Yes, Tim Walz Has Befriended School Shooters


VP candidate Tim Walz did not misspeak when he said “I’ve become friends with school shooters” at last night’s vice-presidential debate.

Walz and his opponent, Republican Senator J.D. Vance, had been sparring cordially over diverging policies on gun rights and the 2nd Amendment as the Minnesota governor shockingly confessed to a propensity for befriending school shooters. Plural.

Although Vance, probably mortified beyond the ability to articulate a response, glossed over the comment, and the Deep State moderators conveniently ignored it, the rest of the world watching the debate reacted with a mix of shock and horror.

Watching in real-time on the campaign trail, President Trump posted to Truth Social: “Did Tampon Tim just say he has become friends with school shooters. Is he insane?”

Later, the mainstream media tried to downplay Walz’s bizarre comment, describing it as a verbal gaffe.

“He meant to say ‘I’ve become friends with survivors of school shooters’,” MSNBC mouthpiece Rachel Maddow said.

She was among the bevy of Walz apologists, all of whom apparently had the clairvoyance to intuit what Walz meant to say.

But Walz said what he said. He made no attempt to correct his words while standing behind the podium, which astonished White Hats who had already authored a sealed indictment against him.

“It was an incredibly candid disclosure,” a JAG source told Real Raw News. “Our interest in Walz had nothing to do with who picks for friends, but he has a history of sympathetically reaching out to school shooters, and the parents of school shooters, and, as he said, befriending them. But you’ll never hear that on the news.”

While investigating Walz’s checkered history in August, JAG learned that Walz had written a heartfelt letter to the parents of Aiden Hale (born Audrey Elizabeth Hale), the 28-year-old transgender who gunned down seven at the Covenant School in Nashville in March 2023. It was the state’s deadliest school shooting. Hale was killed by police after randomly killing her victims.

“…I don’t believe your son was evil, but misguided. Transgenders are non-violent but often targets of harassment and discrimination. I’m sure your son, may he rest in peace, was the victim of some inequity that pushed him past the edge, beyond the point of no return. I can’t condone his actions, but I condemn those discriminating against our transgender community. If I can assist, please don’t hesitate to call my office,” Walz purportedly wrote to Hale’s parents.

Additionally, Walz this year sent a letter to school shooter 18-year-old Christian Acevedo, who shot and killed two Benito Juarez Community Academy, a Chicago high school, students in December 2022. The altercation involved gang affiliations, and Acevedo was sentenced to 20 years for each murder charge.

“Gang-related violence is terrible, tragic, and I can’t imagine what injustice pushed you to the point of pointing and firing a gun that day…If we had known each other, if we had talked before you took their lives, I’m confident we could’ve found a more palatable solution…Were you forced into gang life, like so many are? Was that your only option to avoid becoming a target of violence yourself? That’s a story I hear a lot…Your friend in Christ, Governor Tim Walz,” Walz wrote to Acevedo.

It’s unclear if Acevedo replied to Walz’s correspondence.

Our source said: “Personally, we’d be a better world if these gang members just wiped each other out completely, but that’s beside the point. The point is that Walz has a perverse fondness for school shooters. It’s sick and weird. Digs school shooters. Loves Antifa and BLM. Stolen valor. He has Deep State written all over his face.”

Asked when JAG would apprehend Walz, he added, “He’s center stage now, but once President Trump’s officially back in office, maybe even on day one, Walz is coming to GITMO.”

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Off Topic…..
Why have we not seen or heard of any assistance going to the flood areas????? WTF is going on???????
No FEMA violence, so no WH assistance???????


IN Christ?? I don’t think so!! He’ll say “Walz, I never knew you!”

As far as gangs, they will be coming to Christ. Prophecy. Whole gangs will walk into churches & be saved. Don’t write them off.

So glad to know that tyrant is going to GITMO.


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Last edited 51 minutes ago by escole17



Today the St Louis paper makes Jack Smith’s filing front page news. This is election interference on all counts; the Biden prosecutors and the Lib (only) newspaper in town. The brief was made public over the objections of Trump’s lawyers. It argues that Trump was quoted to “give me option to file litigation” over the loss. Well folks, this amounts to common sense. By this time , Biden was locked out of the Pentagon and Sen Blunt gave a press conference saying that “we don’t know who won”. On top of it all, let’s go back to 2016. The next day after the election, the St Louis paper headline was Hillary claiming Russian interference caused the loss. Where did that go. Not only did Trump prove the “Russian Collusion” story was a Hillary-designed set up, the corrupt Bill Barr Justice System did nothing. Next comes the Hunter Laptop story, where again 100 top Intel agents call it Russian disinformation. No consequences were dished out to the liars. This message is intended for the voting fence-sitters, to counter the latest election interference by the Deep State. What Trump did , requesting investigation into the votes, were his and OUR rights to an HONEST Election.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 1 hour ago by escole17

Harris, Waltz and thousands if iothers need a date with Gitmo. To date over 700,000 sealed indictments. Thats alot of fertilizer waitibg to be processed.


That unfounded sealed indictment rumor refuses to die

Rose Mary Abbott

Okay I am going to weigh in on this one. I hate to remind people that governors have several unpopular duties to perform. Because the death penalty is so final governors have to be well familiar with their cases. I’m from Texas where so many governors got to know the inmates pretty well. If you happen to be a Christian governor then asking if they want to be saved before they die is a requirement by the churchgoing people. Someone has to do it. A thief and a murderer hung on crosses beside Jesus Christ and one of them is with Him to this day. It’s a part of his territory to offer the prayer of salvation because He came so that all ALL could be saved. I hate communism and Tim Walz is definitely talking like a communist but I can understand his viewpoint on this particular matter. A lot of the prisoners do respond to the question of salvation favorably. Some don’t. I married a felon and stayed married to him till he died of being mean and hateful but that was his choice not mine. Now he is with Jesus Christ and looking at every word I type.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Rose Mary Abbott

You make a fair point. Just speaking with them, and attempting to comprehend what makes a shooter become a shooter, does not automatically make him crazy or a “bad guy”. Likely, there are many a psychiatrist who would like to pick their brains to unlock that mystery, in order to attempt to prevent future shootings, and read the signs before it happens. It’s actually not so mysterious.
They often are misfits who’ve been rejected consistently by their peers, for whatever reason, sometimes in cruel ways. And they finally get “triggered”, so to speak. But make no mistake, Walz IS a nut job, and an extreme radical, even disregarding his infatuation with school shooters. That just adds to the “crazy” factor. Almost like being a school shooter “groupie”.


Before you get a million thumbs down, we need to remind people that it is GOD’S WILL THAT NOT ONE perish. Kat Kerr has said Jesus can still go to people at death, the grave, or even at the gates of hell & ask them if they want Him This depends on people having prayed for their salvation. So don’t say you know who went to hell & who didn’t, because that’s out of your wheelhouse. I pray for all these people, but so many just WILL NOT repent. This saddens the heart of God.
And when you get to Heaven & see some of them there, you won’t be angry about it You’ll be glad, like each one in Heaven is when someone barely makes it there.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 2 hours ago by escole17
Michael R Davis

They lie to us continuously
Just about everything our government, our newsmedia, our entertainment industries, our preachers, our medical industries, our education systems, our space industries, feed us seems to be lies, hoaxes, propaganda, FAKE news, nonsense. Look around. Any truth out there anywhere?


Not here


We wonder why the evil traitors have no remorse when stepping up to the gallows, still spouting their evil nonsense. Here is a possible explaination:

¬ During a Parasite RESET, our entire planet (realm) was cleared of humans and all technology of that era destroyed or hiden under hundreds of tons of soil, rock or sand. The valuables they wanted to keep would be sequestered within buildings they wished to remain. Then the Parasite’s Loyalists (traitor humans) would come out of hiding to help install the new narrative of the dawn of creation. Those traitors differ from regular humans in that they sold out their own species, a long time ago. Sold their souls, many thousands of years ago in some cases. And this is why we sometimes see old sepia brown photos and black+white images and photographs of people like ‘Jay-Z’ in the 1800’s; and Nicholas Cage, Justin Timberlake and many other celebrities over the last 80 years or so. We think to ourselves ‘wow that looks just like Nicholas Cage, how can this be?’

Well, it’s because the facial features of all beings, not just humans, are ordained by the soul, and it is the beauty of the soul that creates the face. Those old photos are the same as the present individuals because they are the same soul. Those particular souls have been selling us out reset-after-reset, in return for their gift of reincarnation with full memories intact. And they help perpetuate the new lies upon this planet after a reset. They are rewarded lifetime-after-lifetime with money, fame, success and reincarnation. With each successive life, they become worse. Their soul becomes darker & darker until, eventually, they become a demon themself.

But occasionally – for instance, Nicholas Cage – could be told by his masters, ‘Nick, we need you to die in a few days’ time so we can transfer your soul into a new vessel for this next con on the population that we have lined up. It’s got to be you and not Jay Z or Justin, etc, because you have been with us longer and you are more trusted.’

Literally, these ‘loyalists’ working for the Parasites, are reincarnated time-after-time in new vessels to help cement the lies. It happens in all industries, and in all fields of scientific research, manufacturing, chemistry, physics, geography, technology, health, religion, sport, education, history, media, finance, travel, space, etc, etc. – leon ¬

So, when one of these evil ‘loyalists’ winds up at the gallows, they just stick a finger in the air, knowing their soul will be grabbed by the Parasites and reincarnated with all their past memories in a new vessel, and then they’ll enjoy loads of riches again. The game goes on, for them.

Or, it used to be that way and no longer happening like that – if what we hear is fact and the Parasites have been ousted.


Interesting theory. I have seen those sorts of photos you referred to. Identical looking people from previous generations in very old, almost crumbling, sepia photos.


This is anti Biblical.

Michael R Davis

Is the israeli Iron Dome missile defense system just one big hoax?

Makes sense come to think of it.
Keep people scared about Palestinian and Lebanese threats. Have a great excuse to retaliate. Genocide the Palestinians. And why aren’t other countries using this system if it’s so great? And if there’s one agency capable of false flag events it’s MOSSAD, correct?

Watch the Iron Dome missile trails. They just explode, never seem to hit anything. Take this one step further. Is it possible the Iranian hypersonic missile strikes are also a hoax? Food for thought.

Remove one space before :
https ://


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Last edited 3 hours ago by escole17
Lorenz Manner

When do we have the great pleasure to see Tim Walz at GITMO, with the noose around his neck? I / we hope that this will happen very soon.

Mrs Davis

Who cares about his confused ass?? WHERE ARE THE “WHITE HATS” in NORTH CAROLINA?? WHY ARE BODIES BEING LEGT TO ROT???? FVCK TIM STUPID ASS… WHAT ABOUT THE CITIZENS OF NC??? These white hats allow tons of bs to happen for them to be “in control”. I call BULLSHIT


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 6 hours ago by escole17
Stir Fry

Typical Libtard making excuses for and sympathizing with murderers, gangbangers, and trannies.


Yeah but unfortunately they are ahead in the polls, real or otherwise. That means they will win the election, real or otherwise. 4yrs of white hat operations? But it’s ok Fido the dog is ok up in Springfield.

Rose Mary Abbott

What polls are you looking at? Rasmussen happens to disagree wholeheartedly with you on that account.



Posts by trolls and their bots are the same as ads. They are PA$D by others to do this to spread an agenda. Why else would they do it? Do not believe anything they post. Just 100% ignore them. Do not interact with them at all in any way. It is how they get pa$d.

Note: Contains pervasive, sustained profanity

3:53 – 5:27 of

LOFI, version (814 KB 92 seconds) available here


October 6, 2024

unless WeTransfer deletes it sooner.

Please copy / share / make censorship-resistant / make viral / make available with one click this clip, thank you.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 7 hours ago by escole17
Debate Judge

These horrifying testimonials combined with a report that FEMA is confiscating donations being sent to the flood victims paints a disturbing picture.

Site: Infowars
News Item: “Local Authorities Threaten to Arrest Father-Son Volunteer Duo Saving Stranded Hurricane Helene Victims”
By line/Writer: Kelen McBreen
October 2, 2024, 2:58pm


Trump was interviewed today by Cuomo on NewsNation. How is that possible if Cuomo was executed? Did Trump play along with an imposter?


Yeah these damn clones. They seem to be better and nastier than the originals. Nothing changes. Just look at the Blinken clone. He’s been killed twice but he still manages to go and meet foreign presidents and do business. Bill Gates clone is on TV promoting vaccines and other shit ALL the time!! The Letitia James clone managed to get 20,000 marines deployed when she threatened to seize Trumps properties. That’s clone power.

Karen B

This-national-quest-for-tampon-up-boy’s-bums-l❤ver, cowgirl-hat-donning-midriff-showing-crop-top-daisy-dukes-wearing-boot-stomping-gyrating-horse-semen-drinking-depraved-degenerate, wants school killers to know he is their friend..
not just their friend.
But their friend in Christ.
that fits.



We need the WH military to help with Helene relief and stop the fake biden from sending our troops to die in middle east .. we need e m here to help with the harp induce hurricane damage and relief


This is so lovely, nicely prepared and SO ON POINT! If you are grateful for President Trump, you will love this. I have tears running down my face.. God Bless President Trump. Enjoy xoxo https://

Karen B

It is beautiful, touching, soul searching and true. The hardest working man in the world: President Donald J. Trump.💘
GOD only needed to make one with all gifts and powers bestowed on him: our dear friend🤗 and fighter💪 for all things Good; all things GOD.💘
Thank you, Connie.💕


And yet he’s such a flaming asshole…


Project much?


F this guy
WHAT ARE THE WHITEHATS DOING ABOUT FEMA IN NORTH CAROLINA??? They’re up to their old tricks again!!!

Mrs Davis



We need the WH military to help with Helene relief and fight off the feds thwarting, stonewalling and stealing land. It’s bad!!!


We need a few hundred hunters to show up there and do some “hunting”.

Nukken Futz

Harris Walz=harry balls…..

Rebecca tracy

Any sympathizers with school shooters is just wrong! Did Walz take time to send condolences to families of victims? Enough said. Get him to GITMO 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
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Last edited 10 hours ago by escole17

Chris Martenson, PhD

🚨This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives. 🚨

This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…? That’s quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can’t…even. I’m stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It’s what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you’d be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute.

Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.

Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!



Someone posted on X a video saying he had done some research and found out the area down there is rich for lithium. Did you know Harris has offered them $750 each. Didn’t they do that after the fires in Hawaii? He, also, mentioned bioengineering…like HAARP. I feel this was all planned as well as in Hawaii…all under the Biden regime. The fact the federal government hasn’t sent help and FEMA is doing nothing should make us clue in that all is not what it seems to be. I watched another video on X today where a fat sheriff told someone they can’t have a fundraiser to help the victims. He was literally yelling at them. Other videos are from those who wanted to help but were turned away. The American Federal government is corrupt and I pray Trump wins. Elon and him have done more than the Federal government. Heaven help the people down there.


Disgusting! Horrifying! Inhumane! This is the work of our enemies the globalists to kill America! Fight back through prayer! Almighty God still loves and protects His people no matter what our enemies do or say! We the People will win!


Yes, and they also just told those people they will each get $750 for their “LOSS”……. WTF??? Yeah, this is Lahaina, all over again! IF you all recall, those residents LOST EVERYTHING also, and biden gave each of them $700. It’s another LAND GRAB for the Lithium that can be mined in that area, I’m just sure of it…………….

Coons Laura

I’m sure the White Hat military knows this is going on but I hope MB sees this and confirms that they know so they can get to these people. 🙏



Hurricane Helene has caused crippling devastation to 6 states – Florida complete gulf coast destroyed from the Big Bend
down to Brandonton, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina North Carolina Tennessee, West Virginia.

🙏 for our Patriots!!!

Last edited 7 hours ago by CD22

Hard to argue with the authenticity of a message from Them. Has anyone confirmed this with They?


Its hard to grasp how evil Deep state is. I saw the videos of Chimney Rock, after the was destroyed. I also read an article today about the sheriff who threatened to arrested the pilot flying supplies in/helping to evacuate the elderly stranded. Claiming, “your leaving now, you’re not even picking up your son/co-pilot or I’ll arrest you for interfering.” Go look it up. 🤷‍♂️ This is nothing new folks. Look up what happened during Hurricane Harvey. The local Sheriff did the exact same thing to the a man rescuing stranded ppl w/his platoon boat. His wife filmed the whole incident…this disgusting pig Sheriff (who was a deep state plant) threatening this guy for rescuing ppl. Yelling at this hero w/rage and disgust. No more! Leave now or else!” Bullying the crap out of him. Hurricane Harvey 2017 was the saddest story to those of us already awake. National News did an interviews w/a woman who came to sing at one of the shelters outside of Houston. Yet it was so unnerving to watch her enter the building, because there were no ppl there. Just empty beds in this huge open building. That same day a bum caught outside was approached by a news anchor live on air and was asked why he wasn’t at the shelter and he said, that he was scared, that they were killing everybody at the shelters. (national television) warning the public NOT to go to the shelters, cause they were killing everybody. Michael Baxter confirmed this in earlier articles. The FEMA ships had torture chambers in them. White Hats blew up a FEMA ship off the coast of S Carolina a while back for this exact reason! This is why our Generals have been so pro-active in tailing FEMA during storms. Hurricane Maria same thing. These are demonic beings were at war with. A month after Hurricane Harvey ppl found huge grave sites w/un named bodies there. Stay vigilant. If a storm is coming your way, clear out. Take what you can and get out of there!


That debate surely was eye opening…Trump/Vance 2024 and beyond🚀


blackhats wake up to reality. revenge is not a good path to follow; only bad comes out of it. but im afraid its too late for you blackhats.

your time is up blackhats. you thin, thhis is funny for now.

when karma comes its going to bite you really hard. not even your stolen cash and medbeds will save you.

your punishment is coming blackhats. all of those ghosts will be having a time of there lives on you blackhats.

as they: “there are other fates worst than death”

not even demons, mao, hitler, stalin will accept; infact they hate you as well.
so you blackhats are bunch of dumbasses.

thinking taking out europe will help you. all of this destruction over taiwan. go fuck yourselves blackhats. i know your blackhats agencies will be reading this comment.

i shall put fear into your miserable piles of lvies for the death you caused.

choose your next path carefully ro they be more death on your company blackhats. this time nobody will come to help. not even your chinese friends.

maybe i miscalucated on russia. idk.

now i hear north korea betrayed china again. so china loosing badly.

all of this lahsing out on innocents, cats, dogs and etc is not cool.

you blackhats are dead.


i hope you blackhats are happy destroying people lifehoods channel like lgr. which is a computer dude. your carelessness is destroying the fun out of life cause we couldnt let you torment children??

you blackhats are a disgrace. you know what i change my mind about kamala, infact i hope trump wins. just to see you blackhats for acting like bunch of chilrdren.

Bonkie 1

On a side note: the deep state or whatever is left of it is out here trying to charge payments to our debit cards and other accounts big time. They’re on a roll with everything. Good thing mine always at zero$. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Message to the deep state minions left: it’s okay to struggle and hustle. In an honest way. We did it for long long time. We love you long time. $5. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why wait !


With all due respect, M.B., I think a lot of us are more concerned with the Hurricane Helene victims and the atrocities that FEMA, Sheriffs, and Fire Chiefs are complicit of than the debate.

Please give us an update at your earliest convenience, and thanks kindly for all your hard work.


Seconded. Please ask the White hats why volunteers are being threatened with arrest if they don’t stand down


They’re not. A local fire chief threatened to have a private helicopter pilot arrested for evacuating people. He was told to STFU. Nobody is threatening volunteers


We can always count on you, troll, to throw shade on important information. You are a simple tool, a “useful idiot” for the black hats.


No, I’m a voice of reason AMONG idiots.

Marie Claire Olivier

Yes, PLEASE! If FEMA rushed to Lahaina and Paradise, I imagine they are hot footing it to North Carolina. I have been waiting to hear from you on this, …and praying while I wait.




FEMA is doing nothing. They say there is not enough money and it’s just the beginning of the hurricane season. People who have gone there to help have been turned away. The people are on their own unfortunately which is absolutely horrendous. There are so many videos on X from the people down there asking for help. It’s heartbreaking


Just an fyi that we are nearing the end of Hurricane season (ends in November). We’re not in the beginning of it.




It took them 5 days, but they arrived………… Just in time to CONFISCATE all of the supplies that people had DONATED, along with the cash people donated. They confiscated IT ALL and REFUSE TO ALLOW ANY OF IT TO GO OUT TO THOSE IN NEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’ve got people volunteering with their helicopters, going in, rescuing people that need medical attention, taking supplies to others and several of them have been told that IF THEY FLY AGAIN, THEY WILL BE ARRESTED!!!!!!!!!! There is SO MUCH GOING ON in this, it’s really Lahaina ALL OVER AGAIN. We could give ZERO SHITZ about walz.




Connie, I had no idea. I this Hurricane was H.A.A.R.P. generated. However, I had no idea about everything else. Since, hearing about all the devastation and lack of communication, the need for food, water, and other items I have been praying that God would send angels to bring people what they need to survive.

Rebecca tracy

Praying for the survival, safety, and recovery of ALL Hurricane Helene🙏🙏🙏 IF and most likely Helene was manufactured, may they meet their Maker ASAP. We must take back that technology for good…NOW🤬




You meant to say, “Please make up an update at your earliest convenience.”




Why wait?


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 12 hours ago by escole17


S alan

Wish there were more like you…actually saving lives!


The Nuremberg Code was developed in response to medical experiments and crimes committed by NURSES and DOCTORS in Nazi Germany.


And the media. They all said “we were just following orders” I watched the documentary Nuremberg from 1949 and the Nazis called the sick, the disabled etc “useless eaters”… sound familiar?

American Living in Canada

“Chrystia Freeland and other Canadian MPs are guilty of treason for being foreign agents for GermanyAdded by on July 26, 2024.
Saved under “

Presscore News has been saying this from day one!!

“The World Economic Forum serves as a proxy for the German government. It serves Germany’s strategic interests. That was made abundantly clear throughout Germany and the WHO orchestrated COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Germany sponsored the heinous biological attack against the civilian population of the World in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum in Davos pursuant to and furtherance of Germany and the WHO’s objectives: 1) to obtain worldwide support of vaccinations and 2) to force world leaders to invest $billions in Germany made vaccines.”

American Living in Canada

“Toronto Police investigation of Barry & Honey Sherman murders sealed by the Crown to cover up who committed the targeted murders”
“There is compeling evidence that shows that 5 years ago Justin Trudeau conspired to have his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers murdered. Justin Trudeau had motive to conspire to murder Barry and Honey Sherman. An ongoing RCMP investigation of his election campaign fundraiser for the Lobbying Commissioner and an Apotex lawsuit put Justin Trudeau in legal jeopardy. The fundraiser was a prohibited gift. Justin Trudeau accepting the prohibited gift meant that he violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act.
Violating the Lobbying Act had no legal consequences for either Justin Trudeau or Barry Sherman. House of Commons informs Canadians why:

The RCMP have never, ever followed up. The RCMP then rubber-stamps or whitewashes whatever Lobbying Act activity has happened.

However, violating the Canada Elections Act meant that Justin Truduea could have lost his seat in the House of Commons and he couldn’t be a candidate in another election for 5 years. It would have meant the end of his political career.

The Canada Elections Act also sets out a series of disqualifications that apply exclusively to electoral candidacy. … Current disqualifications include the following: “A person found guilty of an illegal or corrupt electoral practice (as defined in section 502 of the Canada Elections Act) is disqualified from contesting a federal election for either five or seven years and, if he or she has been elected, may be required to vacate his or her seat in the House of Commons. Illegal practices include wilfully exceeding the spending limit or obstructing the electoral process. Corrupt practices include voting more than once or accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage “


465 (1) (a) every one who conspires with any one to commit murder or to cause another person to be murdered, whether in Canada or not, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a maximum term of imprisonment for life;

A Court Order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary ordering the Lobbying Commissioner to “unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants” provided motive for Justin Trudeau to conspire to commit murder.”

American Living in Canada

“Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, NB Premier Blaine Higgs and other Canadian premiers for assisting an enemy, Germany wage COVID-19 biological warfare/war against Canada”
“Charges of high treason and treason are warranted and need to be laid against Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and other co-conspirators for assisting an enemy, Germany, wage COVID-19 biological warfare (act of war) against Canada.
There is ample evidence showing Germany sponsored the biological warfare attack………………………………….. in January 31, 2020 (day the UK formally left Germany’s EU) to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Stated purpose of Germany sponsoring the biological attack – “It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.

American Living in Canada

“Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers are breaking the law by forcing public servants, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment””Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers are breaking the law by forcing public servants, Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment. They are blatantly violating Canada’s Constitution – Canada’s supreme law. They are violating Canadians’ rights and freedoms to further the political and financial interests and agendas of a foreign state, Germany, and of the United Nations Organization (UNO). They are committing treason by assisting an enemy of Canada in 2 Word Wars wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada.
Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.
Section 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.
1. Everyone
“All individuals physically present in Canada will benefit from the protection of section 7 (Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177 at page 202; Charkaoui (2007), supra, at paragraphs 17-18).”
2. Life, liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to liberty
“Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).” Canada’s………………..

People were posting this back then…

American Living in Canada



American Living in Canada

AI Summary….

“Sherman Murders Solved StatusBased on the provided search results, the Sherman murders remain unsolved. Despite a private investigation conducted by the Sherman family and the Toronto Police Service’s ongoing investigation, no arrests have been made, and the case remains active.
The search results indicate that the private investigation concluded in December 2019, but Toronto police continued to investigate, and in 2021, court documents revealed more details about the discovery of the couple’s bodies and the presence of enemies mentioned by their son, Jonathon.
In 2019, police spokesperson Connie Osborne stated that the investigation was “very active” and that investigative steps were being taken every single day. Homicide Insp. Hank Idsinga mentioned that the sheer volume of tips made solving the crime challenging, and they were asking those who submitted tips to resubmit them directly to the police.
As of the latest information available, there is no indication that the Sherman murders have been solved. The Toronto Police Service continues to investigate, and the Sherman family still offers a $10 million reward for information leading to the arrest of someone responsible for the murders.”


Nobody gives a rats ass about what is going on in Canada



youve ALREADY said that




s o o o o n x . . .


S alan

Ya know Germany lost WWII but the Nazis won!
Why? Because most of the nazi scientist’s and higher ups were brought over to America and put in the medical and experimental fields where they could continue their experiments and mind control on our people. They started the subversive CIA and infiltrated the government positions until this country was lost. The rest of the Nazis, with the help of the Pope , including Hitler, moved to South America. I think Hitler was still alive after year 2000.
We really lost that Rothschild started war.


All WARS have been Rothschild Rockefeller etc. STARTED .


Nukken Futz

The Rothies, or lizard fuckers started the Revolutionary war, War of 1812, Civil war, WW I, WW II, Korean and Vietnam wars, plus had their dicks in the Bush wars to take over the world in which they did for a spell and then got a brilliant idea of killing 90% of the world’s population, but the Galactic Federation of Light: watchers of earth or Gaia, are putting a complete and final stop to these world trouble makers and this time, totally eradicating all reptilians and bad humans and raising the world’s consciousness to the 4th density……..and they are accomplishing this mission……..and are remaining on earth to make sure that these lizards, do not return to start more trouble. They own industries here already and roll the profits back into their companies and employees, for they do not use money on their home planets. Hitler died at area 51 at the age of 79 in 1969, incidently…..


Why is the military not helping North Carolina flood victims that are in need of life saving help.? Are they too part of the evil human sacrifice going on?


Politicians have given a stand down. Its a land grab.



Marie Claire Olivier

Another Weather Warfare episode to facilitate a land grab.
Asheville is designated to become a 15 minute city, and in the hills surrounding Asheville are one of the largest sources of Lithium in the world, and one of the purest sources of Quartz.
It’s a land grab, just like Lahaina and Paradise, complete with the unreported high casualties, but they are not going to get away with it.


A city where services like groceries, health care, shopping, schools and jobs are with 15 minutes of home? Shocking. Inhuman!


Useful idiot, your apparent function seems to be to demoralize. It’s not working because we see through you trolls.


My function is to stop grifters from bamboozling easily fooled people and extracting money from them


BS roger. How much do you make per post?


prolly :(((


Your system is not recording the plus or minus “votes” each contributor generates in his/her statements. I wish you could successfully correct.

Dave Strickland

It’s that the Biden administration simply doesn’t care: but they leap into sending tons of money to Ukraine.



American Living in Canada

From Arizona…

We just heard of a leaked conversation between Democrat officials in Arizona!  
But in looking into it deeper, it seems it might have been leaked on purpose (to the Washington Post.) 
The conversation was about how they’re all apparently going into a ….. after it came out that almost 100,000 voters hadn’t provided proof of citizenship but somehow got marked as doing so. 
Let me tell you what illegitimate Governor Katie Hobbs said: 
“When this goes public, it is going to have all of the conspiracy theorists in the globe – in the world – coming back to re-litigate the past three elections, at least in Arizona,” 
She added, 
“And it’s going to validate all of their theories about illegal voting in our elections, even though we all know that’s not true.” 

“This conversation was between the Governor, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State – all of whom are illegitimate! It also revealed that they believed the number of affected voters was actually 148,000 voters, but they lowered the estimate to 98,000 to sugarcoat the problem.  
In the end, this conversation made it look like they are oh, so surprised by the fraud and convenient incompetence that plagues Arizona’s elections.  
That’s why they leaked the conversation! 
Devious, isn’t it? 
They are panicking, alright, and I expect them to do everything in their power to pull one over Arizona again. 
We won’t let that happen. 

God Bless,
Mark Finchem

Republican for Arizona Senate
“Election Integrity” Patriot

s alan

THE problem with the US defending Israel was that modern-day Israel was founded by the Deep State Rothschilds. Israeli Zionists were not the original Jews, but members of the Khzarian Mafia pretending to be Jews who performed child sacrifices in their worship of Satan. With the help and funding of US Inc. Israel has become a safe haven for pedophiles.

Reality Advised

All of THAT is in the Tal-mood



we kno



And elsewhere. The KM must be eliminated.

Dave Strickland

The problem with the US defending Israel now is that the State is no longer legitimate but an occupier of that land. Its lease since Balfour in 1917 ran out in May or thereabouts. Its official status registered in London has been dissolved. It’s more accurate to say that it isn’t the US defending Israel but that Jewish interests have been forcing the US for decades to satisfy whatever Israel wants, when it wants it, how it wants it. “Yessir! Now Sir! Three bags full Sir!” Too many dual Israeli-Jewish nationals in Congress throwing their weight around and threatening anyone in the government not so aligned. And let us remember: the true Semites are the Arabs and other non-Jewish people in that land, making the Jews themselves the ones who are anti-Semitic. Their true position is: “God gave us the land in perpetuity, but we (91% of us) don’t actually even believe He exists.”

Last edited 10 hours ago by Dave Strickland

I was just thinking. Posting with a name. What does this person look like? I am a female. 57 years old. I have long brown hair with golden flecks . I have one green eye and a brown eye. I am thin at 5 foot 4. I am fair skinned. I wear size 6 clothes. Size 6 shoes. Size 6 gloves. 36- 26- 34 ratio. I weigh 105 pounds.We can’t even tell our true colors because we have been programmed like robots.





S alan

Yup! And a big part of the Programming starts very young- Television & the Media.

That’s why it’s called a Program.


So you’re a cute, skinny and short. But 100% nuts. Never stick your dick in crazy.



I care


I like BIG butt’s and I cannot lie…





Middle East Fake news.
check photo in link and following page:

Look at the area inside the green line – theres no lights on anywhere. That’s because it was a housing estate that was due to be demolished in an old part of town. It was evacuated months/years ago. No one was living there. But it looks great if you set fire to some lorry tyres and take a picture from 2 miles away. And it could easily pass for a war zone 🙂
– leon.

Remain calm.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Atlanta

What happens if Harris and waltz win the election?


They cannot win unless they cheat, which is the only way they can win. Hence, the invaders are there to take the place of real voters ~ us. However, if they win; get ready for the Reeducation Camps then FEMA for our final resting place🙏


I can’t wait.


Ten Days Of Darkness . . Cheers . .


we die bye die bye die bye die

Dave Strickland

Don’t ask if they might win the election. Win, no. Steal and usurp, yes.

S alan

Ya know for Waltzz to act like such an idiot maybe he is following a program intending to do just that!

I have a feeling that he is versed by the White Hats and that he was put in that position by the White Hats.


Want peace? Otis Redding Sitting on the dock of the bay watching….




get a friggin room

she charges $40

+ tip




I am hardly a good judge of people. Appears to me that most democrats I see, hear, and listen too, are almost as ridiculous as the people they vote for? Too many funky mushrooms? Call me prejudice against stupid.

Bill Meadows

Henceforth, you shall be known as “Prejudice Against Stupid.”


“Stupid” for short. Or just plain “Stu”




Hey Bla, Howbout Tup, Upi, or Pid… bla bla bla