DeSantis Tours GITMO


U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay received an unexpected visitor Saturday afternoon. Florida Governor and potential 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis arrived at GITMO at approximately 4:00 p.m. aboard a Learjet 35, which landed at Leeward Point Airfield along Cuba’s southern edge. His visit, sources later told Real Raw News, was unannounced but welcomed with applause.

“The [ATC] tower got word that a plane carrying Governor DeSantis was enroute and would be landing in 20 minutes. The pilot said DeSantis would be the only one deplaning. There was no time to roll out the red carpet or prepare a formal welcoming committee,” a JAG source told RRN.

Governor DeSantis is no stranger to GITMO; In 2004, during his second year at Harvard Law, DeSantis was commissioned an officer in the U.S. Navy and assigned to JAG. He completed Naval Justice School in 2005. Later that year, he reported to the JAG Trial Service Office Command at Naval Station Mayport, Florida, as a prosecutor. He was promoted from lieutenant, junior grade to lieutenant in 2006, and served at GITMO under JAG’s commanding officer, working directly with Jihadi detainees.

Our source said that Admirals Darse E. Crandall and David G. Wilson, both wearing civvies, greeted DeSantis on the runway. They shook hands, exchanged pleasantries, appeared to laugh about something, and then climbed in a civilian SUV and were driven to Adm. Crandall’s private residence. The driver remained in the vehicle while they spent an hour inside, probably having an early supper and discussing sensitive topics about which neither our source nor we are aware. Afterward, they travelled to GITMO’s south courtroom, where many Deep Staters have met their fate, and then paused to shake hands with a trio of Marines headed back to barracks. One wanted a selfie with DeSantis, but the governor declined; apparently, he did not want his GITMO excursion publicized on social media, or made a matter of public record.

Their last stop was GITMO’s abyssal heart, the Camp Delta detention block, former home to Jihadis and current dwelling place to Deep Staters awaiting tribunals or serving life sentences for committing treason against the Republic. A uniformed Marine escorted the admirals and Gov. DeSantis past a dozen sentries patrolling the perimeter and inside the 15’-foot-high chain fence topped with razor wire angled inward. Of GITMO’s four fortified structures, the admirals and their guest entered only Camp 1, an impregnable fortress made of cement and stone that has approximately 340 six-by-nine-foot cells.

Our source, who viewed the governor’s tour from a distance, could not enter the camp and does not know whether DeSantis spoke to any detainees. He said they were in the Camp about 30 minutes, after which the governor returned to the airfield for his flight home.

In closing, this is the first time in a long time, at least as far as we know, that a politician has been granted access to GITMO’s inner secrets. President Trump had attended at least one Deep State execution, but that was well over a year ago. As reported previously, certain elements among the White Hat partition of the U.S. military have had feelings of confliction regarding Trump’s ability to fully drain the swamp and mend a fractured nation. JAG, however, has stayed neutral, saying its responsible is to prosecute prisoners, not adjudicate the political fray. If JAG has picked a side, it could indicate a fundamental shift in the White Hat movement.

DeSantis’ unscheduled trip came a day after he campaigned in Pennsylvania and Ohio for two fellow Republican candidates in critical races.

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Mike Baxter

Dear Reader:
I am aware of the bot infestation on this site, and am working to resolve. Alas, the bots are clever, and often, once banned, return and try to post under the screen names of legitimate posters, usually with one word comments. Some legit posters may have been caught in a ban, and I’m currently sorting through logs trying to fix this. I ask for your patience. This is an occurrence that happens on other websites, too. Real Raw News appreciates legitimate posters. Thank you.

Rose Mary Abbott

Thanks Sir! They have gotten thick on here.


I’m not even sure what the point of the bots is and why anyone at all would inject such lunacy onto others. I keep remembering the 80s and 90s when crack babies were being born. This must be the result of poor breeding habits?

Natasha Vidan

Perhaps the jabs have gotten into their brains ? Also they’ve never been held accountable for any ill behavior.


They get paid to mess with web sites. I think when your site starts to get hit hard is proof you are hitting a nerve, “means you are over the target”.
Good work, you are pissing someone with money off, to afford lot’s of people to bot scam your site.


you are making a valid point Snoopy
I am waiting for the new article..
I suspect something very important is taking place. !
I feel the tension in the air..


yea! me too!


My post here

https ://

Is an in-depth explanation of this topic. The bots are a symptom of the problem caused by (paid) human trolls (doing it for the money) who make spurious/worthless posts and manage the AI bots and paid by their paymasters to front their desired agenda. There are links to (very long) documentaries that fully explain the fundamentals of this situation. Please read through the above post and watch the videos linked to as you have time in order to fully understand this situation if you want to.

Sharon Janice Manning

I saw a bot shop on you tube and someone sits in front of a huge bank of flickering lights, monitoring them, I guess. So, one person is sort of behind dozens if not hundreds of bots. I sure wish folks could put their wit and skill toward positive work for the good of all.


Munged repost to (hopefully) avoid moderation. Sorry, you’ll have to fix the URLs before you can go to them 🙁

This should keep the Make Money Fast spammers out of Real Raw News because it is now impossible to post ‘proper’ URLs anymore. 🙂

Understood. But all the online, computer savvy people in the 95% ‘everyone else’ in group 2 mentioned in this post

realrawnews com/2022/08/president-trump-averts-world-war-iii/#comment-303809

care about is ‘easy money’

youtube com/watch?v=tdGzzfQ52TQ

The 2.5% ‘evil people’ in group 1 use money created from nothing to pay them off for their help to steer the world into the (depopulated) NWO dystopia they want. See

realrawnews com/2022/07/trump-to-abolish-irs/#comment-302337

for details of this (worldwide) financial scam.

All the 2.5% ‘good people’ in group 3 have is ‘the truth’ and they share it as much as possible to anyone and everyone who will listen. Some of these truthers do this ‘for a living’ so the group 1 people tell the the group 2 people that run and manage the online (videosharing) networks like YouTube (for them) to censor, shadowban, and deplatform them to ‘shut them up and make them go away’. The group 1 people are confident this will work–they started this purge at YouTube when Alex Jones was deplatformed there in 2016–scrubbing 33,000+ videos and years of work. Some truthers give up and go away when this happens (which is what the group 1 evil people want). Others regroup, adapt, and soldier on like Alex, SGT Report, and Richie From Boston.

infowars com
banned video

sgtreport com

bitchute com/channel/juH53r3AyWVW/

In group 3 there are ‘truthers’ sharing truth TRULY ‘for free’ to inform and warn others–they are not doing it ‘for the money’ or to ‘make a living’. The group 1 evil people cannot use censorship or financial means to shut them up so all that leaves is (attempted) murder.

odysee com/@OffGridDesertFarmingwithPaulandAdrienne:9/german-dr.who-exposed-graphene-apos-nano-razors-apos-inside-vaccines-assassinated-watch-to-the-end:8

bitchute com/video/hrZ20JTvnHJF/
rumble com/vhknc1-dr-carrie-madej-the-battle-for-humanity-transhumanism-and-vaccines.html

When this is done against targeted truthers, all it does is validate their message–even more so if they die and ‘become martyrs’ because they (almost) paid for the truth they tried to get out to others who would listen to them with their lives. So the group 1 evil people fail when they do this ‘ultimate act’ against truthers they want to silence ‘for good’–it (hopefully, ultimately) backfires on them.

A partial (updated) list of known, killed truthers

en wikipedia org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy
en wikipedia org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr.
en wikipedia org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy
en wikipedia org/wiki/Malcolm_X
en wikipedia org/wiki/James_Forrestal
en wikipedia org/wiki/Murder_of_Seth_Rich
en wikipedia org/wiki/Robert_David_Steele
en wikipedia org/wiki/Vince_Foster
en wikipedia org/wiki/Terrance_Yeakey
en wikipedia org/wiki/Gary_Webb
en wikipedia org/wiki/Michael_Rupert
en wikipedia org/wiki/Ted_Gunderson
en wikipedia org/wiki/Joan_Rivers
en wikipedia org/wiki/Milton_William_Cooper
en wikipedia org/wiki/Michael_Collins_Piper
en wikipedia org/wiki/Isaac_Kappy
en wikipedia org/wiki/John_McAfee
en wikipedia org/wiki/George_Carlin
en wikipedia org/wiki/Roddy_Piper

These two heads of state went against the Plandemic narrative and were killed or ‘conveniently died’.

en wikipedia org/wiki/John_Magufuli
youtube com/watch?v=9WBAFQedumk

en wikipedia org/wiki/Jovenel_Mo%C3%AFse
bitchute com/video/dtfSg2VjSVUp/
bitchute com/video/ChaOqGexkxGM/

‘conveniently dead’ scientist so his PCR test could be used to facilitate the Plandemic
en wikipedia org/wiki/Kary_Mullis
en wikipedia org/wiki/Polymerase_chain_reaction
bitchute com/video/wOSeTz57xrCF/

‘conveniently dead’ doctor due to treating Plandemic patients with ‘alternative medicines’ instead of just giving them the ‘death jab’
en wikipedia org/wiki/Vladimir_Zelenko
bitchute com/video/x1YeRY5kJNWD/

Phil Schneider

gossipcrux com/rob-skiba-wiki-age-death-cause-wife-net-worth/

wikispooks com/wiki/Tracy_Twyman
wikispooks com/wiki/Barry_Jennings
wikispooks com/wiki/Danny_Jowenko

May the killed truthers rest in peace and their (final) messages live on to warn and inform others…. (-_-) (;_;)

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2
Dixie Gardner

Have you ever read up on bots that infest sheep? Eye opening.


wow that’s borderline poetry, the symbolism and similarities are breathtaking

Yes. Ivermectin kills bots. Botflies, on horses. As Kitty said — rather poetic.

[They] conflate terms to confuse and confound. Like using “virus” in computers.

They make models that are not reality, and say “see the model has a flaw, therefore, reality has a flaw!” It’s the model, that has the flaw though!

“It’s only a model!” — Monty Python and the Holy Grail, re: Camelot.


I read an article about how they have altered English to serve their insatiable desire for demonic rituals. One example was a witch or a warlock casts spells, so they developed broad caster to spread ‘information’, sports caster to mesmerize fans… so many little pearls that had me thinking…. hmm

They even changed meanings entirely for some words and made them popular, to try and confuse us. The spoken words hold power, so if we use them without knowing what they really mean, I wonder about the impact because belief has power too. It’s a very interesting topic.

Tom Bombastadillo

And talking head videos are now called “podcasts”.



another one I heard is LOL = lucifer our lord

Apparently, they giggle every time they hear it being used because it empowers the luciferian connection and they have their slaves powering their rituals.

That is unverified intel, but it would not surprise me at all if true. They love their symbolism and words hold powerful energy.

Sharon Janice Manning

LOL used to mean “lots of love” on notes we passed in school. This was way before cell phones!!!


Aww, I much prefer that one!


LMAO!!!!! I love your insight.


The pint of the bots are to disrupt conversations and make people so frustrated that they don’t engage or comment.


The creators of the bots don’t grasp the repercussions of being a nuisance.

Nukkin Futz

The bots could also be Ditsycrats too…..

Sharon Janice Manning

Probably don’t care if they’re a nuisance.




You may not like what I have to say most of the time….but I am very real….frustrated ,as many other legit folks here are……so lots of what is read here on RRN, doesn’t always match up with the game we are seeing played out in front of very real ways. The bad guys are trying to tell us Red Blooded Patriotic Americans(legal entry citizens welcome) that this is not our home field anymore…and it’s starting to look that way !!!


Our nation is being subdivided. The wheat is being separated from the chaff. All imbeciles are being called to go north of the Mason-Dixon line. The west coast is toast. I don’t know why we just can’t get to the finish line, though. Have the banksters not stolen enough of our assets, yet?


We are fighting and standing for the West Coast

Tracy Reinert

They will soon show how California really voted over these many decades. We have been Republican. We were given rigged elections to serve the agenda from Hollywood & San Francisco.

Hunter Hunter

Behind enemy lines.


Luke 22:31 read it this is happening now.


God timing not ours.


We Christians ARE God’s warriors, right?


Read above what I posted

Nukkin Futz

The west coast are only toast in certain cities, only; such as Seattle, Portland and Frisco and parts of LA. The globalists can’t afford to takeover all other cities or the entire state, just for the record….


I don’t know you Charlie, so this response is for knee-jerk reactionary types who get angry at info posted here and not you specifically. I say to those types to be part of the solution and not part of the problem – they want us divided and they don’t care how they do it. The sooner we work together and wake everyone up, the sooner this shite fest can end. Misinformation is rife in this war, you have to discern and not jump at everything, nor blame those who are doing good work etc. They say this is a movie, it sure looks like it. Not real Biden, not a real president, not a real Whitehouse etc etc… some things are probably put out ‘there’ or even ‘here’ to cause a reaction and to wake up the woke, the sheep who sleep, whoever, but the point is that this is so broad and affects every single part of our lives so it is complex on a scale never ever seen before nor can it even be imagined. DS feeds rubbish but so do the white hats – on purpose and for good reasons. This is why there are so many layers. If it doesn’t track with your intel, put it on a mental shelf and say it could be true. There is no harm in not being sure of something but don’t dismiss anything and don’t put those down who agree fully with a narrative. Use your God-given intuition and discern! Take time out in nature every day if you can, put your bare feet on the earth, and have quiet time to allow higher thought and processing. If you talk with the higher realm, then do that. It will help to not get you bogged down. United we win. They are terrified of that, let’s make them terrified.

We know this is an information war
We know that we have already won by taking out the leaders but troublemakers are still able to cause strife
We have help but that help will not come until we help ourselves, which means It has to get worse in order to wake people up
It has to give the appearance of happening or people will not believe it
This is an event-driven process not a time-driven one

I don’t think anyone here minds people who get angry or upset at something or even genuinely question something, or have a different perspective, it’s those who manipulate and taunt and mock etc., or who try to make patriots doubt themselves who are DS stirrers or simply just awful people who want us to fail because they cannot be bothered doing more research and just want to fling poo like the apes they are.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kitty
Nukkin Futz

These DS stirrers were the “brown shirts” of Soros who was taken out by Gitmo, some 2 years back and now his “don’t work to good” clones is doing the miss stepping. Now the brown shirts are not getting paid as they were promised, cause they aint needed no mo! The overall main plan of the globalists was to cause a civil war and then send in the UN to disarm all of the sheeple. These globalists are not that smart, though, because of heavy inbreeding over the centuries, but clever and sneaky and as usual, most of their over baked ideas and plans, don’t work, but many lives suffer from their dumb ass miss deeds…..


Although some have implied they are still getting paid, that will soon stop with the demise of the globalists’ businesses that we are now witnessing. You are right that they aren’t that smart, that’s why they hire smart. Imagine how many brown shirts (I call them brown noses) want a bite of the globalist financial cherry. Not anymore though!

I shudder when I see the brown-nosed WEF graduates. They are what is wrong with the world. Me first, me second and me third and I will sell out my fellow countrymen and women to win my spot of fame, glory, and wealth.

Let’s hope we witness fewer miss deeds and more white hat wins with the sheep waking up.


And those WEF grads are Zelensky, Macron, Trudeau, for starters. Imagine how seemingly clever Kissinger was to recruit Klaus Schwab, a son of a Nazi bitch for this NWO takeover, when Kissinger, a Jewish believer, and his family escaped Nazi Germany in the 1930s for their lives. He had the American dream, working and going to college, becoming a lawyer, attains power as the secretary of state working with Nixon, meeting with world leaders, and later in life decides to work for the devil himself and help kill off 7,500,000,000 people because they are ‘useless eaters’ — the same view the Nazis held of Jews, blacks, Mediterraneans, Slavs, homosexuals, dissidents, Roma, Christians, disabled, Protestants, retarded people, Mongols, Catholics, Asians, Jehovah’s Witnesses, mixed-race individuals, Muslims, and anybody else who opposed Nazi Germany and Hitler’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed, intellectually superior, physically exceptional and super fertile Lebensborn plan for his pan-Nazi Reich. How shameful a betrayal can this be?


beyond shameful!

Susan Banks

They sure don’t!! And everyone is catching on!!! I heard at least 5 different times today, that whatever they say, do the opposite!! We are Winning!!! Trump will be arrested next!


Do you want President Trump arrested?


I’m not on the edge in any sense. I’ve been a regular, reading (one with high hopes at times I admit) follower of RRN for at least the past couple yrs,(of course I question it all) I couldn’t tell you how long it has existed….other than info on Mr. Baxter’s bio page. I’m old enough to know better,,,,,,I was not taught loony theories in school….and refused to even glance at a national enquirer cover while waiting in a check-out line…..and would wonder who in the Xuck would ever ….so this has reminded me of that quite frankly…..that said, for one reason or another, I had come to trust the intel and word of the late Robert David Steele….who applauded Wayne Jett, who in turn stands behind RRN author Michael Baxter….as recently as this past month on Nino’s Corner in fact. Nino questions the site openly….not that he’s the benchmark, we won’t head there.
I guess my message and concern….and question mainly…..if someone…was in so much control….why the hell would that in control person(s)…ever let so many “INCORRECTABLE” things to happen ???
One more tidbit >>>>>>I Live in Northern Vermont….a so called “capture state/enemy territory”………………IF (biggest little word in the dictionary) the farmers and hillbillies and true vermonters voted>>>>IT IS A RED STATE at it’s core !


Did not mean to project onto you, Charlie, my apologies. As you are probably aware there’s been too many bots and trolls making it hard to engage with each other. But I have to say this global condition is so much bigger on every level than anything in our history – this is biblical in scale and impact. The white hats for example have completed millions of missions, the complexity is so great with so many moving parts that even though we have won and this is wrapping up now, there are still moves in play by the lower ranks of the cabal. Mistakes can and will happen, because of the sheer size of the operations. The alphabet agencies are almost entirely corrupt, the swamp is corrupt, people are brainwashed, manipulation is rife, and those the white hats thought they could trust turn out to be DS plants, double agents everywhere. We all want NESARA to happen and the Republic Restored now but as I mentioned this is an event-driven process not a time-driven process.

I have a lot of trusted sources so it’s a little easier for me to digest I think, plus I’ve spent thousands of hours researching. There is a lot of junk and so much confusion, you are right to question things and everyone has to learn at their own pace. I have contacts who work with off-worlders, so I have a ton of knowledge regarding that side as well. Most people balk at it because it is new and foreign to them. That’s OK, they will learn the truth about that when this show ends.

Also, remember that the healing technologies (both Tesla tech and off-world tech) will be made available for people to heal. I have been told not everyone will make it and although it is sad, it’s each soul’s choice and chosen path and that is between them and God. All we can do is come together so we can end this thing and start healing everyone.

In closing, some events are sometimes for show and not real. This is a biblical event. I found this site just today and it’s nothing new for me but I like that I found a well-published academic who is writing this. Perhaps see if anything resonates. From what I have read, he is pretty spot on and some of it is very well researched. https: //


Also a great source of information
Is a Book written by Megan Rose,
Welcome to the Future. .
A paperback, which is only about 70 pages long
Easy reading.


Megan Rose is great! Poor woman has been through so much and recent events have cast doubt on her with rumors of her being MK Ultra’d. It’s not her fault if she is. I try to take all information in and hold the space for all possibilities, that way I am less likely to be blindsided. We get caught up in our beliefs because we are inherently good and we want to see others who display some goodness as good also. But if she is MK Ultra’d then she will not be doing it deliberately, with conscious intention, it is her mind being hijacked. Also, it could be the DS causing issues and it may not be true. I subscribe to the belief that all things have truth, but no one thing has all the truth. Analysis is great but discernment is key.

Susan Banks

That’s so awesome that you have been researching so long!! I used to have a girl I got Intel from, but she had a great Job offer and moved. But, what are Worlders? Are you speaking of Off Gridders? Thank you and God Bless you!!


Off worlders and higher realms – Extraterrestrials from different dimensions (most don’t like to be called Aliens because they are related to us). It’s a taboo subject in some circles but people better get used to it because the veil will be lifted soon.

DS was going to fake an alien invasion using project blue beam, then they were going to make a fake Jesus using a higher realm off worlder to confuse the people and lead us to our death.

The ET subject is very interwoven with everything going on right now. I am sure this is the biggest event in the history of all of creation. The off worlders say that trillions of souls wanted to come here to fight for Terra (their name for earth) and many didn’t get to come here, the souls who are here are special, very special. Except, we don’t have the foggiest idea who we are and when we finally discover who we really are, it will blow people’s minds. We have been lied to about literally everything.

Our future will truly be heaven on earth. Blessings to all.

David T

great post!

Susan Banks

That was a perfect comment that covered everything except one thing. They are all Freemasons and all connected in some shape or form!! They are all family!! I have a brain injury and can’t ever remember specifics but Trump is related to Kennedy and a few others that were odd to hear. But if you hear the real bama story, gosh it’s so twisted! He actually was in the 20 and back secret space program. They went to Mars for 20 years. It’s crazy what is up in our sky. Navy guy named McKinley back in the 70’s made a short video that was shared on somewhere I watched and he said we have been dumbed down with something that keeps us from seeing all the UFO’s. That whole thing has been hidden. We are all going to finally hear the real true History that we thought we already knew!!
God Bless you!! Love & Light


You are right, Susan, it’s all true. The stories are just so crazy most don’t believe, and who can blame them given our predicament of being enslaved? The truth is so incredibly stunning, that even I, a seasoned researcher with intimate knowledge of many aspects of this gargantuan, multi-layered conspiracy, with intel and evidence from trusted sources still had difficulty grasping some things. It takes a while for the dots to connect so people will need time. This is why I like to drop little truth bombs around, to make the processing a little faster for when all is revealed. Well, when 20% is revealed. Can you imagine, 20%? That’s a lot!

I have mentioned nary a drop in the ocean of intel I have.

Hint to others: Dismiss nothing, put it all in the ‘there might be some truth in that’ pile. Doesn’t mean you take it on board, rather you need more intel for it to track.

Blessings to you too. x


You might want to look into what an Ameican State National is. Because being a citizen is something that I do not want to be. I want to be free from confusing legal double speak. Citizen = Municiple Servant who vote for the president of a corporation. A American State National non citizen is an elector who elects a president. Im still re-educating myself on this deception. But as the person above wrote about the english language that it was created to cast spells on people such as a broad caster or a sports caster of news = North East West South. As with LAWS = Land Air Water Space. Law of the land now is superceeded by Maritime / Admirality Law, or law of the Sea. 2 million people became American State Nationals last year, people are waking up to the phoney corporatocracy that is running the world. That is why all these people are being arrested for crimes against humanity, since many have changed their status to American State National and are outside and above the LAW used because it is the LOST, Law Of The Sea which runs the world and especially America. The law of Pirates, thieves and evil entities



I appreciate the educate comment concerning the American State National…At your earliest convenience, could you point me to a book or site concerning this information so that I may educate myself fully…




Read Roger Sayle’s book “From Sovereign to Serf”

Tracy Reinert

Do you have any suggestions on whether this will matter given the changes ahead? And also, how to precisely accomplish the act of declaring Sovereignty, or if it is in fact necessary in a Restored Republic?

Susan Banks

David Lester Straight


Tracey the way I see it is that if we claim our sovereignty now, it helps to move things along because the greater the numbers the greater the energy impact and our collective power creates a shift in the vibrational frequency which empowers the new reality into being. In other words, it speeds up the process of what is inevitable – our success, or to put it another way, the movie ends sooner.

Susan Banks

Have you listened to David Straight?


Excellent post, very true!!! This approach also helps to wake people up and is just as shocking as the other categories in this multi-layered globalist agenda. Our lives are not our own, the sooner we realize this and claim our sovereignty, the sooner we free ourselves.


Thank you for what you do. Many are appreciative…
And it does not go un noticed.


Sorry wildcat that was a Surprise mistake that I caused. Did not mean to change your positive comments to negative. Now I can not figure out how to change it back. I am so sorry!!!!


That’s OK. ☺

buck fiden



Thank you Mr. Baxter!

J Bill


Bring back forsaken and ted


Now a bot or Shill

David T

That DF troll turd you replied to obviously thinks this site exists only for its enjoyment and entertainment. Sure glad that tedophile is gone at least for now. That’s another delusional troll turd who tried to present as if it is part of RRN website admin. Sure, and I’m Abraham Lincoln.

Sharon Janice Manning

You mean Liz Cheney is Abe. She’s comparing herself to him.

Carol Sims

What an insult to Abraham Lincoln! Her hatred for our Duly Elected President has fried her brain, that is IF she still has one. She has been determined to keep him out of office for a long time. The first time I saw and heard her, I cringed. She is not an unattractive female (refuse to call her a a lady) and could have been an asset to his administration. Was it because she suspects his knowledge of 9/11 and her D**** was involved. Someone mentioned she is very wealthy. Perhaps he gave her some of the GOLD and CASH that was stolen from the bottom of one building on 9/11 to shut her up. He did get his portion along with the other B******S. Bet she doesn’t know where he is at this point.


No… Cheney is a tranny man at best, and an ugly one at that

Rob William

Are you just passing by or are you back?


If you don’t behave , you will end up like ted.,
Soooo. STFU

robin earl redwine

fake name cucks cant tell folks to stfu.


I. Can…


Its called botshillism. About as contageous as CoronAmoron disease




Go follow them & drink tea together. Or cyanide.


I cant believe Ted is gone

buck fiden

Tedless is a Buddhist. His reincarnation here is imminent.


Lol,I wonder why he was booted🤔


Cuz he is a jerk.


Ted’s like a bad case of the clap: you can’t get rid of him…

buck fiden

I disagree with him most of the time, but I do enjoy his writing.

Rob William

Ted is at GTMO on an undercover operation. He will be back with some interesting insights.


Dream on ! Only a low life scum sucking worm like you would blow smoke up her ass.

John .S

Money says, that MIA someone is abroad on vacation, eating in fine restaurants, experiencing different cultures & doing some sightseeing.

Suspect that someone made promise to oneself, and or spouse not to enter bloggersphere, and to endulge in the finer things of life.

After all it’s called *vacation meaning: vacate from daily routine.

buck fiden

America is being punished.


tedophiles do belong at gitmo!


He was a bad boy and had to be punished.
Be careful
You don’t want to associated with his kind !


What did he do besides have his own opinions and pretend to be an administrator? and I associate with a lot of people that don’t share my political beliefs,they don’t bother me or get under my skin


So in other words, what did he do besides lie?


So. Now he is in behavioral therapy,
He deserves it,

robin earl redwine

absolutely hilarious when you fake name weak pathetic cunts whine about lying when the vax daddy is the biggest liar / conman on this planet.

your food water and air being poisoned.
rothschild banking cartels

that weak pathetic pos hasnt uttered one word of real truths in 6 years.


Stop making excuses for the creep.


I didn’t make any excuses for Ted,I said I associate with a lot of people who don’t share my political beliefs and that they don’t bother me or get under my skin


just the fact you deny others are bothering you/getting under your skin betrays how you ARE bothered.

Be honest.


Lol,the facts are is that you don’t know me at all


I know enough to know you do not control your mind. You are its bitch and follow as such.

Nukkin Futz

Hooze Ted?


Tedophiles MUST go


No… ted and forsaken must be punished.
They both haven’t behaved responsibly…
Be careful that you don’t end up like them…
May this be a lesson that you remember and adjust your attitude !


You will not see ‘ted’ anymore fool. I refuse to write for that character anymore.

Gary Cooper

Thank you Mr. Baxter!

Sparky Sr

Mr Baxter, Please take your time to correct & hopefully slow-down the spam-bots.
Yes it has been out of hand lately, but due diligence is a virtue.
We all love your content here.

JillyBean Tukee

It means you’re over the mark. But you know that. 😛

Sharon Janice Manning

Thanks for all you do. I’ve learned who the bots are, so can scroll on by. I’ll admit it’s annoying. You have to be disgusted with them.


A lot of members including myself scroll past them


you ARE them


Go 👉🏻👌🏻yourself and eat 💩as you don’t know shit about me


I know enough to offer my thoughts, and you do not like it.

Debate Judge

I got an email from

What is the connection between this site and BrandNewTube that my username, password, and email address here at RealRawNews got over to BrandNewTube?

Why can’t we change our password here?


It’s spam email.

Debate Judge

Okay, maybe I can rule out this site as the source of the email.
Thank you.


A lot of spam and phishing emails are being generated. Block and delete mark as junk or whatever.

Carol Sims

Some people do not see the spam mail because they notified the CEOS. Not any in my spam box is true. I am also thinking of the same thing.

Carol Sims

WOWZA! Just told my writings are too short. Who would have thought that? They don’t have a clue about many things I have written and would do it again here. I do know and keenly remember when two females were planning to get DJT out of office. IF you think for a few minutes, you will also remember.

buck fiden

Check for a browser hijacker if you’re running Windoze.


Just .. Because !

David T

Thank you for the work that you do, and for the information that you share on RRN. I won’t miss tedophile or some of the other DF troll turds you have banned. I’d imagine it’s no surprise to you that some of them come back under assumed names and continue the same spew that they did before. “Smalls” is the same person you have previously banned under at least a dozen other names. I realize that if I type in the name of a previously banned troll turd that my post will be permanently locked into “awaiting approval”.


Hint, …it means the opposite of ( bI g G s)..


Biggs was not a guy at all. It was a female chink CCP keyboard warrior!


You did a great job of it…I’m not seeing post on making $95 an hour….I think they must be prostitutes..idk

old school


Rob William

Ted is in GTMO doing some undercover work. Let’s see if he can come back with a story about seeing DeSantis.


go away chink

Natasha Vidan

Thank you so much; I understand that you do have a huge task hence I appreciate your input..Blessings to you


Please watch 43:07 – 45:40 (or to 47:21)


https ://

It explains why the bots get in all the time–ALL POST-2005 PCs, Servers, and likely networking hardware, are ALL backdoored for remote access over the internet through wired Ethernet connections to it! This was done under the guise of ‘making remote computer management easier’. If that is so, per the clip above, why did

https ://

wanted this backdoor disabled for systems they intend to use? Because the backdoor is simply a glaring, dangerous security hole. See

https ://

One known company (Japanese I think) gets around the back door by having this

https ://

in use to protect their trade secrets. They have to fly data around at sizeable/great expense to them rather than risk sending said data over the internet through computer systems known to have this unwanted backdoor in them.

Early versions of this backdoor could be disabled but if done incorrectly will

https ://

the PC, making it nothing more than an EXPENSIVE paper weight or doorstop.

Current versions of this backdoor is sadly now NOT DISABABLE anymore, the PC will refuse to operate if it detects hardware changes during this

https ://

Because of this, I’ve heard online via a YouTube poster, tired of unwanted online intruders using this backdoor, using a

https ://

and router level ‘programming’ to ‘funnel’ online calls to the backdoor to the Raspberry PI where they will do no harm and not to the rest of his PCs that are online.

Brendon O’Connell, the truther who posted the clip at the top of this post has been sounding the alarm since 2005 and has been censored and attacked (physically) by the paymaster’s helpers under their command which you can read about in his 100 MB UN amnesty application here

https ://

He had to spend money and file legal paperwork to get YouTube to stop deleting his video channels there. So far it is working for now as of 08-21-2022.


Thanks MB, seems like this problem should be a platform responsibility. Makes one wonder if they’re taking DS payola.


go away chink


Thanks,Mike for the update. I treat the bots like narcissists–I ignore them. They may not go away,but if one observes their tactics,they can be seen as bots. I only comment if I think I have something to contribute.

Rob William

They are selling tickets for GTMO tour? Do you see all execution methods?


no, but we see you chink!

Afshin Nejat

I’m surprised I haven’t been banned yet for simply being contrary or critical. Probably a covert ban in motion which is regulated above the your pay grade, but that’s part of a larger, technological subject.

Angel Askew

Your insights and perspectives are always authentic, refreshing and appreciated, Afshin.

Bev Kungl

Thank you. The bots are driving most of us crazy and it’s good to know you are looking into the problem.


Michael, No problem. tY*** for the Good work.
As one Canadian, ][ support Your works.
None of this is Over, Justice will be done !
][t’s Universal Law, it’s Absolute !,,, even “they” know this.

My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us!

“The weather started getting rough…”

John .S

Hey MB, do you think it’s time to drop [remove] the Pin (obstacle) from this post? in returning thread back to regular flow of traffic.

Message sent, message received, many commented in confirmation, now in the know, mission accomplished.


Editing no longer works for me. When I go back it, and add correct a misspelled word, I receive an error message, ‘message to short’.


i don’t know why my avatar is different than the others.

BJ Edwards

Thank you Sir .


Thank you it’s become so annoying I barely comment or read comments anymore and I know it’s what they are working for…

Rene Goguen

I don’t know how many times I see bots getting to post but I personally have had my posts deleted on numerous posts made. Are my comments not important enought? It seems you have your favorites and they post all the time. The rest of us none bots are uninvited, while more bots get to post.


Thank you for your hard work in bringing us this news. I’ve found that anytime anyone speaks or brings the truth to any online Media platform the bots come in to interrupt.


Bots are like hookers. They will always be around.


I am anxiously waiting for the


Yes we know WC, just like you’ve been anxiously waiting for the past 6 months, and will be anxiously waiting for the next 6 months, followed by anxiously waiting for the rest of your life.


Do you want to be free of need?

Rob William

Democrat had a surprise victory in NY 19th congressional district special elections. This district is a barometer of what’s going to happen in the House and has always been won the party which wins the house. Canceling Roe V Wade was a bad move by the conservative judges.


Yeah they done fucked up, people are pissed.


So an ugly as fuck CCP dyke at CNN who has said MAGA folks are enemies of the state was just outed. Why are all chinese ccp women ugly as fuck? Lol at the ccp, democrats, fbi, idf running around scared shit-less of little old boomers wearing red hats! ffs

J Bill

how’s the water


No….the real question is….


Floods in france, cali, az, kentucky, london, etc…

Can’t wait for LA/SF to be subsumed into the pacific!

J Bill

so not much better i’d say


Have you been TRUSTING WRAY? 🤔


Funny NY Primary story. Local paper hanger decided to park his car in front of polling place after he wrote pro Trump fiction on the windows. Not unusual behavior for him and actually expected. Soon after he skipped away giggling, local teens removed writing and replaced with pro Biden and pro gay marriage messages.
fast forward 2 hours and village idiot is upset about that the police have not stopped by yet so HE calls police and reports the offense messages not knowing that they were wiped and replaced. Police stop by the house village idiot is staying at and tell him his car has writing on it, but omit details about what it now says. Vehicle owner defends his actions citing 1st amendment and unrelated Supreme Court rulings. Police leave knowing that he will be shocked when he realizes what he just defend.
Good day in America!


So …when are you going to stop boring the rest of us on RRN
With stories about YOURSELF. Aka, “The village idiot”. ?😕


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap


I am anxiously waiting for the


tedwozz here!

John .S

Well NY primary election over, time for new vechile window writings.

The late Dr. Fauci retirement buzzing via MSM, need to awaken the clueless, especially that Fauci was [past tense] a pedophile dabbling with little boys.

New writings: “Fauci is Dead, Executed at GITMO”.

Going to copy center and print leaflets of RRN article of Fauci’s Tribunal, directing folks to read article on his execution via this website.

Many been seeking alternate news not trusting MSM, and myself will hand them RRN leaflets if they’re inclined to talk with me.

Hmm, maybe I should setup a go fund me link for copy center costs, LoL.

Peanut Gallery still yelping satire hold your response.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
J Bill

nobody cares


but you cared enough to write fool!


I would say this sounds like a great plan for achieving “local tinfoil-hat conspiracy weirdo who everyone avoids” status, but tbh it sounds like you’re already there.


go away chink

J Bill

Julie Mike trying to get some free pizza:


Why are jbill and biggs obsessed with Julie?

J Bill

occam’s razor. this shit is hilarious

J Bill

“there must be some unknown logic to the fact they will not stop?”

again: occam’s razor. this shit is hilarious. these stories are worse than the tabloid magazines at the checkout aisle and everyone here is like “yep i believe it”. and it’s fucking hilarious


yes that dud’es razor!

Shills gone shill paid or unpaid

J Bill

these pockets stay fat


piker to the end bizzle!


michelle obama’s shit on your chest is funny, yes

buck fiden

You can tour Gitmo, but stay away from aquariums and bullrings.

Rob William



DeSantis CAVED! He said he was going to bus illegal aliens into Delaware but now claims that Texas has taken the pressure off so he won’t.
SHIP ILLEGALS to Delaware you RINO!


Hi Guest, did you hear that from the MSM? Blessings,

J Bill

he’s a cuck

John Son

What happened at the tribunal for Avril Haines??


Canceled because no one cares


But you cared enough to post ABOUT it!

John .S

Avril’s fate sealed, she swings in Sept.

Awaiting news on Florida’s 20 election fraudsters arrival at GITMO.

Money says Pelosi will roll, Pizzagate takes another hit, insider trading insignificant.

Pelosi’s DWI a gift from God.

Angel Askew

. I think Putin is done playing with Klaus Schwab and his merry band of clowns.
Murdering the daughter of his Cabinet is too much.

.Pakistanis murdered Majid Satti today. The man who heads Imran Khan’s party.

.NEW: Two Militia Members Convicted Of Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor.

The FBI planned and entrapped these two men. We have no justice in this country.

Ed Dowd Presentation on Info Wars:


Maybe you should move to Pakistan if you want so badly to be in a country where people murder their political leaders 🤷‍♂️

Rob William

Angel loves terrorists!


robin loves wonton dunking during ccp naps!


the one in the mirror


I don’t see any conservatives wielding firearms shooting politicians without due process. It is only unhinged leftist lunatics. Crazy dems shot steve scalise, shot reagan, shot abe lincoln, and on and on. Consider how many shootings we would NOT have if leftist were disallowed weapons!

John .S

Thanks for news on Majid Satti, many ungratefuls herein.

Putin chomping at the bit to pull a move, and he will, in due time.

Schwab inc. is on Putin’s dart board. Ukraine currently on front burner, also German & Polish oil sales.

Putin [KBG] won’t compromise anything at present via taking out the Globalist ‘boss of all bosses’ [capo-tutti capo] Schwab.

No doubt Putin has first dibs, and will pull off the job eventually. Money says, taking Schwab alive.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

Is this site always this slow?

Rob William

Ted is that you undercover?


Has anyone read Medeea Greere’s articles?


I have, and find them interesting to say the least. Her site is the only one that I know of that has the list of who has been arrested, arrested and in awaiting tribunal, arrested and in GITMO serving life and arrested and executed. Some of the names are quite shocking especially those in royalty. The list dated 11/20 does not completely dovetail what is reported on this site. One possibility for the minor discrepancy is because reports on this site seems a bit late, imho. Let us pray, Lord, in everything we do, please help us, amen. Blessings,


Wow it’s almost as if any random person on the internet can just make up a list of names of people who have been arrested/executed, and other people on the internet will believe it with zero evidence due to wishful thinking 🤷‍♂️


Well, is it not true you make shit up for others to believe or disbelieve? Why don’t you stop crying and write for your own blog or do you prefer to weep on another’s forum?



Angel Askew

I enjoy her articles very much for years now. She seems to put a lot of effort into being authentic and truth based. Imho


Do the chinks who were born in the US think they are better than the ones born in mainland similar to the way spics born in the US believe they are a cut above the wetbacks born of more southern latitudes?

J Bill

how’s the water

Angel Askew

Are you eating edibles and contemplating these things? Lol


Well, apparently you eat edibles and read my writings! Enjoy!

Angel Askew

OY! Over here…..https

Reconstitution: its not a theory, its not a movement, its not for profit, its just a fact. Click to read 17th Special Operation Group Dispatch, a Substack publication. Launched 2 hours ago.
* Shared from a “ClifHigh” post.


Reconstitution: it’s not a fact, it’s just a larp 🦄

J Bill

people still believe ClifHigh lmao. larpers gonna larp and grift


So just as a reminder: unvaxxed don’t have that Pfizer smile (bells palsy), no myocarditis, no statistically significant increase in strokes, cardiac arrests vs vaxxed.

Have any unvaxxed pilots tried to land on a street or in a neighborhood like the vaxxed ones?


I’m vaxxed and I don’t have any of that, and neither does any other vaxxed person I know.

Rob William

The equivalent of Julie’s argument for the opposite side (vaxxers) would be:
1. Covid vaccine give super powers – extreme durability and strength.
2. They increase lifespan to million years.
3. Airplanes are no longer needed as one can fly.



Sounds great! Request a D-dimer test from your GP. It will reveal micro-clotting. Don’t stress your next mammogram.

Angel Askew

I’ve decided to drive or take a bus until further notice.

Rob William

To Hawaii?


Me too.


Is the data flawed or are your observations flawed?

buck fiden

You live in Commiefornia and can’t even spell your governor’s name correctly! I don’t blame you. I wish he weren’t there.


olvia is a chink, through and through!


I. Might be wrong, ..I think that the clone is taking the place of Governor Gavin Newscum…who was executed at Gitmo.. Last November.


Lol still waiting to hear MB explain why the White Hats allowed Newsom to be replaced by a Newsom clone who looks and acts exactly like him. What was even the point of executing him? 🙃

buck fiden

The MO is “kill ’em all…. Let God sort ’em out.”

Rob William

The clone even has same fingerprints and dental records.


sagacious mind Robin!


You are totally obsessed with Mr Baxter. What is your worth?

buck fiden

Affirmative Action Update!!!

Black females can be killers, too! Too bad. She could have easily gotten a job as a teacher in the Minneapolis Public Schools!!

https ://




Wanta make a lot of $$ , then follow Jesus the Lord of all Lords and He will pay you with a wallet load of FAITH that surpasses all understanding and rich in Spirit. You will lose the desire to $erve $ and you will serve the Lord instead, in all His Glory and Wealth. Amen,


But does he pay as high as $92 an hour? 🤔

buck fiden

Careful, Andy. MB might ban you.

Rob William

I want to make a lot of money. Can you tell us the step by step technique?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rob William
Angel Askew

Sure. Every time you pass “go” you collect $200.


👍. 👨. ☺


First step, step away from the keyboard shill.

John .S

Well it’s primary day in NY, my lettered up vehicle with banner: “Save America, Vote Conservative” at ready. “Drain the Swamp” window writing too.

Intent is to inflict annoyance and distress upon libtart voters, and rally conservatives at same time.

Went to police department, inform desk sergeant of my First Amendment activities adjacent polling location, and also placed them on notice not to infringe upon my lawful activity, else face consequence in private capacity.

God Bless America.


Not all heroes wear capes.

buck fiden

Not all porn stars wear condoms.


Not all jews are rich!

buck fiden


Last edited 2 years ago by buck fiden
Rob William

Not all old people are grumpy.


not all chinks are communists

John .S

Here’s a hero known as ‘Big Nick’, standing up to PoPo teaching them whose the boss.

Here’s a message to all the cop sucker boot lickers in this blogosphere, flying their Thin Blue Line Gangbanger Flag, that blow cops for PBA Card, and flip wallet size miniature badge during traffic stops: *We the People administer our public servants, not vice versa*.

God Bless America.


John, do you have a video channel? If not start one right now! Get a partner to video it all. Love it. haha

John .S

Nah, I’m ol’e school, don’t need video channel. Still play vinal records on turntable.

Rather roll with the Flintstones then fly with the Jetsons, Yabba Dabba Doo.


haha love it! but WE want to see and experience that with you!


Did the police roll their eyes and mutter “this fuckin’ guy again” when you walked in?

Last edited 2 years ago by Biggs
John .S

To the contrary, “roll their eyes” LoL, love walking into dragon’s lair. My sword is double edged and sharp.

Can actually sense popo’s uneasiness. They give me their undivided attention, and listen carefully when I speak.

They know I’m a force not to be reckoned with. One cop references me as Hannibal Lecter, different one calls me Hammurabi via my methods of retribution, especially upon cop calling Karens.

Always park my vechile in front of cop callers house for a few days. Cops come knocking at my home saying: “message sent, you can move it now”.

BTW, Cops think they’re the only ones that can run vechile license plates, they wrong, adage: “in this day and age”.



All Patriots should follow your lead and start living life to the fullest. We don’t need the man telling us what to do or where to park. We should be reminding the cops that we pay their salary and they are there to protect and SERVE We the People. They must comply!


we’re ready to remove the system of policing policies and instead to real law enforcement based on constitutional rights!


Lol if the cops are uneasy around you I guarantee it’s not because of your “First Amendment activities”, it’s because they think you’re a fringe nutjob who might suddenly draw a gun and try to shoot up the police station like that guy who tried to shoot up the Cincinnati FBI office.

Angel Askew

You’re too young and frail and neutered to comprehend the maturity and courtesy that goes into teaching the lesson to people such as yourself and that Karen while winning the argument.

The cops do.


No Angel, I’m old enough to know that what John is describing here is just genuine psychopath shit. Who else spends their time and money getting petty revenge on random people who called the cops on him for being a neighborhood nuisance?

John .S

PS: I’m known to park a hearse in front of people’s homes usually for non payment of debt.

Hate borrowing hearse, have to fuel it [cap off gas tank] and wash & wax upon return.

Lincoln has larger gas tank than a Cadillac.


false flag.

how do you know what another thinks when you do not even know what you think?

Angel Askew

“message sent, you can move it now” LOL Good for you!

Ron Burgundy

Guys bad news Ted got executed by JAG but good news they cloned him so don’t worry


Was he a white hat? Will there be a service?


No and. NO….
He will be remembered by his fellow trolls..!


tedwozz here!

Frisbee The Cat

With all that’s culminating, what do we do?
I’m not hiding.
Are you?

Doesn’t matter, we do our bit.
We do what we are called to do when we are called.

We, with the truth of goodness, will prevail.


Whatbis it you’re called to do, exactly? Post a bunch of junk on the internet?

Ron Burgundy

WE THE PEOPLE (WTP) are all called to serve in different ways. Our job here is to post insane nonsense on the internet


good job robin!


you’re doing swimmingly posting your junk!


I’m answering the call 🦸‍♂️


Junk caller and junker answer

Ips Prez

I don’t understand people pushing Desantis for 2024. He will make a great POTUS but needs significant national and international experience. I believe Trump may either select him for VP or SOS. That would give Desantis the experience he needs to run as a viable POTUS in 2028.

Rob William

DeSantis = DS = Deep State is a loser. Trump is at least creative and funny, DeSantis has neither of those qualities.

J Bill

“I am going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law.”

J Bill

i’m gonna go out on a limb and say you have no idea who is quoted


Isn’t President Trump asking for a Special Master to review the 300 Confidential documents that the FBI planted in Trump Mansion?
Admin Crandall would make a good Special Master for the document review.


tedwozz here!


💣 ..boom , Kaboom ! Don’t you just luv it ?


dunk that wonton bitch


Your termination letter is in the mail.
So don’t get too comfortable…!👨


The FBI has been corrupt for DECADES! Please post the remembrance of the 30th anniversary of Ruby Ridge (today Monday, 8/22/22) where the arrogant FBI MURDERED innocent people and a dog and there was no accountability. Post it everywhere you can. An FBI sniper shot a mother who was simply standing in a doorway holding her baby, got his full pension, and got away with murder. He was very cold-blooded about it. They also shot a 14-year old boy IN THE BACK as he was running away. The FBI thugs – corrupt as always. They are the criminals.

J Bill

Sounds awesome. Those people should comply

Rob William

FBI was bad and Republicans used to love it! Suddenly they have realized that the sword can cut both ways.


“While we appreciate what contributions we receive, they come from less than a fraction of one percent of our readership.”

“Flooded out in Dallas with water damage. Will get back to publishing tomorrow..”

Lol MB seems to be taking a lot of L’s these days 🙃


There is a Mike the Admin and Mike the author. That’s at least 2 Mikes.

J Bill

And “Mike” who comments under at least 5 accounts


News said Irving Texas had light drizzle. Maybe the Mikes are exaggerating?


why do you believe ‘the news’?


You also thought that zee, rose Marie abott and I were one and the same. …have you realized that you are mistaken ?..

Last edited 2 years ago by Wildcat

is that not a conclusion?


It’s Mikes all the way down!


tedwozz here


Do. You think that ted will come back as (wozz). ?


don’t take my kindness and patience for racism


Mark Alan King is finding more and more gematria entries, that Trump is being groomed as an ‘antichrist’ figure by the fake juice who are getting desperate.
Please look up his gematria website through a bing search (avoid google).


Does anyone know who is paying for these trips?

J Bill

Us peasants


Correction, not peasants.. TROLLS… You pay for it


You mean MB’s frequent vacations?


I mean, who paid for DeSantis to fly to GITMO? Who is paying for the investigation into the confidential documents? Who is paying for Trumps defense and Secret Service protection? None of it makes sense to me.




That’s it,…
YOU are jealous !


What trips. ?
Where’s the proof ?


You are right. If I don’t see it with my own eyes, it probably never happened. We are a Christian Nation and have the right to choose what we believe.




tedwozz here


So, I know that I’m about to ask a question that doesn’t pertain to this article, but does pertain to other articles from this site. Trust me, I am a hoper, Ive become very knowledgeable to much of the information that is everywhere, I’ve been paying attention for the last 30+ years to what these satanist are trying to do and have done.

My question is, I’ve seen dr. Fauci, and other deep staters supposedly dead walking around. I understand that deep fakes are happening, but why is it, that people on the conservative side are walking and talking like they’ve seen these people and shown these people on tv, and it’s not just from the left? Why would you eliminate a deep stater and have a clone or whatever come in and do just as much damage or worse then the original? Confusing.


It’s all part of the plan.

J Bill

It makes sense if you don’t think too hard

Rob William

Or have rocks inside the head instead of gray matter.


Simple, it’s because those conservatives live in reality, where those “executed” people are in fact alive. It’s only here in internet fantasy land that every famous person you hate is secretly dead and replaced by an identical clone or some shit.


well, your words are in internet land, so should we accept them axiomatically?


Yes we understand …
The whole thing is perplexing…
The GOOD news is that everything will make sense very
All pieces of the puzzle will “Fit” , when the REST of the story is revealed.
Hang in there,
Help is on the way…👨

Tracy Reinert

President Trump was present for Hillary Clinton’s dispatch. Wonder whom DeSantis came to chat with beforehand.

J Bill


Tracy Reinert

I have heard along the lines of Trump as President, & DeSantis as Vice-President, with Trump handling World Affairs, & DeSantis handling National Issues. This sounds perfect. As would anything involving JFK, Jr.


Lol that’s not how president/vice president works

Rob William

Vice President has no role other than being the president of the senate and waiting for POTUS to die.


After reading the first ten or so comments not one about the actual article. Only about Bots. Seriously. That’s it ?


It would help if the article wasn’t so boring and fake.


Where you been Lloyd? You finally pull your mouth away from ted’s twat?


Be nice. We don’t go to your jobs and slap cocks out of your mouth.


tedwozz here!


I just didn’t get on here for a day but it’s very sweet that you’re so obsessed with me you were asking where I went 😘


mos def a chink female

Rob William

Julie is like 90 years old!


I read the first ten or so comments and not one regarding the actual article. Incredible what concerns you people. Bots? Seriously?

J Bill

It would help if the article wasn’t so boring and fake.

Rob William

Ten Commandments?

Dr John

Hark, I bring news from a far; that will stun and surprise you. IS IT TRUE? CAN IT BE?

READ the 4th article on the internet at “The 17th Special Operations Groups.” No need to join to read all 4 articles, but the 4th gets to the point.

It is a Lengthy post I tumbled across that may “MAY” explain a lot. The SLOW roll to take over the country is unraveled in this document. It discusses actions that are clearly annotated with facts and certainly explains some of the weird actions and events of our most recent government over the last 20 years. IF TRUE it explains a lot and you have more reading to do. It explains the far greater value of the 9/11 attack beyond collecting a multi-billion dollar insurance policy!

It was posted by the 17th Special Operation Group, they have a WEB site of the same name. It is an official sounding name and “MAY” be real, or just a pleasant title. But, with the first (4th) in the series of articles you read, is it REAL? I think so. They ask us to VOTE and to be Vigilant of corruption. That does not sound Deep State or nefarious (<< big word). Do they use poor unfounded logic, double speak, or unclaimed sources for their information?.. NOPE!

I believe this is a must read along with the other 3 articles and some time to think. This is HUGE (YUGE!) and says a lot about Trump's and the military's inaction over the last 2 years when WE thought the should act. It explains why they let the false election ride without interference and why we need to trust the plan. It explains why Biden gets nowhere and why FEMA feels they are in control as well as our Congress over the past few years.

I am tending to believe a BOMB has just dropped on the Deep State with the exposure of this most recent posting (article 4) and the ties to the first 3 articles at their WEB site.

WE NOW KNOW the WHY behind their arrogant behavior of ignoring OUR constitutional rights. They indeed have been HI-JACKED!

Please read and respond with your opinion. IF you agree our job is to get traction and exposure for this WEB site and articles to other conservatives.

GOTO "The 17th Special Operations Groups." WEB site to read the articles. Looking for insight either; validation or disapproval. IF true this is HUGE! and it is the BOMB of all BOMBS landing on the Deep State!

Fighting for our country and FREEDOM means sacrifices like taking the time to read these well grounded articles. If I am right on my impression we are exposing the Deep State like never before and sharing FACTS that explain much of what has been happening including all the delays and inaction. It HAD to be played that way it appears.

Thanks in advance,


Dr. John


And remember folks, TRUST WRAY!

J Bill

where we go one we get aids

American Living in Canada

By the book, thanks for the site. Will pass it around.

Rob William

What is CoviPox?

Me me

Well since Trump is dead maybe the worthless military is turning toward DeSantis?

Rob William

DeSantis is shorter than DJT.


Tell us the FACTS about Trumps death


I don’t want to see us switch horses mid stream. Finish up with Trump then follow with Desantis. Lets see how deep this goes. Trump got us here, we know he is on our side. Never heard of Desantis before he stared up as governor of Florida, he sounds good, but not NOW. Stay the course on 2020 … Don’t move on to 2022 2024, politics isn’t going to fix this. If it is a political fix it will last one term maybe.


I think Trump and DeSantis are working together to see who is really for We The People. If doubters try and turn their backs on Trump and align with DeSantis, they will be in for a rude awakening when they realize that Trump knows everything.
I think the trip to GITMO is all optics to flush out the grey hats.

Rob William

Green hats, blue hats, Red hats, Ultra violet hats, ….


Tedophilia, Biggs ( are gone. Next….

I guess they are getting it on with a double dil-dong
Moans come out as chinese! yuck yuck ccp chink dykes!


Wishful thinking.

J Bill

where’s forsaken


I’m gone? That’s news to me! 🙃


you finally pulled off ted’s twat!




Did anyone else notice that Mike now has “Admin” next to his name and not “Author”?


Big congrats to Mike on getting a promotion at his own one-man wordpress blog! 🥳


I’m making more than $13k by just doing a very easy and simple online job from home. Last month my friend sis received $17280 from this work by just giving only 10 to 12 hrs a day. Everybody start earning money online. visit for more detail..

Last edited 2 years ago by Migsly

The CDC is falling apart!


like the ccp dykes

J Bill

rerun the NY school story

trust nothing

The discussion should be had on upcoming election fraud. Nothing substantial has changed. Many that believe in elections think republicans will win back house and senate like they had it in 2016. So what. Trump was president and he got little support with all the lies being in media and congress. His term was inhibited throughout. What could possibly go wrong under Biden? Best case scenario is impeachment then trials.
Dems are going to cheat every way as 2020 and come up with new ones.
I live in commiefornia and watched it happen for decades. The state is not as blue as you think. There is the crazy metros like SF, Berkley, and LA but most people in San Diego, Orange County, San Bernadino, and Riverside lean to conservative values. It’s possible Trump won the state with real numbers.
You will never see the real numbers… in any election, unless there is national voter ID, paper ballots only on election day, no mail in and no tabulation machines.

J Bill

pillow guy was going to show pcaps, instead he showed a fuzzy spreadsheet. show the evidence of fraud or cry more. you guys are worse than hrc voters in 2016


bake a loaf with HRC’s yeast formulation

J Bill

you gonna eat it?


Lol sounds like someone was let down by Lindell’s shitshow 😂


Evidence clearly shows that You are one of the biden voters
in 2020 election.
So you are responsible for the mess this country is in.
Very hypocritical of you..

buck fiden

Canada just banned the importation of handguns. Perhaps Commiefornia will follow suit, so only minorities who don’t obey laws will possess them.

buck fiden



I did and am acquiring more. Fishing rods are ready with plenty of bait.

buck fiden

There’s a 15-day waiting period for assault fishing rods in Commiefornia, including mandatory background check, DNA scan, fingerprints, retina scans and dick prints.


Installed a transfer switch for mine a couple of years ago.


Get yourself an LP & NG fuel converter you’ll never regret it.

buck fiden

I used to siphon avgas from the Cessnafags at Scottsdale Muni. Now security is too tight.


Only to find out. ?
The EPA made it illegal to sell them.
I hope that the buyer does not work for GOV.
Hopefully you made a huge profit.

buck fiden

Indeed. Some conspiracy websites show the electoral count as:

Trump 410
Biden 128

In this scenario, Trump won California!

J Bill

just say you think it should’ve been 538-0. it makes way more sense than thinking trump somehow won california


I mean really if you’re just going to make up numbers based on nothing but your hopes and dreams, why not go all out and say Trump won 538-0? Why stop there even, why not leep going and say like Trump won 1700-0? It’s the internet after all, you can claim anything you want!


You do everyday, so why not !

buck fiden

Interesting: when I do a search for “trump 410 biden 128,” the first dozens of sites are leftist websites that are “fact checkers.”

J Bill

fact check: it’s not interesting


Buck, I would not call the white hat Military working in a SCIF, who watched the count in real time, conspiracy website. They also witnessed in real-time the steal (not the sale) of the century. Blessings,

buck fiden

A high-ranking woman died in Doucheland due to that steal.


US stock indices down > 1%. That’s not supportive of democrats!

buck fiden

Like my weak kike schlong: somedays it’s up, others, it’s down.

buck fiden

Tempe Medical Institute?




Fauci, top infectious disease expert, to retire in December (Yahoo headline 8/22/22) – picture doesn’t even look like him

buck fiden

Perhaps he knows something. Perhaps the “two weeks” wolf-cry will finally come true.


Two weeks, for sure this time! The 300th time’s the charm, right? 🙃

buck fiden

I think we’re on the 3000th time on this one. But hope springs eternal.


Hopefully we get MB’s insights on AF “retirement” because I did not hear him “unretiring” from the spa if you get my drift. Lord help us.


Lol he’s just alive Del. Maybe someday you’ll figure it out that RRN is total bullshit. Someday.


I. Agree…
Its a clone
The real fauci was executed at Gitmo


To be honest,..I. Am more interested in the articles about the TRIBUNALS
And not so much about any political figures and trips to military prisons.
The main course of the meal.
EXECUTION of the D.S. players

J Bill

you skip foreplay too, don’t you?

buck fiden

Perhaps he’s into ropes like they use at Gitmo and David Carradine used in Thailand when he Kung Fu’d himself in the closet.


No,… Not in that pastime.. I love to get all hot and bothered
First, then proceed to the next base, the next…well you know what means ! 👫. 🌈. 🍩. 🍦. 🐝. ☺


yea really. who gives a shit about a jew lover touring gitmo?


Wildcat demands more murder porn! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

live oak

They call him “America’s Governor”.
I wish the other governors would follow his lead but they don’t have the courage.

buck fiden

TX has a good one, too.

Still too many RINOs like Doug Douche-y (Douchebag-AZ).

george friend

Sounds like DeSantis will take the 2024 ticket. No need to brief if there is no need to brief.

buck fiden

America won’t be here by 2024. Or if it is, elections will be Soviet-style: voting becomes mandatory, and there’s only one party.

J Bill

fauci is stepping down so the next article will be how the white hats captured fauci


So you like it up the ass from fauci the 33?

J Bill

he’s very gentle

buck fiden

Fauci probably has another job lined up: perhaps he’ll be the new head of the UN’s World Health Organisation. If not, I’m sure he has a retirement dacha in Davos already arranged.


Lol it would rule of MB forgot his own story (more than usual) and wrote about someone he previously “executed” getting arrested because he completely forgot he “executed” them already in the RRN universe

Rob William

If pointed out, he will say Fauci ran away or it was his double who was executed. There are like 100s of such possibilities (within the reasonable doubt)….


I wonder what is happening in GITMO TODAY ?
I hear that their days are numbered… Before the
Notorious tribunals resume, the fate is decided, and the
Sentance is carried out and the body bag is waiting to be occupied !
There are SWAMPS … To Be Drained,
soooo much to do
so little time !
☺. 🍻

J Bill

touch some grass


Don’t hurt yourself jacking off too hard

Jose Ramirez

I hope we do not have to vote for Trump in 2024, I’m hoping Trump is back in the white house on the beginning of 2023 with DeSantis as VP; and then Desantis will be the president in 2024. Yes.


You don’t have to vote for either of them, you know

David L Baiker

By what logical reasoning…..wait you idiots don’t have ANY reasoning. That takes a working brain that you all don’t have. Anyway…drump lost BIDEN WON! Get over it!

Jose Ramirez

Trump won!!!!! Biden is a criminal like you! Trump is back very soon. Latinos for Trump!!! Yes! Trump won! You are a fucking mother fucker!

Rob William

They have extracted a lot out of rocks inside the head.


i wonder about desantis. he seems too good to be true. and he’s considering running against trump? i smell a rat. what if he’s working for the chinese?