Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Killed in Firearms Mishap While Resisting Arrest Last Month


Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki died from a “firearms mishap” while resisting arrest in Palo Alto, California, last month, JAG sources told Real Raw News. The incident occurred as JAG agents were enforcing a military arrest warrant charging her with willful dissemination of enemy propaganda, treason, and lesser crimes.

JAG’s telling of the event differs from the mainstream narrative, which claims Wojcicki died on August 9, 2024, at the age of 56, after living with non-small-cell lung cancer for two years. Although she may have had cancer, it didn’t claim her life, our source said, instead insisting that Deep State adjacents often disguise the truth, so their sycophantic constituents remain blissfully unaware the military is defying the Biden/Harris regime.

Our source said JAG authored a sealed indictment against Wojcicki in late-2022 after she had used her authority at YouTube to promote pro-vaccine and pro-COVID-19 content while shadow banning, and in some cases terminating, channels that questioned vaccine safety and efficacy. Wojcicki had curated content based on the Biden regime’s orders. Her totalitarianism, though, began immediately after she took control of YouTube in 2014; she systematically squelched voices espousing conservative values, but amplified progressive principles, such as the LGBQT+ agenda. While Wojcicki had a husband and children—one of whom died of a drug overdose in February 2024—White Hats say she was a self-loathing closeted Lesbian whose family was for optics.

JAG also alleges that Wojcicki was deeply involved in her sister Anne’s business, 23AndMe, an American personal genomics and biotechnology company best known for generating reports on customers’ ancestry and genetic predispositions to health-related topics. Purportedly, Wojcicki had unrestricted access to customers’ genetic samples, typically saliva, which she unconstitutionally gave to the FBI so they could store them in the Federal DNA Database Unit.

“She was the worst type of criminal, but we have so many sealed indictments, and the list grows every day, it takes a long time to work through them. In August we unsealed Wojcicki’s, and I can tell you this, for someone who allegedly had cancer, she seemed in good health when investigators picked up her tail in Palo Alto, California,” our source said.

On August 7, JAG investigators spotted Wojcicki in Palo Alto, where she was scheduled to attend an anti-discrimination conference. She never made the conference because the investigators decided to confront her shortly after her chartered flight landed at Palo Alto Airport that afternoon.

JAG, our source said, had obtained Wojcicki’s itinerary, including the shuttle service she had hired to carry her from the airport to a nearby hotel. The investigators intercepted the limo before it reached the airport and sedated and removed the chauffeur, depositing his unconscious body in a drainage ditch and replacing him with one of their own.

Wojcicki stood impatiently at the entrance when the limousine arrived ten minutes late. She excoriated the driver’s tardiness, saying she could get him fired by merely snapping her fingers or making a single phone call. She accused him of malingering as he placed her luggage, a single overnight bag, in the rear and insisted he hasten the journey because she had to shower before a dinner engagement.

Once inside the vehicle, he raised the glass partition and gestured for her to lift a handset affixed to the seat. It allowed communication between passengers and driver.

“I have bad news,” the driver said. “We’ll be a bit late getting to the hotel.”

“Why are you so slow?” Wojcicki moaned. “I’ll be talking to your boss soon enough.”

“No time like the present,” the driver said.

“You’ll never work anywhere, ever again,” she said, reaching for a phone in her handbag.

She discovered her cell was inoperative.

“We’re scrambling the signal,” the driver said. “You do have an appointment tonight, but it’s not for dinner.”

She demanded an explanation.

“The explanation is simple: You’re under arrest,” the driver said.

Wojcicki palmed a small caliber pistol she had drawn from her handbag and aimed the muzzle at the back of the driver’s head.

“Clever. But inadvisable. The glass is shatterproof, and if you peek out the rear window, see that van tailing us, we’ll there are five more of us in there,” the driver cautioned her.

Wojcicki took her chances. The glass stopped the first bullet, but the second one splintered it.

The driver jammed the brakes and jerked the wheel, the sudden jolt tossing Wojcicki about like a rag doll and causing her to accidentally discharge her weapon. Unfortunately for her, the barrel was pointing at her head when the gun went off.

“She didn’t survive,” our source said. “Sure had a lot of energy for someone supposedly terminally ill with cancer. We didn’t expect she’d be armed; intelligence said she didn’t carry. And it was a chartered flight, so she could’ve somehow had an unchecked firearm. She would’ve received a fair tribunal, but she picked her path.”

In closing, he said White Hats have her corpse on ice.

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Last edited 13 days ago by mistracy39
Robert Gregory Boensch


Self execution. Oh ,thank very much Susan Wojcicki , the best thing you have ever done.

Bonkie 1

I never trusted those dna tests. I knew they shared that information with the government


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 21 days ago by escole17
Sandy Koufax

The driver should have kept his mouth shut and just drove to the detention center. The original Driver should have been detained, instead of sedated and left in a drainage ditch. I doubt this event occurred.


I guns for thee just for me. Good riddance, saved time and money.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 21 days ago by escole17
Marta Limberg

An intentional suicide! Must have been off a bit in the head when “she” decided to start shooting at the driver. Oh well, another one bites the dust. All Deep State minions will learn sooner or later justice will be served.

Pray for the people of North Carolina after a Deep State HAARP created hurricane stayed over the state for over 8 hours causing massive destruction in the area.




What happened to the article about Trump meeting Zelensky’s body double?


MB said at X he believed there’s a Deep State attempt to take down the site, they’ve restored the site from a 24-hour backup & he’d have to repost the previous article (zelensky’s..). “Unfortunately, all user comments added to that article were lost.”

Last edited 21 days ago by Yang888

Thank God he has a backup!


It’s back with all the comments deleted


Finally! I’ve had them deleted, as well. Don’t whine big guy.🌹


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 21 days ago by escole17

Did “Trump Meets Zelenskyy Body Double” get deleted?

Midwest patriot woman

The longshoreman strike which will shut down 36 ports starts tomorrow. Wednesday is Elul 29 on the Hebrew calendar and all stock market crashes take place then (see Mystery of the Shemitah Unlocked Jonathan Cahn Rumble) and Trump keeps posting ´all hell is about to break loose.´
What could go wrong in October??? Please refresh all your emergency preps. How’s the car battery, lightbulbs, socks, undies, tool kit, laundry soap, sewing basket, meds and first aide kit??? It all comes from china. Restock. Pray and hang on!


You know for a fact nothing is happening.


why was it deleted if is it just “irony”……..?


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 24 days ago by escole17

So the lockdowns are starting October 1st. The ports will close. The US will shut down. What about the bank runs. Gas prices will rise to over 10$ a gallon. Some people have stocked with silver coins beans and rice to sustain the body. Could this be what we have all been waiting for? EBS. NESARA GESARA? I pray it stops soon because I am still forced to wear a mask at work. And it’s not fun.

American Living in Canada

Talk to a Labour Lawyer Steph about the masks… it’s not a Law… Check with VCC.. Maybe they have affiliates in the States?

I’m not a passive type of Person… to give advise.


What the ??? Mask ?? Why

P. E. Hunter

She cannot do more harm to people. Just desserts.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 24 days ago by escole17

RRN feeds their readers Doggy Kibble.

Your mind has been poisoned.

Your life has been severely degraded.

Keep digging your hole.

The shovel will never disappoint you.

Mush Brain 🧠 Congregation.


I know, I feel so ashamed.


you should…

Mark David

It must be a rough time for you, trying to shit in your pants while your head is still stuck up your rectal anal orifice.


No it was shitting blood that was the issue. Ulcers can be deadly.


Poopy why are you here? Go hang out in some bathroom


Wonder if she was tested for the jab?


Roger_Deswans “no one dies of cancer these days” , he forgets except those who took the Covid genocidal kill shot, they get turbo cancers.


But….but did somebody go back for the poor shuttle driver in the ditch?


Good riddance to woke treasonous trash.

Julian Metter

Here is a story that will surely be of interest to everyone here. I consider these guys very believable. It explains why Trump has been talking about attacking countries that engage in acts of terrorism like shooting down planes.

https : //

American Living in Canada

Some Interesting Articles over at Presscore News… Blast from the past sort of thing..

“The Germany instigated war in Ukraine is the renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression. The stark reality is Germany is waging WWIII with the traitorous assistance of Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland. Germany is waging WWIII using NATO and countries that defeated it in 2 World Wars.
Chrystia Freeland is a double agent and a traitorMPs who serve a foreign state or its proxies are double agents. A double agent is a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another. Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) provides compelling evidence that Chrystia Freeland is a double agent. World Economic Forum boldly states that Chrystia Freeland serves Germany through it’s proxy the WEF:

The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), join its Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is the highest-level governance body of the World Economic Forum.

Chrystia Freeland is a double agent was made perfectly clear in April 2019 when she joined a Germany initiated and lead alliance to save the international world order, the UN, from destruction. The alliance serves Germany’s strategic interests.

“This, in a nutshell, is the mission of the Alliance for Multilateralism, which German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas first started promoting in summer 2018. The Alliance is not intended to be a new institution; it aims to support and strengthen existing organizations, in particular the United Nations” the …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Chrystia Freeland was officially and publicly outed as a double agent for Gemany in 2018 when Heiko Maas opened Germany’s Ambassadors Conference at the Federal Foreign Office together with Chrystia Freeland. Maas introduced Chrystia Freeland by stating:

We Germans in particular could have no interest in a jungle growing back in the world order

Heiko Maas introducing Chrystia Freeland as “We Germans” informed the conference attendees (and the World) that Chrystia Freeland was/is a German collaborator, a double agent.
Chrystia Freeland poses a serious threat to the security of Canada. She is using her office to further Germany’s strategic interests. She is stealing $billions to fund Germany’s WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. Canada’s intelligence community knows she is a threat to the security of Canada. NSICOP launched an investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department. The investigation examined “the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada”.

OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.

The Committee’s first review will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (GAC). GAC collects information on security issues, liaises with allied intelligence organizations and supports the work of the security and intelligence community through its missions abroad. As with the Committee’s previous reports of DND/CAF in 2018 and the CBSA in 2019, this review is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about GAC’s national security and intelligence activities. While GAC is a core member of the national security and intelligence community, its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent review and are not well known by the public or Parliament.

The …………. represent the links.. see for yourself

American Living in Canada

Eh .. trudeau lovers… admit it… you were duped big time… did you vote for his name? Or his hair? Or are you against the “We The People” of Canada?

Mark David

How foolish of you, thinking that your vote really counts. It doesn’t. Elections are there t0 Pacify the voters. The winners were already selected before the election took place.

American Living in Canada

I wasn’t finished… had to take care of other stuff.

American Living in Canada

What about black face trudeau? What about the Groper trudeau? What about the NDA with his former Employment as a Drama Teacher with a Student? What about how the fack did this dickhead ever became the PM of Canada?

Nevermind if he was a attendee at eppy’s island… Geezus.. oh ya.. the domion voting organizers? Was that ever checked out?

American Living in Canada

Didn’t Freeland leave in tears in a meeting with some Department of the US? I think so.. she was frazzled and upset largely.

Surf Nazare

I have been warning to watch Turkey—they will be a big player in Israel war—-
Erdogan just gave his speech at/to the UN and is calling for UN forces to unite against Israel–

Remember Turkey is big time player in the Ezekiel prophecy about the war with Israel—–they are all lining up and are actually there now—-

Surf Nazare

One of the funniest statements I have heard in a long time and by Elon Musk—
Mark Cuban is proof morons can become billionaires—

Eggy’s Mother

She got what she deserved. Unfortunately for her, she is probably roasting in Hell right now

S alan

There have been unreported firefights, covert strikes, and “accidents” that were anything but. Key figures in the financial world have been taken out—some by mysterious illnesses, some by sudden “heart attacks,” and others by convenient car crashes. These are not coincidences. These are calculated removals. The military is cleaning house, and they’re not leaving any loose ends.
· New Tech: The Quantum Financial System and Beyond: The real game-changer here is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and if you think the elites are scared of the RV, you haven’t seen anything yet. The QFS is an impenetrable, military-grade system that’s going to completely replace the outdated and corrupt central banking model. Forget about inflation, interest rates, or manipulated stock markets—the QFS will make all of that obsolete.
· Here’s the kicker: the QFS isn’t just a financial system. It’s part of a broader plan to take full control of global communication, energy grids, and data. The military, working with top-secret intelligence agencies, has developed this system to prevent any future manipulation by global elites.

Heather Duncan

we are glad she is dead.


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Last edited 24 days ago by escole17
Rebecca tracy

Well I think from now on before the next Barney 5 starts their BIG TALK telling them what’s really going on), they SHOULD EXPECT all these criminals WOULD BE ARMED & DANGEROUS. Good riddance to that Utube CEO, but that driver is lucky dude not to have bullet in the back of his head. Let’s not get too cocky 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Popping rounds inside a of closed up vehicle is super stupid. Doing it twice means she was already mostly dead. All her ambition and accomplishments wasted because she did not read the safety instructions.


You nailed it 😁


saved some good rope for the next criminal


AND, another one down!!!


I love it! QUICK TRIAL and saving JAG some time, to move on to the next bastard! Karma’s a bitch! LMAO


It’s most certainly enjoyable to read. It’ll be best if they have vids, for those who want to view the death of the ‘human’ skinned demons. There had to have been a camera in the vehicle when they carted her inside.

I hope Michael knows.


A fair tribunal?

We know the result would have been the same.

Luckily, she took care of it for us.

We should thank these people when they do us a favor and save time.


Who is running U Tube now? I’ve noticed a change for the better for about a month. They are letting more articles through which were formerly sensored. Perhaps Elon Musk will buy U Tube and fire all the fascists. That will be good! Please ditch Wikipedia, as they are pure propaganda for big pharma!


Really? Guess you’ve missed all those shitty lying ads against DJT?They’re just comical in nature and I know at least one is an actor that I’ve seen on TV.She must still have people doing the same crap.


Lots of bad ads but we can get what We’re looking for now as well.


LETS HOPE !!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🥺🙄


If some righteous billionaire buys Wikipedia, maybe the same good can come of it like Twitter had under Elon Musk.

Reality Advised

I read see eye aye runs that site

Last edited 24 days ago by Reality Advised

I’ve noticed it also. I can actually go back to YouTube for heavyduty prophecy/warfare/ biblical and Revelatory messaging.


for a l;ong time Wikipedia also was rather one-sided in such things as the climate and pretty much anything scientific where someone had a dissenting opinions. Had a friend that tried to add in a legitimate entry about facts related to the “climate problem”, all very factual and not simply angry opinions, but it was immediately removed. And that was around, of I’d say close to 20 years ago.


I’ve been wanting the Youtube tyrants to go down for years. Loathed the people who run it. Shadow banning, censoring, their biased algorithems, etc. I hope it changes now.


One less tribunal To do.


Check her if she had the vaccine shot. My money is she did not take the shot.


I hope RRN follows up on this.

Bev Kungl

LOL Karma is a bitch.


kamela is a man bitch !!!!!


Yes indeed. Born a boy in Benghazi. Just like Renegade…..born in Kenya. No qualifications to become President…for either men.


Everyone of these social media platforms were compromised & controlled by media elites. Susan Wojcicki – YouTube, Jack Dorsey – Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook, Sundar Pichai – Google, Pavel and Nikolai Durov – Telegram.

Each & everyone of these Platforms control the narrative. They sold out to Media Conglomerance – Biden regime, FBI, CIA, WHO all health organizations – NIH, CDC BIG PHARMA – Pfizer, MODERNA J&J, ASTRAZENECA – they were pay off millions of dollars.

Last edited 24 days ago by CD22

Telegram guy is in a French prison I heard.

Rebecca tracy

Good. Hope so!


Did anyone hear? Wondering why cuban wanted to buy X? To flip it back and control the narrative?




I still can’t speak my mind even one tenth of the degree I can here on X, Fakebook and others. HATE SPEECH WILL NOT BE TOLERATED (clicks boot heels and turns sharply away).

John .S

Appearance of DEI house cleaning.

American Living in Canada

Shit.. thanks.. things seem to be steamrolling.

S alan

House cleaning big time. Even the richest aristocrats hiding in their million dollar underground bunkers are being extracted by the military and sent to GITMO.


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Last edited 24 days ago by escole17
Karen B

It never looked like a woman to me; neither did her sister. But that’s me. It seems to me a lot of these deep staters are actually transgender and so calling them gay, is really them loving the opposite sex. Only Satanists find a way to double twist GOD’S creation plan. 😡
I love good RRN before the weekend. I imagine she went through a scary time before she shot herself. I also think at this stage of the number of arrests of the global elites, they are aware now they are being hunted and will be protecting themselves. It is spiritually interesting that her wickedness took out her evil self.
We are living and witnessing amazing things.
Thank you, Military investigators, for delivering once again.😊💓
GOD’S blessings of good health to you, Michael B.💚, and thanks for writing this Final report on Susan.👍💕


It is spiritually interesting that her wickedness took out her evil self.”
Really I think it comes down to muscle memory and guns. A panicked civilian is liable to loosen a few rounds in an absolute panic, no idea where they’re going. We didn’t get that training in phys-ed I guess.

Karen B

I was referring to the words “wickedness” and “evil”. To me, anyhow, they originate from the spiritual place within a person; and from that place, interestingly, she took herself out.
🤗💓 thanks for your comment.

Protein 101



Another call for genocide.



KILL YER MOTHER !!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 24 days ago by MAGA100

Play stupid games,win stupid prizes……🤣🤣🤣
I need more popcorn!


i sendith thou *pee*

for yer popcoRn

or wud u prefer

sweet *cream* sauce


What are they planning on doing with her corpse?


They’re gonna make smashburgers at the Gitmo mess hall with it of course


Put it on ice, as the article says.

Bev Kungl

From what I have read they keep all of them on ice. Perhaps they are saving them to prove to the world they are dead.


Barn fire party when it’s all done and over with, group discount deal cremation. Save tax-payers the headache.


Dog food.

Reality Advised

We all 😍 ♥ ♥ 🐶 🐶 DOGGIES. Don’t them toxic bilge

Rebecca tracy

Who would want to feed their dog with all the evil on ice?


I would


yer moms pussy food


Just leaving her dead body on Ice & then showing it during the 10 Days of Darkness on all TVs on earth by way of The (EBS) Emergency Broadcast System.


Hopefully there was a camera on the shuttle. They can post it on You Tube!!


Yes yes 😂😅


Will be posted just after hell freezes over.


im getting an erection





Accurate, actionable intelligence…no casualties…successful mission.

Good cost savings…unneeded trib/exe.

Carry on.


Hi Mike, it’s like nothing happened.


If nothing had happened, you wouldn’t be here…


If your mom used a condom, you wouldn’t be here.