Marines Fight FEMA Near Texas Panhandle Inferno


White Hats investigating the unstoppable blaze surging through the Texas Panhandle fought a pitched battle against renegade FEMA agents Thursday afternoon; a confrontation led to a firefight that left three agents dead and one begging U.S. Marines to spare his life.

Over the last week, a raging inferno has charred over a million acres of land, destroyed 700 homes, and killed or displaced thousands of head of cattle vital to our nation’s food supply. As of this writing, the fire has ruined 1,400 square miles of prairie and is only 15% contained. The Biden regime has blamed manmade climate change and an unusual spate of warm weather last week as catalysts for the firestorm.

However, White Hats have a different working theory: the cabal started the fire intentionally, for reasons not entirely clear.

A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that U.S. Army Cyber Command overheard a conversation between a ranking State Department official and a Federal Emergency Management Agency supervisor in Oklahoma on Wednesday. The source wouldn’t name the individuals, but he said their conversation included phrases such as “the fire is the best thing to ever happen to Texas,” “let Texas burn,” and “that’ll teach [Governor Greg] Abbott a lesson,” and concluded with the FEMA official saying he had already dispatched agents to the city of Fritch, on the outskirts of the Smokehouse Creek fire.

General Smith, our source said, knew an immutable fact: where FEMA goes, trouble follows.

“We have too much bad blood with FEMA. They’re an infestation, like roaches, and just as hard to exterminate. Squash one, more scurry out. Gen. Smith wanted to know what they were up to, so he sent small teams to different parts of the disaster area to get a look around,” our source said.

By the time the Marines showed up, FEMA had already set up emergency relief centers at a church and a school gymnasium south of the Grape Vine Creek fire. The Marines discreetly investigating those locations for signs of federal treachery on the populace were shocked to see FEMA personnel actually administering aid to displaced citizens. FEMA had a triage center and had provided shelter and sustenance to refugees.

“It was very un-FEMAlike,” our source said.

However, Marines surveying damage near Fritch met a face of FEMA with which they were more familiar. While patrolling Highway 136, close to the Windy Duce fire and the eastern shore of Lake Meredith, the Marines encountered a 4-man FEMA team trying to force a rancher to vacate his undamaged property. The Marines witnessed the federal Gestapo shove the frail, elderly man to the ground and rummage through his pockets, then moved to intervene.

They made a tactical approach, then commanded FEMA to unhand and step away from the bruised man, who seemed thoroughly confused by the situation. At that point, one FEMA agent, ostensibly the guy in charge, said FEMA had unilateral control of the disaster area and would treat military interlopers as enemy combatants.

The lead Marine tried futilely to defuse the encounter; he gave the FEMA agents a chance to leave the premises unharmed, but the lead agent belligerently refused the overture and reached for a sidearm on his hip, a move that forced the Marines’ hand.

In an instant, two of the four FEMA agents fell dead, their bodies zipped by 5.56 rounds from the Marines’ M4 carbines. The third agent died to Marine fire as he tried to take the rancher hostage. Meanwhile, the fourth agent had fallen to his knees and begged for mercy, asking the Marines to spare his life and saying he was just following orders. He was taken into custody.

“This was an unfortunate thing—for FEMA. It’s important to note that FEMA is bifurcated—it employs 20,000, and about ¾ of them are corrupt to the core. The other quarter is just people doing a job and working for what they consider a benevolent agency. But make no mistake, it’s Deanne Criswell calling the shots, causing the problems,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source if White Hats had determined the cause of the fires.

“We have nothing definite. But we’re looking at every avenue from someone tossing a match to direct energy weapons like what was used to burn Maui,” he said.

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Thank you for ALL your efforts, Michael.


who are you?


who u?

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me . she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


umm, that’s Tex, ma’am


Dear Truth Is Stubborn: When my son, Liam, read what you said to me that you posted below, he was pretty ticked off. First of all, I’ve only responded to your post so he could be vindicated. Please read what you wrote to Kay Mitchell on Nov. 29th, 2023 when JAG grilled the pedo, Stephen Cobert. Many of us on here were annoyed & irritated by her after a BOT hijacked her account. She got quite outrageous in her nasty remarks to M. Baxter. Many of us responded to her as she accused MB of fraud. She also stated MB had many, many Alts. Please respond so my son won’t be indignant.
Thank you. You said its good for the soul. You are right about the wrong person. Thanks.

Glenn Pennington

I hope the White Hats eradicate every pos traitor in Fema,it’s obvious the fires were Direct Energy Weapons started to kill cattle for Americans food supply,Fema agents should all surrender their property and holdings to repay everyone injured by their act of terrorism,every Federal Agent and Agency complicit to the Globalists and Biden deserve no mercy and should be immediately eradicated,every pos illuminate,globalist,nwo scum should likewise be eradicated from earth,so we never have this again


One key word here NAILS it – TERRORISM.
And yes, these FEMA BULLIES must be eradicated and exterminated like the vermin they are. It doesn’t get any more evil than this. No way was anything about these fires “natural”. NO phony “global warming” b.s. would ignite spontaneous fires over vast numbers of acres all at once, without an intentional catalyst – one that flies overhead. One commenter on another article noted that the fires were burning in straight lines, as though ignited by DEWs. That isn’t how “Mother Nature” works, to my knowlwledge. There IS a deliberate agenda, and it’s not exactly benign. IMO, This is Maui Chapter 2, on steroids. Purely evil acts of terrorism fueled by massive SATANIC GREED, EVIL AND CRUELTY.

BAN FEMA FROM PLANET EARTH!! If they arrive on any disaster scene, the Military’s orders should be to kill them on sight. Heroes they definitely ARE NOT. And they have messed with the wrong state. GO GIT’EM GOVERNOR ABBOTT!! Issue orders to game wardens, sherriffs and local police to SHOOT ON SIGHT anyone from FEMA. And put out a public service announcement to all hunters that anyone in a FEMA vest is fair game. FEMA is always in season. BBQ’d FEMA on the menu this year!


Hey, they’ve already got the fire lit.


It is NOW time to dissolve FEMA completely! They are an embedded hostile enemy army who has infiltrated America and is doing the evil work of the globalists to destroy our country our freedoms, our land and territories, our faith, our families and our food supply.

We can’t allow this! We must stand together and resist everything that they have planned and everything that they are doing against We the People!

We must battle this wickedness on our knees in prayer. We WILL have the victory because JAHOVAH is in us and and for us! We take our legal authority through The Name of Jesus and bind this evil Now! Amen!



Truth Seeker

We are witnessing the panicked DS cabal throwing caution to the wind. They will stop at nothing to prevent president Trump from being elected.

If the commies can succeed in stopping president Trump from becoming POTUS then they will not hesitate to come after us Constitutional conservatives.

WARNING: As we get closer to the election expect more civil unrest and terrorist attacks.

Last summer’s wild fires in Canada were determined to be started by arsonists. We know how the Hawaiian fires were ignited. Therefore, we can reasonably assume the Texas fires were also intentionally set buy DS arsonists.

The DS has already burned and destroyed eighty-five food processing plants. They’ve sent rogue agents from their weaponized U.S.D.A. to lie to the farmers about there being disease outbreaks in their herds. The U.S.D.A. then destroyed these farmer’s whole herds of animals.

Justis Foreall

chute them on site


We will know what kind of fire they lit when the scotus rules on trump ballot ban ruling soon as monday

Robert Gregory Boensch

The Department of Defense Law of War Manual (June 2015, updated May 2016)
The Law of War as the Lex Specialis Governing Armed Conflict.
The maxim lex specialis derogat legi generali means that “[a]s a rule the special rule overrides the general law.”14
14 Colleanu v. German State, German-Rumanian Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, Jan. 12, 1929, reprinted in H. LAUTERPACHT, V INTERNATIONAL LAW REPORTS 438 (1929). See also GROTIUS, LAW OF WAR & PEACE 428 ( (“[A]mong agreements which are equal in respect to the qualities mentioned, that should be given preference which is most specific and approaches most nearly to the subject at hand; for special provisions are ordinarily more effective than those that are general”).
The rule that is more specifically directed towards the action receives priority because it takes better account of the particular features of the context in which the law is to be applied, thus creating a more equitable result and better reflecting the intent of the authorities that have made the law. 15
15 U.N. International Law Commission, Conclusions of the work of the Study Group on the Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties arising from the Diversification and Expansion of International Law 2(7) (2006) (“Rationale of the principle. That special law has priority over general law is justified by the fact that such special law, being more concrete, often takes better account of the particular features of the context in which it is to be applied than any applicable general law. Its application may also often create a more equitable result and it may often better reflect the intent of the legal subjects.”).
The law of war has been developed with special consideration of the circumstances of war and the challenges inherent in its regulation by law. Thus, for example, the exigencies of armed conflict cannot justify violating the law of war.16
16 Refer to § 2.2.2 (Military Necessity and Law of War Rules).
Moreover, lawmakers sometimes have considered peacetime rules appropriate to apply during armed conflict, and in certain of these cases, they have explicitly incorporated such concepts into the law of war.17
17 Refer to § (Explicit Incorporation of Concepts From Other Bodies of Law Into the Law of War).
Thus, traditionally, the law of war has been described as the only “authoritative rules of action between hostile armies,” or as superseding ordinary law in the actual theater of military operations.18
18 See LIEBER CODE art. 40 (“There exists no law or body of authoritative rules of action between hostile armies, except that branch of the law of nature and nations which is called the law and usages of war on land.”). See also WINTHROP, MILITARY LAW & PRECEDENTS 773-74 (“By the term LAW OF WAR is intended that branch of International Law which prescribes the rights and obligations of belligerents, or—more broadly—those principles and usages which, in time of war, define the status and relations not only of enemies—whether or not in arms—but also of persons under military government or martial law and persons simply resident or being upon the theatre of war, and which authorizes their trial and punishment when offenders. Unlike Military Law Proper, the Law of War in this country is not a formal written code, but consists mainly of general rules derived from International Law, supplemented by acts and orders of the military power and a few legislative provisions. In general it is quite independent of the ordinary law. ‘On the actual theatre of military operations,’ as is remarked by a learned judge, ‘the ordinary laws of the land are superseded by the laws of war.
The jurisdiction of the civil magistrate is there suspended, and military authority and force are substituted.’
Finding indeed its original authority in the war powers of Congress
and the Executive, and thus constitutional in its source, the Law of War may, in its exercise, substantially supersede for the time even the Constitution itself
–as will be hereinafter indicated.”).
Similarly, law of war treaties have been viewed as a clear example of a lex specialis in relation to treaties providing peacetime norms concerning the same subjects.
Ok People can you see how complex War Is when the rules are played
the Law of War may, in its exercise, substantially supersede for the time even the Constitution itself
U.N. International Law Commission
President Trump Is Our Commander in Chief
25017-01-20 Till today
Result: 2599 daysIt is 2599 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date.
Or 7 years, 1 month, 12 days excluding the end date.
Or 85 month, 12 days excluding the end date
And He Did it freely with out accepting a wage

President Trump Is Our Commander in Chief

And the legal jurisdiction of the President

Is A Military Court Today

‘the ordinary laws of the land are superseded by the laws of war.

The jurisdiction of the civil magistrate is there suspended,

Executive, and thus constitutional in its source, the Law of War may, in its exercise, substantially supersede for the time even the Constitution itself

To every one here

And A Notice to President Trump

You never Go back to the scene of the Crime.

That means To a criminal Court


To A criminal Voting Booth

That stole the 2020 Election

Robert Gregory Boensch

Every Body I ask you not to Vote?

And See how this plays Out?

President Trump Says He transferred the Power

Back to the People where it belongs

The last time I voted was 2020

You never Go back to the scene of the Crime.

Why Would he ask us to Vote Again

We have It all.

Should we just be happy Hunting today.


Last edited 7 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

The United States Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is prepared by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives. 

10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on March 2, 2024
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law

§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

The Department of Defense Law of War Manual (June 2015, updated May 2016)
The Law of War as the Lex Specialis Governing Armed Conflict.

Book Ends

I Rest My Case

Robert Gregory Boensch



President Trump
USMC General Berger
USMC General Smith

And For all of you That Are Reading This

What Say you?


20 days and this will be over

120 Days after President Trump Say INSURRECTION

Is over

And We hold a new election.


Last edited 7 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

One Tin Soldier – The Original Caste [Original]

“One Tin Soldier” is a 1960s counterculture era anti-war song written by Dennis Lambert and Brian Potter. Canadian pop group The Original Caste (consisting of Dixie Lee Innes, Bruce Innes, Graham Bruce, Joseph Cavender and Bliss Mackie) first recorded it in 1969


Last edited 7 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Midwest patriot woman

A lot to think about. Good math possibilities there. God Bless America.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Please consider your State legislators are not white hats. If you request a D&B Report on and State agency including judicial you will receive a Corporate financial report. That’s right they are registered as Corporations for profit. Why don’t the tell us this?
I have posted this or similar before to get someone’s attention. Never works.
What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.
“Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person.” 9 F. Supp 272
“Word “person” does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.

See there are no states, just corporations.

A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law.

They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction.

There is proof of England’s interference and the fact of the status and capacities of arch-treasurer is presently in full force, affect and effect. pdf’s from government websites and associated archive links.

Think SSA and IRS. It’s well documented if you seek it.

Voting For
A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law.

And every thing is just a game of fools

Just plant a Garden and live free with God


Robert Gregory Boensch

Nothing will be spared on my part to harmonize our system, and to render the republican basis so solid as to defy the machinations of terrorism, illuminatism &c.
— Thomas Jefferson, 9 March 1801

Robert Gregory Boensch

The real terrors of both Parties have always been, and now are; The fear that they shall lose the Elections and consequently the Loaves and Fishes; and that their Antagonists will obtain them. Both parties have excited artificial Terrors and if I were summoned as a Witness to Say upon Oath, which Party had excited, machiavillialy, the most terror, and which had really felt the most, I could not give a more Sincere Answer, than in the vulgar Style “Put Them in a bag and Shake them, and then See which comes out first. Where is the terrorism now, my friend? There is now more real terrorism in New England than there ever was in Virginia.
— John Adams (to Thomas Jefferson), 30 June 1813

Robert Gregory Boensch

And the enemy is most dangerous when it knows it’s about to die. So who had to tell us this? General Cornwallis did tell General Washington what is then to become of America. And what did Washington do?.


Both Parties have been registered as a single Corporation for some time.


The U S Inc. has been legally Bankrupt since 2021.



An Bolynn

He is really quite educated Sue …. you couldn’t tell?

Karen B


Truth Seeker

What’s the matter. Afraid of the truth?

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started___________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


Supreme Court will rule against drumpty and team q retard won’t leave their recliners.

Truth Seeker

HAH! On the contrary, it’s my extreme pleasure to inform you that the inverse happened. All nine justices ruled that the offending democrat governors trying to prevent president Trump’s name from being on the ballots were in violation of Constitutional law.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Yes, we all should be seeking the truth.
Let’s say it’s the truth of the harms done to us by those that are to teach us and inform us of the truths, represent us and govern for us.. That should develop into, lets speak of the remedies for curing those harms. This is where IMHO we as a collective fall short and remain silent. acting on your God given rights that can not be taken from you because they are

Truth Seeker

All nine S.C. justices ruled against the democrat run states attempts to prevent president Trump’s name from being on the ballots. The SCOTUS ruled that it is unconstitutional for states to prevent president Trump or any other politician from being on the ballots.


Your description of the DEW fires, burning in straight lines, describes the fire(s) on the Moscow roofs directly after the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview.

As far as BBQing FEMA workers goes, the satanists eat human flesh, the younger the better. I personally can’t support that suggestion, meant jokingly or not!


Agree. You’re right. Sorry. The “eating” remark was totally all in jest. Didn’t mean to put us on the same level with the Satanists! Yuck!

David the lion hearted

“You’ve just posted one,– if not the very best opinion, — I’ve ever read on this site. I LOVE IT!!!!” Keep up the truth and everyone should agree with everything you’ve said…CONGRATULATIONS!!!!


I think we the people have reached the end of our patience.


Unfortunately we the people will have to wait til November for the blackout/great silence. we went this long, we can go the last mile.

Legalize Freedom

Are you sure the 10 days of darkness isn’t coming sooner?


The banksters and their cabals are beginning to disappear and without cause or reason. Something seriously crazy is going to happen. Out with the old and in with the new. I know it’s hard to accept what is happening but we have no other choice. I, for one, am looking forward to the demise of those who think they own us and our assets.


Cabal controlled banks never really recovered from the ’08 collapse and they’ve been on borrowed time ever since.

In a normal world most would/SHOULD have been allowed to go down the drain for outrageously stupid “risk management”. Dave over at X22 Report has covered this extensively.

All of which really cuts the legs out from under their assertions “debtors shouldn’t be bailed out!” Making Jubilee more or less inevitable…


The bankster’s window of opportunity to financially rape us closed on 2/22/22. Our species is leaving the past behind. Do you study astro physics at all? It works together with geo-physics to control what happens here on Earth. Fractal energies bring us things and then later take them away so another experience can be had. I was fortunate enough to learn how this place operates via a boyfriend who is a quantum mechanic. First in is always first out and humans are not governance of the planet. It controls us. Physics is now telling us to get our acts together. In order for us to rebuild our foundation. As an architect, can I share that to rebuild demolition comes first? This is an historical time in human history but as well in the animal world because an extinction event has begun to tear down not only all species but the landscape as well. Mountains are crumbling in China and Turkey. Methane gas is pouring out of the northern CA mountains. China has experienced every sign of extinction but we are told that nation is powerful. No, it isn’t. China is almost dead, so to speak. So is Israel. Whatever civilization and its foundation rises in a state of chaos foretells of the group that is being removed from the planet. Ancient DNA has no place in the present or the future. Human biology is designed for balanced energies. Imbalanced energies brings biological diseases and insanity. People with low IQs in today’s world cannot govern those whose IQs are averaging over 130. You see and feel the imbalance, right? Our Creator has made his intentions known and no one wants to talk about it. Isn’t that odd?

Karen B

Oh I do! 😃I want to be about my Father’s business.
Lovely comment; fascinating to contemplate and it certainly resonates with me.💞

Truth Seeker

The DS cabal’s enslaving western central banking system and their fiat economy, that is backed by nothing, is doomed. All of the biggest banks and Wall Street financial institutions are nearly insolvent. They’ve been closing satellite locations all over the country.

More and more businesses are refusing to take any Federal Reserve notes, otherwise known as cash.

So far, approximately 27 countries have already transitioned to the gold standard. The Russians and ChiComs have been buying up gold and other precious metals.

According to alternative news sources the U.S. white hats have discovered and absconded with the Vatican’s vast gold supply. It turns out that there has existed a secret 1,500 mile tunnel running from the Vatican to Jerusalem.

The first 150 miles of that secret tunnel held the largest single hoard of gold in the world. It required 650 plane trips to remove what is said to be eighteen to twenty trillion dollars worth of gold. That gold now resides at Fort Knox.

Peter Harter

When the money doesn’t buy, all the mercenaries and other agents of the bank (CIA, FEMA, FBI), will quit. The IRS is a foreign corporation separate from the government. I wholly expect it to be weaponized and like an army. Armies can be incentivized by so little that it’s hard to say that they wouldn’t do it just for the rape and plunder. That’s basically what the UN army is in it for.


It will be the Chinese. Remember I told you first.. ☺️


Major change is always scary to me, even if it’s positive change. Fear of the unknown. I cannot picture it in my mind how it will work. But we’ll push through it somehow, and I trust that we’ll LOVE the final outcome.

Karen B

Trust GOD even harder, MsBu.💓He will give you the courage and take away your fear. He is nothing if he isn’t faithful and true.🤗

An Bolynn

I just pray the new isn’t worse.


I don’t relish the idea of growing my own veggies and fruits and baking and cooking every day. Even if I get a couple of long horns I won’t want to eat what I grew to love over time. I think parallel societies are an attractive option. Have you looked into how to establish one and who is allowed to be a resident? I have…, I am praying that Florida becomes a parallel state. Matt Gaetz is our next governor so something really good is on the way. DeSantis is doing an excellent job of preparing for the return to freedom. Again, though, there is no reconstruction of our nation until the demolition takes place.

Karen B

Do not fear: trust GOD more than your fear.💓 GOD layed it on my heart to pray for those afraid the other day. I’ll pray with you.🤗

Truth Seeker

We are watching the collapse of the DS’s western central banking system and their petro dollar fiat economy that is backed by nothing.

In March of 2020 president Trump took control of the Federal Reserve Bank and placed it under the auspices of the Treasury Department. The Federal Reserve Bank is broke.

The precious metals backed Q.F.S., (Quantum Financial System) is already in place to replace the western central banker’s enslaving fiat economy.

Ann Ononomous

Yes, that was my understanding too. This entire country will be annihilated if we wait until after the election. I think we’re just about all in agreement that no one will vote for mashed potato brains. For the small handful of sleepers who haven’t woken up by now, nothing will help them – they’re brain dead. 😴 🤡


Hopefully it will come sooner

Linda Hutchison

God has told the prophets He can fix all this and deliver us in ONE DAY when He is ready. He has set the Hooks in their jaws and will be reeling our enemies in.


Do the ballot boxes etc need electricity to operate?.. interesting.. hmm🤔


They did the instant they were invented overtly to speed up ballot counting but covertly for vote fraud (their TRUE purpose).

Now ironically, I’ve heard of U.S. Military overseeing elections in certain foreign locations overseas. There, the voting is done the old fashion, simple but time-intensive manner–anonymous paper ballots filled out and placed in opaque containers that are later opened and the contents within counted carefully by hand with all ‘invested’ parties present as witnesses to the counting and tabulation so there is NO ROOM for fraud unless they are ALL ‘in on it’. Also, voters who vote get ‘thumbprinted’ with indelible ink on one thumb as proof they voted to prevent ‘repeat voting’ fraud–it takes quite some time for the ink to ‘wear off’. By then, the polls are closed, the ballots counted and the winner declared WITHOUT the use of technology which invites fraud as was (in)famously done in the 2020 USA Presidential Election.


That sounds clever. Hand counting MAY be the safer method, but population-wise?…that is an extremely time-consuming endeavor, when it comes to the counting part. Also with the same possibility for human error/intentionally falsifying counts, etc. still exists. In areas with large populations, such as major cities, we might not know the outcome for quite a while after election day. Plus, with so many invested in defrauding the elections, it could still be compromised, if all on a “watching team” are on the same cheating team, in an organized cheating plan (much like what happened already, pulling additional boxes of fraudulently produced ballots from under tables during counting). The counters might be the cheaters, despite what the ballots say. Hard to know the safest, truest path anymore. Evil can be very resourceful. One SLIGHT deterrent might be the knowledge of SUPER SEVERE PUNISHMENT for cheating, when discovered. Up to and including the Death penalty?

But I also can imagine, there could be all new brilliant technology in the near future that can better detect and deter cheating before it occurs. Something to do with our individual “vibrations” maybe??

Truth Seeker

The advent of digital technology has allowed the rise of the real world version of the movie, “The Manchurian Candidate”. Since the invention of computers our elections have been uber vulnerable to rampant corruption.


Of course we can and we will

Linda Hutchison

It’s hard, but when you have come to the end of your rope, TIE A KNOT AND HANG ON! God has told the prophets that our RED SEA moment has come and we are to.hurry to cross as the RED Sea is about to close and deliver us from our enemies! God’s methods and timing are DIFFERENT than man’s. Keep the faith and continue to pray!


El ohim will be here for sure. Yahshuah won’t. He already came back a second time for 40 days and nights.. remember? It’s in the Bible.. there’s no 3rd coming.. but the EL ohim gods are fuming.. weve taken most of their sacrifices away( burnt offerings).. ✔️


All eyes on scotus trump ballot ban ruling could get interesting


As that story has developed, I’ve tended to view the ’24 election as ball spiking/endzone celebration. Sure it’d feel good but the way the wheels are coming off for the Cabal, it’s more victory lap than an actual necessity.

Recall Xao Bidan’s campaign was outright pilfering donations from BLM just to keep afloat. The real question is will the Dims even have enough gas in the tank to GET to November..?


Nope. Recliners Cheetos and whining are all q retards are good for

At least antifa will leave their recliners albeit for money


I have no idea who Q represents but I do know that an awful of of Americans jumped behind an unknown and stood faithful in the face of a lot of BS. Wouldn’t it have been best if we Americans were simply told the truth that the banksters intend to own all of the money and resources on this planet and their choice of power over us was murder by vaxx? Just sayin’. I was born to be my own militia….a birth right as a human being. I don’t need or want the quack heading up the Pentagon to invade MY American experience. Do you?

Karen B

What ” quack” are you referring to, for prosterity’s sake?


Lloyd J. Austin III


I hear what you are saying.
You are FED up 🤔


Jewish space lasers started the fires.


Khazarian, not Jewish.




Of course they do .if they didn’t they would have done something about it. .they haven’t
No different than the q retards

When u sit around and do nothing you’re agreeing to the behavior or your overlords





Don’t believe you..and if they did it
Did zero good

truth is stubborn

That’s because Bibi created an Israeli 9/11 on the Gaza border to save his ass from getting booted.

I know people who’ve dealt with him, and he is quite the sociopath.


Fair enough and probably correct .

That said the fact still remains they haven’t done a thing .

All talk recliner sitters just like the q retards

Everyone has as excuse why they didn’t do shit .

Marie Claire Olivier

Like we are able to get rid of FEMA and the obviously not Joe Biden fake President?


Get enough folks with guns and anything can be done

Sit on you recliners trusting the q retard plan and yes nothing will happen

truth is stubborn

On the other hand, idiots charging out on the street at the first DS provocation to draw resisters out does harm instead of good. The WHs have said as much already.

If they need you, they’ll say.

Last edited 7 months ago by truth is stubborn

At the first site of deep state provocation?’s been thousands of years

Q retards have excuses after excuse after excuse why they can’t leave their recliners and still trust the q retard plan .

There are no white hats …but sure keep trusting the vax daddy himself


No need to leave the recliner yet. Just honing the shooting skills for now.


Just bought another one today. How many do you have Noname? Better get ready, your Cheeto supply might be in danger if you don’t.


I have ten. When they come and happen to get those, I have ten more. How many do I have? I have 50 cuz I lie to those commie khazarians.

Linda Hutchison

The battle for the SOUL of our nation (GOOD v. EVIL) is the Lord’s God has told prophetess Green (Julie Green Ministries International) that this is WAR! Our role in this is like the ANAGRAM for WAR: W=Worship; AND R=Resist! Walk by FAITH and NOT by SIGHT! God’s methods of spiritual warfare Are DIFFERENT than man’s, but 100% effective in tearing down strongholds! Keep the faith and continue praying!


Julie Green is a lying grifter who has been wrong so often she erases videos that show her failed predictions

Linda Hutchison

Wake up! BIBI and TRUMP have been anointed and appointed by God according to the prophets for just such a time as this! God DOES NOT pick evildoers for His anointed and appointed! You need to THINK ABOUT what you are saying! According to the scriptures, those who BLESS Israel Will be blessed and those who CURSE Israel will be CURSED! Don’t get YOUR name on God’s list! Keep the faith and continue praying!


Earth is ruled by satan. Jesus is the Light of the world. We are the Light. But evil reigns…


You are forgetting Q said that they are leaving Isreal for Last and i belive this is that moment.


So ..yeah it been a while now

Trump gonna take down Israel this week or is it more like a q retard prophecy of ” it’s gonna happen sometime in the future”?

8 years later zero public arrests


Patients Noname, patients. You almost broke a spring in your recliner on that one


Israel has been taken over by Zionist, they are not the true Israelites – 12 tribes. Ezekiel 37 38 & 39. The land of Israel will be destroyed and rebuild.

“I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land – Israel.”

Johnny Lunchbucket

Is there REALLY a difference, at this point?




Yes, those that claim to be Jews and are not, thus creating the disdain for Israel to be hated by all nations and come against them to annihilate them. Something only the devil would do.


Talmudic as well!


Those fires were started by traitors to this county & this world regardless of their ethnicity. We know the Khazarian Cabal are behind the evil being used against this Nation. Leave the term Jew out of the mix as it is too inclusive, not every Jewish person is part of this Evil. We must be specific before God.

Last edited 7 months ago by WatchfulOne

God knows. and God wins!

Karen B

Well put.😍


I hadn’t realized the African(first) American(last) Elon Musk was also a Khazarian.

Linda Hutchison

Worry about your OWN sin and keep praying to God to remove HIS enemies. Our enemies are God’s enemies, too! Keep the faith and continue praying!

Ann Ononomous

I’ve always wondered about him. IMO, either he’s really a white hat that was playing a black hat for a time, or if he truly was a black hat, he must have been replaced.


He is on our side. Here’s why I think he is on our side; recall a Space X rocket that exploded minutes after launch? The rocket was carrying The evil Zuckerberg satellite known to be a competition of Musk’s Star-link and Musk wanted no part of it.

truth is stubborn

They’ve fought to deny him contracts, and they’ve probably sabotaged more than one of his rockets.

I think you’re right

Nukken Futz

Musky was side originally with the demon-rats, but realized that their party wasn’t going to help his bottom line and he started sitting on the fence, then joined the white hats full bore and bot out Twitty Gritty to prove his solidarity to our cause, which greatly helped out the white hats to disprove black hat disinformation and their endless lies…

truth is stubborn

No, Jewish. I’d bet you $50 he’s not observant, and he sees both sides in the Middle East like a competent intellectual. The fact he got on the ADL’s bad side to me says he’d put integrity first.

And he’s done a WORLD of good fighting to defend free speech on Twitter/X. Give credit where it’s due.

Stinky Perfume

I would say it’s not religion but spaceship-vampire galactic trade industry, maybe call it reptilian or some reptilian hybrids. Predator beings.

Linda Hutchison

ALL sin starts from the same root: satan!

Nukken Futz

Is that from Mel Brooks movie History of the world, part II, “Jews in Space” sequel that he never made?


“Purely evil acts of terrorism fueled by massive SATANIC GREED, EVIL AND CRUELTY.” Indeed, and so obvious by now. I do hope and pray that the Military will “BAN FEMA FROM PLANET EARTH!!” The question is, how come FEMA is still in existence???


From the DS’s perspective, rogue FEMA thugs provide the best bang for the buck over virtually any other corrupt 3 letter agency.

Deploying DEW lasers ain’t cheap, and we have to suspect any Cabal plan to utilize them would have to involve bringing in cleaner squads scouring the affected areas for anything of value. It’s been their MO for centuries, there’s no reason to believe they’d change tactics.

Many different forms to “You’ll own nothing and be happy”. The IRS and/or law fare forced upon citizens is a long game, and right now they just don’t have the time for it.


Yeah.. Building an EV empire & spaceX program, while buying a program that runs on someone elses server for $45billion.. ain’t cheap either, that’s why the African(first) American(last) moved to where Africans are subsidized.

Last edited 7 months ago by Theophile

Part of me wonders why WH’s simply haven’t taken out Sat-borne DEW systems with air-to-air BUT, from what I’ve been told, if the missile doesn’t vaporize the intended target completely, it just leaves a lot of Space junk perpetually orbiting in that whole trajectory. Which.., in turn will take out sat’s we control.

Personally I don’t think Elon’s supposed wealth is any more real than Gates’ or Zuckerberg’s. Tesla only accounts for what, 1-in-1,000 auto sales? And the ( long established ) competitors selling the other 999 vehicles are going BROKE..!? Not sure but as you imply, something’s def not adding up here.


They are still in existence because they are the Deep State’s goons.
Like the article said  They’re an infestation, like roaches, and just as hard to exterminate.

Linda Hutchison

Because they keep collecting paychecks. Our Congress will NOT stand up and defend them! Until a few more are removed by God or ELECTIONS, this will continue! Keep the faith and continue praying!


God Almighty Alone can fix the world’s problems. He may use His chosen ones to accomplish His purpose. I trust Him and Him alone.


My cousins friend, whom she didn’t name, works in a FEMA office and states: “FEMA is such a great organization, they make such a difference in people’s lives during a crisis.” She was so adamant about how well they help in disasters, I had to cut off the conversation.

Unfortunately, FEMA advertises online for more workers. We need a good geek team to disconnect all their computers from agency to agency. FEMA has 10 regions that cover different states. A fake news article said that the dead Isabel Guzman & FEMA’s Deann Criswell met with governor Josh Green in the recovery effort of Lahaina on Feb. 8, 2024. Such filthy vermin and liars. Terrorists is right.


Maggie, the shame of the FEMA situation is, I’m guessing, that it’s possible that its origins may have been with good intentions; but it has since been taken over and corrupted by rotten people, with no mercy or goodness in them – some being cold blooded murderers. It is staffed with too many terrible people who take advantage of the unlimited access their jobs grant them to innocent people, who are already hurting and in distress, as well as free access to their exposed belongings (aka “spoils”). I imagine there are some who join the agency thinking it is a good, honorable thing, and intended to be helpful to those in distress. But sadly, it is clear that the roots of the agency have been deeply corrupted, and too many FEMA thugs have devolved into sick people who enjoy exploiting the most vulnerable victims. They are a nasty stain on humanity.

Marie Claire Olivier

FEMA’S origins are with the Carter Administration, implemented in 1979. Probably always corrupt…


And he didn’t go through Congress. Dems are like that. Jimmy Carter…liar & weak

truth is stubborn

False. Carter was a former Navy submarine officer and tough as nails.

He was in addition a quiet devout Christian who taught adult Sunday School, built houses for the poor when other Presidents went getting rich giving speeches, and worked very hard for peace in the Middle East.

He just unfortunately ALSO had an enormous blind spot about the Deep State and the Trilateral Commission.

Which is what let him fall prey to the Bidenista lies in our day too.

Last edited 7 months ago by truth is stubborn

Jimmy Carter was and is as corrupt as can be as well as a complete PHONY. Read the book written by a Secret Service agent about him and how he would pretend to carry the nuclear codes in a suitcase but treated them with contempt and constantly goofed off. And as far as that creepy housing for the poor let the poor EARN and PAY for their housing like everyone else. He was also a phony re peace in the middle east. It was Pres Trump who really achieved more. I well remember when Carter was in the White House and his running of the country was abysmal which is why everyone voted for Reagan.

truth is stubborn

Actually the DS turned on Carter, they put in Paul Volcker to create the stagflation to destroy his campaign.

Makes you wonder if he was starting to open his eyes, and they chose not to risk it.


And knowing that Jimmy Carter mandated FEMA in 1979 & then Clinton elevated it to cabinet level status in 1996 makes it all too suspicious. These presidents all had their dirty little hands on it, as you said: cold blooded murderers. Such a pity, it could’ve been used for good.


All dims are 🐍🐍🐍🐍 ll🦎🦎🐍🐍🐍 & 🦎🐍🐍🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎


Excellent points all.

What makes it even more suspicious, all 50 States already have National Guard Emergency Operational Control Centers. Staffed with incredibly qualified technicians, comm’s and medical people on call 24/7. Rendering FEMA nothing more than a fabulously overpriced redundancy!

My buddy ran the State program for years and now teaches Emer. Mgmt at the college. Unlike FEMA rent-a-thugs these folks ARE from their home state and personally vested in the effort’s success. “The homes and lives you save may be your OWN!”

All on bootstrap funding, vice Flyover FEMA’s blank check.


Haven’t seen on RRN that Isabel Guzman is dead — saw that she was arrested on RRN. with no tribunal date yet


Still fake news, even if she is just arrested. They always find a way to lie to the American people.

truth is stubborn

Wait, are you the Maggie that used to post here months ago?

Did you see they are now having greater success against the advertising spam bots (web-browsing programs) on the site, and that I was right when I told you MB was NOT behind the bots that masqueraded as you?

And you accused me of being in on the conspiracy too when I tried to explain all this to you?

Welcome back. But admitting you could have been badly mistaken is good for the soul, you know 😉

Last edited 7 months ago by truth is stubborn

Accused you of nothing. Are you sure you aren’t talking about Kay Mitchell?

Get your people straight as I did not and would not ever say MB was behind any bots.


And it is good for your soul to know you are badly mistaken
about being right. You can be right but about the wrong person.

truth is stubborn

There are a lot of other claimed arrestees from early on I’d like to know more about.


MB did a series on RRN called The Untried and the Dead, and Isabel Guzman was one of them. Still arrested and still alive, but no date on the tribunal.
As for Kelly and Colbert and Garland and Melinda Gates, those are the big four for me right now. Need to see the JAG chronicles on these.


It’s sure a COINCIDENCE that the DEW weapons popped up about the time SpaceX, and the EV MANDATE BS.
Seriously, does buying a CLUNKY program of elite twits, that runs on Amazon’s server for $45BILLION, sound like something an actual entrepreneur, who isn’t welfare subsidized by the Bribem Administration would do?

Last edited 7 months ago by Theophile
Marie Claire Olivier



DEW has been around for at least 20 years.

Nukken Futz

The DEWs came from the drug store truck drivin man; Ronald Reaganza’s Star Wars space based weapon systems….the rotten corksucker from the 80’s….

Church lips

I agree its terrorism. FEMA is the best example of the worst kind of nefarious government activity.

Stinky Perfume

FEMA is not even 50/50 good and evil. What their recruit process is to get people to attack in disaster areas is curious. FEMA sure finds the nasty one’s. I can’t see a reason to give Deanne Criswell that much credit. Who else is behind her, instructing her that can sort out who is corruptible?

Last edited 7 months ago by Stinky Perfume

Very well said ☝️🎯🎯🎯

Brick Chick

Your chapters are incorrect. Here, I’ll fix it for you.
Chapter One – Canada Fires
Chapter Two – Maui
Chapter Three – Chile Fires
Chapter Four – Texas

Truth Seeker

One sure way to shut FEMA down is for Congress to defund them. Shut off their money supply and they will wither and die on the vine.

Des flores

When are they going to get the head of fema that bitch needs to hang “asap”.

Stinky Perfume

If it was me, with what I know (isn’t much) THIS FEMA NAME MUST GO. Catching war zone criminals on the spot is not looking like it’s taking them out enough. IDK what their perpetual supply of recruits is all about. So far all I hear is the white hats get them in the obvious act of hurting someone. Lurking at war zone battlefields, such as finding war orphans to turn over to CPS is nothing new. Corruption in uniform with badges and ranking titles, and levels of ignorance, is eons old.


Probably recruit from FBI and other TLA’s who were separated for overzealous/indefensible evidence planting, witness tampering/intimidation, informants and bagmen etc.

With as much as the Surveillance State has expanded post-9/11 there’s tons of dirtbags to choose from.


I’ve actually seen video of what looks like a DEW zapping low buildings from the sky. It’s a recent video and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was in Texas. The video shows no fire, just the zapping from above. I have to assume the fires follow.

Michael R Davis

From the 30-60 degree angles, those are aircraft, helicopter mounted DEW lasers, not space platforms which would be 90 degree angles. Sometimes they are pot-shotting moving vehicles out of boredom. We can imagine what happens to families inside.

https ://

https ://

Michael R Davis

An apparent DEW firing. Some are visible.
https ://


Shit !!! Those are so obvious.

David T

Like right out of Star Wars. Unreal. Absolutely unreal.


Reminds me of video from Paradise CA DEW FIRE. It killed people trying to escape in their cars and school blesses killed on their way to school. Funny thing too is off road further away PF& E Was ready knowing this was going to happen…a planned extermination. Also it was direct line in area of high speed train Pelosi, Brown and NEWSOM signed onto. I’ve seen videos right after. Embedded in my memory…..


I meant school BUSES


My guess is most figured out you meant buses – these automated spell checks have made many a change I didn’t want in things I have written.

Julian Metter

Yup, I remember someone saying they met a person at a conference gathering years later who revealed that they were a core group of benevolent ETs working to help Elon Musk with some project. They were specifically targeted for that reason by the DS. Some of them look pretty much like us, certainly enough to pass.


Starting fires is easy money for Cali Dems.

Nukken Futz

They black hats were out to kill off galactics living in may houses in Paradise, CA that were here to aid in the ascension process, after the cabal collapse, but the galactics had underground shelters under the their houses that were burnt to the ground, but did not succumb to the flames….

Steve Rodgers

I hope you’re right for their sake & ours.


It sounds like a DEW…Direct energy weapon if it’s coming from above.


Keep a phone or camera handy!


This might be it:
ht tps://

Scared Rabbit

link is for members only

Ann Ononomous

Can you post link, please?

Angela James

Oprah’s assets alone should be able to pay the farmers ten-fold!


Good idea! Save the food supply. Those NWO junkyard dogs want to starve us into submission. WE SAY NO!


Maybe but how many thousand cattle can you just recreate from dust and ashes? How many lives revived and memories un-scorched from the devastation? Disabling these abominable “toys” wielded by psychopaths must be HIGH on the order of business. If color ie “blue” can affect their function, what is it about the color they use that may be turned against the machines? This cannot continue.
I remember reading something in the Phoenix Journals about benevolent (and spiritually advanced beyond the pathetic level that the mind control has held humanity!!!) “extra-terrestrials” having the means to disable Nook boms and how they had already (35 -40 plus?) years ago disabled attacks that would have resulted in a war that would have destroyed everything. It is said (and of course I have no independent confirmation other than what seems inevitably probable given the atrocious general condition of humankind’s “consciousness” … ) that in the underground battles, our courageous heroes have worked side by side with Pleiadians lead by Commander Valiant Thor, dealing with unthinkable beings that the Stnsts, the Notsees and whatever other ORKs and ring wraiths that could be dug out of Earth’s depths that were gathering their numbers to overrun the Earth using weaponry and possessed of capabilities that humankind is entirely unprepared for.
I have no independent “confirmation” and yet I have read recurring and ideologically consistent (congruent?) accounts (from Patriots and verifiably sober-minded spokespeople)  in my farthest -ranging inquiries in to what is or even could be? Going on?  I know that D aaarrpp ah is far ahead of what we are allowed to know in their development of technology and they are getting this knowledge from somewhere… Area 51? Ant Arctica/?
If the good beings of Pleiades have come to help humanity overcome the scourge of these filthy entities, then they are also beings who recognize the true God of the Universe because Jesus told us “By their WORKS, you shall know them. And if all of any of the “victories” have been achieved by human beings, then these are the very best humans on Planet Earth… they probably are anyway, with or without “extra-stellar” help and guidance.
If we “hope” to get through this, every functional capacity we have is likely to be called upon and if an advanced civilization from another planet is in any way involved, I thank them from the bottom of my heart, AND I believe, based on everything I have read about (and “from”) them, that they hold a very high place in God’s protection and regard.
These terrible weapons being used against humanity MUST fail, and God told us that NO weapon formed against us will prevail. However God fulfills that assertion, my heart is full of gratitude and We Will know Them By Their Works.
God Bless the White Hats, God Bless “Commander Valiant Thor” and God Bless All of God’s “People” wherever we may be.

Karen B

Amen. That was a beautiful read. I can agree bc of the trust I have received by good and reliable sources.
~ John 20:29 ~ “Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed”. I believe that those who can learn of things others are incapable to learn, is bc GOD gives wisdom unseen to those who put their trust in him and who believe he will guide them to every truth. May GOD’S truth shine bright like the noonday sun.💘


Lmao .. they can’t even pay their only media source a living wage

He has to beg for survival …

Team q retards are pieces of gutter trash


Maybe…however they are running & fighting like the vermin they are.


Not sure what that reply has to do with the actual post .


You need to add ALL secret societies.

Stinky Perfume

Land grab, the border got controlled in Texas so the big take over/retaliation comes on. It affects the adrenochrome market. They need poverty and/or addicts and kidnap out of that or use poverty so CPS and the hospitals can track their adrenochrome. Hospitals going down at least 22 known levels hardly anybody knows about.

Pork Wontons

Great point. It’s a way to “disappear” children for harvesting.


Baal worship is on overdrive then.

Linda Hutchison

God has told the prophets that He is working on REMOVING the evildoers and that the plans of that Cabal will NOT be successful. Keep the faith and continue praying. Armor up daily (according to scripture) and walk by FAITH not by SIGHT!


Linda, whoever is downvoting you seems like someone without any faith at all. So sad for the person but then again it could be a bot.


I hope the White Hats are actively searching for Deanne Criswell

Mark David

These FEMA agents are enemy combatants on American soil. They won’t be around much longer because they will hang for their crimes. Our Govt was full of these traitors. and they are still stirring the pot this late in the game. Shoot on sight is appropriate.


FEMA has proven themselves useless over & over. Them in the rogue were the ones actually helping but I still wouldn’t trust them. I’m ready to see that 4 letter group gone.



Scared Rabbit

I believe that is in fact the goal. It’s been meticulously planned for many years,, long before you or I formed an opinion about it. Three years ago most of us didn’t even know there was a problem.

Take heart – those fighting this know what they’re doing.

Lori Miller

We already knew it and that fema would be there. Thank you Michael.


FEMA is Public Enemy no. 2, right after the mainstream media. Both should be dissolved and tried for crimes against humanity and animals.

David T

Sounds like a good business move to get that help with the comment section. I appreciate your approach to allowing as much free speech as is possible, until the trolls cross over the line of protected free speech, into infringing upon others’ rights to free speech without undue levels of harassment and hate speech.


Trying to skip over troll posts is time-consuming. Sometimes it’s 5 trolls to one decent comment. Anything you can do to get rid of the trolls is fine with the rest of us.

David T

Agreed. And those 5 different troll names are usually all the same troll.


The even converse with themselves.

Karen B

true..and maybe they’re in neighboring cubicles.😉


Talk about self projecting. 🤨 We’ll see how much “free speech” Baxter’s monitors are willing to allow. If people are ban for giving an honest opinion or presenting facts that can’t be denied, or if the trumpsters insults doesn’t get them ban, then we will know what their idea of “free speech” is. Let’s see how far the hypocrisy will go.🤥


Another troll from day one!


Of course … anyone that ask tough questions, want to see proof and presents FACTS you can’t dispute is a troll. That’s the best you trumpsters can do insult and hit the negative … your hypocrisy wreaks.

Sandy Thomas

Have you noticed YOU were allowed thru the filter, so there’s the answer to your question…You didn’t even wait before you got real negative out of the box, whiner.


Anything that goes against your trumpster narrative is a negative. And that’s not my problem. You call it whining I call not accepting anything on face value. You want to do it fine … but save your complaints because I won’t.

Karen B

You got that backwards: anything that goes against YOUR ANTI TRUMP NARRATIVE you rant about. The proof of that is in your comments that will be sealed in history. You can’t change that…unless you change yourself and start allowing people to believe what they want about a person. But you won’t if you truly are a troll, in which case you are compromised.


Show me where I want you trumpsters to believe what I say. I don’t give a damn if you believe or not. Another trumpster pulling shit out their ass. You don’t like the anti trump narrative …. simple solution … DON’T READ MY POSTS! You think you can handle that?

Come on with your stupid compromise. You trumpsters don’t scare me in the least. Get bent.


You flatter yourself! (of course!) You do not pose valid or interesting questions… You are here to insult, demoralize (as if!!!!) and constantly use the fig leaf of “free speech” to defend your “special” brand of demonic lies (which the evil have definitely developed into what to them, amounts to an “art” form)
You are all here to attack President Trump and anyone who defends or admires him.
As an example, I NEVER waste my time, going to websites where most of the interested parties defend the individuals currently in “power” and insult them. What is the point, really? If you had anything worthwhile to say… they would probably enjoy hearing from you but everyone with a moment to spare has let you And all of the Other TROLLS!!!! know that you are here with an obvious agenda to desecrate the thoughts, beliefs and feelings of anyone who disagrees with your hate of what we honor most. TROLLS do whatever it takes to attempt to smear this board with their foul racist comments and language, and to undermine any train of insight or thought that might prove heartening to those who understand how you misrepresent “free speech” with the goal of destroying it.
You are Satan spawn and a LIAR.


Cliff notes. …

The q retard wants an echo chamber of of other q retards who all took the drump tards vaccine .

Best thing drumpty ever did was fully vaxx and boost your entire family


blah,blah,blah ditto right back at ya..Your curses will all come around to you like a boomerang… so richly deserved.


There you go proving whateverfloatsyourboat is 100% correct. You have a fantastic immaturity issue.

truth is stubborn

In your eternally deluded imagination.

Just not in reality.


Apparently it’s in mine too.


I used to think Noname was just frustrated because it’s taking too long for his taste, but now I think he has no taste (probably overdosed on yellow #5 in his Cheetos) and I’m beginning to think he is Khazarian mafia. Although they secretly want everyone dead, he is right out in the open about it. Pretty said state of affairs.

Karen B

Get some new material. Your rhetoric is sooooo old.🙄🤦


🥱 You pull all that right out where the sun don’t shine. The usual insults. You trumpsters aren’t capable of anything else. Don’t like the FACTS I present, and the questions I ask that you can’t dispute … here a simple solution. DON’T READ MY POSTS. Your hypocrisy wreaks as usual.🙄


“The usual insults” as though you posting your TDS on this board is not an attack against people who can be counted on to disagree with your CNN – MSDNC- type never-ending, unfounded smearing of President Trump.How about you get your a** “back to the CNN, MSNBC message boards in order to talk with people at your own IQ level?

PS… the word is spelled “reeks”

Later on I will help you out with a definition of the word “hypocrisy. Similar to your spelling skills you clearly do not know how to use a dictionary or what its purpose is.

Amazing how ALL of the TROLLS know exactly who they are and jump up to mis-characterize their behavior as “legitimate” disagreement and protected “free speech”.

If that were the case, most here would not object to your participation even if we don’t agree with you. You can make your case if you can do so without intentionally antagonizing people who you already know intensely disagree with your offensively-worded opinions about individuals and principles we evidently percieve favorably. To post hateful SCREED about people we regard very differently and hold in esteem will obviously infuriate and offend most of the participants in this conversation. In my eyes, trolls make their presence known by squatting over this board and dumping foul matter just for the sake of so doing

If you can manage to write your opinions with supporting VERIFIABLE FACTS, I would probably do some research and if I find agreement, I would say it, whether it supports my favored ideology or not.


🥱We both know I have given facts …you just don’t want to admit you can’t dispute them and claim I never offer any … so be it. I really don’t care what you believe or what you make up about me to fit your needs.
I going to keep giving my opinion, asking questions, and pointing out things you trumpsters wish to turn a blind eye too. Like I said … you don’t like it … don’t read my posts, but it is probably too difficult for you to comprehend.🙄


Once you name-call others, before even beginning to present a credible argument, you have diminished your reception by about 95%. You are whining about not getting “respect” essentially and fail to notice that you address anyone on the board who supports President Donald J. Trump as a “Trumpster”, knowing of course that it rhymes with “dumpster” or you wouldn’t get any kind of thrill from using that intentional SLUR.

If you have produced a worthwhile comment supported by provable “facts” (as in, Each of us is entitled to our own opinions but not to whatever it suits us to call, a “fact”) I would almost certainly read it, at least until I ran in to some entitled complaint prefaced by a slur. It probably never occurred to you that supporters of this President have already taken all the abuse that No one should have to tolerate, especially when our preferred candidate for the office of President is the FIRST President to KEEP US OUT OF WAR as well as developing constructive and mutually respectful relationships with the leaders of other countries who potentially pose a threat. From what I recall of anything resembling substance you have ever posted, you are focused on everything that was not done (as though President Trump had anything other than vilification and baseless attacks throughout his Presidency, faced hostility and assassination attempts from the Soros-implanted enemies of the state in all “houses” of government. Those of us who recognize the enormity of the task he set for himself and paid attention to how many ways his Presidency was genuinely focused on helping the people… improving the economy so that most people who wanted a job were able to find one. He would have endured NONE of the ABUSE, if he had kowtowed to the war machine neo-cons… the propaganda factories of MSDNC and CNN would have hailed him as the Chief, as long as he took his orders from the Clowns In America and the RChilds. Instead he acted as the Commander In Chief in Service to what is Best for the People, to the best of his ability. President Trump stated at one point (at least) that he campaigned for the JOB because he had the backing of 200 Generals, which is the main reason he is still alive, in spite of the virulent hatred of the “power block” that have worked so hard to deceive the American people in to a state of  Advanced Cognitive Dissonance via sophisticated mind-control indoctrination served up with the dessert of constant info-tainment where they swallow the gaslighting Lies and reject truth compulsively, almost incapable of recognizing they have become functionally schizophrenic. As long as we have our Bread and Circuses we tolerate the false flags and ignore the hopeless trajectory that we are being ushered into like a cattle chute. Of COURSE, he is not “perfect”. Sure, he could be their most elaborate deception yet, however that is not how the elements of this situation are adding up for me. My mind is not closed to that possibility however I also know that the people have been prevented from having ANY means of organizing on our own behalf. I ought to know. I was involved with every prospect that bode well for actually seeing ANY evidence that We the People had much, if any impact on the functioning of our government in relation to ourselves. The only thing that I DID see has been a certain characteristic of détente… the many bad elements usurping our resources and playing with our future as they conduct their power games only for their own benefit, have never lost sight of the fact that the American people are armed to the teeth, and no amount of false flags will persuade them to change that status. President Trump, flawed and human (and there will NEVER BE ANY OTHER KIND OF HUMAN PRESIDENT!!!!) is still the best President for the people in my lifetime and deserves my continued loyalty and support. You show up here as though it is a game to insult every one you have this political disagreement with. When you find fault with this President, do you actually think you are telling us something we don’t know? No one is omniscient… if he chooses to sell us out, that would be devastating however I already know that that is what it would take to bring on an unstoppable reaction from the people which would still give the enemies of the people the ultimate advantage… though humanity MUST DO WHAT IT MUST, TO SURVIVE AND TO PREVAIL.  President Trump knows what we all instinctively know… humanity is at a turning point. Chaos will not serve us and God knows, all the reptilian idiots the deep state continues to attempt to sell to us WILL NOT SERVE US EITHER.  I watch this man and I see acts of SERVICE to the PEOPLE in spite of the relentless war they wage upon him.  I also see that he is a person of a unique perspective… he thinks that ALL HUMAN LIVES MATTER as he said… “ when there is a war, people die on both sides”. He approaches negotiation with a WIN/WIN mindset. (those who have been ‘running” the world for far too long have demonstrated that they believe only in Win/Lose (they win and we lose) and even Lose/Lose where they would rather destroy it all than to allow people a chance to have anything approaching equity. ) Having loyalty within reason, to the only President that has used the office to work to make life better, first, for the ideal of what this country represents to the world – that “self-government” leads to prosperity and a good standard of living for the greatest number” as well as that done right, the leader of this country can greatly enhance the prospect of equal well-being to all countries that recognize that the people who comprise them are the source of any “greatness” they can aspire to. I genuinely subscribe to the values that President Trump upholds. I am not some mindless “cult” member and that is the carefully selected offensive name directed at his supporters as though we could not have legitimate reasons for backing this man as our Leader. This website is devoted to telling the story of a deep background war that is being conducted to address the crippling potential of horrific corruption supported at its very base by individuals who are committed to the abandonment of any and ALL scruples to serve the Enemy of Life of Earth because they BELIEVE that they will win it all by depriving We, the (ordinary and God-Loving) people of everything we were blessed with by our Creator God, the source of ALL LIFE. It has taken me most of my life to overcome the programming and SEE the miracle of this gift of life and I have made more than a few mistakes along the way… perfect people must be the greatest rarity, I can ask for no more than a human President, a GREAT man (as I define Greatness) and the only President in my lifetime that has HONESTLY worked for We, The People. If that is being in a cult, well, never has a word been more meaningless.

Karen B

I stand behind every word you said, and alongside of you as a patriot and follower of our Lord. I am proud to be on the same side; the right side of history as well. This spiritual and informational war is worth the hill to die on. When this Storm is finally finished and then we start the clean-up, these deep state operatives, who do not even fathom now that they have been used by the cabal against the bright light coming onto our earth like puppets on a string, they will hold their head in shame and guilt and if they come to the end of themselves, some may repent and then finally we can embrace them bc the light of GOD will be in their spirit. Until then? I look at them as an enemy of righteousness.They put themselves in that position bc they believe lies and the fake matrix system. We all have a choice. Thank you for your amazing comment and going through your hardships in your life; gaining the wisdom and shining in the position now you stand in to raise up the vibration of truth.🗡🛡🛐💟


You trumpsters started the name calling things worst that you being a hypocrite, which you are.


No you have not presented facts. You have presented the ds talking points with not one iota of proof. From years of listening to the ds talking points we have learned they are lies and at best twisted truths. You are and will remain part of the evil that is attacking this country and the day will come when that same evil will devour you and destroy you. There is no loyalty within the deep state for people such as yourself. They will use you up until you have nothing left and leave you to die and rot on the side of the road without a second thought. You are a fool if you believe otherwise.

Karen B

The most loving thing to do for anyone, is to tell them the truth. You did that for spirittoo. GOD be with you and bless you.💓


You trumpsters have obviously cornered the truth.🙄

You and donny walk on water because you are so holy 🤥

Karen B

😂😆🤣Ohh yeeeaaah, riiight!😂😂you are the most intelligent person we have Ever known!!! So far and vast is your genius mind, we just cannot conprehend!🤣🤣🤣yet killin’ me!!!😆😆😂🤣


I didn’t say that you did. You pulled it right out of your ass to fit your narrative. You better stop reading my post if I’m killing you for your own safety. 🤭


you present no facts. all you present is insults. Go get a real job.


Wow! You trumpsters sure do love to self project. It’s like a knee jerk reaction with you. The ones mostly hurling instults is you trumpsters. When a trumpsters does it you all get that self gratification you all love. That makes you a hypocrite.

Karen B

You are an evil spirit, too.


Says you which don’t mean shit.😆


All things are allowed to us, not all things are good for us. It is alright to weed out abusers, here only to harass & ridicule. Those tactics no longer look smart on leftists.

Karen B

~ 1 Corinthians 10:23 ~ “All things are permissable, but not all things are beneficial.”
Ahhh, I love a person who goes right to the source of truth.🤗
I believe now since a great number of the witches and watrlocks have been eradicated, with many other evil forms, from our earth, because of the good work of our good men and women in Military and elsewhere, GOD has all allowed us the ability to raise our frequency to a higher level and we notice now the “game” that the occultists, satanists and hybrids have used on us for thousands of years to keep our GOD given light and power down in the lower vibrations; through fear, depression, etc., so we weren’t able to see who were were in Christ. There is a miracle happening on earth and not everyone feels or sees it. I am glad you do. President Trump has always said,” The Best Is Yet To Come”: I believe the deeper meaning is just this: we raise our consciousness to a higher level to see the possibilities GOD has always intended for his people before we were captured by evil forces. I love President Trump for this. He knew this all along and showed us how to fight for our lives: ~ Phillipians 3:13-14 ~ “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind, and straining to what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which GOD has called me heavenward through Jesus Christ.”….😍👍🙃💞👏👏👏✨💫💥it will be worth the fight.😇


Very well said thank you ☝️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Thank You for your kind recognition. I love your name by the way. Mercy is a beautiful word and a very fine name. There is a gorgeous song (that I heard as part of the music featured in “Yellowstone”) called “Mercy Now” by Mary Gauthier. I think that it is a very fitting song for any one on this board who may not have heard it. You can find it on yoooo tooob by just typing in the name of the song and the artist.
It is a song that honors the men we love and recognition of all that they have given – for all of us.

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Karen B

Well, you said it all! Bravo 👏👏👏I could have never articulated my thoughts as well as you did here. Thanks for the truth, WEFYB💟


Don’t flatter yourself by describing what you do as “asking tough questions” You and your kind brag that you are here only to antagonize people you disagree with. You present no useful alternatives, no credible supporting facts for your attacks… You are not needed because what you bring is less valuable than Crank Graffiti.


I’m not here to antagonize anyone. That something you pulled out of your ass as you usually do. If I present no useful alternatives, then why bother reading my posts? When did I say I was needed? I don’t need you to need me. I’m not here to follow your narrative and post things you like to hear. When are you going to get that? When are you going to get I have as much right as you do to post my opinion.

All you do is show what a hypocrite you are.😏😒

Karen B

You work for Soros or one of the 3 letter agencies?🤔


Nope …. you work for the Jesuits that control Trump?


You don’t have to hang around.

We always try to enlighten our fellow travelers. You & others hang around & besmirch every idea or thought we lay out. Even ‘smirch on Michael Baxter.

None of us agrees with everything others state, but we don’t get so nasty ugly about it.


Oh I’m definitely going to hang around. You don’t have the right to tell whether a person can stay or go.

Show me where I got nasty and ugly…. point it out. Don’t worry I know you got NOTHING like the rest of the trumpsters.😏😒

Karen B

You trolls are the ones who insult and slander to hell and back. You all seethe from hatred to ANYTHING you disagree with bc you are an enemy to freedom of any kind. Don’t try to bull 💩 us…we see right through you all. You Don’t give facts or evidence: just your opinions while you attack people. There is No good that you do. Nothing good comes out of your mouths except attacks meant to steer the good energy by injecting your negative energy all over the place. But⏩ Good Will triumph over evil: you’ll see.


Well that means you trumpsters are trolls … you do nothing but slander and attack because you can’t dispute the facts.

I already know Good will over come evil. So far you haven’t said anything I didn’t already know about.🧐

David T

Yep!! And as if on cue, one of the Fed Trolls pops up with mindless drivel . . .

David T

And it talks about “presenting facts that can’t be denied. . ” like any of the trolls have ever done that. Typical liberal, always has to be a victim to the big bad conservatives.


It also talks about freedom of speech while the same time the people that own his soul hate free speech and want it taken away. Talk about being a hypocrite !


Speaking of hypocrites.


Oh yeah … what am I being hypocritical about? Don’t worry I won’t hold my breath waiting your response, I know you got NOTHING.


attempted demoralization and vicious insults.


Where did I demoralize? Where did I do vicious insults. Point them out. Don’t worry I know you got NOTHING. As usual. All that you post comes from where the sun don’t shine. Hypocrite.


“I know you got nothing” an attempt at utter invalidation of an accurate characterization of your drivel.

A “Hypocrite” is one who uses hypocrisy as per a definition:

Hypocrisy is the practice of feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not. The word “hypocrisy” entered the English language c. 1200 with the meaning “the sin of pretending to virtue or goodness”. Today, “hypocrisy” often refers to advocating behaviors that one does not practice. However, the term can also refer to other forms of pretense, such as engaging in pious or moral behaviors out of a desire for praise rather than out of genuinely pious or moral motivations.
Definitions of hypocrisy vary. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one’s own expressed moral rules and principles. According to British political philosopher David Runciman, “other kinds of hypocritical deception include claims to knowledge that one lacks, claims to a consistency that one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty that one does not possess, claims to an identity that one does not hold”. American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is “the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit”.



Karen B

~ Romans 1:28 ~ “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of GOD, so GOD gave them over to a reprobate mind, so they do what ought not to be done.”
Since you don’t understand what people say back to you, then maybe you will understand GOD. If you do not begin to develop a fear of GOD ALMIGHTY….woe be unto you child. woe be unto you.😞


I’m not the least bit interested in YOUR god.🥱


Your mere presence demoralizes.



Karen B

You are blind to your own running in a violent circle of self.




THIS: It also talks about freedom of speech while the same time the people that own his soul hate free speech and want it taken away. Talk about being a hypocrite !


When did I say you could voice your “freedom of speech” … Show it to me. Otherwise it’s just something else you pulled out of your ass to fit your narrative.

Oh and don’t worry … I won’t hold my breath waiting for the proof, because I already know YOU GOT NOTHING🤓 AS ALWAYS😝


Any social media controls what content is said and being said it’s nothing new. I’m not a big fan of social media because of their blockage on free speech.

What are the possibility of lawsuits for people speaking the truth on someone else’s website.

One thing for sure is if you are a speaker, you have to have a permit from your county or state to have a public assembly meeting to speak the truth. There is always Red Tape involved when it comes to free speech.

Last edited 7 months ago by CD22

I say speak it anyway.


You sound like a troll.

David T

Yep, if it looks like a “duck” and sounds like a “duck”, then it’s a “duck”.


You sound like a trumpster … now what.


You sound like a Dumpster.


Wow 😱what a brilliant argument … did you think of that all by yourself! 🤭


Not at all, just following through on the “brilliance” of your “argument” You don’t sound so impressed when your name-calling is turned around on you, it would seem.

Karen B

Yes, you said that correctly: whateverfloatsyourboat IS a brilliant debater! NOW you get it!👍👏👏👏




Better to be a Trump Patriot than become what you are.


I’m a political atheist Screw you Trump and the rest of the scumbags in government.

I’m a Patriot of this COUNTRY not some BS politician like you trumpsters, who turn a blind eye when Trump does the bidding of the deep state. Get bent.

Karen B

You just don’t get it, do you? We are proud to be on President Trump’s side. 😃
One day, you will be sorry for your words on here.


Ah no YOU just don’t get it. And I don’t care that you don’t get it. Proud to be on Trumps side? Good for you … got no problem with that … but I’m not a hypocrite like you.


Far too many of these so-called honest opinions are out-right malicious garbage from a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist. And I personally have had to deal with far too many of these people in my life. If one could snap a finger and get rid of all of them, peace would instantly come to this world.


Point out this malicious garbage. Don’t worry I won’t hold my breath …. like all trumpsters … you got nothing.

Karen B

You are blinded by your own self deception.

David T

Exactly, and it would be instantaneous and permanent.

Karen B

Yep! As long as we didn’t fall asleep again & let them sliver back in.🐍🐉

Karen B

that is superb!🤗💓And true! It would, wouldn’t it?!

Last edited 7 months ago by Karen B
Mike Hawk

Okay, now we’ve heard from Dick Wadowski.



clark 1930

no such thing as hate speech

David T

? I’ve seen a lot of posts on here from a troll wishing people were dying or dead from “drumpty’s death jab”. Sounds pretty hateful to me, and not based in any fact or reality, just one troll’s hateful spew towards others on here, likely with the intention to get the nice folks to just go away.


Drumpty is the father of the vaccine and founder of operation warp speed ..those are his words
. you’re fine with his mass genocide so why would anyone care if you died from his death jab?

25)50 million dead so far and you’re perfectly fine with it

Would be a great day if you joined then


Trump was lied to by Fauci, Walenski CDC, Birx, Mayo Clinic & beyond. Trump wasn’t a doctor – scientist. Neither was BYEDONE …& that was when the people rushed for their death jabs to save their lives.

And they all failed.

Last edited 7 months ago by K.E.
David T

NoNuts proves it is a troll because NOT ONCE has it ever call Fauci or any of the other CDC or WHO criminals out for their roles in the scamdemic.


Spiritoo is exactly the same. Evil never admits what it doing or what it has done.Evil doesn’t even have the ability to recognize
what truth actually is. Once Satan has ownership of them there is no possibility they remain truly human as they carry forever forward the mark of evil upon their souls that cannot be removed and the fools they are do not even understand.

Karen B

Great point.😉


Biden was also the sonofawhore who demanded the jab be mandated for anybody who wanted to live — some of my friends heeded that foul mandate and got sick, some famous people even died from that euthanasia mandate. I don’t wish that on anyone. That’s medical genocide. That paedophilic swine Biden must be punished for mandating that!! Trump is not guilty of that at all! President Trump, when you get back in, get Biden punished, please!!! McCain and GHWB cannot be the only top cabal swines penalized by JAG!!

David T

A great day would be when you and I met in person. Great for me, and you? Not so much.

Karen B

Hope I’m around for that.😆

Karen B


Karen B

yeah, good luck with that, huh!😆😂🤣Our President Trump showed us how to fight.👍😉😍


Ridiculous… read the garbage posted by the Trolls on this board (and MY comments in response, quite often … )
The term “hate speech” is used as a political weapon against the declared, God-given Right to speak freely and when people with something meaningful and relevant to say attempt to be heard, the indoctrinated and ignorant crowd screams “No Fair!”
This comment board is under near-perpetual attack by ideological enemy combatants. With Very Rare exceptions – they do not present original insights, reasonable criticism… they offend for its own sake and are the loudest to DEMAND “free speech”  
By which they mean, “speech” (however worthless, meaningless, contrary for its own sake and by default, INSINCERE) with No negative Consequences to themselves. As long as they can hurl feces at the people on this board who want to engage in sincere exchange of knowledge, thoughts and ideas who are not supportive of the agenda to destroy the human race and life on Earth because that is the self-evident agenda of those who oppose our endeavors… given the circumstances of our current concerns.)
Well first of all there is practically no such thing as “free” anything… “free” speech is an ideal, for good and honest people (and probably a “set-up” from our free-mason “founding fathers”) who chose the word freedom because it lacks specificity… or much in the way of reliable “meaning” however it has been very useful to them as they advance their agenda of usurpation of the legitimate rights of others.
There is No Freedom without Responsibility. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Wasn’t that Isaac Newton? (probably another freemason, like Darwin). Well, there is probably some truth to the latter meaning that it is observed in the physical world by everyone with any powers of observation. In any case, “Sir” Isaac Newton’s observation need not predominate in a message board where every sincere comment that is an honest attempt to connect and learn from other sincere people is almost immediately sh*t upon by a TROLL, BOT or SHILL, take your pick.
meaning demonic, lying entities who cannot bear that truth be ever spoken, anywhere, and are very likely paid to undermine ANY attempt at comments made in a spirit of communication for people whose voices are silenced wherever possible.
(demons aren’t “human” and God threw (and throws) them out of heaven because they “rebel” JUST TO REBEL” so they are here to “rabble rouse” to anger, offend, demoralize and undermine the continuity of people striving to uphold Truth, as best we understand and can articulate it. And they LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE… it’s intended to weaken and sicken us as though vile-ness is something we must swallow wherever we turn. They are the SOURCE of whatever it is that can honestly be called “hate speech” and the loudest declaimers of “free” speech. These “free”-speech,, hate speech proselytizers are AIMED at DESTROYING –         TRUE SPEECH – which reveals them and their intentions for what they are and which serves God in the protection of the perfect design of God’s creation. Lies attempt to destroy the fabric of God’s creation… they are “spells” intended to “reverse-engineer” the perfect formula which lives within truth, because it IS TRUTH.
It has been said “If you want to tell the truth, you best have your foot in the stirrup of a fast horse”
Because speech is powerful and because TRUTH is most powerful, it is consequential. Consequences mean activation of forces that effect change in some way and change must be contended with, “for better -or worse”. Let it be for better.Ridiculous… read the garbage posted by the Trolls on this board (and MY comments in response, quite often … )
The term “hate speech” is used as a political weapon against FREE SPEECH and when people with something meaningful and relevant to say attempt to be heard, the indoctrinated and ignorant crowd screams “No Fair!”
This comment board is under near-perpetual attack by ideological enemy combatants. With Very Rare exceptions – they do not present original insights, reasonable criticism… they offend for its own sake and are the loudest to DEMAND “free speech”
Well first of all


this is the rest of the comment that did not post in its entirety…

Well first of all there is practically no such thing as “free” anything… “free” speech is an ideal, for good and honest people (and probably a “set-up” from our free-mason “founding fathers”) who chose the word freedom because it lacks specificity… or much in the way of reliable “meaning” however it has been very useful to them as they advance their agenda of usurpation of the legitimate rights of others.
There is No Freedom without Responsibility. “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Wasn’t that Isaac Newton? (probably another freemason, like Darwin). Well, there is probably some truth to the latter meaning that it is observed in the physical world by everyone with any powers of observation. In any case, “Sir” Isaac Newton’s observation need not predominate in a message board where every sincere comment that is an honest attempt to connect and learn from other sincere people is almost immediately sh*t upon by a TROLL, BOT or SHILL, take your pick.
meaning demonic, lying entities who cannot bear that truth be ever spoken, anywhere, and are very likely paid to undermine ANY attempt at comments made in a spirit of communication for people whose voices are silenced wherever possible.
(demons aren’t “human” and God threw (and throws) them out of heaven because they “rebel” JUST TO REBEL” so they are here to “rabble rouse” to anger, offend, demoralize and undermine the continuity of people striving to uphold Truth, as best we understand and can articulate it. And they LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE… it’s intended to weaken and sicken us as though vile-ness is something we must swallow wherever we turn. They are the SOURCE of whatever it is that can honestly be called “hate speech” and the loudest declaimers of “free” speech. These “free”-speech,, hate speech proselytizers are AIMED at DESTROYING –         TRUE SPEECH – which reveals them and their intentions for what they are and which serves God in the protection of the perfect design of God’s creation. Lies attempt to destroy the fabric of God’s creation… they are “spells” intended to “reverse-engineer” the perfect formula which lives within truth, because it IS TRUTH.
It has been said “If you want to tell the truth, you best have your foot in the stirrup of a fast horse”
Because speech is powerful and because TRUTH is most powerful, it is consequential. Consequences mean activation of forces that effect change in some way and change must be contended with, “for better -or worse”. Let it be for better.


You’re a troll yourself for feeding them. You’re one of the worst offenders.


It would seem that you do not know the definition of Troll.

There is a difference between legitimately insulting someone in return for their insults, or being on the board, ONLY to insult the community

Ignoring them – ie, “not feeding them” does not work and they continue to multiply in numbers and provocation.

Kicking their a** es in return alleviates some of my disgust with their presence. That is my choice because up until now… MB does not have the time or resources to eradicate them and let’s be honest… they have money to send (Soros et all) and so it is reasonable that MB – like all of us- has to pay bills. I believe that he makes an effort when he can to remove the most noxious.

I make NO APOLOGY to YOU, Sir High and Mighty. If you can ignore the TROLLS, surely you can keep your opinions to yourself where I am concerned.

Karen B

We see right through you troll.

David T

Excellent post and explanation of the logistics that are present in this forum between the patriots and the DS fed trolls.


Thank you so very kindly David T. I appreciate that you have taken the time to consider my reasoning and find it to be sound in this observation.

Karen B

Agreed. We have some of the best and intelligent debaters of truth on this board.👍


Sorry for the accidental repetition… If I could have deleted, what turned out to be a repeat of my former comment, I would have. Sorry!

Karen B

Sokey…we figured it out Im

Karen B

(sorry…the internet zipped through…spooky)…anyhow: we understand. I’m sure I’m speaking for a majority, but it was obvious the duplicate wasn’t your intention.🤗


No worries.

Karen B

Daaaaang!🤗💓👏👏👏👏👏👏 wish I had your brain!!!! Nice writing, WEFYB.💞 As our beloved President Trump said recently,
“You can’t let them get away with anything.” 👍
We have turned and walked away too long and it is not ever going to happen again from This height!




Well said.

Karen B

AMEN! You wonderfully said it for many of us !👍🤗


Thank you, Michael, and if they can monitor things like “satanic Jews,” that would be great. This is so awful, and I am so sorry this is happening.


Yes, since the ‘satanic jews’ NEED monitoring…


no, but you do. Forgot all about you. Thank you for putting yourself front and center.


My comment disappeared. Too bad. I wrote that you need monitoring, so I’m glad you put yourself out there.


I saw that post, you did say that, Tzippo. . I hate the evil that people do, but I don’t hate the Jewish people. However the Khazarians are giving the Jewish people a black eye with their inhuman behavior, that’s what I hate.

David T

I think the comments “disappear” until they are reviewed, then after a page refresh, they reappear, and are sometimes hard to find as a bunch of other comments may have come in just prior, so the order looks skewed when the comments finally appear. Happens to mine a lot. Just part of the process.


There are good and bad in every group, including whatever you claim to be, I am sure.


For sure.




Your term in quotes is an oxymoron. You’re just a moron.

Doyle knight

Satanic Jews what you talking about Willis .this is a grown up sight .if you can’t handle the heat .stay out the are liable to see cuss words too .with them oh so sweet virgin eyes of yourd


You either agree with them or you haven’t been paying much attention. It’s the rhetoric that can get inflammatory more so than any other ethnic group. I realize this is a grown-up site, so no need to pander to me there, so if you don’t like my take, I suggest that you suck it up since this is a grown-up site. I doubt that Michael, as a Christian, would let it pass if people constantly wrote about satanic Christians and they were historically attacked, People on here have called blacks all kinds of names, but there was no black October 7th or black Holocaust, so I suggest you get some persepctive in the future..


Tell them, Tzip!!


See the comment from RetiredIT below who’s offended by swearing. Go get him, Rufus.


People who are in the military and transport work tend to swear the most and the hardest IMV. Swear words are also part of free speech, and every human being has free will according to the Scriptures (except for blaspheming the Lord), Constitution and even the UDHR. But I’m not judging swear words unless someone is targeted directly with ethnic slurs, epithets or calumniation, then I punch back!


What you don’t understand is that comments against us lead to things like the Holocaust and October 7th, okay, Willis? In addition, I’m entitled to my opinion.


Rothschild financed the Bolsheviks,
and the Nazis and Fascists.

Nice guy.

Rothschild was behind the Holocaust,
to inspire Jews to immigrate to Israel.

Israel became a sovereign country
of Rothschild, to carry out the Khazarian
Mafia narcotics and human trafficking
business, without interference by lawmen.

Try watching that stellar propaganda film

“The Eternal Jew”,

by the Third Reich.

In it, the film ADMITS
the little Jews do NOT KNOW
what their leaders are up to.

It admits it!

The correct move was for German Intelligence
to trace the Jewish leaders back to the source.

If they did that,

it would lead to Rothschild,

the Vatican, the British Monarchy,
and the Dutch Monarchy.

Citizens of the world would realize
they were being played.

Last edited 7 months ago by millcanyonroad
Anne Stallybrass

Well put friend. I’d add, the British Monarchy corrupted from the time N.M.Rothschild sired all the children of Queen Victoria except the eldest who got written out of history. That corruption then went on to infect the whole European monarchy probably incl. the Dutch. Roths controlled the Vatican via their banks presumably.

However, it’s more complicated. Story is too much for here.


No way did that happen. Rothschild never had sex with Victoria and fathered all nine children, that was Prince Albert. Victoria would never allow someone like that to cause her to cheat on Albert. They had a very passionate sex life, so there is no way either of them would cheat and he would have nine Rotschild kids instead of nine Saxe-Coburg-Gotha kids.


So am I.


Yes, you are!


Tell ’em Doyle!


Then grow up.

thomas j cahill

Not all Jews are Satanists and not all Satanists are Jews. But there are many.


There are evil in every crowd including the Irish, Mr. Cahill.


Funny you should say that as an Irishman, which is what I assume you are, or a Lymie considering how many of your countrymen have behaved.


If you believe that you haven’t read all the jew books.


If I believe what and what “Jew Books,” ignoramus? Whoopsie, I asked you a question you didn’t answer, Mr. Cahill. Wouldn’t you say that there are good and bad among the Irish and English? Do tell.

Last edited 7 months ago by Tzippo
Sandy Thomas

KillEmAll said ‘Jew books’, not Mr. Cahill. But you’re making good points, Tzippo.


and you complain about name calling.


The same for the Irish and the English, wouldn’t you say, Mr. Cahill?


The same for ALL OF MANKIND regardless of ethnicity.


Yea , you satanic jews hate when the TRUTH comes out huh. Especially on a meta/Zuckerberg owned website like this one.


Your handle says it all. For every Zuckerberg there’s a Leonard Bernstein, Clive Davis, Freud, Jonas Salk… Shall I go on? Reread my comments. There are good and bad in every group. And if you feel that strongly about us, I suggest you destroy your cell phone and computer because the technology was refined in Israel. Go on. Get going now.


Clive Davis is a homosexual. And I don’t like his behaviour.

Huck Finn

Talmudic Jews, most are Christ hating Satanist, many are homo’s and all are indifferent to prohomo sex. These are the ones Jesus described as the “synagogue of Satan” twice in New Testament KJV.


prohomo sex”? What is that?


They also are pedofiles as recently exposed in the NYC tunnels that run below the synagogue. Proof contained baby mattresses with blood and feces, baby chairs. White Hats leaving Israel to last in the line of exposures will reveal all of this and more. Israel is Zionist to its core having communities of nothing but pedos living in it. These people defile that land where God walked. Those of the Babylonian Talmud are truly the Synagogue of Satan. Jesus knew.

Last edited 7 months ago by WatchfulOne

That was such an ugly discovery. The Jewish people in their right mind would never tolerate any of that. Khazarian infiltration is deeper than we thought.


I suggest you drop Freud.


Just cut the shit, okay?!


I understand that you’re bothered by those type of comments. But really, they should not affect you. You are allowing them to affect you.



Thanks, PoopyPantsPA, but I feel I have to say something, so the ne-er-do-wells around here don’t think it’s okay. <3


I think a lot of them are trolls trying to make RRN look bad, and scare off newbies and normies who are just finding out how the world works. Everybody’s sins are being exposed, all nations and races.

clark 1930

n o.. free speech must prevail


Across the board? What about spam?

truth is stubborn

Free speech isn’t free if someone can pick and choose what’s “allowed,” as the Bidenistas’ attempts to create a ministry of truth keep proving. The distasteful included.


Yes. The UNFOUNDED anti-Semitism is horrible. Criticize individuals, not groups.


There has been quite a bit of commercial junk in the comments section for quite some time. There’s also those who use profanity and 4-letter words on this site. I hope ALL of those people will be barred from commenting.

Thanks for your service to our nation and its people!


So you are a censorship supporting communist? Good to know.


Hang in there, Patriot!


No but I am, Mwahahah.


Go to hell if you can’t handle some profanity you twit. An admin function is not here to cater to your uptight twit nuances of right and wrong. It’s here to remove the constant barrage of work from home for $3700/month controlled opposition posts and to ensure legit posters can comment freely.

This ain’t YouTube boy, where free speach is shut down. That’s not Mike’s style. It’s open comment freedom, talking truth, against the satanic, deep state baby blood drinking cabal.


Give ’em hell, Ed!


I agree with your right to say what you believe in the words you choose. What I have a problem with (overall, not just you) are personal attacks. Name calling….I don’t agree with forced censorship, except for the bot crap. I came to realize that I need to self censor in order for my message to have any impact. People tend to ignore messages that are posted in anger with personal attacks. I choose to ignore the profanity and read what you post because most of the time I agree with you.


I would really like to know just exactly how I have upvoted all these comments before I’d even seen them? Hmm? Someone steal my username and account on here?


PS, you sound like a 501c3 churchy church puss. God left your buildings long ago.


Maybe yours but not everyone’s.

Last edited 7 months ago by Tzippo
clark 1930

people will be barred from commenting./ what are you a commie sensuring POS ?


sic ’em, Clark!


Or, you could just try and control yourself.


And you could try to be less offended. No one else cares that you are offended, or not.



Patton gave it to them hard and dirty,

so they would remember it.


Hey Mill, always in the thick of it!


Thank you, Retired, for confirming my worst fears, namely, that after the Great Return, our patriotic cause will be overtaken by uptight, keep-your-legs-crossed, bible-thumpers seeking to enforce a new strangling Matrix upon American Sapiens.


As opposed to you opening up your unholy borders while putting on your padded knee pants with a bozo the clown sized zipper on the backside! You are a confirmed R33ÜQ infiltrator pretending to care about our once Christian nation!


stop drinking so much


and thank you, Mr. Baxter, for all that you do for us.


Love being LIED to do ya?

S. T.

Couple of things I noticed in your article. I live in Amarillo close to the fires and it is the Windy Deuce fire not Sandy Duce. Also, it is Lake Meredith not Merideth.


MB, you opened another can of worms with your notification of monitors. If you ban everything that’s being suggested from the peanut gallery, you may as well close the site. Remember when I asked if you were going to send out surveys to get “audience approval” for your articles? You’ve stepped onto a slippery slope. They want the “blood and gore’, but you must not allow a “cuss word” in a comment. The more you cater, the more they demand you do it “their way”. Sounds like the rules we are fighting against that has embedded itself in our world. Free speech was one of the 1st things to go, if we ever had it in our lifetime. Good luck to you. You are only a “good guy” when you cater to their wishes.
I don’t like a lot of things posted in the comments on this site, but I don’t have to read or acknowledge them, that’s where my computer mouse comes in handy, it has a wonderful scroll feature that allows me to bypass said articles. It allows others to have their free speech and allows me to “avoid” issues I do not agree with.
That being said, keep up the good work on the articles you are “allowed” to write. Some people come to your site to get some welcomed insight into the true happenings of what’s going on that is hidden from us by our evil government. Some just come to BITCH because it’s their way or no way. We need PEACE & GOODWILL.
Just don’t let the Google/Gemini woke media platform that cost them $70B in one week rub off on you.
God bless you and everyone fighting on the good side of this war (WHs, military, patriots, DJT & all the good guys not specifically named).

Sandy Thomas

He’s cutting out the bot spam marketing so we can scroll down that much faster. I appreciate that. He is Not banning everything that’s being suggested from the peanut gallery. Can he not please you?


Correct: nowhere in MB’s post about moderator does it say that people will be banned from posting. Please people go back to the top and re-read his post. I don’t believe that is his intent.

Karen B

I didn’t get from Michael’s post that is what he intended, either.
That aside, I enjoyed PatN’s talk about free speech.
Thanks for reminding people to go back and read his post.😍


The truth in MB’s posts please me, that’s why I am a RRN follower. You?
I think he puts too much relevance in what people think of him and his articles if he does not conform to their demands. These are my opinions. You are allowed your own opinions.
You missed that BIG 2 letter word “IF” in my 2nd sentence. That does not constitute fulfillment of action.

Robert Scruggs

I have a classmate who lost their farm/ranch/livestock. Very interested in what started this.

Thank you for your comment. You should now be able to comment here freely.

Scared Rabbit

Dear New Mod,
Welcome aboard! Can’t wait for the whiners to start crying about their deleted screeds. Get ready for the tantrums. Hope your valium scrip is filled.


Hopefully no ones screeds will be banned. Enought censorship is imposed in everyday life. FREE SPEECH MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. If I read something I deem offensive, I move on and ignore it.


Same here.

David T

Thank you for your work to help MB with RRN’s comment section.

S. T.

It is so sad…but the response from people all over the country sending help is amazing. This just shows what “We the People” can do!


does that part of your state have enough vegetation to develop the dense towering smoke we saw?


Thank you, S.T. I looked at your link. The panhandle is just as I remember it from my yondering days half a century ago. I slept in the open desert quite a lot. And therefore the answer to my question becomes: NO, that part of the Great State of Texas DOES NOT have the vegetation to support the phony towering smoke columns in both the fake news and in the news of the White Matrix. It is just more bullshit from Senor Boots & Co. He continues to treat his patriots like MORONS.

Next, and how did you get by with posting that LINK? Mr. Baxter never lets ME post a link. That must mean that you are part of the office of noncoms and junior officers that together embody the persona of our beloved Mr. Baxter.

I will run a test with a link below and see…..

S. T.

I respectfully disagree with you. I have lived here my whole life and YES there is enough vegetation to support the plumes of smoke being shown. I can see them from my home. This part of Texas is NOT the desert, this is grassland, referred to as the High Plains, not El Paso which is desert. We have small oak trees/bushes, mesquite, sage brush, prairie grass that grows so tall people swath it and bale it for hay. When these ignite, they can burn for days. Please research a little more before commenting on something you know nothing about.


Research shit, I’ve SLEPT in it from Blanco Canyon to north of Amarillo. I’ve picked the briars out of my sleeping bag. Patriots, check out his link and tell me if a hay baler would have any business in that short grass prairie.

S. T.



Make sure you put on your 👠 before going out the door!


Where the buffalo roam……………..God Bless America and restore Her .


All the destroyed land now has to be revved and composted to grow anything.


Xena, if I may. If the Cabal poisoned it, that may be so. And they very well may have chemtrailed heavy over it. But on the whole, a fired prairie is a more fertile prairie. Not only are nutrients added, but more desirable species are better able to withstand the fire. A short grass prairie burns low and fast. The images we all saw with towering smoke like refinery fires were photoshopped by the White Matrix. They want my people docile and stupid just like the Cabal and their Black Matrix. I say Let My People Go.


The grass will re-emerge. Native Indians would burn the dry prairie grass to bring forth new, green shoots to attract the buffalo. The land will be reborn. I sincerely hope the human & animal elements affected are given the chance of renewal.

My statement is in no way meant to make light of the Texas wildfire situation. My prayers go out to all who have lost ANYTHING due to the fires.

Satan’s fingerprints are all over this horrific episode.

truth is stubborn

They also sometimes did it to enemy tribes to starve their competitors :-/


Have you ever tried to burn yard rakings? They don’t burn so well, they smoke & smolder.


Straining at knats, while swallowing camels.


If you are nearby and see FEMA around be sure to surreptitiously take photos!


Thank you Michael, for all of the hard work you do to keep all of us informed. The reports help so much to see that something really is being done to help regain our country. God bless you & your family! You’re becoming a true national treasure for your followers!


What a load of 💩 !!!


I reckon you remember my post on telegram when things seemed to be falling apart, to put “Humpty Dumpty back together again” with superglue. Thank you.



🙈oh no, isn’t that a cussword in Poopypants name?!!! 😲😲🤦

Time to activate censors censors censors


You sound like OWD ⭕️!




He was a great poster, along with Buck Fiden!


Oliver Wendel Douglas.
As much as I admired the old geezer, I still felt he was in denial
Trump rules the fools.

David T

He does, now that you mention it.

Dr John

Thank you sir for that and all you do.


Thank you so much Michael!


But how shall I ever find out how to make $900/hr ? LOL. That’s good news and thanks as always.


Thank you, thank you.


there is a video from Texas of green laser during storm DEW I am guessing


Jewish space lasers, actually.

Warren Pease

It is high time, (No Pun Intended) everyone’s home and business needs at least one, 24/7 camera aimed at the sky surroundings.

truth is stubborn

Gotta be careful, the DS also sees it as legitimate tools to appropriate for their purposes. I don’t trust Ring – not only Amazon spyware, but cops will take out subpoenas on them. If I get a camera, it won’t be obvious to any LEOs, and it won’t be connected to the net.

Julio Antonio Laguna

Thank you for all you do, Mr. Baxter.


Thanks Michael!!


Awesome! Gla.d to hear this! I know how busy you are so this will help immensely. God Bless you Michael


MB, First, thank you for these very needed updates – they keep the hope alive for a lot of good, true Americans. Second, thank you for handling this line jam on the comments – I have spent weeks getting every one of my comments deleted, when they were acceptable per your policies, while watching a number of enemy camp degenerates posting destructive agendas deliberately to degrade your site. Your above announcement tells me why my first comment was posted yesterday! Bravo! I am sure this handling will even things out – thank you.


Thank YOU Sir for your dedication to truth and justice.


Thank you Michael, superb as always.


Oh, thank God. And you of course.


Can you have the white hats protect the nuk reactor at the Carson County we would deeply thank you and to all white hats great job and thank you MB!!!


MB you sent me to the dictionary…again.. Love learning new words…..thanks.

Protein 101

outstanding sir




Think I’ve been moderated. Two comments from a few hrs ago swiped. Oh well.


Might be mixing with previous bulletin, though:)

Rebecca Tracy

Thank you, Michael & all assisting you 🙏❤️🇺🇸


See something You’re doing an excellent job and I really enjoy checking this website every day, usually more than twice a day. LOL . You work very hard and I hope this extra help gives you a little time for yourself. BTW, there’s videos on Instagram today showing lasers hitting the grounds in Texas where the burn is. What’s going on there!

Stinky Perfume

Adding up the facts, appears to be DEW done over the border issue, like they want to control Texas again or show retaliation. HUMAN DNA being the most valuable trade in the underground and galactic market, they’re going to do what they can to regain control. They want kidnappers in to keep the fresh live blood market going on. What happens to the spaceship vampire trade operating from underground farming off of surface earth, without their fresh live blood or at least adrenochrome? Always there is severe retaliation, and the satanists are well aware of it all the eons. They just call it must please satan or he retaliates real awful if that don’t keep going on with the fresh life blood.

So why not bring it up here, how deep underground the deep state really is? RRN keeps it surface dweller. People think there’s nothing under hospitals, courthouses, and elaborate-museums and cathedrals but dirt. We do have treasonous traitors among humans, but it’s so arranged over the money system and land take over (nobody poor has a place to squat and farm and if they did they don’t know how dangerous it is) and things people doing wrong these days is overlooked or easy to violate and hide, from breaking commandments to the 7 deadly sins….or whatever golden rule broke. Many aggressive people are in predator mode full time.

People can be theoretically attacked if found wrong. What cattle farmers did they get hits in on? Most cattle farmers would have us eating GMO beef, antibiotic fed beef (even though the label said otherwise it was in the feed and they have been caught lying) and no home grown produce like there used to be all over USA back in the 50’s and 60’s.

There’s said to be thousands of wild hogs in the panhandle and those would have been free meat for hunters. Now presumed dead from fire.

Maybe, they can’t get Chinese military age men over the Texas border anymore and would like to take control of the State of Texas or get some burnt out land to build on later for a long term plan?

So far I suspect it’s a Chinese DEW from satellite attack based on what is said to have happened in Lahaina.

Texas Attack Reason: Take up to 86% of USA beef away if they got it all, so up goes the price then bring on bugs like many in China already eat. What may happen as part of it is, if people take their longevity/strength/galactic trade away of human organs and blood, they can’t kidnap children so, they take away the cattle meat in retaliation and rebuild surface earth later plans. And it’s always been done that way every 200 years for cities. Cities aren’t even build to last 200 years nearly everywhere. A big obvious clue of how soon ahead the end times is planned for.

Adrenochrome/human organs/ is the main crop out of surface earth as far as I can tell. Shows up in the movie Jupiter Ascending. It’s the whole point of who is running surface earth and why they bother. Humans as food, farm potential.

Rebecca’s in the feed.. I bought a bag of corn from a ranch food store, which I will not name.. I feed wild turkeys and birds..they will not touch the corn at I’m not eating corn from the store anymore..whether in the fresh market or canned..


No way….

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦


These reports are fascinating, sir! Thank you for all that you do in getting us THE TRUTH! Good afternoon to your home.


Delighted to hear about this. Thank you for doing it. Not something you can give to people you don’t have serious history with.


Thank you, Michael, you are awesome!


Bye, Bye Noname


Yippee Michael, hopefully it will return to being a wonderful site to visit like the old days.


Thank you!!!


I’ll do it for free, MB. Kicking and banning trolls would be a pleasure… 🙂


FEMA has a list of employees, from the top down. I know it is not the stuff of action movies but the quickest way to stop the FEMA troops on the ground is for cybercommand to disappear their paychecks. They can not work without an income for very long. Disappear the funds that fund the FEMA organization entirely. Blame it on a computer glitch or China based hackers. Things just quit working, shipments of ammo and guns get misdirected, cash is misplaced, bank accounts go empty. When “people just following orders” do not get the supplies they need nor a paycheck, they find other gainful employment. — based on suggestions from an old unclassified government study of how to fight a war in the modern era.


The Q clock has run out!!
What date in March was the old Republican inauguration day b4 the DS changed it to January??
Is it possible that Trump will be inaugurated “soon” as the interim President of the Republic and the coming elections will be for the NEW REPUBLICAN Govt??
Just asking bcos we are all so tired of the waiting..
Maybe we should just go out and protest this waiting.. With banners reading .. BRING BACK THE REPUBLIC NOW and REINSTATE OUR ORIGINAL REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION.. DOWN WITH THE DEEP STATE CORPORATION..
Maybe it will wake up the sheep a little faster if they see it in writing.. If they can even read these days..

cathy ness


cathy ness



Great idea. Thank-you Michael as always.

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


Just following orders is not an excuse. His orders could’ve killed that man and he would have walked away without guilt.


How could a seemingly benevolent agency be allowed to continue on with all that has been discovered about what their agents do to victims of homelessness and “natural” disasters?

It doesn’t make any sense how the stories of their diabolical deeds never reaches the media by force of Whitehats or by individuals stories of victimization.

So many questions need to be answered about them.

Remember about 4 or 5 years ago the story about special forces taking over the mountain in Virginia I believe, don’t quote me on that, but it was the FEMA bunker headquarters where there was a huge fight between FEMA agents and special forces but special forces were successful in overtaking that operation?

If that were true and I believed it to be true at the time not sure why anyone would make that whole story up because it kind of came out of nowhere but anyway all the FEMA atrocities that have taken place since that supposed to take over wouldn’t make much sense now, would they?

So someone needs to get their story straight do a complete and total truth telling session about FEMA and another thing I’ve noticed is no one seems to want to touch the subject no truthers talk about it in depth no one talks about FEMA except for these little stories here and there usually coming from Michael Baxter and real raw news.

We need more information and truth about the subject


Doing their job? I call BS! They know right from wrong. Taking a frail old man from his farm. I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR ANYONE WORKING FOR FEMA DOING WRONG

Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started_________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home . I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦


The Marines witnessed the Federal NKVD shove the frail”
Fixed the small flaw.
Everyone has already known by now what ideology these globalists are aligned to. And it sure ain’t the funny moustache man, and no, communism and every far-right ideology the former still holds a long lasting grudge on are as compatible as oil and spring water.
Don’t let those ‘both sides bad/the same’ bots fool you.


This is awful our own people fighting among themselves. Only under Biden.

Dave Kelly


Gregg Nickens

I am making a good salary from home $6580-$7065/week , which is amazing under a year ago I was jobless in a horrible economy. I thank God every day I was blessed with these instructions and now its my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone.
Here is I started______________ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐲𝟏.𝐂𝐨𝐦

David Treciak

I don’t understand why FEMA is allowed to exist at this late stage of the war against the Deep State. The White Hats have technology that should be able to track down their rogue agents and HQ where their corrupt leaders operate out of.
The NSA can track every form of communication and surveillance satellites should be able to keep DEW weapons in view.

Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦

Bonkie 1

So glad the Marines were there to save that old man just in time. what a blessing. I think it’s time to start bringing in civilian patriots for training to take out these nincompoops. They seem to multiply quickly. need some extra hands on the ground.


Trump event:
Tues, 3/5/24, at 6:00 pm est (Super Tuesday watch party)
Times are approximate. covers the events, replays them afterwards and keeps the videos.


Serco of Britain has the contract for FEMA considering Prince William is the Antichhrist isnt that a conflicct of interest.Maybe Americans should run American agencies?

patrick lux

Merci Mickael

Gregg Nickens

et all those evil people it’s a shame at all the corrupt people working in places that innocent people can get hurt.

Last edited 7 months ago by Gregg Nickens
Gregg Nickens

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection that was truly astounding for me. she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this website… 𝐖­𝐰­𝐰.𝐌­𝐨­𝐧­𝐞­𝐲­𝐏­𝐚­𝐲­𝟏.𝐜­𝐨­𝐦

Wanda yemm

I hope they get all those evil people it’s a shame at all the corrupt people working in places that innocent people can get hurt.


A lot of us think they did it on purpose to kill more of our food supply. Like all the chicken farms they keep torching.

Dave Kelly



I hope everyone has taken notice of the routinely advertisement by FEMA, on FACEBOOK, to hire agents. The ads no longer show the exorbinate weekly income to be had but previously showed income in the thousands per week/month. Can you only imagine how many “questionable” zealots have/will jump at the chance to be TRAITORS FOR HIRE.

Dave Kelly


1904 SD

Thank you Mr. Baxter, very, very much!!! You are very Brave and kind, feeling genuinely badly for whats going on all over our planet and especially here in our country at home, hopefully things change for the better sooner rather than later. Peace, Love and Understanding! ( somehow…understanding. even though I don’t get it, what gives?!!! How the f–k did we let this happen to our once beautiful country? Education, Laws that give the people more power and the knowledge to know how to use it against tyranny and unethical tyrants! Thank you Elvis Costello for the peace,love&understanding song although the song about the red shoes has me wondering?

Afshin Nejat

I and many others who actually did serve this country, and actually do give a damn about it, and about justice, have watched the vast majority live in delusion and convert into one form of evil and cowardice or another. If not turning into a FEMA agent per se, yet a vast majority have become mentally and spiritually paralyzed or even dead. Though I am a critic and doubt the veracity of what I read here, I don’t deny enjoying the prospect of seeing restitutive and retributive justice get their due no matter the situation, and enjoy some well-delivered prose on well-executed actions. But I swear, if it turns out that this is just a modern incarnation of “The Trust”, there will be hell to pay such as your most fevered religiosity cannot even begin to fathom, and which these stories only hint at concerning the moral and material situation which has developed in this country and in countries around the world.

It’s really too bad that too many officers in too many institutions of authority operate mainly on the inertial force of what got them into their role, which they’d usually like to believe had mainly to do with how good they are. But we haven’t been a “good” country in a very long time, and in some ways never have been. Their knee-jerk reaction is that this is not true, and this is just some cheap shot at a noble beauty down on her luck and such. Well, that’s some hard-crusted BS! It was never my chief focus to belabor the evil of my country, but over the last 15 years I’ve come to see that there isn’t enough good tissue in it, against the evil structures and forces that rule it inside and out, through and through, to give me the feeling I wasn’t looking at a walking corpse both morally and socio-politically.

You don’t always get to get a good a head start in defending yourself, but you don’t prefer jumping out of your ass waking right out of a coma in a dark ally on the wrong side of town in a town you don’t know while you can’t remember your name, do you? Compared to where you were when I started yammering about the national debt, that’s where you are now, compared to someone who could have seen the whole picture and made some constructive steps, strategically and pervasively, over the last three decades. One day, when you find out about all of my “yammering”, as opposed to just whatever bleeds into your horseblinder-grade awareness, you might gain a dint of awareness about how many opportunities that you’ve lost, not only from myself but from many others you chose to misjudge in your “red-blooded ignorance and stupidity”.


IN YOUR OPINION ONLY. I see so many “experts” with boundless amounts of “service” expounding on what should be and not be that I usually sumise that those of like ilk are the little rusty soiled cogs clogging up the wheel.

Dave Kelly


David Treciak

I was skeptical at first but when you look at the many stories it’s obvious that no one could make all this up. Every tribunal has details that would require a lot of prior knowledge and research. Even Stephen King’s imagination couldn’t churn out the various dialog and scenarios of each execution and trial.


After reading about fema on the internet I poorer more brandy in my coffee these people and fema need to be destroyed before they are used to destroy every patriotic American I will not hold my breath though


Sunday, March 3, 2024

International Public Notice – End of the FDA and NIH

By Anna Von Reitz

The political, military, and economic consequences have arrived. It is coming home to the State-of-State and Federal “Government” Corporations of this country and the world — and especially the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration and the NIH, aka, National Institutes of Health.

Both of these organizations have proven to be uniquely corrupt and self-interested and have failed their Public Mission.

We know from the research of Dr. David Martin, our own research, and the research of many others, that the build up to the so-called pandemic began over thirty years ago with the first patents on modified coronavirus, in England.

Once again, Britain is at the bottom of the dogpile.

We know that the so-called coronavirus vaccine contained mRNA fragments and created a pathway for the cell-by-cell injection of foreign genetic material that hijacks the natural protein synthesis system of the cell and redirects it to produce viper venom proteins.

We even know exactly which viper venoms were used as the templates.

The NIH certainly knew all of this information and more from the very outset of the coronavirus operation and did nothing to correctly inform, warn, or direct any effective countermeasures.

We know that these now-internally produced venom proteins attach to the same receptor sites as nicotine and acetyl-choline.

We also know that, for the past 30 years, roughly the same time that coronavirus has been in the process of weaponization, nicotine has been demonized and lied about by the FDA.

How do we know this? Because in 1994, before the entire Congress, the seven CEO’s of the biggest tobacco companies all swore that “Nicotine is not addictive.”

They were telling the truth; how do we know that?

First, they are the world’s top experts on the subject of nicotine all swearing under penalty of perjury, and second, if nicotine were addictive, we’d all be addicted to tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants, potatoes, cauliflower and a host of other vegetables that contain nicotine, and third, an exhaustive 2015 study by Harvard University reached the same conclusions: nicotine is not addictive.

Nicotine is not even a drug subject to the scrutiny of the FDA; it’s a naturally occurring nutrient, and harmless in the concentrations found in tobacco.

Three years after the Great Swearing Before Congress, the Food and Drug Administration came out and said that Nicotine is addictive and started plastering warning labels on cigarettes and other tobacco products.

So, the industry experts testified before Congress that nicotine is not addictive, and the FDA said it was.

It turns out that the addictive components of cigarettes are man-made compounds — pyrazines that the FDA allows to be added to cigarettes and tobacco products.

The FDA allows over 500 such additives to tobacco products, including arsenic, which is added to cigarette rolling paper for no fathomable good reason at all.

Strangely, having heard the testimony of the Tobacco Company CEO’s just three years before, not a single member of Congress questioned the FDA.

It is clear that the FDA is not only incompetent, but evil, and doing the exact opposite of the job they are hired and paid to do.

The same can be said of the members of Congress, especially those who heard the testimony back in 1994 and had every reason to question the FDA findings.

Instead, they all sat mum as stumps.

This all makes sense, when you consider the Long Game and know that the Federal Government was granted specific regulatory control over alcohol, tobacco, and firearms (not defined as handguns, rifles, etc., but heavy armaments like mortars and cannons) and makes a significant amount of the money intended for its own support from taxes and regulatory fees called “Sin Taxes” on these items.

The FDA’s initial rubber-stamping of the addition of pyrazine compounds to tobacco products is self-evident: they wanted tobacco products to be addictive so that they were guaranteed more sales and income from tobacco sales.

They later lied about and demonized nicotine — making a sacrifice of their tobacco sales in order to pursue a much bigger Game Plan and unimaginably more profit — to be recouped down the road by the Medical Industry.

The reason they demonized nicotine and lied about it so specifically is now obvious.

People who smoke don’t suffer from the mRNA injections because nicotine binds to the cell receptor sites more aggressively than the snake venom proteins produced by the mRNA templates.

If the venom proteins can’t connect, we don’t suffer respiratory illness, heart malfunctions like myocarditis, degradation of our nervous system leading to ALS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, etc., IBS, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.

And the Medical Industrial Complex doesn’t make vast profits off all these diseases.

Taxing these profits offers the Federal Corporations much more profit than mere tobacco sales; they already made hundreds of billions of dollars selling the crap that makes us sick and then collected billions more from the illness and death they created — on purpose.

The witch hunt against nicotine has continued and accelerated with many of these False Governments pledging to ban nicotine products altogether by 2030.

We have this to say: the FDA and NIH are among over 350 Federal Agencies created by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Administration and following Administrations as Subcontractors serving the Federal Government Corporations. The cost of these Agencies like all the others has been foisted off onto the American people using the same impersonation schemes we have fully described elsewhere.

There is and has never been any provision in our contracts with the District of Columbia or the Municipal Corporations housed there agreeing to hire all these extra employees to assist them in their duties. Those expenses should have been their corporate expense, not the expense of the people of this country.

This is Due Notice of the Fact that all Federal Agencies including the FDA and NIH and all expenses related to them, are being back-charged to the Principals responsible effective May 1st 1880.

If they wish to continue funding the FDA, FBI, FEMA, DOJ, DHS, DOD, etc., out of their own profits, that is their business, but the work of these agencies and their mandates and regulatory actions will generally speaking have no effect upon Americans who are not directly employed by these same Federal Municipal and Territorial Corporations and the expense of their continued existence will be borne by the District and Municipal Corporations hiring them and directing their operations.

The responsibility for these Agencies and their operations and performance is squarely on the District and Municipal Corporations and so is the liability for their lack of performance, malfeasance, and corruption.

If these same referenced Corporations wish us to continue to respect their hegemony over the regulation (interstate manufacture, sale and transportation) of tobacco products they must immediately redirect the FDA and NIH and all associated corporations to serve our Public Good, issue public notice that nicotine is not addictive, and remove those chemicals that have been added to natural tobacco products to make them addictive and overall harmful to our health.

This is not negotiable.

These District and Municipal Corporations received regulatory authority as stipulated in good faith and they must operate in good faith. As things stand, the FDA and NIH and their associates are all exposed as ruthless profiteering organizations with no regard for their contractual obligations — so much so, that they lack all credibility and are not believed by the public anymore.

As demonstrated in the case of the Big Lie about nicotine, the FDA has consistently malfunctioned and acted in gross malfeasance contrary to the Public Interest and Public Good in pursuit of corporate profits.

By promoting the coronavirus pandemic and harming the health of over a billion people for the sake of personal and corporate profits the NIH is also culpable and liable for the damage it has done and is no longer needed as an institution.

The Territorial and Municipal Congresses operated in Gross Negligence owed to the Public Trust and their continued inaction and self-service about these and other matters cannot be excused or condoned.

When our Federal Subcontractors hire Agencies to do their work for them and then allow these Agencies to undertake actions that are detrimental to Public Health and Well-being, those Federal Subcontractors are 100% commercially, personally, and morally liable for the consequences of their actions and the actions of the Agencies and Agents under their direction.

The fact that the cost of supporting all these Federal Agencies was foisted off onto the American Public and not paid for by the Territorial and Municipal Corporations hiring them out of their own receipts means that every single one of these Agencies have pretended public roles and authorities by association and in fact owe us good faith and service and some reasonable degree of competence as the people paying their paychecks.

The Food and Drug Administration aka FDA and the NIH in the whole development of the coronavirus disaster has failed consistently on every aspect of good faith, service, and competence.

We are including for ease of reference a link to a Dr. Bryan Ardis’s work on this topic; Dr. Ardis is by far not the only medical expert speaking out about this travesty and apparent failure of the Congresses and FDA to protect the Public; his presentation is, however, convenient:

If the Territorial Congress fails to act to correct this situation, we will act upon their Corporations and their Principals according to their liabilities and contracts.

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Dave Kelly



The way the FDA/NIH will be taken down the Biden administration should follow. Remember when Biden said that the hospitals were full of smokers, so quit smoking? A blatant lie. I believe the water supplies were contaminated with venoms that would lead the ppl into the hospitals where the protocols would finish the job. They are now saying over 35 different variations of the vials without MRNA. They used possibly a fake cause (spike protein) to take us in the wrong direction. The scientist we just axed was maybe satans obligation to tell all, not sure.

Read Anna’s article next…


And the lockdowns were of importance to keep ppl home and drink the tap water. That’s why Trump said they had planned on lockdowns until like 2025….I believe he took the most logical path at the time and tried his best. Keep in mind we know 5% of what really happened.

Dave Kelly



FEMA/DEW ugh, those acronyms always at the scene of the crime. Pray that these deep state assets loose their grip on the world.

John .S

Public Service Announcement, Freedom of Information, oh – that pesky First Amendment.

Learn to make Black Powder [gun powder], ingredients found at garden supply stores. Bbq lump charcoal [granulate], and sulfer etc. all sifted like flour, could say, baking a cake.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker’s man,
bake me a cake as fast as you can.

BTW, Magnesium easily attainable via plumbing supply/box store as water heater “Anode Rod”.

Can set personal protection equipment [PPE] wherever, looking like whatever, an trigger with car battery and wireless home thermostat from cell phone, watching from doorbell ring cam.

Think old school if internet is down. Can also run thermostat [door bell] wire and trip switch i.e., car alarm switches. Spool of thermostat wire [Home Depot].

Small nuts and washers will do serious damage, drill bits will pierce body armor. Cheap boxs of assorted drill bits [Harbor Freight].

Can disguised PPE as flower pots around home, pipe [planters] make a heck of a ‘drill bit cannon’, body armor LoL.

A well informed patriot is the best patriot, quoting x22 shill: “the patriots are in control” and Black Powder via PPE leverages control over tyrants.

Local order-following PoPo take notice before getting stupid.

Tally-ho, Yippie-Ki-Yay and keep your powder dry, Godspeed.

Dave Strickland

Just now read that Amarillo in Texas is reported as being assigned to become a 15-minute city. That would explain the motivation for the fires in the area.


Being from the panhandle (1940’s) — I am not surprised at the location being deemed a likely spot to kill cattle, burn down everything in sight and construct one of these damn cities. Like other Patriots, I will have to go down fighting rather to conform to the machinations of these spawn of the Devil.

Dave Kelly


John .S

Suspect Long Beach NY, zip 11561 on list. Easily containable and isolated via Loop Pkwy [Jones Beach] and Atlantic Beach draw bridges [Rockaway/Five Towns] over Reynolds Channel, and Long Beach Rd. main drag via Island Park.

Long Beach Rd. [main drag – bus route] via areas of Rockville Centre, Oceanside and Island Park as main access point in. There is only three vehicle access points all with draw bridges into Long Beach.

The Long Island R.R. terminal and tracks wiped-out aka, Long Beach Line, halted from Lynbrook [four station stops]. Rail Road has draw bridge too.

During ‘Huricane Sandy’ containment was put to the test, two vehicle draw bridges were up, could say, gulag in place.

Buddy owns house in Long Beach, denied access after hurricane because of: ‘out of state license plates’ on car. Did not have property deed in his wallet.

Long Beach Popo were/are POS, had run in with them, my licensing credentials granted me access, got my buddy in, his home destroyed, jaw dropping.

Local Popo, County Mounties and State Troopers were doing their thing, dusk cerfew not actually enforced, people out-n about running generators and pumps, helping others.

Fema floating, bivouac, working choke points and main drag. Many people armed, much LEO apprehensiveness, averting stupidity.

Lock & Load, no telling where the next orchestrated catastrophe will let loose, it’s a crap-shoot. Maui & Texas no-doubt as prelude of what’s yet to come.

If so-called CIC provided some sort of fiduciary transparency i.e., candor Maui & Texas ‘could have’ been averted – but no – WTF.

Peanut Gallery hold your lamebrain, idiotic responce, yipping: I don’t understand.

We the People as collateral fodder, just pawns in a half-baked scheme of ‘Trust the Plan’ – what plan?

Myself on cusp closing a 30+ yr business, I’ve been called a Rain Maker. Have final tax return at ready, pulling plug via lack of transparency, not casing glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Not going to take another ‘highly potential’ economic bloodbath.

‘Public perp-walk’ of Gov. Hochul and Leticia James before March 15th may change my mind, have two tax returns drafted, it’s one or the other for post mark.

God Bless America – whatever is left of it.

Last edited 7 months ago by John .S
Dave Kelly


Dave Kelly



I’m praying for our Marines. The medical experiment requirements for our military went on from 2021 to January, 2023.

Dave Kelly



The Q click has run out!!
What date in March was the old Republican inauguration day b4 the DS changed it to January??
Is it possible that Trump will be inaugurated “soon” as the interim President if the Republic and the coming elections will be for the NEW REPUBLICAN Govt??
Just asking bcos we are all so tired if the waiting..
Maybe we should just go out and protest this waiting.. With banners reading .. BRING BACK THE REPUBLIC NOW and REINSTATE OUR ORIGINAL REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION.. DOWN WITH THE DEEP STATE CORPORATION..
Maybe it will wake up the sheep a little faster if they see it in writing.. If they can even read these days..

Dave Kelly


Huck Finn

It was a JooDoo weapon used against innocent Texans. Keep up the shield of faith Saints.


In honor of women’s history month:
ht tps://

Andi Kay

Thanks for the reminder, Xena.


Still don’t have Criswell, huh?


Maybe I am becoming a little brain dead but, I thought Criswell was a done deal.


Welcome to the weather warfare world of electric induced blow torch fires, by DEW weapon beams from Haarp or DEW lasers from satellites or from DEW nose cones on jets. Direct Energy Weapons are high voltage micro waves and scalar ( zero point) energy, run by secret black ops, NOAA run by the now dead JOB. Brennan. They install the chem trail spray rigs at Pinal Air Base, AZ, next door to the $atanic stronghold of Maricopa County, AZ. Kock Bros. “coal ash” from coal furnace clean outs, consists of alum.oxides, barium and radioactive strontium, when when sprayed over California for 15 years, causing metal plates in the clouds and then the haarp DEW beams are turned on to lift up the metal plate into a high pressure, blow over storms. No rain for Cal. I can hear the devil laughing at this point. Billy ‘goat’ Gates of Hell pays for it all. The long drought, eugenics population program at work, to fight the CAL farmers for water to grow food. Bill Gates pays the big Kock Bros for the “coal fly ash” mixed with water is sprayed all over our skies, to do many different weather warfare manipulations, droughts, stir up hurricanes, cause tornadoes, make it rain and flood, etc, All from Nikola Tesla’s weather warfare patent, that no one looks at. Let’s have that $atanic son of a Vanderbilt witch, Anderson Cooper on CNN explain it all.


I’m glad to hear at least some of them at FEMA are honest. But apparently too many are not. Someone had a clip of a green beam coming down. It wouldn’t surprise me. FEMA is the mop-up crew. Who is shooting the beams?


FEMA has a list of employees, from the top down. I know it is not the stuff of action movies but the quickest way to stop the FEMA troops on the ground is for cybercommand to disappear their paychecks. They can not work without an income for very long. Disappear the funds that fund the FEMA organization entirely. Blame it on a computer glitch or China based hackers. Things just quit working, shipments of ammo and guns get misdirected, cash is misplaced, bank accounts go empty. When “people just following orders” do not get the supplies they need nor a paycheck, they find other gainful employment. — based on suggestions from an old unclassified government study of how to fight a war in the modern era.



Last edited 7 months ago by lcdro4

Death to all FEMONS!


Don’t forget that the ASSANGE verdict is to be announced on the 4th, tomorrow, or, if you are in the UK, it’s nearly today……………. Remember, McConnell threatened President Trump that IF PRESIDENT TRUMP PARDONS Julian Assange, there would be hell to pay…… Now, I don’t find McConnell any sort of threat, I mean, he’s barely alive. HOWEVER, is is COMPROMISED and a SWAMP MONSTER!


McConnell is dead and a double or clone took his place. A few months back he froze on TV news. Hell is next for this lo$er who took the $$$ and did not serve his people. Jesus explained hell in the Bible, a place many do not even believe exists. Too bad for those who can not repent. 1000 years of torment and you can not escape it. Jesus wants no souls to end up on hell.


McConnell, like Biden and Pelosi and others, is on the take to the communist Chinese.


Eradicate the whole FEMA and IRS. That’s it.


and CIA, FBI, TSA, & DHS

Last edited 7 months ago by BroAndrew

Now that Bank of America Bofa has been given Administrative Capabilities does that mean we all need to be nice to her?



Follow ups needed:
1. What happened to elderly rancher
2. When is criswell going down
3. When is BECERRA going down
4. When is scalias assassin aka JOHN POINDEXTER going down??
5. When are llegal alien invasions from venezuela etc going to be stopped? ( aka ” illegal immigration”, not ufos)

Enquiring patriotic minds want to know.

Last edited 7 months ago by Statethis
Huck Finn

BBQ’d FEMA on the menu this year! Then feed them to Dulce, New Mexico reptilian ET’s! Don’t capitulate for people who can’t see the humor.


FEMA whooped their ass…That’s why it’s not on tv. The whtie hats are sad!


Owen wants to fry in hell in his next life.


I think I can clear this up a bit: ‘…the cabal started the fire intentionally, for reasons not entirely clear.’ It’s in their own documents that ‘starvation’ is part of their plan.


oh ok






and dump Owen in the Rio Grande

Michael Tiner

The movie that never ends goes on an on because no one appears to be able stop the enemy permanently….

Sue Grantham

Absolutely a DEW was utilized.


The fired cars gives it away, right next to live trees. Melted ally rims into puddles of metal and melted auto glass, that needs a 1200ºf oven to melt in.


I agree. BlackHat posted further down in the comments that the DS has control of all DEWS. In saying that he is confirming that the DS is responsible for Texas, Maui and Paradise CA and God only knows where else.


Yes, we even started the BBQ fire in your backyard.


Prayer for our White Hat Warriors, Vets and Patriots fighting the cabal in Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma fighting the DEW fires:
(If you are a mature Christian, please proceed.)

Dear God in Heaven, we  pray for all the men, women and children that were robbed of their farms by fires and by enemy deep state agents of FEMA, for any who may have been massacred and gunned down and burned alive in cold blood by this atrocious evil! Satan has unleashed all his demons on our  great land to destroy our  farmland, our food supply, our families and our nation through not only deep state firefights but also by invasion by enemy infiltrators at the southern border between the United States of America and Mexico. .
We call out to you, Father, for help! We pray for Your hand of justice to move swiftly to abolish, eradicate, and destroy the cabal!  In Jesus name we call on You to send rain to quench the flames on all these states under fire from these deep state traitors. We declare and decree in Jesus name with the power and authority we possess as believers that ALL evil is wiped-off the face of this earth!
We call on our warrior angelic army to send confusion into the  enemy’s camps and make arrests upon any and all spirits operating through this wave of unholy fire.  We call for Your divine intervention and protection for our brave military, patriots, firefighters, farmers  and first responders fighting this war, against the darkest forces of evil in Jesus Name. Let our soldiers, firefighters and rescuers be strong, fearless and courageous. Let them be guided by Your hands, Almighty Father! And let them be successful and triumphant, and return home safely. Let no one be dead but help the wounded victims live and recover their lands and livestock through Your abundance and restoration according to Proverbs 6:31 and Joel 2:23 in Jesus Name.
Father, we bless and honor Your name, we praise You for Your mighty works, miracles and mercy. Your throne is established on righteousness and justice according to Your holy law and according to Romans 13:4-5. Therefore,  we call for these criminals and agents of hell terrorizing and killing innocent  life and committing genocide to be brought to justice without delay in Jesus Name.
We pray for a hedge of protection around journalist Michael Baxter, too, carrying out his lonely mission in the middle of this holocaust that is every bit as evil as the Nazi concentration camps, Armenian and Rwandan genocides.
We  pray for a hedge of protection around our brave  men and women  fighting this war against the cabal. We  plead the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS over them. This is absolutely unimaginable to regular people, but Satan knows his time is very short and he is doing everything he can to destroy Your children. Strengthen us, Lord, in our prayer life to stand in the gap for those who are suffering and will suffer at the hand of these demonic people in Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas under fire. We bind and rebuke every form of evil in our great nation, the United States of America in Jesus Name. We pray Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven! In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ we pray! Amen and Amen!


Wow that was an awesome full prayer! Thank you! Read it out loud and pray as you read! PTL! Thanks you Jesus, take down all the DEW weapon haarp and laser satellites that start and enhance the fire’s heat. Expose NOAA and the weather warfare jocks! Secret black ops, with their commander Joe “black cap” Byedan.


You’re welcome, anytime. God is still credited with good.


Putinize FEMA! Why in the world is this kind of shit be allowed any way! If the White Hats or whatever you want to call them are in charge then take them out. If they are trying to wake up the sleepers with these bs stories their wasting their time. Start blowing some shit up, that might get their attention. Shut their Televisions off that might be better than a few cruise missiles in their backyards. Idk, this shit show is getting so redundant I can’t hardly listen to this bs anymore.


The illegal border crossers, mostly solider age males will be the new FEMA agents to round us US patriots up. Not on our watch says the Lord of Lords!


Don’t then, no one is bringing you here…


I started a new business called: FEMA ROAD KILL COLLECTION SERVICES AND BAR-B-Q CATERING – for discerning satanic canabals fine dining …