Marines Take Down Biden Loyalists in Maui


Saturday, August 26

A Marine reconnaissance platoon in Maui was forced to kill 15 civilians from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, part of the criminal Biden regime’s joint task force called JTF-50, who had arrived in the state to allegedly distribute water and food and evaluate the incomprehensible damage, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

“Criswell and FEMA were put in charge of the task force, and armed forces there are loyal to the fake president Biden, and they’re trying to undo all the help we’ve done. It’s a bloody fuc***** warzone out there,” he said of the unspeakable carnage.

On Saturday, August 26, White Hats in Lahaina spotted a civilian work crew erecting a barbwire fence and unspooling concertina wire around a 3-square-block radius centered near Kamamalu Street and Piki Place, a residential district replete with private residences, some untouched by the fires.

“If any civilians were in the area, they were in hiding. They probably already learned if you resist, you get shot,” he added.

The Marines, however, had observed the would-be jailors at a distance and determined they were unarmed and, at least for the moment, unprotected. Covered by 24 rifles in the capable hands of 24 Marines, the platoon’s senior NCO, a gunnery sergeant, casually approached the work crew and asked the foreman what he thought he was doing.

Our source said the foreman mistook the Marine for one of Biden’s guys. He thanked the gunnery sergeant for checking on his crew and said he hadn’t heard any recent reports of insurrectionists—meaning White Hats—in the vicinity that morning. But when the Gunny wanted to know who authorized the construction of the fence, the foreman grew nervous and said, “Deanne Criswell and General F. Logan. Who do you work for?”

On August 12, the criminal Lloyd Austin appointed Gen. Logan to lead the regime’s military operations in Hawaii and instructed him to obey Criswell, as FEMA was in charge.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we don’t answer to the same people,” the Gunny reportedly said. “I’ll need you to stop what you’re doing now.”

The foreman said the crew was attached to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and had orders to complete the barricade ASAP. He also said the federal government was seizing the area under the authority of Eminent Domain, an archaic and overused law that allows the feds to take private property for public use.

For example, in 2005, New London, Connecticut, seized several properties to build a pipeline. When property owners refused to sell, having been offered pennies on the dollar, the city evicted them and stole their homes.

The Gunny informed the foreman that he had two dozen rifles aimed downrange at the work crew.

“You’re…you’re them. I was warned about you,” the foreman said, reaching for the handheld radio on his belt.

A single slap sent the radio flying, and a solid punch to the stomach buckled the foreman’s knees. A crewman armed with a pipe cutter tried to blindside the Gunny, but a round from a Marine’s M40A3 sniper rifle put him down, his head oozing blood on the pavement.

“It was pandemonium,” our source said. “The gunnery sergeant told them to surrender, that no one else had to die. But a few had pistols stashed and dumbly returned fire, though they couldn’t shoot for shit.”

As the Gunny dove for cover, the Marines picked off the work crew. One crewmember clasped his bloody leg and screamed, “Help me, somebody help me. I’m dying.” No one besides the foreman was left alive to aid him.

Our source said a company of General Smith’s best men arrived on the scene within an hour to secure the location, clean the mess, dismantle the partly erected barricade, and await any federal goons. If the crew made any successful radio calls before dying, no help ever came. As of this writing, Marines still control the AO.

The foreman, our source said in closing, was arrested on suspicion of treason.

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Robert James

Former foreman, since his whole crew was dead.

David T

An attorney who lived in Lahaina describes escaping on foot because the government had blocked the roads. He is demanding answers and I hope he gets them. https: //www. face book. com/reel/267870696105968. Remove the four spaces.


Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Like Election Interference, it is just another “trick” being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, to again steal an Election that their candidate, the WORST, MOST INCOMPETENT, & MOST CORRUPT President in U.S. history, is incapable of winning in a Free and Fair Election.


Vote these corrupt democrat thugs OUT. Vote them out 2024!


You mean their candidate Obama, right? Sitting in his DC house eating cannabis gummies while whispering into Arthur’s earpiece. The power behind the curtain. Scheming for a fourth term.


They were trying to steal that land from the land owners.

Michael R Davis

A possible verification of white hat military on Maui kicking ass, 36 men arriving on 6 assault rafts, helping the people, arresting the treasonous cops, handing out warehoused food and water. Are they pretending to be former military? Or are they retired military making citizens arrests? Would Maui cops surrender their guns if they were not real military? With YouTube censoring videos, making them private, we are right on target, the truth is still getting out, thank GOD.

remove 1 space before :
https ://

Michael R Davis

There is now heavy censorship of Lahaina fires, keeping the evidence of DEW weaponry from the people, YouTube turning its videos into private.

There is plenty of evidence of DEW weaponry, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, sound beams, possibly other forms we do not know about. Microwave adjustable crowd control emitters cause unbearable heat to build up in the skin, dispersing people away from the source.

Here is a video of lights above the Lahaina fires and heavy smoke. It seems to be legitimate, fitting with other evidence of DEW attacks on the innocent people of Lahaina.

https ://

DEW Crowd Control
https ://

Active Denial System
https ://


Sorry can’t pull up your articles.


Get rid of the space between https (and) ://…


Hang the treasonous Rat Bastard


I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website..

Thomas Blow

I am searching for a better word than “loyalists” as “loyal” seems incorrect. These are persons who adhere to the notion “If It Pays, It Is Good”. They are loyal to, if anyone, Uncle Sugar. I normally define Uncle Sugar as Government That Provides Wealth, which is contrary to and destroys (unless rooted out) Government That Protects Rights. The rewards distributed by a system inevitably determine the path of its society. GTPW is a scam to pay for political support with the wealth either of other nations or of those citizens outside the parasitic “have-not” class. It transforms government into a fight for who gets whose money.
Perhaps “mercenaries” are a better word than loyalists, since that term, though used to describe mercenary soldiers, really also applies to those who place whatever they are being paid above other values. They think that since society has embodied its values in money, they are perfectly justified in going along with the crowd.
Really, if you watch broadcast television, the messages from ads are constantly saying we should make decisions based on money, and over time, this message becomes almost indelible.
IMO we should do away with commercial-based tv and instead have pay-per-minute. Interruptions should be messages espousing ethics and common sense. If we need product information we can pull it off the internet or specifically watch a products channel.

Michael R Davis

Evidence of DEW weaponry melting a car just two miles from Lahaina, Maui.
This incinerated car was surrounded by gravel just off the highway, parked in a seemingly safe area to survive the Lahaina ‘wildfires’. However, at the rear of the car on the ground was a partially melted cellphone. Were there people inside or outside this car, passengers thinking they were safe on the gravel, suddenly incinerated by a DEW energy beam from a high altitude aircraft or orbital DEW platform?

Grass fires and building fires do not melt cars, nor melt auto glass, nor does jet fuel melt structural steel and cause 3 steel frame skyscrapers to imitate demolition. Glass melts at 2600-2900′ F, pretty hot. Aluminum alloy melts at 865-1240′ F. In these videos, the aluminum alloy becomes molten and flows across the ground. Even under the closed hood, the aluminum intake manifold, other parts were melted. The tires are melted, leaving behind steel-belted wires.

So why are there no forensic medical examiners, I would suggest dozens, investigating these vehicles, looking for evidence of Americans suddenly dying? In fact with the evidence throughout Lahaina suggesting planned mass murder of citizens, 2,000 children missing from the school rosters, the government censoring everything, Congress should demand an immediate investigation.

Will a DEW energy weapon totally incinerate a human body, even bones and teeth? There definitely needs to be a thorough independent investigation. Not FBI, not FEMA, not Government. SOMEBODY WHO CAN BE TRUSTED.

An investigation by the US Military that is not beholden nor controlled by the criminal Biden Regime.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Q9L9WvlCli0

Evidence of Dew weaponry melting a car, melted glass in a Lahaina lot surrounded by unburned homes, no burnable fuel except some grass and the gas in the car

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Lg2WV-B26pA

Michael R Davis

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/NJqCRzAkRyT8/

Michael R Davis

Tour of entire town of Lahaina, an hour and 45 minutes, almost every street, evidence of Dew directed energy weaponry. The Coast Guard reported 49 boats sunken in the harbor, destroyed by the Lahaina fires, 17 people rescued including 2 children, working to remove fuel from the boats before it leaks into the ocean.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=_zik2vcn1yk&t=2587s

Heavy government censorship, media kept out, a many mile 12+ long black security fence blocking view and access to destroyed Lahaina areas. Reported that 183 bodies so far have washed up on Lanai Island beaches, just 9 miles away from Lahaina. How many bodies were taken out to sea by the strong hurricane currents is unknown. Of course, denied by government censors having difficulty explaining why the 70 emergency alarms were SHUT OFF, water for firemen to put out fires was SHUT OFF, why a World Economic Forum ’15 minute city’ was preplanned for Lahaina just weeks before the fires.

https ://www .bitchute .com/video/NJqCRzAkRyT8/


Every Maui Police officer, the corrupt incompetent mayor and governor should all be arrested and held without bail until we find our WHO gave those orders to block the roads, prevent the distribution of emergency water and food to the burned out residents of Lahaina. All of it defies common sense and reason. ALL of it happened concurrently and if anyone believes this calamity is just the result incompetent public officials, I have some bridges for sale for you. The land-use laws were just modified in July just four weeks before the fire – allowing the governor to TAKE the land. The weather on those islands were engineered perfectly for a strong East to West wind pattern. CAT4 Hurricane Dora made her way westbound unimpeded while TWO high pressure centers installed North of the islands created a massive 60 millibar pressure gradient – causing the strong sustained wind. The rest is a matter of public record. Maui cops admitted they were “taking orders from above”. No-bail warrants should be issued for everyone involved if there is any justice left in this world.


take every police officer, the governor anyone involved, line them up, make the others watch. As one is shot in the face 3 times push the body assigned. And they get the next officer, take his weapon away. And they shoot him in the face, and they push the body aside. And they make the others watch. As another officer is shot in the face 3 times He’s stripped of his weapons, his badges and he shot in the face 3 times pushed the body aside. Go with the next one, do this and make everybody sit there and watch as their co-worker. In they’re calling has his head blown off. Maybe somebody will get shit shitting in their pants scared and start talking… Ask the governor if he wants to get shot in the face or shot in the chest. He’s been found guilty of treason and mass murder. He has 10 seconds to decide. Or the guy with the High-powered rifle. is going to decide for him.,,,

Charlie Bluehawk

Is there any word from the military when they pan on invading Maui and taking control of the situation???
Are there not two of the USA’s largest military bases ON Hawaii???
This is war – civilians cannot stand up against this massacre.


No invasion, nor even a secret one . Why would they invade ?


You tell us. Why do they?


No one to invade and wreak havoc upon.

Stinky Perfume

Baxter put up a comment that they got into the underground in Hawaii. IDK after that, but figured they were going after the children assumed kidnapped out of the DEW war. Even if they took the place over, there could be another DEW attack if they want the island. The DEW ships are not caught yet I heard was the issue. For all I know they can go in and out of time itself and someone else that can do that has to chase them through time travel.


Our very precious, very special US Marines are not alone on this battlefield in Hawaii. They are being protected and overshadowed by the majestic, always invisible to the human eyes, The Almighty, forever undefeated, 6 winged Seraphim Nation, whom are not of this Earth.


Oh boy , what can possibly go wrong?


Interesting, all the school buses that were taking the children home are missing. None were found in the fiery aftermath.

Only one logical answer: they must be in the tunnels (DUMBS) below.


The 3 Stooges need to go! The Gov. The Mayor The Police Chief !!! That Hara guy is another target, he is as dumb as the rest. Good job Marines, if it weren’t for you guys it would be very tough. Thank You!


What is happening now, with (apparent) Army Engineers erecting miles of black fence that blocks any view of LaHaina? Also Drones blocked by men in “National Guard” uniforms. Did we win, or abandon Maui?

Solange Silverman

I also saw that and wondered the same. They have cordoned off the area that is ground zero. It’s hard to tell if they are the bad guys or, perhaps, the good guys.


FEMA chief on TV now from DC. Nab her white hats while you know where she is . It would be very dramatic to arrest her on national TV . Disclosure !


Now she’s on with Biden . What’s the delay? Strike now , no more soon excuses .

Solange Silverman

The latest article here says that they have indeed nabbed her.


She was en route to Florida today .


US Green Beret Special Forces, US Marines & Trump control the USA right now, imo. Joe who?


Dark Brandon, imo


Another fact .Nicole Kidman was a he and executed years ago with Tom.They are gone.See reality for there is a purpose.


Is English your fifth language?


I like Kidman in that new Tyler Sheridan show, Lioness.


That’s BullShit!!


Sounded like that at first, then I found out who her)his father was and the family story. Dark cult and evil. She always did creep me out, but most actors do.


Yes, I heard that One of her father’s victims, a young girl, remembered see Nicole, age 14, smirking with satisfaction while the molesting was happening. It’s not hard to see how these people are messed up and don’t even know what sex they are.


I’m a human. I shall speak my truth. I am telepathic. I see from the 4th dimension. The 3rd dimension is where you see pain and cabal control.All people have a choice to achieve the highest frequencies.I speak not of fear but of the Christ consciousness which you choose or not.


🇺🇸💪🏻I’m glad the bad guys are being killed. 🇺🇸They don’t deserve to live.🇺🇸♥️


Jesus would approve


Criswell? She’s still operating in the open on taxpayer money?


She was on national TV at least twice today .


Sorry but good for I heard that they stoked a lot in Houston. People needed help and they stole things since they had to leave fast.

voice of one in the wilderness

What’s up with Trump singing the praises of the Trojan Horse VR?


He’s a Freemason, kharazarian , skull and bones , mole person of course .

Gaseous Clay

And you’re a shill. Go back to sleep.

voice of one in the wilderness



Things are Not as they seem to be. Theres a reason for everything.
Watch & learn!
Pay No attn to the attn seekers – trolls.

voice of one in the wilderness

I don’t understand the downvotes. I asked a question. No more. No less.


Quantum vibration. Because, under quantum theory, an object can occupy two spaces or more at the same time, Smith was able to simultaneously appear in both places using spare bandwidth from the quantum financial satellite system operated by Elon Musk and Space Force. The vibrational frequency was so high that the audience perceived him as a solid object even though he was shifting locations millions of time per second. As a bonus, when the Virginia Smith sat down for dinner the Pendleton Smith got to enjoy it as well along with drinks and dessert.

How’s that?


I knew it, an old trick of the military in use now .

Mary Catherine Podlesak

God rest the souls of the Maui martyrs. They died for the truth about the Hawaiian land – it doesn’t belong to the state or the US government – it belongs to Hawaiians. That is the reason the children had to be murdered – there is no one to inherit.

Most of the children were trafficked!!

Surf Nazare

LOOK OUT !!!! Russian air field hit by drones in Pskov (Russian) and it had to come from NATO countries Estonia or Latvia—–But of course the Russians know——Those countries sit on the Baltic Sea—-wouldn’t it be a nice addition for Russia——Biden et al are sure trying to incite a world war and unfortunately the Russians are in a position to kick ass——They have almost a million soldiers on the border of Ukraine now and have actually just been bleeding the West of weapons and men and whatever the idiots could possibly have to make war——
Another tid bit—the US just bought from those dreaded Russians large amount of Uranium—-you know those inept Russians and there lousy economy—-Why they would sell it to us but I guess a buck is a buck—-I wonder how that worked with the clearing house—–for those that don’t know the Russians have been cut off from the international trading clearing house—–talk about the Russians grabbing the US by the B@lls—- ok enough update for now—-have a nice day—-WH’s why don’t you grab HAARP—-just suggestion


You ONLY see & hear what they want you to see & hear. Propaganda. In reality, the Ukraine is almost destroyed, and No – the US has plenty of weapons that pedo Joe cannot get his hands on.


Fema is in Florida for
Hurricane Idalia, watch your children!


And your guns and gold. Don’t leave any of the 3 behind!


The White hats are WELL aware. Just watch, the White hats will be kicking butt, as always!!



Roofs were covered with non-flammable BLUE tarp

Check this out: THE VISIBLE SPECTRUM BLUE Wavelength 445……Frequency 666

Chart @ minute 3:32 in vid




There was also a picture of cars that were burned along one of the roads. The blue cars were untouched. This fire was intentional and was probably DE – directed energy set by the communist regime currently in power. If you pay attention the wealthy and elite painted their roofs blue. For some reason the lasers by pass the color.


It was Blue Tarp installed by the Army Core of Engineers….FEMA + ARMY calls it the ‘Operation Blue Roof’


Check Home Depot on Maui. Their blue tarp inventory was wiped out by glamorous looking people in large sunglasses driving Bentleys. I heard this was true!


I did too. That’s two sources, more than any of these articles have .


They wanted to give that shot to our children. Not while I am on the board no heart attacks for our children while I can type.


You’re on the board of what exactly?

Michael R Davis

Evidence of DEW weaponry melting a car just two miles from Lahaina, Maui.
This incinerated car was surrounded by gravel just off the highway, parked in a seemingly safe area to survive the Lahaina ‘wildfires’. However, at the rear of the car on the ground was a partially melted cellphone. Were there people inside or outside this car, passengers thinking they were safe on the gravel, suddenly incinerated by a DEW beam from a high altitude aircraft or orbital DEW platform?

Grass fires and building fires do not melt cars, nor melt auto glass, nor does jet fuel melt structural steel and cause 3 steel frame skyscrapers to imitate demolition. Glass melts at 2600-2900′ F, pretty hot. Aluminum alloy melts at 865-1240′ F. In these videos, the aluminum alloy becomes molten and flows across the ground. Even under the closed hood, the aluminum intake manifold, other parts were melted. The tires are melted, leaving behind steel-belted wires.

So why are there no forensic medical examiners, I would suggest dozens, investigating these vehicles, looking for evidence of Americans suddenly dying? In fact with the evidence throughout Lahaina suggesting planned mass murder of citizens, 2,000 children missing from the school rosters, the government censoring everything, Congress should demand an immediate investigation.

Will a DEW energy weapon totally incinerate a human body, even bones and teeth? There definitely needs to be a thorough independent investigation. Not FBI, not FEMA, not Government. SOMEBODY WHO CAN BE TRUSTED.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Q9L9WvlCli0


That is a wonderful idea. Everybody call your congressmen & tell them we want an investigation & answers as to what happened in Maui. Brigitte Gabriel from Act for America says that in the minds of Congress every person who calls in represents fifty people so that if you had a thousand citizens call in it would make them sit up & take notice. We need to remind the people in charge that we’re not going to forget about what happened to our fellow Americans on Maui. Congress Creatures need to be made afraid, very afraid. They need to understand that we are mad as hell & we aren’t going to take it anymore.


Mention the DEW assault , that will get their attention but then they might not take your concern seriously .

trust nothing

Everyone knows investigations don’t do shit. A waste of money and last for years if not decades. Our government is corrupt beyond repair. They steal from us, lie to us, and we have no control over laws they make mainly to protect themselves. The money they steal from us goes to weapons used against the people they say they are trying to protect. We don’t need any of them.


What will you do ?

trust nothing

I will not run, I will not comply and I will not follow orders from people that are “given authority” who break the laws that are made for everyone. When the real revolution happens I will be on the front lines and if need be, I will give my life to defend our God given rights to be free.


Front lines , as on a keyboard ? Just exactly where are the front lines and who is organizing it ? Nothing will happen .

trust nothing

And what will you do, run and hide or make stupid comments?


I have nothing to hide from but I would like to continue making droll and pithy comments . Thanks for the comment .


It’s pretty obvious!!


You have no idea who anyone is!!


That’s part of the plan . Wait, I know JFK Jr is coming back Labor Day weekend .


Thanks for excellent analysis, Michael!!

Michael R Davis

Welcome Maryn
Here is a 1 hour and 45 minute tour of the entire Lahaina area taken 2 days after the fires. The blue canvas unbrellas that were not burned, many unburned blue cars are shown.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=_zik2vcn1yk


When the EBS goes to the world many people will kill themselves because the truth is to hard to handle.


I think you are a little off there . How will they know the EBS is the truth ? Could be controlled by the MSM and black hats by now.


Well , it shall be. They are killing themselves with vaccines already. We cant go on with this shit forever worrying about the sleepers ! This shit show needs to end asap.


It won’t . JFK jr has to come back first .


The biggest issue I see is WHERE are Trump and the White hat military? Are they complicit?

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this web..

Gregg Nickens

When God’s prophets speak on the subject of this Maui fire, God verifies this as a NWO/OWO atrocity. God says that the innocent blood of his beloved in Maui calls out to him just like Abel’s blood did when his brother Cain slew him.

Doc Holiday in Tombstone, “Make no mistake. It’s not revenge he’s after, It’s a reckoning.”


Off subject.My father was a mathematician.He saw freqency.My mum showed the light.


Think Maui is DEW.Think again and again. Our skies and our oceans are our breath.We need no masks. We need to breathe.

Gregg Nickens

The NWO/OWO would prefer you didn’t, it falls in line with their agenda of depopulating the world to 500 million while stealing property and land under the guise of Eminent Domain.

Rusty Peters

Day 21 of the Lahaina D.E.W. fires    
Eric West , a 30 year resident of Lahaina, businessman, journalist says
all power to Lahaina and Kaanapali was shut off at 4:30 a.m. on 8 Aug. 2023, the day of the Lahiana D.E.W. attack; all water was shut off as well. Police set up barricades on the 2 main exits north and south out of Lahaina and traffic was blocked by 2 police cars at each exit point. No one was permitted to leave the fire zone and were rerouted into the fire. The only survivors were those who went into the ocean, hid in the forests or ran the police barricades. However cars were permitted to enter causing traffic jams.
.                                                                     .          
2,000 of the 3,000 Lahaina school children are unaccounted for. Now a 12 mile, 10 ft high black tarped fence has been erected surrounding the burn zone. Taking videos and flying hobby drones are illegal near the fence. [Freedom of information is forbidden in America.] Areas where the multiple fires began are guarded by county sheriffs who do not permit people to photograph these areas until bulldozers have first plowed them under. Maui residents have hundreds of videos of the D.E.W. weapons’ melted aluminum and glass of totally incinerated cars.
The journalist has seen KC135’s with D.E.W. weapons mounted in the nose of the planes while he was in Viet Nam, incinerate objects on the ground with pinpoint accuracy. He believes the energy weapons used on Lahaina were from KC130’s and B-2 bombers flying from one or more of the two Space Force bases on Maui and on Hawaii.
.                                         .
Other than being paid to stay at the $1,000 a night Four Seasons hotel FEMA agents have not lifted a finger to assist residents in anyway after the conflagration. The survivors are rife with accounts of FEMA thugs further destroying their community. People in BlackRock, FEMA, the Hawaiian state and county governments, WHO, Red Cross all act in precision silence swearing they know absolutely nothing about anything. Who are the people or the person at the top who organized this massacre? He (or they) will remain 100% free of their just damnation because none of the public who is still living has ever known the names of these people. *  *  *  

Gregg Nickens

God surely does, and the hammer Is To Fall…

Michael R Davis

Evidence of DEW weaponry melting a car just two miles from Lahaina, Maui.
This incinerated car was surrounded by gravel just off the highway, parked in a seemingly safe area to survive the Lahaina ‘wildfires’. However, at the rear of the car on the ground was a partially melted cellphone. Were there people inside or outside this car, passengers thinking they were safe on the gravel, suddenly incinerated by a DEW beam from a high altitude aircraft or orbital DEW platform?

Grass fires and building fires do not melt cars, nor melt auto glass, nor does jet fuel melt structural steel and cause 3 steel frame skyscrapers to imitate demolition. Glass melts at 2600-2900′ F, pretty hot. Aluminum alloy melts at 865-1240′ F. In these videos, the aluminum alloy becomes molten and flows across the ground. Even under the closed hood, the aluminum intake manifold, other parts were melted. The tires are melted, leaving behind steel-belted wires.

So why are there no forensic medical examiners, I would suggest dozens, investigating these vehicles, looking for evidence of Americans suddenly dying? In fact with the evidence throughout Lahaina suggesting planned mass murder of citizens, 2,000 children missing from the school rosters, the government censoring everything, Congress should demand an immediate investigation.

Will a DEW energy weapon totally incinerate a human body, even bones and teeth? There definitely needs to be a thorough independent investigation. Not FBI, not FEMA, not Government. SOMEBODY WHO CAN BE TRUSTED.

https ://www .youtube .com/watch?v=Q9L9WvlCli0


People being suddenly murdered (not merely dying.)


The question is if gray hats did stop engineers from putting up a fence described in Baxter’s report, why are they allowing this 12 mile black fence to remain standing?
Why is it that no one has posted anything about the fence the gray hats supposedly stopped from being build, if people are posting plenty of videos of the area on social media?
It is very difficult to accept MB report when there is no evidence to support it … and there really should be some kind of video.

Again if anyone has seen anything on social media to support Baxter’s report, please post.


Where are the white hats?


If video is forbidden and everything is surrounded by a fence, why are we seeing 24/7 social media posts from the burn zone? And if we had DEW in the Vietnam era, why didn’t we level Hanoi in one shot?

Warren Pease

Perhaps you are a middle school or a high school student or an illegal, with no historical education? Btw, none of the last several wars were ever meant to be won. There is no revenue in that.


None of those things. Lasers were in their infancy in the 1960’s and 70’s. No one was flying them around ‘Nam. I was there


If you don’t know now you absolutely knew nothing then.


I seen a list of a large list of mostly US cities turning into smart cities I live in Texas so here is a list of Texas cities:
San Antonio
Austin Energy
Texas Department of Transportation
El Paso
Ft Worth
Grand Prairie
La Marque
Harris County
Houston-Galveston Area Council
Sugar Land
Dallas County
I pray this don’t happen!

Guillaume DesChamp

Um, some of those aren’t cities.


I seen on the actual list but decided to add figuring that damned if I do or damned if I don’t list them. I ain’t the one to bar any info from you all it was listed so maybe important.


The Texas Department of Transportation is a city into itself? Pretty impressive


They are not smart. They are kill zones.
By using the lexicon of “them” you continue to empower them, their thought processes by choice of language are meticulously crafted. Just as every public servant ir employee is now an “official” overlording us.


We refused the smart meter…it casts us $11.00
a month but I’m glad we did!!!


🙏🇺🇲 continued prayers for safety around those that are helping fight these demon minions.

Doyle knight

Okok I have been a advid reader of this sight from day one.and there is no proof of anything being reported. Now there is proof that the cops and national guards have the burnt area surrounded .and black fences are still being put up almost thrue.tgere is no way in hell you have these marines running around undetected doing the things you are reporting on .people are making videos everyday of the burnt area from their cars and you can see the police presence and the fence crews steady working .it is starting to look like this sight is just reporting things to make us think all these good things are taking place .but I believe this is the bad guys tricking us to keep us all calm until they do their final sweep of killing each and everyone if the readers of this



But doesn’t it at least make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to pretend there are invisible Marine squads running around killing civilian work crews, Doyle? 😊


Ah, I think you mean…’enemy combatants’. You ole fool…


i hope you suffer a terrible fate and remain alone when you kill all the remaining good people left who tried to defend the world from evil.

thank you for removing everyone holidays cause of your fucking selfishness. you brainwash bastard.

i hope you rot in the void of fire.


I cannot fathom *wanting* to go to hell, begging, to go to hell. But, apparently, some people do.

I’m not trying to stop you.


your being watched. enjoy hades. you faggot.

enjoy that communist life you pathetic piece of shit.

cause they be no more free worlds after this country death.

i hope you suffer a terrible fate.

Michael R Davis

Maybe Petey was born knowing his final destiny was the Lake of Fire?




Yes those pesky bad guys are tricking us once again . They’ve tricked you into believing all these articles .


Do NOT doubt the news you are receiving as it is the best of the best. This is war and you are not going to get it from mainstream media. Have faith the White Hats are ín control.


🇺🇸 Obviously, you’re not a United States Marine!! And:or don’t know any!! Ah ha ha….What a fool you are!

🇺🇸 “We the People” are proud of our Special Ops! Marines are top 1% of the military…Sp Ops even less! They willingly lay down their lives for us…

🇺🇸 You should be forever thankful for those who are BRAVE enough to adhere to their Oaths of Office….that being, to protect “We the People” from ALL enemies, both foreign & domestic!

🇺🇸 May God continue to bless & protect the best in the world…the United States Military; AND THE MILLIONS OF OTHERS who are on the front-lines fighting evil. AMEN.


Guillaume DesChamp

Yikes. Someone loves emojis.



Someone Else

While true, as other people here are rightfully said, there’s also no proof of anything “mainstream media” publishes. Most people just believe it, because it’s made out to be authoritative and true.

After all, why would an official source lie to you?

Sadly the world isn’t an innocent as they believe.


I was at Pensacola NAS last month and observed an astonishing, surprising confirmation this site is legit. The base gates had manpower and concrete barrier security levels that was far, far beyond requirements for the ordinary naval pilot training base that it is. The security all over base reminded of a forward middle eastern operating base (I am a 20 year USAF veteran with extensive middle eastern deployment experience).

Background: RRN released in a previous article that Pensacola NAS, home of a Navy JAG HQ, was the location deep state operatives were to turn themselves in to if they had committed treasonous crimes.

No fucking way in hell two dozen armed military police, anti-terrorist concrete barriers and a bevy of military working dogs running all over base are required to provide force protection for a navy pilot initial training base – something of extremely high value is positioned there – just like RRN said.

And it makes sense that location would be chosen, as the Pensacola and greater Fort Walton/Hurlburt Field/Duke airfield surrounding area is deluged with about 36,000 special operations forces.

I’ve prayed many times asking God to reveal to me the full truth of all things on these lines we so fervently seek answers to. His answer has been to give me great peace first of all – no anxiety over inflation, war or satanic deep state shenanigans. But then He allowed me to see the Pensacola operation. I suppose if the white hats allowed release of that info, then my report to echo its legitimacy is proper.

If I am a fool, if we are fools, for believing a deep state lie on this site, I’m having a hard time seeing it. RRN inclines all of us to stand down, and wait it out, and let the military resolve it all – this is true. However, if RRN did not exist, we’d still be standing down, as we the people are effectively powerless – we’re in checkmate. Conservative, white men have no means to organize. We are shut down at every level. We have almost zero capability to fight back save a few small arms clips by a random individual. What good would that do? Nothing. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

Here’s the thing. If the white hat military is NOT real. If Q is not real. We are F U C K E D. Talk tough all you want, but if organized armed forces and high tech intelligence capabilities don not exist, there would be ZERO hope to fight against a satanic world wide fed state local power web. Your only hope would be go off grid to the mountains.

Now, here’s the other thing. If the God damnable satanic demoncrat Federal Bureau of Instigation and the Communist Infiltration Agency had the power cube, most of you, and certainly myself, would already be in God damned Walmart prison camp, TWO years ago. Those son of a bitch FBI went on a rampage right after 6 Jan, investigating and getting people fired, with a nation wide billboard campaign, just for going to see the president speak in Washington. – ask me how I know.

The point is: those mother fuckers had some hard core ballsy power right at that moment, but since that time, they became WEAK. All they got left is apparently, the lying, ‘big 6,’ mockingbird MSM. That’s all they got left!

The LIE is all they got left! If they had anything else, they’d use it. They’d kill you and yours Amy chance they got, and twice on Sunday, but they haven’t!

Our enemy is WEAK.

So, keep the faith. Pray, out loud, to God. Praise Him. Do not be anxious. Prepare for a worse case scenario as able, but do not be anxious. And if the Holy Spirit tells you to do something, do it.

This message was for the children of the living God. It was *NOT* for the children of the devil. The children of the devil, and all their grisly gang are to go do their worst. Do your worst! And we, the people, will do our best.

Guillaume DesChamp

What were you doing at the base?

Willy 2.0

Nearly anyone can go on base to visit the Naval Air Museum, and also I believe the Tallest Lighthouse in FLA…I had to go thru armed security gate and serpentined jersey barriers.
The Blue Angels are also based there (or nearby).


Yes! The Blue Angels baby!

Guillaume DesChamp

Yep. The high value base with extensive security that they allow anybody to enter if they want to go to the museum.

Makes total sense.


I was there on a secret mission to work with JAG to attain IP addresses and personal profiles of all shills, trolls and Fed agents who are attempting to disrupt RRN white hat alliance news releases. We discussed process to arrest, as well as sentence these DS traitors. We decided life imprisonment for shill trolls, and hanging for paid government controlled op personnel. It was a lot of fun.

After that, I went over to the top notch Aviaton museum and had a cheesburger.

Guillaume DesChamp

Well, you just blew your cover, smarty pants. Some secret agent you are.

Guillaume DesChamp

So the White Hats are spending their time making plans to go after internet trolls?

No wonder they’re losing.


I live in Crestview Fl.. I know very well about Duke Field, Eglin AFB , Hurlburt field and more.. I love this area for its Pride in the Military. I’m a widow now, but when we were in FWB a few years ago my husband Saluted that huge Flag while it was being brought high into the sky. His eyes crying, right hand on his chest as he watched that Glorious flag wave over our city. A news reporter came over and spoke with us on camera and asked why the tears? My husband quoted “This is America, this is our Freedom Flying before our eyes. It’s the Blood Men and women shed, if not for them, we ALL would be dead”.. 🇺🇲


You’re a kook.

Someone Else

Look who’s talking.


You’re a POI.

Michael R Davis

Probably commissary privileges for one reason to visit the base.

Someone Else

There’s likely a lot of truth to this well reasoned post.

This is where the rubber meets the road.

God help us.




Now there is proof that the cops and national guards have the burnt area surrounded 

What proof is that? More fake CGI bullshit from the MSM?

Doyle knight

Just don’t understand how long and how many people have to die while they wait on people who are not going to wake up.another thing .they said Biden never stepped foot into the Whitehouse .only the movie set Whitehouse .and then they find a bag of cocaine .and nobody said it was the movie set white house but the real Whitehouse .so which is it .and that isn’t Biden .so the whitehats are the ones who really are in control of this movie .so that means all the bad shit is on them .


Correct, people die and are abused during all this waiting. What if something happened to a family member tonight because of waiting for the right time.? How would you feel?


I saw a report on BBN with Mike Adams Aug. 29 show @21:13 that they are putting up black fencing in Lahaina. The picture in the thumbnail doesn’t look like it is barb wire, just a big black fence and it goes on for miles. They have been putting up this fence for several days now. They are preventing people from stopping to take videos. Nothing about them being stopped by the gray hats.


I just saw that too. It’s on Instagram. Miles and miles of black fencing to block visibility into the area. Hawaiian guard won’t allow anyone to stop and peek. Unleash the aerial drones!

white hat marines allowing this?

What in hell kind of insane, bat shit crazy clown world this has all become. The devil, via his O’Biden admin, FBI, CIA, FEMA, IRS, CDC, etc., is dragging people around by the hair of their head. . That’s what you get, when you serve the devil.

As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.


Uh ohh, is the situation in Lahaina getting a little too publicly visible for Michael Baxter to make up fake stories about it with the ol’ “no one was around to see or record it” excuse


Many people are asking…


So far I haven’t found anything to support Baxter’s story. I encourage all the researchers out there to see if you can find anything and let us know.

We need to work together to see if we can confirm or deny these reports.


You are an enlightened individual. ❤️

Son of Ethan allen

Next ao Florida. I will be ready for fema.


Make sure every weapon is loaded! Do not take shit from anyone. Shoot first, ask questions later!

Ken T.

Ethel, if you shoot people that are not using deadly force against you and you shoot someone, you will go to prison. You may also go to prison even if you shoot and don’t hit anyone. You must use equal force against another person.

Michael R Davis

Shill Ethel is a FED, what we call an agitator, soliciting someone to commit a felony crime. 18 US Code 373 Exactly what the hundreds of FEDs were doing on Jan 6th. Shills are best ignored. Lots of the bastards here at RRN.


Don’t be mad Mikey. It’s Florida. You can shoot anyone!


Nah, not in FL. You can do whatever you want there!


They came to Houston and started to steal. That would have to come from the top. There was a women who lived in a trailer home and fema would not help her. I was working at my church and gave her suggestions to what to say to them. I don’t know what happened for I did not hear back so I assumed things worked out for her.


Eyes in the sky 17 other states are slated for dew attacks. Oddly they have cities in them they want to be 15 minute cities. Orlando amd Miami are the ones in Fl. Tell DeSatanis is not a traitor…..I have the goods on him too. Growing weary hope this ends with a big satisfying big bang for the bad guys. Cant wait for thetruth telling ebs and erase all these bogus platforms like Faciastbook. Yeah speakimg of which Zuckerturd, winfrey, bezos, gates all own property on Maui. Magically these pedophiles home were untouched. So much going on in Maui. The right thing would be to give them back their country that the US stole in 1898.


They have all been dealt with so do not fear.


Maybe because they fireproofed their homes, cut back brush and trees close to the house and had sprinkler systems installed to wet down the house and grounds. These are all standard precautions taken by high end property owners


What goods?


Thanks again Mike B. for bringing us the news! It’s quite uplifting for me to know there is someone out there bringing law and order to the land!

John .S

Fuel contamination in Florida, diesel fuel mixed with gasoline, accidental?


This was in Tampa. TAMPA HAS ISSUES. deepstate run


I live there and I can tell you it was and has been(the city,not the county) “blue” LONG before I was born(1920s?) and I’m a baby boomer.


I watch as many videos as I can and I never see any native Hawaiians. 🙁 I think they’re hiding or dead. God bless Maui.


I saw a video report of a Hawaiian lady who was the Mother of the teen boy who was found holding his dog. Both gone. This lady was not allowed in the area to search for her son. So sad.


That’s real sad


They don’t wear grass skirts any more

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website..


You still haven’t sent me my 10% cut !! I think you are here to scam good folks here. Send me my 10% cut and we will believe you. Until that time please drink deeply from the golden chalice of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


You are talking to a BOT. Rene’s
account was hijacked.


Harrison Floyd has finally had a bond amount set. Should be out of the Fulton county hellhole jail tonight.
Great news! Black Voices for Trump leader gets his voice back!
Keep after ‘em whoever, wherever and whenever.


Hope he sues ’em.


For what?


Sovereign immunity dude. Can’t happen

Dr John


It was said (ANONS know) as we get near the downfall of the Deep State and BRANDON, that MSM would do two things:

  1. Complement Trump on air(a reporter said he was a handsome man (paraphrase)
  2. Expose the corruption!! see below

Jon Rappoport (a well known and long time respected reporter) provides the report

Reported August 29, 2023

Staring none other than Mr. Deep State himself; Lester Holt

A portion of a quote from Lester Holt on NBC LIVE AT NOON!

““As you probably know by now, the pussified Bidenites, colleges, hospitals, and other functionaries are leaning into COVID restrictions again. Masks, distancing, take the vaccine or else—all that.

“As luck would have it, there are people all around us who experience intense pleasure at the prospect of going on lockdowns again. Nothing else in their lives gives them the same adrenaline push. They’re not just complying. They’re renewing marriage vows on a vacation cruise, on the good ship Shit for Brains. Freedom means as much to them as the latest sex crime series spun out by Netflix. Give them that in their state room, popcorn, and a lock on their door, and they’re in heaven.

“The depth of their insanity BEGS for something to match it. And I will. Now. Because I’m tired of watching humans and merely imbibing their blood. I want to expose them for what they are. I’ll use whatever comes to hand to rip out the old wiring.

“COVID 2 should be quite a show. ‘Oo! Transmission of the virus! So beautiful.’ Good for you, contestant. You win 12 boosters, a heart attack, and the rest of your life in a wheelchair. Or a quick death, if you’d prefer. Because on this program, we celebrate all of you who suck on the gas pipe of media. We heap praise on STORIES designed to put you and your loved ones in graves. We’re CBS, NBC, ABC, AP, Reuters, a whole new generation of robots who hate life. That’s our tradition. That’s our bid for immortality. And because we keep saying, in coordination with our crocodile government, that we’re OFFICIAL, and you believe us, we’re awarding you prizes. As you move closer to death. That’s our game. We cater to all the souls who have to find an authority and worship it. That’s why our ratings are so high. That’s why advertisers pony up their money to appear with us on-air. Because there are so many dumb lovers of authority. Because so many of you take pride in your love.

“OO! Transmission of the virus! It’s a perfect little ditty for literal minds, which demand the impersonation of facts. It makes so much sense to those minds. Your minds…..”

Not only did Lester say it, the broadcast did not cut away from his lengthy diatribe. Do you cut away from a big star? Or have you been instructed to NOT cut away by White HATS.

I don’t pay attention to the news media including TV, but this could be good entertainment. Who will next have diarrhea of the mouth on air?

I love IT

Replace the word DOT with a period .
Source: rumormillnewsDOTcom/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=228394


Thank you, Dr John.

Dr John

Believe me, it was a true pleasure


Don’t mean any disrespect, but haven’t we been ‘exposing’ their corruption for decades?


Sorry, this was supposed to go for a different comment… my mistake.. Can’t get it to delete : /

Dr John

It happens to the best of us…. Well not me of course ; )


I believe that all emotional emotional pain is a result of childhood trauma.


Of course you chime in.


So do you.

Guillaume DesChamp

That’s because you’re not the best of us.

Dr John

I do not see myself as greater than anyone. If someone applies themself they can achieve almost anything. As long as you worry about others station in life, you will not have the time to grow beyond your selfish limits.

Guillaume DesChamp

Find your sense of humor, Johnny.


I didn’t see any video. just written words.


There isn’t any. It’s another made-up story


You’re on your way to expulsion. Keep earning those red down votes.




And I’ll be back 30 seconds later




COVID fear worked soo well in 2020 why not do it AGAIN In 2024?


Didnt work on me! If you can be fooled twice ,after all the truth about this scam came out, thats on you.


Well said Dr. John. This round of “covid” is going to be met with more resistance I hope. I am going to pretend I haven’t heard a word about more covid….I didn’t get covid….I refuse to have covid….I had a bout of bronchitis and a sinus infection about 2 years ago. I am not prone to have either as a rule but I moved from MO to TX and I guess the change in climate just made me sick. Anyway, I went to Urgent Care and told them what my problem was (I had it all before) and they gave me antibiotics and I was better in a few days. I will not see that primary care Dr. except for the 2 times a year for blood work. I wouldn’t go at all if Medicare didn’t make such a big deal out of it. Now I have a list of your suggestions I will use to get me through and not take their medications at all. I also refuse to allow them to test me for covid. They can shove all things covid way way up there!!

Guillaume DesChamp

Come on. This is bull.

No video, no audio, just some guy saying Holt said this.


Expulsion will be swift and clean.


Ooooh. Such sophisticated writing, and I’m sure it’s not made up by the professional hoaxsters at Rumormill. Holt never said this. I called a friend who works at CBS news and he laughed.


Just how far away is the “end?” A year, ten years, 100? You’ve been swallowing Q bullshit for seven years and nothing ever happens. EVER. You’ve been swindled by a sheep farmer in the Philippines and his Monkey son.


So clear are you.A great humanitarian.Keep teaching and educating for those who seek the truth.


Don’t do it! You have the experience with Covid and talk to you medical before you take anything Biden is not a doctor! Neither are the people who are advising him.


Biden isnt even president or alive!


Not true.,,,the MSM hates Trump, they would rather eat the crap in their shorts before they would ever compliment Trump, or call him handsome,, they hate him so much!! 68 times the the cabal tried to kill him and he is still standing, thank God!!

james Mccandless

So where IS THE NWO Deep state holding the CHILDREN?


Chuck E Cheese

Surf Nazare

It is one thing to be humorous and another to be a blithering idiot—-

Just Me

He is the Deep State water boy, what can we expect?


Not much. Little Intelligence observed.



1 coors light plz kthx


Prove to me the kids aren’t held at Chuck E Cheese


No one needs to prove anything to your lame ass! That , you have proven!


Frontal lobotomy would be appropriate. #soon


No Bud Light, kthx


No, you’d probably drain it down the hole in your forehead. It would be a waste. Coors Light = cats piss.


I was being kind to your wallet


I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy


No one gives a toss about you Hairyson.


You really are such a weasel. Why do you think it is okay for you to make fun of those poor children being kidnapped and raped and murdered by these deep state demons. You literally make us all sick to our stomachs with your rude stupid as hell remarks.


I aim to make everyone sick to their stomach. It’s a talent, what can I say?

Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in Your Life


I’d check Oprah’s basement. Sadly no one ever asks me…Sigh!


Where should someone look?


Ukraine, O’Biden’s pizza parlor and Oprah’s guest house.


I would check Biden ‘s Island, and perhaps underground.?


They have DUMBS under the island…


Yeah, thanks to the Mole People


Hers a dumb^^^^