Military Puts FEMA on Notice


The White Hat council has put FEMA Director Deanne Criswell on notice, saying despotic Deep State sinecures like her are becoming extinct and ought to settle their affairs while time permits, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

All 12 members of the White Hat council authored a joint letter warning FEMA that the military would be scrutinizing the agency’s movements with the approach of this year’s hurricane season. It said if FEMA agents arrive at hurricane-stricken cities with items besides blankets, food, and water, they will be labeled “enemy combatants” and dealt with before they pillage homes or terrorize displaced citizens.

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate, who led the agency during the Obama years, once called hurricane season “Christmas for FEMA,” alluding to the sanctioned theft of private property pilfered from empty homes in mandatory evacuation zones.

Armed FEMA are domestic terrorists, according to the letter.

White Hats, our source said, had a second reason for sending Criswell the scathing missive.

In April, Gen. Smith’s office obtained a disturbing FEMA memorandum—part of it read like a court order—discussing how the agency plans to (mis)handle the next major hurricane strike on the eastern seaboard or Gulf of Mexico. The memo, a copy of which has been reviewed by RRN, discusses a “vaccine encouragement” program that encourages agents to probe hurricane victims about their vaccination status.

Specifically, it targets school-age children whose parents have obtained religious or medical vaccine exemptions to place kids in the public education system. The overreaching order authorizes agents of FEMA to ask parents whether their children have been vaccinated against polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, hepatitis, tetanus, and, of course, Covid-19. A sickening subsection of the memo allows agents to ask teenage girls if they’re vaccinated against human papillomavirus, or HPV, a sexually transmitted infection. Scientists have linked the HPV vaccine to a marked increase in cervical cancer.

Although the document allows FEMA to ask questions, it expressly forbids “the recording of personally identifiable health data, as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, in writing or on digital media, unless otherwise instructed…” It does not say who has the authority to ‘otherwise instruct.’

Equally concerning is FEMA’s ubiquitous secrecy. “It is ordered that no recipient of this correspondence shall discuss or disclose to any other person that the Federal Emergency Management Agency or the Department of Homeland Security has contingent plans to initiate vaccination inquiry drills…Any person disclosing or intending to disclose the classified contents of this correspondence is subject to disciplinary action as defined in contractual non-disclosure agreements.”

“This gross overreach is obviously outside the scope of FEMA’s mandate,” our source said, “but their leadership has done this crap before.”

After 2021’s Hurricane Ida, an intense Category 4 storm, bombed Louisiana, FEMA came to town with coolers of Covid-19 vaccines and denied residents access to property unless they presented recent vaccination certificates or got the clot shot on the spot.

Criswell’s not-so-clandestine memo prompted a White Hat response, our source said.

“The council’s response names Criswell and Mayorkas domestic terrorists. Mayorkas has fled the country, but we believe Criswell is hiding in the bowels of D.C. Gen. Smith sent the response to FEMA’s D.C. headquarters, but we don’t know if she’s seen it,” he said.

In closing, we asked our source why White Hats had tipped their hand.

“It’s not tipping the hand. The foul beasts know we’re on their trail, know their ilk are getting picked off. Nothing was said that she didn’t know already.”

As an aside, RRN is aware that FEMA has arrived in flood-ravaged Vermont. As of this writing, we have not heard any stories of FEMA misdeeds in The Green Mountain State.

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GOD Bless America.


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by millcanyonroad

I pray that we have response teams able to correct improper activity by FEMA agents & quickly see those involved are permanently kept from ever harming the innocents under our cover of protection. Innocents deserve our sending of express packages during the time of their need. When you care enough to send the very best , send it Express ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by DoktorZaius

I see what happened. In the next story, MB posts that Will Caulfield was deleted so responses were shifted.


We need some really good GEEKS to help Michael.


Someone is messing with this site. My response to Will Caulfield was shifted to responding to myself and Will Caulfield’s comment disappeared where he had asked me: “Why do you think they are targeting you?” I had screenshot the original exchange.


Just shut um down now and arrest the ones that have already broken the law… Why give them the chance to hurt us again ever wth!


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Another super transparent super honest TLA with immeasurable integrity. You know, like the pedos over at FBI/CIA.


I keep asking & you keep NOT answering. Give us more info on GenFlynn please


He’s a clone or whatever


He’s not going to.

Cause original is dead.


Flynn is a mixed bag, none of what I get is definitive on whether he’s a fake patriot or a real one. Real sketchy guy.


I hope criswell got a pic of long swinging from the gallows. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed to get a real confession and contrition.

Jesus said: “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke_21:36
https ://youtu .be /Div1qZCWUWU
50 DREAMS & VISIONS of WORLD WAR 3 Christians’ WARNING to America

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by
Mike Huntsucker

We the people put the US military on notice…you have all the evidence needed to convict all these deep state parasites and for you to not end this shit show now makes you just as bad as them for letting this continue basically you’re an accomplice and each and every one of you fuckers need to be held accountable


Oh ok, sure.


Clever screen name

Mike Huntsucker

Thank you…thank you very much


Ok man you put the US military on notice. Now what? What are you gonna do to them when they do nothing

Mike Huntsucker

O boy…now that’s a good question young man….. Me myself can’t do jack but a million like me can do an awful lot that’s why it’s called we the People need to stand up in numbers


Write a strongly-worded letter to the editor of the Times and demand satisfaction


The Secret Service closed the case on the bag of cocaine. I am sure they studied the cameras intently and the visitor logs. They know the culprit. Here is the good news. Do not forget that Pelosi was in a frenzy over her open stolen laptop on Jan 06. Her search went on for a year even raiding an innocent woman’s house looking for it. No luck. Why? More proof that Special Forces indeed got past Ray Epps and the gang to abscond with her laptop and all the goodies it held.


You did it! You connected the dots of three different stories and now you have proven the white house is hiding everything!!!!!


Now Nancy is dead. But there are more perps she communicated with on J6 that need to be arrested.


It’s a baggie of cocaine, who cares


WARNING: I have experienced several instances of restaurants that have convinced me that there is a subversive plan in action whereby blacks are being placed into restaurants with the intention of creating chaos and sabotaging your food. I got a chlorox laced Chick-fil-A sandwhich on 3 July – black, 30 something shee-boon assistant manager, militant black teen male, aggressive, white feminazi co-assistant manager – sandwich was given via a drive through purchase and was so toxic, I choked it up in a sink and gargled for 5 minutes to get the taste out of my mouth. Another incident on 4 July whereby two militant, aggressive, black teen employees at a high end local restaurant glared at conservative looking white males as they used the food bar – played the shoulder bump game, whereby they walk towards you forcing you to step aside, and if you don’t, they knock shoulders with you. When the males do this, they say, ‘excuse me,’ but damn well did it on purpose and get a little chuckle out of humiliating whitey. When the shee-boons do it, they desire you to get mad, so then they get mad and sick their big black flying monkey boy friend on you. Incident three also happened at another Chick-fil-A whereby a black shee-boon female initiated a phone call to her black boy friend to, ‘beat whitey’s ass’ who dared to confront her obnoxious behavior. Manager filmed me ‘up in my face’ (Obama) with I-phone, and attempted to get whitey arrested after whitey called the police. Incident four: multiple black shee-boon employees at local Winn Dixie aggressively staring down whites, attempting to create confrontations.

BOTTOM LINE: Blacks are in fact America’s enemies, and are currently loosely [formally?] organized to sabotage food related businesses. Whenever possible, if you encounter any blacks working in food prep in a restaurant, recommend you *depart immediately.*

Ignore my advice, suffer the consequences.

I say again, blow off this advice, and you get what you asked for.

The black race rounded up and sold them own selves into slavery, then have the narcissistic gall to accuse people with white skin of the deed after our Godly constitution framed the very concept that freed them, to the tune of 650 THOUSAND dead.

Last edited 1 year ago by EdBob

Racist much?


It may be a problem down south. Not so much out west.


Sue the problem is EVERYWHERE.


Owen. He is telling the truth.


The truth hurts, jackass.

John .S

Myself in suspicion my wife was trying to poison me via gumada issue, male companions said: “I’m delusional”.

Came home from racetrack, wife outside character being nice, suspected something was up, she cooked Sunday pasta midweek.

Said, “what’s up with pasta” she said, “it’s Wednesday – Prince Spaghetti day”.

Wife said, “dinner on stove, serve yourself, got to run, be back later”.

She made polpetta, slip one to the dog that dropped dead moments later.

Return to racetrack, veterinarian ran blood test, toxins found. Told vet “wife trying to kill me”, vet said, “I was delusional, dog probably got into the exterminator stuff you boosted”.

Been eating take-out food ever since, cause I’m delusional.


Better set up a separate checking account for yourself. And check to see if she is hiding or transferring assets from you. If it is truly serious, consult an attorney to protect yourself.


Your a shitty person


Hope to God you dumped the bitch.

John .S

Nah – my Sicilian guinea brat cooks great, though she burns the garlic bread on spite, happens when I’m talking to her like Andrew Dice Clay.

Hear wife muttering under her breath: “I’ll fix you – you SOB, for talking to me that way, and calling me that, have your gumada cook for you – you POS”.

People call me delusional, when I tell them my wife is trying to poison me, in having to eat elsewhere.

I’m learning how to sleep with one eye open, Sicilians have that in their genetics, not me.

Told the youngsters, don’t marry a sicilian woman, you’ll be sorry, find a woman from Naples, Bari or elsewhere, and stay away from the Calabrese – they’re hard headed, inept to decipher, and there’s no reasoning with them.

Suspect there’s a few Calabrese in this blogosphere too, whereas I’m delusional.

John .S

Wife parents from Palermo, last two paragraphs just referenced Calabria/Calabrese.

Regarding brain damage or stroke, must have some type of brain damage unbeknownst to me, cannot accomplish sleeping with one eye open to save my life.


There is such a thing as a Targeted Individual. Erik Karlstrom is an expert on this. It is called Gangstalking. Enemies of the Commie Global State are put on the list. They communicate via cell phones like the Pokémon phenomenon. This is the final frontier that the White Hats(via Starlink ) must disable. Unfortunately, it is still alive and well. When a fast food worker hands me my food in a bag , holding the bottom and then the whole thing collapses in my lap, I then march into the store and demand my money back. When I get home from the grocery store and an entire bag of noodles flies all over my kitchen (split seam-never open when I took it off of the store shelf) I immediately report it to the store. When my mail is open(from a PO Box) I immediately march back into the post office. These tactics are real and must be called out when they occur. Until Statlink breaks their communication, we must deal with it. That and the Rigged MSM media are the last to fall.


Why don’t you ask my bank. My account has been hacked 3x in 3 years . My ID has been used to TRY to open multiple credit cards last year. They failed. This is not make believe. There is a real economic cost. By the way, the man’s name is Eric not Erik if you are doing a search. Eric Karlstrom.

Last edited 1 year ago by Christine

Are those people in the room with you now?


Why do you care control freak.


Your fucking deserve it Klansman. Go back to Mississippi


Asshole you are.


Sounds like you support blm.


Your a bot.

You don’t want people leaving the house.

Wanda yemm

I want to thank the White hats and the military for all of this you did to Fema. Because of these people giving these COVID shots have killed so many of my family. Everyday I miss them so much they all were great people and some of them were preachers some of the best.i didn’t take the shots for COVID I read what was in them they lied to the people about them and they paid doctors and nurses to lie to people. These people with their COVID shots killed thousand of old people and good people.thank you for standing up.

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by

looks like now many theaters are dropping disney movies for sound of freedom, lol.

welp, with studios thinking they can own our face via ai. well.

they got another thing coming.

seem s to me sound of freedom destroyed the rich carmel back.


Not really. All i hear is people complaining about the movie theaters being empty but the movie is sold out. Or the theater is experiencing “weird” issues that couldn’t possibly happen anywhere else

Surf Nazare

no air-conditioning in theaters showing film—–air everywhere in theater except viewing area—-


All rumors. People “hearing” about problems but no one actually experiencing weirdness. The movie is a blockbuster hit and outselling almost everything out there. Curb your paranoia

Surf Nazare

saw interview of customers—women—-at theater—-curb your whatever


That is just great! About time people put
Disney in it’s place.


Also, what is a rich carmel back?


It’s an old saying when things get dicy.

It breaks the bank.


SINECURE – an office or position requiring little or no work, esp. one yielding profitable returns. [Lat. sine cura = without care] So, it’s a position, not a person.

Carol B.

it is a position, but, FEMA is guilty of that…….making profits huge off of other’s misfortune and then hiding it and doing very little work and not helping the people they are being paid to help, they rob from them….

Last edited 1 year ago by Carol B.

Pretty much.

Outlandish Outlander

And, what about the rest of the definition, Mr. Grammar Nazi? Or, are you just going to pick on the, “…he is dismissed the court,” portion again, lol? Perhaps the one who authored this definition is the one who is at fault? Or, maybe not, yes, lol? Amazing how some assumed that everyone knew what sinecure means. Furthermore, it is even more amazing that some playful rebels claimed I was trespassing on one’s natural-born liberty, LOL. These comments just get better and better.

“SI’NECURE, noun [Latin sine, without, and cura, cure, care.] An office which has revenue without employment; in church affairs, a benefice without cure of souls. [This is the original and proper sense of the word.] Sine die, [Latin without day.] An adjournment sine die is and adjournment without fixing the time of resuming business. When a defendant is suffered to go sine die, he is dismissed the court.”

“A position of profit entailing little…” (<<< I don’t dare touch that keyword, lol. “) “…, if any effort, or responsibility. A benefice without cure of souls.”

Now, is it not curious where these definitions came from, lol? Silly me… this is all just for the “fun-of-it,” is it not? Or, is this actually intended for edification at the liberty of another in the execution of their own liberty? Let us actually see where the trespass actually is, shall we?


“Then as of this moment they’re on double secret probation “

Nukken Futz

Deanne Creswell is uglier than Liz Cheney, but not by much facial wise, who’s neck just had a great neck stretching ceremony, a few months back at Hotel Gitmo. What do these black hat women do for anti-ageing face goo, to keep of the strain of being caught for treason, use…?


Hi, Buck Fiden! Good to see you again! 🙂


Good I was in Houston when they first started stealing people stuff.

Last edited 1 year ago by Katie

Wow. A Cease and Desist letter.! I used to write a hundred of these a month as a legal secretary. They mean shit, really.

John .S

Hmm, your view on Cease and Desist letter [notice] interesting.

What are you views on serving: “Writ of Habeas Corpus”? Myself written a few.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

“Show me the body.”

John .S

There’s much more to it that – way more, keyword: “Writ”

John .S

FYI folks, the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a “powerful instrument” of law, which is *Constitutionally Protected* applicable in USA, and it’s territories, having utmost force and effect.

A well crafted “properly served” Writ of Habeas Corpus, could say, it’s like handing Kryptonite to Superman.

BTW, “Writ of Quo Warranto” has force and effect when properly applied, written a few myself.

Don’t underestimate the “Writ of Mandamus” for Judicial Review [Oversight] via disputable issues [defective process] in sending issue to a higher court i.e., from District Court [inferior court of limited jurisdiction] to a Circuit Court [State Superior/Supreme Court of General Jurisdiction].

Knew a pro-se litigant that was denied a motions hearing, and steamrolled in Magistrate Court.

Abracadabra, Mandamus served upon higher court that spanked lower court, and ‘presto change-o – alakazam’, motion hearing was granted, outcome irrelevant.

Peanut Gallary have at it.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S

You need to stop reading Anna Von Reitz. She practices Looney Tune Law

John .S

Would have been interesting if you posted something viable to substantiate or refute what I wrote concerning Writ of Habeas Corpus.

FYI, if and when “”total martial law”” is implemented, not “limited martial law” the “”right”” to utilize Writ of Habeas Corpus is void, kaput, done, cya-bye – – and that’s not Looney Tunes.

Myself not a lawyer, neither “practicing” law, whereas I need no practice, because I’m pretty good at it.

Myself can do calculus in my head, no pencil and paper needed, though I “know the law” to demand pencil and paper from jailer to write a Writ.

BTW, ramifications if jailer doesn’t provide pencil and paper upon demand, which is not Looney Tunes.


You need to go fishing Mr. Trout.

The “writ of habeas corpus” is a legal term that originates from Latin and translates to “you shall have the body.” It is a fundamental legal principle that safeguards individual liberty by preventing arbitrary and unlawful detention.

The writ of habeas corpus is a court order that requires a person or entity holding someone in custody to bring the detained individual before a court or judge. This allows the court to determine whether the detention is lawful and justified. If the court finds the detention to be unlawful, it can order the release of the person being held.

The writ of habeas corpus serves as a crucial check on governmental power and protects individuals from unlawful or indefinite detention. It ensures that the government cannot imprison someone without proper legal justification or deny them their right to challenge their detention in a court of law.

The concept of habeas corpus has a long history, dating back to medieval England. It has since been adopted by many countries, including the United States, where it is enshrined in the Constitution. In the United States, the writ of habeas corpus is protected by the Suspension Clause in Article I, Section 9, which states that “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”

The writ of habeas corpus can be invoked in various situations, such as when a person is arrested without a proper legal basis, held incommunicado without access to legal representation, or detained without a fair trial. It is an essential tool for safeguarding individual rights and ensuring that the government operates within the bounds of the law.

John .S

Very good, well said, great comment.

Myself got pinched, lingering without officially being charged, raid on known gambling establishment, served Writ upon jailer as the entity closing cell door.

They thought it was a joke when I demanded a pencil and paper, quoting Gomer Pile: “surprise-surprise”. Later released no charges.

Approximately 15 minutes after demanding pencil and paper, I was taken-out a group holding, given cell of my own.

Others pinched were operating slot machine, and sitting at card table that were formally charged.

Myself was sitting independently, reading newspaper engaged in unfinished crossword puzzle, having coffee when raid went down, though waiting for seat at card table as irrelevant. Said to cops: “I remain silent, and demand my esq”.

Writ not only for challenging unlawful detention, also in challenging other things too, which you somewhat referenced: “Essential tool for safeguards”. Writ can be served on jailer, also upon court.

Myself will post shepardize case law to challenge Subject Matter Jurisdiction upon request, currently I’m out of my office.

Again, Great Comment, Cheers.


If I ever need help, I will contact RRN. Lololololol


Was the flooding in Delaware done on purpose to destroy Biden’s classified documents?

Carol B.

I understand your thinking…….I would not put it past them…..


Somebody downvoted you, I upvoted you. Have no idea why anybody would be upset with you.


Wasn’t near his house

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Remember her and was it Brock Long with her? Standing with DeSantis slobbering all over them with false pride. Oh yea, they do a wonderful job.

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by

She has a perfect rope line wrinkle in her neck. String her up !


Smoking, drinking, gambling, sex, lots of money, Taco Bell brings us down and you are not alone. Lessons to be learned




This is nothing new. People have been getting drunk and high and gambling and getting rich off bribery and having all kinds of deviant sex for centuries. That’s the way it is.


let’s go!!!!


Hi, Xena!! It’s true! God bless you, darling!! 🙂


What on earth are you talking about? Do you even know?




When do we start?


Jeez you yanks got it bad how did you allow fema so much authority,or were you duped and misled,more likly, answer go burn the camps down if you know of one find it and burn it, way to go freedom lovers.


That’s how these guys worked. Anybody can be duped.

I was once.

No smart guy can avoid being duped.


Smart guys try to avoid being duped, but that doesn’t stop the liars from lying to them. Happens all the time.


oh yeah, not the first time it happen.

humans are weak to liars mindsets.

thats how criminal masterminds get famous.


Michael acting like a midwesterner. lol

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I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

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But with large off shore account balances.


With which PDJT’s EOs we can get compensated.


Your account has been cancelled. We are the robots.


Put down the crack pipe.


We are the dinosaurs marching, marching


I don’t know if this article has been posted yet (I’m not gonna scan the comments), but some interesting scuttle about how the marines are ‘coping’ with General Smith not being confirmed by the senate:
https ://donsurber. /p/from-the-halls-of-montezuma-to-the

The Hill reported, “The blockade from Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) on about 250 of the Pentagon’s general and flag officers has left the Marine Corps without a confirmed leader for the first time in 164 years.”


The senate must not be happy with the tribunals…

Michael R Davis

US Marine Corps has Commander-in-Chief Trump as a bonafide leader.

General Smith is Command General over the white hat military.

Michael R Davis

Resident Biden is just an actor, one of several actors wearing a silicone full facemask, each acting senile and demented.

General Smith still is Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.
He is sworn to defend and obey the Constitution.
One of the greatest Marine Corps Generals ever was Major General Smedley D Butler, recipient of two Medals of Honor.
Read his excellent book, ‘War Is A Racket’.
Read it just before leaving the military, really woke me up.


I see Pierre and Daniella smith just denounce straight pride.

Welp, all politicians suck.


All the deaths about the deepest state? Look in your home. Childhood trauma is the number one variable for ALL addictions.




Unfortunately that is the truth.

Make everyone ( $26,000 __ $38,000 ) A Month Online Making money online more than $15k just by doing simple work With No Prior Experience Or Skills Required. Be Your Own Boss And for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot just
open this link……..

Last edited 1 year ago by

I’m making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning sixteen thousand US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website…

Last edited 1 year ago by

They are all fleeing the country, like the rats they are. I wondered why they had not picked up Mayorkas already.


Some criminals are very smart. Like some Nazis that escaped through the ratlines after the war, they never get caught.


Love this phrase “…despotic Deep State sinecures.” Telling it like it is.

Outlandish Outlander

Indeed it is. To bad most people miss it. My guess is a dictionary is against their religions, lol.


Well lets hope it’s true our military gets on it fast—so many traitors for so long–It would be very helpful to inform the nation about the traitors–sure the show and tell has helped. But people don’t watch the shows–tryed to tell people about everything But say it’s not true or they must keep working.
Were out gun by money and power, lawyers cost money we don’t have to fight back…Just like myself I would run for Ca. governor BUT it’s all to corrupted to try–Trump is a good example.


I was researching for something and came across the below article/ research re former Massachusetts Gov W.Weld has common Boston Brahmin opium/ slaves trafficking ancestors with Ketanji Jackson and John Kerry


I’m a little off topic here, but!! The Secret Service is now just as corrupt as the rest of the swamp. They announced the end of the White House cocaine incident. They say they cannot even come up with any suspects, (paraphrasing). Dame, everyone, including the Hunter clone are suspects, including the Secret Service. There I just did half their job in two minutes.


With all the cameras!! The white house is prolly the most secure building outside of Fort Knox.

Dave Strickland

I thought the White House had been placed off limits to Biden and its function put on ice, Biden being in a fake set-up in other places (Atlanta? Georgia?), along with the fence around the Capitol, etc., etc., the centre of DC becoming a ghost town.


Fence has been gone for months


Thanks for telling us.


What they mean is the corrupt FBI and corrupt Secret Service are hiding the proof on either Joe or Hunter; both living in the White House.


Awaiting Approval?

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Last edited 1 year ago by
Dr John

As we see the traitors and criminals on display, we may wonder where this country has fallen, are there still good men and women; patriots left?

Here is a good example from just one elite military unit. Listen the words, the creed they follow, that they are committed to upholding.

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than any other Soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.
Rangers lead the way!

That is the Ranger way! Make no mistake there are other military units that also hold high standards and are committed to their role and oath. We are rich in the commitment of such brave people.

These are Special forces, just one of many units reporting directly to the true President of the United States of America. Donald J.Trump! They are the White Hats.

We cannot forget all those fine men and women that are not special forces, but carry the grave responsibilities of protecting our nation. They too place themselves in danger for us and our great nation!

DO NOT let a few bad actors destroy the image of our military. The stories in the media of a weak and corrupted, inept military is not true, it is propaganda that targets our faith in one of the greatest military in the world.

The corruption on military bases, as in this case, are by rogue agents and corrupt contractors working for the Deep State. We have a strong military with many people ready to defend our nation AT ALL COST. That is a lot to ask of anyone. We should be very proud of those that have stepped forward and bravely accepted the challenge.

What we see being tried and hung are the filth of mankind. They have no honor, no morals or ethics. They are self serving with interests of power and money as their only god.

Keep the faith and have good heart, we are in the hands of mighty patriots. We all will stand not just behind our military, but with them should duty call; after all we are patriots! PROUD to be Americans.

I am a Vietnam Vet Spc Ops STILL fighting for OUR country and the constitution for which it stands. Against foreign and DOMESTIC enemies!


David M

Thank you for your service, sir! Will always be appreciated and never forgotten!

Rose Mary Abbott

This makes me know that we are going to win this war of morality and information. We MUST NOT LOSE! The whole world is depending upon us being victorious because life itself is our cause!


Your wife and kids must be very proud of you. Any grandkids?

Dr John

Three girls, all smart and cute as can be.

John .S

Paragraph 1, in yesteryear myself and male companions grabbed a purse snatcher.

Nonchalantly we clotheslined perp, it was poetry in motion. Companion open trunk of car, said to myself “here we go” adage: WWG-1-WGA.

Companion grabbed hammer, broke all fingers on thief’s ‘left’ hand. Know for a fact it was the left hand, had my foot on his wrist, between heal and sole of logging boot.

Local precinct cops arrived after the fact, we were gone. Spectators loved our poetry recital, they said nothing. Victim of purse snatching a revered elderly woman.

Days later, PD gave us the ol’e attaboy via drive-by, said: “don’t know what you’re talking about”, wink-wink.

There’s still a few good men out there, though myself and companions are few and far inbetween, in current day we’re deemed unacceptable, same as Patriots amongst the liberal left.

BTW, now wearing lighter boots, those logging boots were heavy to wear, and black soles scuffed parquet floors, tired of hearing wife’s nagging about scuff marks, or anything else in general – nag – nag – nag.

Once said to wife: “I wagered on a nag at the track, then I come home to one”.
She threw a knife at me, clipping my arm. Had go back to the track, veterinarian gave me two stitches, butterfly band-aids wouldn’t hold.

God Bless America, and all it’s Patriots, also those with a nagging wife.

Last edited 1 year ago by John .S
Dr John

NICE move, we need heroes in all walks of life! Crooks do what they do because they figure they won’t get caught and NO ONE will interfere.

Nothing like a pair of good ol boys to make adjustments to a known problem.

Thanks for being the kind of men that we all can respect. RESPECT Sir!


Thank God we have good guys like you!

John .S

Thanks, it’s just a part of everyday life for me, I really don’t think much of it, same goes for my male companions.

The real good ol’ boys pulled-off the Battle of Athens Tennessee, and current day good ol’e boys are DJT, Gen. Berger and Smith pulling-off the Q Battle having multiple venues.

God Bless America, and the Good ol’e Boys.

Dr John

And that is the point, heroes never start the day planning to be heroes; they just do what needs to be done no questions asked. You and your companions are good stock and whether you like it or not you are true heroes and real examples of what this nation needs more of. Good’Ole Boys. Taken Care of Business!

Any man or woman that raises children promoting kindness, morals and ethics are heroes as well. From experience I know just how challenging that can be. Yet, after dedicating much of their lives to those children, they too do not see themselves as heroes.

I myself have been called a hero more that a few times and still struggle with the honor. After all, didn’t I do what anyone else would/should have done?

Friends of mine noticed me approaching a much bigger man, me being 5’8″ who was beating another man while his wife looked on in horror. The next day, they asked me was I crazy, he could have killed you. My response was not likely and what else was I supposed to do, just walk on by? To this day, I find that conversation odd. The attacker saw me coming with intent, short, but well packed and made the wiser choice and fled.

In another instance I stopped a giant of a man from attacking an older gentleman. It never came to blows, but those that witnessed the event voted on whether I was that good at hand to hand combat or simply crazy. Late the Giant of a man told me the outcome of the vote, that I was crazy, but he would never want to put it to the test.
Some times all it takes is someone standing up; or a group of people saying NO!

Despite the disapproval from the left leaning; I have taken a liking to you and would have no problem walking into combat with you and your fine group of deplorable(s).


It is well known that bullies, who pick on those less able to defend themselves, are cowards.


They don’t make them lie you anymore, Dr.John.Stwy well. We cannot afford to loose you and others like you.


When I UPVOTED it went down.


This is what Real Men should be! The protectors of the family! Not men who play dress-up in women’s clothes, and scream and fall down when they see a dragonfly!
Bring back the cowboys!


There is a movie called “Real Men” that stars James Belushi as an agent and John Ritter as a family man. It’s a bit hard to find but an enjoyable comedy. John Ritter gets dragged into fighting the bad guys and finds out he can do more than he thought.


There’s an old saying: Treat your wife like a Thoroughbred and she will never become a nag.
Hope you share in the household chores.

Rene Labre

Hear1Hear! amen to that sir! thank you for your service.


I have copied what you have written here except for the 3rd paragraph from the bottom to make the whole thing more adaptable. I plan to post this on Facebook and ask people to share!

Dr John

Thank you, it will help a lot of people who may feel lost.


Sounds to me humans finally got a win from the rich.


Beautifully written! Thank you for your service!

thomas j cahill

Ahh, there you are, thank Almighty God. And thank you for letting us know that all is not lost.

Nukken Futz

Me too, ‘Nam ’68-’69, 69th Const. Engrs. BN, Can Tho, IV corps.

Dr John

’69-’70 Spec Ops, sorry still can’t list unit or operations in a forum like this. You were there during TET. My older brother was there when you where acquiring target coordinates for the big guns and my uncle participated in ’63 construction Cam Ranh Bay.

RESPECT! for all you did and do Welcome Home Brother, Welcome Home


My brother was in Saigon. I have FULL RESPECT FOR
ALL OUR MILITARY. The Vietnam Vets were ignored and treated like
crap when they came back. I wore my POW/MIA bracelet faithfully
even though I didn’t fully know what it was all about as I was so young.
When I was older, I found out my man, as I liked to call him, had died.
Richie Huggins. He was 19. I first saw his name on the moving wall. The
moving wall brought tears to many people’s eyes. Just kids going into the
lion’s den.

Dr John

For so young a person you did very well. And you suffered losses like so many others. Thank you for being you.

I cannot face the wall of those Vietnam veteran’s names who so young passed before their time. It is just too much, too close to home I suppose.

I have always pushed to make the best of who I am in respect for those who did not make it back

At times I feel like I am carrying the weight of ten of the fallen on my shoulders. I don’t mind, I am proud they are with me


God Bless ALL of our VETERAN’s.


The Dude Abides