Deep State Won’t See a Dime of Trump’s Money


When Deep State Judge Arthur Engoron—a man who looks like death walking—ruled that President Trump must pay $355 million in fines for allegedly overvaluing Trump Organization properties to secure low-interest bank loans, Trump naturally expressed shock and outrage on his social media platform, Truth Social. His fiery rebuke, Mar-a-Lago sources told Real Raw News, was a scripted response to a verdict he had intuited; the moment the now-incarcerated Attorney General Leticia James indicted him on trumped-up charges, he knew the odds were stacked against him and that he wouldn’t get a fair trial in a city rife with Deep State corruption. He also knew with perfect clarity that the cabal would never see even a dime of his vast fortune.

“If they think they’re getting any of President Trump’s money, they’re gravely mistaken. He entered this octagon of a fight aware that they’d find him guilty—in fact, he wanted that outcome to expose them as the Deep State criminals they are. The more they go after him, the more popular he gets. They can’t learn from their mistakes that going after Trump only hurts them. And Trump’s assets are safe,” a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

Regardless, Trump’s lawyers have vowed to appeal the verdict to New York’s Appellate Division, First Judicial Department, saying that if the ruling stands, other multi-billion-dollar corporations, fearing similar maltreatment, would flee New York City for safer ground, decimating a Deep State city already teetering on the edge of ruin.

According to one source, the besieged president and his closest advisors met at Mar-a-Lago’s inner sanctum shortly after the verdict. Trump reportedly assured them that although he had sufficient liquidity to cover the unjust fines without auctioning off real estate, such as Trump Tower, he would “never in a million years” dissolve his empire or yield to Deep State corruption.

“The president knows, too, that if he capitulates and pays, his money will get used to help the Deep State target other patriots, which his supporters wouldn’t appreciate very much. Without going into detail, I can say his properties and assets are immune to Deep State seizure,” our source said.

If Trump, for whatever reason, decides to pay, he could do so without sacrificing a nickel, RRN has learned.

A JAG source in Pensacola, Florida, said Trump has acquired an unexpected benefactor: Oprah Winfrey.

“We’ve informed the president we’ve confiscated more than enough of Oprah’s assets to cover the cost,” the source said.

As reported previously, a military tribunal this month sentenced Winfrey to death for her role in perpetrating last summer’s Maui inferno. Immediately after her conviction, JAG started identifying and seizing Winfrey’s assets, including four properties in three states, $34 million cash, a fleet of luxury vehicles, $25 million in jewelry, and other unspecified resources.

“We’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg. She’s sheltered a lot overseas. But I can say we’ve made progress. Trump said Oprah’s cash should get used to fight the deep state, not fund it, and that’s what we’ll use it for,” our JAG source said.

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Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Well well, this is interesting, seems la tits, got a huge sum of dark money which she failed to disclose:
ht tps://

Last edited 7 months ago by Windy

Hold on now!! One of those luxury cars is mine! I was suppose to have it given away to me at her next shows taping! Let’s not be too greedy now, son! lol


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

voice of one in the wilderness

How does using his own money piss off his supporters; but using Dope-rah’s money would not? Are we going to hear on TV where the monies came from???


ht tps://



Last edited 7 months ago by Xena
Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_____________  𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Prayer for President Trump
(If you are a mature Christian, please proceed.)
Father God, we repent for the United States of America, especially for the shedding of innocent blood through abortion, through Satanic human sacrifice, paedophilia, adrenochrome production, incest, child rape, and child sex trafficking, according to Leviticus 18:6-18, Jude 1:7, Galatians 5:10, 2 Kings 23:10, Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:20-32.
We repent for ANY and ALL sin that opened the door for the enemy to gain legal ground for what is taking place in America. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Father, we come boldly to your throne of grace, standing in AGREEMENT, with one accord, as demonstrated in Acts 1:14.
Jesus made an open show of and disarmed principalities and powers, and we have been given that power, authority, and dominion over ALL the powers of the enemy.
 We exercise it now, per Luke 10:19, IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS we take authority over the principalities and powers, wicked spirits, thrones, and dominions and rulers in the high places; in the air, on the land, in the water and underground.
We bind the strongman over our nation right now, all territorial spirits and all marine spirits operating over the nation. We lift up President Donald J. Trump and his family to you. We bind, cage and chain every demon operating against the Trump family.
Satan, we bind you, rebuke you, and render you and your demons powerless against PDJT.
In Jesus Name, we bind the strongman assigned to him. In the name and by the shed blood of Jesus, we cut off and bring to naught the power of the spirit of the witch, wizard, warlock, witch doctor, magi, divinator, sorcerer and high priest sending assignments against him.
We come against them by the power of the SHED BLOOD of JESUS. We loose a WALL OF FIRE of the HOLY GHOST around ourselves, PDJT and AMERICA! (Zechariah 2:5).
We sever the silver cord of every spirit that is astral projecting. In the name of Jesus we cut off and bring to naught every ritual, custom, ceremony, curse, hex, vex, spell, incantation, chant, evil spoken judgment, magik, evil prayer, dance, trance, animal or human sacrifice, drums, shells/beads/bones /candles, pins, nails, rituals, customs, voodoo and hoodoo, hulu and julu, santeria and palomayombe.
We cut off ALL these supply lines, seals, cords, alters, ligatures, laylines, pathways, gates and portals. We declare that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God to the tearing down of strongholds.
We decree that Jesus Christ is the Name above every name and that at His Name, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that He alone is Lord, in heaven and on earth.
Right now, we loose civil war into the enemy’s camp! We command the mighty warrior angels to make war immediately on all entities, fallen angels and dark powers to destroy our President Trump and his family! Even as Paul declared blindness upon the agents of darkness in Acts 13:6-11, we, too, declare blindness upon all those taking part in evil plots against PDJT—that they will grope about as one in darkness so their plans CANNOT be carried out! WE DECREE RIGHT NOW THAT OUR ENEMIES ARE TURNING ON EACH OTHER and that every curse from the kingdom of darkness will fall upon those sending it. In Jesus Name we send ALL curses back to the devils.
Father, we ask you to deliver President Donald J. Trump from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. We ask that you would grant President Trump complete amnesty from his enemies. We make a request (according to Philippians 4:6) that all evil deeds and assignments be stopped, and that massive arrest warrants to hell’s agents are going out NOW! God, we thank You that You are the God who has fixed His throne upon righteousness and justice!
We ask that You place Your mighty warrior angels to stand shoulder-to-shoulder around President Trump and his family members, that no evil would penetrate. We decree and declare that no evil will befall President Trump, his wife, his children or his grandchildren. 
And finally Father, we ask you to bless these United States of America. We give You the praise, honor, and glory, and we give You thanks. We pray this in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ from Nazareth.


Thank you and may God bless you

Michael R Davis

GOD’s promise to His people here in the New Promised Land

https ://

Ann Ononomous

Thank you! Very well said! 👏🙏


Stopped at Mission BBQ. At noon They play the national anthem. Everyone stood with hand over heart. Brought me to tears.


where ?




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


When is engoron, laticia james, alvin bragg, and fani willis Military Tribunal and execution? Couldn’t be sooner but I sure am looking forward to it. Hang these demons. They’re going straight to LLEH.

These this are dumping New York to the dogs. And it’s irreversible.

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWillPrevail2024
Truth Seeker

Don’t forget sub human POS, Jack Smith’s indictment.

It’s a foregone conclusion that the DS is behind all of these illegitimate indictments. Their objective is to keep president Trump tied up in litigation to prevent him from campaigning and being the republican presidential candidate. They’ve got a list of Soros corrupted D.A.s and A.G.’s ready to replace the ones that are losing their cases.

The same goes for the sub human leftist governors who are brazenly and illegally removing president Trump’s name from the republican candidates.


It’s now Feb 22nd.. haven’t heard anything recently about Jack.. no news is good news.. lol.. 😃



Philip M Mahoney

Michael Baxter there are story floating that Oprah was convicted and hanged at GITMO. You didn’t get the story?


That might be the point. Today’s article sheds light on a fact I never knew. Baxter’s articles are filtered through Smith’s office before they are posted. So, RRN is likely more legit.


It’s been released periodically that Mike had some sort of DoD connection. I saw it on two occasions and always defend RRN…. but the chatter continued to disparage as a CONSPIRACY site. I have had a few tit for tat go arounds defending the site over time. There is some law too he must skirt around in this business to prevent getting shutdown which I am not educated about but have heard exists. In my experience, everything he has reported has not been proven false, it has always ended up being reported by other sites later and held up as true. If he gets even a small fact incorrect, he issues a correction. In the present world of the fake news MSM that reports lies, manipulates or suppresses facts, I find RRN credible for news that points directly to what matters right now…our Military is in charge and they are ACTIVELY working on cleaning up this mess we are living in. Brings me some peace. Thank you to RRN and the DoD for the big crumbs!


Where were you?

Everyone following RRN is up to date on OW’s execution.

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWillPrevail2024

Yes we all saw she was arrested and convicted to hang 2/14, but that has been removed and no update on her final removal???

Sue Rodrigues

Thank you Michael for another great article. Praise God for his bringing His truth forward 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Using the deep states funds for what they have stolen from us is only fitting and fair. God Bless our guys fighting behind the scenes 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏🙏🖖🏻🖖🏻


The problem is….. The deep state doesn’t care that they are ruining NYC….or any city at all…. As a matter of fact….. It’s what they planned on doing from the beginning of Obama term…….pure 100% traitors. The real deal

Last edited 8 months ago by Sodie

Since the end of WW2 actually. The rebirth of the Zionist agenda was perfectly executed.

Ann Ononomous

That’s right. It only helps them with their “smart cities” agenda. May all evil rot in hell where they belong. 🙏


now, now. let’s not be putting down cities like NYC, Chicago, D.C., Seattle, Portland, Oakland, & L.A.! yes, they will & have already burned at some point but, they are NOT Hell. At least, not until the fires burn 24/7 & 365 days a year.


How is the Brunson case coming ? Everyone guilty and no more congress ? It’s not on any news platform , makes me think nothing will happen .

Truth Seeker

👍 I’ve been waiting to hear what the status is on the Brunson brother’s case.

Ann Ononomous

Sheez, I totally forgot about them. They’re probably as drained, exhausted and broke as all the rest of us. 🙍


Some if that cash should go to Lahaina residents affected by dews.

Truth Seeker

🙏 Without hesitation or reservation. There is enough of Oprah’s money to build new homes for the affected residents and to rebuild Lahaina. There is still the subject of the hundreds of missing children.

I’m surprised that the white hats haven’t arrested Hawaii’s corrupt governor.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started____________   𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


I know it’s a strange comparison, but this attempted money grab and political hit job against Trump by the globo-commies was so outrageous that it looks amazingly like the Reichstag Fire in terms of its ability to rouse up the population against them. The Cabal didn’t just shoot themselves in the foot, they actually set fire to the Democrat Party!! Nice work, you retards!!

Truth Seeker

The DS cabal is repeating history. They are following the same pre WWII scenario that that brought rise to Hitler and the nazi party.

Ellen T

Indeed and satan is at the helm!

Sue S

Even China got a DS and they dared fo show on TV their ushering him out of the conference last year. He is the former President Hu who was seen sitting next to Xi. The West media didn’t say much or pretended not to be bothered.

Heather Duncan

How many trillions is going to be collected with EO 13818. I can’t wait to find out.



Truth Seeker

That’s your I.Q. number.


And, EO 13848. It would be rejuvenating to know.

Michael R Davis

Already confiscated far above trillions into the quadrillions.
All the royals, Hollywood moguls and stars, the Vatican Corporation, the London Corporation, the DC Corporation, many other corporations, the International Banksters; they have all coughed up their stolen fortunes.

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Letitia James wants to go after Trumps property if Trump can’t pay.


But Strike! How is that possible when MB claims she was secretly arrested and secretly sent to secret prison months ago?!


I’ll be damned , conflicting stories . Even here .

Truth Seeker

Letitia James is another Soros backed and funded POS. She will get the same Fani Willis treatment. The same goes for Jack Smith.


Alina Habba: “Show me how ‘no one is above the law’ because it looks like everyone who is not a threat in 2024 is.”

ht tps://


The socialists, communists, crazycrats and leftists certainly are destroying the great state of New York as well as NYC. Not the truckers and not the great citizens of New York. They are suffering under this sledgehammer just as much as President Trump is. The 8th Amendment specifically prohibits excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishments, which is exactly what the fake rape slandering whore “rape is sexy” E. Jean Carroll sought to punish Trump with, to the tune of $5,000,000.00 and $83,300,000.00 each. She’s violating the Constitution herself by siding with these corrupt judges and corrupt AJ Leticia James. She is evil.


$88 million is a lot of money! ’tis a shame


They aren’t corrupt until proven so in a court of law . A real court .

Truth Seeker

Listen to Carroll speak and she leaves no doubt that she is a certified lunatic.

Mary Altmann

Oprah’s assets should be used to spearhead White Hat operations and end this corruption, death and destruction YESTERDAY. So many people are suffering. It would be unethical for Trump to use this money to pay the deep state.


See, If I were POTUS and just read your comment, I’d send you an invitation to help spend that money by getting involved. I would have faith in MAGNITUDES that you and everyone else like you, would kick so much ass, God himself would have to applaud.
But that’s just me; they say I’m bad with money.

Last edited 8 months ago by Geo

Laura Ingraham: “Why not drop out instead of face all of these legal battles?”
President Trump: “I can’t because I want to make America great again.”
ht tps://


Trump’s never going to desert us.

Truth Seeker

Ingram was dating Bill Maher at one time.

Michael R Davis

Ingraham? No record of dating, but Maher did defend her over Parkland.
The same Bill Maher who is a member of the Red Shoe Club, wearing shoes made of the skins of sacrificed children? Adrenochrome addicts celebrating their power over innocent children?

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Judge Engeron and the other judge in E. Jean Carroll’s two fake rape cases violated the law in the Constitution under the 8th Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
That’s why New York is suffering lost
businesses and the truckers are seriously pissed off and boycotting deliveries
to New York. Who can blame the truckers?
Eighth Amendment
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


Nothing will happen until they are arrested and found guilty . It’s the law. Not what you think but the facts presented to the courts .

Truth Seeker

Now the sub human NYC democrats are saying that they’re gong to bypass the truckers and use migrants to deliver goods to the city. I say, go for it. That will allow the white hats to arrest and deport these cockroaches.

Michael R Davis

Ha ha, using illegal aliens to drive the big rigs, even the smaller straight trucks? Accidents, fuel truck explosions, slashed tires, jackknifed rigs, contaminated fuel, traffic jams; all are going to go way up in New York. The narrow streets of NYC will become a 3 Stooges comedy.

remove space before :
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New York City really started it’s decline when it erected the replica of the arch of the pagan god Baal.




Yeah, I just about upchucked, myself.

Michael R Davis

Surely homosexual Engoron is a twin brother to insane E Jean Carroll.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Surf Nazare

Question—-Why don’t the White Hats take out the Soros clan—then you would have a big bag of money not to mention fix the elections—and all the nasty DA’s and prosecutors and Mayors and Gov’s—-Then go to New Hampshire—ask T–he has all the info on that—–you could fix everything in a split second—-And while you are at it go get the Klaus and his buddy—-Harari


I know the name of the head of the snake, and he rules Soros and all the worms above and below him. I would mention the name, but the last time I did, I got kicked off BitChute.

Rebecca Tracy

What are initials and where ftom? We could try to guess


The last name begins with a P….that’s all I’m saying.


This is RRN, not BitChute.


I learn from my mistakes, and this is public information easily accessed by anyone. I will not make the same mistake twice. As I stated above, the last name starts with a P. It was years ago that I heard the name, and I think it was in a discussion of Fritz Springmeier’s book. You’ll have to research that and see if anyone else mentions the name.


It’s almost as if…nah, the white hats definitely exist, right?

Surf Nazare

OK now don’t tell anybody—-I don’t have a clue—the last white hat was a Navy guy—or was it a girl or a guy dressed like a girl—-I’m so confused


It’s because these stories aren’t real and the White Hats don’t exist.


So you must align with the black hats to preach this.


Or, the pedophiles.

Heather Duncan

You can see the 11 executive orders on the federal register. All these to catch the bad people. Wake up

David T



Go somewhere else…when will you learn…or will you ever? Go away.


Not so big on free speech here, huh

Last edited 8 months ago by Brock

So free speech means we have to hear that type of talk?


Surf Nazare

Rusty is that you—was wondering where you were—Ethel let you out of the basement—

Truth Seeker

Tell that to the fascist democrats who are falsely arresting and incarcerating innocent J6 rally attendees. This is a repeat scenario of Hitler’s take over of Germany.

Truth Seeker

Where is your proof. Oh, that’s right you leftist trolls have none.


We have no idea who all have already been executed.

Surf Nazare

well if the Soros clan has then their Clones kept all the money and are spending it—-

Truth Seeker

Klaus Schwab and the rest of the W.E.F. scum have had their Agenda 2030 mass depopulation agenda laid bare by brave speakers who attended their Davos conference.

In one video Schwab could be seen scurrying off of the stage as one brave speaker confronted him and the rest of the W.E.F. scum and called them out for being the enemy of man kind.

Surf Nazare

maybe Klaus took off to the Antarctic to see and speak to his bosses—




If they could pull off JFK and 9/11 and cover everything up with the infamous CIA conspiracy theory label, the supposed white hats can pull this supposed combined white/black “hat” plan off with ease! They realize social media is so huge, they have to divide us into liberal camps and MAGA camps and have someone control each through censorship with the proverbial promise of a savior Trump card! Too easy! It all ends the same way! Not one iota of evidence has been put forward, NOT ONE!! If this is going to happen, it will be in God’s timing and God’s way; not that of mankind!


Do you ever go to the mainstream media and say not one of the things you talked about on your show or approvable?

Do you go to the journalist at Major news papers and ask them to prove what they say is true?

No, no you don’t because you still are under the belief that if it’s not being said in mainstream news it cannot possibly be true

And that is because you are under mind control programming. You cannot possibly imagine any of this is happening because you don’t see it coming out of the box

Did you know that the military runs tribunals in secret as part of a long-standing operation?

Have you ever known about tribunals, ever heard them talked about in the news? Hardly ever.

That’s because they are done in secret and it is widely accepted to go down that way.

We are very lucky to have Michael Baxter who is apparently a trusted source by Jag because we are getting a little glimpse into that world.

You need to start deprogramming yourself from the media understand what cognitive dissonance is.


You are so far from the truth you wouldn’t know it if hit you in the head. There are currently two camps of cognitive dissonance… one being the libtards/normies, with the other being white hat followers/maga, etc! Both sides are blinded by whatever programming/stories are directed their way and are at the throats of each other! Connect the dots…. It’s best to have us fighting each other as they perfect the real plan unbeknownst to ANYONE INCLUDING YOU AND I! Prove me wrong.. I’m all ears! Oh wait, the plan is ALL DONE IN SECRET AND WITHOUT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE! Kind of sounds like msm for maga perhaps?!! No, I’m not a troll… just think for myself based on fact and some intuition. As CS Lewis said, “ When every one in the world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction APPEARS to have lost his mind”! You go ahead and jump.. I’ll go the other way! Maybe I’m crazy, but I will survive the fall I won’t experience like you! Enjoy it on the way down!


Still wrong. There is only conservative USA. It’s always been that way.
When was the last time you saw a libtard on a construction site, or plowing a field at 4 AM?
We let this blue bitch out of her box long enough, don’t ya think?


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply . Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Anthony Gregory

Well. That’s what I was thinking all along.
Not a penny to the deep state.

Lady Hermann

Excellent article. I suspect, do not know, that the properties are in his children’s names. Smart move as always Mr. President.


He transferred his entire estate over to both his sons when he become potus. It was televised nationally.


> trump on pace to lose half a billion dollars

> maga: masterful gambit sir


Lol, wait til you find out his kids were also defendents in the lawsuit he just lost.


A smart business man would have it all set up in a trust


there’s one word in that sentence which would negate that outcome. i’ll let you figure it out.


If you are implying that President Trump is not smart, you are way off.


He’s dumb as hell dude

David T



San Antonio Express News article: student shots exemptions go higher dated 2/20/2024. Rekha Lakshmanan, chief strategist at The immunization partnership claims that child vaccinations prevent 4 million deaths per year. She maligns anti-vax doctors McCullough and Malone stances as troubling and worrisome and misinformation affecting millions and millions of Texans. Lakshmanan is also a non-resident scholar at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, Center for Health and Biosciences.

Lady Hermann

Honestly, the only real choice is homeschooling. I home schooled my son. It was so worth it. At some point the districts will pull the exemptions.


You did the RIGHT thing, Lady Hermann! There are churches and fellowships that have ABeka paced curricula available for pre-k through 12th grade. I wish all parents had the option to homeschool or send their kids to private schools, but a lot of the single parents just cannot afford either.


Whos not tired of this vaccine bs? Her claims are bs lies, No kid should or needs a vaccine! Why arent these people dragged to the gallows, yesterday?

Frances Bell

A few were dragged to the gallows. Some heinous crimes were committed with the roll out of the vaccine


Well, if the DS is maligning Malone and McCullogh (probably Marik too) that’s confirmation I’m listening to the right doctors (which I already knew).


BREAKING: Remington, the nation’s oldest gun manufacturer, has announced its departure from New York. They are moving the facility to Georgia.


Georgia might not be any better. It’s full of [DS] sludge, too. Just Sayin’


That’s good news…hopefully others will leave as well


No, it’s not good news. It’s the cabal doing this, not the citizens of the city. This is what the communists and traitors want. They would rather burn the state own to the ground than let Trump win again. This exodus is playing right into their hands. Scorched earth is their aim. Like Hitler tried to do to Poland at the beginning of the war and Germany at the end of the war, they play the game of ‘never let the opposition take what’s rightfully theirs.’

True patriot

They should come to florida where it is as maga as it gets and no state tax.

Surf Nazare

good one but I know of at least one that would be better but there are several out there


lol Thats like telling your Cat never to cross the street.

David T

Remington should move to South Dakota.

John .S

Old news, just keeping in circulation. See, Kathy Hochul photo, that ‘possably’ be utilized elsewhere when opportunity arise.


Fake news is saying that New York’s going to seize Trump’s property . Keep praying tat God protects Trump and his family!


New York isn’t getting squat from Trump…


They cannot touch any of his properties.

David T

New fed troll names on here of “Thad” and “Owen”, added to the list of “Ethel” “Exile” “Commander” “Don”, same clown who used to be known as B0fa.


Oh, they’ll be getting SOMETHING from Trump…more specifically, it will come from the Marines, Spec Ops and JAG. Arrests, Enhanced Interrogations, Tribunals and Executions. The minor players might get off easy with 20 years and forfeiture of all assets.


Don’t worry Mary. After they seize Trump’s property Michael Baxter will make up a story for you that claims that was just a clone of his property or some shit, and then you can go back to smiling and nodding and telling yourself he’s secretly invisibly winning.


So so funny, but yet true! As I said before, if they can pull off JFK and 9/11 without any repercussions and get stinking wealthy at the same time, imagine what they are doing with the “white hat” plan?! The numbers defy logic and zeroes! But, maga goes right along with it completely without using any common sense, truth, logic, evidence, and every other way to arrive at a true conclusion! Baffling!


The military will seize their ass sets




I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Why did trump pardon all those criminal jews before he left? Why do trump’s ‘opponents’ never bring this up?

Trump is a jew. He is the pied piper for the blithe and apathetic US political right.

Non-jew white americans know their government is run by lucyfurian child rapists. They know they are being invaded by hostile forces. They know election fraud is SOP for the entrenched rats. Yet they feel the best course of action is inaction. Brilliant strategy from the anglo camp! White non-jew americans are the experimental variable in this sociological experiment.


He probably did it to make nazis like you cry this hard

Dave Kelly


Dave Kelly



Want to know who financed the bail out of Trump… Rothschild family! Coincidence… I think not!


Wrong site troll. Go away and spread your shit elsewhere.


I’ll second that. They’re all so full of DS BS, lies and garbage. They forgot to get their daily boosters today.


Time for your daily booster jab.

Marta Limberg

At least Winfrey’s vast lucre won’t be used by the Deep State! Seizure of her ill gotten gains is the least which can be done to the dead High Priestess of Satan. It could be used for the military for the destruction of the adenochrome system.


Do you know who is in charge of seizing assets like oprahs?.. and where does the money go once assets are sold? Who or what entity is actually in control of the assets? 🧐


No one, it’s fiction


b o r i n g same old..


And? It’s the correct answer to Linda’s question. You could say 2+2=4 is ‘boring’ and ‘same-old’ buts it’s still accurate 🤷‍♂️


even in 2017 45 planned for this eventuality, Confiscation, with EO(s), that is HARD EVIDENCE HARD TO REJECT, just because we have been primarily kept out of the loop does not mean it fails to be in good hands, there is an army of investigators digging out the dirt for JAG, there is an army of troops arresting these thugs, there is an army retaining this treachery, there is an army prosecuting this slime, likewise there is an army of confiscators seizing wealth/property for good of all… we are never told it all until day breaks, Great Awakening, then I suspect it will be up to all of us to dig through the mountains of revelations… who is up for that task

“we have it all” 13 times in Q-code, one thing that means is White Hats retain all records, whatever insight MB provides is only very small tip of one iceberg… the rate of pace, this side of Great Awakening, both our great revelations/realizations but also an eternal smashing of Deep State, White Hats can not proceed faster than investigators, arresters, retainer, prosecutors, and confiscators can work as a team, once GW, the work force will swiftly bloom 10 fold or more, all power of Deep State having been smashed, State and local involvement will increase and will be highly visible, until then WH fight is clandestine style, those who want to know, us, only get told a little, because whatever we get told tips-off Cabal too

keeping details from Caba, ‘clandestine’ style in one word, requires the same to be withheld from We, The People… until dawn of GW

“Great Awakening”, 56 times in Q-code


My guess is the Naval Criminal Investigative Service has a section on financial fraud and the like.

Surf Nazare

My guess is we (US) will be withdrawing from m/e—-The Houthis now have a submarine drone—–Lets see—air drones—water/boats that are drone and now a sub—–Geeze I wonder where they are getting those—-Not to mention we/Biden et al have been siphoning money from other military operations to give to Ukraine—And if Congress doesn’t give into Biden/Obama then I guess the party is over—-Just my observation—-I wonder where they can skim money for their personal use next—-If Russia takes Ukraine then no more body parts/adrenochrome or labs—-that means the only alternative is NATO to attack and Russia would wipe them out—-A General from Germany said they could only fight a war for 1 (ONE) day—-they have no manufacturing ability anymore not to mention oil/n/g etc.—-and UK can’t fund their own Navy—–The Houthis could beat them short of Nukes and you better believe Iran has them even if we don’t believe it or are being told a big pile of bs—
I guess they are working on the Deagle report (WEF) to be factual (to kill off 90% of population)—and then ll those border crossers go into action—-
But you have a nice day–and wait for your saviour, you know the Donald—And what makes you think there will be a fair election anyway—-


*** MSM is reporting that President Putin has just put Senator Lindsey Graham on Russia’s Terror Watchlist. *** 🤣🤣🤣


Likely just where Graham belongs, but mainstream media reporting it? Trying to show Putin as a bad guy when it’s Graham who is? Graham is on the taking-kickbacks from Ukraine list.

So, according to MSM, Graham is unjustly on Putin’s hit list. Making PUTIN the bad guy. Never stops.

And I saw in print, for what it’s worth that Norway is very much Big-time supporting Ukraine – of course.

Russia, as I understand does not WANT Ukraine, rather Ukraine is part of Russia as never has the appropriate paperwork been done to separate it. And he has an obligation to clean the evil out of his country and that is EU and US bio labs, child trafficking, and money laundering.

And Putin is not waging war against Ukrainian people, so Ukrainian Nazis kill Ukrainians and blame him. Now few Ukrainians left and I heard a good number of those trying to get in to support Ukraine were stopped by Putin, who, by all accounts, does not fool around.

Surf Nazare

It is reported and even video that many Ukranian soldiers have defected and want to fight with and for the Russians—-Many don’t know that those Eastern provinces are Russian speaking people and that the NAZI Ukrainian’s would bomb them and even take some of them and do nasty stuff especially to children—They had been asking Putin to help them—-but you would never hear that from the western media—-Remember those were real NAZI types with even Nazi emblems on their uniforms and equipment—-Ukraine was one of the first countries that Hitler took—-Their land is rich and can grow wheat etc. because of the land—-the joke was you could plant a shoe in it and it would produce more shoes—-they were major exporters of grains—-


just where Graham belongs, but mainstream media reporting it? Trying to show Putin as a bad guy when it’s Graham who is?”



Surf Nazare

Putin has also declared Klaus Schwab a legitimate target—-that in itself should give everyone a clue as to who and what putin is—–I am not saying he is an angel but just think where Russia has come from and where they are as a nation in only 30 years or so—What other nation can you name where the State is and has built Christian churches—Canada is actually trying to pass a bill that declares if you are in public and quoting the bible you are a terrorist—Bill C-367

David T

Wow. Wonder who the Canuck turd is who is sponsoring Bill C-367

Dave Kelly


Surf Nazare

Red Cross to block donors that have had the jabs—you know the Covid shots—At least they have an info sheet that asks if you had it—–When I had an operation I told them I didn’t want any from donors that had the jab—


This is completely false man, their policy very clearly states that vaccinated people can donate blood.–covid-19–and-blood-donation.html

Their FAQ states that they ask donors if they’ve received covid vaccines, it says nothing that suggests they block anyone over that info.

Surf Nazare

then why ask


Because vaccines have temporary side effects, they basically infect you with a severely weakened version of a virus, which your immune system fights off, and in the process your body learns how to make antibodies against that virus. For most people this results in feeling mildly sick while their body fights against this weakened infection.

But if someone who was recently vaccinated with a live-virus vaccine donates blood, and that blood (which contains the weakened virus) is unknowingly transfused into a person with a compromised immune system, that weakened virus is far more dangerous to them than to someone with a regular immune sytem.

Again, the Red Cross FAQ explains this:

“-There is no deferral time for eligible blood donors who are vaccinated with an inactivated or RNA based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer.

-Eligible blood donors who received a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine or do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they received must wait two weeks before giving blood”

They ask which vaccine you got because that determines if you have to wait two weeks or not before you can donate blood, to avoid the risk of accidentally injecting some live-virus vaccine into a person who is immuno-compromised. And according to their standards, it is actually SAFER if you have one of the RNA based vaccines like Moderna and Pfizer. For them there is no waiting period, because those vaccines do not pose a threat to immuno-compromised people the way a live-virus vaccine might.

Surf Nazare

nice try—why don’ you ask the embalmers that—go get your booster—they are waiting for you–


Lmao, dude do you think I wrote the Red Cross’s policies on vaccinated blood donors myself? I’m just explaining why you’re incorrect is saying they block vaccinated people from donating. They don’t.

Surf Nazare

Hey DUDE then why even ask if they had the jab—


I LITERALLY just explained that in the post above. If an immuno-compromised person receives a blood transfusion with an active vaccine in it, that can be harmful to them. They ask blood donors if they had the jab to avoid the risk of that happenining.

Surf Nazare

what is the difference between a live virus and snake venom—


I’m gonna be honest here man, if you think RNA = “snake venom” then I think you are probably genuinely too stupid to understand the difference between an RNA vaccine and a live virus vaccine.


Maybe if they have not, to give them a push toward getting it. Red Cross workers likely do as they are told. On the top and under the surface the organization is ROTTEN. Not in the least what they are cracked up to be. I understand Rockefellers got into it long ago.


Between those that are jabbed and the ones unjabbed (Patriots will not donate to them) the RC is gonna be hurting for their blood fix.


Until red cross is out of the control of Satanists, I won’t be donating.


Hey Mike,
Any chance exposing General Flynn and Roger Stone? These two have been up to mass amounts of no good and grifting good folks out MILLIONS. They are against Trump and the Patriots are waking up to their TREASON.

Soon Flynn (an RFK fan) is planning a soiree at Mar-a-Lago with Vivek. The event is an insult to the Trump and his beautiful estate, but private events can be booked… and this “slap in the face” event makes Flynn’s GRIFTING obvious to the greedy grifter heand his gang are! 10k gets you a Trump Patriot stat but no mentoon of these funds going to actually help Trump! So wrong, TREASONOUS indeed.

I know many think RRN a psyop, but I am sceptical. I think you should ask your sources about Exposing the “FlynnStones” and their schemes: J6 Proud Boys funding, Russia, Russia, Russia Putin business and secret Strzok meeting, Reawaken Tour Grifting, 3.4M Digital Soldiers, working with Turkey to kidnap a cleric in US, Guccifer 2.0 phoney story, and more. Both are key players in these TREASONOUS schemes to make sure Trump is hindered… kinda like a DS “insurance policy” ?… Maybe.


I don’t believe that Flynn and Stone are against Trump. More disinformation.


There are too many millions of unemployed Americans.

Winfrey’s $BILLIONS will buy Americans to BOUNTY HUNT FOREIGNERS, dead or alive.

Make the announcement Military … commence to organize and mobilize Americans!


You’re that horny to go out and murder people, huh man


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐁𝐢𝐳𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

John .S

Hey Kathy Hochul Q: what ankle you’re wearing JAG tracking devices on? Left or Right?

Kathy, treat your flanking US Martials nice, and don’t treat them like your State Troopers that hate your guts.

Hey Kathy, money says, troopers are happy they’re not guarding you. Maybe if you bought them lunch every once in a while they would say nice things about you.

Hey Kathy, you can buy those Martials lunch, they’re just doing their job, treat them nice, and maybe they will tell Crandell to go easy on you – LoL.

Sparky Sr

The ONLY REASON they need to get rid of President Trump is because he is an OUTSIDER and NOT part of their cabal/DS….
Why do you think they tried to impeach him multiple times?
If he was impeached, (congress has that only power based on politics etc.) then they can bring forth any and all felonies to keep him away from their ponzi schemes..
They can’t keep him away – presidential immunity – the corrupt courts lie…
MSM LIES… you must know the laws & the Constitution which 99% of the people don’t know – this was done by design – civics was removed from the education system back in the ’60’s….
The $400 million fine won’t happen since there was no crime and no victum. This will be overturned in the upper courts.
Our military/WH’s are taking the DS’s $$$/assets as-per Executive Order, 13818: Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.

***President Trump signed the Insurrection Act of 1807 on the night of the steal BUT activated it Jan 6, 2021 in his speach at the end, all the while the J6 was under way. We are under Martial Law.

***Remember that President Trump bankrupt the US Corp in 2020 finalized in Jan 7, 2021. DATES MATTER….
This means that we are back to being a Constitutional RepublicNOT a democracy!
This also means that almost all dept’s in our corrupt gov’t are null & void and running a ponzi scheme.


Good post!!!


And Pedo Joes exec. orders are bogus


Why, when the DS has 8 “Joe Bidens” to choose from, do they use the one whose health is failing, or acts as if it is failing, rather than one who acts healthy? What they do has a purpose. What might that be? Or have the WH taken control of the puppet and are running it into the ground?


Good movie, good actors? Djtiafg.


Word has it the Joe Biden clones have taken over. The Deep State can’t control them anymore.


LOL! But actually they have a big problem with their body doubles and clones: you can only control them for so long, so little by little they add to the shakiness of the entire DS house of cards.

Last edited 8 months ago by Storygirldc

From what Simon Parkes described several years back, the deployment of doubles and clones is a multi-prong approach. If it’s a non-speaking appearance involving smiling and waving from a distance, the DS will just use a body double.


Oh, for a moment I thought you said Department Of Doubles And Clones…. my mistake. (but it does sound about right)


No mistake. I’m sure the DS has one of those departments somewhere in this colossal sewer swamp of a federal government we’re trying to “drain.”


That sounds right. Simon is a true truther. BTW keep up your great posts!


Absolutely true, in fact I myself am a clone that escaped my handlers! Ain’t gonna let no one tell me what to do.


That’s a good boy. Just make sure you’re ready when they hit the kill switch on you.


Oh please, you think I’m that clueless? I extracted my killswitch before I made my escape. Obviously they would have activated it already if I’d left it in tact. You don’t don’t know shit about clones, girl.