Treasonous Army CSM Who Planned War Against Trump Supporters Scheduled to Hang



The trial of an Armed Forces member who mustered a personal militia for a future war against Trump supporters lasted only one hour, ending when the accused, Army CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, a radicalized Muslim infiltrator, shouted “Allahu Akbar” and said he would avenge himself upon the jurors unless they found him not guilty on the charge of high treason. He said “his people” were everywhere, and no one was beyond their reach.

As reported in August, White Hats arrested Mobarakzadeh and his commanding officer, Maj. David Dunbar, near Fort Drum after discovering the duo had a personal vendetta against President Donald Trump and recruited at least 165 Biden-sympathizing soldiers who participated in mock assault drills against dummies festooned in MAGA attire at a “plywood town” 15 miles from Drum. Once in custody, Mobarakzadeh, separated from Dunbar, refused to answer questions but demanded to speak with the criminal Lloyd Austin. His off-post residence was later searched by CID, who found an unsecured iPad that held a video of Mobarakzadeh standing before an American Flag and pledging allegiance to Joseph R. Biden. He also proclaimed, “Death to all Trump supporters.” They also found a manifesto.

On August 15, JAG flew Mobarakzadeh to Camp Blaz, Guam, to await a military tribunal.

The brief trial finally took place September 11, with Rear Admiral Johnathon T. Stephens showing video of the plywood village, which he crudely compared to the expeditious construction of Los Alamos in 1943, pointing out the splintered remnants of wooden targets in MAGA hats and the thousands of rifle casings left behind. He read aloud abstracts of Mobarakzadeh’s manifesto: “I’ve only stood by two presidents, President Barack Hussein Obama, a believer, and President Joseph R. Biden, because Barack picked him and Barack knows all. He leads, I follow. I hate Trump and his people, hate his people, civilians and military corrupting the uniform, the Armed Forces. I despise his supporters and wish them death, all of them, everywhere. The enlightened see, and together we’ll have a future free of Trump and his followers.”

Adm. Stephens said the defendant exemplified “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” a pejorative phrase for a pseudo-psychological illness that causes liberal Leftists to blame Trump for myriad societal and personal problems.

Mobarakzadeh’s JAG-assigned counsel claimed without evidence that his client was a “victim,” that Lloyd Austin and Maj. Dunbar manipulated his views on President Trump, even invoking the word “grooming.” He argued that Mobarakzadeh had neither the skill nor resources to erect a plywood town. Nor was he charismatic enough to warp the minds of a company of soldiers.

“That’s false,” Mobarakzadeh said. “They came to me ready to fight, and I bettered their skills.”

His attorney urged him to stay silent.

“Yes, we know all about the recruitment procedures and the illegal payouts and we still have others to try. What Mr. Mobarakzadeh is guilty of is every UCMJ infraction in the book and treason against the United States of America,” Adm. Stephens said.

Mobarakzadeh whispered in his attorney’s ear.

“My client again requests to speak with Defense Secretary Austin. He says he can clear this up with a 30-second call,” the defense counsel said to Adm. Stephens.

“This court doesn’t recognize his authority.  If he wants, he’s welcome to stop by. We’d like to talk to him, too,” Adm. Stephens said.

“CSM Mobarakzadeh believes he was acting upon orders of the president,” defense counsel said.

“Allah? Biden? Obama? Which one?” Adm. Stephens said. “They’re all illegitimate.”

“Allahu Akbar. The difference between us, Adm. Stephens, is that I accept death as a transition between worlds. I knew your plans to kill me before I was here. You are a dead man, as are they,” Mobarakzadeh yelled, glancing at the panel. “It won’t be my hand to kill you, but you will die. We have people all over. You, your families—it makes no difference to us.”

The admiral drew a deep breath, steeling himself. “Given the defendant’s candor, JAG and the Office of Military Commissions needn’t wait for a verdict. I am unilaterally finding this defendant, former CSM Neema Mobarakzadeh guilty of treason and sentencing him to hang by the neck at the earliest opportunity.”

Mobarakzadeh did not flinch. Did not say a word.

“This is what we deal with,” Adm. Stephens remarked after the MPs escorted the condemned to his cell.

I am awaiting updates to see if his execution has occured, as well relevant tribunals.

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So. Did the hang this bitch or what?


mohamad actually wrote the talmud

Mark David

It takes a very sick sonofabitch to write that kind of evil for others to follow. Talmud-loving Jews follow it as well, making thema threat to non-Jews everywhere. And while I’m at it, fvck the ADL.

Rene Labre

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Where’s my 10% cut?

Rene Labre


Rene Labre


Rene Labre

My last month’s paycheck was 11000 dollars. All I did was simple 0nline work from comfort at home for 6-8 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me 45 dollars every hour.
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Mark David

I can take him out with a head shot. No rope needed.


Conduct the tribunal, get right in his face. .45 ACP 1911, cock that hammer and tell him to stand up and walk in front of you. Then tell him to count to 10 when he reaches 10 a hallow point 45 caliber round. will blow out back of his head ruining his good looks for eternity
Now that he’s dead, he doesn’t go to paradise. He goes into the center of hell is incinerated after he is Emily rapet by every demon in hell? Mouth rape by every demon in hell. And William Jefferson Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama have pulled down their pants and they are getting ready.

Steve J

That seems a bit much. Just a hanging will do

Kay Mitchell

Perhaps you’re right Steve J.

But it was a nice thought.


Wouldn’t the front of his head blow off. Either way the right result.


Getting sucked into a back and forth exchange on this site leads nowhere. All the non trolls want the evil cabal gone forever, we are united in the feeling, but many are just as narrow and judgmental in their worldview as any Muslim Fundy.


Try it with 3 crackers in Your mouth half chewed.
LoL,,, and ][‘m not tell’in Ya which letters are S I L E N T .


When You listen with the discerning ear, the TRUTH always R I N G ‘s Clear, Your ][ntuition knows.
Trolls and muTanT’s feed upon themselves and those whom would pander to their iniquities,,, let them, ][ Know Them Not.

(truth11. c o m keeps the Bulls Eye moving as well as some otherssss.)


Stay the course, diligence thine guide.
Sempre fi

Blessing’s be unto thee ~


Exactly. In other words, the trolls doth protest too much. That’s all you really need to understand when reading their vacuous prattle…

johnny galt

Can we just line these guys up and burn them with DEW weapons? It would seem more efficient and leave only ashes.


As the condemned are slowly being frog-marched to the structure where they are going to be hanged, there should be a large fire and all of the prisoners set to be hung that day are avisereted, incinerated, No funeral arrangements needed. There’s no need to investigate any of this, because the investigative team were grinning ear to ear whilst holding the flame-throwers.
its amazing to see it, the prisoners spontaneously burst into uncontrollable fireballs and it didn’t take long…no need to extinguish them.. They all knew they were headed in one direction, Express elevator to hell, goin’ down …

Kay Mitchell

Steady does it.


If these executions aren’t made public we lose the deterrent effect that would be applied to others who may follow these bad guys in their evil deeds


Michael, why have you removed all of my comments? I have been on this site for quite a long time now, and often comment. But I see you have removed all of my comments from this article. I even had to set myself up again before I commented this last time. What’s up with that? I see far more offensive and more critical/controversial remarks than I have ever made. I am not a bot. I’m quite real. But I did notice that there was a typo in my email address when I logged in just now. I just now fixed it.


Everyone of those traitors needs to hang. Video recording so we can see it. We need to see these degenerates hang by the neck until they are dead. Everyone of them!!!!


Put a grenade in his mouth. Chop off his genitals and sew it to his face.
Press a .45 Glock against his ear and blow his brains out.
EZ peazy You don’t even have to string up a rope
Chop off his arms, his legs and his head. Take it 10 miles out, grind up his head into a bloody red chum and trail it out. Put his body parts in the chum-line and wait for the entertainment to show. It’s JAWS Pt 7 live in 3D without the glasses..

Kay Mitchell

Maybe you need to take a break S J.

Don’t lose your humanity.


The word for today is: capitulation.
Lots of it.

Guillaume DesChamp

Who have you been capitulating to, Drago?


indeed.. the entire planet capitulated to trump in 2017, 2018 and 2020 yet trump still had to be the father of the vaccine and allow the satanists to steal the election. That in a nutshell is trust the plan logic.



More to come.


Make it a pig skin rope! My opinion, it worked well for the britts at one time.


Did he hang yet?


TNP take no prisoners “on both sides”


Fantastic video on EMF’s affected the jabbed via bluetooth technology. How in European airports they have cameras set up to show who has and has not been jabbed. When the Luciferase lights up on the hidden camera they know if you have a real vaccine pass or not.

I suggest everyone listen to this as it covers shedding and bluetooth signals from the grave…..

Most informative…..if you have received the jab you can step into a faraday cage and the self assemblying
nanotechnology will dissipate and WILL NOT form again.

Don’t think your save from OCT 4th’s EBS transmission, we all have metals in us from the fluoride/chemtrails etc etc etc…..shut your phone place it in tinfoil (tightly), shut your router….protect yourself the best you can from any EMF signals.Stay out of your GPS car etc….

*where to get a faraday cage for the whole body???
a butchers freezer a bank vault?????



Ever since I got vaxxed I can link up to my phone via Bluetooth and listen to tunes on Spotify inside my skull. It’s pretty cool actually 🙂

Steve Rodgers

…. (wondering in my mind… How old are you Biggs?)


36. What else would you like to know Steve?


Personally I was guessing 6 or 7


Whatever Piggs is, it has ZERO capability to tell any truth. So your question will remain unknown, regardless of the demonically controlled entity that calls itself, Piggs.

That said, WWJD? He would probs cast the demon out, only then could we get a rational mind to interact with.


Lol I already answered him EdBob. I’m perfectly fine with answering questions about myself, so long as it’s not like my address or something that would allow an angry lunatic like you to harass me irl.


Who’s the lunatic ?


Please work on improving your reading comprehension, WO. There are numerous context clues in my post that make it very clear I am referring to EdBob.


Ok, then let’s play a game:

1) Which Soros NGO is paying you for trolling?

2) Does the carpet match the drapes?


Sure thing bud.

1) Nobody pays me for trolling. I just post here for fun dude

2) lol yes, I have never dyed my hair


Some people just want to see the world burn — right Biggs?

Guillaume DesChamp

Why would you want to know 2)?


Soros pays me directly

Surf Nazare

Is that George or his son


Mud Flaps ,Tail Lights, and an 0le` Over Stickered Expired License Plate.


The jab effects you mind I know cause my sister got it. And she has changed. I figured that why your on here like you are.


Sorry Steve that was for Biggs


I don’t live anywhere near a 5G tower. I moved away from all the cities and states of the damned 2 years ago, as did many wise children of God.

For those poor souls of you who were unable to get away from the cities and states that the FBI CIA and demoncrats morphed into hell on earth, you can to certain web sites to locate all 5G towers.

Best of luck.


Guillaume DesChamp

Thank you!


why didnt drumpty get rid of the 5 g towers. its been said that the entire world capitulated to trump in 2017. why then didnt he get rid of the cancer forming towers? please answer the logical question and no im still not a cia fed that wants to get rid of 5g.


I worry about all the indirect hits my body is taking with the 5G technology currently being used against US ALL!!!!!!


The above video discusses detox methods to take against the metals we take in… metals=no 5G issues.


My knee might sell me out.


Wrap it in tinfoil…… 🙂

Guillaume DesChamp

Be sure to remove all iron from your diet.


That’s dumb.

Guillaume DesChamp

Turn on your sarcasm detector, Drago!

Guillaume DesChamp

Nothing will happen as a result of the Oct 4 test. You can all relax.


better to prepare for the worst and be around to talk about it later…..


Buddy, if the Oct 4th EBS activates the invisible 5G Bluetooth-shedding bionicle nanobots in my bloodstream or whatever it is your think will happen, I hereby swear to you that with my dying moments I will log on to RRN here and post “you were right” before the nanobots shred my fingers into a fine red mist.

Guillaume DesChamp

Moi aussi.


Would mylar blanket block emf?


it absolutely does dramatically reduce the amount of EMF radiation if the mylar is placed between you and the source of the radiation. However it in most cases it will not block 100% of it, more likely around 95% or more.


We are a nation of many colors, attitudes, histories, idologies and most of all,beholding to many flags of the world. The colander has many holes and so does the many immigrants and citizen’s loyalty. We can only hope the hearts of the many in uniform are patriotic in their service duties, to us, their employers, to thier families and to our God. We are still, one nation, under God in liberty and hopefully, in justice for all. Skimming the ranks, may still take some time for complete eradication of the corrupt moles. God bless America, land of the still partially free.,


Fuck your many colors, histories, ideologies speech, gramma. This is GOD’s nation. The events of the War of 1812, and many others proved this is God’s nation. And I’m not talking the satanic pig god of Islam. I’m talking about Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Edbob. PS – WHITE peoples made this nation what it is. We led the history to make America great. And we are going to make it great again. Notice the only brown skinned pres-i-dent we ever had was a gay, communist, Muslim, KENYAN, who attempted to destroy us, whereas our greatest president is WHITE. Fuck your stupid inject post here today, gramma.


Do you think Jesus was white, Edbob?


How would you really know one way or the other? Either way, we’ll all get to meet Him one day, so better get ready!


I’m just curious what EdBob thinks, given that he’s both a fanatical Christian and a raging white supremacist.


White people built this nation and the colored are tearing it down!

Steve Rodgers

Thank you… there is still hope. We will win this battle if we all stand together.


Yes, we will. Obviously, EdBob, is not a fanatical Christian. His language speaks loud and clear. Someone who belives one nation under the living God, would not insult, insult, and did I say insult the living God. All human beings, are still children of God. Like it or not, they come in many colors. Many white Americans are treasonous traitors. Let’s be honest and start with our elected officials…..your county officials. We will prevail and love of country will prevail because we are,,,,,,one nation under God. Hmmm, and I didn’t have to use one swear word or vulgar language.


We are a nation of just 3 colors — RED WHITE and BLUE

Just Me

This loser has no business being in this uniform, he is a disgrace to our country. Whoever allowed it is a disgrace too. However, he is not the only one, a weeks ago I read foreign spies in our Navy, they got caught. Who knows how long this has been going on.


These are the results of a nation that luvs its NFL [ FREEDUMB ] over individual liberty! This is how tyranny grows unchecked……. TH33 entire system has always been parasitical.

Just Me

And lets not forget all of those stupid reality shows, Americans have been asleep for decades. I woke up back in 2010, I knew something was wrong when O-Barry was President. In 2008 when O-Barry was running Faux news Shawn Hennity said O-Barry was a Muslime and a leftist radical.

Upon hearing this i wanted to give O a fair chance after all he did sound good and honest. However, I filed this information it away in the back of my mind. Once he won I notice that a year went by and nothing change for the country but got worse.

I decided to do my own research on O and his family’s background and I learn scared me, I realize we were in big trouble. I tried telling others and I was called racists and other names for not supporting this POS O. I feel he is JB’s handler, this is his third term in my opinion. He is the man behind the curtain.


I have been following this since 1962. Started with bad entertainment, bad tv, bad teachers. The transsion has ben slow, but you could predict it every few years. And, everyone said I was crazy….well, how many are crazy now that the proof is in the pudding.

Just Me

You were 10 steps ahead of everyone else, you have good intuition, at least you were smarter than many. I too go through the same with my family, they say I am brainwashed and refuse to listen to what is taking place in this country.


In 1962 Christian prayer and instruction from the Bible were removed from all public schools.


The NFL are traitors to the American way of life


trump had 4 years to clean house like obama did regarding the military. obama had the stones to actually take all the good people out. Trump didnt have the stones to get rid of even one bad military officer. And you trust the plan retards wonder why they win and humanity loses.

Just Me

One thing for sure all those people in Trump administration that pretended to be for America were exposed. One good thing that came of this, it woke up many Americans. We can see now who is for America and who is not including Rinos. I trust God not human.

Speaking of Retards, those leftist idiots who supported open borders in NY, now got over one hundred thousands of aliens and these idiots are screaming to ship them back! This is what it took for people to wake up! the democrats have no chance of getting elected, people are tired of their insanity.

If you voted for Biden, you voted for this! and most likely you did.


voted for drumpty twice and you didnt come close to answering the simple question. Obama was able to get rid of all the good people in the military. Why was trump unable to do the same thing and get rid of all the bad people in the military? Its not a hard question to answer. Why could obama get rid of the good and drumpty not get rid of the bad?

Just Me

I don’t know why, but one good thing did come about, they exposed themselves for what they are. We know for a fact Pence was no good and two of the Generals that were in his camp turned out to be sell outs, they are no better than you and Jimbo.

Just Me

I see you’re mad at the wrong person, you should realized Trump was surrounded by swamp creatures and he was attacked for years every day of his term. I say he did good considering he was alone, now you sulk like a child. I too was disappointed when his presidency was stolen. I have family members who voted for Biden, they listen to the lies of the news media.

Biden ran from his basement, he ran on raising taxes, open borders and killing our energy dependence. His failed policies are effecting our gas prices to sky rocket along with everything else. Our country was better off under Trump’s leadership.


Great Reply Just Me!

Just Me

Thank you.


Remember Trump said,: I lke keeping my family close and my enemies closer. Good move to get all their info, moves and no moves. Brilliant no name. Learn from that. This is a war we are in.


The DemocRAT Machine impeded much of what Trump wanted to do. He had to focus on the more important game and that was the Supreme Court and immigration, and the economy. Later in his term the DemocRAT Machine unleashed Covid 19 ion us all so they could steal the 2020 election right out from under us all!
If you think you can do better than Trump go ahead and run for president in 2028 and pony up the goods.


You do realize that it is much easier to appeal to the baser things of man, than appeal to his moral goodness, right? What O did was destroy our country! I used to teach my children how much easier it is to take a hammer and DESTROY something than BUILD! The same applies here: TH33 N!6634 destroyed our country with the help of the Talmudics, and T has to rebuild, which is harder! You need to seriously reread what you posted and apologize to this group as we are very fucking aware of what TH33 N!6634 did in his destruction, SIR!

Surf Nazare

Have no fear we are ready for war—-F-35’s —-only 55% can complete a mission and out of 10,000 planes only 450 fielded for service the rest are grounded for repairs—-but who is counting——-n wonder we don’t have carrier groups at sea—–we can’t keep our planes ready so what makes you think we could possibly have carrier groups ready for combat——But send something to Ukraine to piss off the Russians who just launched 50 missiles and 48 hit NATO infra-structures and ammo dumps—–Notice I said hit NATO structures


Maybe the White Hats can clone some new aircraft carriers in the secret underground Alaska clone labs

Guillaume DesChamp

Where are you getting your numbers from? Are you saying there are 10000 F-35s, and only 450 are in service?


This is the internet Guillaume, Surf is free to make up whatever numbers he pleases. In fact, some people are saying there are actually 7 billion F-35’s in the world, but only like 11 or 12 of them are currently operable.

Surf Nazare

there are around 2500 F-35’s of those about 450 can fly and complete about 55% of the missions—–Don’t know what the Israeli’s are doing right now but they not long ago grounded ALL F-35’s —hope that helps some—–what you need to take away from all of this with carrier groups etc. is we are not ready !!!! Biden et al have destroyed our military——-Clinton did much the same—-Trump boasts of money he spent but the military in total is in bad shape——

Guillaume DesChamp

It was your 10000 number I took issue with.

Guillaume DesChamp

Are you referring to the recent GAO report? It mentioned that there are 10,000 *components* awaiting repair, not 10,000 planes. For one thing, there aren’t 10,000 F-35s in existence.


Hahaha. Here goes our resident military air combat planner subject matter expert again, telling us his version of what the military is all about.

Please, tell us Frenchie, teach us, about F-35’s..

Guillaume DesChamp

I never claimed I was an expert. But I did look at the GAO report, and accurately conveyed what it said.

Did you look at the GAO report, Edbob? I doubt it.


Chump continually asks questions, it’s like he hadn’t learned the art of researching, or thinking for him myself.


* himself

Guillaume DesChamp

But I did do the research. I read the GAO report that SN was referring to.

I don’t think you’re following this convo, Drago.

Mark David

Some people on this site have taken way too many boosters. I’ll bet Frenchie is in the top spot, with Biggs a close second.


Do you feel bad about producing a movie which is based on stories where the main character abuses trafficking victims?

Just Me

This is what happens when we have idiots running our country, if they get us into war we are screwed!

Mark David

One thing you can say about the American voting system is the People almost NEVER select the next politician to fill the seat. QVS should change that, but up until then our votes were thrown uin the sewer,

Rose Mary Abbott

OMG! It has turned into a icky yicky sticky troll fest up in here!


Tell the White Hats to clean this place up Rose


2500 days and not one public arrest. trust the plan harder tard tards.




hahaha – mocking bird media tactic (see ‘Doyle Knight’s’ comment below)




the msm speaks about trumps mass arrests and lack there of? ha… no they dont. Thats just you compulsively lying again.


Is any body going after that freak in Ukraine who threatened American Patriots? American who thinks he’s a chick . They took off air , now take him out.

Doyle knight

mUSt READ hello fellow long do they plan on letting this movie play pretty sure as long as we let them.if they let what I think they are going to do next play out ,this sight was created to keep us all at bay until they had us where they wanted us. Now what I’m fixing to convey is all speculation on my I have always known an EMP attack is our biggest danger..and I have thought about how they could achieve this without getting caught and setting off nuclear device 20 to 30 miles above above the ground in the middle of the country.with out it being neutralized somehow and not having any proof where it came from so they can blame it on some other nation.well this f35 airplane that had a pilot eject out of only after it was set to auto pilot.then our military puts out notice to the public have you seen our plane .and having the news already making comments that you know there are Chinese parts in this airplane maybe it got hacked.well when I first saw the report I’m wondering why he ejected and all that was said there was a malfunction.according to them the plane flew another 60 miles before it crashed into a wooded area in a populated area .pilots do not eject until they have no other choice .so I think he had time to do something other then .autopilot then eject.first of all the plane is mostly being controlled by a computer to begin with.i would call that autopilot and if it was on autopilot it should of landed itself safely like one has before .they have drones and other planes that fly themselves to point a to point b.and if it flew for another 60 miles it had time to detect problem and land safely somewhere with in the 60 miles .but here is the deal as Biden would say they think that they have had us all ingest enough fluoride to dumb us down to the point where they can do anything they want .they showed footage of wooded area with no plane debris.but let us not forget they do have planes that don’t leave debris.for example the one that hit the Pentagon and the two that hit twin towers and the one that hit the ground in that field on 911 that didn’t make it to destination because passengers rose up and tried to take the plane back.but it still crashed and no trace of any of them just hole in field well you best get ready because now that delivery system can achieve be achieved .the 23 Rd is coming .the Simpsons have already announced EMP attack on the 23rd.yea they have this ability to for see the future..or really just the elites way to follow the only rule they have to tell the public what they are going to do to you .some might say well if they take grid down how will we have our phones and all of our smart devices charged and on.they never said they had to tell you how they going to do it .just they gonna do it .so this 3 blast of a unique tone or frequency that will turn everybody into zombies that took vaccine will come from 5 g towers that have generators and batteries so grid down want affect the towers for a short period of time and it’s not coming thrue your phone .it’s going to come thrue the they will start chaos with EMP tell people for there on safety or ability to get something to eat come to the fema camps that have been set up everywhere .but only the ones asleep will do this .we want because somehow fluoride has not done it’s the next step is to try to scare the hell out of you ,then you will be more then willing to come .and since you came thrue the doors on your own free will you gotta get this shot they didn’t tell you about .because they know they can’t get us all to go to these camps .so good luck to you all when you are having to decide zombie or fema zombie or fema any thoughts

Randy Shoemaker

Our Army has a huge amount of work to do when a Mentally Challenged Command Sergeant’s Major Is This Abundantly Ignorant! Obummer and Biden were his Heroes? Hahaha! Someone needs to ensure the CSM wasn’t part of the “MK Ultra” Program!!

Michael R Davis

Mobar is an ISIS terrorist retred, moved into the black hat military to carry on his murderous deeds. The gallows will be his end.


Pure speculation is the very soul of RRN


Trump won!






Rule 5


Rule 34


weren’t you the idiot neighbor of Lucy ? Sounds like you are.


One for three. Truth is a stranger here

Sandy Thomas

That makes her two for three then.

Mark David

Go eat some shit, you little Fly.


Hi what does that actually mean in this world? What will change? When will it happen? Or is this some kind of constant phrase that means something to you?


they actually feel like if they say delusional phrases all the time it might actually change the fact that its been 2555 days and still zero public arrests.As far as when it happens, two weeks tops.


Does it annoy you!


Does it annoy you!

Mark David

If there is Karma, Bergeron will come back as a shit-eating Fly at a picnic.


Dude, have you heard if sentences and paragraphs? I ain’t bothering to read your blob of text. If you don’t bother, neither will anybody else.


* of


If that ain’t the truth of it. I think maybe I should teach English and sentence structure after all this is over. The lack of writing skills in this country is worsening.

Steve Rodgers

I think these trolls are just lazy and don’t care how they write down their garbage ideas.


you wouldnt appreciate it anyway. its basically makes fun of this ridiculous 2500 day plan that has resulted in zero public arrests. keep trusting the plan though, its worked out great so far.


What happened to the 7 years rhetoric? Did you get tired of repeating yourself?


no its still a factual statement. 2555 days and no public arrests. you trust the planners hate facts and love online larps. its fantastic.


drumpty and jfk jr aka the costume wearer sure came up with a smart plan huh.


Trump won!


what specifically has trump won? you keep saying that and i truly hope you are correct but its kinda hard to take you seriously when you cant back up any of your claims and its been 2500 days with zero public arrests.


one of you trust the plan retards help suzy out. what specifically has trump won? Yes i realize he won the election, but when you allow the satanists to take credit and run the country did you actually really win. What has trump actually won? enlighten me trust the planners.


if you have first hand knowledge of Trump being a satanist please bring that forward that is most important and would be well received, please divulge this information immediately.


Well he’s been so busy annihilating so many of them and seizing their assets, that one doesn’t really have much to go on. Where to begin? Any ideas?


Does it annoy you.


You are aggravated by my response. Good!
Now you know how your idiotic troll responses are received by many on this site.


Does it annoy you!


Yeah, here’s my thoughts, Fed. We always know it’s you, Ray (Epps), when you stand up touting a bold non plan to start a fight with entities that have all the capability in the world to squash us and then use it against us to lock us down and shoot us wholesale. Q said, the military is the key, and he was right. For we the people who would stand up against the tyranny have had every means taken from us to organize, we have zero power to fight. The fight has to come from the military, and we are forced to allow them to do things on their own time, their own plan. So, keep on writing little incite the riot pamphlets like the one here Ray, and keep on jacking off to your snuff child porn and counting your FBI bonus checks. Enjoy em while you can – your noose is being cut to length. What are you, maybe 6’3′, 240?


But EdBob, don’t forget what Q told us recently:


Q went away Dec 2021. RRN stood up the very next month..

RRN is Q part duex.


It really is, in a way. When Q disappeared and left his delusional followers in the dust, Michael Baxter smelled that they were the perfect audience, 100% primed for him to grift off of by carrying on the Q storyline with his very own Q fan-fiction.


lmao… so now everyone who doesnt trust the plan is ray epps? dude, drumps vaccine has d estroyed your mind sir. 2500 days and no public arrests. beautiful plan jfk jr and drumpty.


Don’t forget the Fed BBQ this weekend at Ray’s house honame. BYOB. (Ray’s a tight wad).


not a fan of feds or bbq edbob but keep compulsively lying and most certainly keep trusting this brilliant plan. 2555 days and no public arrests.


If the Simpsons predicted a global EMP attack, only a fool would deny it’s coming. The Simpsons is the black hats’ primary communications channel

Michael R Davis

Ignore Globalist Deep-State enemy trolls and shills.
These trolls, Deep-State shills do not research at all.
They are paid to spout their propaganda, the Globalist party-line, and that is what they do incessantly, to the point of annoyance, never ceasing.

Best to ignore them, never answer their nonsensical rhetoric, give them no pulpits to spout their bullshit from.


so everyone who doesnt think a 2500 day plan that has resulted in zero public arrests isnt a good idea is now a paid troll? dude youre worse than the satanists with logic like that.


worse than the satanists, who drink baby blood? c’mon Feds! *please* come up with better zingers. you’re boring us.

how’s Sandy Hook II coming along?


another cia media hoax? im sure very soon. its not like drumpty or jfk will do anything to stop it or even talk about it…. funny u mention sandy hook ed bob. why didnt drumpty or jfk jr in costume tell the masses that sandy hook was a fake media hoax?


no one said any time line at all no 2500 days you made that shit up yourself lol he he he

David T

Exactly. And as if on cue, the troll turds start objecting to being starved off of this forum.


Go to BeforeItsNews and scroll to “The Greatest Show on Earth.”
A great video that will show you what has been done for the last 7 years to ensure our future.

I had no hope prior to watching it, but now I do.


Mainline that hopium.


All facts Mr Vonnegut. A quite beautiful video which revolves around the time line of events since 2016. There was no hopium involved, which suggests you didn’t watch it.

Key takeaways:

1) Obama signing 3 EO’s in 2014
2) Trump putting into place the US Manual of War days before inauguration.
3) The worldwide capitulation tours of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
4) The Las Vegas shootings of 2017 resulted in the overthrow of the Saudi royal family/Govt one month later.
5) EO’s 13818, 13848 and 13912 were key documents signed into along with 34 others (total 37).
6) Joe Biden – if he was the real president could have repealed these, but instead he extended them. These EO’s were an absolute threat to the DS.
7) Photos of two Biden actors/lookalikes revesled, one of which is Arthur Robert’s.

There were loads more takeaways, but hopium wasn’t one of them.


Point 1 should be 3 EO’s related to Ukraine. That’s why the Bidens were there, along with Nuland. Doing Obumma’s bidding.


No argument from me. Two key takeaways for me: one was the funeral of “Brandon” mentioned at the end and, the capitulation of big tech/MSM courtesy of the military and Crown Prince Bin Salman. Lastly, in the credits, it mentioned God as the director. To me it doesn’t get any better than that. Can I get a witness?.


the msm capitulated? jesus christ man. i dont watch the tv but i promise you they are still as satanic as ever.


there you go again, trying to act like you’re a righteous dude by switchin sides.

we got your number.

your ip number too


just pointing out illogical inconsistencies trust the plan retard.And lets be honest you dont have shit dude. youre a weak pathetic bitch who didnt get out of the recliner when the satanists stole the election from drumpty.


Facts can’t be denied. But your beliefs and promises are your opinion solely. You’re welcome to them, but no one is listening to you. Trump won. Get over it.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


so the entire world capitulated in 2020 but drumpty still had to be the father of the vaccine in 2020 and allow 100s of milions of people to be executed worldwide? That makers rational sense to you?


He got in before big pharma, with saline. That’s why Big Pharma were caught napping for those first few weeks of 2020. Did you not watch the video? Jeez, talk about cognitive dissonance. You are in complete denial. Trump won. Get over it.


come on trust the plan retards. one of yall please address the minor elephant in the room. if the entire world capitulated to drumpty in 2020 why did he have to be the vax and allow the satanists to steal the election?


and thats the truth ♥️ 🙂 👍️ 


Thanks for the list I know about these events but had never enumerated them so clearly and concisely..


sir…there is saying-you would not believe even if someone hit you …four by four…..


Q is Positive Predictive Programming to Prepare People for Permanently Positioned Prosperity. 🙂 i knows me P’s an Q’s i do’s 😂 


did it explain why drumpty had to murder 100s of millions with his beautiful vaccine , or lie compulsively for the last 7 years? let me guess murdering us was better than having to tell the truth?


100’s of millions you say. Lol. Please back up your claim. If you say MSM, then there’s a good start.


Aah, the truth hurts doesn’t it? Lol. Trump won.


so the actual 7 years that unfortunately made you come to a correct conclusion that there are no white hats is now wrong bc u watched an online grifter video?No wonder the satanists win.


Congratulations, General Smith on Your confirmation as Commandant of the Marine Corps!
Keep after ‘em whoever, wherever and whenever!


And a big congrats to General Charles Q. Brown on being the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff! Amazingly, both him and Smith were nominated for these promotions by President Biden and confirmed by the Dem majority Senate!

Rondelle Cagwin

God Bless all Patriots and White Hats all over the world. You are all in my prayers as well as Donald J Trump. Thank you for posting and updating all of what’s going on at Gitmo and other trials of justice.
My heart especially goes out to those who must do this difficult task of executing, so many lost sheep
God bless you all, Ronnie


Keep your heart in your chest. No one has actually been executed


I think your pretend posturing has come to an end Mr Vonnegut. After watching that video on Rumble, it’s hard not to unknow or unsee it. The world is about to be tipped on its head.


he will cry….


hope youre right… how many days until the event?


Rumble. Of course. The go-to place for all your space alien-conspiracy-currency revaluation-Trust the Plan-Q-White Hats news. If Rumble told me the sky was blue, I’d go outside to check.




Trump won!


The Giants win the pennant! The Giants win the pennant!


Judy notes talks about this man tonight I read about him when I was a young man: In 1930, a man named Wilhelm Reich invented a way to cure cancer, heart disease, arthritis and thousands of other ailments in a few 15-minute sessions sitting in a box made of wood. How was this possible? The box was a carefully constructed Orgone Accumulator that concentrated Orgone Energy or Life Energy ‘Chi Prana,’ and it has a incredible effect on patients. The FDA banned Wilhelm’s inventions and sentenced him to prison, where he died in 1957. This is an example of what a true Dr should be!


Dr. Quack




Do you wear a huge sign that says, I am a Liar for the Rockefellers and the Cabal? Because, that’s exactly what the Rockefellers forced the AMA to declare. All alt methods for healing are Quack. Only pharmaceuticals would be promoted and only medical schools who followed the Rockefeller agenda would be allowed to award diplomas. Doctors in Stanford in the early 30s cured 70 or so cancer patients using Rife technology. The AMA told them to put a lid on it. They were going with the Rockefeller orders.


cancer cannot grow in an alkaline environment. folks would be better off drinking lemon water with baking soda than Getting chemo or radiation.

Eugene Templet

With all due respect this group is giving way too much air time to the trolls. My Mom told me long ago, “If you argue with a fool people can’t tell the difference.” I vote for ignoring them. I hope many will agree with that. God Bless us…. everyone.


I totally agree. I quit talking to them!! They just get nastier if you do!!

David T

Nice quote!! I’m all for ignoring the troll(s) as there is mainly one, but it has many different names, currently Biggz, Ethe1, DesChumps, Exi1e, Harris0n, N0name et al


trust the planner logic ” anyone who doesnt agree with the 2555 day plan with no public arrests is obviously a troll” jesus christ and you wonder why the masses wont wake up.

Rene Labre

Really we are not asking for to much


What are you asking for?


To make $64,000 a month working from home!


Trump put out a message for the illegals not to get too comfortable because they will be rounded up to be taken out of the US. Juan O Savin says there are places where the Mexicans are finishing the wall. Nino asked is that because they know the illegals will be coming back? Juan said when they push the red button or pause button, they will round up the illegals and put them in holding which could take up to 5 years to sort out, so there will be a large faction that tries to get out on their own and Mexico doesn’t want em because they are not Mexicans.

Rebecca Tracy

I heard too Trump planned to send illegals back to their countries somehow. I am confident Trump will find a humane way to to this. If I were here illegally, I would be applying for my citizenship like everyone should have done.

Nobody wants the hardened criminals. Sure hope they get publicized justice to deter this from ever happening again. I can only imagine the chaos and how dangerous this will be for all of us.

Could this be for the large facilities going up? Or for the criminals in our country?


If they pass Gesara, they can only get theirs to go back to their country. Not get a penny if they stay here.

Rebecca Tracy

That would be great. I would love for us to have a Jubilee and help true Americans. I have read about Gesara and Nesara, and I’m not convinced but lots of people are. Sure would be nice though. Not convinced of med beds either, but if they can clone, change the weather who knows anything for sure except prepare for anything best we can and trust in God to see us through? 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Michael R Davis

Many ‘illegal aliens’ are healthy paid actors with new clothing, new backpacks, new shoes, new cellphones with paid contracts, well fed, free housing while in the US, free rides home when told to go. Enjoy the show. Not nearly as bad as we are encouraged to believe by FAKE News, by our own white hats.


Juan O’ NeverBeenRight says there’s secret work on the wall? Well, I definitely believe that! lmfao


was the message coded? truthfully i missed it. you think the masses understood the message or was drumpty speaking in riddles and codes again while simultaneously trying to wake the masses up ? The movie must keep going bc the masses arent waking up………………DAM why arent the masses waking up im giving them riddles and codes every GD day. trust the plan logic at its absolute finest.


I was deceived during my whole nursing career.All nurses are/were pharma contracted.I literally had to to leave.My family told me it’s okay to adhere to medical practices because I would be helping others.Now I don’t bring in the pay check and somehow I am the evil one.How can this be unless you are still pharmaceutical controlled?I said one day I will be a natural/ holistic nurse and just laughed at.Just bring in the fiat and everything will be okay.I was told I am stupid.Never let anyone bring you down.I believe in my dreams and never let anyone bring you down with their ignorance.


Thank you for not complying to help murder more people. Remember, Love is powerful towards humanity.. 💗


Your not stupid never say that about your self. Not all are evil check out Med Beds curse when they do come they will need your skills.


Medbeds are never coming strike. They’re not real dude

Someone Else

You have no idea.


Do more research.


And you will find scam products made in India that are more of an electrical hazard than a cure

Michael R Davis

These trolls, Deep-State shills do not research at all.
They are paid to spout their propaganda, the Globalist party-line, and that is what they do incessantly, to the point of annoyance, never ceasing.

Best to ignore them, never answer their nonsensical rhetoric, give them no pulpits to spout their bullshit.


so everyone that doesnt believe in this 2500 day plan with zero public arrests is now a paid fed? youre more brainwashed than the normies.


You mean we don’t focus our research on fringe websites run by Lord Voltron or any of an assortment of characters who are clearly mentally ill or outright scam artists hustling you for money? That we use the scientific method and seek out information that is derived from data collected under controlled, statistically valid conditions, data that can be replicated by others and does not make liberal use of the words “I believe” or “Zorgon told me?” Is that failure to research?


There is nothing to “research” when it comes to med beds, Mikey. There’s just a thousand truther blogs with 3D renders of like sci-fi Star Trek beds and completely absurd promises that they can magically heal any disease and reverse aging and revive the dead and make you hotter and etc etc


he is toooooooooooooooooo lazy for that….


Exceptional imagination. 🏆

Rebecca Tracy

Thank you for not complying & doing your best to do no harm 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Very admiral Steph, you are my hero! You chose people over money. Ever thought about joining team Christ?


You did the right thing.
My sister is a retired nurse, can’t believe we aren’t vaxxed, boosted, and poisoned.
She is brainwashed, you are WISE.


truly very sorry to hear. stand by your principles. in spite of the last 7 years most folks are helplessly still brainwashed by big pharma and their satanic cohorts.

William R Nicholson

It amazes me that anyone with such a perverse belief system could ever enter service in the United States military ! In my days in boot camp he would have quickly been found out and exited service. I am grateful that our Intel officers have people in many places that look for these rogue elements and remove them. Thank you all White Hat affiliated personel that continue to find these enemies to freedom. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 .

Rebecca Tracy

In my search for truth since about 2015, I have seen your signature different places online. Thanks for being real, sharing firsthand experience, and on the good side 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Thank you for your service sir.


He was recruited for exactly who and what he was.


That is how joe & the deep state are keeping the government & Trump’s followers under “control”, by rounding up personal militia’s headed up by radical muslim infiltrators who are in the country illegally.

Boss Lady

I love when the demons believe they still have authority and start barking orders only to quickly learn they are powerless. It was enlightening hear how this demon referred to Obama as the untouchable. Jag should have hung Obama in the gallows and left him there for all his worshippers to see before they took their last breath. Barry knows all and leads all, right to their demise. 😆


soon right? 2500 days and no public arrests.


Valiant Thor from the Planet Venus

On March16, 1957 in Alexandria, Virginia, Valiant Thor landed his craft and was met by two police officers, weapons drawn. Through thought transference, he convinced the officers he meant no harm as he was ushered into the back of their patrol car. After crossing over into Washington, D.C., they were met by the Secretary of Defense along with six of his staff members.


Sounds legit


My sister works for TSA at Hobby airport in south Houston she works the check point before you catch your flight. Screens a lot of people each day. Any how one day these tall men 2 of them come to her line. She tells them to remove there sandals they do and put the sandals onto the convaor belt, so they now barefoot, she notices both having 6 toes hands also and then they start communicating to her mind to mind like the the commander did to the officers she told me to go to a room with a door in to back like a movie theater the crowed at the end of a movie, gets up to leave, you think stop right there I know who you are watch and see who turns around. They look like normal humans except a little taller the feet, and hands are different and talk with there minds. Since my sister told me this I know we are not alone. Remember what I said use your minds you might see some before you know it they are out there.


Sounds legit


Put down the crack pipe.


They’re called demons. Rebuke them in Jesus name and send them back to hell to be bound there.


Everybody in the universe except Earth people, are demons? Are you that paranoid about God’s creation?

Guillaume DesChamp

Ask your sister to take you to the doctor.


TSA are you reading this? Time for an intervention


Eisenhower met them , both good and bad ETs, and did not want to make deals in secret. He was Tricked by scientists and others who wanted the technology. He tried to warn us in his outgoing speech
about the Military Industrial Complex. He had wanted to add Congressional to the title, but was censored.


And you personally witnessed this?


There are no such things as “planets”.

Guillaume DesChamp

What do you call them, then?


🌍🌏🌎 lol

Michael R Davis

Wandering stars.


Martians would disagree

Guillaume DesChamp

Pure gold. Best comment of the day.


Thor ? Where was daddy Odin ? Bad boy Loki ?


VT’s air conditioning bill on Venus must have been a bitch. 900 degrees on the surface. Bet he was glad to get to the relatively cooler climate of DC.


What a knob.


The cabal are after me. I know. Constantly pounding on my door.Won’t answer.I should have shut my mouth but I didn’t.What is is done is done.. I didn’t have the protection until now. Come and get me for telling the truth..YOU SHALL SEE YOUR MAKER and I shall see MINE.


No one is pounding on your door, Steph. Please seek help.


You are obviously clairvoyant.Salutations!


Probably talks to dead people. 😂


Biggs lives in his own special bubble of reality, where he’s right every time, and everyone else is wrong. Thinks he knows more than everyone else but clearly he deflects at every opportunity.

#Brickwall biggs


hes has poked many rational and logical holes in this 2500 day plan that has produced zero public arrests. whomever came up with this plan is a fucking moron.


Stick to your guns Steph. Pay no attention to Biggs, he is an agitator. You are my hero for walking away from agreeing to harm people and chose humanity over money. Hang in there buddy, you got this.


Ken, you are such a great friend!!




Mon. 18 Sept. Inside the Deep-State Cloning Labs – The Arrest and Interrogation of a Deep-State Cloning Sicientist: “deep-state clone expire after three years” – American Media Group (


MB reported that several months ago.


I guess Judy last night felt it was important enough to post again with a link this time. So don’t shoot the messenger okay.


I wasn’t trying to be rude, I was just reminding that there was an article about this from MB a while back. The “cloning scientist” has been giving them a lot of information about clones. If you haven’t read it, it is worth finding and reading.


Pirating story ideas from RRN. A new low

V. Torrez

And I need to ask again… Now that the Deep State has appointed Clapper and Brennan to Fake Biden’s re-election campaign, to make sure HE IS RE-ELECTED, what are the White Hats going to do, to Stop it????

Sandy Thomas

Laugh their asses off


They just keep pushing the energy envelope, huh?


Both of those individuals have been removed, you are seeing clones or actors. Honestly, I really think the actors should receive sentences right along with their their counterparts. They know they are not those people, and by now they must know the crimes they are helping to cover up and hide. This behavior it traitorous at the very least.


I believe they do get sentenced for crimes committed. If you act like a psycho and murder people it doesn’t matter who you are pretending to be. You committed thise crimes.
Still thanking God for not giving us Killary for president. 🙏👑💙💙💙Sending Michael healing hugs❤️❤️


And they behave the same as the originals. So what has changed? Nothing


Give the clone wannabes two boxes of 🍿


let them steal another election and whine a great deal about it. maybe pimp some vaccines. wear some costumes. anything but tell the truth and kill satanists.


All Adout Med Beds: Insider Info!!! Med Beds Unleashed: The Untold Story of Healing and Education Centers and the Intense Training Regime! | Alternative | Before It’s News(


Will they be available #soon


I think that link at the bottom might be able to answer your question!


Lemme guess: two weeks


NO NO what’s your name..?
It’ll be eh, 5 – 10 minutes


Who’s that idiot that keeps referring to 7 years?


its 2555 days with no public arrests trust the plan retard. why do facts bother vaccine addled trust the planners so bad. Its a factual statement. drumpties plan so far has been 2555 days and not one public arrest.Even you admit there has been zero public arrests. All im doing is stating the truth. My god u retards cant stand the truth. just lies and vaccines yall love.


They’ve been saying this for years…


Strange, you said they don’t exist.


They don’t, are you familiar with this thing called ‘sarcasm’, Drag?


With a statement like that you are shooting yourself in the foot . You will need a Med bed .


You need glasses, you obviously didn’t read Strike’s post. 😎


A site even less credible than this one


I really can’t express how saddened I am with humanity.You either can’t see the truth or I can’t. Either way humanity wakes up.The wheat will be saved The chaff won’t.


Gnarles B. I remember when I lost my mind.What did this do to our children? Already executed


Don’t you get it?


Talking to oneself is a worry Strph. 🤔


Steph, go on utube. Look up Julie Green


lmao at humanity waking up. drumpty would rather kill them than tell them the truth. how is that gonna wake them up?




And congrats to General Charles Q. Brown on being the new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff! 🥳


We’ll be waiting for him too! Sad to think he has a good job and a extra star that won’t mean a Damm thing when comes to Gitmo. He let his pride go to his ego.


Lol, does it not strike you guys as odd that Congress is out here simultaneously approving the promotions of both ‘White Hat’ generals and ‘Black Hat’ generals? Do you feel even the slightest bit of cognitive dissonance from the fact that President Joe Biden nominated these promotions for both Smith and Brown?


“President” who?


President Joseph Robinette Biden

Someone Else

No such person.




No such person exists.


Too bad he is not CIC or you would be looking for a new country to live in. Wait; did I just say that?


Loo what the fuck does this even mean


I’ll explain it, Biggs. You said Joseph Robinette Biden was president. I said, too bad he is not the commander in Chief. If he was, we would have launched nukes by now. You would be scrambling to find a new country to live in. Then……I said wait, did I just say that? You finding a new place to live would be awesome.


I’m finding it hard explaining myself to an agitator


That’s because your explanations are inexplicable.


So you’re saying it would be awesome if nukes were launched just because one result of the nuclear apocalypse is I’d have to move? That’s pretty fuckin dark, dude


Good explanation Biggs. What???


Hate to say it dude, you are the darkest guy on this commentary panel. And you attack everyone as being idiots for believing the truth. The problem with guys like you is you cannot pick a side, so you just play the middle. You need to grow a pair. You are a fence sitter, there is nothing worse.

David T

The dark commenter Biggz, Harr1son, N0name, Ethe1, DesChump are all the same troll turd. Also f/k/a W0zz, Ll0yd, B0fa, etc.


so drumpty is in charge? gotcha, then why the vaccine pimping and 2555 days with no public arrests.


Noname, you are hung up on the vaccine. You regurgitate it over and over. Do you see why people think you are a bot? Very repetitive. Who is your choice? You voted for Trump twice but now you are hung up on this vaccine thing. Out of all of the candidates out there, who are you now gunna support if it isn’t Trump again? Give me your choice Noname.


hung up? ok ill play along. i do think the mass murder of hundreds of millions of human beings is a big deal. Im the first cia bot in the history of the planet that accuses the cia of doing 9/11, states that vaccines are depopulation tools, and accuses hollywood and government of eating children. I guess the cia needs a new bot programmer. I will support the first candidate who has the stones to tell the truth to the amercian public. so far there has been none so i obviously wont vote again. Keep supporting the lessor of two evils though. its worked out quite well so far. 2555 days and no public arrests.


Who had the balls to go in and take 650 plane loads of gold from the cabal? The vaccine, Trump led by example, hydroxychloriquine. That’s what he took. Who is gunna lead us out of the war we are currently fighting? I’m not talking about Ukraine, the war with the deep state. Pick your man/woman and go with it. What are you accomplishing by slamming Trump on the vaccine? We are not privy to everything he knew at that time. So who is your candidate?


there is zero proof to your post regarding the gold. and no trump stated on an interview with millions watching that he took the pfizer vaccine. this is p[ublic record and not debatable. I didnt force him to lie. he voluntarily lied.There isnt currently any type of war going on. in war both sides are killed. in current day earth the satanists kill us also our leader kills us with vaccines. The so called white hats has gone 2555 days with no public arrests.You can call it a war all you want, it looks more like the massacre at goliad to me.


resident Biden nominated promotions? How can he do that? puppets follow orders and that’s all. weird.

Rebecca Tracy

Even though I believe Biden is illegitimate president, I do agree the fake news can keep us mixed up & wondering about this.




Dont listen to MSM.

Rebecca Tracy

I don’t, but get mixed up when military articles come out sometimes. Font know what to think🤦‍♀️


Interesting story about general Milley in the new Atlantic magazine . Further proof the insurrection act was never signed or implemented by anyone and always warned against using it . Even Trump understood this after a good talking to . Hence if the insurrection act was never signed none of these arrests , tribunals and executions are true as the military cannot arrest civilians let alone the rest . Once again no proof it was signed , not even in secret in the White House war room .

Someone Else

Of course, an article in a mainstream magazine is proof.


Give it a shot . A lot of detail and direct quotes.

Joan P McDonald

Oh come on man, it’s the Atlantic !!! 😂😂😂


As compared to this site? Or Before It’s News? Or the Dinar Chronicles?




Try the National Archives, Tom.


I looked . George Bush was the last president who used it . If you see differently please show me where .

Lucky star

Woow.. that’s why you and your comrades are always spoutinso kich shitty shit opinion


Translation please .

Rene Labre

The insurrection act was signed as well as the PEADS. Rightly so.

Sandy Thomas

The new Atlantic magazine is still the same Atlantic magazine.

Lucky star

A dumpster shit always a dumpster shit

Rebecca Tracy

Brown is taking over Milleys place. Was hoping Brown was good. But guess we are not there yet? Does anyone know?

https: //


Is this a Q delta? Or a Q drop? Or future proves past? There’s a Q involved! It must mean something!


Lot’s of folks here getting frustrated with the 3 letter agency controlled op Feds and communist trolls. Here is their playbook, straight from Saul Alinsky, a communist who patterned his strategy to take down America after,.. drum roll.. SATAN.

The Rules

  1. “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
  3. “Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
  4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
  5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.”
  6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
  7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
  8. “Keep the pressure on.”
  9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
  10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
  11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative.”
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

So, study these folks, and every time these ass clown controlled op FBI and CIA feds and their communist fag friends who live in their gramma’s basement, throw a rock, just reply back with a rule # that they are using. It’ll be fun. C’mon. Have some fun. We won 2,000 years ago folks.


14. When all else fails, dazzle your enemy with fascinating lore and trivia about the Mole People and their spawling Deep Earth empire.


And the C.H.U.D.’s!

Guillaume DesChamp

Thanks, Church Lady!


Sounds like Trump 101


Well Mr. Baxter, did you run out of crooks? Was there a sudden surge in one-way tickets to Antarctica? If so, let me re-direct you to Indiana where the rich man would lie even if the truth came in handy. We have a good supply to export to the other states. I’m doing the gift cards now.


From dark to light!