JAG Convicts “mRNA Queen” Melissa Moore


A Guantanamo Bay military tribunal on Thursday delivered a verdict of guilty in JAG’s case against former Moderna maniac Melissa J. Moore, the creature that lobbied the FDA to approve the mRNA-1273 clot shot despite knowing it had killed and sickened trial participants and would have a high mortality rate once administered to the general population.

As reported, Moore, fittingly called the “mRNA Queen,” was arrested in Massachusetts last month and taken to a military processing center for intake and interrogation. A GITMO source told Real Raw News that JAG had appointed a junior lawyer to represent Moore during questioning and that he advised his client to cooperate fully, to name her associates, and to sign a written confession. Moore refused and instead doubled down on remarks once made to her former employer, the late Stéphane Bancel: “History will eventually report that human guinea pigs are necessary to advance revolutionary medicine.” She had asserted her innocence, saying science would extol her research as “necessary to the survival of humanity.”

The three officers JAG had empaneled to weigh evidence looked upon Moore with disgust as Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall opened the proceedings by showing them the syringe Moore had tried to jab herself with at the time of her arrest. A chemical trace analysis, he said, revealed the needle held a fatal dose of hydrogen cyanide, once the agent of judicial executions in some U.S. states. Adm. Crandall also displayed a comprehensive blood panel taken after Moore’s arrest.

“Detainee More wasn’t vaccinated. Didn’t have the courage to take her own vaccine. But would’ve self-administered a painful death to avoid capture. These are not the actions of an innocent person,” said Adm. Crandall.

“I don’t know where that came from. I thought it was my insulin,” Moore barked as her JAG-appointed lawyer cautioned her to stay silent.

“So, detainee Moore, you expect this commission to believe that there you were, getting tackled by two JAG investigators, and you suddenly decided that was a good time to reach into your purse for insulin? Is that what you expect this panel to believe, detainee Moore?” Adm. Crandall asked.

“I honestly don’t care what they believe,” Moore responded.

“Well, you should; your life is on the line, as was theirs,” said Adm. Crandall as he laid on the defense table photographs of Bancel and Walensky swinging from the rope.

“I’m unconvinced, and for all I know, this is one big PsyOp to test my loyalty,” Moore said.

Adm. Crandall and the defense attorney assured her the tribunal was not a psychological operation.

The admiral then showed the panel a typewritten, hand-signed note Moore had sent to Bancel on January 21, 2020, one day after the CDC reported Covid had reached the U.S. and long before Moderna officially began Phase I clinical trials.

Adm. Crandall read aloud: “We lost fifty this week, more than I anticipated, but those people are like vermin, like rats. There’s a limitless pool of homeless to pick from, and because they won’t be missed, there’s no liability, no guilt. We are doing society a favor that will save lives…”

He opined that Moore and Moderna had clandestinely experimented on society’s forgotten demographic before continuing with FDA-sanctioned trials.

“God only knows what those poor people had shot into their veins,” Adm. Crandall said. “We know that’s your signature, confirmed by handwriting analysis.”

Moore started speaking, but her lawyer finished her sentence. “My client is a medical professional who signed tens of thousands of documents throughout the tenure of her esteemed scientific career. This note you say is evidence could’ve been written by anyone, and signed by Melissa Moore without her reading it.”

“If that’s her answer, her mendacity amazes me, and I’ve heard it all,” Adm. Crandall said. “If you’d instruct your client to answer why she isn’t vaccinated, we’d appreciate it. She is a 300lb diabetic with a history of atrial fibrillation. As for comorbidities, she has them all. By her standards, she’s the quintessential example of who needs vaccines and boosters. Why hasn’t she?”

As Moore spoke, her lawyer threw up his hands in resignation.

“Because, yes, our vaccine may cause side effects in an insignificant percentage of people. And I’m too important to take that risk until my work is done,” she belted out.

“What work is that?” asked Adm. Crandall.

“Saving lives,” Moore said.

“Is that what you did to the homeless you plucked off the streets and jabbed?” asked Adm. Crandall.

Moore bellowed laughter. “There was no plucking. They were not kidnapped. We found them at shelters, on the streets, and offered them a once in a lifetime chance to help science. We paid them $100 each. We have signed medical release forms from all of them.”

“Can you produce those forms?” the admiral asked. “May we see them?”

“No, you may not,” Moore snapped. “You should thank me, not sit in judgment. How can you compare the deaths of a few thousand homeless—meth addicts, the mentally ill, alcoholics—that live in a chronic state of degeneracy, to the lives of billions of productive people. Am I happy some died? No. Do I regret advancing science? No. If I had to, I’d do it all again exactly the same way. That’s my answer.”

The panel told Admiral Crandall it had heard enough to reach a verdict: guilty.

“You can destroy me, but you can’t destroy my legacy,” Moore said as two MPs escorted her from the courtroom.

Admiral Crandall said Moore will be hanged on September 18.

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Wow, they paid them $100/shot. How very generous of Moderna. People might be homeless, but they have family, they were sons and daughters of someone else. Saving billions (of lives) is what they did? Too bad those billions of vaccinated people are mostly sick and dying at this “vaccine.” She is despicable.


Was Moor hanged?
The last day for her was appointed Sept. 18,23.
Today it is Sept. 20, 23.

Brigid Bardont

I “heard” she hung for less than ten seconds when the gallows broke. Luckily, she smashed her genius skull in the fall. The injury didn’t impinge on her intellect, but did kill her. I guess Satan has to set another place at his All You Can Eat shit buffet now.


abundance of caution– Im pretty sure none of these dates timelines or roundups fit as they say but i do believe the basic outline is generally there ops sec till the last witch is carted away screamin sumthin foul


Was miss piggy hung!


Knowing that she weighs over 300lbs pounds. Why didn’t they juse a VR 22 osprey with a thick metal cable wrapped around her neck twice and then instruct the aircraft pilot to lift her off the platform. I think the platform would break into 5 pieces
& collapse. Because she weighs over 300lbs pounds. The VR-22 osprey can easily lift 15,000lbs of external cargo. Just Wrap a cable around her neck & clip It. inject her with 5000 CCs of the MRNA covid 19 vaccine and see if she can dance a jig. Before the VR-22 pilot laughs and yanks her off the platform.
I don’t think the platform can withstand the weight of a 300 pound jabba-the-hutt….


MB, when?


The FAKE Gavin Newsome was just on the weather
channel stumping for climate change. Resembled
him but definitely looked different. He was admonishing
people to believe the “science weather experts” by what
you are seeing with your own eyes.


You have the power to shut off the lying tv news. If you totally deny to watch or listen to these fake people yammer about fake “science” then you protect your soul from their puny efforts to convince you to self destruct, as in living in fear, or taking the clot shots or death jabs.

If We the People don’t watch these NWO agents, what can they do? Nothing! They will gnash their teeth, throw fits and have melt downs, but we will still be free to think for ourselves and live a good life without their stupid agenda of control and mass death.


If I want to watch the dang weather station, I will. It does not affect my Soul.

Victor Bravo

Death is not enough for this fat pig.


That’s exactly what the fires of hell are for. Recommend you read a book called, ’23 Minutes in Hell,’ by Bill Weise – account of a man who had an NDE and describes the fires, stench, eternal hopelessness and blackness of hell.


I think hell is what was going on down in the dumbs.


I stayed longer than that in Orlando


Now, go a thousand a day, confiscate their ill gotten funds and after 1 year we might see the traitors stop killing good people because they know their move has ramifications.


Make the “good guys” live like us normal people for a couple of weeks and things will move along alot quicker IMO.

Carol B.

She will be hung on Sep.18,2023………….today


The fag in drag. We won’t miss him.


She has no soul and worships the almighty dollar, which is pretty much worthless, just like her.


I hope you are confiscating ALL their wealth- Take all their wealth! GRILL their close friends- family and after execution, remove their name from ever being here. No mention, no legacy, no ill gotten wealth for your kind- You are gone-


Vast gold reserves were taken from the Vatican and England during Trump’s first four years. It took nearly 300 commercial jet liner cargo loads to bring the precious metal back to the republic. Mark Taylor, America’s only prophet, stated the national debt will be absolved instantly. He didn’t know how, only knew God told him that. Now we know.


I’d doubt the planes of gold – I’d heard 650 – would be used to pay it off, I think the fed has to buy back all the treasury bonds and will be bankrupt


They night be sitting on a gold mine of information with her. Why else would she try to take her own life when caught unless, that was programmed into her at a young age. But what about the other caught featured on MBs sight? Would they not all been programmed the same to try to kill themselves when in the face of capture?
But she is the only one to had tried.


Well, we do have Don Rumsfeld who actually killed himself with a substance from inside the temple of his eyeglasses while present at his own Military Tribunal at Club GITMO in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.


String her our on heroin, make her talk, spill… for information water board, her in a shit pit (. Head:first ) then make her sceam and cry for Barack Hussein Obama to swing in on a rope button covered in semen ii’ll shoot a load on your face and you will be saved.
Then watch him fall into the pit of shit and die.


Moore also is a very ugly, fat man. cabal is an inverted/transgender mafia…


Michael Baxter, Apple iPhone just did an update and now my DuckDuckGo and Brave browsers, both, have been blocked from reaching RRN. It takes me to something I can’t close easily, I can close the browser to get out of it. I don’t use ‘G’ or Safari. Be aware, they are fighting back harder for the truth to not be known.

Guillaume DesChamp

Why are you using an iPhone, then?


My tack phone plip phone dose the same thing I click on the RRN link and it takes me to the page then poof it’s gone on to another sight only I don’t do anything like click the links. I have to close it down and start over again
It hit me twice the last 2 weeks so if it comes don’t click on the links.

Guillaume DesChamp

“Tack phone plip phone dose?”



It’s the break of having a track phone flip phone dip s

Guillaume DesChamp

Uh huh.


Apple has assisted the CCP, against communication of the people,Google (Alphabet Inc.) phones are from similar minded evil people… who can we trust? Apple however is not a friend.

Nukken Futz

I wonder why that 3 dollar bill; Tim Cook would join the black hats. Steve Jobs the founder would not have ponnied up to the bankster black hat BS…He was hip guy from the 60’s era and a Haight Ashbury weekend visitor that put his hippy roots to good use. He developed a differnt computer architecture to a higher level. I still have my old macs from the 80,s and 90’s….


Then you should know that Steve Jobs was basically the “bells and whistle salesman” of Apple, who didn’t develop anything:
The genius behind Apple’s architecture is Stephen Gary Wozniak.
Get your hero’s names right.


It’s the same on my Android. I use the brave browser and I’ve been having problems just the last few days of weird sites popping up instead and I just close it and try the site again. This morning it asked me if I wanted to allow it, but I exited because I have no idea what I’m being asked to allow because the page was stark white.

Rebecca Tracy

I use brave. Same here. Like trying to ID me! Sonething

John .S

Genesis 3:3 simply calls it “ the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden.” The biblical ‘forbidden fruit’ was of course the apple.

Guillaume DesChamp

So, apples are bad?


Damn your kind of a Duff with that question have you heard of the Q phone Steve Jobs designed that right SJ died or did if?

Guillaume DesChamp

Yes, of course. That makes perfect sense.

Linda Hutchison

NO! It isn’t APPLES that are bad, it is DISOBEDIENCE to God when He tells you to DO or NOT TO DO something!


The Bible does not say what the forbidden fruit was.

Nukken Futz

Perhaps they were referring a bag of prunes and a flask of ducolax as a finisher….

Nukken Futz

Wow! Did they have smartfones that far back and what game apps were available…?

Linda Hutchison

The forbidden FRUIT was whatever was growing from that tree that God specifically told Adam and Eve NEVER to eat from, lest they die. I am assuming that TREE was the TREE OF LIFE. It wasn’t the FRUIT that caused the problem, it was the DISOBEDIENCE to GOD that did it.


The Bible does not say what the fruit is!! Some people just assume it was the apple.


Mine is also trying to divert to another page, and I don’t have either of those phones. I close it and reopen the page and it seems to work after that.
It’s quite apparent that something fishy is going on.


Depends where in the world you are located & I’m permanently retired here in The Philippines & my friends back in America are getting a massive amount of censorship now. You can still cut & paste whenever possible.

trust nothing

These statistics are taken from an internet search so who knows how true they are. 66% of US population use prescription drugs. 24% of this population use illegal drugs regularly. That leaves 10% that don’t use any drugs to get through life, most likely children. Let’s vaccinate them. Dumb, and stupid and mindless drug users forcing their children to get on the wagon of being deceived. Brainwashed at an early age.


They use drugs in MKUltra.


You gave me an idea maybe all these evil DRs are MKUltraed


That goes for all covered on this sight.


Olive leaves are about the only thing I will take, and I’m 63, no Rx for me ..Can’t cure a cold? Call me when you can Doctor


I seen on a rumble video the other day you get a jar of Oregano and add half of it to a mason jar. The other half you put extra extra virgin olive oil stir it up seal the jar put jar in dark some where then 3 weeks later stain keep the oil use for ear infections a scrap on the knee it’s a antiseptic.


I am 57 no prescriptions for me no illegal drugs no alcohol neither.


Me too aside from occasional drink maybe 3 a month.

Mike Huntsucker

This is for all the swamp scum slurping trolls to nibble on …the last three men in the Gretchen whitmer kidnapping case were found innocent…..now it’s time to go after the FBI ass Jack’s that thought the whole plan up

Guillaume DesChamp

But most of the rest were convicted. Croft got 20 years.

Mike Huntsucker

And guess what their ass Jack now they got reason for an appeal and they’ll bring up the statistics in the case where the guys were found innocent and their case will be overturned watch and see you little fucking troll

Guillaume DesChamp

Lol. That’s not how it works.

Mike Huntsucker

Watch …Dick bag

Guillaume DesChamp

Harris and Caserta were acquitted in April 2022. Fox and Croft and Musico, among others, were all convicted after that. If the Harris and Caserta acquittals didn’t get anyone an appeal, why should this latest acquittal be any different?

Andrew Stevano

lol, Guillaume, it seems you know that you are a, “swamp scum slurping troll”. lol.

Guillaume DesChamp

A troll, certainly. The rest is just childish insults.


Then please tell us how it goes.

Guillaume DesChamp

The ones who have been convicted will be in prison for a while. Simple.


Someone’s name sounds like a cheese eating surrender monkey. I wonder who that could be?

Guillaume DesChamp



Groundskeeper Willy?


A psyop to “test her loyalty?” These people are Bolsheviks.


Moore was a megalomaniac, common among this brand of globalists who believe they have the authority to direct the course of events for humanity. Moore has but the pathetic legacy of stealing millions of lives cut short by her methodology in medicine. I recall the very first video I watched as I began to perform my own Due Diligence. It was Moore and her colleague Jennifer who explained how the mRNA gene- editng technology was developed and worked to alter human genetic codes. She was dangerous then with that attitude of superiority and she will finally pay for her Crimes Against Humanity. The audacity! JAG completed their task with integrity and for that I thank them.

Dr John


Look at what was presented NOTHING HELD BACK!!

David Martin, PhD speaking on Sep 13, 2023 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Franceexposing the WHO

Must Listen Video

Replace DOT with .



Sojourner Truth

Thank you for sharing that shocking video about the formation of the World Health Organization and its creation in 1947 and its main purpose: population control! I don’t think that is consistent with health!


I was not able to view it. Got 404 when I clicked link
Below is Dr Martin speaking about Covid


Yes, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Looks like they are getting ready to go to war against US citizens.
https: //youtu.be/RRUz8VwlQXM?si=hoywgf68TaMawldl

John .S

Prior walking through Penn Station NYC, armed soldiers in cluster.

Made spectacle of myself yelping to public: “Look everyone – are you desensitized yet, these order followers soldiers are poised to shoot Americans, like they did at Kent State University”.

State Troopers and MTA police gave me a smile, one commuter said: “bravo well spoken”.

John .S

Oops, typo, order *Following* soldiers… Edit feature still not functioning, apparently not a matter of concern.

Guillaume DesChamp

Shouldnt you be leafletting?

John .S

Not in Penn Sta., grey area, could say, federal enclave. Amtrak runs through Penn for Montreal. Penn is no different then a international airport..

Guillaume DesChamp

Yeah, sure. But why are you in Penn Station? You had a whole leafletting plan ready to go yesterday. You didn’t give up on that, did you?

We should take up a collection for a new soapbox

Dr John

Have you ever driven in mountainous areas where on steep declines they recommend using lower gears and not using your car brakes so much. The keep posting those signs all the way down. Luckily, there are friendly stations that do brake jobs at the bottom of “hill.”

That is what my research is pointing out on how medical research works. You ignore the symptoms and plow ahead wondering why you can’t find the cause or treatment.

It is dangerous to stray from common knowledge, the standard of what is.

Imagine waking up one morning in the 12th century and suggesting at the local church “Dude, the earth rotates around the sun and not the other way around.” That in fact the earth is not the center of the (dare I say) universe! You would be burned at the stake after some not so gentle questioning.
It is the same today with medical research, yours is not to question, but follow the guide posts laid before you. I know research and questioning go hand and hand, but if you question too much you will be biting the hand the feeds you.

Labs need MONEY if they are going to exist, expand and pay that hefty salary your boss and school wants. Okay, your job is more about writing creative fiction, but you are saving lives. People could lose jobs without you and the lab.

Labs are the the heart throb of scientific honesty (kind of). It is were facts are found, just not shared with the public.

Think about giving to a scientific lab or your choice. Wait their government grants come from your tax dollars… never mind.


The joke is on all the Demon Trolls….
One guy can keep all Four of you busy…..LMAO RITA


The brightness of them 4 is pretty dim.


Why did you stop shocking my nuts? 🙁

Someone Else

None of the common folk, which is most of us, have any idea what’s really going on.

And no one can prove to us one way or another.

Truth is a casualty is evil.

Discernment is the requirement of the hour.


Almost everything we are seeing is a scripted movie by the White Hats

Someone Else

That’s one story we’re told.

Externally, it all looks the same.

An insane left, endless election fraud, controlled lying media, and forced illegal immigration that are NOT poor families from mexico.

And of course endless deniers (useful fools), aka trolls.


You’re watching a movie bro 🍿

Someone Else

I forgot to mention massive inflation.


2.3% is massive?


the first step of discernment for me is:
if mainstream media is repeatedly spewing something, demonizing someone, pushing a particular story or scientific “fact”-
that is when i know that the opposite is true


To all the Trolls whose only reason for living, is to come on this site to menace and harass good people…..
Be Hereby Warned….

We are creating a technology that will shock the hell out of your nuts, when you touch your keyboards. If you have no balls, never mind!


Oooo, shock my nuts daddy 😘


He liked it – No Brain, No Pain…..Have to re-engineer it a little higher!


Or maybe, they don’t have any, hmmmm.

Guillaume DesChamp



Ralph, this is a little silly for an alleged adult. Calm down and go back to searching for beheading videos.


You really think so Harriiii, But, Who cares? Fire with fire – insane with insane, silly with silly. These 3 Demon Trolls come on this site day after day, day and night, only to annoy, menace, and harass good people. I post in the middle of the night and 3 of them come to see and comment.

It was a test, and it worked…. 1 guy can make 3 Demon Trolls go Bat-chit crazy, or maybe we should say it’s 4 now, with you coming to their defense with “searching for beheading videos”. Swamp things always accuse others of their own behavior. Why would you do that, unless you are a one-of-them-sympathizer? Rhetorical question Hariiii, you can look the adult meaning up later. The answer is clear from your comment – You Are One Of Them.


So what? Remember why me and the others are here – to be entertained by the lunatic ravings of you and your friends. And you never let us down. Every time we read what we think is the craziest thing ever written, someone manages to top it. It’s truly a miracle you people are able to function.

John .S

My PoPo script warning about tyrannical censorship, and potential ramification arising from leafleting and window writings.

Take Notice: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging freedom of speech; or of the press….” Note: The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

See, Kelley v. Post Publishing Company, 327 Mass. 275 (1951) “The law does not provide a remedy for every annoyance that occurs in everyday life. Many things which are distressing or may be lacking in propriety or good taste are not actionable.” Id., at 278.

Signage lacks Obscenity that fails essential elements of Miller Test supra, Miller v. California, 413 U.S. (1973). Signage not Inciting Violence nor Fighting Words failing Brandenburg Test supra, Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. (1969).

See, Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U.S. 443 (2011) “Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them into tears of both joy and sorrow….” Id., at IV, para 3. Court ruled in favor of Phelps derogatory expressions via displayed signage and spoken words, which negates so-called hate speech.

See, Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1 (1949) “…a function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute.” Id., at 337 p. 4, para 3. Note: includes signage.

See, USC Chapter 21, Title 42, §1983 & 1985, actions upon political subdivisions aka, municipal corporations and police, also complicit and contriving actors in their private capacity, further see, Title 18, §241 & 242.

See, Ex Parte Young, 209 U.S. 123 (1908) in making an officer of the state a party defendant in a law suit, ensuing civil undertaking arising from deprivation of civil rights under color of law, collaterally attacking public officers bonds, and or personal assets i.e., pensions and real estate in retribution for waging mixed war.

PS: First Amendment also includes two other elements not referenced above, which are: right to assemble, and redress grievances.


So how many sleepers have you converted with your signs and window graphics?

John .S

Twist, my anti-vax window writings and leafleting campaign has impact, whereas myself averted many from getting jabbed, *converting sleepers* i.e., awakening them, achieving self rewarding pat-on-the back and peaceful slumber, in taking a stand.

Had plenty of “cherries and berries” PoPo interaction, cuffed – stuffed, also hot-boxed via my lawful anti vax activities.

Currently dealing with those tyrants via extraordinary means with assistance of my Eastern Bloc male companions who dark web aficionados. 1983 actions LoL, not in it for monetary gain.

My love is vengeance that’s never free, that cannot be satisfied by any court, in anticipation to read tyrant obituaries for the holidays, Yippie Ki-Yay.

Public awareness is upon the citizenry, exposing the sleight of hand, warning the gullible that the vax is Three Card Monti [Agenda 2030] scam, culling population.


Moore was no scientist, merely self-righteous to declare unfortunate people are “…homeless—meth addicts, the mentally ill, alcoholics—that live in a chronic state of degeneracy….”
It was demonic banksters and politicians who caused innocent people to lose their employment, housing, and social connectedness that correlated with self-medication.
I speculate Moore’s legacy will be remembered as the demonic pseudo researcher who murdered thousands of innocent people in pursuit of fortune and glory that Military executed and Father Jesus cast into eternal hell.
And all the good people on Earth said, “AMEN.” 

annette carter

Hang the bitch


Hope the rope is tough enough to hold that 300 pound waste of skin


She’ll regret that in hell.

Robert P

That useless POS Demoncrat Trash, is 300 pounds, her fat whale body is going to rip off from her swinging head, Adm. Crandall is going to have to use a PIt Bull thick chain to hold her, because a rope would snap. And probably topple over the Gallows, and same goes for Erik Hook the 400 pounder. Both would be very funny to watch, hilarious, I would have my popcorn ready with extra butter when the stories come out.


Hook (of FEMA) was a chubb too? At 400lbs the bastard might need two ropes. Lets hope the discarded carcasses of these two human disgraces aren’t buried anywhere that can poison the soil. Shoot both of these “useless eaters” into space out of our atmosphere


Aim toward the sun.


What do you have against the sun?


Most of these comments are bizzare! Oh, I get it….Sat. nite, drunks posting ‘profound revelations’…. Wheeeee! 🎡🎡🎡 🎱🥂🍺🍻🍹🍷🍾 Boomerang, soomerang, toomerang! 🪃🪃🪃🪃

Jewelie Dee

I think she is confused about who the vermin are. The Chief Vermin herself will pay the price for all the innocents she slaughtered.

Stinky Perfume

She’s a serial killer. Reason was she believed in the science and thought it was the way to go. She’s still a serial killer and it’s illegal.


It looks as if the WHs might be targeting the SES. The SES is full of high level criminals who form the stone in the arch of the DS. Take them all out and those below and the few high level criminals are disconnected. The rest is obvious after that. Won’t be easy though; there are thousands in the SES.


We’ll get the low lying fruit left over as we know who they are, they won’t be able to walk our streets

Michael R Davis

There were suggestions among the anons that Trump could lower the SES (Senior Executive Services, almost impossible to fire) paychecks and retirement to 1 dollar and get rid of them lawfully. There were about 7,847 in 2018 of the worthless bastards, and their pay cannot rise higher than the Vice President’s pay. Probably most could be also removed by JAG trial for treason.
(maximum salary 261,400 in 2022)


Let JAG remove every last one of them, most are bathhouse Barry 0 appointments.


The shift in dimensions is happening now. A split.Some are in 3D and others transitioning to 4D-5D. Comments made by those who are not of the same frequency do not resonate.The greatest awakening of humanity.

American Living in Canada

God Bless ya Steph….


Aka trolls

Jewelie Dee

I think you New Agers are a bit nuts.

American Living in Canada


American Living in Canada

“California tumbles into the sea
That’ll be the day I go
Back to Annandale
Tried to warn you
About Chino and Daddy Gee
But I can’t seem to get to you
Through the U.S. Mail
Well I hear the whistle but I can’t go
I’m gonna take her down to Mexico
She said oh no
Guadalajara won’t do”

Steely Dan….


One of my all time favorite bands….too bad they’re not producing music still.


My friend Jimi Macon said they did an entire album with the GAP Band while the studio roon next door Steely Dan did only one song, by the time they were done and leaving the studio.


I’ve also been listening to lyrics of Steely Dan and America lately. Ever listen to “A horse with no name”? 🤔. Lyrics or Pink Floyd? Truth about WTF is going on including our own English Language was always there. We just were not awake. Television is TELL LIE VISION. On and on. Take CONGRESS = CON. Anyway people have to wake up!




“Horse with no name” was sung by America. Good stuff, when talent was large. Today they do not pick talent any longer, $atan, CIA, Travistock, he choses his rappers to destroy the air waves with no talent what so ever., as we had it in the 60’s, 70’s 80’s 90’s that era of good soul music, now GONE!! All the music royalites are also gone.


and I’m never going back to my old school. lol

American Living in Canada


Jim Joans

Just a bit?


And the conspiracy theorists were once nuts then people figured out we were telling the truth.


Conspiracy theory = probable cause in law enforcement.


The best one is “NOAH was a conspiracy theorist, , , then it RAINED.”


spoken like a true 2D’er…

Jim Joans

If you new physics, we are all in four dimensions. Those being X, Y, Z, and T. That is from Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, 1915.

Jim Joans

knew, not new


With all of the questionable science we’re finding out about, I’m doubtful Einstein had it right. I even read something awhile ago, that he stole his theory from someone else?


Go ask the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki if Einstein got it wrong.

Hal Brown

He had it right and it has been proven and is used scientifically in many ways. Eg. Clocks on GPS satellites…..


Kent is correct. Einstein is like Musk today, we have no idea where he came from, deep pocket Wrathchild $$$$, he was made to look like a genius and a master minded smart guy. Do what ever he says.

Nukken Futz

He was way offf on many things, but the education controlling Rockefellers saw a new technology controlling guru to base all higher end science true or not, as a “science god” that cannot be beat and all physics cannot go beyond einstein, or you can be cast as “alternate theorist”. This has stood the test of physical science for many years and don’t buck his theories…or else…


Physics was changed to modern Physics is 1932, they left out the (-) equation of the aether energy ( non-hertzian ( it as many names) energy that Tesla discovered at Colorado Springs back in 1899-1900. The (-) equation of the aether that Einstein said did not exist. They also a few years later ditched all study on nuclear energy. This was told to me by a Dr of AeroSpace Engineering, that studied the old physics of the free energy, we are NOT allowed to have. The bloody Rock’o’fellers printed all the text books from their foundation $ to brainwash all with Bull Schiff ( the new spelling of crap) and they took out Nikola Tesla and his 300 world patents, that we all use today on a major scale. Tesla invented all the AC apparatus we use today and had the free space (-) energy as well for all to use.

Nukken Futz

Tesla was also a ET starseed from Venus too, but nobody except the elite upper classes based on monetary wealth can know this, or they’d be labeled as witches. That is way to far outside of the box for the 99% peasantry to know, but so was Karl Sagan and a few other big shots…


I’m 7D.


You can put it that way, but I prefer Father Jesus’ instruction that there are good and evil principalities among us. Therefore, His “beloved offspring humans” are not to enter into that realm at any time because no human is capable of discerning the good from the evil spirits. Yes, and humans know the biggest and meanest among the evil principalities is Lucifer-Satan.

American Living in Canada

What gives you the right hey you
To stand there and tell me what to do

Tell me who gave you the power

To stop me from livin’ like I do
Remember if you plan to stay

Those who give can take away

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

Just one time I’d like to be somewhere where
None of your clever lies fill the air

I’m tired of your frozen smile and your voice of tin

Just might all gang up on you

Turn the knob and do you in

Remember if you plan to stay

Those who give can take away

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you

This never ending power play

Is grinding us like giant millstones
“Tween Jealous greed and vicious hate
But it can’t be our only fate

It’s time we got our heads together

And let’em know that we’re awake

Those in the dark, you know they’re no longer blind
They’re breakin’ from your strangle hold on their minds

Those that can see don’t need no one to cross the street
Be careful who you’re pushin’ round

They just might find you obsolete

Remember if you plan to stay

Those who give can take away

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”

Words and Music by John Kay…Steppenwolf.


A well known liberal .

American Living in Canada

“How ya gonna make it baby?
That’s the question to be asked
Life goes on around you
In so many different ways
I know my share of history
How hard it is to be free
From wearing masks that turn to skin
Hiding what you could have been

And I, I, I’m so confused
Which way, which way to choose?
Ride with me baby ’til the end of the day

Mama’s home philosophy
Makes everyone a freak but me
Though I’m starvin’ in the streets
And can’t predict the future
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the sanest of us all?
Is he with me or one of them?
How does he dress, who are his friends?

And I, I, I’m so confused
Which way, which way to choose?
Ride with me baby ’til the end of the day

Mama’s home philosophy
Makes everyone a freak but me
Though I’m starvin’ in the streets
And can’t predict the future
Can I have my vision back?
I’ll live outside your city walls
You don’t have to be afraid
Until I come together

Ride with me Baby
‘Til the end of the day”


American Living in Canada

“Big man, pig man
Ha, ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel
Ha, ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You’re nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying ‘Keep on digging’
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find
Down in the pig mine?
You’re nearly a laugh
You’re nearly a laugh
But you’re really a cry
Bus stop rat bag
Ha, ha, charade you are
You fucked up old hag
Ha, ha, charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You’re nearly a good laugh
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel
You’re hot stuff with a hatpin
And good fun with a hand gun
You’re nearly a laugh
You’re nearly a laugh
But you’re really a cry
Hey you, Whitehouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse
Ha, ha, charade you are
You’re trying to keep our feelings off the street
You’re nearly a real treat
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
You got to stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside
Mary you’re nearly a treat
Mary you’re nearly a treat
But you’re really a cry”

Pink Floyd….

American Living in Canada

“Heart breaker, soul shaker
I’ve been told about you
Steamroller, midnight stroller
What they’ve been saying must be true

Red hot mama
Velvet charmer
Time’s come to pay your dues

Now you’re messin’ with a
A son of a bitch
Now you’re messin’ with a son of a bitch
Now you’re messin’ with a
A son of a bitch
Now you’re messin’ with a son of a bitch

Talkin’ jivey, poison ivy
You ain’t gonna cling to me
Man taker, born faker
I ain’t so blind I can’t see”


American Living in Canada

“I believed, this time it wouldn’t be too long
Guaranteed, but now I see that I was wrong
Seems like our love is fading, I know the reason why
We can’t talk about it, I’m too far away to try
And I see the train arrive – And I see the train arrive

Every night, I laughed at all the bad advice
They were right, and I’m the one who paid the price
We gotta get together and conquer all the hate
Time is runnin’ out, it might even be too late
And I see the train arrive – And I see the train arrive

Ride, ride, ride, ride – Ride, ride, ride, ride

So many roads to travel, So many trains to ride
So many trains to ride, Ain’t no need for you to worry
Ain’t no need for you to worry, Love is on my side
Don’t break down, love is on our side

Ride, ride, ride, ride – Ride, ride, ride, ride
And I see the train arrive

Here I am, a bunch of tickets in my hand
Uncle Sam, Afraid I gotta leave your land
I’m lookin’ to the future, the past is dead and gone
No peace for the wicked and time keeps me movin’ on
And I see the train arrive – And I see the train arrive”



Very very liberal . Have you seen David Gilmores politics ?

Enough with the lyrics you twerp. Find something else to do with your hands


He’s right. Just pointing out that many musicians were trying to point out what’s going on thru their music/lyrics. Although the frequency majority of music is played casts spells. You need to be aware that going to concerts can be dangerous. It’s basically devil worshiping at some concerts. Now it seems those that are Covid jabbed can be harmed. That one rap concert in 2022 some actually died. I know it sounds crazy but through my research it is looking more and more like it’s true. 🤔

American Living in Canada

Fack off Goof.


Turn off your phones and computers Oct. 4th back up is Oct. 11th all dirty FEMA.

James Abbott

I’ll keep mine on to be the control group. If I don’t post for a few days it means I’ve been whacked.


Another deep stater who will be hanging like ornaments.
Death is the least they deserve because it’s a free ticket for them to get out and pay with a huge discount.
Torture all of them before departing them from this world.
Cook’em on low flame, let them suffer first.


Let the victims families and friends spend “quality” time with them first Use technology to keep them alive until they have received all of their visitors. Then sentencing can be carried out.


I doubt they have any family or friends. Just throw the switch and let them go.


I’m tempted to agree but I have a hard time with “cruel and unusual punishment”.


The nuc detecter plain is flying over Nebraska rail yards near North Platte being loops and all night be looking for nucs in the rail yards. It cost us a million a hour to operate. You all be safe out there.


Back in 2017 or so the white hats said a number of nukes were missing. In 2012 I heard OBAMA planned to detonate a Nuke in Charleston under the ocean water to create a tsunami like exactly what happened at FUKUSHIMA. White hat generals stopped it. Those were the generals OBAMA fired. They in turn came to President Trump to convince him to consider running for President. Anyway I’ve been researching for quite some time.


Yes I heard the Fuckashima earthquake and tsnami was created by Obomba’s rogue Navy, a ship sat out on Japan’s Contieninal shelf and dumped depth charges strong enough to cause the tsnami and use of their earthquake machine. In retaliation ot Japan’s banks not going with the Rock’o’feller banks and mossad planeted bombs at the Fuckashima nuke plant. That still leaks radiation everyday into the colder currents up to Alaska killing off most of the fish, not ever reported.


Prediction: The west coast will have a tidal wave and fall into the ocean soon.The Mississippi River will flood onto the earth.The land masses will be separated.See the earth changing. Floods and earthquakes.It’s happening now. Part of the cleansing.




You’ll be gone by then. Lol.


Oh yeah? How will I be gone, Drag?

James Abbott

It’s time to get a life Biggs. You’re on this comment section all day every day. Outside of this comment section, your life is Smalls.


Soon and very soon, we shall see the King, oh Soon and very soon, we shall see the King. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we shall see the King. ( Andre Crouch, 1972, “soon” has been 53 years so far) lol


It’s called Project Blue Beam.


Part of the change of 3D Earth to 5D Earth. I have seen it will not be nearly a big of a change as normal planet ascensions go through because human ascension will keep the vessals our souls are currently living in rather than only ascend the souls. In the past the planet changes were too drastic for the bodies to handle. Hope that makes sense.

Guillaume DesChamp

No, terry, it doesn’t make sense. It sounds like New Age BS to me.


Time and again you prove to everyone how unenlightened you truly are. It’ll be sad to see you left behind.


It is not sad to see this thing left behind. He may be incapable of the frequency/vibration needed to ascend to 5D. That’s how we win this war.

Guillaume DesChamp

Im going to vibrate all the way to 6D!



Guillaume DesChamp

Are you going to ascend with terry, Drago?


There are those who will be left behind and won’t be part of the new earth.


This dragon troll has it ash backwards.


Your time is very limited. Trust me. You have a lot of learning to do. But very little time.Many of us including myself have tried to help you. I honestly believe you are incapable of ascension. Bless your heart.

Guillaume DesChamp

Lol. What’s going to happen to me? And how much time do I have?


The Ascension Factor is a great sci-fi book


I follow the “rapture”, Sort of like an “ascension”
I got stuck on Jesus and glad I did. Christ consciousness = “ascension” when sold out to Jesus = “escape rapture”, when the trumpets blow (last Trump?) and you go outside and see GOD the Father, Jesus, Mary and the Host of Heaven walking on the clouds of glory coming to us, we go up in an instant, your body, soul, blows up and a new light body takes over. We go from 3D to 12D. We go up like rockets in this new light body. First the dead rize first, lights come down out of the sky and head for the grave yeads, where the dirt violently blows up and light body rizes out of the grave and goes up. It is like souls that went ahead of you live in a soul’s body, but get a new lighted up body to head for the Grand Wedding Feast where all followers of Christ, since day 33AD come up to marry Jesus in a Grand Ceremony that mega churches NEVER talk about!!!!! Only here at RealRawNews, Baxter channel news! Praise the Lord GOD!


I know.The people of Atlantis perished because of greed in service to self and not others.This time around we are awakening. Some will see and others will not.


Was Aquaman involved ?




Atlantis perished because others could not let them survive. Atlantis were the good guys. You have it backwards.


The stories on Atlantis are up and down, back and forth….I’m not certain whether Atlantis was a good civilization or a rotten one..what resonates with me was certain “high priests” or rulers mis-used the secret energy powers they had and Atlan destroyed itself. Maybe they had a HAARP in their day and caused one to many earthquakes and eventually broke up their own island/continent.


I went to Atlantis mostly for the boardwalk and all the crime


Atlantis was also flooded on a 6K year mark, maybe 6K before Noah’s days? or 12K years ago or 18K. It follows Chan Thomas’s book “Adam and Eve” that the CIA banned and classified, until a year ago. I follows the pole shift and wobble, earthquakes, volcanoes and caldera’s surface, due to the pull on all the planets poles, due to the Blue and Red Star Kachina, that we all should see again soon. The dwarf star/comet with 7 cousins and a debris trail/tail, Rev 12? the red dragon constellation? Who knows, but the Father GOD knows all. Seek him, He is waiting for you to talk with him. Read the WORD. Jesus is the WORD. Rev. 19:13


You really need to lay of the hallucinogens.

Karen Nichols

I resignated with this . Thank you


Great. Others might want to know how.


Lot of believers now Terry . Good for credibility out there .


I agree but we must continue with our vibration increase or we will lose. No one should pay any attention to these trolls. My suggestion would be to read the story. Bring your intuition into play which is provided by our spirit team as their way of helping us and not partipate in the comm Thanks Exile.


Sorry I was being sarcastic . This crap scares people away and makes them think poorly of any such movement . Pick your battles carefully . JFK Jr is on the way , he will host SNL tonight !!


Makes sense to me, the past upheavals that we’ve had hidden from us weren’t pretty according to some, lets hope if there are any changes, we can handle them.


Nope. It doesn’t


Terry your 1/2 way correct. I follow the “rapture”, Sort of like an “ascension”
I got stuck on Jesus and glad I did. Christ consciousness = “ascension” when sold out to Jesus = “escape rapture”, when the trumpets blow (last Trump?) and you go outside and see GOD the Father, Jesus, Mary and the Host of Heaven walking on the clouds of glory coming to us, we go up in an instant, your body, soul, blows up and a new light body takes over. We go from 3D to 12D. We go up like rockets in this new light body. First the dead rize first, lights come down out of the sky and head for the grave yeads, where the dirt violently blows up and light body rizes out of the grave and goes up. It is like souls that went ahead of you live in a soul’s body, but get a new lighted up body to head for the Grand Wedding Feast where all followers of Christ, since day 33AD come up to marry Jesus in a Grand Ceremony that mega churches NEVER talk about!!!!! Only here at RealRawNews, Baxter channel news! Praise the Lord GOD!

Guillaume DesChamp

Um, Steph, none of that is happening now.


If nothing is happening (according to you) then why are you here, and not outside walking the dog?

Guillaume DesChamp

I dont have a dog.


You are not awake. You have not improved your intuition at all. You still listen to your ego instead of your heart.

Guillaume DesChamp

Your mind is so open that your brain fell out.

John .S

Glad my LSD days are over. Last hit of acid I dropped was in 1980, zooming at the Hayden Planetarium lazer light show, tripping to Emerson Lake and Palmer, mind cleansing experience.


I saw ELP many years ago at the Spectrum in Phil. Definitely in my top 3 concerts ever.


One of my favorite songs was FROM THE BEGINNING – Emerson Lake and Palmer.


Steph, never mind these trolls, Biggs, J Bill and De-CHUMP, are all the regrets of their father’s erectile malfunctions,ie, the release of Demon Troll Spawn into harassing existence.

Plus, in their illiterate states, they don’t know the difference between malfunction and non-function. Maybe they should get out their Nazi-English dictionaries.

Vote these Self-proclaimed Fiden Bucks into obscurity, never feed them with a single keystroke directed to them directly. They are as evil as the mRNA Witch, and think that their thought and reason should be accepted over anyone else’s.


Hey me too !!


Lol you’re wasting plenty of keystrokes on us yourself dummy


I’ll never waste a keystroke DIRECTLY to these Demon trolls. Just coming in to vote down the Nazi Swine Hounds.


Lol who cares if it’s a direct reply, you’re still weirdly obsessed with the trolls bro


So he knows & admits he’s a Troll. LOL

Someone has to do sometime when there are those Trolls who’s only reason for living is to be a menace. Vote them down.

Who are the real tards that are so weirdly obsessed with harassing people on this site, day in and day out? Pot calling the kettle black~Troll POS!!!! Spoken like a true hypocritical ignorant Demon Troll.

Just like the enemy pond scum from the swamp, accusing others of their own degenerate behavior. Trolls suk.

LMAO, his own words betray his his slowwwwwww brain.


Oh no I have been outed as a troll, oh noooooooooooo 😱


Hey Ralphie boy! Insults mean nothing if the recipient has no respect for you or your opinions. Just FYI

Mike Huntsucker

Best Post iv read on here in a while…that hit the funny bone….🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Thanks Mike, FYI, we are also working on a technology that will shock the hell out of Troll Nuts, when they touch their keyboards. Only limiting factor, the must have nuts.


Ya’ already said that. Move on. It’s a stupid comment

Elisa Orozco

Quite possibly, Steph; quite possibly……………….


.Not everyone on the West Coast is a canker sore. There ARE lots of good people enduring the west coast craziness, we should think of saving them too….


I have faith in looking glass technology and the White Hats. White hats knew what they were up against. You would be amazed at what’s been stopped already. Nothing appears as it really is. We’ve been fed lies our whole life. NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF.


Steph is right. All due to the pole shift from a Nibiru, planet X type of constellation every 6K years. The last one was Noah’s flood, this time, not all flesh gets covered by water, but the USA shorelines change. US military time travelers at Montuak saw all this? Only the Father knows what will happen, so stick with Him, for we are only visiting this planet, we gave up our lives to serve Christ. If not, do it today. Time is running out, your invited on up to a Wedding Feast. You do NOT have to attend a dead church to get SAVED, do it in your own home. Mega churchs will NOT preach the escape RAPTURE event! BUT I DO. lol Feast of Trumpets is NOW! GOD the Father’s celebration, your all invited too attend. Just ask him. Luke 21:36 More fre info at King-of-the.net Get all tangled up in the mesh and live forever!


There are 2 DEW sights one is in Maui and the other is in Nevada. Not to be confused with the FBIs laser plain.


Don’t forget the DEW in the Rockies. The Mountain DEW


Actually Mountain Dew warns us via their names of drinks. MAUI BLAST prior to what they did to MAUI. The poison drink should be banned. Wake up!


I’m hoping you forgot to add the /s. There are easier ways to announce one’s intentions than developing a new product line, marketing it, and hoping people pick up on the message.

Dr John

While discussing medical scientist we need a moment to look at the positive side of such work.

I have managed to acquire GBS; at least after 6 years it is now, my … I own even though I don’t want it. This post is not on me, but the science behind the syndrome. Here I use the term Science VERY loosely!

Here is the abstract to a SCIENTIFIC article published in 2018.

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS),
the most common cause of acute neuromuscular weakness and paralysis worldwide, (so it should be of high interests to the science community) encompasses a group of acute immune-mediated disorders restricted to peripheral nerves and roots. Immune-mediated attack of peripheral nervous system myelin, axons or both (don’t know for sure) is presumed to be triggered by molecular mimicry, with both (they are not sure which) cell- and humoral-dependent mechanisms implicated in disease pathogenesis. (big words so they are smart)

Good circumstantial (You were within a block of a robbery, so you may have been involved) evidence exists for a pathogenic role for molecular mimicry in GBS pathogenesis, especially with its axonal forms, providing insights that could guide future immunotherapy.

(prescribed medicines below are recommended thinking they may be of some value!, but it is better than nothing ???)

Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) and plasma exchange (PE) are the most commonly prescribed immunotherapies for GBS with variable efficacy dependent on GBS subtype, severity at initial presentation and other clinical and electrophysiologic prognostic factors. The mechanisms of action of IVIg and PE are not known definitely. (see they don’t even know why they are giving it to you, but the good news they are GIVING IT TO YOU )

Despite recent significant advances in molecular biology … that provide insights into GBS pathogenesis (REALLY), no advances in therapeutics or significant improvements in patient outcomes have occurred over the past three decades.

THEE DECADES, if I am not mistaken isn’t that the better part of 30 YEARS! Thirty years with no advances, none, NADA! WOW!

(As you can see from the above there are BAD scientists being hung and then there are shitty scientists), not doing us much good. And these are the good guys??

See you doctor today, they are using science based facts to… to a … well to do something to you.


Any vaccine can cause disease.Did you get a flu shot? Any other vaccine?There are so many of them out there to destroy the immune system.


Just look at all the required children vaccines. So many develop serious illness and disease


GBS IS caused by immune deficiency.It is not genetic.You were poisoned with pharmaceuticals.

Dr John

GBS is NOT an immune deficiency as the scientist try to claim with no facts. It is an imbalance of the trace minerals in the body and water my opinion with some pretty damn good facts to back it up. Still solidifying the hypothesis, but I have done more concise work than the lab idiots.

If you take in too much water or excrete to much water you throw your chemical balance off all the way down to the cellular level. If you shift your calcium, magnesium potassium, sodium, u, etc you can cause series problems in your chemistry and Red blood cell size. If you are low on vitamin C, D or the B series these can also create larger Red blood cells. and through of the chemistry of the body. No development of Red blood cells to replace the old and the old get bigger and do not carry enough oxygen.

Any of these things or a combination there of can cause blockage inside nerve sheathing where critical blood flows to the nerves. No blood and the nerves die. No feeling, no function of muscles/limbs/organs. They grow back at 1/16th of an inch per day.

It takes MONTHS to regrow these nerves. I am now at 12 months and it appears all of the nerves are back functioning, but the muscles are not all functioning and are in some degree of atrophy/ It will take another 6 months to fully restore if not longer.

As a body builder I could press 1,000 lbs with my legs. My worst leg can now with effort press 50lbs. There is more damage, but you get the idea.

I WILL be back to my old self, but lots of self inflected therapy and rest is the ticket.

Dr John

NO Zero vaccine ever after I left the military 50 years ago.


Then something in the environment and synthetic caused this to happen to you.

Dr John

This time it was caused by:

My experiments on endurance of a 74 year old. I put in long days with hard labor in the summer heat every other day with intense 2 hour body buiding with super sets on the off days. I pushed to exhaustion to access oxygen levels and muscle recover time along with pulse and blood pressure, etc.

I believe I did not sustain proper mineral and nutrient levels for the energy expended even though I beefed up my intake. I also in the heat may have taken in too much water diluting trace minerals, just as bad as not drinking enough water!

I won’t do that experiment again although physically did well, the end result was bad.

By the way ANYONE and ANY AGE can get Guillain-Barré syndrome that is why it is so important to learn how to avoid it, once you have it, it is painful, debilitating and nothing can be done once the damage is caused until the body heals in its own good time.

I believe we all need to understand our bodies chemical balance better and then this and other similar diseases would be no more. I am still working out the details, but the solution is simple and CHEAP!

The First experience:

Was about 5 years ago and was activated by Listeria poisoning with organic frozen fruit and vegetables. Unaware they were toxic every few days when I felt good enough to eat I ate the toxic fruit and vegetables thinking they were a good choice.

I lost weight and body fluids on a regular basis for about a month. I drank water and consumed modest salt, but no other vitamins or minerals which was bad of me. Had trouble eating anything Could not think straight part of Listeria poisoning. Finding my way out of an open cardboard box would have been a challenge.

The key in both instances appear to be body fluids and trace minerals/vitamins. Surveys point out a precursor to this is an illness and loss of fluids or intense work or sports in the heat. However, the survey results do not go any further to address the chemical balance of the body and the known damage that can lead to GBS.



I prayed tonight that your body will heal from GBS.I apologize for my lack of understanding and compassion.


Have you checked into Med Beds? They are coming.




Not gonna debate you on this Doc but have you ever considered you got parasites? A lot of the Iraqi vets came back with extra baggage from the war, believed to be from bad water…but who knows….there’s a lot of info out there on what parasites can do as they live and thrive inside your intestines etc……It’s just a thought.

Dr John

I have and periodically take treatments for parasites and show no symptoms of such. GBS symptoms so far is not related to parasites. I have medical books on parasite diagnosis and treatment in my medical library.

Cucumbers and real Black Licroice are great natural remedies for parasites. These remedies taste good also.

Thanks for the suggestion.


I apologize for being so inconsiderate of you having to deal with this disease.I pray for your recovery.You obviously have done your research.

Dr John

No worries, thanks for the comments. ALL OF THEM. I am here to share what I know; that can include experiences I have that others can learn from.

If this last year has opened my eyes to another human health issue that I can research it, though painful, is well worth it.

Unless you or a loved on are confronted with something like this you might never know it exists or not make the time to understand, to really dig and find simple answers that unlock this problem.

If I don’t find a solution, I may be struck down again sometime in the future That makes this research personal; not something I will easily lay aside.

To know I can help others in what I learn is icing on the cake.

You comments may have been a blessing, in that they may have stimulated others to read what we were talking about. Without your comments they may have missed what I was pointing out.

Thanks for caring.


Is GBS similar to BELLS PALSY? Right after pneumonia vaccine in 2011 I had Bells Palsy. It was weird. Night before my hearing went haywire, my eyes watered terribly and I woke up drooling. Looked in mirror my right side of face drooped. Funny each year after my doctor pushed another pneumonia vaccine. 3 rd one I woke up! Told her NO. She insinuated I would die. I told her I’ve already died and know what it’s like. I’m not afraid of death! She shut up. She was trying to kill me. I FIRED HER.


BTW I have permanent facial paralysis HEMI FACIAL SPASM.


Steroids? Could you have gotten a tainted batch? I was always afraid to use steroids bec i couldnt verify their contents….kinda like cocaine…..you had no idea where it was made or what impurities it had, so I quit using many years ago and have zero regrets. I feared what was being sucked up into my very average brain….couldnt afford to lose more of the few cells i had working…😬.

Dr John

No steroids. No medications of any kind including vaccines. My research on aging has to be clean, what can my body do with natural foods, vitamins and exercise. Not even an aspirin or antacid.

It is interesting to note, if a male does not do enough exercise they lose testosterone. To grow muscle you need testosterone. If you have big muscles and don’t chemically cheat you have plenty testosterone At 75, an age where your testosterone is supposed to be gone, I am still robust. Which suggest it is not age that causes the loss of muscle or testosterone, but lack of exercise and proper diet.

Without cheating I can validate the research I am doing. Cheating I help no one. I am proving over and over chronological age is not the problem our behavior and the environment are the problem.

As I recover from GBS, my muscles are coming back strong, but the effort to rebuild is WORK! So I can now see what it is like to start exercising after not doing so for years.


Maybe because he didn’t get any vaccines is why he got GBS


We have a comedian in the house. 🤡

Mike Huntsucker

You mean a jackass in the house…that shit isn’t funny in the least

Guillaume DesChamp

You have misunderstood the first paragraph.


The DS is ramping it up because they know they are losing.What you will see soon are nasal sprays.Lockdowns again?Actually they are planning to cut off our electricity so we freeze and can’t see.




Go grab a nasal spray bigsy. Do us all a favor.

John .S

No electricity, Harbor Freight currently has 20% off online coupon, perfect in acquiring portable generator and related items.

Freeze that you can’t see, as many herein can’t see that the “plan” is a psy-op, and many bought it, hook line and sinker.

Guillaume DesChamp

I live in a place where I don’t need to worry about freezing in the winter.

David T

Jail cells are heated, lucky for you.


Lol you’re such a dork, Dave

Guillaume DesChamp

No, I live far enough south that it doesn’t get that cold in the winter. A lot of people in this country do.


I live far enough south so I thought until we got that blizzard back in Feb. 2021 see most Texans know we get our cold weather from the North. Well that blizzard came from the South of Texas. That right there tells you it was man made. It killed over a hundred folks our houses are not built like our Northern cosin. We had people freezing to death sitting in there recliners in there houses you all
It did not matter what party you belong to they put that Bizzard on us. I think the resident told his black hats to send that storm cause he was mad at Texas do you think he was thinking about his voters? Any way after that storm we have not had any cat 4 or 5 hurricanes we had one cat 1 after the Blizzard. None since.


And its very hot where the executed go.

Guillaume DesChamp

Um, OK.


But you won’t be able to see

Guillaume DesChamp

Sure I will. People don’t go blind just because its winter.


The blindness is caused by lack of light.

Guillaume DesChamp

The sun doesn’t disappear in the winter.


G I T M O ????

Guillaume DesChamp

Yes, sejmon, I’m at Gitmo. Isn’t it nice of them.to let.me.have internet access?


You probably have access through through a .mil domain.

Guillaume DesChamp

I’m not really at Gitmo, Dragon.


A cave?


Steph, I agree with your
thought process. Check out julie green on utube


I just watched.I am clairvoyant.Think I’m crazy think again.I have hid this ability since childhood because of scrutinization.

Guillaume DesChamp

Well, Steph, you’re half right. You’re definitely crazy.


At least she’s not brain dead Des Chump.

Guillaume DesChamp

Are you sure?


Get as many blankets so you can to keep warm. Fuel driven lights, flashlights, matches, lighters, something to defend yourself if you have not done so alread. Good luck.


I have enough of organic beans and rice for an emergency.Gallons of purified water also.Glock and tazer ready. I have bags of cat food so my cats won’t starve.And toilet paper even if the toilet won’t flush because the water supply will be cut off.


If anyone is following the New JFK sites. On Tic Tok, Telegram Etc.
*Fall of Camelot* On Telegram.
Then it’s an eye opener on the swapping of people in power.

It’s no wonder bad shit is happening.
Even the so called good guys have possibly been flipped and mind controlled.

Joan P McDonald

Moore: I am killing people in order to save lives…..🙄🙄🙄

John .S

In actually the POS Commander in Chief is killing people with his so-called plan, not Moore, as the vax continues to be dispensed, proof is in the pudding.


Does anyone know who the CIC is ?


Yeah his name is Joe Biden


Obama puppet is biden


Obama is dead

Nukken Futz

David and Lawrence Rockeller. The owners of the US of A, but these two perps are hiding out in Paraguay, SA for some reason….


How about the real president and vice pres? To answer your question I know who the CIC is . Btw he is CIC of all the armed forces in the world.

Guillaume DesChamp

All the armed forces in the world? Even China? How did that happen?


That’s to do with the 3rd bankruptcy of the US in 1999.
The Crown essentially owned the world,
The three city states. London City, Vatican City, Washington DC.
Backed up by the US military and 100’s of Bases across the globe.

1871 has been over turned so all treaties signed under or since are null and Void.

Info posted on USAFCC will help one understand.

Trump played a key role albeit it may not be the real deal.


Yes even China. But Trump, Xi and Putin make up the top three White Hats. You know absolutely nothing. Its incredible.


Ok So I feel terry possibly is talking of Russel-Jay:Gould
Post Master General of the World ?

Trump passed in the Chopper crash in 1998, was switched or replaced, by who ?

2 Nov 1999 is a key key date. The info can be found on USAFCC site on Telegram.

I don’t think Trump has ever been CIC there’s another level in play.
That’s not on your Tel so much lies vision.

Guillaume DesChamp

Postmaster General.of the World?


Then what the hell is up with the Chinese military? Is Trump letting them prepare to take over our country?


Probably some apex Reptilian from the Rigel star system. Lol.

Nukken Futz

That sounds like,”killing for peace, is like raping for chastity”, then…


The ultimate oxymoron. She wasn’t very clever in the end.

Gary Cooper

September 16, 2023
Biden Sends Assassin To Kill Kennedy While Facing “Runaway Train” Trump Destruction
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


More like Sorcha Fail, amirite

Surf Nazare

you would get a real education if you read her stuff—–none of the bs——just facts—–but that would be over your head—-takes a little intellectual endeavor which seems to evade you at times—-

Lucky star

You are talking to dumpster shit….now you know why he is brainless

John .S

When is the hammer going to drop? Maui says enough.

Guess another mass school shooting is needed to entice the “”POS”” Commander in Chief to get off his high horse.

The Plan – the plan – that scumbag can stick his plan up his effing ass, and that goes for anyone else believing there’s a plan, and they can blow me too, with or without lipstick…

Guillaume DesChamp

How’d the window writing go, John?

John .S

Window writing going slow, had a typo, [whose v. who’s], idiot me, my edit feature not functioning.

Ran out of window marker, had to abort today’s window writings, causing me to write herein, expressing my thoughts.

Hesitant on posting a Amazon link for lipstick if anyone want’s to blow me, maybe I’ll post a kneepad link too.

Guillaume DesChamp

Better luck next time!


You’ll get em next time John 🙏


Whomever came up with the plan is either a satanist or has the IQ of a drunk feral vaccinated pig.


Many people are saying the hammer is going to drop #soon. Same as it ever was

Nukken Futz

Keep the baby, faith….


🎵 Dooon’t stop
Belieeeeevin’ 🎵

Mike Huntsucker

Shut the front door… You whining ass bitch boy

John .S

Let me send ya a tube of lipstick, and pair of kneepads.


Who is the CIC now ?

John .S

Oh – that’s obvious: Alfred E Newman is the CIC, there’s no refuting that.


What me worry 🤷‍♂️


Taylor Swift. Haha.


My father was NOT an insignificant percentage. I am glad this cretin will be hung. I have worked in academia for 20 plus years and Big Pharma for 10. These people honestly believe they are a higher standard of human; the rest of us are rabble to be used to realize their ambitions. They can eat me. Disgusting POS nobody will miss Melissa Moore. Now let’s talk about the biostats team (I worked in that field) that informed her that 50 plus were dying a week and did NOT report this to anybody, nor had they the courage to step forward during the PLANDEMIC to say “hey I wouldn’t take that shot if I were you”. I want them ALL to be held accountable. R&D, Ops, Manufacturing, PR/Marketing, Pharmacovigilence, etc. Nobody is above the law and they all KNEW. Now my dad is in an urn on my mantle. And they are ALL unvaxxed. Disgusting.

Nukken Futz

I was at a Walgreens drug store yesterday and they are still giving out the clot shots and spiked MRNA flu shots too. In the not to distant future, the pitch fork mob will target these pharma druggists, I would assume…


Well they are still legal , so why not ? No one will get arrested


Guys stop with the Benjiman Fulford bull shit!
Im sure MB is more than smart enough to not associate with a grifter and jeopardize his white hat contacts.
Trolls are working overtime to bring you on board. sounds like a setup to me.


Yeah, MB is far too busy with his own grift for that shit

David T

Here you are, without fail. Earning your paycheck.


Thank you David, I get paid $6000 every time you reply to me 🙏

David T

Once again, you demonstrate that the truth is not in you.


Yeah because nobody pays me to make fun of you guys, ya dork


They told me I was the highest paid .


Hey David, Biggs and J Bill are their father’s regrets of erectile malfunction, the release of Demon – Troll Spawn!


You’re not making any sense here Ralph. Logically if our fathers had erectile malfunction we wouldn’t have been conceived 🤷‍♂️


Wrong Spawn escaped their Bent Carrots, idiot Fiden Buck


Lmao what


Wow, the simplest sentence, plain to English speaking humans, impossible for Demon Trolls.
But we will consider the benefits of your lack of conception. Yeah, right, that would be much better! Oh well, you can join the mRNA Witch, that will fix the malfunction.


Tell the White Hats to come get me bro


Or tell them to use the Project Looking Glass time machine to go back in time and prevent me from being conceived to begin with, I guess? Tbh I’m not clear what you’re getting at here about my ‘lack of conception’ 🤔

Lucky star

10 cents for each postings


Absolutely hilarious that someone from this website calls fulford a grifter.

Pot meet kettle…both black and seemingly vaccine addled

Nukken Futz

Next, the lefties will attack Clif High as being too high on computer data spreadsheets. They are so far to the left, they don’t know which way is right,,,,


Snagglepuss. Exit stage left.

Nukken Futz

That’s a sure sign that the leftists are melting down with gusto….


I wrote about my distrust of the mRNA “science” back in 2012 on my website. Around that time I blew the whistle about tons of other corruption. It was soooo strange to discover that not only would I not be acknowledged, I was on the White Hat Most Wanted list. This is why I don’t trust them. They have allowed one horrible thing after another to happen to me as I attempted to avoid landing in a homeless shelter.

So if people still don’t trust they have good reason.

Guillaume DesChamp

Do you have a link to your website? I’d like to see it.

And where can I find this White Hat Most Wanted list?


My website was holisticnutritionforlife.com and it’s on the wayback machine from 2012 to 2014.

The most wanted list? They don’t make that clear to everyone and I’m not going to explain what I know about that because it’s complicated.

Here I’m talking to people who, for whatever reason, know what I’m talking about. Some do. I have nothing but disdain for the people who have aligned themselves with this evil by continuing to put me down and act like I don’t know anything and don’t factor into any of this. I don’t want to engage because I’m probably more angry at those people than they really deserve to just being followers of who they believe are the good guys.


But that’s just it. they know they are working for evil people, and they love being evil themselves. Every single person who has appeared in these morality true tales, had plenty of options for making their way in life to judge from their resumes. They chose evil.


Anti human.

Guillaume DesChamp

I really would like to know more about this list. It can’t be that complicated.


If you think things aren’t complicated you don’t know much about what is really going on. Things were and are extremely complicated. It’s only not complicated when you sit and let yourself be spoon-fed information by the most popular “Patriots “ on the internet.

I know much much more than all of you about some things. That’s what is so ridiculous about all this.

Guillaume DesChamp

Please, share your knowledge.


Start with reading the website. Keep in mind that’s not my intel but it explains my position.

Guillaume DesChamp

I took a look. I don’t really need a recipe for a green smoothie.

David T

Ask Biggs, he has it. Oh wait, that means you already have it.

Guillaume DesChamp

Why does that matter so much to you?


Many are saying I’m #1 on the White Hats Most Wanted list 🫥


No one cares anything about you. NOTHING!!!


What did they do to me in exchange for the efforts I made to help? They destroyed my life under the pressure of everything they were doing and saying on the news and making it really obvious that they were following me, listening to me, watching me, like they really wanted to me me go crazy. Even after they were proven wrong they refuse to make amends or even acknowledge me. The demonic deep state had been super-cruel to me. They tortured me and poisoned me but nothing ever hurt me so much as how I have been treated by my fellow Americans after I survived and got my information to the “right” people. I believe there were people with good intentions but I believe the majority were trying to trick everyone because they don’t tell the truth about what happened and who was really involved.

Guillaume DesChamp

Are they still following you and watching you?


I suggest to anyone that they refrain from mocking me and putting me down because they are WRONG and they are making fools of themselves by so willingly attacking a person who did very much to prevent an impending disaster. I know who I am and you will only be making fools of yourselves, so just stop with the condescending and bullying. You are NOT better than me and none of you have any right to continue your superiority charade. If you are one of these, get over yourself. You have been fed disinformation or you’d be standing up for me.

Guillaume DesChamp

Who’s putting you down?


You constantly pick at bread crumbs don’t you? Asking sensitive questions in a public forum is very dumb. #clueless

Guillaume DesChamp

How is that a sensitive question?


The folks here trust the plan.

They arent capable of doing much else

Especially logical or rational thought

They actually think the last 7 years was a smart plan.


#7years. Here we go again. Like a bot on repeat play.


There are no white hats……they literally tried to murder us all.


I just can’t stand the term “white hat” after how I perceive the situation. I agree with youf statement. You hear “chain of command” all the time from military people. How can it matter if they are white or black hats if they all just follow orders from their commanding officers?

Now some people think General Flynn is a good guy who just didn’t notice the Criminal Empire that gave him accolades for every thing he did?

Hint: He’s not a good guy You don’t get accolades for being a threat to the cabal. Flynn flew to Moscow to cover tracks about his own dirty deeds with the Russians. People who accepted his excuse and call him a White Hat are ignoring the obvious.


They also would NOT let anyone run the NSA that wasn’t in their club.


Why do they always proclaim their loyalty? Loyalty to whom …… the Deep State … Obama … the saving of humanity? How can anyone loyal to the wiping out of 90% of humanity claim they are trying to save it? That’s the Devil’s logic ………. and it doesn’t work in God’s universe.


Because MB isn’t very creative and he writes basically the same dialogue over and over


If you get the overview these records are very interesting as you realize this is unprecedented and we will emerge freed from the hidden hand of darkness. The truth is, evil people such as those described by MB, are boring as entities. Evil is boring to write about as it has no creativity or aspirations beyond power at a very low vibe. Evil is noisy and doesn’t converse in good faith. It sneers and doesn’t listen or engage. It is as predictable as a troll in a comment thread.


He writes some of it, most of it is written by others. MB is just the publisher.



Guillaume DesChamp

Yikes. What’s wrong with your sinuses?



Surf Nazare

It’s clogged his brain up—-criticizing someone he knows nothing about—–show me a body bag or someone or something hanging from something—-

Michael Tiner

Benjamin Fulford stated Friday 9/15/2023 in his weekly video report that real raw news is owned by META Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller & is pedaling HOPIUM. Benjamin has invited Michael Baxter to talk to him multiple times & Michael continually ignores those invitations. Benjamin says not to believe any news coming out of this Rockefeller owned satire news outlet. Since Benjamin supports the White Hat’s & has repeatedly reached out to Mr. Baxter with no response from Mr. Baxter, there is adequate cause to question the matter. Why wouldn’t Mr. Baxter not want to speak to Benjamin Fulford? Benjamin Fulford is NO fool. He is a very well-known Jounalist who defies & exposes the Luciferian deep state black hat Kabal & their activity around the world.


Maybe cause it could jeopardize the trust with the white hats.


fyi – have watched Fulford for many years – he is born into the elite – by his own words his family were best friends with the Trudeau family and many photos hung on his family’s walls of both families – yes he does have ties with Asian elite families – his website has the logo of a black dragon – I do believe he has relatively good intentions and he has sources in moss@d and mi6 and elsewhere but he is in the dark about trump and JAG and since he doesn’t look at or acknowledge that Trump’s executive order to confiscate assets of both hidden bank accts and property from entities proven to have been involved with child tr@fficking as zucker was, he will stick to the narrative that meta is still owned by zuck when in fact zuck was processed several years ago and is no longer with us – and that the WHs control meta now

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m still not allowed to post RRN material on Facebook and that would not be the case if what you said were true. We would have been told something about that and we were not.


Facebook wouldn’t tell you if it was true and just because it’s true doesn’t mean someone would have told you. I know that because they lie about everything. It’s worse now than ever because the evil ones have always lied. Now we have the white hats also lying to us but with the promise that it’s going somewhere.


Why would you want to put it on FB? So people can ridicule you , assume you have dementia ?


They were friends with the Trudeaus? Tells me all I need to know. No wonder he’s anti Trump.


Bunny, well sourced truthers suggest that big oligarchs of Meta, Google, et al, have capitulated to DJT soon after his visit to the Saudi Kingdom in 2017 where the King honored DJT with the traditional sword dance. In the chess game we are in, the white hats have taken the King as in The Saudi Arabia King and was made possible through DCLASS. The house of Saud was at one time the hub of child trafficking in the east and the white hats had all the evidence which DJT presented to the King. Prince Ben Salman who shall we say is the controlling owner of all the big techs, also pledge his support for DJT. What we are watching is the movie Q keeps telling us to enjoy. Hope this helps.


yes thanks D!
I was on top of Q’s very first post in October 2017 – it was pretty enlightening – those first few years of Trump’s presidency were exciting – his worldwide tour and the purpose for it – and all the executive orders he signed – one after the other and I think most r still in play – RRN reports ring true for me – perhaps Baxter’s timelines r a little off – I think lots of these reports r a year old or so but that’s just my opinion


So you are suggesting that they couldn’t get this shit down because meta belongs to Prince Ben Salman? It would make sense because I have seen where Zuckerberg admitted to using Adrenocrome. If that was real he would have been arrested years ago.


Excuse me. *shut down * is what I meant.


I’ve heard both META/Facebook and Amazon have been nationalized. I can only say Google Apple Nividia and others will follow the path to nationalization.


Hope so. What about X?

Harder to corral users on decentralized platforms and/or blockchain platforms using web 2.0 tech. No more gatekeepers.

Elisa Orozco

Fulford has also disclosed that he had a special friendship with the late Queen Elizabeth……… Mr. Fulford has some considerable shadows around him and really has no room to talk about others.

Rose Mary Abbott

Who cares? He is probably trying desperately to gain an audience but he’s definitely going about it in the wrong way. RRN has stood the test of time. I’m not swayed.


I agree 🌿


He already has an audience, and has done do for years.


so, not do. Oops.


Well, a trace of the corporation from the RRN site should confirm or deny the outcry of BF.

Show us the lineage and the paperwork for incorporation as prove, otherwise we should just say Ben Fulford is a CIA plant.

Two way street


Fulford’s a good guy … he just doesn’t know everything. Lots of the pundits nowadays seem to think they know everything, but don’t. Even We don’t …. that’s why the fight is still going on.


No, he is not good. He knows enough to know he’s it truthful
about certain things. At his level he certainly knows who the cabal is.


That’s your opinion. Remember, RRN is a publicly disclosed satire site. Bear that in mind.


It is not satire. The relentless noise of you and the other trolls, have proven that.


Y’all can contact JAG yourselves and ask them if RRN is fiction too, ya know. Give it a try, Ed.

202 685-5493
patricia.babb@ navy.mil


No one will do that because they fear they will be ridiculed and called crazy, or worse . JAG might not even answer.


Ben has been online for years. And you’re only asking now? Have you living in a cave?


embodiment of satanic evil and no remorse, not seeking Gods salvation, and is opposing The Good News of Jesus Son of God, and is totally running into gates of Hell, free will made and very bad choice was done.


moore is representing this horiffic death cult


is = was