JAG Nabs Another CDC Cretin


U.S. Navy JAG investigators on Saturday arrested CDC Chief Medical Officer Debra Houry near her home in Athens, Georgia, enforcing a military arrest warrant saying that Houry, among other despotic CDC personnel, was a pinnacle player in imposing new Covid mandates and convincing hospitals to artificially inflate Covid-related hospitalizations, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

After spending three days tailing Houry and observing her daily regimen, investigators reportedly caught her while she was taking a leisurely walk in Dudley Park, a 24-acre tract of tranquil woods and fields 70 miles northeast of her workplace—the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters. When they displayed their credentials and the warrant, a stumped Houry glanced at the documents, said she didn’t understand what was happening, and demanded the name of the judge who signed the warrant. The investigators replied that Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall had signed it.

“Who’s that?” Hourly said.

“You’ll soon find out,” a JAG investigator replied.

They explained she was being detained as an enemy combatant and therefore forfeited all rights and privileges afforded American citizens, and informed her she would be held at a JAG facility ahead of facing a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay.

They handcuffed Houry and escorted her to their vehicle.

“She’ll stand trial for treason,” our source said.

The charges, he added, stem from audio and video files documenting how Houry cajoled hospital administrators in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey to treat all patients presenting respiratory ailments as COVID-19 positive without confirming the presence of Sars-Cov2 via a PCR test. Thus, hospitals falsify statistical data by assuming anyone with a cough or a cold has COVID-19. Hospitals then used falsified figures to justify mask mandates. It’s a tactic the Deep State employed during the start of the plandemic.

According to our source, Houry imposed those demands on at least eight hospital administrators in the last 60 days. Five needed little convincing and told Houry they would happily comply.

To reinforce the case against Houry, undercover investigators visited four hospitals that reported a surge in COVID-19 admissions and overcrowded “COVID-19 wards.”

“There were no Covid cases at any of the hospitals,” our source said. “I can’t say which hospitals or who they spoke to because some will be indicted, and others witnesses against Houry.”

Rochelle Walensky’s successors, he said, have steadfastly sought to further her legacy—directing the nation toward eternal medical Martial Law.

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Donna Vorbach

I greatly appreciate this article. The unveiling of the Covid Hoax is one of epic scale. However, I would like to point out that PCR tests give a false positive so even if they were given to the sick, it would have only advanced the hoax. At this time, every untruth must be addressed.

Rene Labre

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desmond kelly

I truly don’t know if this information is real or a parody. As a person who was “red pilled” nearly 20 years ago, my experience tells me that when it comes to this type of info, it’s not that people believe it to be real, they just desperately WANT it to be real.
Again I don’t know if this site is genuine, but I have learned over the years that there are professional trolls out there who pray on people’s hopes and dreams in order to get them to sit back and do nothing and provide them with a false sense of security.
Do not be angry with people who are sceptical because your asking them to except as fact information without a shred of evidence.


Thanks, TEAM CIA! Now GTFOH!


Does rational thought always provoke rage in you Bob?


Only disingenuous thought, sir…..

desmond kelly

So, anyone who has rational, coherent thinking is automatically assumed to be a C.I.A asset yes?

It’s ok. I don’t blame you. Your parents must have been idiots.


Let’s try to keep our parents out of this and civil as I am certain that your two homosexual father’s ate a lot of cock meat sandwitches, A-HOLE!


As one blogger who reads this site suggests, info presented herein is 50/50. Well, we are in an information war lest we forget.


Could not agree more. Thank you for this post.


Michael Baxter, is it true that RRN is owned by Facebook’s parent company. META? If so, why are you working with a known company that is on the dark side? Please respond. We’d all like to know.


“WE” already know it is not true. This subject has been beaten to death on other posts. Research, please.


Take your blinders off, Maggie; Baxter-answer the question!


Take YOUR blinders off and do your research.


You are a confirmed CIA Bullshizzler!


Nope. Just asking sound, cogent questions. Thinking for myself instead of the flock of lambs on this site hoping and praying that these capture and hang stories have heft and truth behind them.


All of us here understand that 09/11 was an inside job sold to us by TH33 Talmudic øwnęđ męđîą, as in ALL network$! There were no planes!

Welcome to THE REAL world of Blade Runners slaying real replicants | 🐉!!!!!!

Sue Grantham

Do not comply
Do not bend


Before covid you was supposed to trust the Dr, if you had a illness the Dr would treat the illness which means prolonging it and we learn what they was treating the illness with products made by the petrol oil industries and they kept the natural remedies out the picture. Are Dr really there for your and my interest. With there track record of treating the illess I say no. So I woke up from sleeping this morning thinking about where I can go in case I get sick or heaven forbid injured, all that comes to me is think God for the MED BED they are coming folks I tried to find out as I could started 4 years ago when I first heard about them. Just recently I heard they have alein technology in them makes since why would man design this the ones we trusted with our lives the Dr that prolong the illness. And any Dr that tried to invent things to cure people wind up in prison. MED BED is all we have. Oh we still need Drs and staff to operate them. They will be trained to do this. Let’s say someone goes into get treated by a MED BED they have a heart attack some one needs to stableize them. Then they are put into the MED BED, they come out with no heart attack damage all gone. I hope this helps people scared about MED BEDs.


Well 17, you have jumped the shark . This is absolute insanity and not believable in any world. It’s statements and beliefs like this that destroy all credibility of the movement . Alien technology ? Oh the crowds will come running to try that out . What if the aliens are liberals and trying to convert you ? Carry on , or try to .


I guess when you get hit in the head by all I said above you will come to your senses by the way the MED BED will be 2 per county maybe more they will be in one facility which I heard they already been working on. So you continue the path of nothing. Hope you never have a use for one.


There will be no med beds … not the ones from ETs which is the one that cures everything will not be available until after The Event.


People don’t trust regular Drs , why oh why would they trust aliens ? They do not exist . Might you have a pic or alien literature on them ? Will the AMA have to approve them ?

Donna Vorbach

Actually I understand there have been 50,000 already installed through out the USA. Do you remember President Trump referring to a record number of VENTILATORS being made and shipped throughout the world during his first Administration. I believe he was referring to Med Beds! As there are 50 states in the union, that would be about 10,000 per state. More in California than RI, of course. Placed in military installations, medical facilities and even very nondescript buildings. As NESARA will be set in motion shortly, I think so will the Med Beds.


You had me until the “alien” bullshizzle claims, kid! What you refer to 👽 I call fallen angels! Stick with the Bible as I know you understand God’s living Word! We live in a fallen world, and God in His infinite foreknowledge is reminding you today that Christ is THE Way, THE Truth!


I love this….I really am hoping it’s all true…but if not entirely, it’s like a Hallmark movie with a happy ending! Thanks for this!

Rene Labre


J Bill

lol @ snopes picking up the yellen article. They may as well have a banner that says RRN articles are satire on their website/social media


Lead Stories has a similar piece.


These articles are pure fiction, can’t believe people actually believe any of this nonsense. Janet Yellen who this site said was arrested two weeks ago was on MSNBC yesterday. She looked like she was doing ok, not wearing prison garb or in a jail cell. Michael, if we are wrong just show us picture of her in custody, which of course you can’t because it’s not true. However, what this site shows is how corrupt our military is. They take oath upon joining to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and have done none of that.


Wake up!


Dave has TDS and cannot recover.


No, it’s you that must have some sort of condition if you are willing to believe the stuff written on this site without one thread of proof. Wake up already!

Donna Vorbach

I have to wonder why people like you are even here? I wouldn’t waste my time with the NY Times.


trust the plan retards at this site abhor logic and rational thought. they actually think the last 7 years was smart 38948389389493 d chess brilliant plan. most of them had to have taken drumps vaccine.


Most of them rejected the vaccine just as we reject you and your BS mis-characterizations of our viewpoints.
You are a sh*t stain on Soros’ britches and more stupid than Pig Spit.


You like the Med beds ? Coming right up with an alien instructor .


We need to know and hope this will eventually happen, and perhaps it is!


Not exactly , not a chance . Think hard about it . Explain it to your family , friends and neighbors . Or try to .


You can’t have doubts or reasonable questions on this site, the trumpsters won’t allow it. They are saying the people who have been arrested that you see on corporate news is a fake, a look alike or a CGI. The problem is what different does it make to get rid of the “original” if there is a double or GCI to take their place?
They should put up pictures of those arrested and are holding, some would say they are fake photos, but at least it would be something to study.
I totally agree that the military is in violation of their oath to the Constitution, by not shutting down the corporate news … activating the EBS and doing the mass arrest. The gray hats drag their feet because they don’t want to lose their power and wealth.


Gen Smith is in the news . Could make his position and the narrative go awry .

Steve J

Dave, have you heard of CGI or deep fake technology? If so, well then that’s your answer regarding Yellen, or any other deep state actors you see on T.V. And to solidify further, there’s a woman who lives near DC and she’s been going there almost every day, since Jan after Feb 2021, and shows that there’s no longer any federal employees there. COG.

Just Gary

Change of subject for a moment. Kevin McCarthy is in the news because of the fake Biden Impeachment.
FYI: I found out some things about McCarthy a few years ago that upset me. When McCarthy is in DC he shares a 10,000 s/f penthouse with Frank Luntz. Luntz is a big-time democratic pollster. Why is a $200,000 a year congressman living in multi, multi million dollar apartment. Thanks for reading. Remember, 80-90 percent of congress is deep state.

John .S

Apparently, habitual MB constant complainers questing censorship are Deep State too.

Donna Vorbach

My thought also. They should be more worried about their To Go BAG!

J Bill

Too bad they’re impeaching an actor smh


Its all optics to wake up the normies

J Bill

And when they find out an actor is the president, then what?


Why investigate Hunter Biden if he is dead ?

Steve J

Remember the crying person on her knees when Trump was elected? Picture that times several million other libs doing that same thing when they find out.


This stupid shit isn’t waking anyone up and only a bunch of dumb fucks would think it is. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️


Then why don’t you come up with a better plan, any way as long as it keeping up out of a civil war then i say drive on.


yes, trust the plan dipshit.. its called tell the truth. There is zero proof that telling the public the truth would cause a civil war. that is 100 percent cover for the supposed white hays being compulsive lying pieces of trash themselves.


I agree with you that not telling the public the whole truth caters to evil, homosexuals, transexuals and the like…. The world must know of their evil to wake them up…

Steve J

Zero proof…would cause a civil war??? Did you forget about the “summer of love” 2020? How all of the freaks took to the streets by Antifa/BLM thugs and burned down shit? That was just a sample. Wake TF up!

Donna Vorbach

Of course the DS wanted civil war just as FEMA prospered with its evil with every major storm that was manufactured. CHAOS is very usual to those with evil intent.


hopefully the small children in your family die from trumps vaccine , since its all optics to wake up the normies. no one is actually dying so lets just murder your bloodline first.


What shite, Trumps vaccine??



Steve J

Let’s get something straight here. Trump didn’t Make the Vaccine! Trump gave alternatives to the vaccine like HCQ and Ivermectin (nobel peace prize winning). Fauci, Birx and the other “doctors” ignored that and instead pushed the vaccine. Howe hard is that to understand???

Donna Vorbach

They know. NCSWIC.


Well, good thing the real one was 86’d


McCarthy is a rino. I think it is more like 99.9% is corrupt. IMO no one in government should make that kind of cash. Fast food workers work harder than they do for many more hours a week. Can’t wait for smaller government. Most people don’t need to be told how to live.

Steve J

Frank Luntz is a Republican according to his bio.

Donna Vorbach

So was the evil swine GHW BUSH and “W”….both executed along with Pence and No Name. You are WAY behind the news.

Donna Vorbach

WOW….sounds like Luntz who I could never take to was a [DS] whore as is Kevin McCarthy! I put forth the idea, McCarthy will be arrested by military soon along with the other [DS] actors who certified the 2020 election. We will be in full blown Martial Law! The US fiat $, IRS and Stock Market taken down, NESARA / GCR via QFS in full operation and the quacks writing on this thread will finally get the attitude correction they desperately need.


Good job guys!!!

Mike Huntsucker

Great job doing what….? Milking the fucking bull …this is all bullshit..keep fucking poking the lion and it doesn’t matter what color hat your wearing white or black your going to be in the cross hairs….make us all suffer to wake a few sleeping dead…fuck all you motherfukers

J Bill

Did you ever figure out who stole all your info? lmao

Mike Huntsucker

Suck my dick little bitch boy

J Bill



Wow Mike, you must get the classy women with that type of talk.

Michael Tiner

Benjamin Fulford stated Friday 9/15/2023 in his weekly video report that real raw news is owned by META Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller & is pedaling HOPIUM. Benjamin has invited Michael Baxter to talk to him multiple times & Michael continually ignores those invitations. Benjamin says not to believe any news coming out of this Rockefeller owned satire news outlet. Since Benjamin supports the White Hat’s & has repeatedly reached out to Mr. Baxter with no response from Mr. Baxter, there is adequate cause to question the matter. Why wouldn’t Mr. Baxter not want to speak to Benjamin Fulford? Fulford is NO fool. He is a very well-known Journalist who defies & exposes the Luciferian deep state black hat Kabal & their activity around the world.

American Living in Canada

So the evil does are drawing attention to themselves via this site?

American Living in Canada



everyone with a clue knows why he wont…..the only ones that dont are the trust the plan retards who tooks drumps vaccine.


I get your point. Well stated. I’ve followed BF for awhile. Is he reputable w/o question? No. Not in the times we are living in. He has claimed in the past to have survived a few assination attempts by the KM. Really? Another talking point he proposed is that there is no such remedy for our dire financial system such as Nesara/Gesara. Which he later back peddled vaguely and hasn’t mentioned again. My point is just this. In our current situation, the world of misinformation and disinformation, how do we determine what is true and what is not. The fact checkers I have found by researching a few seem to be billionaires in Silicon Valley, a DS stronghold.
In regards to BF and MB both are information resources. Is one more reputable than the other? We may have to wait until the end of this shit show to find out. I am curious about BF now. Why is he throwing other information sources under the bus. BF is renowned for his geopolitical knowledge and reporting. Maybe he should stick to that. Attacking other avenues of information doesn’t make sense. What is he trying to accomplish? I think he out of line here and should stick do doing what he is best at, geopolitical news.
We the people are waking up, most of us I hope, and are savey enough to wade thru the sea of information being dispursed by the demi gods of alternative media. Most of which are under NDA’s.
Respectfully, MP


Yup, so what, we want a bit of resolution. I’m hoping some of it is true….you know like the Hallmark movies??? Keeps us going thru this hell.

Donna Vorbach

I believe REAL RAW NEWS is the REAL STUFF!!! Get your information where you like. And this is just a tip of the iceberg.


Agreed , at this point these so called fake ass white hats have only death and destruction waiting for them and their families as the people they have victimized hand out real justice. Good luck with that you traitor ass motherfuckers.




most of the folks here are worthless low iq pieces of trash and they actually think compulsively lying and murdering millions is a smart plan.



J Bill

Great work, Chris!!



That was a great movie! I suggest every one see it.


who did they say was actually doing the trafficking? did they expose the cia? or specific people in hollywood? the government? Dont tell me they made a movie about kidnapping and eating children and forgot the say who was doing the kidnapping and eating? that doesnt sound very smart at all.

J Bill

They forgot the eating and adrenochrome…smh

But the producers abused trafficking victims. Great work, Chris! lmao


😆 😂 😝!!!


of course you vaccine addled trust the plan dipshits cant answer a simple and rational question concerning the movie you love so much. why did they make a movie about kidnapping and eating children and not state who exactly was doing it.

J Bill



John .S

Place your bets – Place your bets, Ghoul Pool on Melissa Moore when she’s pronounced dead.

Only had a few takers, come-on folks it’s free. Suspect Moore’s earthly race result posted just before noon CST.

Might get daily double via covid doctors doing the simultaneous drop. Money says, High Noon on their drop.

Come one – come all – place your bets.


Based on her picture I’d say she has another 40 years to go. Put me down for that. On your leafleting and other activities, are you considered to be your neighborhoods Vincent Gigante? Wandering around, muttering, being a nuisance.

John .S

Sullivan Street will never be the same RIP Vin, also 101 Ave too, RIP John.


counting crows ….greatness.


I have called Moderna’s HR department 3 times asking for a status on their gurl….. No return call and silence to the media tells me she is gone!


You have to ask for their crank call office, not HR


Then you make the call!

John .S

Myself made a few phonecalls, fortunately located payphones in my vicinity, as far and few in-between.

Always have roll of quarters in pocket, whereas wife says: “is that a roll of quarters in your pocket, or you’re happy to see me”?


Not in 30 years…..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Supposedly, Newsome was arrested and sent to Gitmo, but I still see that he is running loose and now making moves to trash the 2nd Amendment…So, this Fat Babe is supposedly arrested. I just wish that it is true…and not a wet dream

Robert James

You saw an impersonator. One of many.

J Bill

Sweet! Newsome is gone and nothing changes! Not even the impersonator’s policies!


I only wish if it is an actor filling the role of a corrupt politician, that perhaps that person takes a trip to gitmo.


An impersonator who carries out the exact same policies as his original, so absolutely nothing changes. God work guys! How about trying to recruit an impersonator who does the opposite of the real guy?


i chuckled….. they dont see how fucking stupid they sound.

Dave Strickland

You’ll find if you look closely enough that the current Newsom figure(s) are fakes betrayed by subtle differences in their appearance and manners. Either clones or actors. The Deep State has the ability to produce them convincingly.


We need to demand DNA tests. Make them prove he’s the real mccoy?? All of them.


But you know he’s not the real guy. You read it here – he was executed. So why DNA tests to prove something you already believe is true?

Someone Else

Makes you wonder, huh?

There’s no evidence proving what’s posted here is real, but plenty of evidence to the contrary. Like dead governors walking around making TV appearances?

Granted there are body doubles. And maybe clones.

But still, makes you go, “hmmmm”.

Someone Else

You also have to wonder about the downvoters on those who dare question the RRN narrative.

Real people drinking the cool aid?

Or all one psych op?


But no, you’re not “see”ing….it’s not him. I don’t know why people cannot discern the avitars, be them doubles, actors with masks, or clones…They do a really bad job (to us artists, anyway) of making us believe these are the originals….no one LOOKS, just assumes it’s them.


It’s fascinating to stand back & observe the actions of the trolls on this site. One can imagine the condescending smirks on their faces as they type their daily, hourly, sometimes minute to minute drivel.

What motivates them?
What is their purpose?
Who do they work for?
What reward will they receive if they succeed?

It’s a miserable person who constantly sees the glass as half empty, points out only the negative, is quick to humiliate others if they spell a word wrong or use incorrect grammar or seeks gratification through hurting other people. What a tragic way to live.

Feeding them doesn’t work. It only makes them bolder.

Ignoring them is easier but they are diligent & relentless.

What would you guys think about praying for them? They definitely need prayers because the poison they spread turns on them & makes them sick, too. Praying for their conversion would be a great act of charity on our part which would also come back on us. It would also be like that thing in the Gospel, “heaping coals of fire on their heads.” And their conversion would be another step towards waking up more people. (It would also make God smile.)

Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Flee ye adversaries!
The Lion of the Tribe of Juda,
the Root of David,
has conquered!


Is correcting their misinformation feeding them, or is it setting the record straight for new people who come aboard? Do we want new people who are not necessarily truth-seekers to go away believing them or us? I haven’t noticed a lack of activity when we ‘don’t feed them.’ In fact, what I notice is that they then start their own threads while their central computer calls for a cluster of trolls to respond to–I think–celebrate their ‘win.’

But yes, praying for them is a good idea! Thank you.

J Bill

false flag


yes we can choose to pray for them – but remember to pray for ourselves to find the strength to keep fighting this constant onslaught against the truth – and to pray for the victims of the dirty needle who face each day in compromised bodies and then there r the prayers so needed for the children who r tortured and tr@fficked


You are trying to be funny , correct? What a great example of satire .


She’s dead serious dude/dudette. You’re the one trying to be funny.


Will pray for them–thanks!

Dave Strickland

The sheer numbers, their posting frequency, and their (usually drivel) post contents (usually puerile, drivel, and 100% negative) is an indication that the significance of RRN which they poo-pooh is real enough.


That’s what I was thinking Dave.

Me thinks they dost protest too much.

Dave Strickland

I personally see no useful reason to pray for these people. Some of them are simply computer bots anyway. The New Testament sometimes advises not to pray for those where it would be waste of time to do so. Did Elijah pray for the priests of Baal or move to destroy their works?


Ask yourself how God feels about it. He wants everyone to be saved but gives us the freewill to choose. He also says, ask & you shall receive. I’d rather these people repent & turn their loves back to God than for even one of them to go to hell. Hell is forever. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

So lets go through your critique line by line. What motivates us? This site is pure entertainment, a collection of fantasies, violence, wishful thinking and actual psychosis. It’s a fascinating look into the mind of the conspiracy culture and the collateral damage that culture produces.

What is their purpose? None. We don’t want to change minds because that would be like trying to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Who do they work for? Nobody. We all have real jobs (I presume. I don’t know the others). The only slight reward is possibly increased dopamine levels.

What reward will they receive if they succeed? None. There is no purpose or endgame. It’s like going to the zoo. The inhabitants have unique personalities, some of them truly odious, but watching them at play is the only reason to be here.

Regarding gratification by hurting people, at least 80% of the posters on this blog go on at length about bloody, cruel, violent deaths they wish on people who they have been conditioned to hate. The murder of police officers is encouraged. The creativity of some of these violent fantasies is quite concerning – some of you should be on law enforcement watch lists. This is pornography without naked people.

The spelling nitpicking is just poking the bear.

As I have said before, many of you are intelligent, educated people who served in the military, ran businesses, raised families, taught school and cared for the ill. But now for some reason you have turned to “the dark side” and put aside your extensive life experience to fully invest in a storyline created by amoral content creators who rely on your contributions so they won’t have to work at an honest job. Believe what you want. Quote Jesus while demanding the horrific death of your fellow man. Smugly assume that you have all the answers and everyone else is a clueless idiot. That’s your right. If you want to pray for our conversion, I hope God doesn’t listen but more important, we don’t need saving. This charade has been going on for almost seven years. The Storm hasn’t come, Trump hasn’t been restored to the throne, NESARA/GESARA hasn’t happened and there is no war between White Hats and Black Hats. (Did you know Hollywood script writers came up with the hat concept? Some were Jews too).

So there ya’ go.


i hear the storm is here and trump will be back in two weeks tops but it wont be obvious to anyone in the world bc the storm would cause a civil war and the so called white hats dont want that. Makes perfect sense to me.


Harrison my boy, you answered this beautifully. Couldn’t have summed it up better myself.


Thank you, Will.


The answer to your questions is money


Ray Epps has been arrested and charged for Jan. 6


Hope it’s true.. Where did you hear it??

John .S

Ray Epps.



A misdemeanor
They are just trying to stop the momentum

Mark David

Pfizer did it. Bourla did it. Bourla’s neck will be in the noose very soon. Hang the bastard. There, I said it! :0)


That story is no longer operable, as they say. MB took it down and it’s never come back.


Doesn’t mean that he isn’t being dealt with.. The Ompany doesn’t want it out there.. They want to continue to operate as if nothing happened.


Bourla’s lawyers are dealing with it in the form of threatening a ruinous lawsuit against the author. MB doesn’t want to lose the townhouse and his computer. They don’t play.

Dave Strickland

I saved the report about Bourla, as well as Moderna’s Bancel. I’d share it with those who need to see it if I knew how to do so.


Post it here Dave! MB and Pfizer’s legal team would love that, bro


Thank you for saying this Mark. Are there any additional legally-actionable death threats you’d like to post about Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, while you’re at it?


Be sure to be specific with those threats; date, time, method. Make it clear you’re really coming for the guy. Be sure to include that RRN inspired you to take justice into your own hands.

Mark David

WARNING: The Talmud-loving Jews did this to the world. Their holy of holy books they follow, the one that instructs them to defile and kill all non-Jews, tells them it is OK to rape 3 year old girls, tells them that murder isn’t murder when killing a non-Jew, that lovely sacred book is the biggest volume of evil and insanity ever written. These Talmud-Jews will defend it to the death. They LITERALLY take those Talmud phrases as their guidance in life. The Talmud-Jews are THE ENEMY to humanity. The Talmud tells them the deny everything that is written in the book, lest they themselves be killed. They look at all non-Jews, they call us Goyim (which means Cattle) as no better than animals. And as animals, they can do ANYTHING they want to us with no guilt, no conscience, no remorse for their actions. Just ask the 100 MILLION Russians that were killed by the Bolshevik (Jew)-Communists between 1917 and 1923. . Their moronic Superiority opinion over the rest of us is what makes them so anti-human and so dangerous. Look at the vaxx makers and companies, obviously following Talmudic intent. They would have killed 7+ billion (Seven BILLION) people on the Earth, which makes them man-kinds Mortal Enemy. The Warning Continues/

Mark David

In my previous comment, I’m not sayingf that all Jews follow the Talmud, but it is important for everyone to know that the Talmud is a very dangerous and destructive book that does have a following. That following is quite evident, such as the deadly vaxx program that they are STILL trying to push on us. There are of course good Jews that do not follow the Talmud, but it is wise to stay alert should the world begin to change for the rest of us.


What good would come from following the Talmud what is the reward? Sully it has to weigh more than the 10 commandments like the 1 commandment though shall not kill, behold we get the bio weapon jab. That killed more than the made up virus did. What motivates the Dr to push the this money, surely there must be more.


Seig Heil, right Markie?


They pretend to be Jews, but they are really Khazarians.


Those evil Kardashians


They ARE Jews.

Mark David

I don’t disagree with your statement. I have read that the origins of the Askenazi Jews started in the Khazarian region, aka Ukraine, and the Talmud had origins in Babylonia as well. What difference does that make when a LARGE GROUP of people all identify themselves as Ashkenazi Jews? How do we non-Jews know the difference between the good ones and the bad ones? The US Govt was FULL of bad Jews, perhaps explaining why the country started going south in in 1913. Big Pharma, the Medical Mafia, Hollywood, Banks, Layyers, Politics, Big Business Owners are all in that club. The Jewish defense leagues scream bloody murder when their crimes against non-Jews are even mentioned. Does that mean the defense leagues are in bed with the bad Jews, protecting them? I think it does. The Ashkenazi Jews are everywhere now. The enemy is inside our camp and we aren’t allowed to even discuss it, except when they attempt to kill 7 BILLION non-Jews. We have a VERY BIG PROBLEM RIGHT NOW, WHICH MUST BE FIXED BEFORE IT STRIKES AGAIN.


gl with that. the supposed leader of the movement to save humanity is the biggest wall kisser on the planet. DRumpty loves israel.


Your claims make Tziporrah an infiltrator here as she loves her tribe, TH33 🩸 🍺 Talmudic 🐷!


Khazars. NOT JEWS.



Mark David

Khazars were known centuries ago as name-stealers. That does not let the Jews off the hook. Unless the name-stealing, fake Jews are separated and identified for what they really are, the only way to protect ourselves is by defending ourselves against all Jews. The Khazarians will have to be dealt with in the harshest manner when found, or their constant attack on humanity will never end. Maybe the Quantum Computer system can help us become stable again and get rid of these vermin once and for all.

Mark David

But, they IDENTIFY AS JEWS. What can we do?


Cool story nazi

Mark David

The Plot thickens:
Quote: “Adolph Hitler (a Khazarian Jew and a direct descendant (grandson on his mother’s side) of Nathan Rothschild) who was secretly supported by the Rothschilds literally from birth and raised from obscurity as a Manchurian Candidate to wage war against his allegedly own Jewish people using his Democidal Eugenics Nazi worldview to murder over 20 million people.”

Mark David

The Plot Thickens:
“Adolph Hitler (a Khazarian Jew and a direct descendant (grandson on his mother’s side) of Nathan Rothschild) who was secretly supported by the Rothschilds literally from birth and raised from obscurity as a Manchurian Candidate to wage war against his allegedly own Jewish people using his Democidal Eugenics Nazi worldview to murder over 20 million people.”

Also considering that Barack Obama was Hitler’s Grandson, that directly makes Obama a Khazarian as well.. You could also interpolate that many or most US Democrats are also Khazarians or close allies. Trump and the White Hats are fighting a giant Hornets nest of these killers spread out everywhere.


100% FACTS !!!

How DAARE You!


Benjamin Fulford, in his Rumble 8SEP23 situation update, said he called the judge’s attorney general’s office asking about the owner of RRN, and they told him it was owned by META, which is controlled by Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller). 

So either they lied, or RealRawNews is controlled opposition for the globalists, feeding Hopium to the patriots to keep them subdued.

But, do your own research and decide for yourself.


Benjamin “full of shit” Fulcrum suxs Shizzle!!!!!!

How DAARE You!

To be logical (and frank), I disregard ad hominem attacks, and I also make a mental note of which moniker is using them, but I hope against hope that you will recover from your state of ignorance and depravation.

Mark David

Fulford is confusing a Company Name, META, with a computer file type.

“Metafile is a generic term for a file format containing multiple types of data streams, along with descriptive metadata. A metafile may also be called a “container” or “wrapper” file. Archive files, library files, graphic files, and multimedia files are all common types of metafile.”

The company name META, is the new name of Facebook. Two totally different things.

How DAARE You!

That’s true. I hadn’t considered the perspective of computer nomenclature.

I would also consider the US JAG may have also used the word META(-file) deceptively with intent to mislead, or possibly just knowingly lied.


u think the trust the plan retards here actually do research? they are still waiting for jfk jr and the vax pimp to save them and think the last 7 years were a smart plan. they wont figure things out til they are in the fema camp still waiting for drumpty and jfk jr to save them.


Sadly you are correct. They’ll probably still be kissing a jews ass as well. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️

How DAARE You!

You comment is consistent with all your prior comments and I understand the we have been infiltrated by Khazarian “jews”. However, I trust God to deliver us from their planned genocide.

The Khazarians will fall into their own trap and none will be spared, in the name of Jesus our savior.

How DAARE You!

I understand your perspective. I don’t trust in man’s plans, but I do trust in God’s plan. There are no secrets from Him.


if the last 2k years was “gods plan” im certainly gonna be out on that as well. truly hope youre right though. god must listen to drumpty. you gotta murder everyone to actually save them.

Dave Strickland

I see you’re more downvoted than upvoted, but your comment deserves replying to. I’ve followed BF ever since 2007 when he was an isolated voice against the Deep State. He’s not a shill for the DS and his reports are very useful, despite not being correct on everything he writes. He has an obvious blind spot concerning Trump and seems to be unaware of Trump’s role as C-in-C of the US military already prepared since before 2016 (this status set up ever since the 1963 Kennedy assassination), using the Constitution, US law, and EOs to authorise the military to act under the right circumstances.

How DAARE You!

I understand and appreciate your response. Thank you!


maybe hes not the one with a blind spot. Whomever came up with this plan has the iq of a vaccine addled drunk feral pig.


Judy Notes: Mon. 18 Sept. 2023: U.S. Supreme Court Says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Roads.Yes, the U.S. Supreme Court says no license is necessary to drive an automobile on public highways and roads.

The world warned by only 0.3 of a degree in the past 43 years – less than the margin of error. There’s no global warning crisis & this makes it clear, the noisy UN campaign about climate crisis is fake. The actual crisis is the staggering damage to western energy & society.

Mark David

These climate change fckers would have us all sleeping in the snow next to burned out candles if they had their way. Time to send them all to hell.


What did Judy have to say about Nesara this week? Is it FINALLY HAPPENING this week, just like it happened last week and every week before that?


That bitch is a lunatic retard. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

thomas kirwan

Im surprise MB even allows comments with his work here… he doesn’t need too..its a gift to readers… and in academia..literature particularly… if a literary scholar cannot create successfuly.. tbey become critics…


Literary scholar is a bit of a stretch

thomas kirwan

brillant critique socrates


Socrates was a philosopher not a critic

thomas kirwan

he was a student of Aristotle… critique was essential with the Agora scene in Athens… Plato was also extremely critical at times… I have a formal western education… it would seem your is from another discipline… go and f@ck thyself thoroughly


Lol thomas. Best response ever!


It sure is!


I too have a formal Western education including a terminal degree. So it’s “go fuck yourself doctor .”

Dave Strickland

The RRN comments section has an important role to play. Expand your thinking. It’s the worst comments section compared to any on the whole of the internet, but there’s a reason for this.


what role is that? vaccine injured trust the planners using zero logic and rational thought while echoing the same bs about civil war and its coming in two weeks?


If it wasn’t for the comments section no one would come to this bs website.😎


JUDY NOTE: it’s amazing what the mainstream media refuses to report:

On Sun.17 Sept. The Presidential Doomsday Plane went airborne as Nuclear Warheads began to move through North Dakota.

On Mon. 18 Sept. We avoided a False Flag when the pilot (of the F-35) who was supposed to attack an American and certain city, refused orders and elected. The let was auto piloted by an unknown source to finally crash in North Carolina. Marines were ordered to ground all jets worldwide over the incident.

The CIA has been discovered to be funding an International Child Sex Trafficking, Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting Ring out of the Vatican.

A Continuity of Government Military was tasked with charging Treason, making arrest & holding Military Tribunals on the CIA, Biden, Obama, Clintons, Rockefellers & other Deep State Political & Global Elites. (This is what MB is covering!!!)


Is this NESARA Judy? All of this is totally made up but there is no rabbit hole too deep for you guys. Some guy on the net writes it so it HAS to be true


so if this is actually the truth why hasnt drumpty gotten on right side broadcasting today and told the occupants of the planet the truth? Kinda big deal when the deep state is trying to de4stroy entire cities is it not? I guess according to trust the plan retard logic they must murder us first for the so called white hats to tell the truth.


low hanging fruit.

Surf Nazare

200 BBBillion pieces of DNA in a single dose of Pfizer Covid injection—-this was also presented to the SC Senate—–Dr. Philip Buckholtz with a list of degrees —–in biochemistry and molecular biology—–much more but will let it go there—–we are at the end folks so look up !!!


I sure hope you are correct! It is very difficult for the unvaXXXed to locate werky……

Guillaume DesChamp

The end of what?

The end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Surf Nazare

good for you—-have you had your jabs, all of them—–don’t forget to get the new ones, they are the really good ones and you will really feel good then—–have a nice day—–nice to see a believer—–


What business of yours is it what I do to my own body? I don’t comment on your compulsive masturbation problem.

Surf Nazare

that is your come back—–lol—-that is the best you have——-

Surf Nazare

There is a book in the bible called Revelation—–I suggest you read it and to help cut it short just start with Chapters8/9/10——Forgot—-it is also about the return of Jesus and He is coming soon—-by the way you are going to see disasters etc. really start to pick up, what we have had is just the beginning of what is called—-Sorrows—-I know many don’t want to believe but the bible even tells about the Euphrates River drying up——guess what—-go research what is going on in the Euphrates River——Kingdoms of the world revolved around that river and it was sustenance to the people—–


#shoon#2weeks #utrusttheplanretards wont give up.

Surf Nazare

I have never said I do and none of my posts even insinuate that I do—-I just give or try to give info and facts that are out there—–if anything I have asked where are the bodies—–

J Bill

I won’t believe it until the demon semen doctor says it

Surf Nazare

how about Ethel or Jim—-maybe check out and see what Biggs really thinks—-


Whatever would we do here folks if the trolls didn’t teach us spelling lessons.


Probably fail your upcoming spelling test!


Hay what’s up a number 1 troll on here.


Not much dude, what’s up with you?


like mr ed?


I know, right!

CONservative DEMocrat

wow-all these [DS] females are beefy broads!


The ones who adopt with their husbands are 🏳️‍⚧️ NNY$!!!!!!


Where’s the murder porn?


Jan needs to rub one off

trust nothing

It’s truly unbelievable the readers here are convinced the Q psy-op, white hats and Trump are going to save the world. Wake up everyone. The military, FEMA, Politicians, Health Care, Doctors, Police and ALL other Authority are taking orders from sources we the people have no control over. Voting does nothing. The selection process has nothing to do with how you vote. Citizens of the USA need to band together and say NO MORE LIES. Take over media broadcasts. Take over the Banking system. CLOSE THE BORDERS! Citizen arrest local politicians. TAKE BACK THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE. Everyone should question everything. The power is in the numbers of patriots to overwhelm these satanic cartels we let take over our lives. They should fear us not them controlling us with fear of whatever they can come up with. What they plan for us is death. Stop being slaves to the banks. Trump is not the answer. Remove every penny from the bank, arm yourself, and stop believing things with change with apathy.


God wins!


“If elected mayor, I’ll kill the whole lot of you and burn your town to cinders.” (Groundskeeper Willy).


Sure, we’ll get right on that today . No one will be willing to do any of that , they are too busy with everyday lives . Who would finance it and organize it . All those things you say must be done are against the law and would go nowhere . Citizens arrest, surely you jest .

trust nothing

You are correct. People are controlled by fear. They are afraid no paycheck, arrest, conflict, no time, censored, put away, damage to family.
All that is going on right now. Our freedoms are taken away daily. Laws are made for everyone, not just the working class. When the elites don’t follow the laws or be prosecuted for laws they break none of us should abide by them. Within the constitution it’s stated ANYONE aiding or helping in any way people crossing the border illegally will be fined or jailed. The entire government is guilty. Every country on earth requires ID and passport to enter but we let everyone in without vetting. We need to fight as one and support each other like they were family. Powers in numbers like bees against a bear.


Against the law? You mean like shitting all over our CONSTITUTION and murdering our citizenry while profiting off of it? 🤔


You are correct.
In this movie everyone is on a different timeline.

Q is part of the movie the war is real.

Trump was star actor in the movie to awaken the population.

It’s a journey Trump was the mountain road part of that journey.

Brandon is the long up hill slog.

Hoping for some down hill soon.

It’s hard to find the correct words.


the trust the plan retards here wont like you stating the truth. q is pysop and drumpty is evil as they come.


Are we still pretending the test actually works.


Yes we are, Oregano


What happened to Pfizer??


What did you hear to ask that question?

Brian Gail

He was arrested …RRN posted but had to remove do to some requirements


Well what she asked , I thought she ment something today.


“some requirements” = Pfizer threatened to sue MB for posting false stories that incited death threats against Bourla in the comments here, and MB instantly folded and deleted the article and asked y’all not to mention Bourla anymore so he doesn’t get sued.


Is this true?


Yes, according to MB anyways.


Notably MB also claimed here that his legal counsel “advised we pull the article until he has time to carefully review the situation” but that was over a month ago and he’s never mentioned the article or the ‘review’ since.

It’s not the first time MB ‘temporarily’ took down an article for ‘review’ and then just never put the article back up and never mentioned it again.


This is MBs sight right? So he can do as he wishes to his sight. Who are you to question it? Seams your the only one bringing it up over and over. Don’t it get old?



And yeah I guess it’s technically true that MB can do as he wishes with his site but he clearly believes he is liable to lose defamation lawsuits if he doesn’t comply with deleting articles that crossed the ‘satire’ line


Seams lmao

Pfizer story down

NY school story down


Doesn’t this * (or also Does it not* can be used here)


That’s “site”, as in Web site. I could cite a dictionary, but then you’d see correct usage in plain sight.


Thank you for your insight…


I remember the article on some school in NY… That one was zeroed!

Rebecca Tracy

Let me tell you something Mr Biggs. I don’t know what the situation was or is with Mr B, but I doubt if you do either. On the other hand, it is good to question everything.

You may know this & you may not…yet. But even though I was in the right, I had to drop the one & only lawsuit I ever filed for just cause because I got sick $ the stress exasperated every thing I did, fighting the best I could, against a bad neighbor unjustly taking over some of my trees and land.

After spending $10,000 with an attorney, I had to crawl into my survival mode to hold on to my health. I don’t know anything about the health or what Mr Baxter has to endure with all of this.

But if you ever have health problems with more stress than one can survive at that time, you will understand why even though you are right, you must back away from the fight. It’s just awful, but self-preservation is
real. Sometimes there is more on your plate than anyone knows about.

MB reporting articles gives me hope. Not looking for hopium, but real hope. I am a bit of a writer, and believe MB is for real. But do I know for sure? Nope. If you, I, and MB are not real, God will judge each of us.

May truth reign in each of us


well said RT – sometimes a prolonged fight for right and life can rob one not only of hard earned money but physical, mental and emotional health – all that is left is a trust in God and a letting go to let the chips fall where they may
ur words r powerful

J Bill

Where’s the story on the NY school? lmaooooooo


He was Guilty as per the International common court law trial of 15th February 2022 Vancouver.

Sue S

They posted his tweet on that day of arrest, stamped at 5pm i saw the tweet him next to a young fella.. he’s gone..lame actor


So, do you believe the CEO was arrested?


Somethings are just not provable, to some of us at the moment, but that doesn’t make those beliefs wrong. It’s called faith. We can simply place these beliefs on the shelf of high possibility, and continue to search. Some have first hand knowledge of the issue, to them, the verdict is already fully determined. Other beliefs we hold, may not be provable for quite some time, but, I do believe that All truth will ultimately be revealed. Until then, I search.

As I side with good, if I am wrong about my researched beliefs and ideals, have I really lost anything? If these evil deniers like Shits-Bigg, are wrong, they will lose everything, even their miserable little excuses for lives! (He admits to taking Jabs.)

We all understand that not being a part of the solution, makes us part of the problem. To let HATE push us to deny that which we can not prove or disprove, especially without investigation, firmly places us on the side of the problem and wrong.

Add to that, menacing others who disagree with you, simply because you HATE, and you now become the evil, hateful, problem yourself.


Bro really said “I can believe in God even though I can’t prove his existence thus I trust Mr. Tuffin”


so anyone that doesnt just trust the cia psyop bullshit plan is now hateful and part of the problem? you side with evil as fuck people who just tried to murder you with a vaccine and are too stupid to even realize it.


If all information in this site is fake, then why no one of these “hanged” people file a complain to the DOJ???
No answer?


Because there’s no actionable legal complaint to be made. Satire is protected by the First Amendment, it is legal for Michael Baxter to make up fictional stories about public figures being hanged. Have you seen RRN’s About Us page, Joan? Do you see what it says there in big bold font? “This website contains humor, parody, and satire.”

J Bill

wHy DoEsN’t tHiS puBliC fIgURE sUe Mb?


Good point! IOW, the deceased traitors lost all their rights before death and after death. So their families have no options.


Y’all sure do hate the Constitution, fantasizing about US citizens having all their constitutional rights taken away and making their families suffer


Under a leftist coup with traitors and depopulation that deny Constitutional Rights and humanitarian rights.

J Bill



So was the bio weapon jab that killed more than the virus was constitutional? Wow I not know this.


The covid vaccines are legal and constitutional, yes. They are not bio-weapons and they did not ‘kill more than the virus’. They’re still widely available at every pharmacy in the country dude.


And your an idiot


Yeah well that’s just, like, your opinion, man




Obviously because the vaccine is legal and he approves of it . Praise the lord and his support of the vax .



J Bill

wins what?




Doesn’t it seem like a coincidence that as soon as an enhanced flu called covid was released, 4 pharmaceuticals had vaccines ready within a month.


Isn’t that interesting, considering they haven’t found a cure for cancer nor the common cold.

J Bill

isn’t that interesting, considering there is no cure for any virus. dumbass. lmao


Not true! Braindead Biden has said he not only has cancer but is curing it!

J Bill

I’m old enough to remember when moderna’s ceo said this isn’t a complex virus and took two days to figure it out.

sucks you aren’t smart i guess. lmaooooooo




what i found interesting about it was your so called white hats went 100 percent along with the death destruction and murder. drumpy could have told the governors what they were doing was unconstitutional , and it was , but he didnt have to stones to. Instead he let them lock the country and down and became the vax pimp. What a worthless fucking coward.


i forgot, lock the country down, steal an election, and try to murder us.


Your red down votes are the proof in the pudding that you’re the #1 troll on this board. Suck it up princess.


Hell yeah, #1, baby! 💪


You’re* btw


Grammar nazi. Just the what the world needs, another wannabe Wikipedia editor.


Oh, so Basil is also Talion. Amazing


Right, he is an idiot! Add another one to your assessment, now it’s the opinion of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9…..1000, starting to look more like fact!


and even under a different name you’re too stupid to spell simple words properly.

Boss Lady

Yo dudette, the vaccines were rolled out with falsehoods (will protect against c19), that caused death and destruction sound the globe. There are too many to count places to read where this is verified. The fact that it’s still out simply proves MSM, Hospital’s, Doctors, and Big Pharma are behind it. Go join the “Died Suddenly” group on FB, hundreds of thousands of testimonies from around the world. Indisputable.


It is disputable, Boss Lady. Those “died suddenly” groups take every scrap of footage they can find of someone collapsing for any reason, and attribute it to the covid vaccines with zero evidence. Many of those clips are from years ago before the covid vaccines even existed. I’m vaccinated and so is just about everyone I know. My health is completely fine and nobody I know has had any health issues related to the vaccine.

Plus I’ve never caught covid.


God wins!


Plz go get your 7th Bøøštęr!


Booster Biggs. Shot to hell. Lol.


Back in 2021 y’all told me I’d be dead in 6 months, Drag. And here I am nearly 3 years later stronger than ever. The funniest part is how you guys keep extending the deadline. “There will be a mass die-off of the vaxxed in 6 months. I mean 1 year. No wait, 2 years. Err.. 3 to 5 years. I mean, just you wait, in 10 years you’ll see!!!”


.Might have been wishful thinking on their part. A lot of the early vaccines were placebos, so people wouldn’t be scared off too soon. Then gradually introduce more sinister versions.


So take some more shots dumb fuck.


You’re casting pearls before swine…


Hell yeah gimme those pearls 🐷

Joan P McDonald

Oh yes, we all know how “safe and effective” the clot shots are. 🙄


Lol must be a true statement as the Biggs “idiot”said so.




Constitutional my ass.


Point me to one ruling from any judge in America declaring the covid vaccines unconstitutional, Draggy


Your a fucking IDIOT !!! 🖕🖕🖕


I sure hope your at least 256 encrypted.


Lol what for? So the White Hats don’t get me? I don’t use any encryption or VPNs or any of that crap. No one cares Linda. No one is coming for me.


If yøü trüly.VaXXXęđ, YOU REALLY poisoned yourself, Borg!


Bro what the fuck is wrong with your typing


You miss the point. Your data is collected and sold to data brokers, more so that you are unprotected. Whatever, carry on doing what you’re doing. Until someone buys your data and creates a fake profile of you and steals your identity. But as you don’t really care, because you think no one is coming for you. Lol.

J Bill

oh no, someone has a fake identity profile of my fake identity profile not attached to anyone. lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Someone is going to steal my RRN profile? Lmao who gives a shit


I am


Once treason or sedition is proved, no longer are protected by constitutional law, you fall under military law.
You ought to look it up. If you care about your children’s future.


Your payed to carry their water, guess what that means?


“Once treason or sedition is proved, no longer are protected by constitutional law, you fall under military law.”

Treason and sedition are proven at the secret Gitmo tribunals, right Okie? So how can the military take away all constitutional rights BEFORE the tribunal happens? How can they take away the families’ constitutional right to free speech BEFORE the tribunal? What you’re saying makes no sense dude.

Btw no one pays me to post here. I am not committing treason by posting on this dumbass wordpress blog, ya dingus


I’m just glad you got a life
Live it on big boy


I’m still laughing a Australian troll
Trolling United States matters
What a tool




Lol well you straight up ignored my question, but no dude, I am not Australian.
Dingus =/= dingo


lmao… 2 weeks right? its literally been almost 2500 days and there hasnt been one public arrest. Ill be kind and simply ask, when will the first public arrest happen? its been 2500 days


anyone of you trust the plan retards wanta give it a guess? 2500 days and no public arrests. when will the first one be.


No one had been charged with acts of treason and the vaccines are still readily available in every pharmacy in America dude


Because you say so. OK.


The part where that isn’t true.




No Drag, you are the ones deeply in denial. You have been at this “the vaccines are a bioweapon!!” shit for 2 years now and yet the vaccines are still legal everywhere and readily available everywhere.


God help us! The 5g and vac go together to kill off the population. AI is controlling too much, and that includes our government. Nano buttons to track gmo, they are corrupting every single thing. Food, water, and air, cleaning fluids, clothes, minds. The only hope is in Jesus Christ… and people need to stand together not apart. They have already started bug food factories, and nothing is as it seems…

Guillaume DesChamp

That doesn’t make sense. Even if the “traitor” did lose their rights, that doesn’t mean that their family members lost their rights.


You simply do not understand just how murderous the D33P state IS! These Talmudics taught the Sicilianos how to kill without remorse! Families remain quiet when instructed, ØR ËLŠĘ

Guillaume DesChamp

So the WHs will kill the families if they speak out? But they would be saying the same thing that gets reported here. Why does MB get to talk about it, but the families can’t?


way way way too much logic for these trust the plan retards.


Damn did Biggs make another account and comes out as a woman? Wow.


Huge if true


Bill Gates is on TV today. I thought he was supposed to have passed away? I guess everybody is going to say clone. If that is a clone that continues the bad work of the original then what exactly is the point?


The point is all that donation money the rubes send to Michael Baxter’s givesendgo page


Yes, a clone or hyper-realistic mask (like JB) to reveal his severe psychopathy. It seems we still have some hard-wired sheeple that have not broken out of Leftist Land.


‘Leftist Land” aka reality


La La Land.


Could also be CGI.


Could also be Mole People in disguise

John .S

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.



It is being reported the covid vaccines to have been found to be biological weapons, bio-weapons. TN Judge will order covid injections to end and many states must follow.


Lol yeah I bet a TN judge will order that #soon


Then TN Judge has to join Melissa Moore.
Attention to White Hats!!!!


Achtung bofa!

Dave Strickland

The revelation that the covid vaxx is a biological weapon has been known ever since it was foisted on people in 2020. You comment as though you’re unaware of this. If you’ve recently woken up to the truth about covid, that’s something to thank God for, because there’s minority who are still asleep.


The vaccines are still legal and readily available in every pharmacy in America bro


“As if there were not enough scandals with COVID and its horrendous mismanagement by the government, Steven Hayward of Power Line has found yet another one: a causal link between whether “COVID” was listed as a cause of death or a contributing factor and federal funding dollars.

He has a chart on Power Line, showing the steep drop in deaths due to COVID, or with COVID as an underlying factor, which spanned from March 2020 to February 2022, the first part of the COVID pandemic.  Then the line on the chart continues, steeply dropping as from a cliff as of March 2022 to May 2023.

And why did people suddenly stop dying of COVID? Well, because hospitals were suddenly not getting federal funding dollars for claiming COVID as a cause of death.

This was clearly something a lot of us suspected, given the huge death rate from COVID in the U.S. as compared to other places in the world, particularly undeveloped countries, and the individual reports of gunshot victims, drug overdose victims, and cancer victims getting COVID listed on their death certificates as the primary cause.  Only in rare, politically important instances for the left was this practice not followed — as in the death of George Floyd, who more likely died from a drug overdose than police manhandling yet also had COVID in his system.  COVID was not listed as his cause of death. 

But for hundreds of thousands of less politically useful Americans, it most certainly was.

Hayward notes that it’s a case of “follow the money.” Supposedly we’re on the cusp of — or already in the middle of — another COVID variant outbreak, with calls for reviving mask and vaccine mandates. The Branch COVIDians will not be denied.

Funny thing, though. Is it merely a coincidence that the sharp drop in COVID diagnoses coincided with the end of special federal reimbursement for COVID cases? 

The money came from the CARES Act, passed by the Democrat-led Congress, which included the $178-billion “Provider Relief Fund.”

The money was doled out to hospitals for increased expenses due to treating COVID cases, but also from lost revenue as patients put off elective surgery and even necessary medical care. 

According to STAT, a website about the medical field, it was quite the money spigot.  (According to these government charts, California was the most ravenous user of these funds by far.)

The federal government allocated more than $170 billion in subsidies to hospitals across the country. These subsidies not only defrayed their operational losses but also substantially improved their financial standing, particularly helping the most vulnerable hospitals. For those with January-December fiscal years, from January 2019 to December 2020, the average annual profit margin stayed stable around 7%, but increased from 4% to 7% for government and small hospitals, and from 2% to 8% for rural ones. 

Payouts dropped off sharply around January 2022 as Phase Four distributions came to a close, as this government chart shows…and suddenly people weren’t dying of COVID.  Amazing how these medical miracles happen when government money is cut off.

So let’s cut to the chase: the numbers of COVID deaths was highly contingent on whether hospitals and other providers were getting paid extra from the taxpayers with COVID relief funds.  Lots of funds, lots of COVID deaths, and too bad about science.

This is a textbook case of government money corrupting science itself.  Those stats on COVID deaths during the money-spigot period are absolutely worthless, given the incentive the government created for hospitals to over-report COVID deaths to ensure higher profits.  Maybe they needed them, given all the unnecessary red tape government imposes on them, which cuts their profits artificially, but that too is another corruption of science.

COVID corrupted a lot — from public trust in government pronunciamentos to massive fraud in payouts to Nigerian and Mexican cartel scam artists to vaccine issues to the demonization of doctors who told the truth about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments to medical and social media censorship to lockdown damage to the monster inflation we see today.  So much bad came out of this that the only conclusion is that government needs to be a lot smaller and less powerful. 

Now we have the phony COVID death statistics to gum up science preparing for the next pandemic.  If you dangle money out there for COVID deaths, don’t be surprised if there are COVID deaths.”



How absolutely beastly this governmental/big pharma monster, death for profit scam truly is!!!

It HAS To BE utterly demolished and all its participants arrested and punished! This is WAR against We the People!

We HAVE to fight back until we win and are free of these gouls!


Our government is run by greedy lying bastards. Everything they see is a blatant lie. They all made a killing off covid….they called every death covid related even if the patient came in with their head blown off. I am so sick of all of them.


“bastards” is too kind a word
they r monsters, thugs, demons, scum, abominations …


I know….you are right!!


MB: If at all possible, I’d really REALLY like to know how come these arrested perps aren’t reported missing to the public. Surely someone knows they are gone from daily routines whether spouses, co-workers. Does JAG inform spouses or whomever would likely issue amber-adult alert that they are to remain silent? If so, are they threatened with arrest also? Curious minds really want to know. (All I’ve done to this post is to correct a spelling yet I keep getting “you are posting too fast, slow down”)


It’s because these stories are fictional.


Then hit the road Jake don’t come back no more on more!


She’s asking a legitimate question, so telling her to hit the road is not your place. I’m surprised you wouldn’t want to heat the answer yourself.


He was actually talking to Biggs…..the troll!!


No, he was clearly talking to Jake. He explicitly told Jake to hit the road.


Lol your the one Jack that’s your real name now Jack.


No, this is Patrick.




Look stupid was not talking to her, go back and look at my Reply to: and why do I have to take time to point out your stupid mistake wow what a moron or maybe one of these trolls that infected this site!




I believe the “hit the road” invitation was issued to BIGGS.
(Or, Smalls, as I call him.) But he does ask some good questions.

I could ask, why would you want to “heat” the answer?


Jack… 🙃


bro said hit the road jake


You wouldn’t know truth even if it was standing right in front of you. And I’m not just talking about RRN but your complete denial of factual events over time and globally. Just because you yell the loudest that it isn’t true doesn’t mean that it is.

Brickwall Biggs.


There are protocols, policies, regulations and guidelines for everything in the federal government, including informing spouses [during covert military operations] when their traitor spouse has been arrested . . . and government forms with their signature block to sign that they won’t go public, nor discuss with anyone.

J Bill

false flag




Have you ever worked for the federal government? I suspect many on this site have, and do know that the JAG is governed by protocols, policies, regulations that guide them on such operations. If you have worked for even a state or city government, they operate under protocols, policies and regulations as well.


So, “even a state or city government, they operate under protocols, policies and regulations as well”?
Then, does it mean the “state or city government”, operating under protocols, policies, and regulations, forces people to get the toxic injections forgetting to get it to themselves?


Yes, while under a leftist coup, that tries to control all.

J Bill

false flag


Yes. And you will die, Allah willing


Anyone working for a state or city govt under protocols, policies and regulations shld realise that non of that is lawful to get around the constitution.. They shld also realise that they are actually classed as minions of foreign contractors and have made themselves guilty of treason, subject to military tribunal..
Maybe time for a lot of minions to look for a real American job?????

Guillaume DesChamp

You’ve missed the point, Jullou. So what if the govt has policies and procedures? Why should that keep the family quiet? Why would they sign a document that said not to talk about it? Even if theynsigned, why wouldn’t they speak out anyway?

And why would the WHs want to keep them quiet? RRN publishes articles on this stuff regularly. Why does MB get to talk about it, but the families can’t?


I suspect it would be detrimental for the white hat operation to go public; IOW, they will catch more traitors when covert. And when the white hats go public, it will be because our Commander in Chief, DJT has given the order.

MB and others have been asked to publish these articles and videos for hard-wired truth-seekers that have been seekers for a very long time; and if we were suddenly kept in the dark for three or four years, it would be detrimental . . . . like a pressure cooker.

So while we believe what MB writes, not everyone does . . . and that’s okay. It is not meant to convince everyone.

J Bill

sounds like a false flag to me


The truther shows already have MBs right ups on there. I stated this several times on here thru the last two or so weeks.


Other grifters have this grifter on their radar isn’t the win you think it is. I’m literally being infected by malware rn

Guillaume DesChamp

Detrimental to go public? What exactly do you think this site is? The WHs give MB info, and he publishes it. How is that not going public?


The disclaimer and the fact that MB only publishes 2 to 3 articles a week, both limit the viewership, thus, this site is not reaching the viewers that platforms, such as, The Gateway Pundit, Townhall, Epoch Times and others where multiple articles are published daily on all of them, which garner a larger ‘public.’ So I am quite sure the MB doesn’t expect to reach their numbers with two or three articles a week, nor do I think he expects everyone who reads his articles are convinced . . . because his target audience is made up of hard-wired, truth-seekers who can handle the tough subjects. And guess what . . . the info that our investigative reporters in alternative media have been telling us for years has come to fruition.

You and your ilk ought to go after the lamestream media TV shows and newspapers that are owned by 5 or 6 globalist corporations that all read from the same script; when you have researched them as many of us have, you can tell very easily that they are catering to leftist politicians.

Guillaume DesChamp

You really don’t get how desperately ridiculous that all sounds, do you? You’re just making all this crap up.


youre using way too much logic for the trust the plan retards here.

Guillaume DesChamp

You have totally ignored my point about govt procedures.


If anyone can find this info out, it’ll be MB…..I’m interested in knowing too.


MB writes the articles via the info they give him; this doesn’t mean he has access to their operational plans.


But MB could ASK them …. all they can say is ‘no’.

J Bill

He makes this shit up, he may as well act like he asked


No but for real, the answer is that these stories are just made up. MB recently ‘reported’ that 100 doctors across 12 states were arrested and hauled off to Gitmo or wherever over the span of like 4 days in July. No one can name a single one of these 100 doctors. No one can point to a single missing persons report for a doctor that happened that week. There would be thousands of spouses, family members, co-workers suddenly missing these people if it happened but there’s zero evidence of any of that, for even one doctor.


If they were named, then other traitors would scatter.

MB has told us that he can only report what they give him.

This site is not meant for leftist trolls who are pro-depopulation. It is like mixing fire and gasoline.

Understand this: it doesn’t matter if you believe this or not; you are not the targeted audience. DUH!

J Bill

false flag website


Are your false-flag comments markers for your central computer data bank in the sky? IOW, pointing out when someone becomes a problem for the troll operation? I’m sure you have protocols for data collection. Quite obvious when you post this over and over again.

J Bill

They are markers to tell you false flag




Suppose that were true. (That everything here is “false” or “fictional”. What’s it TO YA? I mean, LOTS of things are not true. Do normal people spend all day running around saying so (or writing so)? In the absence of genuine information from all the usual, major-league sources, people seek better. This may or may not fill that need. But then, neither do you.

J Bill

It is true. I just love reading the national enquirer on a wordpress blog. I love watching mike and chris run sock accounts trying to get people to buy in. i love watching the bot accounts who are clearly not american take interest in the most inane american stories and post their poor grammar. it’s so much fun


Yeah no shit I’m not the targeted audience. The targeted audience for this site is leftover qanon rejects who will throw money at any fan-fiction writer willing to them them what they wanna hear, i.e. stories of gruesome executions and their loser idol Trump being the super secret undercover President


Right. Trump’s a loser. But you’re not. Stick with that. We care, passionately. About your daily, multiple, negative posts. Dunno what we’d do without you.

But nobody’s allowed to fix a small typo or punctuation on this unusual site, without being chastised for “typing too fast.” LOL!


Biggs, and his many alter-egos, are nothing more than zits on the ass of RRN, waiting to be popped…

J Bill

cry more snowflake


So pop me, QBalls


they have literally had 65 years to arrest the traitors. q retards say this plan started in 1063. assuming thats incorrect and it just started in 2016 they have had 2500 days to arrest the traitors. apparently 2500 days isnt long enough to make one arrest public.


Your full of holes better get checked out.


Lol wut


As duly noted by Biggs, all fake. Terribly so .


Your fake so get lost.


why do all the trust the plan retards have such a hard time spelling the words you are.


We all get the “you are posting too fast , slow down” message, just fyi. I do each time I try to post now. It’s a popular military site.


Lmao this is not a military site

Robert James

All the mass media is owned by the Deep State, right? So there are very few other “sources” for this information. Plus this source appears to be the only one with access to General Smith’s staff.


so in the last 65 years this is the best drumpty and team q could do to get information out to the mass public on their plan to save humanity? YOu know it sounds so fucking stupid i bet youre right.


way too much logic for the trust the plan retards around these parts.


MB: If at all possible, I’d really REALLY like to know how come these arrested perps aren’t reported missing to the public. Surely someone knows they are going from daily routines whether spouses, co-workers. Does JAG inform spouses or whomever would likely issue amber-adult alert that they are to remain silent? If so, are they threatened with arrest also? Curious minds really want to know.


Yes,that’s a good question.

J Bill

clones, cgi, doubles, etc…boring old excuses will be given



Anunnaki shapeshifters as well


Mole people shapeshifters . Army of JFK Jr clones .


It’s actually very rare for Mole People to learn shapeshifting, though not entirely unheard of. They do not have innate shapeshifting abilities like the Anunnaki reptilians do. However there are tales of Mole People acquiring the illusory skills to alter their appearance through ardent study of the dark arts. Notably, it is fabled that the priestesses of the Mole People deity Slyaashi the Deep Devourer are well-trained and particularly skilled in such magics of deception and illusion.


“Representatives from globalist institutions, federal agencies, judges, and more gathered in Washington D.C.[September 14-15, 2023] at the “2023 National Vaccine Law Conference.”

Unsurprisingly, Pfizer is a sponsor of the conference. “Leaders from DARPA, the Justice Department, Federal Judges, & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are gathering at Pfizer’s ‘National Vaccine Law Conference’ in DC to construct the next Mandate Regime.

The FDA, CDC, and NIH sent representatives to the conference.
The conference includes sessions such as:

  • Nuts & Bolts of Regulation and Licensure Strategy
  • Current Issues in Coverage and Reimbursement for Vaccines & Vaccine-Like Products
  • The Status of State & Local Vaccine Law
  • Vaccine Law Networking Hub: Continue the Interdisciplinary Conversation with your peers
  • The Bright Future of Vaccine & Vaccine-Like Development
  • Equity Throughout the Global Vaccine Lifestyle
  • Vaccine Advocacy Advice from Lawmakers & Shakers
  • Vaccines at Work: Practical Compliance Lessons from the Frontlines

Sponsors for the conference include:

  • DC Bar
  • Vaccinate Your Family
  • American Society for Pharmacy Law
  • American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics
  • Association of Immunization Managers
  • Merck
  • Pfizer
  • GSK
  • Sanofi
  • Epstein Becker Green



Strange that they don’t have any conference sessions titled like “Tips to Avoid Getting Abducted and Executed by White Hat Special Forces”, you’d think that would be their top concern if RRN was real 🤷‍♂️

Linda Hutchison

If you don’t BELIEVE what is being reported is REAL, then if I were you, I would stop wasting time visiting the site. The rest of us, looking for ANSWERS and JUSTICE will continue on in our search for the truth!


But it’s too funny that y’all actually do believe this shit is real


Proving once again that you have a limited understanding of how things work outside Leftist Land and will parrot the propaganda from your big central computer in the sky that is funded via Democrat spending bills where leftists line their pockets as well.


More like you have a limited understanding of how things work in reality, outside of RRN fantasy land


Only funny to you.


So that it could leak out via our investigators, which would then wake up the sheeple?! It looks like you were presumptuous in assuming they would want the sheeple to know more about their depopulation operation.

Based on your comments on this site, one of your objectives is to counter the anti-depopulation movement. And that’s sick!!!


If ‘waking up the sheeple’ is so simple then why don’t the White Hats release literally any evidence of hangings? Instead they keep them all 100% hidden with the exception of Michael Baxter posting execution snuff porn on his wordpress blog 🙃


I have already responded to someone else’s similar question. Go find it.


Ah yes, the White Hats must keep everything completely hidden, because they can’t wake everyone up too soon, but also they must reveal everything on Michael Baxter’s stupid wordpress blog, because the truther nutjobs need their daily hopium dose or something


Don’t worry since you showed your not so smart antics on here I’m sure the enemy has taken note of your post. Thank you. Have you ever heard of loose lips sink ships. If I was you I would watch what I post on here. But since you don’t really believe anything is real on here just leave and don’t come back.


Lol dude nobody gives a shit what I post on here. There are no White Hats and no Deep State, no matter how much you larp about them and their secret invisible civil war or whatever. I’ve been posting whatever I like on this dumbass blog for 3 years. No one gives a shit man.


I am sure our anti-depopulation investigators have taken note.

J Bill

they have taken note. they say false flag while laughing out loud


You think it would be a top concern for everyone like
“Tips to Avoid Getting Abducted and Executed by Black Hats FEMA, FBI, CIA, DOJ”

There I fixed it for you.


Work on your reading comprehension, snoop


the white hats clearly dont give two shits if we die at the hands of the cabal. the last 7 years have proven that. why would they care.. drumpty is safe playing golf and jfk jr is perfectly in costume.

J Bill

false flag


While the enemy is burning down food warehouses, forests, people’s homes, and train derailments, patriots in every single country can reciprocate with fires of our own, the poison bullshit can BURN, right now.

Linda Hutchison

It would be a good idea to have some investigators there to see who attends, as these attendees would probably be the very places where more TRAITORS will be identified, if they haven’t already been.


I think we do have investigators that are documenting it all; ones that would gladly volunteer their time.

J Bill

double false flag



THIS STOPS NOW! In the Mighty Name of Jesus! We come against this wickedness and pull it down!


Thank you.


Jesus loves executions . A big fan .


Jesus doesn’t expect His people to roll over and get depopulated. Jesus wants His people to live. So as in Biblical times, Jesus wants us to protect innocents, especially the children that are being abused by the powers that be.




thats gonna work well… lmao. 2 weeks tops im sure.

Surf Nazare

o listen up—-Find Biggs or Ethel or maybe J. Bill and have them tell Jim for me to make sure they get their next set of JABS—

In the Pfizer Covid shots they have—-now listen to this closely, don;t want you to miss or any misunderstanding—but it was discovered they have over 200 BBBBillion pieces of DNA in them—–You are reading that right——Now for Jim etal that might be a good thing and it just might change their/his DNA into something worth while.
OK now for the brainiacks—-Plasmid DNA—–lipid nanoparticles basically a synthetic virus—–this as discovered by a Professor in Biochemistry and molecular biology with all kinds of degrees and PHd’s so don’t need to hear from nerds trying their best to show their ass !!!! But welcome intelligent input if so desired which could be hard to do——

So go get your shots—-some of you need help with your DNA—-Like Putin sad 95% of the heads of this world are hybrids—–keeping that in mind what do you think they are trying to do to you—–


Hybrids of what? Like human/Mole People hybrids?


Hey don’t forget me . I want to be a hybrid too . So I can play piano and saxophone .

Surf Nazare

start with lizards and see how that works—demons work pretty good too—-


So did you get all your covid shots and boosters like a good little boy?

J Bill

The only jab I’m getting right now is the malware injection from this website lmaoooooooooooooooooo

Surf Nazare

funny you say that because my Malware protection did popup—-


I’ll just simply say this:
Nobody who goes against people deserve to live.




You’re breathing. If you could remedy that asap, we’d all be eternally grateful


Come at me bro 💪


blah blah blah
ps you have no “bro’s” here.


We’re all bros here, bro

James Abbott

You know Smalls, you haven’t deterred one persons opinion on this site. Not even one. You haven’t progressed even 0.000001% of your goal. You are the definition of a failure and a loser.


What makes you think I’m here to deter anyone’s opinion? You dingbats can believe whatever nonsense you like man. My only ‘goal’ here is posting for my own amusement 🙂

J Bill

ok buddy


Someone has inserted malicious code into your site, Michael. It sometimes redirects several times and lands on an adult site.


Pretty sure that’s just MB just trying to make some extra cash off of you guys

J Bill

Did the site show some titties?

mary pascucci





Your words, not hers.
you and the other trolls are the only “blood god” worshippers on this site.




Just called CDC to speak with Dr. Houry. Got connected with the CMO and deputy director of programs and science department. Option four was to speak with Dr. Houry; so I chose that option. Without explanation, they routed me to a different person at CDC. Apparently Dr. Houry isn’t available to chat.

J Bill

Wow! A CMO doesn’t have time for calls from random callers? Amazing!!!


Nice assumption Sherlock; not just a random caller, but another clinical doctor.

You seem to troll these pages a lot; has Soros paid you to spread doubt?

J Bill

Oh, a random clinical doctor!!! Wow, a random clinical doctor calls the national CMO and expects her to answer! lmaooooooooooo


It’s a bot

Dr John

Very creative to call. A message or person might have said she’s in a meeting or on a call. It could have been a call letting her know the latest deposit was made on her behalf. Or that her bank account is no empty and closed with outstanding checks against the account.

It could be the car dealer letting her know the car was being repossessed along with her homes. It also may have been her lawyer letting her know she is no longer a client.

And of course it could have been a call from Michelle and Barack letting her know they would be out of town and to not bother calling.

Any number of callers that might want to leave a message and that she might want a message from. Could be a Nobel prize in the wings.


Or she just doesn’t want to talk to some execution-obsessed qanon weirdo from the internet 🤷‍♂️


MB is correct and THE original Talmudic is at GITMO shitting her pantalones!!!!!!




Lets get this straight from the get go. Obunghole pointed out that My Michael is correct and Michelle is fantasy. Michael Levon Robinson as in the simon and garfunkel song Please… Miss US Robinson, we have no time to play, hey hey hey… hey hey hey. Hiding in a hiding place where no one else will find, until its time to come out of the closet


Lol bro what in the fuck are you talking about


I believe she was arrested, but an absence doesn’t necessarily mean an arrest.

John .S

Bravo, well done. Recommend sending hardcopy of this article to those parties, construable as info war leafleting.

Nothing like throwing salt in wounds, adding insult to injury, which is all part of the Psy-op.

Again, Bravo.


Oops, now we know why 😎


Mr. Tuffin, please remove me from your list of commenters. Suddenly getting a lot of junk mail. Thanks.


Look Janie, do you want Mr. Tuffin to be able to afford his next vacation or not?


Michael only gets paid by voluntary donation and does not have “subscribers” in that sense.
That’s how it works for you, Troll. Mr. Soros steals money from the American people and deposits enough into the slot with your fake name on it so that you can live off of promoting his anti-freedom ideology, theft and treachery.

J Bill

Don’t forget google Ads lmao


MB does not have “subscribers” but he does have a site that now involuntarily redirects people to super sketchy malware sites. I’d guess Janie’s sudden influx of junk mail is related to that.


I’d guess gov’mnt hackers are related to that.
We understand that MB has nothing to do with that.
You and your kind are the most probable suspects.
Get stuffed. You’re overdue.

J Bill

enjoy the malware redirects lmaooooooooooooooo


Remove yourself.


That has NOTHING to do with Michael Baxter or Michael Tuffin or whatever.

Reading and commenting (and even sending a monthly donation to RRN) on articles on this site never caused an increase in junk mail in my account.

Generally, if I don’t want mail from a certain vendor, (and Michael is a journalist -maybe a blogger but NOT a vendor) I put unwanted into SPAM immediately or I unsubscribe (its a tiny option at the very bottom of the email but its always there) if I have signed on to something I don’t want and they don’t therefore deserve to be designated as “spam”.
You are not “subscribed” to this website. If you want to read any responses to your comments YOU choose (for each or any comment individually – to learn what people had to say, if anything, about what you wrote..and you receive an email “confirm your “subscription” ” only to receive responses to THAT ONE COMMENT).

You do not have any imaginary subscription to RRN because as soon as no one responds to the specific comment, your link to RRN evaporates when you leave the site.You can also check your settings for your internet browser in Security and Privacy settings to be sure that it erases both “history” AND cookies every time you turn your computer off.

Your “junk mail” problem is not associated with this website.

J Bill

lmao @ “Michael Baxter or Michael Tuffin or whatever.”


What an enormous ass you must have that you must expend so much of your personal bs to diminish it.
Anyway, MB has not hidden his identity even if he has taken steps to obscure it. The man himself, is still clearly associated with the information he writes articles about in a “take it or leave it” forum.
Whatever we think about it is our choice, our business
although given the seriousness of the subjects in question,
trolling, as you do for personal gain is the
only evidence of active duplicity here.


Hey Boaty what do you think of this informative article written by MB? Do you take it or leave it?



The stuff Michael writes on that website is entirely out of my wheelhouse. I have no opinion about its credibility because it is about active supernatural or ENTIRELY covert subjects.
It also works to create a supposition of his writing being dubious which can serve as protective coloring. I wouldn’t go out of my way (at this time) to read material on that website.

Anything I read I regard on its own merits – according to my own criteria which means I don’t HAVE to justify it to you, Smalls.


Lol ok man, good luck basing your entire worldview on the writings of an internet scammer who claims Steven Seagal went to fistfight a bunch of interdimensional lizard-men in a cave


I loke to add on this comment about MB’s news articles here, some how some way they do get confirmed but you have to know where to look. It jas happened many times in front of our faces. Thank you Michael for your brave courage to step up and together with others fight to take our country back. Information war can bring out some uglies.

J Bill

Literally nothing has been confirmed lmao

If you think “confirmed” means someone else on the internet said something similar, that does not mean confirmed lmaooooo


LOL you are a Nimrod….I wasn’t talking about 🎭 that….lololololololol


lmao at protective coloring. there has never been a group of bigger cowards than the so called white hats and the trust the planners here. Why does he need protective coloring for telling the truth?


Is there’s one thing that says “trustworthy journalist” it’s definitely posting all of your “journalism” under a fake name, amirite

J Bill



birds of a feather…


If there is anything that says “trustworthy journalist” it is definitely being ragged on by Trolls like You
and/or leaving “legacy” media when you find out that msm exists to silence Truth and to make Truth seem to be the furthest thing from Truth.


Lol me making fun of MB’s stories for being stupid nonsense does not make them real, boaty. If I call a flat-earther site stupid nonsense that doesn’t make the earth flat, now does it?

Jerry Chandler

She looks a lot like the tranny English-speaking spokesperson for the Ukrainian military, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who was making threats last week.


I love your titles, Michael!

J Bill

I thought that said titties


Yeah, “Cretin” describes her perfectly.

John .S

Breaking: Ray Epps

dcenquirer com/breaking-ray-epps-charged-for-january-6th


But EdBlob was so certain Ray Epps was a fed!! 🙃

Sandy Thomas

No, no, they just Finally figured out they HAD to “charge” him for SOMEthing. But, wink,wink, he will be just fine


About time.

J Bill

but but but he’s a fed!


Thanks for the info but the article title should read…
Breaking…Ray Epps HARDLY charged for January 6th

(because he’s a fed and worked for Pelosi to aid her staging of a false flag Fedsurrection…)




From the looks of this beefy government employee at CDC, she must have eaten the test subjects; hence, no trial results!


Well, she is a Libtard. If I had to guess, looking at her with my first glance I’d venture to say she’s just another hungry Cannibal.




Wonder if they get to say good-bye to their families?

Alice Franceschini

No is my guess.


No because none of this happened










how about GFY!



J Bill

how about no


Trump wins.

You lose.

Game Over.


what does he win? does trump ” winning” whatever the fuck that means bring back the millions he murdered with his vaccine?

hopefully your family dies first.


Oh, but Sandy Hook ‘happened.’




A mass murdering war criminal who tortures and puts the entire earth through a humiliation ritual and your 501c3 churchy-church mind kicks in to ask if they can give one last hug to their blood kin? You are 100% perfect example of a Matrix imbedded battery.


When she was arrested, she got no more privileges. As far as her family is concerned, I feel sure they get some kind of confirmation of her disappearance, but not from her. She has no rights under the constitution she betrayed.