Military Mobilizes Behind President Trump


A single email appears to have been the catalyst for a military mobilization in which four OV-22 Ospreys packed with heavily armed Marines departed Camp Pendleton to the east and, on the opposite side of the country, Special Forces detachments left Fort Liberty with orders to “reach rally point Alpha.”

The unexpected White Hat assemblage coincided precisely with President Donald J. Trump’s fundraising email yesterday morning: “72 hours until all hell breaks loose!” ostensibly referencing April 15, the day the Deep State’s illegal “hush money” trial against him is expected to commence in New York City.

Moments after Trump sent the email, Real Raw News received a message from a Camp Pendleton source saying, “General Smith stands ready to defend the Constitution and POTUS. We’re going airborne.”

That source then went dark and did not respond to requests for elaboration.

His sudden silence prompted us to make umpteen calls to gain clarification. A second Pendleton source confirmed that “loaded” Ospreys had taken off but spoke nebulously when asked about the mission and the planes’ ultimate destination.

“The tide’s changing soon,” he said. “I’m not predisposed to divulge operational details at this time.”

Another source, this one at Fort Liberty–formerly called Fort Bragg and renamed after the now-deceased Lloyd Austin falsely claimed that the eponymous Confederate Gen. Braxton Bragg was a racist—told RRN that Special Forces went “Oscar Mike,” military slang for “on the move,” at the same time the Ospreys took to the air. Like the previous source, he was reticent about sharing logistics and would neither qualify the mission nor quantify the number of troops involved in the operation, and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, say how Special Forces were traveling from Liberty to their target—presumably NYC.

The sources’ cageyness is peculiar. In the past, White Hats have shared candidly specifics on missions to protect President Trump. For example, in June 2023, after Trump ignored Gen. Smith’s advice to avoid answering the Deep State’s federal documents indictment in Miami, RRN was told in advance that 500 White Hats would be there to shield him against Deep State deception.

Although RRN lacks sufficient info to decide whether the mobilization is an offensive move against the Deep State or merely a protective detail, the alacrity of the deployment, in tandem with Trump’s declarative statement, suggests the op centers on POTUS and is not a training exercise or an unrelated assignment.

Variables dictate how Armed Forces units transition to battle-ready status; typically, elite forces can mobilize within 2-4 hours of receiving marching orders. Yesterday, it took minutes, suggesting Liberty and Pendleton had foreknowledge of Trump’s post and had placed soldiers and Marines on alert status, ready to roll, locked and loaded, on a moment’s notice.

Real Raw News will share additional info as it becomes available.

Correction: Trump’s message was embedded in a fundraising email, which was linked in a Truth Social post. We have corrected the story to reflect this.

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Any updates on this situation? I saw President Trump over in Harlem. God Bless him.


Yes, here’s the update: Trump is in court and the jurors have been finalized, and this story about planes full of 500 White Hats zooming off to save him from court was just more fictional bullshit.


This is great news! Super grateful for our WH Military. Prayers for everybody!

P. E. Hunter

Yes, I agree 100%. I’m grateful to the WH Military! They are courageous heroes.

Surf Nazare

Rapture—-Colossians 2:16/17 Amplified–with regard to a FEAST day or a new moon or a sabbath—such things are only a SHADOW of things to COME.

There are 7 major Jewish Feasts—See Leviticus 23 which lists them all—-
1 Passover which is mentioned on this board multiple times as a date—BUT not feasible —yes it was fulfilled by Jesus on the cross—He actually died at the exact hour that Jews would kill the lamb and of course to celebrate the placing of the blood over the door posts so that the death angel would pass-over—and not kill their first born—-

2 Unleavened Bread—of course representing sin and Jesus also fulfilled this feast because He was our sin—-took our sin in Him—-

3Firstfruits—–It is a celebration for Jews the offering of their first fruits—-and the scripture says Jesus is/was the first of the first fruits of the resurrection of souls—many came up the same day He brought them with Him—

4 Feast of Weeks—(7 Sabbaths or fifty days) from Firstfruits—-another grain offering—–we know this better as Pentecost—Jesus told them to wait in the upper room—–that is when the Holy Spirit was released and came upon them—

Now showing this in a very abbreviated form you see that of the 7 feasts ordained by G-d for the Jews 4 have been completed or fulfilled by G-d on an exact date—-NOW that leaves 3 Feasts yet to be completed by G-d—Even common sense says G-d isn’t finished and that brings us to the next Feast–

5Rosh Hashanah or known also as TRUMPETS—-notice the first four are spring feasts and the last 3 are fall—–and on the seventh month on the first day memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation—an ingathering—-Remember Jewish Calander is different then ours—-New Moon New year—-
Kinda funny but they blow a series of trumpets and then a last TRUMP—So this may very well be your rapture if so inclined to believe—

As to the last 2 the next is atonement–to keep short it could compare to tribulation–

And the last Feast is kept throughout the 1000 year Millenium—the Fest of Tabernacles or booths—-Zacheriah—-it even states that nations and mentions Egypt—that don’t come up each year to celebrate Tabernacles–G-d will with-hold the rain—-

So the Feast tell you all the major things to happen and to come—-Now what I have given it is a short version so I suggest G-d to give you the Holy Spirit and study it and get discernment and understanding about it—Regardless look up your redemption draweth nigh–


Welp it’s April 15th, Trump’s fraud trial has started, military did not intervene, no military presence at the trial whatsoever. But that’s ok because MB has placed a brand new shiny object in front of us to distract us from this story being a dud! On to the next one, huh guys 🙃


Just goes to show everything written on this site is pure fiction. There are no White Hats coming to save anybody. The whole site is a lie.


It’s odd that we no longer see those who Baxter says were executed. Also, the announcement that Schwab was hospitalized when RRN claims he was arrested is odd. Either he was arrested, or he made it up. I don’t know why he would considering that he could get sued out the yin-yang, so I chose to believe that his reporting is the truth. Word.

Last edited 8 months ago by Tzippo

Lol this kind of shit is exactly why I find RRN so fascinating. It defies all possible sense how delusional you guys are. We still see everyone that MB claims has been executed. Many of them are still governors, senators, congressmen, Supreme Court Justices, putting out nightly TV shows, etc etc etc etc. MB can make up absolutely anything and you suckers just eat it up.


So why do you hang out here?


Because it’s fascinating to me how delusional you guys are.


Oh, believe me, we feel the same way about you all.


god works in strange ways…his wonders to perform. this is god’s time….not yours !



Ellen T

Guess you haven’t been given discernment as a spiritual gift! That’s why you can’t see what’s real and what isn’t.




Well said, Ellen.


I was thinking similar thoughts – we have not seen Anthony Fauci for example.


Or Hillary, or Gates

Ellen T

Also, when Victoria Nuland was arrested it was right at the very same time as when her retirement was announced. She didn’t announce it herself, like most normal would do, her boss did (because she was :otherwise detained”)! ANOTHER Very strange and onteresting “coincidence,” RIGHT? I looked it up as soon as Michael posted the article. So many “coincidences!”

Ellen T

If you truly feel that way, why the heck do you read it????


why on Earth would they be in the courtroom, what makes you think they aren’t out there arresting folks?


The fact that no one has seen the military arresting anyone anywhere, and Michael Baxter is an obvious scam artist who makes up nonsensical fake stories.


Dear MB, this incredibly evil “comment” from poopypantspennsylvania marked 11 hours ago is OVER THE TOP. This is not conversation – this is just plain evil. Is there a technical problem with taking such a complete social pervert off this website? Please let me know – I need to understand why this obvious intent to destroy is allowed to persist when it is obviously not contributing or wanted. It taints this otherwise great website. Please let me know.

J Will

It taints this otherwise great website”



When directly over the target, & reporting truth, expect the trolls to troll.


How many times have you heard the WH’s say soon in the past 4yrs?!
Not soon enough. Feed them to the RH’s – the only entity that stands by the mantra FAFO!




Things could be going on in the background.



J Will

Is today a good day to buy the Trump stock?


I think you’re being sarcastic, but it was around $26.00/ share. The market is down in general. but I think that the stock is being manipulated.

Last edited 8 months ago by Tzippo
Dave Kelly




Dave Kelly


Combat Engineer 4 God

Meant to type is Starlink run by Sinful men! My mistake- fyi


The bag of useless hot air, the one who walks around with sh*t in his pants, aka OWD had returned to bring defeatism to this site. It is highly possible that Ted T did initiate this site. However, I have personal knowledge that , in actuality, Ted has conservative leanings. I know the company he keeps from first hand knowledge. As usual, people in his position, have to have the board covered, hence he married Hanoi Jane. But, at heart, he is a Patriot. Baxter had a fit when he allowed me on this site. I have the screenshot. I never knew who gave the ok, but now it is making sense. In the meantime, OWD’s Hollywood producer/writer’s group are data-mining us for character study. Keep it up, because if you listen long enough, you will be Converted to the Right Side.

J Will

These are certainly English words


What medication do you consume


Happy April 15th everyone. Is today the big day? big happening? Is this the big reveal for the EBS? Could this be our final battle? Stay tuned to this channel for more information.

J Will

I can’t wait!!!


Iran – Israel War –
Even hi-tech advanced defense systems have their limits. The missiles they used cost money and time to build. If they run out of them, an attacking country can then penetrate the defenses if they have enough missiles and drones. Once the defense system is inoperative, it is game over.

This was a test. But, next time if Israel hasn’t replenished their stockpile of defense missiles, Iran will overwhelm the system and then hit targets for major destruction. The Muslims are in it for the long game.

All hypersonic missiles used in Iran’s strikes against Israel hit there targets.

Putin to the USA: “If the United States attacks the territory of Iran to support Israel, we will support Iran”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Amir Abdollahian praised Russia for supporting Iran’s offensive against Israel, and for continuing to stand in solidarity with Iran regarding the agenda to end “occupation and crimes” in Gaza!

Regional War –
Israel, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, UK & USA – Lebanese Hezbollah, which directly borders Israel and has the ability to airstrikes the entire territory of Israel.


Iran fired more than 300 drones at Israel, 99% of which were shot down, there was minor damage to a military base in southern Israel. One 10 yr old child was hit in the head with shrapnel & is in critical condition.

Dave Kelly



You are the mocker AND gloater. Keep reporting to your hearts content.


This according to Breitbart, Epoch times, Newsmax, etc.

J Will

Brilliant speech by our brilliant wordsmith

“Gettysburg. Wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee ― who’s no longer in favor, did you ever notice that? No longer in favor ― ‘Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.’ They were fighting uphill. He said, ‘Wow, that was a big mistake.’ He lost his great general, and they were fighting. ‘Never fight uphill, me boys!’ But it was too late.”


ht tps://

Robert Gregory Boensch


Great Intel and Every one should Please Share Intel like this



Excellent video! WEF – smart cities, Digital banking system controlling one’s money by the corrupt government.

This enslavement has to stop 🛑!

J Will

keep being scared of everything!!

Rebecca tracy

Bravo! Great watch. This Canadian has has described their plan for us perfectly 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Robert Gregory Boensch

10 USC 254: Proclamation to disperse
Text contains those laws in effect on April 14, 2024
From Title 10-ARMED FORCES
Subtitle A-General Military Law

§254. Proclamation to disperse Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.



Oh now let’s just pull stuff out of our ass


You go first. Lol


Don’t knock it until you try it.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Department of Defense Law of War Manual United States of America; By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States

5 Favorites



proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency, the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times, because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly – subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
The only constitution restraints we Have today
is the restraints that are in each State constitution and territory treaty
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
This Insurrection
That was carried out against the People of These States on November 3 2020
This Was declared By President Trump on Jan 6 2021
By proclamation
Text contains those laws in effect on December 21, 2021
click this link
for update
By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States
That were part of the United States of America
and washington dc is a captured foreign country
After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
a New election will Be held to Elect The President and Congress
Within 120 Days after the End of this Insurrection
So President Trump and His People are Keeping Us; the Former United States People Sovereign
People Its Our Job to Clean this Up
The Power Was Given To You on January 20 2017
By President Trump
Please Do Not Waste this Power
or Be afraid of It
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

Please Do Not Waste this Power
or Be afraid of It
Robert Gregory Boensch

Ok So I Had to Force My self To Do this Action


well Actually Taking out the State Of Michigan Was Done With Pleasure!


You know the Drill

The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch

Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; 
 A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence 
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
 Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;

Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am

interesting Note The Michigan National Guard Received My Remonstrance
And Within 8 Minutes after picking it up at the Post office
Had The Wheels up on Its Plane Heading South .
Follow its Flight path in the Video
So So Cool and A Very Fast Response By Our Michigan National Guard
I Salute Your Dedication and Service

Robert Gregory Boensch

Last edited 8 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
a New election will Be held to Elect The President and Congress
Within 120 Days after the End of this Insurrection

Can you understand this

After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s

This is the New For of Government The

The Flushing Remonstrance Of 1657 And This Michigan Remonstrance Was Received On 04 06 2022

To Remonstrance or not To Remonstrance.


That Is Your Question.

Robert Gregory Boensch

by the former States and Territory’s

We The People have To unite in order to end this.


President Trump Stays Our President and CIC for 2024-2028-2032 ETC


Last edited 8 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

WE Are The “creator” – The Federal Government Is Merely Our “creature”

WE are the “creator”
President Trump Gave Americans A Voice…and Now It’s Your Turn To Speak!WE are the “creator” – the federal government is merely our “creature”. (Federalist No. 33 (6th para), A. Hamilton.) So! The Constitution is about the Powers which WE THE PEOPLE delegated to the federal government. The Constitution is NOT about Our Rights, which come from God and thus pre-date & pre-exist the Constitution! b) Now look at Article III, Sec. 2, clause 1, U.S. Constitution “The Judicial Power Shall Extend To All Cases…Arising Under This Constitution…” Think carefully, for this is the hook: If our rights come from the first Ten Amendments or elsewhere in the Constitution, then they “arise under the Constitution”; and that clause is what gives federal judges power over our rights! When judges have power to determine our Rights, our Rights are no longer unalienable – we hold them at the pleasure of five judges on the Supreme Court. But because so many of us, for so long, have believed and said that our rights come from the “bill of rights,” those judges have seized on Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, to claim the power to determine the scope & extent of our rights!

1st The power must go back to the people in each and every State first. Complete Article IV Section 4, and we can begin to capture what is owed to all of us. Which State will be the first writing the template for all others to follow? The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are both written in plain English. We can walk away from the status being recognized as Citizen Subjects to the laws and rights the State impersonators seem fit to give us. It is game on for us, to open the doors for ALL other corrective actions. The future of our Posterity depends on a proper understanding of the Source of our Rights. I will explain four views; show you which one is true, and why the other three are false and lead inexorably to the destruction of any country which embraces them. 1. Let us begin with what is true: Our Declaration of Independence says our Rights come from God. Our rights thus pre-date & pre-exist the U.S. Constitution. The Declaration of Independence says: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal, That They Are Endowed By Their Creator With Certain Unalienable Rights, That Among These Are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness.–That To Secure These Rights, Governments Are Instituted Among Men, Deriving Their Just Powers From The Consent Of The Governed… So these, then, are the foundational principles of our Constitutional Republic to be incorporated into every State Constitution: Our Rights are unalienable and come from God; The purpose of civil government is to protect our God-given Rights; Civil government is legitimate only when it operates with our consent; & Since the US Constitution is the formal expression of the Will of the People, the federal government operates with our consent only when it obeys the Constitution. Because the Declaration of Independence identifies The Creator as Grantor of Rights, we look to The Bible – or the Natural Law – to see what those rights are. The Bible – or the Natural Law – reveals many rights, such as the rights to Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness; to inherit, earn, and keep property; the right of selfdefense; the right and duty to demand that the civil authorities obey the Law; the right to speak; the right to live our lives free from interference from civil government; the rights of parents to raise their children free from interference from civil government; the right to worship God; etc. The distinguishing characteristics of all God-given or Natural Rights #1 are: Each one may be held and enjoyed at NO expense or loss to any other person; and, We can look them up for ourselves! They are not subject to someone else’s interpretations. 2. But many conservatives mistakenly believe that our rights come from the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution. So they speak of “our constitutional rights,” “the bill of rights,” our “First Amendment right to free speech”; “our Second Amendment right to bear arms,” and so forth. But it is a dreadful mistake to think that our rights come from the Constitution. I’ll show you two reasons why this is such a pernicious error: a) It is logically incoherent to say that our Rights come from the Constitution: Let us read the Preamble to the US Constitution: WE THE PEOPLE Of The United States, In Order To Form A More Perfect Union, Establish Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, Provide For The Common Defense, Promote The General Welfare, And Secure The Blessings Of Liberty To Ourselves And Our Posterity, Do Ordain And Establish “This Constitution For The United States Of America”. WE THE PEOPLE established and ordained the Constitution. WE are the ones who created the federal government with its three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. WE are the ones who gave the federal government permission to exist and told it exactly what it had permission to do, when WE assigned enumerated powers to each branch. WE are the “creator” – the federal government is merely our “creature”. (Federalist No. 33 (6th para), A. Hamilton.) So! The Constitution is about the Powers which WE THE PEOPLE delegated to the federal government. The Constitution is NOT about Our Rights, which come from God and thus pre-date & pre-exist the Constitution! b) Now look at Article III, Sec. 2, clause 1, U.S. Constitution “The Judicial Power Shall Extend To All Cases…Arising Under This Constitution…” Think carefully, for this is the hook: If our rights come from the first Ten Amendments or elsewhere in the Constitution, then they “arise under the Constitution”; and that clause is what gives federal judges power over our rights! When judges have power to determine our Rights, our Rights are no longer unalienable – we hold them at the pleasure of five judges on the Supreme Court. But because so many of us, for so long, have believed and said that our rights come from the “bill of rights,” those judges have seized on Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, to claim the power to determine the scope & extent of our rights! So! Federal judges claim the power to regulate our political speech and religious speech. They claim the power to determine & regulate our property rights in the fruits of our own labors. They claim the power to control our retirements by forcing us to participate in social security! They even claim the power to take Life away from unborn babies. Thus, when we say our Rights come from the Constitution, we are, in effect, agreeing to the submission of our Rights to the tender mercies of federal judges, because Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, gives them power over all cases “arising under the Constitution.” This is why we must always insist that our Rights have a source – Almighty God, the Natural Law – which transcends the Constitution! 2 And furthermore, why would the Creator of The Constitution (that’s us) grant to our “creature” (the judicial branch of the federal government), the power to determine the scope & extent of OUR Rights? It makes no sense at all! c) You might well ask, “Why did our Founders add the first Ten Amendments if they were such a bad idea?” There was controversy over this! Alexander Hamilton warned in Federalist No. 84 (9th para) that a bill of rights would give a pretext for regulating to those inclined to usurp powers. And he was right! The Supreme Court has used the first amendment to regulate political speech and to ban Christian speech in the public square: no prayers at football games, no nativity scenes on county courthouse lawns, and Judge Roy Moore is ordered to take down the Ten Commandments. But some States refused to ratify the Constitution without them. So, the proper way to look at the first Ten Amendments is this: They are not the source of our Rights since our Rights come from God, and thus TRANSCEND the Constitution. The first Ten Amendments is merely a partial list of things the federal government may not do (they can’t take away our guns), and some things they must do (give accused persons a fair trial). 3. Judges on the supreme Court have claimed, in recent decades, that the source of our “rights” is the Constitution, as such “rights” are defined and discovered, from time to time . . . BY THEM! I’ll show you how they did it: The original intent of the 14th Amendment (one of the “civil war” amendments) was to protect freed slaves from southern Black Codes which denied them basic rights of citizenship. But judges on the supreme Court have perverted the 14th Amendment to fabricate socalled “rights” which negate Rights God gave us and undermine the Moral Order! How about this to consider. All 13 colonies agreed to what they called Colonial Law based on the foundations of Gods Law/Natural Laws. This idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law.” James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law, and stated; “Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority.” samuelreinsch/english-common-law-in-the-early-american-colonies It all starts at the State level with We the People acting as the employer, that can demand the corrective action to their state constitution by the law of the US constitution or the so-called representative is immediately fired for breach of his employment contract. all new representatives shall before they place their name on a ballot submit to a background investigation, those results shall be made public to the employers we the People of that State. The Candidate shall then take an oath to the New State Constitution and the US 0f A Constitution signing a copy of both as their employment Contract. a Policy and Procedure Manual shall be developed covering the specific duties including report the status demanded of the people. A full accounting of monies collected by a consumption tax and those expenditures. Treat it as a business plan and no less 

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Last edited 8 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

NATO is in charge of the 12 swiss banking districts of this country! DJT, like Ronnie Reagan did his part in making sure patriots stayed on the sidelines as the border has been destroyed!

Robert Gregory Boensch

Czech Republic

They Love real raw News .
Michael Baxter

As Most of the 180 countries?
And They Love President Donald J Trump
And Are Watching Our Commander in Chief every move done each Day.

Can you See The Security Of this Planet rests Of the united states Military
and our CIC and all of the alliances working with them.

The Trolls have No place on this planet. Well maybe just one target practice

16. prosince 2022

Robert Gregory Boensch Commander of the Territory of Michigan For the Common People of this Country Do I have full Power to levy War? archive-org/details/1st.-do-i-have-full-power-to-levywar/17.4.3%20Special%20Courts/ +++ RGB +++ Robert Gregory Boensch We, therefore, the Representatives of [the] these united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine 5/27 Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their. Creator with certain unalienable Rights. And I can Levy War against any State or My Own State Government that interferer’s With My Common Peoples. Unalienable Rights. these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The full range of actions that a State may take under its domestic law during noninternational armed conflict would depend on the content of that law, including applicable constitutional restrictions. 83 17.4.3 Special Courts. As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict. Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. 84 Such courts may distinguish based on nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary Search My Posts on Archive-Org From The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan. For the Common People. OF THIS COUNTRY. 6/27 +++ Robert Gregory Boensch There is Many PDFs you can download in the side bar and they have links to the Facts elements etc Thanks for looking Robert Gregory Boensch Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ; They failed to respond; It’s law Now; In law, acquiescence The doctrine infers a form of “—– ” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time. Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword” MICHIGAN a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations; And We the People of Michigan have full control Today; Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04 The MAXIMS OF LAW AND EQUITY – THEY ARE THE FOUNDATIONS OF ANY LEGITIMATE AND LAWFUL SOCIETY. Sampling as follows: 7/27 From a wrong no contract can arise. False in one thing, false in all things. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. Fraud and justice never dwell together Fraud lies hidden in general expressions. Fraud is most hateful to law. In default of the law, the maxim rules. A mandate of an illegal thing is void. Remove the foundation, the work falls. MICHIGAN a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations; And We the People of Michigan have full control Today; Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04; Each Person in each State has the Responsibility to Defend it Self and the People around Them. Why are we waiting for the Federal Government to Protect Us. The Most powerful Weapon We Have is to refuse to participate in their Game. And The seek the Truth and gain the Knowledge how how the System works. And when you see Something that will work Show this to others and make a Plan. Learn that you have rights and never give them UP! 8/27 I spent my Whole life refusing their Game. And This is one of my Action to Correct Their Trespasses’ Against Us. The Common People! Robert Gregory Boensch To Michigan Common People. WE Have Taken Control. I am An Army of One. Will My Numbers Increase. I Can And Will Get This Done. With Just Me and My Friend Upstairs! Ps Looking For Non Bar member People. Well versed in Common Law. To Help Me set Up the Special 17.4.3 Special Courts. As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons . And a Work Force to operate The Standish Max Prison 600+ beds. Arenac County Michigan. Standish Maximum Correctional Facility. A Gitmo Class Facility. I Plan on Using this as our venue As a One Stop service center. For carrying Out the 17.4.3 Special Courts. 9/27 Contact info will be available after the First of the Year All the Jobs available Will be in every Discipline Needed to Bring this Facility back into Service . And to Fully Staff it with the personal to correctly Run such an Operation at full capacity With a Planed Fast turn over of the Cliental that we will be Serving. Be safe these special holiday season. And Study Up one the New Years Job AT Hand! +++ RGB General Berger agreed. He said he’d stay on in an advisory capacity and not an engineer.” Please. General Berger. If their is any way you could Help Us the Common People of Michigan in this Effort . Your Participation would be Greatly Appreciated.

Robert Gregory Boensch

They Pick and Chose What Data to Share with their Own country People.

This one is 27 pages long And No trolls and no reprinted of Profanities

Interesting How My post are close to the Top of their Editing.

So should I Move to the country of the Czech Republic

No Profanities Not trolls Nice Universities

And They Like Me ( Does the United States Respect their Human Assets.)

President Trump Are you Ready to see people instead of moving from bad states to Great states .

Just leave north Americas Is it Better to Live in Hungary The Country you Love.

Or Just Die In The America The Pit.

End This Today OR???

The World is Waiting

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

PS I only found this Czech site last week Doing A search For

“+++ Robert Gregory Boensch”

You can search this your self and see what comes up on your computer

Be Safe

Combat Engineer 4 God

Why I have to double click positive button just now to get a positive? Same on InterNETS??
Hmm 😒 🤔

Combat Engineer 4 God

Slow communication down, slow communication down, slow comm down? 😆 Theory hunch..

Consent Revoked

2024-04-15 Monday,
heard on radio this morning,
Boston Marathon starts in
a couple hours.

Reminded of 2013-04-15
Boston Marathon “false flag”
or “agent provocateur” bombing.

Caution is advised.

Psalm 91 for Divine protection.

Last edited 8 months ago by Consent Revoked
J Will

everything is a false flag

Island Coyote

To all the good guys…

Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Michael R Davis

Do not worry over tomorrow.
Remember how our Lord GOD delivered us out of Egypt, drowning Pharaoh’s army in the sea after we passed over on dry land.

“..This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s’.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

patrick lux


John .S

Samuel Colt: “God created Man, and I made everyone equal”.

Rebecca tracy


Pat Caulfield

Your words moved me to screenshot by sections, send to myself!
Why? To STUDY and Send to many others💕💕💕

Dr John

Pat you have no idea how good that makes me feel. It is not what I do, but what people like you do with it, that is amazing. Spreading the word is so important in protecting us and destroying the Deep State hidden plans to poison us all.

Knowledge will truly free us

😆 💕🇺🇸👍



Yes, protect #47. Seven months to D-Day. Back in the Whitehouse, Back in power Making America Greater Than Ever.

You will be Proud being American.

Trump is GOD’s chosen one. No power and authority on earth is greater than HIS. None!

Not engoron, mcafee, letitia shames, alvin bragg, fani willis, jack smith none of this. Infact these thugs are GITMO bound gallows bound.


I think you’re in error, though it’s not your fault. DJT is the 19th constitutional POTUS after president Grant. The others were all CEO’s of a corporation after Grant signed the compact with England in 1871.


This site is being used to promote trumps popularity. Because it is about to wane. First the demon invaders get into our government then the invaders get into our country. Imagine, that this was allowed to happen. Please explain to me.

Michael R Davis

When the time is right, the locusts (illegal alien invaders) will flee in terror as GOD drives them out of His land. Do not worry over tomorrow.
Remember how our Lord GOD delivered us out of Egypt, drowning Pharaoh’s army in the sea after we passed over on dry land.

If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send a plague among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:13-14)

Robert Clifford Thompson

We have to pray and ask God to give Trump the greatest protection. Because if something were to happen to him. There would be a war that this world has never seen! This precipice that we are at right now is in fact the epitome of the sum of all fears. This is it this is the last bet on the table. If we lose this election and allow them to steal it from us then we lose this entire nation and all of our freedom. That’s not speculation that’s a damn fact! I just pray to God that he protects president Trump and his family. Trump is my president Jesus Christ is my Lord!

Combat Engineer 4 God

If you knew what was really going on You’d pray for Revelation 18:4 HOMEWARD, and skip the elections in November!! 😀

Robert Clifford Thompson

Thank you for your info brother. I never thought about it like that. Personally I don’t even believe that there’s going to be an election there’s going to be a reinstatement. And I try my best not to rely on my own understanding. But I’m just human so I slip up. The only one thing that I do understand. Is that God has this. Because this is not a battle of flesh and blood, but it is a battle against spiritual wickedness in high places. But I am constantly reminded from all of the stories in the Bible where God includes man in the battle. He doesn’t just come and pull us out of trouble. He makes us join in the fight to make us stronger in our faith. I greatly appreciate your insight and may God bless you always my friend 🙏

Combat Engineer 4 God

Thankyou & Amen! Trust all of God’s Commands Rev.18:4 is just another from him BUT THIS TIME ITS PHYSICAL EXTRACTION because of the NUKES, and their capabilities!! Be Advised Good Brother, Jesus taught about rescuing 1 lamb and bring to safety( both spiritual & physical) when God’s Sheep/People are in Danger HE MOVES- “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE IS ON TAP FOR OUR MIGHT GOD & KING! PEACE

Combat Engineer 4 God



According to Gene Decode, ex military intelligence man, highly respected and knowledgeable, if anyone tries to set off a nuke, Starlink will shut it down in two seconds.

What we are about to see if the appearance of WWIII. That to be shut down very fast, maybe 3 days. Scary in meantime? Meant to be.


Trump is already President of a New Republic.


I do NOT believe in elections November will happen. Political scene will be changed prior to that date. Massive changes underway.

Combat Engineer 4 God

I’m not trying to be or sound humorous here but I won’t mind either way- Hope you are right(I support anything to get JOKE BYE DONE out), Regarding Starlink clarity – refresh my “memory” Starlink run by evil men or by GOD IN HEAVEN??
HMMM, THERES coming a time very soon when HE WILL GIVE THAT COMMAND BECAUSE HE’S WAY WAY WAY THE WAY WAY OUT FRONT OF IT ALL!!! OK 👍 You be bless completely Clareity-


Well, given you are asking me, given the choices I choose neither.

And, for all, may outcome be as I understand it will be. Illusion of WWIII seems to have started. I expect quick escalation and to be of very short duration–just a few days.

Oh BYE DONE! Nice. To best of my knowledge, despite word to contrary, I believe, absolutely “Biden”, appears and is under control of the forces for good for good reason.

Total contrivance and did not win. Military has every stroke of the fraud. Left was warned and was watched. Evidence of Trump win was REFUSED to be seen my every state, acts of treason. OOPS.

Many believe whatever they hear, on the “news”, that is. Never is that humanity in on a path of being destroyed and controlled absolutely by artificial intelligence and to own nothing, not so much as a chair. All to be rented–included as I just read that, the finest point I’ve seen put on it, as in REALLY NOTHING.

NO compliance? Not the slightest allowance in return. NOTHING, nor would anyone be able to help, not a slice of bread or it would be known. Shocking.

Changes, pre Trump, made subtly so as not to raise alarm. Many suckered and think the way things have become were of necessity, not cons. As in oh gee, too bad, prices are going up. Oh well. So it is. Diabolical means are” ‘just accepted,” my most as they’ve increased incrementally.

Now changes appear to be very rapid and many being more aware of diabolical moves, according to the evil agendas 21 of the UN posted online (is or was) for all to see, surely with confidence humanity too mind-blinded to see. Rosa Koire posted about this years ago and has a book, Behind the Green Mask. SHOCKING. Then Agenda 30 was created.

So Biden and all his ‘staff’ are controlled by White Hats, actors playing roles. Same applies to country presidents and royals, if seen at all. The entities themselves if still in physical form are not seen. Some actors, clones or doubles may well be introduced by White hats, as Governor of Calif, Newsom was said to have been day of so after his execution. NOW fake.

Plan was decades in the making and is called a movie which, IN PART, it is. Going on far longer than expected, like this response.

Reason is to wake up the sleeping in order to prevent utter chaos when this happens, ANY DAY. Trump, it seems, who knows who does what, posted that today, “all hell will break loose.”

Be prepared, stay in when ordered by military and be safe.

Promise of GOOD and exposure during lock down (lock in) is to come. May it be smooth for you, yours and all humanity globally. Surely some, where there has been REALLY NOTHING and suffering is the order of the day, will be oblivious till good is known. To me the MOST exciting probability.

Apologies, likely you already know, at least much, and hope my estimate that curtain comes down as I’ve long expected.

Maybe today these is some apparent change- BYE DONE finished would be beautiful.


Stunning report, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” Klaus Schwab ARRESTED. He needed the drip! For what? Concern for his own withdrawl. Steady drip–will be horrific, pity those who witness it. What a sick hateful bastard.

Another soldier’s life was lost for such vermin. VERY sad.

How many more of such “status” as that villain can there be? His close associates should be tasting fear sharply now. All their evil doing–for WHAT? Asking themselves, YET, was it worth it?

“..still much work to be done.” Still, another step closer.


Already previously handled. This is the public reveal.

Dave Kelly



The Biden’s Regime is playing the Devil Advocate –

Biden’s regime gave Iran 10 Billion dollars on 11/15/23.

Biden’s regime gave Israel 18 Billion dollars at the end of 2023.

Israel destroyed Gaza for mineral and oil rights. Displacing over 2 million inhabitants and killing and injuring 100,000 women and children. Gaza is in complete ruins and a massive grave yard.

The palestinians were breaking down the walls during Iranian airstrikes to Israel & Tel Aviv last night – just like the Berlin Wall came down on the evening of November 9, 1989.

Yesterday, U.S. Military spent over 1.1 Billion of American tax dollars to fight Israel – Iran War.

All the other neighboring countries participated in the airstrikes against Israel – Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria & Yemen.

There is many other ulterior motives with our corrupt government and psychopath leaders for their continuation of Israel – Iran War.


Israel is rooting out terrorists so another October 7th and more terror won’t occur. Many know that Hamas uses their own as human shields, hence the death toll. Would you rather a one-for-one death toll? That’s now how war worked. Hamas started up with us, again, so we are doing everything in our power to finish them off. It’s not about oil for us but about survival. You should listen to Son of Hamas to et you straight because you don’t know what this is about or what you’re even talking about.


Downvotes don’t matter. Everyone has their opinion. Facts are what matter. The people that claim they are Christians that desire the destruction of Israel will have to eat their words someday.
Some young people hear about Hamas & think its a great idea to support a sexy freedom fighter when they show pics of them carrying a rifle.
Two U of M students disguised with scarves & fake names debated the son of Hamas on tv as pro Palestine activists. Yousef (son of Hamas) told them how
the militants refer to their American supporters as “useful idiots.” He called Hamas a monster that depends on Palestine for the destruction of Israel. They are endangering the middle east pushing the world toward a global war. These
bloodthirsty terrorists would torture and massacre them with no mercy. They used the Palestinians for their own agendas and don’t care about human life on
either side. When Hamas is removed from Gaza, people will rejoice and thank Israel for getting rid of them.
Negotiations between Israel & the PLO had been frozen since 2014 under Obama and most Palestinian analysts acknowledge that US administrations since Clinton have engaged in a FAILED PROCESS that never would have allowed for the conditions of an independent state of Palestine.
There are deep roots to this Israeli-Gaza conflict. Pray that it ends soon.


Agree with you, 100%.

Dave Kelly



You are a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being.


God deals with the dave kelly’s of this world. He has sealed his fate.


I dont see anyone telling the truth about this situation. The deep state is hamas, the deep state is mossad, the deep state is iran, the deep state is israel, qatar, etc. Deep state against deep state. So how to take sides? I am for the innocent peoples on all sides.


Yes, it is a very sad situation. People defending their own interests against the
deep state which exists everywhere. Innocent people (the children) get caught in the crossfire. However Hamas is more than deep state. They are a terrorist group hellbent on destroying anyone in their way.


Good Night folks. It’s been a fun day. Who gets hung tomorrow?

Sic Semper Tyrannis

Hopefully, Matthew Graves


More Hopefully Mike Pompeo the former Director of The CIA that wanted Julian Assange assassinated for embarrassing him for his poor leadership from the top down of the incredibly evil CIA.


{brackets are my comments, rest are Q lines/drops}
{Q’s first use of “April Showers}
“…1007 {I see 007, think spy like}
Apr 3 2018…
+ ++ +++
“…133 {find 3 families and 3 6s below}
Nov 11 2017…
Who are the puppet masters?
House of Saud (6+++) – $ Trillion+
Rothschild (6++) – $2 Trillion+
Soros (6+)+ $1 Trillion+
{do the 3 6s confuse, string all three together, ‘666’}
{Bunker, Forest, Blue, code names for 3 families: House of Saud, Rothschild, Soros,
{remember Bush Jr’s war, ‘Bunker Busters’ do you think House of Saud any less embedded, Rothschilds originate from Black Forest, ‘Blue’ is there any better code for Soros than DNC blue}
Focus on above (3). {think /_\, hmmm, found 6 times in Q}
Public wealth disclosures — False.
Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.{look at our money}
Think slush funds (feeder).
Think war (feeder).
Think environmental pacts (feeder).
Triangle has 3 sides.
Eye of Providence.
Follow the bloodlines. {follow Trump’s recent uses of “bloodbath”)
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist? {see Q style, question answered in next line}
Does the ‘thought’ of Satan exist?
Who worships Satan?
What is a cult?
Epstein Island. {first time “Epstein” used in Q code)
What is a temple?
What occurs in a temple?
Why is the temple on top of a mountain?
{is E Island mountainous… REALLY, it is symbol, placeholder}
{does not E Island look like ‘+’ sign, and thus a sign for Soros}
How many levels might exist below?
What is significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?
Why is this relevant?
Who are the puppet masters?
Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?
{do you think fabulously rich “old guard” being around long time, travel to tiny E Island which was not purchased until late 90s… think our currency, how long has it shown what it shows}
When? How often? Why?
“Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” {no period}
{E Island is a symbol for Soros, think/see a ‘+’ sign, means to CONTROL}
{Epstein, a lapdog, is blackmailer for Soros, securing America for Soros}

{drop 999 and 1000… also on Apr 3 2018}
{of 52, deck of cards, uses of Epstein, drops 999/1000 have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th uses of Epstein}

“Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?
Problem.” {period, not question}
{yes, “Problem”, a question is hidden inside of a question, not typical of Q,
“is temple on Epstein Island?”, no No, NO, so if not, where”}
{drop 1001, Apr 3 2018}
{see pic of E Island, “187 Site E” a jpg, an image of a plus sign… for Soros}
“where do roads lead?”
{Rome is answer, old Roman Empire, now think Pope and Church}
{I’ve long searched the islands of the old Roman Empire, satellite images, Mount Olympus, top of Cyprus, what is that on top, a divided island, large swath controlled by UN, Soros has a home on Cyprus, last laundry stop for Hunter’s Ukraine check/loot stopped on Cyprus, do you think Soros took his cut then and there… could have old guard, including Sauds and Rothschids traveled to top of Cyprus for century plus, it all getting covered-up, would they, a century plus back, have picked top of Cyprus to worship Satan, Cyprus is my track to Q’s questions, but not Q code}

{“April Showers”, think baby shower and wedding shower, gifts… even transfer of wealth, do NOT think ‘Storm’ as in White Squall, “April Showers” could very well be code for both AESARA and GESARA, both never found in Q code, both requiring transfers of wealth from old guard …+ ++ +++… to We, The People around the the world}

{Q plan involves whole world, MONIES, POWERS, CONTROLS, PEOPLES, not just a few bloodstains on a few American streets and mostly far behind all of America’s back fences, hardly ever seen by any}

Nov 1 2017

The only way is the military…”

Nov 1 2017…
Q Clearance Patriot

On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out…” {see pic picked for this article, is that go order}

Nov 1 2017…
God Bless America
4,10,20” {A = 1}

{could be this month/SOON… many know 120, just after July 4th this year, 45 now often promises, America’s best day ever, on Nov 5… thinking our traditional Jan 20th, I do not yet rule out 2025, that’s unlikely though, since stolen 2020 there is nothen much traditional about these agonizing days/months/years}

{these few lines are a drop of whole, which still well remains far beyond my full reach, I could be all wrong, but it looks like stage sets, table turned}

{middle of MB’s article “The tide’s changing soon”}

Nov 1, 2017…
tide turn…”



Hey blowhard, go tell your granddad stories elsewhere.


too dumb to follow to understanding?


STFU. close attention to the clues
By the 20th of April, we ALL will SEE
sue is a smelly TROLL!


Now it’s the 20th. I thought today was the big day.


Today begins one hell of a week. 7 days from now we might be living in new world.


Like so many other predictions and promises, nothing untoward is going to happen. It never does.


Good perspective for those not minding being WRONG. “New news flash next week” requested. Thanks.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Or Heaven?! Rev. 18:4


My guess somewhat more. Soon would be a good thing. So many people, globally, need help. All that can be done is being done, necessarily made to be irreversible, I am sure.

At least 3 days “War”; military control made apparent; Biden out, Trump who is president to be recognized again; GESARA announced; 10 days lock down with shut down of all but emergency, and info videos. Thirteen days minimum. Whenever that is to begin and whatever is between.

An ‘aside’ is once GESARA announced, within 120 days, there will be a new election with far fewer candidates, all new.

Dr John

Good analysis, interesting


By judging all of the comments towards us europeans.

You all want to nuke us off that badly?

You all want to speak Chinese. Go ahead.

I won’t help you then.

Here I thought launching nukes was against the laws.

Your all evil.

You joined the blackhats.

Last edited 8 months ago by Talion

No one here wants to nuke Europeans. My apologies if you were offended by something that was said.


Not upset, ,oncerned and saddened that Americans are kept so ignorant ( by design to divide us) of what is reallygoing on in the rest of the world. We/you are only fed what ” they” want us to believe. Maybe vice-versa also.


YES, ignorance fostered by America schools about training not awareness. One of the great many systems to be entirely changed. Each country to look after it’s own interests first, and then to help others, if needed.

Poverty and homelessness are to end and peace for all to be the norm.

Division through misinformation and a great deal of money spent to influence opinions and to introduce senseless mechanisms of division, object being war highly profitable for the filthy rich and destructive for the most able to resist the evil forces that start the conflicts..


Welcome to communism 101, in the USA.

J Will

get ready to speak english buddy

patrick lux



If the author of the post speaks near as well as he writes, he’s already competent in English. He may live in an English speaking country–remember the UK is, still a predominantly English speaking country?

Do you imply there is to be an American dominated world? If so, WRONG.


You have never helped anyone dear

Carol B.

We love Europeans, we do not want to nuke you nor do we want to see you hurt……we love you……we are not evil…………….there are some people in all races that are not as kind as they should be—- WE LOVE YOU TALION …..👍✝️✅🌺🌺🪴


Time to call the crises line. Talion is going to blow.


Christine style


“Laws” in wartime? Nukes, I understand IMPOSSIBLE. All languages, or a universal one would be great. Comments towards Europeans? Curious. I can’t imagine such a think. Peace will come when those provoking it are done for.


The garden of eden is where things went awry.


I hate you for what you done. Destroying every chance of peace there is:(

J Will

owd sucks! lol


Brain rot much?


Hold on to your hat. Historically heading that way–no chance for peace. It’s going to be good, really really good. Your perspective, unless you are blind will change. You will be well and will thrive. American first certainly does not mean ONLY AMERICA. No.


You’re replying to a troll. Don’t feed them.


Earth.. is the garden of Eden.. research deeper..


Blame the Devil


No. It was actually the female creature before transforming into a being.


and that was ADAM’s fault.He did not tell Eve what God REALLY said. Go read Genesis again carefully. Men have thrown women under the bus ever since.


The Khazarian Mafia set up Eve with the tree and snake. Meanwhile the Rothschilds were working in the background to make Adam the fall guy for original sin. Watching over it was the Cabal which predated the Garden


Have a good week. Take your minerals and supplement’s.

Last edited 8 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve

Donald Trump is a good man. Good men often fail from being human and trying too hard to impress other people.

J Will



What is your definition of “good?”


And you know this how?

From fake “news” “information”?

Not believing all you hear could be a good start.

Charges against Trump, are rather ironically, trumped up.


The vice president is already sick. She hoe de doe.

J Will

When Mike gets drunk/bored


The vice president being…..?

Dead or believed dead. One of the other it would be.


The president might get sick. Be self sufficient.


They call me Mr. Interuptus.


They call you TROLL,


Even though I don’t like most of you.

I do not hate anything or anyone.


My friendship with BAX1 has always been good.


When individuals stop listening – I stop speaking.


Because I smile it makes people feel uncomfortable.


The time to rejoice is when the rest of the world feels there is no hope for humanity.


Your evil as hell.

Thinking taking away peace and death.

You want to destroy the garden of Eden???

You think your above death??? Your twisted in the head.


You are twisted and hateful


Stop feeding trolls! 🧌


The people here feed on evil doers …

Does that make them evil as well?


https: //

Just watch it.




Legalize Freedom

We wait with anticipation for the article of the death of Klaus Schwab

J Will

no we do not


Yes WE DO !

Combat Engineer 4 God

Revelation 18:4


Who cares?


Me? NO. He’s gone and that’s enough of that creature for me.


More people are speaking out against atrocities coming out of P Diddy aka Puff Daddy aka Sean Combs’s sex trafficking network.

ht tps://

Last edited 8 months ago by Xena

But it disappeared from the MSM. What do you think happened to Kate Middleton and why? I believe that they killed King Charles and perhaps Camilla too.

J Will



Such a pretty word: they!


I thought(((Those People))) did it.

Carol B.

What does you comment have to do with Diddy? Where did you read about King Charles being killed and Camilla too…..and I did not know that anything happened to Kate Middleton….????


If you scroll above, you’ll maybe see I was asking Xena as an aside not you.


Mean Streak.

I know you’re worried. But don’t be. We’ve survived nearly 6K years. It ain’t over Pooey bear

truth is stubborn

It’s speculative but completely possible. The Kate stuff’s been in the news after bad photoshopping, she might be dead and replaced by a double, just search it up.

Last edited 8 months ago by truth is stubborn

I think the Cabal killed her or that William had her killed. What about her children?


Kate middleton was sacrificed to satan. Charles and camilla are long gone.


I think they’re gone too. They haven’t been in the news for a while.


Hard to understand the bodyguard, or whatever he is,…….


This is what everyone on earth will be talking about. It was released on April 8th.
Beautiful and brilliant. Truly prophetic. If this doesn’t speak to your soul then you don’t have one.
https: //

Last edited 8 months ago by geo
American Living in Canada

(Yes, I’m ready)
Are you ready? (Yes, I’m ready)
Are you ready? (Yes, I’m ready)
I’ve got to know, yeah (Yes, I’m ready)
You sound real good (Yes, I’m ready)
Are you ready? (Yes, I’m ready)
Gonna be sunshine again (Yes, I’m ready)
And the flowers growing (Yes, I’m ready)
Children playing (Yes, I’m ready)
Gonna be all right (Yes, I’m ready)
You’ve got to be ready (Yes, I’m ready)
I know you’re ready (Yes, I’m ready)
Say it loud one more time (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Oh, yeah (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Oh, yeah (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Say that out loud (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Sing it out loud (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Sounds so good to me! (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
(Yes, yes, I’m ready)
(Yes, yes, I’m ready)
(Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Alright (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Gonna be alright (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Gonna be alright (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Alright (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Come on, y’all (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Make me feel so good (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
Make me feel so good (Yes, yes, I’m ready)
(Yes, yes, I’m ready)
No more dyin’ (Yes, yes, I’m ready)”

Are You ReadyPacific Gas & Electric..

Karen B

Yes,yes I’m more than ready.😇



Carol B.

You do not make much sense?


Hold on A. minute !
I’m NOT Ready


I saw you in this video. Had to be you:
https: //


Message from the Light Force …
There were about 20,000 people from the United States participating in the mass meditation at the moment of the eclipse on April 8th. Although the critical mass was not reached, the meditation still had a beneficial impact and the United states are drifting towards a more positive timeline


I thought sure we would go well over the critical mass, there was no mention of the number of people around the world that took part. I’m sure there were a lot. I guess it had to be 30,000 Americans in order to strengthen the Constitution.
Thanks to those that participated.
Victory of the Light👽

Legalize Freedom

Now that we know about it why not do it again?


There were hundreds of thousands of Christians praying & making decrees & acitvating the heavenly host against deep state plans, even weeks before the eclipse.

Last edited 8 months ago by Carolyn

This was released on the same day!! WOW. Truly. It’s prophecy in the now.
https: //


Interesting animation. The Light is gaining power.


Message from the Light Force …

Not awaiting for approval😏

Last edited 8 months ago by spirittoo
truth is stubborn

Translate that into something more concrete…


Translate what into something more concrete?


If that comment from Storygirl just below is true, this means White Hats, after cutting off many toes and fingers (at GITMO, Camp Blas, etc), and maybe a hand or two of the beast, they are now at the level of taking the HEAD off the beast – Klausy and company. If true and the WEF, WHO and UN criminals are next, the END of this war is very near (remember – deeo state crims that go down are covered with fake news of hospitalization, etc, like Austin, Garland, et al). They are the faucet and there will be no more puddles to chase. I am WAITING eagerly to see confirmation of this one!




NO. , the clone factory has been destroyed!


You won’t need to fear of eating bugs! 🐛🤢 & living in a 15 min city, or another fake 😷 pandemic! Tis is Huge! 🤸 Klaus Schwab was arrested this weekend by White Hats !? Ok, you can own ur stuff & be 😁

Andi Kay

Do you have a link to the source of this information? If you do, please share.


Andi, it’s today’s 5:22pm post in the @RealRawNews Telegram feed.

Sandy Thomas

It’s 5:43 and I’m not getting it on Telegram.


MB Posted The Following on RRN’s TG Feed at 5:22pm:
”We are hearing klaus Schwab was arrested this weekend and that the hospital story is a cover. Much to report on this week.”

Legalize Freedom

What /where is TG feed?


It’s MB’s RealRawNews feed on Telegram. Download the app and use the Chat search bar.

truth is stubborn

You can usually find the same posts on Twitter from the looks of it.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Doesn’t it seem like our Hospitals have become the “Cover” for so many of these Basturds- Time for Hospitals to RAISE THE BAR ON REPORTING INCOIMING PATIENTS IN REAL TIME TO FEDERAL AUTHORITY OF SOME KIND????


Sorry, I’ve just come back on. It’s on RRN at X – by MB


There is a post on Twitter saying he died. I don’t know if this is true.


Lots of posts on X saying he’s seriously ill going into hospital, but nobody I’ve found so far is saying what’s wrong with him.

Dr John

Probably a sever case of Ithinkmygooseiscooked otherwise known as GITMO


LOL! Panic might be hard to diagnose, but I sure hope so!

truth is stubborn

That or ate too many bugs 😉

No wait, those are just for the rest of us.


I wonder…. is that ‘ hospital’ the medical uit at GITMO?

Phantom Phlyer

We can hope.


We certainly can.


I’ve noticed many made-up fake stories at Twt/X. MB said at X, he was arrested & Mike said, “We’ll have a lot to report on this week.”


And Michael NEVER lies about anything, right?

Carol B.

I thought I had found the person on X that posted that he was dead, but the person’s page was removed it said…


About time.

Combat Engineer 4 God



Do you even know what a 15 minute city is?


This coming week will become “this was the week that was”….. who remembers it?


Exactly right. Mercury has been retrograde, almost for all month and until next Thursday. I don’t put a lot of credence in astrology, especially as the current money-grudging “astrologers’ present it to us. But Merury in apparent retrograde motion (an earth based optical illusion) never fails. I have been monitoring it for 67 years (yes, I am OLD). It is “delusion” and nothing that ever happens within the period retrograde” motion EVER amounts to shit.

Iran bombing Israel, the bogus “red” hats, the eclipse, the Military (our military) invading NYC or whatever they plan or intimate they will do, is ALL BULLSHIT.

So Chill. It 10 days it will all be forgotten.


I’ve seen something different. Some of the wildest moves in the stock market happen during mercury retrograde. And I think we’ve seen a little of that this past week or so. Example: silver moved 20% higher in a few days, and the back fill on Friday is actually a bullish sign, on something that hasn’t been bullish for years. LOL.

Last edited 8 months ago by Storygirldc

Marry me Thor.. ☺️


OFF-SUBJECT: MB Posted The Following on TG at 5:22pm:
”We are hearing klaus Schwab was arrested this weekend and that the hospital story is a cover. Much to report on this week.”

Phantom Phlyer

That would be absolutely huge. That would put the fear of God in those socialist bastards.


There is a post on Twitter today saying he has died

Dr John

NICE find, I like it and can only hope it is TRUE, true…


Nukken Futz

I never thot that that kraut; Klaus the laus, would be taken alive. That Swiss fried cocksukker is the HNIC of two big Rothy families and the head of the snake! I wonder if they caught his mouthpiece flunky; Harari, another twisted beast of reptilian shape shifter, plus Tedros Gheybresus the darky wonderboy of the world harm org……


I’m just hoping he was taken—dead or alive is of no matter. If WHs got him, he must’ve been here in the US. Harari might even turn out to be a more important target. That guy is devious, and creepy, but all those WEF crazies listen to him. Tedros is nobody. Just give him a good whack! LOL.



Dr John

A troll is a being in Nordic folklore, including Norse mythology. In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated areas of rocks, mountains, or caves (basements, modern caves), live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to human beings

In these long year since the myth began, little has changed and they have little if any claim to fame. They are a squat somewhat grotesque creature, with scruffy hair covering just about everywhere.

There only pleasure is in creating displeasure. To steal a smile or love in a dear heart, is better to them than smelling the most qross of fart.

To even say a kind word a day is more than they can stand; of course to the down trodden they could never lend a needed hand.

Short hairy fingers, course knuckles and chubby fat hands.

Their bulbous nose and beady eyes below a most heavy of eye brows.

To look at their hair is best described as a terrible uncombed mess.

Below a fat round tummy and bowed legs atop oversized feet.

They are to strong, in fact you might say weak

Their personality and IQ drops every time they take a leak

With brave hearts they are hidden away, calling out visceral taunts; hoping none will find them for the depth of their bravery is thinner than a razors edge.

NO matter what brutish things they pledge; they are not fighters, heroes, brave men, but ineffectual dolts not worth of being bred!

For they prefer lower animals of which little should be said.

You are here today and maybe even tomorrow, but your days are numbered and your time is borrowed.


That is absolutely perfect, Dr. John!
So fitting and how true…


a squat somewhat grotesque creature, with scruffy hair covering just about everywhere. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I PICTURED BLACKHAT TO LOOK !! lol


I’m glad I’m in your fantasies


🤣🎯🤣🎯🤣🎯 — Love it!

Andi Kay



Trolls are stupid and sub-human. The Vikings thought they were harmless, albeit annoying buffoons.



related to the Mosquito CLAN

Dr John

NICE, I like it, and it fits well with the Trolls we know. They are around, because they down voted your all too accurate comment. I guess the truth really hurts!

American Living in Canada



sound like delish canadian dessert…

Dr John

Interesting, never heard of those rascals. I promised not to learn anything new today. Here ya going running my well laid plans. 😉





I can feel your love 💝😘

Combat Engineer 4 God

Another “masterpiece” Doc! Had forgotten about that! Bravo, exact description!

true patriot

Taken from truth social …..
Ukraine — Bans Christian denomination, assaults a 1000yo Christian lineage, jails Priests, kills journalists, has neonazis in government and military command.
“________” — Bans Christian denominations, requires “movement pass” if you are not a specific faith or origin (including practicing Christians), kills journalists (some with full knowledge beforehand), restricts humanitarian aid to civilian parties, imposed a “vax-for-bananas” mandate requiring the population to submit to an industrial_scale medical experiment with no informed consent, or they could not feed themselves …………..

Roger Lehet

If Putin nukes Ukraine I won’t shed a tear


Stop encouraging nuke fallouts.

No one firing nukes.

That’s part of depopulation plan as well.

Are you people stupid?

Last edited 8 months ago by Talion
Roger Lehet

Hey FUCK YOU, I didn’t ask for your fucking insult but since I got one YOURE A FUCKING MENTAL MIDGIT. I’ll damn Well think and comment as I see fit. What are you one of these libtarded ass bangers who think they have the right to silence other people? Kiss my ass


She’s retarded..

Roger Lehet

Probably smoking crack too


I’m sure launching nukes is something to laugh at


Roger Lehet

Nobody was laughing missy, you just went straight to insults like most people of low class and intelligence typically do. Maybe next time you should keep it to yourself

Combat Engineer 4 God



Your evil


Like my father, OBM, used to say, “Consider the source.”


So you slaughtered innocents with nukes…


There are very few innocent Palestinians and what Israel is doing is in self-defense so October 7th doesn’t happen again.Hello?


Fuck you as well nuke fallout jackass who wants to kill the planet with nukes.

Roger Lehet

Fuck me?? I don’t know, are you cute? Probably too ugly


I’d be fine with a ceasefire and some kind of occupation, leading to a resolution that get’s us out of that country. Prime Minister Orban will make sure they never get in NATO.


Are you really that fucking stupid?

Roger Lehet

Shut up black head, your just a nasty pimple full of goo


I think I know your favorite TV show

truth is stubborn

He won’t, he’s not a sociopath like the Bidenista DS people. Though that’s obviously how they try to project on him.

But he has been somewhat reticent till the latest power station attacks about coming down hard on the rest of the country, and that phase might be ending. Ukraine’s going to start falling, and the European DS leeches will start screaming we have to save their snake pit, and we will have to tell them hell no.