Military Indicts Liz Cheney


After House Republicans voted to remove Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her House leadership post, and she pledged to make sure Donald J. Trump never gets “near the Oval Office again,” the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps drafted a sealed indictment charging her with treason and other high crimes against America and its citizenry.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State told Real Raw News that the long overdue indictment was signed and sealed after Donald Trump and key Republican lawmakers gave JAG evidence that tied Cheney to illegal ballot harvesting in her home state, proof that treasonous Cheney is nothing less than a Democrat in disguise. On election night, as Trump was trouncing Biden in Wyoming by 40 percentage points, Cheney was on the phone begging state election officers in 5 precincts to stop tallying Republican votes. Moreover, she verbally assailed Wyoming Secretary of State Edward Buchanan (R) for supporting a “criminal candidate.”

Cheney’s election night antics and hatred of Trump coalesced into sheer lunacy on Jan 6 when she blamed Trump for the Capitol riots, demanding his impeachment, and labelling him “an insurrectionist” guilty of sedition. After failing to rally Republican support, she unprofessionally, unethically, and illegally asked Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance to hasten the state’s tax fraud investigation on Donald Trump.

Worse, she harangued Trump’s eldest children—Don Jr., Eric, and Ivanka—with a ceaseless barrage of emails and voicemails, demanding they pressure Trump to stay in New York or Florida, anywhere but Washington D.C.

“It was criminal harassment but had nothing to do with the indictment. The Trumps have the thickest skins of any human beings on the planet, and they blew Liz Cheney off as loony toons, a crazy Karen,” our source said.

A “Karen” is pejorative slang for a meddlesome, self-entitled, middle-aged Caucasian female who inappropriately insinuates herself into other people’s lives.

“The indictment is because she betrayed her oath of office and subverted the United States Constitution for personal gain.  It was JAG that chose to indict her, not Trump. He merely supplied evidence for military review,” our source said.

The indictment, however, does not signal an immediate arrest. Our source said JAG is curating a cornucopia of indictments, deciding which to act on first. Persons currently basking in media limelight, such as Anthony Fauci, are being shuffled to the back of the pile, while the military targets criminals whose public exposure has diminished, as they are easier to apprehend without drawing unwanted public scrutiny. Regardless, the vilest Deep State villains—and their minions—will eventually face military justice.

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I am so glad they are going after the deep state. I am doing what I can to stop hr5 and hr1. I hope the Senate will not pass unconstitutional bills! We have to keep going to help our military to make sure America is still America. I love our military keep up the great work. Special forces were killed in Germany to find out what was going on in Germany during the election here. Found out the cia was helping steal our election from what I can tell. If you have not seen absolute truth you can get the dvd at see what they did to us with the help of China and Iran not so much Russia but Joe keeps using Russia. Remember China was dancing in the street when Joe was announced. This goes very wide in Corruption and stealing our election!!!!


FYI Something to Watch:
January 5, 2006 – May 8, 2014 RL33229
There are no federal statutes or Rules of the House of Representatives that directly affect the status of a Member of Congress who has been indicted for a crime that constitutes a felony. No rights or privileges are forfeited under the Constitution, statutory law, or the Rules of the House merely upon an indictment for an offense, prior to an establishment of guilt under the judicial system. Under House Rules, therefore, an indicted Member may continue to participate in congressional proceedings and considerations. Under the Constitution, a person under indictment is not disqualified from being a Member of or a candidate for re-election to Congress. Internal party rules in the House, however, require an indicted chairman or ranking Member of a House committee, or a member of the House party leadership, to temporarily step aside from his or her leadership or chairmanship position. Additionally, a change in rules by the House requires the House Committee on Ethics to either initiate an inquiry by an investigative subcommittee of that Committee within 30 days of the time any Member of the House has been indicted or otherwise charged with criminal conduct in any state or federal court, or to report to the House the Committee’s reasons for not moving forward.
As to a conviction of a crime, Members of Congress do not automatically forfeit their offices upon conviction of a crime that constitutes a felony. No express constitutional disability or “disqualification” from Congress exists for the conviction of a crime, other than under the Fourteenth Amendment for certain treasonous conduct by someone who has taken an oath of office to support the Constitution. Members of the House are, however, instructed by House Rules not to vote in committee or on the House floor once they have been convicted of a crime for which the punishment may be two or more years’ imprisonment. Furthermore, under party rules, Members may lose their chairmanships of committees or ranking member status upon conviction of a felony. Conviction of certain crimes may subject—and has subjected in the past—Members of the House to internal legislative disciplinary proceedings, including resolutions of reprimand or censure, as well as expulsion from the House upon approval of two-thirds of the Members. Conviction of certain crimes relating to national security offenses would result in the Member’s forfeiture of his or her entire federal pension annuity under the provisions of the so-called “Hiss Act” and, under more recent provisions of law, conviction of particular crimes by Members relating to public corruption will result in the loss of the Member’s entire “creditable service” as a Member for purposes of calculating their federal retirement annuities if the conduct underlying the conviction related to one’s official duties.

Proudly Unaffiliated

Justice is coming.

John A

MSM and others getting more urged to call RRN fake news. Funny how they never do any investigative reporting of their own, they simply make the statement it’s all fake news, and never weigh in on CGI, investigate if older videos could be in use or doppelgangers (love this term!)
I see established patterns undoubtedly emerging, like the frequency of daily tweets Hillary is known for dropping off the map, like the number of new appearances tending lower, and the major fact that no libel lawsuits have been filed against RRN.


Dear Mr.Baxter…we did not hear from you for while….is it mean PDJT is out “of sight’ for anyone beside military and something real going on behind the curtains..

Last edited 3 years ago by sejmon

Skizzy Lizzy has been riding her fathers coattails all along covering her traitorous behavior. I sure hope eating pussy doesn’t do that to men, after all these years though I don’t see any signs of treason so I guess I’m safe.


michael, I would like to unsubscribe, as I wasnt being locked out until I did. if you can. Im still interested, but Im only getting about an hour a day to enjoy your website and all the wonderful people on it each day. thanks


Here’s the single most important takeaway from what we’ve been reading from Michael Baxter and RRN the last 2 months. No individual reported captured or put to death have come forward to dismiss this as rubbish conspiracy trash. No family member, not a soul.

Secondly, No Military official or Legal Representative has come forward to discredit the article or Demand a Retraction.
Just Saying

Terminally deplorable

Found a report about Chelsea’s new apartment, today. She looked radiating happy, and showed everyone around. Did not see her mother, though.


You have made a very valid point. I totally agree. I was told that Hillary Clinton had appeared on TV days after her alleged execution on April 26, 2021. Fine, if that’s true and she’s still alive, why didn’t she make a categorical denial of the serious allegations against her? Recently, John Kerry was criticized for sharing intel with Iran. He immediately came out with a categorical denial, because he realized the serious nature of the criticism. Hillary Clinton is said to be responsible for the death of both Mr. Vince Foster and Mr. Seth Rich. Yet, she takes such serious allegations easy. Can we find a second living human being who can take such serious murder charges as easy as Hillary Clinton does if she is really alive?

Sue Grantham

Do me a favor- search images of Theresa Barnwell. Tell me what you think.


Ms. Theresa Barnwell looks like Hillary Clinton. I no longer watch CNN, but I was told that Hillary Clinton appeared on CNN on May 2, 2021, Sunday. I think TV video images could be manipulated. Besides, assuming that Hillary Clinton is alive and did appear on CNN that Sunday, the question would be: Why did the TV anchor not raise the issue of her being accused of murder and other serious crimes on alternative media platforms, thereby giving her an opportunity to make a categorical denial?

Sandy Koufax

Liz Cheney is really Dick Cheney in drag.

Detachment 1

Thank you for putting that out there Sandy. I’ve long suspected such, but didn’t want to be the first to bring it up.

Sue Grantham



What the heck has happened to the trials?????? Have they been placed on HOLD our something. With as many people that should be tried, at this pace, It will take years. Something doesn’t add up! Just my opinion, not trying to be negative.

Sandy Koufax

Podesta is supposed to be executed on June 1.

Terminally deplorable

Military is a 9-5 job nowadays and only on Tue Wed and Thu.


It’s a bit off topic but I don’t believe the military is working with a unified voice. Commanding General MG JP McGee at Fort Campbell KY is not allowing “unvaccinated” soldiers to take pass or leave the base. They are considered non-deployable unless/until they are “vaccinated.” With anticipated potential violence surrounding President Trump’s return to The Whitehouse soon, I would feel better the closer we get to July 4th if there were more of an appearance of a unified voice within the military. With all the controversy around this gene therapy, I would hope the people in charge at the Pentagon and the sources for Michael here are not supporting this “vaccine.” Just my 2 cents.

Sue Grantham

Federal laws protect citizens from the government. It clearly states that the government cannot dictate healthcare to Americans. You realize mandates are not laws and therefore unenforceable. This is not considered a vaccine because the fda didn’t APPROVE it. It’s considered a healthcare treatment. There are NO LAWS in America that allows the government to enforce any healthcare treatment on Americans. That’s why the government used “mandates” as their chosen term. You are as free as YOU choose to be. I’ve never worn a mask since this plandemic started. Even the mask box states that the product doesn’t protect you from any infectious diseases or Covid. People choose to listen to the idiot box instead of reading the mask box! Pfizer has been truthful on their website regarding the gene altering shot, side effects and shedding. The manufacturers have no liability because the shot wasn’t approved just authorized.


I fail to see how your response relates to my concerns about this General and his orders and the military showing a unified voice so close to July 4th.

Sue Grantham

What you need to do is connect the dots. Learning the Constitution would be a start. The Constitution is what the military goes by. The ones who are not on board with America are revealing themselves to the white hats by their actions. The Constitution states that the military doesn’t have to acknowledge or adhere to orders from anyone that are illegal. Even the “President”.
Right now, there’s an interim military that’s in control of the USA.
Buydin and his administration are barred from the pentagon; they haven’t even been in the White House.
Trump has the nuclear football as evidenced by the video of him boarding Marine 1.
No one in the current administration has the valid codes.
Trump also dissolved America, Inc. which was created a contract between America and Great Britain when America was broke. Great Britain bailed out America and the citizens were considered chattel. Buydin is the President of a defunct corporation with no assets. DC is a foreign country, not part of the USA.
The military is in charge. Those that reflect their anti Constitutional views will be indicted, just as Cheney was. The military determines treasonous actions and acts on it, regardless of who they are or what “power” positions they hold. Hope this helps your understanding


I’m fully aware of our Constitution and quite familiar with it as well as the rest of your response. The concern I have is this General in charge of a major base and several thousand members of the military this close to July 4th. I doubt the members there are as familiar with the rest of your response after your false assumption of my knowledge of the Constitution. I would hope the Pentagon would like to remove any possible ambiguities which will arise before The President is returned to The Whitehouse.

Sue Grantham

Your response reflects your “knowledge” of the Constitution. If you know it so well you wouldn’t be asking those questions ?


knowing the constitution accomplishes nothing. maybe you have seen the federal government come riding in on a white horse and help someone, but I know that I, personally, have not. I have however witnessed and experienced personally the federal government attack, destroy and subvert normal citizens lives on MANY occasions and all levels.written law means nothing to the average citizen, and as much as you would like to think you are helping out by quoting it, in the real world, unfortuneately, it means little. sorry.

Sue Grantham

The military is in charge right now not the government.
That general won’t be around long. If there are normal citizens that are plotting against the USA or crimes against humanity- the military has FULL authority to arrest them. The military are the keepers of the Constitution.

J Bill

It’s complicated. After reading as many declassified CIA/Spec/Military docs as I could since OBL, can only say that. What you’re saying may be precisely what they are doing.

The Military would have a plan already. Count on that. Subterfuge is a part. Counter intel even more. Trump would have world class elite types ready to deal with obstructions. Real, electronic, or otherwise. His safety their primary goal.

Imagine trying to kill a snake 1000 miles long. But you have to find the head buried in the ground first. Making sure no one disturbs it. Or sees you kill it. Easier said than done.


Of course it would be nice if the whole population was as “awake” as you and others here are. Meanwhile it would appear that due to that ignorance of what may be taking place in the background real suffering IS taking place until the time of the big reveal happens. We still have a lot of lefty compliant Generals placed by Zero to accommodate the interference in our armed forces. We still have the two factions warring for the soul of the country…..not as yet as black and white as frustrated patriots would like all to be.

Sue Grantham

High gas and food prices are not “real suffering”. It is black and white when it comes to crimes against humanity and America. The fact is there has been a plan in place for decades and the plan was activated when Trump came on board. You shouldn’t be worrying about people who don’t want to know the truth, refuse to do research, refuse to be educated on what’s happening in the USA. They will learn the hard way. As far as patriots are concerned, most realize that the military has a fluid operation, a sting. Ask yourself this: seen a lot of actors mouthing off? No. A lot are gone for good. Personally I don’t miss any of them. High priced script readers who tortured children. No great loss.
Go to and do some searches. Go to and run a few names. A lot of people have been dealt with. The time IS coming and those of us who are absorbing the information prior to it being shown publicly will be buffered in a sense to the information horrors that will be released. Those hellbent on not researching will be the ones who will have a difficult time. Empathy and compassion is what they’ll need from patriots. It’s not everyday that you learn the media and government officials have been complicit in the crimes against children, cover ups, murders and treason.

Terminally deplorable

Received a letter from the White House, Washington signed by Biden, today, about a $1400 pp stimmie. Dated April 22. I guess I got that money already in January. Biden confused again?

Sue Grantham

Check out the signature. Compare it to one from about 5 years ago. Not real Joe Buydin signature ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Sue Grantham

Not the first time that the military has been used as guinea pigs. They’ve always been forced to get flu shots but this time it’s an “operating system” that is not FDA approved and for emergency use only. There is no emergency since the thing is treatable when permitted to use the age old and approved prophylaxes and cheap medications. That’s why they’ve tried to keep them from being available while interrupting normal medical practice. I would think that there would be plenty of room here for denial of Constitutional rights suits. Soon there will have to be that open exposure of the split between generals. Start by indicting this particular General….of course probably only obeying the “mime” government orders.


correct on all counts, sue, but in the real world we have indoctrinated and mandated employers and others that insist on masks or be fired and now they are starting to require the jab to keep our jobs. some of us have mouths to feed and mortgages to pay therefore not having a choice. great advice, but not entirely applicable.

Terminally deplorable

I remember to be vaccinated with something during base training on a Friday before a long weekend in Germany. Declining was not an option. It spoiled my whole weekend. But that was just normal stuff, nothing that would kill you.


powerful info for pennies…this means there are still treasonous generals trying to kill off our military. this concerns me as we may need all of them in the near future. of course, this also coincides with the cdc essentially admitting to shedding by now insisting that the vaxxers go unmasked, therefore spreading the vax like wildfire to those of us still refusing to commit suicide.

Terminally deplorable

The cdc is a private organization. They are in no position to give orders. Who cares what they say?


Be wary of public information about the military. From what I read of the leave and pass restrictions is that instead of a company grade officer (O1-03) approving it they will need a field grade officer (04-06) for approval. Just an added step in their request process. As to being non-deployable, their unit commander, usually an 03/Captain, just signs a waiver for for the S-1, administration folks, to type the orders. In fact a commander can waiver taking an unsafe piece of equipment on a mission if needed.

I believe a lot of public information coming out of the military right now is disinformation or information released to give the appearance of compliance with the fraudulent administration.

No General in his right mind will make 40-70% of his unit non-deployable, it would be a career ender in short order. If we dropped below 90% readiness Pentagon officials started calling for information within 24 hours. Some equipment and personnel are required to be over 98%. My equipment was an 02 priority status, we once lost two similar systems one afternoon. within 3 hours our Colonel was talking to the Pentagon about what was HE doing to get us back operational. The military takes deployability very serious.


Susan Rice, Dominion, precinct workers, foreign asserts so much fraud so little time to execute justice.


Any Update on the Pence?

joe blow

Get er dun



Real Raw News Is The Babylon Bee Folks

Sue Grantham

Run along and let the adults talk?


a new troll? quick, ya gotta call me a russian to qualify…

J Bill

i said Russian. but meant Uzbekistani.


wow, another troll!! I must inform you that to be a certified troll on this site, you must first accuse me of being a russian…


Michael, have you been doing maintenance on the site…..?
Seems as though there’s been no increase in hits on article and no New comments.


yeah, thats happening to me as well. sometimes my comments disappear completely, sometimes they show up later, but the stats numbers stay the same for hours so I am definitely being blocked out.


I’m waiting for her father’s indictment for September 11th along with his co-conspirators Bush and Rumsfield.


Her Daddy is ten times more evil than her. (Not suggesting she is not evil). Can’t blame George W because they knew he was too stupid so he wasn’t told at the time. He was later given instructions on his role. Rumsfeld did provide some comedy relief when he informed us of the huge three storey underground complex in Tora Bora. Maybe Bin Laden needed it for his dialysis machines. Brennan brought him back to life and killed him ten years later. A brave Seal was always on Fox telling us how he killed the ghost.

Detachment 1

I cannot get to this website anywhere from 1hr to 12hrs each day. Its obvious someone is blocking/tracking me. Its only this web address. I was wondering if any of you folks have had this problem.

Incorrigible Skeptic

I noticed the same thing for a couple of hrs this evening.

Terminally deplorable

Wonders of the electronics


Understandable if you are usng Explorer. Try Google or Firefox.

Patti Wright

Use Brave. Google and Firefox are not your friends.

J Bill

Yes. Last eve around 6pm. Must be lots of traffic here too. And surely, plenty want to stop “the real raw news.” Too bad.

If u think tracking, use a vpn or proxy service.


yeah, I think my duckduck is gonegone


ABSOLUTELY! mine froze up as soon as I “subscribed”. maybe duckduck aint ducking too well!

Detachment 1

I tried duckduck myself when this started happening. Big mistake! That made it far worse. I dont think Google likes people that install duckduck. They made me scream

Sue Grantham

Don’t install the app. Just use their website


yep, same here


On the surface one would wonder what motivates a creature like this. Then you realize who her warmonger father is and it all starts to fit. Many mainstream republicans were against President Trump from the get-go; too threatening to the deep state. She certainly blurs the lines between demonrats and republicans.


Another one for ya’ – what’s latest intel for phony VP : Pence Eludes Capture, Military in Hot Pursuit


Pence was said to have recently been in the hospital having a heart procedure. Hope they were putting a tracking device in him so in case he turns traitor again they can grab him right away.


In fact for every illegal alien they nab they need to insert a device into them so that even if released, they can find them again and DEPORT!! Oh and automatic sterlization too. You’ll see how fast the rate of invasion drops when they can’t get paid on welfare (by the head) for breeding anchor babies. Each illegal brings in, on aveage, 27 more persons: cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, etc., all to SPONGE and steal! And each muslim has 4 wives, not one, and all of them spewing out more muslim agitators and terrorists.


instead, they are presenting all of them with “gift bags” with voter id, food stamp cards and cash, along with whatever else the commie libs think they can award show gifts


a small explosive device….


Pence is gone, after the 2nd attempt to assassinate Trump he was taken down. amg has a lot of this on their website. They show the doubles and give some info.


So is Pence dead or arrested by the military? When did he try the second time to take down Trump? And he tried to “assassinate” Trump twice? In what ways though? Where can I also go for such info? Right now, I depend fully on RRN for real news, but the comments section also contains a lot of interesting info that is generously shared by fine researchers who know where to look. But it leads me to ask questions……


The indictment is because she betrayed her oath of office and subverted the United States Constitution for personal gain.”
Hell, by that standard, you could indict every former and sitting politician that ever set foot in DC.


this thread frozen since 10:30-11:00 this morning.

J Bill

this thread “traffic” is already approaching the same numbers here at 8:00 last night. Possibly the most on 1 article in 1 day, 21,000 views or more yesterday.


Michael, General Mark Milley has been out of the spotlight for some time. Do you know the situation there, or have you heard anything from your sources regarding the general’s status?

Terminally deplorable

Not hearing anything of Milley is normally a sign of him doing 9-5 in the Pentagon.

Don Reed

Indictment, and or conviction can be no more fitting of a Traitorous Karen Bi*ch !!

James Penney

Appear Weak when you are strong.


I don’t think so, but I’ve been wrong before.


Public scrutiny would be a good thing. Secret trials are a bad thing. That’s what America used to be about.

Lorie Mena

These are Military Tribunals, not secret trials. Eventually, they will be made public when the time is right and public safety is secure from these satanic spawns!

Sandy Koufax

War criminals have no rights and are no longer citizens. War is much different than everyday life.


Military trials are different! They are not tried in the media.

Last edited 3 years ago by wayne

glad to hear the good news as there are so many traitors in the party it will take longer to clean out than the 100% corrupted dems. had to take a break from my foreign language studies to thank you for the continuing trickle of good news that, so far, has proven to be completely unassailable. certainly looking forward to bigger lists with bigger names, and at least I know they will be real.thank you for the hope and encouragement, much needed for those of us living with utterly corrupt local and state governments along with our soros bought courtrooms and prosecutors.


Biden Harris and Obama are the top dogs to get then Romney Schumer Shift Waters AOC+3 Kerry McConnell Graham Omar Gates Fauci Dorsey Suckerburg and a few other smaller fish then the sigh of relief for America will be sweet.


I haven’t seen Shifty Schiff in quite some time. Makes me wonder if they don’t already have him…

Mona Lisa

i’ve been noticing a lot missing in action



Mona Lisa

I miss them so much….not…hiding I’m sure


I agree. lots of missing tweets and pubic outcry…smells like napalm in the morning!


they are still trying to make that teeny tiny little noose for him

Ronald W. Weiss

When they string him up, they will use real string!!


They got him at Christmas in the airport.


Good list!


Don’t forget Valerie Jarrett and all the muslims that Obummer put in his cabinet.


Wow, i really am watching the movie promoted by Q on this rawnews channel.


If the military wants to go after those not in the public limelight first, then why did they attempt to arrest Pelosi?

Sue Grantham

They just got Pelosi’s double the other day and grilling her for information.

J Bill

Hope your “grilling” part is literal and true. I thought “peeled like an onion” sounds fitting. Either way, a bbq seems a good end game.

Sue Grantham



It’s widely believed Pelosi was arrested in Jan 2021. The Pelosi lookalike story was either falsely fed to Michael Baxter or it was a deception while white hats were doing other things.

Johnny Lunchbucket

Oh thank God. About time to get rid of this hack. I am sure she is guilty of much worse crimes, all they will have to is look.


“Karen” aka Liz Cheney is a CCP in disguise.

Diana Barahona

No, she is loyal to the global capitalist ruling class, just like her father, a capitalist.

Sue Grantham

Why are you pushing the “capitalist” theory?
America has capitalism
The DS/Cabal are NOT capitalists
They are socialist liberals who don’t believe in capitalism.
You are perpetuating bullshit.
Socialist/Communist don’t believe in capitalism. They believe in an equal distribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Except for the leaders of course- they maintain their wealth in order to be above the useless eaters. Read a book

Adam Coman Jr

The US is now one of the most corrupt country in the world unfortunately. The corrupt politicians are so powerful that they can’t be harmed. It’s never been like this. There is corruption all over the world and unfortunately a large population is not aware, or don’t care, or even worse, they embrace it. I am not sure anything can be done, other than massive revolutions all over the states and Europe


Michael: any news on the real Pelosi?


Hey, now…(just kidding!)

Sue Grantham

It’s ALWAYS been like this. We are blessed enough to watch it ALL go down- every Free Mason Satanist is going down.

Diana Barahona

You only think it’s never been like this because you haven’t been paying attention. For decades the mafia enjoyed impunity at home while the corporations dictated an imperialist foreign policy. Never any accountability for the crimes committeed by the FBI, the CIA or members of the military who created false flag attacks and demonized foreign leaders to justify imperialist crimes against humanity. No accountability for arms smuggling, drug trafficking, open borders or child sex-trafficking and abuse. Congress has been full of closet gays since at least the 1940s, and J. Edgar Hoover was a closet gay, a criminal, and a pederast.

Sue Grantham

It goes back to Washington, Free Mason. Please Stop being so condescending to those who are trying to comprehend what is totally different than what we’ve been fed by the Cabal media
You might want to tuck and roll when you fall off your high horse.

Angel Askew

I believe that is why Gen’l Flynn is going around telling everyone to “get involved”. If 80% of government is flushed out we need a ton of patriots to step up and represent.
Taking down Gates and Obummer would be major breakthroughs for all the world.
I believe an American constitutiinal uprising is plan B. Shake the cobwebs off boys and girls!!

Adam Coman Jr

Definitely, 100% the extreme left has accumulated the most power ever…and the support of millions. Millions of brain-washed people. Enter the cancel culture, the neo-socialism, anti white politics, anti Christianity, globalization and globalism, the emergence of ?? , social media platforms and their power and control, pedophilia, ?️‍?, etc into the mix and the result is the most dangerous system EVER.


We must take down the CIA mockingbird wormtongue media which propagandizes unsuspecting Americans illegally every day, and are the true enablers of the nonsense being forced down our throats.


Won’t be long the CIA is out of money. The money these 3 letter agencies had was confiscated when the headquarters were raided, I believe that was back in January.


Great news and swift compared to the agonizingly slow wheels of Justice over the last 4 years. Sounds like Dad Dick most be very proud of his “Chipette of the ole’ block” with the same treasonous blood running through her veins. BTW, I read her statement yesterday “to do everything in my power to see Trump never gets near the White House” as a Presidential death threat by a member of Congress.

J Bill

To say something so stupid is beyond comprehension.


Thanks! I’m proud to rate my own personal troll.


….says the resident troll, who comprehends nearly nothing

J Bill

I’m trying. Sorry. I’ll buy you a vodka.

Ronald W. Weiss

That’s a good sign — you’re human!!!! You’re Ok. A little push back never hurts and might help us frame our arguments a bit tighter. Cordially.

J Bill

Yes. Some very intelligent people here. A good mix.


why thank you from the heart of moscow

J Bill



why, thank you. I happen to agree.


I wish our colleges still had spirted debate. A Whole generation being brain washed. Our so called institutes of higher learning.

Last edited 3 years ago by TjCpt

geez, bill, an apology is rarer than hens teeth these days and Im gonna have to change my opinion of you now. apology accepted.


geez, bill… an actual apology is as rare as hens teeth, I am having to modify my opinion of you. apology accepted.

Sue Grantham

Are you referring to Liz’s threats? You are correct if that’s what you’re referring to. Stupid is as stupid does

J Bill

Apologies for any misinterpretation. Yes it was LIZ’S threat that is so hard to believe. Even as you say the reason.

J Bill

Sorry. I agree with Telaneric. That’s a threat to cause harm. As real as it gets.


Sorry I read your comment the wrong way, J Bill. I’m surrounded by too many indoctrinated sheeple who think I’m “incomprehensible.”

Sue Grantham



One problem there, she has no power. Except in her own mind.




I looked it up. I had not known all this took place! How could the military back then justify what they did?!

Sue Grantham

The military would NEVER attack the citizens.
If anything happens it’s the Cabal. They have terror cells across America


When was a bomb dropped in Alpena Michigan?


Imagine how grand it will be to return our Country to a land of Equal Justice under the Law!
This is excellent news! Will her treasonous father have any strings left to pull to help her escape Justice? Not any more!! And I still hold out hope that there are sealed indictments on Dick. I suspect his crimes are far worse than hers.


Think logically here, why would the military take out Bush and not Chaney? He’s gone already.


Who else looks in the comment section scrolling for Michaels replies to other people’s comments looking for just a tiny bit more inside information he might have to give?

Mark Talbott

Lol. Guilty!

Kevin Miller

Me,me,me ?‍♂️

Sue Grantham



*raising my hand* lol!


I do.


Definitely me!

Robert Dziok

Me too.


I wonder if “Lizzie” knows about her indictment yet and if so, will she have another press conference to threaten President Trump again?

Last edited 3 years ago by tinydruid

As soon as Congress voted her out of her so-called leadership role, she ran right off to do MSM interviews. The MSM has been a well-crafted deception wall for traitors to hide behind

Last edited 3 years ago by featherjourney
Tony Engels

Michael, a ‘Karen’ can be any race, not just Caucasian women.


Keep telling yourself that bad Republicans are democrats in disguise. What a loony kind of propaganda is that? Of course there are bad eggs on both sides. Anyone who still believes America is ruled by a two party system is very very very naive. All you have to do is look at her ancestry. Dick Cheney is the man of the neocon agenda and the war criminal together with Rumsfeld and hand puppet George Bush. The only reason you guys have a two party ‘democracy’ is to divide and conquer. It is a joke. Just as my ‘democracy’ over here in the Netherlands is a joke. We are ran by WF/Bilderberg puppets who are only there to appease the bankster, the insurance companies and Shell and Philips and serve the royal house.


Like the Harlem Globetrotters ALWAYS played the Washington Generals, and the Washington Generals ALWAYS lost… it was what they were there for… reminds me so much of the GOP in Congress… no interest in winning, no interest in helping the people they represent… sick…


The GOP would rather bitch about how the Dems are abusing power than face the responsibility of having it themselves. (Trump excluded, of course)

Sue Grantham

Then you’re gonna be thrilled when these traitors are put down. The media is complicit and will be eradicated. A little history:
Back when Abe Lincoln was in power; he shut down 300 newspaper publishers for lying to the American citizens. It can easily happen again- not just newspapers; but the tv. It’s considered deception and is considered treason. The big CEOs have already started to resign (over 1300 since 2020 began). It’s happening behind the scenes. Prepare yourself for the “shock & awe” of a lifetime.


Perhaps keep a day-by-day diary so that in years to come we can look back and/or share with another generation.


I hope it ALL comes to print.. will be the best book I ever read in my lifetime!


It will have to be a set the size of encyclopedias.


Oh, without a doubt!


Then the deep state had Lincoln killed after that. Their evil goes back a long ways.


And O changed a law to allow media to spread propaganda too. Before then a law was actively causing newscasters to resist. But with the JFK murder they were doing it.

Diana Barahona

Thank you–that is a very good example of how the global capitalist class rules nation-states through controlled elections and prostitute officials.

Sue Grantham

Soros is not a capitalist
Neither are the traitors.
They are Free Masons who follow Lucifer.
Socialism is the democrats mantra; Power over the masses. Not capitalism

Ex - New Yorker

So where is she? Under house arrest? Can´t have her “disappearing” like Nancy?


Just because there is a sealed indictment, that doesn’t mean it has been acted upon yet, correct?

J Bill

She made veiled threats against a sitting President. Aside from the indictment.

Last edited 3 years ago by J Bill

I dont get why they just don’t round everyone up that they have an indictment on. Why let this go on for years at a slow pace?? If they have ALL THE EVIDENCE( which they keep saying) just ARREST them. The reason I say this is because these COMMUNIST CRIMINALS are destroying our country everyday. Lawyers and the medical people have the goods on Fauci, CDC, and others who are involved in the COVID VACCINE EXPERIMENT. They’re ready to file using the NUREMBERG statutes. As for the rest of them, arrest them, detain and interrogate them, and get on with it. It will show the others we mean business. You’ll see them try to flee or come forward to save their own butts. We just can not continue in this lunatic manner facing crisis after crisis. We can’t wait for a summer of full blow murderous riots and more lawlessness. People are being hurt NOW. Someone needs to get control of this country NOW!


I couldn’t agree more. Stop the Bullshit. If it’s WAR then let’s put and end to it. The Marine Corps alone under Trump’s command could put and end to charade within days… That’s why I’m suspect..

Veronica Cougar

Their faithful “useful idiot” liberal constituents would rise up in what, arguably, would be the world’s largest collective temper tantrum ever, and converge upon Gitmo to rescue their satanic heroes. That’s the last thing our real heroes need.

Last edited 3 years ago by Veronica Cougar

Really? Those useful idiots are NO MATCH for the U.S. Marines

Sue Grantham

????. Yeah okay
The same flaccid BLM and Antifa who don’t have the courage to leave the blue areas when they riot? The same groups who would never dare to go near red areas?
Those groups are going to attack a strictly guarded Naval base located in Cuba?
????? thanks for the laughs!


You don’t know the whole picture.


totally agree!


IMO the Military won’t move until the results are in on the Arizona audit. They wants HARD facts of Fraud and Corruption. Trump wants the Dems to see what they have perpetuated. Every Law-abiding, Christian, God Loving American should be doing what they can to see to it that the Arizona audit is completed and reported to the world.


We can only hope this case why military up till now did not act-“VISIBLE”….

Sue Grantham

I absolutely agree that the military is poised and ready to strike the moment the audit results of AZ are released.


Don’t forget Michigan audit too.

Sue Grantham

The military has to have evidence of fraud and conspiracy only. It doesn’t matter how much, just that it was planned and carried out and won because of the fraud. I don’t think they have to wait for every state audit; but they may due to the severity of of the fraud.
We/Trump will be redeemed ♥️???


Sue thanks for everything you inform us so well. What about the information from Italy of the voting that went there by internet co.munication, was changed, and then sent back to give Biden the win. I have some docs.

Terminally deplorable

After 4 weeks they have inspected 500000 ballots. 25 % of the total. There is probably enough evidence by now to justify continuing, but it takes time.



Diana Barahona

Your thesis is incorrect: not one of the people who have been indicted are communists: they are pro-capitalist to a man. Criminal syndicates are capitalist enterprises: they just have a more liberal view of what is a legitimate business. Most officials are corrupt and dishonest to some degree. They see the global capitalist ruling class as the group that will bring them wealth and power and their only loyalty is to that ruling class.

Sue Grantham

Socialism is the politically correct way of saying communism.
What you are describing is indeed communism :
“theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.”
Socialism: “theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.”

Any entity that tries to subvert God’s gift of free will is a tyrant
Free Masons are evil Satan worshippers. They will be dealt with accordingly




What you said is very profound. I feel your frustration!

Sue Grantham

He’ll be another general with shiny silver bracelets.
One can decline the shot based on religious beliefs and/or medical status. The only shot I took when I served was a Tetanus. I declined all other shots because of my religious beliefs. God made you perfect- immune system included.
Why anyone willingly takes a shot to prevent getting Covid which has a 98% recovery rate without the shot is beyond my comprehension.
It’s like getting a hysterectomy when there’s a 98% chance you couldn’t get pregnant ?. Nuts.

Ronald W. Weiss

It might be a time and personnel issue. Figure each arrest needs a plan (plans?), a team, maps, photos, transportation, and then there are dry runs, that sort of stuff. That’s a whole lot for each person arrested let alone hundreds (thousands?).

Last edited 3 years ago by Ronald W. Weiss

I’m not advocating hundreds of thousands. Im talking about the biggest fish. Let’s get on with it. Supposedly the “white hats” have had a plan BEFORE they asked Trump to run. IMO the longer this drags out the more ops the CRIMINALS roll out every week to inflict more pain, they have more time to delete and destroy evidence, ( even though they keep saying they have it all). Im sorry. It didn’t take but a few weeks for these monsters to arrest Patriots at a damn protest, yet we are to believe it takes this long to arrest these globalists, Democrat/Rino CRIMINALS? I get that they’re letting this play out so people can see for themselves, but I think most ” normal” people get it. They have superb technology to track these people. Im just so over with this “watch the water “, ” enjoy the show”, ” eat your popcorn”, “we have it all”, ” you’re watching a movie”. AMERICAN CITIZENS ARE BEING HURT, MURDERED. THIS IS RIDICULOUS, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK.

Ronald W. Weiss

I should have been more clear: I said hundreds with thousands in parentheses to mean hundreds or thousands. In agree with you wholeheartedly that we need to wrap this up, but I am sure you notice how many people think all this can be done instantly by “they.” I am sure there is a Plan in place, but it was a plan to screen, pick, train and support personnel to execute the plan; i.e., as I said before – to plan to gather and train personnel, and provide logistic and tactical support to those who will execute the plans. How long do you think that process takes. I was in Army but I was trained to break things and kill people – not make arrests. Cordially.


I hope they can track Fauci if he runs. I know the agency birds have been busy in the Caymans and all over the world lately. Unless he’s willing to forego his comforts (go off the grid) I think he’s toast. I hope he’s toast…


she has a lot to hide.

Sue Grantham

Actually the Cabal are the desperate ones. For they are addicted to controlling and manipulating others in a flaccid attempt of power. They are Satanists. The Cabal has to go to great lengths to keep it a secret. Well the cats out of the bag, We the People are onto their bullshit, we don’t listen to their media outlets, we research recently declassified government documents. The Cabal is the laughing stock of all Americans. We the People don’t even acknowledge them or anything they do. The current residents of the administration are a joke to America and we will continue to rejoice at their demise.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sue Grantham

well said.. trying to wake up family and friends to the evil scum intent on f”cng us all up.. is the hardest part.. they not only want us all DEAD.. they want us to Suffer before we get snuffed out… pure evil … i want them all to pay the price.. We MUST be as hard core as they are.. for JUSTICE!@

miffed citizen

Fauci would be on the top of my list. There is hardly anyone else around who has killed more people.

Mark Talbott

Maybe Bill Gates has beaten out Fauci. Line em up together!



Terminally deplorable

How about hanging Gates off the feet of Fauci.

Veronica Cougar

And no one else has been such a total little WEASEL, smirking and gloating while ruining the lives of so many and causing deaths of beloved family members. Bill Gates runs a close second.


Gates and Fauci worked together to create Aids and the Whu hu flu.

Sue Grantham

Bill Hates has killed thousands in 3rd world countries- where the children were subjected to his vaccine crap and died or paralyzed. Both the Gates were hung by parents in a village in India where their children were victims. Look them up on its there ?


Thanx, Sue! I saw a screenshot from on It looks pretty authentic. But what do you make of the crimes against humanity that continue in the Gates’ name since their deaths in July of 2013? If all of these evildoers end up dead only to have their clones/doubles carry on their evil deeds, where’s the solace in that? Can the military indict these clones despite their bogus identity? I’m shaking my head just typing about this lunacy! If it weren’t so criminal it would almost be quite comical! It makes for a great Sci-Fi! I don’t expect you to literally answer all my questions, I was mostly posing hypotheticals!

Sue Grantham

As I understand it, the Cabal/DS has had access to doubles/actors. The actors are paid big money to get plastic surgery then paid per event they cover. One of the actors for Killary is named Theresa Barnwell. DS has A LOT of actors who are contracted with Castlerock in Pedowood. The actors are complicit in the treason by committing illegal acts on behalf of the person they are “replacing”. In other words/example:
Actor is hired to rob a bank and gets caught. They don’t get off because they were hired to rob on behalf of a thief. They still committed the crime.


So bizarre! These actors must get paid extremely well to play Russian roulette with their lives. As always, thanx for the info, Sue!

Sue Grantham

Money- root of all evil.
When one forsakes their moral compass for money; their trip to hell has been paid for.


well said!

Mona Lisa

truth IS stranger than fiction-you just can’t make some of this up…

Mona Lisa

don’t you think Bill Hates “D” is a farce? I’m trying to figure out why that is needed to be announced at this point….

Sue Grantham

D? Death?
He and his wife were hung in 2013. The doubles will be held accountable for the crimes they committed on behalf of Gates. IMO.


Strongly agree! If you connect all the wrong predictions, recommendations, withholding medicines that would have saved lives, etc. he’s made during the course of this pandemic, he should be charged of all the thousands of deaths. He’s a fraud and a monster with power.


Theres no deal fauci can make to prevent the noose from snapping his satanic neck especially when he has literally murdered tens of thousand of people. Crimes against humanity carries no less than that sentence..


Too bad we can only hang him once.


No worries, hell has the reputation of repeated torture!


yes, my own family has fallen prey to evil propaganda liars… they will die from the vax..and those responsible must STOP and PAY the penalty of MURDER.

Sue Grantham

That’s another thing. Since the shot is not technically a “vaccine”and is considered a “healthcare therapy” because it’s not been approved by the FDA; it’s only been authorized. There’s NO legal liability for the manufacturers. There’s no liability for anyone who has adverse reactions, including death.
This is a man made bio-weapon, pure and simple. Evil.


Wow! That’s eye opening. “Healthcare therapy” may be in the fine print, but we are hearing the “vaccine” and “fully vaccinated” from the pundits. Somebody is liable!

Sue Grantham

NO ONE IS LIABLE for any healthcare treatment not approved by the FDA.


So my question is.
Don’t the state voters have any recourse to recall an elected official without having to wait for the next election. ..??

Sue Grantham

Sure. The citizens in CA did it ?

Mona Lisa


Terminally deplorable

I rather die of natural causes

Terminally deplorable

I have the same problem. I have a numerous medical doctors in my family like my brother, my sister in law. They think its like a flue shot Of course, they would take the shot, because he both were once was sick like a dog. They administer vaccinations to patients themselves. I tried to warn them. Now, they think I want to pontificate, I am a conspiracist, and they don’t not want to talk to me anymore. Its tragic.


You are better off not to associate with them, them having a vax can contaminate you. Seychelle the most vaxed country in the world had to shut down.

Sue Grantham

Print out what’s on the Pfizer website. They disclose the gene altering effects, side effects and shedding. They disclose the heavy metals in the shot, which explains the magnetic effects on those who took the shot.

What alerted me to the deception:
You quarantine the sick not the healthy
Masks do not prevent infectious diseases or Covid (as stated on their box)
FDA didn’t approve because human trials are required for approval and they did not complete that process.
Mandates are not laws and therefore unenforceable.

Bottom line: You are as free as you CHOOSE to be.
I’ve never worn a mask. I’ve gone shopping, out to eat , my life has not changed.
My freedom is paramount to anyone’s paranoias.


What explains the profound hatred of Trump by Liz Cheney? Not knowing much about her, I would expect the daughter of a GOP VP to be somewhat conservative and a very good representative. She’s neither. She says she’s GOP, but that’s clearly disingenuous although it likely greatly helped her getting elected. As far as representing the people of Wyoming, she’s a disaster. Instead, she uses her position to put forth her own radical ideas and is totally at odds with those who elected her. Has devil taken over her soul?


That is highly likely.

Veronica Cougar

Don’t come between a Luciferian Illuminist and their adrenochrome.


Seems to me that a lot of so-called republicans, conservatives and “Trump supporters”are planting themselves in political arenas as spies for the cabal.. Liz Cheney, Amy Coney Barrett, Chief Justice John Roberts, MIKE PENCE… and the list goes on!


Cheney only got some Wyoming Republican votes because Trump endorsed her. Then look at what she does and continues to do to spout off bs all over the place. She is a disgrace to Wyoming and to America, Her daddy is evil and crooked too.


I think her Daddy is toasting marshmallows with HW. That is what she is angry about. As is Meghan McStain. I was on another website and I mentioned Mc Stain being executed, one person was extremely upset by that and called me various pronouns followed by equally unflattering nouns. Some just do not get it. When I pointed out there were videos that Meghan admitted Daddy was executed, he called me a few more names. Too late for that person I think.


I live in Wyoming, and I am livid that “Karen” Cheney was doing so much behind the scenes in Wyoming to affect the choice of Wyoming to elect Trump. Trump won Wyoming by a landslide in spite of her. Just shows we never know what goes on behind the scene. I have heard nothing about her contacting our precinct officers nor the Wyoming Secretary of State to stop counting Republican votes. This woman is insane!!!!!

Diana Barahona

What about the losers she contacted who didn’t immediately denounce her to the press on November 4?