Marines Arrest 67 Maui Perpetrators


As the August 8 inferno scorched the tropical landscape and residents and tourists sought guidance from island officials, Maui’s top emergency management official, Herman Andaya, had only one key responsibility: sound the island’s 80-siren alarm system, a blaring klaxon that would have encouraged confused and injured islanders to at once flee the fire-ravaged areas. He could have triggered the warning from any of the island’s civil defense shelters or with a single phone call. But while Lahaina burned, Andaya was 100 miles away in Honolulu, where he and FEMA Mission Support Associate Administrator Eric Lecky enjoyed poached swordfish and pricey alcohol—as if to celebrate a victory—at Blue Ocean Seafood & Steak.

That repast would be among their last as free men.

United States Marines under Gen. Smith’s command arrested Andaya Tuesday on treason charges, days after he resigned amid public criticism for not sounding the alarm. Andaya defended his decision by saying he feared the public would mistake the siren for a tsunami warning.

Andaya was apprehended at Dillinger Airfield on the northwest tip of Oahu while awaiting the arrival of a Cessna 310 to ferry him to Kaui for unknown reasons. He reportedly tried to abscond on foot but was quickly subdued and arrested.

According to our source, White Hats have videos showing Andya and Lecky meeting in Lahaina on August 6, two days before the blaze. Real Raw News reported previously that hundreds of FEMA personnel began arriving in Honolulu on that date, suggesting the diabolical agency knew that parts of Maui would soon be set ablaze.

“The footage is definitive. It shows Andaya giving Eric Lecky a tour of Lahaina and advising him where to set up barricades to keep citizens trapped in what would become the disaster zone. Most of what we have comes from citizens who escaped FEMA’s blockade,” our source said.

Lecky, he added, was apprehended Tuesday night outside the Grand Wailea Astoria Hotel, where he and 65 subordinates were enjoying a taxpayer­-funded vacation in $1000/night hotel suites and boozing it up at expensive bars far from the charred remnants of their hellish handiwork.

FEMA, our source said, had commandeered several luxury hotels and evicted legitimate guests to make room for what seemed like a never-ending stream of armed agents, many of whom shed their uniforms, disguising themselves as beach-going tourists, once word spread that United States Marines captured Lecky in the parking garage.

The Marines, though, had photographs of each FEMA employee to have arrived in Maui since August 6 and were able to identify and catch 65 federal goons trying to flee the hotel by every available exit and crevice. Marines suffered no casualties, though several FEMA sustained superficial injuries resisting arrest.

Marines, our source said, are determined to incarcerate or otherwise deal with all agents still on the Hawaiian Islands.

“We know at one time FEMA had 2,500 in Maui. Some we got, a lot were killed in action as enemy combatants, and a bunch escaped on airplanes back to the continental U.S. There’s still plenty more there, and they know they’re being hunted,” our source said.

In closing, our source confirmed that Armed Forces loyal to the criminal Biden regime have arrived in Maui to support FEMA.

“This is a bad development, and it seems inevitable that more bloodshed will follow.”


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Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Michael R Davis

A possible verification of white hat military on Maui kicking ass, arriving on assault rafts, helping the people, arresting the treasonous cops, handing out warehoused food and water. Are they pretending to be former military? Or retired military making citizens arrests? Would Maui surrender their guns if they were not real military?

remove 1 space before :
https ://

Michael R Davis

There is now heavy censorship of Lahaina fires, keeping the evidence of DEW weaponry from the people, YouTube turning its videos into private.

There is plenty of evidence of DEW weaponry, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, sound beams, possibly other forms we do not know about. Microwave adjustable crowd control emitters cause unbearable heat to build up in the skin, dispersing people away from the source.

Here is a video of lights above the Lahaina fires and heavy smoke. It seems to be legitimate, fitting with other evidence of DEW attacks on the innocent people of Lahaina.

https ://

DEW Crowd Control
https ://

Active Denial System
https ://

Michael R Davis

Evidence of DEW weaponry melting a car just two miles from Lahaina, Maui.
This incinerated car was surrounded by gravel just off the highway, parked in a seemingly safe area to survive the Lahaina ‘wildfires’. However, at the rear of the car on the ground was a partially melted cellphone. Were there people inside or outside this car, passengers thinking they were safe on the gravel, suddenly incinerated by a DEW energy beam from a high altitude aircraft or orbital DEW platform?

Grass fires and building fires do not melt cars, nor melt auto glass, nor does jet fuel melt structural steel and cause 3 steel frame skyscrapers to imitate demolition. Glass melts at 2600-2900′ F, pretty hot. Aluminum alloy melts at 865-1240′ F. In these videos, the aluminum alloy becomes molten and flows across the ground. Even under the closed hood, the aluminum intake manifold, other parts were melted. The tires are melted, leaving behind steel-belted wires.

So why are there no forensic medical examiners, I would suggest dozens, investigating these vehicles, looking for evidence of Americans suddenly dying? In fact with the evidence throughout Lahaina suggesting planned mass murder of citizens, 2,000 children missing from the school rosters, the government censoring everything, Congress should demand an immediate investigation.

Will a DEW energy weapon totally incinerate a human body, even bones and teeth? There definitely needs to be a thorough independent investigation. Not FBI, not FEMA, not Government. SOMEBODY WHO CAN BE TRUSTED.

An investigation by the US Military that is not beholden nor controlled by the criminal Biden Regime.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Q9L9WvlCli0

Evidence of Dew weaponry melting a car, melted glass in a Lahaina lot surrounded by unburned homes, a partially melted cellphone at rear of car
https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Lg2WV-B26pA

Michael R Davis

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/NJqCRzAkRyT8/

Michael R Davis

Tour of entire town of Lahaina, an hour and 45 minutes, almost every street, evidence of Dew directed energy weaponry. The Coast Guard reported 49 boats sunken in the harbor, destroyed by the Lahaina fires, 17 people rescued including 2 children, working to remove fuel from the boats before it leaks into the ocean.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=_zik2vcn1yk&t=2587s

Heavy government censorship, media kept out, a many mile 12+ long black security fence blocking view and access to destroyed Lahaina areas. Reported that 183 bodies so far have washed up on Lanai Island beaches, just 9 miles away from Lahaina. How many bodies were taken out to sea by the strong hurricane currents is unknown. Of course, denied by government censors having difficulty explaining why the 70 emergency alarms were SHUT OFF, water for firemen to put out fires was SHUT OFF, why a World Economic Forum ’15 minute city’ was preplanned for Lahaina just weeks before the fires.

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/NJqCRzAkRyT8/

Sojourner Truth

Great article! The fact that the FEMA agents arrived a couple of days before the fire, and that the main route to exit town was blocked, that Andaya gave Lecky a tour of Lahaina, and where to blockade the people from exiting, is pretty damning evidence, rivaling that of the Biden Crime Family.


The kids that cut school to go surfing lived


Just saw a video of melted engines and rims now metal flows from burned vehicles in comments laser experts are saying these were NOT WILDFIRES BUT Direct Energy Weapons used to start these fires in
Lahiani! To case the metal to melt and flow like that, also certain lasers won’t destroy White items while others won’t destroy Blue items which has taken place on MAUI! This is a GENOCIDE OF THE PEOPLE OF MAUI! THIS WAS DELIBERATELY PLANNED AND EXECUTED!

Above Reproach

It’s time to unload on these disgusting money grubbing murder for hire pigs.
Don’t waste another hour or another dollar on this treacherous criminals !
Catch them, and dispose of them at once.

Public Trust

Sounds like they arrested the wrong person. This is a distraction we didn’t hear or seen any of what is said in this article. Where is the article that says the governor, the mayors of Maui and Hawaii county the crisis actor police chief who ordered the policeman to barricade citizens in Lahaina who also happened to be the examiner for these types of situations. That bullshit they arrested the guy that is probably willing to tell the truth on what the governor demanded him and the fire captain to do. It’s the governor and mayors, police chief that needs to be charge with treason. WTF


Good to see you MB. As you can tell, the clan here has become restless… lol


This Lahaina killing must have been in the planning for quite sometime for it to be so successful but I find this interesting that the main players the general of the USSF on Haleakala, the governor and the police chief/coroner are all haoles and are late comers planted for this engineered disaster. The natives played minor roles such as the person in charge of the warning system. Wonder what else will turn up. They can’t hide for long. Truth will out!


Huge if true


Oh my you have returned . Turn it up .


Very Good Anna Von Reitz article.

First off she mentions the CEO of Pfizer being arrested (great confirmation for RNN).

Second, it’s important to learn that the Pope has full authority over any and all Corporations and with a whisk of his pen they can be eliminated.

Third: very important and informative news The Republic is going after the (British) patents, they have so far totaled 15k. Patent removed takes away the corporations ability to make the rent. This is an answer to many prayers and a super great way to head off the fake ‘new’ variant.

So, fake the ADCOM committee of the FDA….PRE-approved the vaccine…..

Keep praying it’s working…..


or http:

Susan Banks

The Pope has been compromised or replaced since 2018. Didn’t you see him walk behind Trump? He capitulated!

Nukken Futz

An actor named Jonathan Pryce is playing the pope right now. He looks identicle to the corrupted Argentine ex pope….


This website is proof positive that Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. It represents the best truth on the entire web, even though many believe it is not true at all. Let them believe what they want. The US Marines have no reason to lie, while Joe has every reason in the book.


It’s proof positive minus the part of it ever having any proof

Surf Nazare

tell me Pete—do you believe the bidens have done anything crooked at all—-and if so just touch on anything that may be possible—–

Captain Bill

Would it blow your mind to know that “the US Marines” have never said any of this?

Susan Banks

And what are you Captain of? Bologna? Stay in the lane of your expertise. It just doesn’t fit!!


As I just mentioned above the rest of the world knows about the CEO of Pfizer being arrested. but not North America………good confirmation as RNN had the arrest up and had to take it down………

bad timing for them to get out the new fake variant..


Attention all legit readers: RRN comments threads are bombarded constantly, 24/7, with paid deep state shills, bots and controlled opposition responses. Goal is to disrupt and deny – confuse and create doubt.

Let them all go to hell – ignore them.

Keep the faith that God remains available every day to meet our needs, and has created the wicked for the day of destruction.

Captain Bill

I like how you alternate between trying to be uplifting and religious and then sometimes get super racist. Really drives home how mentally unstable the average RRN cultist is


Lol, likewise Shill, but “we” already knew this.

Captain Bill

You mean We the People? 😳


I make no apologies to anyone about the truth I often espouse about the black race. They are indeed America’s enemy as they vote nearly 100% democratic, thus enabling and supporting communism, Satanism, infant murder (abortion), the baby blood drinking satanic worldwide cabal, homosexuality and insane child sex mutilation, just to name a few.

They also have spent their freedom gained from the Union win (well over a hundred years ago) accomplishing nothing but accusing white skinned peoples of crimes I nor my fathers never committed, when the reality is, they sold them own selves into slavery and have the narcissistic gall to accuse us of the deed after our godly constitution framed the very argument that freed them.

The book of Genesis speaks of a man who killed his brother because that brother’s works were better than his own, and so God cursed that man with a MARK.

The book of Genesis says the man was so distraught over this mark that he cried, and said, ‘this is too much for me to bear!’

God was basically like, ‘it’s tough to be you then,’ – you killed your brother Abel without cause, and the reward I’ve given you is better than you deserve.

The man’s name was, CAIN, and his bloodline went down through Noah’s daughter-in-law, who was married to HAM, who populated, AFRICA, who George Washington’s Vision says is, America’s ENEMY.

The Arabic peoples meanwhile are the sons and daughters of Ishmael by the way, who was the illegitimate cursed son of Abraham, whom God said, ‘every man’s hand will be against you and your hand will be against every man.’

Clarence Thomas, LtCol Alan West, Herbert Cain (the politician), and several personal black friends I know are bold, righteous, conservative, honorable men, but the *vast* majority – the vast black caucus political, communist, anti-Christ shake down machine, and its vast voting constituency, is 1000% utterly wicked, immoral, worthy of hell, and in very fact,

America’s *enemy.*

You brain washed, false-pious, 501c3, CIA controlled government churchy-church sheeple can keep on pandering to blacks all you want, polishing their shoes and allowing them to lie, cheat and steal what they have not, and will not earn. I will not. EdBob ALWAYS speaks TRUTH. I love truth. You Feds and sheeple do not.

You love the *lie*, and the tragedy and bad fruit of your very lives

is proof of that.

Delisa Embry-Mapp

Excuse YOU!!!. Stop painting Every black person with the same broad (TRULY RACIST) brush!! We DO NOT 100%vote democratic. I used to vote republican .I am a veteran as was my father and 4 brothers.. What’s happened to this country has them turning over in their graves 😥😭I continued to vote Republican until they turned out to be as weak as water and the democrats accomplices. I am now independent. So stop this real racist bs! I’m 56 yrs old and THAT shite you post isn’t remotely CHRISTIAN!

Above Reproach

So many people have so little brain power that they don’t realize how stupid they are and how easy it has been to make them believe in Bull Crap. I tell people all you have to do is simply turn off the volume on any main stream media channel and watch the head movement of the person talking. Just notice how they bob there heads up and down like a cheap hooker trying to get you to believe in what they’re feeding you. They shake their heads with a No to take you from the truth, and then bob there heads with a yes to make you believe in the lies they spill. Sometimes you can even see their face expression that actually shows they don’t believe in what they’re saying themselves. It’s a car salesman gaff,. The oldest trick in the book, with a big smile, just sign hear on the bottom line, your making a great deal, as his head bobs with a yes yes yes and a smile 😊 ! And the stupid people eat it all up like the gullible sheep they are.
When they see it for themselves for the first time, Usually they will deny that they are influenced by it, but when they’re by themselves later on they are enraged by how stupid they are for failing for the oldest snake oil salesman trick ever invented.
Go ahead and fact check it yourself. Truth is hard to swallow after being lied to for years.

Susan Banks

I can’t even read your post!! Blacks are for Trump you liar!! We don’t need people like you!!


Jesus was just like me, Captain Fed.

His first coming was to die for us, forgive our sins, heal the broken hearted, and free those in bondage.

His second coming He made clear, will be to chop you evil sick children of the devil into pieces, with the sword out of His *MOUTH,* that will create a river of blood so deep it will be up to the horses bridles. .

Welcome to Sunday school, *bitch.*


He’s going to pull a magic sword out of his mouth? That sounds sick as hell bro

Above Reproach

I just can’t say it !

Above Reproach

The man who takes from the poor to feed himself on the effort they do will rot in hell for all eternity. God Will come again! I can’t wait to be here with him. Democrats are the people who always and I mean always look to get something for nothing. Let’s change that, let’s make them Nothing. True story, I cut a huge tree down and worked for days ripping out roots sprawled across the lawn, chopping with a axe pulling monster sized roots out with my truck.
finally after cleaning up the incredible mess, I ordered some topsoil to level out the yard. The moment the delivery truck drove away the democrat Hillary Clinton bumper sticker idiot across the street comes walking up to me, hay that’s some good looking topsoil can I have a couple wheelbarrows for my yard. Seriously,
I can’t say what I said to him because this website would take down the words I’ve just written, But you can believe he’s probably still shaking. ( Something about fertilizer and a shovel ). Was the topic.

Above Reproach

What happened to those people was way more than just murder. This is Crime against Humanity, every single person involved needs to go down in flames of hell. It’s a land grab. In my opinion
the ground that was burned shall become a monument to the people who died. And nothing literally nothing should be cleared from the remains for 100 years. Nobody walks on it ! Nobody can clean or build anything accept a Placket that has the names of the people who lost their lives. If anyone sets foot on hallowed ground They will spend 25 years behind bars. Bye the time the 100 years is up the criminals that purposely killed innocent people will have died of old age or by a Rope around their necks. And we know just who they are. The first person to say hay we should build a great big hotel here as a vacation paradise. Shall become Chum on a Shark watch. Get ready to follow the money, someone will stick their dick out as a new property idea proposal, that’s who did the deed or the shill working for the purp. Catch and dispose of them all.

Sandy Koufax

My bowel movement occurred at 9 AM.




Is anyone on Telegram? Can you see if Michael has posted anything there? If he’s not posting here he usually gives a reason there.


Last post there was 8/25 @5:04 with booking info list of charges on our warrior DJT.


𝙊𝙆 𝙈.𝘽. 𝘿𝙞𝙙 𝙬𝙚 𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣 𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙣 𝙪𝙥𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚.



Captain Bill

Of course not. You haven’t “gotten” any of the people these nonsense stories claim were executed and replaced with clones.

Robert Gregory Boensch
I see You

President Trump
Game Over
Robert Gregory Boensch
I Am With You Sir.

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website..

Robert Gregory Boensch

Open Up the Links At
See The Gift President Trump Gave Us
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer
of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
I have Standing As the Commander of Michigan
And Am A Sovereign Man
Are You.
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House;
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence
or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a
plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;
Sampling as follows:
From a wrong no contract can arise.
False in one thing, false in all things.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Fraud and justice never dwell together
Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
Fraud is most hateful to law.
In default of the law, the maxim rules.
A mandate of an illegal thing is void.
Remove the foundation, the work falls.
click here to see if it’s Active The War Clock ;
mailed 22-04-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch
I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this
state. It is for our children who have not fully learned what a State
is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation
is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly
and people that are challenged that are unaware of why events happens
in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not
interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs.
And, for the ones in power that have usurped power as impersonators
abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and
everything that is disclosed and referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and
creator Robert Gregory Boensch.
See All at the Link Above
And Why President Trump is Our Commander In Chief.
And Also Our sitting President Today
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Captain Bill

Take your meds dude


Stfu Tranny.

Captain Bill

Sorry do you think this dude is really “the commander of Michigan”?

Are you that profoundly retarded?


And all along I thought you were .


Anybody know of a legal tactic that is often called a “sword?” Stopper? Flopper? Can’t recall


I think the term you’re looking for is “sloppy seconds”


Is there anyone out there reading this that can inform us about Michael Baxter?


Sure I think you’ll find this article very informative

polit article/2021/sep/24/hangings-guillotines-and-gitmo-going-behind-real-r/


Yes very interesting Mr. Troll.

Rebecca Tracy

I don’t know, but I have been missing Michael. Someone mentioned he is on telegram. Does anyone know if true & under what name of telegram channel ? Praying Michaels health is doing well and getting better. Maybe he is needing some extra rest after popping out so many articles recently. Now we are spoiled looking for the next. Let’s say some extra prayers for Michael’s good health just in case he needs them 🙏❤️🇺🇸

John .S

NY Post intriguing video.




Big Ed = BIG PIG.


This is for any of you who are half-way savvy about legal items.
I am not, but this guy (the one I told you about earlier) says:

” Did you know? DOFAC – Director of Foreign Assets Control The Director of Foreign Assets Control is our NEW enforcement office within the newly reformed Treasury for Redress of Grievances against FOREIGN CRIMINALS! What does this mean?” (https: //ofac. is the site)
” They will help people ⁃ Get out of prison including Jan 6 prisoners ⁃ Get out of foreclosure ⁃ Get out of traffic violations ⁃ Block CPS ⁃ We can also report ANY AND ALL foreign agents working for the BAR. People this is your NESARA at work here.”
” We can now report any Oath of Office that is signed with ANY ALL CAPS CORPORATION name or title (any person’s name or any person’s affiliation). These are foreign imposters who are posing as an elected officials. Admiralty Law…”
” This info above should tell you that you are no longer under the contract law of the 1871 Corp Act. You now have legal standing under the Republic to practice your Sovereign rights. OFAC is the starting gun. Will you have the courage? You have to uphold this.”
” The info is out there but people are not utilizing it. We are in a slow roll out. Which is why people do not notice it because they are waiting for some announcement with fireworks in the background with a 1-800 Call Now at the bottom of the screen.”

Read through all of the posts; these are just excerpts… If true, this is BIG.
I’ll be curious if some of you understand how to navigate this ‘new system’ of redress…

It’s all here:
https: //twitter. com/Prolotario1/status/1695518416373682607


Hoping Robert Gregory Boensch, WrongWayCorrigan, etc. can use this info…


” This info above should tell you that you are no longer under the contract law of the 1871 Corp Act. You now have legal standing under the Republic to practice your Sovereign rights. OFAC is the starting gun. Will you have the courage? You have to uphold this.”


I think you may be totally misreading this. For starters a federal agency can’t dismiss state traffic citations.


This is not big Jimbo, this is sovereign citizen bullshit. You cannot magically get out of any and all legal trouble by simply calling everyone a FOREIGN CRIMINAL. The Bar Association is not a foreign organization. Just absolute nonsense, buddy.


100% correct. David Straight who is on a few Trump advisory boards has talked about it. AND anybody that thinks BAR card holders first allegiance is to us peon worthless eaters has a good bit of awakening to do. A deep dive into the British Accreditation Registry may be in order!

Captain Bill

Bar, as in the legal bar, is not an acronym. It doesn’t stand for “British Accreditation Registry.” It refers to a physical bar that existed in old English courtrooms, which only attorneys could pass. It just means licensed to practice law.

Also, this sovereign citizen bullshit is complete nonsense and it literally has never worked in court.


All this pettifoggery about “the Bar” is so childish. We are a nation of our own laws. We do not serve a court filled with powdered wig-wearing judges and lawyers. This British bar stuff is left over from Lyndon LaRouche, a fringe politician who accused the queen of being a heroin dealer back in the 1980’s. A lot of the sovereign citizen claptrap is his also.


HA. In your dreams, bots! You are all protesting too much,. We are sovereign citizens and if you were not bots you’d have a noose in your future! We are no longer slaves, the US Corporation has been dissolved. We are state citizens. Read it and weep!

Captain Bill

Ok doofus have fun fighting your traffic tickets with your made up nonsense. I’ll look forward to laughing at you


Please report back to us when you get in legal trouble for something you you actually attempt these sovereign citizen tactics in court 🙂


He could claim surety bonds . If nothing else he would be ridiculed endlessly .

John .S

Explained in a nut shell.


This IS what scares them (the FEDs) the most.


Watch these Trolls cry, snivel & whine.

Rene Labre

Things are going slow,hoping MB is okay.



John .S

It’s not easy writing articles, it often takes days.

When receiving info there’s much preliminary work, evaluating details, drafting script and aligning continuity, it’s no easy task.

Rene Labre

That is very understandable It isn’t that I am trying to be pushy.My concerns are related to his health. He usually drops a little note in the comments.

david simmons

MB explained two or three times that he can only report the news as he receives it. Our Marines are not sitting on their hands friends and foes. When they share with MB he shares with us. And that is the way it is 8/27/2023.


JimStone just posted proof of govt lies (with pictures) showing no hurricane winds were near the island. Great to have him back, if only for a while.
http: //www.


Old Jimmy Stone claims HAARP was used to manipulate the weather. Let’s consider that for a moment. The atmosphere weighs about 5.5 quadrillion tons. It is so large and massive that even the most powerful computers cannot accurately model the movements of winds and pressure and precipitation. Stone and his believers think that a radio device can somehow move this humongous ocean of air at will. Calculate how much energy would be needed to move even a tiny portion of it. HAARP is for researching the ionosphere, a region of electrically charged particles. That’s all. Only scientifically ignorant people think otherwise.


Gee, I wonder why they went to all the trouble to make all those weather modification patents then.

https:// time to free america. com/ weather-modification /#scroll-content


Well you are asleep at the wheel sonny. Where have you been? There are three components currently modifying and controlling the weather: a) Ground based WSR88D high power microwave transmitters. This is publicly known as a “severe weather detection radar” but has a less known secondary function: to heat and evaporate precipitation in the area around the transmitter (150 mile radius). Powerful microwave RF at 2.4 GHz frequency is used to heat and evaporate the moisture in the air – the same frequency as a microwave oven. There is a nationwide grid of WSR88D transmitters in the U.S. and portions of Canada. These are managed by the NOAA & the DOD. The radome houses the 13′ diameter parabolic dish antenna and sits on a six story tower. The dish can pan and tilt, directing the microwave RF power up at a 30 degree angle and full 360 degree rotation. If you monitor a Doppler radar during the next heavy rain event you may see pie shaped evaporation patterns in the precipitation field on the Doppler. This is the RF power heating & evaporating the rain. Many times when hurricanes approach certain States that are Red, we will observe that the WSR88D is not active and thus much more rain will fall, causing flood damage etc. These WSR88D transmitters are powerful and must have an FCC four letter call sign – just like radio and television stations on the air. b) Both the DOD and the Defense Meteorological Agency operate a network of polar orbiting satellites equipped with powerful lasers and microwave transmitters which also have the capability to superheat the upper atmosphere. These satellite transmitters can create on-demand high pressure zones which are used to re-steer the Jet Stream, or block and re-direct low pressure weather systems. More importantly, these transmitters superheat the vortex of powerful low pressure storm systems and hurricanes thereby controlling their intensity. (Raising barometric pressure in the vortex weakens the weather system.) We can actually watch this happen over the West & East Pacific ocean on satellite weather maps such as the Long Wave IR & Watervapor maps; we observe a right-angle evaporation imprint directly in the vortex of the weather system, which is the satellite transmitter at work. C) Aerosol ‘chemtrails’ dispensed by high flying large jets. Most people around the world have observed high flying jets leaving long white streaks as they fly by. These are not watervapor ‘contrails’ as no atmospheric watervapor is present at 37,000+ feet altitude. Additionally water is not present in jet fuel nor is it a byproduct of the combustion process. These jets are spraying a nanoparticulate aluminum compound. Aluminum is a desiccant. A desiccant absorbs atmospheric watervapor. When these jets spray the skies with this material, the Relative Humidity & Dew Point drop significantly within 90 minutes. As we know, two things are required for precipitation (rain) to occur: Moisture in the atmosphere and Lift in the atmosphere. These aerosol ‘chemtrails’ accomplish two things – they cap the atmosphere preventing Lift, and they lower the Dew point. The result is less or no precipitation when a frontal system or tropical moisture field passes overhead. Weather control is real and these devices described have been in operation for 25 years. As recently as 2006 satellite upgrades provide more power and control over global weather systems. These tools can be used for good and bad and are also used for financial gain. There is a financial apparatus on Wall Street for betting on weather and weather related events. CAT bonds (catastrophic weather bonds) can be purchased, as can weather Options and Derivatives (See Imagine the possibilities when a nation-state operates a financial casino such as this with the capability to control weather, and weather caused disasters. Billions of dollars are being made, weather is being controlled, disasters are being created while the mainstream media combine ignores it all. This post was not for you it is for the other readers. You are a shill, your mission is to ridicule and distract from the truth.


The HAARP transmitter is just a VHF transmitter which operates at 3-12 MHz. It uses a grid of 180 phased array antenna elements to direct its RF power to points in the upper atmosphere. It is not a microwave transmitter as some uninformed people have asserted. The HAARP array in Gakona AK ionizes the upper atmosphere which seems to have an accelerant effect on the development of large low pressure weather systems in the North Pacific ocean which swing down into the West coast of North America. Large violent weather systems fuel the ‘climate change’ narrative.


It is really strange that all the houses and vehicles burned down but the asphalt streets were untouched.



Robert Gregory Boensch


Messi burned down maui. I take no pleasure in reporting this.


What happened to Pfizer?


They threatened to sue Michael Baxter for posting fake stories about their CEO Bourla and inciting his readers to post death threats against Bourla. Mike fully capitulated to them and deleted the article and asked you guys to leave Bourla alone so they don’t sue the shit out of him.

He also said he’ll have his ‘legal team’ review the article and he’d put it back up later, but that of course is a complete lie. He said the same thing when the Gates Foundation threatened to sue him for making up a story that Bill Gates was executed. He said the same thing when that small special needs school in New York threatened to sue him for making up a story about them forcibly vaccinating their students. MB always says he’ll review and put the article back up but they never go back up and MB never mentions them again because he knows those stories are lies and he’d lose in court if he pushes it, and you guys will just forget about them anyways.


Patysays and Petey working very very hard together to cast doubt on RRN.

Isn’t it odd. This character, Pete, seems to have 24 hours a day to post here on this site. Hmmm.

Me thinks ‘Petey’ is paid government controlled op. .


Lol no one pays me to make fun of you dorks. That’s a service I provide free of charge for my own amusement 🙂


Ok, so you DO live in your gramma’s basement.

Thanks for clarifying.


No EdBob I live in an apartment I rent. I do not have any living grandparents


Probably; his/their comments are just innuendos with no substance, just like the government these days that has been taken over by Marxists. I hope these paid dolts that have so much fun doing this have taken note of where all the leftist-controlled chaos is: in leftist cities! IOW, they will go after their own ilk. But go ahead, paid dolts so you can have more fun while the left lights up the whole world.


false flag


You are a False Flag operator.

Julian Metter

I personally would not expect MB or his attorney to lock horns with Pfizer, the Gates Foundation or New York City. The “truth” in those sorts of battles plays very little role in determining outcomes. The whole issue becomes one of resources both in terms of money and energy. MB didn’t retract anything and he fulfilled the core mission by posting it for his readership. Anything beyond that is unrealistic.

I’d rather have a look behind the scenes then expect MB to make a stand of principle that essentially leaves him overwhelmed, distracted and unable to continue posting. You all do understand that big league predators can and will shut you down in all kinds of ways, right? And exactly who would MB call as sources for his story? Do we really expect deeply embedded White Hat assets to expose themselves over something like this?

Consider if Trump with all his money and ready access to the facts couldn’t even get an election case heard, what are the chances MB would prevail? That’s what happened with Alex Jones as well. The court basically prevented him from mounting a meaningful defense. The bad boy team is pretty inept with respect to creating anything truly productive but they are well practiced in the art of legal destruction. Destruction and obfuscation is what they do best.

We are assimilating information from every source available. MB is a source. Absorb what’s there, develop your questions and stay tuned. In an age where 5th generation warfare is the official policy of the “government” arriving at unambiguous conclusions about “the big picture” is not always possible. That being said, it ain’t over yet and the pieces will eventually fall into place, one way or another.


“Trump couldn’t even get an election case heard” is just plain false dude. Trump’s legal team fought multiple election cases after the 2020 election. They were allowed to present evidence. They lost every case because their evidence was too weak to prove anything. They had no material evidence, all they had was affidavits from people like you guys just saying stuff like “I’m pretty sure I saw the poll worker change my vote” or something. No one who made these claims could prove their vote was manipulated. It was not sufficient evidence to win a court case.

I get it, you guys are easily convinced by that kind of stuff because you deeply wanted Trump to win and you’re eternally mad that he lost. But he lost.

But anyways to get to the topic at hand I sincerely doubt MB even has an attorney. He’s just some guy making up fake stories in his little condo in Texas and relying on those stories being protected under the 1st Amendment by calling them “satire”. Sometimes he crosses the line and then IMMEDIATELY folds when facing any kind of legal action.


President Trump lost those cases because of CORUPT, POLITICALLY APPOINTED JUDGES are bought by the corrupt politicians who haunt DC and London. Corrupt judges are paid to make decisions in favor of the Deep State operators who suppress the TRUTH of ALL things!!

Rene Labre

It was no’t a matter of losing the case, he was given no standing by the court,there was never any trial to win or lose. Now as a defendant,he has legal standing in court.His legal team turned themselves in smiling for their mugshots.Now they come on against the persecution,with demands for dicovery,which they MUST produce,supeanas,duces tecum, and are fully and unhindered in the ability to present their entire case.The disctrict Attorney is under formal investigation by congress. Somebody has stepped in dogshit here.


No Denny he lost those cases because his ‘evidence’ was weak garbage


Of course , all 60 cases had corrupt judges . 60 judges , some appointed by Trump . What are the odds ?

Julian Metter

Hi Pete, I’m assuming you are a “cyber warrior” working out of a disinformation center. I say this with no ill will, actually that kind of background makes you a potentially really interesting source of insight. You just have to cross the line….give some thought to how you can quietly slip out and start taking us behind the scenes.

As to the content of your post, well sorry it’s all factually incorrect. I encourage you and all other readers to goggle and watch the following presentation. “Biden Scandals & Trump Indictments w/ Robert Barnes (Live)” on the Duran channel. Robert Barnes is remarkable, a living force of nature who effortlessly backed up every statement with first hand direct experience. There’s no sense in going line by line through your statements that are simply an invention and have no real connection to actual living events. Robert Barnes will lay all what actually happened with regards to legal cases and evidentiary burdens that absolutely set the record straight. Ok, if you are really who you say you are, have a listen and come back and address the points he makes.
All this highlights a peculiar feature in the zeitgeist of our current society. A significant portion of humanity is passionately invested in maintaining an artificial reality, divorced from actual events and defending their invention as sacred ground. I’m guessing you know the deception on a conscious level but many others don’t and follow the path you have laid out.
But where does the path lead “Pete”? Let’s try an experiment. Locate some VPN untraceable internet connection, assume a different name and give us your version of the future, played out from the perspective of where you see this actually going if you won the battle for hearts and minds. Seriously, in your heart of hearts where do all your efforts take us? Is it just a job? Do you expect that you can ply your “trade” and that somehow the essentially energy of the human collective will just putter along as it always has so that whatever you’ve done is basically of “no consequence”? Are you excused because you are just a “small player” and not really in charge of the game?

Peek over the edge and give us a glimpse of the inside.

Thanks “Pete”. If you are living out west try your namesakes coffee. Not bad.


Hi Julian, I appreciate this post in that you are politely asking me questions with no ill will 🙂

But man I am being completely honest with you when I say I am not any kind of agent or hired to post here. I’m just a regular guy with a regular job that has nothing to do with government or politics. I just find this conspiracy crap amusing and I post here for my own amusement. I don’t see why that’s hard to understand. My ‘efforts’ are not intended to lead to anything because I just have fun arguing with you guys over your weirdo beliefs. It’s just a strange hobby of mine.

Michael R Davis

Well stated Julian. Let us pray that GOD watches over RRN and Michael Baxter and allows him to continue to inform us as He so chooses, gives MB free hand in giving us what JAG has prepared, and that He shuts down these enemy shills among us who lie, disrupt, and attempt to sow conflict, disagreement, quarrel among us. Best to ignore them, cease in discussion with them, which is a total waste of time going nowhere, solving nothing. Let us pray continually, that GOD watches over our Commander-in-Chief and his team, his allies, as he continues to drive our common enemies to their complete destruction. Amen

1 Peter 5:
8 “Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack.”

Ephesians 6:
11 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Psalm 91: (our Patriot Act straight from GOD, best read in entirety)


🇺🇸 I dunno…I must have missed the death threats…

🇺🇸 If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

🇺🇸 If you commit treason, you shouldn’t jump rope.

🇺🇸 Don’t worry, Boourea, like Paul Revere’s ride … “We the People” spread the word.

🇺🇸 Nothing Can Stop What is Coming! Not even for you.



Negative. The gruesome account of the 5 minute long eyes bulging whilst he kicked and grappled at the necktie Bill Gates hanging remains posted.

Petey is a pecker.


I stand corrected, MB never said he took down any Bill Gates articles. What he claimed was the Gates Foundation sent him a letter threatening him and said he would publish the letter. He never published the letter and never mentioned it again, so it’s more likely the letter never existed and he was just making stuff up to sound ‘over the target’ lol


Pete a paid troll!


No one pays me to poke fun at you dorks 🙂

Surf Nazare

let me get this straight—they sue Trump and friends/for walking across the street and you think they wont try and destroy MB financially the same way—-that is their MO and if you don’t admit then it is obvious to see who butters your bread—-deny all you want—–


It’s so sad to me to see the hatred pouring out of these people who are here only as disrupters. They hate our country and the good, God loving patriots that are here. I am so grateful to Mr. Baxter for continuing to keep us informed. May God bless him and protect him.


Not true buddy, I don’t hate America, I quite like it here. I’m just telling you that these stories Michael Baxter writes are sci-fi crap. You certainly don’t have to believe me. Have fun trying to convince all your family and friends that every elected official has been secretly hanged at Gitmo and replaced with a dickless clone from the underground Alaska clone labs or whatever 👍


Petey is a Ray Epps pal. He’s a government controlled op shill.


Agree . . . or he and his ilk get all their info from the TV and just can’t break out of the bubble, so it manifests in projecting/gaslighting the messengers of truth.


Not true Jull, I don’t watch TV. There are a few shows I watch on streaming but that’s really it, I never watch cable news, that shit sucks and is boring.


Ok, then it is leftist FB or Twitter memes that you trust.


false flag


Did you take the bio-weapon? If so –possibilbly too much graphene = controlled DS thinking,


I assume you mean the covid vaccine, and yes I did get vaccinated back in like April 2020. Lol is the covid vaccine now a magical mind-control device, Zee? I thought you guys said it would kill me within 6 months. I guess you have to just make up more bizarro bad stuff about it like ‘it controls your thinking’ since it obviously didn’t kill me🙄

CONservative DEMocrat

…..y e t


Yeah bro just like how the Military hasn’t released the mythical watermarked ballots y e t 🙃


did you refuse …boosters…??????


🤔.. its obvious that you are an idiot

CONservative DEMocrat

how cute,….you actually believe anyone here believes anything you say.


You are boring


I’ll tell Ray you said hi, EdBoob 🙂

Captain Bill

I really hope you’re able to snap out of this before you wake up one day and realize you wasted your life being emotionally invested in some internet weirdo’s poorly written fiction


It’s a nice thought Bill but sadly a tad optimistic, most people on this site are lost causes.


Right, We are “lost causes” so what does that make You? Worse than a “lost cause”, that’s for sure.
If you were legitimate you wouldn’t stick around 2 minutes more. Instead, you pretend you are performing a public service. That is the definition of PATHETIC.


I dunno where you’re getting this stuff Floaty, but I have never claimed to be ‘performing a public service’. As I have said many times, I post here because I am fascinated/amused by how deeply delusional you guys are. I’m not going to pretend I’m trying to save you from your delusions or anything noble like that, y’all are beyond convincing.

CONservative DEMocrat

deplorables and empty vessels.
Are you that unaware of your side’s narrative?


Who or what do YOU believe in? Please, do tell.


And you are not wasting your life trying to persuade political opposites that you are right?


You with the haughty attitude: you must know that what the right side has been stating and predicting (for years) based on leftist documents from their world forums, et al, that they, the left, is using Marxist tactics to depopulate the world (by whatever means they can). You must by now see that this is happening. Or are you kidding yourself that this is all just mother nature doing this? If so, than you don’t know what you don’t know.

Understand this: we have gotten information from people living in Maui who saw it happening. We have gotten information from other people living in other leftist-targeted areas that saw catastrophic incidents happening. BTW, MB wrote about many of them. And many respectable conservative sources did too.

At this point, you look like a weirdo that can’t see the trees for the forest (all the burning forests).


He always has been a weirdo…
And beyond help.😞


🇺🇸 Captain Bob, Pete, et al: IF you believe what you say, then you should take the ‘Paul Revere Ride’ & tell everybody you know about Real Raw News….

🇺🇸 explain how this is a GREAT sci-fi site! I dare you to get on your horse & take your ride elsewhere.

🇺🇸 Imagine how much time you are wasting here! Just go away, you fool (s).


Unfortunately Cynthia I cannot do that because RRN is not a great sci-fi site either. MB’s writing is kinda shit tbh. Too much corny unbelievable dialogue, and the story just goes in circles and never builds to anything.


Was he talking to you Pete? How do you know that he was talking to you? Why so defensive?


Go back under your rock

CONservative DEMocrat

ppssshhh-his noodle arms can’t lift a rock




Ahahahahaa this is the weirdest reply I have ever gotten on this site. You people are completely insane, it rocks


If you believe yourself worthy of drawing breath, go do it somewhere else. Take your self-importance somewhere where anyone cares… that should keep you busy the duration of your contract.

CONservative DEMocrat

I saw that as the best prayer for one’s enemies—EVER!!! Epic stuff.


You are the weirdest and beyond help!




This sets a new standard for craziness. World class psychosis

Captain Bill

This sets a new standard for absolutely batshit insanity


SHILL PETE– Brain-washed – socially engineered eduaction– makes very ignorant American Dems,




Ethel! Get a f!!! life! The country is crumbling, and you become the
Spelling czar!


Edumaction… get it right 🤔👍

CONservative DEMocrat

Dear Ass Hat,
why did President Trump rebuild, fortify and fully staff GITMO? I believe only 13 foreign born enemy combatants were held there, at the time. You either take glee in tyranny, as any [DS] troll would, or you’re a full blown wetawd. Either way, I wish there was a mute option.


YOU are an Ass -hole
And everyone knows it


I do not indulge in leftist publications/TV news-spinning that is owned by six globalist corporations (the same people who are forcing depopulation). Instead, I tap into hundreds of alternative media sources.

After the forced leftist coup, hundreds of alternative media sources cropped up. Certain sites seemed to have been given the approval to slowly report the more shocking news. I and many others believe that these sources, like RRN, were approved to slowly disclose truths that are too startling and shocking for the mainstream alternative audiences. Currently, the mainstream alternative sources are also including the more shocking news; many of which have highly educated responses for what happened in Maui (i.e., military whistleblowers and investigators).

Some “can’t handle the truth,” and so they go after the messingers of truth versus the ones that facilitate and cause the leftist chaos.


“highly educated responses”  what is your highly educated eval?

” Instead, I tap into hundreds of alternative media sources.”

Name the hundred + sources?

If you do you research this should be easy.

P.S. feel free to call me a fed or a deep state shill or any name you want to, its all questions to answer.


You will find many on the “Talk Right” app. There are many more that I once (listed on this site; but I don’t think it is appropriate for me to do that again. And yes, highly educated; do think only the left has highly educated news people?? I agree, they have taken over the universities and colleges, but there are still alternative means to educate oneself.

Tell me, when was the last time you heard a highly educated investigative reporter on the TV news that is owned by six globalist corporations (that are pushing depopulation)??


Still wait on your 100+ response.


Many are on the Talk Right app . . . probably 100 with 24/7 streaming programs and podcasts.

Also, go to the ProTrumpNews site to see many links to conservative platforms. Go to Newsmax, Brightbart, The Daily Caller, The Gateway Pundit, Town Hall, The American Thinker, Red State Talk Radio. Rumble, BitChute, Brighteon, The Hagmann Report, Caravan to Midnight, for conservative programs.

There are many others, but the above are my go-to places.


I did the math still 75 to go


There are hundreds just on BitChute, Brighteon and Rumble.


You are 100% correct. Don’t even bother answering these stooges!!


I ask for answers I get label as a stooge or a bot?

I did not claim 100+ sources asked for proof. Not attacking anyone just proof of person that a 100+ articles were used,

IF i was being rude I would of insisted on a APA cited page.

Sandy Thomas

So he said “hundreds of alternative sites” but ONLY CERTAIN SITES SEEM TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE APPROVAL to report (slowly) the more shocking news, not hundreds.


Love your excellent comments, Jull! Frankly, I wouldn’t give the time of day to these ingrates–you are too kind! God bless you!


Thank you Maryn. I rarely do this anymore. Today was just one of those days. You won’t see any more from me for quite a while. However, on other sites, such creatures are stomped on and they disappear.


They may have taken over the universities and colleges but that has only served to give credentials to intellectual zombies. Anyone who attempts to actually teach (ie. Jordan Peterson) is labeled a “hater” and a “fascist” … .
There is no point in trying to “validate” yourself to trolls, bots and shills.They are only here to discourage others from considering your comments or viewpoint on anything on its own merits.


I never try to “validate” myself to trolls, bots and shills. I rarely make comments on this site anymore, and when I do, it is usually at a time when our country has gone through another extreme issue by leftist perpetrators. It was on this day that I felt compelled to correct some misinformation by them.


I just didn’t like the way the troll was making demands for you to satisfy some meaningless equation.
I’m sorry if it sounded like I was criticizing you. I thought your answers were great, more than he/she/it deserves.

CONservative DEMocrat

Educated Idiots are making a last ditch, balls to the wall effort to kill/rule us. Yes, we must stay galvanized against their (and their small penis/black hole vagina agents)claims designed to demoralize or shame.
MB, even if it’s all fantastic stories, keeps us focused, grateful and ready to fight for our own survival. I don’t see a down side in that.


The alt news sites discovered that there is money to be made by fabricating stories from mysterious sources. Like John Dillinger said, “That’s where the money is.” You keep paying and they keep writing


You would know all about b s like that. If you had any discernment you’d realize you don’t belong here.


They’re bots. just ignore them. but yes, these Satanists do hate us and our country. I just started the Fall of the Cabal, the Sequel on bitchute it does give more history of the evil cabal that’s been running the world, it’s a good history, yes, we know some of it but it’s a very good synopsis I’m only on part 3. The original is good too but most people on here would have seen that.,


If any of you are looking for a boost, it’s great to hear Stew call out ‘big mike’ for thinking he can still hide his tool, big fat Fani Willis, and others at this ReAwaken event.
Go to 5 minutes in to get to the beginning.
https: //twitter. com/realstewpeters/status/1695209808151072772


“touch our children you die”


Amen brotha… it just HAS to be.


You’re missing some punctuation.


I hope Michael is ok.


Nah he died. Not to worry though, he’ll be replaced by a clone soon enough


Petey. Throwing his little Lucifer rocks from his FBI office cubicle, or his gramma’s basement. Not sure which.


You neglect to include the hyper-realistic masks that are being used today. I have around 30 examples of Biden wearing a mask, simply by doing a screen print of his image in news videos, and then cropping it. In many of these screen prints, you can clearly see the mask line right next to his ear. In others, you can see the mask line on his neck in the back and also in the front.

The six leftist corporation that are pushing depopulation, spend millions $$$$ to distract and deny the truth. Sadly, too many Americans have succumbed to their brainwashing tactics and so they themselves use the same tactics to distract and deny the truth.


I’m gonna give it to you straight, Jull: you’re nuts


And that’s supposed to give you credibility??!!

CONservative DEMocrat

Balls n nuts…nuts n ball…..stop confessing through projection, Pete. We know what’s really on your mind, and in your dominate hand.


Without a doubt, you are one of the most disgusting and hate filled people who crawl onto this site just to make a smartass remark about everything someone else says. I do hope when MB is feeling more like himself, he will ban you from this site for all eternity.


Oh lighten up Chloe, I am not hate filled, I just poke fun because these stories you guys fall for are such ridiculous nonsense. If you wanna talk hate-filled you should get a load of all the nazis on this site who post nonstop about Jews.

Also I hate to break it to ya but MB cannot ban me for all eternity. He can ban me for like a day at most because it’s extremely easy to just make a new account 🤷‍♂️


I know and you made me laugh. You think we are all just following along with everything like zombies, but actually we do a lot to find out the truth. These articles written about Maui are very much true. They are saying elsewhere that 100s of people are missing and we know that’s true. We keep our eyes and ears open. I also despise the disparaging talk about the Jews. There was one who went by the name Julie that had the foulest mouth on the planet and her joy in life was bashing all Jews. I stay away from that topic.


The “jew” bashers are just another version of the “you are all stupid” trolls. Anything to intimidate other possible readers of this content..All mind control trickery so be kind to yourself and recognize that you are not talking to what you would consider “a human” if you were “face” to “face” with it.


Oh yeah I’m with you on that one, Julie was the worst. Good riddance to that nazi sociopath.


And there it is. About the only “truth” you will ever get from “Pete” or “Jim” or “Ethel”… colostomy bags, the lot of them.


Sadly it is a never-ending job. For one thing, the trolls have lots of taxpayer money to send on give send go . They get banned, they just start up a new account with a new fake name. And it keeps us busy in between Michael’s news drops. This is what it’s like when you hang out, “over the target”. Kick them in the a** when it makes you feel good and ignore them all the time. They are LESS than irrelevant.

Michael R Davis

Best ignored, these enemy shills among us who lie, disrupt, and attempt to sow conflict, disagreement, quarrel among us.
Best to ignore them, cease in discussion with them, which is a total waste of time going nowhere, solving nothing.


I concur

Captain Bill

He’ll be back to fleece you idiots out of money soon.


Better than donating to the Clinton foundation. .


How does that work he’s been sending me money trying to
help me

Rene Labre

He is not about that,what he recieves,and he does not grovel for it as many sites do he is worthy of.

Angela James

He posted this article on Thursday. It is only Saturday! He has written back to back articles. He doesn’t get a day off?


The people demand their hopium. They get real antsy without it


What do you hope for, Pete?


I hope Mike will buy me a beer…

CONservative DEMocrat

Look at how these trolls change the subject. Ignore them.

Michael R Davis

A slightly different perspective on the FEMA false flag op on the innocent people of Lahaina, Maui. Up close and personal.

Do not send help or money to worthless FEMA or Red Cross. FEMA and the RED CROSS are the enemy, screwing over local people, not helping. Send help instead to local help groups.

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/TZUICzT1E4Jm/


When the red cross showed up in Denham Springs, LA after the freak flood that happened…..I think 2016. My daughter and grandchildren were living there. People would bring food and clothing to the Red Cross and they would toss the clothes out in front of the building…..they were caught eating the food themselves … at least what they wanted and just throwing the rest away. They would not give any of it to the people they were supposed to be helping. When everyone caught on to what they were doing, they stopped giving to them. I don’t know what FEMA did. They all started helping each other and the Cajun Navy and other volunteers set to work rescuing and helping. When they could, they all got together and helped each other fix the water damage in their homes. They got no help from FEMA. Trump was not president yet but he sent truck loads of supplies and even toys for the children. He and Pence flew down there along with Franklin Graham who also had people in the area helping. He met people and talked to them and handed out a lot of the stuff himself. After a couple of weeks, Obama came down there with his entourage…..took a few photos in the black community….had the mayor and governor up his rump praising him. Gave an uncaring idiotic speech about racism and flew away. In other words….do NOT GIVE A DAMN DIME TO THE WASTEFUL RED CROSS AND THE DEMONIC FEMA.


When I think of all those decades where these two entities operated without any bad press… It’s great to see their true underpinnings brought to light.


Typical of the past divider and chief Obama!

Michael R Davis

I remember when two small business men from my town drove their refrigerated trucks filled with ice some 1,400 miles to Louisiana. They stayed several weeks, hauling supplies locally, found out about the FEMA murdering the homeless, and even saw presidential candidate Donald J Trump down there delivering supplies, while the Child Predator Homosexual from Hell and the Child Predator Wicked Witch from Hell did nothing.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=6jGSdXZgyOM


That’s exactly what happened!! The people in Louisiana didn’t want Obama and his demons to come at all!! Their governor was a democrat and he met the Obama’s at the airport to grovel but he didn’t bother to greet DJT!! The people of LA got some wonderful help from people like those 2 business men and a lot of volunteers. Donald Trump did a lot while he was there and even visited the schools and talked to a lot of people. Obama thought he was too good to actually talk to the peons and he made his threat speech about everyone refraining from being racist. He was as uncaring as a pedophile monster could possibly be. All he did was block roads and make things worse.

Michael R Davis

I remember some interviews with local New Orleans residents at the time. ‘Trump gave us press, delivered a semi-truck load of supplies, helped the country know what was happening down here, donated a 100,000 dollar check to help out. Thousands of Americans sent us help because the news blackouts weren’t working.’

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=ABDYUe8C12E

https ://www .christianpost .com/news/pastor-confirms-donald-trump-gave-100-thousand-dollar-donation-louisiana-flood-relief.html


Saw the below. Not sure if it will post but will try
file: ///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/31/01/95EA5C6F-EE61-4A66-9DAA-4046B671D554/IMG_6725.webp


I can never get these bitchute links to show up. It’s just bitchute, good luck finding the video

Michael R Davis

Remove the 3 spaces and always work for me Ceecee.

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/TZUICzT1E4Jm/


May be easier by just removing the https and w’s when posting the link. Thanks



This for those of you who can’t understand why victory is ‘taking forever’ and whine about it:
I am going to point out a REAL probability that many of you haven’t taken into consideration. If the good guys appeared everywhere today and started to mass-arrest all of the satanic deep state ghouls (especially the big boys), a worldwide catastrophe would likely result.
Most of us have ‘heard’ stories about the planting of nukes/bombs/whatever in the bowels of all major infrastructures. Many of us know that this is absolutely true. As part of their ‘compliance extortion’ policy against any government that might try to overthrow them, they have promised to detonate these subterfuge items if they feel their existence is threatened (satan demands the coup-fourré card). Blowing up just ONE major dam could kill millions of people and destroy huge swaths of land for many decades. Imagine what mass horror and death that would be caused if they throw their exit tantrum and many structures were destroyed…
This threat is very likely why the toppling of the world cabal would have to be done in a meticulous, surgical fashion. I believe that this is why the destruction of their corrupt bankster money supply has to occur, so as to starve them of their huge network of obedient minions and delicately & precisely negate the ‘detonation systems’ for these structures, including the total damage that would be caused by frying the electronic network that controls almost every country. All recent vehicles have doomsday chips built into them…
Can you NOW see how things are going to have to get BAD for us before the cabal is starved?
So, before you go on your next rant (or whine) about the pace of action, realize that this cannot go quickly… and prepare & protect yourself against the storm as best as you can, and ride it out.

American Living in Canada

10 – 4… over and out.

Michael R Davis

Right on. A hell of a lot is going on behind the scenes than patriots realize. We here on RRN are only getting a taste of the truth, but far far more than the fast asleep normies.

Do not send help or money to worthless FEMA or Red Cross. FEMA and the RED CROSS are the enemy, screwing over local people, not helping. Send help instead to local help groups.

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/TZUICzT1E4Jm/


United Way is another
Fraud to donate your hard earnrd money.
Just say No!

CONservative DEMocrat



This for those of you who can’t understand why victory is ‘taking forever’ and whine about it: it will continue to take forever because this stuff is pure bullshit

American Living in Canada

“Pessimistic describes the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst. A pessimistic attitude isn’t very hopeful, shows little optimism, and can be a downer for everyone else.
To be pessimistic means you believe evil outweighs the good and that bad things are more likely to happen. So pessimistic people are usually pretty negative. And kind of a bummer to be around. Think of Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh’s perpetually gloomy friend. The word comes to us, not surprisingly, from the Latin pessimus — meaning “worst.”

American Living in Canada

Do you get it yet Pete.. you’re lower than an asshole.. at least an asshole has a function of discharging waste from our body’s.


You misunderstand me, Canucks. I’m not a pessimist. I’d say I have a pretty positive outlook on life 🙂

I’m just telling you that all this White Hat/Black Hat secret war stuff is bullshit. You seem to be assuming that I’m saying the White Hats are losing. I am not saying that. I’m telling you the White Hats don’t exist. All this crap Michael Baxter writes about is fiction. Do disasters and bad things happen? Yes. But it’s just conspiracy bullshit to believe everything that happens is caused by some blood-drinking evil supervillain gang with space lasers or whatever.


C’mon ALC, be tougher than the chair force.
Don’t engage they/them; make’em natter amongst theyselves.
Responses and votes get them a dog biscuit from stupidvisors.

American Living in Canada

Gotta counter punch every now and then.. it’s in my nature.

Izonda Skyz

Strategically tho’.


I agree; the creatures need to be stepped on once in a while, like they are on other sites.


Would you say the people in Maui are positive or negative right now? And please show on paper how you came up with the answer. ty

American Living in Canada




American Living in Canada

Do you really think this is President Trump’s fault?


Linda is wrong, the judge did not deny him an attorney. He told the judge he can’t afford a private attorney. He is welcome to go with a public defender.

Besides Trump could always pay for his attorney. Isn’t Trump supposed to be a billionaire?

American Living in Canada

President Trump is by the book. That’s my last answer to you type of individuals.

See ya in the funny papers….


I mean, if you don’t count all those crimes he committed

Captain Bill

Even if Trump were “by the book” (he’s not, he’s a criminal who is also only semi-literate) there’s nothing illegal about offering to pay someone else’s legal fees.

Trump could pay for this dude’s lawyers and it would totally fine. He’s just choosing not to because that’s who he is. He’s got a decades long history of screwing people over and hanging them out to dry.


Ha. Public Defenders are really working with the prosecution. Don’t you know that? Pete?


“Ha. Public Defenders are really working with the prosecution”? So Joe and Hunter should not be investigated too? Its crooked or not? Who gets to pick? Who?




No… That’s not my point.. Harrison is being abducted to make the other 18 think twice about retaliation against being arrested.. They took a Marine, black disabled Marine and he’s a HOSTAGE!!!




Thank you for your very important post. Yes, I have been telling people this for the longest time. God bless you for taking the time to tell us these important facts.

Donna B

What is happening Mr. Baxter? Your absence is greatly missed. I hope you are well. Looking forward to more news. Prayers coming your way! 🙏🙏😕


Not to be pessimistic, but the comments seem to be on autopilot; no 20 minute ‘checking’ delay. We won’t know until & unless MB posts again.

American Living in Canada

God Bless you Michael.. Keep on Truck’in.. flush or thin… up or down.

American Living in Canada

Man… the edit function button is malfunctioning..

American Living in Canada

Ride Captain Ride..

“Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here’s what they had to say
“We’re callin’ everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more”

But no one heard them callin’, no one came at all
‘Cause they were too busy watchin’ those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin’ out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay
Rolled off of their ship, and here’s what they had to say
“We’re callin’ everyone to ride along to another shore
We can laugh our lives away and be free once more”

But no one heard them callin’, no one came at all
‘Cause they were too busy watchin’ those old raindrops fall
As a storm was blowin’ out on the peaceful sea
Seventy-three men sailed off to history

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship
On your way to a world that others might have missed

Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship
Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip”

“Blues Image lead singer Mike Pinera wrote this with their keyboard player Skip Konte. Mike’s wife Valerie told us:
“Ride Captain is a story from his imagination. I know when he was in the studio recording that album, they needed another song and he wrote it on the spot. He came up with 73 from the keyboard having 73 keys. A lot of people say it relates to a few different stories.”

“A plausible, but false interpretation of the song is that it is about Sir Francis Drake’s voyage on the west coast of America. Drake did sail once with 73 sailors, and he sailed in the vicinity of San Francisco. Drake’s ship was considered “mysterious” because of its opulence, funded by seizures from Spanish ships.”


Back when pop music was great.


>There’s no end in sight. I have no control. And there is no escape. I’m pretty sure my home is broken. I’m going to need a new keyboard.


Sit back, calm down and let yourself recuperate. Then you will know what to do and it will be clearer after….<3


Or were those words from a song? Well anyway, hope you’re ok….

American Living in Canada

God Bless you Michael.. Keep on Truck’in.. Flush or Thin.

Surf Nazare

must watch—-Tucker interview with Col Macgregor—–you will understand all—–


Sorry to blow holes in everyone’s Jewish space laser and DEW theories but a well-researched story today’s Wall Street Journal says highly flammable invasive grasses that overgrew the fire zone are responsible for the quick spread of the fire. The grass grows on abandoned sugar plantations on Maui. The state has been trying for more than eight years to decide what to do about it, and obviously they waited too long. When it burns it burns fast and hot. The state’s extreme restrictions on water use added to the problem, which has been pointed out earlier.

This ultimately futile attempt to inject some rationality into this fever swamp of impossible alternate explanations will be widely rejected with the usual chants of “Fed” or troll or shill or whatever. I don’t give a crap. The fires were most likely triggered by powerlines downed by high winds and aided by the above-mentioned grasses.

Please feel free to resume your normal hallucinations.

Surf Nazare

you——- actually got me laughing !!!! Well researched Wall Street Journal—ok I am still laughing—-how many drinks did you have to have to actually write that—–


Owned by Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox and the NY Post. Tucker Carlson’s employer until he cost them $785 million. Kissed Trump’s ass hundreds of times, practically Trump’s rent boy. Pretty solid conservative credentials.

I understand that people like you who live in a complete fantasy world with no actual grounding in reality might scoff. Go ahead. You’re comfortable in your delusions and anyone who challenges those beliefs makes you very uncomfortable. You probably can’t understand the WSJ because it uses grown-up words and there are very few pictures. Some day you will come to realize that you wasted your life on an elaborate series of lies that will never come true.

NOW it’s time for a drink.

Surf Nazare

overgrown grasses—please, you really have to be drunk to believe that—


Get the FUCK out of here you fucking lying sac of shit!


No thank you


OK, so that grass put bullet holes in the backs of literally hundreds of Hawaiians fleeing the fires?


Other than RRN, who says people were shot?

Jan D Hunsinger

Everyone with an IQ over 10.

Surf Nazare

go watch Michael Jaco—–x-seal CIA and extreme operations—-even hit with a DEW—-his creds pretty hard to deny—-he always has credible people in his interviews—-

Donna B

Not to mention, anything that was blue in color was not burned! Guess what color the roof is at Oprah’s home?


Again, not true. Do you fact-check anything?

Jan D Hunsinger

Do you? No you just lie and troll.

CONservative DEMocrat

Fact checking is a [DS] thought/opinion control device. Anything else on which you’d care to out yourself?


Saw the video on Gab of all the houses with blue roof including her house

John .S

My hallucinations via captioned photo depicts different, unscorched “grass” at waterfront, unscathed palm trees within close proximity of devastation.

Inferno [heat alone] would have turned trees and grass into toast, and portions of sandy beach into lumps of glass.

BTW: psych ward in Brooklyn is Kings County Hospital known as G-Building, was told it still has a rubber room.

Michael R Davis

Ha ha, well-researched FAKE News bullshit, approved for publication by Globalists Henry Kissinger, Alexander Soros, and Klaus Schwab.
Recommended to us by Deep-State shill number 12.


And who do you think *planted* that grass, Harrison? Any minute now Michael Baxter will reveal that there is a 10-year-old super secret invisible memo from the heads of FEMA laying out their whole evil scheme to genetically develop and clone that breed of grass in a lab and plant it in Hawaii so that it would gradually spread all over and make the perfect wildfire catalyst years down that line. I bet you Deep State Dark Lord Obama even signed off on this plan himself!


Wow, burning sugar cane grass huh? Must have been some pretty hot grass to melt hubcaps, engine blocks, and literally burn people to ashes. That’s funny, I’ve seen sugar cane burning and, oh wow, it doesn’t do any of that. A directed energy weapon sure could though.

The only thing that you said was actually true: “ultimately futile attempt.” Nice try!


I’m very concerned by your absence, MB and prompt disappearance of your last article. May the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion, the Divine Holy Spirit and the only Begotten son Yeshua/Jesus Christ protect, guide and infintely bless you and all true American Patriots and children of the one true living God of all love, light, creation and compassion now and forever.


Yes, infinitely is misspelled. I tried to correct it & got the message that I’m posting too fast and to slow down.

John .S

Hello – Hello, Deanne Criswell, Michael Coen Jr., Jenne Peters, Lauren Kaufer, Jessica Samuel, Victoria Salinas, David Maurstad, also Christopher Logan, highly suspect you’re monitoring RRN.

FYI: Erik Hooks will throw everyone under the bus via Life Sentence Deal.

Erik has stool-pigeon written all over him, could say, Al Sharpton school of snitches.


Lol John none of those people read this crap

Bro. Andrew

Pete is wrong the enemy will spy on everything we do.


Yeah, where’s he been, under a rock? he he

Captain Bill

Lol thanks I’ll tell them you delusional dork

John .S

When you call them, ask to speak to Jeff Afman, or Robert Duguay, could say, risk assessment team, informing them of Erik’s situation. They might sent you a FEMA t-shirt.


This site is #1 on the reading list in the locked ward at Bellvue.

John .S

FYI: Bellevue Hospital is known as the oldest public hospital in the United States of America.

Although its historical beginnings date back to the 1600s, it was officially founded on the second floor of the New York City Almshouse in 1736, 40 years before the American Revolution.


It was also famous as an insane asylum.

John .S

Gotta give ya a “correct” on that, it’s also well known for limb reattachment surgery.

Surf Nazare

that explains you Harrison—-now we know where you live and your perspective on life and more—-keep us informed how you and friends are feeling about everything—-


Nah, I moved out of Manhattan years ago.

Surf Nazare

then how do you know what their reading list is and do you actually believe people locked up there read—-


Well, we wouldn’t know about that.


Should probably keep watch on what cities are slated to become SMART cities. Because then they are probably also slated for a “natural” disaster.


omg – of course KB and I live in one of these in Canada! thank u!


Excellent point!! OMG… Thank you!


Harrison Floyd [shout his name] is our George Floyd!
The conservative Republicans in Georgia and the Congress of the United States of America (non-rhinosaurs) should demand that this leader of ‘Blacks for Trump’ be allowed bail! Being held w/o bail in despicable conditions in Fulton County jail, as a Trump co-conspirator ~ in what I think is blatant ‘lawfare’ ~ in an attempt to force Harrison Floyd (no peetee, NOT Harrison Ford!), to lie about and rollover on 45!

Keep after ‘em whoever, wherever and whenever.


Lol dammit I was going to make a joke about how I loved him in Star Wars but you’re on to me Leo 😉

Anyways it looks like the judge denied him bail because she deemed him a flight risk, there’s an open investigation against him for assaulting an FBI agent and also he’s said he can’t afford to hire a lawyer. I wonder why Trump hasn’t offered to help him with lawyer fees, isn’t Trump supposed to be a billionaire? 🤔

Surf Nazare

the latest—-they (NATO/US/Ukraine—-put a label on it—–have been attacking Moscow and Crimea with drones and retooled S-200 (normal surface to air) now ground—-add to it the latest deaths of Wagner et al and don’t be surprised if something big doesn’t happen——Niger in Africa ready to blow/Russia and above all watch Israel and Lebanon/Iran—–look up !!!!! There will be wars and rumors of wars !!! That is scripture for those that may not know and a warning—–One more caveat—true numbers of illegals is closer to 10,000 a day——but you can believe Biden if you want—-Red Dawn close to becoming a realty—–White Hats—you better get the lead out of your ass and pick it up !!!!

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand buck. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this site..


Get outta’ here! You certainly can’t be a PATRIOT when you’re always talking about how much money you make.
“Pride goes before a fall,” so stop bragging about it. If you can afford to have a functioning computer, meals on your table, a roof over your head, air conditioning, AND sleep in a warm bed at night, WHO CARES HOW MUCH MONEY YOU MAKE?!?!

Jan D Hunsinger

Where are you, MB????

Dave Strickland

Having a REST from demanding RRN readers, I hope.

Angela James

What do you mean? He is knocking out articles back to back!


Busy spending all the money you sent him


Perhaps for food, a house, and other needed items!!
Wicked you sound!

Bro. Andrew

Screw u pete, go pound sand when you get into your d.u.m.b. bunker.


That’s ridiculous. I don’t have any sand in my DUMB, I installed some nice carpet and I keep it very clean down there

Dave Strickland

Having a rest from demanding RRN readers.

Julian Metter

I’m thinking there is some value in having a discussion format on this site where we think through material that MB is presenting. It would be fun to do it via Zoom, Skype or some other platform but I do understand that would be monitored by the bad boys and potentially used to develop lists for retribution etc.

Anyway we might do at least some of that here in the comment section. I just wrote something up in response to “Captain Bill” that might stimulate some useful discussion. His initial posts raised a question we’ve all considered, that being, are MB’s posts “real” or simply “hope-ium” for a frustrated population? I’m curious as to people’s comments. My post to Bill follows.

“You know Bill, your first observations were interesting and I figured “well he’s really using intelligence to parse MB’s writing style” etc. In subsequent posts the silly “nut job” references appear that pretty much blow your credibility. Ah well, I would have preferred a genuine conversation.

However let’s pretend you had stopped after your first post and go on from there.

It’s not so easy to dismiss each and every story that MB posts on the grounds it lacks any “real world” confirmation. As an example when MB broke the Rochelle Walensky story we had the sudden resignation of the CDC director. And now? It’s like she’s suddenly gone. Really? Just as phase 2 of the planned demic is about to roll out the attractive face of public health in the US decides it’s time to throw in the towel? We are used to a revolving door where the hijacked permanent administrative state maintains a pool of actors to fill publicly branded slots in the narrative. Now the trusted Rochelle just disappears? No, it’s simply not credible.

The Maui fires are another example. There are increasing leaks in the publicly available information space that have laid out the general outlines of what MB has presented. An orchestrated set of actions that set up the planned incineration of scores of children and destruction of property that major investment actors are already in motion to acquire. MB’s posts are not the least bit fanciful when viewed in this context.

And on the cloning front, I’m sorry to tell you that if you had been following this subject carefully you’d have already heard multiple accounts over the decades from different independent sources about the reality of cloning programs. And then, Bingo, there is anomalous behavior from Mitch McConnell. Does it “prove” that the person we saw freezing up was a malfunctioning clone? No. However the question is legitimately raised and at this point must be considered. Pre-emptive dismissals based on “deluded conspiracy thinking” are transparently spin control and distraction.

In short the real “proof” or endorsement for the general direction of what MB presents here is the over the top level of comic book insanity we see playing out around us. A “legal system” that is totally hijacked such that solid evidence of widespread electoral fraud is never even heard because of “procedural issues”? A president with clear signs of dementia and massive corruption with Ukraine that now funnels billions to that same country in the face of overwhelming evidence of impending collapse? And evidence for the actuality of biolabs and massive child trafficking is no longer in question. A “planned demic” that has been revealed to be a complete fraud by the best medical and legal minds we have that is none the less ramping up for another orchestrated appearance?

The real question regarding MB’s posts is whether any faction of “White Hats” actually exists and is exerting influence in alliance with other like minded individuals and organizations. When I look at what is happening with the BRICS nations it seems to me that organized “push back” against the NWO take over is happening in important ways. If this is true on the level of nation states, it’s not such a stretch to assume that significant elements in the military would be doing the same. In fact they were likely to be amongst the first to network with potential allies.

The current prosecution of Trump is a clear signal that efforts are being under taken to criminalize any behavior that challenges the official status quo as offered up by the MSM. The way they’ve spread this out to his legal associates makes it clear they are ready to enact broad strategies to go after anyone who holds opinions that threaten their narrative and agenda. This can no longer be seen as a conspiracy theory. As Robert Barnes has said, this isn’t Caesar crossing the Rubicon, this is Caligula crossing the Rubicon. The marshaling of resources to crush a significant (and likely majority) of Americans with serious questions about their “government” can not be ignored.

With all that in mind your derisive comments about gullible people living in a fantasy world take on a quality of manipulative sheep herding and attempts to quash honest discussion.


The enemy’s tactics rely heavily on “deceive, distract and destroy”. While something is happening to reveal the truth to the People, the enemy (MSM) jumps in with that old magician’s ploy” look over here! Don’t look there!” (Distract)

When obvious deductions are made from the evidence that the enemies are unwillingly revealing through their destructive actions, (such as the burning of Maui) that’s when they bark that nothing happened. (Deceive)

When they get their way or are not stopped, the enemies swarm in and burn, kill, kidnap and steal all they can get. (Destroy).

Their shabby tactics are so consistently used, that it is becoming very apparent to the People that they have limited methods that they use, and are unable to think of any other ways to operate. We the People can discern their malevolent intentions. The enemy’s intentions always contain sickness, destruction, death. The enemy’s methods always run on lies backed up with more lies.

This why they will fail! For as the truth breaks forth, more and more People will hear it and understand. We will no longer be seduced by lies but will simply reject them and their evil agendas. Truth is a POWERFUL force against lies and liers. They will all come crashing down!

It is up to us, We the People to stand against them!

Julian Metter

Thank you Victoria, you are absolutely right. So much of this is becoming obvious on a level that is impossible to miss. Perhaps that is part of “the plan” to awaken those who are still asleep.


The enemy is also fixated on blaming their opponent for whatever crime they actually DO. For example the toxic “democrats” who stole the election with every dirty trick possible, accuse Trump of tampering with the election. Those who pushed fraudulent and poisonous “vaccines” claim that “COVID is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” (Joe Biden).

Our enemies so unrelentingly use this tired old chestnut, that if you just listen for it, you can spot it every time as the smog of their warfare/lawfare. For example Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Pete Buttigig, et al. Endlessly. In fact, this tactic is practically the proof that these liars ARE deep state enemies of the American People.

We have to call them out the minute we hear them trying to gas us! Shout it loud! Lier!

Julian Metter

Yup, I agree. It just seems that we are moving towards more reckless, psychopathic behavior on the part of these people whose backs are clearly against the wall. A note to everyone, Brighteon just published a really interesting discussion with a natural pathic doctor who is doing ground breaking work around all the pathogens that have been thrown at us. You can search the title under “Naturopathic doctor Wil Spencer reveals SOLUTIONS to remove nanocircuitry from the bodies of the jabbed”.


What We the People need now is UNITY!

Together we are an unstoppable force that the NWO can NOT overcome! We have to stand up against the wicked and call them out! We have to Pray to the Almighty God to lead us, give us discernment, and be with us, as We are with Him. We have to speak the obvious truth! But most of all, We must NEVER give in to their evil plans!

This NWO driven crisis is a multi headed hydra that has infiltrated and destroyed nations around the world with every imaginable institution, such as government, religion, education, all types of businesses, the medical profession, entertainment, the media, sports, big pharma, banks, the fake military, secret societies, etc., etc., etc.

If America takes it down, then the other nations can and will do the same!

Imagine the JOY that will burst forth when We the People get our Nations, freedom, families, businesses, lands, safety, health and peace back!

Julian Metter

Yup, I’m with you. I will admit however that it does get tiring. Just today the reality of the coming Covid lock down psy op version 2.0 (ok, more like version 5 or 6.0) rolled out. We are going to have a first hand seat to determine just how many of our “fellow citizens” have learned anything over the past three years. It will break my heart to see lines of people buying into all this again. I hope I’m wrong and that instead of zombie like compliance people will rise up and push back against the entire thing. We’ll know soon enough.


Yes, indeed, that “wear them down” tactic is the most viscous card in their deck!

We fight, stand together, pray, resist them, call out their lies, speak truth to their wall of liers and succeed for a day. The next day it has to be done all over again. They know this. That is why they do it. They are counting on us to emotionally break due to exhaustion.

But We the People MUST continue to resist the NWO until We WIN! We are fighting for everything! Our Nation, our sanity, our children, their future, our health and everything that is good.

Let go of the deceived, for now, and focus all your strength on this war of good vs.evil. We WILL win it if we consistently prevail daily and don’t allow the wicked to wear us out!

When We DO win, most of the doubters will join in with the victorious, however many who have chosen to, will perish.

God help us all.

Julian Metter

Well said.


very good!

Rene Labre

Also when nailed they immediately play the victim card.


Very true.

Angela James

Same with Cuomo. Michael reported his arrest and execution, then MSM reported his disgrace and resignation. Now he has completely disappeared. Same with Pelosi, Fauci, and dozens of other high profile, highly public people.

Julian Metter

Good point Angela, I had forgotten about Cuomo but you are absolutely right. For that matter Tom Hanks has been very quiet of late as well.


Dead people tend to be quiet, at least to the still living.


Yeah, he only managed to do four new movies since his reported “execution.”

Julian Metter

I don’t follow these things, could you give me the titles? I’d like to have a look. Thanks.


The guy is lying, like all trolls do!!

Julian Metter

LOL, I didn’t know that because, I gave my TV away years ago and don’t go to movies. But it’s a good sign when the disinformation because that easy to expose. Thanks for the laugh.

Bro. Andrew

Add too the MIA list Comey, Brennan, Holder. ( J.O.B. was the King of Kem-trails, from the headquarters in Maricopa/Pinal County AZ) We need to expose NOAA and the DEW weapon haarp operators. China and black US ops does all the DEW fire beams from Haarp antenna & TTA (arrays) also on Navy ships and nose cone DEW made by lockheed on white jets with no logo. Evil as wicked gets.


He’s on TV five nights a week. Fauci was in DC last week talking about the new variant. Pelosi is still in Congress, just not the Speaker.

Michael R Davis

Not interested in having discussions with Deep-State shills.
They do not discuss, but deceive, tear down, distract, create turmoil. Best ignored.


I’ve noticed more shills, or at least more names they have. They must be getting desperate.


nicely articulated JM as to the voracity of all MB so generously shares –
small observations I have noticed – the identical backdrops for mainstream media interviews with current and past dark ones seems to suggest detention by WHs – current msm appearances by some dark ones who lived in the lap of luxury and also were reportedly on the flight lists to epsteen island now look very unkempt and dress very shabbily – many mainstream media footage of people appear fake – mouthing of words out of sync with audio – lack of detail to faces especially around the mouth jaw and neck area when in this day and age all photos easily capture very fine detail …

Julian Metter

Very nice observation Bunny, that’s a really good point. It seems they can pump life into an illusion but only to a certain point. There is no real vitality to the presentation either in terms of content or technical details. Interesting and thank you for bringing it forward.


Excellent analysis. I see these things too, but you have pinpointed exactly what it is that doesn’t look right.



Angela James

Do you work 7 days a week. Don’t have weekends or 2 other days off each week? Lord, back off!


Pick another issue with BigEd. Not the children. We want to know about the children if that’s ok by you……


Word is the Black Hats were storing them in a Hawaiian DUMB beneath Oprah’s estate, but they foolishly left them unattended for too long and an opportunistic cadre of Mole People breached the DUMB and stole the children away. It’s yet unclear if the Mole People have any intention of ransoming them or returning them to the surface, but.. if I’m being real here, chances are those kids have already been put to work slaving away in the fungal mines.

Dave Strickland

MB is having a rest from demanding RRN readers.


Major banks are freezing customer accounts as a political weapon. Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote a book “The Truth About Covid-19” which exposed the virus was engineered in a lab funded by the NIH. He is being targeted by the Biden administration. The Biden administration is also targeting religious groups. These major banks are Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Capital One, PNC, Wells Fargo and Green Dot bank (for Walmart customers). Business accounts are also being closed without warning. So if you can’t remove all your money at least diversify. They are also freezing retiree accounts so they can’t access their social security. Suddenly you find out you are dead broke and can’t buy groceries or pay bills.




That’s not the point. The point is the commiecrats are stealing and no one is immune. If you disagree with them they weaponize against you just as they do to Pres Trump. Most people are not billionaires so imagine having ALL your money and everything you’ve worked for a lifetime permanently taken. Try fighting them when you can’t even get groceries.

Polly Esther

It was different from a cold or the flu. Anyone who had it before it weakened knows that.

E. Grogan

See my comment just above – it was coronavirus and that’s what it was called initially. It’s in medical reference books as a form of common cold and causes respiratory problems. It doesn’t kill anyone unless they have comorbidities or are very old with weakened immunity systems.


The cold and flu are thousands and thousands of different strains. Could just simply be a different strain of flu. and with the jabbed, their immune systems are weakened so they do feel like it is different. They are all getting “covid” multiple times. or maybe there is a bioweapon covid that some people got but not enough got it or got sick enough from it that they had to bump up the numbers by calling all the flu cases covid as well.

E. Grogan

You are exactly right. My husband is a virologist/immunologist with over 50 yrs research and he worked in Public Health Dept. of PA for years – the folks who advised the public on how to handle epidemics, diseases, etc. He worked with coronavirus and said it was one form of the common cold, that it created alot of problems with respiratory system. It’s even in medical reference books in 1970s. It only kills you if you’re very old with impaired immune system or have comorbidities.

Kitchen Troll

Or if you are hospitalized and won’t be given the medicine that actually works.


Even the now “debunked” bogus PCR test gives a tell:

Influenza -A

…must be the same thing???

Mark Heisler

Tired of Stories with NO proof of any of it, Patriots are waking up to the so Called arrest list of Criminals that know One knows, or any proof who’s Dead, more Movie Stories, TV is ALMOST getting interesting as these story telling action backed Shorts, 😔




Nah, we’re not tired of RRN. What we’re tired of is you little cia, fbi, fema, irs, cdc shits controlling a satanic system of torture, slavery and oppression.

God help you after it goes mainstream and we the people see you walking the streets.

Captain Bill

“We the People are tired of you lizard clones reading our thoughts and speaking through the toasters!”

“Sir, this is a Wendy’s…”


Dunno about you guys but I have had it up to HERE with all these got-dang clones running around!


Flat-footed, penis-lacking farters!