White Hats to Disable Phones, Mobile Devices During FEMA EAS Test on October 4


White Hats have encouraged their own to temporarily disable cellular phones between 2:00-3:00 p.m. on October 4 when the criminal Federal Emergency Management Agency is scheduled to conduct a nationwide test of a new Emergency Action System (EAS,) a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

As reported in March 2022, White Hats seized FEMA’s Mount Weather stronghold in the Blue Ridge Mountains and took control of the nation’s central EAS transmitter deep within the subterranean fortress. A bloody skirmish between White Hat Delta Force/Army Rangers and regime forces resulted in the deaths of two dozen FEMA personnel. The White Hat coalition sustained several casualties but no fatalities.

In the following months, FEMA mounted three attempts to retake the mountain, but White Hats repelled each incursion, and FEMA’s casualty list expanded. The regime’s last assault was in September 2022 and put 30 federal goons in body bags, as by then nearly 2,500 U.S. Marines and Army soldiers maintained a constant vigil in and around the mountain.

Speaking about the raids, our source said candidly that if the Biden regime initially retaliated massively instead of with expeditionary forces, it probably could have recaptured the mountain, an immense arsenal, and the EAS network.

“We continued bolstering defenses, adding manpower, expecting, realistically, a battalion to show up. It wasn’t an unreasonable belief. After SAC and NORAD, Mt. Weather is the most impregnable bunker in the country. We knew they wanted the EAS-EBS back,” our source said.

General David H. Berger, he added, was on the receiving end of an endless barrage of threatening messages authored by Lloyd Austin, who commanded him to surrender the mountain “or else.” He ignored at least a dozen threats before finally replying, “Or else what,” after which the intimidation stopped and no more FEMA approached the mountain.

White Hats had long suspected “or else” signified a future Mount Weather invasion, but in July 2023, they realized FEMA had abandoned its futile quest to conquer the mountain and had instead built a new EAS at an unknown location.

“Simply put, we screwed up. This was a major intelligence failure since they’d worked on it for 18 months. We didn’t catch a whiff of it until July, not a word. We’ve been trying to find it, but no luck, and didn’t even know they’d completed it until early August when they said they would test it,” our source said.

On August 3, FEMA posted to its website that it and the Federal Communications Commission will conduct a nationwide test of the EAS on October 4, 2023, at approximately 2:20 p.m. EST. The signal will be sent to all televisions and consumer cellular phones and include a message assuring the citizenry that “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

White Hats believe FEMA has an ulterior motive for testing its new toy: trace and track both members of the White Hat community and patriots, whom FEMA has labeled domestic terrorists, throughout the United States.

“The EAS at Weather was modernized a few times, but it’s still older architecture than what’s around right now. We don’t know the technical specifics on the new one, and it’s surely possible that when that message hits smart devices—phones and televisions—they could ping back a signal to FEMA, a signal FEMA can easily triangulate. We’re not saying this will happen, only that there’s a chance, and that’s why we aren’t taking chances,” our source said.

On August 6, General Smith and the White Hat council encouraged White Hat commanders at U.S. military installations to disable mobile devices and place them in a Faraday bag- an enclosure that blocks electromagnetic fields—for the test duration.

“Disabling means shutting off GPS location services and pulling the battery and sim card,” our source said. “We hope the message stretches across the military echelon down the rank-and-file.”

Asked how White Hats will communicate if, for example, the regime declares Martial Law during the test, our source said, “We have secure radios, and there’s always good old-fashion shortwave in case the shit really does hit the fan.”

When asked what might happen if FEMA launches an unannounced test, he said, “Obviously, we can’t unplug forever out of fear. We take precautions when and where we can. Fortunately, the Deep State has a strange desire to preannounce their agendas. Testing might backfire and may help us isolate the transmission source.

“FEMA gave notice on August 3, so their EAS was operational then. Chew on this: If FEMA wanted to save lives, why didn’t they do an EAS in Hawaii on the eighth. I’m sure they could’ve.”

In closing, our source said the public has misconstrued the White Hats’ impetus for capturing Mount Weather’s EAS in the first place.

“There seems to be the idea that we grabbed it to tell patriots when to get their guns and take to the streets. That was never our goal. We made that move because we had reason to think FEMA would misuse it just like that, by faking a message from President Trump, telling citizens to take up arms and storm Washington, and at this moment, that fear is once again a possible reality,” he said.

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Could this new EAS be at the “Burning Man” location ?

Is why its “closed”.

Stinky Perfume

Could it be up in a satellite? Here’s the Marburg promise rumble com/v3esuwy-prepare-for-marburg-5g-induced-zombie-apocalypse.html 5G is the only thing that killed they say a million people in Wuhan, China. They had turned it up real high on purpose. The issue with 5G in maybe cell phones or 5G installation towers or even some wifi, could if turned up high trigger Marburg which is latent in vaccinated people. This originates on ReeseReport.com but other’s are picking it up now and millions are viewing. youtube. com/watch?v=inUEwY0IwrM

Back to where the new EAS location is, I can say Cmdr Valiant Thor369 on telegram is ahead of realrawnews I guess for the reason he’s 459 yrs old, from planet Venus and clearing demons and serpents underground. Baxter was onto subjects like this back in his twistedtruth.net days but it’s too hard I guess to keep the surface dwellers having hope into our military without this site.


Hi everyone, Michael, I have it on good authority that those that are jabbed, must be alert on Oct 4th before the test of the EAS is conducted. If you don’t pull the sim card out and take measures to not be watching tv or have the radio on during the test, there is likely a tone within the test that will activate a dormant illness that was put in the jab and make those people very ill.

Protect your electronics and make a faraday cage. Simple and cheap one is on youtube Garbage can faraday cage. There are many you could make.
Or simply remove the sim card, battery and wrap it in foil. Unplug your tv and radio’s, unplug your computers. Until the hour passes. Just a way to stay safe on this test.


The ones that are jabbed are definately not readin rrn.
They only take in the meFia.


Here in Arizona, we’ve had EAS tests twice, in the last week……………… HIGHLY UNUSUAL. And, in the middle of the night!

Angela James

Cash App went down for 2 days due to system outage. All Chase banks around me removed their ATMs in the drive thru. Just wondering if something interesting is going on??




You are Deep State, and can’t be trusted


Get your money out now. Look up the list of bank closings online.
Wonder if Chase is on the list.


I don’t do business with that bank anymore.
I closed my account and cancelled my cards.
BTW..that was years ago!
And I don’t regret it!😏


Bad advice. QFS has everything


You could be right, Terry. But there are a lot of banks going under. I’ve read about people having money ripped right out of their savings accounts, like 10 grand at a time. Who does that? The IRS? The bank?
Its lining someone’s pocket. SIGH.


Again the QFS has everything. The banks are closing because they can’t follow in the QFS gold backed system. Very soon all backs will be in the money management system. There will be no cash like we currently are using. Many banks are going down because they are Cabal banks. You are worrying your self for nothing.


Thanks for the info!!!


Chase IS on the list!
Wells Fargo is in trouble too


Put ur money in silver


The US is bankrupt guys. Literally the US fiat dollar is only good in Canada and Mexico. No other country is accepting the dollar. I would get enough cash out for 14 days cause big things are coming. The storm is HERE.




No EAS occurred in my area.


The EAS is scheduled for October 4th, bro. This month is September.


No shit sherlock. The EAS TEST has been going
off on our tv’s for weeks now. The BIG one is scheduled
for October unless they find the exact location sooner.


They are trying to make it a mess before the real one hits, so we would ignore it.


Is it October 4 where you live?


Theses something about those TIFFANY BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS

Mark Heisler

Hey just to let you know, nothing came with that Date of FEMA test again, this crap ain’t never going to END is it?


Of course it hasn’t been OCTOBER 4th yet!


Is it Oct.4 where you live?


This ends with 2024 presidential elections, white hats loose their momentum if the shit keeps going onward.

These simply cant be allowed to do it again and again, no point in taking the Dominion servers.


Tulsi Gabbard on the Response to the Maui Wildfires (Must Watch YT)

The State wants to take over your land, your property in Lahaina Maui.

Did the Hawaii governor know the Maui fire was going to happen before it did?

Was this planned?

Was this a conspiracy to take your land from you?

Would this have happened if Hawaii elected a Republican Governor?

Must Hawaiians or locals demand the governor to resign? or should the governor be impeached?


Yeah, this was totally the Hawaiian Gov’t, backed by biden and with FEMA’s help.


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Copy open It And Apply…….. SmartCash1.com


That’s a scam!
Ignore the post..


I am thinking it would be a good thing for all the cell crap to be destroyed. It has not increased wisdom, it has dumbed down every country it has infiltrated. I have seen more anti-social behavior blossom in the last 15-20 years since these came out. No one looks anyone in the eye anymore, especially the kids. Your phone is your security blanket now. Sad, sad, sad.


I agree with you.


I also agree
The world is going to hell in a hand basket…😾


There are alot of handbaskets in hell th


Almost all legal scholars have voiced opinions that the 14th Amendment has no legal basis or standing relative to the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election.

Like Election Interference, it is just another “trick” being used by the Radical Left Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, to again steal an Election that their candidate, the WORST, MOST INCOMPETENT, & MOST CORRUPT President in U.S. history, is incapable of winning in a Free and Fair Election.


Vote these corrupt democrat thugs OUT. Vote them out 2024!


You are a fucking IDIOT !!! Anyone still believing we have elections is a fucking retard, we don’t have elections, we have selections including that piece of shit jew traitor donald the scum fuck trump. Wake up you fucking retards before your all dead.


Educate yourself about the Quantum Election before you show everyone your stupidity.


🤣🤣🤣 as I said, fucking IDIOTS.


U must be ignorant and follow the fake news


Its NOT JUST DEMOCRATS !!! 95 percent need to go, both sides !


Mr. Baxter, Please write more and more often. 😉🤷‍♂️


Please please feed us more bullshit and lies !!!


down girl


You are obviously a liberal POS democrap…….
Why are you here?
You are unworthy of life…..in this country…
You should be banned from all social media sites


And you are a fucking IDIOT !!! I despise piece of shit democraps but I also despise all traitors including republicrap trash. There is only one party, the uniparty, and we ain’t in it !!!


Michael, this is an urgent request. If you speak with your contact further about this rogue FEMA October test; could you inquire again what they think will occur after this test, specifically in November? There’s a delta for November 3rd. Many good people are under the impression that the White Hats are the ones conducting this October test and it would be instrumental in preventing any chaos or confusion to reconfirm that it is a Black Hat operation.


Go with god, not man!




I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this site…. Payathome7.com


You are being scammed!
Work as hard as you want…
How many Blow jobs did you have to
“Perform”, for this MLM skeam.. while you are ass fucked by your deep state boss?
Your bank account Will be drained when you deposit the
Phoney check


Hello. The EAS TEST just went off in Michigan again. 7:55 pm. It was the
Emergency Alert System with the irritating buzzing noise along with it.
WWMT tv Kalamazoo This was at the end of the Jeopardy tv program and has
been going on for the last week as this is prime time tv & so many people watch it.


I am in SC. We get a test almost everyday at 11:02 in the morning and several nights a week at 2 AM. All the tests are on television.

Surf Nazare

I am not in SC but same where I am


NOW it is going off during the day, when I went to check the weather station,
it was the EAS test again.


Ah I wouldn’t watch television anymore…

American Living in Canada

Zilch up here.. in my neck of the woods anyway.




Well, that was a moot point. If the good guys stop it then it won’t happen. THINK! #Ignorant.


What are you pissed about?
That you are not in charge ?

Surf Nazare

I must be stupid !!! But what makes you think that FEMA is just going to test and or beep on just one day—–Like Comcast popped my tv today —-they can nail you anytime they want——I have posted they have 77 stations—–locations——wake up and smell the coffee but make sure you got your jab/ you most likely need it to believe FEMA——they can track your phones now so what is the big deal—-they know how long you were in the john in the restaurant ——


Looks like some in the comments don’t know Dates. Doh. OCTOBER 4th. Not September 4th.


There was no EBS test today, at least I didn’t get a notification. Anyone get it ??


We did not know today is Oct. 4


You are having a night mare…sleep with one eye open !

Donald Barnhart

This did not happen today


🤣🤣🤣 and you expected it to? 🙄

Golden Age

Why would anyone expect it to before Oct 4th? Wake up dude! No wonder you’re so negative. You thought it was Sept 4th….

RRN Isn’t the only place saying this. All of your favorite mainstream media news stations have announced FEMAs test as well. Maybe now you’ll believe it since CNN said it was going to happen.

Golden Age

Obviously Oct 4th hasn’t come yet…


I purchased a Faraday bag for my phone but what about our TVs? Anybody have any suggestions?


Yea get a life and stop believing bullshit lies. 🙄🤣

CW Nelson

Typically, people as screwed up as you suffer advanced stages of cognitive dissonance -and- have been Vaxxed multiple times. University medical studies show many abnormal cognitive and physical side effects in Vaxxed people that often lead to death. Enjoy your ride on the “ignorance-is-bliss” band wagon while you can.

See ya-


Great comment.


🤣🤣🤣 Not vaxxed and never will be but I also don’t drink the dumb fuck kool-aid like you trump worshippers with your false idle leading you all straight to death and hell. Good luck with that and your cognitive dissonance if you even know what that is.


Nelson is. Describing you… you have cognitive dissonance..
You voted for bidumb… idiot.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 okay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ha, ha, ha! Great comment!!


Get some help,and a low dose of the proper meds,before you do something stupid.


Deez nuts, suck em.

Sharon M McMillin

Where do you get one? I tried Amazon and they have all been removed from there.


UNPLUG THEM, if you have a smart tv it is spying on you.


So when can we expect the REAL E.B.S. then ? Why don’t the white hats get on with it right now and get the truths out to the public? Once that’s done the cabal are finished. Why all this pussyfooting around with them ? We’ve waited far too long already. NESARA / GESARA is being held up by all this.

Mark Heisler

Exactly/Excellent Question it has been to long, I’ve been at my job for 4-1/2 years and haven’t woke one person up, lot of them know what’s going on, but! they don’t pull past what they know, meaning they’re like almost 2 years behind, and what I give them they never watch anything I give them, nobody else is really going to wake up it’s too late, let’s get on with it–is what I say, we are all hurting enough. Cut the puppet strings.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON !!!!!!!


They may be waiting on the nuclear war scare event first

Legalize Freedom

The FEMA website is now saying October 11 @ 2:20 with a backup date of October 25…

Sharon Keith

Hopefully, the author of this article is now healed! Keep a happy thought, or at least my best prayers!

Cognative Disonance

Antistatic bags are not Faraday shields. Whatever they are made of does not stop signals.

Surf Nazare

just put it in the microwave—


That works?

Surf Nazare

go to you tube and pull video and they will show you how to seal it—-doesn’t take much—-it is a faraday cage with a few leaks that you can seal—-

CW Nelson

I just did that in an Apollo high end microwave.
It DOES NOT work!! You must work for FEMA, you dipshit-

Surf Nazare

Yes I work for femas and am tracking all the dumb asses like you and am going to fry your ass—-make sure you hold that phone up next to your head—-flush to you ear—–you will most likely start to hear loud wringing in your head—-not to worry you have 6 months—-


Are you filled with that much hate that you would speak or treat people like that???? Dear God, may He have mercy on your soul.

Surf Nazare

did you not read his response to me—-I didn’t call him a Dip $h!t and he said I worked for FEMA with nothing to back up hs statement except he didn’t like my post—-I think your salt has lost its flavor—-not hate on my part, just having fun with an idiot—-talk about sensitive—-if you are going to cross wires then expect a response—and get reading comprehensive —

Usual Suspect

Thats the answer! No need to make this complicated.

mary pascucci



As spoken about on another post.
Universal Law.
They have to show the peoples.

Covid codes.

The World Alliance or Military used Covid Codes.
Like tested Positive or Negative or isolating Etc.
Taken Jab + Boosters. Photo in MSM.
Those optics.

So if you search an individual let’s say Prince William or Prince Harry. For an example you will know.

In the US Joe Biden or Donald J Trump. For example you will know.

It’s all in plain sight.

CW Nelson

That was too vague and cryptic.


I think he’s Biden’s speech writer…

Michael R Davis

A possible verification of white hat military on Maui kicking ass, 36 men arriving on 6 assault rafts, helping the people, arresting the treasonous cops, handing out warehoused food and water. Are they pretending to be former military? Or are they retired military making citizens arrests? Would Maui cops surrender their guns if they were not real military? With YouTube censoring videos, making them private, we are right on target, the truth is still getting out, thank GOD.

remove 1 space before :
https ://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/146/981/025/playable/ca78c2a4997539a6.mp4


They are vets not active military and when someone has .50 cal machine guns pointed at your ass you damn well better surrender unless you have something better and good cover positions. Damn you people are dumb.

Ellen T

It’s really not very nice to call people dumb like you just did! What’s the point in doing that? It really ends up making YOU look like the dumb one!


The point is I’m sick and tired of dealing with fucking idiots that are dumb as shit and far to stupid to survive like all of you idiots believing the stupid bullshit on this website. It’s like living on the planet of the retards.


Then leave the site. Even a dumbass can figure out that remedy. Oh wait. Forgot who I was commenting to.


Says one of the retards. 🤣


If you fucking idiots don’t wake up this shit will never end until most people are dead.

Michael R Davis

There is now heavy censorship of Lahaina fires, keeping the evidence of DEW weaponry from the people, YouTube turning its videos into private.

There is plenty of evidence of DEW weaponry, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, sound beams, possibly other forms we do not know about. Microwave adjustable crowd control emitters cause unbearable heat to build up in the skin, dispersing people away from the source.

Here is a video of lights above the Lahaina fires and heavy smoke. It seems to be legitimate, fitting with other evidence of DEW attacks on the innocent people of Lahaina.

https ://truthsocial.com/users/Twzted_Synapse/statuses/110995301868652108

DEW Crowd Control
https ://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/36/2f/05362fae1980376f820ac62e9f15ee20.jpg

Active Denial System
https ://allnewspipeline.com/images/5gads.jpg


I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website… Payathome7.com


Thank you for this verification. Some think it is the white hats EBS. Just went and ordered my own faraday bags for my smart devices. Plan on unplugging and turning off the things like TVs and stoves, for that day. Thank God I drive a 31 year old volvo. Spent 2300 in repairs this month but so worth it.


Someone just said FEMA posted the test to be Oct 11th with a backup date for the 25th?


Who the fuck cares and why? It doesn’t do shit.

David T

You obviously care or you wouldn’t be on here with your vitriolic rants.


I’m trying to get some of you idiots to use a few brain cells and realize all of this shit is LIES.

Ken T.

On Sept 1, 2023 sometime in the afternoon I was having trouble with my phone getting to dial tone. It would go beep, beep, beep and would keep doing that until I would hang up. I have a home desk cell phone. Other people on the internet was having the same problem so maybe FEMA was testing out their system. It had never done that before. I don’t know if the White Hats know about it but I hope so. Thanks Michael.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and people like you actually expect to survive???? 🙄

Lucy Cwiklinski

Good idea to turn phone, tv etc off and place in a Faraday
bag! I suspected BS plans when it was first announced!!! It’s prelude to when they’ll fear monger next year w/war cries!!! Just a thought, ✌🏼everyone🇺🇸


Good idea to burn cell phones altogether. They’re a damn nuisance and addict their users to slavehood. I’ve never had one and don’t intend to get one.


While your at it lock yourself in a faraday cage too for being a dumb ass believing this stupid shit.


This story is total BS, not form MB but from his “sources”. It is impossible they can’t find the “secret location” of the alleged new FEMA facility, impossible they (Space Force” can’t jam the shit out of it if it does exist and impossible they don’t have comms that are immune to the broadcast. This is a set up

Dr John

Well you are wrong. If the enemy does any broadcasts to test the antennas it is possible to detect the signal. Triangulation of a signal is the same as it has always been, just fancier equipment.

They can use investigative methods and there can be information leaks.

Yes you can jam ANY transmission across a modest area. If you disrupt the transmission at the source by blowing up the antenna or the amplifier going to it. Its all over.

We don’t know the transmission is harmful and if you are not receiving that frequency it should not be a problem. Big systems can turn of or filter our select frequencies or full band.

Prior to the internet and cell phones when bulletin boards were big; working with the FBI, I tracked down an international terrorist ring operating out of Canada. Working with Canada the arrested the Perps in a matter of days.

HOW? Someone was picked up with some serious charges and while investigating those crimes I found MORE which led to the international terrorists we had not been looking for!

Just saying it is not over yet!

Guillaume DesChamp

You worked with the FBI to track down a terrorist ring?

Lol. Sure, buddy. Sure.


Next to the CIA the FBI is probably the most corrupt agency in the country. I am not even sure they still exist. Do you know the truth Guillaume?

Surf Nazare

FEMA has 77 broadcast stations—


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 okaaaay


🤣🤣🤣 yes MB would never make up LIES and BULLSHIT. 🙄🤣🤣🤣




How long have we been waiting on Trump
to act on EBS. We are waiting on the numbnuts to awaken.
Meanwhile our country is being shreded.
Are we supposed to
wait for the fraudulent 2020 election to be sorted out?
How many more deaths! Why do we have to wait forever to
announce the queen of
Moderna’s Melissa Moore sacrafice 3 million lives for the good of mankind. The bitch was never vaccinated.
How much longer do we need to keep this crap a secret for the sake of the braindead!


It would have cost fewer lives if we just went ahead and had our civil war.

Lesson learned: when someone brings violence to your people, NEVER acquiesc!
NEVER back down and never bank on a peaceful solution!


Sorry you might not like hearing this, but I starting the whole white hat theory. Too much death, blood shed is happening now. Starvation inflation, financial ruin loss of homes. It needs to stop now otherwise it may be too late of this country ever returning to a free and graceful state. Wondering if white hats are actually gray hat at this point. Starting to distrust the whole operation. Need some kind of transparency from the good side. If they have all the big top bad guys things should start turning around. It isnt only more and worse destruction. Only person I trust now is God. Got my affairs with the Source right. Doesnt matter what happens now. Not coming back to this planet again moving ro the next dimension. This one is and has never been for me. Praying for the world. At this point Only the Divine can stop the destruction. Get the religious part out of the way too. That is all a lie as well. We have been lied to about EVERYTHING. But Source is infinite and All.


Exactly, they will not wake up and many have gone back to sleep.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the real question is, how much longer are you idiots going to keep believing this completely nonsensical bullshit on this sight.


No aren’t you keeping up with “ the plan”? You are now being told to wait and depend on the 2024 election that won’t happen and even if it does both candidates are completely owned by the murdering jew cabal.

Surf Nazare

Mike—-don’t know how much intel you have or what they would allow you to say but curious if they reveal how many levels there are to facility and what distance could be covered in tunnels—like does it run to Camp David or even to Denver—-I know this may sound crazy to the uninitiated but with tech like it is now even Turkey shows and brags about it and crazier even more are there any other beings not of human DNA in there and last but not least, any kids etc. or labs or Adrenochrome production facilities—-I know that is a lot but if I don’t ask who else will—lol


Photos I have seen show Tunnels to California, Denver, Guam, Japan, and so on. From Hawaii, previous to the clean out operations.

But underground explosions have been ongoing for ages.

Surf Nazare

funny the timing– they take Biden to Camp David and then he pops up making a speech from FEMA Headquarters I guess in DC—-But one never really knows who is speaking and from where or is it CGI—–And if tunnels under water then who knows what or who you are running into—-They need to do a China Lake in many/many/many places


Mr. Baxter. For the health of Real Raw News could you try an experiment? Show all the comments for this story without any comments from noname. We will be shocked how much truth is actually in your comment section.

Guillaume DesChamp

You guys always want to ban people. If your beliefs are strong, and your arguments sound, you will have no fear of naysayers.

Patriots don’t need safe spaces.


That’s right … but many of the people here are trumpsters and some of the biggest hypocrites. They enjoy censorship much more than freedom of speech.

Negative away trumpsters show us all your hypocrisy.


Naysayers are one think. You are a naysayer. noname is not

Guillaume DesChamp

I hate one think!


Sorry. Typo … should be one thing.

Guillaume DesChamp



Wonder how many noname comments are actually directed at people’s freedom of speech here?

Guillaume DesChamp

That’s irrelevant.


Why ?

Guillaume DesChamp

Just because noname doesn’t respect freedom of speech doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve it.

Just because he does something wrong doesn’t make it OK for you to do something wrong too.


I never said one word about banning. I said run this comment page without his comments to make a comparison. If noname doesn’t respect freedom of speech how come you never challenged him. Because you are just like him that’s why.


I’ll be happy to say a whole lot about “banning:
These Trolls are enemies of the people,
they come here to provoke and attack us and openly admit
it and then whine that we are unwilling to participate in
“rational debate”
They are the lowest form of low life forms and banning is
a statement of self-respect.
I don’t mind HONEST disagreement but I don’t go out
of my way to seek out people I disagree with just to harass them and insult them.
They openly admit to being here for JUST THAT REASON at which point I would say they have


By your reasoning if someone attacks us
We are supposed to let it happen because
attacking is wrong.
No, those of you who work to undermine the Constitution
DO NOT DESERVE its protections
and those of you who undermine Free Speech

So Much for your whacked out Bullshyte, SNAKE.


You’ll be gone #soon.


Did I say one word about banning anyone?


No you just used different words for censuring. Good job commie. 🙄


It’s not fear in my case. It’s that some ppl are insane & I’d like to save time by not seeing their comments.


MB, take this douche bag out with the trash. This guy is racking up negative red vires by the score.


Censorship at it’s finest. What makes you different from the deep state that makes censorship a practice.
Everyone has a right to an opinion … even you.

Van helsing

Your just hear here to spout off as the loyal cabalist you are. You are the enemy we are fighting and your days are numbered.


Oh so the deep state now wants freedom of speech? Ah you want to tell us when they did this?
Seems like anyone that doesn’t agree with your narrative is a cabalist.

Your hypocrisy wreaks …


YOU ARE the DEEP state, word twister!
and when You speak of hypocrisy you speak of your own for you are a LIAR and a HYPOCRITE and abide NOT IN THE TRUTH  because THERE IS NO TRUTH IN YOU.


And by the way, the word is REEKS
which you ought to know because You Do


1000 upvotes. Commenters like spirittoo have no clue and you are correct … their days are numbered and the don’t know it and we will be enjoying our popcorn


I have a clue that you are a hypocrite. How many numbered days have gone by so far? How many are left?


You’re in a movie, but you’re clueless enough to not be aware of it. Prove me right. 🤘


You are Demon spawn.


Anyone still eating their popcorn and thinking they are “ enjoying the show” will probably be a DEAD DUMB ASS soon enough.


Terry doesn’t go around killing people. Your point is stupid.


No I do not. Thank You. Hopefully these people like spiritto and noname will not ascend with us to 5D Earth.We will soon find out.

Michael R Davis

Who stole the children? Oprah? Rock? Was it you?
Evidence of DEW weaponry melting a car just two miles from Lahaina, Maui.
This incinerated car was surrounded by gravel just off the highway, parked in a seemingly safe area to survive the Lahaina ‘wildfires’. However, at the rear of the car on the ground was a partially melted cellphone. Were there people inside or outside this car, passengers thinking they were safe on the gravel, suddenly incinerated by a DEW energy beam from a high altitude aircraft or orbital DEW platform? Locals report there were no hurricane winds, just local winds seemingly created by the fires or by whatever created the fires.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg2WV-B26pA

Grass fires and building fires do not melt cars, nor melt auto glass, nor does jet fuel melt structural steel and cause 3 steel frame skyscrapers to imitate demolition. Glass melts at 2600-2900′ F, pretty hot. Aluminum alloy melts at 865′-1240′ F. In these videos, the aluminum alloy becomes molten and flows across the ground. Even under the closed hood, the aluminum intake manifold, other parts were melted. The tires are melted, leaving behind steel-belted wires.

So why are there no forensic medical examiners here? I would suggest dozens, investigating vehicles, homes, looking for evidence of Americans dying, 2,025 children missing from school rosters.
Not FBI, not FEMA, not Government.
Maybe the US Military JAG Corps (Judge Advocate General)
That judicial system seems trustworthy, unlike the totally corrupt US Judiciary.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9L9WvlCli0

Evidence of DEW energy beams melting car, melting glass in a Lahaina lot Heavy government censorship, media kept out, a many mile 12+ long black security fence blocking view and access to destroyed Lahaina areas. Reported that 183 bodies so far have washed up on Lanai Island beaches, just 9 miles away from Lahaina. How many bodies were taken out to sea by the normal ocean currents is unknown. Locals report there were no hurricane winds, just local winds seemingly created by the fires, or by whatever created the fires. Of course, all denied by government censors having difficulty explaining why the 70 emergency alarms were SHUT OFF, water for firemen to put out fires was SHUT OFF, why a World Economic Forum ’15 minute city’ was preplanned for Lahaina just weeks before the fires.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/NJqCRzAkRyT8/

Missing school buses
https ://www.bitchute.com/video/EjEUMkzFdljW/


I so agree with everything you are saying. I am questioning the white hat side as well. Why are they allowing all this Maui cover up? Are they part of it? My cognitive dissonance is really starting to become awakened. Maybe there is no good guys. They keep saying all this damage is ashow and it had to be done this way. I get it but now enough is enough. Everyone is a sacrifice. The is no difference between a satanic sacrifice or white hat sacrifice at this point. Start making moves people can see.


I wonder how many of those Maui residents who were incinerated or had their kids disappeared trusted the plan? The plan worked out really well for them, eh?


Yes the plan is AGENDA2030 !!!


Oh Really, Duh! You signed on in blood, didn’t you or haven’t you got to that point yet?


You are truly FOUL.
To even suggest that having faith in something was their undoing.
We know what side you are on and you obviously think that you will get a big ice cream sundae for joining the Devil but I think you are the one in for the rude surprise when you find out how the devil wipes his ass with you.


And you dumb asses keep believing the bullshit so the show goes on.


The show goes on because worthless worms like yourself signed on with the Devil.

Guillaume DesChamp

What are you all doing here? Satanists are murdering vast numbers of children!

Shouldn’t you be out, you know, trying to stop them?

Mike Huntsucker

We all need to step up to the plate

Guillaume DesChamp

But you never do. The patriot movement lacks strong leadership.


GUILL, you have no idea who’s ‘stepping up to the plate’! You obviously know nothing about ANY leader. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🤍💙

Guillaume DesChamp

I have a good idea of what I see and hear. There’s no sign of anyone stepping up.

If you guys here on RRN aren’t hearing about it, and involved in it, and talking about it, then it’s not happening.


The 2nd sign is Schizophrenia.
We will sit by cautiously watching & waiting, you have had 7 yrs of persecuting us, then, its our turn.
Be patient, your time will come.
And when its over, it will all come to pass.

Guillaume DesChamp

Um, OK.


that’s you, in peak radical materialist form.
you can stop excreting at any time, you won’t be missed.




Or even sooner. We have “miracles” on our side.


Too late for flattery Satan scum.
We are clear on the evidence that you work for Beezlebubb however since you refuse to admit it, we are not going to point out our Leader, ever present, in all we do and all that directs us.
You can eat more worms.


What you see and hear is a movie. Snap out of it. Haha. 😂


Oh, so now the dumb asses are the ‘tip of the spear”

Well La De Dah!


We were hoping you would lead us.

Guillaume DesChamp

Lol. I don’t have skin in the game. This is on you guys.


This is on 209 countries all under Commander In Chief Trump. That’s the movement. The Patriots are invoved and support it.

Guillaume DesChamp

Trump is CIC of 209 countries?



!000% correct.


Keep sucking Satan-butt, demon.


Apparently, you were not paying attention when all of those countries capitulated to President Trump in the beginning of this Plan to Save the World. Including the Queen and the Pope. Yeah. He’s the BOSS whether you like it or not.


You mean the 209 countries that signed onto AGENDA2030 agreeing to kill off 90-95% of their populations? Yea trumps in that.


Wow that sounds like the same numbers of countries that signed onto “ the plan” which IS AGENDA2030.


Please tell us what you do have skin in. Please commenter extroidinaire. Tell us what you would recommend to the 209 countries fighting evil. Tell us how you would have rescued the hundreds of thousands of children stored in deep undergound bunkers. Tell how you would have bancrupted the Deep State Cabal.Please tell us or can you only criticize what you don’t have skin in?

Guillaume DesChamp

You misspelled extraordinaire and bankrupted.

Please go back to middle school.


You understood what I meant and answered none of comments. Why … because you are all bs. You have no answers. Try this question … who pulls your puppet strings? Btw you time is very limited due to th fact you have no clue. Bye bye.


Go back to hell and don’t return.


So what do you have skin in?




I am sure you are getting the picture now. “Gui” (or Pepi la P.U.) is just one of the newer incarnations of :”Jim” or “Todd” or “Ethel”.
I encourage you to NEVER give it any of your good and worthy energy but a swift kick in the nut-less groin of these demon-spawn is always worth the trouble.


When I occasionally expose these scum I can actually feel my frequency/vibration rise. That is a very good thing for me and our ascension. I never let them bring me down. They are not worth it.


Why am I not surprised? Of course you have no “skin” in the game demon-spawn.




You Guill are the lowest of the bottom-feeding SCUM.
Drop Dedd and Soon.


Generalizing gets you nowhere 🤡


bla bla bla… First you rig the game, then you rag on the people who compete for real. That’s what LOSING and being a LOSER
really IS


This is the 1st sign of paranoia.

Guillaume DesChamp

I don’t think you know what paranoia is…


He meant you.


No one CARES. Go take a long walk off of a short plank into a septic tank. You should find it refreshing.


He has all the signs of psycopathy and gutless putrid-ness. Might even be in the employ of F E M A right out of the bowels of hell.


Oh yeah. Definitely in the emploi of some three letter agency


I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand USD. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply just by using this website.. Payathome7.com


It’s time

Dave Smith

So knowing this would not it be the time for the white hats to activate there Emergency broadcast beforehand?🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸✌️🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤫✌️😉😎😉🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲




The white hats shiould seriously consider running a firewall app, and learning how to use it. This will ensure not only is the intrusion blocked, but the software log shows where it is coming from..


You would hope they have experts that know these kind of things.


We all do because humans all have “skin in the game”.

John .S

Harbor Freight 25% off coupon on line for Labor Day… Perfect time to acquire portable electric generator.


We No buy Chineze shit!
No Mo!
Go Woke – Go Broke!


I noticed yesterday my GPS lost satellite receiption but it’s back on to day. Things that make you say WTF.


Trying to steer you in the wrong direction!


yeah, verily!

Surf Nazare

old school—it may be good to still have a map—-you know the kind you hold in your hand and can look at —-trust nothing anymore

Rene Labre

Your rand mcnally, you have to know how to read it.Ha! Plus how to fold it back up. I do interstate so just buy the book.What about a compass? You don’t have one?What kind of navigator are you pilgrim?

Surf Nazare

sun rises in the east and sets in the west—-unless you are a flat earther lol


Talking about things that make you go “WTF?” how about the cursor thing? Raise your hand if you have a spasticcursor that jumps all over any page you may be on and deletes things you have been writing with no prior warning.recurringly for the last five plus years? Not a design flaw… an apparent Feature.


wh are still behind the ball and rrn is posting crap before for all to see, this dont make sense!

Anne Stallybrass

This is an information war, in case you didn’t understand, stuff here is likely posted in full awareness of bh reading it. It’s not the full picture but it is an important part. Pray for God to open your spidey senses.

Sue Grantham

These evil people better realize that the Citizens don’t give a rats ass about what they have planned. The fact is- American citizens outnumber them, and WE will be the ones to decide of whether or not and when to take matters into our own hands.
Fuck around and find out.

Mike Huntsucker

They’ve already fucked around and haven’t found out shit because most of America has been neutered nobody’s got balls anymore bunch of little pussies with a shortage of tampons

Anne Stallybrass

speak for yourself

Mike Huntsucker

That’s what I see.. a bunch of pussies begging for tampons maxi pads with wings

Guillaume DesChamp

Well, then, show us the way.

Mike Huntsucker

We have to come out in numbers and demand change. Not just 10 or 20 people carrying signs we need millions carrying guns

Guillaume DesChamp

You need leaders.


You mean like graphic artists to spray paint “Lets Go Brandon” on every overpass & bridge in the country, or like on court houses, schools, sidewalks, statues etc???

Guillaume DesChamp

Lol. No. I mean people who will actually do something consequential.


OOOOooooohhh Big talk for ds with ‘No skin in the game”:


And Not
like you. DS.


Of course and it’s not like no one thought of that already. Why do you think that vpn s are (useless, probably) and popular and evidence of organization is tackled by not-see linebackers in waiting? Timing is everything. Makes sense to be ready for a fight when it is “go” time. Only you will know. but you are not alone and never have been.


He wasn’t talking to you, dipwad.


We’re too busy trying not to offend each other by using the wrong pronouns!


speak for yourself.


Sadly it has been the indoctrination and up bringing those 40 or less fall in this catagory. No one wants to work, youtubing all night sleeping all day. I am older and am just disappointed with the younger generations. Even where I help out it is just sad to see the attitudes towards those working. Want a pay check but not putting forth the efforts, coming in late 15 20 minute mostly every day, standing around not doing anything just killing time for a pay check. And not caring of the quality of the work or product they produce. The building I have worked in leaks like a seeve. Owner just lets it go until there is a legal problem then cob jobs the leaks. He is making thousands in a day. Has no trouble popping in for an hour or going on vacations though. If it was my business and my work ethics I would be more hands on making sure things were right…my reputation of my place of business would mean everything to me. I see more and more people just in it for the funds they can squeeze out of it…..this goes also for the medical field just in it for the money how much they can make , now lets talk about mechanics my car was tied up for two months at a mechanic all he did was complain not enough help but had no problems taking on more and more jobs. As a consumer what could I possibly say good about his shop? Not a whole lot good even though after two months the car was repaired and even then still some same problems need to be addressed because they arent right. By the way this is the third mechanic. One was so whiney about the cars he had to fix I almost asked why he was in the business. Whole several generations that need to grow up and get some kahunas




Numbers don’t matter against orbital DEWS. Better get a plan to find the people and places controlling the DEWS.


2 or 3 months ago we received a letter from xcel energy that we needed to schedule a time with a contractor so they could come out and change the meter and reset the pilot light inside the home. It seemed weird to me but I’m no expert in the field. What I do know is that the Hawaiian electrical company can’t be trusted and neither can fema and our government. So I’m not sure why this component had to be changed (age is what they said) and they were contracted out by xcel. Just seems like Maui was the test for the DS and I wouldn’t be surprised when more “wild fires” spread due to “climate change”! 🙄 They want us all dead and if we’re not dead they want us to be their slaves! The people need to come together and pray like never before that this evil be stopped!

Anne Stallybrass

What you do NOT want is a SMART meter or SMART car or SMART phone. It seems that they are the things that lasers can ping and ignite. You want a BLUE car and a BLUE roof and maybe paint your phone BLUE. Check with people who know.

Is there a place online that is gathering the info around this, that is reliable, clear to grasp, helpful in outreach, not like Pete or Noname or Ethel who generally simply blackpill, confuse, shout, and mock people here.



Guillaume DesChamp

The color frequency spectrum of blue is 66.6?

What the hell does that even mean? What units are you using?


It’s all done by “light”.. light and color has a frequency. For example, if you had to choose a color for your vehicle in Florida that is a hot sunny state, you should go with say a “white” color. It doesn’t hold the heat like a dark color say “black”.. that medium color blue they’re talking about doesn’t get picked up on the color spectrum of ANY heat.. and it’s a mathematical equation of 6.66.. ✔️🇺🇲

Guillaume DesChamp

Yes, light has a frequency and wavelength. This is basic physics. But what units is that 66.6 number in? It’s not Angstoms, or nanometers, or wavenumbers, or Hertz any of the other commonly used units to describe light.

And 6.66 is not an equation, it’s a number. And it’s not even the same number that Ed used.

Guillaume DesChamp

And of course that color blue will get hot. Put one of those blue tarps you people are always talking about out in the sun for a few minutes and then feel it. It will be warm.


Rolling my eye’s.

Guillaume DesChamp



The sun is not a directed energy weapon dip shit.

Captain Bill

Rock me like a hurricane