Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Killed in Firearms Mishap While Resisting Arrest Last Month


Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki died from a “firearms mishap” while resisting arrest in Palo Alto, California, last month, JAG sources told Real Raw News. The incident occurred as JAG agents were enforcing a military arrest warrant charging her with willful dissemination of enemy propaganda, treason, and lesser crimes.

JAG’s telling of the event differs from the mainstream narrative, which claims Wojcicki died on August 9, 2024, at the age of 56, after living with non-small-cell lung cancer for two years. Although she may have had cancer, it didn’t claim her life, our source said, instead insisting that Deep State adjacents often disguise the truth, so their sycophantic constituents remain blissfully unaware the military is defying the Biden/Harris regime.

Our source said JAG authored a sealed indictment against Wojcicki in late-2022 after she had used her authority at YouTube to promote pro-vaccine and pro-COVID-19 content while shadow banning, and in some cases terminating, channels that questioned vaccine safety and efficacy. Wojcicki had curated content based on the Biden regime’s orders. Her totalitarianism, though, began immediately after she took control of YouTube in 2014; she systematically squelched voices espousing conservative values, but amplified progressive principles, such as the LGBQT+ agenda. While Wojcicki had a husband and children—one of whom died of a drug overdose in February 2024—White Hats say she was a self-loathing closeted Lesbian whose family was for optics.

JAG also alleges that Wojcicki was deeply involved in her sister Anne’s business, 23AndMe, an American personal genomics and biotechnology company best known for generating reports on customers’ ancestry and genetic predispositions to health-related topics. Purportedly, Wojcicki had unrestricted access to customers’ genetic samples, typically saliva, which she unconstitutionally gave to the FBI so they could store them in the Federal DNA Database Unit.

“She was the worst type of criminal, but we have so many sealed indictments, and the list grows every day, it takes a long time to work through them. In August we unsealed Wojcicki’s, and I can tell you this, for someone who allegedly had cancer, she seemed in good health when investigators picked up her tail in Palo Alto, California,” our source said.

On August 7, JAG investigators spotted Wojcicki in Palo Alto, where she was scheduled to attend an anti-discrimination conference. She never made the conference because the investigators decided to confront her shortly after her chartered flight landed at Palo Alto Airport that afternoon.

JAG, our source said, had obtained Wojcicki’s itinerary, including the shuttle service she had hired to carry her from the airport to a nearby hotel. The investigators intercepted the limo before it reached the airport and sedated and removed the chauffeur, depositing his unconscious body in a drainage ditch and replacing him with one of their own.

Wojcicki stood impatiently at the entrance when the limousine arrived ten minutes late. She excoriated the driver’s tardiness, saying she could get him fired by merely snapping her fingers or making a single phone call. She accused him of malingering as he placed her luggage, a single overnight bag, in the rear and insisted he hasten the journey because she had to shower before a dinner engagement.

Once inside the vehicle, he raised the glass partition and gestured for her to lift a handset affixed to the seat. It allowed communication between passengers and driver.

“I have bad news,” the driver said. “We’ll be a bit late getting to the hotel.”

“Why are you so slow?” Wojcicki moaned. “I’ll be talking to your boss soon enough.”

“No time like the present,” the driver said.

“You’ll never work anywhere, ever again,” she said, reaching for a phone in her handbag.

She discovered her cell was inoperative.

“We’re scrambling the signal,” the driver said. “You do have an appointment tonight, but it’s not for dinner.”

She demanded an explanation.

“The explanation is simple: You’re under arrest,” the driver said.

Wojcicki palmed a small caliber pistol she had drawn from her handbag and aimed the muzzle at the back of the driver’s head.

“Clever. But inadvisable. The glass is shatterproof, and if you peek out the rear window, see that van tailing us, we’ll there are five more of us in there,” the driver cautioned her.

Wojcicki took her chances. The glass stopped the first bullet, but the second one splintered it.

The driver jammed the brakes and jerked the wheel, the sudden jolt tossing Wojcicki about like a rag doll and causing her to accidentally discharge her weapon. Unfortunately for her, the barrel was pointing at her head when the gun went off.

“She didn’t survive,” our source said. “Sure had a lot of energy for someone supposedly terminally ill with cancer. We didn’t expect she’d be armed; intelligence said she didn’t carry. And it was a chartered flight, so she could’ve somehow had an unchecked firearm. She would’ve received a fair tribunal, but she picked her path.”

In closing, he said White Hats have her corpse on ice.

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AND, another one down!!!


I love it! QUICK TRIAL and saving JAG some time, to move on to the next bastard! Karma’s a bitch! LMAO


A fair tribunal?

We know the result would have been the same.

Luckily, she took care of it for us.

We should thank these people when they do us a favor and save time.


Who is running U Tube now? I’ve noticed a change for the better for about a month. They are letting more articles through which were formerly sensored. Perhaps Elon Musk will buy U Tube and fire all the fascists. That will be good! Please ditch Wikipedia, as they are pure propaganda for big pharma!


Really? Guess you’ve missed all those shitty lying ads against DJT?They’re just comical in nature and I know at least one is an actor that I’ve seen on TV.She must still have people doing the same crap.


LETS HOPE !!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🥺🙄


If some righteous billionaire buys Wikipedia, maybe the same good can come of it like Twitter had under Elon Musk.


One less tribunal To do.


Check her if she had the vaccine shot. My money is she did not take the shot.

Bev Kungl

LOL Karma is a bitch.


kamela is a man bitch !!!!!


Everyone of these social media platforms were compromised & controlled by media elites. Susan Wojcicki – YouTube, Jack Dorsey – Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook, Sundar Pichai – Google, Pavel and Nikolai Durov – Telegram.

Each & everyone of these Platforms control the narrative. They sold out to Media Conglomerance – Biden regime, FBI, CIA, WHO all health organizations – NIH, CDC BIG PHARMA – Pfizer, MODERNA J&J, ASTRAZENECA – they were pay off millions of dollars.

Last edited 1 hour ago by CD22

Telegram guy is in a French prison I heard.


Did anyone hear? Wondering why cuban wanted to buy X? To flip it back and control the narrative?

John .S

Appearance of DEI house cleaning.

American Living in Canada

Shit.. thanks.. things seem to be steamrolling.

S alan

House cleaning big time. Even the richest aristocrats hiding in their million dollar underground bunkers are being extracted by the military and sent to GITMO.


Start now making every month extra $6000-$8000 or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $7,800 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by pop over here this site…. 𝐖𝐖𝐖.𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝟔𝟎.𝐂𝐎𝐌

Last edited 1 hour ago by escole17
Karen B

It never looked like a woman to me; neither did her sister. But that’s me. It seems to me a lot of these deep staters are actually transgender and so calling them gay, is really them loving the opposite sex. Only Satanists find a way to double twist GOD’S creation plan. 😡
I love good RRN before the weekend. I imagine she went through a scary time before she shot herself. I also think at this stage of the number of arrests of the global elites, they are aware now they are being hunted and will be protecting themselves. It is spiritually interesting that her wickedness took out her evil self.
We are living and witnessing amazing things.
Thank you, Military investigators, for delivering once again.😊💓
GOD’S blessings of good health to you, Michael B.💚, and thanks for writing this Final report on Susan.👍💕

Protein 101



Another call for genocide.


Play stupid games,win stupid prizes……🤣🤣🤣
I need more popcorn!


What are they planning on doing with her corpse?


They’re gonna make smashburgers at the Gitmo mess hall with it of course


Put it on ice, as the article says.

Bev Kungl

From what I have read they keep all of them on ice. Perhaps they are saving them to prove to the world they are dead.


Dog food.


Hopefully there was a camera on the shuttle. They can post it on You Tube!!


Yes yes 😂😅


Will be posted just after hell freezes over.




Accurate, actionable intelligence…no casualties…successful mission.

Good cost savings…unneeded trib/exe.

Carry on.


Hi Mike, it’s like nothing happened.


“Died of cancer” Right 😏


You’re right. No one dies of cancer these days

The 13th Juror

There’s nothing more annoying than a butch lesbian trying their hardest to be a man. Good riddance. She was a cancer all by herself.


Start now making every month extra $6000-$8000 or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $7,800 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by pop over here this site…. 𝐖𝐖𝐖.𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝟔𝟎.𝐂𝐎𝐌

Last edited 2 hours ago by escole17

So, the raven claims another spider.
Maybe they can bring her corpse back to life long enough to hang her.


Too late, her soul is in hell.


Too bad so sad another traitor dead




Good, less tax dollars spent.


Hope it went through her left eye and turned her head into a canoe. Set fire to her dead body and limo, then return after the car burns to the frame rails
let the limo burn down to the rims.


It must have been a bad uncontrollable electrical fire under the passenger seat. 4th degree burn on her face, who cares


You are sick.


Do your take medication to control these homicidal impulses? Do you masturbate when you think these scenarios up?


Good job! That’s called a quick trial!!?

Dave Strickland

Even Michael Baxter is guilty of a grave instance of mis-spelling. It is LHBTQ+, not LGBTQ+. I point this error out to all and sundry but have yet to see the acronym corrected in patriotic or White Hat material. Long live healthy sexual practices.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Dave Strickland

The letters are scrambled just like their brains .


who cares! lhbtq+ or lgbtq+ no one gives a fuck for this shit be what you want but dont shove it down our throats.


Bro what the fuck are you on about


Michael Baxter is not guilty. It has Alway been written LGBTQ, the alphabet cult is nationally known for that.

S alan



This was great, thank you Michael and JAG.

I can hardly wait until you pick up Whoopi’s and Joy Behar. They’re on the Epstein Island list. It’s pretty obvious the elites have them by the balls.


It’s one thing to be on the plane which constitutes no guilt. It’s another to be on the island where all kinds of sexual abominations take place. One can fly on his plane and be innocent until proven guilty.


Start now making every month extra $6000-$8000 or more by just doing an easy online job from home. Last month i have earned and received $7,800 from this job by giving this only 3 hrs a a day.Every person can now get this job and start earning online by pop over here this site…. 𝐖𝐖𝐖.𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝟔𝟎.𝐂𝐎𝐌

Last edited 2 hours ago by escole17
Protein 101



you americans supported the middle east to cause genocide on the british for revenge. you hav eblood on your hands.


Maybe but so does every other nation on earth

The 13th Juror

Hi Chris! Hey, go fuck your British self. You sedated clowns let them take your guns, your speech, your balls… pathetic.


Talion….if any Americans supported the middle east… wasn’t every day people like us….it was the insane demonic politicians who do everything they can to destroy America. I think American soldiers have saved a lot of British behinds. Go back and read about the 2 world wars we have had. Most of us are just hard workers who want everyone to have a good life.


You obviously are not awake enough to know the ATROCITIES your ROYAL FAMILY and that fucking QUEEN of yours has done………. they paint her to be some GODDESS, when she was an atrocity to mankind!!!! That’s why SHE and her son ,were both EXECUTED!


Where’s Dr. John? I miss his comments and wisdom!


Probably died from one of his not-so-medically-sound “remedies”


If Trump is indeed the Commander In Chief of the US Armed forces, why does he not have a better security detail?


He’s protected by a Secret Invisible SEAL Team stations in an equally invisible command post under Mar-A-Lago. They are so clandestine that no one has actually seen them in action. That’s to let the Deep Staters expose themselves by shooting at Trump and trying to kill him on a regular basis. It’s all part of The Plan


Because he is not, indeed, the Commander In Chief of the US Armed forces.


Keep saying it more . You are believing your own lies, Colon! lol


He isn’t whether I say it or not, buddy


His security is GOD….you got a better one ?


Except thst God expects you to take responsibilty for your independent actions.


Tell that to the Jews who died in the Holocaust.


Supreme Commander in Chief


Taco Supreme Commander in Chief.


Except under the Constitution only the president is the commander in chief. The jobs are not separable. He’s not president (He’s said so himself) so he is not CIC. No matter how hard you believe.

Last edited 27 minutes ago by Roger_Deswans

Good question. The secret service said they were his security detail. We are told the SService are compromised. But wgen there is a shooter, the SService and FBI are everywhere and no sign of navy seals or other armed forces. So what’s going on?

Protein 101



Wanna bet?


Read the Constitution, Julie. President and commander in chief are the same job. Not even the Almighty Trump can change that.


Nothing is as it seems. About all you can be sure of.


That’s a big part of the problem. 1/2 of the Military was all turned WOKE during the obammah years and all of the Patriots that were serving, were FIRED! You can listen to the list of what the Military has done to those who serve…… and they wonder why people aren’t enlisting any more……. Nobody wants to die for UKRAINE! Listen to the video’s that Ivan Raiklin has done, they are on RUMBLE. He’s on a mission to turn this shit around!


Watch it deary, she’s loaded…swerve, boom, BANG…nighty, night! She went from a closet carpet nibbling hound to a Les-be-aint!


I can see it accidentally happening. I’ve been in a car without a seatbelt and the driver slammed on brakes and yanked the wheel and my elbow automatically went up and out. If I’d have had a gun in my hand I could have accidentally fired and shot myself in the head. I hope it was an accident. Or God’s hand at work!

Surprise Susan!


She died of cancer. This story is hogwash


Thanks doctor.


Lololol Dr. Roger DeSwine


You’re welcome. This story is total nonsense.

Protein 101


American Living in Canada

Ruby Don’t Take Your Love to Town… Kenny Rogers…

“It wasn’t me that started that old crazy Asian war
But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore
And yes, it’s true that I’m not the man I used to be

Oh, Ruby,
I still need some company

It’s hard to love a man whose legs are bent and paralyzed
And the wants and the needs of a woman your age, Ruby, I realize
But it won’t be long I’ve heard them say until I’m not around

Oh, Ruby,
Don’t take your love to town”

All the Vets out there… Remember the one reason why you signed up… don’t let that reason go.. The rest you can figure it out in time… Don’t Give Up…

Last edited 3 hours ago by American Living in Canada
American Living in Canada

JR Walker & the All Stars….

"Money, who needs it,
Let me live my life free and easy,
Put my toothbrush in my hand,
And let me be a travelin' man

'Cause I'm a road runner, aby.
I'm a road runner, baby,
Can't stay in one place too long,
I'm a road runner baby,

You might look at me and I'll be gone.
You can love me if you want to,
But I do declare,
When I get restless

I got to move somewhere
I'm a road runner baby,
Anywhere's my home,
And love the life I live,

And I'm gonna live the life I love
Road runner, baby.
Don't want no woman to tie me down,
Got to be free, baby

To roam around.
All my life I've been like this,
If you love me it's your own risk,
When the dust hit my shoe,

I got the urge to move
Says I'm a road runner baby,
Got to keep on keepin on.
And I live the life I love,

And I'm gonna love the life I live
Road runner, baby.
American Living in Canada

One more for the road… Merle Haggard..

“I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am”

Things I learned in a hobo jungle

Were things they never taught me in a classroom,

Like where to find a handout

While thumbin’ through Chicago in the afternoon.

Hey, I’m not braggin’ or complainin’,

Just talkin’ to myself man to man.

This ole’ mental fat I’m chewin’ didn’t take alot of doin’.

But I take alot of pride in what I am.”

Don Reed

What did the lesbian say to her butch lover ? ——- You da man !!!!


YouTube is still up to its old tricks. Arrest the fake Zuckerburg! How long do we have to look at his face?

They have a new vaccine coming and if you don’t get it, they will shut down your checking account, no access. This vaccine is said to be 100 times worse than the first ones that used snake venom. Now they are using deadly spider venom.


Dont believe the fear porn!


hows the diversity world and immigrant world working out for you americans since you defended immigration.

im glad susan is dead. now i can insult china, russia, wef, deep state, u.s anytime i want. oh middle east too.

germany succeeding against you islams should scare you all.


There’s probably not single person engaging this page thats pro-illegal immigration. Go to Twitter/X, and look up Kamala Harris’s page, and ask the comment section.

Jim Joans

How diid the mainstream media know Wojeckiki had died if the white hats took the corpse and put it on ice?


Immediate family notified first. And they identified.


Immediate family signed NDAs to not tell anyone she was shot in the head and that the cancer got her.


When ppl don’t answer calls or show up anywhere for a while, they probably get the idea.


Plus the limo driver

Gill Ford

Does anyone know about this shop?


Pt Barnum lives.


Lots of suckers.


Delusional shilling at it finest. This is how you look stupid in public.

Martin Kohler

And it didn’t even cost the White Hats the price of a bullet !!!

Julio Laguna

Yep, heck of a deal.

Jim Joans

Like the old song;

Don’t take your gun to town, babe,
Leave leave your gun at home, girl.
There will be time enough for shooting,
When the drivings done.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧𝟕.𝐂𝐨𝐦

Last edited 3 hours ago by escole17
Outlandish Outlander

The investigators intercepted the limo before it reached the airport and sedated and removed the chauffeur, depositing his unconscious body in a drainage ditch… 😆😂🤣😂😆

Can you imagine what his first words were when he finally came to consciousness?

Last edited 3 hours ago by Outlandish Outlander
American Living in Canada

The EBS voting section in the upper right corner here on RRN … I’ll take that as a major signal that we’re on the cusp…?

Are you Ready if the White Hats send an EBS

  • Yes (92%, 1,148 Votes)
  • What’s an EBS? (6%, 72 Votes)
  • No (2%, 23 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,243

Vicki Davidson

We must be set for Red October? U.S. bankrupted corporation ends on September 30th. The new Republic’s fiscal year begins October 1st. Congress. what’s left of it, will recess on October 1st for 30 days. Out of 525 members of Congress, there are approximately 150 left. The others have been :dealt with for various crimes. Treason, Crimes Against Humanity. Aiding and abetting a foreign adversary. etc. We’ve been watching a movie that should be awarded countless Oscar nominations. President Trump must be getting very excited to call it a wrap. God knows we all are.


I saw that too. With the election 5 weeks away, I guess we should be ready for anything.

American Living in Canada

God Bless ya’s… 2 Vickie’s..

“In summary, the meaning of two Vickies can be understood as:

  • A shared Latin heritage, tied to the concept of victory and triumph
  • A modern, gender-neutral interpretation, emphasizing versatility and inclusivity”

Another great story and didn’t have to go that boring tribunal and the hanging process and waiting for months, keep bringing them on I’m loving it all, come on make me smile even more every day!


She did it all to herself – no one else to blame but herself.
Great work WH’s!! Excellent planning!!


That was her Karma…She probably promoted anti-gun legislation on youtube along with the many other anti-liberty leftest propaganda, while carrying an unregistered fire arm herself. Typical deep state behavior…rules for thee but not for me.


There sure is a lot on ice …


They must have some huge meat lockers….and the stack those frozen demons high!!

Just Me

No love lost, one more She Devil gone. I remember back in 2016 during the election of Hillary and Trump, I had earn about $1500 in one month from my channel of free public domain old classics and my earnings were taken with tens of thousands of other Y-tubers to used our money to donate to Hillary, then Y-tube brag that they donated $100 million to this witch Hillary. And a during 2021 I had another channel and I talked about covid and some home remedies to help fight covid and heal from it. They terminated my channel and censor me which to this day they are still censoring.

Last edited 3 hours ago by Just Me
Dave Strickland

I thought YouTube had been easing up on censoring of late – apparently not enough.


How horrible!!


Government only takes, never gives unless it’s cancer, heart attacks & 10 million other devices.

Would you want to start on another platform instead of Eewtoob? Have you considered?


I had read a few days ago that she had passed away. For some reason, my thoughts turned to the White Hats and I wondered if they might have had a hand in it or at least knew what really happened. She was as DS as a demon could get. I am glad her bullets didn’t hit the driver. I did get a laugh out of the marines putting the driver in a drainage ditch. This dead woman was apparently entitled to be catered to or else. A little power given to these demons totally corrupt them and they treat people like dirt if they don’t bow and scrape at their dirty feet. At least this one is dead everywhere….they don’t have to worry about a doppelganger. This saved a lot of time and money when she shot herself while being slung all over that limousine. These detainees die from various and sundry causes sometimes. I really wanted her to try her “intelligence” out on Adm. Crandall but we have plenty more for him to set straight. This is a good article MB and it answers a lot of questions about her death.

Godspeed to DJT, the White Hats, and all patriots everywhere.

Last edited 3 hours ago by ChloeS

I heard & wondered the same. Her photo was next to the story about her DIEING. I thought he was a +®@π$ to female>>> Now reading “lez’. 😱

We’ll let the forensics advise.