A Red Hat’s Story


Real Raw News this week had its first opportunity to speak with a Red Hat, a former U.S. Army Sergeant who had served and fought in Iraq (2 years) and Afghanistan (also 2 years), where he engaged and killed enemies he had thought threatened American interests. Since he’s requested anonymity, we’ll refer to him as “Jim.”

Jim received a few awards and medals for selfless heroism in the face of battle—decorations that now lay undisplayed in a dusty bedroom drawer. Until a few years ago, they had been displayed in custom frames on a living room wall, symbolizing his valorous pride for dutifully serving his country. In late 2019, he experienced a radical catharsis; Joseph Biden and his handlers had stolen the 2020 presidential election, and the former soldier understood he had served the wrong masters and fought in the wrong wars. The true enemy, he realized, was not in Baghdad or Moscow or Beijing, but rather in the concrete jungle of Washington D.C.

His military accolades and awards suddenly became meaningless trinkets and trivial relics, remembrances of what he now calls questionable wars he never should have fought in. Instead of braving sandstorms and slaughtering Jihadis, he should have been beheading politicians who enriched themselves with the spoils of war—lucrative kickbacks from defense contractors—while impoverishing the country.  He says he ought to have been fighting “the enemy within,” a term President Trump uses in describing the Deep State.

After January 6, as the Deep State began arresting innocent patriots who peacefully visited the Capitol that fateful day, Jim inoculated himself against the dread by shunning TV news broadcasts and purging his social media feeds. Watching them, he said, boiled his blood. Still, Jim kept in touch with old Army Buddies whose hatred of the federal government mimicked his own. Jim said he had to ask his friends to limit political discourse, which caused him severe migraines and elevated blood pressure.

In February 2022, as the criminal regime started bankrolling Ukraine and bankrupting the US, Jim’s silence transitioned into a boisterous and animated advocation for jailing treasonous Deep Staters. He had reopened his social media accounts and prolifically posted about his feelings toward a feckless, malevolent government. Jim told us his bubble had burst; he could no longer linger in silence in the shadows.

Sometime in late 2023, Jim was contacted by a former soldier with whom he had served in Iraq, who told him about a growing movement to forcibly topple the Biden cabal. “From what I’ve read, that’s been happening for a while now,” Jim replied, alluding to the White Hats. But his friend, Jim recounted, said, “No, this is different.”

Jim had trepidations about joining an armed movement. He had a civilian job, and has a wife, two children, and a mortgage. Besides, he wasn’t in the best physical shape and hadn’t picked up a weapon in years, and he feared, rightfully, that if the feds learned his identity, they’d target not only him but also his family. His friend claimed the movement consisted of several thousand men—active-duty and retired military, local and state law enforcement, and members of citizen militias—and that its leader diligently protected their identities as best he could. He also told Jim the movement would financially compensate him and his family for lost wages—and provide for the family if he fell in battle.

“I was initially hesitant because I’m not a mercenary and don’t want that to be my epithet,” Jim told Real Raw News. But the more I talked to [name redacted], the more he convinced me this wasn’t soldier-of-fortune work. It was men who value the Constitution more than a person—or people—the useless powers who’re edging this country closer to globalism. He convinced me the will to act is more important than the number of pushups I can do.”

The call to arms reawakened his patriotism, but his wife reproved the notion of her aging husband marching off to fight in some quasi-war against wicked and powerful foes.

“She hates what Biden’s done to this country as much as I do, but she took some convincing. I told her I wasn’t doing this for myself, or even for her. I’m doing it for our children and their future generations down the line. If it isn’t stopped here, it may never be,” Jim said.

A month later, Jim was summoned to a clandestine meeting at a warehouse in East Texas. There he met nine “recruits” just like him—civilians who’d had prior military service and were now seeking a life of significance. They varied in age, Jim guessed, from their early 20s to his age, and their eyes were filled with determination. Also present was Jim’s friend, identified to RRN as a former Army captain, who chaired the gathering and told the men that each of them had been extensively vetted ahead of receiving an invitation. They were ordered to never publicly share what was discussed, so Jim’s depiction of the meeting was nebulous. His sparse description shows that Red Hats operate in cells, with each leader reporting directly to Col. Kurtz.

“We made a commitment, and, yes, we were told our lives could be placed in jeopardy. We were told that this was all voluntary and that we could bow out anytime. Basically, we got told we’d get a text or a call when they needed us,” Jim said.

Jim resumed his everyday life, work, wife, etc. He would sometimes stare at his burner phone for hours, as if willing it to ring, but after days, weeks, and months had elapsed without him getting a single text, he began to wonder if they’d forgotten about him. In his spare time, Jim honed his marksmanship at a local range; he had bought new rifles and handguns, spacing out the purchases to avoid becoming a noticeable blip on the ATF’s radar. They were his practice weapons. He’d been told that if summoned to action, he’d be issued gear commensurate with his assigned task.

By the time his phone rang, four months later, Jim had considered abandoning the cause in favor of living an ordinary life. His wife still gave him grief, saying she didn’t want to be widowed because of her husband’s insalubrious activities. Jim had to repeatedly remind her that inaction allowed the Deep State to flourish, to metastasize, and to spread like cancer.

The phone call, Jim told RRN, was succinct; he was again instructed to attend a covert meeting, this time at a farmhouse on a 10-acre spread of land in West Texas, where he and 11 others were given a dossier on a State Department official who had allegedly embezzled millions of taxpayer dollars and was, in fact, a prolific pedophile. The file, Jim said, was substantive and compelling, and among its pages were photographs he wished he hadn’t seen.

The men’s orders were unambiguous—terminate the subject with extreme prejudice.

Jim said they completed the “objective” three days later, but he wouldn’t name the target or say how they eliminated him.

“I wasn’t the one who took care of him,” Jim said. “I was just a lookout. I still have no remorse, no regrets, seeing what he’d done. Men like him don’t deserve trials, tribunals, whatever. There’s this line in a Star Wars movie where Mace Windu says the emperor is too dangerous to be left alive. I believe there are men out there too dangerous to be left alive, and he was one of them.”

Jim tells us he has participated in five more operations since then, but hasn’t received clearance to discuss them.

“I’m in this fight till the end, win or lose,” he said.

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The only good red is dead.

> dead red > red dead !


Michael, your stories are so intriguing, they read like a spy novel! I want to know, where is Part 2 to this story? It ended too quickly!
Thank you Jim, and all the Union for fighting this evil! You men are the closet thing to the Founding Father’s! You are risking everything for our freedom! Your names will go down in History!
And yes Jim, if you didn’t take action this evil would of metastasized and destroyed our country!
God Bless each and everyone of you for saving Our Great Country, The Constitution, and Future Generations!
You are Warriors of God!

Lady Hermann

His “wife” does not understand the mentality of a patriot, a warrior and one who fights for justice.


One story of the Red Hats taking out a FEMA Agent. Then this story of the Red Hats side of the story, Very Nice.
I hope these guys are getting ready for the chaos that will happen when and if Trumps wins the corrupt election.
The few people I know are about as ready as North Carolina was when the state was crushed by the flooding.

The truth has only been released to people having the time to search the internet and sift through hundreds of pages of garbage to get a small little tidbit of Truth.

I know the people around me have enough water to last them about 24 hours if the water stops for whatever reason.
People don’t store water normally.
I still have my military supplies so water will suck but I could drink from a puddle or stream with the military type stuff I still have in storage. A few emergency water straws can help a family for a few days to weeks in a pinch.

Be ready people, election is close and they are going to go ballistic if Trump pulls of a landslide they can’t hide from the media.


fuck your happiness.

you dont deserve it or european holidays or entertainment.


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Last edited 27 minutes ago by mistracy39

you all would love to torture me and gag me millions of time.


you all dont care about other countries dying to chinese awhile you all a e being selfish an acting heroes.

fake heroes you all are.

be happy awhile they gag me millions of times.


the world will be a better place with nno whites existing.

our entertainment is evil now.

dollar is gone, euros are gone.

no more freedoms.c hina shall rule the world.

Above Reproach

Off Topic: Seriously What the Fuck is with these 🐐🕳️’s running for office who Continue to use completely Ass Nine statements like,
( Radical Conservative’s ) Why don’t they just look up the word Conservative ? It’s like calling Mother Teresa a devil worshipper. conservative people don’t push anything onto anyone, we conservatives
choose to protect our Rights and the rights of others who are to Stupid to
understand when they’re rights are being stolen. We don’t give a flying 💩if you want to kill your baby. What we do care about is having to pay Taxes to fund your decisions when it comes to your sexual depravity. Having a abortion is now under the control of your state NOT THE FEDERAL Gov.
Get it through your thick F- Ing Solid Mass of Crap between your ears. You’re pregnancy doesn’t mean 💩 to anyone other that yourself. Unless Anyone other than you has to pay for it. Conservative’s have no God given right to cough up cash because you won’t be carful enough to not get pregnant.


Well stated. It is not the nature of conservatives to be radical.

But then the left inverts all that is good, for their Marxist/Communist agenda.

Strike 17

Defender of the Republic @realdefender45

Sooo has anyone noticed that Cuba is going on day 6 of no power to 10 million+ people? Reporting shows that amid growing desperation, Cubans are now trying to migrate into the US.


enjoy being rich americans awhile everyone else suffers.


Inappropriate. You influence no one.

James K.

The MSM continues to spew lies about the happenings in the USA and the world. HAARP DOES manipulate the weather and is squelched by the MSM making those who know of its use look like fools. I could go on and on of the lies about the casualties in FL, NC and TN and how the numbers have been manipulated. Let’s say a conservative number in the thousands dead and hundreds remain missing for starters. The distractions continue to mount (see here and not there). I’m proud that the ‘Union’ was created to accelerate the demise of the evil. Thank God for the white and red hat military for doing this necessary deed. Stay frosty and your heads on a swivel.

Strike 17

With less than 2 weeks remaining, President Trump is surging on the campaign trail.



Last edited 20 minutes ago by Ethel

most excellent and thx to our heroic patriots involved


fuck your heroes.


‘“She hates what Biden’s done to this country as much as I do, but she took some convincing. I told her I wasn’t doing this for myself, or even for her. I’m doing it for our children and their future generations down the line. If it isn’t stopped here, it may never be,” Jim said.’
He is fighting the deep state and fighting for America and her future generations. We as patriots don’t even have to pick up a weapon or do hand to hand combat unless absolutely necessary. If we can, if we have the opportunity, if called to do so, we do. But we as prayer warriors who possess power and authority as believer in Jesus Christ from Nazareth, can also do our parts by waging warfare in the spiritual realms according to Ephesians 6, and fighting for President Trump to win this election, and not ever give in or give up to the adversary — aka Satan and his archagents of hell. For everyone who has been hurt or sickened or injured or otherwise incapacitated, we can all pray for each other’s recovery, healing and to receive eradication of unbelief for the same according to God’s love and mercy for us. Every man, woman and child can do this. There is no age limit or prohibition on sex, race, nationality, disability, social status or language whatsoever. Pray Psalm 91, Psalm 35, Isaiah 43:1-7, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 121, Psalm 109, Numbers 23:23, Deuteronomy 33:26, Proverb 4:20-22, James 5:16, ! Corinthians 4:20, Mark 126:16-18, 1 Timothy 2:1-2, 1 John 1:7, 1 John 5:14-15, 1 John 4:1-3.
Wonderful interview Michael, fine work. Please continue the updates.

Last edited 53 minutes ago by Xena
Above Reproach

Amen to that ! Well said….

Strike 17

At Harris small gathering people were chanting Jesus is king Harris said your at the wrong event. No Harris is the wrong canadit!


screw your jesus. yours is greedy an selfish.



Above Reproach

Could you just imagine the blowback from the American people who don’t know that Tampon Tim was in fact FIRED from a School for inappropriate sexual activity with underage children. He wasn’t asked to resign, He Was
Told Your FIRED ! No school would ever hire him to be a teacher, and now Kamala the lying idiot picked him to be the second most powerful person in America ! Seriously W T F ! Never in a million years could anyone ever believe how far down the ladder the G 0 ¥ has become.

Julia M Wescott



Thank you, Michael.


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Last edited 57 minutes ago by mistracy39

Thank you for what you did and continue to feel the need to do. Sone very evil people need to be dealt with and rarely is it not messy. Thank you for your service. Peace, love and prayers for your family.


I hope Jim and company is in Western N.C. picking off foreigners poseing as fema or any other xyz fake agency.

Tring to getting a foothold there for Blackrock and their minions.

Also i have read a nuclear waste processing facility in Erwin, Tn. Has been washed away and down stream areas has been contaminated. And their Cadaver dogs are dieing mysteriously.

What a mess they have created by frankenstorms they steer.


Praying that our Lord is with you Sir and your fellow patriots. They stole our country over 160 years ago after the civil war.
We got to get it back.


Patience is a virtue


Amen‼️ Great Minds Think Alike‼️



Michael Baxter why are the Whitehats allowing for Harris to run a campaign for President? She was never in the Primary for the People to vote her in to run as a Democrat Party Presidential Candidate so why are they allowing Harris to continue this charade? Thank you.


Part of the movie. Hopefully the credits will roll soon.


ruinning other countries is nt funny.

Last edited 36 minutes ago by chris

Because the gray hats plan to keep the fraud machine in place … both sides what it. Going by the “rules” is of little consequence to them. The gray hats have no intentions what so ever of exposing the fraud through out the years to the public. They plan to let the past fraud in all the selections and the illegitimate congress stand. Welcome to the presidential reality show.

NYer lady

Same happened in 2016 when Bernie got more votes than HRC. There was some backlash. So the DNC released a statement saying (in effect): We will nominate anyone we damn well please, regardless of primary or poll results. Period.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 1 hour ago by mistracy39
Duane Linn

I would’ve happily joined an outfit like this if I wasn’t totally disabled.

These treacherous civil stewards and their bullshit ABC agencies are operating under what I call a “scorched earth” type of operation where they know that the end has come and they’re bankrupting the country and laying waste to regions of the nation with the HAARP weapon.

It’s all or nothing now.

Godspeed to these brave brothers who remembered their Oath of Enlistment.

Karen B

I am so glad you wrote up your interview with this man, “Jim”, Michael B., it gives me insight to the movement labeled Red Hats and certainly makes them seem more and more as patriots just like me here: without combat training and alot of other attributes I do not possess, but similar in heart.
Shoot, describing these deep state evil criminals is exactly how I think of those that specifically hurt innocent children: they ARE too dangerous to be left alive and definitely too dangerous in number living in America. We are undated with pedophiles in our nation and all we have done to protect the yet unharmed or unmurdered children, is to somehow stroke theirs and their parent’s fears by letting them know there is a convicted pedophile living close to them!! Ridiculous in hind sight, to me, after reading this report. Why do we not protect the babies in our nation?
America, who holds on with desperation to a dying realization of a life lived full of freedom that the White Hats and Red Hats are fighting tooth and nail for, should be upheld as the highest goal in every American’s heart. Let us stand strong with these valiant men of unwavering love for our beloved, GOD-inspired supernaturally-conceived Constitution by our forefathers, and support them in any way each of us are able to.
GOD bless our soldiers wherever they lay their heads and may we sweep this nation’s vote towards Donald J. Trump: lover of the American soldier. And so am I.
Thank you so much, Michael B., for such engaging words of hope.and thank you to “Jim” and all our fighting men who hold on to freedom and liberty in their breast.
GOD save America🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✝💘


Regarding:” . . . he experienced a radical catharsis in 2019. . . .”

Many retired military, and military families, experienced a radical catharsis when the worst radical Democrat U.S. Senator [suspected of being a pathological liar], decided to run for POTUS:

” . . . A political action committee known as Time for Biden was formed in January 2018, seeking Biden’s entry into the race. Biden announced his candidacy in the 2020 presidential election on April 25, 2019 . . . .” ~Wikipedia

Subsequently, Biden stated:

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

BTW, retired military members often have family members [wives and children] that are also conservative patriots who are also “in this fight till the end.”

Bill Harrill

There is much going on in the world and it has been going on for not decades, but centuries. There is more to the ‘history’ we have been spoonfed over time. It is nothing but a cobbing togther of lies and distortions.
We are defiintely not the most advanced civilization to have lived on the face of the earth. If you watch some of these Hollywood movies about society being bombed back into the stoneage, in reality, that’s us. Nothing else fits a hisorical narritive than where all of us come from.
The internet has gotten to the point where it presents a real problem for the powers trying to control us. It has become too big and too powerful for them to shut it down or turn it off. Billions and billions of dollars/money moves through it 24/7.
They do not talk of shutting down the internet but censoring or censorship with penatities against those who dare to speak or tell the truth.
The other problem is that they are out of money.
They never use their own money to perform their neferous deeds with but money they have ‘appropiated’ from the taxpayers or stolen from whatever large retirement or investment fund they could get their hands out.
They are very dangerous people with their back up against the wall.
Maybe, this time, we can take back control of civilization.
I cannot say that BRICS is wrong. I have traveled to a lot of the BRICS nations and they have most of the population of the world. They have a GDP which is greater than the US and Europe. They are sick and tired of being manipulated and told how to live. They are tired of having their resources stolen or just given crumbs for their valuable minerals and oils.
There is no question that Trump is way ahead and will ‘win’ the election. The problem is not him winning but the steal. The dems and the DS are going to attempt to steal the election. Assuming that they lose, they are going to drag out a recount which could go on for months.
I really believe that if Trump is not elected or murdered, then it is every man for himself.


“insalubrious”. Ha, I had to look that one up! Great article Michael, please keep them coming.


Thank you Jim for honoring your oath, risking your life again for our country and taking out the trash. I’m sure many vets would step up if called as it appears many thousands of garbage trucks and trash handlers will be needed here and worldwide.

Marta Limberg

Thank you Mr. Baxter for the ongoing information about the demise of the Cabal and Deep State minions. It is if ultimate goodness the people of these United States have gathered a militia which will destroy the minions of FEMA and Satan.


Pedophiles, drug dealers, looters and politicians/elites who protect them have a BIG payback coming. I don’t know how or when but soon I pray!! Lord preserve Jim, his fellow comrades and not least their families!

Julio Laguna

Awesome work, Mr. Baxter, thank you!

Joan P McDonald

Terminate the subject with extreme prejudice…💪💥🔥


God. BLess this man, his family and the men that fight with him. We need them, that is for sure! This war is far from over, so having these missions, to be carried out on the QT is actually perfect. Again, God Bless all of these guys. I am grateful for their dedication to America.


This is the type of discussion needed to show us the legitimacy of having an ally such as the Red Hats; that we know the character of those fighting alongside th WH.


Now this story might motivate those on the couch to actively find ways to make a difference in this polarized world of ours.


I get the feeling that I am being conditioned to do what Jim has done.

We have all had tons of this kind of conditioning since birth. The girls get a doll and pram to get them conditioned for reproduction, and the boys get toy guns to prepare them for war etc. On and on and on, until we get the covid game, where we are all conditioned to take a poisonous injection.

So just beware of being conditioned.


yeah right, im not helping anti europeans.


We ALL are, “Jim”.

Michael R Davis

Early voting is showing extremely heavy Trump support across the nation, up to 90% Trump in many areas. Democrats, RINOs, Globalists are in panic. When did the Democrats steal the 2020 election? Tuesday November 3rd, 2020 in the evening hours, continuing the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th.

Shut down the internet on Sunday, November 3rd 2024, two days before election day November 5th. The Democrats cannot steal the election without the internet. The US Military declares the 2024 election postponed because of extensive election rigging and foreign election interference. The election postponement is partnered with the knowledge that Trump was far far ahead. Martial law is declared across the nation to protect the citizens, until further notice. Prosecution of election rigging traitors is announced, massive deportation of illegal aliens is begun. 

Bill Meadows

“Early voting is showing extremely heavy Trump support across the nation, up to 90% Trump in many areas.”

Do you have any evidence to back this up?


Cute story. We’ve read like 500 iterations of this over the past 6 years or so and been promised a hundred times, hence the mantra: 2 more weeks!


Excellent solution, awesome idea.


I like the way you think!


This is what the 2nd Amendment is all about!


Sending prayers of gratitude and protection to all these brave warriors fighting to save our country and the American people. Michael B., thank you for posting “Jim’s” story…you too are a warrior and deserve gratitude and thanks for your service. May We the People be in support in whatever ways we are able.


And don’t forget, behind these brave warriors, there are often family members who back them up!


Thank you Jim o7, keep up the good work men o7. LFG, FTW, POTUS Trump 2024. We do it for God and Country.


May the Archangel Michael’s our true warrior in the spiritual realm protect Jim our true warrior and patriot of the Red Hats – in this worldly fight for humanity.


Hats off to these brave soldiers. We will be forever indebted to them!

Michael R Davis

US Dollar is collapsing, Globalist banksters are dying, Deep-State almost gone

https ://www.youtube.com/live/szMd0KFe7Ms


Please send all your worthless money to me for proper disposal. The cabal made it radioactive.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Blackhat

After the BRICS summit the dollar will be worthless.
Or soon there after.

Last edited 58 minutes ago by Johnny

federal reserve notes will and can be exchanged for the new currency, Trump is in Control of this, he is serving We The People, in a Fair way.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 2 hours ago by mistracy39

Today or tomorrow! EBS! Hell yeah 👍


Thank you Michael for a superb article n interview with Jim 👏🏻👏🏻 We The People with open arms welcome the Red Hats ‼️ We need you 🫵🏻 Jim 👍 n many more Jim’s 💪💪💪💪💪💪

Donna Miller

There comes a time when extraordinary men are called to save our Republic and I am honored that they are willing to pick up the call and honor it with their Hearts and Soul…. Thank you for all you and everyone out there answering such calls…. Thank You from the bottom of my Heart….. I will pray that everyone of you stay safe…..