Saturday, July 27, 2024
Home Red Hats

Red Hats

Red Hats Infiltrate GITMO

A GITMO Naval Hospital orderly has been arrested for the attempted murder of World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, who remains intubated in a...

General Smith Briefs President Trump on Red Hats

General Eric M. Smith clandestinely visited Florida last week to brief President Trump on the “Red Hat threat,” a source in the general’s office...

Marines Find FEMA Bathed in Blood

At 2:00 p.m. Tuesday United States Marines encircled a warehouse in northwest Salina, Kansas, with orders to arrest all occupants and seize physical evidence...

Enter The “Red Hats”

A decentralized coalition of active duty and reservists calling themselves the "Red Hats" have claimed responsibility for the anomalous 4.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked...
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