Col. Kurtz to Gen. Smith: Let’s Nuke D.C.


“He’s gone completely insane,” General Eric M. Smith said of Col. Kurtz following what one source called a debate on the ethics of warfare that began with a respectful handshake and ended in a shocking betrayal.

Our source was not present at the meeting, so we can only share what Gen. Smith told staff upon returning to Camp Pendleton.

The meeting took place in a hotel suite in Coral Gables, Florida, last Friday afternoon, with Kurtz already alone in the room and sipping a glass of iced tea when the general and one of his longtime aides arrived. Gen. Smith was in full military dress, while Kurtz—a former Marine colonel who resigned in disgust after Biden stole the 2020 presidential election—wore khaki shorts and a tee shirt emblazoned with a “Fuck Joe Biden” decal.

Although they shook hands, Kurtz immediately tried asserting dominance by warning the general not to double-cross him, saying he could “take him” anytime he wanted. Marines do not betray other Marines, Gen. Smith assured him, but he also replied that even unarmed, he could defend himself adequately.

Gen Smith and Kurtz agreed the Deep State had to be neutralized before it could bring to fruition its plan to shift the United States into a one-world government and silence, enslave, or kill anti-globalists and patriots. However, any amicability between them devolved rapidly when Kurtz took umbrage at how President Trump and General Berger’s failure to avail themselves of appropriate countervailing force allowed the Deep State to entrench itself in politics, culture, and society.

Kurtz spoke without interruption for 15 minutes, elucidating on his decision to resign his commission at a time his country needed him the most. He had hoped that Trump and the White Hats would have, by any means necessary, thwarted Biden’s illegitimate presidency before it began, and accused Trump of squandering time as the regime solidified power and furthered plans to subjugate the citizenry. One tactical nuclear bomb dropped on D.C., in Kurtz’s opinion, could have averted three more years of Deep State oppression.  Kurtz had suggested the idea, but Gen. Berger rejected it as pure lunacy and recommended that Kurtz take leave to fix his head.

Kurtz said he chose to retreat into the shadows and build an army capable of striking at the heart of the Deep State without moral ambiguity or fear of political repercussions.

“General Smith said Kurtz’s eyes ‘were full of crazy’ and madness,” our source said. “Kurtz begrudges President Trump for not taking a sterner stance against the Deep State and for allowing ‘snakes’ back in his circle.”

Kurtz reportedly launched a lengthy rant about Ron DeSantis, calling him a weaselly, conniving, self-serving serpent who betrayed Trump and then wiggled his way back to Mar-a-Lago.  He faulted Trump for allowing enemies in his midst.  Gen. Smith reminded Kurtz that Trump operated according to his own plan and that it was Trump who empowered the White Hats to pursue and prosecute Deep State traitors.

“And where has that gotten you? You’re sitting on several hundred thousand indictments, but how many have you jailed—or hanged? Not enough. Meanwhile, our country, and we’ve both spilled our share of blood for it, has decayed, and our wealth shipped overseas, and our children taken. I do applaud your efforts—we fight for the same cause, but even you, General Smith, must realize stronger actions are now required,” Col. Kurtz had told General Smith, per his recollection of the meeting.

Kurtz said Gen. Smith had at his fingertips the power and authority to “end the nightmare.” He knew that General Berger gave Gen. Smith the command codes to the country’s nuclear triad when he retired.

“Let’s make D.C. glow in the dark. You can do what Trump and Berger wouldn’t,” Kurtz had said. “We’re at war; there are no rules.”

“Gen. Smith told him that would never happen and even suggested it was insanity. Kurtz said he didn’t think Gen. Smith had the courage to do what was really necessary to fix the country,” our source said.

With or without nukes, Kurtz said he would expend his last breath fighting the Deep State, and he claimed to have an enormous arsenal and 50,000 men at his disposal. He said he had been biding his time patiently, recruiting foot soldiers willing to take the fight to the “next level,” even if it meant civilian casualties.

Gen. Smith asked him why 50,000 Armed Forces personnel would follow an ex-Marine of questionable integrity.

“Who says they’re all military? Many could be average citizens who have heard the call to arms. We’re among you, General Smith. Nothing you plan escapes my notice. We Red Hats are now at full strength. I didn’t expect you to see things rationally, but I still hoped, just maybe. I’m glad we’re face-to-face; I see in your eyes you and I share the same goal. Just let us do what must be done, and we won’t intrude on you,” Kurtz had said.

“Do what must be done? Like causing an earthquake that could’ve killed thousands all over a mythical particle accelerator in some underground cavern?” the general said.

“It was there, and they would’ve used it to open the gates of Hell. You destroy a few laser planes and call that an accomplishment. What I did was stave off oblivion. And I’m far from done,” Kurtz told the general.

“Then I guess our meeting is over,” Gen. Smith said.

Both men stood, this time without a handshake. Kurtz flashed a toothy smile and glanced at the general’s aide.

“Your forces are bifurcating,” Kurtz said as the general’s aide stepped forward and stood beside him. “He’s one of us. I told you—we are all around you.”

Smith, our source said, glanced menacingly at both men. “This is how it is?”

“It’s how it has been,” the aide said.

“And will be,” Kurtz added.

Our source said: “It’s clear Kurtz has pull. Gen. Smith was of course caught off guard at the end. Our job continues, and we’re praying Kurtz doesn’t bring his war into the streets of America.”

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Afshin Nejat

Nuking DC would be unnecessary in order to secure a victory over the lamebrained monstrosity that has taken over the country almost completely. But what prevents that victory is not the restraint of necessary force, but rather the clamps of unreason which do restrict the brains of all involved in the conflict. Do you think this corruption which has eaten the country inside out has showed up just in recent decades? Haven’t you heard of PNAC? Aren’t you aware of what the “Cold War” really was, or do you think it is the comic book version fed to the public? The “Good War”? Seriously? You can’t even get your head around the problem of your own complicity in the destruction of your own people, your own culture, and your own country, when its history isn’t even vague about it. You have 1700 years of history to look at, and you could easily go back no further than 500 to get a clear bead on why this country is up shit creek, but you can’t do it, because you have become Golem.

Last edited 4 months ago by Afshin Nejat

Nuke the entire DC , is inhabited only by communists.


Is this person Ivan Raiklin?


Kurtz is a real patriot , he resigned because of Biden. Please give thumbs up to this guy. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Thank God for All the White Hats. Admittedly it is heart wrenching seeing all the homeless and hurting every day here in America and the reported atrocities abroad. I am glad there is more than one perspective and multiple leaders.


They don’t have to nuke the whole city.


DC was only inhabited by those satanist idiots. It is now a ghost city. Nuke is referring to tactical nukes.


Nuke DC i have no problem with that.


What a load of shit !!! War in the streets is the only thing that can save this country now. Nukes on d.c. would be welcomed by most patriots, there is nothing there but traitors and demons. This bullshit story and everything on this website is complete made up garbage. Your true enemy is israel and the scum ass jews. The fed is there main source of corruption as well as the banks. Hitler was a HERO to his people and all of humanity, he was trying to save the world from demons in the flesh known as jews. The jews had done to the German people what they are doing to Americans now, shame he didn’t get them all.


Illuminati were the former nephilin and after the flood their disembodied demon spirits “reincarnated” in fake human clones who are now the iluminatti.


DC is just like the Vatican, a separate state where only those witchcrafters lived. Both cities will be destroyed with tactical nukes. And you were right about Hitler he was against the new world order. Hitler offered the Jew to leave Germany, and they didn’t want, sadly he had no other choice that get them out of their misery.


Unfortunately your version of history LEFT OUT THE FACT that Hitler’s regime MURDERED MORE NON JEWS THAN JEWS ( 8 million plus including CATHOLICS & OTHERS ). The Jews were the SMALLEST PERCENTAGE of people TARGETED BY HITLER.



Wisdom understands bad decisions/bad things happen when emotions rule instead of reason, maybe Col Kurtz has been affected by a deep state/black hat psy-op? He definitely should not be leading anyone with this state of mind. May cooler heads prevail.
And take it as a plus General Smith’s aide stood with Col Kurtz exposing his true loyalty which he could have kept hidden had he not done that!

Robert James

Kurtz is nuts! Though his heart’s in the right place.


We would say the same thing.


For all you nit wits out there, just wanted to let you know.
There is No such thing as a nuclear weapon, there are dirty bombs bu nukes Do Not exist!

IF they did No 1 would be living in nagasaki or hiroshima to this day!

Use your head people, it’s ALL FEAR PORN.


I hope is true , i would nuke DC myself.

Dr John

Using Propaganda to our ADVANTAGE

Propaganda: formula 80% truth to support the SPIN and 20% SPIN, what you want the opposition to accept.

All you have to do to find propaganda is listen and read or watch. It seems propaganda is everywhere and with the help of filters like MSM and Google among many others we have trouble finding the truth.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? What is fact and fiction seems to be a a huge challenge for all of us. We want to believe some stories as hard fact, reality we can hang on to; solid terra ferma. And then we have so many stories out there to confuse us or confuse the enemy, which we get swept up within; that are distressing.

Within the last week, I decided to study Tuberculosis a disease that has plagued mankind for hundreds, indeed thousands of years, as the story, I mean history goes.

The first step in the research was to get the facts, “Just the Facts ma’am,” Sgt. Joe Friday of the 1950’s Dragnet show. But the FACT is, he did not say that. He said, “all we want are the facts, ma’am.” Now that is a memory slip for most of us, which is important. It shows as time passes we naturally evolve to believing subtle differences from what was. Pain is the same way. We never remember the horrible pain of an injury, but that it was indeed painful.

Our brain naturally tries to keep us in the present and salient/relevant information. In the distant past that worked, but now we are inundated with distractions and irrelevant information. Sports, soap operas talk shows, movies all train us to look here, not there. Our brain continually adapts to follow a role in so many story lines it is no wonder we are accepting of almost any story told.

So, let’s learn how to use what is before us.

My first stop in researching Tuberculosis was a search of the internet for information on it. What I found was a plethora of information all associated with the WHO, CDC, FID, FIAD, NIH.. you know those sources you have learned to trust (sic).

Interestingly each research article under these links had reference to other research articles associated with the same “factual” fiction group. None of that information could be fully trusted without finding sources that improved the odds of the material being true. The point here of course is in their effort to hide material they must use credible information. To hide the lie, they have to give us facts to support the promoted lies.

We can use the propaganda trait against them to learn what they don’t want us to know. The more they talk about a subject (like this) the more they will expose the truth through slips. They do not consider someone might use the various statements in comparison with other material posted by someone else on their team With separate authors and no coordination between their efforts facts can be derived.

Because they have being lying about the medical field for at least 150 years they are not able to make sure what they are saying today matches prior lies or that mixed stories and “facts” can lead to the truth.

For this research effort I tried to pull information from their propaganda pieces. The reasoning is they have been building their case and treatments for a long time which leaves a trail of stories that may not match. With multiple organization reporting this material on their behalf, information leaks and story credibility can be undermined.

I want to demonstrate to you that they have built in flaws and where they try to hide information and try to lie to us; they have two big problems: 1) they think they are smarter than us and 2) they think we are incapable of complex analysis and modeling of data spanning time and current publications of the last 10 years.

However, not all is lost, propaganda standards load your material with 80% facts upon which the reader will associate the facts as support for the upcoming lies. In the interest of research I scanned these materials looking for bits and pieces of information and indeed I found enough information that I could piece together some very robust facts when combined with notable facts in history.

Beyond our memory softening over experiences; we have stories told to us that over time become fact, especially if science and history back it up.

Koch’s postulate presented in the 1800’s set a new standard in science; how to properly and carefully identify a particular virus or bacteria worm, parasite or fungus were the underlying cause of a medical condition. It is boiled down to taking a sample from the infected patient, ISOLATING the bacteria in question, from among other constituents running about in the sample… a difficult and time consuming task. You then must infect a test subject and re-create the same conditions to prove/demonstrate you have truly isolated the single cause of the illness.

This set of rules were so well thought out that even Koch abandoned his policies and made “educated guesses.”

One such example is his identifying the Tuberculosis bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) Koch using a violet colored stain observed the bacteria. When observing a bacteria under the microscope you need to identify whether it is Gram Positive or Negative so that you know which stain to use by trial and error. Where Koch used violet that distinguished the bacteria as Gram Positive. On line there are disputes as to whether it is Gram Positive or Gram Negative, confusion as to what is true. However after you stain a slide on which the bacteria resides you need to do an acid wash which removes some of the stain leaving a clear image of the cells you wish to investigate.

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is considered Acid Fast or Acid Fastness; it does not stain well! In the 1800s this suggests Koch did not see the bacteria to identify it. Today we use ultra violet light to study such bacteria.

As we continue on; in my research we find learn of Sr. Conan Doyle a medical doctor of the same period from England that went to Germany to wittiness the Koch’s cures for Tuberculosis at a hospital implementing Koch’s scientific practices. With a detectives mindset Doyle found Koch methods impractical and dysfunctional. Doyle’s results went public and the science of Koch was ruined, his recent fame crushed.

Sr. Conan Doyle quit the medical field after publishing his detective work in a book, finding people enjoyed such detective stories. He is the famous author of the Holmes detective stories where Holmes pieces together disparate small pieces of information to understand a crime and the criminal. To find the truth!

Later in life Koch received a Nobel prize for his identifying the Tuberculosis bacteria. Wait! Did you catch that; they used the Nobel prize to reinforce the lie that was uncovered by Sr. Conan Doyle. If you don’t know many such prizes are given to the connected and not necessarily good science or scientists!

At this point I will leave the story and my research, but I am already smelling a lie in the making. The question is how far does the lie go and what else can we learn.

Trying to keep this LONG story short I am breaking it up. This is important, because it shows how disparate clues can lead to the truth and a cure for tuberculosis that has been there all along!

I am sharing how I and YOU can uncover medical fraud (any fraud) and determine the truth from all the lies.

“All we want are the facts.” We can use what they give us to destroy them. They will persist in lying to us, feeding us propaganda… filled with FACTS. They must to make the lie presentable! Find the lie (typical at the last) and then use care in studying what is left! Also find a reason they would want to lie… something like unending profits through medical corruption? Don’t forget at times they try to stitch propaganda together by using source information (truth) and lies to reinforce other propaganda.

As a final note, the last article has really driven the Trolls in to action. RRN seems to be upsetting them. They may be responding to desperation from the Deep State where they truth, any truth exposed is a serious danger to their efforts to crush us.

Certainly our interacting with each other in consensus and debate is problematic to them. We are coming together, even in debate, we are bonding and digging to expose the truth! There are MORE readers interacting which is even more dangerous to the Deep State!

Remember they did wanted us to stay at home, no church, no sporting events, no parties at home, limited dining out, 6 feet of separation. All with the goal of keeping us from sharing what we know and think. Even failed assumptions cause thinking among us and the evolution of truth.

MB’s articles are of interest, but just as important is the conversations the Deep State don’t want is to have! That is why they keep peddling, other topics like medicine and constitutional law or history of the countries fraud go elsewhere, anywhere Google and company can bury it!

I hope my post(s) on how to take advantage of their propaganda does not upset them



What a rambling load of irrelevant bullshit!!!

Solange Silverman

So, while he had Kurtz in the room. why did Smith not arrest him?
I think a compromise between the two approaches could be the most reasonable and expeditious. It is definitely not wise or a good p.r. move to nuke D.C., no matter what the end result may be. The ends don’t always justify the means.
Meanwhile, we thought this all was a movie and the key players all actors, directed by the White Hats, or is that all just more distraction?


Because Smith IS the Bad Guy here.
Kurtz is the Good Guy


Tactical nukes , Washington DC is now a ghost town.


*Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb


][ Enjoyed the Movie. The actors sure nailed it.
Catch – 22 was just as good !


If a tactical nuke were to be used on DC, the CCP would rush right in with all their troops currently in the US and take over. There would be riots in every city and sleeper cells would emerge in full force. It would be the best thing that ever happened to the CCP, North Korea, the cartels from Latin America, the Russians and of course IRAN!


The CCP has no standing army.


That’s why we need level-headed, wise and responsible leaders who take all of these things into consideration. The deep state would love to see this country engaged in a physical war, and the red-hatted vigilantes are just the ones help it along. Thanks, but no thanks. We deserve better.


Ccp no longer exist.


“,,, only for those who make $ hour promoting a brainless stupidity cut ‘n’ paste job in cyber-kyber-city with their meme widdle bwain’z.” They must be ssssssoooooo rich , and “their” still HERE ? ][‘ll bet ya they have door-stop’s for asses with a Chock Block at the other end.


Very weird statement


BS you believe that keeps the Black Hats who call themselves White Hats in control


Gen Smith’s response to Kurtz sharing his plan and ideas by calling him insane is a LIBERAL/SOCIALIST response. No intellectual conversation, just personal attacks. According to this article, Gen Smith was unprofessional and arrogant and could have gleaned a whole TON of information from Kurtz had he been respectful of the situation and asked some pointed questions. Gen Smith is not a Sun Tzu warrior like Trump is. He doesn’t follow the Art of War. He refers to an incident that COULD have killed thousands, but it did NOT. In fact, it saved millions of lives. Gen Smith let his ego do the talking, not his intelligence (as this article is portrayed.)




Trump is a jew cock sucking traitor ass piece of shit !!! Wake the fuck up idiot !!!




WHO appointed Berger ???
WHO appointed Smith???


Biden is a clone working for trump.


Kurtz doesn’t drink iced tea, he drinks grain alcohol and rainwater.


He deserves a six-pack of Budweiser. 👍

Jose Ramirez

USA is been destroyed and the white hats moving too slow. We need stronger action .


There are no white hats.

Jose Ramirez

Silence , please…


They’re still appearing more hat colors, now I hear green hat in rumble channel “icons2020” at the end well have rainbow hats. 🤣


Actually the Red Hats ARE the White Hats ~™and the So called White Hats are a Faction of the Black Hats ( less lethal faction ) that is killing off the OTHER Faction of Black Hats ( Satanists = Clinton Obama Biden Bush group ) who are far more lethal. The Red Hats ARE the White Hats.


Yeah, They really exist, but they are taking too long, that’s why red hat appears, to accelerate things. Greeting from puertorico. I hope you visit the island one day ,is beautiful place.


I agree with Kurtz in that we have been sitting on our ass waaaaayyyyy too long. However civilians dieing is not necessary. We need this guy to hunt down all the cloning stations and take them out. We also need to go after the agencies more than DC.


Red Hats represented the pissed people that are waiting a long time to see results. Because of then, I feel that i no longer have to be pissed because they are kicking asses. Of course, I still back both of the hats patriots.

Wanda yemm

Don’t this guy know all these bad deep State and all the people in the White house most of them are some one else that look like that person but with mask on. They have real like mask made of all of them and also stars from Hollywood. Like Hillary they have a Hillary running around that looks just like her and most of us know that Hillary is dead plus a lot more .Just like Pelosi they still have some one in a mask that looks like her because the derp State don’t want people know that she is dead.a crazy world right now. I just know that the American people are not going to let these deep State turn out country into a New world order. They really need to arrest Joe and his family and also Obama and his and that will take them down so they cannot to their dirty work.


They are already taken of and are no longer with us


I say. ..No Nukes !👎🤐


Nukes are not necessary, just some lumber and rope.


Excellent idea. Cheap and convincing.




They are Tactical , not regular nuclear bomb.


Tactical nukes, they already used them in the D.U.M.B. So there’s no problem with me if they are using them.


And Judge Engoron I heard he took 10 million dollars to try and arrest our President. Scumbag. Macafee was just a small fry with a big hatred for President Trump, now it’s time to take out the rest of these corrupt judges and crooked prosecutors don’t you think?


Trump is a fucking traitor ass piece of shit and hopefully he chokes to death on that jew cock he’s always sucking.


Yup , a year ago i say Trump is also a pedophile and people were throwing stones at me. 🤣


Actually I think all those traitors in Congress that were waving the Ukrainian flag at the passing of the bills to give aid to Ukraine Israel and Taiwan needs to be detainees traitors and treasonous. That would be a good start.


I concur to both!


Excellent example of White Hats in control.


There are millions of Americans in our country with weapons that are engaged locked and loaded to defend our country if needs to be but they are respecting our President and CIC to do what is necessary to avoid a civil war at all cost so don’t think everyone is sitting on their hands and doing nothing we the people are very aware of what’s going on in our country we do our research and we know if it gets down to where the rubber meets the road we are more then willing to take our part to defend our country, but we want to avoid a civil war and let our President do it by the book and accordingly to the law and the constitution. The military is in control and that’s the way it should be according to the law and the constitution . You can’t just grab a weapon and run our and start firing weapons when you not sure who the real enemy is many people men women and children would fall victim and we can’t have that..

Wanda yemm

You are so right


We know who the real enemy is. CIA, FBI, IRS and FEMA. So let’s take them out and replace them w good people. Except for IRS they all should just die…lol…jk I know not all are bad. We don’t have to kill them we would just make sure they aren’t lying about being good.

A C Dodson

The armed population is their biggest fear. All Hats, Black, White, Red, or whatever color they choose are elitist. A unelected elite rules this world. White Hat leaders are no different in this regard. It’s like a Mafia fighting for control. I hope the white hats will turn control over to a properly elected civilian government. I do not see it happening. Power corrupts plain and simple. This so called movie says we the people are not intelligent enough to comprehend the truth. I heard once that regular folks had two purposes for being alive, to do the work and pay the taxes, and I do not see the white hats changing that.


We know who the enemies are and traitor ass trump is at the top of that list.




Against who?. Elite has no one who back them except their bodyguards.


whoa , gen smith sir & Mr Trump sir with all due respect , the people are speaking will you listen


Real trump died a long time ago.

Taylor Young

There is a word for people like Kurtz with a “Z,” it is TRAITOR.
He is NOT privy to PLAN so decides that everyone else is wrong and only he is right. There is no place in WAR for people who do not, cannot, will not follow the directives and commands of their superiors, who are under the leadership of our Commander in Chief > War Time President Donald J Trump. Kurtz is immature and full of himself. And, quite possibly, as General Smith has said, “crazy.”
I know a few people (ex Marines),on certain video channels who were in alignment with the Red Hats a while back. I knew it was wrong then and a very bad idea. I sent Generals Smith’s warning to them today. I know that Trump is the CIC, but I also know that he trusts and relies upon the Military. He would defer to the Military and to General Smith’s recommendations in this matter.
To all the Red Hats, who think it has taken far too long, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IS TRULY AT STAKE! This WAR must be fought according to the PLAN, to ensure the BEST FUTURE TIMELINE!! If the War were over today, the people would just allow this evil to all happen again in another 100 years. The people must be shown what EVIL really is, it has to happen in slow drips and drabs, so even the most brainwashed can get it. It’s going to have to hurt a little otherwise they won’t “get it!”
I know the lessons I have learned in life, always had to hit me hard before I truly learned what I needed to know.
WE THE PEOPLE need to learn to take responsibility for ourselves, to make sure this crap never creeps up on US again! If the Red Hats can’t “SEE” that, and if they continue to do things “their way” then they are TRAITORS, in my opinion. And, THEY must not be allowed to interfere with the true Liberation of Humans on this Planet. They are like 2 year old’s thinking they know more than the adults.


They aren’t traitors. They are impatient. The best way to handle these people is to not call them names but to assign them a mission. Like taking out fema or cia. Find the ones who are hiding. They just need a challenge and once they complete the mission they will feel more valuable. Cooperation is the key to this process.

Last edited 5 months ago by Jacob

Well stated.


One man’s traitor is another man’s patriot.


There is a word for taylor young, it’s called MORON!!!


There are words for dumb shits like you, it’s called FUCKING IDIOTS !!!


Ima’ leaning toward being Team Kurtz. WAY past time for this nightmare to end.


Run along then, and don’t forget to watch your back.


Better watch yours traitor.

Donna Miller

I think it may call for a Meet and Greet with CIC Trump may be in order, so to keep things CIVIL between the White Hats and Red Hats…. I agree that it has taken far to long, but trying to wake up enough people to weight things in the White Hats favor is hard to do…. Q always said it would be 2024…. I say it is past time to BRING IT ON…..


Q said a long time ago that there were several places that would be destroyed/blown up. A number was specified but I don’t remember what it was, it was more than 10 though. The White House, the UN building, Georgia Guide Stones are a few I remember from the list. Well the Guide Stones are gone…. Just saying….


Yes, i think it was total 34, or 43. Cant remember anymore.

Could use Red Hats for that tho.
Give them temp focus.


Get the popcorn out for this nice little twist in the movie plotline. Ingeneous.


Trump event:
Sat, 5/11/24, at 5:00 pm est in New Jersey
Time approximate (he often runs late). covers the events, replays them afterwards and keeps the videos.


I just left a post which immediately dissappeared.

If it is so easy to delete any post, why do not you delete all posts of the bots? You have so many complains about them.


Frankly speaking, I do not find Col. Kurtz crazy or mad.

He is sick and tired of the DS with their “agendas” and their bloody dreams of superiority. The fact that he already has many people shows that people are tired of waiting. Especially when they hear about new viruses invented by DS.

This fight is on for three years or even more. How long more?!? What is the point of collecting all pedophiles in the prisons if we know who they are? It is just wasting time. There are about 500,000 indictments. Calculate how long it will take to apprehend and interrogate all and each of them. We do not have that long life.


I’m one who does a lot of lurking all over the Internet, watching comment sections, to get a gauge of what the masses are thinking. And I’m telling you, they’re DONE. People have had enough of the evil destroying our country, and those that believe in “the plan” are starting to change their stance, saying no one is coming to save us, it’s time to save ourselves.

I fear it’s going to get really ugly really fast. These arrests are going extremely slow, people are seeing no indictments, nothing happening, and they’re sick of watching their country dying and no one doing anything about it.

There has been a distinct shift in attitude over the last few months, and if something doesn’t start happening soon, people are going to carry out vigilante justice. It’s a powder keg, and it’s about to blow.

God help our nation.

Taylor Young

They need more people like you to remind them of what is at stake, why it must go according to the PLAN, to ensure the FUTURE TIMELINE OF HUMANITY.


Fuck your plan you fucking retard !!!


I no longer trust in the so called plan.


Yes some people wants to hurry up but what do they contribute to it nothing but sitting on their asses and complaining. Anything worth having is worth waiting for don’t you think?


No, it looks like they go to Kurtz, like he said.


” anything worthy of living for , is worthy of FIGHTING for it’s Growth and SALVATION for LIFE ~.”


PEOPLE of EARTH are pist,,,
,,, all evil and wickedness, Your time is up !
tic,,, tic,,, ti


You seem to be the only one on here with a fucking clue.




God sent ten plagues to evil pharaoh. God flooded the world at the ark of Noah. God destroyed Sodom and Gormorrah. God destroyed Babylon and etc. The story of Samson. He let his enemies attack him. He was stupid not to attack them once and for all. Finally he got killed by his enemies. Do not repeat the mistake of Samson.


Jew bullshit, their god is satan.


Exactly, I read the bible and that damn god isn’t good at all. Then he wants to send someone to hell. 😡 Screw that false god.


You’re awakened like me , you’re a champ. 👍


But your filthy god didn’t allow pharaoh to change. He could change if your “lovely god” didn’t harden he’s heart. Your god is the real devil. And the real story was that pharaoh followed the Jews because the Jews stole the arc of the covenant.


Thousands die everyday due to the world’s condition anyway. Figure in all the covid murders, shots, boosters, financial, work, murders/rapes/robbery let out and not charged, child abduction,giving all our money to other countries, border and on and on. I’m a 57 yr old Texas lady and I would rather die with my boots on by something Kurtz did than to live one more day in this unnecessary hell. Even Jesus comes back before everyone is Saved so lets follow His example. Start the war, because it’s never going to be won at this rate.

Taylor Young

Ignorance and Arrogance are a dangerous combination. If you and others become a danger to the necessary outcome of this LONG METICULOUSLY PLANNED WAR… it won’t be pretty.


We do not want to be pretty. We want to be free and respectful.
Then everybody will be pretty..


You are the epitome of ignorance.


We are all having our problems and want the timeline shortened but not at the expense of civilians or a nuclear fallout. We all know it will be a time consuming process because of the deepness of the deep state infiltration but we are founded on the constitution and without it we are not the country we need to be, there is a rule of law and it must be followed


Yes, we do not want to win “at the expense of civilians or a nuclear fallout”.
But what about the kidnapped children? It continues. Do we want to sacrifice them?!?


Fuck off coward.


The Countries Call To ARMS. Publish all those 500,000 NAMES with &10,000.00 Bounty for Turned in ALIVE ! $100.00 if their expired.
PABTW/CUC -Put America Back To Work/ Clean Up CRIME ~ M A G A ~
Sun Tzu fought Armies, He Never fought,,,
The P E O P L E !
Any Army worthy of it’s STANDING,,,
,,,has Never faced The P E O P L E of E A R T H ~


🐟 From a old guys point of view red hats are to extreme, and the white hats are to passive, Half of congress should be in Ukraine, because they love Ukraine more than the USA. Treason in DC almost daily, white hats have done little for J6 Americans, prisons of war I guess, and to the ones who have commended treason many still walk. Where is the balance between Red and White. 🤷‍♂️ 10,000 indictments, or so, bring it on, don’t just talk about. We the people, seem to be last on the list…


Mount Everest sized AMEN to that Fish, AMEN!!!

Taylor Young

I am surprised that none of you commenting seem to understand that what you are seeing being played out is a movie, and that we have already won, for the most part. There are still many things that need the ‘loose ends” shored up. I don’t believe half of the things I am seeing on the “staged reenactments” on TV & Video, for the sake of the dumbed down people, (through no fault of their own) They could not handle it any other way. Most in congress have already been taken out and there is NO money going to Ukraine. I could be wrong, but if I am, it is no worse that having to wait a little longer or for as long as it takes. Restless immature children heed to be reminded that they don’t understand the PLOT or the Strategy involved, and they have not been paying attention to how much progress has been made, and the way that it was done was BRILLIANT! The PLAN is working gloriously! Don’t F**K things up now!!


We were told that we won.
But we did not see it.
Remember the old saying: It is better to see once than hear a hundred times.


So If this is a Movie then all the innocent people that are Dead because of all of this will be coming back to Life ! i Feel Better Already !


You are a fucking retard or a jew spewing garbage ass propaganda. Either way fuck off and die.


You meant to say old coward.

Virginia Dolan

I have no idea how true any of this is, however, I did notice that both these men in the above article were stated to have the same goal “Deep State had to be neutralized before it could bring to fruition its plan to shift the United States into a one-world government” Does this not bother anyone? Especially if true?


Nothing in this story is true, Virginia


Nothing on this fake ass website is true.


I don’t agree with using NUKES. It is not necessary.It is only “CONVENIENT” BUT too destructive of INNOCENTS


Not to mention that the area will remain toxic for years.


That should have been understood.


Forget how to do the Math for Hiroshima & Nagasaki ?
Mushrooms/Fungi don’t use Photosnythesis, they us
Science sure flew by alot people in school.


Not true, we have neutron bombs that don’t leave behind the radiation.


I heard neutron bombs can kill people without destroying buildings. i wonder if they’s true. Would be the perfect weapon to get rid of the traitors, if there aren’t normal people like us, of course. I would say the perfect bomb to erase the devils. 😈💪👍


Two questions:
Is it too late to make Cornpop president instead?
Is it too late to make Kurtz the commander of operation instead?


There are 6 type of ***hats. The red hats sometimes take a wrong path to put things right. We normal people do it most of the time , example the riots.


Deception is used when you don’t have the power to overcome the enemy without it or your deceiving those who are allies in the last 3 year I have gone from trust to not trusting many time my head tell me something is not right I think every one here can understand if there honest every time I have to go back to what God spoke to me at 2 in the morning in April 2016 I awoke at 2 am was very troubled I and not new at hearing God give me a word he said AMERICA IS LIKE A GAINT SHIP HEADED FOR A WATER FALL IT WILL GO OVER AND ON THE WAY DOWN IT WILL BE VERY SCARY AND WHEN IT HIT BOTTOM THERE WILL BE MUCH PAIN my understanding at the time was very much pain THEN THERE WAS A PERSONAL WORD FOR ME THE NEXT MORNING HE TOLD ME BUT THERE WILL BE RENEWAL actually it was later that morning at the time I wonder it this was true but as time has passed I am convinced it was right on


Have you ever heard about dots and commas?
They were invented for convenient reading.


God sent 10 plagues to Pharoah, flooding the evil world, destroying Sodom Gorrmorah and etc. DC IS THE WORST OF ALL.


This is a ridiculous story. Next, MB will have aliens landing in the middle of D.C. as he copies a movie.


Is a ghost city , nuke the whole place.


And have radiation for years. Not very bright.


Neutron bomb, kill the devilish people without radiation and without destroying buildings either. search it on youtube.


This guy has an interesting view ( if not scary ) of what is about to happen


Let me help you people. Our man Kurtz, in my opinion, is Retired Gl Anthony Tata who indeed “retired” Jan 15,2021 (no doubt in disgust). As I followed pre-J6 events on Parler, it was Tata and Robert David Steele who were actually engaging the enemy behind the curtains. Of course, the Deep State then took out RDS which was a tremendous blow. It is apparent that Trump is a bystander while the Military is a hornet’s nest of entanglements. Trump ceded all authority to Chris Miller, Ryan McCarthy and Mark Milley on J6 and has been sidelined ever since. The Politico article on 04/17/2024 makes that clear. While the Natl Guard leadership (Brooks and Dean)thought that “Trump could make a phone call and stop the J6 events”, McCarthy testified that it was out of Trump’s hands. It was out of Trump’s hands when Cippolone tried to block Mike Lindell from speaking to Trump at the WH. NOW, THE MORAL OF THE STORY is the NEXT TIME our man TRUMP gets in THINGS WILL BE HANDLED DIFFERENTLY ! ! ! Tata and the Boys are IN POSITION ! ! ! GO Go Go !


Wow interesting


I did not know this very interesting if true and I believe it is it’s understandably why he is mad as hell

Donna Miller

Q, always said that the ” RODS OF GOD” would be used to take out these buildings that have been used to commit Crimes against HUMANITY…..


Trump your man is a jew cock sucking traitor ass piece of shit. Wake the fuck up idiot.

Combat Engineer 4 God

Neither General Extended a HandShake 🤝

Last edited 5 months ago by Combat Engineer 4 God
Karl Kaiser

Kurtz doesn’t have the ability to nuke DC, and he knows it, so why all the hand-wringing about it actually happening? All he can do is suggest and let it go, so this is a non-issue.

The white hats are moving so slowly some are now calling them the gray hats. Perhaps they prefer perpetual engagement no matter how much Americans continue to suffer? It keeps them in power and playing the heroes or saviors.

If we can believe the reports here, even inside Gitmo soldiers have murdered the worst of their captives and gotten off with a slap on the wrist, so let’s not pretend that the Smith-Kurtz feud is between restraint and madness.

Smith and Trump need to get moving or this train is going to leave the station without them.

Rex Creel

I think you’re right Karl. The need to be taking out the top leaders of the Deep State. All of them.


And it needs to be OBVIOUS so “the media” (fake news) won’t be able to circumvent it with their lies.

Rex Creel

So Nice.

Last edited 4 months ago by Rex Creel
Rex Creel

They are killing us everyday in every way possible. 




No one lives in DC. Is now a ghost city.


Learn English Julio.


I’m 4th generation American and I’m not well educated BUT I’m smart. Knowledge and wisdom are 2 different things. Don’t be an elite snob. Julio is on our side, back up.


Agree 100%.



George Greenfield

Agreed !


The deep state has to go. Whoever does it the most efficient and effective way.

Rex Creel

Yes there’s plenty of criminals for both to stay busy. Time to care care of them.


Introducing the: PURPLE HATS…

Simply put they stay home all day smoking purple
and post on the Internet. They are low on Vitamin D3….

J Will

let’s go purple hats!


They are the yoshis rainbow family. 🤣


It’s a beautiful day in California. It’s early here. Just breaking daylight.

Enjoy yourselves. It’s a great time to be alive.

get the next article proofread and out fast… posted on TS..


J Will

the sky is not grey though


yes, for me it was a Winters day, I remember because I stopped at a Church I passed along the way. The Preacher liked me.


Is it autumn in California? or is it a spy password?


As much as i would like to see the majority or at least a portion of the deep state removed by a nuke i would shudder to think how many innocents it would cost and in my eyes its too quick a removal, make them pay is the to all truthers.

George Greenfield

There are no innocents in the District of Corruption.
A Neutron bomb will kill the infestations, but preserve most of the structures
Not that really matters!


Even the babies and children there? What crimes did the babies commit, George?


How many babies worldwide have got/getting the death jab and boosters. How many are they killing with cancer that they’ve probably always had a cure for decades if not from the beginning. And all the other things they do to all of us everyday. Nobody ever wants the innocent to die, but just like a cop or military call has to be made, is it the life of say 10,000 innocent people of all ages or millions worldwide. They are killing us everyday in every way possible. Rip that band aid off ENOUGH of the slow pulling.


Trump endorsed the vaccines himself many times Jessie. Guess he should be killed too huh


Not true. Just once. And he was endorsing his medicine, I do not remember the name of it.


Yes he should, he is a jew cock sucking traitor.


My opinion exactly.


My first thought was that it couild be aimed at RFK stadium. That’s going down anyway and also constantly reminds us Skins fans of when our team was good. Time to move on!