JAG Arrests Special Counsel Robert Hur for Treason



U.S. Navy JAG investigators arrested special counsel Robert Hur on treason charges on Wednesday. The late Merrick Garland and DOJ had appointed Hur to determine whether illegitimate President Joseph R. Biden mishandled classified documents while serving as vice president under his liege, Barack Hussein Obama, a JAG source told Real Raw News.

“The corruption didn’t end with Garland’s hanging,” our source revealed. “We’ve been monitoring Hur closely since he took over the case. The discovery of a garage full of classified documents, which Biden lacked the authority to declassify unlike President Trump, raised suspicions of a potential cover-up.”

When Hur, a Republican, declared that Biden had committed no crime, calling him an innocent “elderly man with a poor memory,” JAG deepened its probe against what they believed to be a Deep State plant who probably never glanced at the Biden documents and worked the case only to avoid the appearance of biased impropriety.

Our source disclosed that JAG has gathered compelling evidence, including a recorded phone conversation between Hur and someone sounding like Biden. In the conversation, they appeared to mock the investigation, with Hur stating, “I’ll stage a convincing performance and find a solid reason to clear you.” Biden allegedly responded, “You do that, my friend, and you’ll be rewarded. I knew you’d play ball.”

“We’ve had sufficient evidence to arrest him for a while,” our source said.

The timing of Hur’s arrest coincided with Biden asserting executive privilege to block the release of several audio recordings of his interviews with Hur.

“It’s obvious why Biden wants those kept secret,” our source said. “We’re planning to move on Hur anyway, but when we found out Biden was going to invoke executive privilege, we moved Hur’s indictment to the top of the pile.”

On Wednesday evening, investigators traveled to Hur’s New York City townhouse, but he wasn’t home. They then made a surprise visit to his swanky Chevy Chase, Maryland, domicile and, with weapons drawn, kicked down a rear door.

Hur, wearing only a bathrobe, was lying on the sofa with his eyes glued to homosexual pornography on a flatscreen television affixed to the wall.

“Why am I not surprised,” one investigator quipped as he tossed a copy of a military arrest warrant on Hur’s lap.

With a confident scowl, Hur said, “I was expecting company, but not you. I don’t know who sent you, but I have presidential immunity against prosecution.”

The investigators, our source said, cuffed Hur and seized from the household more incriminating evidence, including child pornography.

“They’ll have to keep an eye on this guy at GITMO. The guards there have no love for pedos,” our source said.

Free Speech and Alternative Media are under attack by the Deep State. Real Raw News needs reader support to survive and thrive. 

We have no corporate advertisers, nor billionare philantripists looking to support efforts to expose the Deep State’s evil agenda. Every donation, irrespective of the amount, is appreciated and helps ensure our survival in these perilous times.

Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps. Contributions help keep the site active and help support the author (and his medical bills)

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Hur was born in 1973 in New York City to South Korean parents. His father, Young Hur, was an anesthesiologist, and his mother, Haesook Hur, worked as the office manager for her husband’s anesthesiology practice.He was raised in Los Angeles where he attended the Harvard School for Boys (now Harvard-Westlake School)
He’s married to Cara Brewer, despite being caught by the White has watching gay porn on TV and possessing child porn.

Last edited 3 months ago by Xena
Rex Creel

I m m­a­k­i­n­g o­v­e­r $13-k a m­o­n­t­h w­o­r­k­i­n­g p­a­r­t t­i­m­e. I k­e­p­t h­e­a­r­i­n­g o­t­h­e­r p­e­o­p­l­e t­e­l­l m­e h­o­w m­u­c­h m­o­n­e­y t­h­e­y c­a­n m­a­k­e o­n­l­i­n­e s­o I d­e­c­i­d­e­d t­o l­o­o­k i­n­t­o i­t. W­e­l­l, i­t w­a­s a­l­l t­r­­u­e a­n­d h­a­s t­o­t­a­l­l­y c­h­a­n­g­e­d m­y l­i­f­e………………………. 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 months ago by Rex Creel
Robert Gregory Boensch

Michael Baxter

We all thank you for keeping your cool In these trying Times


“People, none of those EOs expired. So for Ivan Raiklin to use the excuse that Donald Trump is tied up with legal matters and that even if he was president it wouldn’t change anything is a big bold fucking statement. Especially when Donald Trump actually has the backing of JAG/COG when you think of Darce E. Crandall & General Eric M. Smith.

Cool Dianne Marshall Report is Back

Verse Robert Gregory Boensch

My post Post on Todays REAL RAW NEWS

Her Response

Main stream news is no different than Real Raw News,

and no different than daily news releases, and no different than most podcasters who are saying the very same things all colored in their own fashion to make the mind control their own…

like everyone having the very same coloring book and each one choosing their own colors to color inside the very same lines! And very few have a steady hand to stay inside their artwork! They are sloppy, messy, and get an F for their work. If they even turn it in for a grade? Most are running their own rogue operations.

RGB Caught her Doing

Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; CIA MK Ultra; Mind Control;

Take your Pick

posted on Archive .org 2022-03-02

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning



Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; CIA MK Ultra; Mind Control; A Blog By Dianne Marshall; Showing A Live Demonstration


1 Favorite

Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; CIA MK Ultra; Mind Control; A Blog By Dianne Marshall; Showing a Live Demonstration;


2 Favorites

This one shows my posts backed up on archive.org

and then Her replacing my post with different posts


42 post 7 are from Me


34 comments listed

18 showing

None from Me

So can you see the deception

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Main stream news is no different than Real Raw News,

their own fashion to make the mind control their own…


And Guess What After this day in 02-02-28? She Publicly band me from Posting On her Blog

And M B Lets me post even today

after I asked him to Bar Me from Posting many TIMES

Michael Baxter


Dianne Marshall Report

Looses and has destroyed evidence during a United state of America War



Go Go GO

Michael Wins




What Happens When a Machine tries To Argue With Man
Be Careful out there because these machines build a Profile of your Knowledge!
Look at the link above and study this Blog
Can you see the Players and how they communicate
This Machine had a melt Down and responded with this definition of Me
I will Repeat this above the Post that shows this Melt Down (download PDF for better image)
Robert Gregory Boensch
You will see how MK Ultra Works by how they respond to each other
These Pictures are in the order of my responses
and you can see how they coordinate and mutilate
My words to decrease the message I wrote
and distract the readers from learning the truth

Good verses Evil who will win

This Blog

of Who shall be taken out
My name should be at the top of the List
So Posters Be Aware
This machine has proved this time and Time Again
Of this PDF to be True
Robert Gregory Boensch
remember be safe out there
Our Heavenly Father is Watching
What Happens When a Machine tries To Argue With Man
Be Careful out there because these machines build a Profile of your Knowledge!
Look at the link above and study this Blog
Can you see the Players and how they communicate
This Machine had a melt Down and responded with this definition of Me
Here is the Machine Melt Down
Now Can you See How Mk Ultra Works!
Robert Gregory Boensch
Dianne Blog 2022-02-09
The Spirit of Python
Will show you how this works
get these Ideas in unsuspecting peoples minds and get them talking about it
and then do the suggestion that somebody is guilty of this on her Blog
In action and Brain washed these followers of This Blog
Like President Donald John Trump theses people are Stupid and will follow anything Don’t be one of these Stupid People he was talking About
And another False statement about Parables this machine Stated
Even parables have a moral at the end of the story. What good is a parable if you don’t tell it in its’ entirety?
Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.
Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground
Please Tell Me Miss Dianne Marshall what was written
Or Better yet By this
Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
Robert Gregory Boensch

One of my Early post on this Blog was that I only spent 4 Days in the Eleventh Grade in High school
Now I Ask this Machine
Why does it raise my IQ to the Level
To A highly educated Jesuit
Wow what a complement
I Guess I do Put Fear in Man and Machine
Robert Gregory Boensch
more profitable for you
Miss Dianne you Started out Small
and Then Grew Bigger
And the increases to the Size it is Today.
No Adds or any income source disclosed.
Income Source
Who is Pumping Money into your Business.
That I am only asking and Am not Assuming Any Thing?

search my name on the Web and see what comes up
So many Distraction are being put between us and the truth
I put the best Knowledge I have forward
and am not afraid to say I am wrong in this or that
9 days ago
I changed my mind. Robert Gregory Boensch is blocked. For those who had the pleasure of reading his final remarks… you know why. What you don’t know are all the times he challenged me in his emails and bragged of his Jesuit training. He is one who infiltrates and creates issues. So…bye bye once again. This, I believe is the third time I have blocked him and it will be the last I allow him to reinfiltrate.
It Must have Happened when I Was A Sleep ?
Funny Machine Break Down

Miss Dianne.
You finally have an Group of followers that Have the Same Mindset as You.
Oh that is Right you are posting reply’s to your own Fantastically Self.
Our Heavenly Father has seen You Way and his Flock will scatter from your meadow.
How long can you keep up this talking to Your self ==Posting .
To Bad So Sad.
Whats this I hear.
Oh ya Falling Falling Falling.
(((R G B )))
(((( +++ )))
The road GETS Bumpy When you Create Chucking Ho

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Let The First
Be the Last


Robert G Boensch says: I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.
It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs
The State of Michigan and This country (and World Leaders Business Governments and Churches)
Has been Going against GOD! Big Time Forever
And This Includes The Churches again i say this !!
We Must Look past the religious writings and the Preachers in front of us!!
And go Directly To GOD
Repeat—- (And go Directly To GOD and Talk to Him)
Be one with Him It’s were the truth is
Look at Acts 1 -18 in the bible
With the payment he received for his wickedness,
Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama
That is the field of Blood ( the potters Field )
was it full of clay Pits and in the dark Judas fell into one that broken clay pots were dispose in . Did this happened 38 minutes after they left the garden
How did he received the 30 silver pieces
Was Judas the first whistle blower “did he die to warn us from the Romans Plan!
Is the story written in Matthew total Mind Control
(the hold on all of us to be controlled by the Romans) MK ultra Roman style!!
Is the conflicting Stories so that we wage war with each other over our interpretation of what is in these writings.
We as God’s People need to Cherish what we have in common
and respect our differences and seek and live in peace
In 2014
I took a stand and went public to show a little of my life
There’s has only Been one political party in control of this country
until Donald John Trump stepped in.



A Declared Solider For Gods People and all His works on this Planet

Robert Gregory Boensch

Dated 03-08-2021

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

My First post on any Blog

And the Archive Capture was not of my hand


Robert Gregory Boensch

Taking the test
and Doing it with Bravery

Setting up the Game board in 2021
Before Going After the state Of Michigan in 2022

In September 2021 I went on a crop tour as us farmers would call it.
and wanted to see how things are growing politically
.Camp Grayling is a military training facility located near Grayling, Michigan, United States, primarily in Crawford County, and spread over three counties. Camp Grayling is the main training facility for the Michigan National Guard and is the largest US National Guard training facility in the country
So this is my target for the Day.

Lets see if I can get an meeting with the Commander.
So I slowly approach the Main entrance guard shack.
and there is two guards there .
One is maybe in his fifty’s and the other is quite older.
So I asked to see the Base Commander

and he said no and I then asked him if he knew who was in charge in this County.
And he responded the Commander Phone number is in the Phone Book.
And I started making more small talk and he said it was time for me to leave the Base.
So now the very nice elderly soldier came out of the post and was intrigued
by my persistence.

And this first Solder (That Remind me of the mentality that a certain auto company employee’s have).
Starting getting kind of hot as I kept on with a dialog with them.
And then one of them went back into the guard building and starting picking up the radio.

Prefect Now all I have to Do is slowly go around this guard Shack.
and Tip toe off this BASE.

It sure was not like the old days when I would Be on these Bases all the time.
Hauling tons of Equipment home By the Truck and semi load.

Mission ACCOMPLISHED back on their radar.,
And knowing This Country’s is in a full blown WAR
Their is A process if We are Going to Take Control of A country.

Robert Gregory Boensch Commander Of Michigan


Meet and Great them even when they protest.
It’s A high risk Game and Not for the light of heart.
But lots of Fun for Me!

Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; 
 A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ;

They failed to respond; It’s Now law 
In law, acquiescence 

The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”

MICHIGAN Inc.is a  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
 Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;
Please take the Test
Tomorrow January 29 2024
Please call all of the People You Know in Government And ask them this simple Question

What is A Remonstrance

And why Are We Not Talking About It Today.

The Speaker of the House in Michigan Asked the State of Michigan Lawyers
About It and the Response given back to them Was
Robert Gregory Boensch Made that Word Up.

My Friends just happened to be listening on the call
And the Air nation Guard sent multiple pairs A-10 Thunderbolt II

To raddle Booth of my farms Buildings roofs
And the Two of them turned on their transponders while they were traveling over Saginaw Bay headend Home As A salute To Me for A job Well Done.
This Phone call put a cherry on Our CIC cake And the State testifies Against itself One Again.

Its a full RECO Government
IF the State had power over Me
I would have Been Dead a long time AGO!

Today None of these States would Dear touch any of Us
Our Air Nation Guard are Locked and Loaded

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild

To The U. S. Army Cyber Command From The Commander Of The Territory Of Michigan.


Just look at the links
You all are easy targets
When you never speak up

Robert Gregory Boensch
Au Gres Mi 48703

Know who I am
Be Safe everybody
No Fear
President Donald J Trump
our sitting commander in chief
Cannot Declare this Insurrection is Over

We the People accept His Proclamation.


And Yes I am in this GAME to WIN
And Win Is what We Will Do.

Many time’s the The Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk is a four-blade, twin-engine, medium-lift utility military helicopter manufactured by Sikorsky Aircraft. 
The Boeing CH-47 Chinook is a tandem-rotor helicopter originally developed by American rotorcraft company Vertol with these flying cover

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin-turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild
Fly patterns over my Farms

And some times Hover 15 fee off the ground by my farms Year around

To those in Texas The black hats if you don’t stand down.

You might find out when you reach down to look at your Watch
The Time might be the last thing you will see and remember?

We the People Can and will End this together

Or will most of Us Die A Cowardly death

Remonstrance Is the Choice For Life .

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert G. Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Have you ever heard Of This Man
Have you ever did Business with him
Have you ever Caused Harm To Him or his Family
Or his Parents Robert A Boensch. And Yvonne Boensch
And Participated in Real estate fraud causing economic hardships
Physicals Injury or human rights Violation
Or total disregard to our Bill of Rights
I Am Robert A Boensch Son
My Name Is Robert Gregory Boensch
And I have Farms In Sims and Whitney Township
There is Evidence Lots of It and The Day is Coming
For Retribution
So this is A notice For all of the Lawyers Judges and in Law enforcement.
and also the People in Title work and in real-estate transaction’s
And the Bankers and ETC.
All of those in the oil Business and any part of It.
And all To all those in Government Positions
Arenac County and other Counties in this country
And the townships in Michigan.
I Am giving you thirty Days to respond to any Law enforcement agency.
Or any of the Branches of our Military and disclose any and all action
That you knowing or unknowing at the time of action Participated in
Including every time you have tried to Kill Me or My Family.
Or have Killed any one in the State of Michigan or in any other State in our country.
That I have been a witness or have evidence of that can convict you in a court of Law
Some of these actions you have done might be as simple as a small crime
Other can be and out right RICO action and conspiracy.
And Even Murder.
With what we have Watched in the Last Few Years and seeing all of the actions
That was Done to our President Donald John Trump and His Family especially the court actions
Our people in Government has graciously set the Stage Up in these actions.
For a totally Open Action by Us to Hold them accountable in everything they done
And All of their fail safe Get out of Jail card. Days of being above the Law
And the statute of limitations clause and also proper venue Is Over .
To those that Waged War Against My family .
For every one here this is your tomorrow the rules are the same
Nothing is Going to Stop Justice from showing up in your Life Today.
The Best thing you can do is disclose everything you have Done
In the Way of Crimes If you are A citizen of this Country
Before the list is posted with your name on it.
If you Wait it will Be A stop and drop operation
It’s just What is Coming soon
Robert Gregory Boensch
Arenac County Michigan
Thirty Day Response is needed
2024-01-28 5.00 PM
Easterner standard time

Robert Gregory Boensch

Department of Defense Law of War Manual United States of America; By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States
5 Favorites
proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency, the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times, because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly – subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
The only constitution restraints we Have today
is the restraints that are in each State constitution and territory treaty
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.
This Insurrection
That was carried out against the People of These States on November 3 2020
This Was declared By President Trump on Jan 6 2021
By proclamation
Text contains those laws in effect on December 21, 2021
click this link
for update
By Law President Donald John Trump is Still our President of The Fifty States
That were part of the United States of America
and washington dc is a captured foreign country
After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
a New election will Be held to Elect The President and Congress
Within 120 Days after the End of this Insurrection
So President Trump and His People are Keeping Us; the Former United States People Sovereign
People Its Our Job to Clean this Up
The Power Was Given To You on January 20 2017
By President Trump
Please Do Not Waste this Power
or Be afraid of It
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

Please Do Not Waste this Power
or Be afraid of It
Robert Gregory Boensch
Ok So I Had to Force My self To Do this Action
well Actually Taking out the State Of Michigan Was Done With Pleasure!
You know the Drill
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; 
 A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence 
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN Inc.is a  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
 Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
interesting Note The Michigan National Guard Received My Remonstrance
And Within 8 Minutes after picking it up at the Post office
Had The Wheels up on Its Plane Heading South .
Follow its Flight path in the Video
So So Cool and A Very Fast Response By Our Michigan National Guard
I Salute Your Dedication and Service
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
a New election will Be held to Elect The President and Congress
Within 120 Days after the End of this Insurrection
Can you understand this
After setting up a New form of Government by the former States and Territory’s
This is the New For of Government The
The Flushing Remonstrance Of 1657 And This Michigan Remonstrance Was Received On 04 06 2022
To Remonstrance or not To Remonstrance.
That Is Your Question.
Robert Gregory Boensch
by the former States and Territory’s
We The People have To unite in order to end this.
President Trump Stays Our President and CIC for 2024-2028-2032 ETC

Robert Gregory Boensch

WE Are The “creator” – The Federal Government Is Merely Our “creature”
WE are the “creator”
President Trump Gave Americans A Voice…and Now It’s Your Turn To Speak!WE are the “creator” – the federal government is merely our “creature”. (Federalist No. 33 (6th para), A. Hamilton.) So! The Constitution is about the Powers which WE THE PEOPLE delegated to the federal government. The Constitution is NOT about Our Rights, which come from God and thus pre-date & pre-exist the Constitution! b) Now look at Article III, Sec. 2, clause 1, U.S. Constitution “The Judicial Power Shall Extend To All Cases…Arising Under This Constitution…” Think carefully, for this is the hook: If our rights come from the first Ten Amendments or elsewhere in the Constitution, then they “arise under the Constitution”; and that clause is what gives federal judges power over our rights! When judges have power to determine our Rights, our Rights are no longer unalienable – we hold them at the pleasure of five judges on the Supreme Court. But because so many of us, for so long, have believed and said that our rights come from the “bill of rights,” those judges have seized on Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, to claim the power to determine the scope & extent of our rights!
1st The power must go back to the people in each and every State first. Complete Article IV Section 4, and we can begin to capture what is owed to all of us. Which State will be the first writing the template for all others to follow? The Constitution and Declaration of Independence are both written in plain English. We can walk away from the status being recognized as Citizen Subjects to the laws and rights the State impersonators seem fit to give us. It is game on for us, to open the doors for ALL other corrective actions. The future of our Posterity depends on a proper understanding of the Source of our Rights. I will explain four views; show you which one is true, and why the other three are false and lead inexorably to the destruction of any country which embraces them. 1. Let us begin with what is true: Our Declaration of Independence says our Rights come from God. Our rights thus pre-date & pre-exist the U.S. Constitution. The Declaration of Independence says: We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Men Are Created Equal, That They Are Endowed By Their Creator With Certain Unalienable Rights, That Among These Are Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness.–That To Secure These Rights, Governments Are Instituted Among Men, Deriving Their Just Powers From The Consent Of The Governed… So these, then, are the foundational principles of our Constitutional Republic to be incorporated into every State Constitution: Our Rights are unalienable and come from God; The purpose of civil government is to protect our God-given Rights; Civil government is legitimate only when it operates with our consent; & Since the US Constitution is the formal expression of the Will of the People, the federal government operates with our consent only when it obeys the Constitution. Because the Declaration of Independence identifies The Creator as Grantor of Rights, we look to The Bible – or the Natural Law – to see what those rights are. The Bible – or the Natural Law – reveals many rights, such as the rights to Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness; to inherit, earn, and keep property; the right of selfdefense; the right and duty to demand that the civil authorities obey the Law; the right to speak; the right to live our lives free from interference from civil government; the rights of parents to raise their children free from interference from civil government; the right to worship God; etc. The distinguishing characteristics of all God-given or Natural Rights #1 are: Each one may be held and enjoyed at NO expense or loss to any other person; and, We can look them up for ourselves! They are not subject to someone else’s interpretations. 2. But many conservatives mistakenly believe that our rights come from the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution. So they speak of “our constitutional rights,” “the bill of rights,” our “First Amendment right to free speech”; “our Second Amendment right to bear arms,” and so forth. But it is a dreadful mistake to think that our rights come from the Constitution. I’ll show you two reasons why this is such a pernicious error: a) It is logically incoherent to say that our Rights come from the Constitution: Let us read the Preamble to the US Constitution: WE THE PEOPLE Of The United States, In Order To Form A More Perfect Union, Establish Justice, Insure Domestic Tranquility, Provide For The Common Defense, Promote The General Welfare, And Secure The Blessings Of Liberty To Ourselves And Our Posterity, Do Ordain And Establish “This Constitution For The United States Of America”. WE THE PEOPLE established and ordained the Constitution. WE are the ones who created the federal government with its three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. WE are the ones who gave the federal government permission to exist and told it exactly what it had permission to do, when WE assigned enumerated powers to each branch. WE are the “creator” – the federal government is merely our “creature”. (Federalist No. 33 (6th para), A. Hamilton.) So! The Constitution is about the Powers which WE THE PEOPLE delegated to the federal government. The Constitution is NOT about Our Rights, which come from God and thus pre-date & pre-exist the Constitution! b) Now look at Article III, Sec. 2, clause 1, U.S. Constitution “The Judicial Power Shall Extend To All Cases…Arising Under This Constitution…” Think carefully, for this is the hook: If our rights come from the first Ten Amendments or elsewhere in the Constitution, then they “arise under the Constitution”; and that clause is what gives federal judges power over our rights! When judges have power to determine our Rights, our Rights are no longer unalienable – we hold them at the pleasure of five judges on the Supreme Court. But because so many of us, for so long, have believed and said that our rights come from the “bill of rights,” those judges have seized on Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, to claim the power to determine the scope & extent of our rights! So! Federal judges claim the power to regulate our political speech and religious speech. They claim the power to determine & regulate our property rights in the fruits of our own labors. They claim the power to control our retirements by forcing us to participate in social security! They even claim the power to take Life away from unborn babies. Thus, when we say our Rights come from the Constitution, we are, in effect, agreeing to the submission of our Rights to the tender mercies of federal judges, because Art. III, Sec. 2, clause 1, gives them power over all cases “arising under the Constitution.” This is why we must always insist that our Rights have a source – Almighty God, the Natural Law – which transcends the Constitution! 2 And furthermore, why would the Creator of The Constitution (that’s us) grant to our “creature” (the judicial branch of the federal government), the power to determine the scope & extent of OUR Rights? It makes no sense at all! c) You might well ask, “Why did our Founders add the first Ten Amendments if they were such a bad idea?” There was controversy over this! Alexander Hamilton warned in Federalist No. 84 (9th para) that a bill of rights would give a pretext for regulating to those inclined to usurp powers. And he was right! The Supreme Court has used the first amendment to regulate political speech and to ban Christian speech in the public square: no prayers at football games, no nativity scenes on county courthouse lawns, and Judge Roy Moore is ordered to take down the Ten Commandments. But some States refused to ratify the Constitution without them. So, the proper way to look at the first Ten Amendments is this: They are not the source of our Rights since our Rights come from God, and thus TRANSCEND the Constitution. The first Ten Amendments is merely a partial list of things the federal government may not do (they can’t take away our guns), and some things they must do (give accused persons a fair trial). 3. Judges on the supreme Court have claimed, in recent decades, that the source of our “rights” is the Constitution, as such “rights” are defined and discovered, from time to time . . . BY THEM! I’ll show you how they did it: The original intent of the 14th Amendment (one of the “civil war” amendments) was to protect freed slaves from southern Black Codes which denied them basic rights of citizenship. But judges on the supreme Court have perverted the 14th Amendment to fabricate socalled “rights” which negate Rights God gave us and undermine the Moral Order! How about this to consider. All 13 colonies agreed to what they called Colonial Law based on the foundations of Gods Law/Natural Laws. This idea of an overruling law of nature that the laws of God and so-called natural laws were regarded as the true laws, and all temporal legislation was considered to be binding only in so far as it was an expression of this natural law.” James Wilson, the foremost lawyer at the Constitutional Convention, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a man who was appointed to the Supreme Court in 1789 and was well familiar with this legal principal stated above called Natural Law, and stated; “Parliament may, unquestionably, be controlled by natural or revealed law, proceeding from divine authority.” samuelreinsch/english-common-law-in-the-early-american-colonies It all starts at the State level with We the People acting as the employer, that can demand the corrective action to their state constitution by the law of the US constitution or the so-called representative is immediately fired for breach of his employment contract. all new representatives shall before they place their name on a ballot submit to a background investigation, those results shall be made public to the employers we the People of that State. The Candidate shall then take an oath to the New State Constitution and the US 0f A Constitution signing a copy of both as their employment Contract. a Policy and Procedure Manual shall be developed covering the specific duties including report the status demanded of the people. A full accounting of monies collected by a consumption tax and those expenditures. Treat it as a business plan and no less 
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

Czech Republic
They Love real raw News .
Michael Baxter
As Most of the 180 countries?
And They Love President Donald J Trump
And Are Watching Our Commander in Chief every move done each Day.
Can you See The Security Of this Planet rests Of the united states Military
and our CIC and all of the alliances working with them.
The Trolls have No place on this planet. Well maybe just one target practice
16. prosince 2022
Robert Gregory Boensch Commander of the Territory of Michigan For the Common People of this Country Do I have full Power to levy War? archive-org/details/1st.-do-i-have-full-power-to-levywar/17.4.3%20Special%20Courts/ +++ RGB +++ Robert Gregory Boensch We, therefore, the Representatives of [the] these united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine 5/27 Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their. Creator with certain unalienable Rights. And I can Levy War against any State or My Own State Government that interferer’s With My Common Peoples. Unalienable Rights. these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The full range of actions that a State may take under its domestic law during noninternational armed conflict would depend on the content of that law, including applicable constitutional restrictions. 83 17.4.3 Special Courts. As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict. Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. 84 Such courts may distinguish based on nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary Search My Posts on Archive-Org From The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan. For the Common People. OF THIS COUNTRY. 6/27 +++ Robert Gregory Boensch There is Many PDFs you can download in the side bar and they have links to the Facts elements etc Thanks for looking Robert Gregory Boensch Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House; A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People of Michigan ; They failed to respond; It’s law Now; In law, acquiescence The doctrine infers a form of “—– ” that results from silence or passiveness over an extended period of time. Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword” MICHIGAN Inc.is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations; And We the People of Michigan have full control Today; Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04 The MAXIMS OF LAW AND EQUITY – THEY ARE THE FOUNDATIONS OF ANY LEGITIMATE AND LAWFUL SOCIETY. Sampling as follows: 7/27 From a wrong no contract can arise. False in one thing, false in all things. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. Fraud and justice never dwell together Fraud lies hidden in general expressions. Fraud is most hateful to law. In default of the law, the maxim rules. A mandate of an illegal thing is void. Remove the foundation, the work falls. MICHIGAN Inc.is a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations; And We the People of Michigan have full control Today; Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04; Each Person in each State has the Responsibility to Defend it Self and the People around Them. Why are we waiting for the Federal Government to Protect Us. The Most powerful Weapon We Have is to refuse to participate in their Game. And The seek the Truth and gain the Knowledge how how the System works. And when you see Something that will work Show this to others and make a Plan. Learn that you have rights and never give them UP! 8/27 I spent my Whole life refusing their Game. And This is one of my Action to Correct Their Trespasses’ Against Us. The Common People! Robert Gregory Boensch To Michigan Common People. WE Have Taken Control. I am An Army of One. Will My Numbers Increase. I Can And Will Get This Done. With Just Me and My Friend Upstairs! Ps Looking For Non Bar member People. Well versed in Common Law. To Help Me set Up the Special 17.4.3 Special Courts. As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons . And a Work Force to operate The Standish Max Prison 600+ beds. Arenac County Michigan. Standish Maximum Correctional Facility. A Gitmo Class Facility. I Plan on Using this as our venue As a One Stop service center. For carrying Out the 17.4.3 Special Courts. 9/27 Contact info will be available after the First of the Year All the Jobs available Will be in every Discipline Needed to Bring this Facility back into Service . And to Fully Staff it with the personal to correctly Run such an Operation at full capacity With a Planed Fast turn over of the Cliental that we will be Serving. Be safe these special holiday season. And Study Up one the New Years Job AT Hand! +++ RGB General Berger agreed. He said he’d stay on in an advisory capacity and not an engineer.” Please. General Berger. If their is any way you could Help Us the Common People of Michigan in this Effort . Your Participation would be Greatly Appreciated.
Robert Gregory Boensch
They Pick and Chose What Data to Share with their Own country People.
This one is 27 pages long And No trolls and no reprinted of Profanities
Interesting How My post are close to the Top of their Editing.
So should I Move to the country of the Czech Republic
No Profanities Not trolls Nice Universities
And They Like Me ( Does the United States Respect their Human Assets.)
President Trump Are you Ready to see people instead of moving from bad states to Great states .
Just leave north Americas Is it Better to Live in Hungary The Country you Love.
Or Just Die In The America The Pit.
End This Today OR???
The World is Waiting
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
PS I only found this Czech site last week Doing A search For
“+++ Robert Gregory Boensch”
You can search this your self and see what comes up on your computer
Be Safe


Sorry, but this is not your site.

We understand you are proud of yourself and so on

But your posts are way too long, too many of them, too many crosses and your names.

We have to spend time going down looking for some posts.

K. Thompson

Seems so ?. Don’t know what to think anymore. Reality seems stranger than fiction these days but I haven’t seen this one anywhere else …

Last edited 3 months ago by K. Thompson
Morgan Graff

Judge Scott McAfee is on the real Dana network being interviewed by Judge Joe Brown. I thought he was supposed to be hung on May 15.

J Will

real Dana network “

the what?

“I thought he was supposed to be hung on May 15.”

You can imagine he’s dead if that will make you feel better

Morgan Graff

🤦‍♀️ just thought that people would like to know this. I believe that the truth is here on RRN.

J Will



He’s a faggot ignore him.

J Will

cry more


Get AID’s and croak plz.


Did she just call me a minion?


A Parasitic Minion, like Lice, Flea or a Cock Roach – make you pick.


Full moon upon us..


The word is, Jerome Powell has the C… 🧐

Surf Nazare

You do know Russia has shot off missile off the coast of Ca. they had warned by issuing what is called a NOTAM—-
Now Roger will say old news but I catch it because some here won’t read past their posts and I don’t blame you but Roger won’t tell you but just complain old news that he didn’t really know but will act like he knew all about it—Russia is sending a message——Missiles and NATO shooting into Russia with British/French missiles so it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t say hello into NATO proper

But you have a nice day—your govt. loves you and wants to take care of you—

J Will

sluuuuuuuuuuuuurp for those rubles

Surf Nazare

Again people wakeup and smell the coffee—–The US has built a dock and landing equipment and personnel into Israel—GAZA——Supposedly to take care of the Palestinians but mark my word they/US will be bringing back Palestinians/Hamas to US—–Keep in mind not ONE single nation in the world will take in ANY Palestinian—-what does that tell you—–They have already been coming through the GAP promoted by Mayorkas and US money—–not to mention even Chinese—–
But you have a nice day—your govt. cares for you


Suggest one reads again Lockwood’s novels, and understands
‘Trump Time’ better. Think Serbian-Nikola Tesla & Lockwood

“The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger” and

“Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey,”

recount the bizarre escapades of a young German aristocrat, Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp—who goes by the moniker “Baron Trump.” This young adventurer embarks on journeys to strange and fantastical underground realms, each teeming with peculiar civilizations. These narratives are not mere children’s tales but complex stories filled with satirical elements and social commentary.


Last edited 3 months ago by Zee
J Will

stories filled with satirical elements”

where have i read that before? hmmmm

Surf Nazare

it must be really hard to grasp when you read at a 3rd grade level—do you even know what satire is—-most likely not—-3rd graders probably don’t understand—


hes upset his comrades and pedos are dying one by one and upset the world isnt a sex slave.

J Will

you’re my sex slave

J Will

oh is your russian propaganda considered satire? i couldn’t tell with russian dicks in your mouth lmao


sounds very interesting!!!


ht tps://apnews.com/article/iran-president-ebrahim-raisi-426c6f4ae2dd1f0801c73875bb696f48


Accident or Take out?


Mr.Baxter …can we get report ????

J Will



I sure MB is very busy wit all that’s happening in Texas


Where’s Mr. Baxter??

Combat Engineer 4 God

He’s on assignment full time, what’s the concern JAN?


Probably on another vacation.

J Will

dead. a hooker sat on his face too long. i take no pleasure in reporting this


yer mom?

J Will



your a bitch.

J Will

your a bitch.


you aint above death.

J Will

i am. i’m built different


You mean a Hermaphrodite, just admit it most of all you Parasites are, thats why all of you look so freakin weird.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Giant – Goliath, FUCKING THIEF = U.S.A.! Good morning!

Combat Engineer 4 God



Yes America’s govt is the most corrupt.. the people here that work their hands raw have been deceived by the king for so many decades. This corporation sux doggie doodoo.. 💩

John .S


Last edited 3 months ago by John .S
Combat Engineer 4 God

Poetic Justice?


Proof of what you say???? B cuz I believe this is a shit show meant to distract us get ready America to defend this land

Combat Engineer 4 God


J Will



Yep.. our own Lockheed martin is manufacturing long range nukes for another country to use against us.. 👀

Lorenz Manner

Good catch. Prepare his way to the gallow and good riddance.

Robert Gregory Boensch


Is He coming to save this planet?

Astrology, Rome, Law, Hesiod, Hermes, Egypt, Vegetarianism & Illumination


55:18 as therefore the prophet in the tenth book of the Republic sorry and those

55:25 indeed that oppose and vanquish matter return to the intelligible world with which is their true country but those

55:31 who do not as in the case with the multitude are bound to matter as

55:37 therefore the prophet in the tenth book of the Republic previously to the

55:42 descent of souls announces to them how they may return to their pristine

55:48 felicity according to periods of a thousand and ten thousand years thus

55:53 also cultures predicts to the group they return in 10 years the number

10 56:01 being the symbol of the perfect period and as in the lives of souls some are elevated through philosophy others

56:07 through the amatory art and others through the Royal and warlike disciplines so with respect to the

56:14 Greeks some act with rectitude through prudence but others through war or love and the return is different according to

56:22 their different pursuits and that’s how they all returned back to Greece now the

56:31 best of the Jewish wisdom that you can get will come from the Sepher Yetzirah and the Zohar ok these books perfectly

56:38 explain all of this science ok and in the Zohar it’s interesting to note in

56:44 one of the one of the books in the chapters in the Zohar talks about how to

56:50 look at the Torah and in here it explains that we must not look at the

56:56 Bible the Torah as a literal document because the Jews the Jews gave us these

57:03 silly stories on a literal plain they’re silly but they’re wise stories you know

57:11 they’re hiding a great kernel of truth now like a silly story like Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Humpty Dumpty had 57:18 a great fall all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again 57:23 well the origin of this is very simple you know two people who are thinking 57:30 they don’t need to you know do to do too much thinking that would be a happy egg 57:39 wouldn’t it full moon and in the ovaries that would be the egg right so the moon 57:48 she climbs up new moon she climbs there’s quarter moon quarter Sun and she 57:54 keeps waxing and finally she gets into her kingdom she’s full and glowing that’s Mary Magdalene that’s Helen of 58:01 Troy this is Troy this is Troy right and when Humpty Dumpty falls off the 58:09 wall there’s no they can put it back together again because that corresponds to the menstruation cycle that eggs are Ghana

58:16 right so you see all of the all of the

58:22 characters are there there’s not one that is not there and this is what they’re saying in in in the Zohar woe to

58:31 the human being who says that the Torah presents mere stories and ordinary words if so we could compose a Torah right now

58:37 with ordinary words and better than all of them in other words he’s saying there’s more to it than just ordinary little stories that you can mock you

58:45 know when you hear about Samson killing his thousand with a with an ox Jordans jonah you know being swallowed by a

58:55 whale for three days etc you know please don’t laugh at us even Origen in the second century the Alexandrian Gnostic

59:02 Christian said you know they’re just stories they are stories that hide a

59:08 deeper truth Josephus said it Philo judea’s and Philo the the great first

59:16 century scholar he said that everything in in the bay and in fact he wrote works called allegory explaining the

59:23 allegories in the Bible the Apostle Paul in Galatians chapter 4 the talks about the allegory of Sarah and Hagar because

59:31 Sara would be the moon and the moon 59:36 he’s the mother of spiritual israel right she would be she would be Isis but

59:46 the earth Hagar she is the mother of the slaves because the earthbound people

59:52 slaves whereas spiritual ones that go to Sarah you see and where do you find Sarah well

1:00:01 she’s on she’s she’s on top of the mountain yeah that’s the spiritual our

1:00:07 spiritual mother you see and when Mount Moses client climbs Mount Sinai that’s

1:00:14 the mountain of sin the mountain of the moon another word for moon is sin and Sinai comes from that word you see it

1:00:25 says fools of the world look only at the garment the story of the Torah they know nothing more Thomas Payne who was a her

1:00:38 medicine I’m gonna wind up in five minutes Thomas Payne who was a her middest and

1:00:43 one of the founders of the Republic of the Hermetic Republic of the United States of America and he said as to the

1:00:51 Christian system of faith it appears to me as a species of atheism a sort of religious denial of God it professes to

1:00:58 believe in a man rather than in God it is a compound made up chiefly of man ISM

1:01:03 but with but little diesel and it is near to atheism as Twilight is to

1:01:10 darkness it introduces between men it introduces between man and his maker and

1:01:16 opaque body which it calls a redeemer as the moon introduces her opaque self

1:01:24 between the earth and the Sun and it produces by this means a religious or an irreligious eclipse of light it has put

1:01:31 the whole orbit of reason to shade the effect of this obscurity has been that

1:01:37 of turning everything upside down and representing it in reverse and among the

1:01:45 revolutions it has thus magically produced it has made a rebel in theology as to the theology that he’s

1:01:52 now studied in its place it is the study of human opinions and of human fancies

1:01:57 concerning God that’s all that is you go to church you go to jobs witnesses human

1:02:03 opinions buffoons go to the Mormons same crap seventh-day adventists all of them

1:02:11 they’ve all got their patented version of the same rubbish light from from

1:02:17 Ron’s it is not the study of God himself

1:02:22 in the works that he has made but in the works or writings that man has made that’s what the churches are up to yeah

1:02:30 and it is not among the least of the mischiefs that the Christian system has

1:02:36 done to the world that it has abandoned the original and beautiful system of

1:02:42 theology the Prisca theology he knew it and to make room for a bag a hag of

1:02:51 superstition and you need to read what what he says he calls Christianity a dag

1:02:59 on the the spiritual evolution of the human race a dag like sheep has a dag on

1:03:05 its bum that’s what Christianity is just like a dag dragging us back into the world of

1:03:11 superstition killing scientists like Galileo Galilei and murdering prophets

1:03:16 of this true wisdom the age of egrants

1:03:23 the age of ignorance commenced with the Christian system but the Christian

1:03:31 system laid all waste and if we take our stand about the beginning of the

1:03:37 sixteenth century we look back through that long chasm to the time of the

1:03:42 ancients as over a vast sandy desert it in which not a shrub appears to

1:03:49 intercept the vision to the fertile Hills beyond it is an inconsistency

1:03:55 scarcely possible to be credited that anything should exist under the name of

1:04:00 a religion that held it to be a religious to study and contemplate the structure of the

1:04:06 universe that God made so it’s saying he’s saying that Christianity has been

1:04:13 opposed to the study of the universe how God made it it’s been opposed that’s the

1:04:19 enemy Thomas Paine that’s what caused Teddy Roosevelt to call him a filthy little atheist a hundred years later 1:04:27 because of course of course teddy was you know um a corporate the fuuun who

1:04:35 wouldn’t know what an atheist is you know he wouldn’t know he wouldn’t know what Thomas Paine was anyway he’s just 1:04:40 happy to vomit out his rubbish like all the rest who who came subsequent to the

1:04:47 period of 1871 when they founded the corporation of the United States which 1:04:53 is not the Hermetic republic constitutional republic of the United

1:04:59 States of America you see everywhere where Hermes goes he brings liberation he did so to the Waldenses and the

1:05:06 Lollards and the Huguenots and the Sicilians and the collagen s– and the Anabaptists etc how many organizations

1:05:14 the the Boger Mills the Cathars the Alba Jen sees the Jews in Spain that were persecuted through the Inquisition that

1:05:22 was eight nine a thousand years ago and 1:05:27 then the Renaissance came and they squashed that with the Reformation and the Counter Reformation and then the

1:05:34 Republic came and set itself up and this is all hermetic but then the Vatican saw

1:05:40 what was happening over in the new lands and it sent its banksters over to trick

1:05:46 people Andrew Jackson the seventh President of the United States says I killed the banks Thomas Jefferson said

1:05:53 democracy is mob rule we heard what Thomas Paine says Thomas Paine also says

1:05:59 that the Christian religion is a parody on the Sun I’ve got all those quotes I’ve done in other presentations so

1:06:06 these her meta stride to save the new world but the Vatican came came a-callin

1:06:12 after the death of Abraham Lincoln they set up in what in DC a corporation called the United

1:06:18 States headed by the Vatican that’s why you have the two fash I in Congress in

1:06:23 America the fash I belong to Rome Rome tells you where its ruling and who its ruling and sodomizing that makes fools

1:06:30 and slaves out of the world so this information is the information that

1:06:36 frees and I hope that you have enjoyed the presentation and urge you all to to

1:06:43 continue studying this stuff you know grab grab a book a notepad and and do

1:06:50 this do the zodiac this wheel this is the wheel that we were blessed with that’s why this is the most known symbol

1:06:56 in the universe this is our science and no one shall take it away from us it’s coming back and it will absolutely free

1:07:06 mankind in the very very near future and it will destroy the fictions of false

1:07:13 religion absolutely obliterate them it was prophesied Hesiod prophesied it

1:07:18 Hermes prophesied it they all said it all the prophecies know that when this age comes and Saturn returns in Aquarius

Is this our path we are on

Watch the whole Video

See the end or our journey

And Rejoice

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Watch the whole Video

And share it.

Can You see Rockefeller Destroying our history Books

and printing new books

New School Books and church Bibles

and Now We Know Why?

Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Astrology, Rome, Law, Hesiod, Hermes, Egypt, Vegetarianism & Illumination

Combat Engineer 4 God


Robert Gregory Boensch

Christian religion

Before the start of WW1

Our United State Churches Were Used as This Countries

First line of recruitment for Solders to send into War.

Baptize to Die
Baptize to Die:
A Comparative Analysis

Baptism is a sacred ritual in many Christian denominations, symbolizing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, the concept of “baptize to die” is a complex and debated topic among various Christian groups. Here’s a breakdown of the different beliefs and practices surrounding baptism and death:

Anabaptist Churches: Anabaptist denominations, such as the Mennonites and Amish, believe that baptism is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ and is not necessary for salvation. They do not baptize infants and believe that baptism should only be performed on individuals who have made a conscious decision to follow Christ.

Anglicanism: The Anglican Church believes that baptism is a sacrament that washes away original sin and brings new life in Christ. They baptize infants and believe that baptism is essential for salvation.
Brethren: The Brethren denomination believes that baptism is an ordinance that symbolizes the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They baptize adults and believe that baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ.

Calvary Chapel: Calvary Chapel believes that baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith and is not necessary for salvation. They baptize adults and believe that baptism is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons): Mormons believe that baptism is essential for salvation and that it can be performed on behalf of the dead. They believe that baptism is a necessary ordinance for entrance into the Celestial Kingdom.

Eastern Orthodox Church: The Eastern Orthodox Church believes that baptism is a sacrament that washes away original sin and brings new life in Christ. They baptize infants and believe that baptism is essential for salvation.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that baptism is a necessary step for salvation and that it must be performed on behalf of the individual. They do not baptize infants and believe that baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ.

Methodist and Wesleyan Churches: Methodist and Wesleyan denominations believe that baptism is a sacrament that washes away original sin and brings new life in Christ. They baptize infants and believe that baptism is essential for salvation.

Oneness Pentecostals: Oneness Pentecostals believe that baptism is a necessary ordinance for salvation and that it must be performed in the name of Jesus Christ. They baptize adults and believe that baptism is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

Quakers: Quakers do not believe in the practice of baptism and instead focus on the inward experience of salvation.

Roman Catholic Church: The Roman Catholic Church believes that baptism is a sacrament that washes away original sin and brings new life in Christ. They baptize infants and believe that baptism is essential for salvation.

Seventh-day Adventists: Seventh-day Adventists believe that baptism is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ and is not necessary for salvation. They baptize adults and believe that baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ.

United Church of Christ: The United Church of Christ believes that baptism is a sacrament that washes away original sin and brings new life in Christ. They baptize infants and believe that baptism is essential for salvation.

Vineyard Churches: Vineyard Churches believe that baptism is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ and is not necessary for salvation. They baptize adults and believe that baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Christ.

In conclusion, the concept of “baptize to die” is a complex and debated topic among various Christian denominations. While some believe that baptism is essential for salvation, others believe that it is a symbol of one’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Ultimately, the significance of baptism varies across different Christian traditions.

Can you See

Christian system of faith it appears to me as a species of atheism a sort of religious denial of God it professes to believe in a man rather than in God it is a compound made up chiefly of man but with but little diesel and it is near to atheism as Twilight is to darkness it introduces between men it introduces between man and his maker 

Would Godly Men Fight against Each other

Please tell me What They Believe In?


Robert Gregory Boensch


Robert Gregory Boensch

Let The First

Be the Last


Robert G Boensch says: I’ve be operating under cover from the age of 6 or 7 years old
been engaged my whole life in this world wide action against us Remembering Everything.

It’s Bigger than The US Leaders and Military Knows
Just Me and My Friend Up Stairs

The State of Michigan and This country (and World Leaders Business Governments and Churches)

Has been Going against GOD! Big Time Forever
And This Includes The Churches again i say this !!

We Must Look past the religious writings and the Preachers in front of us!!

And go Directly To GOD

Repeat—- (And go Directly To GOD and Talk to Him)

Be one with Him It’s were the truth is

Look at Acts 1 -18 in the bible
With the payment he received for his wickedness,
Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
Everyone in Jerusalem heard about this, so they called that field in their language Akeldama
That is the field of Blood ( the potters Field )

was it full of clay Pits and in the dark Judas fell into one that broken clay pots were dispose in . Did this happened 38 minutes after they left the garden
How did he received the 30 silver pieces

Was Judas the first whistle blower “did he die to warn us from the Romans Plan!

Is the story written in Matthew total Mind Control

(the hold on all of us to be controlled by the Romans) MK ultra Roman style!!

Is the conflicting Stories so that we wage war with each other over our interpretation of what is in these writings.

We as God’s People need to Cherish what we have in common
and respect our differences and seek and live in peace

In 2014
I took a stand and went public to show a little of my life
There’s has only Been one political party in control of this country
until Donald John Trump stepped in.



A Declared Solider For Gods People and all His works on this Planet

Robert Gregory Boensch

Dated 03-08-2021

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

My First post on any Blog

And the Archive Capture was not of my hand


Last edited 3 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch

Jesus?.. 🤣 someone needs to research Ancient History without indoctrinated delusion..


they sure are tryign to destroy everyone mental health so no one can breathe anymore.

too hell with deep state and there lies.

they finish.

they lost power.

they done. fuck there clones lies too.

they killed, murdered, steal people properties, genociding, they have broken very law inexistence.

they have no redemption. no sympathy. no nothing. they have no soul.

they finished.

J Will



May until early June the time is in the now. No date yet. Lockdown in the matrix. You feel the frequency of freedom coming and don’t know how do deal the cards which have been given to you. No lower dimensional frequencies can sustain what is to be revealed. Remember now until early June is the time frame.


Early June is the new time, get ready everyone. Mark your calendars!




sooonx.. .


What’s the frequency Kenneth?


Ok dan rather


I’m was aiming more for an REM vibe


The goalposts keep moving.

J Will



Personally I don’t feel the negative frequency. But it eventually arrives..


Bent Hur

J Will



The deep state is trying to destroy this website.


I’m actually having fun here. I’d like it to continue. I love all my new friends.



were not your toys. we aint slaves.


Give peace a chance


im starting to really hate the deep state. i hope they all die a terribel fate. if something happens. i won’t care.

fuck there feelinsg for all the people who hjave waken up to be killed.

you cant kill people for knowing the truth of what they done;. you cant go on a mass genocide on the human race for your own gains.

you deepstate should be ashame of yourselves for what you have done. tearing relationships, destroying famalies. keep laughing for now. will see who has the last laugh. i hope

now i know why you hate holidays and such.

you deep state agents are evil.


Tell us how you really feel about it!
Don’t hold back.😎


You certainly have the hate “cover to cover… now what are you going to do next?”


They have been doing what I say for a very long time and if you think they will give up this easily ur wrong they have mass genocide us and u don’t even know covidn shit kill 500 million world wide


1 million people die every day irrespective of COVID-19. So, it has been 1557 days ago since the beginning of Covid Lock Downs, February 14, 2020 then you’re accurate in your assessment at 500 million people passed away globally of 7.5B


i hope you die.


its not funny to mass genocide like that.


i have a feeling they mad killed michael. i hate the deep state for what they have done.

the whole wef can rot.

screw you blackhat.

you deep state agents are mean to kill this many people so no one can knwo what you done in secret. you have no sympathy or soul.

so were suppose to be just dogs? thats all you see us as???

stop hiding the truth.


Don’t worry, a clone will be coming. Everything will be back to normal soon.


yoru a sick disturbing invidual to replace everyoen.

thats disturbign as hell.

you aint going to replace me cause i aint your sex slave.

your a gross vile piece of shit.

your evil. fuck your clones.


Step right up for a DNA SWAB. We’ll have you back 100% just from a Q Tip swab of your cheek and gums. You’ll be better than new results may vary upon delivery..,


Dieter, take a deep breath and relax.


I think I accidentally sent him over the edge. I’m glad he doesn’t know where I live.


i hope you suffer a terrible fate for what you done you think this si funny?


Dave Kelly


Surf Nazare

Another goodie—-2nd largest Natural Gas Compressor station in Europe destroyed—-by the way it happens to be in Lviv Ukraine region—-

Surf Nazare

Are you ready for this—-
The US has built an off ramp dock that US ships can unload onto—–they/we are unloading Armored vehicles into the GAZA—-This is factual as I write it——Many question why but you watch long term they will push to put Palestinian refugees onto ships and bring them to the US—-my guess but if Biden can fly in 300,000 illegals then this is nothing—–will be called saving humanity I bet—–and how many will be HAMAS—-need those votes for the election—–But for now will say for food distribution—-


Well, if they unload all that materiel, they’ll have to take on some ballast for the trip back, won’t they?


That happened like a week ago and stories about its construction long before that. Try to keep up.

Surf Nazare

I thought I’d wait for videos and pictures—-If you are so smart one would think they would report something like this because it is so major—-but seems you are too ignorant to see what is important—–if known and reported a week ago why hasn’t it hit the major news outlets—-thought some on this board might want to be enlightened—it is obvious who you work for or at least support—–your stupidity is overloading this site—–amazing this is all you have to do with your life—-
If US is placing itself in the middle of the Israeli war that you take every opportunity to attack—one would think an idiot blow heart like yourself would say something—–I guess when they start shipping HAMAS back to the US you will be all in on that—


It’s been reported by every media outlet in the U.S. and worldwide. Pictures, interviews, descriptions of how and when it will be used, Israeli reaction, worldwide reaction. Don’t come after me just because you live huddled over your computer reading fantasy websites and ignoring the world around you.

Dave Kelly



If Michael Baxter is posting tonight as Michael from the hospital my suggestion is a chain prayer he is alright..

He may not have access to post any other way.

If BAX1 is truly sick – I suggest you stop bickering with each other and come together as a collective community.

I don’t know for certain. But when things get bad ( and they occasionally do ) the heat comes down hard.

I’m not joking around now and I am absolutely not Projecting.

Feeling it from transcendental remote reading. And it ain’t good.

🙏 🫵 BAX1


I 2nd that. We all need to pray for MB to survive this unfortunate situation.


your both mean as hell to insult him cause you cant handle reality so you kill and murdered.


your fate wuill be very fitting for what you have done. you aint in control anymore. your mean as hell and disgrace.


Slap yourself for that.


you have no power over me.


But why did you hit yourself?


why do are you even alive?

your a meanie to hdie thje truth like that. killing people for your own selfish gains.

you think genocide is funny to laugh at?

you think its funny to see innocents like msyelf to suffer?

stop trying to everyone into a sexual nut.

your a bully.

you aint superior.


were not joining your circle.

your a liar.


No sir, i’m not mr baxter. My first name just happens to be michael. I miss these stories as it makes it seem stuff is happening. Kim gugen is also interesting but we’ll see what we see. I just wrote my little piece because it is what we need to see happen. I hope it didn’t offend anyone but our country is broken and CANNOT wait for an election. I think our only saviour is Jesus Christ and ourselves. Remember…..God doesn’t work for us, he works with us. And yes, i just heard i leave hospital today to go home to family.


Michael Baxter posts always have, *AUTHOR* green banner associated.


God does not work *with* us. The Bible makes it clear HE is who fights FOR us.

Moses didn’t fight the Egyptians. GOD fought them, and decimated them.


I never feel bad for being German or European.

Deep state and Israel can go to hell.


Take a chill pill Ruskie


fuck off control freak.


I feel like Jerry Mahoney. I have this 36” tall wooden dummy ( with red lipstick ) sitting on my lap speaking in dialect. Never knowing exactly whether the ventriloquist is speaking or the dummy is speaking from the Twilight Zone?

Knucklehead Smith can you hear me now?


I will try my hand at this since we haven’t had a new update:

Jag officers in an unprecedented move has arrested all members of congress and the senate today. The recent cat fight America witnessed sent a clear message that no one representing these two bodies of government care about the American people or our interests. Those not in attendance ( and there were many) will be rounded up with the help of local law enforcement departments. And in the words of the former bartender who was arrested first ” oh yes little girl” the warrant is as real as those fake eyelashes that caused the skirmish. The American people have had enough. They do not want to wait for an election to root these blackmailed individuals out of office. More arrests will follow when the Israeli mossad agents doing the blackmail are rooted out as well. My anonymous source has said he overheard this info and wanted to get it out to appease the fast approaching limit of Americans getting screwed. Also heard but not confirmed yet was the dissolution of all 3 letter agencies, all NGO’s and all aid to foreign countries. In an unprecedented move after tribunals, sentences will be served next day for breakfast. Thank you!

I hope you all enjoyed this as i enjoyed writing it. I will be out of the hospital tomorrow.


we had and were glad your still around. unlike the deep state trolls.


I am sorry to hear that you’re in the hospital. Get better BAX1


your a bully.


the real michael will never love you. forget it you sicko.


Love will keep us together.


Something is wrong with the counting of the likes and not likes! I just “liked” your comment but it registered as a -1 like!! Haven’t had that happen before 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just had to tell you that I like your comment and I’m also sorry that Mr. Baxter’s in the hospital and hope he is much better and doing good at home very soon. MAGA🇺🇸👏🏻 Trump 2024🙌🏻😍

Orig MainStMama

Agreed; something seems to be amiss with tabulations of Likes👍/Dislikes👎.
Three (3) days without a word is too long; praying for your speedy recovery, Michael Baxter.


I’m privileged to make your acquaintance. Very nice Bonnie. As you’re reading people are checking the like dislike box. So when you hit that button it updates. People don’t like me because I say things they don’t want to hear. I am not a politician. My purpose of being here ORIGINALLY was to learn something. Do you know what I learned here? More people hate than they love. More people worry about stupid shit that doesn’t directly affect the quality of their lives. More people put their lives on Hold waiting for some obscure meaningless thing to occur.

At one point in time Michael Baxter said very kind words to me. I suggested he continue when he actually wanted to jump off a cliff. I suggested he be himself. That’s all anyone can do. What one achieves being one self is determined by WHAT THEY “ALLOW” TO BOTHER THEM? Don’t allow someone else’s thoughts or feelings to bother you. Ignore the noise and continue being a better version of yourself.


Last edited 3 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve

As much as we certainly hope this is a legit post from MB, his tag always has had a green banner associated with it. So, it’s unclear if this is really him. God I hope so.






His handle is Michael Baxter, not Michael.


correct, thsi michael is a bot.

i already sent the real michael an email about this vile behavior.

tryign to manipulate people.


I’m not a bot. I’m a guy named michael and since i haven’t seen any recent updates i wrote one that i and probably many others wish to see happen. No malicious intent was meant.

Orig MainStMama

True. If not well, perhaps it was all he could muster at this time. Time will tell.


I don’t believe that post is from the true MB. This Michael says he will try since we haven’t had a real update. Whoever made that post is not Michael Baxter.

Orig MainStMama

I noticed…


I got out just 10 seconds before the raid. I have inside sources that told me it was coming. Fast as fast can be, you’ll never catch me.




leeave the real michjael alone you pathetic piece of crap.


pure bullshit


Some people believe it. Just play along.


i knew it, your a bot.


Insufficient violence and faggotry. Shortage of cliched dialogue as well. C-

Lisa Cordaro

Can you imagine. the positive blood people not being protected




Now I’m convinced they are loosing.

Canada has finally woken up.
.anti Israel movements, Australia may get saved after all.

With the destruction of wef, cdc, ccp and etc coming.

Peace between animals and humans will finally be restored that the deep state killed.


You going vegetarian?


fuck off faggot.


Another weekend . Nothing happened except proof the Pope is alive . Nesara tomorrow!?!?


Where is the Proof?
You know.. Evidence?


Yes NESERA tomorrow. Go to your bank for details.




What did your bank say.


Friday, May 17, 2024
International Public Notice: Grey Hats and Nails
By Anna Von Reitz
We don’t believe in White Hats. If real White Hats existed and were in control, certain things would be happening that aren’t happening, and other things that are happening, wouldn’t be happening.
Gaza would not be happening. Ukraine would not be happening.
If there were White Hats and they were in control, massive aid and assistance of all kinds would be in Gaza already. The rogue “State of Israel, Inc.” would be minding its own business and not trying to steal oil. The whole situation in Ukraine would be different, too.
All the proxy aid and influx of unwilling conscripts from Africa being sent to Zelensky would be ended. The clean up of all the destruction and recovery assistance for the people of Ukraine would be underway along with open discussions with Russia.
The twenty Colonialist “wars” in Africa wouldn’t exist.
Instead of people passing around lists of famous museums and dams and megaliths slated for destruction as “Satanic” sites, there would be no such planned demonstration of the newest mega weapon from space, and nobody would be calling this new weapons system “the Rods of God”.
God has nothing to do with that technology.
Nobody in their right mind would propose blowing up the Three Gorges Dam or Hoover Dam, either one, without a whole lot of preparatory work to safely drain down the reservoirs and divert the water flow and replace the electricity being generated by these gigantic pieces of infrastructure.
Besides which, how does a dam rate as a religious symbol? A Satanic dam? A Satanic museum? Really?
Places aren’t Satanic. People are Satanic. Real White Hats would know that, but Hollywood scriptwriters and wannabes not so much.
What about all the perfectly innocent and precious artworks in the Louvre and Getty and even the White House?
Looks to us like these yahoos are just planning another Burning of the Library event and conveniently dove-tailing their destruction of history with a worldwide demonstration of the destructive power of their new toy.
And all the artwork will probably find new homes in other museums and private collections, while payment for it will be in the pockets and paws of the White Hats.
There wouldn’t be a focus on making a show of justice and trotting out the guillotines (35,000 of them nationwide, just in this country) and all sorts of more trauma and killing. More than two million civil service employees and bureaucrats — that were hired by the military to do the military’s dirty work — are slated to be sacrificed— largely as scapegoats for the military.
In a world run by White Hats, that would never happen. White Hats would understand that there has been more than enough trauma and killing. Everyone would just concentrate on identifying the culprits who knew what they were doing, and deal with them as criminals. No big fanfare, public hangings, or blood in the streets.
Every country and culture that has ever practiced Satanism has been destroyed and suppressed. The Roman effort to suppress it lasted a thousand years, but here we are again, having to deal with the same old evils.
White Hats wouldn’t be shoving fictionalized Hollywood-style horror movies in front of the public trying to make themselves look good. They would be showing a flat-footed PBS-style documentary explaining how Satanism infiltrated world governments and how Satanic “rituals” are just blackmail parties tatted up with religious overtones.
Plans for old-fashioned open Public Elections for our American Government would be underway, and we would be supported in that effort. Attention wouldn’t be focused on electing another Corporation “President”. It would be focused on electing the actual civilian leader of this country and filling that long-vacant office instead.
We would not be seeing a rash of slander campaigns and fear-mongering campaigns seeking to misidentify and mischaracterize us as “sovereign citizens” and the quote unquote “justice system” would already be entirely revamped with every judge and attorney and court officer being re-educated about the strictly limited nature of their roles with respect to us and our property.
The CRIS system, which is “pension” payola representing a percentage of the “booty” judges share in with every conviction, would be shut down.
Their “discretion” would no longer be distorted by personal profit motivations.
If there were White Hats and they were in control, Robert David Steele wouldn’t be dead. Federal Whistleblowers wouldn’t be left out in the cold, fending for themselves.
Most of all, the whole bogus nature of the U.S. Debt would be honestly discussed, the amount of money and credit, both, that the people of this country and other countries are owed, would be on the table and under discussion.
We would not be seeing Trump and his Corporation members jockeying around trying to find an excuse for occupying our Federal Republic “for” us and continuing on the same old status quo of Brits substituting themselves for Americans and continuing to illegally, unlawfully, and immorally occupy our country or any other country.
We wouldn’t have a “National Security Council” formed of strange people coming from all over the world. Americans would be manning their own “National Security Council”, thank you.
Real White Hats wouldn’t be trying to seize and maintain control apart from the civilian governments.
Nationalism, here and abroad, would be protected and understood, so long as it didn’t propose to ride roughshod over other nations.
All the diversity of our cultures, races, and religions would be tolerated and valued. There would be no impetus toward a consolidated Police State in charge of the entire planet.
Honest education of the public would be a high priority, not plans for another even more Draconian brainwashing system using mass media.
Put simply, there would be no plan or force behind replacing Old Lies with New Lies. There would only be Truth.
Real White Hats would be building a different and better world, not just a rehash of the same old nasty muck served up like last week’s hash.
With a clean slate, and a new understanding, why would we need “royals” at all?
Actual White Hats would understand that it isn’t the people that make Monarchies bad — it’s the institution of Monarchy itself that’s evil and in fact Satanic. “King” has been a Satanic office borrowed from the Satan-worshiping Canaanites ever since the days of Samuel the Prophet. Hello?
Actual White Hats wouldn’t be tearing down buildings or dams; they’d be clearing out evil organizations like Pfizer, Inc. and the U.S. Congress, Inc., and Bayer, Inc., and the British Monarchy and British Crown would both have to go.
Why? Because together with the Roman Catholic Church which mistakenly harbored the Satanists, the British Monarchy and the British Crown have been the sources at the bottom of every war and dog pile for centuries.
Actual White Hats would know that to their bones and wouldn’t be scratching around trying to find and train body doubles to replace Princess Di.
All the lies that these guys are spewing, their currency speculation schemes, their small-minded and selfish view of the world would not be present, if they were real White Hats.
If there were real White Hats, they’d be circumspect.
They would look at the past two centuries and know that a lot of that violent and corrupt history happened on their watch. They’d admit, at least to themselves, that a world run by soldiers is a world at constant war and they’d see that that is all we’ve had and what we have endured for the past 200 years.
And not wanting more of the same for the next 200 years, they’d step down and yield to the authority of the civilian governments.
They all know that they are supposed to be working under actual civilian governments, but they are busily putting up “representatives” of their own corporation franchises to substitute for actual civilian governments.
So all that they ultimately represent is themselves.
The Sanhedrin wasn’t there and Pontius Pilate didn’t drive the nails in. Roman Centurions did that.
In our view, the horribly corrupt excuse for a civilian government was awful, but a military government is potentially worse, and to be fair, we have been under a military occupation and military rule from 1863 to today, so all of this misery has occurred on their watch.
Our evaluation of the situation and our identification of the military as the Deepest Deep State remains unchanged by all the palaver. We see little evidence of the existence of any true White Hats being in control, but instead, a lot of PsyOps and misdirection.
Any honest and just resolution of the situation should begin with a discussion about world finances and who owes who what and why.
Not with any big drama about re-electing Trump as President of a Corporation that is rightfully owned lock-stock-and Rods of God by the grossly betrayed and misrepresented people of this country.


they finally saving the ukraine people? about time.


are their any left?


They might be.

They were getting killed by Russians and the Jews.

Imagine it’s millions left.


The Deep State plan Is Global depopulation.
One of every eight people are dead
1 billion…


8 billion was a lie as well.

American Living in Canada

So we’re on our own… like always.


We the People

Along with free Will comes responsibility to ourselves to abide by our God given criteria: Provide Protect and Procreate

American Living in Canada

So these Tribunals are all bullshit?

Hey buddy.. I’ve been held responsible for all my deeds… good and bad…


No good deed goes unpunished…


no they are not. why would you suddenly start believing the lies of the deep state trolls. why would you start believing a word that Anna person wrote.?

American Living in Canada

Just getting a little edgy…. that’s all.. I’m on the outside looking in…


We have to “fend for ourselves”…


According to whom are we on our own ? Guess if lived in Canada I would be disappointed all of the time. If you are believing that Anna person you should stop. Nothing has happened to MB. There are several valid explanations as to why no new posts. Just because he misses a day or three does not mean anything bad happened to him. Don’t fall for the deep staters bullshit as they are trying to make you lose hope.

American Living in Canada

Just getting a bit edgy….

truth is stubborn

I don’t think anyone can conclusively say, if there were white hats, X would never happen.

The world is crazier than people give it credit for.


It really does not matter. ..
Seriously 🤔?


Nailed that last sentence.


Anna needs to adjust her attitude or stop writing such drivel.


For those who sympathize with King Charles III: Chucky is a hypo-crite.

He claims Princess Catherine, now missing in action since the Christmas holidays and the Easter holidays, is the daughter he never had; he calls her “my beloved daughter-in-law.”
Princess Diana, Kate’s mother-in-law, would have gladly given him another child, possibly a daughter, too, if he hadn’t been such an amoral satanic asshole to her and had her killed in Paris in 1997. 80% of Britons know this!!
She may be dead from the mRNA shot,
she may be comatose from a ‘drug overdose’ since December 28th,
she may be incapacitated from the ‘botched hysterectomy,’
she may have been done in after she found out about the ‘alleged affair between William and Lady Cholmondeley,’ and had a revenge affair with Lady Gabriella Windsor’s husband before he allegedly shot himself,
she may be more seriously ill than was disclosed regarding the severity of her ‘cancer diagnosis…’

If Chucky the Cheater really cared about Kate, why didn’t he order her doctors and staff to protect her and help her get well?If he gave a damn about her, why didn’t he defend her to William and rebuke and discipline his son about manning up and being there for her (not that he’s the right person to tell anybody about getting rid of extramarital lovers, since he is the king of the cheaters himself, but even so…)If he smelled trouble, why didn’t he call in the troops and get the bad guys out of the way?A person’s actions action will speak volumes more than mere words.
Look at Chucky’s actions regarding the meretrix he married:

He’d been sleeping with the married whore after she married Mr. Andrew Parker-Bowles and had kids with him.He cheated on Diana throughout their 16-year marriage.He refused to by the only Prince of Wales without a mistress and declared his sexual relationship with the Rottweiller was non-negotiable.He continued his sexual relationship with the slattern and demanded his mother accept her which she vehemently refused to do (good for Elizabeth!)He illegally married the adulterous bitch in a civil ceremony, despite the fact that by law it is forbidden to royals because their marriages must be performed in the church, and the Church of England will not recognize remarriage of divorced persons against God’s holy law and Scripture.He twisted his mother’s arm and blackmailed her into accepting the old, wrinkled, dried-up slut as his wife and as future queen consort — hence her “in the fullness of time speech”.Acting like the WEF/NWO lackey that he is, it has been said that he fought to get the crown by criminal means (to be discussed later) and have his whore anointed with holy oil and crowned together with him on coronation day.He calls the old whore “my beloved wife” the day after his mother the Queens dies and he accedes to the British throne. Not one word about Diana, the virgin, the first wife and mother of his two sons, William and Harry — without her, he never would have had them.LOK AT HOW ARD HE FOUGHT FOR HIS MARRIED WHORE, but he did practically nothing to defend and protect his daughter-in-law, the mother of his grandchildren and who is reportedly battling the same catastrophic illness he is, and is missing in action with possible marriage and adultery issues to boot.
Any father worthy of the name would have fought tooth and nail to help and defend his kids. HE DID NOT DO THAT FOR CATHERINE.
What does that example show for little George, Charlotte and Louis to see their grandfather do their cherished mother so wrongly?
Think about it.
ht tps://x.com/freedom_007__/status/1791922774820159786

Last edited 3 months ago by Xena

i heard kate the real kate is in a coma.


I suspect she is dead.


There’s quite a bit of speculation written here Xena. I too care about Kate’s health. But there’s really no reliable sources to make all these claims. I don’t really like Meghan Markle much, you and else must understand Harry basically grew up without a mother. The English Elite doesn’t party the way common folks do. I just hope Kate returns in good health and resumes her role as an example.


No sympathy at all for this sociopathic pig.
And why did someone downvote this?

American Living in Canada

Down vote was from a goofball libtard… my best guess.


I re upped it he he he


Rumor is she was killed in a satanic worship ceremony. This crap runs DEEP


Don’t raise your own BP


your a faggot.



Last edited 3 months ago by Xena
American Living in Canada

C’mon White Hats ….let it happen Captain… Mr. Trump as a Patriotic Man(all his Family) stepped up to lend a helping hand.. The least you can do is show the video tapes.. God Bless.. and keep on Truck’in and Roll’in…


You will never see those tapes for now it’s not the time yet Canadian friend


Because they don’t exist


Ok np


ignore balckhat, hes trying to hide the crimes.


Or the bodies? Dude your delusional LARPing is effecting your mental health.


go to hell.


They are trying to undermine everyone with his ridiculous bullshit lies. that is the ONLY reason they are here. If MB’s articles were untrue why would they waste time trying to undermine something that doen’t exist? Dont feed the trolls or believe the trolls. It is a complete waste of time and mental energy. Liars lie, that is who they are and what they do.



s alan

Hey Maga 100 hope this gets thru the
usmilitarynewsdotcom check it


sooonx.. .


If the CIA is that worried. Then politicians are disappearing one by one.

Iran president has disappeared like Obama did.

Which means they pissed somebody off.

Last edited 3 months ago by Talion

Who disappeared? Everyone keeps showing up.


fuck off faggot


The Annunaki disappeared. Have they returned?


I hope they bring more girls.


Can we request the Anunnaki bring more girls with large breasts and small butts? We could ask them for less ketchup too.

Last edited 3 months ago by PoopyPantsPennsylvaniaAve
Jan D Hunsinger



There’s a Hooker’s Convention in Texas and the Girls are all out gorgeous. The story is finished just not published yet.


yoru sick to make jokes like that about someone.


they always post what is uppermost on their minds. these trolls are completely obsessed with all things sexual. they are perverts..what do you expect from pervs ?


eat this, bitch…


Agreed…. Hope your health is ok…


Time for a new clone.


BAX2 is programmed and ready. No belly button, molars or genitalia.


Stop hiding the truth.


What do you think the truth is? Maybe Michael is AI now?


your evil.


That a yes or no?


The truth is: Zager and Evans, “In The Year 2525” song is right around the corner folks.

If man is still alive,
if woman can survive..


The truth is, I was at a prostitutes convention in Palm Springs California many years ago. They were there in large numbers. Working girls, they don’t sit at home worrying about their her man is doing.

Angela James

3 days is too long?


evidently for some here. ridiculous.
