Deep State Hoarding Unvaccinated Blood


The “Deep” State Department is stockpiling untainted, or vaccine-free, blood in a refrigerated bunker somewhere in central Pennsylvania, ostensibly to use on themselves in the event of a national emergency, a U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) source told Real Raw News.

ARCYBER has intercepted emails in which Dr. Richard Otto, chief medical officer for the Bureau of Medical Services, wrote to Antony Blinken that “the Well” was secure and held 50,000 pints of “uncontaminated” blood from unvaccinated donors. The email said existing blood would have to be destroyed and replaced every 35 days—suggesting it, for reasons unknown, is kept whole and refrigerated instead of frozen.

Other intercepted correspondence alluded to the Well’s location. On February 15, Dr. Cary Fowler, special envoy for global food security, asked Otto in an email whether 50,000 pints were “enough for all of us” and whether he had scouted sites beyond “what we have in Pennsylvania.”

If “all of us” means the entirety of the bloated State Department, which employs 72,000 overpaid swamp creatures, 50,000 pints would hardly accommodate a mass casualty event where tens of thousands suddenly need a transfusion.

The Deep State’s interest in obtaining unvaccinated blood piqued the military’s curiosity because the regime had adamantly insisted that vaccinated and unvaccinated blood were equally safe. The FDA has said, “On multiple occasions, the Food and Drug Administration has confirmed that there is no evidence to support concerns related to the safety of blood donated by vaccinated individuals.”

“They’re telling lies to the public,” our source said. “We have a good idea why they’re hoarding only blood from unvaccinated donors—because the Deep State, at least most of it, is unvaccinated. They never got jabbed. We know as fact that Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Francis Collins were unvaxxed, confirmed by tests when they were arrested. The whole Deep State apparatus wants to stay free of vaccine pollutants, and that’s been proven in emails we’ve seen.”

He referenced an email Otto had sent to HHS Director Xavier Becerra in late January. “As you instructed, we’re rigorously screening donors to ensure all blood collected is free of contaminants. Unfortunately, we’ve pushed the vaccines so hard it’s becoming more and more difficult to find unvaccinated donors. We might have to start donating ourselves to keep an adequate supply,” part of it read.

It’s unclear how and where the Deep State is isolating unvaccinated donors, and which agencies (i.e., the Red Cross) are collecting blood on its behalf, and It’s frightening to think the Deep State might be tricking unvaccinated patriots into donating blood.

White Hats, our source said, are eager to learn the precise location of “the Well,” but thus far know it’s somewhere in central Pennsylvania.

“Without clearer intel it would be like finding a needle in a haystack,” our source said. “There’s nothing criminal about keeping a private blood bank; we maintain a surplus of blood from unvaccinated donors, as do most White Hat installations. But HHS, State, the CDC, and the FDA are duplicitous, saying one thing and doing another, and their motives are nefarious.”

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Turns out I need some unvaccinated blood. Do I have bad timing or what?

Richard Longacre

I was wondering why we had a blood drive RV in our Lowes parking lot for a few days. Only about 30% of the people in my area are unvaccinated because I live in Cherokee Nation where the Indians are forced to get the bioweapon injection if they want to continue getting “FREE” money, housing, and medical care. I guess 30% chance is better than many other areas. The RV never bothered parking at the Indian “Health Clinic”, I mean death clinic.


I’ve always wondered why the deep state wanted everyone vaccinated with all the toxic shit that’s in the shots, especially when these satanic monsters are all into killing, drinking blood, and eating dead corpses. You would think that they would want healthy people to eat, not people that have been vaccinated.

Last edited 1 year ago by Randal
Robert James

Accurate, but disgusting.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

I warned so many people of the jab. ,fell on deaf ears .4 to 6 years will be catastrophic
When millions will die or be severely injured from the long term effects of nano particles abilities of immunity destroyed A multi million mass casualty event is coming for the vaxxed

Robert James

Relax, I used to think that, but Trump deployed electromagnetic transmitters that somehow neutralized it. I just saw a video report from tictoc of a college professor telling his class.

Mark David

What are the White Hats doing about these destructive weather events, caused by HAARP weaponized weather attacks? Never seen it this bad, so many times over the last 4 months, one right after another. What gives, guys? Are we doing it to ourselves, or is it the deep state? And why can’t we stop it???

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark David
Robert James

Right, but some are run by the White Hats! Like the one in Northern California was done to flood out the silicon valley tunnel and facilities.


A unit of blood is only good at 6 degrees Celsius for 35-42 days. So unless something happens very shortly, that blood won’t be able to be used.


Right on Rita. Blood is perishable. You would think the White Hats would know that. Their medics certainly do.


Life insurance asked my boss if he got the jab and he said yes…he now pays a 1,000 a month premium. Even the insurance companies are aware.


I think you are making that up. Insurance companies are pushing the vax, not penalizing people for taking it.


What a bloody mess the deep state has caused themselves…the kill shots have aids…i hope they get vaccinated blood by accident. My boss and a co-worker took the jab and both got triple by-pass surgery..and one had to get a pace maker at 40…another co-worker has lost 6 family members to stoke and heart attack…i told them not to get it and what it would do and they scoffed i said to the heart attack survivors “that chest scare isnt so bad.” Now they believe me but its too late.

Son of Ethan Allen

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Not an exact quote Joe Biden: If you want to attack America you will have F15’s & nukes after you.
Quote Xi Jinping: Heads bashed bloody against a Great Wall of steel.
Quote Declaration of Independence: That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
Americans have the absolute right to abolish or alter our government whenever it decides to deploy F15′s & nukes
against We the People. And the government has zero right to use military forces against us US.
Never underestimate the enemy
Click my name, thank you.


Most of the military come from the southern states so that in a Civil War they will be on our side

Anne Stallybrass

Yes indeed. Align with Jesus. Now take this deeper in prayer. What was Jesus’ OWN WORK? He only describes its essence in one place, his last words as a free man, to Pilate. “For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to bear witness to truth”. So following in Jesus’ footsteps, Witness to Truth has to become one’s guiding light. And for that, one has to do Research, constantly, to find out what Truth needs bearing witness; what is the deeper nature of Truth; how can one become more sensitive to Truth and more accurate; This is the path of Spiritual Science, beyond the whole realm of naive Belief … Know Thyself … You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free …


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

It never ends what these evil 8^$$+^&1)s can think up! Get them off the planet!!!

Stinky Perfume

Since this whole jab program is an ET reptilian takeover because they want the planet back claiming it was stolen from them, then why don’t the deep staters want the jab themselves? Do they know who they work for? Don’t they want to be part of their own great program to make the hybrid human-ET’s they want to inhabit the planet with?


NEWS STORY LEAD FOR MR. BAXTER: Dana Hyde (former W.H. official for the Kenyan, and current CEO of Millennium Challenge Corp.) died aboard aircraft due to this>>>(CNN) — Investigators say the violent movements that killed a woman aboard a private jet this month were multiple times the pull of gravity and were not caused by the weather. The NationalTransportation Safety Board said the aircraft experienced a force about fourtimes the pull of gravity when the pilots disabled a setting that is used to stabilize the aircraft. The pilots were in the process of resolving warning messages from the aircraft. [hyperlink removed]
It so happens that the Millennium Challenge Corp. is the dirtiest part of the Cabal and is integrally involved in laundering foreign aid money back into Globalist Crime Families. MCC sends “certifiers” out to poor countries to score them on a
checklist of “democratic” pass/fail descriptors. MCC is under contract to the World Bank when they do this. MCC is a “supposed” arm of the Fed Gov. but I believe it to be autonomous. I personally discovered the MCC scam to be a sensitive Deep State topic and likely is, therefore, a big illegal money maker. Ms. Hyde was not nearly old enough to be taken out by disease and looked to be in peak condition and was therefore taken out by a freak accident. But we know that when you control the coroner, cops, judges, FAA, etc. that you can murder someone on a Friday and speak at the Funeral the next Monday.
The truth of this is nowhere near being told. Only one death, but a top hotbutton for the Cabal.

Will Caulfield

I keep telling you, MB just passes along what his WH handlers give him. He has told us this many times. He is not an investigative reporter. He does not follow leads or go after stories.


” No Stone shall be unturned and not one stone shall stand upon another.”
“Their” own arrogance sated them well.


NEWS STORY LEAD FOR MR. BAXTER: Dana Hyde (former W.H. official for the Kenyan, and current CEO of Millennium Challenge Corp.) died aboard aircraft due to this>>>(CNN) — Investigators say the violent movements that killed a woman aboard a private jet this month were multiple times the pull of gravity and were not caused by the weather.
The National Transportation Safety Board said the aircraft experienced a force about four times the pull of gravity when the pilots disabled a setting that is used to stabilize the aircraft. The pilots were in the process of resolving warning messages from the aircraft.

It so happens that the Millennium Challenge Corp. is the dirtiest part of the Cabal and is integrally involved in laundering foreign aid money back into Globalist Crime Families. MCC sends “certifiers” out to poor countries to score them on a checklist of “democratic” pass/fail descriptors. MCC is under contract to the World Bank when they do this. MCC is a “supposed” arm of the Fed Gov. but I believe it to be autonomous. I personally discovered the MCC scam to be a sensitive Deep State topic and likely is, therefore, a big illegal money maker. Ms. Hyde was not nearly old enough to be taken out by disease and looked to be in peak condition and was therefore taken out by a freak accident. But we know that when you control the coroner, cops, judges, FAA, etc. that you can murder someone on a Friday and speak at the Funeral the next Monday.

The truth of this is nowhere near being told. Only one death, but a top hotbutton for the Cabal.


These rules are for you but we have our own rules so get ready for the evil stuff coming soon.


Well the way it is now with swamp creatures, they’re gonna need less and less of it. Most of them still running around are cyborgs!😳😳 So if and when the WH’s find this facility keep it for your own stash.😉👍

John .S

Carole Johnson?


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

The deep state Covid Special Ops was a pathetic attempt by the Democrat American communists to take over the USA. They did not quite make it.

Will Caulfield

They say the Deep State’s hoarding blood,
Unvaccinated and clean,
A dark and twisted scheme they’ve brewed,
A nightmare from a fevered dream.

What horrors lie behind their doors,
What twisted plans do they conceive,
To stockpile blood from the unvaxxed,
And what do they hope to achieve?

Are they creating some new strain,
A virus even worse than before,
Or seeking to control our minds,
With some dark and evil lore?

Or maybe they’re just playing God,
And holding power over life,
Deciding who is fit to live,
And who they’ll cut down with a knife.

Whatever lies behind their scheme,
We must stay vigilant and strong,
For the Deep State’s always lurking,
Waiting to do us all wrong.

Last edited 1 year ago by Will Caulfield
Rene Labre



Woe unto them, for when they pass, no memory will remember them.


Youtube is always pushing donate blood ads.


Haven’t seen any on my end.

Michael R Davis

The Globalist New World Order Deep-State is spinning in confusion, has not the slightest clue what to do next, as their dreams of world conquest, their utopia for the super-rich, disappear into the ether. Worry not, the Commander-in-Chief is not in any danger. We win. GOD wins. The entire world wins.

American Living in Canada

Noticed the big push for Donors up here several weeks ago, thanks keep us posted.

Will Caulfield

Sure. That’s why nothing ever changes.


It’s a planetary game of ‘tug-o-war’… sometimes movement stops… keep pulling!

Will Caulfield

Sometimes? There’s never been any “movement.”


Yes, the entire world will win after worldwide repentance from sin occurs. But that will not happen until most people in the world (90%) have refused to repent and have died from the plagues that Almighty God is going to send on a sinning humanity. PROVE IT to yourself: Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28.

Matt. 24:21-22
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world to this time; no, nor ever shall be.
22 And unless those days should be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.

Stinky Perfume

Somewhere in the bible Jesus told a woman she had a lot of husbands. Somehow the act of sex was about creating a husband was what it sounded like. But she didn’t even know that. Jesus was there as a man to tell her. I still don’t know why we don’t get told that fast anymore. We sit in sin. Repent I do and it looks like it goes on forever or a very long time. I would ask if we could have advice what is a sin ahead of time lest I move an inch and sin.

Rose Mary Abbott

Fortunately for the people on Earth, God still loves us and He has and is STILL bringing REVIVAL upon this world and the young people are coming to the Lord all across the world! They are responding to Him and they are turning their backs on satan and his idiot brigade. You don’t hear about it in the news media because they don’t want us to know about it. They don’t want us to realize that God is right here looking after His people. Praise God for GOD!!! Hallelujah! Amen!


Research: YT channel Paul Walis and The 5th Kind. Especially interviews with Mauro Biglino. The [DS] created the ‘Bible’ that was handed to us after they corrupted it with their own ‘translations’. We’ve been lied to about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!

Ann Ononomous

Look up Bo Polny. Imo, he is one of THE best. Everyone is always looking to interview him. He is an analyst of time and studies history and the bible since history always repeats itself. He’s also prophet. He is very accurate and if not hits the nail on the head, he comes close to within a day or two. He also makes power point charts to show what he’s talking about. It’s pretty cool. Check him out.


Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
mary pascucci



pure blood here also, but have too much iron, and have to get rid of a pint frequently. You would not believe how difficult and expensive that is to do, thanks to fda rules. It goes to waste.


Sad. Try LifeServ

Rene Labre

A revelation to the hilt. Wer have been,hornswaggled,As they say out west.

All medical offices use ICD9 billing codes. They have a designated code for unvaccinated patients, so they are easily traceable….marked.

Andi Kay

That’s a pretty scary thought.


Hollywood has done its thing on you, they brainwash you with the mockingbird.

Ronald Nussbeck

Law Professor Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros


Hey, KID, who sent cha?


Absolutely correct … commie pukers’ “motives are nefarious”! Line them against a wall, and machine-gun the demons to death … all six living generations of them!

Thanks for the update Michael. Not long ago Red Cross was advertising a blood drive for donors … it’s logical.


I recall reading on this site of a military guy who had not been vaccinated, being given vaccinated blood since blood donation records do not include that information, & him dying shortly after. My husband and I both recently had medical treatments at Hershey Medical Center – which IS in Central PA (only great things to say about our treatments there, & I dont think any medical personnel have awareness of this if they ARE involved) and not one person asked either of us about our vaccine status. We WERE asked about blood transfusion authority should it be needed, & when told they had no idea whether they could assure it would not be, we elected to say “No”. And that was that. Of course, I’m real thankful neither of us needed it!

I will add this: When I went for my 1st MRI there, there was a significant time delay due to “something that happened” to a man. That’s all I know. “Something Happened” to someone while having an MRI. I’ve now had 10 or so in the last 5 years & they make a great point of asking each time about metal in your body prior to the procedure. If you’ve watched “Died Suddenly” which shows what morticians and coroners are finding in the vaccinated that they’ve never seen before, it occurred to me that it is highly likely the person had been vaccinated, & it caused a reaction with the MRI procedure, & it wasn’t just some “random” & odd reaction. Have any of you heard about such things happening?


Not with the mRIs. But those wormy clots are there whether the dead received an MREI or not. It’s still very evil to me.


The Covid injections are chemical-bioweapons. Possibly blood and mutation agents. Attacking civilian populations violates the Nuremberg codes on multiple levels. Why hasnt the EBS been activated yet?!!

Anne Stallybrass

not just chemical and biological either. There are are demonic components too, which try to dumb down / imprison the soul, move it out of the body … I believe that this too can be addressed but it needs to be brought to light first, researched by those qualified to see these levels of reality, not just pooh-poohed as Con.Theory.


This is horrible… Makes me think I should start saving my own blood!! But, of course, as a Christian, I shouldn’t need to do that, because Jesus is my sword and shield. May God help us…i.e., COME LORD JESUS, COME!


The white hats are oathbreaking pussies. There should have been mass arrests and executions YEARS ago. Unforgiveable


@Syrin — There are too many demons seeking too many patriots to murder. Remember the ORDER OF OPERATION in sequencing priorities. Stay focused on the three marques and pay attention to the worldwide events to put together the movie climax that’s nearing its end.

1. Guardians of the Pedophiles
2. FISA Gate
3. Panic in DC


No, the white hats added the art of war into the play book, and needed deep state to play it once more, i say better safe than sorry.

They needed one full season of treason, i can see that now.
Will be cleared before 2024 season starts.

Anyone who cant wait for blody one season is “good” as one of them.

The enemy has haste gogogo mentality, that is their failure.

Do it properly or none at all.


Do you have any idea what hell is going on right now? There are children being rescued from the bio-labs in the Ukraine, and the scene is unimaginable in it’s evilness. Children slaughtered for organs, children/animal mutations, dead children and dead soldiers. Seems the DS had their super soldiers in these labs. Get on your knees and pray and ask God’s forgiveness for what you called His warriors.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
Charlotte Cain

Ill never donate another drop of blood

April Moore

You know, these people are SICK. Imma submit that they don’t have enough “for all” of them EVER, because they roll all over their greedy selves at the drop of a hat. On the way to gitmo – heck, probably the minute they are cuffed and placed in custody – they are ready to throw their pards under the bus. Clinton threw his WIFE under the bus – so did pelosi…I heard Michele and Melinda both turned on their “husbands…” I bet they play “optics” with each other, just as much as they do it to us.


And Ghisaine Maxwell threw WJC under the bus when he denied having anything to do with having sex with children… he was so shocked, because he thought he would have forever loyalty from his cohorts in crime. She testified that he did engage in statutory rape, even off American shores at his tribunal. That’s when it really hit him and he did not want to be executed.
So he got life… before the perp in the kitchen poisoned him with the ricin, and they still haven’t arrested that perp. yet. Somebody did it and they have to pay for that, even If Bill was a sex offender — just by virtue of the fact tat he slept with underage minors.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

Is there a link to an autopsy? (A verifiable one)?


Sorry, no videos or graphics.


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic

Dear God….
If the elites with the Red Cross are doing this, then probably the elites with Red Crescent and the Red Crystal are doing the same thing. They do blood drives, too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Xena

So let me digress; vaccinated blood is for the general public, hopefully, to eventually kill them. Unvaccinated blood is for the SPECIAL DEEP STATERS, IN CASE THEY NEED IT. Treason to me, treasonous activity is putting yourselves first and the people at risk, last. The Blood bank is still taking vaccinated and boostered people’s blood to give to the unsuspecting. I know this, because, my daughter has been giving blood for a long time on schedule. She is 2x vaccinated and 2 boosters. She refused to listen to me or read anything about it. She is so smart, ’cause, she is a college masters graduate. Let’s not think outside the box diploma. So people beware. Get your family and unvaccinated friends to donate for you in case you are injured or have to have surgery. Plan! Support each other.

Pat Nelson

The hospitals would probably switch it and keep the untainted blood.I don’t trust any of them. My dr is having a fit because I will not make an appt. I went from quarterly visits with lab work to zero.


Haven’t seen a Dr since I was 50. I am 58 now. I never will see a Dr ever again! Liars and murderers one and all. God forbid I am in an accident and need emergency help. I’ll soon die shortly after I’m sure.

Dave Strickland

I’m the same: I used to look at the regular images of medical figures – always in white coats with stethoscopes round their necks – and regard them as examples of people in society you could trust. This whole Covid affair has opened my eyes. It reminds me of Jack Skellington in Nightmare Before Christmas, when he is in the sky in his sleigh behind his reindeer and being shot at from the ground: it dawns on him and he exclaims to his dog: “They’re TRYING to kill us!”

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave Strickland

Me too!!


You should inform your wanna-be brainiac daughter that she is committing murder and military shall hunt her down and hang her for TREASON. Thanks for sharing your location coordinates with them.


Just like my friend in the medical profession who insisted on the shot for herself, her daughter and her mother….despite the dangers and the research readily available which I offered her to see… and now she claims Covid is not prevented by the shot but takes the shot anyway.

Andi Kay

They’re seems to be no limit on stupidity for those who drink the deep state “Kool-aid.”




It’s a covidian cult.


Exactly. People are too naive & trusting of phony clowns. The world needs to know that these injections are causing millions of injuries and deaths.


Which is why we need to expose everything, and to hell with the hurt feelings. Life is sacred.


But they choose to be ignorant and lazy in their thinking…..fearful or otherwise, they are responsible for their own demise


They take the shots to keep their jobs. I was going to join an ambulance dept. Could not because I did not have shot. Drs & nurses have quit and been fired, that is why the hospitals are having hard time with staffing.

james McCandless

I am hoarding my blood to


How does one store blood? In fact, I guess I would need to be a nurse to even GET my blood. Sheesh…

Sharon M McMillin

There is no guarantee that they will give you what you are storing.


So very true!!


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Last edited 1 year ago by Delavic
David M

Another proof that the elites/Deep State operates under the “rules for thee, not for me” system.


Medium Kimberly Palm channeled that the White Hats effectiveness overall has been an ‘Epic Failure’ and soon another super natural intervention will step in.


We can only hope, lol.


God? Sounds like it’s “right up his alley!” Can’t wait!

Sandra the terminator

Remember… Kimberly the medium gets her info from demons who are employed by Satan, NOT GOD. Liar, liar pants will soon be on FIRE! REPENT KIMBERLY!


If “all of us” means the entirety of the bloated State Department, which employs 72,000 overpaid swamp creatures, 50,000 pints would hardly accommodate a mass casualty event where tens of thousands suddenly need a transfusion.”

Demonic dirtbags. This depopulation stops here, right now. Trump, Putin, take them all down!!

Glad you’re okay, Michael. Excellent work. Please continue.


Not really about blood supply for accidents so much…Thanks to white hats, their sources of adrenochrome and other blood related products for addictions and their religion of de@th have dried up. We can all rejoice about that!

Dave Kelly

YES, these lowlifes do not want THEIR ADRENOCHROME TAINTED BY THE COUNTERMEASURES ” EXERCISE ” mRNA Gene Therapy, covid vaccines blood supply. LoL have to laugh at the Deep State , establishment inbreds , zionist satanist jews , kikes planning, not too much depth. This is again the results of Deep State etc. PANIC. I sure do hope the White Hats , Gen. Smith take advantage of this reality and not listen the the DECEIVER TRUMP, he will SLOW-PLAY and FUCK THINGS UP, NO DOUBT.. Gen. Smith and compay should do what they can to see that Pedo-joe Biden gets some very TAINTED CHERRY.


Hey, KID, get lost at CNN.

Dave Kelly

HEY PUNK , pull up your drawers , stop sagging and get a clue, quit hitting the pipe, crack will kill you.

Stinky Perfume

Supersoldiertalk site has it as an alien breeding program that takes about 1500 years to get the being they want. The rest of the vaccinated die and can’t be saved if they have 2 or more arm stabs.