Battle for Greenville Airport: White and Red Hats Find FEMA Trafficking Children


A White Hat/Red Hat coalition early Tuesday morning engaged armed FEMA at the Downtown Greenville Airport in South Carolina, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. He said the alliance expanded its offensive south in response to reports that FEMA and other federal agencies had commandeered the airport and blocked the runways with vehicles and helicopters to stop citizen pilots from bringing relief supplies to storm survivors in North Carolina.

For simplicity, we’ll refer to the White and Red Hats as “the Union.”

The Union strike team confirmed the claim upon arriving at the airport at 2:00 a.m. Tuesday. “Black” helicopters and FEMA Tactical Mobile Command Vehicles blocked either end of both runways, and four agents ambled about in the dark casually discussing benign topics, such as which team would win the World Series. One goon compulsively glanced at an illuminated watch on his wrist, asking the guy beside him when relief would arrive so he could get some sleep. He complained he hadn’t slept in over 24 hours. He pointed at the runways, neither of which was lit, for FEMA must have turned off the edge lights to dissuade bold pilots from attempting a precariously dangerous landing.

“No one’s getting in or out of here at this hour anyway,” the agent said. “I need some damn shut-eye.”

His companion replied, “We’re here till we’re relieved; deal with it.”

Concealed behind buildings alongside the taxiways, the Union used parabolic microphones to overhear FEMA’s chatter. They had been given the transpicuous order to eliminate FEMA.

Four Union snipers, whose rifles had either night vision or thermal optics, took positions on rooftops and aimed at the unsuspecting FEMA agents. The snipers were a second away from putting bullets in the agents’ brains when a “hold fire” message crackled in their earpieces, issued by the team leader.

He had seen one of the agents speaking into a handheld radio and heard him instruct the other visible agents to clear runway 19 because a flight would soon leave the airport. The runway lights got switched on, and the distant rumble of a turboprop’s engines filled the Union’s parabolic mics. Somehow, they didn’t initially spot the pilots that emerged from the Greenville Jet Center, 1500’ away, and boarded a Cessna 441 Conquest, a twin-engine turboprop with a maximum range of 2000 miles.

The plane taxied to the Runway 19 threshold and idled.

As the Union was assessing its options, six blindfolded children, flanked by two additional FEMA agents, appeared outside the SAI Flight Companies maintenance warehouse. The feral agents told the crying children to keep their damn mouths shut and walk straight ahead lest they fall on their faces. They were leading the kids to the idling Cessna.

“This we weren’t expecting, and it for sure put a chink in our plan,” our source said. “Eight agents. No problem. The task force could’ve taken them easily, but with kids in the mix, it complicated the mission. The snipers didn’t want to risk hitting the children, so they borrowed FEMA’s playbook.”

The goon who had moved FEMA’s trucks off the runway had also conveniently left the doors unlocked and the keys in the ignitions. A Union soldier slipped inside FEMA’s armored Bearcat G5 tactical vehicle and awaited orders to swerve onto the runway, blocking it.

Meanwhile, Union snipers kept the four roving agents and the two guiding the terrified children toward the airplane in their sights. One child asked his captor why they were blindfolded at night, to which the agent replied, “So you can’t see who we are.”

“I know who you are—you’re FEMA,” the kid said, and the agent slapped his face with such force the kid’s head spun sideways.

“Belligerent punk, keep your mouth shut,” the agent said.

When a second child stumbled, fell, and cracked his chin on the shallow steps to the cabin door, the same agent called him a wimp and said, “Soon you’ll have something to really cry about.”

The two agents stood behind the children, pushing them up the steps.

As the last child boarded the Cessna, Union snipers cratered the agents’ skulls, and the Bearcat G5 came screeching to a halt a hundred feet ahead of the plane. The driver dismounted and pointed his rifle at the windshield.

Elsewhere, Union forces dispatched the patrol, reportedly with such fury they didn’t stop firing until their magazines were empty.

“Kidnappers deserve what they get. Our guys stormed the cramped cockpit and asked the pilot why they were trafficking children. He denied it. He claimed the kids were storm victims and that FEMA was taking them to safety. Well, that didn’t sit right.  Why would they have to be blindfolded? And removed in the dead of night? Well, they killed the pilot, justifiably if you ask me,” our source said.

After freeing the children, Union forces firebombed the Cessna and FEMA’s ground vehicles, and searched the buildings for more feds. Although finding none, they received a radio message saying FEMA reinforcements had learned of the incursion and were heading to the airport from Greenville, Brookhaven, and Easley.

Rather than stay and fight, they opted to get the kids to safety, and then return to the airport with a larger force.

We’ve been told they did return several hours later, but we’ve yet to hear the results.

Our source said the situation elsewhere has worsened. White Hats have intercepted credible intelligence indicating that FEMA, FBI, and ATF agents have erected mobile command centers just outside the projected impact zone of Hurricane Milton, which is barreling toward the Sarasota-Tampa area with 160mph sustained winds.

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FEMA has an add for employment on utube. Up to over $3k weekly.


The next one will be in Georgia


uk is hopefully and will get saved including japan and rest of the west. no need to eradicated our history.

i will not allow us to be genocided. i refuse to be the only european.

all of this destruction cause of taiwan.

funny how we europeans have to let taiwan get taken over and rest of the pacific.

you dont want china that close to the u.s

Last edited 19 minutes ago by chris

Come get me I’m ready to join the fight


I saw a video last night on Twitter, where 2 guys were filming this airport with the runways blocked by FEMA. They filmed the agents casually sitting around and everything… Michael described the scene perfectly…it wouldn’t be the first time FEMA killed ppl or took kids, ask Lahaina.


I shot the sheriff but I didn’t kill no deputy


My grandfather shot the sheriff and two deputies on top of petros mtn. Yep he spent time in pokey but they didn’t beat up his son and take their moonshine ans sale or drink it anymore!!! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION THERE BLACK HAT?


excellent … eliminate all these thugs and lets take out the assholes giving them ordEs …all the way TO THE TOP!!!




God bless and keep the Union alive until all these demons are wiped off the face of the earth!! Good job with the rescue Marines!! 🔥🔥👏🏽💪🏼


fema are traitors to North America because they are not helping the victims. They are killing and robbing the victims. What makes fema’s actions right? These different agencies are against We The People which makes them traitors to North America (USA)! Why should we give them mercy when they shit on everything that’s good! That BITCH slapped that child when that child recognized who was abducting them! I want the Union to redden the ground with those wicked evil bastard’s blood. They don’t care about real people, so we don’t care about them breathing! They love blood, let them taste and drink theirs! I thought I would never feel hatred towards anyone, but I have righteous anger and hatred towards these wicked pieces of shit! They deserve to be wiped out of existence because of the raping, drinking of blood, and murder of the innocent. LOCK AND LOAD gentleman and ladies.


All alphabet agencies need to be abolished and employees of these organizations past and present need to be rounded up and revetted before they are allowed to remain Americans. No one will ever trust this filthy government again.

Cargo Beep beep

Funny that every time I’ve said long live the Red Hats I got an immediate 50 negative responses. Took the rest of you long enough to catch up. We need to get things done, no matter how it gets done.


Cargo, (w/all due respect) you don’t have a clue whats going on or the battle your in..who the enemy is or the warfare tactics being played against you and everybody else. Kamala is just a face and a mouth piece to voice the enemies intentions. If she was taken out tomorrow, there’s either be a clone of or another member of the cabal, (who’s even more terrible to replace her). This is a battle between good and evil.

Death to All Deep Staters

The White Hats and Red Hats would be a much more effective fighting force if they were able to continue working together. But only if they can get past the trust issue. If they can’t, then they ( and all of us) would be better off if they just kept working separately.

dennis ward

Deep state demons, psychopaths!


aka chief of staff..

I believe the congregation is much getting worse the closer we get to November 8th…

Is someone handing out LSD?

Lucy when is the EBS?
Linus, where are the med-beds?
Pig-Pen, does MB have an artificial leg?


What happens on Nov 8?


stop dude. your brainwashed slave is not in charge.

American Living in Canada

From VCC… Ted..

“Dear VCC Community,

Transformative Thoughts
I was introduced to the work of Meredith Miller last week from Karen, one of VCC’s Chapter leaders. In her video.. Miller shares some profound ideas about the time we are in and how we might move through this period wiser and transformed. She declares that there is a “shattering of our world view. The old world has ended. The new world is not yet established. Nothing is normal. We are at a turning point in human history right now.” 
Miller also shares the perspective that what is happening is not being done “to us” but rather “for us”. That a huge opportunity where humanity is being invited to engage in deep questioning about life’s meaning and purpose; and about freedom and responsibility. 
Dr. Julie Ponesse shares a similar view. She says this time is an opportunity to clarify our values and strengthen our integrity. In her latest book, Our Last Innocent Moment she states: “This is a dark time for humanity. But darkness always creates the greatest opportunities for growth and self-awareness, and for us to intentionally remake ourselves for the better. The moment is upon us. We can’t reclaim the innocence we lost in 2020, but we can use our experiences to remake a more innocent world for ourselves and for our children. We can, I dare say, create something even greater.”
We have a choice. We can, as Miller states, “give up, falling into despair and defense, OR we can lean into the existential calling of a lifetime.” 
I choose to believe that we are meant for this time. And that our ability to see, hear and speak with truth with integrity is no accident. We are here on purpose and have a destiny. Yes, there will be loss. Many of our relationships will end. The world as we know it is crumbling under the weight of a lack of morality and integrity. 
I suggest we celebrate these endings and get on with creating anew. We are in the process of creating the new collective human path. 
Thank you for your wisdom, courage and integrity during this important time.


Pledge you allegiance to the new cabal today!


Time for you to go Deanne.
Say goodbye now, bitch.


Don’t hang her, inject her w/ the Covid-19 vaxx & 900ccs of Heroin
Chop off her arms & legs
Take her to shark infested waters.
Tie 3 cider blocks to her neck and throw her overboard

She’ll drown and then, She’ll be eviscerated


Interesting news from Fulford lots more in the article..

MI6 sources report that in response to the devastation and the threats to vaporize Israel, high-level Jewish power brokers are trying to negotiate the replacement of the Satanic state of Israel with the God-affiliated new state of Judea. This will include both the native Judeans and the immigrant Jews. This new state will be allowed to rebuild the Temple on its’ original location which is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque. So yes, that qualifies as biblical-scale news.

Now let us look at the Catholic Church. It is bankrupt and about to be dissolved. Multiple intelligence agency sources confirm they own Bank of America, which in turn owns the United States of America Corporation. To hide the fact BOA and the US Corporation are bankrupt, the bank appears to have “borrowed” funds from its’ depositors to create the appearance it was solvent on the September 30th fiscal year end of its’ US Corporation.
This was reported in the news as Bank of America experiencing nationwide outages, leaving customers with zero balances in their accounts and only their debts visible.

I’ve been warning of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act…….they can and will steal your deposits when the bank needs a ‘Bail In’

ht tps://

Last edited 2 hours ago by anonymous

Good! The Catholic Church is pagan!!


Hardly. The Church has been in schism since 1965 when the Liturgy of the Mass was changed…..changed by the satanics who overran the Church.

The original and one True Catholic and Apostolic Church (traditional Latin Mass) was resurrected in 2007 via Benedict XVI and has been hanging on a thread thanks to the antipope Jesuit Francis…..who is long dead, but his imposter wears a mask……


Organized religion was corrupted long before even the year 325 when Constantine got you all bowing to crosses, using wrong dates and participating in rituals that are abominations to Yahowah (god’s name) . The Sadducees and Pharisees just got in bed with Rome and gave you the wide path of what you call “Christianity”.


Hypothecation of securities goes way, WAY back. But CASH deposits..!?

Well.., anything when you’re in a margin call..! What dirtbags.


Newsflash: You’re cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

Last edited 8 minutes ago by Tzipporah

God bless you, patriots from White and Red Hats!!
We appreciate your work!!!!
Thank you!!!


Nazi vs Q nuts Sorry for using logic)
Nazis: idolized Hitler with a cult of personality
Qnuts: idolized Trump with a cult of personality
Nazis: Created a fake enemy to blame all their problems
Qnuts: Created a fake enemy to blame all their problems
Nazis: killed millions based on lies
Qnuts: want millions killed based on lies
Nazis: installed Hitler as dictator
Qnuts: Wants Trump to be dictator, and supporters dictators of Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.
Nazis: Declared white people superior
Qnuts: Hate immigrants, supports by racists, believe the great replacement.


Q extremists want GENOCIDE. Here’s everyone these nutjobs want executed:
1) All of Hollywood
2) Everyone in the news media including fox news
3) Everyone in control of social media except X
4) All the doctors that recommend the vaccine. That’s nearly all of them
5) All the pharmacists that provides the vaccine. That’s nearly all of them
6) all drug manufacturers.
7) Everyone who works for the FBI
8) Everyone who works for the CIA
9) Everyone who works for FEMA
10) Everyone who’s democrat
11) Everyone who identify as Atheist
12) Everyone who’s not Christian.
13) Anyone who says anything THEY disagree with.
14) Everyone who identified as LGBTQ
15) Troll commentors on RRN
16) everyone who works for the IRS
17) Everyone in the UN
18) Everyone in NATO
19) Everyone who’s Vaxxed.
20) family members of all the above.


You turned? You can’t even fake it. You will always be one of them.


I shot the sheriff


It’s a song.


I’m glad I’m not delusional like you.


not true you re a liar like the rest of the demi nazis


100% true, do your research




Well you want half the world executed.


your time coming to ane end soon. i can see it.


u r a moron

Robert Thompson

Hallelujah! Great job white hat, and red hat forces! God bless all of you 🙏! Fuckin’ kill them all! Send them where they belong to the Almighty Father’s tribunal. Judgement! None of us are perfect, but we’re not evil. Let’s see FEMA, FBI, and everyone else involved talk their way out of this one. No one escapes our Heavenly Father’s Judgement! Again thank you for saving those little ones ❤️!!! God bless you always, and may God keep you, and protect all of you 🙏

Lucy Skywalker

Thank you Michael for finding exactly the right name for the Red and White Hats working together, Union.

“Shot Heard Around the World” time


When I first read about the Red Hats a few months ago, my instinct told me the Red Hats HAD TO work with the White Hats and fight the common enemy, leaving their differences behind.

Now I am celebrating the union. God bless the White Hats, the Red Hats and any and every patriot fighting to free our country and our planet. Congratulations!👏👏👏


Bertha I know you are fighting to free this country.❤️💙💙💙💙I just know


Thank you, Steph. ❤️



American Living in Canada

It was meant to be….

“The Magnificent Seven StorylineThe Magnificent Seven is a classic Western film franchise that originated from Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai. The storyline revolves around a group of seven gunslingers, bounty hunters, and outlaws who band together to protect a small Mexican village from ruthless bandits.”

American Living in Canada

Sometimes if not always.. ya have to get the Bad Company Crew involved to get’er done.



American Living in Canada

Red Hats.


Sure could USE ’em.

Interesting vid w/ Sean at SGT report and Sophia Smallstorm on how MX descended into financial ( and drug ) Cabal controlled madness.

Since most of our adult lives involved a MX circling the drain few would recall in 1958 their president had them on track w/ a booming economy. The peso was like 7 to the dollar and having gainful ( honest ) employment was no big deal.

Fast forward a handful of years the peso is now at *70* to the dollar, pot has become their leading cash crop, unemployment is rampant and desperate unemployed factory and farm workers line up at the border to become drug mules.

Everyone knows obviously the drug cartels call the shots but few would suspect without drug and human trafficking, their economy would literally collapse overnight! They are now just that dependent on it. Where’s a good gunslinger when you could use one..?

Lucky Star

Keep waiting, and playing good cops behind the scene then now situation is getting worse.. join forces of the deepshit and Union.. why not open war directly???

Lucy Skywalker


Or maybe it’s Red And White Stripes as on the Flag

Yup, that seems better. Red and White stripes … then who are the White Stars on Blue? They have to be the full country’s Patriots finally Mobilized … when the issue is no longer liable to devolve into a deep state “divide and rule” Civil War, but stands clearly and squarely as Good Versus Evil.

Because enough of us are now awake.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Lucy Skywalker

This has Bolshevik written all over it.


This is WE THE PEOPLE TIME! Fight, Fight, Fight!!!!!


Stand back little missy and make me a sandwich.




Kill every single one of them and extend them no mercy.They chose to die on this hill of Marxist Statist murder and revolution. There they must fall and be rewarded prejudicially both in this life and in the next according to God’s perfect justice without mitigation.


DIE DIE DIE !!!!!!!!!

Robert Thompson

A huge Amen to that 🙏!!!


about time, they getting rescued.

Jan D Hunsinger

Incredible story. These people (FEMA) are so evil!!!! WOW would this make a fab movie. GO UNION.


The last time I have seen citizens freaking out like this was Jade Helm under Obama.


Kill them all!


Angels on duty.
Children spared .Again.
Thank you God.

Victor T.

To Michael Baxter:
Just placed a comment on this page, and it disappeared.
Please, inform soonest!
Thank you!


maybe cuz yer stoopid??


The FEMA SCUM including the Pilot got EXACTLY what they deserved, as evidenced by their words and obvious intent shown by those GUILTY words and actions including, especially, those words and actions towards the children and thus saved us some money for an unnecessary Trial


Anyone having problems with your iPhones? Can’t contact people. Your pharmacy has closed its doors. The slow drip leading to lock down. If I could sing a song I certainly would.





Flight of F16s with cbu can take out every FEMA Scum anytime, anywhere. Just saying.



Most DS are males inverted as females.




Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 3 hours ago by mistracy39

Well I hear that Trump/White Hats don’t want collateral damage of innocent victims but looks like it’s happening anyway. If the Feds are out if control killing the same, you would hope they ‘WH’ would let people know the truth. So the can arm them self. Unless there’s an alternative motive going on.
They know that it would be an up rising
Of the people.


The feds are doing the best they can. I support FEMA and the Red Cross.


It will stop soon. I had the time of my life.






FEMA would be stupid to return.

Linda Hutchison

They ARE STUPID! They will never be able to EVER spend the money they received for their dastardly crimes once they are arrested and taken before the military tribunals.


They are stupid and make great cannon fodder. Fat ones and dykes you don’t lead as much.


It’s FEMA’s job.


So, how does the union guys know what the fema guys are talking about and looking at their watches? Are they standing next to them.


Report said they had listening devices.

Hal Brown

Read the article. They had parabolic Mike’s. U no what that is?


Go ReRead the article and you will discover the answer!


Exactly 👍 WTH ‼️ MB just explained that in the article sheeeesh 🤦🏼‍♀️


You need to READ the article!!

Death to All Deep Staters

There’s a 3 line paragraph within the article which explains how they knew.


I think she knows something


OMG. How heartless and cruel. I have zero respect and regard for anyone who’d harm a child or an animal.






I am telling you. The EBS will only go off when there is an astrological alignment. No one knows the date or time. Not even T. This is GOD telling us to stop believing the lies.


EBS? What’s that?


To you, it is probably eternal bull shit.


Now your learning





A number of people I read equate President Trump to King Cyrus. Cyrus was the heathen ruler of the heathen empire, Persia. Ezra 1:1; Isaiah 44:28; 45:1-14. G_D gave the moon, the stars and heavenly things for signs and seasons. (Genesis 1:14) Not for worship.

Luke 21:23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. 
Luke 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 
Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

The word perplexity is interesting. Strong’s G639 defines, have no way out, to be at a loss(mentally). This in light of Isaiah 66:4 defines some posters here, “I (G_D) will choose their delusions.”

Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


Why are you telling me this? Please answer

American Living in Canada

IMO.. EBS has to happen. There’s been so much deception, manipulation and THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!! ESPECIALLY AGAINST CHILDREN!…

What do the powers that be expect? All of us to go … oh ok covid’s over.. oh hillary is just gone away? All the pizzagate was just bullshit? The tunnels were bullshit? Adrenochrome was bullshit?

No crimes were committed because we don’t see the perps on Military Tribunals.. oh ok.. thanks..

You wanna bet that there are still individuals that believe all this was bullshit??!!

Closure is the only way.


Google is now paying $300 to $500 per hour for doing work online work from home. Last paycheck of me said that $20537 from this easy and simple job. Its amazing and earns are awesome. No boss, full time freedom and earnings are in front of you. This job is just awesome. Every person can makes income online with google easily….
M­­­­­­o­­­­­­r­­­­­­e­ D­­­­­­e­­­­­­t­­­­­­a­­­­­­i­­­­­­l­­­­­­s For Us→→→→ Www.Payathome9.Com

Last edited 4 hours ago by mistracy39

Love the Union!!

Marie Claire Olivier

YES! We may not see eye to eye on everything, but we have the same goal.
…and we both need all the help we can get!



Death to All Deep Staters

Yep, especially the part that prefers to kill the scumbags, rather than arrest them give them an unnecessary trial.

Beth Appling

God Bless the Union teams, & THANK YOU for saving those children!
>>>KICK FEMAs ASS during Milton, please! Let them know pain & then eradication.
I am grateful & appreciative beyond words, ALL WHITE HAT MILITARY fighting this War for us all!!


God bless FEMA