Trump Rejects Ramaswamy as Potential VP, But…..


Last night, President Donald J. Trump informed Vivek Ramaswamy, who had just suspended his presidential campaign, that his name would not appear on the Republican ticket alongside Trump’s in 2024. In short, he squashed Ramaswamy’s hopes and dreams of being Trump’s vice president.

“I like you,” the president reportedly told Ramaswamy, “but you’re not a vice president.”

As reported yesterday, General Eric M. Smith almost had a second heart attack when he saw Trump and Ramaswamy figuratively hugging each other on stage at a rally in New Hampshire. The general’s deep reservations about Ramaswamy prompted him to immediately phone Trump to express his unease and once more caution Trump against selecting a VP with ties to the biomedical industry and past allegiances to Pfizer and the World Economic Forum. At the time of publication, the general hadn’t shared Trump’s reply with staff. However, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that Gen. Smith later confided in staff, saying Trump shot down Ramaswamy’s vice presidential aspirations, for he had already tentatively picked someone else to join him at the White House—Tulsi Gabbard.

If true, Trump’s response obliquely affirms an article RRN published on October 11, 2022, titled “Trump Courts Gabbard for Future Cabinet Position,” published with quotes from people in Trump’s NYC offices after gabbard switched political parties.

“Gabbard is a Republican at heart,” Trump said of Gabbard at the time, according to sources.

Like Ramaswamy, Gabbard has been linked to the World Economic Forum, a globalist organization founded by the sinister Klaus Schwab. Her photo once appeared on the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leader Website, and her critics have labeled her “controlled opposition.”

Our source didn’t share Gen. Smith’s reaction to the revelation, but White Hats will likely rebuke Gabbard as a potential commander-in-chief, should anything happen to Trump, based on her association with globalist organizations.

Again, Trump used the word “tentative,” meaning everything is in flux, and he is open to hearing arguments for and against Gabbard’s appointment.

In closing, our source hinted at whom some White Hats would prefer as vice president: Kari Lake.

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Brigid Bardont

Why not pick someone worthy, rather than a 3rd world fuck, or one of many duplicitous bitches? Personally, one of the few I trust is Josh Hawley.


Ramaswamy is a WEF stooge


God please don’t let Gabbard take the VP slot. Anyone in the WEF that rises very much at all with them, has already been filmed committing crimes, in order to gain their trust as they don’t trust anyone that won’t compromise themselves in a way that the’d rather die than be exposed for it.

What I have trouble with is that Trump seems to fail to see past these people who belong to secret societies & instead takes them in like the “tender woman” pouring herself over a snake. I think Trump is more easily played than most.

However evidence shows clearly that he did manage to resist Epstein’s very tempting stable of women – & that’s huge. Most men fail a high-octane setup & I MEAN most. They are so good at compromising & setting up elites is almost a miracle that Trump never fell for it. If he had it would have come out by now.

Brigid Bardont

She was the only demonrat pol I feared because she’s “likable” (comparatively) & has a working brain, at least. She also counted John ‘Pedo’ Podesta as a mentor, which says everything about her (Hillary, Jr.). I stopped after Trump won, and she began sounding like a normal person. (She’s def under his control. And, is or will be serving time or executed.) Chin up, Sean.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started_________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


I think Rep. Stefanik or Gov. Noem would be great. Noem would bring forth votes from flyover country, plus she’s already run a state so she’s a great candidate. Stefanic is also good she’s been an outspoken supporter of trump and republicanism for years.


Sorry, Vivek, no go on VP. BUT…

Trump will recommend you for a position at the new 7-11 in DC.


Tulsi is a young WEF leader, she was also on their WEF site?


I love Keri Lake as I absolutely trust her and she would make a wonderful VP. I’m glad Trump squashed Vivek’s dream…I never did trust him.


Trump has some amazing choice, Kari Lake, Gov. Noem of South Dakota. Why bother anybody who hasn’t proven their loyalty?

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, 
Here is I started_________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Pray Hard

Tulsi could or would not save Maui from the evil that destroyed Lahaina, how can she even be considered!?! I don’t trust her. SD Kristi or AZ Kari.

Brigid Bardont

Why does the VP even have to be a broad…??


Vivek is a snake. I wouldnt trust him. Just sayin


Gaetz would be good also!!


Karri Lake for VP, definitely JFK Jr. if he is not alive!!!

Frances Bell

JFK is very much alive, and he will be VP.
When Trump ends his term JFK will be President. In the oast, Presidents were not elected, they were selected.

joe blow

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
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Lisa Cordaro

It’s the Fall of the Cabal

solid snake

I personally think that Trump should choose Don Jr. At least Trump will know that his son has his back. No sneaky TRAITORS like Pence. Failing that, then maybe Tucker, Lake, Gaetz, or Nunes.


Not Nunez and certainly not Tucker!

Frances Bell

Trump vowed to get even with the CID who were involved with the assassination of JFK snr. He will choose Jnr.


🇺🇸I saw a picture of her throwing her gang sign, her hands in a triangle.

Brigid Bardont

I saw that, too. It was zero surprise. And she counts John Podesta as her mentor. So, she’s sick as it gets. (She’s def under his, Trump’s control, and will be going bye-bye forever this year.)

joe blow

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


Heritage president Dr Kevin Roberts needs to be VP. Listen to his 3 minute speech at WEF.


Kari Lake would be a great VP pick or Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Negative! They are both globalist, elitist shills. They’ll do what they’re told, not what’s right. They are both controlled rich bitches.Go make a sandwich and while you’re in there, listen to Dr Kevin Roberts speech at the WEF. We have to have scorched earth at this point. Every congressman and senator, governor and judge needs to be prosecuted and executed now.

Frances Bell

Trump does not likr MTG. I have seen him avoid her, whenever he can. And I think she knows it.

Mark David

Trump is toying with them about Gabbard, etc. He likes seeing the reactions he gets, which tells him a lot about the people in his inner circle.


Trump quote: “Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.”


No it isn’t. Do your homework.


what homework? on whom ? what are you trying to say.? geeze what nonsense!


Definitely not Tulsi!! She is slithery like the rest.


If he picks Tulsi Gabbard, from what I’ve seen from her public persona, would be incompetence. There’s no more time for mistakes. This Countries Excistence is on the line.


This is not the scare event this is the real disclosure that been pushed for a long time and it looks like it’s finally paying out.

Last edited 11 months ago by Strike17

Cheyenne Mountain, USSF, Trump, White hat military is telling Congress that they better expose the truth. No Matter what happens the hammer is going to drop.

Mark David

I read that under NESARA, the entire US Congress is replaced with a new one, without Senators (don’t need them), only Congressmen in the Congress, and the Federal Govt is downsized by 90% No Congressman serves more than one term and no one retires with a pension-medical-etc from the job. No double standards or insider trading. You spend your time serving during your single term, then go back home so others can serve.

Last edited 11 months ago by Mark David

I agree but I think they should be allowed 2 terms, no more. Should be voted in or not, for 2nd term also.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


There is massive corruption at the highest levels in government and will lead to hundreds of billions in law suits and trillions of dollars lost to cover their money laundering system.


I had to get some sleep so here is to rest of the story:

.This means White Hats in the military, Congress, Senate and U.S. Elites with USSF are trying to find a way to release the DISCJOSURE PROJECT AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY that cannot lead to Terrorists, enemies of the States and other nations to build super weapons.

. This is only part of the big dilemma (BIG MESS) that’s going on behind the scenes.


Once the technology and disclosure projects happen millions of Millionaires and Billionaires WILL want the blue prints and more over several countries across the World inside the ALLIANCE OPERATIONS will want the full disclosure on what they already built. AND A HUGE BLACK MARKET WILL EVOLVE (corruption, money laundering, blackmail etc.) in order to gain the technology and replicate and produce.


The Government, Military and all the classified Operations connected to UFO, UAPs and Tesla Energy, Invent Infininte Zero Point Energy. Sereral Military Operations, Military Contractors and Private Security Contractors in the U.S. Military Industrial Complex System have Killed Each Other in Several Operations That Have Been

. From DEEP DARK Operations of the Boeing, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works,
CIA, Pentagon, Raytheon, UFO, UAPs Retrieval Programs have all been Involved in Military Gun Fights Battles to keep their Illegal Constitution Operations Going.

. A lot of the Gun Fights between the U.S. Military and Secret Deep Dark Ops. Was about concealing, Hiding Underground Military Bases and Real UFO. UAPs and Super Advanced Technology.

. Example: George W Bush, the Pentagon, CIA and Top Generals
knew in 2004 a Gun fight happened in Northern Nevada. Lockheed Martin tested a UAP that was using Infinite Energy
had Crashed in the Region. U.S. Army General Stanley A. McChrystal Commander of U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), sent the Military to retrieve the UAP, but the Deep State deep dark ops Lockheed Martin military contractors killed U.S. Military Soldiers (JSOC) in the gun battle. (Lockheed Martin didn’t want the U.S. Military in Possession of the UAP technology).

. Immediately the Pentagon and George W. Bush CLASSIFIED
the Nevada gun fight and illegal unconstitution operations by Lockheed Martin and the U.S. Military were told to stand down.

. This is just one example of U.S. Soldiers fighting the unconstitutional deep state U.S. Military industrial complex system operations.

. Other Whistleblowers from the military have told Congress about UAPs in other countries where U.S. Soldiers have been assaulted by deep state military contractors.

. Including U.S. Marine Michael Herrera accounts that military contractors are using UAPs for human trafficking.

. Congress, Military and Elite White Hats know that exposing the real alien cover ups, UFO and manmade UAPs super advanced technology is leading to EXPOSING CLASSIFIED OPERATIONS THAT HAVE KILLED U.S. SOLDIERS on U.S. soil.

V. Torrez

Yesterday evening, 01/17/24, while watching the Gutfeld Show on Fox, it was commented that THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATS, intent to use the Military, in the event our Pres. Trump. wins the 2024 Presidential Elections…
Any comments from Michael or anyone else???

Mark David

The US Military knows about the traitorous Democrats and will follow orders to shoot those bastards on sight.


From what I have read, the white hats under Trump are Navy, Marines, Air Force & Space Force and Black hats have 1/2 of Army. But Milly and Austin have been killed, but I am sure someone has slid into their place.

Frances Bell

Yrs, they were executed at Gitmo by Military Tribunal.


Myself,Kari Lake or Kristi Noem..Myself first because I will do what’s right immediately and I don’t care about applause or fame and like Kari Lake I can’t wait to get into the ring against a bunch of Marxist Statist media.

An Bolynn

I am afraid there may be a surprise with Keri Lake for us. I pray not, but it may be.
Tulsi is an absolute NO! She is a plant!
There are some times coming yet that will still surprise us …. and I was convinced that had become an impossibility ………


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… W­w­w.M­o­n­e­y­P­a­y­1.c­o­m


I’m not much for conspiracies but what if Trump comes out with a “Trump card” and brings JFK Jr out for VP pick.

There are a lot of problems with his death in 1999. The bodies weren’t found for like 5 days in salt water so almost “unidentifiable”. The Autopsy was performed and the bodies were immediately cremated. They usually don’t cremate a body of a prominent politician the same day unless they are trying to hide something.
This is something I heard a few years back. That he is alive and in hiding and might have been part of the movement to get Trump elected in the first place. They wanted someone in office where they could release all the information and corruption to the public.
This is just conspiracy but then again “Everything is conspiracy until it’s proven True”.


Keep chasing that carrot, snoop

Mark David

JFK Jr. has been our VP since 2017. Pence was a traitorous dummy and JFK Jr. was kept out of the Limelight to avoid revealing him a bit longer.


How many more time’s do people have to be abused/terrorized by CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT CORPORATION$ to hear it’s just “con$piracy”. People are punch drunk by their own MSM/CGI/AI, American People/Patriot blood is spilled on land yet still. How many more times will these ghouls suck the very LIFE of America the World’s Land of F R E E D O M .

Blessing’s be the Patriots

Frances Bell

That is what is going to happen in trality. JFK has been chosen. This is why Trump is not making a big scene about it, he has everyone guessing


I like Tulsi Gabbard. I think she’ll be a good VP. What happened to JFK Jr? I thought he was already chosen.


I hope you’re sitting down for this, Aje: he died in a plane crash 25 years ago 😔


Possibly set up before killary could get to him.

Mark David

The US Navy protected JFK Jr. all his life, not the Secret Service, and found the det cord in the planes tail before the plane was flown that day. The det cord was on an altitude detonator, and set to explode when the plane started to descend below a set altitude. The altitude detonator was swapped out for a remote control hand-held detonator. The SEAL flew the plane to the crash area, parachuted out, then detonated the det cord which blew off the tail and caused the crash. The US Navy did the recovery of the ‘bodies’ , the ID of the ‘bodies’, and the burial at sea. For the record, JFK Jr. NEVER flew without an instructor pilot at the other set of controls. His death was faked to protect him and his wife, similar to the ‘Witness Protection Program’. The Deep State and the Clinton’s were behind the assassination attempt to ensure that bitch Hillary became the Senator from NY. There was no way Hillary could beat JFK Jr in an election.

Last edited 11 months ago by Mark David
Kate _m52

killary arranged his death so she would win the senate seat.

Mark David

How long were you lost at sea, Nimrod? JFK Jr (in disguise but still recognizable) was spotted at nearly every Trump rally, along with his beautiful wife. The pictures are still available on-line. They are still here and JFK Jr. is Q, while Trump is Q+.. Do your research.

Frances Bell

Yes I saw those pics.


Shows how much you do not know. The truth is a beautiful story.

Frances Bell

It was a set up for HRC. He is very much alive. Working with Trump


Kristi Noem!! South Dakota!!
Farmers, cowboys & the good ol’ American 🇺🇸 dream!

Truth Seeker

We’re being told that JFK Jr. is president Trump’s V.P. I’m patiently waiting to see if this scenario is legit. A ticket of Trump and J.F.K. Jr. would be the most formidable president and V.P. duo in the history of this country.

Last edited 11 months ago by Truth Seeker

well we all hope that – however it will be a last minute announcement – as the reveal of JFK Jr has to happen first and timing is everything


Timing is everything retards are much worse than the satanists.

Keep sitting in your recliner eating Cheetos while your pathetic simps let the world burn.


UES, I agree and hope so♥️🙏

Truth Seeker

If I’m correct Gabbard was part of the WEF’s Young Global Leader initiative at the same time Dan Crenshaw was.


Dan Crenshaw, what is weird with him is I’ve often noticed not one of his teammates has ever come forward to say what a great guy we was to serve with.

Most of the People I served with I would definitely come forward and support. I can’t think of one person I served with that was anti-American. Some where just normal soldiers which I would put myself in the same category. I also didn’t know any male soldiers that put dresses on after work. I served when times where better and I never had to go to war over seas. Unfortunately I didn’t get to travel much which was one of the reasons I joined.

Last edited 11 months ago by snoopy

Good point. Dan Crenshaw is no longer with us, if he ever was.

Leslie Parsons

I saw Gabbard displaying a Luciferian, symbolic, two-handed pose in an obviously staged and professional photograph. I was the same as the portrait of Charlie Kirk and Candice Owen, that you may have seen!


Article from 2019


Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Joe Walsh, Clint Eastwood, General Smith.
}[‘m sure there are a Host of other’s.
][‘m sure Full Disclosure can be handled by You.

Blessing’s to A L L



You’re a drooling retard for posting such drivel.


Go take your meds, noballs…


William Cooper said Jones was C.I.A.

Leslie Parsons

This is absolutely correct!


One can only hope, we are keeping friends close, & enemies closer. The truth will out soon enough, one way or another.


I lean towards Tucker.


Tucker is where he belongs, a truth teller!! He does not have the background to be VP, but I sure do love Tucker!!


What’s going on with the real UFOs , UAPs (manmade & reverse Alien Tech & real recovered UFOs), Aliens and Underground Bases:

. Congress, some Senators and Military commands not in the know were being briefed on what’s happening with the real White hat Disclosure

. IT’S A BIG MESS, and the Military is looking to Military laws and protocols on how to handle let situation.

. The super advanced technology that creates UAPs is very sensitive topic because this technology can be used by terrorist and enemies of the U.S. to create super weapons that can unleash real Star Wars scenarios on Earth with mass casualties in minutes.

. Materials that are used to create the man made UAPs is found Worldwide in all countries. Humans, terrorists and U.S. enemies have the power and resources to create advanced UAPs and super advanced weapons not only from the CLASSIFIED PROJECTS of the DEEP STATE DARK OPS, but also from White Hats CLASSIFIED PROJECTS.


Why don’t MB’s alleged White Hat sources give him the WHITE HAT INTEL on alien tech and recovered UFOs, Strike? 🤷‍♂️


The alien/ufo card is the last distraction card in the ds pack . A clip on jfk.jr telegram tells us its all a lie , which of course it is, but it will be interesting to watch hoe its done to attempt to fool us.

Noname’s more utter q retard bullshit that will never happen.

America has no enemies.

Just folks pissed they were killed by American bombs.


So it’s NOT going to be JFK JR then? (not sure how to insert an eyeroll emoji)
Or will THAT be the “Trump Card” ?

Last edited 1 year ago by RedPillOverdose

Still flexible


JFK jr doesn’t feel.comfortable leaving his closet yet’s only been 25 years

Being a scared little bitchboy isn’t easy


He would be killed!! When he is VP, he will have lots of protection. His wife & kids would be killed also. The reason he might be alive is because he has stayed hidden!!


If jFK Jr. Is still alive, he would be the ultimate Trump card ..I don’t care who you are demo, rep or maga, EVERYONE would listen to him.
I presently see no evidence of this yet. But I can hope!!


What evidence do you have that he actually died besides what your TV told you?

Regardless dude is scared little bitch boy hiding in the closet still.


What evidence do you have that he’s alive besides random kooks on the internet saying they believe he’s alive?


same goes for Trump; there have been rumors for a good while that he died of prostate cancer. i should think White Hats would know about this.

Kate _m52

God chose Donald Trump for such a time as this. He has protected him from multiple assassination attempts and would surely protect him from cancer.


Oh hell no. Not gabbard or lake either. I swear I’m probably the only conservative woman who doesn’t like Kari lake as a vp candidate. Everyone jumps on this bandwagon if there’s one qualified woman she automatically HAS to be a vp. No, AZ probably needs her to clean up the state. Nobody but JFK Jr should be Trump’s VP in PUBLIC this time. I’m so sick of this.


One minor problem Monika, he died 25 years ago


So we’ve been “told”.



When is the scared bitchboy gonna come out of the closet from hiding?


Where’s the surprise, Wolf? You goofballs have been saying this for years and he’s still as dead as ever, nowhere to be seen.


I’m ok with Lake, gabbard is a C.


NO, Lake is a democrat.


NO to Kari Lake and NO to Gabbard…and wouldn’t it be out of this world if JFK Jr was alive…

Linda J

He definitely is alive!

Sr probably is too! They were watching their butts already in the 60’s. They knew what they were dealing with.

Kate _m52

Sr would have to be over 100, so it’s not likey. I heard that he died a few years ago.


I’m 🤣 and loving the play by play. Genius 5D chess player that President of mine! Thanks Michael for the continued great work! Closer and closer we get.

1904 SD

🩷Trump is a once in a lifetime President! I can’t wait for the other side to love him just as much as we do and they will too! When the truth hits them it will be gut wrenching and we will be there to open the door and let them in and of course there will be a secret password….You were right!


I bet you took 12 boosters




LOL! I just posted the same that I don’t like Kari lake either! Vivek was never an option. Kari needs to stay in her lane and be governor!


What’s wrong with Kari?


Read below


She has always been a democrat and now she’s a RINO, just like vivek and says what she needs to, to fool the PEOPLE, to get some control for the DS. Arizona is a hot bed of the DS snakes. That is why she needed to fight hard to get/keep control of Arizona for the DS. Now she is running for US Senate of Arizona…she is really trying to get up the ladder.


Thank u for pointing that out. She has such an innocent face.


Let’s start with she campaigned for obummer


Fair enough

Judy Fountain

Why would he choose anyone other than JFK???


Good question!!!!


Probably because JFK is dead Judy

Linda J

These are his undercover chess moves to bring darkness out into the light.