At GITMO, Dr. Francis Collins Blames Covid Lies on Dr. Fauci


No sooner had former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins arrived at Guantanamo Bay than he began professing his innocence and blaming his ex-coworker Dr. Anthony Fauci—AKA Dr. Death—for perpetrating the Covid-19 fraud on the American public.

In a first “interview” with investigators from the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and the Office of Military Commissions, a blubbering and sniveling Collins said, “It was never me. I was not in charge, only on paper. It was Tony—Dr. Fauci. He was the one in charge and I was forced to go along with what he said,” according to a partial transcript of the conversation reviewed by Real Raw News.

Who controlled the NIH’s Covid narrative is a hotly contested argument. Technically, Collins was Fauci’s boss, but it was Dr. Fauci who relished the limelight and appeared—and still does appear—daily on leftist media to promote unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates.

A JAG source told RRN that Collins blurted, “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” in response to being charged with murder, fraud, and mass medical malpractice.

When told he’d soon answer to a military Tribunal, Collins kept insisting he’d done nothing wrong and demanded to speak with Joseph Biden.

JAG investigators then produced printed copies of lengthy email exchanges between Collins and Fauci. In them, the devious doctors plotted to maliciously discredit and malign credible scientists and physicians who questioned the need for lockdowns and mask and vaccine mandates. Their correspondence clearly showed that Collins was a willing participant in the Deep State’s plan to defame critics of its narrative. In one email Collins wrote, “We need to focus on scientists with credibility. We should destroy them, digging into their past and the past of their family and friends, look for anything we can find to impugn them,” to which Fauci responded, “That’s what we’re doing. Anyone questioning the necessity of mask and vaccine mandates will be cancelled, taken down, or marginalized to where no one will listen to them.”

Collins in another email wrote that “his people” were working with social media platforms Facebook and Twitter to purge videos and comment threads that disparaged vaccine efficacy.

“I’m innocent and you’re holding me against my will illegally. I need to get home for Christmas to be with my family,” Collins reportedly told JAG investigators.

“You might as well cancel Christmas, because that’s what you wanted to do for all the good people in this country,” investigators replied.

Collins’ military tribunal is scheduled for Jan 24.

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Call Joe Biden, he’ll get me out of this mess. No, we won’t be calling the CRIMINAL in chief, buddy.


All Of The ”Federal Death Administration” need to have a military tribunal, along with all of ”Big Pharma”
N.I.H., C.D.C., All The Corrupt Health Depts. in every county, state and city………

dennis richardson

Baloney Only Jesus Christ knows the Truth of who started what. Kill them all. Let the Almighty pick and chose


I keep coming back here to see if they are going to get Fauci, I guess hoping this RRN roll out really means the military has relief possibilities from good military. I know it’s a good vs evil game going on so it just feels like the good is having issues getting the excess bad out of the game.

They are a puzzle since they are not changing their lies and no guilty conscious I guess because Trump gave them several trillion dollars and keeps promoting the vax.

Last I heard 2/3 military recruits are psychopaths, lacking empathy human hybrids or something.


The State of New Jersey admits wrong doing and will be compensating families of nursing home patients that were murdered by Governor Murphy when he purposely infected them with covid.

Taxpayers are upset that the multimillion dollar settlements/ reparations are coming out their pockets. Are they?

Anyway, the the admission of guilt puts Murphy on a flight to Gitmo.

These settlements/reperations coincide with my first notice received on the 24th.


Can you cite the sources please?

J Bill

Do some research T-ed. Any at all would be stellar.


Ted claims to live in NJ. If he hasn’t heard about this by now he’s lying about his location or he’s just plain old stupid. Probably both.


I see where you got it wrong. The lawsuit was against the state of New Jersey over how 3 state owned veterans homes handled many things over many years and how it escalated during the first COVID wave. Murphy pushed for a settlement to spare the families any further suffering but Republicans tried to say the suit was against Phil Murphy instead. New Jersey has settled for $53 million but more lawsuits will follow. One is pending now where certain employees were discouraged from wearing masks because they felt that masks did not work. They were mostly the thoughts of lower skilled workers in housekeeping and food service areas that are protected by unions.
This is what happens when you get 3rd party information wrong and post it on the internet. I am glad I could help clear this up for you and hopefully you will correct any misinformation you have posted.


After they do their research they will thank you I’m sure .


They always do…



Jan D Hunsinger

Hoping very much for an update today.


Happy Tuesday Warriors!

Is fake Bidens total surrender to covid an indicator that big pharma’s clot shots will be losing their Emergency Use Authorization?

FDA criminals exiting stage left, the CDC loosening it’s grip, Trump’s “vaccine” CURES proven safe and effective.

Remember when doctors and pharmacists were handing out opiates like candy? All bad things come to an end.

For 75 years the U.S. and other countries have been rounding up Nazi’s. Why stop with the Nazi’s?

Good times.


India has frozen all Mother Teresa charities assets.

Remember, We are all in this together. 🙂


Not quite. India has stopped “foreign” deposits because the charity has not submitted the correct paperwork. Please read your source again or have a responsible adult read it to you.


Oh yes indeed, ! And you little Troll and those like you, are being rounded up.
You lose


oh no i’m terrified


I’m disappointed as they were supposed to be coming after me but nothing ever happened . I even had snacks ready for them .

J Bill

That’s what TrumpWon has stated.
That “the charity has not submitted the correct paperwork…”

… also means it hasn’t submitted any paperwork at all.

India doesn’t want any part of the nefarious schemes of the DS, for fear it may lead to it’s exclusion from the Nesara Agreement.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

I am sorry that you feel that way about this issue. It must be very difficult for you.


imagine being loud wrong on everything. couldn’t be ted


Thankfully we don’t have to imagine it. We just read what J Bill, Wildcat and TrumpWon post and we can see how wrong they are. I want to know how they can get through life with so little common sense.


mother teresa fauci’s dad…

Angel Askew


Deborah Tavares has not steered me wrong yet. Shutting down stae/fed roadways NOW.

Please please please all must watch this.

Angel Askew

It is time to be inconvenienced folks.
Trump sure is taking his sweet ass time.
I’m interested to know if anyone has come across any interstate checkpoints yet?


nope. as usual it’s someone pissing on your leg and telling you it’s raining

fema camps and checkpoints have been a thing since 2013 or earlier.

nobody can disprove it either because the camps and checkpoints “move” or “shut down”

J Bill

” I figured you just wanted a dick in your colon “

~ “Jason” the Psychopath Troll (projectionist deviant)


 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.






You are lying as always
You are decaying, and will be disposed of shortly.
You stink



J Bill



 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`

Buck fiden

What? You don’t like paying over $3 per gallon gasoline? Where’s your Biden Patriotism? lol


Lock downs and martial law will make you forget all about inflation, empty shelves and mandates.
More executive orders are on the way.


Won’t happen in my State or surrounding States.

BLM could be useful in blue States, they’re very good at plowing people over.


I will ask my my aircraft mechanic friend if there is any talk around the airport. They see everything.

If they do exist we can be certain James O’Keefe, Mike Lindell and others will be reporting as well.


Friend is hearing of special operations in the area and suggests that FEMA may be used to round up criminals attempting to flee the country. Just his opinion.

Friend works on military and commercial aircraft The airport is dual purpose. Along the I-44 corridor.

FEMA is a part of the continuity of government but I’m not trusting them yet.

Buck fiden

Could happen, but I’m more concerned about Zhou Biden’s gummint creating an enormous false fag (ie multiple simultaneous school shootings) to trigger gun cuntrol / confiscation legislation. X22 brought this up in last night’s podcast.

unlabeled quality

now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. good thing ms. tavares is still among the living.


Please continue to submit story ideas when you donate. Mike is having writers block and is considering going back to writing science fiction again full time. Please don’t let that happen.


Aww but if he does make a return to sci-fi, we might finally learn if Steven Seagal survived his mission to go get into a fistfight with the Anunnaki!

Chris Russ

Like the song goes; you only think about RRN and MB on two occasions… day and night.

Buck fiden

That would explain the long delay. The thing is that all of us are now living in science fiction under Zhou Biden’s Amerika.

Angel Askew


Comprehensive research into the Covid scam murders, illegal lockdowns and destruction of our economy by our own “government.”


A really good Scotty mar10 video tonight.

Someone finally gets what I’ve been saying about the CDC’S new definition of a vaccine.

I guess I am a woo person and didn’t know it. Watch the video and you can be a woo person too.



Woo is very helpful to use and tto really know about– Been to Clif High?


No but he’s on this video explaining devolution and implying that deep state John Bolton’s firing triggered the plandemic and Trumps response to it.

Clif woo-hoo’s at the end. I will try to find Clifs content.

Buck fiden

Global fuqwads like Bolton need to be at the end of a rope.

Buck fiden


Terminally deplorable

OT: Massive Redpill delivered by Dr. David Martin, a brilliant analyst, about the network of named murderous countries (you live in one), named murderous organizations, named murderous individuals which criminally conspired against humanity with a bioweapon.

Martin is going forward with actions against those perpetrators, and he deserves all the support, we can give.

bitchute . com/video/NTYsUDyfO92l/


Best to stay in postitive thought–MIND IS VERY POWERFUL
Don’t spend to much time going down Rabbit holes..
Be more discerning
Don’t too keen on the bow tie one


and he deserves all the support, we can give.”


give me money

Rob William

Break your back to earn money and then give it to scammers!

Angel Askew


It is MANDATORY we refuse all vaxx pass’s (like Italians have) and HOMESCHOOL YOU KIDS!


unfortunately lots of sheeple in Wa State.. Sea and suburbs in King Co… willingly compliant covidiots all around.. no objections to passports en mass here.. stupid State full of obedient liberals and 3rd world refugees who obey orders.. Typical Blue State shitheads..


Exactly, things around Wa. state shall change soon,…
joining Gavin Newscum would be nice. .DON’T YOU THINK ?

Lucky Star

Let them die when 5G is activated… less people to feed

Buck fiden

The theory is that everyone who is vaccinated against the chink virus has his immune system horribly compromised by that “vaccine.” The 5G radiation isn’t healthful for people and they die due since their immune systems have been destroyed and cannot fight back.

How long will it take for people to die after 5G is activated?

Angel Askew

It begins with your own family.
I know of two mom’s in Los Angeles who refuse the vaxx for their (many) children and have now pulled them out to home school with Grandma and other cousins with kids.

Buck fiden

Bravo! Even if there were no chink virus, I wouldn’t have send children to any public school – especially those in Commiefornia, where straight white men are Public Enemy #1.

Buck fiden

Such a beautiful place Seattle. Now, with the fags, kikes, dykes, niggers and overcaffeinated overtattooed freaks running the show there, it has become Shee-it-hole.

Meanwhile in the far opposite side of the country, Gov. DeSantis is about to receive Constitutional Carry Legislation! He’ll sign for sure!

unlabeled quality

add to the fact the corrupt court system, and them making it nearly impossible to hold them accountable…
it makes you question your sanity for staying in Washington state.
most people are still sleeping.



Buck fiden

The niggers are ruining the economy in the Gay Area. Walgreens is shutting down many stores there due to Commiefornia’s shoplifting law that says you won’t be prosecuted if you steal less than $1,000 worth of merchandise. Perhaps Zhou Biden’s upcoming hyperinflationary policies will make it a moot point.

Or, perhaps all supermarkets will become like Scam’s Club and CostBlow and require membership fees in order to get in so they can have a “loss prevention associate” to stop the niggers from stealing.

Either way, society gets worse. And those niggers up in San Fran voted 98% for Resident Zhou Biden.


Won’t tell you, its a trade secret.

Angel Askew

Dr. Zalenko recommended this!!
Share with all!


This one guy who has mucho commonsence and a spiritusl mind–love him

Buck fiden

I hate doctors and I hate kikes.

Dr. Zelenko is both, but he’s fantastic.


So he admits its all a Lie. Nuff said.

Buck fiden

Take off, eh!


Jared Schmeck tells Steve Bannon on War Room – Donald Trump is my President!

On Friday Joe and Jill Biden took NORAD Christmas phone calls from families at the White House. One dad closed out the call with a cheery “Let’s go Brandon!”, a phrase that has become a euphemism for the profane protest chant “F*** Joe Biden.”


Man what an utterly pitiful thing to get excited about 🙃

J Bill

That’s fun-nay! Joe even repeated the phrase, “mistakenly.” lol


imagine losing to biden

Rob William

😀😀😀 This is the best one! 👆

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Buck fiden

I couldn’t imagine that. The election was stolen. All future elections are rigged because the stupid Republican Party has done nothing whatsoever to change the election systems: Dominion Systems is still allowed to operate. Zhou Biden’s FBI will make sure that doesn’t change. FUCK THEM ALL.



Pages from the diary include entries of Ashley Biden describing how she felt she was sexually abused as a child and took ‘inappropriate’ showers with her father, Joe. Ashley Biden also wrote entries about her battle with drug addiction, her brother Hunter’s scandals and her insatiable sexual appetite.

Biden wrote that she was ‘hyper sexualized’ at a young age.

She also said as a child she did not like to clean her ears because at night because she was turned on when she was not supposed to be, including when she heard her mom and dad having sex.

Buck fiden

Let’s see if Jizz-Lane MaxHell will be exonerated. If so, consider paedophilia to be enshrined and celebrated in America. Suck fucks everywhere.


Biden departs to Delaware beach house after telling governors there is “no federal solution” on COVID and it should be “solved at the state level.

Fake Biden should try winning once in awhile cuz it’s really fun.


Good times.


imagine losing an election to that guy


Jay, God loves you unconditionally. Happy New Year.


I’ll thank you on behalf of Jay.

Happy new year


What is so happy about it ?
The QFR and MED Beds


Unconditional and there is still Judgment


Agree and no one escapes that judgement


these nuts will


You seem a little confused Delavic, but all the same I hope you have a happy new year too 🙂


Thanks so much. Btw, I believe Jay is a fitting nickname for Jason.


And destroy God’s holy temple? Only God can destroy this temple. When God is ready to call me home to be with him, he’ll take me home no questions asked. Blessings,


Imagine accepting that he won and not pretending that the JAG is executing people.


The executed had it coming.




Imagine getting sent to Gitmo for being involved with those
Cheaters., liers and thieves.


You mean “erection”, right?

Buck fiden

Hopefully soon.

Lucky Star

He has dysfunctional dick aka impotent

Buck fiden

ED is no joke. They’re moving me next week. I need that fat nigger bitch with the huge tits to jack me off to jump start it. This will be her last chance. I FUCKING HATE LIFE TODAY!!!

J Bill

imagine losing an election to a thief


imagine being a bitch ass fascist larper lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

J Bill

or imagine being a bitch assed fascist psycho?

” I figured you just wanted a dick in your colon “

~ Jason the Psychopath Troll (projectionist deviant)


 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.

J Bill



 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`


Fake Biden surrendered!


It’s looks a like…first he agreed -F J B – and now there is NO FEDERAL GOV. SOLUTION for wuhan virus …..WOW…WOW..!!!!


Total surrender.

If he had a mommy he would have gone home to mommy.


That’s right Fake Biden, you can’t help because you’re fake and broke.

Good times.


and still won lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


What else can one expect from a Satanist false government?
They know they’ve lost.

esp now that…
The real Pelosi was just captured trying to escape on the east coast and get off land to a SUB, and was arrested after captain of a fishing boat turned her in. Her latest computer is very interesting– deals with China for lots of $s


Lmao where do you come up with this shit, Zee? What, like she was just swimming out into the ocean looking for a submarine and some random fishing boat captain found her?

Lucky Star

Is it for real that real PIGLOSI HAS BEEN CAPTURED??? Big f@#$% good news if is true

Angel Askew

Nice find girl! If Nancy bailed out the well must be dry.
And such a dramatic escape!
Terr-o-mar Taxi 🚕
I wonder if “Lord Branson” was driving??
I can hear Frank Sinatra “My Way” in background.
Maybe 1/5th flip switch will be avoided and 1/6th will be a spectacular announcement after all.


Yeah or maybe nothing will happen on 1/6, just like always, and you will continue to be a sad pathetic nazi waiting endlessly for a nonexistent payoff.

Buck fiden

This one’s fun. Season’s Beatings!

https : //


Love those seasons beatings! Why just last friday night they threw a karen out the door into a snow pile for being stupid. There is no such thing as getting free drinks for showing your tata’s. Especially when you have blue hair and grossly obese!

Angel Askew

She thinks its Mardi Gras! Lol


Yes, it will come and go like every other date.


I get it now. People just comment here to blow off steam. Good idea, it’s better than than yelling at our Loved Ones.


It is very quiet., ..
Reading and posting


do more of the former and less of the latter


Bossy pos aren’t you




Oh common man,
You know David is right.
We know you


Yes , Jason is a complete POS,.


Can’t expect much more from a cyber bitch, after all they just learned how to use the net, and before that they just threw rocks at each other over a fence.


wanna play big bank take little bank?


Lead by example on that “jason”.




Mostly peaceful protesting,
And a few executions thrown in


And a few fake executions thrown in


Sometimes Zee let’s us know who is on the DS payroll.


40 and raining here in Cape May New Jersey. Leaving for Martha’s Vineyard later tonight. Thankfully I can charter a flight from Atlantic City directly to MVY and avoid the ferry. The ocean in December reminds me of those crabbing shows.

Buck fiden

55 in Phoenix.


69 here

Angel Askew


J Bill



 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`

J Bill



 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`


DS is now Bankrupt, allChe


Maybe they can borrow from china, or the rothschilds and “try” to get us to pay it for them again. LOL Never, they’re on their own now.


this comment sure showed them who’s boss!

Angel Askew

Last week, Nancy Pelgrossi tried justifying why 30 members of Congress do not have to report there stock purchases when, in fact, they do.
I read an article today stating two congressmen’s nominal family stock trades and vowing to “never do it again”.

Nancy IS the biggest inside trader in the country. No wonder she attempted to flee the country.


babe…cool of your heels-as Keith Richards would say….

Buck fiden

… or burning down a hospital.


Aleve is better, its up to 12 hours of relief


CEO Trump Media and Technology Group Devin Nunes

“The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow for the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship,” Nunes was quoted as saying. “The United States of America made the dream of the Internet a reality and it will be an American company that restores the dream. I’m humbled and honored President Trump has asked me to lead the mission and the world class team that will deliver on this promise.”

TMTG is HUGE! Takes out out the oppressors, suppressors, propagandists, woke payment processors and streaming services.

Devin Nunes one of President Trump’s most loyal allies who led the exposure of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

Meets the age requirements for holding the Office of the Vice President of the United States of America and when needed the Office of the President of the United States of America.


Buck fiden

It still bothers me that Trump went from Leader of the Free World to webmaster of Truth Social.


WHERE DID YOU. Get that idea?


Yeah, he just posts stuff and drinks Diet Coke.


With Pretzels & Popcorn, and pets his pet Frogs too!
Unlike Uncle Lets go “Joe” Brandon who coughs and picks his nose.


and beat trump


What you are witnessing is his frustration. Can’t get his hands on a little black boy to rape. Thankfully.


thankfully trump isn’t raping little black boys anymore. our prayers have been answered


Yeah! Trump is just banging porn stars and filing lawsuits. MAGA!


And you, you bang that fat thing with a long pointy nose fulla boogers.


All the while you sit behind a gloryhole.

J Bill



 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`


Why do you always steer the conversation to your fantasies?


There you go again, inverting the conversation.

J Bill

You wait behind a gloryhole T-ed? We had our differences and everything, but … I mean. gloryhole???


 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`

J Bill

” I figured you just wanted a dick in your colon “

~ Jason the Psycho Wacko Troll to another commenter

(cut-and-paste specialist)

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`






zee was hitting on him lol

Buck fiden

I was off my meds.

Buck fiden

I have to improve my health first. Coffee enemas, Epsom Salt baths, and QiGong with weights on my schlong. I can’t go through life like this.


Lol Trump isn’t even going to be webmaster of Truth Social, you really think he know enough about computers or the internet to actually run a social media site like that himself? He slaps his name on things while other people do all the work.

Buck fiden

Every president does that. Every CEO does that. They’re the MBA types.


First article of TGP’s take down of the deep state reveals the Russian Collusion phony dossier was made up in 2002 and was used to take out Brexit supporters. WOW!

An international conspiracy that dates back 20 years.

Super wow, buzzfeed actually found and reported on the current lawsuit against the creator of the 2002 phony dossier. Taking Mike Lindells advice, smart move.


Good times.


If ML said it was raining outside, I would check for a garden hose spraying water. That guy is insane!


i can’t even imagine using a website as a source which claimed antifa super soldiers were going to behead everyone and is now being sued for pushing fake news


Time traveling is fun, you find out all sorts of information that they love to hide today.
From the past to the present.


Jenna Ryan has been named Chief Inclusion Officer of Trump Media. It’s going to be amazing!


Jenna Ellis has been named the Chief Traffic Officer of Trump Media!


What position would Stormy Daniels be best for before the place goes bankrupt?


She fits best under Brandons desk.


does he have to pay?

Buck fiden

She viciously attacks after her partner begins shooting his wad.


Definitely Chief Head Officer

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason

Soon enough we may find out why those huge cables are installed on the side of all of the 5G towers. Hint: it’s not for quicker downloads.

Angel Askew

“I Am Legend” Will Smith action, eh??


It’s going to turn people into vampires or something? Spooky

Angel Askew

Mad cow disease


LOL Yep.


Happy Monday Warriors.

Wishing you an action packed, exciting and fun week.

Trump won, We won.

Good times.

J Bill

MAGA! All same to you TW!

Check President DJ Trump happy dance link at Operation Disclosure Official today.
If President Trump is Happy, then so are We!!

Party on Mr. Prez!!!!
Good times!


Rose Mary Abbott


Rob William

Isn’t what you are doing is the definition of trolling? Just keep posting zero value personal direct messages?

Buck fiden


Rose Mary Abbott

Here is my jimdandy fool proof way to tell if you have any kind of Covid. 2 questions will solve it.

  1. Can I smell cologne being sprayed right in my face? If the answer is no, then you go for the other question.
  2. Can I taste anything besides salt when I eat food?

If the answer to number 1 is yes and number 2 is no you’ve got Covid! It’s the only bug that ever did that to me. Everyone that I know who has had it in any form had those symptoms.


I still think that (Covid) is a seasonal flu and the common cold.
The Deep State developed a Bio Weapon ..
That has been released worldwide.
Billions of people who were “over population” where useless eaters.
Bill Gates was recorded as saying only 500 million was needed around the planet.
What an Evil plan


You are a genius Zee.

Angel Askew

Very smart suggestion!

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew
Rose Mary Abbott


Lucky Star

No need to waste your energy by replying to their comments. Keep it cool knowing we have clown trolls to make us laugh about their brains down here


Rose Mary Abbott = B.O.T = Boots Off Trolls =

Last edited 2 years ago by Zee

Lol she hasn’t booted anyone. Only MB has that power and he doesn’t give a fuck about moderating this place at all 🙂


something will possibly definitely maybe happen #soon

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

I got the chink virus (version 1.0?) back in May. It was over 100° that day but I felt very cold for about 3 days. Slept under 4 blankets and couldn’t get warm! Felt chills up and down my torso. Then nausea came. I felt like puking but never did. Then I had olfactory hallucinations: everything smelled like grapefruit. Doctor Rubenstein said I was having a mini stroke. I say bullshit.

This chill-nausea-grapefruit attack has happened about 20 times since, with the last one being in November, and each episode lasted, from start-to-finish, less than 3 minutes. Sometimes I had 4 attacks in one day! Then I’d go weeks without one.

I also got big hard bumps on my back where bar sluts have Harley tattoos (“tramp stamps”). They were like measles. They went away within a week or perhaps ten days. Only one occurrence.

My dear friend Mr. Goldberg sent me a towelhead Z-pack. No problems since. The towelhead Z-pack consisted of 3 different types of drugs: Ivermectin (3 of them), zinc (14 of them) and some black and orange capsule (10 of them). They were $10 each from India. Don’t have to pay fucking doctors.

Be well.


Are you cured now?

Buck fiden

I think so. Either that, or other health problems have pushed it down. I fucking hate doctors!!!!!

J Bill

Beer, popcorn, Killagook yogurt.
In that order….

Buck fiden

Best suggestion I’ve had all day! Thanks!


Can’t wait to see Newson on trial

Angel Askew

His day in the spotlight is today! Hope we hear soon.




That is what we cultivate here in Missouri. We make rope.

Good times.


You always need rope It is in demand, especially in GITMO these days


Sold so much We received our first notice of reperations.

Angel Askew

That is one smart alternate crop to grow! The seeds are super food too.


And the stoners love us for it.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Depends on where you are. I’ve seen footage of people in places like India literally being forced.

They are using Ivermectin nationwide! Yet, paying snitches to rat out family for not taking jabbs. WTH??

In Africa somewhere a local government took 1 million astra zeneca vials and smashed them to bits in the center of town outdoors for all to see. Just this week.

Stay encouraged.


Jimmy Dore’s interview with RFK Jr is great!

Hang Fauci now!


Only for a day,
You had better squeal like a pig.
Or you go straight to the gallows

J Bill

Or save everyone some time Jimmy. Wait till the Court rests, then tell them:

deepthroat my cock b*tches… or try:

go kill yourselves... if that didn’t work. It should.


Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.

Rose Mary Abbott


Angel Askew


Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

Why not create your own list and publish it here? On second thought, Zee might not take too kindly to the competition and might call in for more Valium®. She has Walgreens on speed dial.


Fake Biden Dog licking his balls for Christmas and now this,

ITV News Journalist Stumbles, Says Pope Francis “Death Was Announced” On Broadcast

Good times.


You can’t get much better than this , and it is FUNNY


A dog licking its balls is some kind of exciting MAGA victory now? You are adorable, TL 🙂

Rose Mary Abbott



Seems to me its a Joe Biden pasttime. He said he wished he could do it himself, so later on the dog let him.

Lucky Star

Death by the rope or by the needle just like Bushes Sr and No name traitor????


death by whatever your imagination allows. none of it’s real anyway


Death by impalement on unicorn horns 🦄

Lucky Star

😄😄😄😄 that unicorn horn stuck inside your A-hole

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucky Star
Ready or Not

Dirty dirty and he was speaking to a group of Baptists that God wanted to partner with the jab creators, except he left out the part that it’s a killer jab.

sejmon ivermectin/regeneron/plaquenill…thats is his vax…..


Is it, is it really? Pardon me for being skeptical and all that. but I prefer the real deal. No jab for me, I have my faith that it don’t exist. Besides, I already had a cold with sniffles and it went away while I worked never missing a beat.


Rut Roh

Chicago is broke.

A Chicago city employee went to cash her paycheck at the bank last week but it wouldn’t clear.
She tried to deposit it the day after it was issued but it bounced.

Lucky Star

Is it real for sure?


I read it at TGP.

unlabeled quality

the consequences of rigged elections, vol 2.
people really need to stop with the ‘this is what happens when you keep voting Dem’ crap.

Lightfoot reeks of rigged elections…like all her predecessors.


tgp is being sued for pushing fake news lmaooo


Like CNN, and all the other Mockingbird Media is?

Buck fiden

America is broke. Inflation’s just getting started. Zhou Biden and the shadows behind him turned off the pipelines. That started everything turning into shit. 2021 will look like utter stability compared to next year when inflation really kicks into high gear. One gallon of distilled water at Walmart was 80¢ earlier this year. Now it’s $1.19. KillaGook Yogurt went from 48¢ each to 67¢.

Angel Askew

I’m glad you think we have another year! Folks with clean water wells will fair the best.
You should run for office.
Folks would tighten up and find middle ground quick. Lol

Buck fiden

There is no middle ground. As the condemned ex-president Dubya was wont to say, “Yer either with us or yer against us.”

As for running for orifice, I could never win. All elections are rigged for Democrats and RINOs. Plus, I’d end up challenging my rival to a duel. Besides, I just got freed. I want things to stay that way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buck fiden
Angel Askew

Historical times, Buck.
A LOT of folks have been murdered.
A LOT of money is moving around.
I’m just watching the board.

Buck fiden

I’m just watching the dollar lose value.


Maybe Shicago can start a “Go Fund Me” page.
It should be written like this;

Please help Shicago fund BLM,…..oops
Please help Shicago fund ANTIFA,…..dammit!
Please help Shicago fund illegal aliens,…..whoa woops
Please help Shicago fund free medical for illegal aliens
Please help Shicago fund the LGBT & Jewish Community,..oh no, not again!!!
Please help Shicago fund the Democrat Party oh oops, damn! Starting over again
Please help Shicago fund free things for stupid people, like the Mayor ohoh, ouch
Please help Shicago fund Liberal arts & shit, yeah that should work! Wait, nope
Please help Shicago fund covid jabs for the white muthfka’s,..oops get busted there
Please help Shicago fund the Sanitation Dept cause shits git’n deep already!
Please help Shicago fund Mayoral reelection and Acting career, Yeah Baby!!!

Ok, scratch all that!!!!
Well,……maybe we should just defund the Popo Dept. to pay all the city secretary’s and stuff instead and then give them a nice raise for waiting!
And you know,… we can always just fine the white people for not wearing a mask and for whatever too and then when they can’t pay us, we take their property and sell it low at auction prices to jews who are buying up all their land and houses anyway!!!!


Here is an exerpt from a Christmas Letter sent to me from a hardcore progressive life long democrat:

“State had a period of time with difficulties but COVID 19 is improving due to the use of vaccinations and masks.”

Sender did not credit anyone for the improvement but last year’s letter began with “I am happy that a real Christian will be moving into the White House.”

I think it’s funny.


BTW, State was stolen from Trump and the People. Many active court cases States Governor murdered nursing home patients.




You need a booster shot, to calm you down

Terminally deplorable

The one with the instantaneous cardiac arrest.


oh that’ll show me! btw it was not instant. thoughts and prayers

Rose Mary Abbott


Rose Mary Abbott



Here is an “exerpt” (LMAO) from these nuts:


Rose Mary Abbott


Daughter of the American Revolution

Funny and bizarre. Can’t wrap my head around how you can be a hardcore progressive and “Christian” at the same time. One of life’s mysteries…


He’s Not progressive, you just wish he was because you are dumb ass. Not a mystery either, its fact and another fact is your mental stability is an issue, you should find some help.


I think she was referring to the Sender.

J Bill

At that time biden and ploosi used the term “Christian/Catholic” as their selling point into office, claiming themselves devout spiritualists.

Shortly after, 2 videos came out on Youtube from their clergy denouncing them for their hard left views. Indicating that theirs’ was NOT the Catholic message and that it not be condoned…

… and I laughed!!!

Daughter of the American Revolution

I was referring to the sender of the letter. lol… XD It’s okay. Good to know we have people willing to stand up to dumb asses.


Decades of brainwashing. Some will never wake up. I accept that and just laugh.

Daughter of the American Revolution

Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I am mortified that half the world could be staunchly brainwashed, irreparably lost, amidst a sea of logical evidence to the contrary – even down to the family level, world wide!

Biblical, astonishing. The enemy falls into his own traps.

Agreed A big part of me wants to start a business just teaching folks how to read with newspaper articles and discussions.
The cities are SERIOUSLY bad.

Daughter of the American Revolution

In 2019 had the misfortune to have to go visit someone from overseas who was naive enough to book a hotel in Hollywood. I hadn’t seen Hollywood since I was a kid.
Still have visions of Richie Rich girl in high heels stepping over drunken homeless in midst of total filth. Stark and bizarre – the cities are dead and rotten.

Buck fiden

The nigger Desmond Tutu, who was instrumental in rabble-rousing to destroy South Africa has died. Rot in hell, you muther fucker!! It’s far worse now for everyone – including keffers!!!


I won’t cry a tear….

Angel Askew

I have read he was in the pedophile Satanist club too.


Can you share the link? I assume it was on Facebook…

Rose Mary Abbott

edition DOT CNN DOT com
Desmond Tutu, anti-apartheid leader and voice of justice, dead at 90
Or this endtimeshofarDOTblogspotDOTcom

about Desmond TUTU.



which link has the pedophile accusation?


Yeah, RMA didn’t understand the assignment.

Angel Askew

Do your own research, 🐍Teodoro.

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

I need help to get my dick working again. Please attempt to jumpstart it.

Terminally deplorable

I can power you up with my 220 V generator

Buck fiden

That would be as successful as having to have sex with Janet Reno’s corpse at gunpoint. Thanks for the offer.


Impossible. Need a microscope.

Buck fiden

You’re right. The doctors did it. I want to kill them or at least cut their schmekels off and feed it to my neighbour’s pit bull Chihuahua mix.

All drugs have side effects. I’m plotting my revenge.


I imagine RMA (Zee) as a 300 lb 64 year old woman who cuts her own hair with a flowbee every 6 weeks. She probably owns 16 cats and claims they all have a personality and love her. The outside of her double wide has not been cleaned in 30 years and it is only slightly dirtier than the car seats surrounding her fire pit.

Buck fiden

That might get me hard. Does Zee live in a tryler court in West Phoenix or Apache Junction?

Does she still have that row of philodendrons planted in a dozen cracked toilets in her front yard, or are they dead due to neglect and lack of water? Or perhaps the weeds are so high, the toilets are hidden?


George Washington crossed the Delaware River on December 25, 1776.

Christmas Day 2021 marked the 2(45)th anniversary of the historic event


To make the pedos and tranny cry again……

Post 245
30-Nov-2017 11:46:51 PM CST
Hussein is evil and a real loser.
No special treatment.
Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.
Morons, all of them.


J Bill

Tell me about it… the tranny with the green panties got them in a bunch.
Cried all day practically… made me want to pet or euthanize it.
I think it liked that dog part too… really misses his mom I guess…

Good times!!!!!


See above, tranny triggered. LOL!


 Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`


Where he murdered 1400 undocumented hired workers. We learned about that in school and even watched a reenactment once.

Rose Mary Abbott



Do your research. George Washington crossed the Delaware River on Christmas to murder people.

Buck fiden

Hessian soldiers. But in this case, Washington’s troops would be the wetbacks. The big question: did they have vaccine passports?

Buck fiden

The Hannigan Brothers in Cochise County killed some wetbacks and threw their bodies down a well. They should have at least a county holiday for them.


Thoughts and prayers. Good news about the posting though


Don’t get too used to it.
People sent there are not to chatty after a day or two.
The food is awful I hear…💀

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden



“God loves all of us unconditionally, except those who give up on QAnon. God hates those people.” –Pepe.

Uh oh, looks like q grifters on telegram have people pushing back




Unconditionally/ except,…….🐓🍭
Moron,… Minions like you believe in Q Anon
You don’t listen, because the VAX has scrambled your brain.
Q is one person
Anons are following.
Never are they one word
The face diaper is cutting off the oxygen to your brain cell..


Anons were given puzzles in code to figure out and did. They were found to all be accurate yet confusing to the enemy.
Q opened closed eyes, now those closed eye’s can see clearly.
Those that are asleep are now awakening.
What will happen when they awaken?

Buck fiden

I heard that Q was a group of ten people, at least seven of whom were military.

Rose Mary Abbott



Can we send you things from Amazon ?


He will be too busy working , like cool hand Luke, digging graves for the dearly departed.
The body bags are really pilling up…


It’s not fair that he has to dig graves for the unvaccinated who die. Maybe it is the irony of the sentence that makes it worse.

Rose Mary Abbott


J Bill

Are they going to “off him” with boiled eggs too?

That’d be the way to go!

Rose Mary Abbott





What if one does not die because of an impalement ? It could be through the lower arm or foot and would not be fatal. That would be a polite impalement .

Rose Mary Abbott


Buck fiden

Otto was probably referring to the level of severity of the famous Vlad around Cluj.


Call your doctor !!!!!!

Angel Askew



For neck pain…you’re really going to need one

Terminally deplorable

For sore throats OTC industrial strength Tylenols are recommended..

Terminally deplorable

Why are young athletes dropping like flies on the pitch? Check that out.

Dr Robert Malone, Inventor of the mRNA Technologie has the explanation. Heart inflammation (Myocarditis) after the jab leads to scarring of the heart tissue. This scarring cannot be repaired, and it leads to the release of electrolytes which disturbs the conductivity of the heart muscle and messes up electrical signals (as measured in an electro cardiogram). Undisturbed conductivity is a requirement to let the heart beat regularly. Irregular heart beat leads to atrial and ventricular fibrillation (insufficient pumping ), sudden cardiac arrest and death. High performance athletes are most affected.
Malone’s presentation 23 min forward
bitchute . com/video/g8FYjo1nqsi8/

Last edited 2 years ago by Terminally deplorable
Chris Russ

This has been going on for some time now. I sent this information to a friend a few months back, he discredited the gateway pundit as not a credible news source, so I sent links from media sites around the world covering this. I did this to try and wake him up, he is a liberal sportscaster for Fox and avid soccer player. Regardless of the fact we disagree on politics he is still my friend and golf buddy. Was hoping he would dig into this and possibly go rouge with a story on this, he has yet to do it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chris Russ

Hopefully your friend will live long enough to admit his mistake and reversed course. As DGT would say; so sad.

Angel Askew

They’ve been dropping like flies! I bet NBA cancels the season…

Lucky Star

Let them dropping like the flies during the game and on air/live streaming.

Angel Askew

Did you watch the video link I posted? It’s funny!

Angel Askew

Bilderburgs call them “idiots” …

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Askew
Terminally deplorable

I know a lot of people who behave like sleep walkers if they are confronted with such information. They are mentally invested in the jab, and would face an abyss of death and destruction upon realizing their situation. So, they rather display their denial. This society has a long way to recovery.



i slept walked right into death numerous times


You are close.


The United States has been in a National Emergency since December 20, 2017.

On December 16, 2020 Executive Order 13818 was extended for one year.

Fake Biden? extended it for another year.

Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption.

Thanks JBill, I checked the Federal Registry and it’s legit. Give me your thoughts on this, details please.

Incorrigible Skeptic

You’re spot on brother.


J Bill tipped me off on an earlier comment. I thought 13818 expired a few days ago. I’ve been talking about this EO fo over a year but I believed it fell on deaf ears.

Fake Biden has no reason to renew this order since it bankrupts him.

Fake Bidens Christmas message to the troops was off the wall. Giving them a break while his dog is licking his balls in the background.

Now we have a Navy ship docked at Gitmo full of sailors who are supposedly jabbed and sick with Covid. A crew that didn’t come in contact with anyone in weeks. Okay, so the jab doesn’t work is the response to this development. It gives the jabbed covid. Under the guise of covid is likely true. Right back atcha traitors! Two can play at that game.

And don’t forget, a fresh crew of a hundred troops is scheduled to arrive at Gitmo on the first for a one year deployment. Troop rotation at Gitmo is normally a 3 month period.

J Bill

My first impression was that it was a “coup de grace.” An insurance policy that those trying to escape, evade, or avoid prosecution would not get very far. It appears like attempts were already being made.

Also, that allowing Nesara to merge with the old economy for another year, would provide back-up needed in the event of someone thwarting the merger. That it had gotten this far is to everyone’s surprise.

I assumed that it was President Trump’s call…


and brandon sudden testing…..


But no EBS , that would be proof to all . Or days of darkness , pull the plug , I dare you .


Soon,… It is imminent !


Has anyone heard from 2nd place (1st loser) DJT?


I just hope this extension ..GUARANTEE -JB- CIRCUS WILL END UP SOON….


Well, it does indicate that the good guys are in control of fake Biden.

Some believe the National Emergency could be further used for nefarious purposes but that only succeeds in NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. Won’t succeed in Missouri and Florida that’s for sure.

Keeping Us on our toes, whoever is behind the extension.


Bill Clinton was forced to sign NESARA.


I don’t think so . It was never introduced as a law to congress . Forced to sign it is ludicrous.

J Bill

but true.


No president can ever be forced to sign a law . Who introduced it plus Congress would have to pass it , etc . No financial publications or networks are talking about it . I called my banker and he had no idea what I was talking about .


i’m sure they’ll provide their evidence #soon


Do your own research
Then you won’t look like such an IDIOT
The evidence is out there, LAZY !


Can you post a link to the Facebook post where you found the evidence?


You say you called your banker, fact is it is SUNDAY. YOUR bank is closed.

J Bill


Angel Askew

There is footage of him signing it in the oval office. It was said that he was surrounded by military there to make sure he signed it. He looked like he’d swallowed a canary.


I don’t think that is true but what congress member introduced it ? Think about it the military cannot force a president to do anything.


Too late, its already done…

Terminally deplorable

I would have suggested he swallows a crow.

J Bill

The info I gleaned from the IA, available for perusing at Truth11 [dot] com as a verbal transcript. Just a brief excerpt is as quoted. My opinion follows:

“I have invoked the Insurrection Act of 1807 (Section 10 U.S. Code 13 251-255) to address the treasonous rebellion conducted by…

… President Trump declared on Thursday 14 Jan. “These entities pose a direct threat to national security. I will remain President indefinitely until all domestic enemies are arrested.”

This would be a verbal transcript of the original IA signed by President DJ Trump. Now under the Jurisdiction of an abbreviated Martial Law imposed by Trump, JAG Corps and it’s Military by Agreement.

At first glance the Military’s interim status would provide the same framework of Congressional oversight and Senate approval as it were in the public eye. As there was no precedent to follow for an IA, tacit approval, joint communication and understanding was required amongst all parties in it’s application. 

My belief is that Trump’s closing remarks are all encompassing. That whatever EO’s were standing and in effect before January 20, 2021 will continue to stand and in effect until “all domestic enemies are arrested.” No time limit implied.

His Interim Government would determine the best time for implementing, amending, deleting, or adding more, to any of his EO’s that stood as President Trump had written them. It seems likely then, to achieve this goal he will remain as President. While in anticipation of domestic enemies attempting to evade prosecution, that additional EO’s, amendments, or extensions would be required.

Fake Biden’s “show” ended November 15, 2021 announced by SCOTUS. Not only without jurisdiction but unable to sign EO’s. Couldn’t find any in a search except for recent past. My interpretation of the item at Operation Official Disclosure was understood, that it fell under the new contract. In absentia of US Inc. 1871.

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Fascist larper gonna larp lmaoooooooooo


Told you so,


No the Supreme Court did not . None of this is true . Trump was talked out of signing the insurrection act by his staff . Never done .

Angel Askew

Sure they did. It’s just sitting on someone’s desk. BECAUSE THEY CAN.


show the docs and signatures


Haven’t you packed your bags for GITMO yet?
Don’t forget your tooth brush


You have no credibility. NO one here believes anything you have to SAY.
You are a JOKE

J Bill



The dog licking his balls during a Christmas address was convincing but I wanted a more professional opinion.

Thank you. The pedophiles are crying so you are clearly over the target.

J Bill

The dog-licking-his-balls is hilarious. Or how it stole the show.
Who says karma can’t be funny?

Last edited 2 years ago by J Bill

Your childish and stupid behavior has to stop.`


Let’s go Brandon makes the left cry. Dog licking balls is their porn.

Good times!



Buck fiden

That would be dogma.

Angel Askew

Thank you for having the fortitude to look further on this. DJT with the vaxx, Martial law in Hawaii, people dying everywhere from jabbs, 5g freak show on 1/5th… I’ve had about enough for today.


thank you for the bootlicking

  • “MT”
Buck fiden

Fuck those Da Kiners!


What happened on 12/20/17?

Dave Smith

Hi anybody heard anything about JANUARY 6TH 2022 . Donold J Trump return?


It’s his airing of grievances portion of festivus. Nothing will happen except he’ll rant on the usual topics: border wall (Mexico isn’t paying), the caravan which only shows up on election years, HRC (but she’s dead!!!! Lol), Hunter Biden, sleepy joe, etc

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason

Dave, pay NO attn to Jason – its a Shill.
Yes, we’ve all heard bout Trumps speech thats coming.


Are you suggesting trump has new things to say? Because I highly doubt it. Every rally is the exact same : he yells about something, tells his supporters he’ll do something, then fundraise off those promises (see Mexico, wall)

Incorrigible Skeptic

Still waiting for an invite ya cunt!!


An invite to what?


Sounds like fun to me !!

Lucky Star

We just need to see if it would be actually happened on the 6th.


Maybe know better tomorrow… Need EBS first

Don’t expect a date that will be kept –still too early–a few events have not happened yet.

English TV said yesterday–POPE IS DEAD …then she said sorry not so..
Was this a marker? Guy acting as Pope does not look like Francis.

Did cgi do xmas Queens speech– looks and sounde good –but, I am sure the composition of the speech was not the Queens words– rather too simple for her. Queen always wrote everything herself


CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME -5G- FLIP -on 01/05/22 what it mean…


5g flip phones are awesome but not practical for me

Angel Askew

Last time a city turned on 5g it was in WUHAN and everyone got sick or died and they called it coronavirus pandemic.
Now, The Magenta project will be launched on 1/5th they will try it again but this time people have the vaxx in them….

unlabeled quality

that is precisely what I was worried about when I did my deep-dive into the death injections a couple of months ago.
graphene oxide/hydroxide is very conductive to electricity, and will react to any emf sent to it.
and given that it’s inside of a person’s body…
I don’t need to say any more.

Angel Askew

Glad to be in good company.
It’s terrifying.
Do what you can to protect your electrical devices.
It may not be just internet because they will want to “mask” the actual cause.

Buck fiden

I need a Faraday jockstrap!


I saw the Pope slip. I don’t think they are slips anymore.

Angel Askew

I think MI6 is writing all her correspondence now.


woman acting as huma abedin….does not look like hillary handler either….




Yeah I heard it’s going to be yet another day where nothing happens 🙃


Egads . I am shocked once again .

Buck fiden

Gregorian or Julian?

Buck fiden

Reminds me of being an 8-year-old in the back of a truck driving across the USA. Every so often, you’d see a green sign on the freeway with the name of three cities and distances. It would take forever to get to them. Then there would be another sign with more cities and distances. Game never ended until you got to that tunnel in Santa Monica where I-10 ends.

Perhaps that’s like that canceled TV series “Colony” when you enter the Santa Monica Exclusion Zone, where the military shoots to kill if you don’t play by their rules.

We’re almost there, kids.