Navy SEALs Save Missing Maui Children


United States Navy SEALs on Thursday found 15 missing Maui children imprisoned in padlocked cages lined with piddle pads at a warehouse near Pier 51 in Honolulu Harbor, but repatriating them with their families has proven problematic, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Since mid-August, the White Hat coalition has skirmished with regime forces while searching for 1,500 children whose parents had not re-enrolled them for school in 2023, even though many attended schools that survived the fires or were distant enough to avoid damage. Our sources believe that FEMA and the regime’s unlawful Joint Task Force 5-0, commanded by Gen. Charles Flynn, murdered many of the missing, evidenced by bodies found in mass graves, but do not believe that Biden’s forces gunned down or took flamethrowers to all 1,500.

The federal government and its media allies have refuted claims that children in Maui went missing, saying they either left Hawaii or registered for distance learning due to an emerging strain of Covid.

Our source said that is an implausible excuse, for U.S. Marines in Lahaina had interviewed credible residents who witnessed federal agents stuffing kids into busses and driving them to destinations unknown.

“Our people get intel from locals, the ‘Lahaina Underground,’ residents that didn’t flee and want Governor Green and the cabal ejected from the island. Our purpose is threefold: expel or destroy Biden’s occupying forces, aid relief efforts, find the children,” our source said.

He added that Marine reconnaissance platoons in and around Lahaina heard rumors suggesting the feds had ferried or flown kidnapped kids from Maui to Oahu, ostensibly to sell to child slavers or adrenochrome harvesters. The stories were too numerous and craven to dismiss as hearsay, so Marines forwarded the villagers’ detailed accounts up the chain of command to General Smith’s office at Camp Pendleton.

General Smith was particularly interested in a story that surfaced the previous day, originating from a Lahaina woman claiming to have overheard a conversation in which federal goons and JTF 5-0 personnel discussed a nefarious plan to sneak a dozen children they had hidden in Maui to a safehouse at the Honolulu docks on Oahu. She listened to only a fragment of the conversation before fleeing for fear of being captured or killed.

Our source said that Gen. Smith contacted his U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command allies, who activated a SEAL team to investigate the terrifying tale. The team’s leader said the frogmen would leave at once for Hawaii but expressed concern that the children might be gone by the time they had eyes on Honolulu Harbor, as the intel would be over a day old. NSWC ordered the SEALs to check piers 39-51, where container ships routinely berthed, and nearby buildings for signs of missing children. An OV-22 Osprey on alert at Marine Corps Base Hawaii would await a request for extraction.

The team arrived in Honolulu Thursday night and scoured several shipless piers and structures before abruptly stopping outside a storage building that smelled like ammonia; it held only fish packed in ice. Undeterred, the SEALs continued their rudderless search, finding at 3:00 a.m. a warehouse guarded by three men clad in tactical gear and toting automatic rifles. Cloaked in shadow, the SEALs deployed parabolic microphones and infrared scanners while aiming silenced rifles at their quarry downrange; the guards mumbled amongst one another about their frustration at being paid a pittance to work the graveyard shift, and the infrared guns revealed multiple heat blooms inside the warehouse.

“They couldn’t tell the number of warm bodies in there, just clusters of temperature gradients. The probability of employees working in a dark warehouse at three in the morning was about zero,” our source said.

A few SEALs separated into a sniper team and scaled an access ladder to the rooftop of a nearby maintenance building. They set up overwatch while the oblivious sentries ambled about, their faces lit by floodlamps illuminating the façade. The SEAL commander said he wanted one alive, if possible.

The sniper made a silenced shot, and a sentry’s head exploded like a tomato, the deep red of his brainy blood spattering everywhere and his head disappearing.

“F*** this, let’s get inside,” a different sentry reportedly shouted, but his comrade had bolted across the platform, his boots thudding like hooves, and had run directly into the SEAL commander, who had maneuvered in the darkness as if guided by some inner sonar, sending the location of his prey.

The SEAL commander subdued the sentry with a single punch to the kidney.

The third guard was struggling to open the warehouse doors when a SEAL’s bullet struck his neck, killing him.

Once inside the warehouse, the SEALs saw the unimaginable: sedated children, some covered in their own urine and feces, locked inside cages barely large enough to fit a dog. Not one child made a peep. They silently stared through wire mesh as if in a hypnotic trance. In all, the warehouse held 15 young children imprisoned in filth.

The lead SEAL keyed his microphone. “We need extraction ASAP. It could get hot. Two enemy KIAs, one alive. Fifteen, I repeat 15, kids. All need medical.”

“Airborne in two minutes,” came the reply.

The VTOL Osprey soon hovered at the edge of Pier 51B and lowered its ramp. The SEALs carried the children’s limp bodies and an unconscious prisoner aboard the plane, then instructed the pilots to leave immediately.

At Marine Corps Base Hawaii, staff treated the eight boys and seven girls for acute propofol, a potent sedative, intoxication. Bloodwork also showed traces of haloperidol, an antipsychotic medication for schizophrenia.

The prisoner, identified as Ira Shockey, an employee of Academi, the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater, told interrogators he was hired to guard the exterior and had no idea who or what was inside. He has otherwise refused to answer questions, our source said.

“What kind of people do this? The Deep State is an incubator of evil. It taints what it touches. Now we must find out if these kids’ parents are out there somewhere, or if they’re among the missing, or bodies we’ve unearthed. Macroscopically this seems insignificant—I mean, 15 kids out of 1,500 unaccounted for. We won’t stop until they’re all found or accounted for,” our source said.

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Did you know that Charles Flynn allegedly part of the deep state, is the brother of Good Guy General Micheale Flynn? I’m just learning that myself today. There must be some very bad blood between those two, I can imagine Mike Flynn’s reaction when they arrest his brother for treason.


God Bless our military!

paula whiting

Way to go!!!!! Bravo!

Rene Labre



I knew it in my heart when those children went missing. Remember Haiti?? Remember the Clinton Foundation with GHWBush” raising money those poor people of Haiti?? Those people got NOTHING.
LAURA SILSBY,a friend of Hillary was busted trying to leave the island with children,whose parents had “died”…thank God the children spoke up and told authorities they where taken??
These Cabalist’s start this chaos and then go in and rape and pillage. GOD BLESS THOSE WHO KNEW.


Why Maui?


Maui is an Easy Vulnerable Soft Target, especially after the disaster just like the earthquake in Haiti.

Wanda yemm

Thank you for finding these little kids it’s so sad that people can be this evil to do this.


This has been going on for a long time. Research Haiti and what the Clinton Foundation did there


They are not people they are demons!


Did you know the P0de5ta bros were targeted as suspects in the Maddie McCann’s kidnapping at a Portugal resort? Scotland Yard told Maddie’s relatives these could not be taken to prison. After sometime Scotland Yard tried to accuse a German guy & now they can´t stand the accusation because the main witness walked back her testimony. Obviously everything related to pedo…


Hopefully we learn soon the Molesta brothers are dead.


I can’t understand why white hats, president Trump & everybody involved now in this campaign to save this country, let these things going too far, too deep, & too big, just because they needed tons of evidence. This evil is so overwhelming, the huge havoc destroying so many lives…I simply can not understand. It seems all these comes too late. But, I hope it’s not that late & justice will fall over all these criminals. Trump said it was August to begin showing publicly the trials & their circumtances. I’m not seeing anything yet, and you??


Biden is still in the job so Donald can’t move yet. However biden is getting exposed.


Not if what Michael Baxter has been reporting here for a long time, justice is being served and will continue to be served till every last one of them pays!

mary pascucci



Let us know if they are ok after the drugs wear off.


The children. You all are great!


It’s true. The angels on high, do indeed fly right beside our US marines and their Special Forces.




God’s speed!

Solange Silverman

Our enemies are getting desperate.


Hawaii’s governor is gallavanting around the world pushing the agenda. Arrest him next!


Just wanted to let Mr Baxter know that twice in the last week when clicking on different links to your reports, weird malicious videos tried popping up instead of the article. I’m wondering if thr black hats are trying to insert sick shit on people’s phones or hacking us through your channel’s links?


This has happened to me multiple times. I just back out from the site and reopen again and it seems to work.


It’s most likely a redirect sending you there, make sure you clean your cache and scan for malware.


Are those CCP satellites still operational?


Satellites don’t exist.


Satelloons exist, NASA is the biggest purchaser of helium, Their lying arses are done for as well. They call them satellites, but are actually balloons. Most if not all are launched from the Antarctic ice ring.


So Skylab was a baloon? Didn’t civilians not NASA report they had debris from it landing on there land, like this farmer did Most of Skylab Debris Hit Australia – The Washington Post

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthwise
Surf Nazare

ask Elon about that and the Ukrainians—


Better tell that to the millions of Americans who rely on them every day for their entertainment and information.




A lot of accusation is being thrown about here, re: Trump not saying significant statements about what’s going on. Never mind that there is a major war going on here on a myriad of fronts, and we don’t give the enemy our thoughts and plans.

Anyone hear about his “Tippity Top” Affirmation?

A number of Q-annons asked him to affirm such events with the use of the “Tippity Top” superlative in his next speech, And he did.

He’s listening while engaged in this war.

Searchable detail, don’t believe me, grab your shovel, and start digging.


Lmao at still clinging to Trump saying “tippy top” one time as proof qanon is real, when Q promised like 12,000 things that never happened

Robert Thompson

F*** you troller! As far as I’m concerned you’re one of those people that played a part in the abduction and misery of these children. God will not excuse you until you repent!


God’s promises are the ONLY ONES we can TRULY believe in.




Anybody who is clueless about the war and the Q Operation should watch the excellent new documentary “The Greatest Show On Earth 2023” available on Rumble, it’s all layed out for you.


Well done guys dont stop untill you find the rest the world will know of your deeds one day and an hero of humanity you will be. love to all.


‘At Marine Corps Base Hawaii, staff treated the eight boys and seven girls for acute propofol, a potent sedative, intoxication. Bloodwork also showed traces of haloperidol, an antipsychotic medication for schizophrenia.’

Poor kids… they were drugged so they wouldn’t fight back or escape as they were trafficked, raped, killed, cannibalized or harvested for adrenochrome. Those ghouls will burn in hell for that!!

Thank you for the updates on the kids, Michael. Please keep us posted.

Rebecca Tracy

Propofol is common anesthesia used for surgeries. It actually paralyzes the body.

The reason I know about Propofol is I had a surgery many years ago and almost didn’t wake up. I have a rare deficiency of certain enzymes to break the anesthesia if this drug down.

While under, I could hear people talking about me & doctors/nurses lifting my limbs and head to stimulate me to WAKEUP after my surgery, but passed out waking up tubes and on respirators to breath for me as my lungs were paralyzed.

I CANNOT IMAGINE these evil people giving this to children. I pray they eliminate as many evil people as possible.

These children probably heard everything that was going on, but couldn’t move a muscle, LITERALLY


When I was deployed to Afganistan in 2015 and yes Oboma was still in office we had a big tent that was set up for parts well before to long we found out parts was missing well there parts was made for a certain jet a fighter let to be exact. Well they never found out who done it at least while there. But found out the parts gone to China seems like we get a democrat president China gets one of our fighter jet a whole one today and parts in 2015. Sure do seem fishy.


Just like when the Clinton Administration allowed CCP to obtain missile technology by not securing a downed U.S.military plane which then benefited the CCP.


Not all of those parts went to China. I bought some of them.

Surf Nazare

those wheels you got—aren’t they a little big for your tricycle but hey if it makes you happy—–

J Bill

Tim Ballard being a perv will never not be hilarious

Rose Mary Abbott

I just got finished watching “The Greatest Show On Earth” on Bitchute and it made a whole lot of sense out of the last 7 years. I highly recommend it especially for your family so they are equipped with the truth when they go out into this world. I actually got it posted on Facebook. I’m thoroughly surprised.

Brian Gail

Goosebumps from watching it….watched it twice it was so good


It’s the biggest Red Pill ever!


Why doesn’t Trump have a policy against the making and harvesting of Adrenochrome ? I’ve never heard him address it or even mention the word . It’s as if it doesn’t exist. No questions about it or statements . It’s never been mentioned in congress despite his hard line against drugs . Is it even against the law at this time ? He ignores JFK Jr too.

Andrew Stevano

Good question. To guess an answer, I would say that it is not supposed to exist and for Trump or anyone to bring it up would a) open them up to ridicule and b) put them on a death list (I know Trump is already on that list) with just about everybody in DC needing you to shut up.

On a side note, the first I had heard of it was in a Hunter S. Thompson book either, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, where he mentioned that it was around and expressed that it is from human adrenals and wondered about its extraction with fear, and was something that he better not speak about.

At this writing, I am trying to recall if I have ever heard Alex Jones talk about it. I don’t think he even mentions it.


So by your logic the satanists will ” try even harder ” to kill trump if he brings up adrenochrome or 9/11 or vaccines?

You realize how ridiculous that sounds.

Maybe just maybe trump is compulsive liar


Yeah so far they’ve been just sorta casually trying to assassinate him her and there, but if he ever mentions adrenochrome then they’ll be like *really* mad at him.


You do not belong in this forum. How dare you speak evil of a man whose only crime is loving his country and trying to rid the world of this evil scourge. For you to call him a liar ís not only ignorant, it’s giving you away as a Deep State minion that deserves to be eradicated from this earth.


Maybe you missed it Anita but he’s actually been charged with like 20 other crimes in the past few months


I heard that too !

Andrew Stevano

Anyone can tell from a mile away that every single charge is total BS. I have seen judge’s commentary and all charges will loose on appeal. You have to know by now that the charges’ purpose is to prevent him from qualifying to run. Surely you see this?


1. The charges are not BS and Trump has basically admitted to most of the stuff he’s accused of already. He might (incorrectly) insist those things are not crimes but he admits to doing them.

2. “Prevent him from qualifying to run” makes no sense because being convicted of criminal charges does not disqualify someone from running for President. Even being sentenced to prison does not disqualify. Look up Eugene Debs, he ran from President from prison in 1920.

Andrew Stevano

Thank you for the correction. However, I’ll go on record and predict that not a single charge will stick.


God wins!


Got a feeling your right brother.


Every charge President Trump is charged with actually are the charges that Obama, Clinton’s Biden are actually guilty of. It’s so obvious only stupid people are blind to. These trolls on here are either hired by loser democrats or guilty of same crimes themselves.


They are all no pun intended Trumped up charges.


Go peddle your twaddle somewhere else, were not buying it.


Yes it does because they can’t use the 14th to prevent him, that was decided this week in case you missed it!


No they are too blind too see the truth.


Congrats! You win the douchebag of the day award! Now go ooze back to MSDNC.


Trump won!

Surf Nazare

yeah he is in for it—-that one with him spitting on the side walk, that must be worth 2 years and scratching his butt in front of the press—-oh my that will be a Biggy—-


That was great!


Maybe you missed it genius, but most of those crimes are politically motivated fake accusations, it doesn’t matter because it will come out from the defense discovery, they have all the evidence the elections were stolen, and it will be presented for the whole world to see on LIve TV! So grab your popcorn and Enjoy The Show!

J Bill



They’re literally federal agents, Anita.

We get many posters here who work for the federal government as ‘controlled opposition.’ Direct employees of the CIA.

And make no mistake, they’ll eventually be rounded up like the rest, and tried for treason.


#soon bro


Can’t wait . No one has been tried for treason in maybe 50 years .


They’ll put us in the history books, Ex!

David T

Yep both of you, J Bi11 and Ethe1 too. You’re all the same troll.


It’s Bibi’s new welfare to woke program..
They get paid per keystrokes. And if their good little preverts at the end of the day they get the few peanuts and their heads patted for a job well done .
Welfare to work is no’s welfare to woke.


There must be some way to prevent them from posting on here?


This proves that their main purpose is to distract us from pro-Trump comments or anti-leftist comments (just like the MSM). The big central computer tells them when to strike in a cluster.

J Bill

false flag


Well said!


You mean like Uncle Joe (the Liar in chief)???
Talk about compulsive & excessive. Then again, its in his Talmud to direct him.

Susan Banks

He was killed 3-22-22 but was in a Med Bed quick enough to save him. Med Beds are real. I believe with the stress he is under, he has been laying in those Beds since 2017.


Medicare does not accept Med Beds . No insurance co does .


Russian FSB says otherwise, apparently, he caught Barack and Michael doing something in the Oval Office and was silenced even though the perv swore he wouldn’t tell anyone, I buy that. As for Med Beds they may be real for the military and other special people but for the rest of us, they are a pipe dream till it’s decided to go public with them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthwise

No the main reason is to avoid ridicule.

Rose Mary Abbott

From the perspective of a Patriot I believe that would be more than some could bare. We want to wake them up, not scare them to death or overwhelm them to the point where they can’t believe what they’re seeing. You gotta remember that they are not used to knowing that the news media is really a propaganda mill. The African American community gets it though! They want “Uncle Trump” back bad! One mug shot was all they needed to know that President Trump is the real deal! I’m still smiling about that one!

J Bill

Seems pretty racist to think black people like Trump because he got arrested so he’s one of them now


Where did you get that preposterous idea?

Susan Banks

That picture is what will be in S. Dakota In the Black Hills right next to Washington!! Woohoo!!! It’s so exciting!!!


Sorry to disagree with you but a near death experience is needed to red pill everyone who has not taken it yet, yes not scare to death, no of course not, but consider this, when do you wake up from a nightmare? For most of us when it’s at its most scariest, so yes it has to be that scary, it will probably come to a false flag nuclear event or a potential nuclear confrontation or some other earth shattering event. No Atheists in fox holes and there are a lot of fox holes today!


Maybe cause the people was not awake enough!


Just give it another 5+ years for people to wake up 😴


Yes Hunter Thompson made it up. It’s not true , no drug has those capabilities . Trump would never chance talking about as he doesn’t believe it himself .


Made up you say, you must also support Ukraine, because that’s where the adreno labs are located, you sound like a troll or shill.


We are hoping to wake them up not ask them to lock themselves away from us forever.


I read a book years and years ago by John Saul. They were in some swamp area, and were kidnapping kids and taking something from them.. Coincidence? Or did they talk about this way back then. My son is 40’s and he was young when I read this


Obviously a clue that “the evil freaks” have been around for a long time… 🙁 And, another subject, it appears that “the World Economic Forum” is following right along with this whole scenario, thinking they will live forever, etc.


It’s no different than the blood letting and human sacrifices done by the ancient Druids, Aztecs and Mayans, nothing has changed except the garments they wear.


They made a movie of it starring Johnny Depp..


Bc trump is compulsive liar who doesn’t mention any important subjects




Lol man, you dorks have been going about adrenochrome for like 5+ years now. Do you honestly still believe that Trump even mentioning it would cause people to like spontaneously die of shock?


You mean like how the Holywood A&B rated Actors freaked out after telling them their last batch was tainted?
That was priceless how they all aged 10 years in a month as we watched them cry.
Crime Against Humanity – where are they now? Other than just a few weirdo’s hiding on their own private islands and in other Countries – where are they??? Mum’s the word???

J Bill

Which ones freaked out? When did they freak out?

I supply some of them and nobody said a word to me. lmao


Hey why don’t you GTFO and go lmao somewhere else where they can appreciate your kind, because it’s not here.


Lol dude what in the fuck are you talking about


True, you could see it in Ellen for sure.


You must really like wasting your time, unless of course your getting paid for it?


Dorks? What are you 12?

Susan Banks

Wait until they hear they have been feeding the Reptilians with our Children. And that what has been running the Country!!! That’s some scary shit!! Started back in Eisenhower days where we gave the aliens permission to take so many children (with a certain amount agreed upon) to experiment on. Eisenhower said no, but the deep state made that agreement. Those kids had things implanted in their Brains to control them! That never stopped! UNTIL PRESIDENT TRUMP. I feel like all the Floods, the Mud, all was to kill what was underground. The Earth has been Flooding for 6 years. We will get the Truth. We just have to keep praying, keep opening people’s eyes if you can. Quit using so many emotions to direct your Tongue. It’s sharper than any two edged Sword 🗡️⚔️. God Bless us all to keep going everyday to the end of this. We can do this!!!


Sad but true it’s all well documented in the documentary Above Majestic it’s free on youtube.


Hes trying to wake folks up by compulsively lying to them for 7 years?

By murdering them with a vaccine?

Hopefully all the small children in your bloodline took his beautiful vaccine.


You don’t know what the hell your talking about, you are black pilled and need help.


Hey ED , it’s not true , adrenochrome can’t do anything magical and Trump and congress know it . They won’t fall for anything , can you believe how they would try to explain this to their constituents?


Dumb asses like these don’t deserve anything but to burn.

Susan Banks

Projection means saying someone else has the problem that You Are struggling with. Go get help!


I’ve always told the truth about vaccines and 9/11 and the jew banking cartels and chemtrails.

Always told the truth about adrenochrome and pedos in Hollywood and government.

WTF has trump ever told the truth about?

Hopefully you’re fully vaxxed and boosted and for the betterment of the planet vax your small children as well.

End your bloodline instantly


You need to get educated on the full extent of the vaccine and future vacs. What and who do you listen to? Modern tv programs? They are programmed just like you. Well, say good bye to your loved ones. Better learn how to detox before they all die. This is not joke, the elite and the mighty have injected you to reduce the population of the world. Are you one of the 70 percent? Find out and then you can’t run or hide when the 5g’s on on to activate the toxins. Do research please, for I may be wrong.


That’s what I’ve come up with…the 5G towers will make our landscape look like Maui’s…


Your right!


You obviously are clueless about what the point was about Operation Warp Speed, as you are no doubt clueless about Q and Spaceforce and The Trump Time Travel Miracle, don’t know what that is? Look it up.


Trump won!



Andrew Stevano

If Alex Jones doesn’t mention adrenochrome, it means its mention is big time taboo. Just too dangerous.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if someone like DJT or RFKJr began to bring it up, which would force the MSM to, at the very least, lie about it? The very fact that its out in the open would put the whole DS in a panic upon panic.


Same thing with all the trannies on screen.
NO talk of it, ever… It must be another third rail.


Taboo to who exactly?

Who is gonna get up in arms if trump mentions adrenochrome?

The satanic media?

The satanists themselves?

At least you admit he’s a weak pathetic coward scared to tell the truth .

Andrew Stevano

Democrat politicians, their billionaire supporters, liberal media elite, liberal appointed gov’t bureaucrats, Hollywood elites and pedophiles.

As for being a coward, he’s the only politician that has gone after the deep state and he’s been the most vocal of the corrupt media. They kill people you know.


Maybe because Alex Jones also believes it doesn’t exist . Why should he believe ?

Susan Banks

Really??? He sure did!! You just missed it. Back in 2018 he did and he shut down the biggest one first which was Tom Hanks. And he’s been dead!! Have you ever heard of them just setting up the process somewhere else? He has had the Military shutting this whole thing down. So don’t you worry about President Trump. He has every angle covered. I’m sure he would listen to any suggestions you may have to do this any better.

J Bill

Nope. i still get my supply without issues


He’s so dead that he’s released like 15 new movies since then


We know about the deep fake videos as well as clones, lookalikes, and other actors in silicone masks. The current Fetterman is a lookalike cuz the ears and eyebrows don’t match the original. The original looked like a Ferengi (from one of the Star Trek series), with those huge ears that stuck out so wide.


Not to mention where are the tatoos?


You really must move with the times. Movies don’t even need the actors to be the any more. Actors are obsolete.


He’s never mentioned the word adrenochrome and most certainly never called Tom Hanks the pedo that he is.

You lying compulsively doesn’t make something true.


No nothing about adrenochrome. Just what you think , not what happened . Source please . Witnesses ? No reptilians please .


Why want he allow JFK JR to be known as his running mate also. We want him safe but not hidden away. I heard Madonna took Adrenochrome, but all of a sudden she is glorius again.


Because he and Caroline are still in the Federal Witness Protection Program and it’s not safe till the deep state is finished, watch as soon as the swamp is completely drained they will let the world know until than only small clues, like his plane flying and what RFK Jr. indicated by touching his nose and Vincet Fusca will be given, they must hide in the shadows and keep letting the world believe the narrative they and Princess Diana are dead.


Because the minute he does the lamestream media will ridicule him just like they did with the Plandemic.

Last edited 1 year ago by Truthwise
Surf Nazare

Not sure but heard something very big has gone down in DC—–there are blacked out buses and Sheriff’s vehicles with multiple guards/troops in them—–JAG’s/lawyers—–maybe it is party time !!!! We will see soon—–RRN could/might have a field day with this one !!!!




Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

Surf Nazare

and that baby went into shock and never came out of it—-


Lloyd, you have rehashed that Simpson’s reference more times that I can count.


From shadow of Ezra
The jet (F-35) was hacked, causing the jet to eject it’s pilot, and the jet is most likely already in Chinese base in Cuba. Seems the Chinese knew in advance to build that base maybe a air strip to acomadate this F-35. From The General
BREAKING: Unidentified F-35 lands in Havana. The Cuban government has not releasedany information yet.


Lol there’s a Chinese base in Cuba now? Are they like next door neighbors with Gitmo?


Rolling my eye’s. Its impossible, theres a manual arm to unlock before the eject button is pushed.


So the debris field found in SC just a cover story? Why hasn’t it happened again?


Dave Hodges knows more about those fires than anyone. Any good journalist would contact him to see what he knows.

John .S

Dave not to be trusted whatsoever, he’s a shill.

No doubt Dave a consigliere with the Kosher-Nostra aka, Mossad. Dave has his made-man button+, answering directly to the commission – no go betweens.

Robert James

No wonder these mercenaries make big bucks. But two of them got their brains splattered. Which brings up a point. If some vet with no skills can get paid thousands for guard duty and has no knowledge of what he’s guarding, is it right to just blow his brains out? He could have been just another unemployed vet.


The readers of RRN demand violence, Robert

John .S

In actually, readers would like activity from Tierra Del Fargo.

Those in the know not buying labor dispute with the screen actors guild.

Alleged the guild being gilded, wonder where that could be taking place?



Rose Mary Abbott

The past weeks have uncovered that recruiters are hiring Biden loyal teens and they are paying them extra for it.

J Bill

You mean social media influencers were hired to spread a message? lmaoooo god you people are so desperate for something, anything at


They work for Black Water, remember them?

kay mitchell

If this story of murdering children in Hawaii is true then there is no longer any such place on this Earth as America.


You must be new to this .awakening’.

Rose Mary Abbott

Good morning! You have awakened! Rise and shine!

Susan Banks

Kay it’s so sad!! Find my comment above a few. It’s ridiculous what’s been going on and has been for over 100 years.


Pretty sure you can add another zero there, Susan.
Why do those very old child blood-letting paintings even exist?


I’m like shocked, why blame America? Why not Holywood and all its asshole Actors, or Izreal or China, England – How about Switzerland?
I can’t really tell if you’re like stupid, retarded or something – maybe a low IQ Democrat, either way what you wrote is ridiculous and you should slap your fingers.

Surf Nazare

Guess how many troops Kim Jong/NK is sending to Russia—–go ahead and take a guess——I bet you could ask about a 1000 fairly intelligent people who put Kim’s family into power and most if not all would get it wrong—–Do you realize Kim went to Billy Graham’s school in Switzerland for about 5 years—-He had a Christian foundation—-don’t think it did him much good——-or would you rather have me post more rahrah stuff—-all theses dead people—-THEY LIVE—–That tv show with all the dead people walking around must have some purpose/meaning—-guess we will know soon—–having fun yet—–


I bet 69

Surf Nazare

hey Ethel, are you a hybrid or one of your personalities—-I bet a couple of them are and you don’t even realize it—–



Susan Banks

I think they had 7.


At least you admit the white hats are deceiving compulsive liars .

Surf Nazare

so if everybody is dead, what is the big deal—–is Trump dead and been replaced—just curious—-Putin did make a remark that 95% of world leaders are hybrids—–are you a hybrid—-lizards are taking over the world—–


Oh, today is the 18th! This is Melissa Moore’s scheduled hanging for murdering millions of humans. YEA MILITARY TO HUMANITY’S RESCUE!


Time to jack off to imagining a fictional execution!

Susan Banks

Your dreamin’ dude!! Wake the eff up!


Dont forget to send MB $20 every time he makes up another repetitive execution story for you, Susan


Yay she will be executed and her clone will continue doing what she was doing so nothing changes!! It’s rerun season /yawn



Susan Banks

So true that it’s effing hilarious that this shit went on and NO ONE even noticed until 2020 during covid when people who were going to wake up did. Now with the stream of evidence being exposed, the Flood is happening right now!


Like Lady er Sir Gaga

John .S

Ghoul Pool, place your bets in predicting Moore’s time of death. Money says, 10:07.

Wagering Moore a glutton for last meal, pulling a Brian Stelter – any takers?

Last words probable slam-dunk: “did it for science”, .”will do it again”.

Have at it folks, place – your- bets, unfortunately no prizes.


Yea SEALs, and thanks Michael for this great good news report!

Those dear souls will need the MedBeds to remove the trauma from their brains. Thank Father Jesus they are alive. Maybe the children will have information leading to the rescue of the missing 1,500 children.


The kids are at Chuck E Cheese. Medbeds were brought in but were removed before the MSM could see them

Rose Mary Abbott

I thoroughly believe in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost but, I am going to have to see a “medbed”. Unless those aliens are Jesus I don’t trust them at all. I will gladly take the heavenly body that God has for me.

Susan Banks

Yes! Thank you for being a Believer and saying what you did. PRAYER will change things. Ive been praying for these Children. It’s weird how they say they can’t find the Parents. What a mess. It’s like everywhere Trump went to clean up, was a ever bigger mess! And took even longer than he thought. I know that is why it has taken a long time.


Well, I am pretty sure the “mRNA Queen” has been hung already. I can’t wait to hear that story. Three hundred pounds of whale blubber….of course, she was too important for that!! I hope these clot shot makers will soon catch on that we are not going to put up with their evil anymore. Good job White Hats and DJT!!

Susan Banks

I couldn’t believe he mentioned her weight!! Lol so funny!!


Sure hope so. I have a question for Michael Baxter. Benjamin Fulford said he would like to do an interview with you. Would you be willing to do that?


Bla bla bla. Move on


No kidding… It seems that most of the posters here do NOT want to be bothered to scroll through the comments to find out that this same sentiment has been expressed numerous times.
Listen please… You are fortunate to have this open forum here, so why do you wish to nag the proprietor who is making it available to you? He doesn’t owe you anything, even if you have donated. You SHOULD be here to read, digest, and then decide whether it the info is worthy of your time… and if not, go elsewhere.
Just because this forum is open (and few places on the net today ARE), doesn’t mean that thinking adults should treat it in such a shallow manner.


This place is only ‘open’ because MB doesn’t feel it’s worth his time to read all this crap and moderate it.

Linda Hutchison

OR JUST MAYBE MB believes EXACTLY what the constitution says: We have the RIGHT to free speech! That is what keeps us FREE!


Nope, there have been many many times where MB bans people and deletes posts. He just hasn’t done it lately cause he hasn’t been getting on here lately.

Susan Banks

THANK YOU!!! So much disrespect! I know that it is a Blessing to read these. A lot of triggers use RRN for their shows. I didn’t share as much at first until I felt it was real. But that was only because of all the negative comments!! Be encouraging. Be a Light in this Darkness. God Bless you!! 🙏🙏

Rose Mary Abbott

Atta Boy Jimbeau! I agree 100%. This is one of only two places that I frequent that doesn’t have character limits. I don’t think I can write a post in less than 300 characters. I’m a happy RRN camper. Plus Michael doesn’t censor everything like other websites do. There are some rules like not personally slandering other commenters. I can’t personally identify trolls for instance. Sometimes the software glitches and the waiting for approval sign comes up. It happens most to me when I try to comment from my phone.

Timothy Peter Johnson

BF is now claiming that he called JAG and was informed that Michael Baxter’s “company” is owned by Zuckerberg’s Meta! From that I draw the conclusion that (i) either BF is lying, or (ii) he called a fake JAG, not the real outfit, or (iii) someone in JAG was playing a joke on him.

Elisa Orozco

I tend to believe that whomever B.F. spoke to knew exactly how to get rid of a pest with whom he did not want to deal. I hesitate to call B.F. a liar and I doubt that a JAG official would give out such information over the phone. JMO….


Sounds like he is losing web traffic and is getting desperate.

The surprising number of downvotes can only have come from those who (i) either did not understand my comment or (ii) give more credence to the wacky Benjamin Fulford than to Michael Baxter!


say NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is D.S.

Elisa Orozco

Marissa, it is not my intention to be rude to you, however, I have to assume that you are new to this site if you are raising this worn out issue of B.F. attempting to interview M.B. This issue has been beaten to death DAILY for some time. fully aware of B.F.’s attempts to contact him and has openly stated that he is not going to engage with him or any other Truther. Perhaps you are unaware that B.F. has no shortage of criticism for an assortment of accusations ranging from being paid-off by the Chinese, false reporting, etc, etc. I have no idea if any of it is true, but I have seen the accusations on several channels. Most of us are here because we have had ample time to assess whether we believe the reporting. We know the timelines are not accurate for good reason. THIS IS A WAR and disclosure and timing are everything. Don’t be offended because you have 12 down votes and no up votes. It’s just that we have been through this issue repeatedly, M.B. has addressed it and we need to move on to more important concerns. Again, I do not intend to be rude to you.


I do not think you are being rude at all. I had no idea that this was ever posted before about BF asking for an interview with Michael. I just thought it might be an interesting interview. I had no idea that Michael did not want to speak with other people.


What could be more important at rrn than whether the articles or actually true or not?

Lady Hermann

Well written Mr. Baxter.

Rose Mary Abbott

It looks like we have a new crop of trolls. Pay attention to minus signs and ignore the living daylights out of them or they will infest the place like roaches!


I know….it makes me not want to read all the comments. Most of them are so disgusting with their language and just the mean things they say. Some of them are just plain stupid.


This is why we need to ignore them.

It’s the only way to minimize their presence here.


Exactly. When I see one of their names, I skip to the next comment.


Donate more to get rid of the trolls, Rose!


Folks like yourself that claim anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a troll are worse than the satanists

You’re worse than the satanists


Sorry Rose, but seems pretty obvious you can make a million “don’t reply to the trolls” posts and people will still do it

James Abbott

Rose, you’re literally doing the opposite of what you’re telling everyone else to do. You literally just took the time to make a post solely about trolls. You couldn’t be paying more attention to trolls if you tried. We might be long lost cousins, you should know this stuff. Be the change you want to see in the world Rose, don’t make any more posts about trolls and just scroll past their comments.


Making a post about how to deal w Trolls is just fine Rose, nothing wrong in voting them down and distracting them, after all, they eat that poison up….

Elisa Orozco

I just gave you an upvote, James. However, it will not register. You gave very good advice and I, for one, will abide by it. ….’just scroll past their comments’.

Susan Banks

I agree! We just got rid of the job offers!!

John .S

Just prior parked at convenience store, displaying new window writings, having parking lot talks with fan club, while leafleting brochures of the Mossberg 590 Shotgun.

Lady purchased in 20 gauge, she’s 70 yrs old, keeps behind seat in mini pick-up truck. She loves telling the story of how she shot-up her daughter’s garbage cans on the 4th of July.

Public Service
Lock – n – Load
Prepare for

Hilarious, a liberal took center stage in tirade, I remained silent, fan club laughed watching theatrical rant, no PoPo interaction.

Lock-n-Load folks.


She shot up her daughter’s garbage cans with a 20 gauge shotgun? No offense John but she sounds like exactly the kind of person who should not have a gun

John .S

Fan club nicknamed her “Annie” hence Annie Oakley, actually her name is Rosemarie [Sicilian], suspect she’s good at throwing knives too.

More than likely, she sleeps with one under her pillow, Sicilian women are known for that.

Rose Mary Abbott

I’m glad she got it. If she were dangerous she would have shot something besides a trash can. Instead she gave a warning. ATTA GIRL!

John .S

Years back, my brother’s son had wood shop in 10th grade, complaining to me of not having work shop at home, then kid liked dabbling in making skateboards with friends.

I set him up in the shed with work bench and assorted tools, including circular saw, gave him my old relic 16 ga. shotgun too.

My sister-in law in a tizzy over circular saw in cutting off his fingers, yip-yip-yip, then says: “don’t shoot your sister with that shotgun”.

Nephew shot-out every window in the shed, my brother was pissed, nephew grown, doing well.


You’re a loose cannon, John. But you are a damn good cop.. harrasser

John .S

I’m not loose cannon, just out spoken, enjoy making liberals uncomfortable wherever I go.

Torment PoPo *when warranted*, usually after barking nonsense [cop splaining], often from leafleting anti vax literature upon public common way, triggered by liberals aka, cancel culture cultists.

There’s often one egotistical cop that spins my wheel, then I spank-em informing: “qualified immunity is not absolute”. Usually ask them the ultimate question: “if they own real estate that I can collaterally attack”?

PoPo textbook advantage is intimidation, I flip the script on them, I’m proficient at it – love watching their WTF facial expressions, especially when I’m citing case law.

Actually PoPo are nobody’s, though they think they’re somebody’s, they’re public servants aka, pension whores, it’s duty to remind them of that.

No victim – no crime, and no signed sworn complaint – no action, in reciting dry cleaner adage: “No Ticket – No Shirt”.

We the People administer our public servants, not vice versa.

Many popo bootlickers out there, deep throating the whole boot, especially those that performed fellatio for PBA card or wallet miniature badge.

When I see Thin Blue Line paraphernalia on vehicles, I ask the driver if ‘he” deepthroats the whole boot, calling “him” a cop-sucker, reciting the phrase: “Back to Blue until it happens to you”.



This is a great post, John.
As much as we all might WANT to be cop-supporters, we know that since their first day on the job, they were groomed to be ‘anti-public’. It’s strange how they all got deliberately put on vice detail as cadets, to slowly break them from any friendships with the civilians. Any true friends they might have had, realized that they were being ‘watched’ for any petty, pointless crap all the time. and think: ‘Who needs this?’
To whatever extent, cops all have to end up with an ‘us vs. them’ mentality. It appears unavoidable. We would all be wise to remember this.

Surf Nazare

they forgot to tell you—-just like the cases of Bud Light—-they put your face on the can—–amazing how the aim seems to improve when you do that—–


Lol wut


I’m waiting for Clif_High to come out with an update. He’s on you tube and Rumble. If you don’t have a elevated IQ your not going to comprehend his intelligence. Military at its finest and there’s no subject of this world he’s not capable of speaking about. MB probably knows who he is. Birds of a feather flock together 🇺🇲




It takes an elevated IQ to listen to some internet weirdo ramble about ‘sci-fi world’


hahahaha, please.


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Just Me

I have seen a video where two guards in Maui talking and one said to the other that there are about 1000 dead body being incinerated and it is going to be hard to identified through DNA. Since the parents have not come forward it is being said the children and parents are dead. The news media is lying about the total of dead there is much more that is not being told.


Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

Just Me

Oh its you Jimbo, don’t you ever get tired of being a clown?


I love reading the equivalent of the national enquirer on a wordpress blog

Just Me

I suspect back in high school you were the class clown but then again you’re still are.


You’re still are


Clearly you didn’t pass English in high school

Elisa Orozco

I agree. It has become increasingly obvious that much more transpired in Maui AND Oahu on that horrible day. Truthers like Billie Beene have been very open about the fact that we have not been given the whole story and I’m not referring to the MSN. There is a lot that has been hidden. The situation of the number of missing children continues to differ from day-to-day.


Using Lahaina Maui to awaken Liberals is a Holocaust.

White Hats will be in “Control” when Deep State DEWs and HAARP (WMD) are destroyed.


WHs should use that EBS they control lmao


Absolutely agree with you.
Letting Deep State have there weapons of mass destruction is insane. This includes vaccines and anything they can get there dirty hands on. To many people and children have died or are dying. We pay are taxes for what reason???? So these insane cult inhumane or whatever you want to call them can kill us.


I don’t think that anyone ‘let’ the deep state have DEWs. They have had over half the earth’s wealth to buy almost complete power. Only rogue, white hat entities can hope to defeat them and their lethal toys.

Just Me

I don’t think anyone used the Lanhaina fires to awake these useful idiots, this was plan way in advance. I hear the big fat lady name O had hire private firemen before the fire begun, if true then what did she know that the rest did not?


The so called white hats are just that evil yes


15 out of 1500, sounds about right for Government Efforts. Clown Show!


1% is about how efficient our government is.


Let’s hope their “Plan” of helping We the people of the world is more efficient than that.


How’s it going so far after 7 years?


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Surf Nazare

ok I can’t help myself and this one is close to my heart—-I know some must have seen we lost an F-35—–ok stop laughing—-not kidding——over S.Carolina somewhere—–The pilot ejected and the plane continued to fly—–the transponder not working—lol—-and the auto-pilot was still on——all you people in SC go look ou your back door—–better yet look in S America somewhere —you know those guys that sell drugs and smuggle kids or do the Iranians have it now—–oh well—-ok I am still laughing if you believe this guy had to eject and the plane that was his side kick didn’t follow the plane and I guess the excuse will be he wanted to see where the pilot landed—–Now if you were writing a novel thy wouldn’t let you put this init because nobody would believe it !!!!!Maybe a Vince Flynn Novel but Tom Clancey sure wouldn’t——again, I apologize—-couldn’t help myself—–I guess a carrier is next—-


This will be the next article. Something something plane flew to Ukraine or Hawaii to save kids lmao


Surf: The theft of a U.S. Navy carrier has already happened. See my Episode #5. Click on my name. It’s a good story about a theft arranged so that nobody would even notice. Ultimate Matrix.


I heard the Deep State stole the moon from White Hat Space Force

Surf Nazare

you are not even funny or entertaining—-NOTHING—-but an idiot if your IQ was over 70 at least there would be hope—–


Surf he’s not worth it… anyone whose entire purpose in life, (day & night, night and day), is only to annoy, menace & harass, has some very deep seated problems. Psychopath comes to mind. Vote the social nuts down, post to others, or about Trolls, but don’t give them individual posts to suck up.


Lol I have a life, Ralph. I just get on here a few minutes at a time and post for fun. Do you think it takes like an hour to type a post?


It was entertaining to me, to each his own I guess 🤷‍♂️

Surf Nazare

when I get a chance will give it a shot–


Oahu during 2020 chaos amidst several lockdowns children of all ages, sex and race would dissapear. Back them asked how does this happen we are on an island. Yet moving forward Hawaii is a major junction for human trafficking.


When I lived on Oahu during 2020 chaos amidst several lockdowns children of all ages, sex and race would dissapear. Back them asked how does this happen we are on an island. Yet moving forward Hawaii is a major junction for human trafficking.


Oh ok, Oregano, now you lived in Hawaii. lol


Stop Attacking and Harr-ASSING Michael Baxter about Bendover Fullforward! There is an Old saying that is Very Fitting- If MB wanted to listen to an Ass he would have Farted! Bendover needs to go Bendover for Biden Again! Bendover lacks sources and information so he attacks Reporters that do in a sad attempt to make content. Enough said. 


Warrior, I am a big fan of Mr. Baxter. Although, we know next to nothing about ALL of these people. Resumes are forged. New people pop up. Our fearless second in command is more into facts now, but nothing we can use. We are being awakened and yet we are being suppressed by our own side. Senor Boots complains to Jaco that some of us are “getting too far out in front,” and Boots complained on 107Daily that we “should not compete with the ones God sent to save us.” The attacks on RRN began in Autumn 2021 with Monkey Werx, Mel K, and Rodriguez. I even made a transcription of Mel and Nino’s artificial rant, as its fallacy was transparent. And then I used that dialogue in one of my shows. The goofy and asinine way that we Trumpers are treated is scary because AFTER the Republic is restored, what will they do THEN. wwg1wga


Lacks sources and information? But you believe the ignorant made up bullshit on this website? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How many names you posting shit under MB? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


MB and Chris run a lot of the accounts lmao

Surf Nazare

hey bag lady (term loosely applied) are you talking about me ???ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME—–


Middle-aged men cat fight lmao

Dr John

Well, well, it turns out GBS (Gullain Barre Syndrome) an OLD PEOPLE problem, or a problem in sports or people who sweat too much, or have a virus that leads to diarrhea, etc. Is also a problem for children. It seems some research articles seem to miss the fact that it also happens in children!

GBS is dangerous and debilitating in young and old alike. It inhibits feeling and movement of limbs and organs by disrupting communications channels of nerves. It is painful, and can inhibit normal functions like walking, sight, and the ability to breath, etc. With this level of dysfunction and life threatening conditions you would think it might be a priority for science and government grant. It might attract leagues of great scientific minds to arrest such a problem.

“Researchers don’t know the exact cause of GBS”.

Over the last 30 years NO PROGRESS has been made in understanding this COMPLEX problem!


“GBS may be an autoimmune disorder??? that causes the body’s immune system to attack part of the nervous system.” That is what you might call an unsubstantiated fact. A guess! They MAY be on to something!

This can occur after a viral infection, surgery, or injury, or rarely as a reaction to a vaccine. See vaccines are not CREDITED with being a major contributor, according to honest?? scientists.

“About 2 out of 3 people who develop symptoms of GBS do so a few days or weeks after diarrhea or a respiratory illness.”

This source fails to mention other common conditions like sweating, vomiting, not drinking enough water or drinking too much water. If you follow the most common traits prior to GBS you (a potential scientist) might think hydration might be an important factor.. But according to science (you stupid fool) you would be wrong! At least hey spend little to no time researching the OBVIOUS fact!

Science does not know what causes it, what it is or what cures it, but they have not one but two treatments they offer which even they admit may do little to no good!

Without proper hydration and nutrition these captive children could succumb to GBS, MS, Epstein Barre, Chronic Fatigue challenges among others.

The above health issues are a result of hydration imbalance and nutritional imbalance in trace minerals and essential vitamins crucial to developing Red blood cells and avoiding oversized Red blood cells. B and D vitamins along with C and Calcium as well as potassium, magnesium and sodium are top on the list.

Lack of these vitamins can also led to Gout, Rickets and Scurvy!

In many ways they are dying before any torture; and they are suffering pain beyond most torture that could be inflected.

And then there is the trauma to deal with.


Cures need to be available and proper treatment not bull shit science. NOT crap treatments that don’t work! Thes

Dr John

Stupid computer! These kids need lots of real help, from honest in-depth science and medical doctors looking to FIX them.

This is not rocket science, it is uncovering the truth among the lies of the corrupt medical field and the sciences that back them.Including Big Pharma, the food industry and our wonderful FDA, EPA, FID, CDC and on and on.

FEMA and the FBI may be kidnapping them, but they are not the only criminals.

John .S

If the hammer was appropriately dropped prior via Commander in Chief consolidating military, eliminating splinter groups Maui may not have happened, significantly lowering the odds.


There are no white hats in charge, only traitorous pieces of shit playing us to start a civil war in the middle of their planned democide in order to kill off more of us faster. All govts. at this point are your enemy and all law enforcement at this point should be considered jack booted pig thugs and dealt with as such unless and until they prove themselves on the side of the CONSTITUTION/PEOPLE.

John .S

Patriots been doing surveillance at police departments, acquiring license plates numbers off cop’s personal vehicles during shift change, gaining their sensitive info via extraordinary means. Adage: in this day and age.

Second wave of plandemic enforcement won’t fly, also anything else tyrannical, wild-west will be a understatement.

See YouTube vids of First Amendment auditors recording police stations, cops in tizzy of videoing personal license plates. Plainview Doctrine works both ways.

If and when SHTF kicks-off, war will be taken to PoPo’s home. They’re foolish thinking they can reap havoc, and return to their suburban sanctuary without consequence of their tyrannical actions.

Totally surprised Maui cops aren’t dead. Not going to happen in my area, and PoPo know that.

Tally Ho PoPo, and Yippie Ki-Yay, hugs & kisses to ya, Touché.


How very sad and happy to hear some are found and out of the evil clutches.
🙏 for the possibility of reuniting with their families again.
Disgusting behaviour of evil … May God punish it harshly.


Is this who general Charles Flynn is defending? supporting? Backing? It just does not make any sense. Can you imagine if this were his grand children that were kidnapped by these pedo politicians. Is General Charles Flynn still going to protect and defend these pedos? I just hope this is not true but it seems it is. Then Charles Flynn is unbecoming of an Army General.


All military hierarchy are traitors, they are not allowed into those positions unless they are compromised and controlled, bought and paid for and or blackmailed.


Colour Revolutions is the work of US military.
Not Russia, Not China.

So who ruled the Pentagon.

In past tense.

So who is Flynn working for ???


Robert James

Satanists are who Flynn is supporting. But they’re Satanists without Satan, who returned seeking and receiving absolution years ago. According to near death experiencers describing their experiences on YouTube.


“This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump, Covid-19, the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, J6 setup, and how the continuity of government through the current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on earth.
You can watch many of his ‘Red Pill’ films at Goodlion.TV/

Many of the concepts in this movie have been confirmed by President Trump himself. Yes, really!”


Thanks for the link never heard of Good Lion Films


Nice propaganda/BULLSHIT !!!! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


false flag


Thank you. I checked your link and it took me there. Looks interesting. Ging to see if I can get it on my ROKU TV.