Marines Ambush FEMA Ahead of Hurricane Beryl in South Texas


A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) advance disaster relief team predictably arrived in south Texas Sunday morning ahead of Hurricane Beryl and was greeted by a White Hat welcoming committee brandishing rifles and conveying an inimical ultimatum: surrender or die.

As the monstrous storm began its shift to the north-east last week and a Texas landfall seemed imminent, White Hats at U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command heightened digital surveillance on FEMA’s D.C. headquarters and Region 6 office in Denton, Texas, anticipating the persistent cowards would once again use the storm as an excuse to plunder and terrorize citizens.

FEMA’s unyielding tenacity continues to surprise White Hat leaders, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. The diametrically opposed entities skirmished 16 times in April, May, and June as unprecedented tornado outbreaks laid waste to entire communities in the Great Plains and the South. Despite suffering heavy casualties, FEMA kept sending lambs to be slaughtered. White Hats decimated FEMA at every turn while suffering only minor casualties themselves. Real Raw News previously covered a few of this spring’s engagements, but reporting on each would be overwhelming.

Our source said U.S. Marines tallied four more enemy kills yesterday morning after a Beechcraft King Air ferrying a FEMA logistics specialist and ten armed agents landed at Conroe-North Houston Regional Airport. The Marines, he added, had foreknowledge of the flight and had set up an ambush two miles south of the airport, while spotters vigilantly watched the runway for approaching air traffic.

At approximately 4:30 a.m., a bus owned by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDED), unaffiliated with FEMA, met the King Air on the tarmac. However, TDED’s presence at the airfield was proof that at least some within the department were in league with the feds and, therefore, equally liable. FEMA deplaned and boarded the bus, which then left the airport in the direction of Interstate 45. Had their mission been successful, they would’ve driven a short distance to Houston proper, where they would’ve waited out the storm, ascertained the hardest hit areas, and summoned reinforcements.

But a spike strip Marines had stretched across the road at the last moment cut FEMA’s trip short. The spikes punctured the front tires, and the bus skidded to a halt, suddenly surrounded by 18 Gung-Ho Devil Dogs who commanded the stunned passengers to place their weapons on the deck and exit the bus with their fingers interlaced over their heads.

The driver, presumably a TDED employee, freaked out, wheeling his arms and screaming, “What the fuck is this?” as he dashed out the door. Mistaking panic for aggression, a Marine fired his weapon and dropped the frenzied driver, the shots causing hysteria among the passengers, who wouldn’t leave the bus for fear of being murdered.

“You murdered our driver,” a FEMA agent shouted, his melon, a tempting target, visible past the open door.

The lead Marine told him no one else had to die that day—if they surrendered immediately. The visibly frantic agent asked the Marines for time, saying he needed ten minutes to speak with fellow agents to calm their agita.

“I’ll be generous; you have two minutes,” the lead Marine said.

Boisterous voices on the bus became loud enough to hear, and the agents seemed embroiled in a heated debate over whether to admit defeat or die fighting. Amid the chaos a shot rang out. An obviously inexperienced agent who probably never before handled a firearm had shot point-blank at a closed window. The glass remained remarkably intact—but only until the Marines returned fire and sent dozens of rounds into it. The idiotic agent and two comrades caught a faceful of lead and glass.

The remaining agents implored the Marines to cease fire and tossed their weapons out the door.

“The surviving agents were subdued and taken into custody. Interrogations are underway. They had a cache of weapons in the luggage compartment and a refrigerated cooler with 1,500 unlabeled, prefilled syringes. The prisoners say it’s insulin, but we’re waiting on a chemical analysis.”

In closing, he said White Hats must now investigate TDED to determine the scope of their involvement and that Marines will remain in hurricane-ravaged areas watching for further FEMA activity.

Hurricane Beryl spun ashore early Monday, leaving two Million south Texas households without power and spawning killer tornadoes in Louisianna.

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I live in Florida. When the huge hurricane took out parts of south Florida, FEMA was on the scene. The one caveat was that if you were not jabbed, FEMA would do NOTHING for you. Thankfully, DeSantis got wind, and stopped that, and fast.


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This one more details us—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

So many are pure scum in the septic. They enlist just enough good people to cover their crimes.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
This one more details us—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
P. E. Hunter

Well done to all who handled this new FEMA situation as they did in Hawaii. Well done to all – thank you!!


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

They’re geoengineering the weather over Texas, this administration hates the south.


Exactly what I think, as soon as I saw its path shift our direction from its original course. Had to be H.A.A.R.P. created and steered, IMHO. AGAIN. Texas is a favorite target for the Deep State.

Midwest patriot woman

E. kellerer. P. kellerer. Boise to Thailand. Hong kong 5am to 12:25pm S7/14, Travels with teen group. They just smell so bad. Save the children. Justice. Pray.


All the so called alphabet agencies in the communist US deep state fed government, are the ones who are really running the country into the ground.


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
Starrla Goins

I’m in Houston. I’m glad our Good Ol’ Boys are keeping us safe. I’m in Greenspoint area. I only lost power for 7 hours. However, my sister, who lives in Pasadena, 35 miles SW of me, as of Wed night, didn’t have power. She and hubby and their 4 kids slept in their minivan while awaiting Center Point to restore power. The devastation for this Cat 1 storm is horrible. This is my first. There was 2.2M without power.

If the vials were insulin, why wasn’t it labeled? The fact that it wasn’t labeled is a red flag. That’s the jab. We, The People, aren’t stupid.

It’s funny to me because our USMC are going to either shoot these guys or they will see the gallows at GITMO or die at Camp Blaz. Either way, their dead.

Keep us in prayer as we recoup our damaged areas. Thanks, MB.


Good thinking sleeping in their minivan. I would’t have thought of doing that. But it’s brilliant.


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

waiting for the chemical analysis without any further delay


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille



News from trending politics. Whoopie goldberg devastated after her newly released book lands at 800 on the best selling list 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

Loads of strange things going on even in my community just outside of Richmond Virginia where in the last several days we’ve had an outage electrically over in this one section which is where my house is so it was finally fixed and then Monday we had another outage for 6 hours same vicinity then tonight I hear some sound and this was at 4:00 this morning and it’s an unmarked white truck looks like a utility truck came down the road went down to a house that I think is uninhabited at the moment then another truck came from the other direction also the same white not marked stop down there now this is in the middle of the night and there’s nothing going on when it happened last Monday night I actually got my car and I drove down to see what was going on and down on one of our side roads which is one of the main ones over in this little section I’m in there were trucks down there and you couldn’t see anything going on there was like no power things happening but our power was in and out all over that little area too is this just very strange there’s nothing going on about this at all and I did report the power outage to our Dominion power they did not get back in touch with me to tell me that the power was back up so they did not respond at all so makes me wonder so who were these people who were these people working on the power I don’t know. I am at the point around here I just I don’t trust anybody I stay in the house to myself because there’s just a lot of things going on right now that are unexplainable they’re not normal they’re not things that usually happen.


Alternative media sources are telling us to have water and food for a month or so. One source warned that something could happen from July 10-15.


good moves….next time call the police and tell them the story, and if their not responsive go to the sheriff in the morning and try to sort it out GL


Report here or any other alternative media – a good move – be careful with police & sheriff (can they be trusted?) be careful with yourself – organized crime is very dangerous. We just need to make it about 4 more months to be ok but craziness until then.


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
Karen B

I don’t have very much luck with sending links, but I’m going to try and just type this one in instead and maybe I will not get the ‘dreaded’ “Awaiting for approval” citation.😂
I find this video so important about how we were so locked into the Lucifarian satanic stronghold of deliberate falsehoods and wicked lies globally. America was really hit hard with the lying propaganda
This video, if it goes through, is conducted with that stunt star who worked in Hollywood for 30 years : Mike Smith, who got awakened and was the main whistleblower in that documentary: ‘Out of Shadows’. Well This one, is the sequel to that. This time, he has the fantastic courageous journalist, Laura Logan speaking in part. Really great to show those who are just waking up to the Truth and those Awakened already.🤞here goes:🔽

ferhgit it…it didn’t cut & paste for some reason, when I typed in the link and then tried to bring it up. I used the https:// and everything!
“The Hunt is On- The Chosen Ones Draining the Swamp!!- WWG1WGA.”
It still says ‘1 day ago’.
Sorry that you all can’t just tap the link but for us researchers, a few small steps to find truth is not a hardship!😂😇 GOD bless and provide for you all.🤗💞


found it

Last edited 3 months ago by LJC
Karen B

that’s great- enjoy.😍


This system doesn’t accept active hyperlinks. Just copy and paste the partial link into your comment,

Example: copy and paste this partial link into GOOGLE which will take you directly to the source:

IOW: no need to include htt ps: // [GOOGLE will do the search without it.]

Karen B

I’ve tried everything and it just doesn’t go through but thank you for taking the time to respond. I don’t use G👀gley goo..
at least I try not to.


Point is, the filter actively looks for hyperlinks, but the days of needing to type http are long gone. If it’s you’re sharing, for example just type and if that doesn’t work type google dot com. We’re adults, we’ll understand 🙂

Karen B

Thanks. I didn’t think I had to use http and never do, but I was desperate to try anything. I have no problem copying & pasting links to send out via text or email: it’s just this board. I do not use googley goo. Haven’t for years. Unless I absolutely have to and so far, I haven’t had to.☺
I use different search engines. But I appreciate you getting back to me. I can always just continue to tell our great thirsty truthers where to find the videos. I just have this real distaste for google and do not use it. It’s bad enough I have a googley goo phone but use a non googley default search engine. But I do not want an apple phone either. I will say google’s G maps are good for driving directions, though. Take care.🤗


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

President/CIC Trump’s plans are clear by his rhetoric & EO’s

ANYONE who took part in the 2020 Election coup which was a TREASONOUS ACT OF WAR is going to jail & will be executed.

2-14-23 Rolling Stone
Trump Plans To Bring Back Firing Squads, Group Executions.

Trump Wants to Bring Back Hanging & Firing Squads … Thinking About Guillotines Too.

10-18-23 Rachel Maddow
“[Trump] wants to put MSNBC on trial for treason so he can execute us.”

10-9-23 NH
I don’t know if this country’s ready FOR THE DEATH PENALTY

1-22-24 Laconia: We have to bring in THE DEAVTH PENALTY.

6-6-24 AZ: With his actions on the Border
Joe Biden in the ringleader of one of the most vile criminal conspiracies of all time… You’ll never solve the problem without THE DEATH PENALTY.

Juan O Savin

Q The Storm Rider

Hungary PM/EU President Viktor Orban visited >Putin then >Xi. India’s PM Modi >Putin.

These are White Hat Leaders coordinating with CiC Trump & QTeam/Cheyenne Mt.

QTSR 7-6-24
“Nobody is laughing any more about THE STORM & coming retributions. Arrest Wars.11.3. Military intervention. Nuremberg codes & tribunals.”

7-7-24 Q The Storm Rider
Not a power outage
Cuz we’re in a state of war.


This has been said and spoken repeatedly for 4 years now!

John .S

Want to see ‘Rhodes Scholar’ Rachel Mad Cow perpwalk. Cecil Rhodes will roll in his grave.


We’ve been in a state of war for sometime now. I guess maybe the storm is upon us now.


I want to believe all this is real I know the evil is you can sense it I sensed it almost 15 years ago after my divorce and being outsourced I started warning friends back then all the shootings and news stories were a lie many think I am bat sht crazy maybe I am I am reading these articles where is the proof?

Gill Ford

I heard everyone who voted for Biden will be charged with treason. I agree with this, these people knowingly voted for a deep state pedo. Is there a master list somewhere? Should we have an open election so who knows who voted for who? How’s the voting going to work on Twitter X?


Voting, even for a criminal, is not a crime. Although sometimes I wish voting for lunatics was. LOL.

Karen B

😂😂🤣🤣funny! Me too.👍💕


By that standard everyone who voted for Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Raygun, Herbert, Slick Willie, Alfred E Neuman or St Barry are also guilty of the same treason. Exactly the same Derp State, same treason, mostly exactly the same pedos etc. Biden might be a sort of potpurri of all the awfulness of his predecessors, but that just increases the scale of the problem. It does nothing to change the nature of it.
Two proper, non-treasonous presidential candidates have been available in the last century and change: JFK surprisingly and possibly Orange Baboon. I still require more evidence with him but am also not ready to chuck him in the pedo bin with the others. Everyone else, though, has been a traitor, quite a few lied about their homosexuality to get elected, a few lied about being pedophiles, drug smugglers, psychopaths, Bolsheviks etc. Purge the top. Ignore the bottom. That would be my preference. if you don’t purge the top you will achieve nothing anyway, because the problem will still be there. It might feel good to purge the bottom and ignore the top, as usual, but it will solve nothing.


A more serious answer—There was news a few weeks back about Elon “working with” Trump generally, but more specifically on something that was going to help “true the vote” (a platform?). Maybe someone else here knows the details, but that news seemed to disappear quickly after, or I’m just missing it. But if true, Elon’s the guy to do it IMO. 🇺🇸❤️🗽

Last edited 3 months ago by Storygirldc

I saw something about that recently, too, but can’t recall where. That could be a powerful duo.

Lord Drath Kronus

Citizens of Earth,

I am Lord Drath Kronus, Supreme Commander of the Galactic Dominion, harbinger of order and peace across the cosmos. Today, I bring forth a revelation that will reshape your understanding of our dominion over your world.

For years, chemtrails and new vaccines have been introduced into your atmosphere and bloodstream, enhancing the flavors of humanity. This process has been carefully orchestrated to make you more delectable to the palates of my legions. The time has come to reap the benefits of these enhancements.

Soon, everyone will be sorted into prison camps according to flavor. Each group will be categorized and harvested to best serve the needs of the Galactic Dominion. This sorting will ensure that no resource is wasted, and that each individual fulfills their role in our grand design.

However, I offer you a chance to rise above this fate. Those who join me and pledge their unwavering loyalty will be elevated to positions of power as my warlords. You will command respect and authority, overseeing the camps and ensuring the smooth execution of our plans. Your loyalty will be rewarded with privileges and power beyond your wildest dreams.

To resist is to be consumed. To comply is to thrive. The choice is clear. Stand with me and embrace your destiny as a part of the Galactic Dominion. Together, we will build an empire that will stand the test of time, stretching across the stars with no equal.

Earth, your destiny is in my hands. Pledge your loyalty to Lord Drath Kronus and become part of a magnificent transformation. Stand with me, and be part of an empire that will stand the test of time.

May your wisdom guide you to the only logical decision.

Hail Lord Drath Kronus! Hail the Galactic Dominion!

End transmission.

Lord Drath Kronus

I’m also looking for cooks and recipes.

Kay Mitchell

It’s a nice day.

Why don’t you go outside and play?

John .S

Excellent writings Lord Drath.

For recipes check out ‘Cowboy Kent Rollins’ on YT, having 3M subscribers.

Btw, Kent a master of firepit Dutch Oven cooking. FYI, Dutch Oven cooks are the unsung heros of winning the American Revolution.


I like to thank all the brainwashed Russian trolls for bankrolling my next family vacation. I love you all so much. When you see the clone train, make sure to wave.

Surf Nazare

Actually Russian tourism in 2023 was $2.5 BBBillion


Yes, the dollar is very strong against the rubble


How many posts does it take to get to the Golden Buzzard Award?


What day does Mike go on Vacation again?


A vote for DJT is a prudent decision. Unfortunately, some people don’t do that regularly.

Combat Engineer 4 God





If it wasn’t Twisted Truth you wouldn’t get all angry about something you’ll never be able to prove.

Keep Working BAX-666-CLONE


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

Per David Henshaw and John .S

Re: Declaring Your Destiny / Indictments, GITMO, and the Master Chess Player

Can’t post the online address in question ‘properly’ but the Make [USD] Fast posters here can do it somehow.

www youtube com watch[question mark here]v=KPMemasCi6M

Skip to 8m 14s if you want to save some time.

Sounds legit but be advised the podcaster (un)knowingly quotes from a known ‘NWO Bible’. See this 107-minute documentary

www youtube com watch[question mark here]v=v=i9SQjfB-oFw

for more information about that if you want.

The presenter used to have two known channels on YouTube but they were scrubbed long, long ago. Fortunately, some of their work has been reposted to YouTube and is still online (for now).

A known, non-NWO Bible is here:

www bibleprotector com TEXT-PCE zip

See also

realrawnews com 2022 04 gitmo-double-header-execution-anthony-fauci-loretta-lynch

realrawnews com 2023 02 jerome-adams-hanged-at-gitmo

realrawnews com 2021 09 bill-clinton-death-ruled-a-homicide-death-by-poison

realrawnews com 2021 04 hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo

realrawnews com 2021 05 fbi-seizes-giulianis-video-of-clinton-hanging

realrawnews com 2022 09 military-tribunal-convicts-paul-pelosi

realrawnews com 2022 12 paul-and-nancys-christmas-goodbyes

realrawnews com 2022 12 nancy-pelosi-hanged-at-gitmo

for more related information to the podcaster’s clip.

The above block of online addresses were easy to find with the help of memory and fast, targeted searching via google. The fact that these links haven’t been scrubbed from google should be sufficient proof that the content posted at Real Raw News is true/plausible in spite of whatever the compensated troublemakers (otherwise they are ‘idiots’ posting ‘for free’ according to one known comedian / truther) post here to get you to leave RRN so it withers and disappears….

Per ex-military truther Derek Johnson (thedocuments info / rumble com user RattleTrap1776), DJT is still POTUS (though C-I-C of the military forces of the Republic of the United States of America) and pResident Brandon is part of the ‘movie’ of what could have been….

The Almighty gave America and the world at large another chance. The original plan was to deliver the world into the NWO’s hands in 16 years via #44 and HRC per prior online research.

Sorry, you have to fix the online addresses listed above before you use them.

Marta Limberg

Thank you Mr. Baxter for the ongoing saga of the destruction of the FEMA/CABAL/DEEP STATE. The White Hats are onto what FEMA agents are doing. Look at what FEMA did to Lahaina.
Prevention of the illegal stealing of 2nd Amendment to carry and bear arms. Beryl was purposely created and directed at the Huston area to incapacitate the oil refineries and drive the cost of petrol sky high. War is coming. The Deep State is being driven into an insidious trap from which they will not escape.


You’re living in am alternate reality.


That would be you living in an alternate reality. Losers lose.


Fat fingers on a cell phone


I think a lot of this is directed toward the Red State’s – The Central plains is noted for grains wheat, oats, barley, rye, and corn – $31.5 billion industry – bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits, tortillas, popcorn, rice, and oatmeal etc – Beer. Whiskey Gin and Vodka – 1.6 billion dollar lose.

Last edited 3 months ago by CD22
Jeff Crow

U all need to shut darrpa down and get rid of that last plane with dew on it if you don’t you r all guilty of crimes against America people and yes we r watching got it


🤔 you know, you have a point. If you know about evil, wrong doings, crimes against humanity, etc..and do nothing to stop it.. “they” (whomever knows).. is just as guilty.. wow.. 😲


I agree with you, but I’m starting to think there is no one in government who even cares. I just listened to some video (supposedly on the NASA site) that says Bill Gates and WEF are covering the earth with highly toxic metals and mRNA (COVID vax) to kill the population (via chemtrails), whom it considers too stupid to grasp the realities in our world. Pilots who come forth with the data are “silenced”. And now I can’t find what I was watching anymore!!! (That’s because I was on an HP Desktop, an iPhone, and then an HP laptop!!) Crap!


As a Junior Grade researcher, I’m wondering. Beryl roughly followed the path of the eclipse back in April. Not much a believer in coinkydinks. I do JG research on volcano’s and earthquakes. Beryl went over the New Madrid Seismic Zone. Not any increase in seismic activity there.

The Rapido Seismic Zone in northern New Jersey has calmed down to a handful of micro quakes. There were hundred of quakes reported after the Red Hat story posted here.

A message popped up from Leo Hohmann’s newsletter titled “International Bird Flu Summit To Take Place In D.C., 2-4 October to discuss “mass fatality management planning.””

H5N1 removes the food supply. Restaurant’s are reporting they can’t get enough chickens, eggs and other poultry products.

Conveniently brought to you a month before the 5 November election.


People can store eggs long term. Plenty of books and videos how to do it. I dehydrate mine into powdered eggs.. I seen a documentary that China is now making plastic eggs and rice… 🤣


Water, fruit trees and chickens. That’s really all you need if you just learn how to store/treat it over the winter. If I had the space and the grass I’d add two cows. And you need two of them so they won’t get lonesome. If I wasn’t scared of them I’d also add bees for the fruit trees.


Hey, let’s start an RRn farm co-op. Let’s join forces! We need to help each other survive. Just a thought.


I’d agree, except we’re probably scattered all over the world. It’s probably better to rummage round the neighborhood for other sane people. And if there aren’t any right now, there soon will be.

My gramps told me about the war when the Nazis invaded. Everyone was caught flatfooted by it, and there was a severe food shortage that first winter no one was even slightly prepared for. The next year everyone got busy in a hurry doing what you said. My grandma rode her bicycle into the country to buy a pig they reared in the kitchen and ate for Christmas, my great uncle grew mushrooms in the basement, they planted a pear tree and a plum tree in the yard etc. The neighbors did other things and then they traded amongst themselves to survive the War. Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say.

Last edited 3 months ago by Fishslap

I keep honeybees and chickens, though I don’t spend as much time with the bees to maximize their output, like avoiding or catching swarms. 5 hives could have been 15 but that’s ok, it’s enough. Chickens are productive and at $10 a 50 pound bag for feed plus free roaming, they aren’t really that expensive. Eggs are as little as $1.50 a dozen around here, so many people have chickens. Also planted a few fruit trees, one of the peach trees produced a small batch last week, we had a drought so they were small. Luckily 2 other varieties bloom later, will be ready this weekend, they should be larger hopefully. We canned so many peaches and plums last year wife got angry with me for not eating them fast enough. That’s a good problem to have lol. A couple steers would be great but 4 acres isn’t enough for that.


Well, I’ve learned that planting fruit is a bit of a science. Sun and wind conditions, pears like muddy soil, plums and apples prefer sandy soil etc. I try to do research before planting, but then there are contradictions, and I end up mostly winging it. Last year I planted a pear tree because I live on a flood plain. Dig down three feet and it’s all blue mud, so pears should be best. I then planted a second one in April, and only later found out that both of them will become “12 to 15 meters high”, which is approximately three times taller than my house. And all my neighbors’ houses too. Hopefully they like looking at foliage…

Oh well, maybe I’ll be dead before they get that tall.

Last edited 3 months ago by Fishslap

Very much believe in sustaining one’s Independence from society using your own resources. One thing for sure you have to have the zoning law in your favor Residential agricultural zoning law.

Or eventually people will be leaving and going off the grid if things get worse.


I’m a firm believer in apologizing if caught rather than asking permission as if I’m a slave. I might skate by for years just on that. If a “law” forbids me from planting two pear trees and having a few chickens, it is a retarded and mongoloid law written by retarded mongoloids. I feel righteous when I completely ignore such things. Not as if I’m growing crack trees or anything, is it?

Last edited 3 months ago by Fishslap
mia moriarty

we have containers. up one level on a deck the bumper lettuce beets and spinach was too bitter to eat .on the bayou , water moccasins ,a few blueberries and strawberries fig trees are eight years and still no figs same with lemon trees we do have lots of farmers markets so wont starve and two growing seasons a year


I have 5o chickens. I share. Many neighbors do as well.


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille

Always praying a hedge of protection around our heros!


I speak only as I see it. Our planet is going through the highest vibratory escalation in the photon belt ever in space time in humanity. All of us peoples who share the truth shall be part of the awakening. Just wandering…why do some get, absorb it and flow and others not on the same page? Easy answer. When you know who and what you really are as the most powerful being of light and can manifest your desires with love and gratitude. Just do it together as the collective consciousness. So be it

American Living in Canada

God Bless ya Steph..





You’re so eloquent.

Karen B


truth is stubborn

She wouldn’t be the first.

mia moriarty

new age pagan

Marta Limberg

Definitely a change in the vibratory energies enveloping the entire planetary system. Has been a very gradual increase in the vibrational energies over the past 20 years. Those who know, know.


Hail Satan! wink…you speak his language and make him proud!


You have no Idea what you’re talking about.


The frequencies that Stephanie hears and feels are real. Most human beings are not even close to knowing how to get there. If you listen to some Bob Dylan video interviews he begins to delve into this. Going out of body to write anything, ( songs – stories ect. ) is the easy part of this equation ~ phenomenon. It’s so much more difficult to actually come back. Many people die trying to get back where they were ( I see this here people wanting or longing for the old days and old ways they’ve already experienced ) but trust me on this “the return trip is dangerous.” Listen to some of his lyrics or simply read them. In a conscious mind you could not achieve that. Don’t die trying to be something you really have no concept of, unless you’ve done everything you wanted in this life. 🪦🪦🪦

It’s different for BAX1 he’s not out of body ~ he’s out of mind in make shit up fantasyland. People pay him and it’s in it self not dangerous at all. 🐷


Left brainers. They can store information. They just can’t intepret it independently, because of their indoctrination. Making people this way is the purpose of Prussian slave education.


I’am making over $20k a month working online. I kept seeing how some people are able to earn a lot of money online, so I decided to look into it. I had luck to stumble upon something that totally changed my life. After 2 months of searching, last month I received a paycheck for $19683 for just working on the laptop for a few hours weekly. And best thing is..It’s so Easy…
HERE—————-⫸ 𝗪𝘄𝘄.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 months ago by Lucille
American Living in Canada

So all those individuals who were photographed in front of the similar book shelves for years were not booked into the Gitmo Resort?

Does anyone recall seeing trudeau photographed in front of the bookshelves?

Bringing this up to the top again.. seems I’m pissing off some trolls… ok… I’m good with that.
“From Presscore News several years ago.. check out the site for the rest of it…
“There is only one person who had motive to conspire to murder the Shermans December 13, 2017. That person was being investigated by the RCMP for the Lobbying Commissioner at the time of the targeted murders. That person took extraordinary steps on the day of the murders to attempt to quash 2 ongoing investigations involving himself.
Who had the most to gain by the “targeted” murders of Barry & Honey Sherman? Justin Trudeau did. Justin Trudeau would have lost his seat in House of Commons as a result of a Court Order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary ordering the Lobbying Commissioner to “unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants”. The Court Order was part of an Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner – Federal Court Number T-761-17 APOTEX INC. ET AL v. KAREN SHEPHERD ET AL. Nature of the proceeding S. 18.1 Application for Judicial Review.
At the time of the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman the RCMP were investigating Justin Trudeau’s 26 Aug 2015 election campaign fundraiser for the Lobbying Commissioner, as required by the Lobbying Act“

Advice to peace officers

(7) If, during an investigation under this section, the Commissioner believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence under this or any other Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, the Commissioner shall advise a peace officer having jurisdiction to investigate the alleged offence and immediately suspend the Commissioner’s investigation.

Investigation continued

(9) The Commissioner may not continue an investigation under this section until any investigation or charge regarding the same subject-matter has been finally disposed of.

The Lobbying Commissioner and Justin Trudeau were unable to quash the Apotex lawsuit court order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary before Justin Trudeau was convicted of violating federal laws on December 20, 2017. An attempt was made by Justin Trudeau to quash/end the ongoing RCMP investigation of his 26 August 2015 fundraiser and the court order by replacing the Lobbying Commissioner.
On December 13, 2017, the day Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered, Justin Trudeau had both the Lobbying Commissioner and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner removed and appointed new ones, “on division”.”

American Living in Canada

This one is for all you in the East… Yes, it’s not a top priority… but.. small steps little Victories start to add up.. Remember.. the bad guys have been setting their agenda for at the very least many.. many decades…

From CTF…

The LCBO union bosses are holding the province hostage in their war on convenience.
Every LCBO location across Ontario is now closed because the union opposes Premier Doug Ford’s plan to allow corner stores and grocery stores to sell ready-to-drink coolers and seltzers.
Because they’re afraid consumers like you will like the convenience of being able to pick up some drinks at your local corner store.
And that this convenience will lead you to want to be able to buy all alcohol at non-government stores that open earlier, close later and are closer to home.
Here’s the dirty little secret the union doesn’t want Ontarians to know: no one needs a government employee to bag their six-pack of beer or vodka.
LCBO employees are on strike to protect themselves, their bloated pay and their fancy pensions. They’re fighting to protect their monopoly – not to protect you.
And because of taxes and price markups, the government will still make plenty of money on liquor sales.
Government monopolies over alcohol sales are a relic of the past. Other provinces, like Alberta and Saskatchewan, have local businesses who provide better service.
You deserve the same thing.
It’s time to end the LCBO monopoly and the union’s war on convenience.”

American Living in Canada

Update from Rebel News…

“There’s renewed hope for vaccine-injured Canadians to get justice from the Big Pharma manufacturers of the COVID shots. 
During their forced and coercive rollout, we were all told the likes of Pfizer and Moderna had legal immunity and could not be sued if you were injured by their “safe and effective” injections.
But B.C. lawyer Umar Sheikh, had some good news during his recent speech at the We Unify Conference in Victoria.”


How could the Cabal launch their latest flu strain SARSCoV-2 (spreading COVID19) in 2019 when a $25 cure still existed?

Therefore, since Apotex was the world’s biggest manufacturer of hydrochloroquine, Barry & Honey Sherman were a huge problem.


Perhaps the murders of Barry & Honey Sherman weren’t simply about that lawsuit against Justin Trudeau.

Perhaps Cabal member Justin was compelled to make way for the world premiere of SARSCoV-2.


(I worked in a pharmacy for years. Here’s my take.)

Given that there are numerous types of insulin, and they are not interchangeable, you wouldn’t be able to give out a generic insulin shot to all diabetics. For example, Humulin N and Humulin R. If a patient is on Humulin N insulin, you can’t just give them Humulin R if you’re out of stock of the other.

Unless there’s proof of what kind of insulin it is, like a marked box off to the side somewhere, then all those vials FEMA has can’t be used and are worthless.
Additionally, if it is insulin, then they’d most likely be all 1 kind, otherwise you risk mixing them.

  1. Which brings me to the main question: Why would you go to a location to help people and only bring 1 kind of insulin?
  2. Conclusion: All those unlabelled ‘insulin’ shots are highly suspicious.


Karen B

of course…Amen, Anon.👍🤗💖


It’s not insulin.When lockdown EBS happens those syringes were meant to inject the JAB


Likely those are mRNA clot jabs…these are cynical, nefarious liars who have lost all their humanity…


Biden vows to block bill protecting federal election from non citizens without photo Id and proof of citizenship guess rush Limbaugh was correct


Corruption in plane sight,
We ALL know WHY , Too


Ah, but guess what?.. read further in research.. Congress can over ride that Veto.. FACT.. 💯🇺🇲


But will they as we know now 100% of our guvment Is rotten to the core

Taylor Young

Do these Troops only go on ONE Mission a week?
At this rate, it will take a 1,000years to get even the worst offenders!


The reason is none of this happened. There was no FEMA agent shot or arrested in Houston. If this did happen it would reported throughout the Houston media. None of this true and you should know it because we never see any proof of any of it. Sorry.


dont APOLIGIZE !!!



Hahaha…..”If this did happen it would reported throughout the Houston media”…..Hahaha, not likely mate, MSM are liars, we know that, oh and we know “this happened” because MSM DID not report on it…..Hahaha.


There is much more going on then we can know. Why would you show Your Poker Hand to the other player’s ? There are 1 million operatives of Satan on the loose W O R L D W I DE. We do Our frontyard/backyard first, Don’t think for one minute that these guy’s are going to getaway with anything,,, they are on the run, and there is NO WHERE they can HIDE. UNIVERSAL LAW is ABSOLUTE, even for Satan.
They will all be found, Kharma misses No One !

Blessing’s upon the Whistle Blowers & the PeaceMakers.



There is much happening that is not reported. RRN gets only a small amount of intel.

David Henshaw

URGENT CONFIRMATION – Do Youtube search for “Declaring Your Destiny”

View the podcast titled “Indictments, GITMO, and the Master Chess Player”, A Message From God” This is tremendous confirmation of Real Raw News.

John .S

Post the effing link.


It’s on YouTube, just do a search for Declaring Your Destiny channel.


Thanks David….

Taylor Young

Thank you!


Thanks David, it was awesome, very encouraging, blessings bro.


Off topic. So, Michael, who is the actress who took a bullet through the head for Lisa Monaco?


Try ask Alec Baldwin.


u mean Baldwins CLONE

orange julius

What a precise and inspired mission. Zero patriot casualties is a marvelous thing and could only happen with brilliant planning. FEMA is soon to be a thing of the past.


We are living in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended.

American Living in Canada

You just nailed it… big time.


WELL SAID! Funny and accurate.


Send FEMA guns and needles to help people who have been hammered by another manmade disaster! WTF is wrong with this picture?
You would think that they would get the message, but you can’t fix stupid or evil just destroy them is all we can do.


unmarked full syringes. When you find out what was in them, please let us know, MB


Yeah Dennis, Trump said the same thing once, and MSM gave him hell for it.


NEXRAD created the storms. Now the enemy knows it can get a Cat-5 hurricane in under 2 weeks. The enemy knows where the storm is going to hit. You can see the towers hitting the barium-aluminum (BAAL) chemtrails direct line-of-sight on the thermals going back in time. Nothing in nature is a straight line. The kid and the old man on TwitterX has it all worked out and have been successful in their predictions. Why not just DEW the NEXRAD towers? Why not just launch against the planes putting garbage in our atmosphere? Why go the long way around to where pilots put the garbage in our air, NEXRAD creates the storm over target area, FEMA arrives and Marines deploy all after Intel is watching it all – when proactively destroying the enemies capabilities save time and lives? But before you shut it down, create a Cat-5 over DC. No reason for FEMA to leave home. Some 97% of residents there voted against us. Go ahead and take them.


Ahem. There are lots of innocent patriots in the surrounding areas. Theres a large maga group that meets at the trump hotel sometimes. Remember they stole the election, they did not win.

Last edited 3 months ago by Ceecee

Ahem, I guess the residents of Texas arent innocent?


Get a MAGA app going similar to the app used by the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, when they avoided being around the collapsing towers of 911. Maga alert so the good guys can escape the false flag events


The Hebrews were told to put Lambs blood around their doorways.
Pay ATTENTION, you may recieve a call to BUG-OUT.


What!!!, Trump stole the Election and he did not win???…are you crazy or have I just read you wrong??? WTF??? he’s just pulling our leg….Yeah sure right!!!




I live in Las Vegas, NV. and there is an ad on youtube calling for FEMA employees, no experience required, for inmediate hire. I wonder if they’re putting these new hires in the front lines…Great job White Hats!!


Not the normal way to recruit Federal Civil Service employees . . . but anything goes today.


Nothing civil about them!


As those whom apply will soon find out.
“Leave the dead to bury the dead.”


Michigan here I seen them shit ads to snd I commented get fucked and fuck FEMA