Janet Yellen Arrested for Treason


Investigators from the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigation Division (CID) on Tuesday arrested Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen at a Maryland hotel, alleging that the Deep State despot had engineered a diabolical scheme that clandestinely sent hundreds of billions of American tax dollars to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, far more than the $75bn the criminal Biden Regime has admitted to giving its felonious collaborator in Ukraine.

A source at CID’s Fort Liberty, NC, field office told Real Raw News that investigators apprehended Yellen and an unnamed associate outside the Merriweather Lakehouse Hotel in Baltimore at approximately 9:30 p.m. Yellen was shown a military arrest warrant charging her with treason and defrauding the United States of America before being shuttled to a processing center for interrogation.

He said Yellen seemed bewildered at the news and did not try to flee or resist. The associate, identified as Yellen’s chauffeur and bodyguard, was jailed as an accessory to Yellen’s crimes.

The White Hats’ investigation into Yellen’s criminality began in October 2022, when Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Shannon Corless voluntarily surrendered to JAG personnel in Pensacola, Fl, claiming she had helped Yellen conceal financial transactions whereby they unlawfully redistributed tens of millions of Treasury Department dollars to radical left organizations such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. At the time, Corless offered JAG an SD card allegedly holding proof of her claims and potentially more incriminating evidence against Yellen. She said she was unable to access several password-protected files.

The data in those files, JAG would later discover, implicated Yellen in financial crimes that exponentially surpassed the millions of dollars threshold. According to our source, Yellen used handsomely paid minions to funnel Zelenskyy cash while obfuscating her own lawbreaking.

“There are smoking guns there,” our source said. “We can now prove the administration gave Ukraine $50bn four months before Vladimir Putin launched his Special Military Operation in Ukraine, for example. There is no public mention of these disbursements. Each transaction has the same common denominator—Yellen and Treasury. It has taken a long time to catch this one. There’s a few reasons this country has gone bankrupt, and she’s one of them.”

He said Yellen was among the horde of Deep Staters to flee the United States once the regime’s despots suspected their names appeared on sealed indictments, and learned that their avaricious allies were being charged with, convicted of, and executed for high treason.

Fearing arrest, Yellen left the U.S. for Eastern Europe in early November, and the timing somewhat coincided with Corless handing JAG the SD card. Our source said Yellen had made several brief trips back to the U.S. between then and May, but White Hats hadn’t received word until after the fact.

“September 5, we learned that Biden recalled her to the States. I can’t detail how we found out or how we pinpointed her or why she was at a hotel instead of her house—but there are reasons for all of that. We had her under surveillance in Maryland for a week. She’ll be interrogated, and JAG will decide where she goes. Wherever that is, it’s good riddance,” our source said.

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yet another criminal jew…


They made sure they had a profile of Yellen sitting in a chair while Watters was covering the story, her double’s profile visible, but Yellen doesn’t say a word while a fake Hillary yammers in the background. Fancy way to pretend that Yellen’s still in charge. I’m pretty sure Watters knows.

Above Reproach

I’ve been waiting for this for years, she has been so harmful to the country that she should not just be hung, she should be made to put the finger on every single person behind her actions.Totally exposing each and every one of the filthy pigs instructing her to do what she did. She’s the puppet that danced to the strings trashing our country. Video tape her exposing all the RATS behind her. But that’s just the beginning. Make her sit down in a public stadium, with a Jumbotron showing Tens of thousands of people watching her expose what she was told to do. Not giving the main stream media any chance to stop the public from seeing and hearing the truth. Only then after millions of people have it from the horses mouth, show her to the gallows.


As she falls through the floor of the gallows structure …
..she should be shot in the face
…5 shots to stop her suffering,
( if her neck does not break right away )

Sissy lou

I just saw Janet on the news.


CGI=Computer Graphic Imaging. It’s all over the place.

Above Reproach

Yeah, I just saw Hillary Clinton to , so let’s get this straight. After having thousands of hours on digital media of anyone, a composite image can be easily manipulated to make it appear as if the subject is real. It’s not a clone, it’s not a real person it’s a hollow green room image being manipulated by CGI. Don’t think for a minute that these people who we are being tricked into believing they are real. Hillary has so many dubbed corn husk people out there it’s ridiculous. Don’t you remember the one who had cheeks that looked like a starving donkeys ass. And that was years ago.
Hollywood has the ability to fake just about everything that you can imagine. Including dead people. And how about the time she was waving to people behind her on a grand stand, when people were holding up their cameras taking pictures of her, there I phones photos were visible, there was nothing behind her,. NO people, but yet she turned with her ass facing the crowd completely from a different day all together, and waved at a solid backdrop. What I’m talking about was when she was campaigning against TRUMP, years ago ! Hollywood has had years to get better at the fake bull CRAP.


When I look closely at these creatures eyes I see something non-human and predatory about them. It’s as if they are of an altogether different species that feeds off of mankind. They have been called lizards and serpents, scorpions and jackels.They are the sons of Cain. They follow their god, the fallen one.

They must be removed from our government, our churches, schools, our businesses, our military, medical care, media, big tech, weather control and banking system. They absolutely must be taken out of EVERY position of power if America and the nations of this earth are to survive.


MB, when?

Brigid Bardont

About time. My guess is that creature, what ever “she” is, was arrested a long time ago. She deserves the electric chair. Couldn’t even balance her checking account, the ugly can’t.

Victor Bravo

Death by punches to the face. Each American who was defrauded by her diabolically sending their hard earned tax dollar to her despotic buddies gets to punch her in the face as much as desired. Until the number of absorbed punches reaches 50 billion.

Brigid Bardont

I LOVE that! I’d like to kick her in the balls with my steel toe boots, too, please. ;^)

Ken T.

I get your point and you have that right to make your point but that would be a thousand million punches per billion. Do you know how long that would take? And if they are punching like you said, in do time at all she would be dead. So if you just hit her in the head until she’s dead then that would do the trick. I believe many of us hold hatred for these people that killed our family and friends. God Bless you and have a great life.


Does anyone recall the movie
” Predator ” and the how Arnold tried to kill this alien Predator by setting a spring loaded trap that will ultimately drop a large object on its head.

Not a punch to the face, put them in a chair. Strap them down, duct tape them to the chair and drop a bus on their head…

Or fly them to an altitude of 50,000 feet, depresserize the aircraft and push them out of the plane and let them hit the Earth at terminal velocity…
Make the ” Coyote ”proud as he sits there and watches them smash into the pavement… He maybe a little confused as to why they are not getting up and walking away ( as he has done millions of times while chasing the Roadrunner )


Here’s hoping for lots of news on this target. One of the most despised criminals & traitors to Americans. She’s been the poster child for all that’s wrong with America & this traitor is especially egregious in her impact on the efforts of Americans to provide for their families – she’s one of the worst of the worst & she only got that position by committing unspeakable atrocities against humanity. Nobody that rises that high in the cabal without having committed exceedingly atrocious crimes that nobody would ever want repeated about them. That’s the level of crime that guarantee’s she’ll never turn or give up and admit what she’s done. However it will all be revealed for those who want to know. I do hope to see details of her fate.


2% seems to rise to the top of every scandal- Shocking. How about learning the truth suppressed by the 2%? Read: Mike King’s THE BAD WAR banned by Amazon along with every other proven forensic scientific bit proving EVERYTHING we have been told is a lie? Read it if you can handle the truth.


Janet Yellen is just a very ugly, old man. cabal is an inverted/transgender mafia…


Note to Michael Baxter. In the above appeal for donations it was mentioned “medical bills”. I sure hope you’re being SUPER careful about what’s being given to you AND BY WHOM, we don’t want you ending up like Rashid Buttar, you mean too much to us.



david simmons

Baxter you are just the messenger nobody is going to hurt you


YOU be careful anyway MB……messengers have been known to get hurt.


Yes, prayers for you and your family, Michael.

Kent, you are correct about that. There is something that is written somewhere about a courier taking documents to the Czar of Russia during WW1 if not before…showing the location and details of the Ark that saved humanity and every living creatures that God told Noah to protect while He flooded the earth. That ark is located on Mt. Ararat, in Armenia, but the Turks moved the nation’s posts so they say it’s on their territory and not Armernis although the Armenians insisted it is on their turf.
If those documents had gotten to Nicholas II and his family, that would be historical archeological and physical proof that God exists, and that that the world was cleansed by water, and that the stories in the Bible are not just fairy tales but very real world events.
Unfortunately, someone got to the courier to kill him and the documents never reached the Czar. We all know that Nicholas, Alexandra, Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia and Alexei were assassinated by the Bolsheviks who tore Russia apart after that.
These archdevils will do anything to suppress the truth, even killing innocent families who would give it to everyone.


JAG will decide under the guidance of the almighty Seraphim Nation that she will go to hell. She will not pass GO.


Just drop her off in Antarctica to live with the Penguins


NO….she might find her way back and continue her clot shot making!!


Sorry, I had Moore in mind when I said that. Yellen probably couldn’t find her way back.


It’s okay. Moore is dead as of September 18 at 10:45 a.m. She was a Pagan god worshipper of Velinas, she and her lesbian parter Janet were.


Just take Yellen for a little plane ride, kick her out @ 30,000 feet with a remote controlled explosive vest attached to her & her arms behind her back, a sock stuffed in her mouth and a bag over her head.
. the vest is triggered to blow apart @ 10000 ft and she’s falling @ terminal velocity

let her free fall into the water below. ( in pieces ) that will ring a dinner bell for the sharks

Repeat the same treatment to Modera Moore but use more duct tape on her mouth and a few more sticks of TnT .
.stuff her into a 50 gallon drum, weld it shut, shoot her in the head and shove it out the door get all the BANG for the bucks$

bye,bye !


U been watch too many action movies rated R 😆 🤣 😂


Lololol your vivid imagination !!!


Put him(er) in a boat, wounded and bloody. Leave a trail of fish chum surrounding the boat and then have the boat blown apart. So s(he’s) just clinging to the scraps of wood and fiberglass. You’ve got to pause, and wonder how many Tiger sharks will show up ….. for dinner… my guess 10 within minutes of detecting the blood in the water, splashing of the Yellen-blob bobbing up n’ down blood would bring the sharks in, ala JAWS LIVE in 3D no 3D glasses needed.


This is another one that I’ve been looking forward too though I was beginning to think would never happen. Go Janet Go to where you belong. Good bye.


Me too. Look at her eyes, she’s got dead eyes, there’s no human life behind them.

Charles Smith

I thought the same thing, listen to how she talks too. Demon possessed alright.


If ever there was a woman weasel, Yellen fits the bill.


Nuland is up there also, can’t wait for her neck to get stretched.


Who is nuland?


The internet is a wonderful source, look up Victoria Nuland, you’ll find what a “saint” she is 👿


YES YES YES Nuland too, she’s deserving of a vat of acid like Vincent Price pushed his wife into in The House on the Haunted Hill. Movie scared the ***** out of me as a boy and I’ve never forgotten it!




It blows my mind, as has since I discovered WHO ACTUALLY PULLED OFF THE 9/11 attacks, that people are SO WILLING TO SCREW OVER EVERYONE, for their own evil greed…………………………. I agree, good riddance to her………..


Michael Baxter..! Benjamin Fulford mentioned your name and tried to contact you… Unfortunately, you didn’t responded..?!? And he also mentioned, that “Real Raw News” sponsored by “META”…?!? I really don’t want to accept this news, can you contact Benjamin and proof that all that’s you’re writing on this site – is not lie, Ferry tail, “ Hopium” for regular folks…!? Otherwise – THIS is complete DISAPPOINTMENT ..!


Actually, the “fact-check” referral site was alleged to be sponsored by META. Benjamin Fulford also supplies a lot of hopium, but the problem here is that this site operates in its own world and hasn’t offered any actual proof.


The challenge is what do we consider PROOF? That’s an iffy commodity anymore and since we have grown up in a world of lies, we have to use our own instincts to determine what is might be valid…..Many people scoff at RRN but it resonates with me, I have to believe a lot of what Baxter reports is str8 up.


That’s the second one in a week I’ve heard of trying to trash Michael. they don’t phase me in the least. I’ve every post here and can’t say any of them are fake. Hold to your beliefs and your gut and remember those other ones are so JEALOUS of Michael.


I looked up Benjamin F. and remembered seeing his picture on Rumble. I haven’t listen to him but was wondering if his resource is true or accurate. Thanks for info. Michael Baxter has done an awesome job and he is doing exactly what he is to report, too many coincidences. Thanks Michael for everything.


I agree thank you Michael


Well then maybe Michael should respond or even do an interview with Benjamin, what does he have to lose really?
I’m pretty sure they both have the same sources.
Benjamin’s screw up was called the JAG based in DC, I don’t trust anything out of DC.


Sometimes Fulford gets it terribly wrong. He’s got info but its not always correct. The only reason I continue with membership on his site is because of the members who comment, they will call him out when he screws up and he does screw up a lot. His members are his true source of info IMO


Both Michael Baxter and Benjamin Fulford are controlled opposition agents. They do have some truth, but mix it in with lies, so you have to filter the info you get from them.
Michael keeps pushing Trump as a saviour, when he is nothing of the sort. Trump throws up masonic hand signs constantly and pledged his loyalty to Israel very openly.
Benjamin claimed the late Queen of England was one of the ‘good guys’, which is a laughable joke.
He also pushes the nuclear weapons hoax (they dont exist).


Trump has repented and is now a baptized Christian, by his own admission Give him a break, okay?


If it does not resonate with you move on Please.


“September 5, we learned that Biden recalled her to the States. I can’t detail how we found out or how we pinpointed her or why she was at a hotel instead of her house—but there are reasons for all of that. We had her under surveillance in Maryland for a week. She’ll be interrogated, and JAG will decide where she goes. Wherever that is, it’s good riddance,” our source said.’

For once the criminal paedohile helped the White Hats, albeit unwittingly. Great Job, White hats!!

Great day, Michael Thank you! Keep us posted please!


Treason, Traitor, Treachery, these words hardly seem enough to describe such disloyal behavior & actions. All of them, ALL OF THEM, gotta go.


Disloyal to whom she is working on the other side


Why do The People pay interest on loans on money generated from nothing? Somebody’s been had for long time; since 1913.


Since the money changers in the synagogue.


Yes, I forgot about the Synagogue….its been going on for longer than we can imagine.


Its actually worse than a Ponzi Scheme…..a for profit corporation disguised as a federal agency (Federal Reserve Board) that artificially makes money out of thin air, then loans it to banks and the banks loan to us Anyone who doesnt know the Federal Reserve is a private FOR PROFIT CORPORATION is still in the dark. We’ve been ripped off for decades and the banks are in on it.


Janet Hellen IS A Traitor and should be EXECUTED s such!


Here here!

Surf Nazare

who is Janet Hellen


Congress and the Government has been lying to us for decades, 80 years about UFO sightings, and NOW they’re talking about it !Just yesterday, WOW!
They should be removed from office, and “stimulated, encouraged to spill their guts with a cattle prod.
Then taken out back of the woodshed, for a sound whipping.🎃


Stop believing this nonsense. Will you rely on mans inferior knowledge, or God is The Creator? 2 Corinthians 11:14 Satan himself masquerades/transforms himself into an angel of light. Jesus said warned us in His Word so he would not deceive us. Open your eyes! Look at what Jesus said to the Pharisees. Always Gods Word is the Final say. That is where the true answers are found. Satan is the great deceiver, he has been at it a Very long time.

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown down, the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan, he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 

1 Timothy 4:1 But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons,

2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Exodus 7:11-12 Exodus 7:11-12
11 Then Pharaoh called for the wise men [skilled in magic and omens] and the sorcerers [skilled in witchcraft], and they also, these magicians (soothsayer-priests) of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts and enchantments. 12 For every man threw down his staff and they turned into serpents; but Aaron’s staff swallowed up their staffs.


You’d never quote another bible verse again if you read Mauro Biglino’s THE NAKED BIBLE. He has done an exhausting dig into the word/terms in the current bible and researched their original meaning thru ancient Hebrew and Greek (and some Roman) manuscripts and has found the bible you read today to be wholly different than what you think it says..The original wording in former editions of the bible (and there have been many editions) shows a collection of tales and stories that are anything even close to being “spiritual”…..If you’ve got the courage to read his book your world as you know it, will be turned upside down. You will not have your faith obliterated but it will be challenged. The guy is not ANTI-BIBLE but he shows how the book over the centuries has been re-worded, mis-interpreted, edited and it is nothing like it was originally. He actually explains the real story about the Jesus man…very interesting twist on what we’ve been taught all these years.

Surf Nazare

read the Amplified—-and I bet your version refutes Jesus as Lord—Saw where Klaus Schwab is/has come out with a bible—–can you guess what he says about Jesus—-

V. Torrez

Why not go after Fauci’s own doppelganger, itself.

J Bill

why ask why


Why the Hell NOT?


I keep asking myself that too….can we get Fauci into Gitmo? I ‘d love to hear what he has to say as a defense…..maybe the little shit will call on that POS Obama


Fauci was hanged at Gitmo besides Loretta Lynch that day per RRN.


And when Yellen visited China, was she also on the take like Biden, McConnell, and Pelosi?


Is case you care about Facts , Pelosi is in a bodybag on ice, since she was executed in Gitmo on December 27th, of 2022

J Bill

oh ok, sure

Surf Nazare

dang I thought he would bite—may still yet—lol

Surf Nazare

geeze—I just saw her on tv today !!! Now she did say she was a lizard but that aside, there she was—-now am I suppose to believe you or my lying eyes—-I mean I don’t know you from Jack and you may be lying to us—-show me her body !!!!! —–Hey J Bill you reading this—-watch now—-

Angela James

I’m sure you saw her look 20 years younger with no wrinkles just like Hillary. Silicone masks are the fountain of youth.

Surf Nazare

no doubt but no body bags either—–and this double/clone whatever will still keep going doing what Pelosi does—–Those 180 FEMA folks supposed to be dead—-please—-nothing in any news about somebody falling down some stairs or heart attack—–How is that Maui liberation going—–they have video of school buses on a military base so where are the kids—–seems the WH’s would send in the Marines on that one and really kill every SOB that is trying to kidnap or worse the kids—–The BH created violence so what is keeping the WH’s from showing them what violence really is—–It is said the WH’s shot down the plane from a Naval ship—-if you have that kind of connections to get a naval vessel to supposedly fire on a plane then why the hell can’t you muster enough to take Maui and the evil SOB’s—-put up or quit playing us for idiots—–and sure seems to be a lot of them around——there was a song—–The sun will come out tomorrow/tomorrow—–sure it ill—–


The whole tragedy about Lahaina is difficult to figure out….the lies are endless and i’m sure more will slip out eventually but you will see/hear/read NOTHING on main stream or social media…you’ll have to navigate the alternative sites for info but its very bad what happened in HI, very bad.


Trump won!

kay mitchell

Another one bites the dust!

Hooray for Justice!!

Surf Nazare

Charles Flynn in charge of Pacific Command—-tell me again about those foreign vehicles and guards in Maui—And how you give a command to a Navy ship to shoot down a civilian plane—-I am still confused—–does anyone on this board think at all and not just do the rahrah thing—-By the way—-Maui is in the Pacific—-But hey, just a simple guy here, what do I know——

J Bill

Simple is an accurate description of you

Surf Nazare

I might be simple but not foul and dumb as a rock like you—-but hey isn’t that the kind of response you expected from a simple guy—-

J Bill

Oh come on now, how can I be dumb as a rock and still get you to out yourself as qball? lmao

Surf Nazare

no sorry —still dumb as a rock—don’t know qball and never read any of hs/her posts—-try again—I will save you time I only post under 1/ONE name

J Bill


Surf Nazare

glad you finally got it—-


You know next to NOTHING, you left leaning MORON.STFU.

J Bill


Surf Nazare

geeze he told me now didn’t he—lol


I’m usually much more impressed with your thought processes than with this particular missive.

Surf Nazare

sorry to disappoint !! But the guy they put in charge of the Pacific is definitely a Biden guy so extrapolate from there—-then look at who is really in charge in Maui and foreign vehicles surrounding preventing anyone from entering—-then supposedly a Naval ship in the pacific was given a command to shoot down what was a civilian plane—–Now how do we know who (WH or BH) was Captain of that ship and would he really step out of the chain of command to follow supposedly a WH command and down a civilian plane—–Then next step—who would take the blame and the court martial that would have been exacted by the left—–If they would go after Trump for spitting on the side walk, what would they do to the Captain of the ship—-hope that helps a little—-Just remember nothing is as it seems—-all smoke and mirrors—-


A few easy ways to help minimize your EMF and 5G exposure is to not use a 5G phone, for one. It is also ideal to rid your home of as many “smart” appliances and devices as possible, as well as to turn off your phone and wireless router at night while you sleep.


J Bill

5g also has graphene in it



5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

September 15, 2023


Guillaume DesChamp

If you actually read the paper, you’ll see that the cell phone is used to activate a device which then releases the drug. The 5g signals themselves don’t interact with the drug directly.


I don’t have anything 5G and I already purchased an EMF reader. Since my phone is on my night table overnight I turn it off.


That’s good. A poster recommended I put my shut off phone in a case…I did a tin can of Baily’s Irish Cream. 🙂

Take a reading, if you have a smart meter then wrap it in tin foil and notice the difference…and place your router in a faraday cage or a box thoroughly wrapped in tin foil….


take readings before a reading and after, that should open some eyes….let us know!

voice of one in the wilderness

You can see the evil in her face/demeaner. This one is souless.

Sojourner Truth

The fact that “Felon” gave $50B to Ukraine 4 months before Putin attacked Ukraine, is pretty damning. She has harmed Americans and damaged our national security and our economy. She has committed treason and we have to stop these predators!

Dave Strickland

When I read this report my first thought was, “Now Yellen’s been removed from circulation we’re going to see a clone of her at Fed meetings soon.” That got me thinking, because if all the military have done is remove a rogue figure, only for her to be replaced by a clone (or actress), then what advantage is it to arrest these people? It’s occurred to me that in either case, clone or actor, from now on her replacement is now going to be in a fully passive mode taking orders from higher-ups, with no initiative of her own. Further, in the case of clones, they last only a short time by all accounts, and then break down permanently. I’ve seen videos of two DS clones breaking down: Kamala Harris and Mitch McConnell, in the second case breaking down and freezing a number of times lately. So yes, arresting a DS rogue is to be regarded as a serious advantage after all. Just seen a clear photo of Gavin Newsom looking as handsome as he always liked to think of himself. His current actor/clone looks quite convincing, but how long will he last as CA Governor?

J Bill

then what advantage is it to arrest these people? “

You sound just like the trolls! They’ve been saying the same thing for two years!!

Guillaume DesChamp

You are correct. Theses arrests accomplish very little. Yellen has already been replaced, and appeared at a conference yesterday.

The DS is exceedingly efficient. They can replace anyone within a few days.


sounds like youre not trusting the plan enough.

Timothy Dillow

It’s a continuing sting operation dum dum.. it doesn’t matter if that girl on the corner was a cop or not, if I solicited her, I still broke the law. People who have been paying attention know that’s not Biden, but I’m sure the vast majority of civilians and government workers ( including my wife) haven’t a clue.

Guillaume DesChamp

You’ve missed the point.


No, you have missed the POINT.!
It doesn’t matter…WE Have GOT this…
The evidence is in bodybag on Ice at Gitmo and in Guam!
What/ how will you explain that when the SHTF?
Answer..YOU CAN’T!


Which leads to the largest question? WHO is above these ass clowns? WHO is running the show above the level of these known personalities? Is it the 13 families? The Kenyan? Soros? If so, why not target them 100% priority. Possibly the white hats themselves allow the charade to continue, in order to keep the sheeple calm, until the dismantling is so complete, martial law/EBS can usher in a smooth transition to truth.

Regardless, we are all getting tired of this movie, that has gone on far too long.

J Bill

bofa is above these clowns. They report to bofa


WHO is right, and other global UN satellite subdivisions. globalists trying another “great reset” as they did during 1800s where the great feats of construction and populations were destroyed or co-opted, on all continents. union generals in civil war coming from campaigns of destruction on other continents. some folks babbling about Tartaria or whatever, and manners of technology hidden from recent history


The Rothschilds were pulling the strings


It is the Council of 300, nothing happens on this world if the Council does not sign of on it, their minions have taken over every governmental agency in ALL of the western style nations as well as NGOs & universities worldwide, and the entire entertainment industry also worldwide. If you wnat to know about this seek out the documentary on Rumble of Cathy O’Brien, it’s about 1 h 17 m long and well worth the time to watch, true story.


It’s not letting me post this, the last post I made here was yesterday, this one above is my first one today, so WTF? Got the message that I’m posting too fast and slow down how could I be posting too fast when this was my first one today and I was just trying to edit it to fix the typos? Now when I come back to post this it will tell me it’s too late to edit that comment.


kinda sounds like you are coming to the conclusion that whomever came up with this plan is a certified fucking retard. congrats.

voice of one in the wilderness

My wife has been poo-pooing my clone talk for years. She finally sees it now with Fetterman and Pelosi’s recent re-appearances. Finally!


A alone last up to 3 years then they start the break down process at least that what I got from reading there pages of Micheal’s


What White Hat would refer to Ft. Bragg, NC by its recent DS Biden renaming of Ft Liberty?!?! That sticks in the craw of most living there. Why have huge funds gone to THAT initiative? Those tax payer dollars could be funding far better projects. And the day Bragg Blvd gets renamed Liberty Blvd, we’ve got double trouble.


Damned straight!


I bet old Yellen will be -a -YELLING NOW!

J Bill

800 comments in and we’re still in rerun season

Robert James

Yeah, still no Rockefellers. That’s when we’ll know it is about over.


If “Yellen is a yellin’ ” it just means the noose is not tight enough.

This is a BIG fish in a small (UGLY!) package – nice work gentlemen! The WH’s are climbing the ladder and are getting close to the head of the (((snake))).

Merrick Garland, next?

God Bless you all, WH’s and RRN.


Ok gang. Time to break out the Big Book O’ Excuses to explain how Yellin was seen, and is still being seen at the Council on Foreign Investment in the US conference. Are we going with a clone? She’s important enough to merit one. How about a mask? Masked clone? Doppelgänger? Mobile CGI generator? No excuse is too old and tired. Roll ‘em out

J Bill

I vote body double


I don’t know how they could find another body like that one! lol


LOL! Everybody has a body double these days! I hope WHs realize they have to take out all the fakes along with the originals. What a world!

Rose Mary Abbott

They already sunk three of Hillary’s look alikes in the ground a few months back. All on the same day in three different locations.

Elisa Orozco

Did they get Teresa??!! She actually used to have her own web site several years back!


You know body doubles is standard for “important people”. right? Has been at least since WWII. Churchill had at least one, Hitler used them, Stalin, Hussein. It’s just a normal thing. The shitbags that be just don’t want the hoi polloi to be aware of it because then it works less well, obviously. Why do you assume to the point of ridicule that something which was standard eighty years ago is now some ridiculous concept only “crazy people” would consider? Never read a history book? Just guessing here, but that seems like the most likely reason to me. Maybe you should try it? IMaybe even before you ridicule your intellectual superiors?

J Bill

Probably, and just spit balling here, it’s the default excuse for why someone is seen in public despite their “arrest”


Excuse, esplanation, who cares? You can’t have an opinion about it either way without considering all relevant facts, and politicians for at least the last century routinely using body doubles is relevant. Why would they stop? And why wouldn’t they use new tech as it emerges? Many people will believe anything anyway, and particularly if it’s been on TV.For example they believe the USA sent Freemasons to the moon in 1969 and then telephoned the extremely, unusuaully trustworthy Richard Nixon in the Oval Office with perfect reception because it was on TV. Could you tell the difference between Janet Yellen and a body double? Between her and a hologram on TV? I know I couldn’t. Are you a friend of hers or something, or of any of the others? How would you possibly know? You’d see two seconds on TV of something that superficially looks sort of like Janet Yellen and then come here and hurl your ridicule around. Right?

You lack all humility.


And BTW since we’re on this topic: go look up ‘Al Gore, hologram’ and then do deep dive into cloning research papers. These are real technologies. They are even old ones at this point. The first clone was made in the 90s and the first chimera was made in the 00s. That means they blended two animals together in unnatural fashion. And once you’ve done that, answer my original question: why would the Shitbags That Be not use this technology and then try to keep it hidden from the peasantry for extra effect?


Harry is a troll, or one of the A.H’s of the A.H’s


Deep fake videos piece of cake to make and distribute. Until the doors are kicked in to the MSM, we’ll continue to live in FAKE WORLD.

J Bill

EdBoob is FAKE!!!




The fact is “Old Yeller’s” actions still have many consequences here in the
USA. When I am out & walking my dog, my spine stiffens when I see these low-information voters with BLM signs in their yards. These people are so dumb that they’ve absolutely no idea this is a Marxist group, hellbent on destroying this country, along with their complimentary group, ANTIFA. How many cities did they
purposely ruin by their take overs. It was really convenient that local politicians
reined in law enforcement, allowing these anarchists to “peacefully” protest. Their
actions were destructive & violent & a direct attack on communities around the
country. these criminals burned & looted in 48 out of 50 states.

Yes, these “effective” BLM yard signs and others that proclaim: “In this house we believe Black Lives Matter, no human is illegal, love is love, women’s rights are human rights, and science is real.” SHUDDER. These signs are a BIG indication of
people that think hatred & bigotry is normal and ONLY their viewpoint is the norm.

What is it going to take for these idiots to understand so many of us do not want a fricking rainbow flag or BLM sign in their yard. These are the people that were indoctrinated by socialism & stupidity and cannot think for themselves.

So when I said GOOD RIDDANCE to OLD YELLER, that is exactly what
I meant.

J Bill

It’ll never get old when people out themselves as pro fascist


hehe… they’re not the ones believing this white hat/black hat daytime TV drama…


Not just individuals but also whole corporations. I was appalled when my workplace started endorsing and encouraging employees to donate and support BLM. The 3 broads who started BLM openly admitted they were Marxists. Anyone could easily see that on the internet so it was no secret. And for a workplace involved in defense of our country, I consider their actions treasonous. Since then the corporation has stopped openly posting it on their website, but it does make one question how much is being supported covertly.


Democratic Policies(mob rule via domestic violence):
Is the default of Bigoted Little Minds who engage in:
Burn Loot Murder domestic violence politics:
.. Even if they are public servants who have taken an oath to protect & defend Article 4 Section 4 of the US Constitution.

Place picture here of Nancy Pelosi & pro_open border for invasion company. taking a knee for Burn Loot Murder domestic violence, in front of a gold clad slave trading effigy, on used toilet paper colored pavement, thinking their face diapers are keeping them safe.


Shock isn’t the word. I’m stunned that your employer would
openly advocate Marxism as that is what it is. That is absolutely
treasonous. Yes, you’re most likely right, now they are being sneaky
about it, the low-lifes.


@Michael Baxter:

How would you like to respond to this interview from Benjamin Fulford that specifically mentions you and your website? He claims that your website is owned by Meta a la Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. He claims he has reached out to the same JAG sources you are citing who have told him this. He claims you are simply putting out “hopium” articles as a diversion a la the pied piper and leading your readers to a dead end that leads nowhere. I understand and respect your previously stated wishes to not engage in interviews. However, if it was me, I would want to address this head on, publicly.
starting at 8:23

benjaminfulford . net/2023/09/08/ benjamin-fulford-friday-qa-video- 09-08-2023/


Curious to know too, Michael. Because he wasn’t given the truth he now believes a lie.

John .S

Not sticking-up for MB, whereas there’s no lipstick and kneepads on me, in having confirmation that A Cuomo, B. Stelter, and A. Baldwin permanently left the building.

Have Benjamin Fulford ask me about my sources, which will totally blow his effing mind.


Super curious about this. I see his brother Daniel frequently (boss’s client) and he talks about Alec as though he is alive. These people are great actors, we know. But still puzzling.

J Bill

It’s truly puzzling!! It’s as if people aren’t aware they died…(or maybe they, ya know, aren’t dead)

John .S

Ask yourself, when was the last time Alec hosted Saterday Night Live?

Rose Mary Abbott

We know for certain that Biden isn’t real but Jill keeps running around acting like she’s in love with the actor playing her stroked out husband. All the time never admitting the truth of it all. Actors all.


the source in this article disagrees. its clear as day in the last paragraph. it states that biden recalled her to the usa. So who is right the source of this article or you? or is he lying? or are you lying? seems almost impossible to keep the stories straight with al the compulsive lying taking place.


You’ve got very thick lipstick and kneepads on for the Deep state criminals employing you. Fulford has given many the willies for years, very enthusiastic about “Chinese elders” whose interests he drones on about. Never was a valid source. As for MB, he publicizes the crimes of the cabal, and their just demise. Could not be working for the very types he is reporting on. Makes no sense.
Can’t blame a xs troll for trying, but Zuckerberg? Seriously? He’s been gone for a while, and looked dead for even longer. That entity controls nothing. You’re on your knees for a zombie elite.

J Bill

You’re on your knees for a guy with a blog lmao

John .S

Actually, I’m pissed at MB, getting more pissed everyday. No doubt he’s aware that the “edit feature” is malfunctioning, not rectifying issue.

J Bill

Yeah he sucks for not fixing this…Chris just sucks though


And the Search feature. It to mention threads dealing with Jesus gets removed.

Jesus did state: If your not with me you’re against me…..


Zuckerberg is still alive, RRN has not yet reported him dead.


Cuomo’s on TV five nights a week. Yeah, yeah, I know. CGI, clone, etc. You could drop by the studio and see him yourself


Ben Fulford has always been a joke. Many have said he Is a Mossad asset.


man have said the same about trump.

Rose Mary Abbott

I have tried countless times to post RRN material on Facebook and it keeps getting kicked off my timeline and I get a warning from the people you say are running it. You make no sense. I call BULL DOOKEY on you!


I don’t think MB is under any obligation to Benjamin Fulford to explain himself. He has already said he has no interest in meeting with him. Why can’t all of you just drop that subject and move on. I really don’t care what Fulford has to say about MB because I believe he is telling the truth. Why let that jerk muddy the waters? He thinks he could show that MB is lying…..I think he is lying. Just leave it alone.


why is he a jerk? hes been around the truther movement much longer than MB and most folks here. Is he a jerk bc hes states something that you disagree with?




he will address it in the same manner trump has addressed the fact that the vaccine he promoted and still continues to promote is murdering folks on a genocidal level.

Lorenz Manner

For a very long time I have been waiting for this good news. This is an excellent catch. Good riddance to every traitor. Prepare the rope, a very strong one because she is quite chubby 😉 😄.


A very long rope with her/his weight will probably rip its head off..

Robert James

Impressive arrest, but still no Rockefellers, who directed Yellen.


I suspect they were the very very very first, along with the other 13 world elite satanic families, who were executed.


lmao… yeah so the 13 ruling families are dead huh. then who pulled off covid? who keeps running the chem trails? who keep poisoning the food water and air? who keeps the media under wraps? who keeps the banks under wraps? Your statement is void of any rational or logical thought. you might as well have said santa claus killed them.


Another feel good article


geeeeeeeeee…she will yell yo last seconds….


Yellen like a fellow. Couldn’t resist.


Yellin like a felon!


I hope everyone is aware the money does not stay long in Ukraine. After taking a generous stipend for themselves, they sending the money to Blackrock, Vanguard and Main Street companies, more precisely to the Rockefeller and Rothschild families…

Sue S

Shouldn’t these illegal profiteering companies Executive get arrested as well?


Now that JY has been arrested we all know her fate. Just a matter of time. War time is ugly business. God calls it Justice!

William R Nicholson

It is Treason in the first degree ! Janet Yellen stole funds from the citizens of The United States Republic that should have funded getting homeless veterans off the streets ! Many activities are needed to protect U.S. Law Abiding Citizens , at this time of leaking borders and mass chaos in Democratic strongholds. Money funnels meant to enrich Biden Crime Family and other DS Cabal Connected organizations and individuals Must not be further used , while we within our nation suffer ! Janet Yellen thought the DS & Associates would again return to full power after the 2024 plan was carried out …. alas , Not So ! Justice Is Here , Piper Must Be Paid ! Of one thing , I am sure ; Janet’s weight will cause no gurgling , as the weight will quickly snap her spinal cord and make the death as painless as possible …. if that can be an appropriate description for someone who is headed to an Eternity in a place without Ice Water ……. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Sue Grantham

“There are smoking guns there,” our source said. “We can now prove the administration gave Ukraine $50bn four months before Vladimir Putin launched his Special Military Operation in Ukraine“


J Bill


Mark Heisler

So I wonder now what? how much crime are they going to get away with until something’s done, 1000% proof, and there’s no proving innocent till proven guilty crap, when the evidence is overwhelming no trial at all!


i hear jfk jr is gonna break out of costume and start arresting folks any day now.#shoon #veryshoon. No one is coming to save you. the supposed white hats just tried to murder you.

John .S

Punch in the gut for me is Yellen was born in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Won’t be able to drive the area without getting sickened.


Johnny .S..you are free drive anywhere…just take shot of good whiskey before you enter Bay Bridge…..

John .S

When exiting Bay Ridge will go to Sheepshead Bay, hit ”’Randazzo’s Clam Bar”‘ curing my gut with linguine white clam sauce, and miniature bottle of white.


Thank you God and our military & WHs. I’ve been waiting for this to happen and for once I can say it happened. For some reason with her, diabolical in our faces and it use to be nothing would happen and they would get away with again like it had been for years. I know there had been many things that has happened for good but this one tells me they are finally all in process of being caught….promise kept. I am so grateful thank you MB for this article. I was going to college to be an accountant but I couldn’t go along that was not legal. Now, I might be able to finish if I’m not too old but it would be awesome to see truth and honesty and integrity be restored…She knew what she was doing and knew better and she didn’t care…sealed indictments are being opened and things are happening. Eventually you get caught no matter how long it takes, all the bad will catch up with you, either here or either there standing before God…it happens. It truly happens, evil removed. YEAH! Thank you King Jesus.

And Rew

It’s about Freakin’ time!!!!! Kill that B!T@h!! and do it SSSSSLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLYYYY!!!!