JAG to Resume Hangings


The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps will resume hanging condemned prisoners in early September, sources in JAG’s office told Real Raw News.

In June, JAG announced it would abandon hangings and instead execute Deep Staters by gunshot. The reason for the first switch, sources told Real Raw News, revolved around time constraints and cost. Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall had also grown weary of what he called “gallows theatrics.”

The executions of Jennifer Dillon and Michael Sussmann, however, carried unanticipated—but possibly predictable–consequences: the U.S. Marine who had pulled the trigger on Sussmann afterward suffered night tremors that startled him awake, drenched in sweat, despite having endured a comprehensive psychological screening after volunteering for the job. A combat veteran with 14 years in service, he is no plebe. He did two tours in Afghanistan, each 15-months, and by his own admission killed several insurgents near the Afghan city of Sangin in 2015. When screened by JAG, the Marine described himself as “battle-hardened” and “ready to serve,” and showed no clinical signs of PTSD.

Sources put RRN in touch with a U.S. Navy psychiatrist who made the following observation:

“I didn’t screen that Marine, nor am I the one counseling him, so I can only comment in broad, general terms. There is a dramatic difference between a Marine defending himself in combat against a declared enemy, in the line of duty, and him executing an unarmed, blindfolded person. On the surface, the Marine feels he’s following his oath, his orders, his responsibilities—but may also feel he’s committing murder, a dishonorable act. His mind cannot reconcile the two, and he may be living in a realm of perpetual psychological anguish,” she said.

The Marine who executed Sussmann is in counselling, but the 22-year-old U.S. Army Spec-4 who terminated Jennifer Dillon is not. He doesn’t have the benefit of therapy because he is dead. A month after he shot Dillon, he opened his wrists with a boxcutter and bled out.

Like the Marine, he too had been rigorously screened; but unlike the Marine, the U.S. Army Spec-4 had never shown visible signs of trauma. No tremors. No night sweats. No mental fog. No lapses in judgment. Not until the evening he committed suicide.

“Some people under great stress camouflage it very convincingly by internalizing it until they burst,” the navy psychiatrist said.

In wake of these catastrophes, JAG will now resume hanging prisoners, for no hangman, for lack of a better word, has ever killed himself or presented symptoms of psychological duress.

“Shooting someone at pointblank range is very intimate. A soldier on the gallows simply pushes a button or pulls a lever—it’s impersonal, dispassionate,” the psychiatrist said.

In closing, RRN has been informed that the U.S. military has completed security improvements at Guantanamo Bay, and tribunals are scheduled to resume in early September.

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Mike Baxter

Dear Reader:

I am aware of the bot infestation on this site, and am working to resolve. Alas, the bots are clever, and often, once banned, return and try to post under the screen names of legitimate posters, usually with one word comments. Some legit posters may have been caught in a ban, and I’m currently sorting through logs trying to fix this. I ask for your patience. This is an occurrence that happens on other websites, too. Real Raw News appreciates legitimate posters. Thank you.


Is it happening because members are checking out the sight that’s highlighted stating that you can make $94 an hour?

Kelly Brown

No worries about bots. Thank you for the updates. I’m very sorry to know about the marines having PTSD over duties carried out. This can’t be easy. I hate when everyone cheers on taking these people out. None of this…NONE of this is easy! Especially for those actually carrying it out for our overall benefit. Everyone say a prayer for the people running this! And the souls of those who must face the consequences of their actions!


scripture says we are not to rejoice when judgment is carried out. I wish and pray for every one of them that they might find Jesus before judgment is carried out. Unfortunately, many refuse. You are spot on.


Thank you Michael for cleaning house.

Anne Stallybrass

Mike, do the bots get paid for EVERY click they get, even if, or particularly if, the clicks are NEGATIVE? In which case it would be helpful perhaps for you to put a note to that effect in a place where readers see it BEFORE clicking?


On August 27, 2022, Saturday, Fox News released a report that DNI Avril Haines will give top lawmakers an assessment of the potential risk to national security posed by former President Trump keeping top secret documents at Mar-a-Lago — in response to Adam Schiff’s inquiry. However, based on what I have read here, Adam Schiff was executed by the U.S. military on August 13, 2021, at Gitmo, and Avril Haines is currently in U.S. military custody at Gitmo. While my personal belief is that much of the information provided by RRN must be authentic on the ground that no proper authority has ever come out with an official denial thereof, some explanation of the discrepancies would certainly help me and other serious RRN readers understand the precarious situation we are currently in. In the meantime, I must hasten to add that I understand that RRN only passes on such information as has been received from its sources, and since sources of information are human beings, certain errors may be inevitable.


What you’re hearing in MSM is to play out the storyline to awaken the masses. Propaganda is legal in the MSM – so, remember that! Use discernment and never believe what the mockingbird media tells you, they are the enemy and why the masses have been lulled to sleep for centuries.


I hear that a commentator by the name of Charlie Ward believes certain actors (and actresses) are currently playing body doubles. Hard to believe as it may sound, I do not rule out any possibilities in the present circumstances. If the Dems could stage “the 2000 Mules”, they are capable of anything. I just dare not believe that we are really dealing with body doubles. “If you don’t see anything, you’d better see an optician,” says Charlie Ward jokingly. I’m not sure, though. What about you?


10/10/21 article on 60 Minutes: It’s scary what they can do now with CGI. They can create people that have never existed. CGI experts can also make politicians say and do anything using their real body and voice even though they may now be dead. 60 Minutes shows an example how the phony media can control the public’s minds.


Thank you very much, my friend. Please tell me how to access that article on CGI as I am eager to read it and do my homework. I’m glad that RRN seems to have found a way to keep out such repetitive, senseless verbiage as used to emerge every day in the past to annoy us serious readers, so as to enable me to find useful information like the message you have just posted.


I tried the youtube.com/watch?v=Yb1GCjmw8_8 link, but unfortunately, the video is no longer available in my area. However, the headline is there: How Synthetic Media, or Deepfakes, Could Soon Change Our World. I think I got the idea.


Fly me down to GTMO. I’ll be happy to pull the rope. Push the button. Pull the trigger for any and or all of these fucking scumbags. I’ll even do it during lunch time with a hoggie in my hand. Taking a big ole bite out of it as that mother fucker gurgles its last breath.


What a pussy. Do some emotional freedom technique & you won’t internalize shit. Of course they just love pumping teh vets full of anti depressants & the what-not.


As a USN veteran I would like to say why hasn’t the military employed a remote controlled gun mounted on a pedestal to do the executions of the convicted using multiple buttons so several officers can hit the fire button at same time. This way nobody knows if they did it or not. We have the anti gravity TR3B that goes to space for last 40 years and nobody could figure out how to prevent PTSD and streamline the process.


Those poor soldiers. Makes sense it affected them. God rest the young man’s soul and heal the other. Lord knows those who deserved their fate worked very hard to achieve their demise. Bring on the gallows, the wicked won’t stop until they are stopped!


I’ll do it and love it , already got ptsd this would make it better for sure , only got one requirement , a Thompson (:


If death by firing squads resume, I highly suggest a squad. It’s less personal and less intimate.


How about hanging the FBI sniper that murdered innocent people and got away with it?!
The FBI has been this corrupt for DECADES! Please post the remembrance of the 30th anniversary of Ruby Ridge (Monday, 8/22/22) where the arrogant FBI MURDERED innocent people and a dog and there was no accountability. Post it everywhere you can. An FBI sniper shot a mother who was simply standing in a doorway holding her baby, got his full pension, and got away with murder. He was very cold-blooded about it. They also shot a 14-year old boy IN THE BACK as he was running away. The FBI thugs – corrupt as always. They are the criminals.

Debra Rudolph

Proving that we Patriots are not soulless Marxists like those trying to steal our country.


We can’t expect our military Men or women (two sexes no more) to endure a life time of mental anguish for doing their duty to expire these evil demons who put themselves in this position.
Better to take these vipers off the earth plane for our safety.
These Men and all military need our prayers and support.


Psyop much lol…this one is to condition us that hanging is more humane than bullet to head… ( btw why not firing squad??) ..for the EXECUTIONERS.

Hosa Enanis

The harm that these two have done to this country and enrichment of themselves their far from being innocent just unarms destrutive demons. Putting them to death is more noble.


The means and methods of execution needs revision. No military member should shoulder this immense mental commitment.

A system in which randomness and automation by removing the “human factor” should be developed.

For example, send the doomed into a darkened room that has a trap door leading to a deep pit.

Nobody to fall into PTSD. No guilt. No remorse.

Extraordinary acts of treason call for extraordinary punishment…which must be public.

Kelly Brown

I’m very sad to hear about the marines with PTSD. It’s no fun. Changes you forever.


A bunch of pussies are these ‘marines’….ffs

where’s chesty?


I keep wondering why the White Hats haven’t taken out George Soros. It looks to me like 80 to 90% of the trouble plaguing our country can be traced back to Soros. He funds the terrorist groups, BLM, ANTIFA, Liberal politicians, corrupt judges and prosecutors, and anti-Trump organizations. And that’s not including foreign terrorist groups, and anti-American governments. I know he is probably well protected, but Delta operators or SEAL’s could get the job done. If he’s killed in the process, so much the better.


Sad. Vary sad. What about firing squads?


Remember the DS has many psychics that are capable of psychically attacking targets and it seems likely this could have provoked the suicide and depression of the two soldiers who executed those found guilty of treason.


Back to business 😊


why my comments are not approving?




I am a woman veteran Vietnam. I am so surprised that you have one man do an execution. That is why they always used a firing squad. No one knew who actually did shoot the person. They even did the same thing when executing the a bomb. I feel you should put that soldier on top of the list for a med bed.


of course you know if you shot the bullet or not. blanks don’t create recoil

John .S

Good news, my banner is ready for pick up at copy center.

It’s 2×4 in size lettering on both sides to mount on top of vechile saying: “Save America, Oust Democrats.”

Monday the 23rd is NY Primary Day.

Going to leave vechile parked outside polls all day, just outside electioneering zone.

Libtards will freak, anticapate PoPo will be called, as usual.

Will leave PoPo note on dashboard informing them I’m at my house, and to bring coffee if deciding to visit.

God Bless America.


We have over 81 million people willing to do this job.

If the day does indeed EVER come….when this is for real…..there are plenty of candidates to replace these “hardened” war veterans.



yea really. hard to belive marines would cry after this


R O F L you know its F A K E and C L I C K B A I T now. come on people wake up. their numbers here dropped and so back with the F A K E hangings.


They could put the digital button out to 1000,000 people and let them all push the button but only one would do the input.

Angel Askew


.Home of the free because of the brave

.Willfully ignorant cowards

Angel Askew

This is a call to all the grandparents, the parents, the single Patriots who are good listeners, who care about their neighborhood, who don’t want their loved ones deaths to be in vane, who know and love a well trained seasoned military man at home that only has an “on/off” switch. Who no longer see respect for family values or core educational building blocks in our childrens schools…you are the key to our victory and ending this.

Make it your business locally to question your elected officials. Gather info. Seek Data. Find strength in numbers.

Volunteer for election integrity. Get busy. Even the damn library! Run for office. If these psychos can do it, you can too.


Think about it. Mull it over.

Didn’t WrongWayCorrigan decide to run for office somewhere??

Have a great Sunday, folks.

Jose Ramirez

Problems, problems, problems… That is the difference between the good guys and the communists. The communists have no problem to kill their adversaries. And te good guys still waiting for November.


yes. americans need to suffer more before they realize what it took for the USA to be born!

Jose Ramirez


Ron Burgundy

I am making $94 an hour selling Depends and gas station Viagra to RRN boomers!

Rob William



Ron and Rob, the new Ted and Biggs!

Dave Smith

Sending prayers too the family and friends of the soldiers that have trouble dealing with this god bless them all Amen. Thankyou for your service.

John .S

Currently reading Michael Sussmann’s obituary. I’m on a obituary website, just need to enter first and last name.

Ron Burgundy

Could there maybe be more than one in the United States? 😮

John .S

No it’s him, enough to substantiate he’s dead, his employer aka, law firm in mention.


good point, good chink!

John Guarneri

I will gladly volunteer for this job there are so many DS we need this going 24/7 !! Anyone agree ?


It seems the hangings aren’t working all that well either. FOX news reported on Friday that Alec Baldwin was seen leaving lunch at a luxe clam bar in Amagansett, New York in the Hamptons as ‘Rust’ investigation heats up.

Thomas Blow

Alex Baldwin never leaves lunch.



Ron Burgundy

Obviously the White Hats are powerful enough to execute people with impunity but not powerful enough to prevent them from being immediately cloned. Makes perfect sense (if you’re retarded)


LMFAO! Now, that’s funny


good point chink!


Updated (hopefully final) version of

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/08/jag-to-resume-hangings/#comment-316670

Please feel free to copy and repost the full text of this post and the posts in the comment chain below as-is to other online message boards in the (hopefully unlikely) event Real Raw News goes offline for good.


Masonic Diversion Tactics

6. Hit and run. In any public forum, make a brief attack on your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in online and letters-to-the-editor environments, where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning— simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.

[Explains the current (as of 08-21-2022) score of the post at the link above at -6]


Stinky Perfume: “Why can’t there be an algorithm where it if get’s enough downvotes it’s kicked off the website as a comment to read?”

That would possibly censor true/plausible/worthwhile information. Please see the comment chain that begins here:

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/08/president-trump-averts-world-war-iii/#comment-303809

The first post in the chain I made is currently (as of 08-21-2022) at -10 where I use ‘facts and figures’ to talk about the fundamental battle between Good and Evil that is going on in the world today. For all the effort I put into this post writing it and compiling supporting URL links to add to it, I got -10 — it was -11 at one time. I am not discouraged–the truth is inconvenient to the closeminded and trolls paid by their paymasters (or genuinely stupid enough to do this for free) to get you to ignore it. The truth is TOO IMPORTANT and MUST be shared–some are (almost) killed for doing this.

https ://odysee.com/@OffGridDesertFarmingwithPaulandAdrienne:9/german-dr.who-exposed-graphene-apos-nano-razors-apos-inside-vaccines-assassinated-watch-to-the-end:8

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/hrZ20JTvnHJF/

The last post I made in this chain explains why the first post I made in this chain is so long. Taking an (unwanted) course of action would only reduce that post to about half its size. Would it still be heavily downvoted anyway?


If you can spare 6.5 hours, please watch this documentary here

https ://rumble.com/vkk3ho-its-worse-than-you-think-the-mark-of-the-beast-is-here.html

It goes into great detail about the battle between Good and Evil. I watched it at ‘triple speed’ in VideoLAN available here

http ://www.videolan.org/

to save time. It was well worth watching and serves as a warning to others to take heed of. That is why I am passing the link to this (epic) documentary on to others in this post.

Here is a link to a documentary about the paymasters. It is about 6.5 hours long and is worth watching for the information in it and as a warning to others to take heed of.


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/cssXkCAPV3jY/

Here is a link to a documentary about the paymaster’s helper network. It is made by a former helper risking his life by exposing said helper network. It is about 5.25 hours long and is worth watching for the information in it and as a warning to others to take heed of.

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/xoU7OfqHN6Dv/

The above three documentaries reveal the ‘matrix of evil’ that ‘the masses’ who are not paymasters or their helpers now live in and explains the behavior of all the helpers in their last moments before being executed by JAG except for helper Loretta Lynch here

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/04/gitmo-double-header-execution-anthony-fauci-loretta-lynch/


Michael Baxter: “Meanwhile, GITMO security on the opposite side of Camp Delta informed Loretta Lynch her time had come. Unlike Fauci, she not once invoked Obama’s name. Rather, she resigned herself to her fate with, as a GITMO staff member described her demeanor, surprising alacrity and unexpected dignity. In one hand she clutched a King James Bible; in the other, a crucifix. A JAG representative told RRN that Lynch claimed to have found religion during her brief stint at Guantanamo Bay.

Her execution came first.

At 8:00 a.m. the Humvee carrying Lynch and an armed security detail entered the clearing where a military ensemble and the gallows had been awaiting her arrival. She exited the vehicle and moved toward the lethal apparatus, saying, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

As was customary, a U.S. Navy Chaplain stood beside the hangman atop the gallows. The chaplain present was Drew d’Auguste, the very man whose blood ran cold at Gavin Newsom’s execution earlier this year. Standing stoically beside him, Lynch asked, “Will you pray for me?” as the hangman fitted the noose around her neck.

“Of course, I will,” Chaplain d’Auguste said. “O God from whom all holy desires, all right counsels and all just, accept this child into thou welcoming arms…”

Below them, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall spoke: “If you’ve truly accepted Christ into your heart, I commend you. If only you’d done it sooner in life. You’ve been found guilty of treason and sentenced to hang.”

“Admiral Crandall, you must do what you have to do. I don’t fear death for I am saved. A better world awaits me, a world of jeweled sidewalks and golden roads, a world free of suffering. I forgive you,” Lynch said.

Vice Adm. Crandall stood in silence a moment, then signaled the hangman.

A second later Lynch was dead.”

[Details of Anthony Fauci’s execution omitted for brevity.]

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/01/navy-chaplain-newsom-was-possessed/

Michael Baxter: “Chaplain Drew d’Auguste, a Christian in the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps, was not speaking figuratively when he told Real Raw News the “White Hat” partition of the U.S. Armed Forces is waging war against Satanic forces that have enveloped the syncretistic society in which we live today.

Chaplain d’Auguste was present at Gavin Newsom’s execution, and said he saw “evil” in Newsom’s eyes even before the disgraced California governor began hurling Latin curses at the soldiers tasked with effecting Newsom’s hanging.

“He looked at me; my blood ran cold,” Chaplain d’Auguste said. “His gaze froze my soul.”

Newsom’s piercing stare, Chaplain d’Auguste added, had momentarily weakened his spiritual resolve.

“I heard a voice, malevolent and wicked—it spoke to my mind. It told me ‘There is no God; there is only us.’ My heart was pounding away in my ears and my arms and legs were frozen with fear, but somehow, in my mind, I was running away, until I called upon the authority of Christ to still my heart, and Him fill it with courage,” Chaplain d’Auguste said.

With replenished strength Chaplain d’Auguste met Newsom’s penetrating gaze; then the door under Newsom’s feet pivoted open, and life drained from his corporeal self.

Chaplain d’Auguste had bore witness to other executions. He was present at the hangings of Marc Mezvinsky and William Barr, but at those he did not feel the same prevalence of evil that he felt in the presence of Gavin Newsom.

“What I felt was more than a man. No, let me correct myself: Gavin Newsom was less than a man. I felt the unmistakable presence of an inhabiting spirit within him. The tenets of my faith say the possessed are not regarded as evil themselves, nor wholly responsible for their actions, because it is the demon inside that commands them. I might face censure for saying this, but from what I know of Newsom the man, his actions were an afront to the very fiber of morality. He was weak and malleable, which left him open to possession. The demonic entity that dwelt within him amplified his moral dearth,” Chaplain d’Auguste said.

“Were it up to me, I’d cast out the demon and try to save the man,” he added, “but I have no authority over such matters.”

He regrets his moment of spontaneous weakness, his failure to steadfastly trust in Christ when confronted by a wickedness, he said, he had not seen in his 25 years of representing the Lord and savior.

“I faltered, and I won’t let it happen again,” he said in closing. “We’re fighting the Devil.”

Author’s note: RRN does not normally print content based on feelings or intuition, even those of religious authorities. Nonetheless, his statements seemed so compelling and sincere, we decided to run this piece.”


https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin

talks about (paid) trolls and ‘idiot’ ones doing it for free here


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 
2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/


The Deep State social media propagandists make good money for publishing messages and replies!!!

Wonder if they get paid double when they post false propaganda messages about me or propaganda replies to my messages???

An example of one group’s compensation chart is below.

The love of money is the root of all evil. [1 Timothy 6:10 KJV Bible

https ://bibleprotector.com/TEXT-PCE.zip


— Lin Wood ( https ://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/14520 )

The chart is shown here:

https ://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/14521

But Lin Wood shrank it down and cropped out the name of the organization at the top.

Owen Benjamin showed a more readable version in his livestream at the above Bitchute link.

The paid troll ‘playbook’ is here

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/BYTCYu2kJVRu/

Made a zip file of the above clip and text file/PDF file versions of it here

https ://www.sendspace.com/file/vm0oj8

Please copy and share this zip file and its contents far and wide and ‘sticky post’ them to other online messageboards to warn/inform the users there of how online trolls operate.

NOTE: Sendspace protects their downloads with CAPTCHAs and monetize them with pop-up ads. Please fill out the CAPTCHAs and close the pop-up ad windows/tabs in order to download the zip file and re-distribute it. Thank you.

On at least two occasions in the past, one of the trolls that posted here in the past said my links led to ‘trackers’ and ‘malware’.

They were lying.

They are now gone and cannot use that online handle here anymore to post from.

Thank you very much, Michael Baxter.

Last edited 2 years ago by IsThisFairUse2
John .S

Gotta lighten up in your writings, sorry to say had to scroll over it. Couldn’t digest everything at one shot, especially over morning coffee.

Can’t serve the appetizer and main course at the same time.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S

I did the same. I saw no reason to try and dissect all this nonsense. MB writes fiction with just enough of truth to peak interest. Comedy works the same way.

John .S

Priest and Rabbi siting on a park bench, Priest says: “hey, let’s try to fck those little boys” Rabbi says: “out of what?”


Good one!


Could you repeat that, please? You lost me on (Updated)

John .S

Good day scallywags, at gas dock, reel trolling today, fish on.

Anthony Gregory

So. What happened to Avril Haines.
Is it singing like a canary. Error parrot 😁

John .S

Suspect Haines already convicted, grim reaper on hold until hanging is back on the books.

Suspect a upcoming consolidated article on her, tribunal & execution all in one.

Prior tribunals were written with some detail, having a good amount of nitty-gritty, then follow up article on execution.

Last edited 2 years ago by John .S
Matt Chaney

Seems a pity to go back to such a slow method – requiring so much resources. In light of the potential harm to military personnel, I’d suggest attaching leg shackle (only need one) and then take them out on a boat and in the process, run a single cable through all the shackles (protruding metal ring) aka to “keep them secure” – attach the end to a large cement block or mill stone sorta thing. And then take them out to deep water off the coast and push a button flipping the stone overboard. I’m sure the Navy must have some sort of hydraulic ram flipper sorta thing that could be repurposed. Then could make it like a weekly thing aka every Friday afternoon – its a thing. Everyone so convicted that week gets put on the boat sort of thing.

Thomas Blow

Rewatch Captain Blood and look into rebuilding the slave galleons — just for historical purposes, of course.


I love you!


Let’s see: GOOD people can’t or won’t kill other humans, but BAD people seem to have no problem with it. That’ll work. (What’s wrong with this picture?)


I didn’t think they would have just one shooter. Was expecting several shooters with one having a bullet. Or something like that. I feel badly for the service men. I can’t imagine the stress they were put under.

Tracy Reinert

I think the Constitution may say something to the effect of, “hung from the neck until dead” as punishment for treason.

Tracy Reinert

Sort of astonishingly, i doubt i would have any trouble. Of course, they may have killed my entire family with their evil poison shots.

Tracy Reinert

I think a twenty-two year old perhaps does not have the historical sense of depth & purpose required for such a task. Sorry for his loss. Maturity needed, & yet a touch of gallows humor is fine. The monsters gotta go. Untrustworthy to the bone.

Thomas Blow

As a retired soldier, it seems a LOT easier to shoot a criminal than a simple draftee soldier on the other side.

Dixie Gardner

How very sad for these men. My heart goes out to them.

Rob William

Ted will reappear from GTMO. He is there on an undercover operation.


How about for those of us who wrote FOR ourselves, not others however much our messages are/were TO others? Is it wasted time if we did it FOR ourselves? Perhaps you think others wasted time because you are being wasted BY time?


Stinky Perfume: “Why can’t there be an algorithm where it if get’s enough downvotes it’s kicked off the website as a comment to read?”

That would possibly censor true/plausible/worthwhile information. Please see the comment chain that begins here:

https ://realrawnews.com/2022/08/president-trump-averts-world-war-iii/#comment-303809

The first post in the chain I made is currently (as of 08-21-2022) at -10 where I use ‘facts and figures’ to talk about the fundamental battle between Good and Evil that is going on in the world today. For all the effort I put into this post writing it and compiling supporting URL links to add to it, I got -10 — it was -11 at one time. I am not discouraged–the truth is inconvenient to the closeminded and trolls paid by their paymasters (or genuinely stupid enough to do this for free) to get you to ignore it. The truth is TOO IMPORTANT and MUST be shared–some are (almost) killed for doing this.

https ://odysee.com/@OffGridDesertFarmingwithPaulandAdrienne:9/german-dr.who-exposed-graphene-apos-nano-razors-apos-inside-vaccines-assassinated-watch-to-the-end:8

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/hrZ20JTvnHJF/

The last post I made in this chain explains why the first post I made in this chain is so long. Taking an (unwanted) course of action would only reduce that post to about half its size. Would it still be heavily downvoted anyway?


If you can spare 6.5 hours, please watch this documentary here

https ://rumble.com/vkk3ho-its-worse-than-you-think-the-mark-of-the-beast-is-here.html

It goes into great detail about the battle between Good and Evil. I watched it at ‘triple speed’ in VideoLAN available here

http ://www.videolan.org/

to save time. It was well worth watching and serves as a warning to others to take heed of. That is why I am passing the link to this (epic) documentary on to others in this post.

Here is a link to a documentary about the paymasters. It is about 6.5 hours long and is worth watching for the information in it and as a warning to others to take heed of.


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/cssXkCAPV3jY/

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Benjamin

talks about (paid) trolls and ‘idiot’ ones doing it for free here


2:20:45 – 2:29:25 
2:20:45 – 2:36:48 [longer ‘FULL’ version]


https ://www.bitchute.com/video/Aog7TSfHkxGo/


The Deep State social media propagandists make good money for publishing messages and replies!!!

Wonder if they get paid double when they post false propaganda messages about me or propaganda replies to my messages???

An example of one group’s compensation chart is below.

The love of money is the root of all evil. [1 Timothy 6:10 KJV Bible

https ://bibleprotector.com/TEXT-PCE.zip


— Lin Wood ( https ://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/14520 )

The chart is shown here:

https ://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/14521

But Lin Wood shrank it down and cropped out the name of the organization at the top.

Owen Benjamin showed a more readable version in his livestream at the above Bitchute link.

The paid troll ‘playbook’ is here

https ://www.bitchute.com/video/BYTCYu2kJVRu/

Made a zip file of the above clip and text file/PDF file versions of it here

https ://www.sendspace.com/file/vm0oj8

Please copy and share this zip file and its contents far and wide and ‘sticky post’ them to other online messageboards to warn/inform the users there of how online trolls operate.

NOTE: Sendspace protects their downloads with CAPTCHAs and monetize them with pop-up ads. Please fill out the CAPTCHAs and close the pop-up ad windows/tabs in order to download the zip file and re-distribute it. Thank you.

On at least two occasions in the past, one of the trolls that posted here in the past said my links led to ‘trackers’ and ‘malware’.

They were lying.

They are now gone and cannot use that online handle here anymore to post from.

Thank you very much, Michael Baxter.


Our beautiful soldiers don’t need that. So whatever works for them.🇺🇸💪🏻♥️


They should make the condemned pull there own trigger, set up a device where they are tied to stand in the sun day and night no food or water, were they pull the trigger or die from the elements

Tony E.

I believe the gallows also presents another advantage…fear in the hearts of the condemned!


That is a good decision however they don’t understand what we are going through with these people there are reasons they are on trial. No one on this board is up set with the person who pulls a leaver or fires a shot for we know what they have done to this country and the citizens if this country. I hike the were off fighting for us. They are fighting the enemy within this country. Hanging is also fine with me.

joe blow

Check for volunteers that sit through the tribunal and have no issues.

Afshin Nejat

Playing games.