Obama’s Adrenochrome Birthday Bash


By now the world is aware of Obama’s super-spreader birthday bash, a lalapalooza of a party where 200-300 maskless guests—scaled down from a potential 1,000—tore up the dance floor to the smooth sounds of Deep State operatives Jay-Z and Beyonce. What the public has not seen, however, is what happened in private bedrooms and dimly lit corridors of the Obamas luxurious estate on Martha’s Vineyard—celebrities and the political elite injecting Adrenochrome into one another.

A whistleblower wishing to remain anonymous, but whose credentials Real Raw News has verified, said attendees of Obama’s 60th birthday bash had to sign a prohibitive non-disclosure agreement forbidding them from sharing knowledge of party antics with the public.   Persons refusing to sign the document were denied entry, our source said.

Once inside, however, guests were treated to visceral delights, live Deep State music, and Adrenochrome injections. The Adrenochrome flowed like cheap liquor, our source said.

Periodically throughout the night, a stocky man in a black suit and carrying a chrome metal case meandered about the crowd, asking guests if they wished to enjoy complimentary party favors. The case held syringes, our source said.

Guests who said yes were escorted two-by-two from the dance hall to a windowless, wood-panel hallway festooned on either side with photographs of the Obamas.  The hallway terminated at a pair of outward swinging oaken doors, beyond which select guests engaged in Adrenochrome-fueled escapades.

“I’d been there only twenty minutes when a burly guy approached me. He opened a metal attaché case and inside I saw six menacing-looking syringes. I told him I didn’t want any, and jokingly added that I’d already been vaccinated. He glowered at me a moment without closing the case. I told him I didn’t do heroin. Then he said ‘this isn’t heroin. If you haven’t tried it before, it’s a lot better.’ I knew exactly what it was,” our source said.

Actors Bradly Cooper and Don Cheadle entered the room together, followed by Steven Spielberg and Chrissy Teagan. Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s former AG, Eric Holder, went into the chamber and emerged wearing huge smiles on their faces 20 minutes later.

“I never went to the room, but I heard guests whispering the word ‘adrenochrome’ and there was no doubt in my mind that these people were getting dosed. Alicia Keys, Pete Souza, Oprah—they were all doing it. If I had to count, I saw at least 20 people in all go in that room. They all came out energetic and smiling in ways that seemed, shall we say, unnatural,” our source said.

Equally disturbing was how guests referred to Obama, calling him “Mr. President” or—even more cringeworthy—“the forever president.”

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Barry’s bash was definitely staged with many, many hired body doubles and carefully chosen photogs, so it could be leaked out to the world and Barry & Mike’s real Gitmo imprisonment would not be revealed.


Why haven’t we nabbed him yet

Deanna Hoffman

So here we are again. I had read that Obama had been executed already. So is he alive or isn’t he?

Sandy Jim

Dear Michael
May I add my voice to the many others here, to suggest that Jim Buffer is abusing this site!!!


I can’t tell you how sick this makes me. Where are the FBI, CIA – even the police? Have we really lost so much in less than a year? Tears are flowing…God forgive us for letting this happen in the US.

Sandy Jim

OWD is trolling us again.

Sandy Koufax

Obama’s Adrenochrome Birthday Party is the historical equivalent of Hitler’s last days and will certainly inspire books and movies in the coming years. Everyone who attended knows there is no escape from the inevitable.


People , Adrenochrome is not even a drug, do your research . You’re not believing Hunter Thompson are you ?

Sandy Koufax

It’s quite obvious that yours is the voice of experience, Boris.

Sandy Jim

Are you suggesting that all your fellow trolls should drink more adrenachrome more often to unstress themselves.



sounds like some of these guests think that NESARA was enacted while obama was the illegal interloper…..


Well, isn’t that a pisser – my other message was deleted. That’s interesting. Let’s try again:
So, are we to believe another confidential whistleblower – this one is at obama’s party? They seem to be all over the place!! And wait…an NDA to be signed to get into the party???
WTF? And what happens if they violate this NDA that is implemented by somebody who has no legal authority?
And there’s a dude running around with a briefcase…”here – have some adreno…”
Honestly, I think Michael is at the point that he wants to see how far he can push it before people start doubting his stories and realizing he’s just messing with them.
If you don’t see it now, you just never will.


ohhh jeez…. another anonymous whistleblower, and an NDA at a birthday party? Do you guys see that the wool is being pulled over your eyes yet?
I honestly think at this point, Michael just wants to see how outlandish of a story he can come up with and have most of you believe.

Last edited 3 years ago by Rick

Here you are casting doubt about Obama adrenocombe party, i bet you belive every lie they threw at you about Trump. Those you belive Russiagate, and the whole kit n kabootle.

Ethan Rye

I think it’s pretty cool he finally accepted the election results

Robert James

I was bewildered about Obummer having a birthday party as I thought he and Mike had both been executed. So I looked closely at the photos and compared to older photos. The Obummer at the birthday party has conspicuously different ears.


Mr. Baxster, may I take the liberty to say……your informant may want to go into hiding for a bit. It really would not take much for them to figure out who he/she is. I would be very worried for this person.

Gary Lee Taylor

All face and no trousers
Look at us arnt we having a swell time
Based on torture of child
See my point
All face
No trousers (pants)


how long do these effects last on adrenochrome?..how much do they pay?


Any chance these people, identified from their photos, will be arrested and face a military tribunal?


No way . Why would the military arrest them instead of the police ? Military does not arrest civilians . If so please site an example .


Cry more pedophile.


Cry more pedophile.


Michael Baxter…you ought to be ashamed of yourself for posting this BS….

Ethan Rye

There’s no truth to Don Cheadle and Bradley Cooper injecting each other with Andrenochrome. You don’t report the truth. You know that you don’t report the truth, you manipulate masses of people. You’re no better than the media, you’re worse.


Did anybody else hear anything about NP not being invited to BO’s “bash”?


Yes. She was seen hanging out with a tranny instead


It is just Trump acting like a sore loser and trying to get someone else to feel bad too. Think about all the people he just disappointed last week when he once again failed to get into the White House.

Cindy W.

He’s not begging.


Ugh! These DISGUSTING POS just bring vomit to rise in my throat!!! ??
To think I USED TO look up to Oprah!!!!
As far as the rest of the PedoWood POS, I WON’T watch ANY more of their SATANIC Content!!!! SCREW THEM!!!!!!!!

Sandy Koufax

Biden fantasizes about being a feminine hygiene product living inside of Harris’ undergarments and cannot manage the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now is a good time for Trump to take over as President.


25th amendment? Trump warned about it.

Robert James

I don’t think that is Obummer in the photos. Merely a similar-appearing man.


Michael Baxter, please provide a mechanism whereby a disagreeable person can be blocked or hidden. Jim Buffer tore it with me. Thank you.

Sandy Koufax

The trolls are CIA agents and can’t be stopped from posting. Baxter is obviously over the target.


A mute button would do the trick,me thinks….

Ethan Rye

I work for the CIA? Cool!


Well, that was really helpful. Just got you blocked.


One day a week, I plan to give it back to the trolls.

Sandy Koufax

The trolls are CIA agents and can’t be stopped from posting. Baxter is obviously over the target.

Ethan Rye

Jesus I work for the CIA? Even I didn’t know that.


Mr Baxter
I assume the continued postings by Jim Buffer with his long pointless posts really compromises any credibility you have with Pro Trump people, who I assume make up the majority of your readers. The TROLLS have taken over the comment section here. This is allegedly YOUR group and you should take better control of it.
And another thing. How about some actual provable evidence that we can chew on a bit. This high dose Hopium gets harder to digest. I visit this group multiple times daily to see if anything new is happening. I am 100% pro this site. And hope all is true. Can you blame us for doubting?


If you doubt, leave. No doomers allowed here. Worse than a troll.


Working for evil deep-state and he’s losing it as he knows his bosses can’t win





Thanks for showing up for BHO’s Satanic birthday bash for ROLL CALL. We can officially check 300 minions of satan off as SOON TO BE DEAD.



*********** NEWS FLASH ************** ITS GAME OVER ************************

The SEALS are hot on your SIX. TIC F_ing TOC

We’ve got NEWSCUM and CUOMO in our crosshairs, cuz we know those 2 minions are about to bolt. The rest are literally sitting ducks. Easy to pick off one by one.

Oh, it’s happening NEWSCUM, whether you like it or not. LOL, We will just flip that tasteless phrase you threw at us……. right back IN YOUR FACE !!!

Ethan Rye

Somebody typed this mess up and thought “yep, that looks great” and actually hit post? Madness


The author knows what he/she is talking about. As for you, you say nothing profound. Now go check your troll manual to see what your supposed to say next.

Ethan Rye

It’s not trolling. It’s natural reactions to stupidity.


No it’s your stupidity in thinking that this perhaps is our only source for information. Is your only source TV nightly news or is it leftist memes on Facebook?

Ethan Rye

Your source seems to be that old game Mad Libs because there’s no chance in hell all these words about baby blood and canals are thought up naturally.


They have taught you to be in denial.

Ethan Rye



Cry more pedophile.

Sandy Koufax

Obama’s Adrenochrome Birthday Party is the historical equivalent of Hitler’s last days and will certainly inspire books and movies in the coming years. Everyone who attended knows there is no escape from the inevitable.

Ethan Rye

Jesus Christ. Touch some grass.

Sandy Koufax

Fat boy can’t touch his toes.

Vince Sly

You are truly lost. I feel bad for your family.


Cry more pedophile.


Lol no it isn’t.


Something HUGE happened, 80% REFUSED to broadcast the Emergency warning that was scheduled,they refused to comply with governamental EBS.

Vince Sly

Lol what?


Oh damn, that was probably the EBS to announce Trump back in the WH, wasn’t it? Well shit, I guess the reinstatement is off, can’t do it without that very important EBS broadcast. Sorry Trunp, better luck in 2024 I guess.


You have no influence over truth-seeking critical thinkers like us. You will not distract us from the content of these articles nor stop us from communicating. Your trolling skills are nothing special, in fact, they are predictible as if you are all given the same troll training to go out and disrupt conservatives. But we get the last laugh, because whether you know it or not, your subconscience mind is absorbing some of our truths and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Ethan Rye

Hopefully Trump will have enough brainwashed voters by then to get his ass back in the Oval Office


You just demonstrated the leftist MO of projection (blame-shifting). How sad for you that you live in the dystopian world of leftism. Sad for you!

Ethan Rye

I happen to live in the real world where powerful people don’t eat babies to show their power.


Earth to Mars


They did with Biden, that’s for sure


Cry more pedophile.

Ethan Rye

Is that the only thing you know how to say?

American Living in Canada

I believe that is illegal, can their broadcasting license/controls be seized?


Yes. This is how the fake news goes down

American Living in Canada

Yah baby..by the book. BOOM BOOM!!, out go the lights!

Ethan Rye

Nothing says great journalism like spelling peoples names wrong


You can go elsewhere,why are you here

Ethan Rye

I think that’s actually one of the smartest things said on this website, because if I read one more “Military Hangs Susan Rice”, my brain is going to fall out.

Trust me, that can happen, everyone on this website who believes this BS is proof of it.


Isn’t it BS that whenever there’s a Democrat President (including this fake president) that wars break out, especially in the Middle East??!! Do leftist trolls think about that, or are they such psychopaths, that they love the leftist death and destruction?!!

Ethan Rye

First of all, that’s not true. Trump wreaked havoc in the Middle East himself.

But furthermore, no one was talking about that.


What is the evidence??!!

Ethan Rye

The evidence of Trump doing stuff in the Middle East?

Trump admitting to it?


When leftists have nothing profound to say, they resort to projection (blame-shifting).


doing stuff such ..pull out troops…

Ethan Rye

Which was a terrible idea. Joe Biden absolutely has a hell of a lot of blame for what’s going on in Afghanistan right now.


The Israelis love Trump. He also moved the embassy to Jerusalem. as promised.


Trump created unprecedented alliances in the Middle East that are still going on today, twit.

Ethan Rye

No, he bombed the shit out of them. Just like Obama did and Bush and Clinton and Bush Sr and Reagan.


trump got rid of Isis. Obama allowed them to flourish.


That’s why he brokered a peace deal


my brain is going fall out …hmm i do not think so is nothing there..ethan….

Ethan Rye

Sorry, I’ll try to find my MAGA Truth Eagle Patriot brain. Wish me luck


In that case Military hangs Susan Rice In that case Military hangs Susan Rice In that case Military hangs Susan Rice Put 3 on there to make sure the brain falls out.

Ethan Rye

I heard if you say that 3 times, Rudy Giuliani will come give you a handjob. No wonder you’re saying it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Ethan Rye

Another troll? This is how they start– bitching !

Ethan Rye

Woah! How am I a troll?

You’re all freedom fighters, am I not entitled to freedom of speech?


Nobody stopped you from saying anything, no matter how stupid you sound. Freedom of speech lets you say what you want. That same freedom of speech lets them tell you dopey you sound.

Ethan Rye

Which one of us say that Obama is injecting andrenochrome into Bradley Cooper. Oh sorry, as Michael says “Bradly Cooper”.


When leftists have nothing profound to say, they resort to exploiting petty details, such as a small typo, and ignore the entire message/subject, because they cannot compete with our critical thinking skills and truth-seeking skills.

Ethan Rye

Well I mean the entire subject is about Barack Obama having an andrenochrome party. If you believe that, you don’t have any thinking skills in the first place.


You are clueless about us. We have a ton of good sources with evidence that prove adrenochrome exists, and that it is a leftist/RINO crime against humanity.

Ethan Rye

Give me your sources then. Let me read up on it and you can prove me wrong.


Give me your sources then

Let me read up on it

….and you can prove me wrong.


Ethan Rye

You claim to have sources. Let me read up on them.


certified T R O L L !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cry more pedophile.


What a ridiculous waste of space. You aren’t even worth reading ?


Yeppers I didn’t give it the time of day – not worth my time


MB…why can’t we block crap like this? A total & complete waste of space. I have no clue what this idiot said but I sure am tired of scrolling past it. Please either block him yourself or allow us to.


Some trolls have sooooo much time on their hands and NO life hiding in mommy’s basement. Really a sad life!


I cannot help but notice that each of these pieces by Michael presents one overarching message loud and clear. The military is using MB to talk directly to the DS. The fact that Crandall and Hannink are mentioned repeatedly and have done nothing to put a stop to Michael tells you everything you need to know. One phone call from them and Michael would stop these updates.
Obama party message – we are everywhere. You cannot hide. You cannot protect yourselves.
Bill Barr message – you cannot hide behind your seeming righteousness. We know who you are.
Bill Gates message – no amount of wealth is going to save you.
Susan Rice message – people forced to cope with reality are pitiful. It’s a very painful process.
Tom Hanks message – we have all the proof we need to convict you and it will lead to your execution.
Comey message – you will reap exactly what you sowed.
Marine vaccinations – Sec of Defense is not in charge.
Gavin Newsom – no one is safe. Even if you are at large now, you soon won’t be.
Rumsfeld – we’ll get you for crimes you committed 20 years ago, even if you are 88 years old.
DeSantis – Good governors are standing against evil and not taking s__t.
Bill Clinton – no amount of charisma is going to save your ass.


Yes, these ARE the messages they did in fact receive, yet for them its like being too stupid to realize your numbers up.

Vince Sly

Maybe or have you considered that all of this is entirely made up?


Hey Moira, quick question, you say ‘One phone call from Crandall and Hannink and Michael would stop these updates.’ But, how would that give Michael Baxter a phone call? No really, what is his number?


What I’m saying is, MBis an anonymous dude on the internet. He has no company, no address, no phone number. Michael Baxter is probably not his real name, since he’s says he’s a former MSM journalist and yet there’s no record of his former journalism career anywhere. It is not worth the time of top military officials to go track down whoever writes these stupid fake articles. It’s not worth their time in general chasing the infinite fake internet conspiracies out there.


Exactly and that is as good as the satire , entertainment clause . Well fortified against lawsuits .


Or, since this is a fan fiction site that clearly says it is parody, they do not want to give MB free advertising by saying anything one way or the other. MB is not even an American citizen so why create problems?


Cry more pedophile.


Cry more pedophile.


Cry more pedophile.


I think TROLL Jim Buffer has a nasty temper! How selfish and childish

Words are in coherent Latin sentences; This gobblety-goop is usually used to reserve space for web page making

Lucky star

Copy and paste. Do you really think he has a single brain cell that function very well?


He probably uses google translate in some random text that we simply scroll down without bothering to read


What is this lunatic kenyan citizen still doing in our great country? I heard this psycho is no longer in this earth, is it true? That could be his double.

The deMoNcRats are well known for using body doubles to cover up their tracks (i.e. obama, biden, pelosi, schiff, etc).

Some of this crooked corrupt demonic pedophilias are said to have left this earth.


I now believe a total white hat op at OB birthday party…buckle up..its coming!


Yes. Compton city CA council member and 5 others arrested Friday on conspiracy to commit election fraud and bribery

The election official that ran the ballot stuffing scheme on camera in Fulton county resigned Friday. Ruby Freeman and daughter added to lawsuit on Friday.

We are in mop up mode. The heads have been dealt with and now the useful idiots are being rounded up.

For two weeks I’ve been hearing flash bangs in my neighborhood overnight and early morning. Didn’t think much of it but who blows off one M80 at a time in different directions on different days? I know BLM and Antifa are in the area. I have a based Sheriff, former military.

Mop, mop……


Lots of military aircraft in the area too, flying very low. Probably equiped with cell phone/computer data collecting devices. Pinpointing the trap houses for the roundups.


The heads have only been dealt with once they’re rolling.


thumbs Up..!

Vince Sly

When is “it” coming? I keep here this but it’s always some ambiguous point in the future that we never seem to reach.

Ethan Rye

Well you see, Trump was going to be back in the White House a few days ago, but had to stop due to rain in Dallas. We’re now anticipating September 31st


The “Obama Variant” has descended onto Martha’s Vineyard following his pompous 60th birthday bash that included around 400 of the world’s self-identified elites gathered to celebrate their progressive savior.
In an exclusive report by the DM, they found that at least 63 people have tested positive with Covid on the island since Obama and his “sophisticated” super-spreaders galavanted around – all weekend long.


Find many articles in the New York Post about hologams. Go to nypost.com and search for holograms. This is one method the left is using to try to fool we the people.


Just as they did JB’s the inauguration.


Good reminder
So many systems to use for ‘faking’ the dead REALLY WELL, or, faking for those that are on the run —- hehehe

Last edited 3 years ago by Zee

Michael sorry I managed to trigger bufuer troll just by saying this party happened 3 years ago…” there’s no more pasta so eat fried fish, fried fish, fried fish” Madonna, a year ago…their adreno supplies were cut off long ago.
Still great reporting. Keep up the great work ?! ?


Wow, you triggered him good. I bet his mommy’s had to buy him a dozen more binky’s to calm him.


Lol! Good one. Binkey sales up…buy binkey futures! Cuz I’m still gonna comment no matter what, lol..
Hey we hear m80s alot in our neighborhood too, thought it was just local yokes blowing off steam… (?) Annoying as heck tho.


Do you eat with that foul mouth?


This adreno party happened delta 3 yrs ago.


Meh. Yawn.. triggered much,, eh? Cyberbully. You said that to Dee as well.. super lack of creativity here.. why don’t you .lead by example, and go first with this kill yourself stuff. I know everyone on this site would thank me for that!


He’s mad the dark web is going bye, bye. No more kiddie porn and fentynl.


Cry more pedophile.


Why hasn’t the Military taken Osama obama yet? Still no facts these people are being taken?


You are the fake. So LEAVE THIS SITE. You’re ridiculous & need to be blocked. PLEASE MB…please block him. We are ALL so tired of his ?‼


They both dropped their bodies


It’ll be another great day for America when Obummer and/or the pedophiles attending being hanged for crimes against humanity!


Doesn’t look like it


g soros, b gates, bh obama, n pelosi, c schumer, a schiff, lieu, aoc, all corrupt crooked dems and RINOs . . . just put them away and Keep America Safe.


so what are supposed to believe? all these people are supposed to be arrested but now they are at a party getting adrenachrome?


Sure sounds strange . Many dead too .


Another troll


Those evil bastards that you read about on RRN are dead.
What you all think you are seeing as being a live on the Internet etc if all false. CGI, Doubles, Cloans, Holograms, Green Screens etc

Mary Parry

This party should have been raided by the special forces and all should have been arrested for crimes against humanity. I read that it takes adrenochrome from 11 children to make one dose. Why are these people permitted to commit such heinous acts with impunity?


See all my comments about this . If they are not arrested now who knows what will happen today or tomorrow. You cannot sacrifice a child because of the supposed plan . However the adrenochrome tank is false .




If you haven’t watched This is Your Wake up Call with Colonel Waldron on frankspeech or Lindell TV you should do so now.

You will learn how our foreign adversaries and Dominion infiltrated the U.S. and stole our elections.


Not again . I am shocked .



Vince Sly

lindell is a proven clown nothing he’s involved weigh should be taken seriously.


The symposium is now a hall of shame example of everything going wrong . Biden forgot to resign and no reinstatement day !




Zee had mentioned in an earlier post that Starlink was activated last week..

Brings this to mind, 3 of Mike Lindells servers were cyber attacked 130 million times but they couldn’t take out the fourth server.

The massive troll/pedophile activity on this website lends well to Zee’s theory.

The Symposium was among other things, a Starlink test and they know their days are numbered. No more dark web for them to share child pornography and buy/sell drugs on the internet

Good times. MAGA!.


Cry more pedophile.


They’re getting scared. As soon as we attack their monkey masters for having an adreno party with NP etc, they come out of the closet with their big girl panty’s on – finally we can watch them squirm and revel in their own bullshit.


You means THE EVIL ONES re:
know their days are numbered. No more dark web for them to share child pornography and buy/sell drugs on the internet



Michael Baxter–PLEASE REMOVE