JAG Nabs Another CDC Official


U.S. Navy JAG investigators have apprehended yet another Center for Disease Control and Prevention official, this time capturing Karen Hacker, the Center’s Director for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), a position she assumed in August 2019. A JAG source told Real Raw News that Hacker had recently co-authored an “academic paper” on the importance of “Population Control Amid Emerging and Ongoing Pandemics.” In it, she emphasized a necessity for mandatory mail-in voting in the 2024 presidential election, citing the resilience of SarsCov2, a rise in cases of “White Lung” pneumonia in children, and inexplicable surges of hepatitis, measles, and fungal meningitis. Hacker distributed her manifesto across the CDC and to Biden regime officials, our source said.

“She isn’t expressing opinion. She was working on an agenda. She even proposed that voters show proof of boosters before being allowed into a polling station. Her paper, or whatever you want to call it, and I call it sinister shit, even discussed medical confinement. Admiral Crandall thoroughly read the paper and found evidence to substantiate charges of conspiracy to commit treason, abuse of office, and defrauding the country,” our source said.

Investigators, he added, spotted Hacker leaving her posh home in Atlanta’s affluent Buckhead suburb Friday evening and approached her with a military arrest warrant. She gawked at them incredulously, a nervous titter escaping her lips. She gazed fixedly, soberly, and said, “This cannot be legitimate.”

“It’s legit,” one of the investigators replied, “and we’d appreciate you not resisting. We really hate it when you people resist or run. Got any guns or knives on you?”

Hacker admitted she had a pistol in her purse. The investigators seized her possessions, cuffed her, and drove her to a processing center in South Florida.

Once there, our source said, Hacker was surprisingly talkative: She claimed she had written only fragments of the paper and that the CDC’s despotic director, Mandy K. Cohen, who rose to power in the wake of Rochelle Walensky’s hanging, had ghostwritten 40 of 64 pages. JAG’s analysis affirmed Hacker’s contention; the paper’s syntax amalgamated human writers and ChatGPT. Nonetheless, Hacker endorsed, signed, and disseminated a proposal clearly aimed at subverting the 2024 election.

“Here’s your problem: We have you, not Cohen. If you can lead us to her, and we know she’s not in Atlanta, maybe we can work out a deal,” an interrogator told Hacker.

Hacker said that Cohen had emailed her the pages, instructing her to incorporate and sign her findings.

“No idea where she is,” Hacker told her interrogator.

“Want to know why your signature is there and Cohen’s isn’t? She labeled you expendable, to be hurled beneath a bus. If you can’t help us with Cohen, we have nothing else to talk about right now,” the interrogator said.

Our source said Hacker will soon get a trip to Guantanamo Bay.

RRN asked the source to comment on JAG’s seemingly indecipherable arrest strategy: why it expends time and resources pursuing middle-management while kingpins of injustice are still wreaking havoc on and burglarizing the populace. He said opportunity dictates JAG’s unorthodox and unpredictable approach to apprehending Deep Staters who have committed acts of treason against the United States.

“As I’m sure you’ve heard before, a lot of these evildoers, and they are truly evil, are hiding all over the planet, from Ukraine to Antarctica. Most aren’t sitting around waiting to get picked up. Yes, we are ramping up global operations, and if it was my choice, we’d drop a MOAB on CDC headquarters. But we can’t just pull a Vladimir Putin in the U.S.A., at least right now,” he said.

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CDC isn’t even a government agency, it is a 501c3 organization. That our government lets this private enterprise make policy for Americans is appalling.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. w I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Susan Sloate
Kate _m52

https ://www.youtube.com/shorts/Lg27h1RzKcM (a really short clip I thought some might like to see).

Last edited 10 months ago by Kate _m52
Karen B

If we don’t start enforcing harsher sentences then America is famous for, we will always attract crime, evil and monsters here. Thank GOD our good Military realizes this. I hope we never go back to harboring the worst monsters in the world. So much is happening bc of our good Military and I am grateful for them. My prayers are with you brave souls

William R Nicholson

Anyone that is hoping to have a nice quiet retirement by continuing to support DS Objectives has shown Proof Positive to Not Have Even Two Working Braincells ! Interrogator was correct in stating she’s expendable & it looks like she’ll hang for stupidity ! I see ncourage all puppets to keep tabs on whereabouts of your puppet master so you can give Them up , save your neck & not look so much like a gullible fool ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

Eric S

Putin got big balls.

Taylor Young

What is wrong with her/his throat? Did they shave off his adams apple?


Looks like she cut it off.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. x I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Lucy Cwiklinski


Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Susan Sloate

And, why can’t our military “pull a Vladimir Putin” right now? What are they waiting for?


What do you mean?

James William Cummings

We can claim that President Putin is a brutal man for allowing a pharmaceutical company in Russia to be bombed yet George H W Bush had a dinner party in the White House (perhaps many such) that was gross and horrific.. A youth was in a chair and old Timber Wolf cut off the top of his skull… That business was beyond savagery. We have absolutely no superiority indeed Putin bombing or no leaves our governmental leaders of that time in the dust on that score in terms of common decency.

Loo Seee

…And I thought Nero was evil. At least the pagans admit they worship any and everything supernatural they don’t understand; the infiltration of demons represented by lawn statues makes them dangerous. These Luciferian “leaders” fragment their generations to act like Christians in public while doing some absolutely disgusting things in their private lives. Church leaders included. I really feel like an idot for thinking some of them were good. It’s safe to say we have to scrutinize everyone now. I hate being distrustful and paranoid about people. Jesus was right; be as shrewd as serpents, and as innocent as doves. And yes, I’m glad HE gives authority to just leaders to provide safety and rest for good
people. Especially children.


Get them, every last one.


Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. t I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


Blackhawk helicopters hovering over yacht cruise in the waters off Sydney Australia:

. ak2. rmbl .ws /s8 /2 /2 /s /9 /w /2s9wo.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf

Last edited 10 months ago by Xena
Guillaume DesChamp

Old footage of a training exercise:

https: //www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/sydney-harbour-black-hawk-helicopters-insane-clip-of-sydney-harbour-madness/news-story/e8bf568d6010bdf8c1e31be59692dc1e




Black Hat Officers Surrender to JAG… New MB article!


looks like a freaky transgender nutcase !


Considering at this rate – they All are something, or another.

Michael R Davis

Scott Ritter: “NATO is an empty shell, use Ukraine & Israel as vehicles for a big war”. Truth about the Zionist and Globalist control of the US and our insane wars.

https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbkUrS-VijU




Time to put it in THIRD GEAR.
Step up the “take-out’s” with sniper’s/drone’s.
The gavel has already dropped , on A L L of them.
Clones don’t think, least have the capability to reason,they are programmed.
Delete the program’s.





Yes, you are, but if you thought better of yourself you’d say nicer things to encourage you. You’re only about 14 years old, so practice saying nice things to your mind & heart. You’ll grow up to be a better woman🌹


It’s Jimbo.







Ok Jimbo go back to your cave.

Someone Else

So, a poor cap of a web phone showing who knows what and calling it Antarctica is big news?

Sure, it could be what they say.

It also could easily sure not be.


There is nothing.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. e I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Susan Sloate

Are we to contrast the two stories on RRN? Putin does his thing and we do ours. Big difference I’d say.


no, don’t think too hard


Sure, but Putin doesn’t have a communist US media up his ass 24/7. So he can blow up satanist dens if he thinks it will save time/lives. No American can, because that will be used to demonize resistance to globalism. Just look at how much hay they made with the J6 nothingburger. What do you think they could do with a cruise missile strike on CDC?

Kirk Dragon

There are no limits to evil, murder is just another day at the office, children raped and blood drained, lovely, women and children sold as sex slaves, ideal, billions plotted to be murdered by giving them heart attacks and cancer, the best, seize control of Global Governments and install pedophiles and transvestites, marvelous, making themselves gods just a plan gone well. Evil, we must extinguish it completely, not one or the murders, treasonous, vaccinators, child traffickers, adrenochrome junkies must survive, I pray to God our Father.

Francisco Causing

I admire your conviction not to tolerate the devilish criminal activities of this so called violent, vicious, cruel human beings who were psychopaths who doesn’t have any love, respect, and care for their fellows. This kind of people must be arrested by the legitimate patriotic military 🪖 white hats and be subject for interpretation trial in military 🪖 jury and if found guilty must face life imprisonment or death by firing squad or to be hang in the gallows !

Lucky star

You should have a motto: Ora et labora… if you are just praying without doing nothing .. do you think that’s what the GOD wanted from you?????

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website…W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Susan Sloate
Jose Ramirez

Kill her!!!! No mercy!!!


All the three letter alphabet agents are contracted to the government and have no rights in making any laws ! These are nothing but criminal terrorist defrauded the United States constitution the government has sworn to protect an committed treason ! Blackrock and vanguard have committed treason for counterfeiting the United States dollar by defrauding the United States 🇺🇸 and need to all come to justice an punished to the full extent of the law !


They were also not approved by the people. Execution is the only remedy and it is happening as we speak.

Lucky star

What can you do with vanguard and Blackrock if your 401k are invested under their mutual funds???


Withdraw it somehow, even if you have to steal it back.
It would’ve been more wise to purchase land or Gold & Silver than to invest it in their jurisdiction under a 401k.

Last edited 10 months ago by goober

“at least right now”


The American People are fine. It is our crippled Fed legislature and approx.39 US state legislatures that are our biggest communist threats today.


Pick them out – point the finger so they can be seen otherwise they hide in plain site.


We need to clean up the FBI if we are ever to trust it again.

Every few weeks there is a new scandal coming out of there.

They couldn’t be bothered with Hunter’s laptop or child trafficking, but have plenty of time to go after conservatives and Trump!


TRUTH BQMB INCOMING / Prepare yourself for the Truth unveiled here ⬇️



Agree with you BT, but we must as a nation go beyond FBI. MALE / TRANSVESTITES / TRANSGENDERS / PEDOPHILES used to wear scarves, high neck blouses, sweaters, and strings of jewelry round their necks to hide the scars evidencing the removal of the ADAM’s apple. Now PEDOPHILES sport their neck scars as a badge of honor toward their commitment to Satan in the murder of children / humanity.

WHO in American society declared this bold behavior of depravity to exist without punishment?
WHAT are Americans intending to do about it?
HOW shall Americans punish the SERPENT SEEDS who dare insult Almighty Creator Father God Jesus? It is moral humanity who must CONTROL THE POPULATION OF HOMOSEXUALS AND PEDOPHILES murdering humanity and destroying Earth.

Michael, would you please ask your sources the following questions so that Americans can assist in the “collection” process of SERPENT SEEDS? Critical answers must be collected for the following questions:

  1. Was the “academic paper” written FOR CDC and/or published BY CDC?
  2. Was the “academic paper” published by any of the leading publishers (i.e., Springer, Routledge, Elsevier, Peter Lang, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge, Sage, SciElo, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell, etcetera)? If not, then what is the name of the national or international publisher?
  3. Was the “proposal” written before or after the “published” academic paper?
  4. Did alias KAREN HACKER possess a bachelor, master, and/or doctorate degree? If so, what “DISCIPLINE(S)” did he achieve the diploma(s) and what are the names of those institutions?

I encourage Military to sweep through all public and private schools K-12, colleges and universities for all teachers, educators, faculty and non-faculty and company/corporate EMPLOYERS who support / supported the agendas of HOMOSEXUALS, TRANSVESTITES, TRANSGENDERS, and PEDOPHILIES in America. Herein is the root of evil embedded in the FIVE SOCIAL NORMS OF AMERICA: FAMILY, GOVERNMENT, ECONOMY, EDUCATION, and RELIGION.

SERPENT SEEDS ravaged a once civilized society by their immorality and unethical behaviors against Almighty Father God Creator Jesus in all states of America … they swore to murder every child and adult while destroying Earth.

THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION: As individuals and as a nation, together, we must execute these damned demons every day that we live until the end of time … NO MERCY … never give up, never give in, 24/7/365 … we must fight back harder as Father God Jesus commanded! 


Sorry, but the people are programmed by false teachings in the Bible to worship the dirtiest of filth on a daily basis, until the christians, muslims hindu’s buddhists etc etc etc find out and understand about the Synagogue of Satan and who it actually IS that worships him – nothing can change.
The exposure MUST be worldly – meaning the entire planet!
Expose them for who & what they are – they cannot hide anymore.

Kate _m52

Darn! I still can’t get in to Telegram.

Michael R Davis

No military ops going on? Really, two Blackhawks boarding a cruiseship? Caught by fisherman on video, military boarding Captain Cook Cruises.
Wonder who they arrested? Maybe rescuing kids?
Will we find out about it over on RRN?

https ://ak2.rmbl.ws/s8/2/2/s/9/w/2s9wo.caa.mp4?b=1&u=ummtf

Captain Cook Cruises is based out of Sydney Australia, some cruises on Sydney Harbor, some to Fiji Islands. Hopefully, this was an important arrest of a fleeing felon, or rescue of trafficked children, the details given to Michael Baxter in the near future.

I see 3 blacksuited Special Ops dropping from the Blackhawk at the bow, the other Blackhawk is on overwatch in case somebody fires on them, manning the 50 calibers, several snipers ready to fire. Quite a few people on the upper deck. More Special Forces ready to board at the stern, maybe to receive prisoners or rescuees. The cruiseship appears to be almost dead in the water. That ship’s mast looks too close for the 2nd Blackhawk to drop men over the stern.

https ://www.captaincook.com.au/?fbclid=IwAR1P9Er6X0gwAsbuoS4cufwvNowy6z1LpUK8vD21-EpGFJNRP-bO-8u4nGM

https ://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-UV436_3bxuN_OR_20170826022516.jpg?width=620&height=400

Guillaume DesChamp

Old footage of a training drill:

https: //www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/sydney-harbour-black-hawk-helicopters-insane-clip-of-sydney-harbour-madness/news-story/e8bf568d6010bdf8c1e31be59692dc1e

Michael R Davis

Perhaps, or a FAKE Newsmedia coverup of the incident for the DeepState.


Well spotted.. Thank you..


Edge, Google, Brave blocked your three websites. I don’t see a bright future on the Internet any longer for education and truth…..

Guillaume DesChamp

You have to remove the space after the colon.

George Sanders

Thank GOD patriots are taking action against the soulless, elites that have appointed themselves the chosen few.


they be lying to us here.


We can’t just pull a Vladimir Putin. What does that even mean. What do these people expect from us reading these remarks? We expect public fair justice. How will we ever heal from this trauma if this is not public. We are only prolonging the problem by wanting to tear off the band aid a millimeter each day. People know they are being fooled and they are tired of the bullshit. How do I know this websites reports are not another bullshit campaign?


You said: “How do I know this website’s reports are not another bullshit campaign?”

Simply because a retired school teacher does not have the innate genius ability to make this stuff up. There are way too many details, names, places, etc. If it wasn’t true there would be dozens of libel lawsuits filed against RRN. Think about it friend!

Guillaume DesChamp

MB himself states that “This website contains humor, parody, and satire.”

Steve J

Yes, in the language of the JAG or other officials expressing their thoughts and conversations. Think about it.


he has to say that otherwise he would be shut down,

Someone Else

It’s actually quite easy to do with “AI”.

I would take anything you read or see online with a very large lump of salt.

Judi Kay

No, there would not be “dozens of libel lawsuits filed…” There is a disclaimer on the website stating that this is “satire” — and everyone says, “Oh, that’s for legal protection.” But… no legal protection is needed when the truth is published. So, were these stories true, the disclaimer would not be required. By telling readers upfront that these stories are false, MB can write and print whatever he wants about public figures. He is protected by the 1st Amendment. Such writings only become libel when done with malicious intent to harm an individual’s reputation, and for public figures, that’s a high standard. The typical defense is that “No intelligent person would possibly believe the ridiculous stories”. With the internet, it’s very easy to come up with names, places, little details that add a semblance of reality to the stories. So, think about it. To put it simply, again, if these stories were true, no disclaimer would be needed. No lawsuits can be filed against a site that publishes the truth.


You don’t have to read it. Go away and watch cnn, fake White House stage sets and an insane clown world president sniffing little girls and mumbling through speeches.


How do you know anything you’ve ever been told is true?


We cannot get evidentiary truth because Edge Google Brave and other browsers are blocking the public from learning of the widespread evils committed by SERPENT SEEDS.

As a whole, we must call out to Father God Jesus to bring us Truth and justice by eradicating the pervasive evil on Earth.


Even the German citizens had to walk through Buchenwald to see how much carnage and death Adolf Hitler caused. They supported him in the beginning because they thought he could bring Germany out of the misery and financial disaster it was in as the Weimar Republic after the Versailles Treaty in 1919.
They never signed up for euthanasia, or ethnic cleansing, or Kristallnacht or prejudice or persecution or Dr. Mengele or concentration camps, they never voted for this, they never agreed to this. They had to wake up this way and see the devastation Hitler caused, not only in other countries but in their own country, sacred Germany. That way they would never let this happen again.

Same for America. The sheeple have to see with their own eyes and ears with the EBS the sheer ruination the cabal has caused us and the world, with not just Hacker, but HRC, W, Podesta, Obama, Cheney, Sotomayor, Epstein, Bancel, Hahn, Roberts, WJC, Rumsfeld, Sullivan, Moore, Pence, Walensky, GHWB, Fauci, Liz Cheney, Adams, McCain, Yellen, Hunter, Harris, Joe, Vilsack, Xi, Deese, Bill and Melinda Gates, Hanks, Colbert, Birx, Soros, and all the other traitors caused us. Everything that RRN reported, included the reports that MB had to remove due to threats, should be shown in their entirety. They savaged the good guys and gals, President Trump especially and We the People, and upheld and defended and protected their idols like the aforementioned filthy wolves of the deep state.
Expose everything nonstop to everyone 16 and up, so people will finally know the truth and this shadow government butchery will never happen again. The Germans have learned the consequences with deep humiliation, so can America.


Today, as I bid farewell as I reflect on our journey together since 11-22-2018. Our mission was clear from the start: to aid in the awakening process and illuminate paths hidden in shadows. This journey has been an emotional rollercoaster, filled with highs and lows, and hopes mingled with disappointments.
Blending enlightenment with larpy entertainment, I endeavored to awaken you to the darker realities of our world while maintaining a sense of hope. What once seemed like mere conspiracy theories have often revealed themselves as truths, exposing a world where some forces, worshipping material wealth over compassion, disregard our lives.
Throughout our shared experience, we’ve encountered numerous synchronicities – those unexplainable
“./syncs” that connected us in profound ways. These moments were more than coincidences; they were signals guiding us towards greater understanding and unity. We’ve dived deep into the depths of Q, uncovering hidden truths and emerging more enlightened. Our bond strengthened through the joys, the positive posts, and the intricate puzzles we decoded together, transcending mere words on a screen.
In this evolving landscape, I urge you to maintain an open mind. Trust is a delicate thing, but I encourage you to give some people a chance, especially in these transformative times.
The concept of disclosure has been a hotbed of our discussions. We’ve witnessed every institution we once trusted being infiltrated and controlled by dark forces. Some suggest this exposure is intentional, a necessary evil to spur change. I agree. Without understanding the corruption, how could we ever hope to rectify it? They’ve kept us in a bubble, controlling our perception and reality. But now, we see this bubble, and the time is approaching when it will inevitably burst.
As we stand united, we possess the strength to endure and overcome these challenging times. Together, we can identify the issues and learn. from them, forging a path towards a brighter, more enlightened future.
Q has been a cornerstone of this journey. Not as a savior, but as a catalyst – a White Hat Psy-op that served a higher purpose. It was never about blindly following; it was about awakening from a deep trance, recognizing the faults in our world, and understanding what we stand against. This journey with Q, you all, and the myriad of possibilities each drop presented, has been a guiding light in this great awakening.
Interacting with all of you has forever changed my life for the better. QuitCigs to Carnivore. The impact you’ve had on my faith, the friendships we’ve made, and the love we’ve shared is immeasurable. You have all been a beacon of hope and strength, reminding me of the goodness in our world.
As I step away, I recognize that my presence may now be more a hindrance to our collective awakening. In this quest for truth, we stand as equals; no one is above another. My role, as it was, has served its purpose.
I leave with a heart full of gratitude for our time together, the truths uncovered, and the bonds formed. Our journey doesn’t end here; it merely takes a new direction. Each one of you carries the torch of awakening, shining light into the world’s darkest corners.
Thank Q for sharing this path with me, for your support, and for the unity we’ve forged. Remember, the quest for truth and justice is eternal, and the best is indeed yet to come.
Farewell, my friends, until we meet again in a world fully awakened and renewed.
With deep appreciation and love from an ‘Anon just like you’,
>>>      -Vincent Kennedy-        <<<


Farewell.. See you on the other side.. 🇺🇲💗🇺🇲


BELOVED<<<<<<<<<<>> -Vincent Kennedy- <<<

Last edited 10 months ago by B T


“At 4AM this morning, two-thousand (2,000) troops at Moody Air Force Base (near Valdosta, GA) were called and told “”Be at the base by 6AM, packed and ready to deploy.””

They were NOT told the destination.

They WERE told “Tell their immediate families to be prepped with:

*Food, etc.


(Note: Publication of this information was intentionally delayed by me, for 24 hours, for the security of our troops.)

via SovereignRedneckRenegade

UPDATE: It has been confirmed with 7000 more troops on standby…


Join @TruthHub


This website contains humor, parody, and satire.


Where ever they go, Whatever they Do,,,
God’s Speed & Blessing’s.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… w­w­w.P­a­y­a­t­h­o­m­e­9­.c­o­m

Last edited 10 months ago by Susan Sloate

Fauci is going to testify before a Republican House Committee for two days in January. Closed door, 7 hours a day. Dead men can do amazing things. Guess the Republicans will be too stupid to realize they’re talking to a dead guy.


Fauci was in fact executed. All of this is real. You are either a fed or a hard head.


Saying something is real is the lamest argument to convince another person possible. It makes it even less believable. You got to do better!


Ok, you gay fag coco sucking tranny lovin baby blood drinking fed, 1) like I said one month ago, Pensacola NAS has beefed up security like something out of a Middle East forward operating base. All for a base that is nothing more than home of the blue angels and some pilot trainees. 2) amazing how we don’t see cunt Hillary running her hole about being president this go round. That’s cuz the bitch is *dead.*

I could keep going on and on making you look like the fool you are but typing on my cel is such a hassle with my big ol maga patriot fingers.

Someone Else

It doesn’t help you by hurling lame insults.


The original message contained a weblink, therein was the evidence. To reach a higher level of believability is to be among the soldiers live streaming messages.


Based on what I’ve seen, this is as far from reality as it is possible to go.


Your a dumbass who is easily fooled

Someone Else

This person, if he’s a person, is a true believer, and can’t conceive of the concept that he’s mistaken.

He’s likely one of the two he just accused others of being.


Or both!

Michael R Davis

Perhaps closed door because Republicans knew Fauci was already tried, convicted, executed, replaced by the JAG videos and trial transcripts they will be looking at from Fauci’s trial. The Republicans should be used to dead ‘witnesses’ via video by now, many from their own ranks, even more from Democrat ranks. Closed door because it is not time yet for it all to go to the public.

Someone Else



You know the Reps are exactly as corrupt as the Dems, right?


Congress knows Fauci was executed. The message you share comes by and for demoncrats … the degenerates of America’s society.


Original dead dumbass.


She signed it, she needs to be put away for life…”Just doing my job” or “Just doing what I was told” doesn’t cut it. Or execute her, doesn’t really matter, either way is good.


Yes, death to tyrants! Alias Karen ‘Hacker’ is a MALE … he wears the surgical neck-scar from side-to-side from the removal of his Adam’s apple. This is a common theme among homosexuals, transvestites, transgenders, and pedophiles. HIS crime is TREASON that carries the DEATH punishment by MILITARY.

You can download the July 2023 Law of War manual by the Department of Defense website without $charge.


“Their” time is up,,,
tic,,, tic,,, ti


www .planet-today .com /2023/ 12 /nz-whistleblower-who-exposed.html


Yeah, that’s quite the story. Given his inclination to share what he knows after he figured it out, I’d be lenient on him. Still, it must be horrible for him to realize what he cooperated in. Let’s hope that the police that showed up at his place are White Hat. The evidence he might have on the larger agenda could prove useful.

Di andy

The only one we can trust fully is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many pied pipers out there yet that are wolves in sheeps clothing. Pray Pray Pray


Why Vladimir Putin? there was worse killer never brought to justice called Kissinger that died peacefully in his car with no pain or pay for his crimes to anybody. At lease Putin is cleaning this earth of those evil projects against humanity supported by American taxes, elites and the Deep State or reptilians. But of course, Kissinger is an American monster reverenced by all for his atrocities and Putin is demonized for his defense of Russians against the intimidation of the Central Banks domination ….lets be clear, who really is the enemy of America and the world? do we need to parrot the news?


How can anyone trust anyone these days?! This operation is GLOBAL & we still trust? I’m freaking-out a wee bit. But maybe it’s the truth that we haven’t fully considered. We cannot trust anyone anymore, can we?

Last edited 10 months ago by K.E.

We can trust our Savior Jesus and the Almighty God who is at work now helping us free our nation!


I trust my barber.


Let us start with trusting God Almighty first. I also trust my sisters and this website.

Last edited 10 months ago by Joanna

Exactly. Every lie is a ltmus test for whatever bogus regime is coming in from the “opposition” party. Did the Democrats expose 9/11 in 2008? Did the Republicans expose JFK in 1968? The answer is always ‘no’, because both sides build on every lie. They don’t want to expose lies. They want to use them to enslave the public.
This is why I still like Trump and why I have RRN bookmarked. Not perfect, but more of the truth exposed than anywhere else. True or false, Baxter doesn’t shy away from 9/11, JFK, election corruption, medical tyranny etc. So it’s at least based on the truth. Everything in DC and the MSM is based on lies.
Trust your own reason and your own eyes, nothing else. Unless you’re religious, in which case trust God. There is nothing else available and there never will be.

Someone Else

Well said.

Nukken Futz

Wonder how much the DS greased her off, plus she has the typical look of a dingbat libby wokeycrat with a dumbass shit for brains facial look to her. When she hears the gallos trapdoor get oiled, she might start singing…….


I’ve heard some of the ‘biggies’ our citizen journalists, like MB, now speaking on some of Baxter’s information. Not many, but it’s getting out there. I’m sure many are checking it out, as well, from other sources.


MSM still under orders from cabal. Mockingbird media only allowed to parrot what they are told is approved. MSM is really MSP – mainstream propaganda.


She looks like someone who gave her kids sleeping pills so she could get drunk on box wine in the 80s.


Karen ‘Hacker’ is a MALE … he wears the surgical neck-scar from side-to-side from the removal of his Adam’s apple. Yet another PEDOPHILE serpent seed.


Wow yeah, she suggests having a booster card with you, to vote? But not identification? And, also mandatory mail in voting? I just saw another one from the CDC on TV saying how many thousand are dying from covid each week, blah, blah, blah. Her name was Mandy something…………. didn’t catch her last name as I was too shocked to see “THEM” again, pushing the covid narrative,that DIDN’T WORK LAST TIME……………………………… this shit show must go!


Connie, can you believe what we’re living through…? Stay strong 🌹


Don’t comply!

Steve J

Mandy Cohen? If so, she is despicable. She was the head of health department for NC not too long ago. Certainly moved up in the ranks very fast.

Susan Sloate

I’m making $90 an hour working from. home. d I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me she prescribed for me to attempt it simply Everybody must try this job now by just
using this website……. W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


“… any celebrity at that level has been replaced the moment they hit that 50-100 million dollar mark. This is why Dave Chapelle turned it down for his former series “The Chapelle Show”. There’s strings that come with that where they own you outright whether dead or alive. Dave mentioned this briefly. They offer you something and the moment you decline you become a liability. And they have to figure out how to get you to comply. One way to do that without losing any money on your name is to replace you. This way the cash flow remains but the soul in the vessel that garnered that is gone.”

So, if you are successful, you can never ‘get out’ of their grip.
You WILL become demonic…











That’s exactly believably true. I used to love all that garbage. Paid to go to their comedy shows, concerts, movies, plays.

People like DonnaReedShow actor Paul Peterson was on Phil Donahue Show in the 80s\90s talking about the evils of hollyweird & we really didn’t get it.

Now with the help of Chappelle & others, who’ve exposed these witches & warlocks, we are ‘getting it’ the hardest of ways.

Nothing is worth losing our souls🙏

Last edited 10 months ago by K.E.