JAG Sentences Deep State Judge to Hang


A three-officer panel at Camp Blaz, Guam, found Fulton County, Georgia, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee guilty of treason and sentenced him to death by hanging, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

As reported on April 5, JAG investigators enforcing a military arrest warrant apprehended McAffee on April 3 outside the Fulton County courthouse, after which they brought him to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and, later, Camp Blaz. McAfee was at first charged with defrauding the United States of America and election interference, but JAG upgraded the charges to treason after the vitriolic judge admitted during an interrogation that he had preordained President Trump’s guilt.

“I hate Trump. I’ve hated him all my life,” the 34-year-old jurist, who had served just one year on the bench, told JAG investigators. “I dreamed about hurting Trump, and when my chance came, I took it.”

Though inexperienced, the novice judge, an Emory Law School Graduate, should have stayed silent. But his animosity for Trump eclipsed his judgment. It was as though he had a compulsive urge to unburden himself of pent-up rage for the president.

“So, Mr. McAfee, when you were ‘randomly’ assigned the fake racketeering case against President Trump, he was already guilty in your eyes?” the investigator asked.

“He was born guilty,” McAfee said. “And it wasn’t random—I begged for that case.”

“That’s very helpful. Thank you, Mr. McAfee,” said the investigator.

McAfee was returned to his cell, where he remained until Wednesday morning’s tribunal, overseen by Lead Special Trial Counsel Rear Adm. Johnathon T. Stephens.

Representing himself, McAfee in opening remarks talked himself into an early verdict. He said no one and nothing, not even imprisonment, would prevent him from destroying the Trump family. Handcuffed at the defense table, he glared at the panel and said he would topple the Trump empire, building by building, brick by brick, and wouldn’t rest until every Trump supporter was behind bars or dead.

“Then I’ll take care of the people here and this place,” McAfee said.

“Mr. McAfee, I’m told you are of sound mind and know where you are, right?” Admiral Stephens asked.

“I’m in a Kangaroo court in the Banana Republic of Trump, staring at a guy who couldn’t hack it in the real world, couldn’t run a private practice, get a partnership, or sit on a real bench, so he went into the military,” McAfee said.

“Have you ever heard of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Mr. McAfee?” the Admiral asked. “Because you have the worst case I’ve seen, and I’ve seen several.”

“Trump is finished. He’ll be in jail soon, and when he is, your house of cards collapses,” McAfee said.

“It might seem that way, but it only seems that way,” the Admiral said.

“You might as well find me guilty. I’ll never stop hating Trump and I’ll never stop working to demolish everything he stole. He was born guilty, and he’ll be guilty until the day he dies. That’ll be the only word on his gravestone: GUILTY!” McAfee shouted.

The lead panelist, a Marine Corps major, politely interrupted: “Admiral, sir, we don’t have to hear any more. McAfee mocks this court, and we find him guilty of the treason charge. Additionally, we are in agreement he should hang for his crimes.”

Admiral Stephens nodded contemplatively. “I side with these fine officers. Mr. McAfee, you are hereby sentenced to hang for treason against the United States of America.”

His execution is scheduled for May 15.

Note: I probably won’t hear the outcome of the Gen.Smith-Col. Kurtz meeting until Monday.

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Robert Gregory Boensch

Judge Scott McAfee
His execution is scheduled for May 15.

Last words


Robert Gregory Boensch

 ‘Fraud vitiates every thing,

25 L.Ed. 93
October Term, 1878
APPEAL from the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of California.
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Mr. Walter Van Dyke for the appellant.
Mr. Delos Lake, contra.
MR. JUSTICE MILLER delivered the opinion of the court.

 ‘Fraud vitiates every thing,

And A Rope Ends This Repetition Behavior

Repeating something over and over is called

Repetition: Repeating something over and over is called repetition. This can be done intentionally, such as when someone repeats a phrase or a sentence to emphasize its importance, or unintentionally, like when someone repeats a word or phrase due to habit or nervousness.Echolalia: Echolalia is a specific type of repetition where someone repeats what someone else has said, often without understanding the meaning of the words. This can be seen in individuals with certain developmental or neurological disorders, such as autism or Alzheimer’s disease.Reiterating: To reiterate is to repeat or say something again, often to emphasize its importance or to clarify its meaning. This can be done in a conversation, in writing, or in a speech.Repeating: Repeating something over and over can also refer to the act of saying or doing something multiple times, often to the point of monotony or boredom. This can be seen in situations like repeating a mantra, a phrase, or a song, or in activities like repeating a task or a routine.Self-affirmations: Self-affirmations are positive statements that people repeat to themselves to help build confidence, overcome negative thoughts, or achieve a specific goal. These affirmations can be repeated multiple times, often with the intention of internalizing their message and making it a part of one’s self-image.

Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

A very Nice Wake up for All of the Evil ones in this Game

Where we Go One We Go all


available activities

Swing with a rope around your neck (Hemp that is)

Try stopping A high Speed projectile traveling at your Center Mass (Catching Lead)

Or Making you slip On clothiers easier to Put on ( removing your head Guillotine)

Is all available at Our free Camp



Its a long Post

read the who thing at

2024-May 4 blog


For every one that was a participant in the 2020 election Fraud

Study Up For Your Day at The Spa is coming soon


Last edited 5 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

In this case a bill in chancery is brought in the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of California, to use the language of the bill itself, ‘by Walter Van Dyke, United States attorney for that district, on behalf of the United States,’ against Throckmorton, Howard, Goold, and Haggin.
The object of the bill is to have a decree of the court, setting aside and declaring to be null and void a confirmation of the claim of W. A. Richardson under a Mexican grant, to certain lands, made by the board of commissioners of private land-claims in California on the twenty-seventh day of December, 1853; and the decree of the District Court of the United States, made Feb. 11, 1856, affirming the decree of the commissioners, and again confirming Richardson’s claim. The general ground on which this relief is asked is that both these decrees were obtained by fraud.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

The specific act of fraud which is mainly relief on to support the bill is, that after Richardson had filed his petition before the board of commissioners, with a statement of his claim and the documentary evidence of its validity, March 16, 1852, he became satisfied that he had no sufficient evidence of an actual grant or concession to sustain his claim, and with a view to supply this defect, he made a visit to Mexico, and obtained from Micheltorena, former political chief of California, his signature, on or about the first day of July, 1852, to a grant which was falsely and fraudulently antedated, so as to impose on the court the belief that it was made at a time when Micheltorena had power to make such grants in California; and it is alleged that in support of this simulated and false document he also procured and filed therewith the depositions of perjured witnesses.
There is much verbiage, repetition, and argumentative matter in the bill; but no allegation whatever that any of the attorneys, agents, or other officers of the government were false in their duty to it, or that they assisted or connived at the fraud, unless a single allegation on that subject, which will be hereafter considered, sufficiently makes such charge. For the present, it will be assumed that no such charge is made.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

While the bill is elaborate in its statement of matters which are supposed to impeach the decree, and is correspondingly silent as to any thing tending to its support, there are important facts which, it cannot escape attention, could not be omitted. Among these is, that, in attempting to negative the idea that juridical possession of the land was ever delivered to Richardson by the Mexican authorities, it is incidentally admitted that at the time the transaction occurred on which his claim is founded, he was in actual possession and residing on part, if not all, of the land in controversy. So, also, it is tacitly admitted that the archives of the Mexican government, turned over to the office of the United States surveyor-general, and original documents produced by Richardson, showed an espediente which was sufficient to establish the claim, except for the want of the final concession. It is, therefore, to be taken as true that Richardson, being on the land prior to 1838, made his petition to the governor for a grant of this land, which was appropriately referred for information, and that the proper report was had that there was no objection to the grant. According to Mexican law, but two things remained to perfect the title; namely, a grant or concession by the governor, and the delivery of juridical possession. The latter has never been held by this court as indispensable to a confirmation of the grant, and least of all when the party was already in possession, which he had held for many years. It is also important to observe that the original petition was filed before the board, March 16, 1852, and its decree was rendered Dec. 27, 1853; that an appeal was taken to the District Court, where the case remained until Feb. 11, 1856, when it was affirmed; that an appeal was again taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, which was dismissed by order of the Attorney-General on the second day of April, 1857. The case was pending in litigation, therefore, more than five years before the decree became final, and more than four years after the alleged fraudulent grant by Micheltorena was filed in the case. It is also to be observed that the necessity of such a paper to the support of Richardson’s claim had been made obvious to the board of commissioners, to the claimant himself, and to the attorneys representing the government, by the report of the surveyor-general, that while every thing else seemed right in his office, the important final decree of concession was not there. The attention, therefore, of all the parties and of the court must have been drawn to a close scrutiny of any proceeding to supply this important document

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

There was also ample time to make all necessary inquiries and produce the necessary proof, if it existed, of the fraud. The allegation of the bill is that this simulated concession was filed with the board of commissioners in January, 1853, and the decree rendered on December 27, thereafter. The appeal was pending after this in the District Court over two years; and after the final decree in that court it remained under the consideration of the Attorney-General another year, when he authorized the dismissal of the appeal. The case, then, unless these officers neglected their duties, underwent the scrutiny of two judicial tribunals and of the Attorney-General of the United States, as well as of his subordinate in the State of California, and was before them for a period of five years of litigation.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

The bill in this case is filed May 13, 1876, more than twenty years after the rendition of the decree which it seeks to annul. During that time Richardson, the claimant, and the man who is personally charged with the guilt of the fraud, has died; his heirs, who with himself were claimants in the suit, are not made parties, and the land has passed from his ownership to that of the present defendants by purchase and conveyance.
It is true that the defendants are charged in general terms with being purchasers with notice.
It is true that the United States is not bound by the Statute of Limitations, as an individual would be. And we have not recited any of the foregoing matters found in the bill as sufficient of itself to prevent relief in a case otherwise properly cognizable in equity. But we think these are good reasons why a bill which seeks under these circumstances to annul a decree thus surrounded by every presumption which should give it support, shall present on its face a clear and unquestionable ground on which the jurisdiction it invokes can rest.
Let us inquire if this has been done.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

There is no question of the general doctrine that fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments. There is also no question that many rights originally founded in fraud become—by lapse of time, by the difficulty of proving the fraud, and by the protection which the law throws around rights once established by formal judicial proceedings in tribunals established by law, according to the methods of the law—no longer open to inquiry in the usual and ordinary methods. Of this class are judgments and decrees of a court deciding between parties before the court and subject to its jurisdiction, in a trial which has presented the claims of the parties, and where they have received the consideration of the court.
There are no maxims of the law more firmly established, or of more value in the administration of justice, than the two which are designed to prevent repeated litigation between the same parties in regard to the same subject of controversy; namely, interest rei publicae, ut sit finis litium, and nemo debet bis vexari pro una et eadam causa.
If the court has been mistaken in the law, there is a remedy by writ of error. If the jury has been mistaken in the facts, the remedy is by motion for new trial. If there has been evidence discovered since the trial, a motion for a new trial will give appropriate relief. But all these are parts of the same proceeding, relief, is given in the same suit, and the party is not vexed by another suit for the same matter. So in a suit in chancery, on proper showing a rehearing is granted. If the injury complained of is an erroneous decision, an appeal to a higher court gives opportunity to correct the error. If new evidence is discovered after the decree has become final, a bill of review on that ground may be filed within the rules prescribed by law on that subject. Here, again, these proceedings are all part of the same suit, and the rule framed for the repose of society is not violated.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

But there is an admitted exception to this general rule in cases where, by reason of something done by the successful party to a suit, there was in fact no adversary trial or decision of the issue in the case. Where the unsuccessful party has been prevented from exhibiting fully his case, by fraud or deception practised on him by his opponent, as by keeping him away from court, a false promise of a compromise; or where the defendant never had knowledge of the suit, being kept in ignorance by the acts of the plaintiff; or where an attorney fraudulently or without authority assumes to represent a party and connives at his defeat; or where the attorney regularly employed corruptly sells out his client’s interest to the other side,—these, and similar cases which show that there has never been a real contest in the trial or hearing of the case, are reasons for which a new suit may be sustained to set aside and annul the former judgment or decree, and open the case for a new and a fair hearing. See Wells, Res Adjudicata, sect. 499; Pearce v. Olney, 20 Conn. 544; Wierich v. De Zoya, 7 Ill. 385; Kent v. Ricards, 3 Md. Ch. 392; Smith v. Lowry, 1 Johns. (N. Y.) Ch. 320; De Louis et al. v. Meek et al., 2 Iowa, 55.
In all these cases, and many others which have been examined, relief has been granted, on the ground that, by some fraud practised directly upon the party seeking relief against the judgment or decree, that party has been prevented from presenting all of his case to the court.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

On the other hand, the doctrine is equally well settled that the court will not set aside a judgment because it was founded on a fraudulent instrument, or perjured evidence, or for any matter which was actually presented and considered in the judgment assailed. Mr. Wells, in his very useful work on Res Adjudicata, says, sect. 499: ‘Fraud vitiates every thing, and a judgment equally with a contract; that is, a judgment obtained directly by fraud, and not merely a judgment founded on a fraudulent instrument; for, in general, the court will not go again into the merits of an action for the purpose of detecting and annulling the fraud.’ . . . ‘Likewise, there are few exceptions to the rule that equity will not go behind the judgment to interpose in the cause itself, but only when there was some hindrance besides the negligence of the defendant, in presenting the defence in the legal action. There is an old case in South Carolina to the effect that fraud in obtaining a bill of sale would justify equitable interference as to the judgment obtained thereon. But I judge it stands almost or quite alone, and has no weight as a precedent.’ The case he refers to is Crauford v. Crauford, 4 Desau. (S. C.) 176. See also Bigelow on Fraud, 170-172.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

The principle and the distinction here taken was laid down as long ago as the year 1702 by the Lord Keeper in the High Court of Chancery, in the case of Tovey v. Young, Pr. Ch. 193.
This was a bill in chancery brought by an unsuccessful party to a suit at law, for a new trial, which was at that time a very common mode of obtaining a new trial. One of the grounds of the bill was that complainant had discovered since the trial was had that the principal witness against him was a partner in interest with the other side. The Lord Keeper said: ‘New matter may in some cases be ground for relief, but it must not be what was tried before; nor, when it consists in swearing only, will I ever grant a new trial, unless it appears by deeds, or writing, or that a witness on whose testimony the verdict was given was convicted of perjury, or the jury attainted.’ The case seems to have been well considered, for the decree was a confirmation of one made by the Master of the Rolls.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

The case of Smith v. Lowry (supra) was also a bill for a new trial, on the ground that the witness on whose testimony the amount of damages was fixed was suborned by the plaintiff, and that complainant had learned since the trial that a fictitious sale of salt had been made for the purpose of enabling this witness to testify to the market price. Chancellor Kent said that complainant must have known, or he was bound to know, that the price of salt at the place of delivery would be a matter of inquiry at the trial; and he dismissed the bill for want of equity, citing the case of Tovey v. Young with approval. And he cites a number of cases to show that chancery will not interfere though new evidence has been discovered since the trial, which, if the party could have introduced it, would have changed the result.
In Bateman v. Willoe (1 Scho. & Lef. 201), Lord Redesdale said: ‘I do not know that equity ever does interfere to grant a trial of a matter which has already been discussed in a court of law, a matter capable of being discussed there, and over which the court of law had full jurisdiction.’ The rule must apply with equal force to a bill to set aside a decree in equity after it has become final, where the object is to retry a matter which was in issue in the first case and was matter of actual contest.
The same doctrine is asserted in Dixon v. Graham, 16 Iowa, 310; Cottle v. Cole & Cole, 20 id. 482; Borland v. Thornton, 12 Cal. 440; Riddle et al. v. Baker et al., 13 id. 295; Railroad Company v. Neal, 1 Wood, 353.


Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

But perhaps the best discussion of the whole subject is to be found in Greene v. Greene (2 Gray (Mass.), 361), where the opinion was delivered by Chief Justice Shaw. That was a bill filed by a woman against her husband for a divorce. The husband had five years before obtained a decree of divorce against her. In her bill she alleges that the former decree was obtained by fraud, collusion, and false testimony, and she prays that this may be inquired into, and the decree set aside. The court was of opinion that this allegation meant that the husband colluded or combined with other persons than complainant to obtain false testimony, or otherwise to aid him in fraudulently obtaining the decree. The Chief Justice says that the court thinks the point settled against the complainant by authority, not specifically in regard to divorce, but generally as to the conclusiveness of judgments and decrees between the same parties. He then examines the authorities, English and American, and adds: ‘The maxim that fraud vitiates every proceeding must be taken, like other general maxims, to apply to cases where proof of fraud is admissible. But where the same matter has been actually tried, or so in issue that it might have been tried, it is not again admissible; the party is estopped to set up such fraud, because the judgment is the highest evidence, and cannot be contradicted.’ It is otherwise, he says, with a stranger to the judgment. This is said in a case where the bill was brought for the purpose of impeaching the decree directly, and not where it was offered in evidence collaterally. We think these decisions establish the doctrine on which we decide the present case; namely, that the acts for which a court of equity will on account of fraud set aside or annul a judgment or decree, between the same parties, rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction, have relation to frauds, extrinsic or collateral, to the matter tried by the first court, and not to a fraud in the matter on which the decree was rendered

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

That the mischief of retrying every case in which the judgment or decree rendered on false testimony, given by perjured witnesses, or on contracts or documents whose genuineness or validity was in issue, and which are afterwards ascertained to be forged or fraudulent, would be greater, by reason of the endless nature of the strife, than any compensation arising from doing justice in individual cases.
The case before us comes within this principle. The genuineness and validity of the concession from Micheltorena produced by complainant was the single question pending before the board of commissioners and the District Court for four years. It was the thing, and the only thing, that was controverted, and it was essential to the decree. To overrule the demurrer to this bill would be to retry, twenty years after the decision of these tribunals, the very matter which they tried, on the ground of fraud in the document on which the decree was made. If we can do this now, some other court may be called on twenty years hence to retry the same matter on another allegation of fraudulent combination in this suit to defeat the ends of justice; and so the number of suits would be without limit and the litigation endless about the single question of the validity of this document.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

We have alluded to an allegation concerning the agent representing the United States before the board of commissioners.
The substance of it is that Howard, one of the present defendants, then the law agent of the government before the board, had, from the papers in some other suit, derived notice of the fraudulent character of the Micheltorena grant, and that he failed and neglected to inform the commissioners of the fact, or otherwise to defend the interest of the United States in the matter. If there had been a further allegation that Howard was then interested in the Richardson claim, or that Richardson had bribed him, or that from any corrupt motive he had betrayed the interest of the government, the case would have come within the rule which authorizes relief. But nothing of the kind is alleged; and the statement is a mere charge of carelessness or negligence on the part of the attorney for the government, which would not have supported a motion for a new trial in a case at law at the same term, much less a suit in chancery to set aside a decree twenty years after it had been rendered

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

Nor is there any such clear statement of the notice which Howard had as is necessary to establish his negligence.
In fact, one great if not fatal defect in the bill is the absence of any declaration of the means by which the fraud has been discovered or can be now established.
There is another objection to the bill which, though not going to the merits, is, in our opinion, equally fatal to it in its present shape.
We are of opinion that, unless by virtue of an act of Congress, no one but the Attorney-General, or some one authorized to use his name, can bring a suit to set aside a patent issued by the United States, or a judgment rendered in its courts on which such a patent is founded.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

That is the case before us, and we see nothing in the bill to indicate to the court that it ever received the sanction of the Attorney-General, or was brought by his direction. The allegation already cited implies that Mr. Van Dyke, the district attorney, is the complainant; but if, construing it liberally, we hold that the United States is the complainant, the statement is clear that the bill was brought by the district attorney, and not by the Attorney-General. Leaving out of consideration all mere questions of form, there arises no presumption from the act of Congress which gives the Department of Justice a general supervision over the district attorneys, that this suit was brought by his direction; for they, in the strict line of their duty, bring innumerable suits, indictments, and prosecutions, in which the United States is plaintiff, without consulting him. In the class of cases to which this belongs, however, the practice of the English and the American courts has been to require the name of the Attorney-General as indorsing the suit before it will be entertained. The reason of this is obvious; namely, that in so important a matter as impeaching the grants of the government under its seal, its highest law officer should be consulted, and should give the support of his name and authority to the suit. He should, also, have control of it in every stage, so that if at any time during its progress he should become convinced that the proceeding is not well founded, or is oppressive, he may dismiss the bill.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Last edited 5 months ago by Robert Gregory Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch

There is appended to this record, though no part of it, a bond, given by some private persons to the United States, to save it harmless of costs in regard to this suit. If it is intended by this to show that the Attorney-General authorized the suit, it fails to prove it, though the bond recites that that officer had directed the district attorney to bring the suit.
It is not in this way that the then Attorney-General should have placed himself on the record as responsible for such a bill. In confirmation of this view, it does not appear that he or his successors have ever given the slightest attention to the case. In the argument of it before us, no officer of the government appeared. It would be a very dangerous doctrine, one threatening the title to millions of acres of land held by patent from the government, if any man who has a grudge or a claim against his neighbor can, by indemnifying the government for costs, and furnishing the needed stimulus to a district attorney, institute a suit in chancery in the United States to declare the patent void. It is essential, therefore, to such a suit, that without special regard to form, but in some way which the court can recognize, it should appear that the Attorney-General has brought it himself, or given such order for its institution as will make him officially responsible for it, and show his control of the cause.

Robert Gregory Boensch

Robert Gregory Boensch

It is unnecessary at this day to say that, as a substantive matter, standing alone, the Circuit Court has no jurisdiction to interfere with or relieve against a survey which, by the allegation of the bill itself, is pending before the District Court.
For these reasons, we are of opinion that the decree of the Circuit Court sustaining a demurrer to the bill, and dismissing it on the merits, was right.
Decree affirmed.

Robert Gregory Boensch


I don’t get why (they) aren’t taken outside and shot within minutes of verdict. Why keep them housed and fed? Unless, they are executing a hundred a day already and …

Michele Baillie

He better deserves face down in the ground and his head chopped off with a sharp axe.

Robert Gregory Boensch

I searched all different scenario’s
And drafted A document
Our remonstrance
To Peacefully reset this country
With the help of our commander in chief
Donald J Trump
And the
USMC General Berger
USMC General Smith
And Our Military
People Remember this One thing Today
We Are The Ones in Control.
The sovereign
The Art of War, by Sun Tzu
1. Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and
concentrates his forces.
2. When in difficult country, do not encamp. In country where high roads intersect, join hands with your
allies. Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions.
3. There are roads which must not be followed
4. The general who thoroughly understands the advantages that accompany variation of tactics knows how to
handle his troops.
5. The general who does not understand these, may be well acquainted with the configuration of the country,
yet he will not be able to turn his knowledge to practical account.
6. So, the student of war who is unversed in the art of war of varying his plans, even though he be acquainted
with the Five Advantages, will fail to make the best use of his men.
7. Hence in the wise leader’s plans, considerations of advantage and of disadvantage will be blended together
8. If our expectation of advantage be tempered in this way, we may succeed in accomplishing the essential
part of our schemes.
9. If, on the other hand, in the midst of difficulties we are always ready to seize an advantage, we may
extricate ourselves from misfortune.
10. Reduce the hostile chiefs by inflicting damage on them
11. The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own
readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our
position unassailable.
12. There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general: (1) Recklessness, which leads to destruction
13. These are the five besetting sins of a general, ruinous to the conduct of war.3
14. When an army is overthrown and its leader slain, the cause will surely be found among these five
dangerous faults. Let them be a subject of meditation.
Robert G Boensch
Robert Gregory Boensch
Each and every one in this Country Has the Home Farm (Home)
And All of Our God Given Advantages
Hunting Fishing Harvesting ETC.
All We Have to Do Is stand Between These Things And The Deep State Actors
They Can’t Eat Shelter Travel With out our Consent
What Say You
First Remonstrance
If they fail to accept It.
Then it is War
We Out Number them.
How many will draw a weapon against their own Clan.


Find Me And Lets open Up the Standish Max.
I live in Arenac County -Standish Max in here.
And I put this into law for Michigan.9-4-2022
Department of Defense Law of war Manual 2016
1236 pages
As part of its emergency regulations, a State may establish special
or emergency courts for cases involving unprivileged belligerents or other persons suspected of
committing offenses related to the non-international armed conflict.
Such courts must be regularly constituted and afford all the judicial guarantees that are
recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.84 Such courts may distinguish based on
nationality.85 The procedures of such courts may deviate from those applicable during ordinary
Proclamation of martial law was the only provision in case of disturbances endangering the security of the state. It would have entailed handing over all powers to the military authority and suspending private and public liberties.
Government and Parliament considered this step too extreme. Hence they devised a new contingency, the so-called ‘state of emergency,’
The government in turn gave authority to regulate movements of persons and goods, assign places of residence, create forbidden zones, order searches, ban meetings, control the press, dissolve associations, collect reparations for willful damage and for aid given to the rebels, suspend or transfer civil servants, deprive elected representatives of their seats, postpone by-elections, and delegate certain civil powers to the military.
(“No country which relies on the law of the land to regulate the lives of its citizens can afford to see that law flouted by its own government, even in an insurgency situation. In other words everything done by a government and its agents in combating insurgency must be legal. But this does not mean that the government must work within exactly the same set of laws during an insurgency as existed beforehand, because it is a function of a government when necessary. It does not mean that the law must be administered in exactly the same way during an uprising as it was in more peaceful times, because once again a government has the power to modify the way in which the law is administered if necessary, for the well being of the people, although the exercise of such power is usually – and rightly – subject to considerable constitutional restraint.”).
Page 4 of 9
Written in Law
Please Join Me In running This.
From The Commander of Michigan
For the Sovereign Of Michigan.
It’s Our Time to Run This Court Now
No Bar members allowed in running These Courts.
But many Will be tried in court
WE Have Won this War lets do the clean Up.
President Donald Trump says this Inauguration Day marks the transfer of power back to the People
President Trump Proclaims The People of America are Sovereign
We are a free State and we can wage War .
But We must do it Peacefully and follow the LAW.
A Peaceful War Who could have Thought of This

If you live in Michigan.
It’s your duty to search My Name and Who I am.
For all the children that lost their parents in those nursing homes
The Commander of Michigan
For the Sovereign Of Michigan.
Yes all of your Statement’s Are True about the Crimes committed.
You are all ready Free from this.
Gretchen whitmere Has been a great blessing To My State Of Michigan.
With everything she has done and with all of the other members of her gang.
Can say this Because it was the only way could set this State free
Every thing Has Fallen in Michigan.
And we have a fresh new slate to build on to protect our children and family .
Search My Name on the Web and See if there is any thing that you agree with and lets work together .
We Can Do This
The three Day Congress
117th United States Congress January 3, 2021 – January 6, 2021.
People on January 6 2021 Did President Trump Shut Down The United States Congress before the
Electoral collage votes were certified???
President Trump Speaks to the crowd this.
254. Proclamation to disperse
Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time.

He is Right in what he is saying
Article 4 of the Constitution
Ensures a republican form of government The states derives its power from the people
Guarantees that the Federal Government will protect the states against invasion and insurrection.
“All Legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”“The people have a right in an Orderly and peaceable manner, to assemble and consult upon the common good, give instructions to their representatives; and to request of the legislative body, by way of petition or remonstrance, redress of the wrongs done them, and of the grievances they suffer


Hey, Michael Baxter. Did you happen to see this?? Things in AZ are heating up, thank you Jesus! https:// x.com/GailGolec/status/1788079033055338965

Walter Donovan

Can someone explain to me how and why is this judge still conducting Trump’s court trial? It would be rather tough to do it from GITMO.


They, the democrat elites/biden’s regime etc, have no problem replacing these arrested criminals. They use clones, doubles, lookalikes, and other means especially the skin-like masks that fool pretty much everyone until it rides up or wrinkles and cameras show it. Even then, they gloss over it and pretend the audience is seeing things. Gov. Gavin Newsom was arrested by JAG quite a while back and the Clintons aren’t really the Clintons. Hillary has an impersonator who has made a living off her work, and Joe Biden has more than one Joe, one of which is a former grade B actor..I forget his name. President Trump signed hundreds/thousands of indictments naming those committing crimes of treason crimes against humanity etc. and the military is after these people, causing many who are in government afraid of being hung for their crimes and are hiding out in foreign countries. That’s why there are actors wearing lifelike masks sitting in their seats in Congress, the courts and wherever they should be but aren’t. I hear Mayorkis is one of them in hiding. Their day will come though!


By George, you’ve got it down to a science. Well said. His name is Arthur Roberts, the 87 yr. old grade B actor, who is now pretending to be an illegal US president today, joe’s doppelganger with the attached earlobes to his neck. The real joe does not have attached to the neck earlobes. Agree 100% that Gavin and his wicked witch of an auntie and the three Clintons (this includes Chelsea) now sleep with the bugs in the ground, if Gitmo did not burn their bodies first. They are all dead by White Hats means. They spared Chelsea’s husband from the death penalty.

Last edited 5 months ago by Joanna
Walter Donovan

I certainly have heard all that before. All I can say is there must be one hell of a central casting office in the Democratic Party. Beyond that I want the traitorous bastards to die.


There are a lot of conversations and input that are good here on RRN – this is the purpose of the comments section. Then there is the vitriol and vicious, attack-counter-attack between both trolls and non-trolls. Please notice that t-h-a-t activity is divisive and destructive to the benefits of this website, is the basic op basis and ideal of the DSers, and those participants have been suckered into the DS camp, whether they will admit it or not. It is wholly destructive. “If I do not believe as you believe, it proves that you do not believe as I believe, and that is all that it proves.” – Thomas Paine
Let’s not be suckered into that trap – we get more than enough divisiveness from our politicians.


All Traitors need to be Hung ASAP!, Judges, Lawyers etc…


Trump events:
Sat, 5/11/24, at 5:00 pm est in New Jersey
Times are approximate (he often runs late).
rsbnetwork.com covers the events, replays them afterwards and keeps the videos.

King Kong

All the deep state judges, AG, DA cases need looked into for being traitors.


Sounds like he is under serious mind control ops. Or this is a fake story made for the sleepers.

Why not press him further about why he hated Trump so much? I am curious. What did Trump do to him ?


Maybe jelosy. Trump was a successful businessman, a handsome man.


Or just maybe he was on the take like Fonnie Willis and the rest of these fake prosecutors and judges? Maybe he had been paid. Remember Willis and Wade had been to the Whitehouse for a pow wow on how to prosecute President Trump. They even had one meeting in Athens Georgia. I believe the mayor of Fulton County is also in on it, remember he also made a trip to the Whitehouse to collude with the fake VP and the DOJ. The reason they stormed Maralago was to try and get any classified papers Trump had to their Russia collision and any thing else he might have had in these documents to criminalize the DOJ and the other 3 letter agencies. But they probably never found anything cause Trump is always one step ahead of them.i noticed during Macafee pre trial when Terris Bradley was on the stand the judge would sustain a lot of the questions the Defending attorneys were asking him cause he didn’t want him to tell them I believe he was taking his time acting like a fair judge while all the while he was behind the scenes working with Fannie Willis. That’s why he never took her off the case so he pretended to be spineless and keep her on this bogus case, cause he wanted to have it brought before a pooled jury and put Trump in jail..but it back fired on him .


Serious mind control maybe, in my line of business, I have several clients with TDS. I am not a psychiatrist. They know I support Trump. They think my silence is because I am stupid and can’t come up with anything to defend Trump. There is no changing their minds. I do believe it will be biblical or if they show on TV what has been going on in Gitmo. Then the TDS may have a come to Jesus moment. I 🙏.


Trump was born into a billionaire family, with a silver spoon already firmly in his mouth and McAfee was not. That is all it takes with mental cases like Scott. A “Superior court judge”, talk about an American traitor!



Cindy W.

I am somehow blown away that a ~34 year old well educated and married man with two children could have gone to such lengths to put his sick and overpowering hostility for one man over the care for and futures of this wife and children. How selfish of him. Others might have recognized his extreme insanity and pulled him away from the cliff he has jumped off. Rear Admiral Stephens nailed it when he called out McAfee’s TDS … mind boggling.


I just came back to say much the same. Don’t understand how a 34-year-old could hate essentially a stranger “all his life”. That is a REALLY far-out condition of mind & emotion. Oh well. These Constitution haters mostly shape their own doom.


Traitors, like Scott McAfee are very complex beings, very difficult to understand or like.


I just realized you had President Trumps picture, inserted on the photo. BRILLIANT!!!!


On the subject of these “judges”: Merchan just threatened Trump today with jail per an article I just saw. This has reached the “not optional” stage – this arrogant imbecile of a “judge” has to be given a ticket to GITMO and made an example of. Way overdue.


ANd, you know, we’ve not seen nor heard from that corpse, ENGORON! Maybe he’s been arrested! WE CAN HOPE!


and his corrupt daughter too! its a family thing, you know!


What do you expect from a liberal Gen Xer?


I heard Judge Engoron was paid millions to work with Letitia James to try and jail Trump. By the Biden administration.like 20 million I don’t know if that is true but that’s what I heard


Wow! What a psycho.


Why May 15? Why not tomorrow?


Gives him some time to let it play over and over and over in his mind..Hope it drives him crazy …These people don’t deserve the compassion of a quick process.


I don’t think he can get any crazier. We really need to reopen all the lunatic asylums for all the leftists.

Stir Fry

Well, well, well….”Judge” Scott McAfee has a YouTube channel.
https: //www.youtube.com/@judgescottmcafee/streams

April 9 and 10 State vs. Ricky Smith proceedings show “visiting” judge Kenneth Hodges presiding.

Should be interesting to monitor how Fulton County explains McAfee’s permanent absence.


TDS He is a nut case right till the end of a rope.


From Before It’s News.com

JFK JR., Trump, Epstein

https ://beforeitsnews.com/crime-all-stars/2024/05/jfk-jr-goes-public-has-had-enough-spills-the-beans-masks-come-off-2495480.html

Note: remove space after https

Justis Foreall

This nut job is definitely satanic


He doesn’t look like he’s anything but a sweet man. This is shocking because I really wanted him to be honorable.


Yeah, me too. I’m so shocked at his viterol!

Just Me

Snakes comes in all forms especially looking sweet and innocent.

Justis Foreall

rabid madness and insanity by the very sane and hatful lefty nut-see judge. A true product of our lllummi-nutty education system

Marta Limberg

Worst case of “open mouth, insert foot.”


Sure seems like they believe it’s all a ruse. Like there is a huge promotion at the end of the rope for never betraying the new world order?


They want everyone to e a slave for all eternity.

They soon know what that means.

Cause nwo and yr of the dragon is not what people think it means.

Destroying humanity. Oneby one.

They are loosing.

Don’t see it yet.

Last edited 5 months ago by Talion


Christopher Hudson

McAfee was a nice young handsome Rascal, but aquired hatred from being with blind deranged democrats and rhino traitors ended his promising career 😢 beginning his Horrible eternity 😢 May he get right with God! LET us pray 🙏

Nukken Futz

Mc Affee hates himself more than a hog loves slop……





Gnight 💩

Dr John

While waiting for the next article, I would like you to considered the things our traitor did wrong. Then judging from his behavior consider how you may be doing the same thing, in a different situation.

We saw the judge make some very poor decisions during initial interviews with the White Hats after he went rogue in Trump’s trial. Then in the tribunal he made another poor decision and inflamed the gaping wound of his situation even more. He was unrepentant and would do it again and again to Trump and his followers!!! He picked on the wound and did not consider the spread of the infection by what he was doing. He might have received a life sentence or maybe even less; if he had consider the danger. He may have shared information like a salve to the wound; potentially saving his life.



Consider yourself; you get scratch, your cat scratches you or you get an abrasion, in either case you don’t worry about the simple and maybe small wound. It is childish to rush to wash it or put an antiseptic or band aid on it. Even the New Skin product is over kill…RIGHT! Worse who would carry a first aid kit when taking a hike in the woods or for a week end camping trip OR carry it in your car or on your bicycle! That is over kill and nears being a hypochondriac.. a nut job!

Hang on to that thought, I have pulled some information for you so that it is NOT me telling you this, but me sharing what others have to say.

You can pick up bacteria from your pets, water, and from things all around you where bacteria can survive… including YOUR BODY. You body has a full range of bacteria on your skin, doing great work keeping you healthy. Your unbroken skin keeps that bacteria on the outside. On the inside those same beneficial bacteria doing their normal thing are now dangerous to our very life. Just like our traitor in court, he is going to lose his life by not thinking things through. YOU are guilty of the same actions as you will read below

Streptococcus, a gram positive bacteria that is naturally on our body entering a wound can become extreme. It can kill you or in a lesser instance you can lose a limb, not that big a deal. Even if that does not happen you can have extreme swelling in a common place, the lower leg. In that instance you are laid up in extreme pain for months and the real danger of it getting WORSE! A scratch from that cut little cat you have can leave a gram negative bacteria that results in the same problems.

Those wounds you ignore, no matter how small are a break in a sophisticated body organ, you skin. All those bacteria on the outside, on your skin or else where are not harmful outside the skin, as I mentioned earlier. Once that barrier is broken and ignorance gives the bacteria time to encroach into the gap; you are headed down the wrong path.


CellulitisCellulitis is usually a superficial infection of the skin. But if severe or if left untreated, it can spread into the lymph nodes and bloodstream. <<< Sepsis, a very serious and potentially deadly situation; a toxin (bacteria in the blood stream with access to the entire body!

Cellulitis usually affects the lower legs, but it can occur on the face, arms and other areas. The infection happens when a break in the skin allows bacteria to enter.

Left untreated, the infection can spread to the lymph nodes and bloodstream and rapidly become life-threatening. It isn’t usually spread from person to person.

<<< Are you paying attention, this can become very serious is a mater of hours, not days, weeks or months. In cases where a wound become inflamed and goes septic you have hours to live and can almost be guaranteed an amputation to stop the Gangrene consuming dead cells from the infection. If only you had a small first aid kit to treat a simple little, Petty wound!

SymptomsCellulitis usually occurs on one side of the body. Its signs and symptoms may include:

  • An irritated area of skin that tends to expand
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Warmth
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Spots
  • Blisters
  • Skin dimpling

DefinitionCellulitis is simply defined as an acute infection of the skin involving the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Erysipelas classically refers to a more superficial cellulitis of the face or extremities with lymphatic involvement, classically due to streptococcal infection. Diabetic foot infections and wound infections are specific entities. Although they may share some features with cellulitis, their management is different and beyond the scope of this article. This article will focus on cellulitis of the lower limb.
Burden of disease
In 2014–5, cellulitis was listed as a primary diagnosis for 114,190 completed consultant episodes in secondary care and 75,838 inpatient admissions with a median length of stay of 3 days with a mean patient age of 63. Many more cases are treated in primary care.

MicrobiologyGram-positive cocci <<< visual identifier,spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape. of a bactera such as Streptococcus spp and Staphylococcus aureus are thought to be the predominant cause of cellulitis

Positive blood cultures are found in less than 10% of cases. Wound or tissue cultures are negative in up to 70% cases, with S aureus, group A streptococci and group G streptococci being the most common isolates from wound cultures <<< another clear piece of information to keep in mind.

Serological studies suggest group A streptococcal infection is an important cause of culture negative cellulitis. Skin infection with pus is strongly associated with S aureus <<< note the easy diagnosis to a problem; with this you have a good idea of the type of bacteria.

Animal bites can be associated with cellulitis due to Gram-negatives such as Pasteurella and Capnocytophaga.

Exposure of a skin break to salt or fresh water is associated with Vibrio vulnificus and Aeromonas spp respectively <<< Vibro, bacteria that wiggle or vibrate like V. cholera, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus

Group A streptococci can be associated with the development of necrotising fasciitis, <<< flesh-eating disease although this can also be due to mixed infection including Gram-negative and anaerobic organisms, particularly in the elderly and immuno-suppressed.<<< this is a good case of the problem not being AGE, but an immuno-suppressed system likely lacking proper nutrition and hydration! And exercise to remove toxins.


In the above collected information I highlighted sections with bold and underline to get your attention. After the <<< symbols I added additional information as to how YOU can diagnose a infected wound so that YOU can start immediate treatment. Unlike our traitor judge you are going to stop the infection before it gets worse.

In most cases this is a wound and infection that is also on the skin and not just internal, the bacteria is under the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin where it can inadvertently cause damage under the skin. Remember bacteria in the right place is our friend and helps protect us. It is your fault you did not protect that open break in the skin.

Medical Doctors (the criminal kind) will recommend antibiotics! Nope you know better and are not going that route.

You know Colloidal Silver can kill ALL Gram positive bacteria, but not Gram negative bacteria.

You also know CD/CDS kills both Gram Positive and Gram negative bacteria.

CD/CDS: Chlorine Dioxide (NOT BLEACH). Link: youtube.com/watch?v=3dDsjd4u7i4

Both treatments are safe to take internally and externally!

If some of these bacteria have an external protein shell you know you need to take vitamin C with the two treatments about to crack that protein shell and that Calcium helps absorb the vitamin C.

You have really become the smart treatment center. If you take care of the wounds up front… Preventive medicine you will not get an infection. but you now know how to handle those down stream events.

Yes I do carry a medical bag when out and about with all sorts of fun stuff. For you that might mean a small vial of CD/CDS, a few band aids and Quercetin with Bromelain for allergies or Ground hornet stings (can be deadly killing in 40 minutes in severe cases).

I get into all sorts of adventures with friends that love to invent, create and build, which of course leads to sharp edges, walks in undeveloped land, camping in the woods where falls, cuts, stings and such are not unusual.

Sailing is great fun, but hundreds of miles from land and realizing you have a bad boil, a fungal infection, allergy to mold or cuts and scratches from any number of acts of stupidity… you need to have the supplies to treat them before they become a disaster. A hospital is hours, if not days away when sailing at 5 knots. Sometimes too long.

Riding a bicycle or walking a trail with roots sticking or a pot hole up are a potential accident coming. You cannot avoid an injury, they will come looking for you it seems. But you can be prepared in case one happens; much like you take your drivers license when driving just in case you get pulled over.

I did not quote the material, because I interfered and changed it too much, but I openly admit I use good, even great source material from others; and in this case it was all on-line, Information on medical treatments. On line treatments are made fun of, even your Doctor or average Troll will tell you so. The value of online material is using good sources, doing comparative analysis and common sense. The enemy does not want you knowing you can harness the internet and control it as an invaluable resource.

I have lots of books from current ones to ancient volumes and still, I need to see what they current research says, what is trending and what new discoveries may be opportunities. And of course I need to stay ahead of the medical fraud and propaganda. The internet is a tool I use, I just make every effort to use it with caution and wisely.

I often type the word like a disease into my search engine and then add research paper taking me to more professional documents. I use reports from hospitals to learn what they might do and I even look at natural cures to see what they offer. then I consider what is best for me which may include reviews from people that have used and commented on treatments or other validation sources. I am cautious of comments from vendor WEB sites. Some research like this can take months to resolve and in some cases years, later I still have no answer. But sometimes I strike intellectual gold. One thing triggers another and another leading to a culmination of solid facts from problem to solution!

I already can hear the trolls… It is too long… I am full of it, etc. Fine say what you will, the readers here know better and know I am sharing information that will keep them healthy and independent of the medical industry, one solution at a time.

Together, we are staying healthy with proper diet and supplements. We have a strong cadre of treatments and preventive measures amassed over the last few years to take the common problems into our own hands avoiding toxic drugs and unnecessary treatments. We are recovering lost investments in the medical fraud and curtailing revenues of the Deep State. We no longer buy and consume toxic products from any source; so that we can live healthier and longer lives despite the intent to the Elites.




Carol B

I kept trying to make me see something new about this mean Trump hater named McAfee ……. I read and read and sorry to say it was so long Ya lost me…….I am on to health too, but YOU LOST ME.

Dr John

Short version. Keep any breaks in your skin clean and treated with CD/CDS to avoid bacteria entering your body and blood stream. If not there are a number of bacteria identified in the post that can cause serious problems including loss of limb and life.

It is long because it explains everything in detail including how to do your own diagnosis of such conditions down to what type of bacteria may be troubling you. Complications can quickly lead to a septic situation with gangrene and flesh eating bacteria.

I used the judges stupidity as a comparison to the stupidity of people that do not care for injuries of the flesh carelessly assuming that it won’t get infected. Both can lead to death.

There is a lot of invaluable health information, but you do not have to read it; that is your choice as always.


This clown is unqualified and only comes here because he is desperate for attention which has nothing to do with the topic. The sooner everyone ignores him the sooner we will be free of this pompous blowhard.




I concur.

Dr John

And there it is, our troll friend just proved my post is dangerous to the Deep State. Unqualified, desperate and clown all adjectives, descriptors that are intended to discredit the opposition. Not a very good argument if you had studied logic and how to carry forward a winning debate.

“Which has nothing to do with the topic”?? Saving our lives from the Elite demolition of man kind seems a relevant topic to the war we are fighting.

The topic is how to survive the poisonings and dangerous medical treatments now in place which were implemented over that last 100 years to injure and kill us. Destroying the medical propaganda and the heavy reliance on Doctors as well as the medical system in general is breaking down our unrealistic dependence on these criminals!

Sue this is war and it is relevant; you are a good example of the desperate Deep State Sue trying to hide how we can become independent of these criminals.

As an aside Soole is a traditional Arkansas pig call. As a boy named Sue are you somehow related to pigs? S U E sounds very similar to Soole!

Make no mistake, we are at war, just an insidious war. In centuries past the enemy would lay a dead animal carcass rife with bacteria in up stream water supplies to villages. After a few days to a week, the village was too sick to fight and were easily over thrown! The Romans salted land to keep enemies from harvesting food. Once starved they population willingly gave up.

Today, we find the majority of populations in many countries fat, out of shape and and riddled with health conditions; in poor conditions to weak to fight, if needed. We are attempting to correct that by sharing ways to build and maintain the health of our nation; of ALL nations.


Church lips

“A boy named Sue” is an old Johnny Cash song – he or she is the blowhard.


Everybody is going to die from something. When it’s your time you go. Nothing you can do to stop it.

Church lips

What is CD/CDS?
I googled “treated with CD/CDS” but it went to “certificates of deposit”.


Lol, you don’t know what cds are????

Dr John

I gave you a link in the post that takes you to a video with a full explanation. It makes more sense when you learn how to make it. It is a natural way to kill gram positive and gram negative bacteria both externally and internally. Far better than antibiotics Absolutely safe.

Almost all cities use it to purify your drinking water an no it is not bleach.

Lucy Skywalker

Chlorine Dioxide / Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Yes, correct. Used correctly it cures a great deal. Therefore DS hate it and spread misinfo. Check with Andreas Kalcker.


If you wish to benevolently share your knowledge with others, why do you not start your own website, rather than use the popularity and readership of MB’s RRN website? Your articles are mostly off-subject and do not belong here. You could and should have your own website in its own right.


Correct. I advised him this a few times.
He, probably, is a bot.

Karen B

You know what, Dr. John. you are an invaluable source on this platform and I thoroughly enjoy learning from you. 😊
My go-to 1st. aid is antibiotic gel or ointment. I carry it everywhere; bc I tend to get boo boos on my hands from cooking, a hang nail, etc., I’d imagine I would have had many skin infections if I did not have it as close to me. You probably know this, but I did not until some time ago a doctor who was one of the few I’d worked with who was brillant, he said that when using peroxide, you only use it once at the onset of a cut bc it will kill off even the new skin growing around that cut. I knew he was right bc I immediately had a flashback of a stupid belly ring I got umpteen years ago, took it out once I no longer had a concave stomach, 😆 i digress, but the piercer guy told me to use peroxide around the piercing; well the skin started to get white and I was perplexed until I stopped using it and used antibiotic ointment instead and my skin color came right back. When I told that doctor years later he said it was bc my skin was dying.😳 It will actually kill off the new growing healthy skin cells. That is why he said use it the first time as soon as you cut yourself to kill all bacteria, but then no more. I had no idea peroxide was that strong.
Talking about pets, everytime my pups & I get back from a walk, they get in the kitchen sink and get their paws & boom booms washed real good. There is so much bad stuff dogs can get outside that can spread to us and it gives an owner the opportunity to feel for ticks in between toes, too. Dogs carry Candida easily, that is why they lick their feet. The Frito corn chip smell from their paws comes from an overpopulated case of candida, so I would recommend that dog parents wash their dogs paws often with good pet shampoo. Especially if they sleep in your bed. It is part of their routine and they wait for each other to get done by the sink and they go berserk after they are clean, entertaining me with their zoomies.😂 They tend to enjoy the extra care.
Well, that’s all I wanted to say. You gave the best advice about having a first aid kit when leaving the house for special outdoor adventures. It is something not always thought of but the examples you gave here, could very well save someone from severe bodily injury. See how important your info is? 😉 Don’t ever stop.🤗💜

Last edited 5 months ago by Karen B
Dr John

NICE post and great information THANKS, there is so much more to post from everyone that I either don’t have time to post or don’t think. Hey, I may have not heard of something someone brings up. I am still learning every day; despite and attitudes of not learning any more. ; )

Karen B

Don’t worry yourself, Dr. John, if you don’t respond back…i understand and don’t take offense. 😊
Hey, you brought up cellulitis….that is about the nastiest to see someone suffering from…and most times, when they heal from it, their skin is dark and leathery. I always felt so bad when I would see people with it.😞
Walk well, Dr. John🙋

Karen B

P.S. Also! 😆..glad you mentioned cellulitis…anyone can get it and no one should want it. You make us aware of real health issues…truly grateful 2 U.👍


Dr. John and Karen B. are using Michael Baxter’s site for their communication.

We advise you again to open your site, give your information on how to treat yourself even not being a doctor, and so on.

This site has a different direction.

Church lips

Thank you.


Go to a health site and stop encouraging this unqualified blowhard.


If you have the spare time, watch this video made, documenting the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY that our MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS carried out……….. it’s hard to watch. It’s sickening. THis is what our GOVERNMENT tried to do to US ALL!
https:// x.com/JimmyC1366/status/1786936290094481433


It’s been removed from YouTube but you can find on Rumble, “A World Without Cancer”. An eye opener and one of the reasons I left the nursing profession.


It is in X.



Dr John

I see your concern is Germs and recognize and appreciate your admitting your issues. Don’t be embarrassed, you can concur this in time.

For those that don’t know Tucker is struggling in life.

Germaphobia (Mysophobia): These are all specific symptoms of germaphobia to look out for:

  • Intense anxiety over germs
  • fear at the thought of germs
  • the potential of being contaminated with germs.
  • going to extreme lengths to avoid germs

They engage in cleaning rituals to remove potential contact, Dr. Vida says. These behaviors may lead people to distance themselves from others, feel incapable of doing daily activities, or deal with other secondary effects like dry skin from too much hand washing.

“Germaphobia causes significant distress and disrupts normal activities, unlike a manageable concern about cleanliness.” —Alexander Alvarado, PsyD, clinical psychologist

Please Patriots remember Tolls are basement dwellers and know it looks like we know why. It was brave of Tucker to come forward and admit one of his many weaknesses.




Dr. John,

Obviously, you have a lot of free time to write such long opuses.

But we do not have that much free time to read it. 

Could you, please, write your thoughts short, just the essence? It would be enough for us to understand you, I hope.

Dr John

My time is short and highly valuable for the biomedical research I do. Long days, late nights and hard work. I share what I do and how I do to help people understand the why and how of health conditions and how they can treat them.

I am not a medical doctor that crams something down your throat with no explanation. I want people to be capable and knowledgeable of identifying conditions and resolving them on their own. It takes more than a minute to explain all of that so that people feel they own the knowledge and are not following blind edict I shove at them.

As to you, You will find a scroll bar to the right that will swiftly move you by any knowledge of value that I share with patriots who are interested.

Patriots want to know this information to stay healthy and live a long life. They also value this information as a way of fighting the corruption of the corrupt medical system created by the Deep State.

As a Troll this is well beyond your mental grasp.

I will keep fighting for our nation(s) and our freedom as well as helping others that want to be independent of the Deep State and the medical fraud.

You like the other Trolls are wasting your time on me. I will not budge. MB knows how to contact me and can ask me to leave at anytime. But he has not done that. I believe he sees me as a patriot and one that benefits his readers.

Last edited 5 months ago by Dr John

So everyone who might disagree with you is a troll? You clearly have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I recognize if having suffered narcissistic abuse from my parents. Nobody is impressed with how much you love yourself.
I’m a retired nurse and have seen my share of intellectual narcissists who demand unwarranted respect. You are a good example.


Because of your looong posts we have to list many pages to find what we are looking for.
We come to this site not for information about good health.
This site is different. Those interested in your information will come to your site and read it.


“You like the other Trolls are wasting your time on me”.

  1. I am not a troll.
  2. You are right: I am wasting time on you.

Then don’t read it, skip over it. Some of us like his posts.


Read posts above.




It’s pretty sad that most people Americans or Otherwise don’t recognize the Meaning of Life.

You’re taught in schools, churches ect. but it’s a difficult subject to grasp.

I am not your teacher – at the GATES you’ll be asked then.

J Will

Bloodborne is the meaning of life



truth is stubborn

At least both sides can enjoy this one.


The only “gates” are the gates of Hell.


The Bill Gates of Hell.



Last edited 5 months ago by SilveR

Yes, we see you.


The deep state are down voting me cause I ain’t a slave, lol.

What a bunch twisted individuals.

I first thought they were unstable, there beyond unstable.

Those elites are evil.


You Good?
You’re acting like votes on your comments control you.
You fight back and forth with them and seem to enjoy it.
Step back and do something you enjoy or something. Get your mind off negativity. Just trying to help. Hate me if ya want. But take care.


Your attempt shows well meaning.

J Will

 Hate me if ya want. But take care.”

Chris, a bit of advice: don’t burn your choice words on a sock account


you two are annoying.


I’m having flashbacks of that Ren and Stimpy episode where Stimpy made a machine to make Ren happy.

Jeannie K

I’m a Million % MAGA
Maybe even a Billion % MAGA
Free the Globe 🌎 from these Monsters, and anyone that would harm a Child. God Bless You Mr. President Trump 🙏 ❤️🇺🇲
We can NEVER Thank You Enough for the Q Movement, and the “Great Awakening” God Bless us all in God’s Grace, and Love, In Jesus Name Amen 🙏 ❤️ 🙏💖🙏 😊 🙏🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


And you’re a billion % delusional. Your family told me.


Not nice.

truth is stubborn

And you’re definitely a billion percent troll.

It’s not something to be proud of.

J Will

the fuck it isn’t. lfg!!!!!


The great awakening is actually sleeping pill.


you are mocker of truth.


you expect the world under your shoes. you deluded twit.


I’m growing in the ranks. #soon

J Will


Nukken Futz



Do any of you know the meaning of life?


Imagine we remembered everything..


Ahhh no.

Jeannie K

To live Our Lives so We Can Return to Our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ


Ahh no.


You stink, ..
Go change your diaper




Really? Truly?


Your a dumbass.

Telling lies like that.

Your worse than the prophets from halo.

Your a brainwashed shill.


C U N T I S _ I N T U R U P T S


my point proven.


Yes I sure do. But I’ll let The Son of God answer that for you.
Jesus said unto him, I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.
John 14:6


While I agree with you, you haven’t mentioned specifics except what you’ve read in books or the Bible. I think you need to be able to say it in your own words to really have a grasp of the meaning of life, but thank you Jesus.

Nukken Futz

The indians referred to Mr. Jesus as ,”The whiteman’s god”…..


Odd since Jesus was a man of color being from the Middle East.


Most Indians look white so what does that mean?

truth is stubborn

We all find it for ourselves.

I find it in making contribution to good and to others’ well being.


Closer to correct than many.


so in your world. you need people suffering tof eel better? your insane.

Surf Nazare


J Will



My father once said: Eat, sleep and shit; eat, sleep and shit over and over. All the rest is just nonsense.


The last verses of the book of Ecclesiastes tells us.