Military Arrests Moderna Clot Shot Creator


A prominent Moderna chemist, Melissa J. Moore, was arrested at her Everett, Massachusetts, home Sunday evening after trying to evade U.S. Navy JAG investigators who had been surveilling the residence and awaiting an opportunity to serve a military arrest warrant, a JAG adjunct told Real Raw News.

Our source said the investigators had staked out Moore’s summertime domicile in the outskirts of Boston following several failed attempts to isolate her at her primary residence in Cambridge and pricey timeshare in Lake Tahoe, and at Moderna’s Boston headquarters, where she pioneered the pharmaceutical giant’s mRNA clot shot.

The investigators, he added, were in a nondescript vehicle on the opposite side of the road when Moore’s Land Rover pulled into the driveway. As the windows had a dark tint, they could not immediately see the driver or determine whether the SUV held any passengers, so they waited until the door opened before approaching. Moore, though, must have spotted the investigative duo, for she flung open the door, grabbed her purse, and began hobbling across the horseshoe driveway, snagging a heel in the grass while shouting for help. She tumbled to the ground clutching her handbag, withdrawing what investigators thought might be a firearm. But it was a syringe.

“She almost got shot,” our source said. “They realized at the last second it wasn’t a gun and kicked the syringe out of her hand. She was trying to jab herself.”

He added that the investigators cuffed Moore and placed her in the backseat of their vehicle.

He explained that JAG started building a case against Moore in January 2023, a few months after hanging her former employer, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, at Guantanamo Bay. JAG unearthed personal correspondence in which Bancel heralded Moore as the “Queen of mRNA,” writing that her expertise and determination helped put Moderna’s mark on the map as a global COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer. Moore’s perseverance, Bancel wrote, made them wealthy Beyond the Dreams of Averice. In response to Bancel’s flattering communique, Moore said that “history will eventually report that human guinea pigs are necessary to advance revolutionary medicine” and admitted the company’s vaccine was a colossal killer: “If it kills three million to save three billion, I’ve done my job. I have the utmost reverence for human life, but martyrs must be made in the name of science,” to which Bancel replied, “There will be no martyrs because we will attribute their deaths to the disease.”

Those letters, our source said, led to added evidence to be presented at a military tribunal.

“This woman was the Walter White of mRNA clot shots,” our source said.

In October 2016, Moore was appointed Chief Scientific Officer, Platform Research, at Moderna Pharmaceuticals. While serving this role, the National Academy of Sciences bestowed upon her the 2021 RNA Lifetime Achievement Award, primarily for her participation in vaccine improvement. Although knowing the vaccine was lethal and had killed trial participants, she convinced the FDA to grant emergency use authorization to the mRNA-1273 clot shot.

“The evidence on her is encyclopedic. It should be a slam dunk,” our source said. “She tried to jab herself with something, and it is being analyzed. We’ve already taken blood and know she was never vaxxed.”

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mine will be off


Mine too.


Mine three

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website..


Where’s my 10% cut?

Louie Louie

Not good enough. Can still be “pinged.” Wrap *completely* (double-wrap) in foil or place in Faraday cage for a couple of hours.

Hal Brown

Try a pail of salt water. Highly conductive.

Ultrafart the Brave

Good thinking. I like it.

No need for foil bags and all that fancy stuff.

Just make sure the ziplock bag is watertight.

P.S. Perhaps the down-voting brigade need a basic high school science refresher course.

Hal Brown

Agreed. That’s ” thinking out side the box”.

Usual Suspect

Make sure the pail isgrounded.

CONservative DEMocrat

just testing RRN


Another word about Faraday cages: You must insulate every item in the cage with an insulator that will not touch the outside metal.


It’s a Faraday bag, not a cage.


No you can do either.. look it up.. I’m even putting my router , modem in one a couple days before because the next date is Oct 11th if Oct 4 th doesn’t work for them. 🇺🇲

Carol B.

if it fails on the 4th, please remind of of the Oct. 11 date….

Dave Kelly

write this information down, you will not forget, no need to put it on others to remind you

Carol B.

Some of us have way too many irons in the fire and also health related issues too and if I remember I will remind others too …. Important


You do know that deep state reviews these comments.

CONservative DEMocrat

that reminds me:

CONservative DEMocrat

WH’s can have a pig roast with this capture.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yea they really care about this fake ass bullshit you morons.


Vladimir Putin sent 3 ships to help the people on Maui, while Joe the incestor takes his ‘candy’ in the basement again and sends another $40,000,000,000.00 to the Ukraine, and gives the citizens and residents of Maui $700.00 for the losses of their families, friends, homes, properties, businesses, while making sure with FEMA and the Black Hats the fire victims get no help, no food,, no escape,, no shelter, no medical care, tainted water, no rescue,, and stopping every humanitarian effort coming their way,

Twitter. com/ ShadowofEzra/ status/ 1697382879792087244?t=h3fuktPUri4Hz-kxivzv7A&s=19


A bag you carry around like a purse or wallet. Not a cage I have several already.


Me too. I purchased mine from Amazon and nothing gets through.

Duane Linn

That’s where I got mine.


Does the phone need to be off when inside the faraday bag?

Dave Kelly

I have one for my cell phone and it does not work, my cell still gets messages and calls while it is in the Faraday bag. Not sure why this is happening.


Yes, the Amazon products are worthless. Check the 1 star reviews by people who tested them. Don’t test them with the app, also not dependable. They’ve got us coming and going!


I just ordered a set of 4 Faraday bags in different sizes from A-zon. Price was reasonable. Will hold everything I have. Now I need to look up RFIP. What’s that?


Oops! Should be RFID.


Learn more here:

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification

Long ago, WAL-MART wanted to ‘salt’ their inventory with RFID tags for ‘tracking and tracing’ purposes but there was (rightfully) an outcry about this plan and they abandoned this plan (as far as I know since then). The RFID sensors they wanted to use must have been (very) small and could have been put in hard-to-find places on their merchandise for sale. So I heard about the way to ‘deactivate’ them was to place the item having a RFID tag in and ‘microwave’ them in said kitchen top appliance.


Thank you…


Passports have rfid chips too. do we microwave them before we travel?


Wikipedia is bad


I know.

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Wikipedia

is a DS tool.

Found out co-founder

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jimmy_Wales

is a ‘WEFfer’

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/World_Economic_Forum


https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Klaus_Schwab


https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Yuval_Noah_Harari

However Wikipedia is a ‘one-stop shop’ on information about just about any topic that is ‘reasonably accurate’.

They CAN’T ‘spin’ articles like this

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/RC4

because how can you spin a ‘concrete’ topic like mathematics?

They CAN ‘spin’ articles like these

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kevin_Alfred_Strom

to reinforce the ‘agenda’ desired by the bad guys ‘behind the curtain’ by way of their proxies like Wales and his creation Wikipedia.

Strom’s entry is ‘telling’ and is proof of a quote I found somewhere online. Paraphrased from memory, it is this:

“If you can’t call out criminals for their criminality, you are ruled over by said criminals.”

https ://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

said it this way:

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

Their ‘on payroll’ proxies all reading from the same teleprompter

https ://www. bitchute. com/video/NHAg4H-dMKo/


RFID = Radio Frequency IDentification

Rob William

Or take a one way ticket to Jupiter’s moon Europa. Dr Manhattan has made a big settlement there.


May be on 9_11. ?

Ultrafart the Brave

Semantics? Really?

Maybe you should talk to Mr. Faraday – he built a cage, after all. So do any decent scientific institutions.

Faraday “bags” might be the in-thing now, but world history didn’t start in 2020.


Get lost.


The TROLLS downvoted you,
and there are plenty of them.


Vladimir Putin sent 3 ships to help the people on Maui, while Joe the incestor takes his ‘candy’ in the basement again and sends another $40,000,000,000.00 to the Ukraine, and gives the citizens and residents of Maui $700.00 for the losses of their families, friends, homes, properties, businesses, while making sure with FEMA and the Black Hats the fire victims get no help, no food,, no escape,, no shelter, no medical care, tainted water, no rescue,, and stopping every humanitarian effort coming their way,

Twitter. com/ ShadowofEzra/ status/ 1697382879792087244?t=h3fuktPUri4Hz-kxivzv7A&s=19


for giving info? You’re hostile.


he’s a troll.

Nukken Futz

Will a zapper Tesla coil work, instead…..?

Ultrafart the Brave

Hard to parse your intention here.

A Tesla coil will zap just about any electrical device if that’s what you want to do, but don’t expect your phone to work after.

If anyone can explain how to use a Tesla coil to screen RF comms, I’d be all ears.


A Tesla coil generates what is known as a Tesla field and will not “zap” your phone. There are plenty of vids on YouTube where hobbyists are using their cell phone to film their experiments with a Tesla coil. The phones metal casing will cause high voltages to travel around the device and not damage the sensitive electronics inside. If you have a phone with a dead battery inside a Tesla field it will charge via the induction generated by the Tesla field.

Ultrafart the Brave

Thanks for the info.

I was visualising the lightning generators based around Tesla coils, so not thinking hard enough.

As you imply, there’s a photo or two of Tesla himself sitting comfortably on a chair in the midst of a coil-generated lightning storm – unharmed.

Certainly something worth investigating.


I’m speaking of ANY Faraday Cage…


More clearly: any cage that does not already have a good, solid insulating liner.

William R Nicholson

Good solid insulating liner ? Where is that insulating liner on original Faraday Cage ? Also what insulator blocks any radio frequency wave ? Would a radioactive isotope room have that insulator ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Rob William

No point locking oneself inside a cage without a conviction.

Stinky Perfume

Microwave is some kind of faraday but I haven’t tried to see if the cell phone goes off inside of it.

Hal Brown

I have been inside Faraday cages that are the size of a room.

William R Nicholson

Thought it was called Grey Bar Hotel ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

William R Nicholson

Faraday Cage was designed well before anyone thought of making faraday bags. Cages are better since they easily shunt any signal through the path to a good ground . Bags are less effective simply since it is not directly connected to a ground. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Already did.. even my batteries, power tools, solar panels.. etc.. I’m exhausted.. but still kicking.. 🇺🇲

Ultrafart the Brave

I don’t suppose anyone has considered just dropping their hardware inside plastics bags into a plain old tin can with a tight-fitting metal lid?

Wrap a bit of alfoil over the top of that if you’re really super stressed about it.

Seriously, it’s not rocket science.

George Greenfield

Don’t forget to ground it


That analogy really doesn’t fit here. This is not something that even most people on here would know much about. We know what it is that’s more than most people on the street. How about social skills and general commonsense that I am explaining the obvious to you, they are not rocket science to most people, You went from being helpful to being a bit of a jerk.


You need two conductive surfaces separated by an insulator. That’s Farady’s basic principle


Just buy one on ebay or infowars, tightwads.

William R Nicholson

Never heard that theory before ! There is some reason why you state that ? A well designed Faraday Cage grounds any signal touching its conductive surface to ground. Once the unwanted signal is shunted to ground , does it miraculously come back to a second life ? Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


The ultrahigh frequencies today are another ball game from the ones that Faraday was trying to shield from. Faraday wasn’t dealing with EMP-style waves either.
These gigahertz waves will pass right through any hole that is even a fraction of a millimeter. So, window screen type shielding won’t do the job for you.

Ultrafart the Brave

Those are good points.

FWIW, I don’t believe grounding is an issue for a fully encapsulated Faraday closure, but the conductivity and continuity of the shielding is critical, especially at the frequencies we’re now dealing with.

A side issue that you suggested – so-called EMPs (eg, from nukes) aren’t electromagnetic, they’re SCALAR (or to be more colloquial about it, ELECTRIC) waves. If there’s any scalar component to a device’ emissions, ain’t no conventional screening on Earth going to stop it.

The good news is that scalar propagation is superluminal by many orders of magnitude, so there’s no way any conventional tech is going to be able to triangulate your position from it anyway.


fine steel wool can be easily be easily shaped and attached to whatever enclosure for absorbing thus shielding emf, aluminum will reflect instead of adsorb but only the higher microwave like freqs.
but longitudinal waves(aka scaler waves), such as sound waves, heterodyned with higher freqs or from specialized coils/wave guides can’t be stopped in that manner, need nonelastic material like wax with sand embedded perhaps.
the carbon dioxide laser best reflected by copper mirrors, whereas a gamma ray laser would need molten/circulated metal like mercury perhaps.


What is a Faraday cage? Where can it be bought?


bought one for my modem on ebay


A good, cheap one is a metal trash can with a good metal lid that seals well. Lots of room. Just be sure to line it well with corrugated cardboard or something stout with at least a little thickness.
From experimenting with these things, I can tell you that if any one item in it punctures the lining, it becomes an antenna for the other items and your work will be for nought !
If you are going to make the effort, don’t shortchange yourself.
For instance: I made cages out of small metal tins (like cookie boxes, etc.) and I found that the tins are likely coated with some clear, otherwise undetectable ‘paint or whatever. Until I scraped the mating corners of the box and lid until bare metal showed through, the lid was insulated from the box, and the phones got a signal. If THEY did, an EMP would. Make them correctly.
Another thing: if any oil or other liquid leaks from your items, the liquid will conduct through to the container. So, anything that might leak (like power tools) should be first put into a plastic bag that won’t let the liquid leak through to the insulation.


‘Faraday cage’ – a particular geometric arrangement of metal mesh that shields electromagnetic entry from penetrating.

More simply; it’s just a shield that blocks radio waves.

Our smart phones are designed that even if you turn them off, they can be activated and accessed. I bought a product from infowars that was about $10 and is a small mesh bag. I tested it and it WORKS. Total off grid.


Most of us already have a faraday cage… It is called a Microwave Oven… And… it is already grounded… lol.

Dave Kelly

BINGO, jon, you beat me to it, we are on the same page, Take Care

Dave Kelly

I started using my microwave to store the cell phone and batteries. The microwave is built to keep the microwave from escaping the microwave oven so it should work just as a Faraday cage or bag ,at least one would think.


Yes why can’t you just wrap your cell phones in aluminum foil and place them in the microwave.? Wouldn’t that be sufficient -anyone?

William R Nicholson

Audio , buy some copper weave fabric in tight weave made of copper. Then build frame to drape the fabric over on all sides even bottom. Then connect to good pure copper wire that is solidly connected to a metal stake driven at least four or five feet into the wettest soil you have nearby so you have good Ground connection. You have now built own cage at lower cost then buying probuilt one. Walk inside , close door assuming you built one in , or tell Scotty to beam you in. ….. Try calling out on your walkie talkie or cell phone . If you remembered to close the door, you shouldn’t be able to get a call out. Faraday Cage does not stop telepathy . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


The original Faraday cage was built to filter out the radio interference of the times, which weren’t nearly as high a frequency as we are dealing with today. A ‘mesh’ like copper screen was adequate back then. Today, we having to block ‘millimeter waves’, which are of the gigahertz variety. They are so small that they will sail right through the holes in mesh. Use foil or any other solid metal, or you will find that your work is not going to be sufficient and your circuit-board electronics will be fried or otherwise compromised in an EMP attack.

Ultrafart the Brave


pack it in a mailing bag, and post it to Maui.




Why not just take the battery out ? Salt water ? Faraday cages ? Its not that complicated.


iPhones made it impossible to remove the battery

John .S

Go to a real plumbing supply [not Mega Depot], pick-up a piece of 2×2 sheet lead or larger [that’s used in making shower pans]. Fold-up lead to accommodate whatever e.g., laptop, flash drives, CD’s etc.

It’s often opposite of what’s spoken, EBS buzz, could very well be an EMP.

If air traffic is grounded prior highly probable an EMP cometh, though those evil SOB’s would love aircraft falling from the sky.

This holiday weekend is perfect time to catch portable electric generator sales, and accoutrements.

Prepare and Good Luck.

Cutie Quail

Good to know, thanks!

Rob William

Go to the moon and stay there for a few days.

Dave Kelly

Placing you cell phone in the microwave should do the same I believe will work as well. But if not , let me know, please.

Susie Q

Hmmm, we’ve placed ours into our microwave – making sure no one turned it on lol – when we’ve needed to talk without those being around. We know it works because we’ve put one in there, tried to call the other one and the call never goes through. I’m thinking that’s an option, too . . .


So even the emergency location service? Needs off too?


Cool, thanks


Wonder how I can convince family members that
have no clue as to what is going on.


not much you can do on that one.

just forget them. some prefer to stay behind.


Disabling their phone is nothing, making sure they don’t take the next round of clot shots will be the hard part.
I was never was a hard core believer in the Bible but these times have changed my mind.

I do believe they will try and force the populations to take the next jab and 1/3rd of the people are still a sleep.
We where trained in the military to take out command and control and you win the war.
In this war they let command and control run wild the whole time and expect people to wake up.
When you have the MSM running 24/7 and do nothing to interfere or even prove it to be false people will never come out of the coma.

Sad times for sure, kind of scary to think what they will do next.

The only thing I have to look forward to is the fact My daughter believes in my opinion on waiting and not letting my grand-kids take the jabs. I get scared everyday when they go to school thinking they will force the kids in school to take the jabs in the next round and just not tell the parents.
My only brother left and his whole side of the family are all true believers in the news and take jabs and boosters on command, as well as most all my friends.


Why are you sending them to school when homeschooling is an all time high right now?

You know china infiltrated the schools right?


I agree regarding the MSM. If that were shut down our bonehead relatives might start engaging their brains after a few weeks w/o receiving their daily programming. I pity the people that take the next jab, hopefully we don’t go long enough for that to happen, but if they’re able to put one out I’m guessing it will be much more “effective” than round one at killing people within days instead of weeks or months.


Very Scary times,
People are saying they have had dreams where people are dying in the streets by the thousands. Those aren’t dreams but Nightmares.
I agree the next shots will be worse. One of the reasons why I think this arrest was useless; created a job opening, nothing more. The lease they could have done is arrest most all the Top people working of the shots, not just one.


they have to face the music on there own.

Stinky Perfume

I wondered if they are getting some kind of high in life thinking you or some other one is a wrong person and they know how to live better than you. They got it all figured out, no mistakes right? it kind of boils down to those who wanted to trust science and doctors and vaccines or gave into it for financial greed, even parents who let their kids get vaccinated so they could chase more money. People dream they got born to live it up and enjoy and proceed to get the pleasure gets, ignoring anyone else. Few knew all the docs and scientists were microchipped in med or graduate school. There should be a test for that. The place where someone went wrong, is where they are still stuck. Until it hurts, they don’t want to fix it.

Stinky Perfume

They go to the doc, tell them what hurts and the docs figure their karma out and report it. Still stuck wherever.


They think the doc is in charge of their health & lifestyles.


Absolutely 💯 test for chipping


My sister in law drives me up a wall. She’s always right. Even
when she is wrong. Even when facts are presented. “Oh that was years ago when they used aborted fetal cells in those
vaccines, Maggie.” Some of these people have no common sense.
Or my cousin: “That is not what FACT CHECK said. None of that is true, Maggie. Even SNOPES says it is wrong.” There is
just no talking to some of them. So I don’t.


This is SO true…

Rene Labre

They are going to vex you.


I have a friend that does research who told me that two prostitutes own and run snopes. One of there “Johns” helped set them up in that business and they have scripts. Same as our news media.


My sister is a retired nurse.
No need to say more….


You’re wrong I checked on Google is a classic.


Have three democrat sisters who love Joe B. and hate Don T. and drive me up a wall too.


honey do not worry…they will face a music…


If snopes says it’s wrong it’s probably right. Snopes is a Silicon Valley operation. Total ds strong hold. Just saying


Totally agree, anything real they try & dismantle.


I know your joy. They think we’re off our rockers. So far as I know I’m one of the only unjabbed in the family besides my now ex sister in law and my two nephews. Watched Pfizer murder my dad after I was unable to talk him out of the two he took a couple years ago. I don’t bother even trying any more either… they just give me a blank stare.


My youngest brother & I are the only 2 out 6 that didn’t get jabbed. Its very frustrating. Like you, I don’t bother anymore.
It’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out. It is refreshing to know that people on this site reaffirm the truth and relate without all the bs.


Once mind controlled by Communist Infiltration Agency methods, only a sharp Mosin Nagant rifle butt to their head can wake them from the delusion.

Actually, I’m not really joking. Study Yuri Brezmonov interviews on YouTube. He was a Soviet defector from the 80’s who revealed the communist methods to brainwash Americans to the sheeple level they are now.

Those interviews are so revealing, I can’t believe the DS and CIA didn’t ban them long ago.


When I get a minute I will look it up. It’s a sad state of affairs that our family members are so brainwashed. A lot of it was
fear, then it went into obedience to the controllers who kept
shoving it on them. Wonder if the rifle butt to the head would work, tho. Lolololol.


Well, sadly, seriously, NOTHING will work. No amount of proof or logic will ever get them to change their minds. Absolute brain wash is the reality of such relatives and ‘friends.’ You just have to let them go.


The good news is, this is a time of dividing. God has made it where most everyone is being revealed for who they always were, ether good or evil, or just plain sheeple, and therefore,…

at least you can identify who is *good.*

Think about it. You DO have friends that have proven themselves to be sensible, loving, kind and wise. Maybe not a whole lot, but some. That’s all we need. As for the rest,.. do what Jesus said to do; ‘from such, turn away.’

Nukken Futz

I’ve got “hip” friends from the counterculture days that lapped this covid shitshow up with a ladel and got their vax brownie cards with all their booster stickers and they feel so coooool now…! These were wunce, very hip people with 4 year degrees that have fallen for this BS baloney show and me and my wife are thinking; WTF are they thinking…., what the hell has happened to them and I can’t get through to them, no matter what I’ve tried to tell them. I’ve never witnessed in my 76 year life of how stupified the rulers have done to the masses, on such a scale…., and they have gotten away with it, so far…….!! I’m completely vexed…..

Sandy Thomas

Your wunce veryhip people–doesn’t even surprise me. I remember how stupid they were back then, when I was just turning 10 and just starting to take note of them.


Saw online a condensed version of Yuri’s 1984 interview with G. Edward Griffin (who wrote THE FED expose THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND). I might have saved a copy but would have to find it again. I think the uploader condensed it down to 10 minutes with only the key, essential material and context–perfect length for people who can’t handle/sit still for longform truther clips like I can (at 3x inside VideoLAN to save time and digest more truther content).

William R Nicholson

CIA & DS are not in control ! Neither is Lucifer , their boss ! Reason that The Georgia Guide Stones were placed up was Creator God Required the Evil One to publish his agenda well in advance ! This requirement is so that no sentient being has the excuse of saying I Did Not Know I Was In An Evil Agenda While I Actually Performed My Own Part In That Evil Agenda ! Every being will not be excused for their role in the plandemic & further depopulation events with excuse they were ignorant. The usual Forty Year Warning period elapsed just prior to the explosive destruction of The Georgia Guide Stones. Evil ones were anxious to destroy that warning symbol THEY were forced to put in full view for forty years. Creator God Is Still In Charge & though DS & CIA think they’re big shots ….. Make sure you never forget Whom THEY Must Obey ! ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Love this post


I watched Yuri over a decade ago, seeing this playout in front of my eyes is eerily truth

Crystal Cheetah

Warn them, just so you know you did your best, but do it for your conscience, without any expectation they’ll actually do it.


Gonna send a few copies of these articles to them and then to hell with it.


No. You’re wasting your time. Stop it. Go your way and don’t stand in their way of going to hell.

They’ve been told and they made a choice to believe the lie. They love the lie. You love the truth.

Have peace about that. Arguing will NOT convince them, and t will just burn you out.

Study ‘narcissistic personality disorder,’ aka, a stubborn jackass headed to hell. Worst of all, they do it just to get a kick out of us getting riled up. A narc likes to see us get emotional. They feed off of it! They are, emotional vampires.

So, stop it. Stop having conversations with the children of the devil.

Carol B.

Every situation is different, ask your Father God what to do about each individual person….sometimes you only plant a seed, better not to have blood on your hands when you see God.

Rene Labre

One of his holy names is wonderful counselor.


The soulless creatures inhabiting earth.


Children of devil? Your insane.

There just brainwashed. Not evil.


Point well taken. It’s called casting pearls before swine…

Rene Labre

If you don’t believe that try to argue with a troll here and see where you get make it public. one guy went after the bot everybody knows is not me,it’s a cheap bot, called me Rene Retard. angry at first,It became very funny to me. I thought about making it my screen name. A fool only rages and scoffs.


Pathetic, actually. If that is the first thing that comes to their mind I have to wonder about them. Like they are still in grade school.


There is no bigger narcissist on this planet than donald “ the jew” trump. He calls himself “ the chosen one”, if you people had any discernment at all that would tell you all you need to know.


My family doesn’t listen to me either. They think I am crazy


My two children and I are the black sheep in my family because we are unvaccinated. My mother told me I was a conspiracy theorist…she didn’t see us for two years because she was afraid we would give her covid. The ironic part is she gave my daughter and me covid this past January when we went to see her in the hospital. My sister and her had all 5 shots.

Carol B.

Wow, yes, she is the one who gave it to you……..guess that she will never understand……hmm


Vladimir Putin sent 3 ships to help the people on Maui, while Joe the incestor takes his ‘candy’ in the basement again and sends another $40,000,000,000.00 to the Ukraine, and gives the citizens and residents of Maui $700.00 for the losses of their families, friends, homes, properties, businesses, while making sure with FEMA and the Black Hats the fire victims get no help, no food,, no escape,, no shelter, no medical care, tainted water, no rescue,, and stopping every humanitarian effort coming their way,

Twitter. com/ ShadowofEzra/ status/ 1697382879792087244?t=h3fuktPUri4Hz-kxivzv7A&s=19


Praying that Putin also sent his best men along with those ships!


Your not crazy.. just awake.. 💞


Mine doesn’t either, I’m a conspiracy theorist…lol, funny thing is all my conspiracies came true.

Carol B.

Tell them that Noah was also a conspiracy theorist, until the rains came…..

Angela James

My sister is one of the most conservative, patriotic Trump supporters there is. She refused masks and the shot. She had huge Trump flags and anti-Biden flags on her tall poles in front of her house. But for the life of me, I can’t get her to believe any of these articles, even when I point out the real JAG officers and detailed evidence in the tribunals. It doesn’t make sense. We have to agree to disagree or our relationship would end.


Because these “ articles” are complete garbage ass bullshit. Wake the fuck up. 🙄

Carol B.

yes, I know the feeling….


I wonder & worry about the same thing for my clueless and unbelieving family members.

William R Nicholson

Maggie , buy the book released by Ed Dowd and after they learn to both read and understand the basic statistics that Ed reveals …… they Might Awaken if you feed them some hot spicy Mexican burritos followed by Gallons of Navy Desk Cleaner …… Good Luck ! I gave up on my over indoctrinated university grads in my family ! They don’t yet believe that their poop stinks unless Lawn Gnome Fauci says so ……… Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

John .S

Don’t try to convince the ignorant. Tell them once of potential adversity, and speak of probabilities, then they’re on their own. No arm twisting, nor relentless pleas. Yo-Yo meaning: “you’re on your own”, simple as that.

Hurricane Sandy rolled my way, told friends and neighbors prior to gear-up, acquire portable generator & submersible pumps, they rolled the dice, handicapping Laws of Averages, and crapped-out.

Adage: Yo-Yo.


Yes, I am trying to make my peace over it. My sister in Californication won’t answer or comment on anything Trump.
What can I expect from the land of fruit, nuts and honey?

Ignorance is bliss to some of them.
They live in their own little worlds.

“But I’m a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood.”

~The Animals~

Carol B.

You are ok, they are the indoctrinated…..not you

John .S

You did your job ringing the alarm, bringing awareness, not culpable of misfeasance.

Could say, warning given: “Bridge is out ahead”, whereas others – “driving that train, high on cocaine”.

Derailment a head, most times: “things are better left unsaid” after the fact, avoiding salting wounds in yelping: “told-ya so – should have listened”.

Often people can hear, whereas they don’t know how to listen, there’s no helping them.


would putting it in a microwave work…not on of course…to act like a faraday cage?


You know, that might work on a non-5G-capable phone. It sure couldn’t hurt!

Stinky Perfume

My verizon phone didn’t have a signal stopper until I did all 3 steps. 1. Put it in a lead fold up dental cap. 2. put the phone inside the cap into a metal box. 3. Put all that into the metal file cabinet.

William R Nicholson

If you keep that up for a few more steps , just be ready to be sued from Fabrege’ Egg Folks that make endless eggs within eggs …… If they sue , you’ll get out of it easily by claiming , ” You cannot have eggs sue ham ! “


Just wrap the phone in copper mesh, and you’ll be good to go.

Stinky Perfume

Put in in there, call it up from another phone.


It’s the only way to be sure…


Nooooo 🇺🇲


My good man, if you have not yet acquired your very own InfoWars cell phone faraday bag,.. you’re basically screwed.


Getting mine right now! Thanks, EdBob.


I’m not that cell phone savvy but a friend and I tried some experiments in isolating our cell phones. Yes putting in the microwave worked beautifully. The phone did not work as it couldn’t receive any signals. What else worked was the refrigerator, washing machine, all metal garbage can, no glass window oven. This was with my 3g Samsung phone so I don’t know about 5g. I’ll bet an all metal bread box would work as well. Also wrapped it up in Al foil and electronic nickel bag. The electronic nickel bag wasn’t so effective.


Use the ‘phone call’ test on every cage that you expect to not let you down in an attack.


How about pull out the phone battery and SIM. Card, put them into a small cookie tin, put the phone in a medium size cookie tin, put both of those in a larger cookie tin and put them in the microwave. You can cover the microwave glass window with aluminum foil. Should work well.


Awful lot of discussion for something that might happen . Everyone here is quite paranoid and only feeds the tin foil hat crowd .

William R Nicholson

What worked beautifully for me was throwing away my cell phones years ago. If someone wants to contact me they wait till I’m home at computer and we video call in comfort and no people overhearing our private calls ( except usual NSA evesdroppers ) Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


The situation: (prior post I made)

https ://realrawnews. com/2023/06/jag-frees-jeff-sessions-drops-all-charges/#comment-497249

To stymie those guys, try this (prior post I made)

https ://realrawnews. com/2023/05/dhs-to-restart-disinformation-governance-board/#comment-485953

NOTE: The first two YouTube links were from truther Brendon O’Connell. Sadly, YouTube scrubbed his channel and the Intel Management Engine ‘remote control over the internet’ backdoor expose segment in a longer documentary he did about such high-tech matters. He had paid money to legally prevent YouTube from scrubbing his channel but they did it anyway. Maybe he is somewhere else online now. If you want to read more about his battles with the bad guys as he warns/informs others about the inroads they make in computer technology, read his story contained in this large, 100 MB UNHCR application PDF file at the link below:

https ://mega. nz/file/JyJHCKTB#BGtV8pRIxqPQwzRy3cn2kJF_MzWbp4yDbnYJzs9YoCs


Yes. A mic is shielded against leakage

William R Nicholson

Perry , microwave oven won’t work ! Leave your phone on and ringer loud. Place in oven and close door , call your phone from another device. If phone rings in microwave , you’ve just proven that your too cheap to buy a discounted faraday bag on Amazon or eBay . Quit being cheap. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Andrew Stevano

I have an InfoWars Faraday pouch for my phone that renders it undetectable.


Yep. Got one o those – tested- works like a champ.

.. aw hell,.. where did I put it!?


Good….I just ordered one of those from Amazon. I will turn off my phone and put it in that little bag. Thanks for mentioning it.

Carol B.

what now on Amazon do we search for…..what right wording please…?


faraday bag for phones. You can also buy them for Ipads (tablets) and laptops.


You should be using it daily and nightly. Just sayin’

Carol B.

lol lol


Where did you get it?




I just bought one from Amazon.


Me too.


Wil definetely check it out! Thanks!


Forgot about the SIM card.
Please keep us up on any changes in their plan… Thanks!


Thank you MB!


Removing the battery from my phone.




Iphones never truly switch off, your best bet is to block the signal via a Faraday pouch/bag. You can pick one up online. Some of us purchased from Amazon. Check around.


I can’t get into mine.


There’s always a way. It’s just harder for most cell phones nowadays.


You can do that? Is your phone from the Permian Epoch? Lol, just kidding.

Louie Louie

Too much work. See my comment of above.


This is exactly what they want you to do. It’s a trap, beware.


paintin my roof blue is too much work.


I just got an estimate to do that?.. too funny you mentioned the blue paint.. 😆

Stinky Perfume

Sounds like there’s a secret battery in every cell phone.


Snowden showed us that this is true several years ago.


Yes, but not do much a battery but an isolated SoC, which runs independently of the phones operating system, and on extremely low power capacity.


enough for a few (or more) quick pings, I’d bet.

William R Nicholson

Mike , if you have faraday cage , even small one connected to good copper wire and wire connected to five or six foot metal pole driven into the most moist soil on your property , it will entirely shield your device , taking sim out doesn’t matter if no signal can get in. Wrap the copper weave fabric all around and ground it . Nothing extra fancy needed & BS about needing everything in a special insulator within the blanket is all BS meant to get you into twilight zone. Don’t believe it . Hope whoever is removing my posts , has your authorization. Many disappeared today. If you need medical , get hold of me directly & I will give you my doctor’s. They cannot be beat . Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


I’ve worked in the Radio Frequency electronics industry an effective poor man’s Faraday Cage can be made by taking two pieces of copper mesh screen and sewing them between a piece of holofill like the material used in pillows or to stuff toy bears with. Keep each piece of copper screen material from touching each other and you have a very effective Faraday cage


My new phone no longer has a sim card. I hope the patriots can reverse this surveillance state equipjment they have pushed on us.


So pulling the battery out, and sealing it up in my microwave won’t work? Just a thought!


How do you do that? At my age I am lucky to be able to turn on my cell let alone mess with everything. Oh Yeah. About 3 years ago someone showed me how to send and receive text messages. Then later I learned to use the camera, then about 2 mos. ago I figured out how to send my photos elsewhere. And I am only 80 and 8 months. Whoopee!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Like anyone would want to find any of you goyim fools. They’re not worried about you idiots, your to stupid to survive.




got to stay ten steps ahead of your enemies.

thats what im doing.


easier to survive that way. risk factors involved. but, screw it. every man or women for themselves.

only the strongest survives.

William R Nicholson

There is no way you can trust any phone to give you real control of it ! Just because you own it in theory doesn’t mean the govt really let’s you own it ! Long time FCC Regulation Part 15 subsection B & C , states the design MUST Accept Outside Interference that MAY Cause Unwanted Operation or Interference , in order to be as accepted within FCC Compliance ! Get It ? That rule still in effect today allows all your FCC compliant devices to be remotely controlled & monitored , to this very moment ! You can run , you can hide , Butt you still cannot Escape ! You’re In The Roach Motel ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke ,


Not unless you suppress your emotions.

They won’t detect you.


On the last Juan O Savin with Spaceshot, Senor Boots told us that there would be an EBS October 4 at 2:20 E.S.T. Do I remember this correctly? Maybe it was Rodriguez. But I know that Boots told us about EBS in Oct. How can Boots be wrong? He is Q.


“Boots”? Now that is too funny. Thanks for making my day.

Legalize Freedom

What’s an ESB?


EBS is or was the acronym of the Emergency Broadcast System that goes way back to Conalrad in the ’50’s and I think has a slightly different name now. It was part of the Matrix, the function of which was, in part, to keep us in a constant state of fear. Our war now is the first with 2 genuine adversaries since the Rothschilds picked Napoleon. The rest were scripted roughly.


” 640 or 1240 on the AM dial.”


That was discontinued 40 years ago. Maybe more


Ahhh. The Rothschilds and the Rockerfucks


Emergency Broadcast System


EBS not ESB.


you mean EBS? As in Emergency Broadcast System?

Stinky Perfume

The season is past other trouble they can blame it on, so they probably plan to switch the EBS/EAS warning to the seasonal flu, whatever name again. AND another lockdown of course goes along with it. Drills often accompany a real deal. It’s often been said the same day the EBS/EAS warning comes out is the same day the military goes into their extra action. This guy sees it this way: tiktok. com/@loki. 10/video/7272025276270267691?

He’s heavily disputed on his TikTok site. Another retired marine claims the same job and said he shouldn’t post this because it’s treason. I believe it depends on which side your on if it’s treason or not.


Yes, and now they are heavily pushing the seasonal flu shot.
They just don’t give up.


Yeah Restored Republic said that too that it was in Oct.


I’m sorry, but will suggest you’re putting your trust in the wrong person. Also, he is not Q.
What does Derek Johnson say?


Now that you mention it, I’m gonna look up Derek Johnson.
Thanks for the idea.


See Episode 26.


Excellent. I listened to Episode 26 and it was fantastic. Could not believe that the bookmark president Bite-Me actually signed that
Executive order #13848 until I finished listening. Yes, it is the
“cattle call” that creeps me out as these people cast us into the role of the enemy. Thanks for your input, always outstanding.


I told my wife yesterday that we will be shutting everything off prior to this, knowing that THEY always announce their evil deeds first. I knew this was not from the good guys.


How do you disable it?


Depending on what phone you have.

Find the app settings. Then type in so and you find everything that’s on it. Turn them all off.


“Then type in sos and you find everything”.


These phones have become too clever. I would purchase a Faraday bag, available from many sources, I got mine from Faraday Defense . com. But they’re offered everywhere.
A friend of mine has a phone that turns itself back on whenever he starts his car. Friggin’ homing device! Scary.


The iphones in particular becomes a homing beacon when used with air tags. When tags ping back to the iPhone, a msg is sent to Apple HQ advising them of the phone owners location. Similar to latest Bluetooth tech.


Crap!… nanny state gone berserk…


And just plain creepy.

Diana Barahona

” . . . wealthy Beyond the Dreams of Avarice” is from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986). Turns out the movie was based on a true story about a real Enterprise, which was used to pick up Nessie (the Loch Ness monster) from where she was being kept in a tank at Area 51, and take her and her calf? mate? to another planet. (Click on my name to watch that interview)


For sci-fi writers, the backstory of the Cabal will provide a mach-3 launchpad. All seven of my novels from years ago are getting truer and truer and if this keeps up they will morph into historical anachronisms.


Will a Faraday bag work as well?


really good question!!!!


Yes. They work, I’ve been using one for years. Phone complains “loss of service” when stuck in there.


It’s easy to test once you get one.

Ultrafart the Brave

Dude, any highly electrically conductive encapsulation will do the trick.

Alfoil is cheap and available to everyone. If you can wrap a fish, you can wrap a phone. Just put the phone in a plastic bag first, and give it a couple of layers to screen it off from the outside world.

Even a decent tin can with a tight fitting metal lid will do – or maybe a can inside another can if you’re really pedantic.

This isn’t rocket science.


Got me self confused, you said next month so I’m thinking Sept. Then I pulled up the FEMA text and see it corresponds with the bottom of your comment….



Just wrapped my smart meter today via 3 sheets of aluminum foil. And put a sign up No Trespassing with name of Power Co.

Cut 3 sheets 12×24 snip corners wrap tight then wrap around the base with more rolled up tin foil and I duct taped the entire meter.


Only 9 states allow you to opt out of your smart meter….mine does not. Even though the State Supreme Court says we should have the right, they also say good luck in trying to get it enforced.

The more I read the more I feel we’ve been set up…they control all the cards……


I had mine removed and in Calif too!


I have been through hell & back with my power company. They forced a smart meter on me at the start of a cold snap, threatening to cut off power. The technicians show up with police when they anticipate trouble.
Those things put out lots of radio/microwave signals, every 30 seconds. Plus the dirty electricity pulses throughout the home.


This whole scene is reminiscence of them forcing the vaxx upon us via mandates……

We have absolute proof that 5G creates the exact same adverse respiratory effects as covid, but no one will listen they have a non stop agenda and we’re the unfortunate recipients.


Mandates are not laws. No one can force a jab on anyone. Nuremburg ring a bell?
I cant believe they will try this BS a 2nd time ! Good luck with it this time!!


In theory that’s correct, in the field of reality: flying/job requirements/medical procedures/schools have by their powerful lobbies have forced many into getting the jab.

Tonight Trumps message loud and clear we will not comply again to masks/lockdowns/social distancing/vaccines.


Looked it up and in Michigan, if you opt out, they charge you more
money per month, the dang, rotten friggin thieves.


I’d rather pay more then have it emanating and causing harm to my family and pets. It sucks but at least you have the option. 🇺🇲


I had my smart meter removed. I’m back to digital.


back to analog I think you meant. CA…whouda believed?


Did they fight you about it? Put you on a non compliance list? Just curious.


What is a smart meter?


The round glass with digital numbers that sits in a metal box bringing electricity to the building.


The elec meter itself? Wrap it in heavy tinfoil so you can’t see the face/ front of it? What will it do if we don’t?. I have 2 elec poles.. one is smart the other is dumb ( analog).. 😆


yes, the entire glass enclosure. Wrap thoroughly down to the base, where the metal box meets the glass.

In this video the guy was reading with an EMF reader, when he covered the box the reading went to zero, uncovered went as high as 56….so it works.

I looked into it a year ago, had a cover on order, cancelled and forgot about it.
This year I continue to loose my plantings/bushes on the side of the house. I have a butterfly bush butterflies. I had a ground nest of bees in the bed….gone. No more birds….gone Even the cat doesn’t hang out there.

I have 2 elec poles.. one is smart the other is dumb ( analog)” Not sure if you have to Polish lovers or just pulling my leg on this…..


Just as important….put your router in a Faraday (like) cage. You can make your own. put the router in a box, punch holes for connectivity and thoroughly wrap in tin-foil covering everything. Place in a cabinet or drawer to provide extra coverage as long as the signal is still viable.


I will turn my phone off too. Thanks for the heads up.

Julian Metter

Thank you Michael, these advisements are much appreciated.


Thanks for the heads-up. My current cellphone keeps asking me to install more stuff on it and I have to carefully decline. Remember the old saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”? Who knows, I wouldn’t be surprised if the DS uses this test to plant ‘bugs’ or outright ‘malware’ on phones. I hope I can remember to keep the phone off at that time–it is ‘sealed up and I cannot remove the battery.

Truther Brendon O’Connell reported about the Intel Management Engine backdoor in modern 2006 and after PCs — including equivalent unwanted tech in AMD-based PCs. Sadly, Brendon’s YouTube page (that he paid money to legally protect from deletion) was finally scrubbed as well as his page on Brighteon so I currently cannot link to it anymore (for now?). Hopefully Brendon found another place online to post his excellent truther clips on and I will be able to find them again someday.

His UN (Political) Refuge Application (a large 100MB PDF file) is still online at

https ://mega. nz/file/JyJHCKTB#BGtV8pRIxqPQwzRy3cn2kJF_MzWbp4yDbnYJzs9YoCs

and has a extensive first hand account of his battles with the bad guys and their helpers to shut him up (permanently?) to stop him from sharing the excellent, researched bits of truth that he does.

This highly recommended truther


https ://rumble. com/user/DoctorPatriot

hasn’t posted a new clip since 2023-08-21 as of this post (2023-08-30). I hope he hasn’t met with foul play but might have been suspended from posting by Rumble or is livestreaming (exclusively?) on Telegram. The URLs to his 2 known Telegram channels are mentioned in some of his past truther clips but I will warn you that it appears to be paywalled over there to both help support him and to surely keep the (paid DS) trolls and spam/scam bot wranglers out.

Thank you, Michael Baxter, for not paywalling RRN and the valuable news stories that you post here. Unfortunately, there are (paid DS) trolls and scam/spam bot wranglers that post here but fortunately, that problem isn’t as bad now as it was when I first found this website quite some time ago. Thank you for your efforts to keep RRN online and the valuable information you post here. 🙂


Veteran truther Jim Stone re-appeared after a 2-month ‘forced’ hiatus with his excellent research into the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the man-made devastation in Maui. Please have a look at it if you want to for full details about Maui and the ‘forced’ hiatus below that.

http ://www. voterig. com/.um1.html


Lotta good info in your post, fair use !

I was happy and relieved to see JimStone reappear several days ago. He is one of the warriors; I was wondering if he had finally been ‘neutralized’.

I had read many years ago about those new ‘infiltration’ standards they were demanding of computer systems. They ALL have mandated wi-fi systems on them that are only ‘remotely available’, so as to allow unfettered spying by agents. The only way to avoid them poking around is when the things are turned off AND unplugged (otherwise they can remotely turn on our machines and spy). I remember thinking: There is no way to be on my machine with ANY privacy. I thought back to the days of 486 PCs with the ‘hard’ on/off switch, compared to the pentium electronic switch.
This is one reason that Gates, et. al. were pushing for “wi-fi everywhere”…
How exciting, eh?

Stinky Perfume

IDK what kind of man flies spaceships but I think that’s where DEW is coming from. There’s man made human evil in the mix for fires. Wind created from whoever can control weather because there was not rain in the “hurricane winds” that really blow self assembling buring fire nano bots around and make obvious fire rivers.


I hope in the meantime, the White Hats locate their transmitter and blow it to high heaven.


In Michigan for the last month, the TEST for EBS had gone off almost nightly for
2 weeks. Now it has stopped. It always came on right before “Jeopardy.”


So, play along EBS for $200 🙂




How about $400 for double jeopardy. Lolol.




so basically its shutdown for good.


Praying that they get the location before Oct. 4th.

Legalize Freedom

What would the ping back to FEMA do?


Good question.
What is the danger?


The thing I’m afraid of is them locating “the right” people and using DEW on us.


Ill be getting some blue tarps at Harbor Freight!!


The color blue will not stop DEW. That was BS. And if they can ‘adjust’ frequencies to eliminate certain colors from damage from DEWs wouldn’t they just change the color frequency and make it red or chartruese just to screw with everyone next time?


The certain shade of blue has a frequency believe it or not.. The mathematics adds up to 6.66.. weird shit.. 😲

Ultrafart the Brave

In general terms, you’re absolutely correct.

Blue items are more likely to reflect rather than absorb energy from a blue laser (that’s why said items appear blue, after all) and that’s what is being shown with those burning coloured fabric videos – but it’s wishful thinking for anyone to presume that the next Directed Enregy Weapon that they encounter is going to be a blue laser.

And FWIW, that’s gotta be one big-ass laser frying and melting all those hundreds of cars on the highways and roads – even melting their engine blocks UNDERNEATH their intact hoods.

I’d suspect that the “blue items surviving” thing has been a planned misdirection as part of the overall Maui false flag operation. As you suggest – the whole laser narrative is probably BS.


Omg.. way cheaper then painting everything that certain blue.. 👍


Location tracking I would think.

1. IP Address (maybe also MAC) ping to FEMA.
2. Cross tab to Google or Apple account usage, the latter uses ‘User id’ which can link many of your services together.
3. Cross tab to Social Media accounts if you use them. Particularly through share and like buttons.
4. Triangulate User location through phone connection, id’ed via Mac address or IP.
5. Browser identification through fingerprinting.

Danger? I think so.


Probably Connects to our med records… are we vax’ed…? There is a feature on iphones that tracks that stuff unless you turn it off and even then they’ll get it one way or another. I just updated my iphone but can’t remember how or what to turn off… anyone have that info? I’m sure it’s something that they boot back up every time.


Excellent reminder and info.
Thank you.

John .S

Track whereabouts of FEMA public employees Berl Jones Jr. and Donald Roth in possibility of finding those alleged transmitters, hmm, Denver?

Someone Else

Please clarify. As far as I know, it’s still August?

“Nationwide test next month” would be September, not October 4th.


Ck the Fema link people posted for the exact date.

Someone Else

I’m not clicking any links on here, especially to them!

Usual Suspect

A ziplock bag in the fri isn’t good enough?


no, has to be layers of metal.


or at least, completely sealed and inside-insulated metal.



virginia hicks

mine for sure will be OFF!

James Abbott

At this point I’m ready for death. I choose not to be afraid of anything else. Since the black hats know we’re all gonna disable our phones on Oct 4th, couldn’t they just set it off a week before? And if the white hats have one too, why wouldn’t they set off theirs before hand to beat them to it? It doesn’t make sense to me.

Guillaume DesChamp

What good will turning off your phone do? If you have a phone, they can already track you.

Someone Else

I agree.

This smells fishy.


It’s exactly what they want you to do. It’s a trap.


I carry my phone around in a Faraday cage as a matter of routine when out and about. I remove it from the cage only when I need to make a call and at times known only by my friends and relatives for a short time should contact be necessary. When at home I check for messages, then bag the phone again. This arrangement is not fool proof but the best I can do.
Michael, have you considered the DS may change the time and date without warning to catch everyone out? They read this site and will prepare accordingly.

Guillaume DesChamp

You could just get a landline….


Two empty cans of beans and a long piece of string. For more exotic use, try a carrier pigeon.

Guillaume DesChamp

Why even bother? Most people aren’t worth talking to anyway.


All we would hear is the guy on the other end farting!

Someone Else

Ironically, these things we call phones are good at everything except a phone.


LOL! So funny 😆


Faraday bags on ebay


After wrapping the phone and putting it in the microwave you could put the microwave in the dishwasher. Sound like a plan?

Warren Pease

Then turn on the radar oven and the dishwasher for that one hour.



star fleet

Better to ask a basic question then to never know the answer… So what danger will happen to us if our phones are on during that one hour window of expected EBS? If our phone pings, what it the impending danger?


Being pinged into oblivion.


Legit question.


MB: Why don’t you put this alert out as a separate article? Seems important.


Or to more social media.


Thank you Michael for the update. I also was told there is a back up date of Oct 11th in case Oct 4 th didn’t go as planned.. 🇺🇲


Will this alert be a presidential alert which you may not be able to disable On some phones?
Or will it be a lesser alert or should you just turn off your phone. At the time.


Apparently you didn’t read what he said. He said they gave him permission to report on FEMA’s EAS for Oct. 4 and he would have the article out in the next couple of days.!!!


Thank you for removing username Pete from this board MB. He would’ve turned this discussion upside down. 👍


Lol MB didn’t remove me, you dork. I just haven’t been on here for a couple days.


And Harrison and Ethel.


Just do not know what a “ping” is nor a smart meter.
Wouldn’t the cars, garage door and thermostat’s that have the capability to be online get ping also. Never turned mine on. Still get ping?
Thanks for your help.

Crystal Cheetah

Took a screenshot of your tweet and shared on facebook, tagging American friends.

Ultrafart the Brave

On the subject of mobile phones and cell towers – what would Walter White do?

Just saying.


Who is Walter White?

Ultrafart the Brave

aka Heisenberg – the best damn chemist, scientific generalist and prospective meth kingpin the world has ever seen.

He broke REAL bad.


“Broke?” Is that some street vernacular?

Ultrafart the Brave

I recommend you invest in the full 10 season DVD set of the TV series “Breaking Bad”.

I 100% guarantee you’ll not regret it.


The white hats should send their own test at the same date/time, just before time actually. That would screw up the black hat test. I am very familiar with the equipment used at radio, TV stations, and cable operators.


Yes, scramble that son a beatch.. ✔️😆🇺🇲

Eve Bright

Hi Michael, should I warn my siblings who are in l the U.K. & Philippines that date to turned off their cell phone that time?


Wonder if the vaxxed become zombie’s?


Arent they already?


nope, just mindless slaves.

the only zombies will get are drauger types.


vikings were pretty much everywhere at onetime. so will see draugers.

did you know all farms are on buriel grounds of vikings runes?


Solution A: Wrap the phone tightly in aluminum foil. Solution B: Placing the phone into a microwave oven with the door closed should work as well as a Faraday cage. (Don’t power up the microwave.) To prove this out, place your phone into the oven with door shut and try to call it. The phone should not ring and the call should go directly to voicemail. If it does ring while in the oven then you need a new microwave oven.


What will that do to people who got the C19 shot and have metals in them?


Great tip! Could save lives.

Chris G

Would removing the battery and SIM card from a phone be enough protection?


Good people like Ed Snowden have shown that phones made in the last several years have soldered-in, auxiliary mini-batteries that are unremoveable.


now that european law of removeable batteries will change that.


So they’re going to “ping/zap” the people who still have their phones on? Where’s Iron Man and Captain America.


We are them


only the stupid ones.

Judy White

It’s all mumbo-jumbo to those of us not tech-savvy!!!

Carol B.

yes, please keep reminding us……we so appreciate you and keep you in our prayers….always


Disable.. like in turn off .. or is there some way to do it by software in phone?


Why does it matter if they ping back to fema? What will happen?


My phone will be off too.

Doyle knight

What happens if your phone gets pinged


I like how he slips in that his original story about “white hats taking Mt Weather” is brushed aside because it was absolute nonsense with this garbage.

There is no such thing as white hats, Mt Weather has always been in the hands of the brutal dictatorship.

Duane Linn

Thanks Mike.

Duane Linn

So, just to be clear… phones powered off, wrapped in foil, and placed in a Faraday box on the 4th and 11th of October between the hours of Noon and 2 PM just to be on the safe side?

This stuff is all new to me. I’m a theologian, not a tech geek.

Thank you again, Mike. 🙏


Once you unhide it, won’t the EAS still come in? Does anyone know if the phone will just queue it until the phone is turned back on?


I think I will wrap my phone in a nice copper mesh blanket on that day


The wall calendar is now marked and the phones will be off that day. Thank you Michael. Know…. that you are in the company of the angels all day, & all night long, every day!


Mine and my family will be OFF, place it in a microwave. A microwave is insulated. Makes a perfect Faraday cage.

Robert James

If there’s still a FEMA in a month. I hope not.


Why don’t the White Hats send out their own EAS message at 1:00 PM encouraging everyone to turn off their phones and leave off for 4 hours. Say it is to test their new system.

Cutie Quail

I just wrote a note to stick on the calendar!

Marta Limberg

Thank you for this vital information.


I’ll be off too. Thx

Surf Nazare

It would sure be interesting to know how they took command of FEMA stronghold. Not doubting you believe what you are posting but it would take a major invasion to take over what is a massive DUMB if I may use that term. It is in the mountains and valley that runs indefinitely. It will be in several states underground if not even to the likes of Colorado. Just an observation. There are also around 77 broadcast stations around country newest being New Orleans. My hat goes off to them, you could have a major WW3 and would be difficult to take them. Bluemont/Berryville/Purcellville and most likely deep into WV.——-and no telling how many layers. I can’t imagine taking it with even 50 to 100 Marines. It was maintained to with stand bombing and securing the rich folks. Just a few ignorant thoughts and ponderings—–I happen to live in the Shenandoah Valley and is protected by 2 mountain ranges with access to DC and several major cities—-But a major key is they have 77 broadcast stations to operate from—–Am waiting for your enlightenment. The govt has tentacles we can’t even imagine—-


Will this “test” damage your phone?


Hey Michael why don’t they White Hats use their EAS ahead of FEMA’s EAS to warn people about it?
Why don’t the White Hats use their EAS for anything at all, my guy? Why have they been sitting on it for a year and a half now, doing absolutely jack shit with it? 🙃

Surf Nazare

I am reluctant to post anything else but they already have you tracked—–most phones have the app on it and as to tv’s—they are always cutting in with Emergency testing to notify in case of an emergency—–If you haven’t already protected your id then good luck with all the stuff you are doing—-You are already fried from 5g if you have internet and or wifi—-do you think you are somehow dodging all the microwave goodies especially when you are holding it next to your privates when sitting and looking at your phone—–OH wait you will be ok if you hold it up next to your head—–rocks might not be to hurt from the microwave—-lol—–Klaus Schwab just got caught—-he has been paying people to start fires—-shock I know—lol—–pull up a world wide view of fires around the world——the whole world is on fire—–not kidding !!!!!!!!! Yet worry about your phone Oct. 4th—–your house will probably already be on fire by then—–another idea—-why not put your phone in the microwave—-just a thought—everything else will be fried but your phone will be ok—–wrap it in something blue—–DEW for some reason doesn’t seem to burn blue as good as other stuff—–have a nice day—-

Stinky Perfume

5G takes a way stronger signal blocker. I put the phone in a x-ray lead cap, it folds up well. No good, phone rings. I put the phone in the lead cap into a little steel box. Phone still rings. Put the phone in the lead cap in the steel box in the file cabinet. It blocked the signal.

Nukken Futz

The KM is aware of this impending collapse. In a sign this might come right after the September 30th US Corporate fiscal year-end, FEMA, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) this fall. Messages will be sent to all TVs, radios and cell phones.

Susie Q

Hope and pray that you’re doing well and feeling better, Michael.

CONservative DEMocrat

I actually grew up in a generational farm life. Wells, pumps-no running water. Electricity was minimal service. No A/C. Heat was coal boiler w/ glorious radiated heat-no forced air. No store bought food, save for kosher salt and sugar (might have been more, but only products we couldn’t produce ourselves, and only products that were needed in the preservation and production of our homegrown foods.
We used to swap recipes. Now, we’re swapping info on faraday cages.
If this is progress…..keep it. Take me back to life, the way it was intended for us to live.


Vladimir Putin sent 3 ships to help the people on Maui, while Joe the incestor takes his ‘candy’ in the basement again and sends another $40,000,000,000.00 to the Ukraine, and gives the citizens and residents of Maui $700.00 for the losses of their families, friends, homes, properties, businesses, while making sure with FEMA and the Black Hats the fire victims get no help, no food,, no escape,, no shelter, no medical care, tainted water, no rescue,, and stopping every humanitarian effort coming their way,

Twitter. com/ ShadowofEzra/ status/ 1697382879792087244?t=h3fuktPUri4Hz-kxivzv7A&s=19


What could happen if FEMA pings your phone?


Not a damn thing. 🙄


What I do is up to me EVERYDAY !!!


Another “scientist” from #Virginia. A #Harvard “peer.” 😇

😂😂 Must see her spouse/partner too. “Leadership” Strikes Again! 😂😂

Allison Tappan

We need to bring all these Evil doers to justice. However, They are trying to pull thus shit again. So does this mean someone is going to take her place.
Keep making the Jab. I am grateful for everything thing the Marines have done. Thank you.


Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Like Election Interference, it is just another “trick” being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, to again steal an Election that their candidate, the WORST, MOST INCOMPETENT, & MOST CORRUPT President in U.S. history, is incapable of winning in a Free and Fair Election.


Vote these corrupt democrat thugs OUT. Vote them out 2024!

Brigid Bardont

This POS lives in my part of the world. Without my permission. S/he must’ve been hiding out at her mother’s or inherited her house. No one lives in Everett unless they have to. I truly doubt she was wearing heels, too.

Brigid Bardont

Well, that’s a fine time to give yourself a booster!


What day is judgement day for this soon to be a corpse PofS.


Watch out for “ THE JEW FLU”!!!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 why would any of you dumb shits give a fuck if you get an eas alert on your phone regardless of who it’s from? Big fucking deal. 🤣🤣🙄🙄 you people are fucking retarded.


My guess is that the syringe held cyanide.


I want them to start arresting the crooked judges and attorneys prosecuting Trump and others unfairly.

Allison Tappan

I definitely agree with getting these Lieing sacks of sick off the benches and in jail or Gitmo even better. At least justice will be served.

Ann Augustine

Melissa – such a feminine name for what is obviously a man


Deep state probably making a clone of this
murderer as I type this comment.

Mark David

The most effective way to disable your cell phones is to turn them off and put them in your microwave, on HI for 5 minutes. Guaranteed to work.


What is with these people? They know they are going to face a military tribunal. Yet continue to perpetuate their crimes. They have no shame.


How many Americans need to die before the rest of the US population wakes up!


The deep staters are all into suicide as their easy escape from justice. They actually carry around death syringes just in case!! So little regard for their lives and other human lives. Those who commit suicide in this life, go directly to the hellish planets for their “new” life.

Guillaume DesChamp

Don’t turn off your phones!

The DS will be monitoring which phones drop off the network, and then come back on after the test. They’ll know those are patriot phones!


I strongly encourage all to get very familiar with Anna Von Reitz articles as she being the Fiduciary of our United States of America she has a world of knowledge and where all the frauds to our country are buried.


Robert Gregory Boensch

September 4

What’s important is this: White Hats have encouraged their own to DISABLE their phones between 2:00 and 3:00 pm EST October 4, as the phones could ping back to FEMA.



We’ll see.


JAB her

Sandy Koufax

Sever her inoculated arm and deposit it on the whitehouse lawn.


Lolololololololol. Just picturing the arm out there
on the whitehouse lawn.

Mark David

Flopping around with a life of it’s own, every time it is hit with 5G radiation.


A fkn salute to our stupendous military personnel …. we are forever indebted.


Found online:

https :// rumble. com/v3dfhd3-beginning-in-septemberbo-polny-and-clay.html

Skip to to 3:14 and start watching there to save time [30 second ‘buy gold’ ad at 37:23 and ‘ad breaks’ at 48:45 – 51:44 and 53:35 – 56:32].

Detailed Vivek Ramaswamy expose into his (biotech) business affairs and connections to the Plandemic and to his ‘instant’ rise to billionaire status. Money shot inside the yellow ‘thought balloon’ shown at 25:41 basically proving the USD is now ‘dead man walking’. Includes content on Kim Clement and (KJV) Bible prophecy.

BONUS: Link to Vivek’s ‘top 10’ list shown in the above clip.

https ://timetofreeamerica. com/vivek-ramaswamy/


https ://timetofreeamerica. com/vivek-ramaswamy/

Go – Look & See!

Carol B.

Her trial will be easy, she is as guilty as guilty can be, and not sorry for it either…..


Local news: ‘Nebraska 911 centers experiencing outages’.
Weirder and weirder.


At or about 2026 on 8-31-23, I received a County wide 911 emergency alert. Only other time this occurred that I am aware of was beginning of tornado season 2022.
Very strange.


I’ve been looking for faraway backpacks and bags on Amazon and if you read the reviews, 1 star, people are saying they don’t really work. They tested them and they failed. I tried other sites mentioned below but they are the same brands as on Amazon. Can anyone post a link for a better, dependable bag?


Yes, I can.

John .S

Super Blue Moon 8/30 get out and photo. Bad stuff happens on moons like that. More than likely we’ll hear a death of someone of prominence.


I heard the Deep State painted the moon blue so that they wouldn’t accidentally set it on fire with the DEW weapons!


I hear a bad moon’s a’risin’. I hear trouble’s on the way.

John .S

Under guise of lunar Good v. Evil:
When a moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie – that’s amore.


TO THE GALLOWS!!!! I await another happy ending. This fat pig with die too quick for my liking.


Melt into butter .No Nicola spoon 🥄 like.The 4D version has arrived dear folks..It’s happening now.


I believe this information concerning
Melissa Moore and her arrest and resolution
by the military needs to be addressed to the
public to eliminate any further covid moderna shots. All the information needs to be addressed or hold the newstations liable.
A transcript needs to be put out to the population after the

John .S

Would think Fauci requires top headline [public notification of elaborate flimflam], not to exclude Rochelle W. before Moore.

American Living in Canada

I agree, he was the top doc calling the shots.


Covid-19 has officially been changed now to it’s real name “ THE JEW FLU “ !!! Pass it around


the jew flu? lol.


Shut up nazi




KillemAll? Start with yourself



Mark David

A lot of the Joo Flu’s throughout history, as well as other “diseases”.. They want us gone, so they are trying to help. It’s in their Holy Books, you know.

mary pascucci



This woman bears a striking resemblance to Miss Piggy…


All that money she received for murdering millions of people and she won’t get to spend a dime. Stupid bi..h!
Hang her with a short rope and let her dangle for awhile.

Mark David

Piano wire would be quicker.




Damn…You know it’s bad when you’ve lost Candace Owens

I’m getting a little tired of the “everything is a conspiracy” hive mind. The people that think that nothing is real, everyone successful is a fake, and every person is being controlled by George Soros are equally as twisted as those who believe everything is as the media says.


Amen brother


Besides this, anyone know about EMP? How we protect our whatever’s from this? I am concerned about it. What about DEW’s? I read about buildings in Lahaina that had blue roofs and were not affected by the DEW’s.


That’s the neat part. You don’t!


Wrap yourself in tin foil. It will prevent the electromagnetic pulse from affecting your brain


May I suggest you take “off” that tinfoil hat?


Unplug everything that has an electrical circuit at all times unless in use.
Simple logic – when Not in use “unplug”.

Above Reproach

If it’s not completely obvious to everyone on the planet that Pharmaceutical companies are deliberately developing versions of a Man made virus containing everything including the kitchen sink, why even aids have been discovered in the spike proteins. Of COVID. The Geneva Convention banned the use of chemical weapons anywhere in the world. And yet here we are, the victims of a deadly attack on every person in the world. The scare tactics of propaganda machine villainous pushing of a Vaccine that has been proven to be deadly but makes pharmaceutical companies money,
They share the wealth with Evil Government officials who have been working to destroy the future of America. Don’t take anything from the pharmaceutical companies, let your body fight off the infection, your own immune systems will be better to fight the continued assault on humanity.


Gain Of Function Studies are when maniac scientists take a pathogen ( virus, bacteria, parasite, fungus) and they manipulate it to cause a significantly increase of harm, increasing it’s virulence to make it more deadly…. a higher mortality rate. They also manipulate these dangerous pathogens to cross over from animals to humans. Lyme Disease, HIV, Cancers, ect. Think about it. You’d have to be a Psychopath to manipulate a pathogen that only affected animals and make it cross over to now infect humans.

Ticks that carry contagious spirochetes parasites use to house the sprockets within a compartmentalized area within the ticks body. They manipulated it so that the spirochetes were made to be present througthout the ticks entire body, including the ticks saliva . When a tick bores into the skin, humans are now susceptible to contracting the sprockets infection through the ticks saliva. These sprockets are drawn to the brain neural tissue, which then deteriorates the brain by a diagnosis we know as Alzheimers Disease.

And this is only 1 example of how these sick psychopaths create diseases and rake in billions by pushing pharmaceuticals sales. They create the disease, then turn around and sell you the treatment.

It is beyond my comprehension that anyone could be so evil, and it kills me to see people continuing to take these bioweapon shots.

They don’t need to genecide us instantly, when they can make all kinds of money from us before we go…..


A sprocket is a kind of machine gear. Ticks are not packing metal


We get to see the face of another insane homicidal demon! Any chance she could be executed a million times just for good measure? Asking for a friend?

Charlie Bluehawk

Again, I really appreciate all yur hard work here – but my major question remains: whene ill the military bases in Hawaii move against the enemy that has attacked Maui and is still butchering innocent civilians. And where are the families, the children?
This is an open act of war – by any definition.
So where is the US Military?
Civilians are not trained, not armed for an open military invasion by superior forces.
It is way past time for the “White Hats” to take an open stand against the “fake-Biden” (the mad butcher) and defend American lives.


He’s Dark Brandon not the mad butcher


Traitor Treasonist mitch mcconnell has frozen twice while speaking in public. His health is seriously deteriorating, fast and he cannot handle his job any longer and must go.

But he refuses to retire for this reason. Once out of power he knows Special Forces will take him at 1 am from his home like they did pelosi and fly him to a nice resort in the Caribbean called GITMO.

But since he is one of the MOST VISIBLE people in Washington he will not be disappeared because it will take too much effort to replicate him and too many lame excuses to explain him away. Mitch will continue to be seen in the Senate and all over the city, plus his home state looking like a brain-frozen turtle.


How do we know that isn’t a clone reaching the end of its 3 yr life? Could the WH’s have control of this whatever? IMO whoever that is is a traitor.


The cloning laboratory found by the WH had replicants of MM growing in tanks. It will be easy for them to switch him out unfortunately.






The shift happened now .


Need to send emails to state reps regarding fake covid restrictions…let them know it is NOT happening again….WE WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!

Mark David

Use your neighbors name and address to check for any negative reactions.


She will hang… Queen of mRNA alright…criminal


And then her clone will continue in her mRNA criminal activity and everyone wins!!!


That’s what these losers try to do is kill themselves so they’re not held accountable…. Incredibly funny when they’re not successful…. The can dish it out but they can’t take it…. Let Justice begin….


Yes!! Let’s all decide how she should be executed!

Then her clone can continue where she left off


This is good but I wish they would get the judges and attorneys after Trump, and the damned MSM. No one will ever believe the truth with the MSM still flapping their jaws. At least no one I know.


I agree! We should execute those people so Trump can be re elected in 2024. Then he can lock up any political opponents without cause!!


Seeing as you ding-a-lings have your undies in an uproar over Michael’s Emergency Action Notification test announcement in October, it’s time to remind you of a few things. First, your cell phone already tracks you 25/8 – every few seconds it pings the tower it’s connected to with your location and other identification information. Ditto for your smartwatch or dozens of other electronic accessories. Your local police can call the cell company, give them your number, and ask for your location for “investigatory reasons.” And they do it a lot

There is a device available to government agencies and law enforcement called the Stingray. It’s made by defense contractor Harris Corp. The Stingray is a cell tower emulator and cops use it to catch people by tapping into their cell phones. The Stingray is programmed with your number and then, whenever you use the phone, instead of connecting to a cell tower the call goes to Stingray which monitors voice and data before passing the call along to the cell system. There are lots of them out there and if FEMA wants to track you people down (God knows why), they don’t need a ping off an EAN tower to do it.

Finally, there is the National Security Agency which intercepts and decodes virtually all communications traffic, including cell phones, in the U.S. All FEMA has to do is pick up the (unmonitored) phone and call NSA.

This test was announced publicly last month so it has not been a secret. The notice was on FEMA’s web page for anyone to read. Guess the White Hats are a little slow to get the news. Mount Weather, and I’ve been there, is a run-down, antiquated Cold War-era bunker that is accessible off a public road and would be a smoking hole in the ground within 10 minutes of an attack on the U.S. It is one of several alternative command sites available to the President, but it’s not the first choice.


The first choice of POTUS in an emergency is The Doomsday Plane. May not be common knowledge especially to the sheeples. Blessings,


The plane is a primary choice but it does not require the president’s presence. The Airborne Military Command Post has the ability to initiate a retaliatory attack if the president is killed or incapacitated. It also has the ability to contact the “Bomers,” the ballistic missile submarines, and give them the launch codes. The system is designed on the assumption that the president will not survive the initial strike and a secondary command structure will be needed to launch countermeasures. A “Doomsday” system designed in the 1960’s and fitted to six Minuteman missiles would have lofted high power transmitters that send the “Go” code if the primary command system was disabled. It was shut down but now the DoD is thinking about a newer system that does the same thing.


Nice, as always there is a logical explanation .

Lorenz Manner

It’s an excellent catch. When you hang her prepare a thick rope because she has a big round neck and maybe she is very heavy, too. This kind of human trash has to be removed as soon as possible. Good riddance and No Regrets.