Military Arrests Biden’s Sec. of Agriculture Tom Vilsack


White Hats on Tuesday arrested the criminal Biden regime’s secretary of agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack, after connecting him to the calculated destruction of a dozen agricultural processing facilities across the United States, JAG sources told Real Raw News

Back on March 24, marionette Joseph R. Biden made a shocking statement on national news. Muttered he, “With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it’s gonna be real,” in response to concerns about empty grocery store shelves and rising inflation. He pinned the blame on the usual suspect, Vladimir Putin, but also may have inadvertently telegraphed his administration’s goals of bankrupting and starving the American populace.

Within hours of Biden’s clairvoyant proclamation, a series of inexplicable ‘accidents’ began plaguing food processing plants throughout the country.

On March 24, a potato factory in Belfast, Maine, burned to the ground. Although officials said the fire was started by a large fryolator machine, line workers at Penobscot McCrum said the enormous vat fryers were disabled for routine maintenance when the blaze began.

On March 25, a mysterious fire razed the Maricopa Food Pantry in Maricopa County, Arizona, taking with it 50,000 pounds of staples. As of this writing, the Maricopa County Fire Department has yet to determine what caused the fire.

On March 31, a massive structural fire consumed the largest fresh onion packing facility in South Texas. A family-run business, Rio Fresh Inc. supplied fresh produce to grocery stores like Kroger’s, Aldi, Tom Thumb, and H-E-B. The conflagration put 300 people out of work and destroyed an estimated 100 truckloads of onions.

On April 12, a raging inferno engulfed the East Conway Beef & Pork plant in New Hampshire. According to owner Darrell Robinson, the fire, which is still under investigation, “destroyed tens of thousands of pounds of beef and pork and killed livestock.”

The above examples are emblematic of an issue that transcends mere conspiracy theory; the callous, gradual annihilation of America’s food chain. Since March 24, astute observers have catalogued 15 such incidents, none of which were covered by the MSM.

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps took interest in the bizarre fires only after being contacted by an FBI whistleblower on April 21, the same day a light commuter plane, a Cessna A340, nosedived into a General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia, killing the alleged occupants, a student-pilot and his CFI. Although the National Transportation Safety Board said the owner of the plane was doing flight training when the plane took a nosedive, the whistleblower claimed the FBI, not the NTSB, authored the accident report after usurping investigative authority from the NTSB’s regional go-team. This transfer of power should occur only if the NTSB suspects a crime and requests FBI aid. But in this case, the NTSB did not suspect a crime, did not request FBI help, and was shut out of the investigation within an hour of the crash. Typically, a thorough accident report takes weeks or months to compile, but the FBI had the answers at its fingertips in mere hours.

Furthermore, the whistleblower claimed that the FBI had “speciously falsified” the accident report, and in doing so removed a crucial “Smoking Gun” fact that shreds to pieces the official account. The plane had no occupants. It was remote controlled.

Additionally, the informant said he knew who had orchestrated the crash, as well as the previously mentioned food factory fires. He named Secretary of Agriculture Thomas J. Vilsack and had paperwork to support his claim.

“We’re hesitant to believe anything coming out of the FBI, even from a so-called whistleblower. White Hats don’t trust the Justice Department; they’re Deep State. They are masters of deception and disinformation. So, our investigators independently verify everything, and I mean everything. I can’t discuss specifics on the plane, but we confirmed it was pilotless when it hit the General Mills facility. This gave us reason to authenticate some of Vilsack’s email correspondence given to us by the informant,” a JAG source told Real Raw News.

An email sent from Vilsack to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, dated 13 April 2022, read, “Small, isolated events won’t get coverage but will have an immense impact on inflation. People shouldn’t bitch about paying higher prices, they have too much food as is. A little combustion isn’t a bad thing.” Two days later, Vilsack sent her a second email: “How does the saying go? When he says jump, we ask, ‘how high.’ Aviation accidents happen all the time, doesn’t have to be 767s or 757s.” A third email, written on 16 April, said, “The best way to conceal a crime is to hide it amid other seemingly unrelated crimes.”

JAG’s associates at U.S. Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, confirmed the emails had been sent from Vilsack’s government email account.

“Under authority of the Insurrection Act of 1807, it was felt this was enough evidence to pick him up on charges of treason. JAG drafted a military arrest warrant in his name.”

Vilsack, the former Governor of Iowa and, prior to that, the longest serving member of Hussein Obama’s original cabinet, was on April 26 taken into custody by JAG investigators at his home in Mount Pleasant, Iowa.

“He will be processed and made to answer before a military tribunal,” our source said.

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Amazing how clairvoyant these Biden regime folks are. It’s almost like they planned it. LOL. Except starving folks to force total reliance/dependence on totalitarian regimes is right out of Russian revolution Marxist playbook. The Democrats are so incompetent that they can’t even come up with new ways to force us into obeisance. See? I always said they have no policy solutions. Even in screwing this country over, they borrow from others.


One more day?


Maryland just gave order to destroy millions of chicken, and birds, under the direction of their Agriculture Secretary.


This man had a choice in this world and he chose evil. Ppl believe if they tell what they’re gonna do then they get out of the karmic consequences. Wrong. But that belief shows how crazy they are. I’m glad he’s off the street.

terry jacks

He looks like he was already hanged. His neck is all beat up and his skin looks dead.


Perhaps he’s a she and thats a vagina under his chin from all the face lifts he or she’s had. lol


A friend of mind in Central Nebraska told me that 10,000 pigs were destroyed in a fire in their area.


so sad. poor pigs : (


Onward, to the very last one.
Justice delayed, is Justice denied.


Looks like the People of France are in objection to the Macron Re-Selection.

buck fiden

Just like Trump. Stolen.


Remember People – Its all about “Election Fraud” Stay Focused!!!
2000Mules Coming to a theater near You!
See their Names & Faces in “REAL TIME” get exposed to the general public.
Normies be like – YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!!!
Patriots be like; Yeah we can!
And if you want your own Video, go to;
2000Mules dotCOM and you too can have your very own Gotcha mfr moment.


A Purdue factory in Chesapeake went up in flames last night, they must have someone else doing his dirty work already. It’s on youtube, I didn’t post a link, because I know they don’t like links on here.

Rob William

At White House correspondents dinner yesterday everyone else was vaccinated and boosted (including Fox News people). The real Joe Biden was in the real White House with many other people already declared dead by RRN.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William

“Dr Birx” is back in the media. When is this entire deception going to stop?! These executions need to be reported on MSM! The Military needs to take over the MSM and tell the truth already! A lot of people don’t have the time to research the truth. They have work and families and just believe the evening news because it’s so easy to turn on their huge, flat screen TVs. The reporters dress nicely, have perfect hairdos, and lie through their white/straight teeth with such a sincere look on their faces, as if they are real concerned about us. “We all must wear our masks!” “We all must get our vaccines!” “We all need to social distance!” “We must stay safe!” Then the second the cameras are off, they tear off those masks and intermingle. Such a joke!


Well, she’s a DemoNazi Zionist. So you can’t expect anything less out of her, her Masters demand she do what she does.

Robert James

Ahh, the good news just keeps on coming! The Bushs, the Clintons, the Gates, even my personal favorite rat traitor Fouci! Has he hung yet?

I really wish I’d kept score. Has anyone done that? I’d love to have a copy on my wall in front of my recliner. Traitorous scum on review!

I get almost giddy thinking about this Sunday morning!

Last edited 2 years ago by Robert James
Freddy Benson

Hey everyone, I found the voter fraud! Pillow guy should bring THIS to the supreme court!

A judge in Phoenix on Friday sentenced a Scottsdale woman who now lives in California to two years’ felony probation, fines and community service for voting her dead mother’s ballot in the 2020 general election.

But the judge rejected a prosecutor’s request that she serve at least 30 days in jail because she lied to investigators and demanded that they hold those committing voter fraud accountable.

“The only way to prevent voter fraud is to physically go in and punch a ballot,” McKee told the investigator. “I mean, voter fraud is going to be prevalent as long as there’s mail-in voting, for sure. I mean, there’s no way to ensure a fair election.

“And I don’t believe that this was a fair election,” she continued. “I do believe there was a lot of voter fraud.”

Rob William



There will be a Retrial because its Not a Felony, its a Capital Crime.


Voter fraud is now a capitol offense?


Great News!


Mark Alan King found something similar through his gematria some time back. An entry that said something about the ‘fake jws trying to cause a famine, by messing with food supply chains’ (paraphrasing).


Good job. Myasskiss next? I mean , he is the next Hitler. Expecting the
stache to show up any day. Ashkenazi through and through. DS. Cabal.

Freddy Benson

That guy literally killed my entire family!

Robert James

I am hoping my entirely triple jabbed family got placebos. My triple jabbed RN daughter got sick anyway, but at least she’s not dead yet. I hope she dodged the bullet.


Discovering suitable exo-planets and exporting fragments of the Human ‘plague’ to colonize & populate them is another, but still very expensive method to preserve the human species, ensuring its survival, while attempting to ensure the continued viability of the Home Planet. Ruthless limitation of reproduction on the former Chinese method is not, long-term, agreeable or sustainable either, it seems. NOT preserving highly defective offspring, at great social & economic cost, should be seriously re-evaluated, as a start. Pain & cost necessarily accompany any & all paths, it seems, but deliberate wars & plagues are not cost-free either – not economically and not morally. We humans, have thus far FAILED to have this discussion. We’ve left it to the ‘happy few’ in the so-called Deep State, and they’ve decided on self-preservation at the expense of all others. (At the same time, they run baby-factories and human trafficking schemes….) If we don’t like the Deep State method of deliberate plagues, wars and medical murder, now being dismantled by ‘patriots’, more of us have to put our thinking-caps on and focus more directly on this under-discussed issue. Difficult. As I see it, anyway.

Last edited 2 years ago by Paladin45
Robert James

Once the Deep State members have all been executed, such matters should be simpler to improve.


Michael, Can you answer these questions?

Are any of the intel officers encouraging Americans to organize and mobilize to protect the borders and nation?

Are any intel officers still asking Americans to “hold the line”?

If neither is true, then is it safe to say that Americans can commence to collect 640 millions aliens, dead or alive?

Freddy Benson

Commence collecting


Glad the White Hats are ON this. Still difficult to believe ‘ordinary’ people – even politicians – can perpetrate so much deliberate evil. LIMITING population can be done by educating each generation to the value & necessity of NOT constantly reproducing & EXPANDING, but rather gradually reducing Earth’s total population.


@Paladin45 — The Holy Bible explains “deliberate evil” commenced the day renegade Lucifer led billions of angels into an insurrection to murder and overthrow Father God’s Kingdom. The renegade angels believed they were superior to humans, and refused to serve them. So, renegade angels were executed except their spirits, which roam Earth until Judgments Day.

“Deliberate evil” commenced the day Lucifer raped Eve to procreate CAIN, a half-breed human and angel who murdered his brother Abel. CAIN was later killed, and his progeny would drown in the Great Flood.

“Deliberate evil” began when renegade angels, who chose the alias “Jew,” commandeered the history of the WHITE family. Father Jesus chose the WHITE family as HIS personal Army to “eradicate evil on Earth.” The Caucasian, Yellow, Red, Brown, and Black families were chosen to “nurture and protect Earth,” hence, each family was “placed” as “tenants” on different continents. Father Jesus renamed the Hebrews to Israelites.

Father Jesus condemned the renegade angel “Jews” to the Lake of Sulfuric Fire and called out the renegade angels (alias Jews) of their true identify in the Holy Bible, book 17, and called out Satan as having fathered the renegade angels (alias Jews) in the books of John and Revelation.

The story doesn’t change, rather, it exposes “deliberate evil” and its emergence by “seven evil behaviors” (Proverbs 6:16-19) that occurred before, during, after the insurrection in Father Jesus’s 3rd Heaven following Day 7 of rest.

Lucky Star

How did you know Lucifer raped Eve? Were you the witness when he did it?.. woow.. you guys churches goer are f@#&$^ nut. You interpreted Bible as you wished

Sandy Koufax

Naomi Judd passed away on Saturday at the age of 76.


According to the published statement from her daughters Ashley and Winona, it appears that Ms. Naomi Judd committed suicide.

Robert James

I’ll settle for that. Saves Gitmo airfare and lodging, at least.

Freddy Benson



Enjoy the Hangmans Noose. Traitors Hang. Youre a TRAITOR to your country.

terry jacks

They are pulling maintenance on those giant deep-fat fryers so they can handle all the lying pigs on trial for treason. That should get them ready for HELL.


@Terry Jacks — Deep-fat frying the Deep State is too time consuming and labor intensive!

A simpler method might be to drop renegades into holes containing carnivores from the largest to the smallest that eat and poop the vermin to the size of particulates that the winds distribute over planet Earth.

Then humanity can walk, spit, and defecate on vermin particulates for an eternity.

Robert James

Gee, you don’t think it would be worth it?


Hang him ASAP. then get mayorkas!

Freddy Benson

“Hang him ASAP. then get mayorkas!”

hell yeah! fake news!

Rob William

Write to JAG.


Pedophilia is the deep state’s middle name. As if you don’t know.


Main Stream Media CEOs Must ALL be “detained”
Processed sent to Guam, Gitmo or wherever.
Then a Short Trial, probable conviction, immediate
And Multiple Back to back EXECUTIONs
That is MY. Remedy for TREASON

Rob William

And monkeys should be the judges!

Freddy Benson

“And Multiple Back to back EXECUTIONs

dril wrote this


Very handsome picture is provided.
The D.S. will be at a loss to create a
Clone for this one very quickly…😕

Rob William

Clone due to genetic similarity has exactly the same face (with cloning they also need to have rapid growth and aging technology).

Freddy Benson

sounds better in russian

John .S

Hope the patriarch and matriarch of Rio Fresh Inc. gets invited to GITMO [all expense paid], witnessing the hanging.

Dr John

It seems the double hanging and increase in publications of hangings has got the Deep State all hung up on what to do next. The increase the level of lies (not very good ones at that) in hopes we will believe the “Hokum Smokum” (Huckleberry Hound) is just silly, not even good material.

The more they point out this site is a hoax, they more we realize Michael and his military sources are on target and pissing the Deep State off. “But, but you hung our hero, our leader, our mother shit).”

Maybe Micheal should say it this way.

“After visiting with military leaders dressed in a dashing Orange jump suit, the special guest was invited to stretch their legs and everything else. To make sure they arrived at the presentation area safely they received a proper escort where others were awaiting their appearance. They mounted the dais to give a short speech to an attentive audience. After an emotional but short speech; even though dead on their feet they hung around for a brief examination into their health.”

Shortly after while in a deep state of rest when the special guest was questioned about the ceremony there was no comment.

It can be said the special guest was the first at the ceremony to depart. Sporting a full length, synthetic leather body bag they left the event knowing the audience wanted more!”

Freddy Benson

Ok boomer. Donate more!

David T

“Boomer”. idiot.


Maybe you are a little jealous, Freddy…it seems very clear that
You want your OWN orange jumpsuit.. Because you crave attention!
That can be arranged…

Rob William

In the real world there has been a shortage of orange jumpsuits created by the zillions of Jan 6 convictions — seditious conspiracy.

Freddy Benson

arrange it

Sandy Koufax

The COVID shot kills and maims Millennials at a much higher rate than Boomers. Millennials vote Democrat at a much higher rate than Boomers.

Freddy Benson

i died from my shots

Sandy Koufax

Rest in peace.


Michael is busy in Disney with his special “friend”.


Tom Vilsack is a German NAZI … yes, an infiltrating family of SALESMEN turned POLITICIANS figuring to SELL Americans anything as VILSACKS trekked from GERMANY to PENNSYLVANIA to IOWA. It’s time NAZI ped-o-boy VILSACK performs the “air dance” at the end of the hangman’s rope along with his NAZI “sleeper” generations living in the USA!

Freddy Benson

LMAO wut

Angel Askew

Similar to Bush jr.!

Freddy Benson

you’re a nazi. who the fuck are you talking shit about? you’re literally the worst person on the planet

Lucky Star

Look who’s talking now????

Jeremy R Feit

That they burned down a food facility in Maricopa (unless you’re a tinfoil hat wearing coincidence theorist) says EVERYTHING

Rob William

Who burned down?

Angel Askew

They are setting the stage for this setup for avian flu and killing all the poultry in the name of “health” but it’s really to starve us out.

Freddy Benson

what’s al gore doing tonight?

Mr. G

I’ve actually posted probably these and far more incidents on this my Facebook. I remember videos of farmers back as far as during the trump administration showing us burning pig and cattle barns the government ordered.


Jim Stone said this site is satire, but conveniently left out the fact that RRN had to state that for legal purposes. Everyone on social media who has brains say this and say for “entertainment purposes”. I believe what’s reported on here is true. These articles have legal, military language that the every day citizen doesn’t know.


If it were true no disclaimer is required.

Truth is the absolute defense to libel/slander

Last edited 2 years ago by Jason
David T

Sure if you like to give some turd enough ammo to file a frivolous lawsuit that would cost less to settle than to defend, go for it. You and your troll turd buddies post such asinine BS it boggles the mind.

Freddy Benson

file a suit david or keep being a bitch


@Jason — You don’t live in the world of business. The “disclaimer” protects an individual(s) from NAZIS filing bogus law suits to censor Truth.

The NAZIS commandeered the United States of America and adopted British law before 1800. Hence, the Bar Association and its members were/are subject to EXECUTION millennia ago.

If U.S. Military don’t reveal to Americans that it’s time to quit “holding the line,” there won’t be a nation to save with more than 640 MILLION vermin causing mayhem in the streets.


I’m correct dumbass


Check out the disclaimer on the Wall Street Journal site.


Just a guess; same as Mad Magazine.


Identical, same as the main source of reference for the Trolls on this site…” The national Enquirer “….
The Teddy,Freddy, Helen, Ruth, and Jason and wedgie.


So does this mean you didn’t look at the disclaimer on the Wall Street Journal website?

buck fiden

Everything MB writes at RRN is true.


After checking RRN’s only Independent Fact Checker, I find this to be true.


What facts were checked?

terry jacks

Two ropes required; one for his ballsack, the other for his neck.


What a visual you have just provided.
Gruesome way to be …mutilated… Messy too !

buck fiden

The commie chinks have the right idea: one .22LR bullet to the head at point-blank range and bill the widow for the cost of the bullet.


The way to normalize something is to talk about it so much it becomes background noise. That is what RRN is doing to the readers.

David T

Your delusional opinion and nothing else. RRN is not covering pedophilia in such a way as to normalize it. Quite the contrary. When RRN covers situations with a pedophile element to it, the coverage is done such to inform the readers how severe and widespread the problem is, and what the white hats are doing to combat it, including arrests, convictions and executions. I doubt that anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex reading these news reports could see these writings as an attempt to normalize pedophilia, unless the reader sees being executed as a “normalizing” life event. It never ceases to amaze me how illogical, asinine and downright stupid some of your posts are.

David T

“Some of your posts”? – Silly me, I meant to write “ALL of your posts.”


“It never ceases to amaze me how illogical, asinine and downright stupid some of your posts are.”

Says the very serious (and intelligent!) boomer who believes fake news and donates to get more fake news.


David never donated.

David T

Again, your delusional opinion and nothing else.


Keep telling yourself that. I hope you can sleep at night knowing what you are doing.

David T

Whatever Teddy Spread.


I can almost hear you crying.


You are EXACTLY Right !
All of teddy posts are Asinine , illogical
and downright Stupid…

Angel Askew

He’s an old skool hippie whose been so snookered he would prefer ruin everyone rather than admit he may be wrong.

Freddy Benson

i’ll ruin a nazi


I consider most commenters to be my adopted special needs children.

J Bill

I consider it like babysitting when reading your comments, and clean up after you all the time.

Freddy Benson

what, specifically, do you clean up? do you pick up turds? do you handle shit for a living? weird flex bro


That’s what msm is doing, and has been for many years…?


Good work dummies. Since you are so happy that Fauci was executed, this is what happens next. Since no one is saying that COVID is a problem any longer, a pandemic-era order known as Title 42 (that led to the quick deportation of hundreds of thousands of migrants in two years) will be lifted by the end of May 2022. Now we will have millions of people flooding into the USA during a recession and taking all of the low paying jobs. You handed the country over to illegals because you were triggered when wearing a mask. I hope you are proud.

David T

False. Title 42 wasn’t what was keeping them out. It’s just as illegal to illegally enter the US, covid or no covid, as it is to illegally enter any other country with defined borders.


Great job boomers 👍

David T

Boomer. Idiot.

Freddy Benson

smooth brain boomers are gonna let our border be overrun by people who will cut their grass!


Title 42 allowed us to deport them immediately citing COVID and the pandemic. Now it will take years. Again, great job executing Fauci and allowing this to happen.


Like you ever wanted them deported! Get real. Are you a human trafficker then? Because that’s why they’re being let in. To sell the ones of value for the sex and slave trade and to sell their little children for pedos. Oh and if that pandemic hoax had worked they were letting in young adult males to fight against the citizens of this country. As if you don’t know.


You really worked hard on that post.


Great Work Dummy TROLLS,
teddy,Freddy ,jason, Helen,Ruth,wedgie and all the idiots responsible for supporting the RÉGIME, of your brain dead
Leader/Dictator Biden.
Ever since you voted for mashed potato brain biden, our great country has spiraled downwards,
I know you are proud.
Don’t blame the Patriots..


Can you explain what you are trying to say?

Freddy Benson


good for you, you lost. cry more. please stop sniffing the glue


What a sissy boy, wants to wear a mask and have everyone else wear one because he’s so scared. How did you ever leave your Mommy’s skirts? What a little fairy! This is what CRT and woke classrooms have brought us. Turning boys into girly men.


Nice job deflecting. Hope you find peace with who you are and what you really want in life.


Ted, com’n man – we know you want to be a little Boi.


Hang that Luciferian SOB!

Like all them democrat devil soldiers, supporters, defenders, hang that animal!!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by RG1

Don’t call them animals. That’s simply not accurate and insulting to animals.

Sandy Koufax

Jill Biden’s new book is flying off the shelves. 250 copies in the first week alone.


Maybe the DNC should buy a lot of her books like the RNC did for jr

David T

You actually mean Helldabeast’s “What happened.”

David T

as handed out by the DNC, etc.

Freddy Benson

cry snowflake cry

Sandy Koufax

Weak whataboutism. Raise your pitiful game.

Freddy Benson

did jr not get his book purchased by his party ? cry snowflake cry


Spud’ll buy them all.

David T

And “sales” were only happening in one outlet in DC.

buck fiden

You can lead a ** African-American ** to a bookstore but you can’t make him read.


All bought by White House staff perhaps? So sad. Michael Robinson’s book sold more accordingly.

buck fiden

All shoplifted by #BLM’s violent ** African-Americans ** who will burn them at their next riot.

Freddy Benson

Ah Mikey never leaves for long

buck fiden

But when I do, I do.


Before my comment gets erased again, the government are paying farmers $3,200 a acre for farmers to plow their crops over. I thought it was a hoax until I talked to some farmers in my state, and ask them. I had seen a video in Ca, and thought this can’t be real, but it is. They said if they take the money, and don’t plow over their crops, they do a aireal view to see if they did. This is in every state. Not to mention the chemtrails they drop on humans, and our vegetation, to make vegetation not grow as good, and burn up easier…

Freddy Benson

Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

J Bill

nah, that’s goat shit. the baby took a giant crap and you came out. stop projecting.

Freddy Benson

cry more jill.


Do you mean that totally debunked story?
The USDA said farmers are not being told to destroy their crops, and that there are no nationwide food shortages on the horizon.

Two people featured in the compilation video you are talking later admitted they were joking in their videos.

Please do your research.


I believe it because I talked to numerous farmers in my state who said it was true. They have plenty of videos of farmers saying the same in other states. Believe what you want, I believe the farmers. Good day..

Rose Mary Abbott

They get paid to disrupt. They have no real interest in this other than the Soros dollars. It is a shame how much we let them get away with it.

buck fiden

The Soros Dollar: is that the new socialist cryptocurrency?


I did do my research, I went straight to the farmers in the field, so I did do my research, actually talking to people working the fields.

David T

Good reporting Losa, going right to the farmers themselves. Teddy Spread, on the other hand, relies on communist media, has yet to leave his mom’s basement in the last 18 months and probably can’t tell you what month it is.


Call your congressman

David T

Stop blowing goats.

Freddy Benson

hi jill

buck fiden

I’d rather chute than call my congressbitch.


I did, they referred me to the Agriculture department, they said huh, we haven’t heard of this. I called left messages for legislators in my state.


Which farmers? Where are they located? Can we call them or visit them?


He meant to say he saw it on Facebook twice.


These are in Tn., the videos I saw were Ca. and other states. Like I said I thought it was a hoax until I stopped some farmers in the fields and ask them, I was shocked!


Of course you did. Sure. Good job. Have a lollipop.

buck fiden

You must speak Spanish very well.


and Gina Raimondo how about her get her to


Every one of these cases that come before the tribunal makes me sick. The details of the crimes and executions, the same. The end result, however, gives me hope that traitors such as these are being found and removed. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need our America to survive!🇺🇸


2000 mules is sold out in Houston. Check your movie thearters and see if you can still get tickets. May the 2 or 4th. Go now and if you can figure out how to get the one line one to work let me know for I can’t even bring it up to enroll to see it or see how to get it to work,

Last edited 2 years ago by Katie

2000mules DOT com you can get Videos there too.


Doug Logan of Cyber Ninjas was arrested earlier today. That is huge! When they release the emails a lot of people will be exposed.


Do you have a link, I can’t find this, I’m not sure this is true…


You need to do your research, because this is not true…

David T

You’ll soon find that the Spread brothers, Teddy, Freddy, Wedgie, and their tranny “sisters” ruth and hell en, never post anything truthful on here. They are troll-turds of the first order.

David T

I forgot Bob Billy as he is one as well. They have nearly a dozen active post names on here but there are only 2 people doing this.


David is sad! 😭


And nothing you have ever said will happen has actually happened.

Freddy Benson

David will continue to be a little bitch on a WordPress blog

Speaking of which, Jill and forsaken seem to have disappeared but David follows us around like a thirsty bitch

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy Benson
David T

And as if on cue, the Spread brothers unite in a circular game of “drop the soap”


David is quite the little bitch. I hope he doesn’t get mad and throw his fanny pack at someone.

J Bill

He’ll throw a “right cross” and your ass is grass… bitch…

Freddy Benson

ah look who shows up

J Bill

stfu and gtfooh

Freddy Benson

look at this fupa-lifter! you decided to come out of your mobile home today? where’s forsaken? did you get tired of being davidt?


You don’t have access to the sources I have access to. Keep playing with Google and Facebook.

Rose Mary Abbott

Ted is yanking your chain. He is a paid troll, hired by the Deep State to drive us nuts if he can. Ignore him with all your might.


Hi Zee. Long time no see.

J Bill

Or he went back-to-the-bottle. And can’t focus through the bottom of an empty glass.

Freddy Benson

that fupa can focus on the bottom of theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese nuts


Fact Checked found to be “False”.

Air man

Really, it’s time to go after much bigger fish. MAGA


Kim Goguen once again referred to Trump as a “former alive self” in her news yesterday. Melania Trump’s birthday was the other day and Donald Trump didn’t seem to acknowledge that anywhere on the internet.


Trump acknowledged it all over the site I was on?

David T

This isn’t a Kim Goguen site. You post drivel from that site on here on a regular basis. You need to stop as it serves no purpose at all.


Fact checked and found to be “False”


As delighted as I am when one of the DS psychopathic criminals is executed, I really wonder how that helps us if he/she is replaced with a body double/clone who’s just as horrible/psychopathic as the original.


My friend, can I take the scenario all the way to the bank? Am leaving everything in God’s hands and faithfully pray for our deliverance from the evil one. Blessings,


Looking forward to his twisted hemp neck massage Therapy after his Military Tribunal… Staying tuned in on Michael Baxter’s channel.


So called commies tactics, bring hunger on the people to control them.
Nobody’s getting away with it. All of them are going to pay. One by one. Nobody leaves until they pay the bills.