Maui Massacre


United States Marines in Maui have seen firsthand atrocities committed by the Deep State—bloated, bullet-riddled bodies floating facedown in a crimson tide; Hawaii National Guardsmen rummaging through the pockets of dead islanders and tourists; FEMA and the Red Cross forbidding citizens access to nearby food, water, and shelter.

On Front Street in Lahaina, a uniformed police officer shoots a pedestrian in the back for unknown reasons. The cop then spots a bystander filming the incident on a cellphone, and shoots him, too.

A bullet strikes his cranium as he digs into a dead man’s pockets and tries to yank a wedding band off a lifeless, swollen finger. He touches his hand to his forehead and glances at his bloodstained fingers in disbelief. He slumps over, his pistol falling from his other hand.

He was the fifth Deep State cop Marines had killed since arriving in Maui late Wednesday afternoon.

As reported yesterday, General Eric M. Smith at Camp Pendleton ordered Marines to Maui to investigate claims that the Hawaii National Guard and FEMA were terrorizing disaster victims. A source in the general’s office told Real Raw News that Marines arrived in Maui at 4:00 p.m. and immediately witnessed and responded to unimaginable carnage. He called the death toll “catastrophic.” He would not quantify how many Marines went to Maui, but his gloomy tone suggested that Deep State forces outnumbered White Hats significantly. Backup, he said, was on the way.

“We really didn’t expect local law enforcement to fight alongside the feds and the National Guard,” he said. “What Marines saw is nothing short of engineered genocide.”

Near the Lahaina loading dock, Marines found a makeshift mass gravesite, 15 scorched corpses piled atop one another in an industrial dumpster. The fire had not killed them, our source said. Instead, someone had used a flamethrower to burn them, then deposited the corpses in the trash.

“We’re certain of this because they were shot first,” our source said. “No doubt the media will end up saying fire killed them. They were murdered, and yes, children too.”

After dark, Marines happened upon a FEMA/National Guard encampment where agents and Guardsmen were divvying up ill-gotten loot undoubtedly pilfered from the victims’ bodies. The criminals sat in collapsible mesh chairs illuminated beneath standing LED lamps, arguing over who would get which stolen items. The dispute ended abruptly as Marines opened fire and killed the six Deep State villains.

“General Smith’s rules of engagement: weapons free,” our source said.

“Weapons free” is military jargon allowing Marines to engage hostile targets at will.

Elsewhere, a Marine scout-sniper squad saw cops and Guardsmen hurling corpses scattered about the sidewalk into a garbage truck, as if the dead were disposable trash. The Marines unleashed a hailstorm of automatic fire that quickly took down their targets, but not before a Maui police officer’s lucky shot claimed the life of a valiant Marine.

The Marines, our source said, had 13 engagements Wednesday night, including a running firefight against a heavily armed National Guard platoon.

“Battle damage assessments are still coming in, but this isn’t ending anytime soon. The Deep State is entrenched, but we’re there for the long haul, and we’ll fight until every last fed and corrupt cop is dealt with or driven from Hawaii,” our source said.

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Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Terri Burns

I don’t understand the reason for the attack on Maui.


Valuable land but ancestral land. The DS had to have a natural disaster to rezone land so they created one. It is always about money, greed, power, all the evils that DS crave.


As the Illuminati likes to say, Ordo ab Chao, or order out of chaos


Thats the freemasons

Lynn G

Did you not think they are one in the same?


The phrase is actually “one and the same.”

Carol B.

yes, they are all in the new world order of bad things together……evil meshes with evil………


,,, and the Greater shall rule.

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand buck. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply..


Just pony up my 10% cut and keep your pie hole shut

Nukken Futz

Obviously, a deep state runny nose hacky kid in his mama’s basement trying to act like a used car salesman…,it sounds like…


Hello. You are talking to a BOT.

Andi Kay

So sickening.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Just Served
President Donald John Trump
 General Eric M. Smith
General David H. Berger, Ret
On Truth Social

“notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice principal”
the requirement for a 30 day notice for response.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
President Donald John Trump
 General Eric M. Smith
General David H. Berger, Ret
Today on this Blog
Is World Human Rights Action.
Being presented to the Public
Please Contact Me
MichBoys at
I live in Michigan Its posted every where.
And I am Obligated To Defend All from Such Injustice.
Please inter into a Dialog With Me .
As the Commander Of the Territory Of Michigan
Is any thing being Posted on this Site
Real Raw News Factual.
Is Todays Blog That this is posted On Factual and True.
IF these are True
I will not Stand For These Human Rights violations .
To Continual.
You Have Thirty Days To Respond.
No Response will be taken that this Blog Post is True.
And We Will Rise Up.
As Humans And Protect Our Own.
You May Or May Not Be Informed
About Our Plans and Who Will Be called To Arms
The Clock Has Started
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


Thank you, Robert.

Robert Gregory Boensch

I have to live Up To My Declared Title.
I live in the Smallest County In Michigan
We Will All Find Out
And May Be see
The Truth
Truth Social

President Trump Was Just Waiting For ME too Make a move Any way.

The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch

The Side Bar Has Pdfs You can Down load

And the Links will open up

Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; 
 A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ;
They failed to respond; It’s Now law 
In law, acquiescence 
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
 Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;

Nukken Futz

They’ve got some bargains on sherman tanks and wotnot on….

Robert Gregory Boensch

I am Locked and loaded.
Just need to lower My White Flag


Sticks & stones are F R E E .


Enjoy your trip to Gitmo. Not a good idea to threaten the President.


You guys do that every day. C’mon

Robert Gregory Boensch

It’s Just Business.

thomas j cahill

How is he threatening the President?


Blacks Law is drivel. All lawyers more correctly identified in the British parlance as “solicitors” will be deregistered. They are trained in a criminal perversion of law called legalese which is part of the problem of where we are now.

John .S

Legalese is witchcraft, spells and counter spells. Have to know their language to engage them aka, Witches & Warlocks.

School teacher mantra: “make sure your “Spell”-ing is correct.

Below two words worth cross reference between Black’s/Bouvier’s Law Dictionary and Websters Dictionary, showcasing word/legalese perversion.

[1] Insinuate, interpreted as: suttle hint or gesture.

[2] Intangible, interpreted as: unable to be touched or grasped.

PS: shout-out to a special MIA someone in bringing “Intangible” to my attention, Cheers to Ya!

Robert Gregory Boensch



MUST – also means You may.
UNDERSTAND – to place Yourself under “their” Standing submission.
Black’s & Bouvier’s are spell casting books.
Thank the Phoenician’s for Our Two-Tongued language.
English is an equivocal language, you need 2 Tongues to speak it, or a divided Mind.

John .S

Correct two tongues, though we won’t get into “double speak” aka alluding innuendo.

Took a licensing exam.

Should & Shall – Must & May as key emphasis ‘deciphering script’.

Should is objectionable.

Shall is mandatory.

Must is mandatory.

May is objectionable.


Well said. Let’s not leave out CURSING and SWEARING. In America we don’t swear to do anything good. South Park did a hysterical lampoon on cursing and swearing and had a counter in the lower corner of the screen tracking the number of times the word shit was used in the episode…pure gold.

Robert Gregory Boensch

“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a The senate and house of representatives .”“The people have a right in an Orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their representatives; and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer.”
Part two what redress is being sought.
And here by request that this State of Michigan To Review and investigate all of the Above elements presented and other elements of crimes that have be waged upon myself and others That are known publicly or to be brought forward by Robert Gregory Boensch to be included in this Document at a later day.
and use the law as required to do the following and to expand the breath of these requests to include any and all others laws that are applicable to cover all actions that were carried out and include all the party’s involved even those that are not stated in this documents.
I am also demanding to make every Court in Michigan a Common Law Court. And the abolishment of this State’s bar association and demand that no member of said bar or any other states bar to participate in any legal mater in the State of Michigan. And fore the Abandonment of all statutory laws in this state of Michigan for the history and use of many of these laws are to hurt and eat off the substance of the common people of Michigan by those in Power and it has been proven time and time again by my personal experience of the actions that were carried against Me and others that I am a witness To.

The Bar is Gone In Michigan

The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch


Are you an American Common Law Lawyer? What is your short opinion of Justice of the Peace Anna Von Reitz. Were you ever involved in the Michigan State Assembly?
Asking for a friend.


Bravo! No more “satans” (as lawyers were originally called). How fitting.


@ Godeschalk: You are spot on. Anyone, please correct me if i am wrong, but legalese = words in “color” and in law the word color = fiction.Therefore, legalese are words in fiction used by a BAR (British Accredited Registry) attorney loyal to the crown. Attorney is a blend of AT and attorn. AT. Latin for act [as in actor], and attorn is to take from one to give to another. Equating to actors who would have you believe a story so as to take from one to give to another. All “legal” corporate bi-laws (corporation/bullshit) but wholly “unlawful” and/or not our dejur and Republican form our government.


Whatever was hidden , shall become Known.


So be it!!!


The B.A.R. is a Trade Guild of travelling actors that specialize in “Grand Illusions.” There is no such thing as a License to Practice Law. A License, by definition, is a permit allowing you to do something that might otherwise be ILLEGAL.


Our legitimate Law Book is The Bouvier Law Manual.
The Patriarch of the Black’s Law family has openly said that Black’s Law is a satirical work, his family confirms this. Is it like RRN…REAL-SATIRE??? The Geneva Bible is the official BIBLE of America.

John .S

Myself don’t give 30 days to respond, to much latitude, 15 business days + 6 days for Saturday & Sundays total: “21 days to respond”.

Robert Gregory Boensch

This is For Logistics’ On Both Sides
President Trumps Team
Needs To Size Up My Team.
And We Both Need to Come to the Field
Displaying A White Flag.
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch


][ Am of the understanding that a “NOTICE” must be replied(acknowledged) to within 10 business days.
][f No Acknowledgement, then a “2nd NOTICE” is made, if NO RESPONSE within 10 business day’s, then a “FINAL NOTICE” is issued, if still NO RESPONSE, then it is then recognized as TACIT CONSENT.

Winston Shrout use to do this stuff. “They” took him out for revealing the Truth on How one can conduct themselves in the “legal” world. The Real World has no money ! God didn’t make money, “man” did.

John .S

21 day window, it takes week for respondent to attain counsel, a week for counsel to review, and a week to answer, responding to claim.

10 day could say, Demand Notice as next phase of recourse of unanswered first notice.

How long do you have to answer a counterclaim or crossclaim in federal court?

See Federal Rule 11.
(B) A party must serve an answer to a counterclaim or crossclaim within 21 days after being served with the pleading that states the counterclaim or crossclaim. (C) A party must serve a reply to an answer within 21 days after being served with an order to reply, unless the order specifies a different time.

John .S

PS: Excellent, “No Response will be taken that this Blog Post is True”, meaning: Acquiescence by Silence [inaction] – Laches.

Robert Gregory Boensch

You Under Stand.
Game On
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch

Boy I am Sure Glad.
I only went four Days in 11 grade in high School

President Trump is the Commander in Chief.
of the United States of America Military.
But each state can wage war against another.

Please expand on this

John .S
And Please teach all of Us Here about the fine line.
and how it’s done correctly

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

John .S

You’re doing a great job at it yourself, whereas myself won’t get into it.

The Peanut Gallary and ‘Law Society’ always have something to say, running their discredit tactics, yelping nonsense via Southern Poverty Law Center i.e., “Conspiracy Theorist” and “Sovereign Citizen”.

FYI Peanut Gallary: “a lawyers first responsibility is to the court…, not the client”. See, Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 7, Rule 4.

I undersigned rest my hand hereunto as: non-assumpsit per idem sonans persona ficta.

John .S

John .S

Expanding: “one state can wage war on another” e.g., Texas v. New York, whereas Texas is sending boarder jumping migrants to NY depleting resources.

Another example: “State of New York” as the “corporation/body politic” waging “Mixed War” upon the natural people of “New York State” as Constitutional Territory [Republic].

Big difference between ‘State of New York’ versus ‘New York State’, both are different entities.

The “Admiralty” waging war on the Republic, both as different states, J-6’ers are casualties, no due process, political prisoners under a Gold Fringed Flag i.e., Article I versus Article III Courts.

FYI: Artificial Person/Body Corporate see, Rundle v. Delaware & Raritan Canal Company, 55 U.S. 80, 99 (1852) Justice Daniel: “…a corporation therefore being not of ‘Natural Person’, but a mere creature of the mind, invisible and not tangible, and cannot be a citizen of the state, or of the United States…, and therefore neither plead nor be impleaded in the courts of the United States.”

Note: Inasmuch as every government is an ‘Artificial Person’, an abstraction, as creature of the mind, a government can only interface with other artificial persons. The imaginary, neither having actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The artificial person cannot exist outside the jurisdiction that created it.

Peanut Gallary may find my writings outlandish, and I’m awaiting their nonsense yelp, directly out of Southern Poverty Law Center playbook.


You guys are hilarious. Take this act on the road.


All the World is a Stage, all person’s are actors in mask’s.


Please, don’t leave out the useless JDL and the equally bogus “practice of Law.”


Not outlandish, very intelligent.



Robert Gregory Boensch

Me No Likely.
To hotty of Breath

To Old?


Can youie cook Potato Pancakes?


Save it, lady.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Open Up the Links At
See The Gift President Trump Gave Us
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer
of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
I have Standing As the Commander of Michigan
And Am A Sovereign Man
Are You.
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House;
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence
or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a
plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;
Sampling as follows:
From a wrong no contract can arise.
False in one thing, false in all things.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Fraud and justice never dwell together
Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
Fraud is most hateful to law.
In default of the law, the maxim rules.
A mandate of an illegal thing is void.
Remove the foundation, the work falls.
click here to see if it’s Active The War Clock ;
mailed 22-04-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch
I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this
state. It is for our children who have not fully learned what a State
is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation
is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly
and people that are challenged that are unaware of why events happens
in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not
interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs.
And, for the ones in power that have usurped power as impersonators
abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and
everything that is disclosed and referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and
creator Robert Gregory Boensch.

See All at the Link Above
And Why President Trump is Our Commander In Chief.
And Also Our sitting President Today
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch
I see You
President Trump
Game Over
Robert Gregory Boensch
I Am With You Sir.

David T

I heard that from a couple different sources also, that there were some very aggressive organizations trying to buy up scorched areas of Maui for pennies on the dollar. Bear in mind, this is land that likely would not have ever been for sale at any price.

Nukken Futz

I have studied where these kazillionaires are in such a nutty level of mind of heavily into themselves, plus psychopaths to the highest order and they can buy off anybody to get to do what they want, would be dumb enuff to snuff out what they don’t want with paid off federal flunkies and America could’nt care less attitude, just aint gonna work this time!! Their flunkies ran off to hills, or tried to blend in with commonfolk.
I’m 76 and with all of the black hat shit war going on, I’m reliving my 2 tours of Vietnam that’s 3 times worse and under attack by our own Rockefeller crime families! Wutta nightmare to live in, but the good guys are winning


2 tours? Hero. God bless you. ❤


I heard from another source they want to turn Lahaina, and other towns in Maui into a smart city. Sounds about right with everything going down.


They have left a pretty damning paper trail. Not to mention the book about the fire, on the 8th of August that was published on the 10th of August…
WTF, OVER? The whole JumpSmart Maui plot is no less telling. Then the 200 warning sirens that were not used for the safety of the population??? Not like you could hit the switch when you see the 1st spark. Imagine if our forest rangers stood down like that???


All these fires that happen,,, Urban Renewal.


To Bad The American Indian natives Didn’t have Any One To Come to Their rescue As They were massacred, Same playbook different year


Thank God & Thank The White hat Military & Our Commander & Chief BOOYAA!!!

Nukken Futz

The natives were ordered slottered by the Rothies, so that they could snatch the lands on pennies on a dollar. This is suppressed history that our masters have blotted out of the history books….don’t want the sheeple too smart, or we will lose our powers…….,plus da’ munny….


Yep, Big Money Controls Education or de-education & all the traitors in government

Carol B.

yes, the love of money is the root of all evil….


Exactly !


We need to all take a MANDATORY blood test. Anyone testing positive for ashkeNAZI or khazarian blood line must be removed from society…AGAIN. “Cain is of the evil one.”


I live around them….they have fire in their blood. If they were to come around and get off the ‘addictions”, we have some badass men who would take this country back. We poisoned them with the firewater and now have migrates bringing in the other.


Put the blame where it belongs. All of these crimes against ALL Americans have been committed by the Crown under the leadership and protection of the B.A.R. and the Military Courts. Not to mention the gazillionaires.


Yes. So sad and so unfair. We need to make a better world for all and I think we will now.


A diversion to abduct children. The deep state needs Adrenochrome more than a heroin addict craves heroin. Adrenochrome is said to be 100 times more addictive than heroin and heroin addicts will sell their grandmothers to get another fix. The elites do not care who they have to kill or in what horrific manner as long as they get what they want. Why haven’t we killed Oprah yet?


I think she is gone and replaced by a clone.


Yep, school children were sent home early that day.


Seeds of satan…enemies of GOD and therefore enemies of his children. Did I misspell the devil by not putting it in CAPS??? Whose writing these standards?

Nukken Futz

I wonder where Oprah Winfrey is right now….?


Maybe terra del fuigo



E. Grogan

Roasting in hell in a very hot fire. That’s my guess.


Great minds think alike! 😊👍


In 🔥🔥🔥 where she belongs.
The women traffickers were the worst.

E. Grogan


Carol B.

Yes, Lisa, you hit the nail on the head, this explains so many wars and battles……the heart of man can be deceitfully wicked …………Narrow is the way and few there be that find it……✝️✝️✝️❤️✅✅

Terri Burns



Real Estate and the foundation for a Smart City. The people of Lahania refused to sell so they were eliminated.


Pretty much

Michael R Davis

Billionaires like Oprah Winfrey can only lease the land for 99 years. He-she-it cannot own the land. So, if they can murder enough native Hawaiians, they hope to frighten the remaining natives into changing the law.

Robert James

Insane Greed! No Prisoners, the Russians are right!


Got to hand to the Russians on that one.


The Russians are the good guys now, They know what tyranny really, having survived 70+ years of Rockefeller/Rothschild tyranny in the form of the USSR!! Yes, these bankers resourced the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia!


Never give up, never surrender


Oprah would be lucky if she lived another 30 years.

Lynn G

She won’t.


She might not live another 30 days (if indeed she’s still alive). Can’t wait to see their tribunals’ movie. Probably all snivelling wrecks. Not so clever in the end.


When is that scrawny neck lizards tribunal???????


As soon as he’s arrested.


Garland will have his date with a hemp necktie…

Usual Suspect

Lets hope Vlad finds him!


I would rather Vlad get a hold of him first.


Now you’re talkin’! 😂👍


Put a big price on his head. There is no honor among thieves


Not if I kill him first…


HAH. Go do it killer. Show us what you got. If you can pull yourself off the couch


Jealous of someone who would kill for righteousness sake? Hey Pete, I with you!!!!

Pete 75 and feeble ,and won’t leave beautiful Alaska.


I wonder where that trator janet yellan is , last i herd she was headed for china to have a talk, i think that was a cover story from fake news media


Commies flock together. She’s probably on the take just like Biden, McConnell and Pelosi.


The Dems & DS did the Maui attack to create a deadly Climate Change false flag so as to promote fear set up phase 1 for the creation of a Marxist 15 minute city !!! . . .Ultimately, the Dems & DS want all of the Hawaiian Islands to be run by the Cabal. ~ That’s the reason for the attack on Maui. It’s just phase 1.


it appears to be two birds with one stone, as you point out.


God says climate change is bullshit. Genesis 8:22


Research Jaimie Walden. He is a wealth of information and what he has to say will scare the living daylights out of any sane person.


I refuse to live in fear.



Midwest patriot woman

Yes. Obviously deep state mass carnage, but why and why there? Need a distraction from biden dollars media exposure? Maybe but everyone knows that, nothing new. Ukraine? Maybe, but nothing new either. Could try to call it new pearl harbor and blame it on ruskies to start nucks a falling? Maybe but they haven’t yet.
Is there a holy grail of some sort that could be found under ashes? Native religion holy site or relic maybe? It is the native religion important town. Anything in that direction MB?
Isaiah 54:17 blessing on all white hats everywhere, everyday. May no weapon formed against them prosper.



Anne Stallybrass

I hear Maui is a portal. BH may have been trying to either grab it or close it down.


I do believe it’s much more than meets the eye.

The 15 min city land grabs etc are the afterthought, they want what’s in those DUMBS.

It has been written that active volcanoes are the portals into the abyss. There is an active volcano on the Islands.


The Island of Maui has one active volcano, Haleakalā, which has erupted at least 10 times during the past 1,000 years.


A tarot reader, Laura’s View, I believe, said it was the trafficking tunnels.


It’s sacred land that was once Lemuria in our only golden age long ago. They are attacking to lower the vibration.




Hawaii is sacred land that was once Lemuria 100,000 years ago. That was during the only golden age on Earth 🌍 and they are trying to ensure there is no golden age again. We are now in the age of Aquarius that has a chance at being a golden age of enlightenment by attacking the land of former Lemuria.


Sad…really sad.


It’s called real estate.

E. Grogan

I’ve read there is a stargate there that enables a person to travel all over. Not saying it’s true, just for your consideration.


Think…Tunnels below.


That was my first thought when I heard of this fire.


Mostly lava tubes

Philip M Mahoney

Agenda 2030 look it up


It’s all about a big land grab for the environmentalists


Environmentalists you say? 🙄

Robert James

There are Satanic Environmentalists, you know.


They purged the land and the people. To take the land? Cleared everything out. Scraped it clean to start over Look at the panorama picture at the beginning of this article. So sad. Nothing left.


The Governors residence is is still intact, so too the big hotel down by the beach. Dont assume nothing is left because that’s plainly not true.


Land! It’s a land grab!


No one does.

The mind of the wicked is, as the word suggests; twisted. ‘Wicker furniture’ – twisted. The wicked can’t think straight.

Point is, who knows why they somewhat they do. They’re just plain wicked.

Lynn G

No rational rhyme or reason for the wicked.


Cluster B personality disorder. Gates spoke of destruction of the VMAT2 gene years ago – with his “flu” poison dart. We are seeing the manifestation of this destruction. Remember when they were talking about “Zombies”….this is what we are seeing. And yes a good example to study is Jez in the ancient txts. We were forewarned “for the ways of man you will not stand”.


Soulless minions.

Jose Ramirez

You don’t understand? Wake up. Turn your TV off.



Carol B.

So strange, huh? OPRAH, WILL SMITH, GAGA, PFIZER CEO ………….ALL untouched by the mess……..sounds like a plan to me…..


Maybe tunnels under their mansions?


“…didn’t want to SELL THEIR homes…” Hope you “see” some spell-check, and take a hint. Otherwise, interesting ideas & information. Thanks.


It is a multi-benefit attack upon which one can speculate:

  1. Ancestral land which Hawaiians are not prepared to give up.
  2. Smart City/Island.
  3. De-population.
  4. Satanic sacrifice – 8/8
  5. Trumps 4th. indictment. He now has the ability to reveal all. The Space Force has it all. Space Force has an underground base in Maui. (I understand from Kerrie Cassidy)
Chris G

My take: Black Hat direct atrocities on U.S. citizens are meant to force Trump/White Hats to capitulate. (won’t happen)


desperate for adrenochrome


Since this is a battle of good against evil I can see that this area of the world is very spiritually sacred since it was once the land of Lemuria… amazing place that has very high resonance.

My son and his girlfriend and her daughter visited Maui this February and were absolutely smitten by the vibes there.

This attack makes sense if you think about it as an attack on Holy land from the only Golden Age this planet has achieved long long ago.

I’m an astrologer and have long known that Hawaii contains the remnants of the most spiritual area on Earth 🌎. The deep state thinks it can avoid another Golden Age by attacking and lowering the vibrations if this very sacred place.

E. Grogan

I was in Hawaii many years ago and noticed the high vibe of the area, it was wondrous.


Hawaii has always been on DS’s mind, would make a Nice Retirement Colony.
VET everyone there. No one in, No one out till 100% cleared.
Don’t think for a second, DS wants everything just perfect for themselves. The Caribbean is also “their” unclaimed real estate.
Thx Mike, Blessing’s upon A L L ~.

God’s Speed People.


As most people don’t, my take is it was CCP they have the DEWs, their gain would be real estate and a strategic foothold like in Panama.


The elite spoke of making this the test island for all their evil, that is what I have come to understand. We may never know, but I find it funny that non of the elites homes were affected by the fires

Michael R Davis

I heard FEMA predicted 3m000 dead now. Hopefully they were counting themselves as the Marines removed them from among the living.

Michael R Davis



I don’t think the bastards saw themselves as among the dead. I am forever thankful and grateful for the White Hats who will go into these war zones and try to rid us of these demons. They are so brave and we need to pray for them constantly.

Andi Kay



I do continually, May our Father bless these warriors of truth


Same. Prayer still changes things. God wants to hear from us.

Robert James

The Russians got it right! No prisoners!


I agree with Putin’s agenda. You cannot turn a demon into an angel, you can only make their appointment for them to meet their Maker.


At least the marines have those evil bastards running for the mountains. They will get a whole bunch of them. So the cowardly governor ran for Ukraine or somewhere lovely like that to join the number of DS cowards already there. He is well aware that now he is a wanted man. I am anxious to hear more about this awful situation. Praying much for our men in harms way and working hard to eliminate the DS….especially FEMA and the NG!! Good job men!!




Oh yes!!!

Martin Kohler

Back the Blue??? I say hang them high. Thieving bastards.


Hang them ALL, or at least put a bullet in the brain before hand so that we dont have to go through the process of military law that will also make them into pinatas,




I thank Yahuah each and every day for the life force and the power of the Holy Spirit to be amongst these courageous men and yes, light beings who are along side of them. We have been told lies all ous about everythang! Do you know what everythang is? It is EVERYTHANG


There may be some warrior vets from Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam living there who will help fight back. Pray for them, too.


Most definitely.


My cousin finally contacted me by email. He lives there and was visiting
friends which kept him out of harms way. I thank God for sparing him.

E. Grogan

So glad you heard from him and that he’s OK!!!

Lucy Cwiklinski

Along w/losing a marine!!!!


WOW you are all over this – thank you.




Just like the Nazis did when they were escaping through the Vatican ratlines. Bastards!!


SCUMBAGS must go down! Trump to announce his evidence monday 11am in Bedminster NJ. This is where it starts I truly feel. The lies of the deep state start to be exposed NOW!


I truly hope so…


It’s time to unleash the White Hat military. 90% of the country will be behind them. Go get ’em Mr. President!

E. Grogan

Latest update – he said he won’t be making announcement after all. It will all be in the legal files. Not sure why he’s doing that.


When U.S., Inc. was removed, the treaty with Hawaii dissolved. The Hawaiian Kingdom became free and vulnerable without an army of their own. The DS attacked them in an act of war.


Exactly…. The Fictitious US Inc is bankrupt, they no longer “rule” over the scare crow or the tin man, or the cowardly lion. If you dont know, you dont know. For example tin man…. Tax Identification Number, your Birth certificate, social security #, you were a tin man at birth and could not defend yourself. This is how they see you, as sheeple with a bar code and how much you are physically worth on the stock market via your SS# and birth certificate. You are literally “the food of their life”

Nukken Futz

Plus we are “useless eaters”. A word coined by that rotten jew bastard; Henry Kissinger…The Rockefukkers chief flunky first class talking head with a rotten kazarian accent. He is 100 years old and still causing great suffering to the masses and he is a Rothy, too….


Time to feed the fish surrounding Maui and throw him in a wood chipper!

Joan P McDonald

Thank you so much for the update ! I really appreciate it ! Man are our white hats ever busy !!

Church lips

Hopefully the native population will recognize the deep staters and take of a few of them for the White Hats.

Tom Engel

Any one who trusts police has not studied history


The main priority of the police is not law enforcement but the carrying out of the criminal political agendas of politicians who have set themselves above any laws.Laws are no longer exact but arbitrary,argumentative and debatable. The same goes for the Constitution. Because of this, true justice through the court system is an impossibility.




Yep, U Got That Right


Thank you for the update Michael and please God protect all white hats may they stay strong against all enemy.


The Marines never dissapoint. I’m so sorry for the one fallen brave Marine.Lord keep them safe please.


Amen. I hate that a Marine was lost………….. Just like a few weeks ago when those brave Marine’s went in to rescue the young children in Los Angeles, and 4 more of our LOYAL, DEDICATED Marine’s were lost…………………. it breaks my heart, just as it did when cheney and bush did 9/11 to fellow American’s…. They are all so evil and have been allowed to RUN THE SHOW FOR FAR TOO LONG! And don’t even get me started on Benghazi and Seal Team 6…………. so many American lives have been lost, due to these evil doer’s plans……………..

live oak

Michael, thank you for posting my comment earlier today and thank you for this information.


Thank you for this update, Michael–none of us can think about anything else but the progress of the marines as they pursue those DS devils. Praying for their safety & success!! God goes with them every step of the way!


Thank God the Marines have landed. Trump had the Black U.S. Flag behind him at the last rally, meaning “No prisoners, no surrender”. The gloves are off, and now it’s time to delve out the justice. KILL’EM ALL BOYS, NO MERCY!!!

Robert Thompson

I can understand this not being reported on mainstream media. But what about the local media in Hawaii? This information really needs to get out now. Or they are going to keep doing this everywhere. And please excuse me for saying this the God damn it Donald Trump you tell the world about this and they will listen! I just hope that the Marines are documenting all of this on video or digital cameras.

Lynn G

Wondering if some or maybe most of these FEMA or NG were pulled from the illegals coming in to this country since there seems to be no compassion in their acts?


Of Course They Are, they Need An Army & put Official signs on em


Yes, they could have been illegals the CCP sent here from China!

Michael R Davis

Could there be DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) or large tunnels to the mainland on Maui or Hawaii or other islands?
Since all 5 Hawaiian volcanos are active, none at present erupting, but their cauldrons filled with molten lava, I do not see how DUMBs or tunnels to the mainland 2,500 miles away could be on the islands. Mauna Loa is the tallest mountain on Earth, measured from its base on the sea floor, 19,700 feet below sea level. So a tunnel to the Hawaiian Islands would have to be very deep, with deep water between the islands.

We do have tunneling machines capable of digging tunnels big enough to drive semi-trailers through. However, heat would be the machine’s worst enemy, and those islands deep down would be very hot. But who knows for sure. The Globalist Deep-State definitely finds Maui very important for some reason. Incidentally, there is an Air Force site on Maui which researches Directed Energy Weaponry. (Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS), with another site in New Mexico.

https ://www

https ://www .robbinstbm .com/products/tunnel-boring-machines/


May God’s Angel Armies surround the Marines & all those who fight for the people
of Maui. St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, which is now. We honor the Guardian Angel’s of our enemies to turn & use them against their own
plots. We command that these Angels will defend these people who are volunteering & offering help to the people who live there that have survived. Find the governor now, in the Name of Jesus Christ. We are under God’s covenant & we plead the Blood of Jesus over the Hawaii islands, to capture the goons that have escaped & are hiding among the people. We thank God in advance for St. Michael & Gabriel & the Seraphim Angels to assist our Marines, General Eric Smith, General Berger & President Trump. Protect them, defend them and we decree that the plots to ruin other cities will come to naught. Cease & desist now, you foul demonic spirits. Be our defense against the wickedness & snares of the devil,
And do Thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the Power of God, cast into hell, satan, and all these other evil spirits, who prowl about Hawaii & the USA seeking the ruin of Souls. Amen

Protect & defend this website, Michael Baxter, and deflect all threats again him and
those who post. For You equipped us with strength for the battle, You made those
who rise up against us to sink under us. Psalm 18:39

Patriots Unite

I understand and read HAWAII was to become separate from United States. Become its own country again. Globalists didn’t want that to happen. Lots of child trafficking too!

Paying Close Attention

I posted a comment at the top and when I hit Post Comment the post disappeared. Apparently about two thirds of the way down the list of posts. I thought that strange. However, the two questions remain: First, did the White Hats know about this attack and let it happen, or, Second, are the White Hats not in control.

Which one is it?

E. Grogan

Even if they are in control, things can happen that they have no knowledge of until it happens. This is war.

Paying Close Attention

Third post of this comment. Second as Reply to Michael Baxter under Reply. Second post also disappeared to the hinterlands of the forum so here goes the third time of the same post of the apparently unwanted questions.

I posted a comment at the top and when I hit Post Comment the post disappeared. Apparently about two thirds of the way down the list of posts. I thought that strange.

However, the two questions remain: First, did the White Hats know about this attack and let it happen, or, Second, are the White Hats not in control.

Which one is it?

If it is an inconvenient question just say so, don’t disappear it.

S. K.

Excellent writing and journalistic skills. This reminds me of the 228 Massacre of the Taiwanese people who were still Japanese nationals at the end of WW2 in 1947, when the Chinese authority took over Taiwan with no official document from the USA which had a peace treaty with Japan. Reported by New York Times at the time, there hasn’t been any real justice for the victims and their families. Taiwanese majority were forced to change their nationality, language and flag overnight. Some believe this is war crime.

S. K.

Excellent writing and journalistic skills. This reminds me of the 228 Massacre of the Taiwanese people in 1947, who were still Japanese nationals at the end of WW2, when the Chinese authority took over Taiwan with no official document from the USA which had a peace treaty with Japan. Though the massacre was reported by media like the New York Times, there hasn’t been any real justice for the victims and their families. The Taiwanese majority were forced to change their nationality, language and flag overnight. Some believe this is a war crime. Now I wonder if it is the Fed that did this to Taiwan in the name of the USA. 


Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I just read this and I can’t believe my eyes. Weeping for all those caught up in this massacre. Can’t wait to see the day those in authority in Maui who knew very well what was about to happen and scarpered like rats to save their own skin and the Deep State MURDERERS swing from a rope. FEMA stealing again and the Rothschild’s Red Cross denying people help? I’m so shocked and stunned. It’s worse than I ever thought. God bless the Marine who got killed and all the Marines who went to the people’s rescue. They were the only ones the people could depend on. 😢


I worded that badly. The Red Cross is, and always has been, a Rothschild enterprise who no doubt kept most of the multimillions it raised over the decades. I’m not in the least bit surprised they didn’t help the people. Don’t ever give the Red Cross another penny. They’re demons.

Michael R Davis

Maybe white hat Marines and Special Forces on Maui should pay this place a visit, armored up, locked and loaded, of course.

There is an Air Force site on Maui which researches Directed Energy Weaponry, (Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS)) with another similar Air Force site in New Mexico. (located south Maui near Haleakala Observatory and Haleakala Volcano)

Michael R Davis

(Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS))

https ://afresearchlab .com/technology/air-force-maui-optical-and-supercomputing-amos-site/

Michael R Davis

There is an Air Force site on Maui near Haleakala Crater, which researches Directed Energy Weaponry. (Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS)) with another similar Air Force site in New Mexico. I have been told by technicians who should know that DEW heat buildups have been solved, and no longer need cool-off periods, can remain on, ready to fire repeatedly without heat buildup.

Were mostly native American Hawaiian people targeted, people refusing to sell their very expensive properties to WEF investers, wanting to build ’15 minute cities’, actually ‘concentration camps’ in Globalist WEF lingo, willing to murder thousands for their socialist communist utopia?

Do not send help or money to worthless FEMA or Red Cross. FEMA and the RED CROSS are the enemy, screwing over local people, not helping. Send help instead to local help groups.

(remove 3 spaces – watch all videos on Lockheed-Martin website)
https ://www .lockheedmartin .com/en-us/capabilities/directed-energy.html

Robert Gregory Boensch
We Have It All!
President Trump
Game Over
Robert Gregory Boensch
I Am With You Sir.

Nathan Pilson

excuse me.either this is a really good hoax. or someone committed genocide. 911 was a hoax. go there yourself.,Mr B. what was seen over google earth just over 21 hours or so, was an [ Intacted] litttle town., nothing bothered., really not that big of a town., looking at the damage to buildings -versus- the damage to the greenery which is little to none, in such an island ., totally impossible. we have been led to believe. you Go. Mr. B. google earth might be glitching, but it is doubtful., one thing for sure, TRUMP IS TOP MEDIA HEADLINE. and media has done enough treason which many guns might ,let them know.Palin is absolutely right abou that., and any cabalist and their henchmen, should worry now.especially their henchmen. you are the frontline protecting these psychological idiots. {makes one wonder if they are the clones} who as anyone, an american could possibly allow it any further.,unless. either clone or sucker- yet both work in tandem, to their end against reality.Too many armed white people to keep being fudged, disobeying their oath and duty to protect this nation.,One Nation under God., indivisible with liberty and justice for all., white people included., you fought for it, and served for it . Bless God.and Let To God beThe Glory.

Robert Gregory Boensch

I have to live Up To My Declared Title.
I live in the Smallest County In Michigan
We Will All Find Out
And May Be see
The Truth
Truth Social
President Trump Was Just Waiting For ME too Make a move Any way.
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch
The Side Bar Has Pdfs You can Down load
And the Links will open up
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; 
 A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ;
They failed to respond; It’s Now law 
In law, acquiescence 
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
 Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;

Robert Gregory Boensch

Just Served
President Donald John Trump
 General Eric M. Smith
General David H. Berger, Ret
On Truth Social
“notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice principal”
the requirement for a 30 day notice for response.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
President Donald John Trump
 General Eric M. Smith
General David H. Berger, Ret
Today on this Blog
Is World Human Rights Action.
Being presented to the Public
Please Contact Me
MichBoys at
I live in Michigan Its posted every where.
And I am Obligated To Defend All from Such Injustice.
Please inter into a Dialog With Me .
As the Commander Of the Territory Of Michigan
Is any thing being Posted on this Site
Real Raw News Factual.
Is Todays Blog That this is posted On Factual and True.
IF these are True
I will not Stand For These Human Rights violations .
To Continual.
You Have Thirty Days To Respond.
No Response will be taken that this Blog Post is True.
And We Will Rise Up.
As Humans And Protect Our Own.
You May Or May Not Be Informed
About Our Plans and Who Will Be called To Arms
The Clock Has Started
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch


Hey Michael did you see A Hogan, military guy in Maui in tik toc spilling beans about this EXACT story you gave us. Interesting


Be nice to see a pic or two of the dead bodies for confirmation.


Are there any updates on this story Michael? Did the Marines get reinforced? Seems to be a whole lot of spin going on around what is happening in Maui?


Very much like FEMA did to ppl after several hurricanes. They took their guns and expensive possessions. Looks to me like a revolution is at hand. I hate saying that because that’s exactly what they want…a reason to kill innocent they’re doing in Maui right now. But, scum has to be cleaned at all cost!


Amazing job white hats! Thank you Gen. Smith and sorry to hear of the loss of a marine. 😭 RIP brave warrior.

Seriously though people, how many evil DS forkers are there? They must be NPCs.


twitter. com/ TheWakeninq /status/ 1693045819438518674?s=20


twitter .com /matttttt187/ status/ 1693083495533293806?s=20


truthsocial. com/ @ SunQTzu /110919502703206167


truthsocial. com /users/ ConspiracyOptimist /statuses /110907455857591865


twitter .com /TNTJohn1717/ status/ 1692891378823401646?s=20


Gubmint is evicting fire victims on Maui even when people still have homes!

twitter. com /iluminatibot/ status/ 1692873547180388423?s=20

Johanna M. Hartin

We have to let the people know what happen we can’t keep this here we have to get this out please

Larry-Truth Warrior

Michael, I just watched a YouTube video where a tarot card reader affirmed the reporting of real raw news relating to the white hats and the overall events on Maui. The card reader indicated however, the certain information was being withheld from real raw news for operational security. I believe you acknowledge that information withholding as well. Blessings, and thank you for your great work.



William R Nicholson

When you care enough to send , The Very Best ( SOF & Marines ) , Send It Express …… GET The Bastards ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


Wondering about Stalin’s tactics, release the worst prisoners, “set them free” but enlist them in the Revolution. Newsom (Calif) “set free” the worst murderers and rapists, estimates vary, but 60 to 70% were released. The DS does nothing for free.  I’m guessing that some % of these were given uniforms, and/or enlisted as National Guard, Police, FEMA, IRS agents (otherwise why “hire” so many IRS agents and arm them?} Attach them to various units, and let them do what they do best, murder, pillage without mercy and without conscience. People respect and obey uniforms. It would partially explain why suddenly, there are heartless murderers, in uniforms, that lack military training. Any ideas?

E. Grogan

WOW, that sounds about right – great job of putting the pieces together!


I remember when the courts would give a option of going to jail or the military. That was many years ago. That certainly gave them plenty of time to have lots of bad guys in their secret military.


12 min video by Rebel News
No Warning: Local Maui man slams government response to wildfire after losing everything


I hope and pray for more deep staters death. They deserve every bullet they get. Where the hell is the army? Militias?


Prayers are with the brave Marines, the innocent people of Maui. May God guide them, protect them.


🙏 for the fallen marine and continued safety of those that fight against this evil.


I wish I were young again.. Although I am extremely fit, I am 83 and WAR is not the same as running on natures well-groomed paths or lifting weights :-).

Thank you President Trump for getting in the fight. I knew you could not just STAND BY and thanks Michael Baxter for reporting this.I have passed it on to great contacts of mine

I got GOOSE BUMPS when I read the title and I wanted badly to participate in MAUI, b ut know my body can no longer take WAR.


Me too. Though I am only 60 I am disabled totally. Otherwise I’d give up my life to fight for this country


More REAL MEN, especially and WOMEN also, will be encouraged now to get involved because of this action by TRUMP et al .We are seeing the BEGINNING of the END for the Psychopaths, and the REBIRTH of a refreshed REPUBLIC. We have been waiting,somehat impatiently for this direct action.

I am from a warrior family in Ireland who also fought the Britrish for over 700 years and until 1959 when we finally won, only now. to need to again fight against, this time,the Zionist/Freemason scum

I dont know if the young Irish have the heart for it.

Time will tell.


there is evidence to show every police department has UN uniforms in they’re police headquarters so most all police are deep state…


“Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change” was released Aug 10th (fires started Aug 8th) by author Dr. Miles Stone (milestone). An Amazon “Bestseller” now removed. Try Barnes & Noble.


No doubt in the black/white hat silliness they’ll kill the bystanders that keep calling out the Charade.


please Holy Devine Heavenly Source we invoke Your and your Angels protection over our Country including the Hawaiian Islands, Australia, Canada, Guam, etc.. End these evil ones terror on innocent people, and Gaia.


Stories like this really depress me. They make it sound like we are a LONG way off from winning. The national guard and cops are all part of it?!


I know. Pathetic

Robert James

Michael Baxter Is a great reporter. And human being. Thanks


One of you best articles yet, Michael Baxter. Great work. Praying for justice and extermination of all of these Deep State scum.

Paying Close Attention

Is this the best evidence yet that we need to draw one of two conclusions, first the White Hats knew about this and let it happen, or, second, they are not in control.

Which one is it?


I would not assume that they are omniscient. JOS says a Chinese satellite laser-measured the island shortly before the DEW, which came from a Chinese satellite, with cooperation from the globalists (plan 2030). The attack was sudden, as it was in Paradise, Coffee Park, CA, Australia, and ongoing, France and Canada. It would be difficult to anticipate precisely where the next DEW would come. The pace is increasing, and I doubt the White Hats have control of the Chinese satellites.

thomas j cahill

“No Comment”, says Satan.

Julio Antonio Laguna

‘Til Valhalla Devil Dog. Outstanding job Marines, God bless all of our Armed Forces!!!


Unbelievable… how cruel those people have been to the innocents. Do they really think they’ll get away with what they’re trying to do to those poor people? I can’t believe people can be be so evil in a time of crisis … well done marines/snipers, keep up the good work and finish off those evil bastards. They gotta let the locals back in there to find their deceased loved ones and get the supplies they need. Dead or alive, peoples phones footage of this evil should be showed on mainstream tv so the ‘people’ can see what’s really occurring there.


They closed schools that day. Kids were home alone. Easy pickins for the scum to snatch them. No cell service. No power. No water. Roads blocked. This is.way beyond evil.


I wonder if the “out of control” wildfires in Tenerife are the same thing as in Maui?

Robert James

Of course. Also, 9-11, Paradise, CA. etc.


I didn’t like the number 999 comments so I thought I had better say something.

Is this WWIII ground zero???


This is all so sickening……………………. really, evil and disturbing………….. When are all of the WOKE military going to be taken out? WHEN? THe National Guard…. are woke???????????? I knew fema was a huge piece of terrorist shit, and have been since obammah and all of his evil orders, along with directions from Comey…… I know that the Arizona Humane Society has flown over there to help the animals, and I’m worried that they too, will be shot and then burned, DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE………. yeah, that’s it Climate change shoots bullets ya know! It seems the deep state is so huge, we will never be able to completely shut them down…………. Praying for our Military Marine’s who are fighting FOR American’s, not killing them and taking their valuables……………………… Jesus, this is just beyond comprehension.


Massacre indeed. And the evil deep states celebrate it. Beyond heartbreaking!! Hickam AFB is so close to Maui- if they didn’t helped the ppl, they’re part of it.


We have suppressed patents / technology for cleaning up the environment, I’m sure of it.


Maui: Worse than expected. Much worse. A hot-war scenario. Just Win, White Hats!

BTW- that pathetic poll at right is a game for fools:

What caused the Maui Inferno?

  •  DEW (Directed Energy Weapons)
  •  Careless Campers
  •  Climate Change

My answer is, “None of the Above.” But I am convinced that deliberate human agency started & “directed” this & many other infernos. Seems the whole world is on fire these balmy days, doesn’t it? Especially targeting nature reserves, tourist areas & places where people live, as well as ‘just forest’ (Earth’s lungs). It is economic & environmental destruction. It looks like a planned, world-wide assault, to me. I hope planning maps will be found. (As one wag observed: “Amazing how Arson now counts as climate change.”) Perps & esp. PLANNERS must die. First they must be ID’d & found. Don’t much care about trials, though that would be optimum, for documentation’s sake. Historical record. Hope some competent folks are on this. I can only see it & say it. So, there it is. Make Humanity Great Again!


Red Flag: “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow Down.”
Me: Program or site is accepting my comment – or a small edit – unusually slowly. I don’t type or post quickly – I’m old & slow; I edit for clarity & accuracy. Site may need a professional I.T. tune-up. Or, what’s the problem, really?
(O.K. – I see a LOT of posts above that I didn’t see before. I believe that I AM NOT ‘the problem’.)

Linda Lynch

DEWs documented on Dutchsense and you tube.


Time for the White Hats to take out the lying MSM that many Americans still watch and believe!!


Good to see White Hats going in with force!!!

Increase it and go after all the elite cabal pedos and their acreage and all the filthy politicians that are involved with extreme prejudice!


Police are all Masonic affiliates, The Clampers. Their oaths to protect & serve are to the Masonic god, & the Satanic Cabal. Their oaths should be to uphold the Constitution, & To Protect & To Serve We The People. Instead, they act as Deep State Cabal lackeys & henchmen. I am so upset about Hawaii. My family went there every Thanksgiving while my folks were alive. Tell us if you need help. We’re all in. We’re doing our best to expose the evil~doers on every platform. Prayers for Lahaina, Maui. Prayers for our brave Marines, Alliance, & White Hats.

Crystal Cheetah

They’re killing children because those are the inheritors of the ancestral land. No living kin, and the land reverts to the government.

Mary Altmann

God Bless the Marine and his family that lost his life in service to our Country.
God Bless All the White Hats on this mission for peace and freedom from tyranny.
Outrageous news worse than expected. Keep Safe.

Jose Ramirez

Wow!!!! What a time to live in USA. I hope people wake up now and never vote democrats any more. Latinos for Trump!

randy workman

i want back in the fight .


Yup. Me too


I lived in Northern California during the fires in Paradise and Sonoma and Napa Countries. The aftermath looked like the same type of fire. It was horrific I believe that this was caused by DEWS. It was during President Trump’s administration and him and I were in Chico, the relief center at the same time.The people that lived there cannot return because the land is contaminated. At least President Trump arrived in the belly of beast and made sure that the displaced people could have aid without being killed by the Feds.


What are DEWS?


Direct energy weapons


Directed Energy Weapons. (Zaps from the sky.) Some say they don’t exist. Some say Black Hats have ’em. Some say white. I say maybe & maybe. But there’s nothin’ like a few guys, each with a can of gas & a pack of matches.


Yes it’s the same what they did here in Northern Commifornia- I live in solano county.