General Mark Milley Arrested!


United States Marines on Monday arrested Biden loyalist General Mark Milley on treason charges two days after President Donald J. Trump said on social media that the wicked general was “worthy of an execution” for betraying the uniform and the nation.

A source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that Marines apprehended Milley without incident less than a mile from his primary residence in Arlington, Virginia; however, the source was unwilling to share operational specifics at this time. He said he would provide more information on the arrest once he received clearance.

Asked whether the timing of Trump’s comment and Milley’s capture were coincidental, he said, “We have irrefutable proof Gen. Milley coordinated with other administration officials in sending tons of cash to Ukraine under the table. President Trump gave us the authority to pursue these traitors in 2019, but we don’t interpret his posts to social media as a hidden message, if that’s what you’re asking. In fact, we didn’t even see it until you brought it up. See, we have this thing called a phone, been around for a while, like 130 years. That’s how we talk to President Trump. We’re not dabbling in secret gestures and coded messages.”

Despite the source’s statement, the timing does seem highly suspect, as does the fact that Milley was scheduled to retire next week. Now, he’ll retire to GITMO instead of Eastern Europe, where his Deep State buddies have been holing up to avoid facing their long-awaited military tribunals.

Monday’s mission marks the second time White Hats arrested Milley in three years. In May 2021, Real Raw News published a detailed account of a Pentagon incident where Gen. David H. Berger overthrew Milley after the latter told the Joint Chiefs of Staff to support Biden’s presidency or retire. Milley was later freed, but White Hats have positively refused to discuss the terms of his release—which he apparently ignored.

RRN assumes they got egg on their face, and we opted not to press the matter, or smear that egg, for fear of losing access to the generous information they’ve given the last three years.

We will publish an in-depth follow-up as expeditiously as possible.

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The real question we all want to know is: does he wear pink panties?


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Rene Labre

Great article

Last edited 1 year ago by Rene Labre

Eff you inmate milley. Execute this traitor, by guillotine or firing squad composed of PFCs from the US Army pulling the trigger.


He prevailed in 2020 just sayin. Didn’t he get over 400 electoral votes? I mean the way this has played out is just bizarre when we know it was a landslide victory, and will be again. I hope JAG uses the rest of this term to drain the swamp. But I do want public disclosure. Truth will out.


I am so happy that Milley is at Gitmo!!! He is a horrible, evil man and deserves to hand.. Especially after what happened to dear Gen. Berger!! I pray that God sends him to hell!!


Deserves to “hang”, I hate auto correct.


Absolutely I thought that was so awful. He’ll be going to hell to see all his masters and buddies. But again I have to ask myself, what is the good of all this secrecy. I believe if other people knew this were happening, it might deter a few of them from…oh say, like Jerome Adams, selling their soul to the devil for fifty cents lol.

Ellie Fournier

Yahoo, I say, YAHOO!!!


That judge ruled President Trump committed fraud is deep state like Milley, round up that judge and prosecutors, Gitmo bound. These people will do anything to keep President Trump off the ballot. President Trump don’t make that ballot God will help us regardless, but would be better with him Trump. Never saw such lawlessness. Biden doing great job screwing up everything. I can’t believe this is America.


Please explain how God will help. Did he help when subsequent elections were stolen and when thousands of children were abducted for rape?


Those following the 💜 Queen of Planet Earth had the low down on Mr T back in 2021.
And the Head of the CIA Queen low down was in May 2021.

He must have stepped across a red line.


Neither can I.


I find this a little hard to believe, as Milley is retiring this weekend. Why would they pick him up after that?


This article does not fit with the previous article on Milley and all the other information we have been fed about him. Makes me question the whole lot. Gavin Newsom is still doing his thing in California and Pence is running also. So the clones are better than the originals. The deep state must be very happy that the white hats are taking out the originals. The other common theme here is people get arrested and hung just before or after they retire. This seems pointless as they have already done their damage and some might say its easier to say somebody has been arrested as they are no longer in the public eye. So the story can the challenged.


Here’s a thought: “Retire” is code for a take-down that keeps one’s reputation intact. A Rommel execution I believe it is called.


was he arrested at Arlington, or at the Pentagon, as stated in earlier article? confusing.


oh i see thank you

Pepe Penname

DILLY DILLY! They bagged General Milley. Let Sir Brad introduce you to the Pit of Misery.


One can just tell by his angry, perpetual pissed off face, especially when one mentions the Donald, that Milley is a control freak traitor.

mike lawson

Wait a Min! May5th 2021 you said Mark Milley was arrested at the Pentagon and taken to Gitmo for Treason? Now Sept25 2023 he was arrested again at a Cemetery and being sent to Gitmo ? And there was a body double earlier? So what is it? How can i be leave conflicting stories?


Any focus on Scott Gottlieb?

Dr John

Check it out


Below is a link to Phil Godlewski’s NESARA GESARA Truth Bomb Released!

Don’t know him, but the documents in the video appear real. If true we have no national debt and potentially a cash reserve of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS???

Replace DOT with .


Into the Vipor pit!

Here are two online links where The Deep state is coordinating and coaching media outlets on how to deal with us and our Truth Telling, you know Conspiracy Theories that are TRUE!

It is safe to go to these sites and most interesting to see how they pass and control information right under our noses. You need to read between the lines and understand the agenda.

The site is for Europe and the United Kingdom, but either our media follows these nut jobs or we have our own doing the same thing on line.

Dr. John

Replace DOT with .



Big things are happening faster each day, it appears some BIG things are about to pop in October??


Phil Godlewski is literally a pedophile groomer, Doc. He pleaded guilty in 2008 to a charge of ‘corrupting a minor’ because he dated and repeatedly had sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was like 25 and was her middle school softball coach. In addition to lying to you about NESARA/GESARA that dude is just gross.

Lady Hermann

Check all your research, not just what causes chaos. Yes, Phil had a situation in 2008 which he admitted to. That being said, take the research and look for patterns, not the people.

John .S

Is that Godlewski guy in the NYC area?, let’s say, Greenpoint or Floral Park.

Myself and male companions would love to have a talk with him, could say, pick his brains.


IF YOU ARE TO BELIEVE THE MSMedia, which I don’t. I think that lies were told to prevent a Patriotic Truther from being believed. He is about to win his case against the Scranton Times for publishing such horsesh*t, to the tune of 100 Million Bucks for Defamation of Character charges, because of these lies told. Perhaps these people were even paid off by the DS to go after Phil G.


He hasn’t won yet. And he’s an admitted child rapist


He admitted to it Rose. You can’t just dismiss everything you don’t like as “the MSM”. The MSM had nothing to do with Phil Godlewski pleading guilty in court to something he did.

Lady Hermann

It is a high possibility, have seen this in other research and so far so good.

Guillaume DesChamp



Phil is a con man. Takes from others and spins tales.


Yesterday the CIC of North America shared a Post from Benjamin Fulford which surprised me.
Regarding the fall of the old Fiat system.


Don’t prolong his agony. Execute this bastard.


Michael Baxter, can you find out if the white hats will take out the fake imposters as well? There are many Hilarys running around. Some are older, some are younger. Gavin Newsom imposter is at it continuing to ruin CA. I’m hoping they arrest them all.


According to my sources, the answer is no. As much as the White Hats would like to take out the clones, the clones technically did not commit the same crimes as the originals and thus are not liable. They cannot charge Clone Gavin Newsom with the crimes of Gavin Newsom, as that would violate the Constitution. They have to just allow Clone Gavin Newsom to govern California and can only arrest him if/when he commits provable crimes himself.


If it’s a clone then it’s not a birthed U.S citizen… torch it…


That is not legal under the 2014 Clone Act. Even if the clone is not a US citizen they are still afforded basic rights, in the same way that it is not legal to just murder an illegal immigrant.


Sure it is for we are at war and the illegals aliens are invaders. We have the right to defend our country and ourselves. Shoot to kill all ages all sexes invading our country. Down in Texas the illegals arrogantly and brazenly erected a Venezuelan flag until it was taken down. The illegals flout our laws with contempt.

Guillaume DesChamp

So you advocate the killing of children?


If their parents don’t care why should we? Keep them OUT!!!

Guillaume DesChamp

You’re a monster, no better than the DS.


No, a patriot who has worked for the welfare dept, knows all their scams, and is tired of paying for the scum who coast while we bust a gut for 51 years nonstop. Illegals sponge $2222/month plus receive $1500 EBT cards + free housing, free medical, free education – while our 80-year old seniors don’t get that much and have to work or starve.
Meanwhile illegals breed faster than maggots in manure because they are paid by the head. Our country is overrun by criminals who want to take our homes, etc, but are too lazy to fix their own country. No, they’d rather move in and trash ours.
This is WAR.


You are completely insane, Sue. That is not remotely legal.


The 2014 Clone Act? Good grief. They covered all their bases about impunity to commit crimes, didn’t they..


Bull shit! If the clones are not put down they will expire in 3yrs!!!

Lady Hermann

Three years only?


Some clones may have a short life span but that does not make it legal to murder them. You cannot legally murder someone with a terminal illness, now can you?


Where i come from there is an old saying wen yo argue w/an idiot you become one!!!


They dont have souls Biggs. They are no more special than a package of ground beef with a floppy disc inside of it.
A dybbuk inside of a golem.


That has not been proven, and it is still illegal to murder them since the passing of the 2014 Clone Act.

mike lawson

What about being an imposter and not legally in the Gov position ? That sounds like a crime?


Under technicality of law, a clone is not an ‘imposter’. The 2014 Clone Act was very clear about this.


Impersonation of a public official seems like a crime.


Being a clone is not an “impersonation”. Unlike an actor or a body double, the clone did not choose to be made that way.


Bullshit. Clones dont have souls. Shooting one would be about as unethical as shoving a floppy disc in a package of meat and then using them as target practice.
They are golems animated by dybbuks
Think Chuckie Dolls.


Wow aimee, did you even *watch* Child’s Play? The Chucky Doll absolutely did have a soul. It was inhabited by the soul of Charles Lee Ray.


They will be removed one way or the other. Have faith.


The Guy Trump called; “A fucking idiot”.
No argument here.


@prolotario1 was interesting yesterday…

” What happened in March 2020? You were distracted with Covid-19. Meaning you missed the US Treasury absorbing the Fed-Reserve. What is supposed to happen around Oct 1st? New US Treasury Bills. What are they going to distract you with again? The FEMA Alert System.
People, do not fall for this twice. You should know their playbook by now. Everytime they are forced to capitulate they pay their MSM minions to blow things out of proportion so you do not notice their empire is crumbling before your feet. This is Rome all over again.
The M2- money supply is expected to be at zero around Oct 1st. So of course the Cabal want to cause social anxiety as to what can potentially happen with the FEMA Alert and the people that are vaccinated because of the sound frequency and its affects on graphine. Relax.”


But people like MB are urging y’all to turn off your phones and stay away from your online devices on the day of the FEMA EBS, so logically that would be the easiest day for the Deep State to do some big sneaky move, since you guys won’t be online to notice and post about it 🤷‍♂️


The USA has been bankrupt for years. We owe China instead.


More from the prolotario1…

Michael Flynn controls Liz Crokin & Lara Logan. Why do you think both of these women are on the “Little Flower Advisory Board”? This was created to control the info-flow on the Pedophilia so certain names remain undisclosed. Like Richard Branson.


He’s at the Pentagon every day. If they want him they should go grab him. His office is in the E Ring so the WH’s don’t have to penetrate the whole building. If he is in fact somewhere else, there’s someone who looks a hell of a lot like him in the cafeteria from time to time.




Merrick Garland would be VERY high on my list, too – Austin’s capo. But I’m not complaining – the WH’s have caught some BIG (((fish))) lately – Yellen, Pritzker and now Milley.

The (((snake))) is hemoraging… Oh, darn.




You never make deals with these traitors, they just can’t be trusted, they will betray your trust eventually, it’s their nature.


There is no way that he can believe that fake Biden is the real deal.. Therefore he is an out right traitor supporting an insurrection..
Perhaps he was originally working for a prison sentence and decided, F*** it.. I’ll take my chances with the Chinese..
The DS have been so secure in their power hungry little world that they actually can’t engage their brains to figure out that they are DONE..
When one has been used to having Trillions at one’s finger tips, it’s a terrible come down to suddenly have to tell Christies to collect ones stuff for Auction.. Hahaha.. Imagine having to imagine the serfs ogling and laughing over one’s expensive CRAP..


Mr Deep State General (problem) miliey. Hang ‘Em!

Jim Joans

He is a gonna swing, and he won’t be the do’n the Chattanooga Choo Choo with Glen Miller.


is that a drug?


He looks like the love child of George Soros and Madeline Albright.

Debra Rudolph

Ahhhh you got Mr. Gestapo himself. Good, maybe he will squeal but I doubt it.


Prince wrote a song inn1984 called when 🐷 SQUEAL just for MilliFRIED!

Wayne Hatton

He’s an insult to the Gestapo. They fought cabal communism.


All the Haavara coin Nazis illegally settled Israel after WW2 where to this day they try to dupe people into thinking they are jews.


We can hardly play Monday morning quarterback to White Hats, who are making many sacrifices for us and know much more than we do about so many factors.

Not saying anyone is beyond questioning, there is a place for that, but generous allowance is appropriate.

Earlier on, they may have thought they’d get more cooperation from these goons.

John .S

To be redundant, again money says: Untried & Dead for Milley.

No doubt Milley’s psyche in overdrive, brain function overwhelmed, at threshold of rational versus irrational.

Place your bets folks, Suicide or Tribunal.


I’m not a betting person, however I’d say suicide.. He was probably working toward a prison deal instead of a hanging but decided that prison was a $#!+ deal so decided to take his chances with the Chinese… little does he realise that the Chinese would have popped him one anyway.. So yeah.. Suicide. Probably too much if a coward to face the noose…

John .S

Thanks for participating, your prediction been entered, good luck.

To bad MB’s merch store isn’t open, would have him send ya a RRN coffee mug just for participating in survey [Ghoul Pool].


I think he’ll hang. They will watch him like a hawk until he swings.


Either way he goes to the same place.

John .S

Just post a pick, provided two simple choices, it’s a 50-50 crap shoot.


An exclusive jewish enclave. With all the other kiddie diddlers. Because the Talmud declares pedophilia to be kosher. It is an essential element of their Khabbalistic black sex majick rituals to Moloch/Baal/Baphomet for scheckels. (or any of his other post tower of Babel names for Nimrod/ Lucifer.


@Michael Baxter

Hi, Michael you have mentioned in several articles about Deep Staters hiding in Eastern Europe. Do you have info on where specifically?


Dumb ass, MB is not the release authority for any info on this site.

Everyone please stop posting Mike like he’s Elvis. He’s not fucking Elvis. He’s just a guy who the military chooses to release certain pieces of information to.

Your incessant desire to idolize Mike Baxter is pathetic, and it’s one of the reasons why the Lord has allowed much suffering in your lives. You always want to hold MEN up to be idolized. Men are just men.

Azurite Crystal

Well Jesus is a metaphore for Sun worship


Wrong!!!! That is paganism!!!


It’s “Son” worship, as in the Son of God


Not according to Isaiah 53. You know the chapter the Rabbis forbid you to read less the scales fall from your eyes and their pharasaical grift scam is ip.


You’re talking about when the ”Magic Sky Dude” incestuously raped his own under age daughter and made her have his incest baby. You seem to believe he had to incest rape her or he’d have had to burn you with fire when you die for not being ”born right”.

Here’s a hint. There’s no magical middle eastern sky molester. It didn’t have to incest rape it’s daughter, and make her carry his incest baby, so it won’t have to burn you with fire.

You’ve been lied to by the same people who told you the ”Magic Dude” will only talk to them because of bloodline race rulership over the Earth.

You bought into all the Master Race and ‘magic’ baloney by the people shooting up your mother with poison.

That is all.


folks here dont appreciate logic nor reason. they take trumps vaccines and trust the plan.


Wrong the Rabbis lied to you when they told you Isaiah 53 was a forbidden chapter and you could never read it because its about Jesus.


It will be great when MB releases the report on Moore, Chance & the dr’s who were supposed to hang!

Rose Mary Abbott

Who appointed you to be the posting police?

John .S

Wow, well written… “MB-This – MB-That – MB – MB – MB”, slurp-slurp, lipstick and knee pads.

Rene Labre

Honestly his info is limited.And it is red hot.Hotter than anything else can come up with.Himself ,just a regular chap like you and me,selected for this.Bet on that.


He can tell you but he’ll have to kill you. As the saying goes.



Too hard ?


The Court case for 9/11 is on line.
Much to learn there is from there including the period of arrests of those POS


What online address, please?!!


It’s posted on USAFCC. Aug 14th.
Telegram. If you search that date.

Lady Hermann

It is high time every one stopped “interpreting” every thing President Trump does. We are fighting a “uniparty” of Evil.


We are fighting a bunch of sellouts who all signed the AIPAC traitor agreement. Agreeing to always put Israels needs or wants above Americas. That is why I loathe jews so much. They are fake liars , thieves, and traitors.

Surf Nazare

Matt 24:6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars—see that you are not troubled–

Thre is a MASSIVE attack going on in Ukraine and Crimea and even into Russia !! Counter offensive under way. Even the US has Command and Control planes in the air. Putin has been moved and will be most interesting to see what Russia does. Maybe even a nuke——I bet you will see the reserved troops moved into action —
If you don’t think we are in the end times then you are truly spiritually blind —


We may be at THE end of an age, but Paul makes it very clear in Corinthians that the Kingdom will not be delivered by Christ to God the Father, until all His enemies are under His rule! This simply means that the entire globe in each country will bare rule with His royal law! I take it you are a pre-mill dispensationalist! That eschatology weakened the church and elevated the godless j00$!


the off track of the church came from Jesuit priest who wrote about rapture…Scofield fiund the literature and taught in hus teachings…. this weaken the church to find the real truth. For years I had believed this teaching when I was knew in Christ in late 70s, pretty popular then, but I had learned the hardway to do my iwn research abd discovered with God’s help. The body of believers are to place the enemy under our feet. And we can see Father God is bringing the whole world to Him. Wake up is not only fir people to see the corruption but also believers to wake up in how we have been duped by the deep state. I love what God is doing!


I apologize for misspelling. The edit on here won’t take corrections. It gives message typing comment too fast or something like that. Sorry.

Surf Nazare

you are talking about the 2nd coming and the 1000 year millennium—and even then nations are punished for not keeping the Feast of Tabernacles—–He gives an example of Egypt and with holding the rain—-But we are definitely looking at the return of Jesus and then the reign——So people can quibble over whether pre-trib/mid-trib but we are there in that time period. Matt says it clearly that when you see all these things happening at one time——this is it—–People also need to read Revelation !!!! And anyone that thinks it is all peaches and roses —-ok I’ll stop—–People better check out what happens with the 2 witnesses——


Yea but….we are not yet free of spots and wrinkles


The Old Testament for a Catholic Rapture is Kings II the Bible the axe head always represents Rome.
Other rapture confirmations are Revelation 3:10.
Psalm 27:5
Isaiah 26:20
John 6:54 ( catholic Eucharist)

Eugene Templet

Definitely NOT the end times.


Well then, there you have it.

Surf Nazare

if you say so—-I know you are an authority and a student of the word of G-d—–enjoy



Surf Nazare

Is this a breakthrough ????


Possibly my favorite so far for the gallows. Messing with the military ought to be one of the worst crimes. You can’t really get worse than treason. Thanks for the great article!


You just made my day, Mr. Baxter!!!!! What great information to start my day. Thank God you and the White Hats are taking care of business and nabbing these United States hating cretins. I hope his trial is speedy and his execution slow so he feels at least a sliver of the pain he has caused our country and the patriot military and their families. He committed treason more than once and his arrest is quite a milestone. Great job.

Another top brass bites the dust!

CONservative DEMocrat

fuck that tyrannical queer. kill him quick. Since sexuality is of such importance to him, sever his dick (providing he still has one) and shove it down his mouth, leave him hanging to rot in the sun and take plenty of pictures. The American people deserve to see these bastards as dehumanized, as possible.


Take plenty of pictures? Are you that hard up for jack off material, Condem?

Lorenz Manner

Amazing. He is done. Prepare a solid gallow with a thick rope because he is big and heavy. Good riddance and No Regrets because he’ll get exactly what he deserves.


It is my hope MilliFRIED breaks the first rope due to his kop sized 🐷 girth to experience TH33 ABSOLUTE FEAR of the next attempt!

CONservative DEMocrat

whomever down voted this comment should be doxxed. Make it easier to find pukes who sympathize with traitors. They can hang in their own front yard.

Guillaume DesChamp

Lol. Good luck with that.


Lol imagine thinking downvoting someone on a fuckin wordpress blog should be punishable by death. Y’all are beyond insane


I think he used just a little to much filler for the Bags under his eyes. Looks like he got smashed in the eyes and his corner never tried to get the swelling down.
Anyways, good to see they finally brought him back to his one room studo apt at GITMO.

Azurite Crystal

Fluid under eyes
Dark circles around eyes
Those are visible signs of Kidney problems


And of course lack of sleep because this POS always knew his days were severely numbered!


What do you think his creatinine, bilirubin and BUN numbers look like?


I read somewhere that being on the receiving “end” of sodomy can cause bags to form under the eyes. He looks like he has been on the receiving end of a train for decades. Comey had big bags under his eyes too.


The scum are falling like the trash they are. They are getting his rope necktie ready for him.


ok folks… day 15987 and no public arrests. BEST PLAN EVER.


Nothing like tipping off the enemy


The biggest BS excuse … what they don’t say is we the people are the enemy they don’t want tipping off. The deep state already knows what the gray hats plan to do or not do.


yup. trump could have ended this on jan 6th. instead he told folks to remain peaceful and here we are. cant have average folks murdering his satanic elitist buddies.remain peaceful. we will arrest the bad guys.

15698 days into the plan and no public arrests. best plan ever drumpty and costume wearer.


lmao… so arresting one person publicly would tip off the enemy but supposedly arresting hundreds in secret doesnt tip the enemy off at all? Next time trump tries to murder you with a vaccine dont take it.

its made you stupid as fuck.


Yeah not to mention describing all the arrests in tremendous detail here on Michael Baxter’s dumbass blog. That wouldn’t tip off the enemy would it? 🙃

John .S

Wrong, I’m keeping tabs on it – it’s day 15988 not 87, you’re off by a day, check the calendar.

John .S

Best Plan Ever causing people to close their business, take their kids out of private school, also causing their homes to go into foreclosure.

The Plan – The Plan – Trust the Plan, that’s not happening… Only a fool would trust the so-called plan.

Civil Service pension whores perceive everything as okay, doing their dally gig, paycheck direct deposit.

No doubt it’s the end of the ‘working’ middle class, “”you’ll own nothing and be happy””, and that’s the plan, no disputing it.

Buddy sold motorcycle to purchase back to school clothes for his kids, work hours cut significantly. Trade companies pulling service trucks off the road, down sizing, economy is shot.

Vacant store fronts for rent everywhere, industry park office buildings 80% vacant.

The Plan – Trust the Plan, again that’s not happening. It’s going to get ugly, people had enough, real shit-show cometh.

Lock and Load.


Your buddy wasted the motorcycle money on back-to-school clothes for kids?! How foolish. I could understand buying shoes because their feet change but let them wear last year’s fashions. And has he ever heard of hand-me-downs?

Sparky Sr

Milley was nothing but a POS looking out for himself – period, full stop!
With that out of the way….
Trump’s speach in SC: “…less than 5 months………”
Think people.
Why is Trump still President?
Why is a new vote coming in Feb 2024?
What happens to a corporation when it is disolved from bankruptcy?
Who is in charge of said corp?
What happens to the creditors & debetors?
What happens to the stock-holders?
What happens to the corp while being disolved that fraud was discovered?
What happens to the fraudulent departments/contracts/scams?

Transfermation – more than meets the eye!!!

Trump’s court dates??? Proven??
How do you LEGALLY show proof in court?
How do you make the enemy do all the work or Fail/Fraud to do the work? WHY??
Who is watching???
Who is on our side?

Lights, cameras, action—-

Anne Stallybrass

great response, real Q style, yes and what is coming?

Presently Poland etc will allow extraditions, but first their [DS] regime has to be exposed and closed down – elections coming soon.


wait what? its been 60 years. they havnt been able to expose the deep state in 60 years? BEST PLAN EVER.

Sparky Sr

You need history lessons…
Lincoln exposed them before the Civil War – Assassinated
JFK exposed them Cold War – Assassinated
Nixon exposed them Vietnam – impeached
Reagan exposed them – Attempted Assassination – sets up D5 (35yr plan to take back USA & destroy the DS/establishment.)
Trump exposes them – Part of D5 plan – Attempted Assassinations/impeachments – backrupts the US Corp as CEO

J Bill



Lincoln was a Yankee j00 Queer! I will always take the side of RE Lee!

Jonathan Ray Carmona

Robert E. Lee was indeed awesome, but Lincoln was no queer. You have been looking at some revisionist history sir. There is no proof our 16th POTUS was anything but a straight upstanding American citizen. Unless you have some red flag evidence for me to look at…?


Not so fast…..the lincoln admin did commit war crimes on the civilian population of the South

CONservative DEMocrat

lincoln was a tyrant. the only tragedy in his death—-it didn’t happen sooner. Long live the South.

Sandy Thomas



I understand that if he had not been shot that Lincoln would have died anyway from a brain tumor.

Sandy Thomas



Who is “Them?” And what practical effect does “exposing” them have?

CONservative DEMocrat

go to you tube makeup for men. I imagine it won’t be so difficult for you to decipher.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

I like it!


President Trump has God directing him and his team. That’s the difference and God ALWAYS WINS.


so now instead of blaming drumpty for tthe vaccine deaths we must blame god?

yeah im certain thats just what god had in mind. millions of vaccine deaths and 7 years of compulsive lies.


No, that ‘s what the democrats who colluded with the communist Chinese in the Wuhan lab had in mind!


Some well-sourced truthers opined that Nixon was impeached because he waged war against drug lords aka. DS traffickers. The DS made up the watergate scandal with assist from three letter agencies. Yes Reagan exposed the DS the Bushes in particular, for their deep involvement in drug trafficking. The Bushes used their very own neighbor John Hinckley to silence Ronaldus Magnus.
Contrary to popular beliefs, China did not start the dreaded drug trade but The British Empire. Their source of drugs was India who was a colony of the empire. Accordingly, The Empire had a humongous trade deficit with China and resorted to drugs as barter. China eventually became the drug addict epicenter of the world. When the Chinese leaders finally realized, they waged war against the British Empire and won driving the Brits out of the mainland.


nope youre 100 percent wrong. drumpty and all the q retards have said for 3 years this movie is to expose the cabal. If the cabal had already been exposed numerous times in recent history that would make drumpty and the q tards outright liars. no way thats taking place.


They have thoroughly exposed it, more than I would have dreamed possible. It just hasn’t been on MSNBC yet. You know — that gang of professional liars with their perfect hair. The ones you work for .. but even they will be forced to tell the truth. Will the real POTUS please stand up. Voila. Truth will out


who did they expose it to? so if it wasnt on the msm how specifically did the normies hear about it? I do insurance lie as much as drumpty does .

So when specifically will the msm be forced to speak the truth? who is gonna force them and why not force them bf trumps covid vaccine murdered millions?


It is exposed. All that remains is to slog off the scum that keeps it hidden. More normies know something is deeply wrong than admit it.


Many of the jabs were replaced with Saline, once President DJT found out about them lying to him about the safety of the Experimental Gene Therapy. Had he not managed to replace so many, many more would have died or became disabled from the Deepstate one’s sent out as Bio-Weapons for depopulation of the world masses. Stop blaming President Trump 4 killing people, when he told us many times what he took & what worked. He also sent Millions of Doses of Hydroxychloraquine to Hospitals & a Million Doses of Chloraquine were sent as well, with more on the way. He said it was our choice to take or not to take. ByeDone mandated people take it. There’s yet to be one isolated case of COV19, proving it doesn’t exist, & positive tests placed under a special Microscope, showed most had Influenza A, but some had Influenza B as well. Everyone had a choice, even if they lost their job, which sucks, but I’d rather be safe than play Russian Roulette with my life. MSM surely played it’s part 2 put the masses in a state of fear, so they’d run out & get jabbed, several time’s daily. They spoke constantly how the jab was safe & effective & many fell 4 it bcuz of them. President Trump didn’t create the jabs.

Mary Parry

MSNBC is the radical left’s favorite news outlet. I look forward to their demise.


The heavens will rejoice

CONservative DEMocrat

When civil war commences, we need to find you and shoot you in the forehead or hang you.


you wouldnt even put the cheetos down when the satanists stole the election from the vax pimp. Youre nothing but a gutless coward who would literally get your teeth kicked down your skull for attempting to say that irl.


how much do you get paid for writing that?


nothing. why does the truth bother q retards so much.Its a factual statement. there has never been one public arrest. according to the q retards like yourself this war has been going on since 1963.Even a vaccine addled trust the planner should be able to do that simple math.


Oh, you beat me to it! DEFINITELY Q style!

Sparky Sr

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us always.


Spoken like a REAL X (skull) 22 ( mossad ) Davey WATCHER!

CONservative DEMocrat

you missed the other ‘o’ in your name, Boob.


Are you Q? Or just a knockoff?

Sparky Sr

We are Anonymous.


gay is more like it

Likely just Q followers here – or agitators looking to annoy for their own pleasure.


Mr T a great actor Red pilling the world.
Mr B a great Actor Red pilling the world.

While the Light workers and parts of the Military get the heavy work done.


at least you admit they are compulsive lying actors.


Believe Trump is referring to the Iowa and South Carolina republican primaries on Jan 15 and Feb 24.

Michael R Davis

September 25, 2023
Has Commander-in-Chief Trump misspoken, stating “. . . less than 5 months from now we’re going to defeat crooked Joe Biden, we’re going to take back Our Country and we’re going to make America Great Again.”

“We’re gonna take back the Senate, take back the House, we’re gonna take back the White House – and sooner than you think. It’s going to be really something special…”

No. Simple to comprehend. In Feb 2024, when the 2020 election is proven to all the world to be stolen, the Globalist Deep-State, represented by the unelected Resident Biden Regime, will be defeated publicly in court, a total unquestionable defeat. Trump will return to office, run unopposed for another term, because all the crooked politicians will be gone, serving their JAG court sentences.

Sparky Sr

AMEN!!! –


Thanks, kind of what I was thinking last night when watching Trump. I even rewound the speech to see If I heard him wrong.
Nice to hear it from someone else and not just me thinking to myself.

God Bless Michael….


Shouldn’t the proof be brought out by October 24th? Then, we’ll have that “vote” within 120 days? Just wondering, in NESARA terms.

Sparky Sr

Follow the court dates…


Why February? Also, there is no legal mechanism under the Constitution for Trump to be “reinstalled,” so will it be done in violation of the law? This sounds like sheer speculation.

It probably is speculation; but no – it would not violate any law to put the RIGHTFUL POTUS in place publicly. It would VINDICATE the already many times ignored and broken law to restore Trump to his office.


President Trump never conceded….truth coming out in a big way and it will be wonderful — 2020 results


A concession is not required. Nothing in the law or Constitution requires it. That woman in Georgia who ran for governor and lost never conceded and she’s still not the governor. And regardless of whether its the right thing to do, there is no procedure for returning a president to office other than winning an election. That’s just the way it goes.


No, if it is proven that Biden cheated then his opponent wins by default. It’s in the Constitution.


Oh, I am so looking forward to this. I am praying hard that nothing is going to stop this plan and the DS will be defeated once and for all. The trolls on here will be stunned into silence finally.


I think Trump was referring to the Iowa and South Carolina republican primaries on Jan 15 and Feb 24.


Trump was saying something about voting in 5 short months at the SC speech a few hours ago.
Am I missing something, 5 short months is February 2024. We all know the press will take that and run with it forever on the news now.
They will be saying he’s to old since he seemed to get the date wrong, unless he did it on perpose for some reason.
What vote is in February 2024?


As I can see it is happening all ready with the news. I do believe he said it on purpose and I included a little link for people to read if they want. How I interpreted it was the beginning of March 2024, is something going to happen?

I was also thinking that was the date, time period for his court case to start.
I don’t watch CNN or any MSM but I’m sure this will be all the head lines for the next week, unless they don’t want their viewers to see or hears this.

take out 3 spaces

https:// /2023/09/25/ president-trump-less-than-5-months-were-going/

2nd post, forgot my spaces and it got tagged for including the link.

Michael R Davis

Simple. In Feb 2024, when the 2020 election is proven to all the world to be stolen, the Globalist Deep-State, represented by the unelected Resident Biden Regime, will be defeated publicly in court, a total unquestionable defeat. Trump will return to office, run unopposed for another term, because all the crooked politicians will be gone, serving their JAG court sentences.


Most of their JAG court sentences will have them all hanging. They are steadily dragging their heavy bloated rear-ends to the gallows as we speak. From all accounts, MB is only reporting on a very small number of them. The people screeching on here that it is too slow and will take 5K years to complete, have no idea the volume taking place.


I like this. 🙏

Mark Heisler

I heard on -AND WE KNOW- that Trump’s has said something a view time now, on January 6th you know the one I’m talking about, recent he said it again,
I will be in the White House sooner than you think! So something big is going down very very soon, I would say Biden will be gone somehow, probably before he pretends to start WW III, and that’s when the Black Swan event will start I believe, all the stuff we’ve been hearing has to happen all at once, if anything like this is going to happen, some countries want Trump to not let World war 3 happen they want peace and they’re asking Trump for ✌️🕊️ so all this means something.


The problem with and we know is Mary has a made up friend with Valiant Thor! She is literally a modern Jim Jones type, and her followers eat up all of her Bullshizzle that she gets from Judy Lyington!!!!!!

Anne Stallybrass

You’re the one in error mate. Plenty of proof about Val Thor, and also, as one would expect, plenty of disinformation saying he doesn’t exist or doesn’t do what he’s cracked up to do. Even his biographer was too dogmatically Christian to really grasp the incoming ET dimensions. It takes time.


There is a real Valiant Thor, and there is an imposter. The imposter is the one that we see on the videos. The real one does not communicate with civilians – only the alliance.


Actually we don’t really see the imposter, we only hear his voice.


Keep drinking her Jim Jone koolaid, ma’am! All of her supporters are mostly vaXXXed as they send their Bullshizzle light & love to each other!

Mary is an OCCULTIST!

CONservative DEMocrat

You are a moronist.


Yes, that is what I have heard. There’s no doubt about Val’s landing in the river near the Pentagon in 1957. The poor policeman who had to sort of handle the case was really bummed because he wasn’t supposed to be working that day and didn’t especially want all that information. I think Val was taken directly to the Pentagon.

Sandy Thomas

Valiant might be very real, but lisping Mary is lyington full of it.


Thank you, you are so right imo.


Yw, young person! I bid you a very good day in THE Lord.

CONservative DEMocrat

Again-spelled, Boob.


Thanks, Cock sucker!



Chris G

The SC primary is Tue March 5th – that’s pretty close to 5 months


Thanks for that tibit of news, good to know. I thought maybe something like that could be what he was telling the people.

He also will be starting his court hearings around that time as well.

Thanks Again….


I thought it was Feb 24th.


Trump can prove in court the election was stolen at the same time everyone is ready to oust the Bidens


I’m thinking Biden is going to get ousted before that. I saw where he just took his fake booster to try and get people in line for that.
They might have gave him the real thing this time around to oust him a little sooner.


Exactly, there is no loyalty among thieves.

Sandy Thomas

How are they going to oust biden by giving the non-real biden the real thing?


Bluewater on bitchute was talking about this last December, and T would have returned this March…. Then Mary at we the people ( who is a major Bullshizzler | liar ) talked about the Brunson case, along with seven 🎺 blowing, blah, blah, blah! I simply stay away from making prophetic claims about the future and pay attention to TODAY!

Good morning ☀️ and good day to all on this forum!


I saw on Rummble a round table talk and one of the people there said when Trump is back in office in March we will see things really happening.
The host got al upset and said “you can’t say that on Youtube” and ended the round table talks.
I was watching it on Rummble so they must have posted it on Youtube first.


Which channel on YouTube, sir? Good morning to your home.

CONservative DEMocrat

Don’t help Boob find anything.


Keep trolling, luver of men! You sux shizzle!


May you have a sunshiney day, too, Bob! Lots of people out there feeding the mushrooms!

Feisty Granny

Good question? What vote in February 2024? Research time?

Someone Else


Will believe it when I see it.

Has always been soon…


I agree…Trump never just throws out random garbage …. there is always a message behind what he says. All the FakeBiden/Obama will be running for the hills soon with no where to hide. It will be an awesome time.




Believe he was referring to the republican primaries in Jan (Iowa) and Feb (South Carolina).




It’s not impossible they released a double or clone.
It’s an old play book now, with the walking dead all over the media.

If the Presidents of the US Russia India Etc are deep fakes then this guy could be for sure.

Feisty Granny

Something to think about, for sure!

truth is stubborn

Except the whitehats are smart enough to check him for the obvious clone signs. If he is, you’ll hear.

And even then, taking out someone’s operative clone would make life extremely difficult for their attempt to maintain the facade.


Please stop using CAPS and profanity. Did you learn to talk like that that from your prrents?

Mark Heisler

Sometimes it’s hard but we’re all frustrated over this long movie, I believe all of us want to see this stuff on TV already, I was like that guy very upset I’m trying to be more respectful in my comments, 😀 some of us are so anxious to see this end. God help us all who’s upset.

CONservative DEMocrat


CONservative DEMocrat

go to church and leave us alone. We are PISSED and profanity is a language of passionately pissed people.

Sandy Thomas

At Least stop USING CAPS,…fck.


I don’t read the all caps postings. If I use caps at all it is a word or two for emphasis, to be understood.

John .S

Spot-on Big Ed, perfectly said.




Which way is the public appearances narrative going to go with this guy? Clone, mask or body double?


He is due to ‘retire’ next week so unless he becomes an ‘analyst’ for MSM you won’t be seeing or hearing about him for awhile.


Ugh. Deny him the pension, please!



John .S

Great question.
They will go CGI, that technology advancing every day, green screen innovations too, which MSM implements constantly.

Bread and Circus, Waving Red Herrings and Trick or Artifice as standard procedure.


EXACTLY! – These FUCKTARDS that believe this BULLFUCKIN’SHIT eat it up like the donuts they stuff their face with! Milley will be seen doing what he always does everyday but hey SHEEPLE, it’s just a clone!!!! Christ these people are getting Fuckin’ DUMBER by the millisecond!!!

CONservative DEMocrat

And still won’t catch up to your level of retardation.


Remember this statement in that article in 2021 about Milley?

“Asked if Donald J. Trump was at the Pentagon on April 16, our source replied: “I cannot say yes or not. I can tell that what’s happening now is a prelude to his reinauguration on Independence Day.”

Maybe we should have asked which ID. It was just another carrot on a stick.


Don’t let your informants jive talk you. Trump is a master at double-speak and of course they have eyes on him at all time. So I will shout “TRIPE” because Tripe has been served to you.


Double speak? I’ve never seen anyone more direct or honest when he speaks, especially for a ‘politician’.


Lmao …yeah Mr I took the Pfizer vaccine is all truths.

Mr please take my beautiful vaccine is all truths

Mr I guess 19 Muslims with box cutters did 9/11 is certainly all truths.

You trust the plan retards must have all taken his death jab.

He lies compulsively and has for the last 7 years


Lol you are full of jive talk. Try researching your crap of shit you type on this page, Bot!


i knew more in the late 90s about things of this nature than you will know in 100 lifetimes trust the plan retard. and no still not a bot. What kind of super low iq retard knowingly respond to bots though?

truth is stubborn

Trump hasn’t admitted it, but he now understands perfectly that he was sold a bill of goods on the pseudovax. If you’ve read things here, you would know that. It’d probably be not very smart for him to feed something like that to the MSM right now though.

He also knows 9/11 was a false flag. Hell, I figured that pretty quickly after it happened too. If you read things on this site, you’d have already seen the Bush/Cheney discussions on that. There’s no way that’d be here and DJT would NOT know that.

Plans have to evolve, but I trust it. Reagan style of trust but verify – and I know good people are hard at work on the job. And I’m grateful for it even if you’re not.

So yeah, WWG1WGA.


At least you admit he lies compulsively. Why 15698 days into the plan to save humanity is trump and his supposed white hats still scared of the satanic media? sounds very cowardly.

truth is stubborn

You’re not even honest enough not to twist my words into what I never said nor believed.

Tell me who you are without telling me who you are, I guess.


Another No-Name huh? Just like No- Name John McCain! Are you a Commie, Neo-Nazi or a RINO?

CONservative DEMocrat

he is a piece of commie shit, wrapped in a queer pretzel threesome, huddled in an abortion mill dumpster, waiting for lunch. Fuck him/zer.


He just said at the SC speech “We” as in us and him are going to win in 5 short months.
The election is over a year away, What double speak is that. If being Direct is he telling us something we should know.
He said we would be voting in February 2024.

You do know the MSM will take that and run with it for the next year, saying he is to old since he forgot when the real election is.


yeah but he also thinks the last 7 years is what he considers winning!


You really are without a clue, as well as without a name.


oh noes… a vaccine addled trust the planner says i dont have a clue. whatever will i do. Keep trusting the 60 year plan and make s ure to take the drump vaccines. i hear they are beautiful.


What happen to all that honesty when Trump said he was going to release the records regarding JFK, then decided not to.
There are other things, but I don’t feel like looking it up.


he compulsively lies about everything. vaccines. 9/11, jfk files. dews killing people in maui.

Anthony Gregory

Thought millye had already been arrested and in gitmo?


Struck a deal to save his neck from stretching and had to play his ‘role’ in the movie for it. He was actually pretty good at it. Played his part well.


It has taken a long time to figure it all out.
But in short I think you have also figured it out.

He played the roll to save his family but stepped out of line, the clue is in the Covid military codes.

It’s not yet time for the truth to out but it’s coming.

It’s out there if you know where to look.



I bet the people and their families that lost loved ones in the Afgan pull out would have different opinion on that.

And Rew

So, did they re-arrest him because his part was finished? Or, because he didn’t do what he was supposed to do?

Church lips

My guess is he stepped out of line from his previous warning.


In honor of it’s Decomposing State, I re-wrote an Ode from Saturday Night Live, to BIGGS-P, our be-loathed Troll!
If you hadn’t heard – #BiggsIsBigMikeObama….. coming to us from 6 foot under.

B – Is for the BS that it gives us,
I – Is for the Ignorance that it chooses,
G – Is for the Gonads that it misses,
G – Is for Galactic Gibberish, that it writes us,
S – Is for the Super-Irrelevance of it’s comments,
P – Is for the Putrefying Scent, that it leaves here.

Put it all together, it spells … BiggsP’~!!!

If we can’t make fun of our Trolls, who can we torment?

All credit given to: Saturday Night Live – May 8th, 1976 – “MotherP'”/Madeline Kahn/Carly Simon


I’m sure he’s just crushed by your dazzling wit.


Perhaps not, but I enjoyed the laugh.

J Bill

Boomer humor is the worst.


I find it so funny that you who think you are insulting ‘boomers’ by saying things like that. I am so grateful that I am not part of the group with no morals, cannot read or write cursive, have atrocious grammatical skills, don’t know anything about our constitution or history, have been brainwashed into believing that there are more than 2 genders, think it’s exciting to mutilate and sterilize your bodies, find murdering babies from conception and past birth acceptable and think nothing of the crime of euthanasia like people are animals.

Boomers has seen it all and learned from society’s mistakes and see the “fads” like gender changes for the lies they are. We boomers have worked all our lives, married and had children, love our families and taught our children to love God and be thankful for the things we have and stop lusting for what we don’t.

So if you don’t care for boomer humor, we don’t care. We do pray for you and hope you drag yourself out from under the brainwashing you allow every time you “socialize” on social media. The endless, ridiculously fake selfies you put out there in hopes someone thinks you are smart, good looking and fabulous just makes you a useful tool for the demons who have targeted you.

And you girls who think you are special when you try to act sexy or dress evocatively, WAKE UP. Haven’t you figured out by now that most boys and men will tell you anything to get in your pants? They don’t think you are special. They just know you are easy. You are only there for them to make a deposit.

And lastly, you will be a “boomer” some day as well. When you become a real adult you will look back at your stupid statements and see how you’ve been tricked by demons. We boomers used to say that you can’t trust anyone over 30 and that 40 meant you were on death’s doorstep. We grew up and realized how stupid we were to think and say those things. But what we didn’t do is jump on the transgender train. We knew and still do know that there are only 2 genders and that children don’t need sex education/indoctrination from anyone other than their parents.


Amen, and Amen! You forgot to mention how this generation also eats TIDE pods and is highly VaXXXinated! They are dying according to plan! 😔

Church lips

Well said.

Fellow boomer here, just recently retired from a position with an EU based global company – in the last 10-15 years my colleagues mostly were younger (my kids age late 30’s) and very bright.

I just told them “look, I grew up with vinyl records and rotary telephones so please be patient with me”… they were very kind, respectful and helpful to me, I treated them the same and we had a great time.

But, all along I saw their indifference to the values I grew up with which you mention above. I remember being young once.


Can you do one for noname?


how about you try terry? come on give it your best effort. put down the cheetos. get out of the recliner. put down the drump vaccine and give it your best effort.