White Hats Arrest US Army General H.R. McMaster, Retd., for Aiding FEMA in Deep State’s “Eminant Domain” Takeover of North Carolina


White Hats this week arrested once-revered US Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, Retd., on charges of aiding and abetting the enemy and treason, alleging he had been advising the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on how to defeat the Union forces (White and Red Hats) who’ve been struggling to expel FEMA from storm-ravaged North Carolina and Florida.

McMaster had a brilliant, decorated career. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1984 and earned a Ph.D. in American history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1996. A master tactician, his leadership led to military successes in the Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He would later become President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Advisor, a position he held from February 20, 2017, to April 9, 2018. At times, he had spoken highly of Trump, crediting him with the destruction of ISIS and his tough public stance on China. More recently, however, McMaster had spoken negatively about his brief tenure in the Trump administration and President Trump specifically.

In his most recent book, At War with Ourselves, published on August 27, 2024, McMaster parroted a Democratic talking point, calling President Trump a slave to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He wrote that Putin had a stranglehold on Trump, and that Trump’s ego and self-love led to his abandoning the Constitution. “The attack on the US Capitol stained our image, and it will take a long-term effort to restore what Donald Trump, his enablers, and those they encouraged took from us that day,” McMaster opined.

White Hats, however, didn’t care about McMaster’s opinions; a plethora of Trump’s so-called allies wound up being traitors in disguise; Deep Staters pursued and prosecuted not for their views but for aligning themselves with the Deep State and actively subverting the Constitution for personal profit.

McMaster, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News, became one of those culprits—for reasons not entirely clear. His true allegiance, though, became vividly transparent on October 10, when Union forces were engaged in a gunfight with FEMA/ATF agents at Downtown Greenville Airport in South Carolina, which FEMA had seized to stop the flow of relief supplies being flown by citizen pilots to neighboring North Carolina.

Union troops spotted 62-year-old McMaster on the battlefield. He had been coaching FEMA on small-unit military tactics and combat deployment of platoons and smaller units in a particular strategic and logistic environment. As Union forces opened fire on FEMA invaders, McMaster was overheard telling FEMA how to advance under the cover of suppressive fire and stealthily leap-frog forward. He taught FEMA the “buddy rush” tactic, a military doctrine that ensures that one soldier always fires while the other maneuvers.

McMaster, our source said, fled the airport in an armored vehicle after FEMA sustained heavy casualties. He was accompanied, our source added, by FEMA Threat Analysis Director Jeffery Afman, who reportedly said, “Oh, shit, time for us to go,” as Union forces advanced on them.

Union troops informed Gen. Smith that they had seen McMaster at the airport, and the general sent the disquieting news to President Trump. President Trump, our source said, told Gen. Smith that if McMaster was aiding the Deep State’s “eminent domain” takeover of parts of North Carolina, he must be arrested for treason, irrespective of his earlier meritorious service to the country.

McMaster was easy to find. When not aiding FEMA, he was still signing copies of his book at Barnes & Noble and appearing at military history clubs from coast to coast. On October 10, White Hats learned that McMaster was scheduled to appear at a San Antonio Military History Book Club meeting on October 15.

“McMaster knew we were on his trail but was showing up in public. The hubris is astonishing. He could’ve gone underground, vanished, but nope, he goes from teaching FEMA to a damn book club. And that didn’t work too well for him,” our source said.

A US Marine squad, he told RRN, had been waiting for McMaster. One Marine asked McMaster to sign his copy of At War with Ourselves and if he would ever consider serving Donald Trump again. McMaster scribbled his signature on the cover and told the Marine, “Hell, no, he’s an insurrectionist.”

An hour later, as McMaster left the building, three Marines grabbed his “treasonous ass,” hurled him into the rear of an unmarked van, and showed him a military arrest warrant signed by Vice Admiral Darse E. Crandall.

McMaster reportedly laughed uproariously, saying that Crandall and the Marines were traitors and that they’d pay with their lives for supporting Trump.

McMaster, our source said, is currently being held at a JAG detainment facility pending a trip to Guantanamo Bay.

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This arrogant louse is an enemy of the people, working against the safety and well being of storm ravaged American victims! ARGH!! (What an EGO!) He’s a traitor, and cold as ice, just compounding their misery, without a care. (I’m refraining from busting out a trashier choice of words.)

No matter his once glowing career. It’s now severely tarnished and covered in bird poop.

Bad enough that this was a deliberately created disaster, and he’s participating in this tragedy, by choosing to aid and abet the enemy of the people (FEMA). He’s supposed to be defending the people!! He KNOWS BETTER. BRING IT ON, UNION and Darse E. Crandall! He surely deserves whatever his vacation at GITMO may bring. We don’t even know yet what else he may have been involved in since his retirement.


Everybody, take pictures of your ballot so you can send them to Trump if he loses.


I believe that the 10 days of darkness has already begun.

Some of you have been waiting, hanging out close to the goal post, but not seeing the post hole digger moving the goal post because you’ve been blinded looking at things that you were told to keep an eye on. Trust the plan, they said to you, while they stole everything they could.

Jesus didn’t die for nothing. All of you fuckers are sinners. You might as well sin big, otherwise Jesus died for nothing.

None of you are going to what you perceive as being in heaven. You’ve been lied to for 2500 years and you haven’t opened your eyes like a kitty cat that was born eight days ago.

But I still have compassion for you, even if you took the vaccine and given a jelly doughnut in exchange for taking the death jab.

You should be proud of yourself. You’re human beings and you’re wandering around waiting to die, because the sky is not blue, it’s a reflection of the ocean the sky is actually black.

Give away all your worldly possessions you don’t need them.

David Smith

I am not a legal expert by any means, but wouldn’t the word in the title be ‘eminent domain’?


McDonalds (McMaster) needs to be made an example. I wonder if he can withstand a wave of bullets in his torso? I mean he tired to do that to President Trump at the rally, so why not he be done like that at Gitmo? I mean Karma’s a bitchhhhh!


So is it presumable that the Greenville Airport in South Carolina has been secured by the White Hats and supplies are being flown into North Carolina without being intercepted on the ground by FEMA military personnel?


Is “Retd” short for “Retarded”??? If I’m not mistaken, “Ret” is the abbreviation for ‘retired’.

Last edited 28 minutes ago by Marilyn
Mary Ellen

We should not be surprised at his treachery after Obama fired all the Constitutional generals. That left traitorous McMaster, Kelly, Miller and Austin.




From Wikipedia:

“In February 2018, McMaster said that it was “incontrovertible” that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. McMaster, who spoke a day after a federal grand jury indicted more than a dozen Russians in connection with the interference, was addressing an international audience at the Munich Security Conference, including several Russian officials.”

He was already a traitor almost 7 years ago!

Huck Finn

Power corrupts. Especially narcissistic minded know it alls’ with super egos who lust for power is pure evil.


Thank you again Michael awesome

Don Reed

More Rope Please !!!

Robert Thompson

Should have charged him at the book signing, and two to the chest, and one to the head! POS!!!


You can tell McMasters has an ego problem. Crazy how the man knows everything about war but doesn’t understand why we fight wars. Things like loyalty, honor, law or love country probably sound like fairytales to this idiot.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Vicky

still waiting for uk to be taken over by islam huh?


UK is already fallen to evil.

James Abbott

Who are you addressing? You seem like you have a serious mental illness.


So far I know of 3 generals who have committed treason and crimes against humanity, Kelly, Milley and now McMaster. There has to more because DOD has many who have forced DEI and Toxic Vaccines on the troops. Please get them ALL!


He should ne clubbed to death like a baby harp seal!


Please dont make that comparison again


Hr deserves a painful death for betraying his sworn oath.


Who’s clubbing baby seals??


The Russians club them in the artic for there fur. Clubing doesn’t leave any holes in the pelts.

King Kong

his hanging needs to be shown on TV

Last edited 1 hour ago by King Kong

Wow. That’s incredible! What a nasty piece of business he turned out to be. Free will, he made his choice now he lives with it.


Come Allah Kamala vs a DJT?

DJT, the Domesticated Jewish Terrorist will ride again!

james richard merkle

Hang the traitor !


Now we’re starting to get up the chain. Hope McBastard enjoys Cuba.


A clone already took his place. Nothing changed.




But that doesn’t make him feel any better! Haha


Victories like this are still VERY small until the MSM is taken out of service.


And they won’t unless a dictator silences them.


That’s why they won’t—because we have a dictator. Are you stupid or are the demons paying you, too?


I’m guessing they’re going to have to take the power grid down and all communications to do so. Hope not, but we’ll see.


They don’t have to take the power grid down or all communications, they just need to hang some big wigs owning the stations. There are many good channels out there, this being one of them.


Steve Quayle and Free Prince on X is reporting on DoD Directive 5240.01. It’s long title is: DOD INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENCE-RELATED ACTIVITIES AND DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE COMPONENT ASSISTANCE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND OTHER CIVIL AUTHORITIES. It is dated 27 September 2024. The end of Posse Comitatus? Martial Law their intent?

Wondering if this is the reason for dead bodies riddled with bullet holes, floating down rivers in western NC? The name on the directive is Kathleen Hicks. Seems Lloyd Austin was unavailable.




Tribunal him first, then cane him, keelhaul him, bullwhip him, then boil him in oil for what he did to the kids!! Then extract all his teeth, and apply the blowtorch to the mouth. Then guillotine his family jewels so he can never rape another kid again. Then saw off his appendages one at a time with a rusty blade; next, apply merthiolate to the amputations. If he’s hungry, make his swallow raw hogs’ guts, aka chitterlings – no bbg sauce for him.


You’re an evil bitch, aren’t you?


Wow! That’s a bit over the top, don’t you think?


Dang……..tell us how you really feel.

S alan





yer giving me a phat boner…


Right? I’m over all of these loud mouth traitors. I’d have to have a little WHOOPSIE with the trigger finger and get it all over with …… SO many of those traitors aligned themselves with President Trump then were really working undercover for the deep state. NO MERCY FOR THEM!

You know, they’ve been running a really bad commercial for Kamala, and it’s all of the McMasters, that once worked for President Trump but have shown themselves now as traitors. I was thinking, there’s a good HIT LIST for the White Hats. The AD starts out with that David Muir piece of shit, that moderated the debate and LIED during the questioning. McMaster is on that, Milley is on that, lots of BIG NAMES. Not sure if that’s only airing in Arizona, or all over? Curious to know?


Wasn’t it McM who was making loud defamatory comments about DJT in Public while he was “serving” UNDER him? I think that was the reason he was FIRED back in the day. Surprised he wasn’t scrutinized more ever since his first termination.

Last edited 3 hours ago by whateverfloatsyourboat

Good old DJT exposed him!!


More like his entire cabinet exposed Trump

Marta Limberg

The arrests are coming very fast now. Election now less than 3 weeks away. Doesn’t mean things will be settled until after the elections. Far cry from being settled. Can expect to see disruption from at least for 2 more years. All of the deep state must be destroyed, unequivocally. Not one shred of them should be left. The people need so desperately to be freed from the reptilian/pedophille/criminal/ adenochrome/Cabal types which inhabit earth’s fields and underground’s. A massive cleanup is now underway across the globe. Thank the Lord God Almighty for his mercies toward “upright” god fearing people. The righteous will exist forever eternity.


I agree. Too much to expect clean up right away and the fake msm and dems will try to convince us it’s not happening. Can you share some of the places you go to for the truth?


It’s not.


RRnewdaily. COM
They have reported on the things this site has reported, very informative site

Reality Advised

Before Its News


BIN’s used to be good, but too much long, long shows an hr long…with commercials- I like Judy Buyington the best. Telegram is great, look up both “White Hats,” “valiantthor369,” channels. VThor is earth’s Alliance, boots on the ground for the Galactic Federation of Light. very interesting man.

Last edited 18 minutes ago by Vicky

Just remember all these arrests are fake and never happened . It would be nice to have real proof instead of one anonymous source. Pictures , secondary sources , just like the real news is done .


So if its all just fake what are you doing here? Why come onto the site or bother to comment? Don’t you have better things to do?

S alan

“Not one shred of them should be left”…..right on!

A massive change is taking place not just on Earth but throughout the Universe to totally replace the Satanic Lifestyle that has plagued existence. On Earth its been since the crucifixion of Christ.

It will happen and nothing can stop it!






Yet another paedophile meeting justice!


FEMA is stealing people’s land and worse. For the general to help them, tells me he was never a good man. Just pretend.

Barbara Ann

I never liked McMaster when he served Trump administration. He always had a very untrustworthy look. He so arrogant, calling Trump an insurrection while he takes part in harming the NC flood survivors. He’s the. Insurrectionist. I hope he gets what he deserves.


All the original good guy military leaders were released from duty under obama…so any remaining military leaders and those that have climbed the latter, should be presumed DS.


Never thought about that, very interesting but I see it for sure. Thanks


Wow, very good point. You’re right Obama would have gotten rid of as many as possible.


H.R. McMaster upbringing & influence, that his father was a lieutenant colonel – he graduated from West Point Academy 1984.

After 34 years in the military and serving as a National Security Advisor to President Donald J.Trump’s, he was ousted by political adversaries – General Michael Flint, Russia Propaganda. He retired with $720,000 dollars a year full pension.

What was turn point US Army retired Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster to throw it all a alway and become a Turncoat?


Error – 75% less than 40 years aaprox 18,000 × 12 month’s = 216,000.


Don’t you mean Michael Flynn?🤔


I was off….yes, it was misspelled – Michael Flynn – his behavior is questionable?


Boy oh boy, could we all use that $720,000.00!!!


Generals make good money active duty and when they retire.


Bet he’s not laughing now.


But we are! Mr. McMaster, meet Mr. Noose!!


He probably has know idea about this story.

truth is stubborn

McMaster, our source said, is currently being held at a JAG detainment facility pending a trip to Guantanamo Bay.

Makes you wish you could observe him on the flight. I just don’t think they hand out pretzels and orange juice on those hops. Also wish you could eavesdrop on the interrogations too.

I suspect they might have more on him, but we’ll see.

Last edited 4 hours ago by truth is stubborn

Of coarse he’s a pedo but treason is enough.


uh-uh, paedos need extra punishment IMO. JAG can mete that out too.

S alan

Hang him by the scrotum!


Remember no one has been arrested or convicted of treason for over 50 years in the US. Rosenbergs were the last I believe .

King Kong

they got everything on every one of them. Can you say Assange, Barron Trump to great computer hackers.


I used to think like that. Oh i’m so curious what when on in that interrogation…the more I learn the more sickened I feel. Probably not for the faint at heart..we’re dealing with pure evil.

Strike 17

Phase two of a massive military operation has begun. Just this week, new satellite imagery confermed massive military activity around key Deep State strongholds. Not only is Nellis Air Force Base a hub of activity, but new bunkers have been discovered in Antarctica, where the elites thought they could hide their most advanced technologies and untold riches. And guess what? The White Hats have already infiltrated these facilities. Antarctica has been a Deep State fortress for decades. They’ve been using it bra black site for experiments, genetic manipulation, and advanced mind control technology. This is documented in classified military reports. The White Hats have seized data and devices from these locations that will shock the World when they’re declassified.


I hope you’re right, Strike!

Bill Meadows

Where did you get this info?


They publish articles from here and give credit, a ĺot if things going on you won’t get from mainstream media

Barbara Ann

Yes,I’m reading alot of what you’re saying.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Barbara Ann
Karen B

Can hardly Wait!!!😃👍😎💃


Well general…..you were lied to!!!


That book signing didn’t go so well after all, LOL, LOL.

I have trouble understanding so much evil. What kind of monster do you need to be to help destroy innocent people’s homes, property and lives at the very moment they are trying to survive a hurricane?!

No more book signing for McMaster. He must be kicking and screaming right now. Hang the SOB!!


Amazing to go from to hero to zero so quickly. A PhD in American? You would think he would have his bearing straight as a patriot, not only defending himself, family, friends, community, but our Unite States Republic for future generations.

Usually, at 60+, folks start to consider their legacy. How they will be remembered. I suppose, like the others, there was a financial incentive to betray their countrymen.

Wow, sad to see people choosing a few coins up front, like Judas, to go down in history forever a as traitor.


Kay Griggs did a utube 8 hr interview in 1998 discussing her deceased General husband and ALL the top Generals being one bath house of homosexuals.

Murders, blackmails the whole 9 yds. These Generals either dead now or living on borrowed time….it will all be revealed.

Just like the Vatican where 80% + are all homo/sodomites……


Like the Bolsheviks, they depersonalize the enemy to make them seem so awful as to justify deprivation of basic human rights. Many people who rise to the top of a structured, pyramid system are psychopaths or at least folks who have become so beholden to the system that they resist anyone who stands up to the system. Or they are just evil plants to begin with.


Let him scream. He’ll be screaming even more if we cat o’ nine tail him and add rubbing alcohol.




He deserves the firing squad in his uniform


Uh uh , too good for him. Hermann Goering wanted that, and Col.Andrus said no he gets hanged. I agree. But IMO
McM needs to be punished far worse because he is a paedophile if not a paedophile protector at the very least.

S alan

If the person doing the hanging they can just leave the noose around the neck a little off center and the neck won’t break. So a sever choking that last for minutes takes place…very extreme suffering takes place.
It was done to a few deep state people all ready!


Bill gates was one of them.


Retired military. No uniform.



Thanks for this report, sir. I simply would like to know what the status is on AG, Letitia James and Col. Hoadley who was arrested last November, sir?


Bob —


No doubt he was bought off. Soros $$$ goes a long way with greedy bastards.


What a waste of a great life, to end in such a small little fizzle.
Would have Loved to get a copy of the book signed, just for the library.
Oh’ well they all have to choose a side, in the end he chose Poorly.

Last edited 5 hours ago by snoopy

Get the traitor to sign your book? A great life? Fighting unnecessary wars and having all those innocent people on both sides killed?! smh


At least they nailed the bastard, quit your complaining.





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Last edited 5 hours ago by mistracy39
About time

Same tired response. Oh, we’ll pay…pay you traitors back in spades. Eat lead you piece of shit



Beth Appling

Looking forward to seeing this traitors hanging!!
We’ll see how he laughs then!!


Not before giving him the Verne Schillinger treatment


Yet you haven’t seen anything.


Time to arrest Jeffery Afman next, along with all fema administration!

Strike 17

300,B worth of lithium in West North Carolina.

Their’s a mining company that has been trying to restart mining operations since 2021and been
imbroyaled with community protest to not begin mining. Spruce Pine provides the quartz for 90% of the semi conductors in the world. The quartz are the purest form that exists.
Hurricanes loose steam over land.
You can’t get a death certifacate without a body. If no body it takes 7 years to get certfacate. You can’t get transfer of accents.

People on top of the mountains like Italycore were airlifted out and told they have to wait a year to get back.
The dams in North Carolina were in need of major repair and maintanence they had 20 years to fix so they opened the flood gates so the dams won’t break. The question why the 3 dams flood gates was open?


You probably already know the answer. Its so obvious.


I’d be looking at prosecution of every single worker at the dam who had a hand in opening the floodgates at that time. What’s worse than a “chance” the dam can fail? Making it happen at the most inopportune time. Looks planned.


GO directly to DUKE POWER. They owned it, they also owned the power company in Lahaina………………. are the puzzle pieces coming together yet??

Donna Miller

This was my thought on that, WHY all three and when they knew people lived down from the Dams and life would be at RISKED….. Then when that decision was made should have told PEOPLE to get out and made it so if they needed TRANSPORTATION….. This STINKS and not in a GOOD WAY…… The White Hats need to look into this, concerning Tennessee and North Carolina….. Do not forget that WEF wants 90% of the population gone for their plan to work…. Why do you think they had to get rid of President Trump, the election and still they are not happy


Goes from the battlefield to signing books, knowing the WHs were after him? Didnt the article refer him as smart?
Also, how the F, can anyone say Trumps supporters “stormed the capital”? He knows that wasnt true. I guess waiting for the inside guards to open the doors and gestured them inside, is considered storming.?? The guy who had his book signed should have spit on his signature, and shove it back at him!


I can’t believe how many clueless retards, smart people even, still believe that J6th was a false flag.


“I guess waiting for the inside guards to open the doors and gestured them inside”

I watched it live that day from cell phone broadcasts on the internet.

That is exactly what happened.


Yep, they were let in; I watched it live as well.


It’s as if these traitors are under a strong spell that they could turn on a dime and go from patriot to traitor in a heartbeat. Truly frightening. #InvasionoftheBodySnatchers

Eugene Templet

I often wonder what would make these people flip like that. To me, it can’t be just money but who knows?


Self gratification; winning is important, not the purpose of the war.

Like scientists creating chimeras.

Like a hunter killing a moose, not for feeding his family.


Has he been blackmailed? Or is he perhaps a pedo? We know they all despise TRUMP



Phantom Phlyer

I agree with your observation. I feel like some of them can be bought and others can’t. I also think that the ones that can’t be bought can be black-mailed into submission. I believe McMasters falls into the later group. They have some dirt on him and that is why he is trying to white wash his reputation with the book signings and all that.

Council Man

We do have an interesting situation here. Two sides calling each other “Traitors.” Only one side can be backed up by the “truth.” Which one is it?

The infiltration and subsequent subjugation and subversion of our nation, it’s institutions, and our Constitution has been a very slow process over the decades (perhaps over a century), but is now clearly evident to all those with logical and discerning minds.

Using FEMA resources as a defacto Federal army or for any purpose other than relating to humanitarian aid efforts is not in compliance with Congressional intent for this agency or its enabling statutes and is a subversion of the Constitution and is in Truth a Treasonous Act.

IMO McMaster is in some way blackmailed and compromised and knows when the WHs win, he’ll be charged with some form of crime and therefore has chosen to support the criminal regime.

Andrew Stevano

Blackmailed?! Are you kidding? It implies that he was forced to do something he otherwise disagrees with. Not so here. From his behavior here, writing a book unrighteously disparaging Trump, laughing uproariously and calling his capturers traitors while being apprehended, he is clearly a willing participant.

Death to All Deep Staters

I thought this traitor was already GITMO’d.


Nope. And he still has to answer for al the child sex trafficking tunnels his wife was told be a voter about, right in front of his face, no less.


The left just love pejorative labels that create hate, division and mistrust. “Insurrectionist” ? He must be referring to the Jan 6 false flag and he could be a top supporting Jan 6 conspirator. They never give even one example of Trump being a traitor except with outrageous unproven lies. Their hate of Trump proves that they have horrible plans for America as he is the major blocking obstacle to their Orwellian Utopia.


The number one item on the left’s agenda is depopulation . . . any which way they can achieve that.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Jullou

Qnuts spread hate and lies. They’re also Nazis