Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for TREASON


United States Special Forces on April 16 arrested Chief of Space Force Operations Chance Saltzman on charges of treason after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and Gen. Eric M. Smith signed a military arrest warrant alleging that Saltzman had essentially bankrupted Space Force by giving most of its $27billion annual budget to Ukraine, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Saltzman, 54, had 30 years in service prior to his arrest. In 1991, he graduated from Boston University and was commissioned into the United States Air Force. He was a career missile and space operations officer with operational experience as a Minuteman III launch officer and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office. On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.

White Hats became interested in Saltzman in early March when U.S. Army Cyber Command intercepted a phone call between him and National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby. On it, Kirby asked Saltzman to send him a progress report on the development of a “communications satellite” scheduled for completion in early 2024. Saltzman reportedly replied that the project was behind schedule because he had “loaned” $19.7 billion to Ukraine’s government, as per Lloyd Austin’s instructions.

The idea sounded so preposterous that the officer who intercepted the call at first thought it was a joke—until Saltzman said, “I was told the money would be replenished. And it has to be soon. I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a Congressional inquiry.” Kirby reassured him that since the bulk of Space Force’s projects were classified even from Congress, he could survive a farrago of inquiries by uttering just two words: “That’s classified.”

“I hope you’re right,” Saltzman told Kirby. “I was promised protection.”

The conversation prompted White Hats to investigate further, our source said, especially since Deep Staters like Bridget Brink had already been arrested, tried, convicted, and executed for the same crime. More recently, White Hats apprehended OMB Director Shalanda Young, who will face a tribunal on April 27, for illicitly wiring billions of American dollars to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

Vice Adm. Crandall, our source said, wanted hard evidence—documentation—to supplement Saltzman’s telephone confession, and if such proof existed, White Hats believed it would be found at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado Springs, where Saltzman spent most of his time.

On April 2, Cyber Command made futile attempts to access Peterson SFB’s network; they were unable to penetrate or bypass the network’s security system.

“That our best people couldn’t hack in was suspicious itself,” our source said. “The Deep State has a silly habit of leaving paper trails. If 20 billion bucks disappear, there’s a record somewhere, either on a hard drive, an SD card, or good old-fashioned paper. We have allies at Space Force bases. When President Trump created it, we populated it with White Hats. Yet somehow Biden’s guy managed to give away the farm undetected. Gen. Smith risked asking supposed allies at Peterson to look for evidence. It was a risk because we never know who might’ve switched loyalties—it happens all the time. I can’t say who he asked, but it was an officer in a senior leadership position.”

On April 10, Gen. Smith’s office received financials showing Saltzman had authorized the transfer of $19.7 billion to a nexus of U.S. defense contractors—primarily Raytheon and Lockheed Martin—with a presence in Ukraine. Further investigation revealed those companies then forwarded the funds to Ukroboronprom, a state association of major defense conglomerates in Ukraine.

The criminal Biden regime has made no public mention of the Space Force giving $20bn to Ukraine.

“Gen. Smith shared the findings with Adm. Crandall, and they decided they had more than enough proof to make an arrest,” our source said.

On April 12, Gen. Smith and the White Hat Council met to discuss a plan of action. Topics included how the Deep State would respond to Saltzman’s disappearance. Col. J.D. Keirsey, Commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment, opined that a high-profile arrest would likely prompt the Deep State to launch a retaliatory strike on White Hat assets. Following a brief discourse, they unanimously agreed Saltzman had to answer for his treachery, and 5th Special Forces Group Commander Col. Brent Lindemen volunteered his men to arrest “the treasonous bastard.”

A day later, Special Forces arrived in Colorado Springs, located Saltzman, and began shadowing him when he was off post, learning his movements and routines and awaiting an opportunity to isolate and arrest him without creating a public spectacle. Saltzman moved about carefree, nonchalantly, clueless that America’s elite fighting forces had him in their sights, tailing him for several days before the perfect opportunity to grab him arose.

On April 16, they spotted Saltzman’s vehicle pulling into a motel parking lot. They suspected he was there to visit a young woman who was not his wife and who had been in Saltzman’s car on previous nights. He seemed confused when a half-dozen Special Forces with weapons drawn approached him.

“He thought they were there to arrest him for adultery under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. And when told the real reason was treason and that he’d be sent to Guantanamo Bay, he said something like ‘President Biden won’t stand for this’ and argued with Special Forces. Saltzman is a disgrace to the uniform. He will face a military tribunal,” our source said.

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Above Reproach

Great news, he should be hung 20 times, one time for every billion he stole from the American people. Unfortunately it only takes once. Unbelievable how a person can turn their back on the American people. I’m sick of this crap . Make his demise a public spectacle with a complete statement of his crimes. Make it known to all the American people the criminals in Government are paying the price. Watch how many criminals begin to run
for the Hills after that.

Richard Longacre

I retired as a contractor in AF Space Command at Peterson AFB (before Space Force) under General Raymond. He was a loyal patriot and was why Trump placed him in that position. I never worked directly for Saltzman so I can’t say about him but if he did this, it is beyond treason.

I think I will contact Peterson AFB Public Affairs and ask some very uncomfortable questions. I bet they don’t even answer a phone or an email.

Richard Longacre

Don’t worry. Everything will be OK once the military goes all-electric vehicles, electric guns, electric fighter jets, electric tanks, electric rockets to launch our all electric satellites, etc. Oh wait! They are going to need some more money for that, which will of course be filtered through Ukraine before reaching the Biden crime family. This has to stop soon. How long must we endure this level of shame and abuse?

Above Reproach

The hole idea of electric cars and electric everything is so that at the proper moment the government can and will shut down the supply of electric and basically make the entire country a stuck in the mud helpless target. If china invades you can bet they will hit us with a mag.
to completely cripple our ability to mobilize. That’s the real reason behind the push for electric vehicles China wants our land, and migrants to work it . Don’t sell your car, don’t buy a electric vehicle.
The government truly thinks we the people are stupid. Well guess what,
we are not as stupid as they look. By the way we still out number every
person in government by over a thousand to one.


Given our money away


Given our money away for a purpose he did not have. That is called stealing!

Marta Magdalena LeFave

Saltzman will, hopefully, be executed for treason. He has much to pay for. He has betrayed those who love and want to restore our Republic! This will be one more traitor gone, and God is just fine with that.


‘at the direction of Austin’…. guess the SecDef is the next on the arrest list. I want to see that treasonous bastard swing too!

Marta Magdalena LeFave

A prayer between you, me and all American patriots. God bless our Republic!


wow! wth is wrong with people? don’t they know what we are fighting? I find it difficult to comprehend what goes on in the heads of these traitors who were once good men… or maybe the truth is they never were good men to begin with for how easily they turned into fully-fledged traitors. No amount of money would make me turn.

Well, he made his bed, well and truly.

Marta Magdalena LeFave



Firing Squad???

Marta Magdalena LeFave

I hope so


How is it… our money is not transferred or GIVEN AWSY TO FOREIGN BODIES with more than one person signatures!?? ESPECIALLY IF THIS HAS HAPPENED PREVIOUSLY:(



Alex Murray

I KNEW something was very shady going on over there! I could feel it. HOPEFULLY Elon will share some info with us in a few weeks. Along with Mr. Trump.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
John .S

Just finished Sunday pasta, drank bottle of wine, now sitting in reclining chair.

My scullery wench doing kitchen duty, and making me espresso as usual.

Was anticipating Sunday RRN article with coffee, currently disenchanted.

Going to express my disenchantment on my wife, though I can’t find my Guinea t-shirt.

Will Caulfield

How about another colostomy story, gramps?

John .S

All pooped out on Colostomy bag stories.

American Living in Canada


John .S

At siblings home doing Sunday pasta, soup to nuts. Stuffed artichokes like Grandma’s.

All finished eating, men in livingroom watching big screen.

To my surprise heard a sickening yelp, it made me cringe, I went batshit crazy.

My nephew said: “I’m going to help in the kitchen”.

Responded: “go in your sister’s room and put in her bra before you do that.”He got the message quick.

Told him all takes is one generation to bring end to our heritage of having scullery wenchs, and it’s not happening on my watch.

John .S

Dam typo: put “on” her bra.

Hey Stella, love it.


“Preposterous” sounds about right, that the criminal Biden Regime would have anything whatsoever to do with Space Force, Military Intel, nuclear footballs or anything remotely related. I still don’t believe it!

mary pascucci


Marta Magdalena LeFave



Quote….”president” Biden won’t stand for this”. Good Lord. You mean criminal Biden. The only thing Joe is “president” of is the toilet bowl since he is so full of crap on an hourly basis.


If Ulysses was alive today, he would have destroyed every traitor to America with a bow and arrow.


Ah yes. Those tales of brave Ulysses


Tales? have a look at the borders of Greece, every army in the world tried to conquer it and Greece not only defended but went out and conquered nations on top of that, it was occupied and it got it’s nation back not crying the victim asking for reparations, have a look at the US Southern border, it can’t defend itself against peasants and the real insurrectionists are in the Whitehouse to this day.

Juliana Nead

At this point anyone who is appointed by Bidumb should be watched and scrutinized with a fine tooth comb. Nothing good comes from a Bidumb appointment.


Here is some real raw news, lol:

Shasta County California Elections Department administrators and staff are packing up and returning their leased Dominion Voting Systems Inc. machines, precinct voting kiosks, printers, sorters, optical readers, computers, memory cards and other paraphenalia. All five districts within the County have voted to cancel the Dominion Voting Systems Inc. and to return to hand counting the ballots.

Well, I guess it’s as easy as packing it up and saying “no thanks.” 🙂


My city has about one million registered voters. Wonder how long a hand count would take here. Plus, people will still complain there was a miscount.


Does it matter how long it takes? Proper results from machines still haven’t come in, lol. People will not complain that there is a miscount. If they do complain do the count again. Big deal. Paper ballot elections will pass any audit. As for how long it takes: it’s called manpower.


….and if you have one million voters, there is lots of manpower to count the votes. I find it very strange that you would object to paper votes, unless of course, you want hijacked tabulators. Just sayin’

Jan D Hunsinger

I don’t….He’s a troll.

Jan D Hunsinger

When hand counts were done it didn’t take 4 months to count them!

Michael R Davis

Roger_Dodger is the enemy.


Houston tx use paper ballots we have no problem with them.

Jan D Hunsinger

You’re an ass. The votes can be counted precinct by precinct. And yes there will be accusations and also actual cheating. But nothing CLOSE to the massive crap that goes on with DOMINION et al!


This Should happen in EVERY City, in EVERY State all across this Country!!!!

I Still cannot wrap my head around the fact that with all of the PLETHORA of evidence between Mike Lindell’s “Cyber Symposium”, & all of the qualified Experts attesting to their findings, & “2000 Mules” that the Supreme Court STILL have a “No Standing” ruling!

And the average person THINKS that that means that there wasn’t really any evidence, when all it Really means, is that the court WOULDN’T Hear the evidence! And I DON’T understand HOW they have been able to get away with this with the Conservative SCOTUS Justices!


Where does everyone think and believe the billions Biden is sending the criminal pervert Zelenskyy, almost monthly now, coming from? Our tax dollars that are funding our government, that’s where. Until the criminal Biden stops worshipping at Zelenskyy’s feet daily, nothing will cease and desist. Ditto with Afghanistan.

Last edited 1 year ago by Joanna



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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

When you KNOW that NO-ONE on this website is going to respond to your ads, can you tell me WHY do you even bother posting them here!?

E. Grogan

That’s an excellent question, glad you asked it.


Bed Mask and Beyond has filed bankruptcy. The Deep State will need a new supplier


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. i was greatly surprised at the same time as my neighbour advised me she changed into averaging $100 however I see the way it works now. I experience mass freedom now that I’m my non-public boss. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website.. http://www.Payathome7.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Jan D Hunsinger

No one gives a hoot.


God help us. Please don’t tell us you are active duty

Rene labre

You can’t believe anything on the internet.You are a fool if you do!

Judi Kay

Really? I don’t believe you. 🙂

Jan D Hunsinger

True. You can ONLY believe what you witness and test for yourself. AND THAT INCLUDES MAINSTREAM MEDIA, GOVERNMENT, EXPERTS, DOCTORS, Etc. Your point?????


No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people

Jan D Hunsinger

Nope but they sure have by going WOKE!


Dont the Brittish Royals own Lockeed, Ratheon and BAE? They are black hats.
I thought white hats were in control?


They do not

Jan D Hunsinger

Well you aren’t the brightest bulb in the pack are you. This is a REAL WAR….Neither side has total control. The battle rages. The winner will be the one most committed, courageous, and determined. Not the ones who mock, whine, and complain the most.

Laura Riggins

The Royals have just about all been executed.


Austin better get executed for this. Why are we supporting in the Ukraine, Israel or any where else?


It is hard to believe
anything can stink this bad.

Big Johnson

I know…tell your mom to take a shower

Charles Smith

The issue is their are thousands of other everyday government offices that commit Treason every day, at the local Social Security offices, and property damage. Ask a worker, “Do you really tell people on SSI you can’t have more than $2000.00? They will say “Yes.”
That’s Tresonist, and Property Damage. And I don’t know how I’m ever going to stop this. I don’t have a car, and I’m disabled at birth. Pure Treason, if I were to plea the 5th, they would just take it away. Someone send a Note to the General to get all 50 and 435 District, Social Security Administrators enforcing this BS. We’re discriminated against. And because some idiot in Congress put this in a bill we must obey, it’s also legalized Extortion. I’m at risk taking this too court and losing everything.

Michael R Davis

In a short time, the IRS will be dissolved, matters will get much better for you.
The crooked, no justice courts will be gone too.
GOD bless.

Will Caulfield


American Living in Canada

Oh, I heard you, I just don’t care

Will Caulfield

I don’t care that you don’t care.

Jan D Hunsinger

Who cares what trolls say, do, think?

American Living in Canada

Just hav’in a bit a fun… throwing back the shit back at them.


Yeah totally man, all that stuff will definitely happen #soon

Jan D Hunsinger

No….What will happen soon is Fauci, Gates, Soros, and Biden will be proven honest and correct. Totally, man.

Laura Riggins

Biden died before they ever ran him for president and 4 actors are playing his part. Fauci, Gates, and Soros have all gone to GITMO. You must watch MSM.


Care to place a bet on that?


We need a convention of 34 states to rid ourselves of the rotten IRS. Nothing more nothing less. We have 19 on board so far.

Laura Riggins

IRS is going down when NESARA is announced. Hopefully, that will be soon.


IRS has already been dissolved. I haven’t paid taxes for 2 years.


I respect your hope. Can you share with us, what is required to “dissolve” the beastly IRS, other than a Convention of 39 states? We only have 19 states that have officially signed on, to do that so far.


Agree, totally!

Michael R Davis

How come this article mentions nowhere that Bradley Chance Saltzman is a 4-star Air Force Full General? Not often that a 4-star is arrested, accused of treason, heading for the gallows. Seems to be some confusion. “Jul 28, 2022 President Joe Biden on Wednesday tapped Space Force operations boss Lt. Gen. Chance Saltzman to run the service as the next four-star chief of space operations.” Has Saltzman already been scrubbed from the ranks, removed from history in embarrassment?

According to this article I found, dated 4-18-2023, Army 4-star General James Dickinson is the Commander of Space Command. General Dickinson assumed command on Aug. 20, 2020, after serving as the first Deputy Commander of U.S. Space Command. Commander-in-Chief Trump was still President at the time.

So is General Saltzman the Deep-State choice running a secondary version of Space Force? I seriously doubt the Deep-State has any operations in space, since it has surely been the white hats destroying hundreds of DUMBs and tunnels from orbital kinetec energy Rods from God platforms. Very doubtful the Globalists have been destroying their own bunkers they planned to flee to when the surface became unliveable.

(remove 3 spaces)
https ://www .defensedaily .com/u-s-space-command-on-track-to-reach-full-operational-capability-in-2023/space/

Yep, that is definitely General Dickinson.
https ://www .spacecom .mil

Will Caulfield

I don’t understand your problem. Dickinson is Commander Of US Space Command. Saltzman is Chief of Space Operations for the Space Force. They are separate roles in separate operations.

Michael R Davis

Rather confusing.
US Space Command under General Dickinson.
US Space Force within the Department of the Air Force, under General Saltzman, who was openly committing adultery, while being arrested for treason. Seems to be a Globalist New World Order lack of self-control problem doesn’t it? He was CSO for less than 6 months and could not stay out of prison? Saltzman running the black hat space op and Dickinson running the white hat space op for the past 2 years 9 months. Maybe Michael Baxter can do a followup.

https ://www .spaceforce .mil
https ://www .spacecom .mil


Aug 20, 2022… Biden was def “in office” at that time as Trump “left office” in Jan 2020.

When you look at the command structure displayed on the spacecom dot mil website you shared you see that Chance Saltzman is listed as Chief of Staff.

There’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that won’t be made public (yet). We’ll see more of this as the weeks and months roll by.

E. Grogan

Election was in 2016 and Trump took office in Jan. 2017. That means he left office in Jan. 2021 NOT 2020. So yes, Trump was still in office. The date given by the poster you replied to is Aug. 2020, not Aug. 2022 so Trump was still in office.


It’s because MB really doesn’t bother to spend time doing research when he makes up these stories


He does not have to spend time making up these stories when the US Generals and Admirals are the ones sending him these “stories”. MB would be standing on the gallows himself, at Gitmo today, if he “made up these stories” without authorization.


No he would not. You can make up whatever you want. It’s protected free speech. No authorization needed from anybody, even using their names and biographical details. So MB can write whatever he wants about whoever he wants

Jan D Hunsinger

You are beyond ridiculous. If the people in charge are corrupted traitors, they don’t give a damn about the Constitution. People have been murdered for saying what the powers-that-shouldn’t-be isn’t true. What planet are you on?

E. Grogan

In the military, you must have permission to use names of officers in military when reporting on their actions. Look up Vice Admiral Darse, he is real. That’s how you know this website is telling the truth. My dad was an admiral and worked in Public Affairs, that’s how I know.

Jan D Hunsinger


William S.

Saltzman. A good Christian name.

Michael R Davis

Khazars are on the Judeo side of Judeo-Christian, sort of a wolf-sheep type relationship.


God cut off and cursed Judah into slavery (black) in 2 Esdra 1:24. These Babylonian Radhanites usurped their identity. God said he who hath not the son hath not the father.

Jan D Hunsinger

Idiot. Judah wasn’t black and so what if he were? A black man carried Christ’s cross when He could not. Racist idiot.


Could be a German/Austrian Christian.


Cherokee Indian


Am I the only guy who got the “Fletch” joke? Dr. Rosenpenis would have chuckled.

Jan D Hunsinger

Huh? Christianity doesn’t have an ethnicity. What a fool. It’s a GERMAN name.



Will Caulfield



I agree 100%….


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Victoria Flood

The one world government is failing! It is FALLING! They can NO LONGER hold us captive!

We will persue, overtake and recover ALL that they have stolen from us!


Keep praying.

Big Johnson



Stay the course and we must have faith.


I know you only give articles of satire and fun but I heard and now have seen something like a Russian missile really putting a hurt on the corrupt UN.
These people online where saying Russia used one of their new Hyper-sonic missiles to take out a bunker 100 feet underground and killed 200-400 UN generals and high ranking officers in Ukraine.
Of-course this is all hear say since Ukraine isn’t a UN nation so of-course there would be no UN generals nor officers hiding in any bunkers in Ukraine.
I just thought what a story about a missile that is all most impossible to stop penetrating a bunker that deep.
Killing that many people in a command and control center and nothing but crickets on the MSM. If they had done that to Russia I’m sure we wouldn’t hear an end to it.
That would mean a lot of high ranking Deep state type corrupt people all taken down with one very big bullet.

I’ve now seen a video online and was wondering if there is any credibility to this story?
I would like to see a story on this if there is any more information out there.

Will Caulfield

No, the story has no credibility. Zero. Zip. Zilch.


Prove it Will Call. or is it Holden?

Will Caulfield

The story is ridiculous on its face, Julie. Anyone who buys that kind of drivel is a moron.

American Living in Canada

Why is it okay for you to be an idiot, but not for me to point it out

Will Caulfield

Did you forget your meds today?


It could very well be true and probably is. Putin has balls and the job needs to get done.

Will Caulfield


Jan D Hunsinger

You’re the moron believing Mainstream Media!

Andi Kay

I vote Holden, LOL.

Big Johnson

I vote Mike, LOL

American Living in Canada

The village called, they want their idiot back.

Don’t feel bad, there are many people who have no talent

Will Caulfield

The voice of experience.


LOL even though I think you r a d*ck, yes, that’s right, a DUCK.


Focus on real problems

American Living in Canada

I know, just in a jovial mood that’s all. Troll’in the trolls.

Jan D Hunsinger

Oh but YOU and MAINSTREAM media do?


Completely false. The UN’s Underground HQ Bunker was overtaken by the Mole People weeks ago. It was very foolish of them to build it in the Mole People’s domain.


No such ppl. That stuff is crazy.


Wow looks like we have a paid shill here, tasked with covering up the existence of the Mole People. Who sent you, “ReJe”??

Big Johnson

Boomers believe anything on the internet


I pray that is true. America has no national interests in Ukraine. Any brass we may have over there are up to no good.
I think Putin is going to be on the right side of history. I dont care what nationality he is. The BIS bankers are trying to villify him for starting the BRICS bank which will have sound money backed by precious metals.
These devilish BIS bankers arent going to be able to hold the world with their Babylonian Radhanite fractional money. They are using Babylon money magick. They are MYSTERY BABYLON.
The puppets running our military killed Saddam and Ghaddaffi for wanting to switch to precious metal backed money.
Who in our military brass our good? They are all 33rd degree freemasons arent they? Then they are all Luciferians. If they knew about Ukrainian sex slaves, biolabs, and adrenochrome and they didnt try to stop it then they all deserved to die and I am glad Putin killed them. That is evil that adults would hurt children like that.


And a lot of them are from Wisconsin.

Jan D Hunsinger

You don’t know SQUAT. It’s a disclaimer to avoid lawsuits. And if you had the brains above a plant, you would know that.


So according to Michael Baxter, Trump enacted the Insurrection Act of 1807 before he left office. MB has stated this multiple times, in several articles. By invoking it, Trump took all authority away from the office of President, and from the federal government in general, and gave it all to the US Military. Right?

So then why the fuck did the Space Force allow Joe Biden to appoint Saltzman at all? MB says right there in the article, “On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.”

How does this shit make any sense to you people? Did Space Force literally not get the memo that the Insurrection Act was invoked? Did Trump just forget to tell them? Is Space Force somehow conpletely oblivious to all this secret war crap even though Trump himself founded it just 3 years ago? I would love it if anyone here could explain this in a way that makes any sense at all 🙃


In Michael Baxter’s own words, from just last month:

“Ahead of leaving Washington in January 2021, Trump invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807, which cedes authority of the country to the military in times of national crisis, such as a Deep State takeover. He transferred the codes to Gen. Berger, who, upon resigning his post as White Hat commander in Jan 2023, transferred them to Gen. Eric Smith.”


Space Force just let Joe Biden promote their commander anyways? Did Michael Baxter forget his own dumbass storyline or something? 🤷‍♂️


Well it is probable that he did invoke the Insurrection Act as Michael was told, and as he reported. But, something could have happened, or come to light SINCE. Something that changed things….because things aren’t good. Something has changed and I do not know what.

Will Caulfield

Of course! That’s the answer: Something!

It all makes sense now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield

Are you on drugs, lol?

Will Caulfield

Whoosh! Right over your head.

American Living in Canada

If you worked out as much as you ran your mouth, you’d be in great shape

Big Johnson

good one , chris!


“Something’s happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear …”


…”There is a man over there telling me I’ve got to beware”. Buffalo Springfield. “Something happening here and it ain’t exactly clear”. Perfectly describes the USA today!

Michael R Davis

See my article above.
Army 4-star General James Dickinson is Commander of Space Force, not Saltzman.

(remove 3 spaces)
Yep, that is definitely General Dickinson.
https ://www .spacecom .mil

Will Caulfield

Dickinson is NOT Commander of Space Force. He is Commander of US Space Command.

American Living in Canada
  • You changed your mind? Does this one work any better?
Will Caulfield



We are talking about the Insurrection Act so we are talking about Trump. Will C. and Michael D. are off topic. But whatever.


Ah yeah…I never said anything about either of those dudes. I was referring, actually, to a lack of action on Trump’s part. If he is Commander then he needs to act like one. Pile on peeps. I don’t care.


He’s too busy running for 2024 while also getting indicted for his crimes

Big Johnson



Yeah man that makes sense, I guess the military decided to reverse the Insurrection Act and make Biden the real president again or something 🙃

Big Johnson

facts, feelings, logic, etc….are all lost here in the comment section


Yes, the Insurrection Act of 2019, was signed by Trump and is still in full blown mode and still going strong. This military run website would not exist here if this was NOT the case.


I think you’re on to something here


well, he’s mos def on something!

Big Johnson



Maybe we could all give ol Sigh a big hug, eh?


You have excellent questions, as we here all do as well. Write to General Berger yourself and ask him for the truth and to tell you what is going on in the US Armed Forces. Good Luck. No one of us here can explain anything to you except what we are being told. The difference is… we here BELIEVE that the US military under General Berger and Admiral Crandall are running this show, utilizing Michael Baxter’s keyboards. You do not.

Jan D Hunsinger

Very sane and rational response to trolls.


“(T)he criminal Joseph Biden.” Is that like The Virgin Connie Swayle?

Jan D Hunsinger

Are you really in a position to judge another’s sexual integrity? Do explain.

American Living in Canada

“The Battle Of New Orleans”

In 1814 we took a little trip

Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip

We took a little bacon and we took a little beans

And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans

We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’

There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin’

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We looked down the river and we seen the British come

And there must have been a hunnerd of ’em beatin on the drum

They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring

We stood beside our cotton bales ‘n’ didn’t say a thing

We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’

There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin’

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Old Hickory said we could take ’em by surprise

If we didn’t fire our muskets till we looked ’em in the eye

We held our fire ’till we seed their faces well

Then we opened up the squirrel guns and really gave em

Well we

Fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’

There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin’

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles

And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ’em

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

We fired our cannon till the barrel melted down

So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round

We filled his head with cannonballs and powered his behind

And when we touched the powder off the gator lost his mind

We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’

There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago

We fired once more and they began to runnin’

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Yeah they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles

And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit couldn’t go

They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ’em

On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico

Hup, 2, 3, 4

Sound off, 3, 4

Hup, 2, 3, 4

Sound off, 3, 4

Hup, 2, 3, 4

Sound off, 3, 4

Look into the History..

No room for traitors.

Louie Louie

I wonder how many people were hearing Johnny Horton while reading this.

American Living in Canada

So far, it looks like Johnny wasn’t a pos. Just waiting for the bell to ring.

Eugene Templet

That song has a special meaning if you live in the area. Chalmette Battlefield you can still find miniballs that were fired during those battles.If course it is a historical site so you can’t remove anything. Of course they were trying to remove the Statue of Andrew Jackson from Jackson Square where the mayor was paid a Million $$ by Al Sharpton to remove statues. I don’t remember how many they removed… I didn’t pay attention to all the stupid. In Tennessee they wanted to dig up Nathan Bedford Forest. These are “hat hangars” for me. The fact that it all CEASED is significant and tells us that those that wanted it are no longer in control. Hat Hangers are important to me. Just like when ALL of the Hurricanes and bad weather in the South kinda went away and we’re back to normal…. except for attacks here and there.


I think alot more will change as the dollar failure becomes apparent to everyone. The people that backed taking away history by enforcing their views on actual responsible humans will lose horribly 🙂

Jan D Hunsinger

Or Lonnie Donnagon. I loved his voice and personality.


Always liked this song and can still sing the tune!

What is the deep existential meaning of these copypasted lyrics?


It describes an actual battle where the British army went up against the “locals” if you will, south of New Orleans. And the locals who knew the treacherous land and swamp etc. were able to defeat the British Army which were fully armed and equipped. I always loved the song and played it when it hit the charts and thereafter. It has stuck in my head all these years as I read it here now. Once when I was in the area I took the tour to the battlegrounds and had a firsthand look at the actual site. I was overwhelmed with that experience and literally couldn’t stop crying. The song’s lyrics really tell the story.

American Living in Canada

Right on Brother.. God Bless.

American Living in Canada

It also makes it harder for the bad guys to censor our facts and words.

Quoting lyrics.


Hang that treasonous bastard.


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open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Lisa Cordaro



I forgive you Lisa 🙏

Lisa Cordaro

If there was no evil ever we would not have to realize we made mistakes for the other team
Like medical procedures that you didn’t realize were for the other team




These posts sound like the day room of an insane asylum. Practice some prophylaxis, Mr. Baxter. We can hash out the 1st Ammendment debate afterward. Make America Smart Again.

Ultrafart the Brave

You noticed that did you, WrongWayCorrigan?

Matter of fact, it IS the day room of an insane asylum – or more cogently expressed, an echo chamber filled with fanboys and fangirls and true believers of Michael Baxter’s long-running “White Hats vs Black Hats” B-grade sitcom.

Hint – it’s all a fantasy, a cruel joke on a naive and impressionable captive audience.

BTW, read and digest this morsel of the bleedingly obvious truth while you can. Mr. Baxter should be around shortly to delete it. Can’t have unauthorised viewpoints upsetting the narrative, after all.


If you don’t like the site, go elsewhere.
It’s very simple.


When is the last time you heard or seen Rosie O Donnel? I think things are happening. Psalm 21:10 Says there wont be one offspring left amongst them.


Cuomo in on cable 5 nights a week. Rosie was in People a couple of issues back. My dentist subscribes


I believe you hit center mass here


Yeah I gotta gree with you on this one WrongWay, the posts today are extra insane. The RRN crowd is not doing well 😬


including yours?

Big Johnson

and yours?

Big Johnson

Make America Smart Again

> the fuck you will

Lisa Cordaro

My family is being wrongly accused of something because of my ex husband being Italian. I would atleast like to have an explanation for why we are going to hell because of Vinny

We don’t worship Satan
We don’t harm kids
We didn’t have sex changes
We don’t hunt humans
We don’t drink ADRENOCHROME or hormones
The ONLY thing we shoot animals with are cameras
Just need an explanation


Lisa.. what the fuck are you talking about

Will Caulfield

Now now, let’s leave Lisa alone. Of all the nut jobs here, she is most truly in need of psychiatric treatment.


projection much Will Call?

Will Caulfield


American Living in Canada

I’d love to insult you, but you probably wouldn’t understand

Will Caulfield

Go for it, dude.


The only explanation one can come up with, is that you made a bad choice in marriage and you are paying back some nasty karma right about now for the bad choice. You and the family are not “going to hell”. God is a merciful God, talk to Him as a friend, in your quiet times, 3x,4x 5x daily. Be sincere and honest with Him, ask Him for the solution and to take it off your hands and your life will change for the better. Have Trust.


Vinny has very bad karma. It is bringing his entire family down in ruins. Vinny is your problem, as I see it. Prayers work very well too.


james McCandless 1 day ago 

look up that info
This should wake people up:
@ 15:24 tanks uh heavy armored tanks and other forms of weaponry already being put on these uh boats we already knew this was gonna happen and that map that you see there is from andrew c weingate he is or was i don’t know if he’s still alive he’s a catholic priest that received uh those maps from heaven of how the u.s was going to be invaded so it’s just amazing look at the images right there then you have the the boats they look uh normal like ferries but they’re loaded with tanks

Will Caulfield

Uh maps from heaven?


what is the preferred nomenclature for ccp ape/human hybrid?



Andi Kay


Lisa Cordaro

We are not dealing with the bad lizards
We rule this planet, they work for us
Americas will make a lot of money
Chop the lizards up and sell to Israel for KAFILTA FISH and China for SUCHI BAR



Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link…….. http://earnings201.blogspot.com

Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I read,
“Clones used to replace killed U.S. Soldiers NOT reported in all three wars= 72,000”


Hilarious. I heard Underdog collapsed the Soviet Union


I read that Zee was killed and replaced with a clone and she doesn’t even know it


mos def on something…

Lisa Cordaro

2016 someone put a spell on America only and repeated it 3 times, it was Trump’s voice and making AMERICA addicted to phone said what paperwork has to be in,
What date is it
What are you thankful for
Canada said 20% MILLIONS of Americans missed getting off the BEAST SYSTEM
My family is still addicted to phone
Also took the JAB since then
We could use help here I’ve asked
Galactic Federation of light and
Bluewater for help
They can’t help unless you ask
I’ve been asking for years
So someone please send help
Because we are crashing
Lisa Cordaro and family are AMERICA


Saltzman also used the accounts and descriptions of a Major League Baseball game without the express written consent of the commissioner of baseball. More TREASON