Black Hat Officers Surrender to JAG


Six Armed Forces “Black Hat” officers surrendered to JAG authorities Friday morning, a source in JAG’s Pensacola offices told Real Raw News.

The officers—two Lt. Colonels, three Colonels, and a General—in full dress marched into the US Navy Staff Judge Advocate’s office, saying they would no longer follow Lloyd Austin’s orders, and apologized for having sworn allegiance to Joseph R. Biden in January 2021. The officers, who knew one another professionally and casually, told JAG they had spent weeks deliberating whether to apply terms and conditions to their surrender, but ultimately decided to turn themselves in unconditionally, hoping White Hats would offer mercy.

Although JAG has yet to share the officers’ branches and units, they said the culprits held influential positions at Biden-controlled military installations in the United States, each with enough troops to hinder White Hat operations. They had sworn fealty to Biden because, they said, they believed he had won the 2020 presidential election honestly, and they had become convinced that Donald J. Trump was a vengeful election denialist. They claimed that Austin drilled those lies into their heads over the last three years, impairing their judgment and ability to discern fact from fiction, and causing them to disseminate untruths to their subordinates.

In November, the six apparently had a catharsis when Austin asked whether they had any trepidations about ordering troops under their command to enforce Biden’s inevitable 2024 victory.

“Going by what these traitors said, Austin’s been having private convos with Black Hats, double-checking their loyalty. Austin’s been telling them that when Biden wins, Trump and his supporters will stage a nationwide insurrection. And that they’d gotta be prepared to identify and disarm insurrectionists before the election takes place. This is exactly the case with the traitors from Watertown,” our source said.

Despite their story and categorical surrender, JAG polygraphed each officer twice to ward off deception and the possibility of falling victim to a Deep State trap. The results showed they answered truthfully, cementing JAG’s belief that the Deep State is laying plans to broadly weaponize its military loyalists and federal agencies against patriotic American citizens.

Our source said the six officers requested amnesty and clemency.

“Well, they didn’t exactly get what they wanted,” our source said. “What they got was detainee status and a future trip to Guantanamo Bay. Even if they reconsidered, they’re traitors, and they must answer for their crimes.”

He added that White Hats have spent the last three years predicting Deep State deception and are ready to safeguard and support the integrity of the 2024 election. All White Hat officers, he said, have endorsed President Donald J. Trump’s “guard the vote,” which encourages patriots to monitor polling stations for nefarious activity.

“Biden’s dangerous, autocratic regime will topple, and President Trump will officially retake office. We’ll have good Americans watching. We’ll be watching. And if the situation does get out of control, the EBS will sound,” our source said.

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Above Reproach

Sure this happened. Ya know what I think, I think it’s a ploy to get the opinions of people who are reading this stuff, so they can observe how many people, and who they are who undoubtedly believe that the election was rigged. It’s definitely true that the election was stolen. More people voted for Donald Trump than biden 100% hands down. Ya know what I think. I think a website that has the ability to record a vote is in order.
A website only based on Donald J. Trump. No vote can be removed or changed. No duplicate votes can be counted. And it will be excepting votes for 6 months . It will show a running score of the number of votes that have been cast. I’ll bet 88 % of the real population in America vote for Trump.
Then another website to count just the votes of the people who voted for Trump in the last election just to compare. Another great idea is, everyone who voted for Trump in the last election send him 5.00 dollars.
just 5. Bucks. He deserves at least that for all the CRAP he’s been going through. Oh about the black hats . Punch there tickets, they made their beds and slept in them. To late to close the barn doors when the horses have gone.


These military officer are well educated?


They are as dumb as bovine excrement if they believe Biden and the MSM.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by Susan Sloate
Mark Heisler

Blahh blahh we herd all this stuff before, to easy to believe, security video please, like know body would miss them Right! Or no where they went. All I no is these stories got to be made up, can we finally wake up the rest of the people with proof, it will be impossible to wake the rest up without ending the movie, your not going to get rid of a lot of bad people to stop from bad things to happen to this country enough to be piece, it’s barely waking up more people, people I no are just tired of all this, I have more conservative friends that just gave up on all this, none of them want to listen anymore 😔 they think all this is bull shit now, and all you people are Working together to become Rich From DEATH. Good Day

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark Heisler

Don’t let these monsters fool you. They know they are on the losing side so they think they can escape their due justice. These were men in authority who many were vaccinated under them and died. I can bet none of them have the vaccine. They need to make their peace with God and hang for the treasonous acts they performed. Many people won’t be celebrating a Merry Christmas due to them. Its a little too late. They were not brainwashed. They were men in authority who chose for themselves. Most of them received extra salaries. Wake up people.


Yes, you are correct.

They need to be fully audited, family’s too!


Trump events:
Sat, 12/9/23 keynote speaker for the NY Young Republican Club’s Annual Gala; doors open at 6 pm EST.
Wed, 12/13/23 at 7:00 pm EST (Coralville, IA)
Sat, 12/16/23 at 2:00 pm EST (Durham, NH)
Tues, 12/19/23 at 7:00 pm EST (Waterloo, IA)
Times are approximate. covers the events/speeches and usually replays them afterwards.


I think white hats should reconsider. They were polygraphed. IMO, most of the country believes Biden won fairly. They came to white hats when they were asked if they would use their troops against citizens when Biden’s WIN is announced. They then realized they had cheated. The way it has been done, another Biden flunky will take charge is their troops. If they let these guys change over, they would have had that much more military troops on the WH side.

Julio Antonio Laguna

Hopefully we’ll some good info from these guys.


Use sodium penathal to obtain the truth.


Hang ’em and hang ’em high.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. q I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


I pray for discernment for all. Many family and friends have been convinced they are right in what they believe about Trump. As am I. My patience with them, and with me, does not endanger lives. I wish you peace, and pray I am right and in good judgement. Have a great day. I wish you peace. Thank you.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by Susan Sloate

HI Michael, did you close out your Discord Channel. because the link is no longer visible.

Mark Heisler

They are Ready to take their cash they made with all these lies, and go hide now why we all suffer now.


Yeah. I’m not buying it. They should have written something up. They should have used their freedom to set off alarms. They could have come forth publicly and said what they needed to say before supposedly turning themselves in.

Go through all of their social media posts if they’ve got any

Go through their bank records

Deep dive into their psyche

Were these Military officers of such high rank that blind? I’m not buying it.

Could this be a setup?

I would x-ray them there could be some device within them.

Keep them away from the rest of the prisoners.

Call me paranoid but this doesn’t sound right to me.


This surrendering situation presents a conundrum, and I can’t disagree with the JAG’s position. Don’t we want more people to surrender? If so, they should benefit in some way for surrendering and giving up info against the Black Hats.




Their positions of authority killed people. Perhaps allow them to have life in prison (depending on the info they give) …. and I don’t mean the comforts of 3 wonderful healthy meals, clean bedding, exercise equipment, library of best selling books. None of the people they murdered is receiving this. These rats chose for themselves which path to follow. They need to pay the price. They knew what they were doing.


Like rats off a sinking ship……

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. e I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by Susan Sloate

So their excuse is “we were duped by Satan and his minions for a couple of years but now we are going to be caught so we had better surrender…” Hang ’em!




I’m not so sure about that, it would be a reflection to others that may want to come back of out of the dark side.
I think some sort of leniency needs to be adhered here, but I’m not sure what. I do think if they talk and point fingers etc then they should get some leniency, however if they set up any WhiteHats in an operation and they get killed in action then they should get the Death Penalty without any more doubt.


Do you think satan shows up with a red cape, pitchfork and horns saying, hi I’m satan, follow me?, no he uses people closest to you, friends, families and employers, and enables them to convince you to make wrong decisions. Give them some Grace. At least they woke up before it was too late, and even though they may serve time, hopefully it will not be the rest of their lives.


You’re as weak, spineless, flaccid, wimpy, gullible and stupid as you’re argument…go get another booster!


Yes, some prison time!


Too many have been “duped”. I wait, trying to be patient, for too many to see the light. When they do, (or I do), I pray that Peacemakers are in control. Have a great day!


Treasonous bastards, or too ignorant to be in their position of power


I can not imagine what these officers are going to be going through.. they were ordered to do these tasks by superiors .. they now realize how wrong they were…they must be held accountable..but to what extent? That’s the question.. they have lost everything now..but what about the lives lost because of their participation? They also saw ppl being taken in through resources that uncovered their misdeeds.. so they thought it best to just confess now before their own arrests?


They won’t ever be responsible for their direct actions until Izreal is accountable for their actions and International crime spree’s,…. meanwhile;.. they’ll blame We The People, or White People.
Then, they’ll just walk away and go into retirement nice and wealthy.


The real Bebe-ster is now cornered in a tunnel below the surface!

It won’t be long before his lifeless body is exposed to the public.

Then it’s over!

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 1 year ago by Susan Sloate

Dear Susie Baby – that’s so cute of you to post your earnings – have a good day baby.




You are talking to a machine.

William R Nicholson

I would like each officer to list , as fully as possible, all the operations they have engaged in , that harmed The Constitutional Republic & the citizens of The Nation ! Any info on locations of secret DS operational centers or warehouses must be exposed ! Only if the White Hats have good reliable actionable Intel , advancing the direction our Commander In Chief says is the best avenue….. should we consider reducing the sentence to one of Life Imprisonment ! // In my entrance to secure C.I.C. of LST-1195 , I was warned to be constantly on guard . These officers apparently allowed themselves to be diverted from serving The Constitutional Republic of Our Nation …. & Chose Willingly , at one time , to take their eye off the ball ! There Are NO Excuses , when Our Mens Lives are On The Line …. & we have willingly let them down ,by not giving our best ! I always pray that no harm ,no death , was attributable to any error I made while serving aboard LST-1195. I’ll always treasure having served with men whom risked it All , For U.S. …….. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke, LST-1195


Thank you for your service…


Every Liberal Volunteer at the Polling Locations will bump into each other over and over with a finished box of Ballots, never finishing. I can see it now.


its gonna be like; déjà vu all over again.


The only difference will be the immediate bringing to justice of the traitors out in front of the polling place!

The American people will not tolerate that BS anymore!

Donna Miller

I really think we won’t make it to the 2024 Election without something that the deep state wants a reason to lock our country down. They enjoyed it to much during the Plandemic…. So if they can get the American People into Civil War like fighting all bets are off…. We will see a repeat of the same thing in 2020…. If they have us locked down then they can do pretty much whatever they want with us…. Something will have to happen and soon. I saw on Telegram and X a Stop Light which was all green lights….. Also a photo of the Bydan had a Red X thru him also…. We still need to hear from Clarence Thomas, he is deciding on a fraud case that could null and void the current Admin and Congress as well… Say some prayers that this happens…. Since the White Hats want to avoid possible loss of life because of the Deep State antics….. Thank you Michael as always on Point….


Biden & Co. will just cancel the Election – they can do that ya know.


Remember, Barry Soetoro said those words himself.


Under the Insurrection Act, it just won’t happen.
Although we all agree this shit show has to end.


God wins!


What is Clarence Thomas and THE SPACE FORCE waiting for? They have all the evidence to prove the current Government administration under Biden is illegitimate.


I hope the feds do turn on us. About time for a reckoning.



Eric S

We will be crazy to think that Biden will be running for president. It will be Michelle Obama for the trap and trickery.

Donna Miller

Also they are having Dwayne Johnson making the circuit of night time TV Talk Shows him and Gavin Newsom is also in the making…. To many people are now aware that Michelle isn’t really a female… That is why they have been pushing down our throats with the trans-woman is really a woman…. Like how dumb do they think we are….


The Rock is to dumb and criminal to run America. Especially after Maui and his money grubbing with Oprah.


HRC and big mike




Big Mike will go over like Dylan Mulvanney now. Everyone knows.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home.. e I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

voice of one in the wilderness

Not a good way to encourage additional catharses.


It’s not Trump Supporters who cause chaos, but instead; it’s ANTIFA actor’s being paid by George Soros son that always cause chaos & other actor’s. President Trump says the Justice System has a list of all those people who support him & other American Values, that he’ll get & destroy immediately. The UN, the ByeDone Regimes Military 🪖, anyone else going 2 be coming for us? Make sure your locked & loaded at all time’s in this crazy world, otherwise it may be one of us next. I do hope there’s only mail in votes 4 the Military who are out of state or country, & those unable 2 get 2 the Polls only 4 physical reasons. They’d better not run it like 2020’s election, or we MUST RAISE HELL, Otherwise; America gets destroyed by all those real traitors who’ve been going after DJT since he announced he was running 4 President.
Also, I agree that they’re Traitors, & how many American deaths are these 6 responsible 4? It’s pretty bad when there’s still Military who continue 2 take Order’s from the ByeDone Regime. Can’t they remove the top ranking one’s who have sworn allegiance 2 him, to replace them with those who swore allegiance 2 Trump; 2 stop more new Military Officer’s from being brainwashed & 2 swear allegiance 2 ByeDone , & 2 become another Treasonous pos??


There are some that believe Antifa was a White Hat group used to expose those in DC and in the cities that these people did nothing. Antifa would fit their and the cabal’s agenda. Most everything was in Dem cities run by Dem politicians. DC did nothing either exposing those pos too.Antifa was basically a sting opeation. The damage was collateral so to speak and could have been minimized if the pos had done their jobs.


Interesting angle, but I disagree based on interactions.


Wonder how many mayors, governors of the affected cities, FBI elite, doj ,people are still around that would normally be responsible for stopping these rioters ? They all did nothing but I think we will find they all are gone . When was the last time we heard much of anything about Antifa?
Probably much the same story about BLM. Both used to expose the Dem corrupt machine.

Last edited 1 year ago by terry

George Soros has been arrested per RRN; but hi son Alexander is continuing the chaos his father started.


They could round up the entire Rockefeller family and take them to a FEMA camp like they did to the Japanese during Pearl Harbor. The Bushs, Clintons, Obamas, Biden, Podestas, (I suspect Musk and Winfrey) Zuckerberg, Degenerous, Hanks (I suspect Colbert, Kimmel, Fallen, many in the mainstream news “information gatekeepers” I suspect to be Rockefeller Black Hats) I wish the White Hats would do genetic haplo tests on all of them to identify these serpent line families.
They could deflect future persons from levers of power or working with children.

David Agosta

More proof our momentum of victory is faster than ever.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home.. q I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


Loud fart sound erupts during John Kerry’s speech at climate panel.

Sounding the alarm he said. How adults can.. 🤣

Humiliation ritual. White hats in control.



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Lol wow man, huge if true

Big guy

As much as I love President Trump, if they don’t fix 2020 I’ll never vote again. As CIC, he’s in charge of the military, and to continue this charade any longer is an insult to all those that have supported him. Fuck 2024, fix 2020 now before it’s too late.

Gerald Andres ISC ret.

Rumor is, there won’t be an election in 24. They need to finish dotting the ‘I’s and crossing the ‘T’s legally or it won’t work. Then, most likely, we’ll shift into Martial Law to clean everything up. It’s not a ‘Piece of Cake’ activity.


As many chinese that are in and continue to come in, things could get saucy, unless the illegals are here to help us round up the traitors? lol


Have a feeling the situation will get out of hand and the EBS will sound before we finally remove joe from office. Many Americans are slowly accepting a communist form of government and are OK with one, today. Therein lies our danger.




inZane to the membrane!


The talking heads in the media are having a meltdown at the thought of Trump becoming President again. So much so that their rhetoric has become absolutely unhinged.
If they were certain of their ability to stop Trump from being elected, then why is the mainstream media fear mongering the sheep by telling then democracy as we know it will end if he is elected in 24?
Buckle up for a wild finish to this journey, that’s certainly what the mainstream media seems to be doing.
What are they so scared of?


Whew! Tough call. But still, they took this long to do it. Kind of seems like they saw the writing on the wall, and that it wasn’t about doing what’s right, but saving their own arses.

Stinky Perfume

If more follow and the deep staters give up, will the military take over MSM?

It’s obvious all the AI spaceship vampires (blood or loosh), underground aren’t talking but always watching. They are the voices people hear in their heads.

Surface operatives don’t matter if they are scrapping it all hoping to rebuild the blood and loosh vampire run planet later. I don’t think we got here to live it up and get the competitive get’s but this is a prison planet and they turn humans into pleasure addicts or people to just drain energy from for every last thing they are wrong about.

I was waiting due to online promises for EAS/EBS military take over and it don’t look like anyone wants to make that situation unless they absolutely have to because it involves some kind of larger wake up changes. They don’t want to give out benefits to all these people that follow or live with negative beings who would just rob the rest because they can’t get anything themselves being so negative.

I gather earth is all circuit cities AI anyway, including spaceships and quantum financial systems and the pc’s we are all looking at. Military isn’t looking after people in the sense of getting them off grid and looking after survival tribes starting over.

There’s talk online that humanities wake up and spiritual skills will come back and all humans have to have these skills to be able to stand up to what’s been ruling earth.

There’s claims since Nov 15th from Kim Goguen UNNetwork, 9th density clean up earth beings are just disappearing people in the pentagon, CIA, and congress. She always claimed to be in charge of all the new up and coming money on earth that nobody is ever good enough to get yet. For DS operatives that are not located, 9th density beings, if they exist, might have killed them and leaving us confused.

9th density spirit beings would know where they all are. To take them out and leave military hunting them in confusion, don’t sound good enough. We want a death list. The 6 operatives that surrendered probably see the futility if their own higher ups are disappearing. RRN isn’t saying enough how they came to their decision. Normally all military is run by the same at the top. This divide who is deep state doesn’t have a list we get.

The higher up negative operatives escape to safer places from what RRN sais. So they run other operatives left behind by computer communications. I guess maybe AI or the greys doing it, impersonating the original person.

I don’t see a reason they would keep their scared on the run operatives alive. I figure they don’t have soul energy to share, and without adrenochrome to energize or real soul power even if usurped from fix to fix. They could be dead and gone and AI is doing the instructions to CDC. It’s always been all about where they get their energy. Blood or loosh. The deep state is 100% predator beings and lives to function on one or the other. Blood or loosh drains.

I knew a young tall blonde lady that was a heroin addict in the tenderloin, SF for some years in the early 2000’s in SF. She was approached by men connected to the military, and went to a military base and accepted a microchip that got rid of her addiction instantly, then got a loosh drain and saw the machine sitting with the man that did it, in an ac/heater vent in the apt right on Las Vegas area military base. They gave her $100 bills daily she could only cash at Subway or casinos.

Imagine if these operatives could not get any loosh energy? How would they walk tall?

To take this system down they would have to take down from earth, all the circuit cities in the world. They are all built for loosh drains and human trafficking concerns and all who went to war, worked for the sole purpose of creating orphans for fresh live blood.

Dave Smith

What is Loosh ?? Is Al alien life Form ? Thanks for any information you can give us on this. 🤔🧐🫡✌️💚💚💚🙏💚💚💚💚🇺🇸


AI is “artificial intelligence”. Just like joe and Karine, his press sec’y perform for the country daily. Not real. Projected images of certain persons, not their real flesh and blood selves in front of the cameras. This current admin of joe’s, is full of clones as well.


Alien cum

Anne Stallybrass

loosh is energy the negative drax get off human misery & suffering & pain. AI is Artificial Intelligence which is going to be important on earth but needs to be regulated to be used for good and not for bad i.o.w. removed from the current black hats

David Agosta

they would have to take down from earth, all the circuit cities in the world. They are all built for loosh drains and human trafficking concerns and all who went to war, worked for the sole purpose of creating

David Agosta

Imagine if these operatives could not get any loosh energy? How would they walk tall?

Norma Mayorga

Sorry but I don’t trust them. They are traitors any way ,maybe cant receive capital punishment but 50 yesrs in prision. Bread and water as I am doing because my retirement is low abd food, gas etc are high to me.


Change of heart is good, it shows there are still good officers even if they have been brainwashed and lied to by the demons at the top. How many more can they name?
They can testify against Austin in a court marshal and send him to a firing squad! They really need to shoot some of these high level DS traitors as an example! How about pay-per-view? You’d probably have 10 million sign ups in a couple of days!

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. x I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


Making it on your back Susan, with legs up no doubt! I think the last name is misspelled, should be Slut?


That’s a bot that hijacked Susan’s name…. and have some respect for the real person’s name, it’s Sloate, rhymes with boat.


Stop funding the d eep s tate….



https ://

Michael R Davis

Lots of these paid Zionist shills here on Real Raw News, easily recognized.

https ://

https ://


In all due respect, maybe these dummy officers just didn’t know the US has been a corporation since 1871, and Biden was in charge of a bankrupt corporation, and that Trump is the CIC of the US Republic. Maybe, they also thought the vaccines were okay. Maybe, they are all that dumb. So, in that case, I hope they will all serve time at Gitmo, but not be executed. Hopefully, you all concur with what I’ve said here. Enough said. Good day.


They violated their oath to the constitution and supported pedophilia, mass murder and the overthrow of humanity. You’re saying they were duped by a corrupt cabal ruled by Satan? Kill them all!


Unfortunately the majority of people I deal with on a daily basis are still clueless that any of this stuff is going on. The military is compartmentalized as well just like the government, so not everyone is going to be aware of the evil that is taking place at the top. Not saying these guys are innocent by any means but they should receive a fair trial at the very least.









This is why i never voted for T! The man werxs for TH33 Talmudics!

Dave Smith

What is TH33 Talmudics ? Can you please explain more about this. 🧐🤔✌️💚💚💚💚💚💚💚


Talmuics=followers of the Talmud. TH33=stands for those who are masonic with their number attached.


He means Jews, Dave. It’s just regular old nazi bullshit.


Yeah, Zane, just like you joos luv to drynk blood and give the world vaxxxines as the joos are TH33 Nazi’s!


Lol I’m not Jewish and I don’t any of those things, weirdo


What.. an indecisive Q?! He would never delay or defer the EBS, QFS, GOVERNMENT TO CONTINUE UNABATED, closing of Fed Reserve, Closing of IRS, destroy food supply, vax, mainstream media programming, poisoned water, cdc still going strong, nih still cooking, big pharma selling new drugs for vax side effects, Chem trails, societal norm destruction, …… it’s endless! If you understand the three steps of the Fed Reserve, you understand everything.. INFLATE, DEFLATE, and finally CONFISCATE! The inflation part has occurred ( more dollars infused to raise prices of fewer goods). . Now deflation happens next… fed reserve pulls currency from circulation through debt issuance which raises value of dollar and destroys pricing of goods sold .. deflate! Companies have to lower prices of goods produced through firing employees. Lowering wages, or going out of business. This creates the opportunity for cabal to buy businesses/ real estate at pennies on the dollar and to confiscate assets of people who lost their jobs! Cycles are by design! When you realize this is just a white/grey hat of a different color trying to take the printing press way from the black hats, then you are truly awake!


Yup. Outrageous!!!
Without EBS people will never wake up.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. z I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Alan Hardy

I would be reluctant to go beyond a short jail term in these cases – It’s all too easy to be hood winked. Thankfully they have removed themselves from the battlefield. It may have been better that they stayed in post and made sure that their units were switched to White Hat control under their leadership. From dark to light… There should be almost no penalty for repositioning your moral stance back in line with the convention of support for the US constitution.


Mmmm…your either an aware human in control of you psyche and understand
the motivation of Satan and concerned with morals, ethics and the rule of law, or you’re a treasonous idiot who plays games. Hang them all!


The timing of this, if it is now, to which they turned themselves in, does it mean the white hats are winning and they know they are doomed, but not quite yet to the suicidal point.

Anne Stallybrass

I think they smelled a rat


Yes, but cowards do what these did.



Michael R Davis

Yes, with the enemy Democrats threatening to evict lawful voters from polling places without proof of JAB boosters (totally unconstitutional), an election in 2024 would be very foolish. Trump won 2020 without a doubt, the largest landslide victory in history, everybody knows he did, with 4 years remaining in his term, so the military will just reinstate him at the correct time. All lawful and Constitutional, perhaps the 19th president of the New Republic, following Ulysses S Grant.

The old unlawful bankrupt DC Corporation is dead.


They won’t be one.

It’s a trick and and trap.


I will go one step further. I don’t believe there will be a 2024 year.




https ://

2:33 – 7:16 of

https ://

[ Above URL should be OK. If you get a 404 message, RRN somehow remapped the hyphen characters. The clip in question is available at the URL at the top of this post by the title encoded in the above URL. ]

Related links

This is an ad for a book that sheds light on the first news item in the segment above. The subtitles are incorrect with the shown footage. The subtitles themselves are correct according to the contents of the book in the ad.

https ://

The TRUE COST of the ‘item’ sold in the first news item were it in $100 USD units to the entity that produced them into circulation.

https ://

The news agency covering the first news story may now well be under WH control having heard about a ‘7-point plan'(?) for such places mentioned by other truthers online.

Some examples of this particular news outlet’s ‘past work’

https ://
https ://
https ://
https ://

This clip is possibly the ‘secret’ behind what was shown in the second news item

https ://–1g6Tg

If this post is downvoted/replied to by trolls, their ‘playbooks’ are online at the links below so you can be aware of their methods so you can ignore them.

Masonic Diversion Tactics – Get a copy before it is scrubbed from the net (link in description)

https ://

the ‘Tactics’ section of
https ://

https ://

https ://
[ see the ‘Clown’ posts by LVAnon at the above link]

https ://

How Israel censors the internet – If Americans Knew 
https ://

Owen Benjamin’s comical version of the above complete with actual ‘damning proof’ 

https ://

shown in the clip below


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 
2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://

Michael R Davis

Ha. There seem to be thousands of these paid shills I have run into, desperately trying to block the Zionist, brood of vipers, Synagogue of Satan truth. Wake up people, these are our deadly, GOD hating enemies. They have proved so for thousands of years.

https ://

Michael R Davis

For sure, going back to my Facebook,Twitter, America on Line, other boards, even then years ago lots of paid shills to block truth. They sure do hate us, hate our families, hate our freedom, hate our existence, hate our GOD.

https ://


Number 6… SMELLS.

Keeping their symbolism while surrendering ? CMOON.
Attempting to get into the MSM prison maybe.

Son of Ethan allen

Quit making 5 mile long comments.

Tuco Benedito

Amen. Build yer own site of ya got so much to ‘share’.


You can’t tell the Supreme Commander of Michigan what to do!