White Hats Mobilize 25,000 Troops to Stop Election Interference


White Hats are mobilizing 25,000 troops to deter the Department of Homeland Security from interfering in the presidential election, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Last week, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command intercepted conversations between DHS Deputy Secretary Kristie Canegallo in Washington and DHS Chief Security Officer Richard McComb at a department satellite office in Lansing, Michigan, a battleground state. Canegallo had asked McComb whether 7,500 agents were enough to police the streets for “MAGA agitators” in the seven swing states. McComb laughed at the question. He replied, “Twice that number, and probably more,” and informed her that his underlings were presently briefing agency personnel in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona on methods to combat MAGA insurrectionists. McComb did not elaborate on what those methods were.

What the White Hats call the Department of Deep State Security is the largest law enforcement branch in the United States, employing 80,000 armed agents across nine agencies. Many of these agents are hardworking people collecting paychecks, and many are regime loyalists who have sworn allegiance to the Biden/Harris cabal. The Department’s maestro, Alejandro Mayorkas, has been labeled a war criminal by the White Hats, but the wiggly worm has thus far eluded capture.

“We don’t know which feds are corrupt and which aren’t, so we have to err on the side of caution. If they think they’re gonna intimidate or threaten patriots, we have something to say about that. There might be multiple forces in play on Election Day,” our source said.

The forces he alluded to include the DHS, White Hats, United Nations “Blue Helmets,” and the Red Hats, whose apparent dormancy of late has concerned Gen. Smith, our source said. When Gen. Smith and Red Hat leader Col. Kurtz last spoke, the latter said he would turn America’s streets red with federal blood if the Deep State interfered in the election. He had also spoken of collateral damage, calling it an unfortunate necessity. The Red Hats have largely fallen off the radar, leaving Gen. Smith to wonder whether Kurtz has been secretly mustering forces in preparation for an all-out strike. While they share the same goal—eradication of the Deep State—they have diametrically opposite ideologies. Gen. Smith aims to stop election interference without spilling innocent blood.

As for the Blue Helmets, Gen. Smith reportedly sent António Guterres a message after White Hats stopped busloads of U.N. “peacekeepers” at the southern border in August. According to our source, the general said blue helmets caught on American soil would be summarily executed.

“At this point, we’re more concerned about the feds. And of them posing as MAGA to cause trouble for patriots. Now, the Deep State knows we listen in, and the convo between Kristie Canegallo and Richard McComb could be a ploy, a red herring. We’re working on getting verification from 5th Columnists, but we can’t afford to sit on our laurels until then. That’s why the general’s put things in motion. We’ve trained four years for this; we’re ready,” our source said.

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American Living in Canada

Hit the fack’in button.

Jonathan Ray Carmona

This had better NOT be an election as usual; we had better get a real election vote with as few fake or fraudulent votes as possible or the Red Hat’s ranks will swell. We are all sick and tired of this stupid corruption crap!

American Living in Canada

1. Covid-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
They were testing us. That’s what Covid-19 was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd. Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?
What the WEF is implying with its above statement is that in order to be “sustainable,” people and societies will need to be compliant with a new more authoritarian global order.
Don’t ask questions. Don’t resort to logic. Just obey.Would we be obedient in the face of idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing face diapers to stop what was said to be an aerosolized virus, and standing six feet apart in public, and submitting to a never-before-used, unlicensed mRNA gene-based injection? They said it was good for you, so roll up your sleeve. Don’t ask questions. If you did, you could lose your job and be treated as a societal outcast. Many people lost friends or even close family members to this monstrous “test” of our willingness to unquestioningly do what we’re told.
Nearly five years later, arguably the most powerful nonprofit public-private partnership in the world, the WEF, admits it was all a test of our wills and celebrates the fact that most of us failed the test (or passed with flying colours, depending how you look at it).
They wanted to find out how many of us would prove our servitude to the lawless, fascistic beast system by complying with “unimaginable restrictions,” many of which were created out of thin air with absolutely no scientific evidence to back them up as contributing anything to public health.
The U.S. government’s top health bureaucrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted recently that there was no science behind his decision to require Americans to socially distance six feet apart.
The beta test, known as Covid-19, proved the validity of  From Beginning on August 7, 1961, a series of  experiments were conducted by psychologist who intended to measure the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal ………Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.
The experiments found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, with every participant going up to 300 volts, and 65% going up to the full 450 volts. Milgram first described his research in a 1963 article in the 
Stanley Milgram showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans would obey a law or command that they knew was wrong if the order were to come from an official authority figure. An alarming 65 percent of Americans would reluctantly violate their own conscience and obey the order even if they knew it would result in the death of an innocent person.
Through the Covid-19 experiment, they just wanted to see how many of us would prove our fealty to the “authorities,” people wearing white coats or suits and ties.
Sorry for the gaps.. tons of links for proof….
How did all you trolls do with the experiment? You got played big time!

American Living in Canada

I got into a couple of scraps with the 6 foot bullshit crap at the local stores.. nevermind the face diaper horseshit…


Michael, is there anything on FEMA involved with Hurricane Helene areas?

Thanks kindly for your time and hard work.

American Living in Canada


1. Covid-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
They were testing us. That’s what Covid-19 was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd. Why, for instance was it “safe” to shop at Lowe’s or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn’t buy seeds for a garden?
What the WEF is implying with its above statement is that in order to be “sustainable,” people and societies will need to be compliant with a new more authoritarian global order.
Don’t ask questions. Don’t resort to logic. Just obey.Would we be obedient in the face of idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing face diapers to stop what was said to be an aerosolized virus, and standing six feet apart in public, and submitting to a never-before-used, unlicensed mRNA gene-based injection? They said it was good for you, so roll up your sleeve. Don’t ask questions. If you did, you could lose your job and be treated as a societal outcast. Many people lost friends or even close family members to this monstrous “test” of our willingness to unquestioningly do what we’re told.
Nearly five years later, arguably the most powerful nonprofit public-private partnership in the world, the WEF, admits it was all a test of our wills and celebrates the fact that most of us failed the test (or passed with flying colours, depending how you look at it).
They wanted to find out how many of us would prove our servitude to the lawless, fascistic beast system by complying with “unimaginable restrictions,” many of which were created out of thin air with absolutely no scientific evidence to back them up as contributing anything to public health.
The U.S. government’s top health bureaucrat, Dr. Anthony Fauci, admitted recently that there was no science behind his decision to require Americans to socially distance six feet apart.
The beta test, known as Covid-19, proved the validity of  From Beginning on August 7, 1961, a series of  experiments were conducted by psychologist  who intended to measure the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal ………Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.
The experiments found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, with every participant going up to 300 volts, and 65% going up to the full 450 volts. Milgram first described his research in a 1963 article in the 
Stanley Milgram showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans would obey a law or command that they knew was wrong if the order were to come from an official authority figure. An alarming 65 percent of Americans would reluctantly violate their own conscience and obey the order even if they knew it would result in the death of an innocent person.
Through the Covid-19 experiment, they just wanted to see how many of us would prove our fealty to the “authorities,” people wearing white coats or suits and ties.

Sorry for the gaps.. tons of links for proof….

How did all you trolls do with the experiment? You got played big time!

Last edited 18 minutes ago by American Living in Canada

🇺🇸🇺🇸 Nice air ‘Q’…


Ietting my mail in ballot sent to Mass. From NC
Don’t trust anyone in the polls Iin Mass Seen too many Harris Waltz signs . Stupid is as stupid does. Here with my sister who terminal cancer..

American Living in Canada

Testing… #3


Keep your eyes peeled for 25,000 invisible camouflaged Marines, y’all

American Living in Canada

You being hacked again? Or are you pulling a censorship RRN?



American Living in Canada

Bringing this over for our Friend Steph….


 Reply to  Steph
 21 hours ago

I just did it. Emanuel I am sorry. Your cause of death was by asphyxiation. The police held your legs. The other officers restrained your arms while in doing so put his arms/hands over your mouth. You died with a hand covering your nose and mouth.




Steph Darling… I’m just an ordinary type of fella…. if you made contact with a spirit.. I’m not the person that can help ya out with it.

God Bless ya…

Joe Walsh…

We all go bowling at the bowling lanes
Drink a few beers
Bowl a few frames
We’re just ordinary average guys
Ordinary average guys

And every Saturday we work in the yard
Pick up the dog doo
Hope that it’s hard (woof woof)
Take out the garbage and clean out the garage
My friend’s got a Chrysler
I’ve got a Dodge
We’re just ordinary average guys
Ordinary average guys”


Last week, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command intercepted conversations between DHS Deputy Secretary Kristie Canegallo in Washington and DHS Chief Security Officer Richard McComb at a department satellite office in Lansing, Michigan, a battleground state. Canegallo had asked McComb whether 7,500 agents were enough to police the streets for “MAGA agitators” in the seven swing states. McComb laughed at the question. He replied, “Twice that number, and probably more,” and informed her that his underlings were presently briefing agency personnel in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona on methods to combat MAGA insurrectionists.’

Lock and load, Gen. Smith and White Hats. Prepare to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, fellow patriots. GO GET MAYORKAS, CANEGALLO AND MCCOMB. THEY WILL NOT STEAL THIS ELECTION AGAIN.

Stunning work, Michael, much appreciated. Please continue.


“””‘Last week, U.S. Army Cyber Command and Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command intercepted conversations between DHS Deputy Secretary Kristie Canegallo in Washington and DHS Chief Security Officer Richard McComb at a department satellite office in Lansing, Michigan, a battleground state. Canegallo had asked McComb whether 7,500 agents were enough to police the streets for “MAGA agitators” in the seven swing states. McComb laughed at the question. He replied, “Twice that number, and probably more,” and informed her that his underlings were presently briefing agency personnel in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and Arizona on methods to combat MAGA insurrectionists.’

Lock and load, Gen. Smith and White Hats. Prepare to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, fellow patriots. GO GET MAYORKAS, CANEGALLO AND MCCOMB. THEY WILL NOT STEAL THIS ELECTION AGAIN.

Stunning work, Michael, much appreciated. Please continue.”””

Stunning copy/paste work, Xena, much appreciated. Please continue.

Paul Hickel

Well, I heard a private conversation too! (hypothetical albeit) 
The one person not named stated that white hats should expend their energies on convincing the deep state lackies that they should pray to god that DJT wins this election as he will be their best, last and only hope of receiving any form of justice and or leniency for their speak able and unspeakable crimes. And what if they do not convince the lackies said the other person? Well, said the person not named, the people of the US will band together and form militias at 200 million strong to annihilate all deep state lackies, useful idiots and other proponents seeking to further destroy our families, churches, schools, cities, businesses and our way of life in the US. What about the military, aren’t they going to intercede, isn’t it their job, said the other person? The person not named replied, the military without our sons and daughters is not a military at all. Those are our sons and daughters who are having their families, churches, schools, cities, businesses, and their way of life destroyed. Their military leadership has become perverted, corrupt, and complacent as they take their orders from the same. So, said the person not named, the question and focus should not be on what if DJT loses this election, it should be, what will happen when he wins.


Diddy list just dropped…..besides the Obama’s you have Kamala, Michael Bloomberg, Eric Adams, John Kerry…..and many more politicians and Heads of Countries…

ht tps://www.bitchute.com/video/mMnntaigMZHP


2 questions:
Will the white hats be in their military fatigues with gear ?
What will their orders say to do when they confront the enemy ?


They wear their super secret invisibility cloak.


No and nothing. They don’t exist.


I thought things were under control? Doesnt sound like it to me anymore with all the illegals just sitting in hotels, waiting to vote. And the military has to police the voting places???What happened to,”we have it all!” Doesnt mean shit if they let there be another election . I think the patriots should say, “We had enough!”


Give em ROPE
Let them put ROPE in place


Round-up ALL that touched ROPE
Show evidence of ROPE touch




p.s. you get it NOW⁉️🤫👌😂👌



You’ve been scammed with fake stories for the past four years, Terry. Hope you’re ready for four more years of fake scam stories after Trump loses again, buddy.

American Living in Canada

If you don’t listen to the msm… Trump is our Man… Legally…

Council Man

Let’s see, there’s 3,243 counties and county equivalents in the US with about 95,000 physical polling stations (2022 figures). I’d focus only on the swing states to concentrate force power. The Dems send out national email texts to all their voting base from just a handful of numbers. Seems like someone could use fancy-dancy AI algorithms to figure out where all these people are located in the “big shitties” and surveil them on e-day.


It’s just to KEEP THE PEACE❣️
SURVEIL up through ELECTION DAY…click‼️



“White Hats are mobilizing 25,000 troops to deter the Department of Homeland Security from interfering in the presidential election…”

This is today’s America…..stunning.


In case you’re NOT aware…we are in a WAR currently…🐑🐑🐏🐑



I personally still do not believe there will be an election in November for the bankrupt corporation known as USA, Inc.


All signs say yes.


You’re pretty smart, eh⁉️



Good for you, make sure you don’t vote in the election that isn’t happening!


It’s now the White House Inc. I have more to say but I won’t here.


This sounds like Jan 6, all over again! Amazing????





Also, God said today that camouflage would be in our news for a significant reason and that the enemies have used it in more ways than one to hide behind their deception. It’s about to be uncovered.

God said Hydrophobia would be in the news for a significant reason. Your enemies have been up to know good thinking of ways to cause more death, destruction and distraction. I told you they are desperate to try anything.

Snake skin will be in your news for a shocking reason. Unprecedented attacks are coming. More weather events. Unprecedented events in this country.

They are going after the majority of the races with help from China, Iran, Canada and other nations. They’ve made a pact to kill Trump and keep him from power in any way possible.

But God has His own October Surprise which will be a game changer because He is changing the direction of this nation. This country is MINE!

Watch out for more disinformation and distractions coming to try to discourage you. But no matter what you hear or see, I told you, it’s not bigger than ME.

Many distractions to make you think they’re going to steal this election but they don’t have the power!


The WHs have their work cut out for them, that’s for sure. For me, the problem would be a fed posing as a patriot and causing trouble. Most of us consider ourselves to be fair, peaceable and considerate, but I think any one of us over these past 3+ years have grown tired and weary of the DS’s lawlessness and, therefore, may be easily triggered by a slob calling out our candidate for any reason and creating a scene for which we could be arrested or worse. I guess we’ll have to hold ourselves back this one last time just to make sure they don’t antagonize us and cause bigger problems. Leave your MAGA gear home this election to stay safe. Am I being sensible during these times or a coward?


I’m very concerned about the hurricane changing ppls ability to vote.


Im concerned to why they dont just stop this shit, and expose 2020??

Huck Finn

Lock and Load, and Rock and Roll. Praise the lord and Pass the Ammo. “the watchmans’ duty by Ezekiel the Prophet KJV (read) “All along the Watchtower” song by Jimmy Hendrix


25K – abject stupidity. Get after FEMA in Helene’s path. Be useful.


When there are dead cells and foreign matter or poisons in the physical body, the white blood cells come to the defense and sacrifice themselves by wrapping themselves around the dead matter and digesting the waste.

The white blood cells are the body’s defense against invasion, sickness, infection and death. They absorb what needs to be eliminated and they themselves are eliminated while entombing the infection.

Meanwhile the whole body goes to work producing lots more rich blood, both white and red blood cells. This is so that the whole body can survive.

Our beloved America is the body that must be defended. The American People and our military are the white blood cells that are rushing to the infection. We will surround and digest this putrid invasion of evil, that seeks to kill this nation.

The people that pray to Almighty God are the healthy red blood cells. Together, with the help of God, and rightful leadership, we are well able to take back America! We MUST all work together to do what we can and do what is right!

God speed Americans! God bless America! 🙏



Beth Appling

Godspeed to All.
Know how grateful this nation of Patriots are for your loyal service to restore our Constitutional Republic & bring safety back to our streets.


I believe one force is missing from the mix and that is our country’s militias. Don’t sell these patriots short. If push comes to shove, I don’t believe they will sit idly by while the DS burns our country to the ground. This is our last rodeo so get on your damn horse and join the WH’s voter stampede!

Last edited 3 hours ago by auntidi

They do their dirty work, behind closed doors, and in the dead of night. THat’s really a waste of man power. We have dead bodies everywhere in NC, GA, FL and TN, with people STRANDED with no food or water…………. Where is the National Guard? Someone posted that camel lala had deployed all of the NC National Guard to the middle east, knowing the hurricane was heading that way. Is there any truth to that? I see video’s all over “X”, of people asking for help and being stranded, with no help in sight. WAS FEMA FINALLY SHUT DOWN? WAS THE NATIONAL GUARD DEPLOYED TO THE MIDDLE EAST??


Guard “deployment cycles” are predictable and established well in advance. So if there were any last minute irregularities it would be pretty obvious.

We’ve long suspected a big part of the DS’s plan was to have basically every able bodied soldier deployed overseas for their big takedown. Cuzz’ ya’ know.., endless wars. Makes a lot of sense.


Here is a video where Obiden is telling everyone, they’re geoengineering the weather to harm people, It’s right out weather warfare.


Tennessee NG was deployed to eastern Tennessee and western NC yesterday.And Samaritans Purse is everywhere to help.




Of course, the cabal criminals are going to cheat like crazy, all out, lie, cheat and steal. Sicko criminals. Red hats let me know if I can help. LFG, FTW. As for any blue helmets on USA soil, illegal invaders voting, etc., they should be treated as spies in wartime. For God and Country.


I mean, they’ve already steam rolled their into [1] illegitimate regime, so having their msm declare Kamamala the ‘winner’ will be like falling off a log.

They were going to claim victory regardless the outcome, even before Bidan was sworn in. Now we have to have the military on standby just to hold an election. Hello Banana Republic..!


WI said anyone voting age can voye with phoyo ID. Doesnt matter if US citizen. I am WI p.. off resident.


What time is it? EBS TIME! whoop whoop!


Whitehats don’t understand, LAW enforcement & Courts are still corrupt. The US AG is 100% responsible for that corruption.


I heard a rumor that the Corporation of the USA dies today. Bankrupt and insolvent. Also that the USD has long since lost its place as the Reserve Currency of the world and no longer accepted among the oil producing nations of the world. That Congress would adjourn so most of them could get arrested. Here comes the GCR! Long live the The USA Republic!


No disrespect, but I’ve heard this for 4 years now, and no one ever goes to jail in congress?

Last edited 2 hours ago by Losa

De-dollarization probably started back in ’08 during the Housing Crash. Mega banks never really dealt with their insolvency and just wall papered over their losses with a toxic stew of financial derivatives.

Welcome to Fiscal ’25..!




Praying about it will raise the collective consciousness which the deep state has no control of; they always were like little children with big plans to enslave us all, but they under-estimate how powerful love is…light will prevail over darkness.


They will steal it regardless.


So what’s your point?
We’re all listening and waiting for your next suggestion….😂😂😂


Maybe try masterbation.

true patriot

What is the difference between our 3 letter agencies in America and the
nazi brown shirts of the 1930’s ?????? Answer … The uniform.


I’ve always felt BLM/Antifa were their street level brownshirt rent-a-mob. Or as my wife calls them, BLAM-tifa…


Were the brown shirts Jews? Masons?


Mmmm….and what about the follow up hurricane aimed for Helene’s path? And what about the FEMA response to those suffering from Helene? Those seem far more important at the moment and crickets?




I think Biden/Harris anticipate Build Back Better, for every ILLEGAL👽👽👽👽👽 in this NEVER FIRST COUNTRY‼️
It’s very SAD, very WRONG, and very CORRUPT, but it’s what our CRIMINAL GOVERNMENT has been doing to WE THE PEOPLE, for a LONG TIME‼️💔



Right, and stealing even more elections is just another tool for devaluing citizenship. Obama’s job was to make America unlovable. AFAICT he did a pretty good job.

NONE of what we’re now experiencing would’ve ever been possible if not for Barry’s first (8) years of the 16 Year Plan To Destroy America. If democraps want to “take back America!” ( really? ) they can start in North Carolina.

Or not…


Bribem already said we get nothing and congress is on vacay sooo, we are SOL [shitty out of luck for those who need a clue]]


The murderous FEMA won’t show. They know the White Hats will shoot them if they do. All they would do is steal, kill and destroy.









no matter how they are dressed / if they are attacking people and looting and destroying property …SHOOT EM !


I have to tell you folks if they allow this election it will be the stupidest thing that has happen I the last 8 years ridiculous we voted for Trump he won end of stores they cheated they know it hanged them it’s over


It’s COMING…be patient 😌



Yeah I have no intention of voting. I live in Arizona and they already cheated in the primary, so Arizona is too corrupt to waste my time. Neither of my last 3 election votes were counted. Having an election is a huge waste of time, money, MAN POWER and a false event again.


Connie I know how you feel. Our votes and elections have been stolen in Oregon since 1988. But please, so much is being done this time, to stop the fraud and theft of our ballets, so please do vote. We need your vote.

Not to mention their are setups happening to catch these election committees and this time they’ll do long, hard time!


You should try being an Oregon conservative. Here Dems play liar’s poker by ensuring Portland’s voting is tabulated last. They just wait until the rest of the state tallies and calculate how many ‘votes’ they need to fabricate.

We haven’t had a GOP gov since the 80’s. BUT I show up each time if only for the reason it forces their cheating to become more brazen each cycle.


That’s not how the electorial college works




He lost, Lonnie

Jan D Hunsinger

Bad…very bad….Seems to me 25,000 on our side isn’t nearly enough!


Please don’t forget the M.A.G.A. domestic anti-terrorist task force, with over 💯 MILLION‼️🤫🤫🤫



But shhhhhh, it’s a secret.


Well that’s what they are admitting to. I’m sure we have no idea what the real number is – can’t let the other side know.


So go volunteer, Jan. Oh wait you can’t because you moved to Ecuador.


Now to continue. Baxter is sending polls. Do we want the EBS yes, no or maybe. Sad part of the movie is when you still believe you can vote.




Readership is down 39%. New legitimate members are almost nonexistent. I feel the trouble started with the Judges MIXUP.

One thing is constant. Humans are dumber than animals. They kill for Sport. Animals kill only to survive.

The medical field system had failed and several prominent people have died in the last four days.

Enjoy the END DAYS. Don’t worry about leaving and/or losing.

Dead people are now the happiest they’ve ever been.


What’s the EBS? 😂



Well.., right now the L.A DA is laying out over 120 of P. Diddy’s victim’s cases in a press conference. 25 of which are minors. They’re naming names. Big ones.

I’d say it’s already started.


I worry about you – more than anyone else here.

She’s come undone

She didn’t know what she was headed for

And when she found out what she was headed for



So thankful for the White Hats. These men and women work tirelessly to save our country and rid us of the demonic DS demons. I know that God is guiding them and helping with the capture of some of the worst demons among them. It will be a blessing to know the White Hats are there to protect the voting and make sure the DS doesn’t get to steal for the lowest evil criminal slithering around mumbling like an idiot and already considers herself to be president. I would love to see the cackle wiped off her face and an escort to the gallows at the same time. We need to pray and pray for our election. God can stop anything.

Godspeed to DJT, the White Hats and all patriots everywhere.


God can stop anything, you got that right.


Who cares. All so called presidents were placed.

King Kong

shoot to kill only way you get rid of the enemy.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭𝟕.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Last edited 4 hours ago by escole17

Mr. Cole: 11 times you post this tripe, unrelated to the article. I’d say Baxter is over the target!