Charles Rettig Hanged at GITMO


On Tuesday morning, Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall oversaw the execution of former IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig, whom JAG found guilty of stealing $40 billion that the federal government had already stolen from hardworking American taxpayers.

At approximately 10:00 a.m., armed military police escorted a forlorn Rettig from his Camp Delta holding cell to a newly erected row of gallows—10 of them—near Bargo Point, GITMO, where the admiral, a small ensemble of military brass, and an unnamed U.S. House Representative stood ready to hear the final lamentations of yet another doomed Deep State devil. The admiral thumbed through a list of scheduled executions on his tablet as MPs prodded a handcuffed Rettig up the steps leading to a rope. Rettig was greeted politely by a Navy chaplain who asked him whether he wanted Last Rites and told him that Jesus “is forgiving all the sins of people who are demonstrating genuine faith in him,” even the truly wicked.

“What has Jesus ever done for me. Leave me alone,” Rettig said.

“What have you done for Him?” the chaplain replied, descending the steps.

Rettig scowled at Adm. Crandall. “You’re so screwed. My people will tell the world what’s going on here.”

“Your people, and your peoples’ people, won’t say a word. They don’t want anyone to know their numbers are dwindling. And they’ll buy your family’s silence, and I do hope they accept the offer because the Deep State isn’t kind to the disobedient,” the admiral said.

“You’ll be killing an innocent man,” Rettig said.

“Says you,” the admiral said.

The hangman beside Rettig put Rettig’s neck in a looped cord and pulled it taut.

“This isn’t enjoyable,” the admiral said.

“For you or me?” Rettig said.

Adm. Crandall ordered the hangman to trigger the gallows.

Rettig’s body hung in the breeze, his head tilted, his eyes bulging, perhaps with regret and fear. That his neck didn’t snap made the hanging more brutal.

He was lowered to the ground and pronounced dead at 11:05 a.m., August 15, 2023.

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Why do private with the executions? This needs to go public on prime time all channels all net

Robert Gregory Boensch
We Have It All.!
President Trump
Game Over
Robert Gregory Boensch
I Am With You Sir.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Open Up the Links At
See The Gift President Trump Gave Us
Trump: We are transferring power from DC back to people
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer
of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
I have Standing As the Commander of Michigan
And Am A Sovereign Man
Are You.
The Commander Of The Territory of Michigan.
For the Common People.
Robert Gregory Boensch
Jason Wentworth Michigan Speaker of the House;
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan;
They failed to respond; It’s law Now;
In law, acquiescence
The doctrine infers a form of “permission” that results from silence
or passiveness over an extended period of time.
Estoppel is a judicial device in and when used affirmatively by a
plaintiff it is sometimes called a “sword”
MICHIGAN a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations;
And We the People of Michigan have full control Today;
Robert Gregory Boensch 2022-09-04;
Sampling as follows:
From a wrong no contract can arise.
False in one thing, false in all things.
It is a fraud to conceal a fraud.
Fraud and justice never dwell together
Fraud lies hidden in general expressions.
Fraud is most hateful to law.
In default of the law, the maxim rules.
A mandate of an illegal thing is void.
Remove the foundation, the work falls.
click here to see if it’s Active The War Clock ;
mailed 22-04-04
Image of the date they received certified Mail
April 6, 2022 at 11:58 am
To The Michigan House of Representatives
101st Legislature
I Robert Gregory Boensch Am Formerly presenting this Document as a
A Remonstrance Being filed and to be acted on for the Common People
of Michigan
Drafted by Robert Gregory Boensch
I am a common man and this document is for all the people of this
state. It is for our children who have not fully learned what a State
is and how government works they don’t know they have (that operation
is by omission and deceit).This information is also for our Elderly
and people that are challenged that are unaware of why events happens
in this world around us. And its also for all the people that are not
interested or too scared to get involved in Governmental affairs.
And, for the ones in power that have usurped power as impersonators
abusing their false powers against the common good for the people.
And this remonstrance is to be restricted to our God given Rights and
everything that is disclosed and referenced. And not to be expanded upon or altered in any way unless agree upon by the Author and
creator Robert Gregory Boensch.
See All at the Link Above
And Why President Trump is Our Commander In Chief.
And Also Our sitting President Today
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch


Brutal for who? Those watching? Who cares about the perp? He got his just reward. Hope he burns in hell for his crimes.


Sad but I don’t hope that anyone burns in hell, but I’m thinking he’s a “likely candidate” for that forever torment.


I wish these stories were true. When you look at Ukraine, president Trump and anything China, it is odious that these stories come strait out of the CIA to suckers who believe them.

Brigid Bardont

What gave me proof Trump/white hats were winning was the abortion ruling a year ago reversing Roe vs Wade. Demonratic Presidential administration (supposedly) in office. A demonratic senate majority. Obviously, the “supremes” are a very political entity, too. There’s no way in Hell that would have ever happened unless Trump was in power.


Unfortunately, there are a lot of them. Fortunately, there are more of us than there are of them and we have God on our side and our victory is not only sure, it is Biblical! And their demise is also Biblical. They are on the wrong side.


Whinge whinge moan moan…just you wait…. blah blah… They are so full of themselves, also they don’t know when they are beaten. They’ve had far too much power for far too long. Good riddance, traitor!


A good day when dies.


🇺🇸♥️I recall only Loretta Lynch was reciting pray as she was walked to the gallows. That we have been told of at least. I don’t remember if she said she was sorry. Only one, sad.


God does not hear the prayers of evil people

William R Nicholson

I still think we should use my Wilkinson Sword or the guillotine since there is no gurgling or extended time between start and end of the execution. They’ll have Eternity in Hell to have intense pain , we need not have a form of torture imposed as part of our proceedings although I’d not deny they deserve it. Let’s just use guillotine , I’ll operate & maintain it ! Guarantee it will be quick and no gurgling allowed ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195


I disagree if their deaths could be made very slow and very painful so much the better. Their hangings need to be made public on prime time all net all channels! Mic them up do that death gurgle comes in loud n clear! A public example needs to be made here!

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand buck. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply..




Yikes…an hour…in accordance with his theft, so it was.


Take a roll of those useless dollar bills and shove it into his mouth and sew it closed.


Good riddance to another dark being.


I realize that (YOU) cant report on everything- However, I live in Monroe- right next to S.H. BIg burden in my ass knowing the police, politicians and government betrayed America with a lie. When will these traitors be held accountable?


I too am originally from not too far from there. What a dark mark on the “good people” living in that area. I used to ride my Harley through that town before this happened. Never knowing just how sinister the people living there were.


Sorry but what is S.H.?

Sandy Thomas

Michael Baxter, have we gotten any follow-up on Maui action at all?

Stinky Perfume

I wonder how Russia clears it’s own evil in Russia and all around the world because this is a world battle, fires have exploded from DEW worldwide. In Canada I just heard someone escaping in his vehicle and went past 15 vehicles that didn’t make it. People either dead in them or went walking and same roadblocks from police don’t add up. Evacuation count since yesterday 20,000.


Rettig was a $10,000.00 “civil penalty” freak. He approved civil penalties on everything for anybody. No one knew just what a civil penalty was or is, but one could not ever question it. You were met with indifference and scorn if you even questioned the reasoning behind his notorious civil penalties. Glad Rettig is gone.


How is it that they never discuss returning the funds, just execute the guy and move on… Hello!

Molly M Gen

WE will never know about the discussions concerning funds. It would not go over well, no matter what was decided in the end. Jus’ sayin’…..


I read an article on alternative news site about a year ago that the money from all these demons and the medical filth is being put into a superfund to give to victims of the evil shots or there family members . Also to the taxpayers who are still around . Not sure where I read it will amount to many trillions of dollars .


Hanged that treasonous Rat Bastard!


Thank you for sharing this. Gross as it is.

God stated through his prophet, “A major IRS scandal is about to be exposed. Get ready for them to be annihilated by Me, saith the Lord.”

I can hardly wait! No more IRS.


defiant to the bitter end … these demons all believe they will get away with it somehow even when the rope hits their necks

orange julius

STILL amazed at how delusional these minions are. They suck the big one. Prayers for the patriots and their families. There’s no excuse anymore for the public not to be aware of all this. WAKE UP! People are dying to keep us safe. One day closer to freedom.


Good. These are absolute scum of the earth living beings, obviously not human. If I could be there in the cheering section, I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Calm down Jar Jar


Pretty crazy stuff. In a world of the new psychological warfare, it’s hard to differentiate truth from fiction. We can get worn down when trying to do so. So I like to refresh with with scripture to remind me what drives people to do such evil and totally think they are innocent when caught. 1st Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” The love of money has become their God. They worship it. Then you have to wonder at what point does God sear their minds. Even at the gallows, when the noose is put around their neck, they scoff at God and claim their innocence. That rejection of last rites says it all. Their minds are seared with a hot iron towards the love of money over a creator God. Reprobates they have become. Looking forward to serving with King Jesus after his return


Sad…But good riddance to yet another Satanic Deep State criminal without a conscience! My wife and I are both retired. So we don’t pay any income tax to anyone else in the corrupt (and hopefully soon to disappear) IRS.


The income tax is to tax labor an that is slavery!! So thy need to call it SLAVE LABOR TAX‼️‼️


Good point! And we don’t have ANY SAY in how the $$ are spent!!


The IRS is guilty of a lot of crimes against humanity thy even said thy fund biological weapons an do think they were behind the Covid vaccine and pandemic because it was a biological weapons attack on the world killing off the population worse than WW2!!!!!


Matt Schlapp telling all candidates to drop out so people can donate money to Trump’s defense fund means Trump is going to jail lol

Linda Hutchison

Don’t bet on Trump going to jail, dear. Almighty God has told the prophets BEFORE Trump was ELECTED in 2020 that Trump would serve TWO terms. God HASN’T changed that either. If I were YOU, I would not SCOFF at God’s choice.


I’ll scoff at whoever I want. I scoff at you Linda!


Troll Ethel is really Jim. We ignore her/him

Ellen T

Why are you being a jerk?


Please supply your source to this.

Barry Dember

Mr. Rettig said, what has Yeshua, done for me? He will get his chance to ask the Lord, face to face at the great white judgement seat. Revelation 20:11-15
Then Rettig, will have an eternity of time to think it over in Hell with his deep state colleagues, demons and satin. .

Linda Hutchison

I think at the moment they finally FACE God, they will have the instant realization of who God is and weigh EXACTLY what they have done! I can’t imagine ANYONE who would have the nerve to stand and diss God TO HIS FACE on Judgment Day. Interesting time, though, that all these traitors after their convictions think the OTHER TRAITORS and demon possessed are going to come and rescue andavenge them. These people CERTAINLY don’t have more power than God on their BEST DAY, and traitors and evildoers are only concerned about their OWN interests.l


I scoff at you!!!!!


Here scoff at me too. I need some good scoffing as I rather enjoy it.

Mike Huntsucker

So when should we expect our 1% tax rebate….?

Mike Huntsucker

With interest…$$$$$$🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


When Nesara/Gesara starts (e.g. never)

Linda Hutchison

I think we WILL see it! The REPUBLIC’S MONIES are NOT being committed with the defunct corporation ‘s treasury. Once enough of these traitors are REMOVED, OUR MONEY SUPPLY will be quite large and the LEAKING will be STOPPED! I have heard 50% will go to Infrastructure and the rest will be returned to the citizens, respective of the federal tax collected And Interest paid in because THAT is how they accrued their wealth from OUR dime. Time for a BIG reversal of fortunes!


I don’t care what you think you will see; I scoff at you!


Where do they lay to rest eternally these evil bastards? Do they have a cemetery in GITMO for these luciferian thugs? I would think so. I don’t think they’re sent back to their families to have a respectable burial they don’t deserve.

I think they have dug graves at least six feet deep throw them in the ditch and cover their corpse with dirt and that’s it.


They are cremated at Gitmo……or thrown into the sea for fish food.


Nope. According to RRN lore, they are all frozen and stored for some future and undisclosed purpose.


Well, that’s seriously creepy 😳


Is this in RRN telegram feed or on his website? I never thought about that, ie, what happens to them after they’re executed, WOW.
Really hope to hear back.


Mike has said this multiple times (I mean Mike says a lot of things under the guise of parody and satire too)

Linda Hutchison

Some of them must be dealt with otherwise. Don’t you remember them checking those they executed to be sure they weren’t CLONES?


Yes. I am ready for our lives to go back to normal. I remember when Hitlary ran about the nation screaming “diversity will bring unity”. I knew at that time things were going downhill in this nation. It’s been fabulous for my soul to know the killers are being killed. That might sound harsh, but, I grew up in NJ during the years when dangerous people were found at the bottom of the river or pieces of their bones were found in incinerators. So, for me, disposing of these killers in any way possible is thrilling because I have seen how fast good times return.


At one point Google earth showed an area north of gitmo named “deepstategardens” whether it is a dump site or burial area who knows. Google quickly removed the tag as if someone hacked into their system and labeled it such.


I actually seen this also, about 2 years ago.


No way !
Stack ’em up like cord wood, add 1000 gallons of fuel oil to the pile and toss a few road flares and break out the marshmallows for an all-night party let it burn all night until the bodies are nothing but ashes…if the bodies of the condemned start to build up again…. Stack ’em up like cord wood 🪵 add fuel and watch em BURN FOR THEIR WICKED WAYS…Send recently hung bodied to the mourge, inspect them, enbalm them with raw sewage, marinade them in fuel oil and throw em on the 🔥 fire 🔥 These EVIL PEDO, MURDEROUS,TREASONOUS SLIME NEED TO BE BURNED LIKE CORD WOOD


Wonder how they kept this guy going for over an hour. He must have carotid arteries made of iron pipe or something. Normal people who lose circulation to the brain die in minutes. Maybe he was the world champion breath-holder.


where did you hear 1 hour?


Started at 10 AM, ended after 11:00 with the pronouncement.


The shift in consciousness is happening now at this very moment. What you believe is your reality.My clocks lost time this morning. My cell phone lost the date.My microwave lost power..My ADT was disarmed

Kerry Benthall

The Shift is what the WH are waiting for to reinstall Trump. China will lunge into the Pacific and 4 to 5 days later, the New Madrid Fault will rupture and trigger worldwide disaster. Then Trump can be disclosed as still President without a civil war. Everyone will be struggling to survive.


Are you serious or being sarcastic?
Sorry if I’m gullible. But that is some wild prediction/ statement.


Welcome to RRN!


I agree! This is the only place I get real world info, from M.B., Bless his soul!…so I don’t know where this other comes from????

Linda Hutchison

God has told the prophets that He will be doing SOMETHING more EPIC than the RED Sea opening for their passage and closing on their persecutors. Don’t know WHAT, but it WILL be BIG as God delivers His followers.



Epic? Your weird.


Yes, epic! Read my post above also.


Yes, I’ve been listening to the prophets, and agree with you, but we don’t know how God is going to perform His act of judgement, I guess that’s why I questioned the above statement as it gave “specifics”. I can’t wait for the evil ones to be “wiped out”!! Also, see Psalm 94:23, basically the entire psalm speaks of God’s vengence upon the “proud”, and we know who they are. TOTALLY looks like it’s for these “times”.


Overnight there will be mass miracles globally. People will be celebrating wildly. Parties, dancing in the streets, & global celebration. It will happen overnight – literally in a day. That will kick off the convergence of heaven & earth & will be followed by massive upgrades globally & followed by 7 years of stunning prosperity & the US growing into a power much greater than she ever was before. There’s lots more but that’s the main deal that’s coming. Kat Kerr was first to talk about it several years ago – having already visited the future & seen it happening. Expected to happen in 2023 but no promises as to the date have been given & God is usually slower than everyone expects.


There are a few trolls here. If you think it’s sarcasm – it probably is. The best policy is once you find someone’s a troll – don’t respond to them again. They feed on attention, negative attention, any attention. If you don’t give them any they starve & move to a site that will actively hate them.

Linda Hutchison

Your OWN opinion or who SAID this? Prophets have said that Christians, just like the Israelites when freed from their captivity from the LAST plague (the angel of death) claiming ALL from the households whose lintel were NOT marked by the blood of the sacrificed lamb, will be protected. Keep the faith and continue praying.


You sound like a Nazi.


That’s what I fear.

There plan for china to take over to make us speak Chinese.


Did you ever find your time, date, or power?


My time was lost.My cell phone said 7. My clock’s registered as 12:27. My cell said it was the 21st. My ADT was disarmed. My microwave didn’t work.My family member lost internet connection as I did also. I had to reprogram the time and date. It eventually worked .


Sounds like you lost power. I hope you find your power

Linda Hutchison

It IS possible. Scripture said that TWICE the time was stopped. God told the prophets that we were to PRAY to RECLAIM that time.




That’s ridiculous & not even true. The bible claims that with Hezekiah the sundial went back 10 degrees. That could easily have been done by God merely tilting the earth. Same with the sustained hours where the sun stayed in the sky while they finished the battle. There’s no evidence that the entire universe went backwards – which is how time would have “stopped”. I’ve never heard anyone suggest from the text that time stopped. No bible scholars & no theologians. However the most common breakdown of those events it has been agreed that the simplest way of doing it was to simply tilt the earth so the sun stayed above the horizon. There’s no lost time to reclaim so perhaps those are not real prophets or perhaps you misunderstood them. If what you claim they said is actually what they said I’d never trust their prophetic words again because they’re empirically & therefore demonstrably wrong.

Captain Bill

I think my favorite part of these is the snappy one liners. Almost like it’s made up to give braindead boomers exactly what they’re after


Everyone talks like Sgt. Joe Friday from the original Dragnet. Rapid-fire, topping the other guy’s lines, pithy, hard-edged. This is hangin’ we’re doing here, mister, and it’s no place for sentiment.


pardon my laughing….:)


Do you ever actually think about the crimes and the criminals? What do you think of their words and deeds?

Rene Labre

I’ve got my first check for a total of 13 thousand buck. I am so energized, this is whenever I first really acquired something. I will work much harder now and I can hardly hang tight for the following week’s installment. Go to the Home tab for more detail. I highly recommend everyone to apply..


First check for what? Soc sec, restitution allowance, because of the QFS reset, etc? Pls advise as it gives others hope who have been hearing for months we’d be getting money owed us. And I will check the website u posted, sorry if I’m jumping the gun.


here we go again……………

waky wednes

Having a rich fantasy life can be good or a really bad thing. When you put your fantasies of fascist domination and make false claims about people, you eventually be sued for defamation.


Hey you foolish deep stater coming here to warn us of your fear & what you think you can do to us because of your fear. Your threats are meaningless. You are the losers.


I would withhold judgment for the time being. I’m sure he (the owner of this site) has considered possible lawsuits, and considered the costs and benefits. By so doing, he is probably concluded that it is worth the risks.

thomas j cahill

Discovery is a bitch dude.

thomas j cahill

Then why hasn’t anyone been sued?


cough pfizer cough


We all post here knowing that it is satire. We are all covered under that. I don’t think you know very much about civil law.


“knowing that it is satire” is a new argument for RRN lol

Alan Stevens

So he didn’t repent and accept Christ and salvation.

His body stopped suddenly but his soul kept on going straight down to Hell.


Not how it works.


I agree with Alan. That’s pretty much how it works. Then, he will rise again for the great white throne judgement after the thousand year reign of Christ, where he will taste the 2nd death and tossed into the lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Where you don’t die but are tormented for ever and ever.

Alan Stevens

Where the worm dieth not.


Interesting theory: So the gallows kind of shakes the convicted out the bottom of the convicted’s feet?
Or is there a sort of giant vacuum cleaner in Hell that pulls the soul out of the body right through the feet leaving only the corpse? Sounds nifty.


Should let’m hang until the Crows have a feast.

Alan Stevens

The buzzards need to be fed as well.


As do worms. Alas, Rettig’s soul is so black , his carcass can be nothing short of toxic pollution

Patriots Unite

Or drop them all via helicopter into ocean to feed the sharks 👍😎🇺🇸

Alan Stevens

Or drop them all via helicopter into a swamp to feed the crocodiles.


Hangings of Traitors should be done publicly from Lamp posts, in the public square of the State capitol where the traitor resides, and broadcast live across the nation. Then, as you suggest, leave them hanging till they rot as a warning to all traitors. That way everyone will know what happened and will happen to any other traitors.


Love this idea..kinda like what was that show about Gideon?? sorry I’m a Sr. citizen..memory is going.. about the future where women can no longer get pregnant….


‘What has Jesus ever done for me?’

– Rettig = textbook unimaginable bastard


From time to time, there have been posts from doubters on Michael’s site. But last night’s interview on ABC, should end all concerns about the accuracy of the information we receive here. On a boring segment, about the up-coming Covid, Flu and RSV seasons, and how we all should fill our veins with shots, along come the new CDC Director, Mandy Cohen! Not one word was said about the out-going Director Walensky. We all know where she went…to a well deserved necktie party.


Oh wow! The absence of evidence is absolute proof!

Sandy Thomas

The conspicuous absence of mention is absolute evidence.


No it’s not absolute. It IS however referred to as “false exculpatory evidence” meaning that the absence of true exculpatory evidence is evidence of a cover up. However it’s anything but absolute & must be proven to be what it is alleged to be. But it’s definitely not “absolute evidence” unless it’s proven to be & that would generally be subject to close scrutiny to ensure that the logic holds enough water for a conviction.


I’m presuming you made this up yourself.




No but you’ve demonstrated your lack of legal knowledge just fine.

Sandy Thomas

It’s Not about a conviction right here Good grief, follow the sentences.


Makes no difference. Your statement is false. I’ve been involved in litigation for about 20 years now over several lawsuits – 3 of them against foreign governments. You want to argue with me go ahead but it’s obvious you don’t know how law works even at a basic level. You’d do better to listen & get educated than to debate me on a subject you don’t know.


Well said Ethel. When the DS reads this they’ll have Walensky make an appearance. Lately all they do is read what’s posted here & then deep fake or otherwise set up an appearance by those Michael Baxter has written about. They didn’t do it at first as it was taking them weeks to get them out. But now they can do same-day appearances when someone’s listed as having appeared at GTMO or other bases like Guam.

Sandy Thomas

Yes they will. Waiting for the sudden belated appearance of walensky.

thomas j cahill

(((Mandy Cohen)))?




enjoyed this with a fresh cup of coffee!


Trump cancelled his press conference for Monday lol


But your appointment to float down to hell is still on.


FO racist. I’ll see you in hell…but you first!

Pepe Penname

Misery loves company


I can’t go to hell. The devil still has a restraining order out against me.


…WANDER … will be everything exposed by Monday ????so press conference is not necessary?????


He says he’s folding the “proof” into his legal arguments. All the judge has to do is rule it inadmissible and that’s the end of it.


So what happened to all his money? Can that be given back to the taxpayers (like me!!!) who unknowingly paid this guy for years?


Research Nesara Gesara. It is the worldwide plan to restore all financials to proper order – all gold stolen by Vatican and CIA will wipe out national debt, as well as your own.

It will be a jubilee. Research.

Stop being lazy.


And to think, I have No debt.
Maybe a loan is in order.


Not everyone has time to research this questionable topic of nesara/gesara. Stop being a pompous @$$.


Sounds like more Qtard $hit to me.


I know about nesara gesara. That’s not happening yet at least for the common folk. They have his money now. Either give it back to us or help the poor masacred people on Maui rebuild. I’ve spent the last 3 years doing research. Not lazy. You should be nicer to a fellow patriot.


I’m starting to wonder about this so called gold.

Roger Lehet

Yay !!!!!!!
Rot in hell prick bastard

Michael R Davis

Could there be DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) or large tunnels to the mainland on Maui or Hawaii or other islands?
Since all 5 Hawaiian volcanos are active, none at present erupting, but their cauldrons filled with molten lava, I do not see how DUMBs or tunnels to the mainland 2,500 miles away could be on the islands. Mauna Loa is the tallest mountain on Earth, measured from its base on the sea floor, 19,700 feet below sea level. So a tunnel to the Hawaiian Islands would have to be very deep, with deep water between the islands.

We do have tunneling machines capable of digging tunnels big enough to drive semi-trailers through. However, heat would be the machine’s worst enemy, and those islands deep down would be very hot. But who knows for sure. The Globalist Deep-State definitely finds Maui very important for some reason. Incidentally, there is an Air Force site on Maui which researches Directed Energy Weaponry. (Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS), with another site in New Mexico.

https ://www

https ://www .robbinstbm .com/products/tunnel-boring-machines/

Roger Lehet

I believe that Haliaka(sp?) is 21,000 from ocean floor to top of crater but whose counting eh?

Michael R Davis

I was just showing how deep the water is, and how deep tunnels approaching the Hawaiian Islands would have to be. Mauna Loa is 55,700 feet above its base on the ocean floor.

American Living in Canada

msm radio information update up here just announced the conviction/sentencing of the women in QC who tried to poison President Trump… she got 22 years.


I don’t think the US citizens will ever hear that on the main news.


I read that had DUMBS, and a sub docking station. Makes you wonder, did the kids burn up like they said, or did they take the kids off? If I were parents, I’d want forensic testing, if they claim they found my kid in a house.


“A newly erected row of gallows”? Sounds very promising.

Rene Labre

That money belongs the the treasury.This guy is gone.Oh so many choose not to believe. Most probably are vaxxed in the whole deal.Hey,you decide for your yourself.


The $$$$ Rettig STOLE from the IRS after the IRS stole it from America’s taxpayers belongs to America’s taxpayers! A BIG MISTAKE would be to return it to the U.S. Inc’s treasury where it would only be used to prolong the Ukraine conflict with Russia or initiate another war on an even bigger scale. GIVE IT BACK TO TAXPAYERS!

Rene Labre

I fully agree sir.


Give it to the most oppressed, yet productive, category of humanity in the nation – the ones who built, protected and saved this best of all nations, as well as the rest of the world.

The conservative, white, Christian male.


Income tax is unconstitutional. A mans labor is sacred. Give it back…with interest…throw the jews usury back on them.


There are executive orders on the books still in effect that President Trump enacted that directs all monies & assets (domestic or abroad) will be confiscated after a person had been convicted & sentenced & assets will be returned to the new republic of America, not to the bankrupt USA! So it will come back to the taxpayers eventually.

david simmons

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen, let it be What have you done for Jesus? If only Irwin were here to hear of this. All the people you drove to suicide. You threatened to seize and sell my property. Servant of the “House of Satan.”