Military Arrests Adam Schiff


As the Deep State lodged its final and fruitless bid to eliminate Donald Trump by convening a bogus Grand Jury to hear fabricated evidence of non-existent tax fraud, the United States military arrested yet another Deep State asset who had eluded justice for far too long. On Monday morning, U.S. Special Forces arrested Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff at his Potomac, Maryland home.

Sources involved in Trump’s Deep State War and within the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told RRN that Schiff’s arrest was legal and proper and based on a sealed indictment Donald J. Trump and acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen had authored prior to January 20.

The formal charges against Schiff include numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. Specifically, the indictment alleges that Schiff and other prominent Democrats did knowingly conspire to manufacture unsubstantiated claims that Trump and members of his campaign had colluded with Vladimir Putin to thwart Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid for the presidency. Moreover, the indictment states that Schiff’s personal war on Trump cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $2,000,000,000, money he misappropriated to fund a personal vendetta. It further stipulates that Schiff unconstitutionally pressed for Trump’s removal from office after grossly exaggerating the context of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The indictment concludes Schiff betrayed his oath of office, lied to his constituents, embezzled cash, subverted the Constitution, and committed treason—all in the name of wanting to eradicate his nemesis, Donald Trump.

Even the less severe charge, embezzlement, could deliver upon Schiff a 5 to 99-year sentence in a federal penitentiary, while the most egregious, treason, could see him hanged by the neck until dead.

Sources told RRN the military began its investigation into Schiff’s criminal misconduct in early January and would have arrested him sooner, but both JAG and its cooperating partner, the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division, have been swamped in a litany of indictments. JAG completed its inquiry in mid-May and drew up plans for Schiff’s capture.

“Even then it wasn’t exactly easy. Special Forces would’ve nabbed him more expeditiously, but Schiff was travelling around incognito. He was shuffling between the many homes he owns across the country. But you know what they say: You can run, but you can’t hide,” one source said.

Special Forces, he added, had staked out Schiff’s homes in California, Massachusetts, and Maryland, and had a surveillance team watching the U.S. Capitol. Although Schiff was spotted several times in the Halls of Congress, the military ultimately deduced that the D.C. Schiff was not Schiff at all, but rather a convincing body double.

“The military used gait recognition technology, which proved the body double theory. The Deep State has been using body doubles to protect its ranks,” our source said.

Gait recognition refers to the use of video of human gait, processed by computer vision methods, to recognize or to identify persons based on their body shape and walking styles. This is a passive mode of acquiring biometric data from a distance.

On Monday morning, however, the military hit paydirt, finding the true Adam Schiff alone in his Maryland domicile. When confronted by Special Forces, Schiff pissed himself, fell to his knees, and cried like a baby, our source said.

In closing, our source said Schiff has been taken to a “holding facility” where he will await transportation to Guantanamo Bay.

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John Nix

You people know this is all made up, don’t you?


HelloMichael, any word on Schiffs appearances yesterday? He showed up on several shows. Sure it had something to do with this post, as most of them do. Thanks!


Hope Pelosi is next: her doppelgänger alluded her..

Ronald L Shaw

Get everyone of them


There’s much to read in Nancy’s reflections .. do you see it in her eyes and mouth? uh-huh.

joe blow

Center shot for this scum bag is that melon on those wimpy shoulders.

dennis richardson

I could not more please to comment but why was my previous comment deleted. HOT DIGGITY DAMN Adam Schiff has been arrested


I pray his evil cohorts, Mad Max, Nonsense P and others are also on the list? Thanks for keeping us informed, Mr. Baxter!


That is how I always recognized boys in uniform at my school across a long distance.

Paul varble

I hope this is all TRUE

Ray Gale

I have been a mental case and bout given up but thankfully I found this web page. The news I read today from your site has given me hope once again.


Michael If what you show us is real and comes true do you beleve July 4th is trump plan


Dailymail, 25th May 2021….
Hillary, Bill & Sting’s wife.
Having dinner upper east side.
It’s them. Question is … Is the date correct …. Coz …. Hillary neck snapped after Taps at 9pm a month ago …
Was truly sweet. Buy …. There she is.
So they’re reporting.

J Bill

Upload it to YT please, so we can see it here. Couldn’t get on there.


This Sssshiff sssnake deserves ‘capitis diminutio’ (capital punishment). Down with his hisssing head.


Michael, When will we start seeing proofs? Love your reporting.

MAGA CountryBabe

This is thru word of mouth from a confidential source. I really don’t think anything is on paper.

Mona Lisa

I just saw this “article” posted to FB-I was then reminded of what someone on this thread said about rumors of MJ being alive….someone must have read this thread….”Michael Jackson’s disturbing autopsy- grim tattoos, rotting feet, scalp tattoo and skin change. Here are revealing findings from autopsies of Hollywood’s stars”. I do not know about you but I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone. What is up is down, what is right is wrong, and on and on…..I’m going to a concert tomorrow night and try to have some fun….Calgon Take Me AWAY!!!!

MAGA CountryBabe

In this sick world I wouldn’t leave my home unless it necessary. But you have fun at your concert. Stay Safe.


“American Citizens CANNOT be detained, tried or prosecuted in GTMO”.

Snagging an American Citizens, and taking them out of the country to be held, tried, or prosecuted for ANY alleged crime, (especially a military court), is not only unconstitutional, but would set a very dangerous precedent for you as an American Citizen.


I wish this was true and doesn’t mean some of this vile animals aren’t arrested. But GTMO isn’t the place ..they all should hang , but GTMO is only for foreigners attacking the US . Military Commissions try cases that involve war crimes commited by alien underprivileged enemy belligerents. The commissions don’t have any jurisdiction in any alleged criminal cases against americans . That’s what federal courts and supreme court’s are for . Now the military can be in american courts against these animals , but just not at GTMO. I wish all these scum hang by their toe nails ! It’s just facts guys ..

Terminally deplorable

So, why did A. Schiff then piss himself? That would have been unnecessary.


Can’t verify that . I would of loved to see it??

J Bill



People who commit crimes such as treason, lose their rights as American citizens. They have attacked their own country and are traitors. Therefore GITMO is entirely appropriate.

Sue Grantham

You are ignorant of “facts”, military jurisdiction and the Constitution.
Enemies foreign and DOMESTIC ring any bells? Sound a little familiar?
Get educated.

MAGA CountryBabe

Woe Sue, your always so congenial. Bad day? Not everyone is a educated as you. Thats why your here, right?

Sue Grantham

Pisses me off when the most ignorant people start telling bs about the Constitution. With so many people who are educated on this site I have ZERO patience with those that refuse to do the research but continue with the bullshit.
Laziness always pissed me off.


laziness AND incompetence!

J Bill

If you don’t want to STFU and listen to an educated person, then go away. Don’t pretend to know more than you do. Being uneducated is your own fault, not anyone else’s.

J Bill

GITMO – both foreign and domestic detainees. Breach Of Constitution is crime against America, and can be both foreign and domestic, or either. Meaning war started by Americans, within America.

“Underprivelaged enemy…”? WTF that’s supposed to mean? lol

Try to speak of facts only here please. Go back to bed. Or go play on YT.

Terminally deplorable

Ever heard of rendition flights over international waters or CIA black sites on the Azores, Honduras, or Island? Are you sure the three letter agencies or the military do everything by the book?


Yes I have heard of those flights big fan of monkey wertz and re: government agencies …no I can’t say they do everything by the book . I’m on all of your side with this . I’m not your enemy , all I’m saying is that GTMO is for war criminals and that this particular prison doesn’t have jurisdiction on criminal crimes for americans . Is it possible the tribunals were performed somewhere different? Not sure . None of us know the truth till we start seeing things . ?


Signing the Insurrection Act established wartime military law and yes, US citizens committing sedition and treason can be moved to GITMO and tried in military tribunals

Sue Grantham

Even without the EO- the military has jurisdiction over Constitutional matters. It CLEARLY STATES enemies foreign and DOMESTIC.
Apparently one has not read the Constitution if they claim citizens aren’t subject to the Constitution.
Idiots are plentiful

Terminally deplorable

It may be not so clear cut. Even Lindsey Graham had to ask Kavanaugh how that works. Treason is normally trialed at a civilian court.

J Bill

“Treason is normally trialed at a civilian court.”

Never heard, saw, or read that one before. Can u give an example please?

J Bill

I know which case you may be referring to. But you’re generalizing it’s particular jurisdiction.

Sue Grantham

Negative. Any arrests by the military are subject to the UCMJ.



MAGA CountryBabe

Thankyou featherjourney. Facts without the snark.

Sue Grantham

Snark? WOW
Thought you were interested in fact and not “feelings” of an ignorant whose to lazy to research but has the energy to repeat idiocy.


thank you Sue..for your patient….with appear Terminally stooopid ppl on this site

J Bill

Go back to bed child. Let adults sort this out. Go play on YT for awhile. Or videos with your troll buds. Lazy ass.

Sue Grantham

Just STFU or educate yourself.
Your feelings mean zero.

J Bill

“… None of us know the truth… “

Speak for yourself chump. Using the term “us” or “we” is dead giveaway to SM junkie troll talk.

J Bill

None of us needs “none of YOUS” here. Lazy ass.


When Lindsey Graham questioned now Justice Kavanaugh he established that we are in a state of war since the war on terrorism was declared shortly after 9/11. Other than the military being in control currently due to the collapse of the failed and bankrupt corporation of Wash. D.C. which Biden pretends to still a kind of CEO of such a failed corporation, the individuals being tried at GTMO are considered to fall legally into the category of enemies of the state during such a time of war and legally able to be tried in such Military Tribunals in any of the established territories for such. Kavanaugh (and Graham) stated the long accepted law precedent that says that Americans who collaborate with the enemy can be tried since you don’t have any Constitutional rights to turn on your own government….and there is precedent f such individuals being executed! This is considered to be the large section of law called the “law of armed conflict” established long before 9/11 even. And when other countries such as UK (MI6), China, Italy and the others collaborated w/ members of the U.S. govt. in the many ways attempted against Trump in order to bring down the govt. they committed acts of war.

I’m the original “Observer” commenter in these various articles here!! There is another….gets confusing.


I just watched that video the other day . But GTMO is only for foreigner commited war crimes against the us. Thats all I’m saying . Maybe it’s another prison and not gtmo. I’m a patriot who wants to see justice .. but sad to say there’s a ton of false information everywhere and it gives hopium to a lot of people .

Sue Grantham

WRONG AGAIN! Batting 1000! Anyone who has been educated knows it’s not just for foreigners ?
Really just STFU. You don’t even realize how ignorant you are and repeating the ignorance doesn’t make it true. ?

J Bill

Obviiously you want the constitution to READ that way. I’m betting your on your way to GITMO? And you think by repeatinig something enough times, it’ll come true? Yes?

Only in your mind.

Sue Grantham

Constitution: enemies foreign and DOMESTIC is in the Constitution. Regardless of what Graham asked; the arrest of ANYONE threatening America and humanity is within the jurisdiction of the military. Regardless of citizenship, you will be held accountable.


Graham was establishing it for the record…..people today don’t have a clue and need to be educated….esp. for things that are coming down now.


that other would be me, with lower case o.

Sue Grantham

Your ignorance is showing.
Read the Constitution. When crimes against America and humanity are committed, the military has jurisdiction. Upon arrest for treasonous crimes, one immediately loses their citizenship, rights and freedoms.
It’s not precedent. It’s ALWAYS been this way. So instead of showing how ignorant you are- educate yourself on the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
If you commit crimes against America and her citizens, you will be arrested by the military. Violation of the Constitution is the military’s jurisdiction.
Education cures ignorance

MAGA CountryBabe

I think under the Insurrection Act that President Trump signed before he left office to get a much needed rest, says they can.

Sue Grantham

Did someone rewrite the Constitution without anyone knowing??


The collection of statutes now known as the Insurrection Act provides the president with the authority to employ active duty military against U.S. citizens during extraordinary circumstances of civil unrest or rebellion that threaten a state or its government, superseding other laws that generally prevent the use of forces like the Army domestically in a law-enforcement capacity.

But I think the Military Tribunal hearings and sentencing of those who collaborated against the government and attempted to bring it down have an already established basis under the Constitution and precedent where such American citizens no longer have Constitutional rights and can be sentenced and executed.

J Bill

Ah! Thank you!! I’m sure these trolls cut and paste stuff to appear authentic, then try talk the talk, but get cheeky, and fail miserably trying to sound “intelligent.”

J Bill

Go away lazy ass. your credibility is zero now. Quoting and repeating other’s posts won’t get you far here. go away troll.


You have some reading to do.


Do they even make a noose that scrawny?

Last edited 3 years ago by Maybeperfect

Question…remember several months back when fancy Nancy just disappeared for a few days and had the US Marshall escort when she returned? Does anybody know what that was about?

MAGA CountryBabe

Rumor has it that is when she was arrested but info on her isn’t clear. Except that military arrested a double of hers but where she is now, haven’t heard. She probably hiding minus 1 ankle bracelet. LOL


The New York Post has posted video of Hillary and Bill Clinton dining out in New York on May 27. Google “Bill and Hillary Clinton spotted at posh NYC restaurant with friends.” It’s a pretty long video of them eating outside at a restaurant. Take a look and decide for yourselves: real, or fake?

Kevin Miller

Thank you, I was being called a troll for saying that, tried to upload the video but Michael hasn’t approved it yet


See my above posts , you’re not a troll.

Sue Grantham

You are so ignorant to the jurisdiction of the military and the Constitution-
*** no one should believe the crap you’re spewing

Terminally deplorable

May 27, what year?


Probably not this year.


Firstly the neighbors of Killary in Chappaqua said Bill hasn’t been seen there for a long time. Actually believe she hated him. Didn’t want to have a kid with him. One of the pictures supposedly of her at the restaurant is absolutely a double. More importantly is the fact she is no longer walking this planet.

Terminally deplorable

Webb Hubbell comes to mind, and for what inexplicable reason would Bill dine out with his own wife, if there are so many others around?

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable
J Bill

Check out the video of her on YT being cross examined by Jim Jordan on Benghazi. The video is dated May 21, 2021. Benghazi happened 9 years earlier. HRC looked about 9 years younger in the video too, compared to more recent ones. Which look fake too.

Terminally deplorable

Seen the photos. Hillary in that black striped dress looks rather short like that woman that accompanied Bill on Biden’s inauguration day, and she allegedly did not want to be photographed with the others. What is then the purpose of dining out?
I also saw no marks from the rope on her neck. Must have used excellent make up, if it was her.

Last edited 3 years ago by Terminally deplorable

Thank you Michael, for all the information you have provided!


Michael, I’m intrigued by your use of quotation marks: “holding facility”

I suspect you have plenty of information you have not been authorized to release yet. I hope someday (near future) you will be allowed to report on what is really going on at the White House (like what the heck obama had constructed under the North Lawn) and the multiple secret bunkers as well as the network of tunnels under DC.
Gene Decode has spoken of the rescue missions and the horrific conditions of the tunnels.


Does anyone else notice that sleepy old Joe looks like Jeff’s puppet, Walter?


I have noticed that and even commented to my husband about that. lol


Comparison has been out there for years. Do a search on images and you will see them side by side.

James Penney



I would like to know how these dumb ass liberals plan on getting their fake policies voted on when most of them are in Gitmo, the majority now is the GOP LOL

Sandy Koufax

Stunt doubles.


then all the stunt doubles’ votes are null and void.


Bye bye Pencilneck.
Anthony Bourdain sends his regards.

Terminally deplorable

Ed Buck misses you already.


Id like to know what you all think of the miracle “med beds” that ive been reading about. There was a fellow who lived about a 100 yrs. ago named Nikola Tesla who invented AC power transmission which we use everyday.

Supposedly he had many other inventions that were withheld from the public such as 0 point free energy and anti-gravity propulsion.

The med beds are described as being able to cure uncurable diseases, grow back severed limbs and organs and even restore ones youth by 30 yrs..

This would be fantastic if true, but seems a bit far fetched. I appreciate any thoughts.


Don’t know about Tesla, but those pods do exist and they do exactly what you described. They are used by allied races but not by humans on earth as we lack the technology and understanding on how to make or use them. We don’t even acknowledge the science behind this technology. So there is no way in the foreseeable future to have such a technology for ourselves.

The equivalent analogy would be to completely ignore or deny the existence of electricity and standing in front of a Google Datacenter and wondering how the heck such a thing is even possible …

Free source energy is another technology that is in use by most races out there. But again, down here it is not possible because we lack the mathematics and physics behind on how it works. Some tinkerers have got something working but they don’t usually live very long to tell the tale.

Fossil resources and medicine are the cash cows and means of control of the cabal, they won’t give up on that easily. Hence you won’t hear a peep about it over controlled media outlets.

Sue Grantham

♥️ the fact you do the research. ♥️??


Not only they exist, but a modified version can produce almost perfect to perfect body doubles.

They never thought they could loose because they had so many aces hidden everywhere


I dont think “Biden” who many think is a clone is the President. Im not buying it because there are too many differences. If he were a clone he would be a perfect replica, which he is not. The real Joes forehead is wider than our current imposter, the eye color is wrong and the ears. I dont know for sure who is pretending to be the Prez but its not the Joe Biden who was VP. This goes back to the alien med bed technology that supposedly exists. If they can make people younger with these beds, they can also make a clone older. Sorry, not buying it.

J Bill

You are in agreeance. Many share this view. Lots and lots is still unknown and all here are trying to sort it out. Not seeing Joe as “Joe” is a good thing.


You could hang that pencil-necked geek with dental floss.


Even if this information is not true, it’s candy to the ears, because it’s what should happen, if what’s reported about AS is true.


American Citizens CANNOT be detained, tried or prosecuted in GTMO”.

Sue Grantham

You are so ignorant to the Constitution and you are a borderline idiot at this point. Run along and let the educated people talk.


J Bill

Thanks Sue. Caught it right away. Big down votes coming.


I’m guessing you hang out at zerohedge trying to “correct” all those intelligent and educated people too.


One thing we can all agree on. Trump is a winner type , he does not like loosing he is a win win guy. And he told us that something big was coming. I for one do not believe he will just walk away from an Election that was stolen from him. I know it they know it and the world knows it after he poured out his heart and soul for many many rallies that showed the American people he loved this Country God our Vets our law enforcement. He just wanted to make America Great and secure the borders build the Military make Jobs.
Make other countries that were stealing and ripping us off for decades by bad polices and corrupt politicians filling their pockets at the American peoples expense. He knew that this was going to happen spoke about it many times in his rallies. Trump is way smarter than the Demon Rats and the Rino Republicans gave him credit for. A genius in his own right. And the best POTUS this country has ever had period. You think he will just walk away from what God has appointed to him to do? Not a chance. In his last words, during his last stage appearance about a month ago, Michael Lin Wood said “If you think Trump would let them steal the election and get away with it then you you don’t know Donald J. Trump.

Last edited 3 years ago by PAT

Beautifully said and concise– hope many others take this to heart


right on PAT, I believe President will return and nail the traitors!!


“Disclaimer:Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire.” It really sucks this site is nothing but a damn joke to you!!!!!

Ed Walker

You left off the last part that says the notice was posted on advice of legal counsel.


Kip…. you have missed ‘why’ that statement is there. Otherwise you would never be able to get the real news. Get it now?

Sue Grantham

That is what I refer to as cover your ass disclaimer.
It’s to insure that Michael is willing and able to help the military disclose information to the public. Michael is altruistic, but he’s not stupid, he’s not gonna forsake himself to some bullshit litigation and risk not being able to continue with disclosing military information.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sue Grantham
J Bill

Do some research. Figure it out. If you can’t, go back to SM. Stay there. Info on this site isn’t for SM junkies. It’s a totally different language.

Sue Grantham

Our language- intelligent and fact based
Their language- Charlie Brown’s teacher

J Bill



When are we going to see any proof what you write is true?????? No pics, no vides, no proof. Plus you site says “SATIRE” which means lies for entrainment. You should be ashamed of yourself. You know the people want this to be true. Go write a book and sell it. Your creative imagination surely can do it.


You’re going to see PROOF very soon and when you do, I’m going to expect you to get on your knees and thank those of us who believe WITHOUT the actual proof. This is how I know it’s true. Throughout all of the various articles, many high ranking names have been revealed, including President Trump. If ANY of it was not true, these people would have Mr. Baxter’s head. In addition to this, you believe what you believe every day of your life WITHOUT A SINGLE BIT OF PROOF. You believe things because you WANT to believe, NOT because you have proof.


Then stay off the site!


Ask yourself 1 important question: If Mr. Baxter is putting lies out there,then why is the site encrypted? It’s encrypted because he’s telling the truth.

Or do you really want to know the truth?

Sue Grantham

Unless you’re willing to do research on your own you’re on the wrong thread.
The majority of the people here are intelligent and they are open to the reports by Michael and other people who post.
You seem to be conditioned to be spoon fed by the MSM. We do not spoon feed here We discuss the report and investigate the details.
You may consider going to Wikileaks to review the declassified documents that Trump declassified prior to leaving. It confirms that MSM has violated the right and freedoms of the press for half a century by outright lying, creating and fabricating stories, in an effort to control the American citizens. Absolute treason.
You can educate yourself on the truth or continue to be a mushroom, in which case we shall refer to you as “Shitake”.

J Bill

Another good one for my library! STFU, GTFO, Shitake,.lol

Sue Grantham



Michael already released the proof to us. You were just late to the party. Be on time next time and there might be some left for you.


Sue Grantham

Late to the party ???

J Bill

Most of the newcomewers are trolls and don’t want to listen, or do research, just argue. Just jump right in and try to run the show! F’king social media trolls!


American Citizens CANNOT be detained, tried or prosecuted in GTMO”.

Sue Grantham


MAGA CountryBabe

Geez Sue, get back on your meds.

Sue Grantham

? regarding the meds remark.
I don’t tolerate enabling ignorant idiots.
That’s what got this country in trouble. Allowing the ignorant to place their feelings in front of facts.
Hope LM tells the military they have no authority when her/his ass is arrested. She/he will violate the Constitution and not even know it. Choose to be ignorant and you deserve EVERYTHING COMING YOUR WAY.
You would do better to MYOB

J Bill

Bingo 100%! Enabling idiots has led this country to the abyss. Deposing a sitting president, and making attempts against his life and family!? As far as I’m concerned all Liberal trolls are complicit and should be on the next plane to GITMO.

Back off MAGA Cb and STFU and listen. Or you’ll get voted down and out in a hurry.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

Check out Linsay Graham exchange with Kavanaugh ref.enemy combatents and executed civilians.


Do you ask proof of electricity when you receive your electrical bill?Just because you can´t see it,does it mean electricity doesn´t exist?


Michael, Adam Schiff’s double is pretty passable if you don’t look too closely, but there’s an Elephant in the Room about political doubles that so far your great reports have not addressed. Is the guy (or guys) on television passing himself/themselves off as Joe Biden a body double, a clone, or a combination of the two taking turns? The new Joe Biden who emerged in 2019 has nothing to do with the paunchy Rex Harrison’s ugly brother Joe Biden of the Obama years. Also back in 2019 when this new Biden came out Trump tweeted almost immediately that Biden looked different. If President Trump knew fake Biden was a body double, why didn’t he challenge him during the debates or somehow call him out on it?

Sue Grantham

Not part of the plan


One of the articles says that Michael’s source said that Trump says the Biden you see out there is the real Joe.

Sue Grantham

I didn’t read anything remotely close to that. Trump noticed Buydin was different at the debate.
Quickest way to see the difference- pull an image from 2016 and compare to one recently. The ears are the giveaway.


funny..I bet russians know that..would they debate with double next month or tell him pull this fu*king mask down…hmmm


..or participate in this circus /clown show….

Sue Grantham

?. I’d pay money for someone to yank off the mask ?


Another puzzling aspect to this question is why does the double go through the Alzheimer’s routine. Wouldn’t it have been more advantageous for the dims to have the double act normal and then claim that Biden doesn’t have senility?

Sue Grantham

That horse left the barn?
The entire world saw his dementia and there’s no way they could “fix” that ?


answer: They want the unelectable Harris in as Obama II and the dufus senile Biden act is necessary to “retire” him, or whoever’s playing him right after the midterms when even the horrified Dems can’t take their votes back.

Sue Grantham

Her parents weren’t American citizens when they spawned this pos. They were Jamaican citizens on a student visa.
Illegal begets illegals.


Has anyone else noticed the “fact finders” are disputing rrns article that biden was shot.?

Sandy Koufax

Do you mean Pence?

Sue Grantham

If “fact finders” are denying it- then it’s true. They only attack truth.


Factcheck: this reply is false! 🙂


Reminds me when a POS “reporter” said it was illegal FOR US to read Wikileaks,we should get our information thru them (so called reporters)


Mika Brezinsky freudian slip “Controlling what people think is our job”

…Without mentioning their admission about election results being what they report

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas

Pence was shot but, the BBC if you can accept anything they say……wrote:
Shots fired near Vice-President Joe Biden’s Delaware home
“Shots fired near Vice-President Joe Biden’s Delaware home
Shots have been fired near the Delaware home of US Vice-President Joe Biden, the Secret Service has confirmed.
The shots were fired on Saturday at about 20:25 (01:25 GMT Sunday) from a public road in Greenville, outside a security perimeter. The vice-president was not at the property at the time.
One man has been arrested but it is not known if he was involved in the shooting.
Naomi Grimley reports from Washington.”

Sue Grantham

The fact they refer to Buydin as VP tells me this is an old story

Mary Parry

Michael, when they arrest the real criminal, what happens with the doubles?


If they are smart, they will fade quietly away and quickly.


Schiff pissed himself fell to his knees and cried like a baby. I think I’d pay to see that bit of video,


Where did the PENCILNECK comments go?

Terminally deplorable

DEEP STATE ate them.

MAGA CountryBabe

Michael, yesterday on another channel, Gen, Flynn was asked if its true about the WH going dark. Everything I have read says its true. That Biden is in a studio made up to look like the WH. Do know you if this true? Gen. Flynn said no and he wished people out there would stop saying this. Frankly, right now can we trust Gen. Flynn? Would he lie to us? Confused and saddened would be an understatement for me.

Sandy Koufax

Already an aticle on RRN stating they are using a studio in NYC for press breifings.

Sue Grantham

I know that Tyler Perry’s house has a replica of the White House on his property. He had it built when he created a series Oval Office.
Castle Rock also has a White House set for when they filmed the series Martin Sheen as President. I believe both have been used.


I just wonder why this is not put out there more especially when Buyden holds meetings with congress and other people in the so called “white house” wouldn’t members of congress and the senate know where they actually are?

Terminally deplorable

The way they work, you can reasonably assume, they are disoriented all the time.

Sue Grantham

Media outlets may have been given an NSA gag Order ?


if you listen carefully.. they give hints they are “in the know”.. but can’t spill the beans.. Mostly on Newsmax or OAn.. I’ve heard a few “killary’s” by Fox anchors..and they don’t seem worried about retaliation which tells you most threats are neutralized or they wouldn’t be so outspoken with their “dirt” on the bag guys/girls.. just my hunch.

Terminally deplorable

I stopped questioning the location, when they showed Biden and Dr. J. and the dogs on the North Lawn with identifiable buildings in the background, the North Lawn setting matching a satellite shot. You can have a mock up of the White House. The back ground is hard to fake.


Green screen and or cgi etc


And the hits just keep on coming! Hopefully we’ll see Pelosi and Schumer picked up next……??


look in brennan article comments I posted pelosi aprehended by 5 US Marshals

Sharilyn Henry

The REAL Pelosi? as nothing noted by Michael Baxter yet…or did he comment on your comment? Just wanting to be fully informed…no offense to your info. I will go check out your comment.
Also…everyone…if you do not know…Lil Talk Show host Brad Barton has new platform and he has amazing info and a solid source as well. I can count on one hand those I feel have solid sources I trust. is his website.
Yes I believe in Michael Baxters’ source as he is definitely one of those I now trust for truthfulness.


Thank you for the link! I just watched the latest episode (11) and was taken aback by the guy who continually triggers a connection to the AstraZeneca website via electronic devices near his body due to the vaccine/bio-weapon embedded in him. He’s been trying to shut it off, but of course he can’t. I read about this technology before the vaccines were rolled out, but to see it actually working through someone in real life is mind-blowing. And the Russian guy who, through a “dark” website, found a leaked database of people, including his friends (whom he searched), who have been covid vaxxed and how info is kept on them (via 5g towers) including which vaccine they got and when, the person’s current state (i.e., his friend was sleeping), the current time, where he lives, his email address, etc. From what I’ve read, through this data base, a covid vaxxed person can be controlled financially (freezing funds), medically (slowly killed) and personally (social networks). These unfortunate covid vaxxed people are guinea pigs for what’s to come in the very near future- the Great Reset. People are rapidly dying from these bio-weapons (look at the extensive list of people added daily on and those that don’t die will be controlled. Pure evil. All I can say to anyone reading this is to give your life to Jesus Christ because He is your only hope against this evil “agenda 21”.

Sue Grantham

Amen ? doll


☺️ ??


Sharilyn, I can´t tell you for sure as an absolute truth that is the real pelosi ,and not a double, I can tell you in absolute truthfulness THAT IS THE PELOSI THEY PASS AS THE ORIGINAL.
If you ask my opinion, it´s one of at least 3 look alikes, possibly 2 human and 1 robotoid – and God knows how many latex masks a la mission impossible.

Among the evident features you know the one we considered the original has a isgusting habit of sucking her gums and play with her dentures,afterwards a younger version with real teeth appeard. Later we had the episode of the black eye Nancy.

Enter a convenient panemic enforcing mandates to wear masks.

All I can tell without showing pictures with measures, an pointing out different features in several people pretending to be one, an,you might want to rea the EXCELLENT comments by Forsaken explaining the body doubles – All I can say that is TRUE without any doubt is that one is the Pelosi THEY say it´s the real orginal one.


Sharilyn, I can´t tell you for sure as absolute truth that is the real pelosi ,and not a double,but I can tell you in absolute truthfulness THAT IS THE PELOSI THEY PASS AS THE ORIGINAL.
If you ask my opinion, it´s one of at least 3 look alikes, possibly 2 human and 1 robotoid – and God knows how many latex masks a la mission impossible.

Among the evident features you know, the one we considered the original has a disgusting habit of sucking her gums and play with her dentures,then,later on, a younger version with real teeth appeared.
Afterwards, we had the episode of the black eye Nancy.
(That “Nancy” is the one I think is a robotoid,like that HRC one who opened her mouth, in a non human way,after drinking the smoothie, in that clip the lady with her seems to be carrying some sort of devise she activates, later I found weird all that talk abour brain wiring, sross wires,etc.)

Suddenly, a lot of bad masks with visible imperfections appear.

Enter a convenient panemic enforcing mandates to wear face masks. No more lip reading and facial recognition software.Exactly after the rumours about arrests and executions started!

All I can tell you without showing pictures comparing her measures, and pointing out different features in several people pretending to be the original Pelosi , is,you might want to read the EXCELLENT comments by Forsaken explaining the use of body doubles, a practise used for centuries if not since the beginning of times;

All I can say that is TRUE, without any doubt, is that the one on the videos is the Pelosi THEY say it´s the real original one.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas
Jeremi Woodruff

Why no comments on this yet?


Need two more big fish – Schumer and Pelosi!!


After living through the most ridiculous election, and subsequent media, big tech and GOP traitors who refused to do what was constitutional I really want these stories to be true. Seriously, I do. But if someone is reported as arrested or hung and then is on television after said arrest or hanging, then it seems the “body double” or CGI thing gets used as an excuse. Schiff deserves to be shot for sure, but he was on TV the day after his arrest. Pence was giving a speech after ‘being shot’ and Hillary was on TV after her hanging so these stories are great, but on optics alone, are just wishful thinking.

Kevin Miller

Yup, that’s all it is though is wishful thinking, Bill and Hillary were reported as being out on the town yesterday in Manhattan, and they weren’t body doubles

MAGA CountryBabe

And you can prove this. Show us…

Sue Grantham

Keep drinking the kool aid?


So you never heard about any of them for almost 2 years and suddenly, in less then 1 month, all of them are quoted, reported by 3rd hand parties seen in public, lousy grainy videos emerge of the richest people in the world in the age of quantum technology, after they are reported dead in what can be a military website.

Last edited 3 years ago by kikas
Sharilyn Henry

Thank you!! EXACTLY. Kevin Miller is most likely a troll. David needs to do research on the body doubles as I have YET to see any convincing info showing any of these people now at or heading for GITMO in the public media. And they have been out of the news…for a long time.

Kevin Miller

No troll, just have a lot of common sense, not saying nobody on here doesn’t , but I’m pretty good with figuring shit out, and at this point it’s pretty good “satire” for lack of a better word hahahahaha, if you haven’t noticed yet, it’s been removed from Michaels disclaimer, I’m sitting back now and waiting for absolute proof

Sue Grantham

So is LM

Sue Grantham

Search images for Theresa Barnwell and tell me again what you think ?

Kevin Miller

Yes I’ve seen her before and she does resemble HC but no cigar, I can definitely tell the two apart, I sent you the video of Bill and Killary, let’s see if Michael will let it be posted, I don’t have the date the video was posted other than Tuesday

Sue Grantham

You do realize that your minds eye will in fact fill in the blanks for the differences between the two, right?
Have you gone to Ancestry to search names yet?
Have you gone to Wikileaks yet and review the declassified documents, inter office memos and analog videos?
Do your research and stop regurgitating what MSM is spoon feeding you. They are continuing to make citizens lazy and stupid.

Kevin Miller

FYI, I don’t watch msm, question, don’t you have the slightest bit of curiosity as to why the excuse is always body doubles or clones etc? Weed need proof!! Now granted, with everything I’ve read from Michael there is a lot of intricate details in each story, but I’m still sceptical to a point, my biggest fear is he is playing on everyone’s emotions and liking it

Sue Grantham

THATS your biggest fear?
The fact that the media is complicit with treason against the citizens (and the world for that matter) doesn’t make you realize that we have ALL been played for 50 years?
The fact that the elites have been terrorizing children and then killing them for their Adrenochrome doesn’t frighten you?
The fact that NASA, Disney, Kissinger and Nixon faked the moonwalk?
I’d bet big money you haven’t researched anything that I suggested.
But your biggest fear is
“..he (Mike Baxter) is playing on everyone’s emotions and liking it”?
You, sir, are an idiot of ginormous proportions.

Kevin Miller

Name calling? Jesus, you’re a real peach aren’t you? Not that I need to explain myself but I don’t have time to sit in front of a computer screen all fucking day like you, I work long hours every single day so back the fuck off

Sue Grantham

So stop speaking on subjects you are obviously ignorant to and you are too lazy to do the research.
By the way- WE ALL WORK- doesn’t excuse your ignorance.

J Bill

It’s painfully obvious when people come in here without proper information, but claim an “informed opinion and start commenting: .” “Prove it” or “show me..” .. without having done any research themselves.

All we say is that if people do their study, there would be no doubt. There’s lots of reading. Lots. We’ll even give u sites to go check. If you can’t, or don’t have time, or don’t believe anyone here, why argue?


Fine, but there is an old saying which goes “Silence means consent.” Here at RRN, the details of such serious crimes as “murder, accessory to murder, treason, child trafficking and other high crimes”, alledged committed by Hillary Clinton, are laid out clearly and have been on public display since March 2021. Yet, no lawyer representing the Clintons comes along with categorical denials or libel lawsuits against RRN. Besides, the entire left-leaning mainstream media remains silent with zero comments on the by-now widespread “rumours” about Hillary Clintons’ serious crimes. Silence means consent. If the MSM really wants to clear the air, it can raise relevant questions at a White House press briefing and let the WH spokeswoman make a categorical denial. I am under the impression that the RRN reports may be very true, and may be exactly the reason why no MSM reporter dares to raise such relevant questions about Hillarty Clinton’s crimes. Again, silence means consent, and RRN report readers are not fools. They are capable of exercising logical deduction and forming their own judgements.


we are not!

J Bill

Good info!

J Bill

Agree. Their lack of reason for no response is puzzling. To open the doors, and start asking questions would lead to a broader and deeper investigation. In which they can’t move forward or back, and likely suicidal. Like you say Robert it suggests one conlusion:

It’s all true.The jig’s up. There’s nowhere to go, except down.

Morning reports on MSM news would be met with skepticism. No one know’s what to believe. All hope to continue the mass hypnotism are trashed. With no illusions or cards left to play. There’s nowhere to hide. Caught on a classic Penrose Stairs, they’ve come full circle.

I’d laugh if it wasn’t so pathetic. Or included the lives of so many innocent people.


The list of those named by RRN is getting longer by the week, if not by the day. What’s more, they are all well-known public figures. So, the risk of falling into expensive litigation on libel charges would be sky-high to RRN if the allegations made here at RRN of serious criminal activities by these public figures were all false, baseless and unfounded. Besides, there is no reason to believe that Mr. Baxter is financially suicidal and ready to go bankrupt, fighting these notorious public figures in court for fun. Nor is there any evidence that his sources of information are naughty boys trying to set him up for a litigation trap. Yet, as if by good luck, no lawyer representing any of those named by RRN comes along with denials, libel lawsuits or even demands for RRN to cease and desist. Why? Isn’t such silence circumstantial evidence of the credibility of the RRN reports? Or even an admission of guilt on the part of those named by RRN?


You are correct in all your assertions……my affirmative is still this: Why would Mr Baxter encrypt this website if he were just printing satire? The encryption is found just before the URL.


By “encryption”, I presume, you mean an effort to prevent unauthorized access to the original wording of RRN information with intent to change the meaning of the original writing. So, this encryption by Mr. Baxter indicates that he is really ready to assume full responsibility for his writings and their truthfulness in court, making it impossible for him to claim the occurrence of online hacking by unknown party or parties, as is often claimed by media personalities these days. Yeah, I see your point, and a good point to boot. Well, that may be the reason why CNN and MSNBC are not ready to invite him to their TV studio for a live interview where they could fact-check with him, face to face.

J Bill

Very good analysis! Your point: “Yet, as is by luck,…” begs more questions. Such e.g. for them to file claims in court that stands without jurisdiction (while under Military Authority), would mean possible disbarrment and trials. To not do anything suggests complicity, and another path to disbarrment. More trials. Being damned if they do or don’t.

Anything that doubles down on stupid would seem their next logical move. Predictable. Yet still unpredicatable.

Torn between misery and chaos.

J Bill

Robert, I think you make a very strong point. It’s the ultimate case of two mutually exclusive concepts. A total paradox:

One of Society”s most honored couples, accused of the most heinous crimes imagineable, openly in the publc domain now for 2 months. With a battalion of legal counsel. Yet no one is saying a word. No media. Not a peep.

If this was told to someone from another country, lost continent, or planet, no one would ever believe this. Not in a million years.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill
Sue Grantham

Honored couples ??

Sue Grantham

Well said sweet pea!?


sounds good.. but i go back to “discernment”…like LIn Wood suggests we use.. It is my Silver bullet for telling me what is true and what is lies.. It is an internal knowing.. an instinct and gut feeling. Can’t really explain it.. It is just when you know it is real and when something doesn’t quite sound right. That is what i rely on. My intuition is all i need to discern truth from lies. The MSM wants us to forget we all have this intrinsic insight and gift which i believe we are all gifted with at birth from God. They try to dilute our natural God Given Gifts. This is one of our most powerful gifts.. use it or lose it. God Bless and Thank you God for this gift. I show you my gratitude for keeping me safe and to recognize the devil and his tricks to deceive.

Sue Grantham

Freaking awesome! God gave us ALL that instinct. MSM has always been against the truth and has always been paid to forward the NWO agenda.
More and more people are snapping out of the MSM trance.

Terminally deplorable

It could still be that the Lawyer inaction is due to the low amount of followers at RRN.


Years ago, I took a course in journalism from an English college, and one of the early instructions was a warning about the consequences of libel litigation to the publisher. Therefore, students of journalism should never forget what they should not put down in black and white. The articles here at RRN have been translated into other languages, and many English-language alternative media outlets are disseminating information that is similar to RRN information or straight from RRN. The number of people aware of such “rumours” as are reported by RRN is growing into hundreds of thousands or even millions. If Hillary Clinton is not concerned about her reputation being dragged through the mud, that is because she is most probably already dead since April 26, 2021, the date of her execution by hanging, according to Real Raw News. Anyone who needs further confirmation of this data should contact proper authorities such as the U.S. military for comment. Recently, an open letter to Joe Biden from 124 retired generals and admirals was published, questioning the integrity of the 2020 election and Biden’s ability to lead. Someone in the mainstream media contacted the Pentagon for comment. Response: “No comment.” If MSM outlets fail to contact the U.S. military for comment on any of the names mentioned by RRN, it is because they already know the response. “No comment” could be taken to mean “No objections” or “No denials”. But why?

Sue Grantham

Lawyers don’t care about the numbers on the site.
It’s when people discuss it with others when they’re off the internet. Word of mouth.
Seriously, give any lawyer a reason to sue ???

J Bill

With social media’s lack of quality control, any idiot can load a photo of anyone, taken at any time, anywhere, update it to tomorrow, then get other idiots to flash it around everywhere. How do I know this?

F*ck, it’s been happening for years already.


I guess nobody went in holidays and set their e-mails to be sent at pre-determined date….Seems they think movies are done in one month and generic interviews are not pre-recorded….


its the biggest ..STING..operation wide…if you think ..TRUMP..walked away…you have been CONNED…wake up.

Peanut is my cat

I love this. I love how these pieces of crap disappear, then you read this. It could be true, it could not. But it’s so much fun imagining Schiff soiling himself and crying like a little girl.


This one is interesting as Adam Schiff is quite prominent. Let’s see if he fails to appear and excuses for non appearance emerge.

Alain Ross.

Thanks to Michael and thanks to your sources.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Michael, just a heads up. Your Brennan story never made it to your Twitter feed. Thought you might want to know.

Casper Milqetoast

My guess is there is a lot more to be revealed about Shifty Schiff. He was acting all along like he had something big to hide. Especially about the Ukraine.

Michael Ford

Is this the first of many that are going to be arrested? Hope so. I hear from other sources that Friday is going to be “Big”. I will wait and see.



joe blow

Never mind a firing squad or hanging. Place that melon in a vice and watch his eyes pop out of that lying skull.

J Bill

I like it. We’ll add it to the list of “recommendations” by the crew here. The list is growing…