ! 🔜


Cy, you’ve missed my point. The reason that a president has heads of departments (a cabinet) is for help doing things. So, maybe he had somebody write or speak or both write and speak the proclamation(s) (one or more) on his behalf. It may ALSO be that if the country is under a “secret” marshal law, that such a proclamation is not necessary because we’re not using the Insurrection act (10 USC 13 secs 251-254), but, instead, we may be using the Law of War manual. The cabal has been recruiting “unfaithful servants” for hundreds of years. These are America’s Terrible Tenth. We’ve got 30 million criminals or traitors or both in combination in this country. That is the civil war that Senor Boots has been worried over for the last three years. The asinine news that we receive is part of the difficulty of “messaging in the clear.” I say to Mr. Baxter, pick a city, pick a state, describe the war there. That will be enough. That much will be seen as a template. And the cabal will blow it off because they are not intuitive.

Big Johnson



It’s “martial.” The Law of War Manual you are all so fond of is like the Pirate’s Code: It’s more like guidelines than actual rules.

Who the hell is Senor Boots?

Big Johnson

lmao @ senor boots


where’s that 17′ yacht of mine?


WrongWay, buddy, you’re missing the whole premise. Proclamations can’t be secret. Martial Law can’t be secret. This stuff is just nonsense. You think there is a civil war happening in every city and every state but just no one knows about it and no on will unless Michael Baxter, who is just some dude living in Texas, writes a story about it? Wars are not invisible, my dude.


fair enough, where comey at? where andy boy cuomo doing joe pro bono?

Big Johnson

why is brian stelter writing ANOTHER book? jfc


January 6, 2021

“I know your pain. I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election, and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt. It’s a very tough period of time. There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened, where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel. But go home and go home in peace.”

– President Donald Trump

These were the specific words uttered by President Trump, urging the protesters to disperse and return to their homes peacefully.

There were four directives to go home and one carried with it a timeframe, “now”. This seem like it qualifies for the requirements for the proclamation to disperse.


He was talking to the crowd on the Mall, not the nation

Michael R Davis

Bullshit. When he states that ‘they are after us, not him, he is just in the way’, the Commander-in-Chief is speaking to the entire nation, all the people. It would be ludicrous to confine those words only to the crowd in front of him, or just to the people at the Mall. Most of the people at the Washington Rally at the Ellipse on the 6th did not walk the mile down to the Capitol restricted grounds. He is always speaking to the people in his public addresses.


yea, because no one knows about image/sound conveyance via analog transmission


Hmmmmm….this one deserves some lengthy thought. Nice work, Y.


1) Not a proclamation, because a Presidential Proclamation is a signed document, but

2) fascinating that you now believe the people who stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th are now insurrectionists! I thought you guys all say those people are innocent and shouldn’t be locked up, no? Trump invoked the Insurrection Act against them even though they’re good innocent people? How could it still be in effect when they did disperse and their insurrection only lasted like 6 hours?


You can’t really claim to be here to make fun of folks when you ascribe so much significance to your posts and those of others!

It’s satire. Have fun and relax, but it’s almost as if you have another reason to be here!


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Michael, are we gonna hear from you before they get settled in Guam?



John .S

Since everyone is getting on the bandwagon of reposting, myself will also indulge in the new trend. Adage: “When in Rome”.


“Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work…”



Lol genuinely funny post, I like you John 🙂


Crandall’s Gallows lies at the bottom of the ‘Trump Quicksand’.



If anyone doubts what’s on RRN, here’s a checklist of questions for you:
1) Is it credible that DJT invoked the Insurrection Act prior to leaving office in Jan. 2021?
There can be no doubt that DJT invoked the Act. I mean, seriously, everybody and their mother (i.e. anybody who isn’t a professional DNC liar or an utter moron) knows the 2020 election was stolen. Does any rational human being think that DJT would just sit around and mope about it, especially after the U.S. Military gave him evidence of individuals inside and outside of the U.S. interfering in the election on a massive scale on election night? The U.S. Military practically begged DJT to invoke the Act based upon their evidence. As for the theory that the Insurrection Act requires a public proclamation prior to being invoked, this falsehood has been thoroughly debunked (“Shall” means “may”. See Cairo & Fulton RR Co v. Hecht, 95 U.S. 168). The trolls still pushing this fallacy are, quite simply, lying sacks of shit.
2) If DJT invoked the Act, then is it credible that the U.S. Military would act upon the authority conferred by the Act and begin arresting, trying, convicting and executing Deep State criminals?
3) If Deep State criminals are being systematically exterminated by the U.S. Military, is it credible that the Deep State would use any and all means at their disposal to maintain the illusion of control, including body doubles and CGI/Deep Fake Technology?
4) If RRN is fake, why is it routinely offline due to DDOS attacks?
5) If RRN is fake, then why aren’t the military prosecutors who are regularly mentioned by name there (and who are very real career naval officers), as well as the defense attorneys mentioned in the articles, speaking out against RRN?
Including copycat sites, RRN articles are getting about 250K unique visitors per day. I can’t imagine the U.S. Military, given their very substantial commitment to cyber warfare, isn’t very well aware of RRN. The far more likely scenario is that the U.S. Military is actively using RRN to get the truth out to those willing to believe it.
With respect to the issue of “proof” in the form of photos or videos, the U.S. Military is releasing what they want released, which means no pics or videos for the time being. Why? Because they don’t want millions of leftist fucktards mobilizing to protect Deep State turds from the arrests, prosecutions and executions they so richly deserve. In other words, it’s a lot easier for the White Hats to continue to exterminate Deep State cockroaches if the Bolsheviks are all wallowing in their normalcy bias, thinking “RRN is just fan-fiction. This isn’t really happening”. Just imagine how much more difficult the arrests would be if leftists were setting up sanctuary cities for Deep State criminals.
Finally, while I can certainly appreciate how difficult it is to resist the powerfully visceral urge to bash their skulls in with a 5-iron, as an alternative PLEASE DON’T FEED THE TROLLS. Troll arguments are picayune, unpersuasive and irrelevant. Never forget: TROLLS LIE. It’s what they do. It’s who they are. There is no truth in them. Their mouths are open sewers of prevarication. They come here to spread disinformation and misinformation; however, considering the quantity of upvotes that well-reasoned posts from patriots receive, as well as the massive numbers of downvotes that troll posts receive, they are failing miserably in their efforts.
Trump wins.
Trolls lose.
Game over.

Will Caulfield

Can’t think of anything of your own to post, Xena?


👎. Loser !


Lol why are you copy/pasting the same shit he just posted like 12 posts down?


Trolls reap what they sew/sow/so, pity them with a prayer.
][ never bother with them, and they go away.
Make a Troll Homeless,,, Burn a Bridge.

Big Johnson


Big Johnson

“There can be no doubt that DJT invoked the Act. I mean, seriously, everybody and their mother (i.e. anybody who isn’t a professional DNC liar or an utter moron) knows the 2020 election was stolen.”

Great evidence, boomer! I can’t believe this wasn’t presented to a judge!!!!


Damn why didn’t Trump think to say this in court back in November 2020, it’s such a rock solid defense 🤔


Excellent Post 👍☺️


To sometimes re-post an excellent written article really gets on the nerves of these paid Shills & Trolls.


🇺🇸♥️ Many of them have got to be inhuman. Seconds before their deaths they are still talking hate. I would think humans would be asking for god’s forgiveness. It’s very telling. 🇺🇸♥️

Will Caulfield

Lol. It doesn’t sound like you know many humans.

Just Me

It sounds to me you have sold your soul to a bunch of Satanists, loser.

Will Caulfield

How’s that?

Just Me

In answer to your question either you are a very stupid man or you sold out. You tell me?

Will Caulfield

I think you’ve missed the point again.


After your surgery YOu will miss standing up to pee… Sissy… caufield…😏👎


Caufield is both and it is that it’s a transexual going thru surgery …sad confused little loser…
Needing electric shock therapy 😜


You are a soul-less bastard and your side kick cyrus is your personal 🐓sucker and everyone who is on RRN ,just found out about you queers… caufield

Will Caulfield

Lol. Triggered.


You’ll notice the “pronoun” won’t answer you back. lmfao
Yeah, its a she/he with a tiny shenis.


Souless, void of Humanity, terminal self-extinction by their own tongues.


No argument from me.


We just have to keep on keeping on and singing Freddie and Queen’s old song….”Another One Bites the Dust.” Good bye dizzy Lizzie.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Debate Judge

Stephane Bancel, 50, received a merit raise last year of around 50 percent, raising it to $1.5million. His target cash bonus was also raised, according to the Washington Post.


Nov. 18th 2022 Real Raw News article about Bancel

Sandy Thomas

The world according to wapo.


And Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal. You guys used to like him


Not any more!
They can fly Rupert to Guam
And hang his sorry self.


I really wish this were true. There’s no proof, nothing. It’s called hopium. We should go to her office and see for ourselves.

John .S

Many suffer Confirmation Bias, and Zombies will have their WTF moment, can’t wait.

Have my ridicule and vitriol script at ready, with 9mm on hip and 12 ga. pump over vehicle sun visor.

Fact, Zombie Apocalypse cometh when USD officially goes bust.

Prepared for false flag Lockdowns and Curfews, no-doubt showtime is imminent, writing is on the wall.

Lock & Load, and Tally-Ho.




#imminent 😂


You keep a loaded weapon at forehead level in your truck. Guaranteed to splatter your brains all over the windshield in a high speed frontal impact.

John .S

It’s called: “Driving Shotgun”, that became popularized via Antifa & BLM in remembering Reginald Denny.

YouTube: Mossberg Shockwave as ultimate visor accoutrement that clips-up perfect for fast access.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

We are ready !
The Zombie apocalypse
Of the New world order.
Red dot Lazer scope dialed in.
Sight line focused.
Question for you


Clones, masks, doubles, doppelganger, cgi. I believe all the real ones are deceased


Do your grandkids still talk to you or nah?

Big Johnson

Definitely nah




ummm yes!


What a dumb question. Leave my grandkids out of this you @$#%×÷!

Big Johnson



I will report you to MB if you keep this crap up. Why the hell are you on here if you don’t believe it? It must really piss you off! I pray to God he remove you and all trouble makers off this site.


Is that a threat????


How could it possibly be a threat? Just saying if my grandma was ranting a bunch of crazy shit about how everyone is dead and replaced by clones etc I would be not so inclined to talk to her anymore


is that a threat?

Nancy Herbert

Why go to her office, they would just have a double there as replacement?!!


By her own tongue cursing her own fate Justice is done.


Miss Perkins. By thine own hand, your membership in the Continental is revoked.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website..

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
John .S

Connecting some dots.

rumble .com/v2l3njq-derek-johnson-continuity-of-government-is-in-place-military-in-control-scar.html

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

John, if the military is in total control then why did the Space Force let fake president actor Joe Biden install Chance Saltzman as their commanding officer? MB just wrote like a week ago that they did. How does that make any sense?

John .S

Cannot answer that, it’s outside my tactical realm.

If you’re interested in hood- winking someone myself can provide consulting.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

Saltzman was promoted by fake biden to a four star and saltzman feels indebted to biden for his fourth star.


1) And “fake biden” can promote military generals because…? Bro do you really not understand why what you’re saying makes zero sense if you believe this “military is in control” garbage?

2) This doesn’t even match with what Michael Baxter wrote. MB wrote:

“On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.”

Biden did not only promote him to four stars, Biden appointed him to be in charge of Space Force.

Diana Paris

Biden by his own admission has never been to Space Force headquarters or met with any personnel. He promoted this man to nothing, it’s for show.


Why did Michael Baxter write a whole article about White Hats arresting the head of Space Force if Saltzman is not the head of Space Force? Do you people even hear yourselves when you talk?

Big Johnson

They really don’t care


We really don’t…
Noose and a neck stretch.. next?


A whole article will be written about you when they pick you up and tribunal your sorry butt🤔
Then execute you for
Support of the criminal Biden regime!
You will cry 😭
like a pussy?


Sometimes you have to allow your enemy room to roam giving them a false impression they are in command.
And when they get comfortable, is when you strike deep into their ranks using an element of surprise.


www. canal26 .com /internacionales/ japon-aprobo-el-uso-de-la-pildora-abortiva-debera-ingerirse-frente-a-un-farmaceutico–341201

Big Johnson

www. anal26 .com /internacionales/ japon-aprobo-el-uso-de-la-pildora-abortiva-debera-ingerirse-frente-a-un-farmaceutico–341201


Medvedev attacked Zelenskiy for asking the West for more weapons for Ukraine | Channel 26 (


Move to Russia


www3. nhk. or .jp /nhkworld /en/news/20230428_36/

Big Johnson



www. koreatimes. co .kr /www/nation/2023/04/821_349744.html


The question on everyone’s lips…. did her tongue really flick like a snake or is that just a creative spin for entertainment purposes?

If it was given as facts, then are they implying she was reptilian/hybrid or is it just a coincidence that she was tongue flicking?

In any other time, that would be a really weird question to ask. In these times however…

Please white hats, keep up the great work and let’s see our planet free of this demonic influence.


Definitely real, there is no doubt that Liz(ard) Cheney was an Anunnaki shapeshifter. If you’re not familiar with the Anunnaki, Michael Baxter has written extensively about them before, such as this fantastic article!

Will Caulfield



Just Me

Why the Fk are you here? unless you are reporting back to the RATS.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me
Will Caulfield

Because you guys are hilarious.

Robert Gregory Boensch



Thanks Yoda

Will Caulfield

Are you channeling e e cummings or something?

Just Me

You must be one of Zeorge Goros Ass lickers. I hope the pay is good. Now get back to Zeorsge, carry on.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me
Will Caulfield

Are you drunk?

Big Johnson

Mike’s doing meth again

Just Me

No, are you on crack?

Will Caulfield

No. You do know e e cummings, right?


Yes, Will Caulfield is riding the crack on the back of Big Johnson. That ain’t ee but ooh wee for Willee.

Big Johnson

imagine typing that thinking it’s a banger. smh


And you guys are annoying!!!!


Psalm 21:10 There wont be one offspring left amongst them.


Cyrus and caufield enjoy patting themselves on the back for the birdbrain comments they barf on this site!
Joined at the hip, freaks
Released from asylums by Biden resident regime


Cyrus, give it up. We are past the point where your childish antics will work. You and your masters have failed. We are well on the way to ascension and this planet will be freed. Nothing can stop us now.

Your vibration is a signature, you cannot hide because the world is not as you believe it is or as you pretend it to be. So, give it up. God already won, we ARE ascending.

So when the vile words spew from your mouth know this, our power does NOT come from our brain. Belittling people reveals who you are, a weak, controlled puppet, whether knowingly or not. Your light, your spirit is your power, not your brain.

When you are free of your demons, barcodes and implants and your DNA is restored, your heart will open and you will feel the power of love and all your memories will return, THEN you will know this as truth.

I don’t expect you to change after reading this, but the truth worm is planted and will resonate with your spirit.

Big Johnson

“You and your masters have failed. We are well on the way to ascension and this planet will be freed. Nothing can stop us now.”

The sith are increasing*

*dumb as fuck


Wow major analogy fail.

I try not to think of those, like you, who deny reality as “dumb as fuck”, rather they haven’t put all the pieces together as yet, that’s all. What’s interesting is this seemingly desperate attempt to put down others who differ from your programmed narrative. So either a paid troll or unenlightened with an ego problem.


Thank you Kitty, I can already feel it. I am vibrating so hard right now 🙏


Back riding the power drill again, are you Cyrus?


I *am* the power drill, baby 😉


Naw, you dunne sandwiched yourself between Willee Caulfield and Ole Big Johnson agin!


You are vibrating, by the microwave rays
inside the oven you are inside..fool..
that smell is your bird brain frying …..LOL

Big Johnson



Lol what


If anyone doubts what’s on RRN, here’s a checklist of questions for you:

1) Is it credible that DJT invoked the Insurrection Act prior to leaving office in Jan. 2021?

There can be no doubt that DJT invoked the Act. I mean, seriously, everybody and their mother (i.e. anybody who isn’t a professional DNC liar or an utter moron) knows the 2020 election was stolen. Does any rational human being think that DJT would just sit around and mope about it, especially after the U.S. Military gave him evidence of individuals inside and outside of the U.S. interfering in the election on a massive scale on election night? The U.S. Military practically begged DJT to invoke the Act based upon their evidence. As for the theory that the Insurrection Act requires a public proclamation prior to being invoked, this falsehood has been thoroughly debunked (“Shall” means “may”. See Cairo & Fulton RR Co v. Hecht, 95 U.S. 168). The trolls still pushing this fallacy are, quite simply, lying sacks of shit.

2) If DJT invoked the Act, then is it credible that the U.S. Military would act upon the authority conferred by the Act and begin arresting, trying, convicting and executing Deep State criminals?

3) If Deep State criminals are being systematically exterminated by the U.S. Military, is it credible that the Deep State would use any and all means at their disposal to maintain the illusion of control, including body doubles and CGI/Deep Fake Technology?

4) If RRN is fake, why is it routinely offline due to DDOS attacks?

5) If RRN is fake, then why aren’t the military prosecutors who are regularly mentioned by name there (and who are very real career naval officers), as well as the defense attorneys mentioned in the articles, speaking out against RRN?

Including copycat sites, RRN articles are getting about 250K unique visitors per day. I can’t imagine the U.S. Military, given their very substantial commitment to cyber warfare, isn’t very well aware of RRN. The far more likely scenario is that the U.S. Military is actively using RRN to get the truth out to those willing to believe it.

With respect to the issue of “proof” in the form of photos or videos, the U.S. Military is releasing what they want released, which means no pics or videos for the time being. Why? Because they don’t want millions of leftist fucktards mobilizing to protect Deep State turds from the arrests, prosecutions and executions they so richly deserve. In other words, it’s a lot easier for the White Hats to continue to exterminate Deep State cockroaches if the Bolsheviks are all wallowing in their normalcy bias, thinking “RRN is just fan-fiction. This isn’t really happening”. Just imagine how much more difficult the arrests would be if leftists were setting up sanctuary cities for Deep State criminals.

Finally, while I can certainly appreciate how difficult it is to resist the powerfully visceral urge to bash their skulls in with a 5-iron, as an alternative PLEASE DON’T FEED THE TROLLS. Troll arguments are picayune, unpersuasive and irrelevant. Never forget: TROLLS LIE. It’s what they do. It’s who they are. There is no truth in them. Their mouths are open sewers of prevarication. They come here to spread disinformation and misinformation; however, considering the quantity of upvotes that well-reasoned posts from patriots receive, as well as the massive numbers of downvotes that troll posts receive, they are failing miserably in their efforts.

Trump wins.

Trolls lose.

Game over.

Will Caulfield

None of that is actually evidence. It’s just a story. Maybe it’s right, maybe it’s wrong, but it isn’t evidence.

Just Me

I believe this is real, we all know the corrupted news media will not give us any real info. If you are dumb enough to believe everything the news media says then that explains your stupidity. I wonder how many clots shots you were dumb to take?

Will Caulfield

But you believe everything RRN says unquestioningly. Even the crap about clones.

And you call me stupid?


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Just Me

I call you stupid because you are stupid. I take RRN before I take the bought and for paid fake news. Have you notice some of these rats have not been seen since their hangings.

Last edited 1 year ago by Just Me
Will Caulfield

Have you noticed that most of them actually have been seen?

Just Me

I knew you would say that, most have not been seen since the hangings, and the clones are still around to fool idiots like you.


Exactly ! 🤔

Nancy Herbert

Are those the Doubles?!!


Literally everyone MB writes about has been seen since their fictional ‘hangings’. Even James Comey is about to do a book tour, lol

Just Me

sure, sure.


They are in a drunken Stooper.
It is Pathetic 😔


Do you know what a non-sequitor is, Julie?

Just Me

Yes, a idiot like you. Follow?


Lol wrong


No,. He is correct about you.🤔

Will Caulfield

Wow. You didn’t even bother to look it up, did you?

Just Me

I did and it explain idiots such as yourselves.

Will Caulfield

So you did look it up? That’s great!

I’m glad you learned a new word today.

Big Johnson

Hah mike just outed himself on two accounts


Question..Do know what an idiot is?
Answer.. Cyrus is one?


At least a couple of booster shots after the fact.

Just Me

I agree

Big Johnson

I believe

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh or you’re mike. probably mike

Will Caulfield

If all of that is true, why are no foreign governments confirming any of this? Are they all controlled by the Deep State?


Conformation from other governments ??? Other governments are busy enough trying to get their way out of this mess as well,,, this is W O R L D ~ W I D E . This,,, is NOT OVER !

Will Caulfield

Too busy? Come on, you can come up with something better than that.


It never began

Will Caulfield

What about the clones? Where did all this secret technology to make these clones come from? How has that been kept secret over the decades that would have been needed to develop it?


Lol this is my favorite part. People like QBall here write these posts that are like “it is OBVIOUS to anyone with COMMON SENSE that RRN is the MOST REALISTIC explanation of events blah blah” while not mentioning the silly little sci-fi bits of the RRN storyline like the giant underground clone labs powered by alien technology or some shit 😂


Joseph Mengela successfully cloned Rabbits in 1938. It is 2023.

John .S

NY sources say:
Andrew Cuomo is dead.
Alec Baldwin is dead.
Brian Stelter is dead.
Take that to the bank.


TX sources say:
Greg Abbott is dead.
Jon Voight is dead.
Tucker Carlson is dead.
Take that to the bank.


The bank sent it back marked “Lies”

American Living in Canada



They must be, otherwise they wouldn’t be defending these perps. There’s no meat to their agruments, only fat and gristle and tendons.


No it’s just fun to make fun of you doofuses


What sources. All are quite alive, walking around and being seen. “NY sources” means nothing because they are not real

American Living in Canada


Big Johnson

Your mom was after seeing my dick. She didn’t think she could handle it


She couldn’t handle it because she couldn’t find it. Just like Heidi…

Big Johnson

Heidi loved my dick


Yeah. That’s why she dumped your pathetic ass and went to the U.S. to have dinner with MB…

Big Johnson

and went to the US to have dinner with MB…

You mean she cooked his hot pockets and he went into his room to do shrooms and blog? lmaooooooooooo


6) If DJT invoked the Insurrection Act, as you are 100% certain he did, then why did Space Force allow fake actor pretender President Joe Biden install Chance Saltzman as their commanding officer? Michael Baxter wrote:

“On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.”

Why on earth would Space Force go along with this? Did Trump forget to send them the memo when he invoked the Insurrection Act? 😂


Y’all can downvote me as much as you want, but you know I’m right that this doesn’t make sense 🤷‍♂️


Shall does not mean may. Shall is a legal term.


Shhh Qball has to pretend the word ‘shall’ doesn’t mean anything because his entire dumbass worldview depends on it 🙃

Last edited 1 year ago by Cyrus

In the SCOTUS decision referenced in my previous post, Cairo and Fulton RR Co v. Hecht (95 US 168), the Court held “As against the government, the word ‘shall,’ when used in statutes, is to be construed as ‘may,’ unless a contrary intention is manifest.”

Last edited 1 year ago by QBall59
Big Johnson

unless a contrary intention is manifest.


No contrary intention is manifest in the Insurrection Act.


Hey Mike. Your foundational premise is wrong so all that follows is wrong too. Trump has never once mentioned the Insurrection Act and there is no evidence anywhere that it is in effect. Plus the law requires its publication, your irrelevant railroad case not withstanding. That ruling in that case is not universal. Overconfident, undereducated writers like yourself give no veracity to your arguments and you can provide no empirical proof of any of your claims.

American Living in Canada

Sounds like you’re in a panic.

Big Johnson



Dear Roger der Schwanz,

Here’s the direct quote from SCOTUS: “As against the government, the word ‘shall,’ when used in statutes, is to be construed as ‘may,’ unless a contrary intention is manifest.” Cairo and Fulton RR Co v. Hecht (95 US 168)

And yes, this concept is widely understood in legal circles; in fact, there has been a concerted effort to move away from using the word “shall” in modern statutory construction when the intention is to make something mandatory.

Overconfident, uneducated posters like yourself give no veracity to your vacuous prattle and you can provide no empirical proof of any of your drivel.

Big Johnson

lmao Mike’s a lawyer now


1) I’m not Mike.
2) I’m not a lawyer.
3) Anybody can go to a law library and do some research.


The Deep state sanctuary city is in Ukraine, that’s where general Mattis fled and hid.

All these thugs, Deep staters, are being funded and protected by zelensky and he is receiving billions from the fake criminal biden regime. All the billions criminal biden is sending to zelensky is for the Deep staters. They are eating better than we are, zelensky is providing them with body guards.

People ask are these tribunals for real? Ask yourself this. How many defamation law suits will there be it it weren’t true? Law suites from rich and powerful people, politicians, billionaires, celebrities.

Yes, these Military tribunals are real and happening right infront of our eyes.

Ex-presidents (2 bushes and clinton), ex-defense secretaries (rumsfeld, collin Powell), ex-cabinet members (Loretta lynch, susan rice, john brennan, james clapper etc), ex-vice president (dick cheney), the three clintons (dad, mom, daughter), they’re all executed.

These individuals are demons, they’re evil, pedophiles, murder for hire, child sex traffickers. They are all now rotting and burning in hell. And if you are supportive of these demons, an fbi, DJT, hhs, irs, you too are going to rot and burn in hell.


Actually, it’s four Clinton family members if you include son-in-law and child-trafficking collaborator Marc Mezvinsky, who was hanged according to RRN. The Mezvinsky family is now missing a son because of his criminal activity with the mother of his three kids, whom I sincerely hope are adopted by a new family and will never again remember their evil origins.

Big Johnson

according to RRN


I would ask how you know all of this but I’m already certain of the answer; the voices in your head that never stop





Big Johnson



I’m not Mike. If I was, you’d have been banned after your first post.Why do you want Mike to suck your dick? Is it because Heidi was laughing too hard to do it?

Last edited 1 year ago by QBall59
Big Johnson

“Trump wins.”

lmao he’s sitting in a country club rn lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



(sits back and waits another 5+ years for anything Q promised to happen)

Carol B.
This is a good story, now it is time to go clean the rest of the swamp 



“Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.”

“His dispassionate look became one of puzzlement as he listened to Cheney’s hateful monologue”

Lol if Michael Baxter wasn’t there how the fuck would he know small subtle details like these

Last edited 1 year ago by Cyrus
Above Reproach

Simple, the person or people who were there to get the visual proof and response from the guilty party. Return and relay every detail they can remember. Not Michael’s words, the words of the reporters working for him.

Will Caulfield

Pull your head out of your ass. There are no reporters working for MB.

It’s just MB.


He has no staff. He works out of a condo in Texas

Big Johnson

His dead mother’s condo, no less

Big Johnson

relay every detail they can remember.

“Her eyes, open to narrow slits, like knife cuts, surveyed the officers who stood below and before her, as if memorizing faces for a future fight against them.”


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Dr. G

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!!!


What an original thought!

American Living in Canada

Like you have an abundance.